Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 05, 1848, Image 3

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    !! HtLfii mi lh W. . . ( r ?
..... v , .-. i i . i
Wasainotot Jin. 7, 1943.
My Dear Sib To all human appearance,
a termination of thin miserable war with
exico, ia more, remote than when the firat
jw was struck. In my jtidjmenf, it waa an
eesssrily nd unconstitutionally commenced,
marching nor army into disputed territory
the: possession of Mr X'co, an.l I think that
m or ess, who. unquestionably, hae the power,
wiUI put an end to the war on just ami honor
le principle. . . . , ., . .
After agreeing upon the term on which a
eaty should be made,' they ahnulil eall upon
i Executive, by resolution, to nfiVr a peace to
rsico upon that hania.and during the nejotia
n mxtilitir should be suspended. If the
csident shall refuse tn do this, In the milita
appropriation bill, the army should he roqui.
d tn take euch position ehall carry out tho
?w of Cnntree. Three bill the Preri'ont
tild not tr to, and he would be bound by thrir
tiirement. Thia may be done by the House.
I hope Congrc. will, refute to ieeue any
re treasury notee. The notes demanded, in
d it ion to those already in circulntinn. wouid
ad the country with that description of paper,
ch an emission would constitute a govern--nt
bank, controlled and managed by party
ministration. We have now fifteen millions
treasury note in circulation, and authority
issue five millions more. I would not in
case (his circulation a dollar, but reduce it aa
idly a (Kicflibte. Such a system would be
Mmparahly 4-edan?e rotts to the public inn-
and tWe puMve liberty than any other system
bankwf t bat could he devised.
I'o meet any- 4"icimcf of tho revenue to
f theotreeflt expeoeexeif the war, I would
thorite loan at par, ptytng not more than
per cent, intmwt. and tC ns cannot be
.de at thia rate, let the admtrttea resort to
ystem ot taxation which wrll cause the peo
' to feel the expo? f the 'sr. AM wars
mid be ceKjinw4 hy system 4 direct
ation. Nothtr.g si art f this can ehrrw, in
litkm to the eicctrice tf Ute. what we pay for
itary glory. Tin wu the pelaey in the hut
days of the fftiblie.
"he late war with England wa rA1y ea
tedhy the qeople, not only ia l4e field, but
he payment of taxes. And they will sustain
ry junt war in which our country ehalt he in
ed. But I risk nothing in raying that an
mpt to adopt rnch a yst ran ot tax ation won Id
d up thia Mnicaa war m ittty tay. Aod
show that the war should he put an end
Thia may be done by Congress in ninety
,and I pray God that they may do it.
Very truly yours, Jons McLean. '
Snaxwo T kick. Cotton tradesmen, the
notyp aaya, arc more than suspected of rob
their own stares of trifling amounta, in or-
get netieed in the newspapere notoriety
; new a essential t success. There are
g suspicious that the same thing is praticed
:,-quarters, as miem who are never known
vertise their business, wheal it costs them
hing, manage to keep hefore the people in
ff having their ptaceaof business tried
ntered by burglare. Thia i a shrewd trick
ould only have oi iginated in the ett. I'ki
phia. Ledger.
ik Taaoir, Cooghs, Cwnswrnntion, rains
rioue partaot the body, and other nnplea
lysnptoma, are the usual erT, eta f catching
'Ight Indian Vtgetul!t Ml are a delight
edicine for carrying off a cold, because they
froan the body ail anorbtd ani corrupt bsj.
in so eaay and natural a manner, that the
is relieved of every kind of suffering aa if
agte. From three six of said Indian Vega
Ptlt, taken every night on going to bed,
in a short time, make a perfect cure of the
obstinate celd at the aame time the blood
;ber flaide will be thoroughly purified, and
institution so completely invigorated, that
sdy will be restored even sounder health
ulivu. To avoid counterfeits, purchase from
enty who ran show a certificate of agency ,
enting the landing of William Prnn ; aod
are the tahrts on the lo with the fse similes
a ccrtirlcata. . To he grnuine, they must be
y aKke, Mgnnura slid all. fieivare of coun
,ud imposition. '- '
- The gtnuina fir sale ty II mar Maasra,
gent for Bunlury, jnd other ageuu, publih
nnothei pari of this paiier.
his ptsce, on Thursday morning last, KM- I
'K, daughter of Mr. Michael Wilvert.eged '
its. t months and 7 days.
CrtsU4 Uierkly by Jknry tfatier.
las, - - - - "
1 l.r0
. ?A
. 75
' . .
IS, '
I. , '
,1.0 w,
tawax, (
. r
-atan Flax,
1 an Arrets,
a, Psacais,
Sod Intent Fire rmpny.
iTATED MEETING of lh Company wilt
1 held on Moudiy evening nrxt, at 7 o'clock,
Court House. Punctual attendance i se
ll EN RV PON. N EL, ,
.6,1848. - )..-"""r-
Vanhlttfjton Fire Compiin.'
6 membafa of lh " WaahiiigUm Fir Com
any", are requested., to meet at the 8tat
i, pn Mvnday evening Fab " 7( ' 7 o'
preeisrly.. Tunclusl attendance la required.
1?f pririoviriea) tit tn order of the Orphena' Court
of N"rihumtei'and c.'un' v. will he exposed tt
puhlie nle, on Welneslay the 1st day rf Match
next, at the hnaae of James Lee, in the hnrnngh
of Nnrlhumherland, to wit) the one nndivi ed
tenth part of a tract of land in Point township,
in said runty, and surveyed on a warrant rent
ed tn Marcos Youtif, ailjnining lands of Jhn
Whaailev and the laie Daniel Robina, and known
as the Hubletr tract, containing
I. ale the estate of Wm. McCoy, dec' J.
Rale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., of said
day, when 'he conditions will he made known by
, uy ororr oi ine i;oui, Aiimt .
Pch1.',h,1M8.-4t '
Wm. T. floyd's) KM ate
NOTICE" ia hereby given, that letters of ad
miidMralinn have been granted to the sub.
srriher, on the estate of William T. Byd, dee'd,
late of the borough of Northumiert int, Nmthum
tierland ccuniy. ATI persons' indebted to slid es
tav , and all those having rlaims n(t tinl the sam,
are hereby reque-ted to come forward and make
tlcmcnt as saon as possible. '
North'd, Teh. 5 1S4". 6t Adou'x.
No. 40. .
Soith Foi'imi (Stiickt, Above Cukstni't.
Jan 39th, 1848
Orphan' Court Male.
TN t'lirsuanre of an order of the Orphans' C t
of Nnrthitmbeitsnd cointf . will he sold at pub
lie sate, on Tuendny the Md day of Fehruarv n. it,
at K.iae A BrrgHtres-er'a xtore. in Pete.'sbutg, vit i
a certain tract of lad situate in e)hsmkin town
ship, In said ronnty. rontainitig t8 seres more or
leea, on whi-h sre eiertinl a one and half atorv
log dwelling hinii-e, a leg stalde. ami a fruit or
chanl; adj inlng Isnd of Holomon Freely ami J a.
Vanhorn I. ate the estate of Catharine l.ancia.
cua. tlee'd. '
fa'e u commence at I o'c'o'k; P. M.. of sid
dav, when the terms of sle will he mute Innvn
by HENRY KEl.t.F.R.
By order of the t'ourt. Ailmr.
J . Vl IRtS. at
Executors Joticc.
NO ITCE ia hen-hy given, that le'lere testamen
tary have tw. n granted to the subscribers,
on the estue of B'enxer Greennuch. dee'd.. late
of N.aTihuui'OTlatid county, f the Register i.f siid
county. AN ptrsons h iving claim againM saat
estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with
their awtiehef, the Mtbseiitiers ; and all indrhu
ed to said etate are notified to pay such dehta.
The business of ssid etate witl be attended to
at the office formerly of said V.. (ireennurh, dee'd.
A 1. GKEEKOtJfiH, Eierutrn,
W I (SKEEXOI GH, Executor.
Stin'iirv. Jsn. 15th. 1848 t
X Good Tenant
IN I'nion County, 6 milea weat of New Berlin,
on I' Creek. About 90 wcrea are cleared.
Timber l.aud snlTirient. The premises will he
rented three or years, on share, to a suitable
teo nt. Attire ot " . HUGH BELLA?
imtury. Jatniary 8, 1848 St
OR. &V AXfi t&. THE SOt TII.
fTlHE (otto wing letter yfmie to hand, and
LA ai II he read wkh interrst. j"h patient auflsr
ed intolerably, and rnnld nod no relief Mil be
ird Dr. Hwttsi'i Com ror n Sr a rr nr Wm
Cureav. It is o nainly tho most wonderful cure
on ncotjl Head it,
Wilmington. S C, Jan. Itth. 1847. ,
Da. Swaxva Dear Sir ; Having been almost
miraeuhaisly cured bv your valuable rneUcine, I
thmh it not snore than common me lo
make one aihlinnn to the long liat of certificates
which you hsve received of rematkah'e cures by
your medicine. During the two year preceding
hiat Auxusl. I was very much distressed bv a eiy
had cold and rackit'g eeuxh, and during the latter
part of the time it continued to grow w rse, ami
inded. in July my friend gave me over, baring
tried all kinds of medicine, said to be geoil far such
diseases, without the leavt good (fleet. 1 wa re
ducrd almost to a perfect corpse, and had ararrrly
any flh uon my bo,ly, and ir a long time ne
ver thoucht to rire horn my bed aeain A friend
one day aked me if I hl tried Dr. Swiril'n
(Compound Syrup of Wild Cuaaav, and adviaed
me te do so at once, as be heard that it had walked
a ret many wonderful cure. I took bis advice,
and after usint up several ho'tlrs of it, I grew so
much better thai 1 waa enabled to teave my bed,
and afterward t walk about the houae, and n
nut into the strvet. I was encouraged by this, and
continued the wse of your medicine, and now, by
means of its wonderful curative powers, I am ir
frctly well, and enjoy the use if sll my faculties,
just ss much aa if I had never been afflicted in the
wsy I . described to you. I have written) this not
thinking that H wilt at -all Interest ysu, but humbly
hoping that it will have ha mite of influence in cau
sing your valuable medicine lo he spread among
mankind, and in na'rsting to raise you to that sta
tion which you richly deserve, f rr your raevering
rtfort f.aT the puhlie cood. . ' p rv
Respectfully your friend and admirer.' ( !
Ciwnmeul on such rviilence ss the ab rve ia un
necessary. A single trial will place Dr. Swat aa a
Coatenrao Sr acres Wiin Cuaaat beyond ibe
reach of coniueUtion in the estimation of everv na
twnt.r-Bit its beahag virtue will be its beet re-
linntrr f Inpoiitio Attenip-s hsve often
leeii made ty unprinc pled individuala to impose
upon the community a sporit-w article. Stealing
nearly Ihe whole of lb name of my preparation.
To fully guard auainal such baae and palpable im
position, ibe public should h"n all pieprsii.ns
put porting to contain Wild Cherry, rtcepl that
beating the sign ature of Da. It. 8wra on eeh
b tile. The name of Dr. Sway a a, in ejection
with the Compouiid eiyrup of Wild Cherry, has
never yet been counterfeited. So if persons would
bear in mind lb naaae of Da. Sway a a, they may
he sure of oclstoiag th miginal and genuine arti
cle. ,
.Beware of the wor:hle-e Balsams,' 'Billet,'
Syiep,' Ac as they contain none of lh virtues
of lh original pmpaisiion.
1 The (Miginsl snd miry) gHiume article ia pre
pared by DR. SWAYNE. cornor of Eighth and
Kace street, Philaatelpht. and for eat by agents
io all p trta of lha Uaited States, and some pant of
Earepe. , ;',:.'.'
,OnJy Agevi in Sunbury. a-e -
, -; -,V- -77 HKNRV MA88ER.
Dr. J. A. Moore, D.tnvills( T- Mart A
Son, Mdiotu M. D. Si J. Welts. Muncr; C. A.
WfeU, Lenisburg, Davis di Schnuie, Svlinsgrovr;
John C. Rrno, Lin Mountsio P. O.
I'hiladtl.bist Je. 4 5m f6 t y
Improved Hydraulic I'nmpi, 7
for Wills, Ruling Mills," Fitrnatti, or oihrr
-:j 1 i'urpoet. ' - 4 '.
THE subscriber respettfjlly announces to the
- public that he ia now prepared to supply or
dera to any extent his Patont Double-action
Hnetlon and Fore Pumps, These pumps are
m ide nf Cat iron, and the water ia aucked nr for
ced through lead pipe. For simplicity ofennttrao
tion end durability of action, they are vatHy ttipe
rior to any now in ot. They have maey advan
tauea over the common pump, among which are
the following 1 w , i ,1 ,
Tbey are at rona'roclad (hat mischievous per
sona cannot spoil their action by introducing naila
nr spikes or any other aub'tsnre among the valves,
aa i often done with other pumps, thereby render
ing them useless lll nverhaub'd. ' They are war
ran'ed to t peri-etly secure from frost. They are
arranged aa tn arTrd ample prilecinn xaint
Fire about the p etniaea on which they are errctetl,
by simply attaching a piece of boe, thro' which
they will force water to any part of, or over, a
three story house. They are piriicttlarly adapted
lor very deep wr-lts, as the leveraae can be o re
gulated ihat a child of ait years old can with the
greatest esse draw water with them from the dee
pest Weill', i he objection so justly urged by ma
ny, that w ter i aitttbit by standing in pump log",
ht entirely ohviited in thia pump, and freb water
can always be a surely obtained as when drawn
with a biuket In situations where it ia ncce-ss-rv
to rie or force lare qnsnti'ies ol wster to great
litanre for anpplving boilers in mills, furnaces.
Ate. these pump are invaluable, aa they can be
made f a-y s ee, end cp'ble of throwing from
15 tn lotto x illonsorr minute.
And 10 crown all, they can be sold aa cheap as
the cheat!, ...
The subscriber has rpenl the last yesr in axpe.
rimrnlmg upon and perfecting his punti and now
brinus them the publ c with the fulb-at con
fidence that they will be found to answer hi de
scription. He lakes p'rai-U e iti referring to the
follow ng rompatiies ami individuals, upon whose
premises his pump have been erected, and who
have 'vxpoe ed their rmtisf.rction in the highest
The Montour Iron Company. Danville, H. Rre
voort. Muent; the Hlooms'iHrg Railroad Iron Com
panv. Hlnomsbure. Col. rait on. agent; the It uah
etui Ready Iron Works. Danville. Haticoek, Foley
dt V.. itroia-trt. rs ; the town Council nf Berwick:
1 eiiinoo P. K Eq., snd John l Watson, Esq ,
He rnuld refer lo many olhera, who hsve teiled
their qilal lies, but the shove rrsetable firm and
im'ividuals are deemed sufficient.
fEj" An Sfsortment of LEAD PIPES constant
ly on hand, which will It sold tin the most lesson
able terms. All orde s addiessed to tho aubscrtler,
st Moore Ac Biildle's Foundry building, or Mon
tonr House, Danville, will meet with pmmiH at
Jan. I. 1848. tf. .
Peace with Mexico !
r?y 'y 5!f SS S Li L29
INFORMS lite Kil I e thai in order tn bring s a peace with Mexico, he manuf rctures all
kinds of IdrVs. Double ai.rl Singht Barrelled Shot
(iUiib, and Double R rretled R volving Rifl. s, at
hi manufactory at H.'llowiiu Run, Lower Au
gusts township. Norlhoml erl md county, sll of
which he will warrant for six months. Those
who want a fiist rate article in hi line, ran Ire ac
commodated at the shortest notice and on the moat
reasonable term. J.nvera of snort, aive him a call.
Lower Augusta, Jan. 8, 1848 8m.
Wright' Indian Vegetable Pill.
Henry Masaer. rtunbu'y,
E. Jt J. Kautfinm. Auxnsta toniiahip.
lohn H. Vine nt, I'tiilliiuaque.
Kaae & Betx'trcseer. Ely-burg.
Kontiel Herb, Little Mahon y,
William Deppeu. Jscks-n. .
Ireland ai d Haynes, McEwenavdle.
WjUiam Heinen & Brother, Millnn.
Foisytbe, Wilson At o., Northumberland
James R,-ed, Potlsxrove.
G. W. ccott. R-bvile.
W. Sl R Fegely. 8hamokintnwn.
Rhode dr. Fsrrow Snydrratown.
Amos T. Beisell, Turbmsville.
BrnneviDe Hnlshue, Upper Mahnnny.
J. ho G. Renn. do do.
E. L. Piter, Watsontown.
Wholesale, st the office and general depot, 169
Race l Philadelphia. Dec. 18. t87. y
Another Farm .
' af?apxx4' rW-atNTTaa,
riHE bcirsof John Yocum, dee'd., nflTer for sale
X all that Farm of their situate iq Bhamnkin
township, Northumberland county, near 8 puff,
town, and adjoining Ihe old SiainbarU stand in
said township, containing aliout two hundred srrea
morn or less, in a good state of cultivation. Tho
Rail Road from Sunhury to- Shamnkintown passes
through it. For ps'ticnltrs enquire of
HTGH H. TEATS Roufftown,
. or JiHN FARNSWOR TH. 8unbory,
Dee. 11, 1847. or any of ihe heir.
31 1! rcli a 1 1 1 Ta i lor i n g.
RE8PEC TFIILLY informs hit friends and
Ihe public, that he baa just returned from
Pbilailelpbis. with a general assortment of gorttls,
suitable fur mrn and children's wear, which wdl be
made up lo order, or 4d on the moat reasonable
terms, eorvitinp, in srt, of
English, Firnrh, and American Cloths,.
1 do ' - " do t do lyasstniera,
Beeves CI,Ah, . D.xvkin Caaatwers,
Fsocy Csa-imrja. HaitneUs 1.
Cashmere, Silk Vrlvrt.S iiin & Valencia Vesting,
Men's, Ladle.' ami Children's Cloaking,
I.stu'usAool nd Merino Shins n4 Df4weis,
VAa M 1'assoU-1-: - - 1
Fringe for Ladirs' Cloaks,
A general assortment of Trimmings, Ac, Ac
Cutting will be done free of charge, for peiaons
puirhs'ing goods of him which they wish 10 make
up themselves, end p. raotrs fiudiug their own gooda
wiU he aconmodsted aa hcretof re. Ha teodera
his scknowiegerac! 10 hie friends, fof former a
tt..nge,'an'd respectfully aoticila a euulluuauc of
the sme, "','
II sU inrorma the pobtic, that he has taken
Mr. JOHN O. BRIOHT into co-psrinershlp, and
thai the business wtllhcresfier be conducted under
ihe firmol Wsissa A Bbiwht.
. Oj" AH I'rodnc taken, at th
big heart market ptjefs. , . . vi
Bunhury. yfoveml'Ct t3ih, 1847-4m '
"Ift'S I" received, a bandaom lot of Cloths, I as-
U simeri, Calin; Caps of all kinds. Cum
knots, for men, women and children. Grortrits,
QHiHHir, and a vgruty of other art'clea.rhea
per ihsn HENRY MA89ER..
PunlurV. N. 57th, 1847. " Veclnblc r.innccfi.
Mlassaa. Rowaan A Watro (lenile-t en,
ifj -It is with pleaaur that I ia you the
lollowing history of my ease, which, from 11a -r ve
rity end long rontinuanc under lh be. mrdicnl
tlendanee I could procure, aff.r I a atriking illus
tration of, the wonderful superiority nf vour Dr.
CEA over all the popular remedies of the dny.
It wsa my misfortune lo inherit Scrofula, which
made its appearance (aa my mother informed me)
when I wa Ixit a few months old, but wsa not ve
ry troublesome until my 25th year, when il atlark
edmy right e!how, end stiffened the joint. A ' out
eight years after this, il marie its spnearance on
my arm again, almost coveting il with ulcera, - At
the s.ime lime it attacked my throat elio, 6 ling it
with ulcer. My inngtie became frightfully tWnl
len, snd almost aa htrd aa riece nf wrxal.
- I applied tn one of the mosKskdlul phyalci w in
Norri-town, Ps.. where I resided at Ihe lime, but
the disease -ecmed beyond his teich. He Silvi-ed
me to come lo Phils 'elphi and consult the I ile
Dr. Psrrish, I did so, and ws under his ca e for
a rhort lime, when he advised me lo return home
aa tny physician could do aa much for .me as he
could. This was cetl tinlv not very enrnurnging
I returned, and was for foui or five yes's most of '
the time under ttratment, when tho Doctor inform
ed me lhat his resources were exhausted and I was
at Idierly to try any thing I thought would do roe
I then look O.ikby's Sarsatarilla. which al fit at
seem-d lo do me t-ood, but soon lo-l its power, sn.l
waa diseon'inned. I have t -hen Swaim' PtiKcer.
Marsh H's, Hnurk's. Leidy' snd other prepara
tions of SarMarilla, wilh oit rlf. ct. My throa1 was
still utcetated. mv pala e entirely carried awiy, my
face and nose much swollen, and exceedingly pain
ful. Thus msit- rsst.m.l in J.muary list, when I com
mrnced with Dr. ('rtLaa's lannv VansTtBLS
I'aiacxa.and I frankly conf. sj, if your medinns
h d rrquiied Fsith to ensure a core, it wnud have
failed in my case; for I had tried ao much tra-b
thai mv confidence in inediaine wa gone; and il
waa only as a drowning man will giasp a straw,
that I commenced with tho Panacea.
Hut strange aa it may eppeur. Ihe inflammtlion
and soreness weie a'most entirely rem ve.l in 3r
hours, sa'isfvina me Ihst I It id got hold of a med -cine
which I had not used bef ire. and which would
rui me My antlcipationa have to all apiearance
l en ical xed, for I am healthier than I have been
fni seventeen years. My skin ha a-snmed s heal
thy appenranee. My bead, which had troubled me
for so many years, is now free from all disss r. cdi'e
enactions 1 my throat is sound ; and so far a I
can judge, Ihe disease ia ootnpbuly eradicated
fiora mv system,
I shall hehappv to give any further inf mation
lo any whochise lo call upon me at my resilience
in Poplar street, first hou-e east of Eighth street,
north aide. . Jt)EPH BARBUUR.
Philadelphia, June 23, 1846.
Certificates of cures, in pamphlet form, tn iy be
had (Srslta, at the office of the agents.
This medicine is prepared and soi l by the
proprietor, Rowsnd A Wslton, No, 370 Market
street, Phil tdelpt ia.
fW W Dsnenhower. No I Murray sl. N Y.
I ! 1 J . Mth-'wer. No I O F Hall. Cin tt.
Se T Jenkins, No 6 Canal st, N Orleans.
S t.N N R..bini.i.c.Os.v Snig,.t..
A ... IT kl I L I) W. 1......
ngKiiia: it, i fto4i, r.iii,iiu'
I II. R iser, Milton; . J. Seeladd, New Iter-
lint Mr. Musser, Mllibe.m i bharpe D. Lewis,
Sold also by Druggists throughout the United
Slai. t Dec. 4. 1817. 2in f6y
RKAT BARG AINS may yet be had st Poa-
Jf m i Stubs. He s'tll h is a large a-sorimeut
ol t roods, which he will sell sl Jirtt toet. Being de- '
termtned to disc iiiluiiie the business, hu will sell j
very low. A saving of U5 or 30 per cent, can le
road by Uxhsaing al his store. Call and eiain- i
ine for yourselves. Qj" All kinds of country pr.r- !
due taken, at ihe highest raaiket price.
Sunhury, December 4th, 1817 if
W TABLE COMPOUND, for t cure of
Ac. This Medicine i offered to the publtc under
the ataurance that there is no srticle in existence
hsving stronger claims 10 their Be
ing compounded by a regular Graduate of Jeffer
son College, Phils. hlph s, and prnctisrug phvsi
cian of twenty years' standing in I'hil.idoipius. his
long experience has confirmed hitn in the opinion
thai a cmnoiind medicine was rrijuired to prevent
and remedy the debilitation pr duced by residing
in low, miasmatic climates, and lo counteract the
pro trating inHumcs-a of many nervous diroider
with whieh the human firmly are afflicted.
DR. ALLEN ia a well known physician, ami
has a and the abeve medtcio in hi practice for 8
years with the most artoniahmg etlVct, having tea
led its qualities in above
No medicine ever lervived more flattering e
commend stions from physicians of eminent tUud
ing than baa been bestowed un this.
IPS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Pr.fea
aor s .ysi ''It cliH'llv arises in iiersons who
either a very sedentary ar imular life. Althouuh
not regarded as a fatal duresse ( yet if uaglrctid or
improperly treared, rosy bring on incurable Me
lan4ioly. Jaundice, Madness, or Vetlig , Pa!sv
and Apojileiy. A gr al aingularity ail. iulaul on
it ia, thai it may and often dues continue a great
length of time without any retaiaton vf tun symp
tom. . 1 .
CAUSE v. Grief and uoea-ineia of wind, in-
esse. 1
SYMPTOMS.-Loss of appetite, uauaea, heart
burn, aridity, and fuMid erucUiious guawmg.of
the smsnarh whan smpiy, uneasiness in ihe throil.
pain in Ibe a'ule, coativenres chtllnesa, J uiguor,
lownras U spirits, palpitations, and dia uibad
TABLE COMPOVM) has never failed in em
drug immediate relief, end a ladieaj cui for this
disease. ' . V t . . .
. rjJ" This Medioine can he had of II, B Mas-rr,
Sunhury 1 J. 11. Msrtin, I'oll-ville, A
Bickel, Orsrigshurn and of Druggists generally,
ALLEN A. W AKD, ProMietura.
Philarlelphia, Nov. 87. 1847. cq ly
.For Sale.
THE BRICK HOUSE in Sunboiv, of the sub
scriber,' now occupied by Miss Morris. For
trim apply to W, L. Pewart, E q , or ta mvaetf.
" M - W.R. MITIl.
Jforthumhwiand, October 0, 1847. ti"
. " r - . - il, uai-am operateti like a main), ur. j. also
eice-stve use of spirituous liquor, lea, tobacco, u- . , c.i . k .
7 , . 7 1 . , . I wiiuessed ps wotidetful ft-ct in curing -sthma,
mum. and other narcotic, immoderate renlelKvi. t .... - ., , , . u ......... 1 .
entsi aitiirv. dk. uiw riieuimiaL iidtv iq iniriT. ....
,. f , . , r ,. . wnu n 11 never uns 01 uoiog. i-puviui utoo 1,
over dtsteuin... of he a deficiency ol (be l( v ig r(r. c.uallv cured by thia Pal-
seretmnof .he bile or jute, eipo.uie lo , 'ilm ruptured, or wounded Mood
. old snd damp sir, a. th chief causes of this dr.- . . . n ,
v 1, A tiria 1 h a
1 Li...rVt Jerf 1 5 rm ago, by Dr. KINK I! L IN.
The uMest, eureal and lsl hand to cure sll forms I
, of BeCTt I (likVllftg d'aWMM4 of ibu kin 91(1 1.
fliltrj ImttitH of y.nnht i
" turner nf 3r unit Vnion s , hnxrrrn Sprtire
rrnrf Pins, 1 4 qarr frnm Ihe F.xfhnnse.
YOUNG M KN t if yon value your life or your
hetllh. remrmla r. Ihe delay of a month, met,
even a week, may prove your rum,' birth of bod
and mind. Hence let no false modesty deter von
from m iking your caae known 'lo' tin" who. from
education and respectability, e .n s'nne h friend vim.
He who places him-elf under 1)r KINKKI.IN'S
treatment, may religiously confide, in his honor a
a gen leman, and in tsho-e boaoiu will be forever
litrkril the si'crel of ihr paiient. ,
, . Too msny think thev will hug the Secret t riheir
own heart, and cure tbrmselw s, A las I how nf.
ten is this a fatal ilelnsiri. ml how many a 10
tni-ing young mnn, ho m'ahl h.ive tain an orna
ment lo society, has faded from Ihe earth.
fiudiug il inconvi pient l.j rnske pers msl applica
ti n, can, hv sniing their ctse eiplicitly, toge her
with all their sv mptoms. (per I t'er. post p.iid.) hnve
forwarded In them a chest con'ninir.g Dr. K's me
dicines siiprnpria'ed accordingly.
Packages i,fM dtcines forwarded to snf psrt of
I Ihe I'nitrd States st s moment's noiice.
OCT Pot earn tarTras, aild eased to D'. Ktir-, PhtUdelpbla, will be promptly a'tended lo.
Oe'. 30ih. 1847. I y
"Secure the' Shadow ere' the Substance
( OI.MtiS' Kl.ntR 1TRI
S3 d "12 o ZZ C2i "QJ
TWO SII.Vr.R MKIUliS awnrHrrt at the Fairs
. nf Hit Franklin nml American Inslitiitrf fur the
best mid most artistiral specimens of Vugnerreo
liit'f I'tirtruits .
THE recent improvements made by the sitb-cri-.
hers, and whiih i peculiar lo ihnir elnblish
meni alone, vix: an Upprr Lifrht,t received the
hight recommeiidaiioos from ihe Press, and also
wrii ten testimonials the lirst artists in the
country, as to its greit superiority over the usual
Side Light. The peculiar advantage of this Light
; is that the NarcnaL lOimr.sMo nr thx Etk
1 ran lie obtained more perlecdy than heretofore.
! fjj Cit r.oa and stringers are respectfully invj.
ted, whether desiring lor raits or not, lo viit our
j spinous galleries, prohnbly iho l.irgest and mosi
! cxten-ive in the t'niied Siaies, snd examine for
I themselves the astonishing improvements made by
the suliM-rdrers in this wonderful art.
Proprietors of the City D.igu.rrrian Establish
ment, No. 100 t.'hranul street., two doors above
Third, south side,
' Phiadrlphia, Oct. fl, 1817 4m eow
Watchus 'Jewellery.
FullJrU-elled Gnlil Isreri fir f40, Warranted
No. 24fi, Market street. PHILADELPHIA,
AS constantly on hand a Urge assortment of
(io'd and Silver Walcbia, at the following
w ,,rire,
' Fu,, jcw,.llt.J Cl(ld Levers,
Silver d.
j GoJ , . f(( JeWflci,
I '
f40 00
20 00
30 00
J Silver I .e l ines, , 13 00
Silver qu,nieis, 00 and 10 00
I Willi a larje asFortinenl of Fink J swell, n r,
1 such as eir rings, finger rings br-sst pins, brsre
; lets gold and silver ienctls, gold chains. Ac. Has
! also on hand a complete asot!ment Lunette, patenl
j and plain Watch glasses. Main Springs, Verges,
j Di lls and H inds of every description ; and in f ict,
! a coinple'e assortment nf Watchmake a' tools and
I Walch Mateiial.s to which he would call ihe sl
' lentiou of the country tr tde in genetal.
j (jj- 'l'hnc wihing aiiythiug in the shore line,
' would find it lo their sdv.iulage to call and ets
i mine his slock hefote purc'iasing elsewhere.
No. 116 Market sin el, below 8h,
I Philadelphia. H-pi. 25, 1847. m
" riit'KH ! rax
Lfos ana t naa
nra, rat worts or thx
nr-Taoria hs bmv srou',
tmk cofon or rosai'terriu H4TU
I s it r a n or nt. 4 r.
4RE Yf)HA MOI'HKRI Your darlingehild,
your idol nd e.rrthly joy, is now perhaps
confined lo her rhamLer by a datiReroua cold hr r
pale cheeks, her thin sbiunketi fingers, tell the
hull di ease has already gained upon her ihe
sound of her sepntchrsl coogh pietcca your soul.
YOI'NO MAN, when just abmit tn enter life,
disease shed a heart Huhl over the fair
prospects of the future your hectic cough and fee
hie limbs tell of your loss and h pe, but you need
est de-pair. ' There is a balm which will heal the
wounded lungs, it ia
Mrs. AT I'll EE, the wife of Wm. H. Atlree,
Esq. was given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington,
D . Iloe and MrCMIan f Philad-Ihis, Dr. Rue
snd Dr. Molt of New York. Her friends all
thought she must die. She had every appeirmce
of la-tug in consumption, and was so pionoui ced
by her phvsi isns-Sherman's Balsam WkS given
and il cured her.
Mrs. (iARRABBANf Z, nf Bull's Feiry. was
aUo cured of rooaumpiiiiii bv this Balaam when
j all other remedies fvlcd It) give relief she was re
I ducrd lo a skeletal. Dr. A. C, f-JStle, 1. litis t.
281 Broadway, has witnessed its rfTerts in several
1. caes s 11 ere mi ! in r ,i ei,i- min..iy 'run
Rev. HENRY JONES. 108 Eighth avenue,
wsa cun-d of cough snd catarrhal all. ctions 1 1 50
years s Sliding. The first dose gave him more re
lief than all Ihe oll et medicine be had evey taken.
Dr. L. J. 3 als, i Desnry str.el. gave it to a
ai-ler-in-law who was laboring under con-umpliotl,
and to another aorely alrlrt-d with the A-thnn.
In both esses, its rflect were immedia e, aoon re
storing lh' m o rnnif.irtab'e health.
Mrs. LUC RET! WELLS. 95 Christie street,
suffered from Asthma 4t4yr. Vermin's Bab
asm relievetl her st once, snd she is comparatively
wrll, being rnsbled lo subdue every atlark by a
timely us nf this medicine. This indeed ia the
great remedy for t,nugtia. eme, opining r.inotl,
Liver Complaints, snd sll th all cIiop , f iJ
tkrost, and rven Asthma snd Con.umr
i Price 18 cents and f I e hotile.
t Dr. Shermsn's Cough snd Wore,, Lagyngas, and
Poor Man's Plsster sold ss abu-,.s '
Dr. Sherman's offie is at .on Saao. L N. Y-
Agsnts, JOHN YtU'0, unbury.
' ' M. A.iLCaY, Nortburafce-Uriri,
Si jitrmeer I iha VT7.-t j '
THE rhildrrrt began 10 cy for Sftermail's Lo
xenges. The siots wsa not tn 1 t'
time, but it has kept inerraing ever -b rr ,ao,t r,
baa become ao great that the mnuili I il- ;
ones can scarce be stopped. Pr. S'.c v .-i ir.m.
Ibises with Ihe little suff rera, and v r- mof'. e.
ere a lhat any of them should he disgpi .otritcl
Knowing the vast benefit which hss l-cen cot.fer
red upon Ihe Community by lb iniroductioti of
hia infallible
he has entered into arrangemenie for en atg'ng bia
Manufactory, by meana of which bethinks he will
be able lo supply the demand. And the same paina
and care will he Inken,' that Ibex celebrated Ln
xngea be made aa they have alwaya been,, in or
der that those who depend upon them, may not bar
disappointed in their hopes. He knew when hm
commenced the manufacture of the Worm iAizen
that th' y would supersede the use r.f rvrrv
other vermifuge, as ihe l.njenge is rrry plenn-.nt
to 'he antr.sfirrdyn its t fleet, ss well s certain,
and ihe quantity required lo effect a perfect curt,
is very small. These properties, in connexion wi l
the f rt lhat ihry are sold for 25 cmts per hr x. thus
pi iring them in the reach of the pon'ct man in
Ihe land, has not. only caused them lo inYt tho
plsce of every other vermifuge ever offered, bul sl
so rendered them popular to the community.
Or. flhernian'a
continue lo cure Coughs, Clds, tionsumpl on.
Asthma, shortness and difficulty of Breathing, and
other ilises es of the Lungs, with the mine facility
they did on their firat introduction, snd the ptoplt
have now become persuaded by actual expeiieure,
that on the accession of a slight cold, they hnvn
only to atep to either ihe Dr's. cAlce, or one of the
Agents, and obtain a box of his Cui;h L 'Z 'i E' .
which are very convenient lo carry in It e pockrt.
and lo take a few through lh dv. Bv pursuing
this course a curei nfien effected in 21 hours, and
the pslieiil about bis hut-in ss. So great i-t the ce
lebrity of the LoX' nges, that thousands of persons
who hsve used them, and recotne acquainted witj .
iheir eff cts, will never be without tbem.
has ru'ed mole case of Kheuuiaiiem, I'm 1 10 lh) o
Back, Side and Chest, Lumbago and Wtaknei ,
than any application thai hss ever been made. A a
the celebrity of the Plaster has indexed, hundred a
nf unprincipled rarala have attempted to counter -feit
it, and palm it off upon the community a- tb 1
genuine. ijJ- Beware of Drception. JJ) Reim u i
her ihatthn true and genuine Plaster is spread up
on reddish paper made expreely for Ihe puipoie,
and in every esse the signature of Dr. Sburmsri t
P'intul upon the back of the Plaster, anil the wlinlu
aecuied by Copy Right. None olhera sre genuine.
Tbeiefore wt en you want a real good Shcrrj,an'
Poor Man's Planter, call at the office, 100 ',asu
street, and you will not be disappointed.
Remember the number, 106 .Na sau st .,
all Dr. Sherman's Lozenges are sold. II is Agents
sre Mrs. Hays, 139 Fulton street, I!rr.lMu;
H meson, Williamsburg and Redding A Co
Boston, and JOHN YOUNO, S.Unburr.
M. A McCAY.NorihurubarUud.
September 1 lih, 1847. lv-
lTTV Oil KS'PR A IsiTlT!"
Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of InjfittaeJ
Snrrs CJured.
JL ihe tuoiecomple e Bum Antidoteever known.
It instantly, (and as if by Magic) stops pain of the
most desperate Burns and Sc.tld-1. For old S ir s,
BiUises, Cut", Sprains, Ate, on man or beist, it ia
ht- best spphcation lhat ran Ire made. Thousuu's
have tried and thousand pr-if it. It is the m tt
ptif.vt master of psin tver dircoC'e I. All who.
usi- recommend it. Every family shruM be rovj.
ded with il. None can trll how soon some nf tlio
family may need it.
Olawrve eich box nf the genuii e Ointment
has the name ol S. 1'orsr.r written 011 the outaidr
label. To imitate litis is forgery.
Boitmen, Livery Men. Farmers, and sll whousli
Horses, will find this Ointment the veiy la--l th inf
they can use for Collar Galls, Scratches, Kicks, r .
Ac. on their animals. Surely everv merciful i a .1
would keep hi' animals as free from pnin as on .
ble- Ttmsey'a Universal Itintiiieut i all lha1 is
quired. Try it.
BITES OF INSECTS. For the Mn,v s .
of poisonous Insects, Tou-ys Oui1 . cut s 11
vailed. Hundreds have tred it an found it te n-i
PILES CURED ! For the Piles, T.Hisey'g U
niversal Ouvmenl is one t'f the la-' iit
rsn be spplied. All who have tried it t'01 the I 'res
recommend it.
OLD SORES CURED. For M l o'.ati iat
Sons, there is nothing equal to Tousey'a tlun
ment. A peri-on in Msniiua had. for a number nf
year, s soie leg lhat baffle I the skill of the dorlo- a.
Tousey's Ointment was n-eommemled b; cne f
the visiting physicians, (who knew ilsgriat virtu e)
and two boxes produced mote benefit thsn ihe
tient had received from any and a t pievi. ius rriae
dics. Let !l try it.
of cases nf Bun s snd Scalds, ill all psn.a of Ihe
country, hsve been tur. d by Tonsey'a I Jnivataal
Oiuiment. Certificates enough C011IJ be ',iad lo fill
the whole of thia shea'.
..s on testimonials, in favor of Ttuscs O.niineut
for curing Bruises, have been offered ihe proprie
tors. Hunih-eds m Syracu- will rer tify to ita great
merits tn reli- ving the psin of the weal severe Bruise
All persons should try it.
StIALl) HEAD CURED. Sores of cse of
Scald Head havs been cored byl'ou-ey'a Oint
ment. Try it it seldom fails,,
SALT RHEUM CURE'J. Of sll the remedies
ever discovered for thi mn, disagrees' le complaiiil,
Tousey'e Universal Oint.nient is ihe mosi complete.
It never was kit wn I fail.
Tousey'e I'niversitl Oielineut will alwats ritu iho
wor-l fasea nf Chapped llatids, Scores t'f pre, eons
will state this.
SOKE LIPS CURED. For the cure o f So e
Lips, there wss never sny thing msde equal t o Tou
sey's ttintment. Il is sure to cui ihein. Try it.
It is a scientific compound, warranted no to ecu
.sin any preparation of Mercury. rr Viice. ?5
! cents per box.. For further paruculsrs Cmireremi;
this really valuslils Ointment, Ihe puMic 11 itfei
red to Pamphlets, lobe had gtstts, of re .ucslda
D uggists and Merchants throughout I'mtrJ
Slate, - v
Prepared by ELLIOT Jr. T0U6EV, Druggists.
Syrscusc. For sale by
JOHN VnUNO, Kunborr.
' M. K. MvCA Y, Nortbumbeiland.
Sepl. 1 1th, 18 17 , ly eow
Fotxtlicrs, Feathers.
fom l'.'.J 45crnfa jtrr round. Cheap for
l-'bolf rer Cenerul Furnlnlirr,
o. 41 Mwiet St.. above Hth north
idea opposite Uirani now,
T HERE may be bad, al all ttmea. large as.
W sortroent ef Bede and Matrasses, Curled
Hair and Feaiheis, Chaita, TaWee, Bedeada and
Looking tilasaee, together wilh all other articles in
tb shot Un of business, al tb lowest rab pri
' W.VB." flood wartantad ta W aatiifacticn.
frptsiih. 1847. 3