The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 30, 1865, Image 1

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TninEER, Editor and Proprietor.
iirTCIIIXSOX, I'ublislier.
J. t"T
r0sf Ojcet.
Pot ManUr. Districts.
Cue Springe,.
flfi;oa, .
fjesiburg. . .
fa'.ku Timber,
gealoct,. .
LoreUo, - , ,
.Miioster, .
.pjgttsTille, ,..
Cf Augustine,
Steven L. Evans, CarrolL
Henry Nutter, Chest..
A: G. Crooks, Taylor.
J. Houston, Wa3hint'a.
John Thompson, Ebensburg.
C. Jeffrie.", White,
ji. JI. Christy, Galhtzin.
Wni Tiley, Jr., Washt'n.
I. E. Chandler, Johnst'wn.
,M. Aulesberger, Loretto.
A. 'Durbin, ' Munster." :
Andrew J Ferral, Susq'han.
Stan. Wharton, Clearfield.
George Berkey, Richland.
B. MColgan; Wasbt'n.'
George B. Wike, Croyle.
Wm. M Connell, Washt'n.
J. K. Sbryock, S'merhill.
Scalp Level,
,YUmore, .
cjiVrciies, jiixisters &C
PresivtrianRtT. T. M. Wilsos, Pastor-
freacliing' every Sabbath morning at 10 J
.-'clock, and in the evening at 7 o'.clock. Sab
U School at 9 o'clock, A. M. Prayer meet
Bff everv Thursday evening at 6 o'clock.
' Vithc'dist Episcopal Church Utv. A. Baker,
teacher, in charge Kev. J.
..v-mt Preaching every alternate aabbath
,!-lr . s.hhdth School at9
oV-ock A. M. - Prayer meeting every ednes-
d&; venmg, at p-l
ir.a irf(pwiee-Rw Ll. B. r swell,
Pa-tor.-Preacbing every Sabbath morning at
lAnVlnrk. and in the evening at 6 o clock.
Sabbath School at 1 o'clock, P. M. Prayer
,i . c,- xrxtiHtir i-reninp Of etCU
0-.unthI.nd on every Tuesday, Thursday and
Fricbj evening, excepting the. first week in
each month. :
CilAmilit Uthoiit-Kr. Morgan Ellis,
PadtorVreathing every Sabbath evening at
2aua 6 o'clock. Sabbath School at v o ciock,
A. 31. Piarer meeting every rriuay ucumSl
c 7 o'clock. Society every '1 uesaay evening
it 7 o'clock.
.- ... n,. w t trtvn Pastor. Preach-
iivery Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock.
reticular UaptistsRz . David Evass,
?.j:lt. Prenching every sabbath evening at
1 i .icjck. Salilmli School at at I o ciock, i . u.
C:.hulicliv. R. C. Christt, Pastor.
iorviofcs every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock"
:i Vcspcr3 at 4 o'clock in the evening.
- - ' EBEXSnVRG 31A1L.S.
EJtra, dailv, at 8.50 o'clock, a ra.
feuero, at 6.25 o'clock p. m.
Ziittrn, daily, at 8 o'clock, P. M.
Itstern, ' at 8 o'clock, P. M
CJiThe raaifs from Newman's Mills, Car
rclltown, &c.:, arrive on Monday, Wednesday
rd Pridav o' each week, at 3 o clock, Y. SL.
I:'T5 "Kbensbvrg" o"a Tuesdays, Thursdays
r.v.'ruiivii, ni t civil, j
j . .
Wet Bait. Eiuress leaves at 9.13 A. M
i Pl-.ila. Enirfsa '
9.5o A. M.
10.33 P. M.
9.03 P. M.
7.48 A. M.
4.32 P. M.
8.31 P. M.
2.21 A. M.
6.43 A.M.
1.11 P. M.
5.21 P. M.
12.36 A. M.
" Fast Line
Mail Train
Pitts. Erie Ml
" Altoona Accom.
E&K Phila. Express
" Fast Line
" Lay Express
1 1
' Liuciunati Ex.
' .Vail Train
1 iltoona Accom.
Judges of Ihe Courts President Hon. Geo.
Tiulor. lluutinadon; Associates, Georee W.
Eis'ey, Heury C. Devine. "
iToihonofary Joseph M'Donali.
Rtjuitr and Reeordtr James Griffin.
Sherif James Myers.
District AUcrney. Philip S. Noon.
C'junty ComnixiiioHtrt Johu Campbell, Ed
ward GUfs, E. H. Duonegan. .
CUrk to Cvixniisiimert William H. Sech
lt:. Trtasurer Isaac "Wike.
C.r': f0 Treasurer John Lloyd.
Foot House Directors Georgo M'Cullough.
wo-ge Orris, Joseph Dailey.
Poor House Trtasurer George C. K. Zabm.
AHl.toTsTrm. P. Titrney, Jco. A. Ken
iy, Einanu.l Brallier.
Coa urrVor. Henry Scanlan.
Uroner. .Yuiliam Flattery.
Mercantile AFpraiserichix Cox.
i"P t. of Common Schools J. F. Condon.
Jutt:ces of th r.... ,t. . .
Edmund J. Waters. ""'e-"BrrisCQ Kinkead,
E. Jon?,, j1' HUgh JODeS Wm' JL
-rou9i Treasurer-Gto. W. Oatman.
y lent
J- X Sn:1" Evan Griffith,
TCisC'0r,'Richard R- Tibbott, Robert D.
r a
?"-Thos. J.William..
3aTr.r uV""e ;7Tls.aa awfori, James P.
KaaiL- "e"' Kmltad. Georga W.
fe7r7R0bwt TETans' Jn0- E- Scaulan.
. a3'f Election. John D. Thomas.
aor.capt. Murray. ; . .
i..;. Summit Lodtr v ai5f a v
IcerATf HliU' Ebensborg, on tie
'.JL lcesday of each month, at 7 J o'clock,
,'--L,;Bi61,Un!i Division Ko. 81 Son. of
--c meets in TV .... ...
rP Va4
; . ; ' $2.00 IN ADVANCE,
? VdT 3r iv ADVxvta.
The Ulng aud the Miller.
There dwelt a miller, hale and bold,
Beside the river Dee ;
He -worked and sang from morn till night,
No lark more blithe than he v ' ' ;
And this the burden of his song
Forever used to be :
"I envy nobody no, not I 1
'And nobody envies me !'' '
"Thou'rt wrong, my friend," said old King
v Hail,. '. . . r- : r "'
"Thou'rt wrong as wrong can be; ,
For could my heart be light as thine,
I'd gladly change with thee ; , .
And tell me now what makes thee sing, .
With voice so loud and free,
While I m sad, though I um King, ,
Beside the river Dee." '. ,
The miller smiled and doffed his cap
"I earn my bread." quoth he ; -'I
love my wife ; I love my friend,
I love my children three ;
I owe no penny I cannot pay ; ...
I thank the rive Dee
That turns the mill that grinds the corn
To feed my babes and toe." ; . ,
"Good friend," said Hall, and sighed .the
' Farewell ! and happy be ;
But say no more, if thou'dst be true,
That no one envies thee ; -Thy
mealy cap is worth my crown "
Thy mill my kingdom's fee; " " ' ;
Such men as thou are England's boast,
Oh 1 miller of the Dee." ' ' '
lion. Scliujler Colfax on Re
construction. Hon. Schuyler Colfax, Speaker of the
National House of Representatives, was
serenaded- in - Washington city on . th?
eveuiug of the 18th instant,- and in reply
to the compliment, made a brief npeecli,
which may be tairiy accepted as eoibody
iug the collective , judgment of a' large
majority of the tew Co.jgrc&a on the sub
ject of ilecjustruetion. . The tollowing is
au extract : .
"The Constitution, which seems fra
med fur every emergency, gtfes to each
House the exclusive right to judge of the
qualifications, election at:d returns of its
ukemuurs, aud I apprehend' they will ex
ercise thatriht. Oonirrcss having passed
no law on the subject tf reconstruction,
I'residesit Johnson prescribed cenaiu ac
tion for the States which lie deemed in
dispensable to their restoration, to their
former relations to the government, which
I think eminently wise and patriotic :
'Firat. That their conventions should
declare the various ordinances of secession
null and void, not, as some have dune,
merely repealing them, but absolutely
without any force or effect.
' 'Second. That their Legislatures should
ratily the constitutional auieudmest abol
ishing slavery, that this cause of dissen
sion and rebellion might be utterly extir
pated. ''Third. That they 6hall formally repu
diate the State debt, though by its terms
it will be a long while before it falls due,
as it was to be payable after the recogni
tion of the confederacy by the United
States.' This reminds me of an old Irietid
in Indiana, who said he liked to give hu
note payable teu days after convenience.
(Laughter and cheers)
"Jiut there are other terms on which L
thiuk there is uo division utuong the loyal
men ol the Union. First, that the leo
iaiation of Independence must be recog
nized as the law ot the land, aud every
mar, alien and native, white and black,
protecied in 'the inalienable and (Jod
giveu rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness.' Mr. Lincoln, in the Eman
cipation ProcIaruatiutirwhich is the proud
est wreath in his chaplet of fame, not only
rave freedom to
the slave, but declared
that the government would maintain that
freedom. We ':annot abandou them and
leave them deleiir-cless, at the mercy of
their former owners.' Thvy must be pro
tected in their rights of person and prop
erty, and these freemen must have the
right to ue iu courts of justice lor all just
claims, and to testify, also,' so as to have
hecurity against outrage and wrong. 1
call them freemen, not frttdmen... The
last phrase might have - answered betore
their freedom was fully secured, but they
fchould be regarded now as freemen of the
"Second, the amendment of their State
constitutions, which have been adopted by
many of their conventions so reluctantly
under the pressure of dispatches from the
President and the Secretary of Stale,
should be ratified by a majority of their
people.' We all know that a very small
portion of their voters participated in the
election of delegates to these conventions,
and nearly if not all the conventions have
declared them in force without any ratifi
cation by the people. ' When the crisis
has passed, can they not turn around and
fay that-thes$ were adopted under duress
by delegates elected by a meagre vote
under provisional governors and military
authorities, and never ratified by a popu
lar vote ? And could they not turn over
th? anti-Lecoupton argument against us,
and iusist, as we did, that a constitution
not ratified by the people may have legal
fft, but no moral effect whatever T '
Third, the President, on all oeeasious
insisted that they should elect Congress-;
men who could take the oath prescribed
by the 'Act of 1802. But in defiance of
this, and insulting to the President and
the country, they have, in a large majori
ity of instances, "votea1 down mercilessly
Uuion nen who could take the oath, and
elected thoe who boasted that they could
not, would not, and would feel disgraced
if they could. Without mentioning1
name, one gentlemen, - elected in Ala
bama, -'declared in his address to the peo
ple before.ihe election that the- iron .penf
of history would declare the emancipation
act as the most monstrous deed of cruelty,
that ever darkened the annals of any nal
iwv.' And another, who avowed that he
;;ave all possible aid-and comfort to the
rebelliou, denounced the Congress of 1SG2
for' enacting the outh. The ! South is
filled with-men who can take the oath. ;
It declares, 'I: have not voluntarily taken
part iu the rebellion . Every conscript in
Hit Southern army can: take that oath,
because he was iorced into the ranks by
their conscription act;' and. every man
who stayed at home and refused to accept
civil or military office could take that oath.
But these were uo't the choice of the States
lately in rebellion.- ' .-. , ':
'Jb'ourtb; while it must be expected that
a minority ot thsse Stales will cherish for
years, perhaps, their leelinga ot disloyalty
the country has a right to expect that be-;
lore theirimembers are admitted to share
iu the government, of this cbuntryi-ciear
majority -of the jople of '; each: of these!
States should give evidence of their ear4
nest and . cheerful-loyalty -non by tuch
speeches as i are ao common, that Hhey
submitted the issue to the arbitrament ot
war but that they arc willing to stand by
aud fight for the flag of tue couutry 'against
all its euemiep, at home or abroad. ; - j
'The' danger no i is T- in too much, pre-
cipitation. L.ct us crather make . haste. 4
"slowly, and we can' thei hope " thatLthe
louudatious of our gbverunicnt, when thusl
reconstructed ou the basis ot uudispataole
loyalty, will be' as eternal as'the stars."
A Wall Over .'ew Jersey. ,
On the Wing; Nov. the 9th, 18G5.:
'Never wuz 1 iu so pleasant a frame uv
mind fz last bight. . Ale wuz peas with
me, fur alter beiu.1 buffett-d about ' ibe
woild for xhreo skore-years,' atlarst - it''
seemed to me as though forchuiie, tired
uv persekutiu a uuloichuuit beiu, had
taken me into favor.
1 bed a solmcn promts from the Detr.o
kratic State Central Committy in the
grate fcitaie uv Noo (Jersey," that ez soon
tz our candidate for (Juvnor wuz dooly
elected, I shud hev the position uv Door
keeper to the Hous uv the Lord, (wich
iu this Slate meaus the Capitoi aud wich
iz certainly better than dwellin iu the
tents uv wicked grosery keepers, on tick,
ez I do,) aud a joodieus exhibition uv
this promise had prukured lur me uulini-
lied facilities tor borrerin, which 1 im
prooved muchly.
On Wednesday nite I was sittin in my
room, a c-njoyin tlie piuasiu rcflechuu that
iu a few days I ehul be placed abuv want,
& beyond the coutinguuevs uv iorehuuo.
Wood! oh, wood ! that I had died then
and there, before thai dream uv bliss wuz
rudely broken. A wicked boy cum run
ning past with a paper, which he had brot
from the next town where lives a mau
w no takes one. He flung it' thru the
iviuder to uio "and parst on. I opened it
and glaneea" at the hed lines!
One loug and pierciu hnlc wuz hurd
thru that house, and wneu the inmates
rushed into the room they found me in
auymate ou the Lor. The paper
lay near me explaiuiu tho caus uv the
catastophe. The kind hearted laudiord,
alter Icelia uv my pockets, and diskiverin
that the contents tnereol wuld not pay the
arreages of my board, had a hurried cou
sullatiou with his wiio as to tlfe propriety
uv bringing me to, he insisting that it wuz
the only cauce uv gettiu what wuz back,
she lusistiu that it 1 wuz bruog to I'd
go ou ruuuiug up the bill bigger ana big
ger, and uever pay at' last, .While they
wuz arguiu the matter pro aud cuu, 1
happened to gfet a good smell uv his breth,
wich restored me to couuiousueaa at 1st,
without f urther adoo.
rWheu iu truble my poetic sole alluz
finds vent in soug. Did ever poet who
delighted iu tomb?, and dark rolliu strcms,
and consumption, and
and decay, and sich themes, ever hev bich
a pick uv bjecks ezl-hev this time?
The iollerin may be a kunsolation to the
lu Dimokrats uv the North, who hev gon
so far iuto copperhedism that they can't
change thaf base. ' '
:. . A WALE ! " ' :.:
In the mornin we go forth rejoicin in
our strength in -the evening we ar buu
tid aud wilt! ' .-.
Man born uv woman (and most men
ar) is us lu days, and .them is so full uv
truble, that its ekarsely worth while beiu
born at all. ' ?.. : ; . ,
.4 lu October I waded in woe knee deep,
and now the waters uv afiiickshun are
about my chin. V. " " '-', ;
1 look to the east and Massachusetts
rolla in Abolishun.n-! ' : : ' ) . .'. !
To the west T turn my eyes and Wis
consin and Minnesota' and Illinois ans'er
Abolishun. 5 " ' 1 .
Southward I turn" my irnplorin gaze,
and Maryland ?euds gTeetin Aboiisbun.
r In Noo York we hed. 'em, for lo ! we
run a sojer who fot valiantly, and we put
him on a platform wich stunk with nig
ger yea, the : savor thereof vtvt louder
than the Abblishun platform itself. -.
But behold ! the people jeer and flout
and say, "the platform stinketh lord
enough, but the smell thereof U not the
J'mell of the Afrikan it is uv the rotten
I material uv wich it is komposed, and the
Korrupshun tney hev placed onto it" and
Noo York goes Abolishun. '
Slocum held hisself up and sed ''come
and buy' And our folks bought him
and : his .tribe, but he getteth not his
Noo Jersey 'Abolishun ! !!!!!!
Job's cattle wuz slaiu by murrain and
holler horn, and sich, and not livin near
Noo York, the flesh . thereof ho culd not
sell. ' ( .
But Job had suthin left still he culd
cell the hides aud tallow I
Lazurus hed sores, but he hed dcrgs to
lick them. ' .' .r.. ;"
Noo Jersey was atTd tallow uv
Dimokracy, and lo ! that is' gone. -
' What little is left of the Dimokracy is
all sore, but where" is the dorg so low as
to uk it?
.: Jwey wuz Tour ewe Iamb lo ! the
strong hand uv , Ibolishuuiam hez taken
it. ; ! :
.Noo Jersey wuz the Aryrat on wich
our Ark rcstid behold ! the dark waves
of Abolishunism sweep over it. ' ;
Darkness falls over me; liko a pall the
shadow of wocencompasseth me.
Down my furred -cheeks roll the tear3
uv angush, varyih in size from a
pea tu a small tater: -
Nco Jersey will vote for the Constitoo
shanel Amendment, and lo 1 the niggers
will possess the land:
' 1 see horrid visions !
On the Camboy and Amden nigger
brakesmenand at the polls, niggers !
Where shall we find refuge?
;In the North ? Lo ! it is barrel agin us
by Abolishunism. " '
In the South ? In their eyes the
northern copperhead findeth no favor. '
In Mexico? There is war there and
we might he drafted.
Who will driver us ? Who will pluck
us from the ph into wich we hev falleu ?
- . On the dark rollin sea."
And into what harbor fata, will drive
my weather-beaten bark, the undersigned
cannot trooly say. ;:
Noo Jersey farewell! The world may
stand it a year or two, but. I doubt it.
Mournfully and sadly, . .
Petroleum V. Napby,
Lait Pastor uv the Church uv the Noo Dis
pensashun. i
From Harper's Weekly.
Anecdote of I'resldent Johnson.
"I say, I say, General Jackson, for fear
you should think I have some axe to grind
because I try so hard to keep you at my
poor house all night, I will agree to eu
tcntain ycu free of expense!" expostula
ted the landlord of the only iun in the
villiage of Jefferson, Ashe county, North
Carolina, to General Jackso-i, lato one
evening iu the autumn of 18 , as he
entered his carriage to pursue his journey
toward Tennessee. ."The B'ue llidge,
sir, is infested with banditti, and you will
certainly be robbed, and possibly murder
ed, before morning. I beseech you to
stay!" "' ' '
'l'ou arc very kind, sir, and I thank
you," replied the General, . "but I will
proceed, and try and reach the Tennessee
line at all events. JL- have uo fears of
being molested. Drive on, Ned, briskly.
Adieu, ge-ileuieu all !'' aud the. old hero
drove off at a rapid pace.
"Hilloa there, young-ter !" cried-; the
laudiord to a slim, witty, flaxen-headed
stripling, standing in the motley crowd in
front of the tavern, "if you are going to
Tennessee, you had better jump up be
hind and
ro uiouur
with the General : it's
as cheap riding as walking !'
I'd better.
and thank you." replied the young man,
jumping up behind the coach as it drove
oft. . . . ,
They rode on quietly for eome hours,
until they began to ascend the mountains,
when the Geueral, hearing a slight cough
behind, called out, sternly :
."Who's that?" ; .
"It's me, sir Andrew Johnson." Iam
a traveler, on my way to Tennessee, and
I thought I might get a lift on j'onr-car-riagc,
sir: I beg your pardon, r."
"You are quite welcome, sir, to my car
riage. Como forward ; and take a seat
with me' ' i ..
"Thank, you, sir, but as the mountain
is father steep here, I'll jump off and walk
up." ' .
He walked forward , up the mountain
side in advance of .the carriage, .but had
notv gone far' when: he saw a man ahead
of him ascending i the mountain. He ap
peared " to b intoxicated.. He. lurched
this way and-theother way, staggering
buck ward and forward; now his knees
would double up,' and he would miss a
step, as if the earth had suddenly vanish
ed before him j then ho would cross his
legs, and a lurch would send him diagon
ally across the road. lie stopped and
bracd himself up so as nearly to fall
backward, and then drifted helplessly
along. Presently he turned an angle in
the read and . was out of sight.
"That man is beastly drunk," remarked
the General.
"Drunk! not much, sir," laughed the
young man ; "he's no more drunk than I
am- He's playing possum and means
mischief. Look there 1 he's Iviuz on .he
road." ' , ...
As they, drove, up he raised himself
lazily and hailed them. "Hie! ah ! I I
say, gentlemen, can't you give me a lift ?
I I bic! cantV wa'lk; I'm loaded too
heavily with d -d mean whisky."
"Then stay where you are and get rid
of it," replied the General sternly.
"The devil!" exclaimed the man. sprin
ging to his feet with the agility of a cat.
He gave a keen whistle and planted him
self in front, of the coach. Three men
sprang out from the bushc3 aud siiade a
rush at the carriage.
. Quick as thought the General sprang
upon one of them, and they rolled over in
the road 'together. A dull, crushios
sound was next ' heard over tho conflict,
and a second rolled over in the dust, pro
pelled by the loaded whip iu the powerful
hands of the driver. The young man, by
a timely shot, fired and brought down a
third, and then sprang to the assistance
of the General, who still fought manfully
with his herculean antagonist, while .the
driver engaged the remaining robber.
. "Stand back! stand back !" cried the
General to the young man "we arc man
to man. I'll give the villain fair play.
By the Eternal, I have you now!" and he
threw ; big : antagonist over, apparently
lifeless. "
"Are you hurt, my boy !" asked the
General "And you. too, Ned? Where's
Ned ?". V. ,." . .
"Here, massa !" replied tho boy, puf
fing up the road. "My robber coward
he run -he! he! he! I golly, I save
one, massa save one, an de young gentle
man sav3 oue he ! he I he!"
All this occurred in less time . than it
takes to record it.
"But you, General, are you hurt?"
"No, nothing but a few bruises, thank
God! But look there! one of them is
stirring. "You, sir, and Ned, pinion his
hands, while I examine the others."
: None of them were found to be dead.
Two were only stunned, and the third had
"received a nistot-shof throuirh tli shoul
I der, and was crouching in affright. Thpy
were, a'l soon pinioned, and a couucil was
held, when it w;is determined to disarm
them and let them' go rather thau be de
tained, on the road. No,fur.her iucideots
befel our travelers during their jaunt.
On their separation in Tenue-see,- the
Geueral pave the young mau much ood
advice, lie recounted to hiui his own
history, and baJe him aspire to be good
and useful. The General comiui'ed en
route for his home in Middle Tennessee,
and the young man stopped and settled
in the town of Greenville Tennessee, as
a journeyman tailor. Of his subsequent
career .it is needless to speak ; it is part
of the history of our country.
m m m-
A Blunt Wat of Putting It. The
Secessionists in Memphis, like their breth
ren elsewhere, says an army historian, in
sisted that all the points we had captured
were given up because they had no fur
ther use for them. The evacuation of
Columbus, Fort Pillow, Fort Henry, and
Boiling Green, with ihe surrender of
Donclson, were parts of the grand strategy
of the rebel leader-;, and sered to lure us
on to our destruction. They would never
admit a defeat, but contended we had iu
variably suffered.
. An uneducated farmer, on the rcuta
followed by one of our aimio in Tennes
see, to!d our officers that a rebel general
and his staff had takeu dinner wiih hiru
during hi, retreat from . Nashville.' The
farmer was anxious to learu somethiur
about the military situation, and asked a
rebel major how the Confederate cause
was progressing. ;
"Splendidly," answered the major.
"We have whipped tha yankees in every
battle, and our iudependenco. will soou be
The farmer was houghtful for a minute
or two and then deliberately said :
"ll don't know much about war, but if
we are always whipping, che Yankees,
how is it they keep c jming down into our
c'ouu'ry alter every battle V
The major grew red in the face,' and
told the farmer that any man who asked
such au absurd question was an Aboli
tionist, and deserved hanging to tho uear
est tree. The farmer was silenced, but
not satisfied.
fSfA Frenchman writing a letter in
English to a friend, and looking in the
dictionary for tho word "preserved," and
finding it meant to pickle, wrote as fol
lows : "May you and all your family be
pickled to all eternity."
ZOfA conversation once turning on
first love, Thomas Moore compared it to
a potato, because "it shoots ftotu the eyes."
"Or rather," exclaimed Lord Byron, "be
cause it becomes less by pairing."
BLWhy cannot slender persons ever
become great friends ?. Because they will
always be slight acquaintances. . .
. B3.The most delicate method ot giving
a lady a key to your feelings is to send
her a lock of your hair."
"Old Hickory."
All Americans are familiar with thi
sobriquet of General Andrew Jackson,
yet very few know how it was earned by
the old hero. A writer in a Southern
journal gives the following information on
the subject : ...
"In 1836, I was intimately acquainted
with Colonel John Allen, United State
agent of the Chickasaw Indians, residing
in Pontotoc, and with his brother, JapU
Wm. Allen, then a merchant in that town.
I learned from Capt. Wm. Allen that.his
father was a near neighbor and devoted
friend of General Jackson, and that he
and his brother John served as soldiers
in his escort, iu all his campaigns, and
catnpod at the same fire, and messed
with him during the Creek war. They
were certainly great favorites with hira?
and ho rewarded them for their friendship
by giving them lucrative appointments in
the Chickasaw nation, while he was Pres
ident. In conversation with (!at,t." AHn'
about General Jackson, on one occasion,
IsLed Mm how he acquired the name of
4OId Hickory V -.1 give his reply, as well
as 1 can remember, in his own. words :
"During the campaign which included
th? battle of Emucklaw Creek, the army
was moving rapidly, to surprise the In
dians, and we were without tent. In the
month ot March, a cold equinoctial rain
fell on us, mingled with sleet, which last
ed several days. The General was exposed
to the weather, and wa suffering (severely
with a bad cold and -a sore throat. At
night we bivouacked in a muddy bottom,
while it was pouring down rain, which
froze as it fell. My brother John "aud I,
finding ihat the General was very unwell,
became uneasy about him. although he
did not complain, but laid. down upon. his
blanket by the camp fire with his soldiers.
Seeing him wet to the skin, stretched in
the mud and water in his suffering cod-,
dition, we determined to try and make
him more comfortable.' r . T
"We cut down a stout hickory tree, in
which the eapwa3 rising, and peeled the
bark from it in flakes ; cut two forks' and
a pole ; laid down a floor of bark aud dead
leaves, and roofed it, and closed on side,
or rather one end ot the structure, against
the wind, and left the-other end peu. -We
then dried our blankets, and made a
pallet in the tent we had constructed.
We woke up the old Generala-nd'-with.
some difficulty persuaded him to crawl in.
With his saddle for a pillow, wrapped in
our dry blauke'ts, and his feet to the fire,
he slept rouiiuiy all uight, well cased in
hickory bark.
"The next morning, an' old man from
the neighborhood came into camp with a
jug of whisky, with which, after imbibing
quite freely himself, lie gave us all 'a treat'
us far as the liqu r would go. He seemed
to bo a kiiid-liearted, jovial, and patriotic
o d fellow ; a sort of 'privileged charac
ter in his country. While staiierin"
about among the camp fires, full of fun
and whisky, he blundered upon our little
hickory bark tent, which immediately ar
rested his attention. After eyeing it for
a moment, he exclaimed, 'What sort of au
outlandish I-sjiu fixia' i this?' ; aud gave
it a kick which-tumbled down the queer
looking structure, and completely buried
the old hero in the bark. As h? stag
gered out of the ruins, and looked fiercely
around for the author ot the mi-chief, the
old toper recognized tho General, and ex
claimed, 'Hallo, old Hickory! come out
of your bark and joiti us in a diink!'
'There was something si luiiciroas in
the whok' scene, that respect for the old
hero's preseuca and rank could not re
strain our merriment. He very good
humoredly joined us in laughing at the
mishap. As he rose up and shook the
bark, from bis, he looked so tough and
ster; that we all srave him a clou 'Hur
rah for old Hickory !' This was the first
time he ever heard these words, 4whi-:h
were afterward shouted-by the millions ot
his couutrymen whenever he appeared
among them.' "
A Yankee Iaw3er, who was plead
ing the cause of a little boy, took him up
in his arms and held hiiu up to the jury,
suffused in tears. This had a great elfvicr,
until the opposite lawyer aked the boy
"What makes you e-y ?" -
"He's pinching me I" answered the
boy. , .
T" lke,": said Mrs. Partington, "how'
do they find out the difference between
the earth and the suu V
"Oh," said the young hopeful, "ther
calculate a quarter of the distance, aud
theu multiply by four." w .,
A Jerseman was very sick, and
not expected u recover. His friends
got around his bed, and one of them said:
"John, do feel willing to die?"
Johu made an tffoit to eive his views
on the subject and answered, in a feeble
voice: ...
"I think I'd rather stay where l'c
Detter acquainted." ,
A parson once prefaced his ser
mon with, "My friends, let u say a few
words before wa begin." Thi is about
equal to the man who took a short uap
before he went to sleep.
8r,A joung lady says sho ean't un
derstand what her brother Dick sees ir
the girls that he likes them so well; foi
her part, she would rather have one youn,
man than twenty girls.