State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, November 17, 1904, Image 4

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Published on Thursday of each week during the
college year in the interest of The Pennsylvania
State College.
W. B. HOKE, ’O5, Chief,
ALEX. HART, Jr., ’O5,
$1.50 per year or $1.25 if paid within 30 days after
date of subscription.
Thursday Nov. 17, 1904,
Pennsylvania Day,
The “State Collegian on behalf of the
student body, extends a most cordial wel
come to the many distinguished guests of
the College on this auspicious occasion.
Never in the history of the institution
has it been our good fortune to enter
tain so many widely known people and
every effort will be made to improve our
opportunity and make the occasion a
grand and glorious success.
It was a great game! For the seventh
time “State” has triumphed over
her old rival Dickinson and the team
which was in the depths over the de
feat at Annapolis is once more on
the flood-tide of prosperity. Satur
day’s contest will be memorable in
the annals of State College, not so
much for the Victory itself, decisive
as it was, but because of the magni
ficent “spirit” •. and determination
displayed by the members of
“State’s” team. The defeat at An
napolis was very disheartening, for
we expected to win that. Then
came the illness of Captain Forkum
and finally when the team had re
solved to go into the Dickinson game
to do or die and had actually started
the contest, came the last straw in
the injury and removal of Moscrip
from the game. Was this not enough
to completely discourage any ordin
ary team ? But did they throw up
the sponge? No, not a bit of it.
Each fresh reverse only made them
work the harder, and the knowledge
of what depended on him, seemed
to nerve each player to greater ef
fort. With such determination and
such spirit to inspire them, the team
could not help but win. Dickinson
played a plucky game, but could
not withstand for an instant that con
stantly advancing mass of muscle,
bone, and “spirit.” It was magnifi
cent J All honor to the State foot
ball team of 1904!
There are two games yet to be
played. They should not prove dif
ficult and we hope they won’t, but
whatever happens, the season of
1904 is a grand and glorious success.
In our hour of rejoicing let us not
forget the defeated ones. Dickinson
played well, but it.was not her day.
It was not mere football knowledge,
individual playing, or any. of the
attributes that usually win games,
that triumphed on Saturday. It was
that “do of die spirit” which won
for “State,” and until Dickinson can
instil a greater determination to win,
than that which inspired the “State”
team, she cannot expect to triumph.
Now that the smoke of battle has
cleared away from the scene of the
‘‘cider scrap” on Tuesday evening,
Nov. Ist, we can observe the inci
dents of that eventful night with
clear vision and come to some defi
nite conclusion as to the result of the
After careful investigation the fol
lowing facts come to light. The
Freshmen brought their barrel of ci
der onto campus disguised in a
clothes basket, right after their class
meeting in the Armory had ended.
They also had some cider in small
cans. During the scrap several
Juniors claimed to have received ci
der, but there is no evidence to sup
port the contention that this cider
came from the barrel while it was on
the campus. On the other hand
there is abundant proof that the bar
rel was not opened until the Sopho
mores had completely surrounded it
and had knocked the head in. The
contention that some cider was given
out cannot be upheld'for a moment.
If this were accepted, no time would
elapse before Freshmen classes
would be bringing on cider done up
in bottles ! It would be manifestly
impossible to prevent the class-bring
ing on its cider, under such circum
stances. The code of rules drawn
up by the joint committee from the
two upper classes has not yet been
adopted, so the contest cannot be
decided under those regulations.
This much remains clear however.
Cider must be brought on by the
Freshmen class in a barrel and the
cider given the Juniors must be taken
from that barrel in order to win the
contest. This is strictly in accor
dance with custom.
Therefore since it has been proved
that the barrel of cider brought on
the campus by the Freshmen was
not opened until seized by the
Sophomores, it is clearly evident
that the cider given to the Juniors,
under the custom of the college re
lating to cider scraps, regardless of
rules drawn up by the committee,
not yet adopted, cannot be account
ed legitimate. Since the Sopho
mores seized and held the barrrel,
spilled the cider from the same and
thus prevented any being given to
Juniors, the contest was a clean vic
tory for the class of 1907.
Owing to the Thanksgiving va
cation and the consequent absence
of the editors and business managers
of this paper from the College, the
Collegian will not appear next
week. The next issue will be pub
lished bn Thursday, Dec. 2nd.