.. I- DEflCORxiT & STAR- yr. IT. JACOBYf E. IgEUSR ' ipifdKsr BL003SSCRS, WEDNESDAY, JCSE 27 1866- nretialy antbor.zed to Solicit and receive ulip -Moris and advertising for the Vemocrat fcUr, pub-li-bed M Bton-nsbBrgv Colutnbin couty. Pay.-...-- HON- HIESTEK CLYMER, , ." OF EEBK3 COUNTY. CLYMER AND THE CONSTITUTION . !' ., .. - gfa-ddktockaticmas3 convention op the ' Eastern and Central Counties 05 Pennsylvania. A Grand Mass Convention of th frienda of Johnson, Clymer andth Constitution, will be held '.; . , .' . '.' . u AT BEADING, PA, ON"WEbNESDAY3 THE 18th DAY i . OF JULY, 18C6. ' AH who are in favor of the immediate restoration of the Union in its original purity. All who believe that the Constitution of the United States ia the Supreme Law of tha Land.: J ; - : ; ; ' All men everywhere who are opposed to . oommittine the destinies of 30 MILLIONS OF WHITE MEN TO 800,000 NEGRO VOTERS, all who are opposed to NEGRO LEG! SLA TORS, ' NEGR O JUDGES AND NEGRO JURORS IN PENN S YL VANIAX and especially those BRAVE MEN who perilled Life antf Limb to defend and uphold the Government of their Fath ers, and not to create a new nation in which the NEGRO is to be our social and political eqal, are invited to aitentV The Crisis of our Country' b Destiny is upon us. The patriotic Andrew Johnson tells you that the traitors Thaddeus' Stevens and Charles Sumnerf are trying to destoy our eystem of Government, the Government that Washington "and Jefferson gave us, the best Government .the worjd ever saw, and to establish jn its place a Consolidated Despol .WTOjjContr oiled by NewEngland fanaticism. "Consolidation is as dangerous as Seces sion. r Andrew Johnson, i' . , The post, distinguished Democratic and Conservative Statesmen of the country ; will be present and address the Convention. . fiPrThe President and the Union 3Iem bers of; the Cabinet have been invited. 'Excursion tickets will be issued on all the Railroads: , , ' " ''"' By order of the Democratic State Central Committee.' ' : ' . - I-., ; ' X D. DAVT&, Chairman , J; Derm Standing Committee of Berks co. : . WM.'. ROSENTHALL, Pres't. V ; ; . - "r ' -' . Dem. City Club of Reading. Our Position. In'respect to the aid or assistance of ,a newspaper, in making nominations within its own party, . we think it should remain en tirely silent' In" this county where a nomi nation is equivalent to an election,' we know that the battle must be fought previous to the nominating Convention,- and knowing that our candidates are all worthy and en tirely capable of filling the positions for which they arc announced, the matter, with us, shall be left where it rightfully belongs, exclusively with the people of the county, relying on the honesty and abilities of our candidates to promote the public interests as servants of the people Feeling assured that the people will not suffer br want of competency, in any of the candidate?, 'we are determined not to interfere either for or against any one .who comes out for office, before the nominating convention meets. Notwithstanding the entreaties and demands we think our duty ' is to ; support our party principles and make Its organization as strong aa we can: To do this every candidate should have a clear field and fair play. To favor, swith a newspaper, the nomination of any particular candidate would be improper, Itesides, wrong to the other candidates and their friends. It would help to get up factions and- splits, which every Democrat should do his best to prevent. At this time, more than any other, we need union and har mony among the members of the Democrat id party. Let every candidate place himself squarely and fairly before the people; let justice be done, one to another, and let every one be fully determined to abide the result cheerfully. Those who shall be placed in nomination by the convention, will receive our willing and undivided support and the support of the Democratic party. Those who shall be defeated, as some of. them mu5t Be, have only ta abide the result aa the "fate f war-"""." - Diaunlonism Will Out. It appears that we disturbed the equili brium of Stokes & Co., of the Hadetoii Sentinel, wtich proposes to be of neither party, yet wholly devoted to the interests of the Disumorr Rumps.; The editor foams and threats terribly and calls us Hard names,such aa "rebel organ,"; Jeff. Davis' sheet," &c. for the simple reason 'that we denounce the treacherous," niggardly and unjust course of Andy Curthx ; and refuse to'praise and hold up the dity hands of the . thie ring officers, cat-laws "and robbers of the "Nigger B u reau," which nave) lately been' arrested "by orders from, the President "We believe that the people in the vicinity of llazleton, know what they arenbout and will not permit them relvcstohe charmed' and 'ensnared by the vile serpent of Disunion, lh.3 UazZeton Sen tinel, under the guise of neutrality, tit pleases us when wq find where the dis ease ia seated in- our patient, and we have cer tainly found tne tender ' spot in Stokes, and will continue from time to time to apply a remedy. And ia the first place we advice him not to stick the nigger out in' llazleton or he will lose a great portion of the patron for which- he labors. "We know nothing about hia financial aff airs, nor do we wish to, but from the tone cf hia paper we judge he . is not qtateprepared to hoist the 'black fiag.'l; Besides hejears Clymet!s election and aa he always desires to be on the sidaof thejparry in power, we te3 Lim that there i3 danger in his course. Indeed, Mr. Stokes, you'eanaot expf-ct us'to pay much attention to your case DECISION OF. THE SUPREME ' f - COURT', f j f. PENNSYLVANIA CITI2SN3 WoT DEPRIVED t)T. f THEIR POLITICAL RIGHTI BT ACT OJ CON- qRESS MARCH 3, 18 00. -j f Last week the Supreme "Court of Penn Fylvania, sitting at WilkeBbarre, decided, by a majority against the above mentioned act -of Congress, which act was intended to dis franchise deserters from the military service and non-reporting drafted men. As our opin- Jonof both the act of Congresa and of our State Legislature, has been heretofore ex pressed,, time, and. again, in our paper, we deem it only necessary to say at this time, that it is perfectly astounding, that two jus tices, upon the Supreme Bench, should re fuse for a moment, to condemn those acts as unconstitutional when they are in direct conflict with the Constitutions of both the State and Nation. That Governor Curtin, would lend hia aid and signature to such, leg islation we at times had serious doubts. How ever, with a little reflection of the past con duct of the man, the complete tool he has been for tyrant3 and mobs, it ia surprising that we could ever expect anything better of him than to find him engaged in doing the bidding of knaves and intolerant partizans. His chief acta of life consist in pardoning convicted criminals, because .they were Dis unionists, recommending partial and pre scriptive legislation, dog-killing and drunk enness. , : ,. Let the thanks of every citizen who ia a lover of law and liberty, be tendered to J us tices Woodward, Thompson and Strong." Let the curses and fingers of shame rest on the partizans Reed, and Agnew, who follow the lead of Stevens and Sumner, claiming that the late war abrogated Constitutions both State and Federal. , The leal talent of the country and the good sense of the peo ple is and ever will be in favor of Woodward, "Thompson andStrong,and against Reed and Agnew. ; Let us be thankful that we yet have some men, in high positions, who will defend Con stitutions, rights of citizens, law and liberty. x- -- i Sectional Political Parties. In these days of trials, of new ideas, of party advancement and of political reconstruc tion, it ia highly important that the Demo cratic party should in the future, as in the past, guard against anything looking towards sectionalism. Let it still be the aim and ob ject of the Democratic party to inculcate nationality of sentiment, and make its geog raphy and boundaries nothing less than the entire Republic. The foundations, the struc ture, and the principles upon which the Democratic party was built are as pure, as deep, aa broad and aa substantial as they were when our Democratic organization orig inated. ' . ! : Washington and Webster described the dangers and perils of fectionalisra which appeared in their time, and the present gen eration are realizing the serious and burden some consequences of a haughty, reckless, intolerant arid treasonable sectional party. As Democrat0, upholding the fundamental principles of freedom and constitutionalism upon which that organization originated, we believe the only thing required to place the Democratic party in power, now and perma nently, South aa well aa North, ia by stand ing firm to its nationality. And to do this we do not see that it is necessary toconstruct any new party or parties. Without the exact principles of the Democracy, true po litical unity with all sections will be impos sible. It cannot be successfully contradicted, that the Republican party i., and always has been a purely sectional party. Its measure3, its platforms, its war policy, its legislation and its entire action, all are, and have been, shaped and guided to this end. They arc determined that the white people of the South , shall have no chance even if the poor white people of the North arc degraded and burdened to effect their purposes. They, the Republican party, have decided that there shall be no Union party at the South unless they are black men, or, if white, they must beconfe equals to the ne gro. That this is the Radical programme we think nono dare deny, and that their practices and principles , are radically sec tional, we think no one will deny. Therefore, the Republican party is unworthy the sup port of the people of the nation and cannot exist permanently ; while there i3 nothing in the fundamental principles of the Demo- cratic party lo prevent it from its usual con trolling power in each and all the States of the Union, Southern equally with Northern. Let thb course be strictly pursued by our leaders, and all will yet be well. Will Geary: be WrrnDRAvrN ? There is considerable talk, just now, in political circle?, of a withdrawal of the present can didate of the Abolition Disunionists for Gov ernor We hope that there may be no se rious intention on the part of the Disunion managers to change their nomination, for Geary is the man, above all others, whom we can defeat with the greatest case. But thre is m mneh diusat??!iHinn 5n tlir ranta of our opponent", with the "life-long de- J i ' L 1 1 11 "1" in oc racy oi weary, wun nis miscraoje iuiii- a. J ri l? ; l . taxy ruuoru, wuuis equivocal po&iiion on the railroad question and with his endorse ment of the . extreme radicalism of Thad. fcteven?, that we apprehend they are serious ly considering the propriety of withdrawing him from the canvass. There are quite a number of leading ''Republican," papers that refuse to support him, and the rebellion m Bradford county, one of the 'Republican' strongholda, ia also getting to be a serious af fain so that for the sake of saving their par ty from utter rout,, they, may compel Geary to decline in favor of anew candidate. The Johnson "Republicans", in the State who will not vote for Geary under any circum stance?, are estimated at some C0,000. This fact, too, will be a strong inducement to the Disunion leaders to change their base. But we shall see what we shall see. Easton Sentinel-. . r " ' .'. . . .,. . ESU By the way, what has become of the Johnson organ' that 3Ir.' Tracy proposed to establish in -thia county f Stock must be down. LerayneiHe Union. : . ,We have one Johnson organ at Blooms burg, and that will probably be found expen sive enough for one congressional district un less the prospect making convert3 were more flattering. A few. plethoric pockets will soon beooma weary t-the tax, but if they have plenty of money to expend, we think they ought to have sagacity arid fore sight enough toexpend it upon some benev olent or prr iae-worthy object more likely to be successf it- such for Instance aa an organ l7.. effort to reverse the enrrent ofthe Startling Admissions from a Re H 4 publican: Editor, "n" ;. The New York Times, in commentig upon Mr. Raymond's late speech ia the National House, of' Representatives, ,and iq, which he acted aa dictator to the Disunion party, in regard to ita future principles and power, made the following honest acknowledgment : "For the jast fifteen years the'Repub.limrr and the Union parties have been compelled to content themselves with a sectional organ ization. The warf are concerning Slaveryliad driven them out of the Slave State ; They hadonly what strength their principles could give them in the. .North and W est, but their principles were strong enough in 1860 to give them the victory, and were, for the first time in our history, embodied in the ad ministration of the National Government That victory, involved the country in a war of sections, and until that war was closed, nothing but a sccticual contest could be car ried on." ' Just what the Democratic party for the last fifteen years have constantly contended, that the Republican party in zv.d has always been a sectional on- and that the late war was nothing but a swtional contest in which Democrats were lead to participate by a lie- ing, treacherous adrainistratio'n. . Now that this sectional organization has accomplished ita object of conquering the South, and signally failed in enforcing Ne gro Suffrage and Negro Equality on the peo ple of both sections, sceiug that their sec tionalism is about to be condemned by a bur dened and outraged people, that their whole scheme has been nothing but a school of deception upon a hugu scale, their lead era, like Mr. . llaymond, are pleading and praying that their e5Ctionalism must be laid aside that unless mwintcrcstsand new mo tives shall control their part' in the future they are doomed to everlasting infamy. Hence this startling and unexpected confes sion. A point whiclLihcy have persistently denied for the last fifteen years. - Mr. Raymond also tells his party Uiat "thia session of Congress Las been spent we may almost say wasted in fruitless partizan leg islation." "The efforts of the Republican party have been,' not to promote wise and just reforms, but to perpetuate the sectional ascendency which th'? war has given them." And to counteract thia unwise policy on the part of the Republican party, he argues strong for the holding of a National Union Convention at Baltimore or Philadelphia, in order to get the views of the party before they adopt the whole couutry fur their field of labor. We hope that something will be done to check the present unwise policy of the Republican ' party, and to effect this we think the best thing, and the only thing that will effectually put an end to their sectional schemes will be an overwhelming defeat at the polls this Fall. , Let this be the object of every good citizen who has hia country's wel fare at heart, let ourefforta be directed to this end and our wishes wf.ll be realized, and na tional and individual harmony and prosperi ty restored. Day Is Breaking, We are but ashing cf the people now what was DEMANDED of is the support of the Administration In it' efforts to restore the Union of these States. If it wa3 ever true, it is true NOW, that the man that is openly opposed to the Administration is secretly op posed to the government 1 The right arm of strength has been taken from the Disun ionists by this quarrel with the President The conservative vwss-s see that their only hope rests in the ascendencv of the Nation al Democratic party oi the Union. It is the only party organization that is not sectional, ana, therefore, the only one with which Na tional men can unite who desire to see this great people again united, prosperous and nappy. The Ixial ehiction.s that have been held since the President and Congress colli ed show that we will have the support, as we always have had the prayers, of conser vative men of all parties. : lateral patronage, frauds in the Ann) and thepoicer of bining rotes the three-fold source and procuring cause' of opposition successes heretofore ffill not avail this time. Deprived of these the Disunionists will be like a merchant without hia stock in trade like the play of hamlet with the part of Ham let omitted. ' Old Democrats are coining Ijaclc to tlie old parti. Those who w jnt over from honest motives now that the circumstances that contributed those motives have ceased to ex ist will naturally find their way back to the party that aima at tha object that induced them to sustain the Administration of Mr. Lincoln the restoration of the Union. Those who have been deceived will discover the deception and return. And we almost fear that those who went over for gain and the love of it will come back on the princi ples enunciated by the Divine Teacher, that wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together." The endorsement of our principles,. by the best men in the natioc, while it gives us new confidence that we ark right, is a tower of strength m making accessions to our ranks. Whether Cowan, Dixon, Norton, Dolittle, etal. of their school, shall act with ua in the future, is a question which thoy shall decide for themselves. We have their voluntary testimony to the soundness of our principles, the wisdom of our policy, the purity of our motives and the safety of our plan of restor ing the Union. They are the self-sacrificing Satriots of the! country who serve it from isinterested motives. . They strengthened ua in our good work, and shall be honored for it' . . ' Certainly never did Democrata enter a contest with such buoyant feelings as animate us in JS66. The justi of our cause the inward consciousness of that justice should be sufficient motive. But, super-added is THE CERTAINTY OF srccESS. For, as cer tainly as the sun in heaven lightens up the world ofi the second Tuesday of next Octo ber, will glorious old Democratic Pennsylva nia le redeemed ! Nino Castle (I'a.) Ga zette. More Recruits. Radical newspapers in varioua parts of the country are beginning tacet their .eyes opened with the misdoings of Congress, and those that are conducted by independent men are seeking to retrace their gtcpa and get back into the true Union nartv . Tim Klln urg Triljune, and the Yolksfi eund, all of wuicn are puunsned in bnyuer county, have recently abandoned their advocacy "of the Stevens despotism andmeout for the Presi dent . Mr. Greeley will wxn have to double his figures as to the number of Union jour nals that stand by the President and the Constitution. Philadelphia DaVg Netcs. St&- The Democrati j Convention of Bed ford County recommended as their choice for Congress Hon. A. H. Coftrotii of that county, and B. F.(Mej ers, Esq., was recom mended as the candidate of the convention for State Senator. Mr.- Conmoni ia the present member of Congress from that Dis What is Loyalty P The followingeloquent extract ia from the speech of. Hon.' Ed oar S Cowan, in the United States ; Senate, June 6th 1866, on the miscalled Jleconstruction - propositions which have since passed Congresa : Suppose you pass thia amendment to the Constitution, and suppose the Southern States, either for the purpose of getting themselves into line with you or for the puK pose of increasing their political power under it, should admit the negro to the franchise, will your children and your homes and your government be the more secure for that? What is the difficulty Under which you labor to-day.? Is it that the food upon which the demagogue fattens has grown scarce and he has grown thin? Or is it the reverse ? Is it not becuuse demagogism is rife everywhere ; and is not demagogism rife just in propor tion as you furnish it the material upon which to work? Degrade your franchise, put it down in the hands of men who have no intelligence, no virtue, and what is worst of all, no independence put it into the hands of men who have nothing to hope from it except in so fir as they can use it for corrupt purposes, and shall we be saf er then. 1 ask r Do you suppose that the people ot the States in which there are negroes will send you more intelligent, more learned, more virtuous, and more independent Sena tors and Representatives here if 3-ou make this chanee than they would without? - Mr. WILSON. They will send more loral men. "Mr. COWAN. "Loval." What is "loy al?" I ask Massachusetts what is "loval? What is the meaning of the word ? A fellow that votes with you I That is like the chap defining "orthodox" "orthodox is the way I believe ; heterodox is the way the other man believes." "Loyal" means an. Aboli tionist, I suppose. At least I find that everybody who does not happen to be an Abolitionist or tarred with that stick, is said to be disloyal. Loyalty, Mr. President, is a very simple word. Loyalty means obe dience to the laws. It means legality. . -grdis means law as well as lex meant it. When a man alleges his loyalty to me, let me see his reverence for the Cons itution and the laws. Show me a man who disregards either ; show me a man who does not believe in the Constitution which brought this coun try to such a pitch of prosperity for sevent five years and made us so great and so happy a people ; show me a man that lays sacrilegi ous hands upon that instrument, especially when I know that half the tim6 he does not understand it and that he never read a com mentary upon it in his life ; show me that man, and I show you one who is not loyal. Shownie a man who f r temporary advan tage, either for himself or his paaty, woidd set a foot upon one of his country's laws and he is not loyal. It is time we were beginning to understand the meaning of words in this country. It is time, now that the war is over, when pas sion has subsided and when reason ought to come back and resume her throne, that we ourselves should be reasonable. Let us look at this in the light of the past ; let us look at it calmly and coolly as we survey it in by gone thousands of years, not as it looks to the eye blood-shot with passion, red with rage that is hardly dying out Let the lower stock indulge in passion if it isto be indulged in; but here in this the highest forum of the nation; here whercj if anywhere, there should be justice and fairncs?, and the broad view over the whole country which takes it all in and which consider? all the people as the people, virtuous, intelligent, indepen dent enough to govern the country ; let 113 here be reasonable, and especially let us know the meaning of our words. I '' m m We give below our opinion of the position which the Democrata should occupy, while the third political pa'rty is in process of for mation. It corroborates the doctrine which we have over and over proclaimed to our Co lumbia County Democrats who are being at this time specially invited and urged to join the new Union Consolidation Party. If this warning is heeded and the principles adhered to wo can lose nothing and may gain much. TnREE Parties is Kentttky. There are now three parties in Kentucky, each hav ing a candidate for Clerk of Appeals in the field. These parties are the Democratic Par ty, the National Union Consflidation,and the Radical Abolition Parti. These parties arc pretty plain indication as to what things are coming to. Three parties now exist in fact in all of the States of the Union, but they have not yet taken shape in some of them. But three distinct elements exist and it will only be necessary for them to get together and assume form, to have three Parties as distinctly jn every Ski to as they now actually exist in Kentucky. Where, as yet only two parties exist in form, the efforts are strong to transfer the Democratic Party over into the National Union Consolidation Party. Democrata must as a matter of course be cautious or else they may be led and trans ferred over into this new Party before they are aware of the direction in which things arc drifting. -They must adhere to the infal lible guide of principle. Democrats must not follow men, but principles. Men will de ceive, beguile and pass away, but principles, never. The Democracy of Kentucky will achieve the first great victory of 18"6, in August, and the same condition of thines will secure the Democratic Candidate for President in 1SC8. Norrsitotcn Register. Report of the School Directors of Bloom School District. The following is a correct statement of the receipts and expenditures for the year end ing June, 18C6; Tax rate, 5 mills on the dollar valuation. receipts. Gross am't of Tax Duplicate.... $2567.59 Less exonerations. $80.00 " Collector's commission. ..124.33 204.38 2363.21 Rec'd from Col. , bal. for '64 & '65.. 1 3. 1 8 " " J. Moyer, late Treas r... 05.34 " for rent of school houses. 7.00 2478.73 ....861.48 .... 45.00 906.48 To bal. due Treas' r To orders outstanding..... $3385.21 expenditures. Paid for 1 1 teachers at an average salary of $43.63 7-12 per mouth for 5 months $2400.00 ror fuel and contingencies 235.34 " new floors, desks, painting, Sec. in rooms No. 2 & 3. Academy & fence ami outbuildinsrs, at the Academy lot 650. 77 For Treasurer's commission..'., 49.07 " Secretary service? 25.00 By bal. yet due from Collector. 25. U3 $3385.21 Attest, . E. B. BIDLEMAM, President. J. K. EDGAR, Secretary. ' TnE President Sustained in Nebras ka. The late election in Nebraska territory is a complete victory for the friends of Pres- ceivedr but : there is enough to show that Morton I Democrat, ia plcfd Dflcn-atA tr Congress, and that the Legislature-is about equal- v nen it is remembered that this has neer? an aoomion 1 emtory, ana that the last Delegate waa elected over .Miller (Demo crat. two-years ago, bv about 1000 majon - T suCL-. Clymer and Geary at the Allen- town Fair . j During the past week our town was hon ored witii two of Pennsylvania most dis tinguished j as well as mOstproniinentcitizens, from .the fact of their being the standard bearers of the two great parties in the present gubernatorial campaign lion. Hiester Cly mer and Gen-. John W. Geary. They were here by invitation to visit the Columbia fair. ; ' The first to come was the Democratic nom inee, Hon. Ilie'ster Clymer. on Tuesday, lie was received at the depot by a committee of the fire company and a delegation of prom inent citizens, and brought to the "Allen House," where, timing the afternoon, he was called on by large numbers of citizens to exchange salutations and spend a moment in friendly intercourse. At about 2 o'clock Mr. Clymer was escorted to the fair build ing, where ho was introduced to the large crowd by the lion. John D. Stiles, and wel comed with great applause. Mr. Clymer thanked the assemblage for his kind recep tion, and embraced tho occasion to make a few eloquent remarks complimentary to fire menthose who ever hold themselves in readiness to save and protect the lives and property of our citizens generally, and spoke in terms of high commendation of the en terprise exhibited before him b the "Co lumbia" boys for the purpose of raising the wherewithal to secure more efficient appa ratus to do battle with the "devouring ele ment" He also spoke in high terms of the beautiful goods and wares exhibited be fore him, and encouraged our people to pa tronize the enterprise with an unsparing hand. He disdained from allusion to poli tics, saying that it was proper that such things should at times be lain aside. His re marks were well received. After an inspec- irT t T Vi n i -rir-liu rn rv Ti iKitmn n rw 1 1i 1 a I donating $20 to the compan', and deposit ing a vote for each of the two' contestants fur the reception chair Democrat and Re publican he retired to his hotel, accom-1 panied by several of his friends, leaving with the crowd a most favorable impression, all uniting in saying that they found in him a high-toned, honorable and fine looking gen tleman. In the evening Mr. Clymer was made the recipient of a serenade at the residence of the Hon. John D. Stile. After the band had discoursed feveral fine pieces of music, loud cries for "Clymer" were raised by the large concourse of citizens who paid him honors. In reply the Honorable gentleman thanked his hearers for the honor conferred upon him, and delivered a beautiful little speech, in which he referred to our beauty and growth as a town, the industry and en terprise ot its citizens, the agricultural and mineral wealth of our county, etc. He said that probably many had come to sec him with-the expectation of hearing a political speech, but that his mission was of a differ ent nature, and that he did not feci disposed to turn his visit to any other than its origi nal purpose or object He, however, froni iscd to gratify them during the present can vass. After music by the band tho crowd dispersed, highly pleased with Mr. Clymer's remark The distinguished visitor was subsequently again escorted to the fair build ing, and being called upon, delivered another brief address in commendation of the fire company, the project in which it wa en gaged, and of the ladies who had so kindly : l.: at fn soon retired, and left the same evening for his home in Reading. Mr. Clymer was followed on I hursday by that "life-long Democrat," John W. Gear-, the present Dead Duck candidate for Gov ernor on the Negro-Equality ticket of Penn sylvania. The Union Leaguers were disposed to make a great fuss with this parcel of Dem ocratic vomit a great deal more than the occasion warranted or good sense should have dictated. The would-lxi Governor had been civen quarters at the Eagle Hotel. His friends posted him as to Clymer's donation to the company, but, being short of funds, the hero of Harper s rcrry coming "to time m a similar manner out of his own resource?. He came "unprepared," as he said, not thinking of such thimrs as donations. He was short, yet he felt like acting 'big," say ing he would give $100 if he just had it. His friends felt mortified at this unfavorable condition of tlmr candidate's pockets, and raised 5-50 on the mutual admiration plan. All being in readiness in the afternoon, the great representative man of fanatics, hypo crites and robbers was escorted to the fair and duly introduced to the crowd dienitv all the while setting perched upon his intel ligent countenance, like thejradflyon the cocked hat of Sir Diedrich Knickerbocker. He endeavored "to m:kc a speech, showing his tusk?, smoothed his wrinkled brow, un doubted hisSsts and said "Let the treasurer come forward. I donate seventy dollars." Counting out his greasy jreenba ks he found he had been given but Jity dollars, a most perplexing dilemma ; so ai'ter fumbling about his pockets for about five minute?, and find ing no more "stamps," said he would give his check for the balance, but up to this time said check has not come forward. After "speaking his piece" he was lion ized about the place for a short time and then taken out to recuperate with a little whiskey and ice. Before leaving the place, however, a little incident occurred, which we cannot refrain from telling, because it shows how Geary is bound down with Ugotry and party bias in comparison with Clymer. The latter magnanimously cast a vote for each of the contestants for the Reception Chair, whilst, the former cast three solely for the Republican candidate. The best of it is, however, the Democratic candidate did not need Geary's vote,' for his majority is within a few as large as McIIose's whole vote. Geary's visit to Allcntown, upon the whole, was stale, fiat and unprofitable, and the October election will show that he made "dead ducks" of his entire partj. The De mocracy is gathering up its irresistible strength, and preparing to win a good old fashioned victory in October, and the Wool worshippers may as well submit to their fate quietly, for they are doomed to defeat. lf lentMcn Democrat. Up to the Puritan Mark. The Chief of Police of Marblehead, Massachusetts, docs not mean to conceal his candle in a dark lantern, or allow the odor of Puritanism to die out He has. given notice to the people of that place that he and his police mean to be about on Sunday. He says : "The individual attention of the whole police force will be specially directed toward the enforcement of the Sunday-law, the dog law, andfrthe by-laws of the town. Standing on the sidewalks or curbstones, or sitting up on doorsteps or entrances to any dwelling- houses, store, building or inclosure, on the Sabbath day or evening, or at any other time contrary to the interest and meaning of the statute, will be punished to the utmost rigor of the law." The Puritans endeavor to make Sunday as sour as possible, and give to religion as hard an aspect as they can. European War. There is every indica tion of a fierce and general European War without much further delay. A peace con ference which waa lately held among the du fercnt powers could come to no agreement. and now they will contend by force of arms for that which they could not settle by peace ful means. The Constitutional Amendment Ls to be sent to the States for their ratification or re jection without delay. It remains to be seen JLt-e; ai4rjLct3.f. sysllJRdppt SPECIAL, NOTICES. ALL MAY MARRY HAPPILY. , RRESPF.C-TI VE of wealth, are or beauty ; an4 Hie I love of the eppo.itn aez ican be gained by follow. ifif ciniple rules. Send a directed envelope to MADAME MARY PERRY, -June 13, "GO. 3m- Sutton I), liiblo House. N. Y. LOVELY GIRLS and FESTIVE BOYS. SEND an adrlreined envelope and 95 cent and I will send jtt some valuable information that will please you. Addreaa Mil JANB BKYAV June 13, -60 -3in, Station A. 129 Spring ,N.Y. THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH. TUB Glory of Man ia Strength. A Gci.tl:man who Buffered for yearn from Nervoua and Genital Debility. Nightly Kmimions, and Seminal Wcitkneaa. the result of youthful indiscretion, and came near ending hi day a in hope leas niiaery.wi il. for ibe ake of suffering man, send to any one afflicted, the sim ple means uned by bim. winch effected acureina n few weeks, after the failure of numerous medi cines. Send a directed envelope, and it will rortyou nothing Address JOHN B. OUDEN. June 13, '(.6, 3m. No. 13 Chambers si N. V. THE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif ferent styles, adapted to sucred and secular ruu?ic,for $30 to $'.00 each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premium", awarded them. Illustrated Ca alogues free, Addre s, MASON &. HAMLIN, Bostow, or M4S0N BROTHERS, Nw York. Jan. 6, 1866. Sep. 9. 'C5. Iy. S.M.P. TO DRUNKARDS. A reformed inebriate would be happy to comma ni cate (free r.f charge) to as many of hi fellow-beings s w ill address bim. very important and useful in formation, and place in tbeir bands a sure cure for the love of Strong Drink of any kind. This infor mation is freely ofTcred by one who has narrowly es caped a drunkard 's grave. Address, ISESH B. HENDERSON. No. 9 Broad Street, New York. March 2S, 13C6. 3m. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A geni'eman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Prematura Dacay.and all the effects of youth (ill indiscretion, will, for the snke of miff-ring hu manity, send free to all who need it, the recipe ard directions for making the simple remedy by which l.e was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver. tisn's experience, can do so by addressing No. 13 Chambers it, New-York, Feb. 28 I860. Iy! S.M.r. STRANGE BUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advan tage by return mail (free of charge.) by addressing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugg ed will oblige by nut noticing this card. All ethers will please address their obedient servant, THOS.F CHAPMAN. 631 Broadway, New York. Ftb. 29, 1RC0 ly.S M P DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, . And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS, M. D. . Oculist and Aurist (formerly of Ley den, Holland.) No. 519 PINE Stuet. PHILAD'A Teetlmnnials, from the nioM reliable sources in the City and Couutry can be seen at bis office. The med ical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as lie has no secrets in his practice ARTIFICIAL EYES, inserted without pain. Nu charge lor exam ination. 'April 25. l8GG.ly. LOVE AND MATRIM ON Y. Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to marry, ad dress the unricrsiziieri, who will send you. without ino..ev and without price, valuable inlormatinn that will enable you to marry happily, irrespei tive of age, wealth or beauty. This information will cost nothing and if you wi-h to marry. I will cheerfu'lv assit you. All letters strictly confidential. Th i de sired information seal by return mail, and no reward asked. Address SAK MI B. LAMBERT. Crecnp titit, Kings Co., New York. Jnns C, ieC6 3 n, AN EXTENSIVE SALE SD DISTRIBUTION cr Fianos, Melodians. Gold and Silver Ware, is now coine on at the salesroom of REED& BKO.. 34 Liberty Street. N. Y. Theje gonrts are Sold at WO DULLARD EACH. Regardless of Value. Send TWENTY-FIVE Cent for one numbered Notice, or ONE UULLAK for SIX. The number ol eacn ;o- tirt? enr re soon .Is with Uiii number on ?iiie art cle of goods, which will be rin on recei pt of $J The money will be refunded if the good ilo not give sat islaction. Agents make T W KN I Y-FI V B DOLLARS PER W ELK. Stud for a Circular. Office: P.O. BOX. 31V. 34 I.ibety St. NLV7 YORK. May 9, IcCO: 3m. TO Con-rMiTT;vEs The adveitlurr having been restored to health in a lew weeks by a very sim ple remedy, after having suffered several years, with a severe lung affection, anJ that dread disease. Con-sumpli'iu-is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means "f cure To all who desire it.hj wi'l send a copy of the pre scription used.ffreeol Charge. with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a suae ccaa for Consumption. Akthmy, Bronchitis.Colds Coughs ttc. The onlj object of the advertiser l:i sending the prescription is to benefit the afRictcJ.and pre id information which heennceives to be invaluable nd he hopes every suff. rer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a les ing. Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON, Williamsbnrg Kings County Feb. 29, 1SC6. ly. S.W. p. New-York. fPhe Grovesteen FianD Forte I still retains its prerodence and great popularity, and after undercning gradual improvements for a pe- rioa pi tniriy years. is now prono in :en oy me mum- m world to he unsurpassed aril even unequalled in rich ness, volume and purity of tone. durability and cheap- n.ir r.mtAi anle. I rp ti r h . rt i nn ham nndnl iron 'CSO- ..." rv." . r . ...... rn...e nvAp-alrnni ha,i .even nr-f.vn rnsfwnnd nt aq,o we areselline cheaper by from $100 to $2iHJ first-class makers in the country. Dialers and all in want of good pianos arc invited to sen-i for our le seriptive Catalogue, whirh contains photographs of our different styles, together w ith prices No one a hould pun hase a piuno without seeing this ( ata Medasl almoet without number, have been awardod to the Grovesteen I'lano, and the Celebrated VVerM'srair, tnoush put m competition wun outers troin all pans o i Europe aim lue u o, it look the uielieKt awai a. r l-ut:ihiiheil IHI'JS i Grovesteen Co , 4,.i,. RROADW AY, NEW YORK. July 29. 16C5 . II. II. 8. it Co. ALL MAY MAURY HAPPILY, irrespective cf wealth, age, or beauty ; and thn love of the op posite sex can be gained by following simple rules. Send a directed envelope and st imp to M.Dist I. U I ILLE DEMARUE, btatiou D, Bible Street, New York City. .-mi r- - l -o V nP uiv 13 DTP VKm II A nen He. L man ho suffi-red for years from Nervous and Genital uebiuty, wigntiy emissions, uu ceuuusi Weakness, the result of youthful indiscretion . and came near ending his days in hopeless misery, will, for the sake of suffering man. send to any one atflul ed, the simple inear.s ued by him. which effected a cure in a few weeks after the failure of numerous medicines. Send a directed envelope and stamp and H Will cost you nothing Address. EDGAR '"'REMAIN, IJtth St. N.Y.City. LOVELY GIRLS AND FESTIVE BOYS, send an addressed envelope and 25 cents. and I will send you some valuable information that will please vou. Address MARY MOORE, f31 Broadway, N. Y. May 16. ltioo. ly. A BEACON OF HEALTH. The good things of this world have each their ap pointed mission. It is the mision of HOaTETTER'S STOMACH HITTERS to prcttnl and relieve a great vaiiety of ail ments . For twelve years its success as a prottcttttt and a remedy has been without check or drawback. It is strong negative evidence of this fact, that the efficacy of the article as a specific for dyspepsia. biliousness, constipation, nervousness, general debility, and in ttrmilient fevers, has never been questioned. As proof positive of its infallibi llity in such cases, the statements o f public Diea who.e names are fa miliar as household words, have from time to time been given t-i the world. If its reputation is not founded in fact, then truth is a thadaw. and the utterances of conscientious cit izens are of no more value than "dicer" oaths.' And what it iis reputation! Let the progres of its sales answer the Mfju'ry. Where twenty doxen bottles of Hot tetter's Bilu-rs were sold in 1cj5 cc hundred dozen are disposed of now. Could public opinion he more significantly epre s eJ than by its unparalleled htcmase of consulta tion t It seenre impossible The preparation lias beetr imitated. Where are the imitators ? Echo answers,- "Where?" To the "limbo " of things lost on-earth they are all either gone or going. Peace be with them ! June 0 lc06. las. w OOL CARDING. The subscriber having purchased the well estab lisbed stand, known aa "BAND'S FACTORY," near Robrsbtirt. Columbia County, and having put the machinery ij first-rate repairs, is prepared to do in tlie bent manner, and upon rne shortest notice. - Those favoring him with their custom may relyrn having tbeir work well dona. HENRY H. BAKDSi CANDIDATES' DEPAltT3lENt. ; CST" Cards at any time before the n"omi-.. nations are inade..i.;.! .:$3 00.;, beiihlorial. LEVI L.TATR.' nf Bloom tows ship, wit are au thor ixed to annonnbe wilt he candidate for th nomination of BTATrJ SENATOR in the 15th Inn trict, subject to the usages of the Democratic psrty of Columbia County, nnri respectfully solicits the sufTraia f his felloW-Democrals. Blooinsburg, Juue, 13, lSfiti. ' rrr- Senatorial. AT the earnest solicitation or my Democratic friends in the county nn thrpuihotit tha district, I have been induced to offer myself as a candidate -for the office of STATE SENATOR., subject lo tto ; usages of the Democracy of the Dutrict.' I . . t PETER ENT. Light Street. June 13. 1803. - . ,. Senatorial. AT the earnest request of many Demoeratiefriends. I have consented tn be candidal for the offl-e of STATE SENATOR, at the coining election sub ject to the decision of thn Democracy of this coanty as well as of the District, JAMES 8. McNINCII, Catawissa. June 13, JPGrt. Associate Judgrt. "'Ehv been anthnriund to announce the nante V ofKMJAII G. KICKETTr. of Orange township f r the ffico of A-'SOc't Vl'E JUHGB, of the Conns of Cnlu uhia County, subject to the usage of the nom inating Convention, which will be held ia August next. Juue 0. lWCL Associate Judge. WE arc rt-quested tn announce in the columns of this paper, that Ex Sheriff IRAM DKRR. t lacksnH township, i olniubia Conniy, offer himself as a cancuate for tne ttue.e or ;i A I K JUDGB, sii'.jwt to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. June (i, lfcfoG. Associate Jiislge. HAVING he:n induced through the earnest solicit lions of my Democratic friends, to allow mf name tn be used in connexion with thn omen or ASfOCI ATE JUDGE of Columbia County, 1 lak this occasion to announce In the Democratic electnrs that I will he a candidate, subject loth. decision cf the Convention. JACOB EVAN A. Greenwood, June 6. IPCfi. ' Associate Judge. S N 'SMUCH as it has long been conceded that ana I of the ASSOCIATE JUDGES should come from the soutn side f the river, and through the ni gent request or tne Democracy or notn sides or tne river. I have been induced to become a eandidate fr re -nomination, (at the sMinetima thanking Itie Democ racy for past favors.) subject to the decision of the Do inocratic County Conveution. tsTEPLEN BALDY. Catawissa, June 13, IfWO. Associate Judge- WE are authorized to announce the nams of RICH AKD FRUIT of Mailifon township, as a candidate for ASSOCIATE Jt.DGC, at the coming geaeral elec'ioii, subject to the decision of the DeinnrratKi County Convention, which will be held in August next, and he solicits the suffrage of his Democratic friends. . June 20, lS5!i WEhavibocn requcstod to state that ANDREW FUEA. Eir.. of Centre township, wi'l be a candi dal for the office rf ASSoCIATc" JUDfiK, at th ensuing general election, subject ti the decision of the Democratic County Convention whirh will l.e In I J in August next. June 20 I -lit.. A-sfeociatc Judge. WE h ive been reqnested to announce the nam of PETER K IIERKEIN. Esq . of Locust twn ship. as a candidate for the office of ASSO -IATB JCDGE, of Columbia County subject to the Uec'sioa of the Democratic Convention. r , Juni;'.7, lfitili. Associate Judge. WE have been authorized to announce the name of THOMAS J. HUTCHISON. Eq ; of Fish-". ingr.reek towntuip. as a candidate for the office of ASSOCIATE JLDGE, of Columbia County, subject to the decision of the Democratic Conveution. Juie'27, lets. Register and Recorder. HAVING been warmly urged and encouraged by my Democratic friends throughout the O Inly, to be a candidate for REGISTER AND RECORDER. I hnreby offer myseif to the Democratic voters f.r . that position, ubjtct to the decision of oar Conniy i.onveiitioii in Auga l next. Simula it ne tne?iea. urn . f the people to give me the nomination anil' election, I w ill perform the duties of that office with fidelity and to the best of inv ability. ' S A V L'EL KETnARD. ' Centre townshi p.June 6, IStfS. ' Register and Recorder. TO THE DEMOCRACY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY Jtiff.T my self to the Demncra y of Columbia Conn, ty. subject to the nominating I'otivunlion, for the o;!ice jf UEGISTLR AND RECOriDEK, fortbeeo suing term. And 1 pledge myself ti a careful tnd prompt pvrformauce uf all the duties. JOII.VG. FREEZE. June 6, mt. I'rotliouotary anil Clerk ol I he Courts 'E hive been authorized to announce the came ot jr.t, lOLti.i.v as a eannmaie i-r r norn ination and election to the office of PROT'ION- OTAKY AND CLERK OF THE COURTS, of Colum bia County, subject lo the usages of the De:n icratie party. Clouuifburg, Jun 13, lt0. Conn I y Commit miotic r. rl hroue'i the solicitation cf rnv Democratic friends, I I have been induced t off-r mvelf as a ranrti. date for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, sulject to the decision of the Democratic County '.'invention, w hich will convene on the iTth of An gust next. MOV! COMER Y COLE. Bugarloaf tewn-hip. June 8, la 66. I7RES1I AHKIVAL 1 OF NEW GOOD?, Which are to be solj cheaper than nvsr. If yon want bargains, call at V. riCE.STOIVsS in ROH RSKL'RG, Columbia County, where ypo wilt find a good assortment, well el-;cle.l. Any article nut of the usual line can be easily pro cured, as we have a buyer ia the City nil th time. Country I'rodKce, of all Kinds, taken in exchange for Goods. C. PRESTOV. Ro' rsburf. May 23, I8GC.-lm. CONCENTRATED FERTILIZER. J TAOE MfRIt Prepared hy WILLIAM ELLIS k CO., No. 734 Mar . ktt Street, Pbl'a'lelphia. FOR BUCKWHEAT. 10" pounds per acre. Dampen the Buckwheat irrtna evening, let il lay till morning, mix well 20 pounds of the Fertilizer to one bMshel of seeJ.aud now broad cast t-0 pounds to the acre. The above Fertilizer, for sale hy Win: Me" ride. White Hall ; John & Creasy, Catawissa ; James K. Eyer, Bloomsburj ; Parvin Masters. Henton, A. 8. KEdTER, Gen. Agent. June 13, W,6 4t. J70RKS HOTEL, .. GEO. TV. MACGIuR, ProprleJorV The above we II known hotel has recently andtr gouc radical changes in its internal Arrangements, and its proprietor announces to his former eutomr and the travelling puMic that his accommodations for the comfort of his guests are second to none lir the country. His table will always he found sup plied, uot ouly with substantial food, but with all the delicacies of tbe seaeu. Hi. wrne and llqunrr (except that popular beverage known as 'MeIenrj.') purchased direct from the importing bouses, are en tirely pur?, and free frr m all poisonous drugs. He is thankful for a liberal patronage in tho past, antf w ill continue to deserve it in the future. GEO ROC W. MAUGEK. Jund 13. 18bfi.tf. JEW RESTAURANT, lo Shive'f Building, nn Main Street. WM. GILMORE, Informs tbe citiznns r.f Bloomsaurj-ani vicinity tht hu has opined a New in this place, w here he invites hi) M friends an f customers to call and partake of his refreshments.' It is bit intention to keep the best LA GER BEER AND ALE, constantly on hand ; A Iso, Porter, Sarsaparil'a. Min eral Water. Fancy Lemonades, Raspberry and Lerrr on Pyrnps, enn always be bad at his Restaurant, lit the caring line he presents a not surpassed in this place ;ia. Pickled Oyster t'lams. Sardines- Fish, Barbecued Chicken, Pickled Tripe and Beef Tongue, etc, ttc. He also has goon" article of 'mi' Cigars and Cheicing Tobacco - forhis customers. CTTT" G-ive bHu a cull. Uloouisburg, June I, kSb. " j DUMBER! LUMBER! r -4 new Lumber Yard in Bhomsburg, THE undersigned would respectfully inform those in want of lumber that be continues to maanfac tare and keeps on hand f good supply of building and fencing in. terial, at his residenca, a short dis tance north of tbe depot,' which he offers for rrate af reasonable rates. JACOB SCHUYLER. 0 v .