AGRICULTURAL, AHIiriCIAL3IANUEE3. I got a letter to-dzy from the agent of tie 4 13ot Tr:r-? Flour, " He does not like what t i : M-tr;! to the value of the article as a fertilizer. I ehouli really be very sorry if anything I may have said ehould discourage the'uoe of artificial manures. I had no such intention or desire. On the contrary, I -would do all that I could to favor their general in troduction. To me farming would be stripped cf one of its pleasures if I could not get arti tlScial manures. . I have used them more or Ies3 for over twenty years, and fully appreci ate their value. I know also the difficulty of manufacturing a good manure, and selling it at a price that fanners can afford to use it. I would encourage all honest efforts' in this direction. I would pay more, and would advise other farmers to pay more than the mantirss are actually worth for a year or two, in order to encourage their manufactory un til the business gets thoroughly established. I would Ehow no mercy to humbugs, but would extend the right hand of fellowship to all intelligent and honest manufacturers. They should understand what farmers want, and then devote their energies to supply it at the lowest cost , What wc want in an ar tificial manure is ammonia and phosphates) and the more immediately available these are, the better. The reason why we need these two ingredients more than any others is this: The main difference between good and poor barn-yard manure is that the for mer contains more ammonia and phosphates than the latter. . I will not say that it would cheaper to make richer manure by feeding the animals more grain, rather than to buy ammonia and phosphates. That is now what I am talking about My barn-yard manure is not as rich as it ought to be, and this ha3 been tho case on my farm, for many years, and the quickest way I can make it rich 13 to use artificial manures that will sup ply the deficiency. . HOW TO TREAT BUTCHERS. But I cannot stop to talk much now. The weather is charming and everything presses. I often think of a story John Johnson once told me. He had some fat cattle to sell. A butcher called to look at them. Mr. J. was plowing in the summer fallow. The day was intensely hot and the butcher was warmly clad. , Mr. J. told him where he could find thecattle. - After looking at them, he return ed. "What do you ask for them ?" Mr. J. named the price. "It is too much. Beef is down in New York, and the West is full of cattle." "I can't stop to talk now," iaid Mr. J., "so if you have anything to say walk along." The ground was soft and mellow, and the butcher managed to go onebout round the large field. When Mr. J. got back to the road he turned in again and started his horses. "For pity's sake, Johnson, stop," said the butcher, "I'll take 'em." If fanners Would serve all their callers in this way, they would soon be rid of them. It is very annoy ing when you are busy to be stopped by a gossipping acquaintance who merely wants to talk.' . -. AccnLicr. The want, of accuracy I fear is rather an agricultural characteristic. "My Cows give ten lbs. of butter a week," said a neighbor the other day. "That is capital," I said, "but do you weigh the butter?'' Af ter a little hesitation he confessed thathe did not, but felt cure from the size of the roll that there was at least as much as he eaid. He is a good farmer, and takes much pains with his cows, and it is not improbable that he gets the amount of butter he says, but it is a loose way of reckoning. It is a pretty good diary that averages 6 lbs. of butter a week from a cow. Of course it ought to be more, and easily might be, but in how many dairies is it so ? ---Tomato Sorp 'a la Otstehs. To one quart of canned tomatoes, or others which have been boiled about 15 minutes, add 2 quarts water and boil 15 minutes more ; then drop in carefully, a little at a time, enough pulverized saleratus or soda to neutralize the acidity, which youmayknoWby its ceasing to foam usually about an even teaspoonful to a quart Then add one quart of rich milk, fcix or eight crackers pounded finely ; butter, ealt, and pepperas for oysters ; let it boil "up and serve immediately. It strongly remind.- one of oysters, and is very nice for sick per sons as well a3 highly palatable for well ones. SMALL FARMS. "We need smaller farms." Perhapr so, but I am not sure on that point It must be confessed, however, that as a general rule, email farms are best cultivated. More labor is expended on a given area, and it is a more intelligent labor. On a large farm, as a gen eral ruld, either little labor is employed, or it i3 not efficient from want of proper puper vision. The tendency, however, is to larger farms, and to the employment of more ma chinery. This will necessitate a more intel : ligent class of farm laborers, and also a more intelligent class of farmers. ',''. " For. Red A"T3.T-John II. Ferguson, of Rensselaer Co., N.Y., writes, that he has thoroughly cleared aa old house of this pest Jtwice, within the past 15 years, thus: "Grease a plate with hog's lard, and set it where the ants are troublesome ; they will desert the su- ' gar bowl for the lard,. Place a few sticks around the plate for the ants to climb up on OccasiosaHy turn the plate "bottom tip over a fire, where there is no smoke, and the ants will drop off into the fire. Reset the plate and in a few repetitions you . will catch all the ants. They trouble nothing else while lard is accessible. . Good Home-made Yeast. The foUowin g 13 In general use in the community where I reside : Boil a handfulof hopsin two quarts cf water about 20 minutes. Pare and grate three good sized potatoes. Add 2 table Epoonfulaf wheat flour, 1 do. of sugar, 1 do. cf salt j strain the hop water hot into this mixture, stirring well together;: then boil aVcjf. five minutes. Set away to oool to milk warmth, then add a cup of yeat, jud keep in t irrnhce tnfil l'ht and foaaunj. Put rpHE PERUVIAN SYRUP rTT X : . X3 A PROTECTED EOLtJTION5 OF TEC Protoxide oi Iron, ! ' J & oew discovery in' medicine which STRIKES AT THE BOOT OF DISEASE, BY ' applying the Blood with it vital riiKcmi, oi LITER SLUSBHT IR'JN. This is til 9 secret of the wonderful success of this -, remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Oompltint, Dropsy, Cbronio DiarrLoet, Boil, Nervous ; Afftj'ions, Chills and Fever?, Humors. Loss of Consti tutional vignr, Diea'es of he Kidneys & ' Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by IKbllity or a low state of the system Being free from Alcohol in any form, is energla ing eflV'Cis are not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent,!', fusing strength, vigor anj New Life inte sll parts of the sy strut, and buiiding up in IKON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA. AND DEBILITY From the Venerable Archdeacon 8COTT. D. D. DcnHAif-Canada East, March 34, ISti. . "lain an inveterate Dyspeptic of More than S3 years" standing. "I have so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks during wbich I have used the Pe ruvian d frup.that I can scarcely persuade ruyselfof the reality. People wfco aavtt known me are aston ished at the chang. I am widely known aol can but recommend to others that which bat doae so touch for nie " A CASE OF 37 YE RS' STANDING CURED. From IVSLEY JEWETP, No W Avon Hace .Boston "1 hnv-3 soflered. and sometimes severely, for 27 years, from dyspeptic, I commenced taking the Pe ruvian Syrup, and found immediate benefit from it. In tbe course of three or four weeks I was entirely relieved from my sufferings, and have enjoyed unin terrupted health ever since " AN EMINENT DiVIXE OF BOSTON, PAYS: "1 have been using the Peruvian Syrup for some lime past; it gives me nw Vigor. Buoyancy ofspir it. Elasticity of Muscle." TkomJandj kara Ittn changed by lie use cf IkU remedy from tceak, $trktg,rvj'cring crtaturcs. re Urang.kealthy; and k.ippw men and rows; and invalid cannot Mium i'g kteilate to girt H a trial, A pamphlet of 32 pases containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of lite niol eminent physicians, clergymen, aud others, will be sent rRca tnauy address. IT?" Sec that each bottlehas Pekcvix Etrcp blown in the glass. FOIl SALE BY I. T. BINSM'K5. Proprietor, 3 Dev St.New York HOLD UY ALL. UKlGGtSfd. s CEOFULA. An STediral Men ajrree thatlODING is lbs BEdT REMEDY fr Scrofula and all kindred ilisrasi a ever di-tenvcrud. The difficulty has been to obtain a Piac SncnTiosJ of it. 13 f. II. Anders' Iodine Water it Pure Solution cf Iodine. WITHOUT A SOL VENT! t Containing a Full Grain to each ounce of water. A cost Powerful Vitaliz:rg Agent and Festi)rajTe. a a cured and win cure SCROFULA in a!t its mani fold frnis. CI.CER3. CANCERS. SYIMI I LI3.SAI.T RHEUM; and it bus been used with astonishing s'irres irt ci ses of Uheiiuiatlsm. Hvspep-iaf Consumption. Female Complaints, Heart, Liver and Ki.friey lue !. fc c. Circulars will be sent risa to auy oue sentfiu; their adiires. Price H.( C a toUle, or 6 for t o.M Trepered bv lr H. AXDEBd. Physician A. Chemist For i?4lehy J. P. DISMORE. 26 Dev St. New Y A ad by all Cruggirt 7 ISTAK'S BALSAM OF WILD (DEKRV UAS BEEN USED FOB NEARLY HALF A CEXTUi:Yf with the most astouibin; success in c uring Cougbs, Colds, Hoarseues, Sore Tbroat IlAjsdzi, Whooping coogb, Croup, Liver complaint, BroDchilii,L'iffi. cullv of Breathirj":, AslLrua, ad ovar y affec tion of THE THROATLUA'US $ CUES7. telticli esrries off" more vfrti:n thnn anv ethr dis ease and which bntfl stke rkill of ths Fhysieians to a greater exfnt than any ether r.mla,ty. often YIBLDt TOTMIH KBJltUY when all others prove ineffectual. AS A .MEDICINE Rapid in Relief, soothing in Effjct, safe in its Oper ation, IT IS 'UNSURPASSED ! while as a from noxious 'nfreilinent poinuns. or minerals rinlting skill, srirn l ineili cal knowledge ; cimbinin; all thnt is valuable in tlis vegetable kingdom for tuis class of Jura'p , it is INCOMPARABLE and is entitled, merits, and receives the general con fldonce of the p'tlilic, SEYMOUR TnATCIIER, M. D., nf liermsn. N. Y- write a follows : -"Wistar's Bii.S'M or Wtt.o Ohcrrt cive universal satisfaction. It seems to cireaiougli ty ninj and cli aning the lungs. and aliayins irrit;yiin thus removing the cause, i:ist-ad of drying U ine cnuch and leaving th cause beliinJ. I consider the iTalsnm ait go das any, if mt the best, Cougli me.iciue with which 1 am acquainted." llev. Jacob Sechlf.r, of Ilanovpr. Pa Well known and much respectad among the German pnpulatio.1 this ronntry. makes the following state ment (or the benefit nf the afflicted, DksK j'ifs Having realized in my family impor tant benefits from the uso of your valuable prepara tion AVisTas Balsam or Wild Cnenav it allords me pleasure to recommend it to tho puldie. ome eight years ago one of my daughter see. oed to be in a de cline ain little hopes of her recovery were entertain ed I then procured a bottle of yovr exrelicnr Balsam, and before she had takn the whole of the contents of the buttle there was a great improvement in her health. I toy individual e.i.-e made frequent nse nf your valuable medicine, and have always been benefitted by it. J ACOB FECIILER. Trice One Dollar a bottle. FOR SALE BY J. l DINSMOKE.7S Dry Street. New York SETil VV FOWL.E. t tON, Prprietor Boston. AND ST ALL Skene STS. Q RACES " Celebrated Salve . CI'PES CUT3, BURNS, SCALDS. Grace's Celebrated Salre CURES WOUND3.BRL'I?E3, EPRAIN3, Grace's Cclebraletl b'alve CURES COILS, ULCERS, CANCERS. Grace9 Celebrated salvc CURES SALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELA3. Grace's Celebrated Salve CKRES CHAPPED HANDS. CHILBLAINS, Grace's Celebrated Salva "HEALS OLD PORES, FRESH VVOUNDS.ftc. It is prompt in action, removes pain at onec. and re duces the mest anerv-lonkine sweilines and im.1i matlons. as if by magic thus affordimg relief and a complete cure. Ouly 23 eents a hnx I (Sent by ma H for 35 cents,) For Sale by J. P. niVSMORE 36 Dev Street, ew Tork. S. w. FOWE Jc x. Proprieto.s.Boston, and by all Drupeits, Grocers, and Country stores, 'annary ST. Ihutt ly. ZjIQTJOSsS i LIQTJas i Iiocft.ile mid Kct.iil. 'pHE subscriber would annnuneeto J Bloomsburg and vicinity, that LIQUOKS n laree and small quanti ties, and at different prices, at kis new store, on .Main street, north side torn triors south of Iron sf reel, ttlnnm . thecitizns of he is selling bnrg. His slock of Foreign and DJ- UXVSbJV consists of Cngnae and Rochel e. Blackberry. Gin gr. Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large ass aortment nf ssr Da a S3 Es. as S7 Old Rye, gray with -. fine Old Coarbon. old T lks VVjiiskey. and any quantity of coarroon. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras. Lisbon. Claret. Sherry and Canpafme vvinea ; and last bat ot least, a quanti ty of sood doiib eexir bROi. fi BTOUT;aUot which ho v. ill sell at the lowest cash prices. The public ore re -tpectfully solicited to give his liquor a trial. . D. W, ROCHJNS. Agent- CHARLES B. BROCKWAY. 'Altoniey-al-LaiTf Bounties, Back-par, Petitions, -c, collected. fpecisl etetiwi p,h to raeUtrs arriring oadcr the it(emai Kevenua Laws. .,. f ... e ... . r- .... rr In In ii Turn ! J. EVANS'. CLOTHING EMPOR1UM; Ntwly opposite the Episcopal Church. CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 1 Y stock is composed tt fine ctoth'ny, medium i I aad low priced adapted to ail conditions, tastes and wants. He tas the latest styles for the season a Que assortment of Overcoats and Gentlemen's Shaw's, from low to tba very bait -. ' His Goods are t athionnble and welt M.tde. In addition to my stock of ready-mada elotaing X have piece goods for cuutnni orders, J16ih, Casiiiicrc$, &c., Xe. And having one of the 8rst class cutters. I guaran' te a fit in all eases and give satisfacli i n. Also a variety of WOOLEN A1VD LI.EX SIilUIS, Stockings, Neektie. Collars. Stocks, Handkerchiefs everything in the gentlemen's line of clothing. Also, Hats, boots and Shoes', Trunks and Carpet bags. 1 will sell at the loweut Market prices. Please give me a call before purcbating elsewhere. AXOltfciVV J. EVANS, Bloomsburg, Nov. 12, J8C5. Catairisma Kail Rontl.-Ou and after MONDAY, A pril 9. lfM)5. passenger trains on the (atawiga Kailread will run at the fol lowing named hmrs ; Mail bon'b statiors. Mail North. liet. rl.4j a m Willi.nnspurt Arr. " ! 7 " Muncy Hep. 5 -lj " " 0M Walsoutown S Itt l".0lt " MtUon 5 01 lu43, Dai villa 4 )J. 11.00" Rupert 410 " II. Ml" Cal.iwlg ' 350 . 14 I8p m Ringlown " " 12 .Id f 11 111 111 it 13.5 ' 10 " auukske " 1 4 " 12U " !: .M.ihaiioy June. - i.-M " 2.13 " Dine Tam.iqua. Dine " 1 10 4 Rending I04:)M irr 7.IW I'liilaileiphia e.OO " M i ing or Maucb Chunk. 001 No change of cars between Will jn.nsnort and Phil adelphia. GEO. W. WtXii. tfapt, April Id, 1PC0 A LECTniE TO YOHG 3IE.. r ju.-i puiiii.Hiieii. in a sealed enve " loue. Price G cents. A lecture on the usiuir. trvaLiiieni biiu rami a cure 01 Pperuiatorlioca, or Hemuial Weaknnss tnvo'untary Emissions, sexual D -btlity and Imped iHients to Marriage generally. Nervouoe.-s. Con sumption. Epilepsy, and FiU ; Vleiilal and Physical Incapacity, resulting from tclf AVisfl. sic. By Hob ert J. CulverweU, M, I-. author of th 1 'U reen Boe-k,' &The world renowned ittthor. in this admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from hi own experience, that the awful consequences of Ssll-Abuse may be etl'.ct iially removed without MeUirine. and without dan gerous surrical operations, bougies, instruments, rints.or cordials, minting out a mode of rureat once certain and etfottual, by which tvery suirerer. no matter hat his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lec ture wil I prove a boon to thousands. Sent under seal to any address, in a plain envelope, n receipt ot sis cents or two postage rtampa. Also Dr. Cul verwell s Marriage Ourle, price Sa cent-. Address, I'HAji. 3 C. KLINE fc Ct . l-.'T Pcwery, Ne w V oik, V. O. box 43.-6. April 13. I-OS. ly Tuas t Co. BUSINESS COLLEGE N E Cor. Tenth md Cbotcu Streets. PlIILAPELPIliA. The most complete and thoronslily appointed Eusi nessor Commercial College in the country. Th only one in the city posessine a legislative Chatter, and t!ie only one in the United states author ized to confer Desrees of Mi rit Diaplomas awarded to graduates in the Commercial Course under itscor porate seal by authority of law. Conducted hy peiitlemcn nf rberaf edncalion and eilenive experience in business, and affording un r;.:illei! advantages for tbe thoroawn theoretical and piaclical eilncation of yoiins men tor the various du ties and employment of business lif. TIIEOKV AN LI PUACl l:B COMBINED by a of syeiu A'I'L'AL BC?1E.-S TR AIN1NO oriiinal and pie v.niiieiit y prar.ticnl c vins the sfJ dent in the Ilortet time a coaip Ict lPihl into the science of accounts, arrayed an. I published by the proprietor 'f lti lilttuti'ii eX' Ki.ively for his own use.eaving onc-lialf tue (T-linary tabor r-f the stmlent andrivinr I'iui a complete Knowledge of tht practice of Ike het acrountanl4. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE EMiiaACES D loketpiDgiCorrmcrcial A rit h inetic, Pen manslip, Uuines8 Crrrerpondecce, Commercial Law, Lectures on Business Affairs, ComDjer ciai I'Q't'.ims, Forms, and Actual Bui rrM PrtcHef. PTECIAL nSANrilF. Hlgtbr end the Higket JUathematie, Pkanographf, Or namcmtal Peimaitli,a. th Jin 0 Jjrtrcttng Countrrfeil Money, l-.ngineeung A'ur vejimsr. A'arigaliJn and Telegraphing . Tni.tfil'.AI'lllt3. The arrancemenls for Ti tTraphinf are more al vance of anything of the kind ever oft- red to the pub lie. A regular Tele raph Line i connected with t!e lnj.titn'ion wrh twenty branch nfirtea in various parts of the ci'y. where public business is transacted, and in "Inch the student of this Institution are per mitted to practice. Nu r'g'ilar t'rece prartire ran be had in anv other school of instruction in tte; couutry. w ithnut which no one can obtain a position as a prac tical operator. Younic in -n are cautioned against the deceptive representations of those who. without any such facilities, pretend in t arh Telegraphing. I'ATfcON AGE. This Institution is now enjoyine the largest pttrnn tronase ever betowed npin any Commercial sthool iu tee state. Over fiv luindre. student were in atten dance the fi l year, and over seven hundred during the past year. Tbe best da's of students may inva riably be found here, and all it association are first clasM. LOCATION AND ACCOMMOn ATIOXS. This Institution is located in the most central part of the city and its ao oiMiiodations. for extent, ele gance and convenience, are unmirpa-seri. All th' rooms have been filled up in the verv tiect i.iyle with HUSIVEjjS OKFICES lit CmI'NTIM; HoUSK.-s. TELKliRAPlI OFFICE. STATIONAtlV aTOKi:. ' A!D A R0'"tK DANK OF UEPOir AND IS.--IP, supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes used as a circulati ng medium ia the l pertinent of Actual Business. TO YOU AG MWi who desire the very b- st facil'ties for a Traclical !:dnc&lion fur Cosinrss, we pnaran tee a course of instruction no where elst equatl'iri, whi'e the reputation and standing of -the Institution among buintss men make its endorse ment the best passport to success and advancement. A.I contemplating entering any Commercial College, are invited to send for ar I L LC ST It AT E D CiltCULAK AND CATALOGUE containing complete inte rior views of the College, and full particulars cf the course of instruction, terms, fcc L. FAIRBANKS, A. MM President. T. F. yERCHANT, ?npU of Office Business. Nov. 4. I 18 m. L I F 1: !5 1: ALT! I S TK G Til. LIKE HCALTII-STUEStTlI. LIFE HELTI1 STlsKXtTIl. Hundreds and thousands annually die prematurely when, if they would give the Great French Remedy, DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'3 Celebrated Specific Tills, Prepared by Gakaxcierk U PrroKT, No. 214 R'ie Lom bard. Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Juan I'ela marre. Chief Physician of the Hospital dt N'rd ou Larinoisiere a fair vri il. ia y souls hint inunelia;e relief, and. ii. a short tunc, he fully restored to Health and S'renglk It is Used in the practice of many emi nent Fieili physiciaos.wiih unnorui success. and high ly recommended as the on;y posuive ud Specific Reme dy for all persons siitTerif g Ir-'m General or Sexua Uehihty. all derangements of the Kervoua Forces Melancholy, peruiaiorrhoea or tiemiml missions, a I Weakness arising from sexual Ex-Energy. Physical Prostration, Nervousness, Weak Spine, t Lowne-, of .-pints, ilimness of Vimoii, Hysterics, Pains in the Ba k and Limbs, Impoteney, tc Nu I tnguage can conrey an aequate idea of the im mediate and almost miraculous change it occasions to thedetiintited end shattered system In ktan.ts unrivalled as an unfailing cure of the maladies above mentioned! Suffer no more, but use Tit Great French Remedy ; it will effert a cure where sll others fail, and although a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurtful t the bust delicate constitution Pamphlets.rontainins fa I patticnlars and directions for using, in English. French. Spanish and German, ac company earb box, and also seat free to any address when requested. Price One Dollar per box; Six boxes for Five Dollars Held by all Druggists throughout tba world ; or will be sect by snail, securely sealed from all observation, by inclosing specified prico. to any authorized asents. BEWJIRK OP CO CM-TEH fEiTS Jt.'JJ IMITATIONS. Proprietors exclusive Agtata for America, OSCAR 0 JUQ&tS, Mr CO., S7 Courltar i Et. New York, Authorised Agents for Bloomsbqrg. f v 9 .viyre, BONE MILL: BONE J)UST THE BEST & I HEAI'EST 3IACRE 1 IJ'IN'ELY ground Bones, expressly for Wheat Rye, Corn. Uurk wheat. Oats, Potatoes, Crass Fruit Trees, Giape Vines. Vegetables. ie. Aa most Bone Uust and Fertilizers are larrely adulterated to satisfy consumers that this article j strirt'y pure, crb bill of sae is accompanied with a (ratified statement Ikaf each package of Hone Dust is entirely free from adulteration. To this fact our freight agents, car men and workmen cau at all times testify. F.irmers Will do well to send for o'ir circulars giv ingfull particulars of this valuable Irrtiliz r. As our stock is liuiiud. we adviso our custor:ers to or der eaily. pa (jked ix n t a s $ da nu el s. CT7" A Liberal Discount Allowed t Dealers. A. J HUMI NI'J, Altentown. I'a. N. B. Persons rsading this advrrti-ement will Ho b'Mie ealU rers a favor by brni;ii;( Us to their notice, as we pay the highest pi ice for Hones. Mareh il. ISoti 3mo. OK Spring iiiiil Suiii:i5rr flood'. THE subscriber has Just rettirnen from the cities with another lare ant select assortment of STRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at the lowent figure, and w hich be is ernii ui to sell on as mo lent lrmi as cau be procured elsew here in illooiushurg. Mis ttock comprises DBESS GOODS i f the choicest styles and latest fashions together wuh a large assortment of DRY-GOODS, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, and Vtstings. Also, Groceries, Hardware, CeJar Wure, llollow-ware. Nails, Iron, Hats and Caps, Jfcc. In short, everything usually kepv in a country .tores, to v hich he invites the at tention of the pul. lie g"nerally. The highest price will be paid for country produce in exchange for goofs. S. n. MILLER. Cloomshnrg. Nov. ?2 IPfij. wmmm " VVILKES-BARRE. PENNA. I'A PIT A L AND Slum's, - - $150, ASSETS, Stock not called in, . -Bills ruceivablo, $j0 41 IK.O U. .5 0 Bond. Temporary and call loans. 103 share Wioming liunk Stork, M thares First National Bank st Wilfcs.riarre, .(MX) OoU l-o DUO ti 5 7t shares d'Voud alioual I'ai.k at ilKes Uarre 7 40 shares V tiJiPs-Uarre Urrlga Sleek, - . sJ Real Estate. ..... JllllKIIK.'ltts. Due troin Agents ami others, ... 7 5-0 5lJ I0J 414 Cash m hand and in iiank. 1 C. M. Hnn.ENBACK, I.. D. SMor.MAKER. JOHN REICH Altl. II. M IIUVT, S VMI'KL V A 1 H A V 3, , . t l.l . i V:t. CHARLbS DOKRANCE, U'm H ill ij, R I l.tlUB ( IMRI.K' A MINER, .Si'E'.VART FIERCE, J M HAKUIV;. G. .M POl.l.l;.i K. Pre.-idert. 1.. I). SHOEMAKER.' Vies Vrtsl. K. C. SMITH. gscaTRT. F. MIOWN. Af-nt. March 2j, 1"C5 u slmrs. Pa. OMNIBUS LINE. THE nndersijned would respectfilly annonnce to t be citizens nf Bloomsburg, and the public geu- runy. 111111 i:e is running an OMNIBUS LINE. b- " nrii 'III. I I.II.TT n till llf? fill - . 1 ferent Rail Koad Ilenr.ts dat- fTa y. (Sun 'avs excet,.I) n onmmmimmmmnmnmmnumimm conneri wuh the sevral Trains goin? Snuth a Went on the Catawissa and Vil;iamport Rail Koad. and with th'.e going Aiorth and tSouth on the Lack. fc !llo'nis!iur; Road. His OViNIIIliS-E3 are in rood condition, commo Jious and comfortable, and charf es reasonable. C7 Persons wishis to meet or see l-ir friends depart, ran h acrnmmodated. upon ieasonrhle charges by leaving timely notice at any cf t be Ho tels, JACOB L. GIRTON, I'ropriitor. Blnomsburg. April 27. ISM. S2B. HOOP SKIRTS, ElopLiii's' Own .flake." MAJtcrACTtfED and Sold "WHOLESALE & RETAIL, No. 62t ARCH Street, Philad'a, The most complete assortment of La lies' Mi,ej and Children's HOOl' HKIRTt?. in this City ; 50'tten u-3 expressly to mft the trura of rinT class Trade ; embracing the newest and most desirable Styles and l?iz?s of -Gore Trails." of every length from 2 3 4 to 4 yds. round, M to 5 springs, at 3 to 00. Plain Skirts, all lengths, from i!, to 3 yds round the bottom at 91 40 to S)l 15, Our line ofTMissea' and Children's SKIRT?, are proverbially beyond all competition fnr variety of styles and sizes -aa well as lor flaisn and durabili ty ; varying from. 8 lo 31 inches in length, to 42 go'iags at 3. cents to $i 2-. All Skills of "OCR yV:M WAKE." are VVimttniD to give Satisfaction ; but Cut iom as urcn. unless thev have, -Hopkin's hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. 5H Arch Strjet'" Stamped on ea.h Tab 1 Also constantly on hand, oood Skirt. Mannfac tufed in New V'ork.a nd the Eastern States, which wo sell at very 'ow Priro. A lot of chean Skirts 15 cents; 20 srrn'- I 0t) 33 springs. $1 15-3) -piings, 81 2 and 40 springs 8-; 5U. SU" Skirts made to O d r and Repaired. H r Terms Gash. One 1'rici ijhli I March 7, lGG. 4mos, M. WHITMOYER, ATTORNEY - AT - IX , BLOOMSBURG, P. Office oppofite rit ofce, over Ihrlmnns store Back Pay, Uountvj Pensio-is end Goc trnment claim promptly coilec'td. ' Bloomsburg, Apr. 4, 'OS. Wx. c. BCNszsr, oeo. w. carpcitsr. Ettablished 1823. G. XV. CARPENTER, IIEXSZKV & CO. WHOLES ALU DRUGGISTS. 737 Marcct St. one door below cth, Ppilaorlpria. DRf'Gf . MEDICINE?. CHEMICALS. . PAINTS, OlL9rJLAS8, VARNISH Ed, DYE?, Aad every other article appertaining to tba btsi-ess. of hrt quality, and It tha J)R1 MARSHALL'S ' CATARRH SNUFF, This Bnuffhns thoroughly proved Itself to b. tna best article known fur curing the (lATiiin, Colo is Thi H kis and IIsadacrk. It has been found an ex cellent lemedy in many caces of Bore Kyrs, I)rAf rks has been removed by it and Hsaro in has often fceen grenlly improved by il use. Ills fragrant and ncreeahly. and GIVtd IMMLUIATC REI.IF.F To the aril heavy pains caused by diseases of the Head. The sensation a'tvr Uiin it are delightful uud opens and purges out sll obstructions, strengthens the glunds, and gives a heultby action to the parts affected. More than Thirty Years' Of Sale an J uso of Ua. Marshall's Catarrh and Hcadacms gnurp. has proved its gr uH value f-r a'l the common diseases oft he Head. and at this moment it stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the bast physicians, and i s used with great success and satisfaction eve rywhere. Raadthe Ccrt'ficates of Wholesale Drug gists in 1851 The undersigned, having fo- many years been ac quainted with Dr. Marsuain's CaTabrh and Hkad a uk Snurr. and sold it in our wholesale trade cheer fully stale. that wo s elleve it to bv in every re spert, to the rer.tinmcnd atioiis given of for the cure of Catarrhal AfTei turns, and that it ia decidedly the best article we have ever known for all rominou dis eases of the Head. I'-urr 4l I'tjrry. Boston, Reed . Austin at Co Hrown. I. unison tc. Co ' Reed, Cutlwr Sc. Cs Seth W f'owle. Wilson, r'airbank k. Co. Henshaw, Kdiuaiids St Co II H Hay. Portland. Me. Rarnes Park, New Voik A t St, P Sands, Stephen I'a ill at Co Israel Minor Co M'Kesson Sc. Robbins " A L Scovill si Co VI IVird. I 1im a En (lush &. Gale, For Sale bt all Dru:eists. Try It. Feb. 3, Ii0 ly. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. iJrvan's Pulmonic W.ifers. CJ-The original Medicine esttblii hed in 1837. and hrst article oi l lie Riml ever introduced under Hi'- name of Vclkokic Wifku. in this or any oth-r rmmlry; all utner t uiiiio itc V ar-rs are counterfeits The genuine can be known by the name UI1YAN be ine stamped oti eurh Wafer. T!o-se Wafers have been before the public fr nearly Thirty Years. and the immense vale atta only in ,uierii.i uui iu lorei.'ii eouutries.liill y attest their nitrinMr w r'h. The me. ileal propcrti-s are vuiiermr to any other article offered for t he cure of Tulinofiary or Bronchial affection .and the quantity contained in earn oox is nearly double that ot the mauy worthless imitation u veruseu. Lcyau s ruIraonJc ITaffrs enre Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. H oarseness.Avthna. t atarrh, I'.rnix lulu. DifScuit Ureathing, Spitting of i,ii.u l iiininiuieincM i ii ineiu ironsumption and ail diseases of the lungs. Volail'nriling 0 tly tcmpnrarv relief, but rSTectiiig a rapid and laKtintf cue and are warranted lo give F.itist.iction in every instance. -'I'hey don' t nauseate like aicidioiic comnoun Js. and the properties aro combined in a form so acreeahle and pleasant to the taste, that a.iy child win reauny lane tueIU uue uose will always afford RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. To Vocalists and Public Speakers, the Wafers are peculiarly valuable ; they wi II in one day remove the must : vere occasional hoarseness ; and thejr regular use for a few days all times. increase the pow rr and Aexihil'ty of the vojee, grcaily improving its 'one. coo passauu tiearnes. tor winch purpose thy are regularly used by many professional vocal ists I he very great cerehrtty t.f this valuable remedy has im u.vd unprincipled persons to prepare base iihit i- tions. vt hich disappoint the jut ipeciations of Hit pur tia-:er, anu injure ine character oftlisgenuiu iiiedicine. See that the word "BRVAV," is stamped on each Water, and also observe the fae, simile of the signa ture of the Pioprietor. "JOS MOSKS" on each Mrap per. to counleieit which is forokrv. 1TJ7" Oifending oarties will be dealt with lo the full t-Tt,nt n f ih. inu. Lena's Poimujiic Wafars are for sale by a.l Drug- JOU MOSF8 Sole"Proprietor,?7 Cortlandt St , X. Y Feb. 3,16o ly. " TIIECREAT EXULIS1I IiE3IEl)V. rSOTCCTED BY ROYALf LETTERS PATE.NT. STR JAMESCL RK E'S Celebrated Female Pill3. Prepared from a prescription nf Sir J.Clarke. .V. .,Phy aician Hztraordtnaoy to the Queen. This invaluaMe in.'irine i unfailnii; ia the cure of all luse piiinfil and ilaugorous diseases lo which the female constitution isnil.j. ct. It moderate all er ress and re muves ail uk-Ftriid inn iV'jiu whale ver eaue and a Keeoy cure may l relied on iO MA It til El) LADIES, it is farlicula.-ly suited. It v.i:!. i:i a iiiorl t.u.e, bring fn tue peii.el with reeutanty. J!'..ith bottle, prire One iiollar, bears Hie Government itaiop of U.e.t Rritain. t prevent couiiteiletts. CALTIuV. Turse rW. sja.'. not 6 taken by Fevtalen daring the FIIiST TIIRKK M.rHSof Prczaan- 9, they aceture t) Irx.ig on .Vara) iage.but at any other lime they aretafe Evety women knows thai the bloom f health must fide, with the slightest irregularity ur obstruction of the menses. These are truly the woman's friend iu the hour of trial, sud th:: only sure, positive and never failing rure and regulator d Suppression of na lure from vi ba ever cause t?o mild thefuetdet can taktthem with perfect security yet so powerful iu taeire lects, that liity may be safely called, a ever f ili ng Regulator. Iu all cases cf Nervous and Spinal AfT-rtians Pains in the Rack and Liuili, Fatigues liplit eTeilion.l'al pilition i f 'tie Heart. Hysterics, and Whites, there ft I s will eff cl a cure h;n allot her means have fai -rd ; and aithouch a powerful remedy, do not contain inn. calomel, antiiuuny. or anything huitful to the constitution. Full directions in tue pamphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved. SOLD Bt' ALL J)RVOGl$TS. Sole General Agent for the L imed Stales aud British Uoininiouo. J R MOSCS. 27 Cortland Ft., New York. N. B $1 00 and 6 thee cent postage stauips en closed to any authorized Agent, will ensure a bottl., containing 60 Pills, by return mail, securely sealed from a'l observation. Feb. 3. 'i.o. ly. DUINTESTRY. HC. II O W E R, STJRGEON DEISTTST. japr-mmm rt, RFPPEl TFCLI.Y otf.-rs his profss tTvV".v? ional services to the ladies and gentle tJVyiV men of ,;,-,0,"!'t,"rgar"1 vicinity. He is - L prepared to attend to all the various operations in the line of liis prof.-ssion and s provnh d witht'ie latest improved P')HCt:Lj-lJe Tr'.KTIl; whirl, w II inserted on gold. platina.sil ver and rubber br e tolooxw II ai the nnt ii i al terth Ml icr il plate and block teeth manufactured ar all o er.- li' ns on tcrth.carefuily and properly altruiW t . Ileii'eiice and otfire a few doors above the Court II ni-tc same side, r.l K-.iisburg. June ft 1-1,1 t'HU IVGtiAfllS I titUHstMnAi H- J I A XEIV GJLLKHY IX II LOOMS liUIlG. 1 HE tjrtilcrstfnrd takes peBsrue in announcing M. that ho has opened a Gallery in the large Room over Hartman 's More, in hloomsburg. Pa., for Pho tographic and Kindred Ait. He is prepared to take Pictures f all kinds. Having procured the service of an experienced Artist Iroui Ncw York, ha is prepared todoall kinds of Picture taki-ig. gj Call and see before going risen herc. , A. A. HK.MrrfTEAD. January 31. lCC-3m. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. aaUbXv Bl.00 M SIJUUG, C0- j7, Tv;lumbia co., pa. J of the above named ev- tensive establishment, is now Preuared to receite orders for ill Kinds of Machinery, for Cotlertes, ftlast Furnaces, Ptalionary Engines. MILLS, THPBSHIN'U M ACH IN ES. AtC 4.C. He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, p'ow-irons, and everything usually made in first-class foundries. His extensive facilities aqd practical workmen, war- aiit him in receiving the largest contracts ou the m t reasonable terms. 7 Crain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for eastings. B This establishment is lca.ed near tlie Lackawa na , Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER. BILLMYER. KWmshurg, Sept. 12. 1863. A m crican Hotel, CnEST.Ur STREET, Opposite old Independence Hall, rillUAUELPUIA. S. M. IIEULIN'GS. Proprietor. Wm. II. Heulixqs, Cltrk. May 27. liHS5. i2m JOHN C. YEAGER k Co., MAM FACTURER A. 7IIULLjJALE DEALER IN eaHATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, -o ' Xr rJ HJT btj: e.r t PTHM MEXICO ! MEXICO ! 830.000,000 LOA Cg THI REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Twenty-year Coipn Bonds in Sums of $50, $100, $500, and SLOOO. Interest Sevn Per Tent., Payable In ine tiiy or Aew Yjrk. Trlncipal ahd lnt"rest Payable in GOLD. $IOt0(i WO to be soli! al Sixty Cents on the Dollar in U. S Currency, thus yielding an interest of Tw Ivc per eent. In Jold. or Heventeen per cent, in Currency, ot the present rate of premium o:t gold. Thi first year's intere-t already provided. The most Desirable Investment ever OJftrel. Immense Iracts cf Minjrg and Agricultural lands ; sixty per cent of port dues, i npo.ts add taxes, in the Htiites of T.itiinnlipas and gati Luis Potosi ; and the pligh:ed faith of the said Ktate and the Gnoej.-il t;ovcrniiient are all pledged fur tha redemption of these Ho nils and payment of iute.est. The Sccurily is Aiiipic. 810 In U. P. Currency will buy a 7 per cent Gold Rond ot y 'lU. 9'Kt in tJ. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. Gold Itoinl of Cluu. tKi in II . H; Currency wil I buy a 7 per cent Gold Bond of " liot) in IJ. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. Gold Komi r g iiii u. Let every lover of Republican Institutions buy at least one oxs: i:of. Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by JOHN W. OR LI Emu, and J. N.TIITT, Fiiiunridl Agent of th.i Republic .of Mexico', 57. t'-roa-iwat . New York liV p.iti.cnini in also received by li.inks and Rnnkers geneiMlly through jut tile Ciiited titles. Nor. r). trtij. jYciv Slack of Clothing, Sju'iiss and .Siisiimcr floods 23 JLVl W2SIS f NVITKS attention to his sto' k of cheap and fash k iouable Clothing at his ft or?, on M.I IX STREET, liLOOMSBURG two doors above the Jimfrican House, where he has jut received from l'hi ludelphia, a lull aksortmcnl of New York and Men and Boy's f 'latlsjincr, including the mo.t fes!iionaM!. durable and hand some, GOODS, consisting of Box, Sack, Frock, Gum and Oil Cloth Coa.'s, and Pan!, of all sorts. ize. end colors. Ht also has replen ished his already larg. stork of Kail and Winter EiidWls : ttnped. figured and'pl.iin Vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sus penders and fan-y arti'-l-. . N. 11. He has constantly on hand a large and well selected .us .rt.nent of Cloths ml V 'sliujs. which he is prepared to make up to ord. r. lotu any kind of clothing on very shrt none' an 1 in the best of man ner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home munufaciure. cf rja 122. 9 Cf every Description. Fit; and Cheap. His Cats of Jewelry is not surpassed in this place. Call and ex amine his geueral assortment of Clothing, Watches, irwrnj, c. etc. I'AVID LOWENCCRG. Bloomsburg, April 50. 1F6J. 25. THE $25. Uni';)ii Business College HANDEL ANo HAYDN HALL, Eighth and Spring Garden St-ettt. . PHILADELPHIA. THOMAS MAY PIERCE, A. M. Pres'.Jer.t ar.d'tin" Accennti-t. Extraordinary Inducements I NOVEL t PER AT.T ARRWGEMENT OF BUSlXEd CtJLLEGE TEtt6. ' From April 1 toCetulcr I, 1855, AND SUCCEEDING YEARS. LIFE Sc;iOLAR?Hir. including Bookkeeping, Fu siness Correspondence, Forms and Cuftoms. Com mercial Arithmetic, ilustness Fenmanship, Detect ing Counicr!cit!oney, Sz Cominerciul Law, TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, SCIIOLAKSillP?. incl'itlinr same subjects as above. Time limited to three months TWENTY DOLLARS, Trnmnrship, tiiree months, aT Penni.nif.liip i Arithmetic, three months . $7j The saving of coal and cas in the summer month is an advantage of such iaiportanoe as enables the management ofthis College lo make a considerable reduction in the summer rates. Trcm October 1, 1CC5, to Anrll 1. 157, Acd sucrec.Iin; yearr, as before. f.if? Prholrships jt tv-linUrsliip, 3 months, - j r, Fenuiaiirhip. 3 months, . ft Penmanship and Arithmetic. 3 months. rrn.HL Ji.rsis oa Cuss. Soioiras. rto r.. tna "!U or Mu:sik jD Tsaiuiri. DAY AND EVEN IMS INSTRUC TION FOIl I50TII SEXES AND ALE AGES, ii Ranking. Storr kerning, Ttookkeepin;. Psnman ship. Fen Urawing. I'honocrapliv. Ariihiiitic, Men suration, Algebra. Ccnmetry . Analytical CeoniPir v. The Calculus. Navijation. Purveying. Ltiein-eriug! i;.iuriiig. Mining. Mechanirul Drawing. I ' Law, Gwrmau. Telegraohing, aud the Lnijlisli Uraiithes, a', moderate prices. Endersed by the public as the most successful tlu siness College ot the country, as is evi leticcd by the fact, that ' r?ur Hundred and Two Students have entered ia the FtEsr ftx .MottTits or its ExtsTrncit, Trinripals cf Df purrmfn!. THOMAS MAY PIERCF. A.M . GEORGE H. PYHER. R. s ItARNES t:. N. KARR. Ja.. J T. RI'.V N'ul.DS, HENRY KLIM. A E.RiWKUjUX, .,c t tnpfioited by an able Ccrps of As. intents. Call or send for a Cntoiogtte. College Currency, and Fierte's Fra:tical educator. Gfilcc-.531 orlli I ihll! st FIMLAIiE'.PMIA. THOMAS M. FhlKCE. April 19,1C6. 3:n. Xos. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 Courtlandt Stree NEAR BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY This old-establish.! and favorite resort of the Ru siness Community has been recently refitted, and is complete in everything that can minister to the com forts of its patrons. Ladies and families are specially i'l carefully provided for. It is centrally located in the btuiness part of the ci ty and is contiguous to the principal lines cf steamboats cars, omnihusses ferries, &.c. Tue table is amply supplied with all the luxuries cf tbe season, and is equal to that of any other hotel in hi country. , Ample accommodations are offered for upward of ha guerts. ID" Do not helievt mnners, nackmen, and o'liers tali, may say "the Western Hotel is full." D. D. WINCHESTER, Froprieti r. THOS. D. WINCHESTER. F-b. 15. lHfi-.'. Julicc of flic IVacc, Licensed Lonveyinccr, Scrivener, and Survey or. Ollacc nearer Vallcj, P.-.. Will attend to taking Acknowledgements. Write Pe-ds. .Mortgages. Leases. Bonds. Notes. Agree ments, tc. Sorvey ing allcuaed lo with de, patch. -Charges moderate. TO FABsVlEBS, PHILLirS SUPER rilOSPH ATE LIME.Seyrawirs' l'aicnt Gr.-iin aqd l' Drill, t!uruits Ke volvmj Hay Raies and Hand Hakes for sale by I'AXTON St II A B MOV, . Rupert. Pa. Wo claim for Philips Super ritosphate that it con. tains less moisture ,-s nnr; uniform in qnalitv. coo tsins mote agricultural value, than any other" in tbe market, and introduce the article to farmers in gen eral as a rtaple and standard at tide intending to make it a permanent trade. " i. ,m,,.n?-Lt?IXJLJUZrx?L-. Hotsb aiu CattiB Powite This preparation, long and favorably known, will trior oughly relnvigorata broken-down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening ud cleansing tho . stomach and Intes tines. It is a sure pre ventive of all dis eases incident to this animal, such a YELLOW WA TER, HEAVES, COUGHS, DIS TEMPER, FE V Ens, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL EXER(JY,tc. Its use Improves tha wind, increases the appetite- gives LUXG FEVER, GLXXDE&H,' a smooth and g'os.y skin and transforms tha ruiwiraMc skeleton into a line-looking and spiri Irorse. To keepers of Cows this preparation is lnvaluaW It increases the quantity and improves tha oualitv s ... . - oi i He mu. it baa been proven by ao tuai experiment t increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty prr cent, and make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens . their hide, and f rnakea them thrive much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such aa Coughs, Ulcers ia the Lung, Liver, ;c., article acts as a specific. Hv putting from i one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. Jf given In time, a certain preventive and cure, for the Hog Cholera. Trice 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for tL rB.EPAB.ED BT H. Al. FOUTZ Sc BRO., AT THKE iD0LF.SUK DRrfi A'D JlF.DinE DEPOT, .No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. Tor Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers through out the United States. (O" For sale al the irus Flora of EYHR 4- MOVER, Bloomsburg F. rIoomsbttr;, fi. IHCfi. I2mo. IsEW MSCIKT FOR 1806. The Great Invention of tbe Age in HOOP SKIRTS. J. V BRADLF.VS New Patent DUPLP.X ELLEPTIC (,or double) rUINti tKIRF. THIS INVENTION consists of Duplex (or two) r.' liptic. Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously Krsidei i iRbtly and Firmly tocether, edax to edge, making the Toughest, most Flexible, Elastic and durab e Spring ever used. They seldom bind or break, like the single Springs and cnnseqiiciitly preserve their perfect nnd lieauliful shape more than twice as long . as any Sin(.le Spung Skirt that ever Has or Can bw made. THE wonderful fl.aibility and great comfort and . j.Ieasurn to any Lady wearing the L'.tplex Ellptir Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded As semblies, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars. Church Pew, Arm Chnirs, for Promenade and House Dress, -as the Skitt ran be fulded w hen In ue to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Mot-lin Oress, A Lady having Enjr.yeJ the Pleasure, Comfort and . Or'-at Con venieiice of wearing tie Duplex Elliptic Steel Sprinn Skirl a single day will N-:ver after- war.'s willingly di"peii ith their use. ForCbll iiren. Mioses and oung Ladies ihey are superior lo all oth'Te. TM E II ' top? ,vc covered with 2 ply double twisted tin en -I and will wear t ire as Ion 7 as the Kingle j arn covriiii; vuieiiis used on ail Siugie Steel Hoop Skirts. The lluee bottom rrds ou ncry s-kirt are also Ilonble S'.-ci and twice or double covered to prev" t?i c"V eriee tr"!'i w- nri .j. .3" tue tods when dragging do.srn sir-ir, t. no st' t -i etc , -tc .which they are caus'.nnt ly sjt.ject wh' ti in ute. All aie tua of th? new andeleftnt CorOed Tapes, an,l ate tae best quality in every part, gsviug to tba wearer Hie iiiott a ' fu had perfect shape, possible, and are unquestionably the lishle.t. most riesirabie. conifurteLle and ecunoinical Skirt ever maite, WEST'S I.KAUi.tV Sl CARY. H.Ol'Hlril ORS of t Invention, and M'LC MANUFACTURERS P7 HMMBtKi, and T9 St t-I REaUE STRbElS, Nw Yo' k. FOR SUE in all first class Stores in this City, and throughout the United St.tos and C.ianada. Havana da Cuba, Meiieo. South America, and theWcst ladies. QL Inquire l-r the Duplex Elliptic (or doable) Spring Stirt. Marrh -Jl, U'lC .?ui. A ti C. MY HAPPY HOME- THE OLD HOMESTEAD Wild Cherry Bitters .r perfectly pure and contai 1 no poison or nox ious substsuc-.-. Tlity are cumpo'tnded upon scten. titic pnnriples. and arl aJapted to the old and the oung, the anJ tha Weak, and ae destined t be t" .uii-l in every city. tnrii and bamlet ia tbe ctvilit.Mi wi.rl S. They fpecJily cure Jaur.ilicf, Ui'tptpsia, all forma cf In digestion, Sour Stumachl Rheumx ti.-m, Scrn'vla, an t all IMPURITIES OF THE IJLOOD, Dropsy, -rvous AfTcti-iiis. ICiluey Diseases, Liv er Complamts Ceueral Ptnstration.and Ner. vrvis Headache. A ; e M-iruing App? no other T0nic or Stimu-' lat.t in tr-s uiav.-rse can equal them. For disorder ed .net ft.on. iuiperiVit rirrulation of the btood, and rxhnusted vital energy lliey give permanent ard prompt relief Ft Cnugiis and Colds ttiey ne superior to any Cheiry l-.rt.irul. They rlcanst the stomach and purify the blood, artmg diiet ,y .upon the Liver, tha gr. tit sent of disease ; they soon restore it to a sound and healthy tt;ti-. To persons i f Sedentary habits, ileltratc Female iin.t nursing .Mothrs, and those who feel a loss of strength, or a until if ambition, these bitters will be fsund of 1111 .1,1. ulable value One t.ial will ton- in"e you Muuufuelured and sold by T-B SL1XRFRLAND JtCO.. , ,lv , It' Cbrystie St. N. V. and sold by all Druggists and Merchants genera ly. D. W, tOBKl.NS, Agent. Blootueburg, Ta. Marrh 2?.l;6i51-3a r.lUade!p!iia & Erie I860 This great line traverses the Northern end N'ortli west counties of Feaiis) lvauia to tba city ofrie, oni Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and Is operated by them. T.MS ur PASSKNOEa TkAINS AT KOKTHCMBiaLAKV. LEA IE LASTHABD. Frte Mail Train. Erie Express Train, ii 38 p. ii. S 46 A M tluiira Mail i rum. 10 20 AH LEAVE rESTI7AKD Trie Mail Train. 4 59 A M Lrie Express I rnin. 6 54 P M Elmira Mail Train. 4 SI F M Passvngers Cars run through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains without iharui both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. XKW YORK CONVECTION. Leave New York at 9 00 p. m. arrive at Erie9 30 a.m. Lej ve Erie al 4 45 p ra. arrive at New York 4 10 p in Kiega'.l Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. For information respecting Passenger basidess an. p ly at the Cor. :-uih ttn-l Market St. Philadelphia, t And for Frctstit business of the Company's Agl's. S. B. Kineston, Jr., Cor. 13lh aud .Market Streets, Philrtdclpkia. Wtiiiam Crown. Agent V. O. R. R.. Baltimore. . II. H. Houston. eu'l Freight Agt.Phil'a. II. W. llwinner. (Jen'i Ticket Agt. Pbil'a. A. 1 TYLER, CenU. Sup't. Willamsa. rt March -21, lotiti. MANHOOD i HOW f.0T, HOW RESTORED Just published, anew edition of DR. CULVERv VVr.lX'S Celebrated Essay on the rcircar(i'iih out tnetlirine) of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ness. Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Merf lal and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar's riase, etc., also. Consumption, Kpilepay, and Fits, induced by seit-indulgence or sexual extravagance. . C7" Priee. in a seated cntelope, only C rents. The celebrated aotbor in this admirable essay clearly den onstraies, from a thirty year's successful practice. th.t rhe alarming resequences of self abuse may be radically cured without tie dangerous use of internal meriiclu or the app'rration oj the knlfn iioiut ug out tiioda of tureatouce simple, certaM and cflectMal by means of which every sufferer, no matter hat his condition may be, sua care himself ch-;iply. ptivateiy and radically. 117" Tuts Lecture h on id te ia th"e beads of every y.utli and every miu iu tae la ad Sent, under seat, in a plain envelope, to aay ad dress, post paid, oa receipt of six re mis. or twe post' tie atrnons. Addresk tl. ni,kli.K. fu 1 st t r tr 1 rrc . m ' SB"!5aBs8 led m v. P"-" r":.' ' iv',je -j , m. u a . , i 1"7 Vh-ptv Va Vwr lvmr. kt x4