Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, April 11, 1866, Image 1

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    vv t . m r r rrTrx . a . tta n - f n n 4 n a r. n . a t i n i r . r it - it,- - u i - a k ri : i :r 11 i tj m m . i a r 1 1 . i r n 1 i. 1 1
iAC(5BY &'IKELEn Poblislieri..
Trnth and Right God and onr Coantrj.
Two Dollars per. Annua in Adrance
r !.' r i
r wi j VOL. 1. NO. 7 .
x"'-:' ',-' v v- - ;" , ;; v . ;-- 1 L''11''VI; ,L"1.. r-lili'- - ": : : ' i ..-1 . :-t-r- .
TT AS !en in poccfal practice for a number of
. .' x yeztSi wiia We expenenes 01 tin dittcrent doi
. bitalfin Europe, atao.a uicmbsr of the Analyeical
t AlKritrnt Institute ot JVaw. Yrrk, continues to attend
- torall prn(Vaional caeca at bit office No. 023 Filbert
1 i V ?treet, PhileiHplrir. ' I ' .
' 11 2. 'No patent Hetfitlnee are ned or recommended ;
' tli8reJil0dJet aimi.nitered are thoso vrbich will not
- breck eo . the constitation. but reiwvate the y.
' tem from ait injuries it ha iitained from mineral
1 -' "medifcinee. anj leave tie yftcat ia a healthy and
perfectly cured condition. ' . , ,,
C- '3 DT8PEPSI. &ht ,'trei"8 na fell
dettmver of heelth an." nPPi"e-i. naeriiiiiini5 iue
teon tifuti .n tni yearty .f80"""0",1" "".
Umetv erve. can mo.t emp ' 'r"'7 f 'nrf ' '
4. Melancholy. A bberratiort. V . AUna
lion anJ weakos.a of the mind W.0 renter per-
ortMncapfllile rtf enjoying the pleau.' orperfoira--Jne
th duties of frfe ', '. " .
L RHEUlATlil,ie-ny firm or condit.on.enron;
la or aeute. wnrraoted eurublp. -
6. EPII.EP3V.or fall in j icknessv all chrom.- or
nuooera taseii or
radica'ty remored ; fa't ateum and every descrlp.
: tion tf afceratitng : Piles and scrofulous diseases
ivrhith hare baffled all previous medirnl skill, can be
cured by my treatment ; aad 1 do ssy nil diene,
(y Cowsumptiob) can be oured by weorins; my Meoi
catd Jacktt. which is n protection tu. the lungs
against alt thanrei of weather in a't elunatess hav
Jrig thvesti?atcd for yar tlie cause and elmracUr oi
-Interniitrenu (fevrJana asne) in all parts vf the
X- L'uiied dtaUis Will Cure peenaan ntly all carmiir. or
, acute cases of ague and uervoua oUeacs ia a few
.dayr.' v 4 - . v. i .
- Cancer Cared withont the knife or Drawing
v . 'I ;; .r: "Biooi. '. ..
Tapw Worm, that road to the Ilumsn Family for
years, can i.e. removed with two-or tluwe -doses of
Wf newly discovered remwty, warranted in alt case.
. . JinaultatioBi in the tiirlish and laneuazcs
, free of charge. Will make visits any distance, if
desired.-. My "be addresse by latter (coiifidentiaLI v.)
. and itleJieine sent with Rrtp r directions to fcny
- part ol the country.
;", , . .. .. OFFICE Vo, 23 Filbartt. rhila.
i!i he Montour k Cdorado
8 Capital stock, - - --' $300,001).
U'Mco, 000 Shares. Par Talue$5t
1 ' . ... . OFFICER? t
" noh.TV: li. JACOBY, Pres'i;
Of Bloamsburg. Pa.
: D. M. SWARR, Yice-Pres't..
r- Wn. H. SULTZBACII, SeCj-.
r h . JtfHX WOODSUDKjTfeaVr.
XVn. BLUE, Gen. Directortolorado.
. : Hon. Jacost.
E!oo.nburi; fa. .
Danvi le. Pa.
PhllaJelphial P.
i H. Cisntu,
,. Eishl.
"' V. H.Ttsow.
. H. L. Pcltisacs,
. John Woodid,
t .
,7hls Company is oranU-d under a Char.
i . terof the State ol Pennsy ivania. ow niug one tbou
b sand feet on the Harker lode, and two hundred on the
Bureau County Inrfe, either of them within halt a
r mile of Central City. Clipin County, Colorado. The
property on the Ba-ker loda consintv of the discov
1 . ery claim, two hundreds fert. and eight claims aJ
. . Joisinf on the east of one hundred feet each, malting
one thousand'eonsecotive f.;et.. This lodu is wtirked
1 for three thousand feet in length, on every claim
Utwaveraie width of the vein or crevice id seven
feel. This lode wrti average in richness with any in
1 . the Territory. The Bureau County ule consists of
t. the disenvtry Hatui. of one hundred feet, according
1 to the lawa of 13. and No. 1. ea-t from discovery.
Tbia.lode shows a crevice, as far as worked, of four
:fet. Tl e lat quartz, ctuslied f.-ohi it in a stamp-
. mU, yielded one hundred and sixvy dollars a cord.
Jp cnenection wiih the Barker lode, is an eubtecn-
etamo uiill. with powet and capacity to crush from
, twelve to- fifteen cords a week. . The ore from the
Barker lode can be in iocd. hauled and crushed at
, the mill, at the rate of forty-five dollars a cor J. 'the
.. ore. If selected, will yied from nne-bun drcd-and-6 f-
ty to two hondred dollar and upwards, per cord.
; As tae pratiettr hnt all tiie iiuprovemmt- neces-
aary for the working of the several lodes, the first
- dividend will be paid in the ensuing July, and regit
. larly thereafter, at'frem four to five per cent, quar
. terly, in coin, unless in case of unavoidable acci
, stent , .
There are no salaried oSicere except the ?ecre
lar ; aad the Treasurer wilt be required to give ajn-
pie security for the faithful performance of his trnst
j 1 here is oulv a limited aniontit of stock . lor sau at
the pricsof $5 pes shfre. wblch can be obtained at
, lha otflce of 'the Company, where Certif rates wilt be
issued and all information givea.
"Office, No. 26 Ktrdxanli' exchange,
afareb 53, 18tB. '
PH. EUTELk. havin? bought L. Bunyon" PCO-
ISIOX STORE is now prepared to ell Grocer- '
iea at Whole tale or Retail, as Ctcap as theUeap-
;jxFai:is you ca:v Firvi)
SUGARS, ....
t- S TKAS.
tr t.
tr. 4
.: i FLOUR,
ArAftAt ttr a r rv
'. EPH. V. EL W ELL.
' ,, Bofosborg tehJ l, 1806. . . ,
Philadelphia L Erie
"This great line traverses the Northern and North
vest counties of Peaa'sylvauia to the city of Erie, on
tjtke Erie. ".
Tit bas been leased r ths Pennsylvania Bailrcad
Company, and is operated by them,
t : tuu mr rAsscneca tiaim at noBTacxsiRLASD.
Trim H.llTniii
f En Express Trai'h,' '
! Xiuirsilail Train,
II 25 P.M.
3 45 A M
. 10 25 A M
f I ' " ail Train. i
Vvrs xress ..
j I jl .
7. K."-
Jttmi'ra SPtril Train. --, the Erie Mail and
TJaVe New York at9.00 P.M.srrtVe atErie9.,15 A.M.
Erfe at P.M. arrive at New VorkX.4o Psl.
TEteeant Sleeping Cars on all Night Prarns. -,
For information respecting Saaaens;r buwinMst. ap
tv atthe Cor. 30th and Market rits. Philadelphia
iV,'aCwn:SX.ail:R.iBa.timor? '
. II. H Houston, Gen'l. Freight Agt . jVf "
L W. O winner. Gea'l.TicXet Agt. I'Kiladelphia,
l 'A If TYLER. Gen'J.Sup t. Williamsport
Jj'arcil 21. iao6. . ,
V J Pa. Having thoroughly overhauled my Pa
Vrr Mills at MUt Grove, near Bioomsburg, Columbia
.. fy p" . 1 am bow prepared to Air all orders for
Wr-'-in 'Dry btsstin and Weter Prwf Paper, on
vyrir'',n.?,J u:L...,ifM I have hcened a ware-
C' is Wirken-Barre and appotnted Joseph Brown
It lat flrn, ol Brown. Crsyfc U.. my ageuX to dispose
cf mr PP ,at0ttBHdMA3. TRENCH.
t'oomiSn.-g. Sept. Iff, 1303.' '
s n A a -niTSI ! AGENTS wanted
t . s xJ Tf,x entirely r.ew articles, just
A 1 L O. T, CAREY, City Boildin'S
I npMnrR TT"AWn 4tap
TERM3. $1 CD in advance. Ifnot poid till the
rnd oflheyeur. 58 cents additional will be charged.
C- No paper 'discontinued untit 'ali arrearages
are paid except at the opi'.iou of the editors.
One square ne or three Insertions..
1. trt-rv aulisFQueivt insertion tess tnan 13
... 53
. .'. . .59
One square, .
Two -squares,-Three
Four squares.
JX. JM- vx,
3 0o
I 3 r&
l 3 oo
I 7 00
4 Of
00 I JO no
I t-0 I J-.00
H,0il '-HI 00
irtwri no. no
.10.00 50 03
Mall column.
One column.
I 10 Oo
i U.cO
Er-ntor's anil iAiiniiuistralor's Nolice.. 3.WI
auiitf.r'e ft'otice ..2.i0
Other u'iveitiscuitn" inserted according to special
CTus?ncss bouV. without adverlHtmen:, twenty.
CTra"Hninartvert"i-em'ents payable in adane. all!
others -ue .rteMU ftr.t y - !KELER. '
tJIoonisbarj, Cciuoihia Countv, Pa. -
Of W rai.Icr, UCUI luitici. Hunt liuinrnu u v t
"'if The clock in the steeple strikes one ;
1 OU said you F ere coming iim uoiuj iroiu me siiup
As soon as your day's work was don.
" Our fire has gone out our house it ail dark
Ani mother's been watchin; siace tpa.
With poor brother Benny, so sick, in her arms,
Aud no one to help her but trie.
Come home ! come home ! come home 1
Please, father, dear fatter, come home !
Father,' dear fctfcer,come home with me now :
The clock in the steeple strikes two,
The night lias grown colder and 'Benny' Is worse ;
But he has been' calling for you.
Indeed he is worse ma says he will die ;
Perhaps before morning shall dawn I
And this is the message eh sent me le brirj
Came quickly, or lie will be gone r i '"
Father, "Sear father, come borne with me now 1
The clock in the Hteeple strikes three ; ,
The house is so lon ly the hours are so long
..'For poor weeping mctuer and uie f "
Yes we are alone poor p.euny is dead t
And gone with the angH of light ; " .
And these were the ve ry Inst w ortls that he said :
. . 'I want to kiss '?'tpa to-night I .1
Come home ! come home 1 come borne !
- Please, father, dear father, coiue home 1
Hear the sweet voice of the child.
Which, the bight-winds repeat as they roam ;
Oh ! who could resist the most plaintive of prayers,
I'lea.e, father, dear father, e me home i
PbclaTaatIonb7thep7esIdenlJ!,?l i!8 wn !"" has ,h8ihll" , 1he
! power to go out of or separate itself from
- Whereas, By proclamations of the 15ih . or l.e separated from the American Union,
and 13th cf April, IfcGI, ihe President of j anj thai, iherefore, each S:ate ought to re
the United Slates, in vinue of lha power , main an(j consiiiute an integral part of ihe
vested in bim by the Constitution and the United Stales ;
laws, declared thai the laws cf the United! And Wncreis, The people of the several
States were opposed, and the execution before mentioned State have ia the man
thereof obstructed, a the States .of South rner aforesaid given satisfactory evidence
Carolina, Georgia, Alabama. "Florida, Mi- 1 that they acquie?ce in Ibis sovereign nnd
ippi,Lociiana and Texas, by combi- important revoloiion of naiior.'al unity ; '
nation!, too powerful to be 'suppressed by j And wheeas, It is belie ved to be a fund'a
tbe ordinary couree of judicial proceedings, mental principle 'of government, that peo
or by the powers vested, in ths marshals by pls who have revolted and who have re-
And wterccs, By another .-proclamation
maiie.oti the 16ih day of August, in the induce tbem voluntarily to become friend,
same year; in r-rsuance of an act cf Con- j or ela ihey roost be held by absolute mil
grets, approved July I3tb, 1661, the inhab- j ;l3ry power, or devasfaied so as lo prevent
tarns oi tue jutes ot Georgia, outtt Car-
olina,Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee,
Alabama. Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, MU
sisfippi and Forii'av except the inhabiiants
cf that part of the Siute cf Virginia lying
west of the Alleghcnytnountains, and euc
oiher p.rts of that Siate and the other Sia'es
before named, os might maintain a loyal
ar?hjinn ?n I h a IT.itnn arnl P.ip ii' i I o : n i r-.r
rrmht be from lime to lime occupied and
I onr, I rni!'l h f.roa iSa f T n i i .i I SIf-aaj
engaged in the suppression of
gents, were declared to be in a s!
the itisor-
ate of
ssrreciion asainsl the United States ;
And vchenas, By another proclamation of
the first day of July, 1862, issued in pursu
ance of an act of Congress, approved June
7, in ihe same jear, the insorrection was;
declared to be still eih-ling ia the b'.ates j
aforesaid, with the exception of certain'
specified counties in the State of Virginia; (
And uhereos, By a.'.otbsr proclamation, i
pursuance of the act of Congress of Ju!y
31, 1861, the exceptions named it? procla-
i mation ot Adgost 16, h, lS61,were revoked
and ihe inhabitants of the States of Georgia,
South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee,
Alabama, Louisiana, Texas Arkansas, Mis
sissippi, Florida and Virginia, except ihe
or tr eight couoties of Virginia, designated
as West Virginia, and the pdrts of New
Orleans, Key West, Port Royal an'l Beau
fort, South Carolina, were declared to be
still in a elate of insurrection agaiast the
United States;
And whereas, The House of Representa
tives on the 22J day of Juty, 1861, adopted
a resolution in the words following namely:
Aicswiicu iy mz ji'jusz i'j ityreit;tiaut:cs u
illg Congresi'of the United S!a!es. that the
i ... .. . .
prjseni uepioraoie civn war nas oeea lorc
ed opiTQ !ho 'country by the disonionists of
the Soothe '3 Sla,e?. D0W in reToIt against
the consiitaJioa1 Government, and in arms
around ihe Capital; that in this National
emergency Congas', banishing all leeimg
of mere passtoa ana resectmeat, will rec
oiled only its doty to th0 -whole country ;
that this war, is not waged on oor part in
anyepiritof oppression, nor for any par
pose of conquest or, subjugation,' nor pur
pose of overthrowing or inierfering- with
the rights oi 'established institutions of these
Stales, bat io maintain and' defend the sa
premacy of the Constltntioh, and 'to pre
serve the UaI'dd with all the dignity equal:
ily, and rights of jhe seteral States unim
paired, and ttatab soon as these objects
are-accomplished the war ought to close;
Jlnd vhereast The, Senate of the United
States oa be 25th day oi July, lasi, aaopir
ed a reblntiori is ttta orda following, to
wit : " . ' ;.-.
: Resolved,. Thai the present deplorable
civil irar ligtSpon fnrpfil linnn lha COnnirV.I''
by thg ilisanioafffs of the Sooiherri States, .
now in revolt agalosl 'the constitutional gov
ernment, snd iu arms around the Capital ;
that in this National emergency Congress,
banishing all feelings of mere passion and
resentment, wilf ' recollect only Its duly io
iba whole country ; that this war is , not
prosecuted on otr part in any spirit of'0(.
pre!sion, nor for any purposa of con-
quest or subj 'gation, nor porposs of over -
inrowrnj; or ii.ienenng wiiu iub rii:ii'
estab-Iished institutions of those Slates, but
to defend and maintain the supremacy of
tne Constitution and raws maua in pursu
ance thereof, and io preserve the Union
with alt ihe digniiy, equality and rights of
the several Slates unimpaired;' as soon as
these objects are accomplished ifce war
ought to cease ;
And uhciezs, Thestj' resolution, not joint
or concurrent io their form, are' substan
tially identical, and as toch may be regard
ed as having expressed t ha 6ense of Con
grass upon ihe subject io which they relate:
? jind ickctea, By my proclamaiion of the
13. h day of June laM, the inscrrection in
the State cf Te-tme.'&ea was declarI to have
been suppressed, the authority of the
United S'.ates iherain'to Le undipoet.,f and
such Uri'ueJ Stales officers, as had been
. . . . . i
duly commissioned, to be in the undisputel
exercise of taeir otueiil funcfioos ; '
And whereas, Tbetpovr exists no organ
ized armed resistance of misguided citi
zens or others to the authority of the Unil
eJ Stales in , the States of Georgia, Soaib
Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennes
see, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansa?, Mis
sissippi and Florida, and the laws can be
sustained and enforced therein by the prop
er civil authority, Federal, and the
people of the 'said Slates are well and" loy
ally disposed, and have conformed, or will
conform, in lheir legielatioc to the coedi
tion of affairs growing out of the amend
ment to the CrnMtniion of the United
Slates probib'ning slavery within the li m its
and jorisd'ction of the United State : 1
And wheieas, In view of the before re
died premises, it is the manifest determi
naiinr. of ihe American people that no
volted and who have been overcome and
subdued, rout either te dealt witfc, so as to
laein from ever aaair.' doins harm as ere
mies, which last named policy U abhor
rent lo humanity and freedom ;
And whereas, Te Constitution of the
United States provides tor consiitu'.io .al
communities only as States, and not as
territories, dependencies, provinces or pro
tectorates :,.Such constituent State? 'must
necessarily be, and by tho 'Constitution' and
laws of the United States are made equal?
and placed upon a like footing as to politi
cal rights, immunities, dignity and power
with the several States with which they
are united :
Aud izhercis The observance cf political
equality as a principle of right and jastice
is well calculated to encourage the people
of the aforesaid States to be and become
mora and more constant aad persevering in
their renewed allegiance, . ,
And uheiens, Standing armies, military
occupation, military law, military tribunals
and the'suspension of the privileges of the
writ of habeas corpus, are in time of peace
dangerous m public . liberty, incompatible
with the individual rights of the citizen,
contrary to thegenios and spirit of our free
institutions and exhaustive of the national
resources, and not, therefore, lo be sanc
tioned or allowed except in cases of actual
necessiiy for repelling invasion or sop
pressing insurrection or rebellion, J
And whereas, The policy of the Govern
ment of the United State?, from the begin
ning of the insurrection to its overthrow
and fiaal suppression, has been in conform
ity with the principles hereia set forth and
enumerated, '
Now, therefore, I, Andrew Johnson, Pres
ident of ihe United Slates, do hereby pro
claim and declare, that the, insurrection
which heretofore existed in the Slates of
Georgia, South Carolina,, Virginia, North
Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana,
Arkansas,, Mississippi and Florida, is at
an end, and is henceforth to be so reg'arded.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my hand, and caused the. seal of the
United States to be affixed. ,
Done at ihe City of Washington, the
second day of April,in Ihe year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty
six, and of the independence of the United
States of America the ninetieth. .
' 1 ' . , Andrew Johnsok.
'By the' President,., . r
- Via. H. Seward, Secretary of Stats'.
.- . -
, JoHk Henry Andersod of New Brdos
wick N. J. a youth of ieighleeh. . orl the
14ih inst.; robbed bis father of : SOtid,
and fled bat was detected, in New York
citj and was looted op In thV iVaiioa
feoase; . . ':";'"
t skssk-M - '
He Issues'a Grand "Peace Proc
lamation."-THis AdYice to the
Radicals. . v .
Woshintcn, Feb. 27, 1SC6-
( y0 jtJl0T P1LMOtk
! DtAR Millot 1 spose yoa have' red onr
i meeeijge a vetoin of the FieeJman's Curo.
That great Strait paper has gone limn us
abilirt, tlo'wn ihe ' eireem of time. We rit
j an(1 we senl t out'as a fr expression of
j OCr feelings and vues on tfie present sur-
J CUrnstaoce, ' '
j As a aenneral tbins'I and " tla President
cant stop to explain to inquisitive persons
what we are adoing of, for the country
We couldn't spar the time. Yet I wish to
srive you and Jeemes Bucinnon il.s pints,
oc'casionaly because I know you can eppre-
shate our diffculties.'
When this FreeJrnan's Furo Icr came to
us for our approval, the President cn'ch up
the paper tsnd red it lliroaah from the te
ginnin,; to the eendin, without stooppin,
and then handed it to me without ajing of
a word. I red it myelf, the Prssident Inok
in first at me and then at the Sre, tell I got
through. When I had finished it the Pres
ident said : '
'Did you ever see th tester of th;t in
yonf born days ; there is , more brakin of
ihe Coa'stitution in that one I oj, than in al
the acks cf Conpres, since I was a baby.
What shall I do with ii ?:?
Ses I what noes the Constitutor! say vre
rnnst do wit'i n!
'We'.o it' sea the President:
Then we veto it,'es I ; and when wo ve
to it less leva the mailers irnbraced in in
cleer and dislinck for all future lime. : Pui
it beyond dispute. Did you ever know Glii.k
Winkleel, sesJ Mr., President ? .
'i'o,:' sed the President, "I never had
the pleasure cf Lis acquaintance. U'hat of
him ? , . '
Ses, I Giink Winkfee! was the son of old
Boohoo , Winkfee!,-a relasbnn of General
Winkfeel Scot. . Now, Qlink was cropi ide
ana ner s.tea er.a ynseu to war an oio
of- black iron rpecktickles, round
glasses nearly as big as a saucer. Clink's
bar was whito. all his life, and when I
knowed him particular, he wa a great hand
a l a
io p.ay niariia,a.iu t-uu.u wiu
he was Koin to lake out the middle man j
from tor. Glink would reach op his back
. - . .... ,
1 I 1. 4 n ,1.. m .'.1 U m n r. Mr...
and draw a breed on the miodie man ana
his head sorter sidewaps, like a do look
in al a piece cf bred in your hand, and
then, blaze away, and I never, knew Glink
to miss the middle man if he bad time to
roaca u.a u.i a- u,- u.-
Vl:-i-V -1.1 A 1.: k..
, ', , ' . , ... . . t .
back when you come to veto this lor. Take
the middle man
out irora tor, anu seine
Sea th President, "I know all about taken
ihe middle man from tor,and I'lUhow boys
bow they pais ihar red qoili pstch work lors
and expect ine to sine them. Majer, I'll
rile ihe veto st.d while I doin that you must
rite out that general prcctatnahoti we have
been torkin about, and when we get throu'
we will reed over and correct litem. '
Very well, ses I, Mr. President, be print
ed io lhat veto ; leev vaig generalities to
Mr. Seward and Bonypart, bet we must rite
so that every buddy can understand us il
saives a site of trouble. !
Thereupon the President took his sla'.t
and pencil aad rit cfT the fir.t drafTcf his!
Veto MessaSe, while I rit the general proc-;
Umabcn. Whei we finishad, ihe Prcsi-, ;
dent raad first, and we altered ar.d amend- J
ed it to suil otir al vnes, which that :a the
same message 6nt ti lie Sennit cn ilia
a :0r;i
!9 h ins ant, and which has been publish- '
ed, and 1 r.Vedii send yoa a copy of ii. '
After the Message was finished, I read the :
proclamation, as loliers :
.T . I. . r - . rTTU
i mo nam a u, nuicii. i nuui
sing ; President of the Uni;ed States to the j
whole teiriftrmy of North America, Greet
in; -
"Know you lhat since Generals Sheridan
and Ivilpatrich, Melroy and Butter, I homas
and Hpti'er, Grant snd Sherman ba gone
through th9 ret e' ifn with their armies, and
gathered up ll the gold and sier watches,
silver spsjbns, breast pins, finger rings,
nives and forks, silk dress, carpets, mid
everything else ihey wanted, as spiles be
longin to the virtcr1, and "destroyed every
thing they didn't want, and laid waste the
feelds, burnt the dwellins, fences, bams,
siables, and mills', cut down the froot trees,
trampled on and profained the grave of the
bennered ded, imprisoned the wimman.old
f men 'and boys; tbe armies of the Confed
eracy so called has stacked thar arms, given
lhar payrooll, taken my amnesty oath, and
gone home to look at the chimlys whar
once stood lhar bouses, and gather togeth
er lhar families to mone ow the desola
shons of thar country, in ' good yeroest de
termined, lo lie and die in the Union, and
to accept peace ou the terms of my proc
lamashou, so that now the thunder of can
nons and mortars, and roc'skits, and rifles
rnd pistols, has died out, the tramp of the
wor horse, the rumblin of baggidge wag
gins and ' ambulances, the groans of tne
sick and wounded, the doable qnickia ot
army 'cores and regiments is rheerd no
more. ,'
Now, then, it seems to me a Cit'm occa
Ebon to issue this my speshal proclama
ibon io all Amerika, that peace do now
rain in Wbrsof. la tho laoguidgo of the
poet-- .' - .
: .'JWild wors dedly blast is bio wed out,
And gernle peace retoruia, . !
' With many a sweet fatherless,' ,
Aad many a wsdst modfnln."
The old flag waives overy inch of our
territory,' aiid we possess' a'l the ' fortes,
docks and navy yards' cve'rywhar and the
hole Union is restored. 'The lost pleiade
which broke loose frp'ra the natteral ceniet
of sfaviiasbon, has come back into tbar
proper plaices in our system, and is all
j nr,,,vin on harmonious teilter every w'har.
but in Congress. The time is come for our
armies lo be mustered tut, and to' J,oriie.
The sworde sno'uld be beet into tho plow,
sher, bangarit into ths prunin boot." (See
holy rit at this' pint.) : The cannon arid
ccnand shooiin irons shon'.d all be gath
ered toetbr to re!t' in peece, and ca-in
j W8gi:'5, fthonld le put to bacliir Rawiogs
to rebil'l ihe waste places of bnrcocntry.
Peece bavin returned thar is to ftirher
nece?s:ty lor mart-hhl lor enr.y whar en
thee States, and tharfore 1 do call in al!
the provo marshals aid . commandants ot
district, end restore to , the people the
majisH.ttei c( thar own choice, and the
lors of their ovn approval. And fur:her, I
do now reiore the rit of ilabeas Corpus
every u'bar. So that every man of every
ahaid of culler niay he hi own boddy
and no toddy sham take it away from him
by marshal lor, nor t y io other kind of lor,
wiihoul Ui own consent, and wiihout teili;i
bira, wherefore be takes it, and given him
a chance to r;,ci ii back without delay.
To ihe armies of ihe United Stales, w hich
has borne thu beet and burden of (our raeys
of hrrd fijihtin and long rr.archin, I remrn
thanks en the tiaim of the restored Union,
e.-pesba!ly to the glorious ofTicers and sol
gers who advanced our fia? without i-'eelin
nothin ihey found lyin Iooe or buried in
the garden, and wiihout insultin enpro
tec:ed wimm'n and children. G io your
home, and all ycu who has gol urn unpack
your r.apsax and call around you your wives
and children, arid show ihem your spoons,
and watches, and speckticles, and other
valuable irofis. Jiang not your beds if the
little ones should ask yoa whol yoa paid
for thee thinss, and you bave to tell them
you stoled ail from non-combaiaats. Re
metnber thegreal Dickinsoa (with a bed as
lon a9 a horfie an(i a, hiddeous as Satan)
? Doc,or C.rackenridge o( Ken-
tocky tbal heire no harrn insteelin from
! rev,bes because rebbels have in
j ,.
! nothin.
. .v,-, npn'nli nf the North or Northwest.
- w i r - t
The great maonfaclurin stock raisin, wheat
? , , , . rJ.
jrrowio cnunirv, I do proclaim tLat peace
, e - ' I
j has arriv. Liv on your fortunes made durin
' the wor from goverment contracks, for I am
.afeerd that the Abcrlishon cf slavery will
j lose yoa your bel customers for the futnr
i f . U n . I'lta lAimsr mo&tpra rnnprt tn fpit
mi,lion. q deppn,enl8
' made free by the wor, and jt took a sue of
. '
i do it; but now all bein free alue, them
that aim got no shoes and clothe can go
barefooted. Stir your etump3 lo find other
market, or all ot you move to the forks of
the road and set op stores and taverns.
To the freedmen all through the land, in
. .
the Baro and. out ol it, 1 proclaim peace
and fieedom now and forever. Arise and
commence tho battle of life on yocr own ;
hook. Work out your destiny. Be 6avin
and honest and lay np for rainy days. Re- j
member now c'.d Mars aint guine to sell i
Lis barker and wheel to boyoa clothes,
and sbces, and blankets and hats. Yoa
got to buy om yourselves, or go without, j
When you git sick c.'d M-rs aioi guine to;
send tte doctor to cure yoa. You will ;
have to do that ycsrf?!f. When yoa git j
old ar.d cant work no mrr?, remember old j
Mars aint guine to give you ycur cabbin '
i .1 L. . C. ..t- r . r,il -rtl U7ltl huVA
aim U4t3 I1IC5 U. alio 1UI "-i J "
to rrenar or that-yourse.i. ana vn.e.i
I 'c;'a, ,v" J
1 I
Christmas comes, and you feel ha ppy: you
. . ' . , ' -
cant jro up to the big hoo-e with your;
r . , ,
buckit, and .ug. and bag to git yoar Chnsl-
II1M ClilUI UUI " l..uia-cr.-.,
. .1 . n-nlnfca
and shcg-
1 . ... u-
i .,fr. i m1it. mi Pd rn'hm tn
tjr anu iHucj , .'x. -
do with you now. They done took you
! way from old Mars. Then you will have
to work for your comforts, your medicines
and your cofans.
To the three thousand preachers up
North, and the strong minded wimmin up
lhar, I proclaim lhat peece has come. Ye
preechers lhat forgot God and went to wor
shippin the golden calT in the lobby cf Con
grias, has fell from greise and snail meet
your reword in thi world or in the next,
turn from tho error of yocr ways and seek
the true God, or like Judas you will all go
to your own plases at the old scratch. To
the strong minded wimmin up lhar, ksn
tankerus old maid?, mad because they
aint got no husbands and children agi.ators.
I proclaim delivrance and gocd nuse
Sambo bein free new and left to select his
own companion every old maid can git a
nigger hutcon, or as she has lost time here
tofore she may take two or three, and raise
up children by scores to save Massachus
etts from ihe shaim and disgrace of not
bein able to fill eut her nest quota should
thar be another wor.and secdin down South
to open recrootin offices lhar.
The Constitution is the bond of the Union
between equal stales; it has its sacred
cl.acks and balances. It could not have
existed without them. Destroy it rot. break
it not, or the Union will be broken. Brake
the String and the heeds will scatter all over
tbe floor. It required concesshon to make
the Constitoshon, aod was baptised in
blood and tears, tooch it not with on woshed
hands. The rebellion was intended to brake
the Union by seceshun,and ir failed, though
it had som show of rite on its side. Now
you are tryin to brake ihe Union by d?stoy
in the equaiito of the staits. ,'You are tutors
at hatt. Kamembsr 1 have takio a oath to
protect, and defend the const ilusbvn, .take
care what jpn, are adoing of. or, before you
know jt yoa will find your.efin loe Lafayel
Cut. if really you desire to' do-your coootiyt
men a grate service, jou will all resine an
go home, an let other men come to:the
work of restorin public confidence.. fThe
wor bavin been ended, it is fit and proper
for the buzards and vultures feastin on car
rons to go avay and give plais to the duve
of peece. Go home Sumner and Wilson
and Tha i Stevens and Longyetrand let pa:
'.riots and gentlprnen have yor sseis, lo
pacify and sooth to rest the sub&iden sur-ge;-jf
the. angry tempest so long distorbin
our otherwise happy .land. Go lo your
in the mountains, ye teasis of pray and
carry along with yoa Dotis and Dickinson
and Doctor Creckiriridse, and then die and
go to the old Scratch where you belong and
Le dogcei to yoc. iiy thi Pkesidkst.
Ja'K Downing,
Et-Majer Dowr,ipgvi!!e Milisha.
When I finished readio the proclamation
the president jumped up and cracked his
heel together, and said
"Pr.'tyree good, Mf.j?r; llii.trs the docy
rr.ent hr me ; lay it away for a few daysi
an if things go on to suit us it hail come
out ! am. roachin my back like G'Jnk. Lin-
cum ynsfcd to toik about puttin down hi.
loot, but 1'shaM roach my back, and from
appearances i i Congress I fchtil have to do
it very often before long. "'
. So, Mi'.'fit,! Inid away the proclamation
frr a fe w days, and in the mean tirr;e I thort
I'd esnd yoj a coppy, and ak ycu lo git
Jeems l jc carmon and Frank Pierce to git
together w jih j oa and reed it over, and i;
you think it a!! right you rnut say so ; if
not rite ua a neat io the koer of the Prsbi
dent. I toot cf puttin a teep more in it, bet as
it has gol to occupy a conspicuous piais in
our literature, I concluded to make it short
ar.d in ihe pint, . '
What wotld yon think of a special vale
dictory lo lien. Butler and 21ilroy ? Don't
they deserve it ?
The reason ! didn't put it in, I was a'eard
they want guine home. I weald be glad to
forget ihetn fellers,, and never heerof them
no more in this lite.
I suppose you have red all my letters le
JesiT.b, and find ihing is goin on just as 1
sed. In corse they is, don't I know ? ,Yoo
may expect every day or two to see a new
veto. 1 he Presidents back is rczched. Re
member Gi'ink Winkfeel..
Your friend,
Jack Dowsincj,,
Ex-Majer Dowr.ingville iViiisha
P. S. While I and the President was ri-
J ,,n our paper a great crowd of radicals was
running an ronnd ine Unite House tryirg
to get in, but the door was shut, and the
door-keeper stood thar with a boot jck
t Iey to knoclr down the iirt man that run
j in bJ hirni a:,d 'key didn't for he showed
,hem weepiti. Sumner stood mT afar,
i 8n'' epfJ time he looked todes the hocse.
te Pul l'i(! hand behind him like he wts
1 Z a - t. II. r . f
; t" ;aKe out in na.-iUAercniei, out oia-
SM and I was aJfered some whar hurt him.
The President is lorkin about makin- me a
feelmarhall to git a core of men to pro-
teck him from (he Radicals, nti ttihl ihey
war.t to hurt him, hot they are so bung
for oflis just now. Vourn,
Jack. Powsmc,
To Millet, i:c. Ei-Maj-r, &c.
The Auctioneering of Massa
chusetts Girl3 in .Wash
ington Territory.
A Paci;ic coast editor pro'esis ascinst the
Mercer project of shipping Yankee itiris to
i I f l ropiin anil rfcirA I ti a rt .am net. r (
i ' ' " ' ' . " - VJ V lltJ f ' J ti?l II.
i tSo I.iirkv illnitr.ta in n snpnV r.nt no, I nn
a stop ta this tusinesit. We sara: Let no
more enprotected females be exposed to
., ' 1
' .. .. . "
leopienave wonderet at ths sense ol
this Massochietts abolition philanthropy
for Kome lime. Ii is much like the olden
style of dealing in the handsome girls cf
Caucasia, when hundreds of ihe ,:schoo!
marmv' were huddled tr.oe'hcr and ship
ped (o parts cr.krcwii, for the pleasure of
"harem scarum lurk, tte suppose the j
I - r ... m- .. :
mcie ot mspoeins ri inese l antes girls on
their arrival to tho Pacific coast is some
ihing liko thJ.
The ship arrived in port. Notice has j
been sent to the lorg haired miners and
rough tachelcrs cl that aariferious seciion.
The giils have ben bothed by squads, pla
toons and brigades in the mouth of some
"wateri'all" Iron the mountains; thier best
raimetit has been put on. Standing on the
poop-deck, the charge d" jfirs, with hair
pushed back from his receding forehead, i
. . , i . , i
and a suarp na53l twang, thus holds iorh : ;
Neow yeou wild beasts of Hits ere Ta-I
cific strand, I've brought yeou a whole pas-
sel of genuine ladies, right nice and fresh !
from Cofting and along the shore. I hare a
picked loi of gain, fresh as a daisy and a
lively &s a butterfly. I wor.t sell th9 entire
lot to one man, for that would be too much
of a good thing, but Til sell each of you &
ittle charmer, warranied not to cut in the i;" ' 7 T- i l -'
.! who cannot rav bis debts to tint annthm 1
eye big enough .,r the talles. miner, and.
ouidu cuuuii iui i no learn luere is arnonz
,700. Walk up feliers stand by lo the tati-
rail gals. No crowding on tbe hauser. Git
eoot.yer dust and setct yer gal.
."The first I'll cfler, fellers, is a freckled
faced school marra, named Betsy Jane. i
. '
l 'otner name ami no miner. ' l oa can gin i
beryourn! She is nineteen year old by
the Bible, has good teeth, is twenty-seven !
inches aroDndt;hewai.,,, and is. wlrranied J
Kino in narness now mccn tor bctsey i cold i
.J - k
lo Jack
Lonebeard for five hundred dollars. I
e, Bet !
J'The next gal, ladies and gentlemen, t
mean fellers, it a sly puss, earned Philla
Malura. ,She is a choice gal, raised ia Bol
ting poor but honest parents earl yinnreJ
io the Go? pel end aboli'ioniurn, and. war
ranted sound as far. as ..heard Jrom I - How
much for her fellers ? She can darn a etock
' ing or make a pompkirpie, in the twink
ling cf an eye, end rhe can heave a sigh
jou be;t ! She is a goin on iweniy, yt ars
ons a cheek like a spitzenborg, the' sweet
est lips end most dsinty breath ypu 'ever
tastedfor six hundred, make it oine, aud
dowr. she goes to Captain Bull of ihe woods
for nino hundred !
"The nett animal oh, sweetheart ! Cel
lars, is a bine eye Yanked gal,' reamed Jeru
ha Jne never mind ter other name. She
is a bostia gal. Knows all her letiers has
a conB'itntion file a teake:i!e,u hicb is good
j alter its note is knocked off for all It will
i fetch, and is an ornament lo her sex or any
j other man! She is twenty-five years old,
i snd is warranted to last a life time, if she
oori t die firat." How much for her ? Come,
wake up iellars ! MasVac'hnsett wants to
et.lig.hten you ! Hefe is the best chance for
happiness only a tew more left ! Sold lo
dire-devil Tom for fifty oances of dost'
"New. felters, stand on closa. Hpt U '
stunner. Tabithia Ma::er,as was her moin-
er ueicre uer, also ber grandmother. . Sha
is nineteen years old, poor but honest pa
rents, eau but little a -pine-gum lancfi
will last her a week. Sold for no fault, tut
Massachusetts has no further use, aiid takes
this means to pay her war tax ! 'She never
scolds except in anger, and like Gaorre
Washington, never chopped a tree with'her
Mile hatchet. She is warranted genuine.
.a.f a a -
ThelTirst Baby. ;
A correspondent, at Preston irollow
"a fond parent," thus 4,goea oQ." '
"Ay the Ilsv. Mr. ,N A ,
to Miss II , only daushter, etc. No
cards.'' , .
Why didn't it say '"no baby"? ,1 ha?o
one of thoic intcrssuog "anituiles" at mj
house. It came when it raioedj dark as
pitch, aLd my ambrella at .the , office.
The Doctor lived five miles due West, and
the curse eix miles due East, and whea
I got heme the milk-man was at the
door. .
It is a tiny little chip, that baby, Sol
fereno color, end the iecgtb of a Bologna
sausage CrosT I guess notl Um, ;
am. It commenced chasing me down
the pathway of life, just when muslin lin
en and white flannel were the highest
they bad been since Adam built a Lou3
for Mrs. Eve's chickens.' Doctors char-,
gcd 2 a sniint, and 31 a grunt. .
A poor little thing, is that baby, a.
speck of a TJD3U, liko a wart, head as
bald as a squash, and do place to hitch
a waterfall, a mouth just suited to c,como
the gum arac, . and cbew milk ,1
have bumped it, Bluffed my fur cap down
its threat, given il the smoothing .iron to
pby with, but thjt little r;d lamp that
locks as if it couldn't hold blood enough
to keep a musquiio from faintinrr, Dersists
..n: iriA .t i t t.a',v
iu yc.iiug inurjueri it etiowc a
1 SrCal ocm tq i0 swallow its jts , and the
1 da-v ly dropped devrt: it; throat
I a,U Panted thrir ; going, clear
i inrouga was me croosin its elbotrs : It
j stopped its music, end I ras hant.y ona
I 1 t.-r ?. '
atd one-half minutes.
It is a pleasure to hare a baby ia the
hoac one of the stomach ache kind.
Think of tbe pleasures of a father endis
habillt, trembling in the midnight hour
with his n arm fsct upon a square yard
of cold cil clclb, dropping paregorio in a
tca-spooa by moonlight; somebody
thuaipic ca tie door ; wife of your
bosom shouting "hurry !" and the baby
jeiiin till fho platter tlropj from tho
ceiling. It's a cico tima to think of
dresa cost?, pants, ties and while kids I
shades cf departed cockttils, what com-
fort! What a pV.nrc for an artist ia
plaster paris ! Its mi says the darling
ia troubled with wind oa tha stomach; it
beats all the instruments yoa ever heard i "
I. have a cradle with a miraculous sooth
ing sjrup bcttio oa the dash-board.
It's mq.bcr says only wait until it gets
bleached, (it's been vaciaated) and, old
j encash to crawl around aad feed oa pins
Yes, I am going to wait.
.C.0, j. am going to watt. Won't it be
delightful -John ,rca for the Doctor ! bis
has fallen ia the slop-pail, and is choking
with a rotato-ekin" : 4,sis ha fallal
down stairs"; "sis baa swallowed the
j tack hammer,"; shows sighs of mumps,
mP9('l( .rlilin haIii. nn .... .tn. t.f..
-1 . , vnUjj, vjj.u rujic utucr JUier-
nal thirg, to let the doctor tako all the
money laid by for my winter's corned
And all this ccmes of s jampooning and4
curling my hair, wearicg nice clothes, :
i-.t-: t, ,.t , , .
and making rny wife fall in lore and mar-
ne b J
" , . T ,
1ST" X shrewd preacher, after aa elr
inent .charity sertmn, eaid to his . hear-
r?rj : "l am afraid from tho ' sympathy
displayed in your countenances, that
some of yoa may gire too much. I eta- '
Jion you, therefore, that yoa should be"
just before yoa are generous; and I wish
vi ri in nnnprcMnri ini i . .
in ,he .r, Tbfi co;leon
are one.
Sy A Lawyer is something of a car
penter. . He can file a bill, split a hair,
make an entry, retnn a chase, frame
an indictment, empannel a jury.put them
n t, :t i
" "u B wt.oesa, uammer a jaage.
e5 "Th.- f'mo. ur.i --a' r1
finrl it ?;fr;.nlr ' i
? ?.v i f P T ?S?- a0T9 1
. ... asiu ;ur
aaa l.s. 1 t a . a. .
no8e 0YC water, busbandif you i
keep it so often abore brscdj."