State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, October 06, 1904, Image 1

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    State Collegian.
Vol. I, No. II
Friday, Oct. 7.
8:00 P. M. Cora Morris Griffin,
Reader, in the Auditorium.
Sunday, Oct. 9,
n:ooA. M. —Chapel. Sermon by
Dr. Schaeffer, State Supt. of
Public Instruction.
P. M. —Y. M. C. A. in Room
529 Main. Subject, “How
am I to Use My Sundays?”
C. D. P'lickinger, ’O6, Leader.
Tuesday, Oct. ii.
P. M. —C. E. Society in
Room 20, Engineering Build
Wednesday, Oct. 12.
P. M. —E. E. Society in Room
20, Engineering Building.
Y. M. C. A,
The subject for Sunday evening,
October 2nd, was “Bible Study.”
Mr. Aungst, ’O5, led the meeting.
He introduced M. W. J. Miller, the
State Student Secretary, who ad
dressed the students on the “Need
of Bible Study among College
.. Mr. Miller referred to the tremen
'aotu* growth of the Bible study
among college men in
she last few years. In many places
the study of the Scriptures is re
quired in the regular college cur
riculum. Bast year 25,000 men
were enrolled ; and this year it is
expected that 40,000 will take up
the study of the Word.
The Word of God exerts a pow
erful influence on men’s lives.
Nothing else in the world can so
broaden and deepen character and
enoble a man’s life as a conscien
tious study of the Bible. More
over, college men should study it if
only because they are students. No
man is truly educated unless he has
a knowledge of the Scriptures, and
no man can neglect its study with
out detriment to himself. Again,
no one should doubt the religion of
Jesus Christ or His divinity without
looking into his life, sincerely and
Mr. Miller closed his talk with a
strong, enthusiastic appeal for men
to take up Bible study in this col
lege this year.
Dr. Gill then spoke, addressing
the men as individuals. God cre
ated the individual and each counts
in God’s plan for the world. Bible
study brings out the best there is in
the individual and helps him to the
highest form of living and the
highest education. The Bible con
tains the finest example of poetry,
biography and history in the world
to-day, and no man who studies it
should feel called upon to apologize
for it in any way. Dr. Gill’s talk
was clear and forcible and held the
attention of his hearers.
Secretary Woodcock then out
lined the courses of study as given
in last week’s Collegian and gave
an opportunity for men to enroll in
The meeting was well attended,
about 250 men being present. Up
to the present time 145 students
have enrolled in the Bible Classes.
fear,” said the postage stamp
(on the student’s letter to his father,
\I am not sticking to facts.” — Ex.
Price Five Cents
The trustees are already making
elaborate preparations for the cele
bration next June of the semi-cen
tennial of the College. This. may
seem queer when the last catalogue
is marked “Forty-fifth Year” and
states that the college was 1 ‘organ
ized in 1859.” But the new seal
of the college bears the date, 1855,
which is the year that the charter
was granted. The school was not
organized until 1850, and the old
seal bore that date. Therefore
1905 is the correct semi-centennial.
In connection with this the class
of ’95, under the leadership of Mr.
Jas. F. Rodgers, is making an ef
fort to have all living members
present at its Tenth Reunion.
These events should combine to
make next Commencement a mem
orable one in the history of the
The Civil Engineering Society
held its first meeting in the Engi
neering Building on Monday .a
ing. Plans for the coming year
were discussed and adopted. The
following officers were elected:
Frazer, ’O5, president; Hayes, ’O6,
secretary, and Fife, treasurer. Kell
and Yoder were appointed to read
papers at the next meeting, which
will be held next Tuesday evening.
Dr. M. E. Wadsworth has just
completed the task of arranging
and cataloguing his valuable collec
tion of minerals. New specimens
will be constantly added.