Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, May 02, 1866, Image 1

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    ' !" i . ' . r- ,. t ' rrr 7- . ...., ! ... ,
Two Dollars per Annum in Adrance
4 w... 1,1
Truth and Right God and oar Country.
...i t
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it, i
i. If,
'1 1
I VOL. 1. NO. .10.
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9P7lMfTE!, every-1 wftinitsuay-.
nn or fhree invertiona '.. 81 5U
Everv subsequent lasenion tei uuuu ;v
r !..' ; 'lM. -' - '3.- 6r.'
One squat. "5
Two squares,
w'Tbrea -v
four squares.
Half rolumii.
10 HO I
20 00
So bo
rrriiiQ.-B dHj AilmriiirtrBtoi'V Notke.' ...j. ... 3 0)
A UfflT VAice v r I 1 .-h 4-.-.JO
Cthrt JuivwliieuKfOU uisettcd accfltJuig to ipecial
une .rcrf j jritOT f $;ilenient. twenty.
VTalfiM nrfvWtlfnn'pAyable'Jn a(f'anc, all I
Ti.17-,rFICt lh BUivbW "Block. Corner or Mm
(tei'ati.'l ' ('lilaomabttrr. V'.u.?,l,Ja' r.'11.1. I
utJb',, tKe "Dan ocr'citanj, -Star.
.... nAv.TsnAWMrfCj'v.
Tho' wi thit earih inwrapjuii in oriow.
Jf one couhl doubt bki on-ttio morrow,
)oyf tjl bafnny:;wjqli frei'a--'! Si
Tear bJ ea"noeanna tjia !; i
Fthwrd-torif eexb'.river' cbore; '
, yPatrTotiMHn aiouriiful numberj,'- ' .
' Fricnai thai fce shall see' no more.
.... 7 .
k rrffrid nt Wfth inxinui .waias.
! I
Lon(d to fee the morning come ;
To b6nold"cnce more a on.
. , 't.- o . v '1' . .
iCu( Var bas quit ite dreolatiotw c
P t"y efiinabonnd,
In tbie aaty yoiiitmpiaii'Mf- 1
-VVbcreiomant fgei jwe found,
,r. i.t.5'
Foee to those whdiore their t;oantry.
J- i - W5Tr tB Cohstitntfon stand.
. :i n
Foeiio all.who tbiiik that iobnoa .
'Wll from ruin save our land:
Tber lo tm of war an4 tbuad'er,'';,';'"
.' aeetitnulatlon' frfe, ' '' " . ,A t ..
J "jriecrttiooaaii iy plunder.. ' - i 5
i'i' Tfosathe fabiieTreasary. ;; '. ' J
rTtoey wbarfta the er wot ship, ' 1 '' -
V T6ok the iigr f"" b?ir Gh1. . . :
Hare wove a fli;m sia their era.
And nu.tHCobitituUoa trwl. !'
Y 4.'onrs,by outweicWng numbers'
m HmJtT ta'rard lftir blackness int" ntht,
,rBy bl tval tfieir plunder. '
i'w 'Stfcbf "a$ 5esra Ovil ttijbt. ' ' t
. Day is dawpmc. d" s lawni-ij, f - v ,
g CT AdJJU 4 toon's e-hiheim,J "
Elected by I be self same party, . , .. .-,;
'""VVho. would" ttow.him oserwhelm. : ?
J . : ,--'.'' - : ....... i
Now bo earef il Abolition. -.
- n Foryo kaew ow wall yoi meant, ; ' .'
VVb'-n yoij said twas vilest treasuu
n " 'o oppose the vSoverBiuear. .., ,r
" " And wbk yew talk jlnit ridj nioii.
Keepjq n'iuil a Fort Miflfin ; ,j '; , r
Where! men.'are nuni-h f'd fr' o;imail..
.t?y confla'inj the,ti'hn.',, t " ..
-j All men" ,' remember, thin ; were trartor. , '
W1t? mt ttnut. . .
'. i'.i '.C low fgttlt please remember on tliin;,
ii -i-Tba rdati'TO 'played our.(. . , ,.
ltb pbnslHtlianiHda protictS-in'.'.? . - . -; '
"'wV IFriiiiyoutJibolitiiwiflenisi, ,.- t
' Tbr Meitboae aleat.waiingv ; rl ,
ii vThat hoWrf banur to defeiKT.,, .'
j i .) t t
AV4imin mtmt go unar,
" ArreaJy fiIs oritway, ? (f ;
For we hear its prona, abl 'Wonder -
What induces it tosIay. ,.. : .,
: t.j . .-... .. tf . ., .,
1 1rb rio bye to Frt?drheris Carean,
Nejri 'rights itnf nero bili.
And may wewr be" deliv'tred ,(
f rrcmABclkiou.fule.i'add'' ilisl
bary, April 14, lSCo.
tf&Ni WM.: H. ;JAC0BY
" 'ilr.' ' Speaker .I tlo-not pror-osc to pro
ytig tTu3 fliscir4ionliut simply make a few
remark J AVheri" this Eesolatir-a waa1 intro:
duced in the House, I did Hot intend to fay
cn wor5"upon- it j butj sdnce the diacasiion
has aten'su'eh a hroad "range, the elergy
and the Jbar harinTiad,. as : it would seem,
their entire .satisfaction ."discu?ing the:
Resolution, it would hardly be espwted that
thc'fjyesdrreniaTn" entireTy fcileot -upon thia
etrbject I shall 'not make' any . a ttempt to
reply W-the argument advanced by the gen
tleman from PhiladelphialMr.' Rl DimiANl
.413 I fail to discover s all mnht wlro heard
it, anything? ir' it. requiring attention, but
ehaiieonfinc myself fa the KcsolctiJit befcrre
."I i
QiKesoIution before the Hoice'if ' I
prpperly understand "It, "proposes certain
chans'in' the "Constirutioxi of the United
tStatesvAa'thia' ii a proposition from the
Kepubllcarv eide of the" House, the first re
mark .wHXch It naturally , suggests;, is thai
frota amdnsf all our people, those who have
. reeau-the loudest in- their hypocritical pro-
Fesaoh'! of devotion to the Constitution and
the 1 Unidrf.arc; the '."first, ones ' 16;" declare
ueceon an accomplished fact,' and "the first
to discover thai our blessed ; Constitution
need3 Ecvsnty odd amendments j ,f i
It i3rue that' have been induced
to belieTe that our iate;;war;- was 'honestly
&iiizneL, ii 'prevent eecesaon, and perpetu
ate' 'conHitutio nil ;. go verhment,' ' It '.iakQ
trae that some men havC bcch bold enough,
to ' VntertaTn" and express idoubts on' that sub'
ject. !' :Had ! ta : v:irious , propositiona. here,
and in Congress, tochangerthe Federal Con
Btitutionv been nk&6 in ithspr;riir 01801,
not one sivp-cRfcKdAO fwfd
to ttclr:iutfprtt 'Mr. LixcoLS- well under
stood thjb, whence; uelifered ,h is inaugural
oesstge.- -"vVe were to have a ' war for ' the
ConstLtntioa and the .Union.;' 1 ". -
Oiir soldiers having br'cken thd military
power cf the-Southern .States, we are in
f5nrd by the-'fl ' KcTrcllicai, ttt those
S TEAMS, $3 CO tt-ahriBcL!? tjio't p!t3 tilt the
end (kTtfef AniJ fe(tf n'diiinalsvT be charned.
Cj-'lC9 pnpi-r cljucontMiued uutil-all ( arrearages
n.I.I ja w nrtr Ml I V i-r i - a rxll. (if ih Aalil Oft, - '
- PO 'X 3 W -iOU f C Ciil
3 0O f 3 O0 .l 0 .0' 1
5,CO I 7 09 8.0 'WO i
ui-o I - T M Cir
!10 0O 1 12 W 14 0 letJflf
( .'j K0V:l'5i.0V TOflOj'
I Mil i i I - jutirwvv
an 'still tut tf the? tmou, arA tins
, ,
's i
again mto the union. ', l ma
giv'ei thi lie to 'ill . their professed loyalty to
the Union,1 to the declared purposes 6f the
war, 'and declares the waii1 for the Union, a
toUl!''iiuluraI 'If fan; any.', purposes,', or to
any-.exnt; "those States ,ar'6 .yet out of the
Union, then the-battles of Antietam;. Oettts-
hurV'South 'lountain'f Spottsylvania, Cold
Harbor, tei,' were, fought , in yaitt,'v If, as
thee' rcolutibn iodictCv'-elevc.n 'States are
yeiotiV of the Union then- Slarerj is not
'' ;V,JSTew States,' jnay'- be ' admitted jnto'the;
Union :by-Congress ' ' ; but; i)gentlemen,: lle
pufcUcans if ; .these '. Southern Statos take
yora at'..y6iir own word, -in. regjird' to, their
status, wha would be;' yur';prcdicament',if
tlieV: shotiKl not ask' to be again admitted
ihto'the'.U'hlou?1 1 .(ieli.thqse gentlemen
they hare ; prepared' plysic'for othets which
miLst go down their own throat. '
" Sir, "we all . understand well the meaning
Of this Resolution. ? Fyran extension of the
lease of political )Qwer these ; Republicans
are willing to declare, -as "Gospel truth, that
'thelUiirua is disolYed,; arid broken up,1 that
the Government cannot be carried on with
out negro statesmanship!, negro -JQtei an(l
negro equality. , : . -. . ; - n : '
' ;I am thankful .that in thd party towhlcli"
I helong, . there, i,3 no such crazy greed for
power.'- . 5"or if f achi- Hl-disguised hypocri.y
can te palmed, ;oiT upon' intelligent men,
hare I any'dispo.-ition to'arresl this last des-1
per'ato and: wioted game, until it is played
to its' legitimate end, 'aiid bring about its
own cure. It is the lat scene, in the last
act, of thwUoody drama a wicked attempt
to sell' the" rights and high" prerogatives of
white' men; to' perpcluate the rule and ruin
p'olicy'of as desi)erato :and infernal a set of
uuprincipled J demagogues ,'as were ever
hatched m Or out of h1 itself. ' . '
" If thc'infarilous Constitution is worthy the
honest and herculean cSforts, that our brave
soldiers have made to defend and .perpetu
ate' it," why in God's name can't. you Repub
licans let it alone ? -Are -ou w.i?cr than your
fathers? Doj-qu preteud .t bft:wiserand
bettor patriots Arc you not cvertltrosvicg
.the; labors' . of our Jold icxs ?. Arc you "not
proving trui. . the : declarations of thoee at
whom you hurled- y-Dur eharges of- treaton,
when thsy' go Soften declared your purges
to be the vubver-ion of our Government.un
der the Constitution? Tins" Union e'xi.-ts
only by virtue of aal .uudcr t;2.Ccnhtitu
tion. This Resolution, recognizes eleven
.?atC3 as not. is tha Union! How then are
amendments of the, Constitution, to have a
governing 'effect 'cpnh thbseSvhom you de
clare are yet to" bo admitted to fellowship in
the Union ? Is this. Union fo be. better,
and f-fionger, if you succeed Jri forcing negro
suffrage? 'I think liot'and I feel satisfied
that the great iiiiss of the people will agree
wkh-incv ' -'.; ." . , '
This Reiolution' proposes to rob certain
State of former representation unless they
give tha. negro the right to vote. Ujon
what princii!e 'of common "honesty do you
endeavor tafTrce ngrq suffrage upon other
States when -you do not ; efanr to; propose
such ta thhig in yiuf Own State 1 'Are the
free nerofe eiFinc3yTvan:alisi!intslL"gent,
or. less .dgserving- tlys priviJeiTCj ihih tCgoes
m the South?., The-negroes pf lenn?ylva-n-a
were forced bvar arms, why rot' allow
them a vote?- come, that sim-t.-beaming
; arms, (naturalize J .the Irishman
aad.Gexinari, but had no twh effect upon
our Pennsj lyania negroe.s? VHien the Suuth
snf SlaTe-was-dirhsrged from' the ndlilary
service, ypu call him your own cqual? he is
a gentleman.; he mut have. a vote, but whefl
you duk-harge the Fennsylvahia negro, yon
say he becomes a nigger 'agarn, yes a very
do , i ' "' ' ' : .:'::-
; From all this, . what are We t o think ex
cept,' that your propot-Ition is timo-servrng,
unprinJTpled,' niggardly, cowardly, and des
titute of common tense of common honesty.1
But, Sirwhat.a .joke iL will be if
the extensive; member from . Fluladelphm,
Mr. Pa.vis, who; introduced th'u Itelu-i
tion, shall really succeed in passing it, and
dicL'ite the prganlo law of the natioii! What
fearful' obligations Congress will be under
to the gentleman. " 'How will the weight of
thirty .rpilIion3 .of people . rest- upon his
broad 'soulders ! How all' niggerdom' will
sing him lofty songs of louder praise. How
the very earth will quake under his tread,
and .Heaven's higV arche? Ting with -his
wonderiil glory. .,, Perhaps ho may displace
Seward, or cause Stanton to.rut and run;
perhaps become the President of Jamaica.
or'jtKe Jligh" .Priest" oi lUtahl i.Uless hiiu,
all ye twinkling stars of light,', ye suns and
moons, and cold black. nightsy ye little pica-
ninies scream, ye big nigger3 howl; Jlissey
Dinah strew his path with' richest flowers?
AH hail the . great Lycurgus of the Nine
teenth. Century, the great Resolution man I '.
' Are the Seceded States pir op( toe
UsiOX? The majority of the present Con
press take the position " that the.' seceded
Spates are out ot;the Union. If this ,pr--i-tvon
is correet,.then tlie tfeces&ionbts accom
plished their 'purpose4 ami di.Iyed the
Union'. 'But it is nbt'eo 'The Senate did
not consider them ' .-cut of the Union after
they had paed their secesj-iori ordinances.
Tennesseei, jfof instance, parsed guch a .seces
eion ordinance, She dia alt tha twas' possi
ble for her to do, by her own- acts, to cease
ohe'a State in the Union, yet the Senate
6411 continued fa treat her as a State in the
ITninn. '"The Mine' Of PrAiidcnf. .Tnbnnn.
then a fsenaor, waa'alled by the" Socretiry
pt- toe Jsennre, ancf as a member bt the tien
6t; ofithe Ujiited Stdtes he answered to hii
pame as a Senator from TennefseC, for some
time after Tennessee passed' her secession
ordinance,',," Tct fiq,one objected to him as
not being a Senator, not even Sumner.5 Thus
Tenneaeewa recognized by. the Senate as a
State 12 the:Ucaoa ndtwithftandis her ee
which; theeputlMftftpay, propose tp re
admit'.ihew atraln vtfo-the Union, '-illiis
-:.:! ..ii- ' fir ike Dvocrat and Star.
'Abolitionists and Aboiiiionisni.
. Messrs. Editors;, In hc few short num"
hers Inow propose to furnish '-for yourcol
hinna a' series iovatticW under the above
caption. ,' ' I. shall use the'.'terui ' " Abolition
ist," as applicabltl to. that .class of ' perspns
who in,.Yiolation of the' principles of our
political fathers". ,and of the compact enter
ed into by themto establish ; this.Umon of
States, have' for many years, unnecessarily,'
agitated the subject o slavery in the family,
in the social circle, in the, district schools in
the seminaries, in the academies, in the col
leges, in tlie Sunday schools, in the pulpit,
in. borough', in township, in' county, in State
and general : electionsin the State Jjeg'isla
t'ures, in Congress,and everywhere vut of it
'!; Ahd'ihe term'-AooUtionusrii"' I 'shall ap
ply to their doctrines !aiid practiec'in com
xneneing and promoting this unneces,-5ary and
wicked agitation. My first inquiry is,. "What
word the principles of pur. fathers?" '. .These
are happily laid down hi the' Declaration of
Lidepehdeace ; enunciated by Thos, Jeffer
son,' but "reported hy ihe comhiittee of five,
of which "he wasVChairman, unanimously
adopted hy Congress on the 4th of J nly, .
1776. . Is this .celebrated document' their
principles are fully set I forth, .but. fbr ; my
present purpose it will be sufficient to quote
the.' Declaration, t u Tlait all men, (that is
White men) 'are' created equaL't , This is the
Declaration' made by' Jefferson and -unanimously
adopted by his compatriots then in
Congress assembled at Philadelphia; That
the negro was not included in , this declara
tion is clearly proven in the subsequent adop
tion, by the same statesmen, f the Federal
Constitution, with the provision in it to con
tinue the slave trade till -1 808. " ' ' -'
; .But says the Abolitionist, "the negro was
included in that Declaration!" Th'u cannot
be proven, and is therefore imtrue. The
fathers of the Republic were just and acted
consistent with the principles they declared,
hence could not consistently have continued
the African hlave trade for more than thirty
years' after declaring negroes to have been
created equal with white men.; '
Secondly. . If our fathers included the ne
gro in the Declaration :!that all men are cre
ated equal," they 'could hot honestly nor
consistently have held riaves, (which they
did) after adopting such Declaration; nor in
making and establishing the Constitution,
with a provision for a Congressional Fugitive
Slave . Law, under which runaway tlaves
should legally be returned , to" their masters.
Yet such Constitutional provision was made,
see Act 4, Sec. 2,clause 3. and under it Con
gress parsed a Fugitive Slave . Law -. which
was approved by President Washington in
1793. ... m . . m
. Hence it appears the principles held and
enunciated by the illustrious father of the
Declaration, the Constitution, and the Laws
made in pursuance thereof, were baed upon
the .Scriptural idea that God has created
white men equalr and made them superior
to blaek men, who' are also equal among
themselves in their inferiority. This shows
that the principlesand practicesof theFath
ers were consistent with the Bible, the laws
of God. as established in Revelation and in
nature. Thus it is evident that they never
thought of declaringTheir. dependant slaves
equal with themselves, and they never legis
lated to make equal, that which the Almighty
had cTeated unequal. ' . ; Jefferson. .
- -B
, Etlitors Democrat ? Star : The Guber
natorial contest is now the all-absorbing
question -with , the people of Pennsylvania.
Upon its result depends the material inter
ests of Free Government and Constitutional
Liberty, not only for the present time, but
for all tune to come ; ' a legacy of inexhausti
ble wealth, or an endless curse to unborn
generations. ;'..' :
I propose In these brief es.'ciy?, as time ad
vances, to discuss with candor, the measures
of the respective parties and the principles
of the opposing candidates.
Mr. Clymcrscharacteris beyond reproach
and his political record has long fince gone
into history, and is not only clear and clean,
but is part and parcel of the history of the
great Democratic party cf the . State and
Nation. His enemies slander him when
they say that he refused to legislate appro
priations for the Government, or to volun
teer for the suppression of the Rebellion.
1 le did both', and I defy successful contra
diction. '
i Mr. Gear' has no public record, and is
one of those political nondescripts which Li
all-things to all-men, and can shape his
course to suit all shades of politicians. Pass
ing over the fact, that but a few months ago,
John W. Geary claimed to be a Democrat,
and' was 11 begging the ."nomination of the
Democratic- Convention for -the office of
Governcr,'. I would call attention to his
course in , the Mexican War. , . When his
regiment was engaged, with the enemy, Col.
Geary took shelter in a ditch, and left his
men to. be commanded by the , subordinate
officers. ' This is a historical truth," attested
by men, who served in the same company,,
and not one of whom, I am assured, will sup
port him for Governor.
i His valor in the late abolition war is much
of the ame sort He knew-how to take
care of himself, and thus lost the confidence
of his brave soldiers few of whom, if anyj
will give him their endorsement next Octo
ber:;. . , ' r
He is now the nominee of the Dis-Union
Convention ",a . ftctioji of marplots who
publicly censured Senator Cowan and . Pres
ident Johnson, for their constitutional efforts
to restore the Union. ," . .-1 j -i
' People .of Pennsylvania, these are the
facts and it is for you to make' the decisionl
"Look reU to your interests. .One- more ef
fortacd victory is ours. - '- ' . -
Remarks of Prof. H. Carver,
,'"'..' ' burg, April 9, 18C0."-.'
'. Respected Students)! desire your care
ful attention to a few remarks that I am
about to make upon our mutual duties and
relations. ;' ' ; ". '. '....' '
. . It is presumed that your special object in
becoming' members of this school, is to avail
yourselvei of its advantages, to improve
your minds and hearts and thus fat. your
selves 'for usefulness arid happiness ;; to cul
tivate your manners, and thus render your
selves agreeable to, .those around .you. As !
you will, and have a right to expect that we
as teachers will be faithful in the discharge
of all'oxir duties, so we have a right to re
quire of 5-ou faithfulness in all that shall
tend to your physical, intellectual and moral
development. Your success defends more
upon what you do, than upon what is done
for you; ' A few moments spent in contem
plating the, nature arid importance of. the
work j'ouh'ave ii hand, may serve to render
your school life, both, more pleasant and
profitable ; and to aid you in ; such contem
plation permit me to suggest: First resolve
to. comply ' cheerfully ' with every require
ment,' and' faithfully to perform every as
signed ; and reasonable duty, and do not
allow yourselves to decide upon the reasona
bleness of a - requirement,' until you have
carefully examined into the effect that such
I. compliance or refusal will have upon your
future well. being. Cultivate and manifest a
kind and accommodating disposition towards
school-mates, and a respectful and confiden
tial regard for your teacher, being assured,
that, though fallible, we shall at all times
seek your highest good.
: Your 'success in school and in after life
contributes to the jdeasure and honor of
your teachers; from the very nature of the
relation of pupil and teacher, it cannot be
otherwise than that their interests are one ;
come to us then, with your troubles, and
confide in us as 3'our friends. Regard your
school as sacred to the improvement of all
your higher faculties, and to gaining power
over your passions and evil impulses. Let
it be a community of well-bred young ladies
and gentlemen, who never indulge in rude
ness, in loud and boL-tcrous speaking, or
any conduct that would be considered unbe
coming in any good society of gentlemen
and ladies. Lend 'your influence in even
possible way to improve and elevate the
character and reputation of each member of
the school. By your own example and. kind
counsel assist in correcting the bad, if any
there should be, and in forming good habits
on the part of each and every member of
the school. Observe order and neatness.
"Have a place for everything, and every
thing in its place." Cultivate this habit as
a virtue. ,
Marking cfl writing on books, desks, walls
or any part of the school premises manifests
a very bad taste, if not a vicious disposition.
I3 it too much to say that none but a reckless
or vicious person will indulge in this iuibit ?
Soek for a high standard of scholarship,
the means to bo employed are study and rec
itation. : In these exercises you should aim
at perfection. In study depend upon your
selves. Seek aid of no one unfil you have
made the greatest possible effort to solve the
difficulty ; then come to your teachers. Dis
cipline and .independent thought are as
much to be desired as.the knowledge obtain
ed. Do not assist each other, or ask per
mission to study" together. Learn your les
sons with a view to know them, and not to
simply answer the questions that may be
asked. '
; All communications with other pupils dur
ing study and recitation hours should be
avoided. Each student should study and
recite as if no other one was in the class or
room. Never meddle with the desks, books,
or property of other students.
' Maintain the strictest integrity in all your
relations in the school and community.
Truthfulness I3 the bais of character ; the
want of it ' a radical defect The one in
spires respect and confidence; the other
brings reproach and degradation. For your
own sake, therefore, cultivate an artless in
tegrity and strive to be good that you may
be great.
' Far tkt Democrat and f tar.
Messrs. Jacob y & Iiceler : I have de
layed writing, since my last article was so
long time appearing in print, but when last
in town, and learning that the delay was
owing to the crowded state of your columns,
I have concluded to continue the scries, as
intimated in the first communication. Our
people here like thc: Democrat and Star,
the organ of the great Democratic party of
Columbia, and intend to show, by giving it
our liberal support, that it shall be. well sus
tained. : Nor are we likely to be gulled by
the pretensions of the proposed new paper,
the abolition disorganize' new journal, or
any other icolf in sheep's clothing.
In a former number I spoke of the chang
ed condition of things in the Fishingcreek
Valley, and "I" now propose to take a
wider view, and hastily consider the vast
change that has recently and happily over
shadowed the whole country. White men,
not only here but elsewhere, are now being
considered as good as negroes. The days of
illegal arrests and military outrages are num
bered, and justice is about to resume its
wonted sway. The innocent men of this
peaceful valley, are no longer harrassed Jby
the "Lincoln Blood-Hounds," as the prin
cipals in that bloody drama are employed in
getting up; another organ of treason in
Bloomsburg, but ''President Johnson has
manfully taken his stand in defense of the
Laws, the Union and the Constitution
Chief Justice Chase has reversed the de
cision of the Military Court Martial,- in the
case of three men condemned to death in
Indiana, and has decided that their trial was
in violation of law and the Constitution.
Tlu3 decision was made by an - intensified
Abolition Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court of the, United States, being the first
of the kind that caine before that tribunal,
and it was his onby alternative or the com
mittal of perjury. -."And this decision covers
every illegal arrest and, military ; trial
in the country, includirig the "Couch-Cad-wallader
invasion, in 1804, of Columbia
county.": : . . .
. 'Now what becomes of the murderers of
our citizens, who were thus kidnapped and
-died in the "Lincoln BastUes?" What of
the lives of hundreds of innocent people,
who 1 during the war were shot and hung
after a. farcical trial ? God have mercy on
these military mobs and audacious .rioters.
Tlie vengeance of insulted Heaven and the
wrath of their injured families will overtake
them in due time, and give 'them justice.
And, Fcuow Democrats, what is your posi
tion now, and what has it been all along ?
You boldly opposed their hellish deeds.
You urged the employment of the majesty
of the law, the rights of citizens, the su
premacy of theourtP.' The torirs opposed
all these and called you traitors. Mazeppa
says : . .
Thirre n"ver yet wan human power
Th a emil.l evade, if iinforeiven.
The patient swarth and vigil Ions
Of liiui who treasures up a wrong."
A Benton Democrat.
For tht Democrat and Star.
Abolitionists and Abolitionism.
"NO. 2. ...
Messrs. Editors : I closed my first
number with the statement "that the prin
ciples of the Fathers and also their prac
tices were in harmony with the laws of na
ture and Revelation." This I bejieve to be
strictly true. But here is where the Abo
litionists take issue with the Fathers and op
pose the political fabric "which they have es
tablished. Their opposition to the Consti
tution, the Union and the rights of the
Stites, I will now proceed to prove from
their own Abolition records.
"The Constitution of our Fathers was a
mistake. Tear it in pieces and make a bet
ter. Don't say the machine is out of order,
it is in order ; it does what its framers in
tended protects slavery. Our claim is dis
union, breaking up of the States ! I have
shown jon that our (Abolition) work cannot
be done under our institutions." YcndcU
" This Union is a lie ! The American Un
ion is an imposture, a covenant tcith death,
and an agreement tcith hell. I am for its
overthrow. Up with the flag of Dvatnion,
that we may have a free and glorious Repub
lic of our own, and when the hour shall
come, the hour will have arrived that shall
witness the overthrow of slavery." Wm.
L. Garrison.
"No man has a right to be surprised at
this stato of things (the war). It is just
what we Abolition JDisunionists have at
tempted to bring about. Ours is the first
scctioiial party ever organized in this coun
try. It does not know its own face, and
calls itself national, but it is not national ;
it is sectional. The Republican party is a
party of tha North, "pledged against the
South. " Wendell Phillips.
"I have labored nineteen years to take,
sixteen of the States out of the Union, and
thank God. it is now accomplished." Thus
spake Phillipsaboutthree3-cars agoat Wash
ington, in a public speech, to which Abra
ham Lincoln and his Union loving Cabinet
listened with much satisfaction. The Senate
of the United States received him with dis
tinguished consideration the next day; the
Speaker of the House soon after entertained
him at a numerous dinner party; the Presi
dent at that time,and subsequently.held con
sultation with him in the White House on
the war; hence we are justified in the appre
heasion that they then held, and many of
them now hold, similar views concerning the
Constitution and the Union, with those of
Wendell Phillips, who soon after leaving
Wasliington assisted in passing the following
resolution at an anti-slavery meeting in New
Yerk, viz :
"Resolved. That while the anti:slavery
society has rendered this verdict with the
deeiest emphasis, it has not failed to re
mind the people of the North that, ever
since the adoption of the Constitution of
the United States, 'their feet have run to
evil, and thev have made haste to shed in
nocent blood,' in the way of slaveholding
complicity; thai,-by consenting to a slave
representation in Congress, to the arrest and
rendition of fugitive slaves on their own
soil, and to the suppression of slave insur
rection by the iron hard of the general gov
ernment, thev have made a 'covenant with
death, and with hell they have been at an
agreement,' till, at last, judgment is laid to
the line, and righteousness to the plummet,
and the' ball swcers away the refuge of lies,
the waters overflow the hiding place, the
Ovenant with death is. annulled and the.
agreement with hell no longer stands."
More anon. Jefferson.
City Hotels.
, One of the greatest nuisances connected
with City Hotels is the "black mail" levied
upon travellers and others by the niggers
who wait upon the tables.'
, So great has this'evil become, that a mod
est man, who pays his three dollars and fifty
cents per ' day, exorbitant as it is at the
office, can scarcely get enough to eat Men
of means indulge thco. scoundrels in this
system of robbery, and landlords wink at it,
to such an extent, that U-hai betjo'me a cry-
- -y
' a rrpntlrrman having occasion to go to the
city the other day, put up at one of these
fashionable Hotels. Supposing that every--body
who paid his bill at the office was treat
ed alikej at the usual hour he went in to
dine. It was as much as a bargain that he
even got a respectable" sized piece of roast
beef. the most ordinary; article that could
be called for. After disposing of. the beef,
with a spoonful of mashed potatoes, he ex
amined the bill of fare again, and selected
"apple pie," and ; "sponge' pudding;" not
that he cared anything particularly about
the "pudding,"' but timply on account of
variety. ' . '
The nigger in attendance, who looked
more like an angry bear with a sore head,
than even a nigger scowling at you all the
time you were eating, as if he could eat you
for presuming' to be white, ' or something
elsercturned with the mere ghost of a
piece of pie;' and a piece, no, it was the
mere fraction of a piece of pudding, whose
entire length and breadth was, at: the out
side, one and ono-half inch thick, with a
tea spoon full of some kind of liquid upon
it. The gentleman says "he remarked-to
the darkey that he thought he must have
intended to stall him on that slice;" but
this onlv added to the savage morosencss of
cuffee. He was iridigriant because a half
dollar had not'beeri Quietly slipped into his
palm, and was determined, at the risk of
the reputation of the Hotel, to starve, or at
least drive off, all such customers from the
hous3 in future.
The facts are, that this was the first visit
of the gentleman to that Hotel; and we
are assured, his last.
So much is the system of ''black-mailini-"
getting into disrepute,-lhat'we see some of
the New York Hotels advertise that ser
vants are not allowed to receive any compen
sation from travellers o:a the pain of imme
diate dismissal.
This is a wdiolesome beginning; and if
the same rule was extended to some of the
Hotels in Pittsburc, it would not only be a
recommendation, but it would be the Hotel
sought after by every gentleman who de
sires to sfe all men treated alike whether
rich or poor, great or small, learned or un
learned so that he pay his bill at the office
Brick Dust for Sore Heads.
In is reminds us or a little storj'! caj"
"ou radical, nigger loving, A:i::a Dickenson,
Fred. Douglass, Ben. Butler st3"le of -republicans
how do 3"ou like Johnson? How do
3-0U like going out of the Union for a Pres
ident? How do 3-ou like Tennessee states
manship? How does it compare with flat
boat style ? .
.. And God said let there be light, and there
was light ! This is Bible.
"And being in torment, they lifted up
their cj"cs and saw," not Abraham in the
bosom of Lazarus, but Andrew Johnson in
the White House. Pretty picture, isn't it,
you freedom shreiking. press mobbing, dem
ocrat hanging, cotton stealing, women rob
bing, plunder loving, prison advocating,
democrat abusing, ballot box stuffing, office
helling sepulchre i full of nigger's bones'?
How do 30U like the new President?
Wouldn't 3 011 chokegentby onBooth's wind
pipe, if he were still alive? How do you
like this going into th'3 Democratic party
for a horse to hitch up with 3'our mule?
The seed of white men shall bruise the head
of Republicanism, and Johnson shall be the
next President Yerilj, we say unto you,
now is the time to repent! It is a bad time
for 3 0U fellows to swap horses when crossing
a stream! Why don't you Republiea, wench
hugging, freedom shrieking, law breaking,
union hating members of the only treasona
ble party in the Union, get drunk and parade
with torches! Stind by the President ! The
President is the Government, you know.
He who speaks against the President is a
traitor. Let traitors be hung! Why don't
you get drunk. burn printing offices, murder
a few democrats, throw a few printing press
es into the street stop your newspaper,hold
praj er meetings in barns and get drunk as
owls, as you did when the other President
spoke ! "Who's pin here since I'sh pin
gone?" Who elected Johnson ? Why in
the thunder don't 3-ou get out the Wide
Awakes, burn democrats in effigy, shoot at
them as they go around corners, waylay
theni in post offices, shout "rah for Link
Johnson, and hold fast to the prize you
found down south.
Way down South in t!.e land of Dixi!''
. ' Ain't that a pretty little song? How do
you like this "expediency" dodge? Why
don't you cackle whcii3"0ur President lays an
egg? "Why don't you celebrate, jubilate,
investigate, operate and the arid tonsils irri
gate as you used to once ?
Why don't you laugh sidle talk say
something, if it is not so allnicd smart?
Gracious." but you fellows are busy about
now! This is your President "God crave
him to vou. Von selected and elect M him.
What's'the trouble in your camp? Oh but
you are a wet set of roosters! U ell, never
mind. We shan't hurt jou. e won t
mob vou prison 3-011-hang you-abuse
you hara you in busmess-mahgn you
-insult vou-rob you an I use you as you
have for five vears used us.. Xou needn t
look scary like when you sec a rope,a prison
or a gun.
some colored troops. ' 1 urn your prayer
meetings into electioneering booths. Jam
jar with election returns. Control the Tel
egraph. Lie to the nation. Oten your
ths and rruffaw when the President
sneaks. Be sociable. Don't act like wan.-
dering drops from a grand fanral proces
sion. Why you looked good, joy
struck, hapny, angelic' when Lincoln died,
compared to th'5. way you look , now Poor
republicans hovo dreadfully grief tcmrt on
.1 f. 1 1 T- - rt-yj. r....-.'
Get out the Wide Awakes. Call out the
loyal leagues. Get up some Sanitary Irairs.
Antvnnt. a few Brigadier Generals." luiise
From the Harrisburg Palfiotjind Union.
The "Other End of the' "Line.,,
. Come all ye sound Conservatives, -'
And listen to my song; 1
'Tis but alittle ditty, and - -
It will not keep you. long. ,.r--r, t
Ti- of three srieakimr traitor-men.
As you may well divine,
Who keep up the disunion fight -."i
' At tiro other end of,tho line . .
. So Steven?, Sumner, Phillips, too, ' 1 ' '
, : Be sure you ever shun; ' .
They run the nigger Congress at'
The town of V ashington. ,r .
They arc three sneaking traitor-men - ,
Who the President malign, - '
And keep up the disunion fight
At the other end of the line, ' ,.'.'
For four long ycars.we fought the South,
The Union to restore ; . ' 1
. Now Thad. and Charley want to fight, 1
In Congress, four 3rcars more. . . , . ,
Because they're sneaking traitor-men,
.Who foully do combine, '. ' '
To keep up the disunion fight "
At the other end of the line. . .i
B ut there's a man from Tennessee, t -And
Johnson is his name,", " !'
Who figures by the rule of three, -' '
;f And alwa3s bags his game. -. . . .;
And he will take those, traitor-men, - ;;;
Sure-as the sun doth shine, . , .
And hang them high as Hamanhung, :
At the other end of. the line. . - - - -
The Old Woman and the Crow.
. ..The following amusing anecdote which has
never, yet appeared in print, struck me as
containing a point so keenly sajtirical, that-1
determined to write it down and have it
"placed on the records." It, was told mo
b3' one who was both an e3e and ear witnes
and who, of course, speaks from, the book.
The story will lose much of its ludicrous
ness in my st le of writing, and his of tell
ing it, but here goes :
At a certain cross-roads, in the ' State of
Alabama, stood a small grocery, or "whiskey-shop,"
previous to" fhe rebellion, where
"bust head" and chain-lightning" were
dealt out to the thirsty, unwashed at tho
small sum of five cents a drink, or twenty
five cents a quart . The presiding genius of
this delectable institution was one Bill Sikes
who among various other pets had a do
mesticated crow, black as the ace of spades.
This erow had learned, among other things. '
to repeat quite plainly the words "damn
you !" which, he of course, heard frequent
13 u.sed in the grocery. During the preva
lence of a knock-down and drag-out fight
one day, however, the crow was frightened
from his home and flew off into the woods,
never to return. ' '
Ahoutlhrce miles from the grocery was
a settlement meeting house an old tumble
down, dilapidated affair, only used on cer
tain occasions, when a "circuit-rider" hap
pened to pass that wa3. In this building
went the crow, taking ieaceable' posession J
and two days thereafter the church' was
thrown open for preaching, and a large
crowd assembled, "among whom was a very
old lady, who wa3 compelled to use crutches
in walking, who took her seat in the "front
pew," and was soon deeply absorbed in tho
eloquence of the preacher. The reverend
gentleman had scarcely got under full headway-,
and commenced thundering his anath
emas at all grades of sinners, when a hoarso
croaking voice from above uttered the om
inous words; ... . I A
" Damn you , . , , i
"The preacher and congregation looked
aghast at such profan-, and each peered
in his neighbor's face in vain to detect some
sign of guilt! Quiet was at length restored
however and the sermon proceeded, but era
ten minutes had elapsed the ominous "damn
3-ou!" again electrified the audience, and
just as the preacher cast his e"es upwards
to search for the delinquent, che crow flew
down from Ids perch, and,- fighting on the
Bible, calmly surveyed the terrified crowd,
as he gave another doleful croak :
"Damn you!" I
The effect was electrical. Giving one
startled and terrified glance at the intruder,
the preacher sprang through a window,car
O'ing sash, glass and all with him, and setoff,
at a break-neck pace through the woods, i
closely followed by his horror stricken 'con-,
gregation, who had piled out of the building
pell mell after him. In the general scram
ble, the old lad3' with the crutches had been .
knocked down in the church, where she lay
unable to rise, and on observing her, the
crow (who was after something to eat) flew 1
down beside her, and cocking up his eye at .
her very knowingly, again croaked: : ' ., 1
i'Damn you " . 1.1
: The old lady e3ed him savagely for a few '
moments, and then burst forth in a tone of
reckless defiance : , ;
"Ye and damn 3"ou too ! I had nothing :
to do with getting up this Methodist meet- '
ing, and 3"0U know it too?" :
The poor old soul had mistaken the crow '
for the Devil, and concluded to propititate,' ;
if possible, the wrath of his Satenic majesty . ;
by den3'ing all complicity in the affair. The '
world is full of just such people. '
A Reverend Negro Thief. The Ire2
dell (North Carolina) American says that
one Rev. AUen,'a negro parson, has "been
arrested for some cause, and a large amount
of merchandise found in. his possession,
which was pilfred at the late conflagration
in Salisbury. . The America sav-s:
Reverned colored gentleman sa3'S ;that a
f Union man advised him that it was right
and proper, according to the Bible, for the
freednien to take the jewels and property
of their late masters and mistresses; and
J CT?!" to their own u. " ""