The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 24, 1940, Image 4

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.Vanity Mers Crush Scrub lean
fi lifer-Squad Competition Saturday
Penn State’s varsity soccer team
completely outclassed a combina
tion freshman-scrub team in an
Evenings Only 6:30, 8:30
Brenda Joyce, John Payne,
Walter Brennan, Fay Bainter,
Charlie Buggies,
Hattie McDonald —in—■
Wr A:; W A ,ri .M K-R •»h O S t- HhA T ! I
Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 6:30, 8:30
The Great American
Motion Picture
Written lor the Screen
fay Louis Bromfield
fi,i lßrigljam Young—
. Frontiersman’ 1 '
Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell,
Brian Donlevy, Jane Darwell,
John Carradine, Mary Astor
and Jean Dagger as
Brigham Young
Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 6:30, 8:30
»l ■ ■ ■ I■- -I ■■■■» I. -J
inter-squad game on the practice
field Saturday by a score of 8 to 1.
Walt Hosterman, Charley Tay
lor, and Woody King scored twice,
while Bob Ernst and Don Dorain
netted one each for the regulars.
Ed Prichard, an up and coming
Frosh booter, scored the only goal
for the scrubs in the closing mo
ments of the contest.
With the opening game against
Gettysburg College only four days
away, the starting team for the
Lion hooters is still to be named by
Coach Bill Jeffrey.
Vieing for the goal position are
last year’s Goalie Laskaris,' and
Lou Gantley..
In keen competition for the right
fullback post are Bob Hecht, Em
mett Fletcher, and Warren Wim
mer. Harold Freeman.will prob
ably fill- the shoes of last year’s
all-American Bob Schuler at the
left fullback.
A newcomer to the ranks is
“Gringo” Golinda who apparently
is destined to take Gus Bigott’s
place. Golinda came from a Junior
College in Panama and already
shows signs of more than filling
the boots of Bigott.
Sophomore End
Out With Injury
Coach Bob Higgins’ plans to
strengthen the end department
received a serious blow yesterday
when Bob Davis, the most prom
ising of the sophomore candidates,
suffered a possible broken collar
bone in a scrimmage pileup.
The extent of the injury will not
be determined until the ex-ray
pictures are developed. Davis will
be out of action for at least sev
eral weeks. To counteract this
latest misfortune the coaching
staff contemplates two' changes in
positions of players. Ken Schoon
over, and Lou Palazzi, sophomore
tackle and center respectively,
may be switched to the terminal
Another newcomer to the var
sity squad received a temporary
setback yesterday when Galen
Bayley, fullback, received a sep
arated shoulder in blocking prac
The varsity Blue team regained
its winning stride on Saturday af
ternoon when they downed the
Greens 12 to o,.in a practice intra
squad tilt marred by a drenching
Wade Mori, veteran guard, dis
tinguished himself in an unusual
fashion when he intercepted a
poor pass by Hank Day and sur
prised the Green secondary by
racing 75 yards for. a touchdown in
the first period.
The Blues’ second six-pointer
came in the final period when
Pepper Petrella scored, from the
seven yard line following a pass
play from Smaltz to Pepper, good
for 40 yards.
Frosh Booters Play
Boalsburg Tomorrow
Members of the freshman soccer
squad will receive their first test
tomorrow afternoon when they
play Boalsburg High School on the
practice field. 1 '
With about 25 freshmen out,
Clyde Underwood, freshman soc
cer coach, is finding plenty of good
material to work with.
Underwood expects to be able
to line up a team within the next
week. The frosh will open their
regular season with Syracuse here
on October 19.
Swimmers Meet Tonight
•Both varsity and freshman
swimming candidates wall meet at
Phi Epsilon Pi .fraternity at 7:30,
pjn. today.
Eugene H. Lederer
•114 E.\ Beaver-‘Ave.-: Dial 4066 ;
State College ... j
Between II
The Lions |j
Hither And Thither
Adding up the sports scene here,
there, and everywhere:
Six of Penn State’s football op
ponents open their season this
coming weekend, Bucknell and
South Carolina holding off until
October 5, when the Bisons come
here to help the Lions inaugurate
the pigskin parade and the Game
cocks do battle with Georgia.
Pill, of all the Nillany foes, takes
on the largest dose for opening
day when they run up. against
Ohio State at Columbus. Football
writers and other curbstone quar
terbacks already have a deep grave
dug for the Panthers, who face
the toughest schedule in the coun
try. But don't let it all fool you,
because the Gilded Cats are going
to surprise a lot of people! And by
the way, they've never lost an
opening game.'
Not too much surprise registered
here over Lloyd Ickes signing with
the New York Yanks (football).
Leapin’ Lloyd showed up well in
the All-Star games at New York
and Boston and he'likes football.
Put the two together and it might
spell success in the money ranks
for Penn State’s leading scorer of
An over-due pat on the back for
Ridge Riley, public informations'
sports publicity director, for the
swell job on the football press in
formation he put out this year. It's
so complete that it even tells you
how Penn State scored every point
made during the 1939 season.
Something reminiscent in Wade
•Mori’s touchdown sprint after
catching Jack Day’s forward toss
in Saturday’s “mud-battle”—Walt
Kniaz’ touchdown spurt against
the Army last fall. You can’t forget
The Man Most Likely to Succeed'
but indifference, like using
a faulty pen, kept hin
behind the 8-Ball
Harry had everything, except a sense of discrimi
nation. Perhaps hqleaned too heavily on his natural
gifts. Anyway he never added to them in college, but
laughed things off—like the times his old-fashioned
pen ran dry in classes and exams. Our bright alumnus
is out in the world today—a man who could have given
orders, he is taking them.
Sure, it seems far-fetched, but you’ll be surprised
•what a great big difference it makes in your grades to
carry a sure-fire pen like the Parker Sacless Vacumatic.
It’s this revolutionary streamlined Beauty that never
runs dry unless you let it For its sacless Television
barrel holds nearly twice as much ink as our old type,
and it lets you SEE days ahead if it’s running low.
It’s the only Style that looks like circlets of shim
mering velvet— ring upon ring of luminous Pearl and
Jet The One-Hand sacless filler with the "lubricated”'
Point of extra fine-grained 14K Gold, extra resilient
tipped with Osmiridium that writes "as smooth as oil.”
It’s the college favorite by nearly 3 to I—so it rates
one "in the Know” to carry the genuine. 1
Be sure to look for Parker’s Blue Diamond
—it means Guaranteed for Life. Avoid all sub-
stitutes—then you’ll have no regrets.
The Parker Pen Co., Janesville, Wis.
♦ Poos mortcnd wtth Hi* Mm Diamond ora guaranteed forth*
Hfoof ttio owiiof against averyNsinpeiicept lots or Intentional..
)damam. lobloct only to o charge of 354f0r postern, Insurance,. •
, ’and -handling, provided template pan ii ratvraod for sorrioo. •
Frosh Scrimmage
Slated This Week
“We’ll probably scrimmage the'
latter part of this week,” Marty
McAndrews, frosh grid mentor,
said yesterday. .“With training
table starting tomorrow, we’ll be
able to practice longer and I hope
to have the boys in good condition
by that time."
On today’s menu for the ’44 gri'd
ders will be the first contact' work,
‘two on one” blocking. They start
ed to learn’plays Saturday in prep
aration for the opening tilt less
than three weeks hence.
“The team is beginning to shape
up pretty well,” McAndrews said.
“In the backfield Jack Banbury,
Aldo Cenci, Jim Thompson, and
Quentin Peters look like potenti
ally good ball players. And in the
line, I expect a lot from John Pots
klan, Bernard Brosky, Bob Walt
ers, and Bucky Wallace, ends; John
Jaffrus, and Gene Hummel,
guards; and Joe Kraynack, center.
McAndrews revealed that nego
tiations to have Stu Smith join the
coaching staff have fallen through.
Smith was a member of the pro
fessional Pittsburgh Steelers for
two years. ,
it when you see a lineman trucking
on down goalward with the agility
of a Nazi tank.
Interesting sidelight prior to the
football scrimmage Saturday was
the annual photographing of the
Lion squad for the New Beaver
Field Pictorial. Shorty Miller, Nil
lany luminary back in pre-World
War No. 1 days was on hand and
poSed with Pepper Pelrella, who
at present is going on from where
Shorty left off.
Football predictions made in this
column Friday brought home a
nice fat average of .800 with eight
games picked correctly out of'nine
and one' tie.
The Agriculture Building was
erected in 1905.
He could have keen
by Parker's
Blue Diamond
Basketball Tryouts
Varsity basketball tryouts will
be held in Rec Rail tonight, be
tween 6:30 and 7:15 p.m., Coach
,Johp announced yester
day. All candidates must bring
physical examination cards to the
Classified ads accepted only at
Collegian Office in Room 313 pid
Main Building up to 3:00 p.m. of
day preceding publication. Rates
17 words or less 35c for one in
sertion or 95c for three inser
tions. Additional words 2c each.
All ads payable in advance. Of
fice hours for classified ads from
8:30 aun. to 12:00 noon and 1:30
p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
2500 American magazines. Dr.
Bruno Stern, 122 Irvin Ave., Dial
4818. . 3t-pd-9-23-CRE
1930 FORD COUPE good condition.
Will sell cheap. Call 2034 ask for
Bob. . 3t-pd-9-24-CRE
TYPEWRITERS— All makes ex
pertly repaired. Portable and
office machines for sale or rent.
Dial 2342. Harry F. Maim, 127 W.
Beaver avenue. chyrT-Th-F-CRE
WANTED roommate for No. 10
Jordan Hall. Inquire C. L. Mar
tin, Pi Kappa Phi. Dial 771.
2tpd 925 CRE
WANTED student to live in apart
ment half-block from campus.
Room and board $30.00 Call Ted
Rice, 2651. It pd 924. LSD
DESIRABLE single room at 128
N.' Atherton or half of room 117
Jordan Hall for rent. Very rea
sonable. Call Alpha Chi Sigma,
881. It ch 924 LSD
BOYS: ’Would you like an apart
ment with private bath for the
same price you are paying for one
room? Phone 4183 after 5 p. m.
It pd 35 924 E