LEOTTJR/B! “HOW TO MAKE THINGS GO P REV. MADISON C. PETERS, of Philadelphia. IN THE COLLEGE CHAPEL. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 18, 1887. ADMISSION, 35 and 50 CENTS. This Is the first of a series of Lectures under the auspi ces of Thu Finns Lanck, and will richly repay the cost of admission, and time spent In attendance. See notice. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE ORCHESTRA, WILL GIVE AN Instrumental Concert IN T*HE College Clxapel, THANKSGIVING EVENING, NOVEMBER 24th, 1887. Admission, Reserved Seats, Doors open at 7, p. m. | Concert begins at 8, p.m. Business Manager, Secretary and Treasurer , Musical Conductor, THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO fill orders for musical goods of every description, at LOWEST CITY PRICES. Address, F. P. ATHERTON, State College, Centre Co., Pa. ADVERTISEMENTS. MHOTEL. Excellent Accommodations. &sTerms Moderate.&t Table Board. MERCHANT TAILORS, Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, FLOUR -A-TSTID FEED, STATE COLLEGE, PA. F DR. W. S. GLENN, I i> PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, b j * J | „ S2ATE COLLEGE , PA. 0 ji 25 cents. 40 cents. J. B, Btrnblo. U. M. Downing. F. P. Atherton. w. L. Foster, Dry Goods, Mobs, Groceries, Mrnre, fc, STATE COLLEGE S. S. GRIEB, PROPRIETOR. C. B.SCHAFFER&SONS, STATE COLLEGE, PENNA. A full line of SUITINGS and TROUSERINGS Regulation Military Uniforms, OVICR SNVDKU'S STOBK.IS=>r* M. D. SNYDER, DEALER IN DI3.U.HIt IN 3C«emont> Pa.