of a new element on our list than to the exit of the old. We venture to remark that the scope of treatment will bear considerable enlargement before some of our homiletic dispensers will exper ience the dangers of novelty. THE general tone of the rhetorical exercises is not what it ought to be. The order has been poor, the audience inatt, entiveand the tendency to hesitate on the rostrum is on the in crease. No part of the college curricu lum should receive closer attention than these public performances, since no part is so effective in securing to the student what he most needs—ease and confidence in facing those with whom it will be his lot to deal. Above all, one should know the selection thoroughly before he attempts to speak it publicly. There is no excuse whatever for a lack at this point. Can the student not realize that the strain of interrupting silence is even greater upon his audience than upon himself? Accordingly this fault partakes some what of the nature of an imposition. Next, proper accent, gait and spirit are the pillars of appropriate dec lamation. All are aware how tedious is the show of him who, in speaking, hiving neither the accent of oratory, nor the gait of oratory, recitation or common parlance, so harangues and stammers that one might think one of Demosthenes’ pupils was speaking, THE FREE LANCE. but not speaking well. All great speakers have passed through this stage ; but then the walls of caves and solitary haunts have been the only re corders of their stuttering sounds. THE inspecting tour made by the State Senate Committee, last month, to all institutions which have been ask ing pecuniary aid from the State, will, no doubt, result in a wise disbursement of the State funds for such purposes. A visit from such a committee has been the one, of many things, needed by this institution for years past. No institution in the United State has suffered more from gross misrepresentation due to the prevailing ignorance of its aim, and its facilities for attaining that aim, than has the Pennsylvania State College. The almost unanimous and agreeable sur prise expressed by the members of this committee at the appearance of the stu dents, the college and its surroundings, is sufficient evidence of the ignorance which prevails throughout the State concerning this institution. As one of the senators wittily remarked, it is the opinion of many that a P. S. C. student is a raw-boned farmer boy, who could be seen with a straw in his mouth watching cows or breaking stones. But to his admitted surprise, he found our mouths strawless, and that weAvere not engaged in watching cows and breaking stones, but rather in the pursuit of “such branches of learning as are relat-