Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, September 28, 1911, Image 1

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    ability as a player by his consistuf.
back field work in 1909; and "Dad"
Engle, 'l3, tackle, the sturdy var
sity half, will prove a' wonderful
'nucleus from which to build a for
midable line. As substitutes on
last season's team, for the guard po
sitions,there are Lesh, 'l2, Hansen,
'l3; Bebout, 'l4; McVean, 'l4 and
Vogel, 'l4. From this material
the coaches should find no diffi
culty in developing a strong pair of
guards. Clarke, 'l4, at center posi
---.-L=.•v'F:' play-ing•:la good -game era&
bids fair, after a little more experi
ence, to equal the work of "Burly"
Watson. The end men who will
compete with Very and Mauthe for
the positions seem likely to be
chosen from among Rutstein, 'l5,
Hirshman, 'l5; Weston, 'l3 and
Shupe, 'l4. Two valuable men
have already been lost from the
, team, temporarily, • in Goedecke,
'l2, a strong conte•ider for the po
sition in 1910, and Wilson, 'l3, a
fast end. The coaches feel reason
ably certain that both men will be
able to report later in the season for
active work.
In the back field the team is
greatly strengthened by the return
to college of "Dutch" Hermann 'l2,
the quarterback who made a name
for hiinself on New Beaver field
among such stars as McCleary 'lO,
Vorhis 'lO and Hirshman 'lO.
"Fritz" Barrett, fullback, by his
speed and brilliant open field work
will be a tower of strength in the
offense, while the midget quarter
back "Shorty" Miller 'l4, can be
relied on for some phenomenal
dashes aided by his wonderful
ability to bounce away • from
"Pop" Golden and the coaches
have lined up a large number of
new men, several of whom will
strengthen both the line and the
back field. Barry 'l4, a pitcher
and back at Villanova and last year
a star on University of Pennsyl
vania's freshman will increase the
Speed of the backfield greatly,
should he make the team. King
'l4, a Mercersburg man and last
year at Penn too, will certainly
make good for the reason, that at
Penn, critics thought him as good
as several varsity backs of the 1910
Marks - 'l5 from Grove
City is a promising candidate for
the line. Lamb, -who also came
from Grove city this year, is the
-giant of Beaver:. field. 'Six feet and
Penn State Delegation at the Pocono Pines Y. M. C. A. Conference, 1911
bur irc'aes in height, he ' built in
proportion and, should his injured
knee get better, will aid in the
amount of beef. The backs, Tobin
'l5, Johnson 'l4, Quirk 14, Flem
ing 'l4, Allison 'l2, Welty 'l5 and
Berryman 'l5 have all shown by hard
work and skill in taking out ends
in interference that they are very
valuable men.
Although we lnst such men
as Captain Gray, Piollet, Watson,
Johnson, Keller and Riddle by
graduation last year, Weaver, a var
sity tackle for four years, and Bar
ron who left college this fall, the
followers of Penn State are very
fortunate in havii g such competent
coaches to build up the gaps which
are left by the absence of these
men. Besides Head Coach Mc-
Cleary and Advisory Coach Hol
lenback, there are also with the
-squad "Henny" Weaver 'l2, who
was a remarkable tackle on four
consecutive teams; "Mother" Du m,
State's only All-American center;
and "Mal" Mcllveen, a famous half
back. Even though it will require
some work to develop a team,
with such men to aid, Penn State
will have a team of which we may
indeed be proud.
Previous to the opening of col
lege the attention of the squad was
directed toward tackling the dum
my, falling on the ball and other
rudiments of the game. However
now that scrimmage has started the
second and third teams are almost ;
daily sent against the varsity. Barrett
and Mauthe appear to do the best
punting, sending their punts on an
average of 40 to 45 yards. Foster
'l4, is a consistent drop kicker.
Manager F. W. Orr, is to be
highly commended in connection,
especially, with the football sched
ule. . At last the student body are
loud in praise over the fact that
they will see so many big games
on New Beaver field. The com
plete schedule for the season of
1911 is as follows:
Sept. 30, Geneva College, at
State College.
Oct. 7, Gettysburg College, at
State College.
Oct. 14, Cornell University, at
Ithaca, N. Y.
Oct. 21, Villanova College, 'at
State College.
Oct. 28, University of Pennsyl
vania, at Philadelphia.
Nov. 4, St. Bonaventure College,
at State College.
Nov. 11, Colgate University, at
State College.
Nov. 18, FY. S. Na. al Academy,
at Annapolis.
Nov. 25, practice game, Varsity
vs. Reserves, at State College.
Nov. 30, University of Pittsburg,
at Pittsburg.
Last Friday evening the Young
Men's Christian Association tender
ed a reception in McAllister, to the
old and new students of the col
lege. It seemed as though every
student was there for the hall was
well filled. Mr. Evans, of 1912,
opened the evening by introducing
President Sparks as the first speak
er. In his address the President
extended an especial welcome to
the of w students, and commended
to all, both old and new men, to be
come good citizens by developing
along mental, physical, and spiritual
lines, with the tuition of tk e re
spective departments of the college.
Dr. Sparks emphasized the fact
that spiritual development, invigor
ated by the Y. M. C. A. was rapidly
increasing instead of declinivg.
Following the opening address,
Mr. Alex. Gray, 3rd, favored the
audience with a vocal solo.
General Beaver, introducing him
self as a perpetual member of the
freshman class, accorded with
President Sparks, in extending a
sincere welcome to the class of
1915. He explai4d the general
attitude that a freshman should as
sume toward the college as a whole,
and at the same time he pleaded
with the new men to come in close
touch with one_ another, and ro de
velop honorable college and class
After selections rendered by the
Glee Club and the Orchestra, Mr.
Very, captain of the football team,
hastily summed up the college
athletic a tivitics' , of the past year,
and spoke. of Ole, outlook , for the
coming year.
, I
Coarh Holltnbacic, the next
speaker, in discusstbg • . football,
urged the freshmen WI come out for
the squad and he also proved how
intimate the ceznectyn of the Y.
M. C. A. with athletics was, by
naming some 'of! the ' Most prominent
State athletes who had been mem
bers of this association.
After singing the "Alma Mater"
and the "Blue and White," those
assembled partook of the refresh
ments, which were served at beauti
fully decorated tables placed around
the sides of the hall. These were
presided over by the families of the
faculty, and also by v-rious ladies
of the town _ _
__ k .
As the entire reception was Iso
extremely successful, all of those
who lent their assistance to make it
so, should be complimented. We
may, safely assert, that every stu
dent present appreciated the kind
hospitality of the Y. M. C. A. We
urge every new man to ally himself,
at his earliest opportunity, with
the largest organization of its kind in
the world, so that he may receive
some of the good influence which it
gives forth.
If it would not be a wise plan for
all of us to save money now so that
everybody could see at least one of
the games away from home.
If we are not glad that re-exami
nations will be less expensive for
some of us.
Why we had to wait so long to
see the posters.
Why there are so many injured
members of the freshman class.
If the "Hep's" Army enjoys the
late hours.
Why we cannot give the teams
more room on the football field.
If the enrollment will rise from
2000 to 3000 as quickly as it has
done from 1000 to 2000.
Penn State Athletic Guides
The men chosen to guide the
Blue and White athletic teams dur
ing the collegiate year 1911-'l2 are:
President of athletic association—
J. F. Eberlein 'l2; graduate man
ager, Ray H. Smith 'O5.
Football—Head Coach, "Bull"
McCleary; advisory coach; "Bill"
Hollenback; captain, Dexter W.
Very 'l3; manager, F. W. Orr 'l2.
Basketball—Captain, John Had
dow 'l3; manager, J. T. Gordon 'l2.
Wrestling—Captain, F. T. Lesh,
'l2; manager, C. C. Knight, Jr., 'l2.
Baseball—Captain, J. F. Eber
lein 'l2; manager, J. H. Devor 'l2 or
B. C. Detchon 'l2.
The summary follows:
100 yard dash—Hendrick, first,
Thome, second; Cornell, third 1
rime 10 3-5 seconds.
220 yard dash—Hoffman, first;
Neily, second; Whetstone, third
Time 56 seconds.
Half Mile Run—Sharpe, first;
Parke, second; Metzger, third.
Time 2 min. 12 seconds.
One Mile Run—Shetrc , ie, first;
Fisher, second. Time 5 minutes
5 2-5 seconds.
* Allen, second; Kriebel, third. Time
11 minutes 5 seconds. lo
Pole Vault—Carpenter, first; Ken
nedy, second. Height 9 feet.
Running High Jump—H.lncock,
first. Height 5 feet 2 inches.
Running Broad Jump—Clemmer,
first. Distance 20 feet 8 1-2 inch-
16 Pound Hammer Throw—
Knights, first.
16 Pound Shot Put—Jestler,
first; Ewing, second.
A complete list of those men
who have been excused from drill
as a result of their track ability is
given below. Sophomores, Ash
brook, Carpenter, Chamberlin,
Hays, Henny. Kaiser, Keyser,
Leyden, Reinhart, Savery; fresh
men, Allen, Cornell, Clemmer, Ew
ing, Entwisle, Fisher, Hoffman,
Hendrick, Hancock,
Kriebel, Kennedy, Metzger, Neily
and Parke.
Civil Feed
As is the custom, the odd year
Junior Civils entertained the odd
year Freshmen Civils at a cider
feed near the Stone Quary on Sat
urday evening. Mr. Ray O'Don
nell, 1907, was the first speaker t f
the evening. Mr. O'Donnell spoke
concerning the origin of the custo:n
and, to his mind, the benefit to the
Freshmen which an evening spent
in good fellowship will do. "Stew"
Stewart acted as chief Cider Passer
and called for sentiments from
"Dex" Very, A. F. Fischer and
other prominent Junior Civils. One
pleasing feature of the evening was
the expression of the manner in
which the new men seemed to take
hold of the customs and ideas of
Penn State. As a token of success
on the part of the Civils,there are at
least one hundred and fifty men
who became acquainted with each
other in such a way that new
acquaintances will not be soon for