II 4 FORT He FARMER'. CO US T K T LIFE. How sacred and how innocent A co'ip.try life uppears, How free from tumult, discontent, From ti-.Utery or fears I This was the first and hanpiest life, Whtu mau enjoyed himself, Till pride exchsr.ged peace for ELrife, And happiness for pelf. 'Twas here the poets were inspired, Here taught ti e multitude; The bravo they here with honor fired, And civilized the rude. That golden age did eiitertoia No passion but of love : The thoughts of ruliu cud of quia Did ne'er their fancies move. Them that do covet only rest, A cotta; v. ill suffice; It is not ".nrve to be possessed Of earth, but to despise. Opinion is the rate of things, From hence our peace doth How; I have a better fate than Liugs, Because I think it so. When all the stormy world dolli roar, How unconcerned a.n 1 ! I cannot fear to tumble lower, Who novcr could be high. Secure in these unenvied walls, I think not on the state, And pity no man's case that falls From his ambition's height. Silence and innocence are safe; A heart that's nobly true, At all these litte arts c;'.n laugh, That do the world srhduc ! Wh Dcn'l nay Orchard i'reduce Hotter i The above inquiry is often made, nr.d with some at least, i apprehend, without much investigation to uncertain lor them selves the e;-.iise which, in most cases, to ;i close observer inula, rational thinker, would be found so plain as t need no replv. I will instance oue case of a similar in quiry, out of many of a -imilur character, that might be added. A neighbor, point ing to his orchard, wished to know what I thought could be the reason thathi.s trees, which used to bear so linely, and which were not old, had for several years become so barren ? I asked him how long it had been mowed without manure ? His reply was, sixteen or seventeen years. I a.sked him how long he thought his cornfield would produce uuder similar treatment ? Well he supposed it wouldn't do very well; but he didn't know but apple trees would bear without manure ? Such are the lim ited views of some ; but it is probable there are few fariuers, or fruit cultivators but that would leason very differently. I visited another orchard, in Nova Sco tia of about two hundred trees ; the ground was in a good state of cultivation, and the trees and fruit showed a very striking con trast to the one aliuded above, and the re sults much more satisfactory. The pro prietor informed me that he sold his apples the preceding fall for 3 1200 and he thought b.13 present crop would be five hundred bar rels, worth two dollais per barrel, giviu" him 2200 for two years. It is an old, and I think tmo maxim, what is worth doing is worth well doing'; and as it has been proved beyond .ptcstimi, that no part of farming will reward the husbandman ejuul to fruit raising, it often jooks strange to me that so large' a major ity of orchards should be left to take care of themselves, and the for unfruitfulness, when it belongs to the Qwner. Count the Coat. From carefully conducted experiments by different perons, it has been ascertained that one bushel of ti,rn will make a little over 10 pounds of pork gross. Taking the result as a basis, the following de lin tions are made, which all our farmers would do well to lay by for a convenient refer ence Thus : When corn costs 12 J cents per bushel, pork costs U cents per pound. When corn costs 17 cents per bushel, pork costs 2 cents per pound. When corn costs 2." cents per bushel pork cosls 3 cents per pound. ' When corn costs ti.i cents per bu,hel, pork costs 4 cents per n;nl. When corn costs 50 cents per bushel pork cots ;" cents per pound. ' The following statements show what the farmer realises iu his corn when sold in the form of pork : When pork sc4!s for 3 cents per pound it brings 2- cents per bu.hel in corn. ' AY hen pork s;41s for 4 cents per pound it bring o2 cents per buhel in torn m When pork sells for 5 cents per pound, it brings 4o cents per bushel in corn. Tall Planting fTree We should say that wo have always found early planting out in the fall best. As soon as the tree or shrub is done grow ing for the season, is the very nick of time for this work to be done. The ad vantage of this is the giving the roots time before the arrival ot hard frosts to fasten to the soil, and thus give it more firmness, as well as additional power to re sist the severity of the winter. Tall transplanting is to be preferred for uplands, generally, or other soils of a nat urally dry, sjlicious character. Spring transplanting i3 best in most heavy or ar gillaciousr soils. Gcrmnntoxcn Telegraph. I WIT AN D WISDOM. s5 Mean men are subject to tljlit fits. Hypocrites and villains, like other reptiles, are cold-blooded. 2f- In India, a lac of rupees Is wealth; here, a lack of dollars is poverty. Jt'Sy Consumptives who swallow the cod liver theory are dose-lle creatures. C-i;' It is folly to poison prescr.t bliss by desiriugthat which cannot atpreseut be. The recent railroad slaughters give additional significance to the word nv-iiage. fJ-JS' Uotvceu artlessness and heartless ness thjro is- only the difference of au as piration. Iy There is a man in Windsor so ha bitually sleepy, that his curiosity cannot be awakened. A friend ha3 a'dog so very serious, that even Lis tail has uot the least bit of a way about it. Jteir" V.'e have soeu ladies not only too weak to I ear food, but even too w eak to bear contradiction. Jtfer The test of friendship there is nothing like a irhon pavemeut to rim; our old friends i:pcii. Z'c"' A suspicious man he'd search a pincushion for treason, and see daggers ia a needle-ease. feif" It niav sound like a paradox, vet the breaking of an uruij's wings ia a sure way to nufke it ily. Z''5 An old saokcr down East, accounts for his perpetual thirst by the fact that he was weaned on salt tish. ErSf" Ambition is a journey vp hill, in which rest can be taken only on peril of sliding do .vu by ones own weight. f'jj" Women can easily preserve their 3011th for she who ca; ;tes the heart and understanding never rrrows old. Jt--J7 The easiest and best wav to extend the chest is, to have a "cod. large heart in it. It saves ihe cost of gymnastics. Somebody says, a wife should be like a roasted lamb tender and nicely dressed. A scamp adds, and without sauce. A man who had been married twice, to ladies both named Catharine, ad vised his fiie-nds agaiu.it taking dupli Kutes. Of those who travel the matrimo nial road, a great many are completclvy dedvut before reaching their journeys end. K?"ji, The man who " took a walk," the other da", brought it' back again; the next day, be took a ride, and went off with it. 8.",, If you fall into misfortune, disen gage yourself as Well as you can. Creep tii rough the bushes that have the fewest briers. fcX. "There, John, that's twiee you've come home i ml forgotten that lard." "La mother, it was so greasy that it slipped mv mind." BTLA man is a brute to be jealous of a good woman a fool to be jealous of a worthless one; but double fool to cut his throat for either of them. RrtL, It is a misplaced politeness to ask full-hooped young lady to take a seat in an arm-chair. We prefer putting an arm to the chair after the lady is in it. EIX- It is a sad commentary upon the course- of instruction pursued in young la flies' schools, that the graduates seldom know how to decline an offer of marriage. A negro lately fell from the upper story of a warehouse in Charleston, S. C. a dist a rice of about thirty feet, striking head first on the top of a whiskey barrel. The result was the barrel leaked. JC-5y An administrator on the estate ol a deceased female, in New Hampshire, ad vertises for sale at auction ; '-The wcariri" apparel of Mrs. A. O , deceased, con! sisting of one bed, two carpets, and one sleigh." t. Never marry a man until you see him eat. Let the candidate for your hand pass through the ordeal of eating soft-boiled eggs. .If he can do it, and leave the table-spread, the napkin, and his shirt un. spotted, take him. RaL A colored servant, sweeping out a i. -1 i i - i - . . . i i 1 noLci-ooaruer s room, iounu a sixpence, w hich he carried to its owner. "Vou may keep it for j our honesty," he said. Short ly after he missed his gold pencil-case and in.juircd of the servant if he had seen it. "Ves, sar," was the reply. And what did you do with it V "Kc'ep urn for my honesty." H?3- A traveler among other narrations of wonders of foreign parts, declared he Knew a cane a mile Ion '. The company iooeu incre.lulous, and it was evident t.ioy were not prepared to swallow it, even it it had been a sugar cane. "Pray what kind ot a cane was it?" asked a gentle man, sneenn-ly. "it wa replied the traveler. BsB- A" Irish advertisement says: a re ward of e.j is offered lor the apprehension ot Patrick O' Flaherty, who last week stole the jackass, which same had on a pur of corduroy breeches, with blue eyes, and smokes a short pipe; much given to' squinting, and likewise his shoes letdown at the heel." ttSu Sir Walter Scott declared that these iour lines, by Hubert Burns, were worth a thousand romances : "Had we never lov'd sae kindly llai we never lov'd sae blindly Never met or never parted V e had ne'er been broken hearted." 18G0. "It is the duty of every citizen of this Great Republic to" foster and encourage native ge nius and American enterprise." WtBSTtu T11K "GREAT REPUBLIC" M O N T II L Y : A Magazine devoted entirely to the elevation of American authorship, w holly national, iu no wise sectional or sectarian; having for its motto the words of the great statesman : l-Xn Xort,, A'o V"i?t, X t'6t, So Wist ;'' having nothing to do with politics, aiming only at the highest in a iff, litkkatcbe and SCIKSOE, and employing the hest writers in every liranch. is again hefore the American puhlic seeking their support. This Magazine is now finishing the first Jtar. and drawing near the close of the SKt' OXL) VOLl'Mt;, and has met with unparalleled success. THE TIllIM) VOLUME Will commence with tlicnuniber for January, ls;o, which will he issued carl iu Deceiuhcr, is.j:. Every nuinher will i e splendi.lly illus trated in the highest style of art. Among the numerous coutritmtors engaged for the com ing year are the following well known disiin puihseii authors : 1'iiz Green Ilalleck, Orestes A. 15rown?on, Geo. V. Morris, u. tUllmore Simms, i'ark Denja min. John G. tJ.ixe, Hannah T. Gould. Calhoun M'Kcnzie, 'A. F. Mauiy. JSe'oa JSmith, (Jack I!owning.) J. T. Ih-adh v, Jeo. 1. l'rentice, Ali-e Carev, Mrs. Kirkland. Mrs. Makes .fliiith, Phel.e Vary', Mrs. Kllct, ic. &c, ic. In the January nuinher will he commenced the most strikiutrly original novel of the dav. entitled Til i: PKOIM!i:T; O R, SCENES U F li O It ) E it L I F E. UY KL1ZA15ETH OAKKS Si Ml Til. There will also he commenced in an early number of the coming volume a MOST STARTLING AND INTKNSI'LV LNTEliEST ING UlilGI.VAL NOVEL, entitlfd THE SLIVER OF THE COAST ; Olt, THE Ali'.ICAX T:AL)KK. Ily t'allioiin -ll'tk-iizie. THE GREAT J'El'fHLIC MONTHLY is thf h'.rgest Magazine published in this country. Uvcr C'40.eoo has been already expended to bring it to its present high degree of merit. The publishers are determined to give it ;he l.AltGEST CIRCULATION IN THE WORLD. With this view they make the follo'.vinjj 32axniliteikt Ollcis. Ant! they refer to every subscriber now on theu- hooks as to the fidelity with which they fulfil their obligations. Single Copies, - - - $o 25 Subscription, per year, - ot) C lubs, of three or more, each - 2 00 Any oue .sending a Club of FIVE subscrib ers, w ith the money, shall receive, by mail, his choke of cither of the following magnifi cent Steel Engraving, viz: fill. LAST SFTI'EE. Size of plate, 23 bv -10 inches Value. Sj. THE CiTV OF THE GREAT KING. Sizeof plate. 2" i.v :,j inches. Value. r. THE PALACE OF WKSTMiNSTER. Size of plate 2.1 by ;;:. Value. S.I. SIR WALTER SCOTT S MONCMENT. Size of plale. 21 bv ?, 1 inches. Value. S i 'WE PRAISE THEE, OH. LOK1 .': .i.e of plate. 21 by 2.1 inches. Value, s;; ROBERT RL'RNS. Mze of plate. 21 by 25 in. Value, S'L Any one sending a club of TEN subscri bers shall receive his choice of any TWO of above engravings. Any one sending a Club of FIFTEEN subscribers shall receive his choice of any four of above engravings. Any one sending" a club of TWENTY' subscribers shall receive all of the above engravin" s and :i copy of the Magazine for one vear' gratis. This splendid offer will enable any one, by a very trifling exertion, in getting subscri bers, to obtain A 3 KINK A COLLECTION OK RARK WORKS OP ART TO ADORN II IS PARLOR. a fan be obtained anvwhere for T WENT V-K1VE DOLLARS, cash. " Young gentleman and youn the country, are invited to above terms. ladies, all over ct up clubs on Postmasters, and other respectable persons who m:iv desire to rut :is (r....t- i ... receive a cash commission instead of the above liberal offer, are authorized to forward u subscribers at the above named pi ices, de ducting twenty percent, for their trouble The engravings will be sent in rotation, in the order in which the Clubs are sent in. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. In addition to the above unparalleled offer we now announce that where pai ti.-s do not form clubs and that where their nanu s are noi sent in clutis, that S1NCLE SC.ISCKIHKItS Sh.MUNG THE A Mo VST SKT Oliliiisiti. t,. ......I. oi me uoove imgravings, shall receive by mail the Engraving chosen and Magazine for oue vear one copy of the Some ot these engravings are of Tiini E times the value of those ottered by the ol art i nio.v, and all of them are better nn,l of more instrhnic worth than any engravin ever ottered by any "Gift Enterprise" or Vrt Association." "Tl1?. .Lt "rpcr," and "The Citv of the Great King," should adorn the walls of every Clergyman and scholar in the country No such offers as these were ever made of, ore mere is no "chanck, ' in the matter no "i.oTTEUY," no gift enterprise, no humbug. "c 01,11 "I'on Clergymen, Postmaster travel ers, scholars, and all who are interested in the success of American Literature and Art, to avail themselves of these generously liberal otters. In addition to all of the abov e, any one sending :l dollar and a half extra (SI ,rio.)"shuIl receive the twelve back numbers of the Maga zine from January, 1 s;,:i, forming a pkrkkct stx of the "GREAT REPL'RLIU" MONTHLY from its commencement. All subscriptions invariably in advance and no deviation from above terms No fur ther instructions necessary to those forming clubs or to Agents. Give name and Post Ofhce addre s in full. All sums over three dollars should be sent by draft, if convenient. Money by mail, property authenticated, at our risk. Postage stamps and ull current bills received at par. inTh r J?.az1i"ft ia flrsalc hy a" news dealers in the tailed States and Canada. The trade supplied at Publisl.r.' .-.:. V.. .a? TOFSEY, H. DEXTER 'co it 7l jfwit HFNDRICKSON BLAKE & LONG i n New xork and by all the large dealers in ti l principal cities. SEND IN YOUR CLUBS "5 centThT"3 UI,0,, the ceiP' -o cent5. The engraving will be sent on rollers, prepaid, or bv express OAKSMIT1I & CO., Publishers 112 H4 William St., New York. I-- shortest not ce and in n, I ved style at this effice. "Vl'r" I EAD THIS, AND STUDY YOUll X OWA IXTEIIUSTSX JUST ltECEI VED, NEW STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, CiocXis unl Xotioiss, At the titjn of the JJij Watch, Main st. Juhstoicn The undersigned desires to call the atten tion of the people of Johnstown and surround ing country to the fact that he has been ap pointed an Agent of a large importing houe of WATCHES, CLOCKS, Ac, and also of a large manufacturing establishment of JEW ELRY, whereby he is enabled to offer such inducements to purchasers of these articles us were never before offered in this place, or any where this side of the Allegenies. He would also call attention to his large assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY iust received all of the latest styles and most beautiful workmanship. Having select ed his stock with great care, he is confident he can suit every taste as to style as well us all pockets by the great reduction in prices. rya-gr f . T . h T Id i are particularly invited to an inspection of his present slock and prices. EAR DROPS hith erto sold at Si, 50 will now be Sold at T5 cts., ami tvarrant!'l to stoiid th: t- t rJ wear. Ereast Pius, Rings, ic, at a reduction. ti i: a x i. k .li t: a : I would call your attention to my beautiful assortment of (I OLD AXD SILVER WATCHES at the following very low j. rices: Hunting Verge Watch, warranted:::::::::::, 25 Hunting Silver Cylinders, hitherto .-old in this town at S2U, and then reduced to Sl-L I will now sell at from::::: 1 o to S 11.50 Hunting Levers froin::::::::::::::::::S 1 2 to :;10,00 Open Faced Cylinders, heretofore sold at Slo. I will sell at from::::?? to ?c00 Open Faced Detached Levers:::::S10 to S12,00 AU vitrJie .tol'l n il! Lc v-,i m untnl to yo for twelve iinjitllis. or rxchai'ye for onotnr ' toual value. Everybody is invited to call and examine the stock, as style it is unrivalled in this com munity, while the prices at v. hich it is offered are unprecedented) v low. Goods soli for CASH only. E?Q,Paiiicuhir attention paid to rej.aring Clocks, Watches, Jewlery, &c.. of jill kincs! for which the Cambria Iron Company's :irrij" will be taken at par. All work warranted. TOWN AND COl'XTEY STOREKEEPERS supplied, with Watches, Jewelry. &c, at less than city prices. JoS. G. HOLMES, Agent. Sept. t?, lfc.1ft.-l v. " lMlt l .l 1 4 A A A it V A 1 1: 7.1 3: A T I'l.OM ti;k Q UA KLR CI I l'l'l liL IS 11 IS G 1IO USE .' 100,0O Cittalog-iicK, NEW, ENLARGED AND REVISEDNOW READY FOR DJS f RIRI'TION. Superior .-..". y-meiil to the Public! A new and sure i.lan for obtaining COLD and SILVER WATCHES, and other al- uble Prizes. Full nariiciilar.--. '5v'-n in l' :t . logues. which will Lc scat free to all upou ap plication Valuable Gifts, worth from 50 cts. to SD'O. pl ARANTEED to each purchaser. Sloo.oeo in Gifts have l.eeu dh-trihsaed to my patrons within the pa.i .ix months S15ii.c,o'j to be distributed during the n--t six inorahs The inducements oCVtvd Agents are more liberal than thoe of any otl.cr house in the business Having been in the Publishing and Hook selling business for the last eight vears. i,iv experience enables me to conduct the Oii'i Enterprise wiih thegreatest sati.-faction to all. , At; i:TS WANTED in every Town and County. For full particulars nddrc.-s Dl'ANE IU LISON, Quaker Citv Publishing House. 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa Sept. 22, Ie5te-4m. ixoomy 3. rrc; GAS Ml EN INC, COOKING STOVE rUUniCD IICXTLKV, Dealer in ull VJi kinds of COOKlNtl, I1EAT1NO am. PARLOR STOVES, would res,.cir, n.- ,..,n the attcinioii of the pui.lic to one of the great est improvements ever made in Cookiii" " . . ''urtiir.g ot the (i,t i and ihoke arising trom the coal bv whirl i means is sa- veil nt- rv i'ku ckxt. of Fuel. The im'nove- mcnis claimed arc 1st a great saving of Fuel. d a much quicker and hotter oven from the same tire. 2d The preservation of the top plates, as they are all made double. 4th Cleanliness, as there is not one half the .soot and dirt found in other stoves. r j 1 1: i .-t n i: r 11 ; stove . He has also on hands a large assortment of HARDWARE, TAMLE and POCKET CI T- LERV.EDGE TOOLS.II ARYESTING TOOLS etc., etc. Also he still manufactures and keeps on hand a large assortment of Tin. Copper and oueei iron, all ot winch lie will sell at ex t ..1 1 ....;... :.. i j- .un, nr.. ii uta in eicnange ior asu or lountry produce. GEO. HUNTLEY August 25, ItOOdf i : is r. s i j i s : f ; r o i i ? n y . HAVINtJ jmrchased the entire stock and fixtures of the Ebensburg Foundry, the subscriber is prepared to furni-h farmers and others with r l o u a n s, p l o r a if pnisrs s ro v i: .sr. .v a. j. i n n s s, ruiiEsix; MA VlllSES, and castings of any kind that may be needed in the community. My strict attention to the business of the concern, he hopes to merit, and trusts he will receive, a liberal patronage from those in want of articles in his line. All business done at the Foundry. 0 , , EDWARD GLASS. September 1, 1850-tf. IMTKOSIZL lOlU OITA'X 77e Protection Mutual Fire Insurance Co. OF CAM 15 ill A COUNTY. .v i r. i -V i. L 11 r . S R I fi t 4 T 1HK ahoVC named rnmninr - i April tdh, 1857, will effect insurance f, property at safe rates. Meing particularly careful in the risks taken, this Company pre sents a reliable und cheap medium, through which persons may secure themselves against lu-obable 1 ThomnlonL.-. oppo.If D. II. liniirDTC! i, A. C. Mcllix, Sec'v. & Treas ' JOSEPH II. CAMPBELL, AKent Aug. 25, 1859-ly. ' g ' POR SALE-One good new liht dou V ble sett of WAGON IIARNESS. UU Aur -'., i-?59.rf g. HUNTr.irv I - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A mtAHAM KOI'i:UN, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. Ofhce on Main street. r 1). 31U1UIAY, Attorney at Law, y Ebensburg, Pa Office opposite Craw- ford's Hotel. aug. 25, 1e50.tr. JOHN JUICV, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg-, Pa. Oflice in Colonade Row. August 25, IKo'JAf. - FICIIAKL 1IASSON, Attorney at LtJL Law, Ebensburg, Pa. August 2 i, 185H:tf. CIIIAHLES W WING AUD, Attorney at Law, Lock Haven, Clinton county, Pa. August 25, lt50:tf. C1 L. l'EliSlIIXG, Attorney at Law, ' Johnstown, Cambria county, Pa. August 25, 185f.-tf. James C. Xijux, Attorney ec.sburg, Pa. Ottice No. 3 it Law, Kb it Colonade Row. August .j. 1859. -tf. JOHNSTON & MULLIX, Counsel lors and Attorneys at Law. Ottice oppo site the Court House, Ebensburg, Pa. August 25, 85l.-tf. 1)iIlLS. NOON, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Penn'a. Oflice two doors east of Thompson's Hotel. August 2'.'. l859.-lv. J ( MIX FL'XLOX, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Oilice on High street. one door west of his residence. August 25, I85f.-tf. TTTILLIAM KITTLLL, Attorney a t t Counsellor at Law. Office in Colon nade Row, Ebensburg, Penn'a. August U5, 185'J. if. M R 31 AC! KUAN, Law. Ebensburg, Pa. Attorney at Office on High street, opposite the Post Oflice. August 25, 185f.-tf. G. M. ItKED, El.cnthurq. T. L. IIF.YKK, JohtHtOUn 7Ki:i) & HKVKH, Attorneys at J. V Law. Counsel given in the English and German languages. Oflice- in Colonade Row. Ebensburg. Pa. aug.25.1 15: tf. J. II. CAMI'JIELL, Attorney at Law. Ebensburg. Cambria county. Va. lie will attend to ;ill business entrusted to his care iu the Courts of Cambria and Indiana counties. Oflice in Colonade Row. A ugust 25, le5Le-tf. TT C. CNIilSTV, M. D., Wihnoro. Cambria co.. Pa. tittice on Main St.. ne iloor to L. Ca--;d.iy's sture. Night calls made at the Cambria House. aug.25.'5fnf S. Ll'NN, M. .. tenders his vro- fcjsioiml services to the citizens of Eb ensburg. Oilice in Drug Store, on High si., opposi'e Thompson's Hotel. Ebenslmrg. August 25. 18fi0:tf. GJEOllGE K.LEWIS, M. D., tenders ' hi-professional serv ices to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity. He mav be- found in the ollii form.-rly occupied l- Dr. D. W. Lewis. Night calls made ai ihe office. August 25. l,S5U:tf. "JACKSON CLAKK,Si Rc.KON Dkn- fJ tisi,, Johnston vi'a. One of the fivm will be iu E'.cn-borg during the first ten da-s of each month, during v. i.i, !! time -ill persoiis desiring his professional services can find him at the ofhce of Dr. Lewis, nearlv ...,.;t Blair's Hotel. (iiug.25.1t5;.tf. DK. J. 31. M'CLriiE, Si MECHANICAL DKNTIST. Ter-I refill ctUiilv oifi-rs his professional services to thelad'cs and gen tlemen f J oh n stow n and v i in it v of this phn-e. Particular attcuiion paid to diseases of the Mouth. Teeth extracted with electrical for ceps. Oflice iu the old ' Exchange," on Clinton street. Johnstown, Aug. 25. lP59.-lv. rosHpii MYEUS, Justice of thf t Peaee August ummerhill, Cumbria county. , ls'5J:tf. A I'TIN TllU-Ml'SUN, .Justice of the L V. Peace. "vYilmcre, Cambria county. August 25, ls.V.etf. In. COIIICK, Juticc of the Teace, i Johnstown, Pa. JEi-O"-Colicclioiis promptly attended to, nnd Conveyancing done with accuracy and dis-l'iiuh- aug.25,is:;0:tf. ST. LAAYIvEN('E HOTEL. Xo. Kil8 Chestnut st., Philadelphie. W. S. Campbell A Co., Proprietors. August 25, lt-5'J.tf pAMElllA HOUSE, Wilmore, Pa.- Vy Pai.mku a Reck, Proprietors. Hacks attend the arrival of each train to convey passengers to the Hotel, and thence bv l'laulv Road to Ehcnsbur". August 25, lS59:tf. JOIJNTAIN HOUSE, Ebensburg, Pa. A.T4. John- TnoMi sox, Jr., Proprietor. The Tahi.f. is always supplied with the choicest delicacies. The Bar is supplied with choice liquors ; and the Stable; attended by careful hostlers. Boarders taken hv fife week, month or year. aug.25,'5f.tf UNION HOUSE, Ebe.r.buro;, Va. John A. I5l.uk, Proprietor. Also, in connection. BLAIR & Co s H CKS will leave the '-Union House'' for Wilmore station in time to take the Eastern and West ern trains. Every accommodation will be af forded to make passengers comfortable. August 25, lS50:tf. J. PATTON THOMPSON, witu Importers and Jobbers in Notions Ho siery, Gloves, Tki.mmings, Silk Handkeii nnEKS, CitwATs and FANCY GOOD- NG 413 Market street, Truitt Pro told stand') ' aug.25,ltS5):tf PHILADELPHI V M . S. HAVKX. PLAIN and FANCY J 01 J PRIXTEK STATION i n ' Blank Look Manufacturer, Hook Binder and dealer in every description of American and Fore Corner of Market and SP,nnJ IL , V.'- XC; ' FTSBUKG, Pa " 0U vKnLb John-!?n Co., Type . . "lol4rer,j hiidc!rhi. uKuv i, l9V:t.l rilAKES this method of informing v " J friends, that he is still engaged b 'i Mercantile business, at Ebensburg, an,j li' all times prepared to sell to purchase- Ul AT THE LOWEST PRICES? Every variety and disc-nation of m. and s FANCY DRY GOODS, HARDWARE QEELNSWARE, GROCERIES TOBACCO CIGARS, it And in fact every thing usually fourd -r general Store. An examination of V. 1 and prices is all he desires at any I'mll"1 feet sales. ' ' -; yv-, Approved Country produce i-L-ri change for GOODS at all tiats Ebensburg, Aug. 25, 1859. -tf. 5 JOI1.V 31 ? V, WILMORE, Cambria coutv. Pa Dealer in all kinds of LKY G00T GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUKEXSWARE, BOOTS, SIR HATS. ( .u's i. Country Produce caken iu e.(Larr. . Goods. aug.ij,;;- , It. II. TIDOU, Respectfully informs his old frkn -:--' the public generally that he- is ; V fouml at his store room, on High -::.-;. . joining Crawford's Hotel, where i.t ; red at all times to furnish consumers v.'.-' GKOCEIUKS and CONFKCTIOX; OLD 11 YE WHISKEYS WINES, GINS, BRANDIES, Feeling thankful to the citizen; of E'---:. burg and vicinity for their fi.rmtr .;-.: he solicits a continuance of the ;jr:.c. ; er with as much more as may be It;-..-upon him. Ebensburg, August 25. ISLO.x:. a xcw KXt i rmiLM: s. -1 M. KE11N & 1J1IO.. XVlLMOUf. Caveria CO.. ?i Respectfully calls the attention of li?:::. lie to their large and varied asiortu.ent vf DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, HATS, BONNETS, SHOES. MEDICINES, GR0C KB! Li-. Ql'EENsV,: CAPS. Boot?, DREGS, ic, ic. i: They are prepared to sel! at lower any establishment in the county. TL ': biir.g aeiecf-d with a view to the w:-.:.:; couniry. cannot fail to reconimeu 1 ti the public. aug..: : T. BLA1K MOORE. j. ALhi. 3.. g mOOUE &. 3IOORE, I)espectful!y inform the citizens of E. V ciisburg. and Cambria county gcr.-::.; that they have now on hand, ar:d arc :.. staiitly, iu receipt of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIAKI'' j QUEENS WARE, HATS, CAPS. BOOTS. h?.:li BONNETS, ETC., ETC., lc , i All of which they are prepared to t- i prices which defy competition, i'-r.i.-' are earnestly requested to call and n.r: our stock, as we are always prepare: u :' satisfaction in goods and prices August U'5tetf D 11 Y GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES. and clot:::.v AT BEDCCED TEICES 1 ROBERT FLINN, Wilmore. Car.lria r-r-is closing out his entire stock of Ge? st duced prices. All the Goods arc nv. the latest and n-.ost f.ishional lc s; greater part of which have been U rj.t -.-late Spring sales, for cash, and will' be Li eut cheap. Any person in want of ar.v ..:' in this line will phase call, as I am Cc.-.-ed to sell the entire stock off to ?.st ' : for Fall Goods. aug.25. $.tLCKY ! s ii)i)Li i: : rVhc subscriber respectfully inli ne 2 JL citizens of Ebeiu-burg and fur-vj rounding country that he has r.nen.-, iet- a Saddler's shop, in the basement of c his dwelling house, on Horner street. he is prepared to furnish to order, und most reasonable terms, every dec'rPt'vE c: SADDLES, ' BRIDLES. HARNESS. t - &c..J: Having many rears' experience in the i-? ness, employing none but the hestwirir men and using the best material upon work, he hopes to merit and receive a h----share of the public patronage. Country produce at all times taker, in change for work, and the highest marke:: ces allowed. JAMES MAG L'll'-i Ebensburg, August 25, 185o:tf A'ew Tailorinsr i:f ;ilIiliin nt rphe undersigned respectfullv iuf 'rt- -L the citizens of Ebensburg and vie:;.' that he lias opened a Tailorinestaldis!:- next door to Dr. Dunn's Drug Store, vvl.tr . is prepared to manufacture "garments i latest style and most complete workman He hopes by strict attention to tusi:u ' merit and receive a share of patronace. THOMAS DEVINS Ebensburg, Sept. 1, lS5y:Iy. IJOIVI.IXQ SAI.OOV. gO.METHING new ix EBENSBIT; The undersigned having opened a IV'. '' Saloon, connected with hfs Restaurant, in '-' basement of Myers' new Hall, respectful'? re quests all who wish good exercise to give I a call. ALE and LAGER DEER, c- '"' most approved manufacture, constant'? '' lllnd- THOMAS M'lUUhN Ebensburg, August 25, lS59:tf JOI1 WOKIi! JOll HOKU! TTaving, in connection with the A ghanian, a large and superior lot Job-Type, we are prepared to execute ' neatness and dispatch, every variety of Work, including Hand Bills, Cards Vc" and Blanks of every description, on notice and on the most reasonable tencJ' Persons desiring tot thins im this Hit. will irtll t cU.