Tlx o illlo sIxjexxilJLcvieb. . I HI" US DA V::::::::: :NOVEMBEU 24. LOCAL AND PERSONAL A Xor.T.E Act. The Johnstown R:ho, ,.f last week, jrive its readers the follow i;:' view of one of the many liriedit sj,ts ;M t!u lile anil character of Isaac Wike, otAVilniere. "We do not know when we have read anything with greater pleas ure: oiuc years ago, in the palmy days of the Allegheny Portatre Kail read, we Pt on the freight train ut Wilmore to r:lo to the head of lime No. 1. On the w.-iv 1 ivri, a short distance below the 'll.-ilf Way House," r.ow Summorhill, a small child was seen sitting directly on the rail of the track on 'which we were running. Wc saw the child, and the sight c:'.usol the Mood to tingle in our veins. In a:i instant the engineer wihistlcl down Irakis and reversed the engine, hut the headway of the heavy train could not he sudJeiily checked, r.nd we were rushing last toward the unconscious child. "While we felt that the death of the child was in evitable, the fireman cautiously descended, to the step 01 the engine, and strinrin' o.Trari wiih the fleetness of a deer. Nev er shall we forgot the suspense of those few moments. With what breathless, terrible il-nr and solicitude did we watch the' flight of the fireman. He gained sufficiently on the engine to reach the child just as it was about to be crushed into a shapeless m-. The scene was thrilling indeed. The lives of both were in peril. As jiiiek as lightning he seized the child, nnd the moment he did so the bumper (for at that lime there were no cow catchers) struck his shoulder and sent him whirling, but s.i.n gaining his equilibrium, he stood proudly erect with the child safe in his stalwart arms. At that moment with what j'-y and admiration did we gaze upon the uunly JJrm of Isaac Wike, as he stoo l mlhng to his heart the child which he hid rescued from so horrible a death at the neril of his own life. The BitANcn Road. The Hoard of Iireotors of the Kbensburg and Cresson liail Uur-.d Company, at their stated meet ing held in October last, passed a resolu tion instructing the Engineer to continue the s-:rvey of the line from the ca.-t end of Kbi-n-.btirg to the centre of the town, Ly the shortest, most practicable, and cheapest route, and to make an estimate of the actual cost of the proposed a I di- t!l onion. In obedience to thi. resolu tion, the Engineer made a report to the Hoard on Monday last, and the Etirvcv Dud cs'.im.u being sati.-factory, the report was rax-..:. ted, and the western terminus fixed (it ilo; sou'h side of town, immediately wet of Centre street. The di-taneo Jrmn bi.- dutm-nd to the terminus is jut one 'e.u::h of a mile, and the line, by ibis ad-'-o.i. vr Ill be increased :dut two-third.-; "1 a jjide. V"e doubt not the change i:t the t, nniuus will be accept able to mot of "ur citizens, Vt'e understand several property-holders have kindly offered to relca i the company, and donate the ground Decenary for depot purposes. 1'i'FFiNo. The following interesting ''-one in au editor's sanctum will show the uilo rcnee between the way iu wLLIi a 'ill r likes to do puffing, and that in winch a pufleo likes to be puffed. The 'J ;..,., - .i r. xmiu-uw in cry jxiatciiai pemaps aid : (tUiylny i,iiron Now 1 want you just to put a a lit Lit- local notice of my new stock, will LJttor Of course, how- manv lines will von . - - - Lave. ? I'm. Ohl suit yourself. You know where tiy store is Joel what it is. Editor IJut our charges are fifteen cents a one, and if you will say how many you want, 'j.itf will be no diliiculty about it hereafter. What! doyou expect to charge lor it ? I ''.ou t want to ath'crfi"f, I only want a "pud'.'" ul1 don't charge for them, doyou? .(. ,r .Not if you will allow me to come to Vliir store and walk oft" with whatever I please t;ike without charge. Will you agree to tjat ? hxit patron in rage, with a great big flea hi ear. ORKS. These highly pop sdtr nnd everywhere-read Novels arc now Wnught down to a price which enables si.eiu to be purchased by the poor as well a the rich. T. D. l'eterson & Dros., oO(I Cltestnut St., I'hiladelphia, have been for ine time engaged in publishing them in "tnphlet form one number being issued each week. for the exceedingly low price f twenty-five cents per single number, or "v-- dollars for the twenty-eight volumes Uprising the series. The Hacks. 3Ie?srs. Blair. Pulmer & '-ek have withdrawn one line of their 1'atks from the Jefferson and Ebensburg lank. IIikkI. Under the present arrangc- n'siit, the liacks will leave here in the iu"rung at 7 o'clock, find return in the -ornoon ot ouo. ajast jutckwiieat Cake. Ro meo' of Chest Springs, sends us the fol lowing for publication. It is a vcrv fair parody on "the last rose cf Summer"" THE LAST BCCKWIIKAT CAKE. 'Tis the last buckwheat Hipper Left baking aloiic ; All the" res of the batter Is baked now and (roue. Xo cake of its kindred, Xo flipper is nigh, To MI u j, the griddle, Or save me a si -h I'll not leave thee, tliou lone one, To burn o'er the fire, Since a good buckwheat flipper Is what I dere. Thus kindly I butter Thee on my own plate, Since thy mates could not linger, So shalt thou be eat. Ami nmy I be present V lun more cuim about, Tor goo 1 buckwheat Hippcrs Should not be throwa oat; Tor when 1 am Iiuurv, Thou-h bread can he h.vl, Jnst hand ou your Hipper . You'll not make me mad. NlAV AnVEUTlSIIMJiXTS. Geo. Illllit- h'V, the go-ahead proprietor of the Excel sior Stove Depot, in this place, has just received, at his store, another extensive stock of almost every variety and pattern of stoves, which he flatters himself he can sell at l.,wcr rates than they can be purchased for in the county. Don't fail to examine his advertisement ; don't for get to give him a call ; and try d recol lect to buy a bill of him, when vou vi-K his establishment. lh J. 31 ills, who has lately opened out a Grocery Store in the western end of town, takes occasion this week to inform the public through our columns of the fact, as also to invite that portion of it which wants to secure bargains to give him a call. He has a choice collection od goods on hand. The Treasurer of the Board of Biree tors of the Ebensburg and Cresson Kail road calls upon the stockholders to jay up arrears, dtc. An Enr.N-snuit'r l'rtr.AcnriR Ar.roAT). The last Johnstown Trihunc contains the following notice of the Jtev. 1). Har bison, the very able and worthy Pastor o! the I're-byteriau Congregation in th:. phicc : "llev. 1). llarbh-on, of ibensburg. while r.' si- ting llov. Agnew in the servi ces incident to the celebration of the Lord's Supner, preached several sermon in the Presbyterian Church during the last week with much acceptance to the congregation. 3Ir. Harbison is a strong reasoiier, an d m earnest, Impressive speak er. Our Eboii-loirg fri-. nds are f n f ttimte in posse. ;ng the services of so able and useful a pastor." 3Iahp.ik:i. At the residence cf the bride'o fath-r, on T!nir.-day, the 3 7th inst.. I'l lO e Jlca C it it'ii do.N'iiS t ) 3! llAUItlKr YnJ l.LJAMS, botli id' Cambria township. Happy piinter! Accompanying the above notice, Ave received ;t large v.vl d? liciou? ponti l-cahn a remembrancer th::'; timid n!l their happiness, they din i forget the Printer. Long may they live, twid when they go to pas?; over the ''bourne from whence no traveler return?' may they not do so like il:2 ouarry ?Lvo when scourged to his dungeon, but hopeful and buoyant in anticipation of the good time coming. A PunbTO TK.i:riT. Many, doubt less, who have felt the want of a Literary and Periodical j'iepot in this place, will be rejoiced to learn that such an institution has been inaugurated, for the accommoda tion of the reading portion of our public, by that energetic individual, Mr. livun K. Ilvans. lie is always in receipt cf the different popular "Weeklies and Monthlies of the day, considerably in advance of in dividual subscriber;:. a strong inducement for those who get interested iu a ''contin ued story" to purchase of him. CniCKKT. "We are informed that the 'Olountain Cricket Club" will play a big craine this afternoon, "the wind and wcath er permitting." There arc a great many ways of giving thanks on Thanksgiving Day, and this will bo ono of them. "We wish our friends a good, time of it. OfR Pai-EK. This being Thanksgiv ing Pa3", we distribute our paper this morning a little earlier than usual. . The time we thu:s gain will afford a capital opportunity for our printers and dovil to go to church. Lyceum. The following question has been selected for discussion at the Lyceum on next Friday evening : JietolcA. That tho respective Governors of each State should Auuuuily appoint & day of Thik3fe'iviug. Another 3Iysxekious Dxsavi'kau ance. We learn from the John-town T. llnnc oi last week, that, on the oth of October last, Adam Kemerer, who held the office of constable in the nei-hborin-borough of Millville, left his home upon pretence of going to Blair county for the purpose of arresting a man for whom he said he had a warrant. On the same day, the wife of George Beam, of Voder town ship, left her home to vitk her mother, as she said, at Freeport, l'a. Since then, nothing has been heard of either of them, and ?uicie:it information La been ascer tained to warrant the u--pieion that they h-tvc gone oil tegctLer. Keercr was al,o collector of SUie w.-l County taxe.i for Millville borough, and W;H cuLilder ate t liough to taL'o away with Uiu about six huiidred dollars iu public funds. He left behind him a wife and three children, and his companion in iniquity left two chdd re a to the care of her descried husband. Come at Last. We hasten to lay be f've cur readers the important fact that our Turkey found his way to our sanctum on Saturday last, having been arrested and brought to us by our friend, John 1'. Jones, Esq., of the firm of Davis &, Jones. He (we mean the Turkey) was kept close ly conf u d until yesterday, when he was brought out of his coop, end court-mar-t.ahd. A very summary condemnation was had, and he sentenced to death ; aj,d our good Devil immediately executed the sentence by chopping the head off him. V e expect to hold a post-mortem exami uai.oii on the body to-d..y. The public are affectionately invited not to be pres ent. P. S. : Our friend Jones has the thanks of our entire establishment for briugin:r this Turkey to Justice. And now that ihe ifender is dead, we hope Jones will live forever. Ltvtvpk. We learn from the M.v.n- f(u,r,r. that U.J. Jones, Esq., author of the history of the Juniata Valley, and nceiit'y local editor of the Lancaster L.ilr, will deli vera lecture in this place, on Wednesday evening, the SOdi inst. Subject "Oar Country its Destiny." If 3Ir. Jone.s,' JjHity ;,s a lecturer may be estimated from his established reparation as a writer, he richly merits a good au dience, and we hope he will receive it. Admittance l!5 cents. ntKXAPi;. The eoitor of this paper acknowledges having received, on I'ridj' night of last wee!:, a mo. t delightful i.-er-enndo from tho Kbe!'bvrh Di-sj D-!.d. To th- and :.:!, with the and. Z :v, ,.. . , i1,.- ihetr tcac !.. one rcten.s 4;ihe gr.s band of the ill jLLen. .a.i e . ; cn Prblay, the V 'ii - - illAl.A ana r 1' : :Ai C! a;-:;, r. v 1J. ,"eL:rs. I:c Toy,-;. in-. John C. Crbe, th .e:il..- r.nivcd w: town on au:s:.av J;-i, and ivu::UB a week or so on rro- le. -:ion:.l !.:b:;!i J er-ons e.o. iri:g his. .- ,t 'ices , il find i-iui ui, ti.e oileo of Dr. Lew!-;. C-IJ.S. U. VII.LI.i:.H. JAMKS P. AXST. , V'liolesalo Pcah r. in NO. !!: MARKET STREET, PJflL A i) i: L PHI A. r'TrfJrc.'.t inducements offered to CASH and short time buyers. Au-r. 2. lf.1ft.-lv. 1"T Ol'KNKi' AN!) FOR HALE fj iii it. Jit a.n, .u. u., a gener al uss(rtment of fijnWst Of?, J'n'i)'.-:, Dy-Sf'iji', Poclvct Cu;ierv, R -tzors, iirushes, Combs. .Sta tionery, IMauk l.oohs. Feri'uni-.-ry, tSoaps, To':!ieo, H( :;:irs, H null's, and other articles usually kept in Drug Stores. R. fc. is La a, .M. U. Ebensbnrpr, An?. lf.i:.-ly. ISAAC Vi'IIiC, WiLMOEE, CAur.iu.v covnty, Fa. Tealer in all kinds of PROViSrOXS, AJ GROCERIES, C0NFECTIONARIE3, TOJJACCO, CIGARS, &c, kc. Autrupt 25. lBr)f:tf. T A1L110AL) HOUSE, Wilmore, Cam JLVt br'ui county, Fa. (Near Fenna. Railroad Station.) Jas. I). Hamilton-, Proprietor. An extensive Rowling suloou is connected with the House. The Taiile will be fur nished with the best the market affords, find the Rab supplied with the best oi liquors, in cludiug Ales and Lager from approved brew cries. Extensive and convenient S-rA.tii.UfO is attached to the premise?. . Vilsipro, AtjUdt 25, .IS5!rif. V. T. UODEKTa. ROBERTS, DEALLUS IS C 'L O CKS, TC d- JU WELRY. lT e would resi)eetfully inform the citi T zeus of Ki.enshurg, and evtrvbodv else, th:it we have- just received, at our new store room, oppo.ite K. y!Kiemaker i Sons' store, ut the sigu of tho 1W Wiudow, tht largest stock of CLOCKS I . x Cxi 1?. JEWELRY, &c, &e., &c, ever r'.' red for Bale in this town. VTe ere .et!'s-i:.iuel to, and '.', fell as cheap as can L: Loulit tlsew here, sin-1 hope by our effortj le iici'om.aoclate ami j leas?, not only to retain all our former patror.3, but to merit anJ se cure a larj'e iveeession to the sune. A- kinds of Clocks, WaCeh't g Jev- Ly flrti repaired ea the shortest notice, in the best manner, and warranted. August 2j, ltij'.etf A liCADE HOTEL, Eben.burg, I'a. ---- TLe subceribei-, liaii;: k-i.scd, re-fitted and urwr furuishea ihe ' Ilonse," is j.ivpare.l to uceomiafid.ita hij friends and th? pul.iie generally. T!ie House has tiiwnys been :. i'.ivciae for viiilors during the Sammtr sea.son. iijoi I will no p;.::ia in xuakiiis it ;.a agreeable home for ull sojourners. My Ta : v. ii! always be lururlously s implied from tiie markets of the country ami the cities. My IJak vill be tilled vi:h" llquora of choice lr:i:i.!s. lly Hxaulk is uttr-micd by careful hostb-rs, nml my thar-es will Le such a-- to suit all. Ki-peclinfr to u eeive a siu're of pat ronage, mid fully iuteaillng to deserve it, I hereby throw open civ house to the public. HENUY FOSTER. A -i rust 23, lfcofcti. T EVANS ro il L spoc! ItiVy- iii- jimre westot & ,. sy-Sfv' "i. Hotel, a larpe nnd splendid assortment of FURNITITIE, which he will sell very cheap. COFFINS made to order on the shortest notico and at reasona ble prices. Ebensburg, Oct. 0. ISoO.-tf OYSTERS! AT A. ISL,.4i.'S E would respectfully inforrn the citi7rns fi of Ebenshnrtr and vicinity that bo lei? opened au Oyster Suloon, on llih street three doors East of "Arcade" Hotel, and ii prepar ed to accommodate Ihe public in a superior i.iai.iier. He has made arraugetuenti to get his oysters direct from the Eastern markets. :i!id v, ill supply families by the can or dozen at the cheapest rate. ftCive him a call. lie still continues to practice the Tonsorial art at his shop in the room adjoiuicg the S-loon. lept. 8, lJ.-tf. (3o9. Dii. C. F;!GnR!S, 1S59. FASmOXALLE HATS $ CArS, Gtroot, Ol'l-ucixr. UlJi MANSION UOUSE, " :Z3 l3 -w-taJ w tX 'k-? rJv,iQ s"tibseiiber has just received from .... tl 0 E- t H.e Lietet lot of LA-tf, '--:' ."'-'li'i-.-.' t'i-'-t we.-e ever brought c.i 4 .E'.t b ' on r.funz of all kin. Is ot' tiL lOi t LACi . ROOTS, with nnd without he. !1 priees; ('I'M &AN- Lt ALs . C t. i K ESS M ( litOC t o l.OdTS, CON GRES:j KID LOOTS, and evc-y x :.riv'y ot" Misses' ii Children' SEOE.J, LLTTua SHOES, LACE SHOES, end (i a i t c r k . A i -i a very l.T-e snrolv of lien's and i-- ' HATS ard CARS; ifeavy nnd fine Calf O O T S of pU descriptions, Heady-made Si llin s. Cotton HOSE, Woolen Soeks, STA TION ART, GLOVES, NOTIONS, &c, kept 'on.siantly on baud, cheaper than eaa be )onht elsewhere. Call and see. Tekms Cash. C. R. JON'ES. Ebensburg, Sept. 15, t'OR ItE-iT. r?:ir s:;bcribor will leas for a term of Years '-THE FENSACOLA MILL PROPERTY," with l.eoo p.ercs of bind adjoining, heavily timbered 30 aeres surronndinp tlie mill nre eiearid. and nnd; r a high sbite of cultivat ion. Also, Riafks,;ths' shops, Trucks, Ac The Mill lias one of Page's Circular Saws in it. as well ns an uprijrht saw, and three small circu lars for lath. &c, and is capable of making lO.OMO FKKT OF J.liAliiF.R l'Kll DAY. Tlie above described valuable property will bo leased on favorable terms. Possession jjjiv en at any time. Address LLOYD k HILL. HollidaysbuVg, Or Wm. H. Gardner, Emw.., Wilmore, Pa. September 1, lfj.lictf. Vi. IL LLC YD a CO. .0"T"3, Alloosiu, Fa. B RAFTS on tho Principal Cities, and Fil ver and ('old for sale. Clieclioiis maile. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, v. itliout interest, or upoii time, with interest at fair rates. fnov3, 'oOtf. ERNEST U. RHEY, with w hnlcsale I'ealerin French and Antcr- rioau V.ILLOVVARE, OIL CLOTHS. ilatts, Ropes, Tie Yam, Looking Glasses, Brushes. Also, all kinds of Voodex nnd Ckdau Wake. No. 35 North Third st., PHILADELPHIA. August 25, 1850:tf JAMES DOUGHERTY, with J. S. SOIlVEIi, aThole?ale Dealer in VV TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. 8 N. Fifth street, above Market, PlIILADELPHIA. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of Foreign wid Dosieetic CIGA-Ii, eojj.ltC JACOB tJTAHL. 1'irui.- t h e ck!ze.'s of - - ' ' i Ebejivlmr,:, nud Cam- CTlljr'--:- ''. ' f ly, that ho h,s on V h.n.i and for salo, ft T ..;r his AVure-room. one T-'- - i-' ,-. , . 1 tml)u aiMMM , nTnMa C3 DEALER IS V7"oaM ffsnc-ftrallv rail tbp ntt.ntw r.t W it, r . ;-. i- ' -" "' looneoi uie greatest improvements P( . ,'T T Cooking stoves-tne burnitig of the On, and .oU ari,i. from tho 2.1 :i much qtiK-ker and hotter oven from tho same fire 'lrT,MP I'!?:i,-"a-:'0" toji plates, as thev are all made- double u'1T;V'T:l"!iCi " t!UT ,!,' Aae hal"t'" and dirt f.nmd i other itove?. Y r -rwr,', A 1iTf.rr""rtment of ARIWAUE. CHAIN" ITMi5. HoOI' 1ROX, tGoLS, J::u? 4,lZC' H"d 1,OCKET CL'TLEItY, EDGE TOOLS, HAUVEbTlNcl btt5lne ln T???3 X1 kr,lTS n 1,an'! a 1:;r- ""tment of Tin, Copper and Nov. 24, lti03:tf miGWf &m rgillE SUBSCRIBER UECS LEAVE To INFORM THE 1'LbLlC (JENERVLLY Til VT HE 1 uiu opened out at HIS NJZW STORE 110031, Of! HIGH STREET, OliE SQUAHE EST GF THE DiSf.iQRD, EEEHSBUEG, PA. ITATS AND CAFS, yi'EENSW'ARE, CROCKERVV.'ARE, ROOTH AND SHOES, CLOTH INC, STATIONERY. To which he respectfully invites their attention, and which he will sell at tho c. i 1 ' i - OA X or mosi xinus or Country produce. Ebensburg, Oct. 27, lS"0.-tf. nouEiiT PAvrs, jcii:v v. couks Variety TKALKItS IX FOREI. AID DOMESTIC K EEP constantlr ou hand a lar-e and su perior tl'jci ot D 11 Y GOODS, of every description, such as' CLOTHS, CASSI ilERES. sati:;ets, tveeds. o t..J.-i o, li KCt A A.MI PLEACHED MUSLINS. nnuss g o oi) s v . t F A N C Y GOO 1 ) S A N D N O T I O N S , A large assortment of ROOTS and SHOES, which have just been received from Rostoa. STRAW, PUR and WOOL HATS, JSTATIOXAK Y of every deserii-tion, W A L L P A P J; 11 of every style. UAlWWAHi:, QULLSWAliT, :. 1 TIIEX17ARE, A full supplv of GROCERIES, SUCH AS SUGARS, MOLASSES. SYRUPS COFFEE, TEAS AND RICE. A FELL STOCK OF SPICES, FLOUR, BACON, FISH, TOBACCO, CIG A11S ot SNUFF, BAR IKON, NAILS, AND GLASS Always on hanks. Drugs, 1-aInls itnil CSIIs, and a full ossortment of other articles usually kept in country store. All kinds of Country Produce, such as Butter Eggs, Raeon, Grain, Wool, Po tatoes, Beans, Rags, &c, tc, taken in exchange for Goods, and tho Cash rver refused. fTT" CHERRY, POPLAR and PINE LUM PER bought and sold. DAVIS &, JONES. Ebenfbur?, A 11 jr. 2"), ISTtO.-tf. B ) O OTS AND S II 0 E S ! All persons who may desire anything in the way of Ro!t3 or Shoes, can hava tht-ni r.-.ade to order on the shortest notice, i:i the most fashionable manner, ?nd upon the most reas onable terms, by calling upon the subsoribar. He empi'ys noro but the very liest workmen, has many years' experience himself in the business, and at all times uses the best mate rial upon hij work. Assured that he can give full satisfaction to customers, he respectfully sulk its a liberal patronage. Short on High street, ut the west end of Eb ensburg. THOMAS B. JAMES. August 25. 18rD:tf rMA31BRIA HOUSE, Main Strf.f.t, VV Johnstown, Jo.-p3 KiiocinaUer, Landlord. This establishment has recently been thoroughly renovated, and is now well fitted up for the comfortable accommodation of boarders or transient patrons. The Table will be supplied with the best the market af fords, while at the Bar will always be found as good Liquors 3 can be obtained anywhere. Tlie new Landlord, in again opening the 'Cambria House" to the public, promises to spare no pains to make it a first rate hotel. r?55rIoird, Three Dollars per week, or One Dollar per day.iSs A Hack will be in waiting at the railroad station on the arrival of the trains to convey passengers, free of charge, to the house. HORSES AND BUGGIES AT LIVERY. Johnstown Aug. 2o, 1650.-Iy. ii r-.-fvcL-t f kii i i ALL KINDS OF ... . r .t . . ' GE0 IITJXTLE Y. GROCERIES AND HARDWARE, FLOt'R AND RACON, FROVlSlONri, &,c, kc. ' ' A. A. BARKER. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! fou EVERYBODY I DJ. EVANS k SON would respectfully 0 inform the citizens of Ebensburg, and mankind generally, that they have just re ceived, at the old stand of D. J. Evans, two duors east of E. Shoemaker & Sous' store, tho largest and best assortment of JiJJA D Y-MA D E CL 0 TIIIXG ever brought to this place. Also, a large lot of Ery eioofiS. such as Satin's, Velvets, Cloths, Cassimcres, Dot-skins, Suttinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Tickings, Flannels, Brown k Bleached Muslins, DRESS GOODS, of every style, Notions, &c. V'c have also on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS. STATIONARY, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, TRUNKS, CARPET-SACKS, iic., &.c, Sze.t Together with such other articles as are usu ally kept in a country store, all of which they will dispose cheaper than tlie cheapest, for CASH 01 COUNTRY PRODUCE. E!.eiisl.urg, Ovtohcr 20, lfe:":tf mi 840,00 Fays the Tuition for a full course in the Iron City College, the largest, most extensively patronized and best organized Commercial School in the United States. FOUR LARGE HALLS, For Writing, Commercial Calculations, Book jloeping and Lectures. Usual time to complete a full course, from G to 10 weeks. Every student upon graduating, is guaranteed to be competent to manage tho books of any business, and qualified to earn a salary of i'rom 500 to $1,000. Students enter at any time No vacation Revitw at pleasure. FIRST TKEMIfMS FOTi BEST WKITIXO Awarded this Institution. Thebest and great est variety of Penmanship iu any one Hall of th'j Union, is found here. Jt.'Sf' Ministers' Sons received at half price. For full information, Circular, Specimen of Business and Ornamental Writing and Em bellished View of the College, inclose five let ter stamps to F, W. JENKINS, Sept. 2U-ly. Pittsburgh, Ta. IJOOTS AXO SHOES. Tlie undersigned continues the manu facture of BOOTS and SHOES of-st- every description' at his establishment. 'l in Ebensburg, immediately opposite the Post Oilice. Employing none but the best workmen, he trusts that he has been and f till is at all times able to give entire satisfaction to his customers. He hopes that tho samo liberal patronage hetetofore given him may bo continued, and that more may be added. He has also on .hand a large assortment of French Ctilf-skuis, and Morocco of all kinds, suitable for fine Roots and Shoes. Ready-made BOOTS and SHOES always on hand, uud prices moderate. MESH AC TH01IAS. Ebciiabnrg, Anju3t 23, I853:tf. WWW PCiiq I f gJ f 5 i I- V i