Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 22, 1848, Image 3

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    erk of tit Senate then read the certil
etion, when the oaff requited by tho
ion of this Commonwealth to quality
"form the duties of Governor, and the
(red by the Constitution of the United
rere administered to Freneit R. Shank
eaker of the Senate.
Ceag resslnnal Prweeenlnwe,
Washington, Jan. 17
or RitraicsRNTATtrKt. A reeolotion of
rat adopted, to report on the expedieoey
ine to th heir of toldiert killed in the
Mexico, the pay aurh eoldiera would
ived bad the terved oat their time.
inthrop offered a retoluhon or Inquiry
propriety of amending the Constitution,
le Collectors, Post Matters, &c, elec
ie people. Tbit liee over. .
rner offered a joint retolntion, annex
o and California, which liet over.
eiptt and paymentt at the State Trea
the fiscal rear 1847. with an ettimate
ttne for the year 1848.
t. Receipt!. 1847. Ettimate, 1848
$15 193 04 $10,000 00
immieaiens 21.700 00 31.000 00
utiee, S3 811 08 64,000 00
bank divi-
St.M7 13 123,000 00
124.3SSS 120,000 00
i and per-
tae 4.30.781 19 1,400.000 00
tensec 34 963 11 40,000 00
lit eat 8 143.C84 70 150,000 00
ceosee 2.291 04 -2.500 00
icente $.598 31 ,000 00
id circes" lite-
$30 0$ 1,0MM
la we 398 2$ 400 04
ea 11,090 37 .5,060 00
iit, ate. 47,164 67 0,000 M
erUia olR-
13,611 5$ 18009 00
42.743 S3 50,000 00
1,287.893 61 1,700.000 00
,Ae. 3.018 07 4,000 00
iTollmeat of
3,42$ 00 $.O00
te 118 977 90 120.004 0
220,089 89
osi turnpike
;e etocke 1,076 79 1 .000 00
andt 1.761 33
tereet 2,04359 2,000 4tt
tab 2,242 39
3,000 00
public offi-
1,237 41 1 500 00
tt $.379 1$ 6,000 00
$3 .977 ,03 3 89 $3.2 1 ,900 00
M4.878 70 0,0 85
$4 361,704 59 $4,602,790 85
Payatcote, 1647 Eetinaate, 1617
W90i?5 95 $779190 00
200 I IS 37 2104(10 00
25,837 72 20.000 (10
;l giatui-
248M5 11 23000 00
iniitntKn2!).00000 20000 00
tools Kt4 04 . 200,000 00
209 004 44
nana 2.002,240 41 2.001M100 00
interest 30-rX0 00 30.600 00
5.133 51 5 POO 00
IT notes 150 000 00 200.000 00
, tho oub-
12467 51 10.00000
mmiesionert 98 20 20000
dings and
1.HW .17 1J200 00
errorr of
canal 10,515 57 1.300 00
at Wellt'
16,550 99 3 400 00
14015 00 15.000 00
j 1.92160 1.000 00
tupo 4,000 00 4,00000
u"ities 07957
3 5 00 1 000 00
nde 1,751 54
or fiato
40,309 57 40,000 00
riot 61 00
I 5743 35 (1.00000
$3 6s0,bi:i 74 3 576,390 00
id '43 CS0 890 R5 $102640065
$1301,704 59 J,001,7D0 85
ndian Vegetable Pil'.t are a certain
ry detcription of paint ; became
om the body tbote morbid humors
t caute not only of the above fita
plaintt, but of every malady inei
Frooi three to six of taid Indian
He, taken at night going to bed,
't time give relief, even in the matt
ing ; and perteverance, according to
rill certainly restore the body to a
ndian Vegetable Pilla alto aid and
ttion, and therefore give health and
whole frame, as well at drive pain
every detcription from tho body.
To avoid counterfeits, purchase from
to ran ehow a certificate of agency,
the (tailing of Willieoj Peon nnJ
-- - r. ,
compete the lahele on the boi with the fae.simi.ltt.
on the eertifictte. To he genuine, they most he
exactly alike, aignvurt tmf all. ' Beware or ehtin
fcltt and Imposition. ' " f ' ' " -
The genuine for tale by Haunt Masaia,
sole tgent for Banbury, and other agent, publish
ed In anothet perl of tbit paier. . ' i : "
jh h n in , "
At Selinagrove, on Wednetdey the 19th intt.,
by the Rev. R A. Fither, Mr. PtTta W. Gbat.
formerly of thit piece, to Mill M aioarkt
Fbash, of Selinsgrove. ' -
At the Forett Iron Workt, In Union county,
on the 12th intt , O WASHINGTON GREEN,
M. D . ton of Gen. Abbott Green, of Lewitburg,
nged 30 years. v
Corrected weekly by Henry Matter
VVhsat, . . ISO
Rta, .... 75
Cobs, ... 50
Oats. . . 40
Bcttxb, . 16
Eeos, .10
Poas, ... 5
Fiaxaxso, ... 125
Ttti.ow, ... 10
Bikbwax, 25
Ftac, ... .8
Htcaitn FtA, 10
Dnitn Arritt, 75
Do. PaACHKt, . 150
Orphans9 Court Kale.
TN puraunnre of an order of the Orphtnt Cnti-t
of Northtiml-eiland cnunty, will be tld at pi:b
lie ta'e, on Tuediy the 22d dty of February nrit,
at Kim A U'-reotrte'er't Me, in PfieftirB. vit:
a certain triet of tand eitnate In 6himkin town
hip, in id r ounty, rontnining 1 8 tcrrt more or
le, on whii h are erected a one and a hlf rtory
'fif dwellinr hnne, a dnt ttMr. and a fruit or
rhatd( adj'iing land of Rotomnn Fetely and Ji.
Vtnhnin Late the ettate of Cttharine Lancia.
eoa, dee'd.
Sa'e to enmmonre at 1 o'e'ock, P. M of r.i,
dr, when the terme of le will be mle known
By order of the Court. Ailmr.
Jnit.l, 1848. 51
Executor s JYolicc.
NOTUJB iberr4y (iven.that le'tere teettmen.
lary have granteil to the luhterihera.
on the enttte of E'.wnrcer Greenoiich. dee'd.. (ate
of Nrthumtrland envorty, y the RegUier of eid
county. All ptraont b ivmg claimn ugainM etid
eeteto are hereby warned to eitiihil the tame, with
their vonchere, to the auheetHieri j and all Indebt.
od to aaid oatate ero notified to py aueh deb'a.
1 tie nuameaa or aaid eatate wilt be attended to
at Um office f irmerly of aaid E. Gweeiough, dee'd.
A. I. tiRERIVOtJGH. Ecerulrii,
W.I OREENtKJGH, Eieculor.
6un'r. Jan. 15th, 1848 61
A Good Tenant
TLiwnr' bis i
IN Union County, 6 milee wet of New Tlerlin,
on Penna Creek. About 90 acre are cleared.
Timber land tifltrient. Tho premiaee will l
rented threa or four yeara, on aharea, to a euitable
tenant. Intuire of HUGH BELLAS
Snnbury, January 8, 1848. 3t
THE following letter jot mm to hand, and
wi'l be rra.l with intereH. The petient eufler .
ed intolerably, and ronld And no relief until he
need Dr. Swath! Copocirn Pre re or Who
Cntaav. It ia certainly the moat wonderful cure
on record! Read it.
Wilmington. S C. Jan. 12th, 1847.
Da. Swiift Dear Sir : Hiving been almoat
miraculously currd hv your valuaMe medicine, I
think it not more than common eratitude in me to
make one addition t. the long Mat of certificate
which you have received of rrmatkab'e cure bf
your nw-dicine. During the two y-ara preredina;
laat Aupuat. I waevery much ilitreMad by a eiy
bad cold and racking cough, and Juring the latter
p.rt of the time it continued to grow a n, and
inded, in July ray ftienda gave me per. having
tried all kinda of medicine, aaid to be gnn.1 for atich
dtaeaaee, without the leaat good rflert. I wa re
duced almoat to a perfrct rnrpae, and had erarcely
any fle.h npon my body, and for a long time ne
vrr thought to rii-e ftom my bed again A frienl
one dy aaked me if I bad tried Dr. 8wirt'i
("ompcHind Kyrup of Wito Cntaav, and adied
me to do ao at once, at he heard that it had wnr'hed
a great many wonderful ruree. I took hia advice,
and after naing up eeveral boHlet of it, I grew ao
much better that I wee enabled to leava my bed,
and afterwarda t walk about the houae, and co
nut into the atreet. ( waa encnuragetl bv thia, and
continued the uee of your mnlicine, tnd now, by
mean of ita wonderful rurative pnwert, I am per
frctly well, and enjoy the uae if all my fncultiea,
jual aa much aa if I had never been efflictrd in the
evay I deacibed to you. I have written thie not
thinking that It w II at all intercut you, but humbly
hoping that it will have itt mite of influence in ctu
aing yoi-r valuable medicine to be tpretd am ng
mankind, and in aaeieting to raise you to that na
tion which you richly dexerve,f r your persevering
elfirta f r the public cood.
Itrapi'cifully your f'iend and admirer.
CiKnment on aurh evidence aa the abnve it un
neceaaary. A atngle trial will place Dr. tivrtnt'i
CexrninD Starr v Vi'im 1'iitaBT hcy.ind the
reach of competition in the ealimatinn of every a
tient. Bill itt healing virtue will be itt beat re.
Beware of Impnitien Attewp'a have often
been made I y unprincipled individuate to impnae
upon the community a ajuri.iu article. Stealing
nearlv the whole of the name of my preparation.
To fully guard asainat auch bate and palpable itr
nonition, the public ahould ahnn all preparati.nt
purporting to contain Wild Cherry, eicept that
leing the aignnture of Da. H. Swatbb on e tch
b-'ttle. The name of Dr. Swat aa, in connection
with the Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, haa
never yet been counterfeited. 8o if permxia would
bear in mind the name of Da. Swat at. tbey may
he euro of obtaining the oiiginal and genuine arti
cle. Beware of the worthier Balaama Biltera,'
Byiupe,' Sic aa they eonttin none of the virtuee
of the original preparation. - -
The (original end only) genuine article ia pre.
pared by DK. 8WAYNE, corner of Eighth and
Kaee alrecta, Philadelphia, and for aale by agenta
in ell parta of the United Stalea, and some pent of
Only Agenta in SunWury. are
Dr. 1. A. Moore, Danville; T. H, Mtckry dt
Son, M (ton t M. D. eV J. Welle, Munev ; C. A.
Wyttl, LewiahoVg; Davit dt Schnure, Btlintgrover
John C Reno, Line Mounttio P. O.
1'nilaiMphie, dt42m.
Imnroved Hydraulic PumiM,
For WiUt, Kotlinp Milk,' Fur-fret, ee oMer
1 Z . - rurpiiS ' r. " " ''
THE auhacribor reapectfully announce! t,i rtie
ptrblic that be ia now prepared tn aupply or
ilere toanyetent fjr kit Patent Doubte action
Suction and Force Pumpa. Theae pumpt are
made of ea.t iron, and the water ia auckod or for.
eed through lead pipe. For simplicity of ronetrue.'
tion end durability of action, Ibey are eeify mpe
riot to any now in uae. They have mary edvan
tauea over the common poms among which are
the following t .
They fere a i constructed that mitchievout per
sons cannot epoil their sction bv introducing nails
or epikea or any nthcr snbiiianrea smong tht valvet,
at it often done with other pumpa, thereby render,
ing them ntile till overhauled. They are vtr
ran'ed to be perfectly secure from front. They sre
so srranged as to affnl ample protection (gainst
Fire shout the piemiaet on which they are erected,
by aimp'y attaching a piece of hoe, thro which
they will force water to any part nf, or over, a
three story houae. They sre particuisrly stapled
lor very deep wella, st the leverage can be ao re
golaled that a child of aix yeare old can with the
greatest eaae draw water with them from th dee.
pest wiille. The objection eo justly urged by ma
ny. that, w ter is oil. d by standing in pumping.,
is entirely obviated in thia pump, snd fiesh water
ctn s'wsyt be aa aun-ly obtained aa when drawn
with a bucket. In eitnatinna where it is neceta.
ry to ruiae or force larce quantities of water to great
distance f.r supplying boilere in mii'U, furnacea.
Ac. th'te pumpa are invaluable, a they can he
made . f any a'ie, and capable of throwing from
15 to tOOfl gallntia per minute.
And to ciown all, they can be sold as cheap as
the r.heaeat.
The anbecriber has rpenl the laat yesr in sip,
timrnt ng upon and perfecting his pumps, and now
brinya them before the public with the fulleet con
fiih nce that they will he found to snewer hi ile
scription. He tahee p'eanu e in referring to the
following enmpauiea and individuate, upon whnae
prrmiaea hia pumps have been erected, and who
have eipr. ted thoir tatiaf iction in the highest
'Che Montour iron Company. Danville, II. Bro
Vimrt. ngent; the Blonmalinrg Railroad Iron Com
psny. Blnomaliurg. Col. Paiton. agent ; the Rough
and Ready (ron Worka, Danville, Hancock, Foley
A Co., proiirieiora ; the town Council nf Berwick ;
Simon P. Kae, Erq., snd John L. Wateon, Esq ,
Hernutd refer to mioy othera, who have teated
their qoaliliea, tint the above reapectahle firms end
individuate are deemed tttnVicnt.
fXj" An aaanrtment of LEAD PIPES constant
ly on hand, which will he aold on the moat leaann
able terms. All ordex addicaaed to the euhacriher,
st Moore tt Bi.ldle'a'Foundry buildinga, or Mon
tour Houae, Danville, will meet with prompt at.
Jan. 1. 1848. tf.
Peace with Mexico !
Cj SZST 553 2 tO IXta
N FOR MS the public thai in order to bring a
bout a peace with Mexico, he msnuficturee all
kinde of Kifl-a, Double and Single Barrelled Shot
Gone, and Double Barrelled Revolving Riflea, at
hia manufactory at Hollowing Run, Lower Au
gu.ta townahip, Northumleriind county, all nf
which be will warrant for ail monlha. Thoae
who want a fiiet rate ariiile in hia line, can be ac
commodated at the hortei notice and on the m t
reaeonable terma. Lovera of sort, give him a call.
Lower Auguata.Jan.8, 1848 fim.
tTrlftht'i Indian Vegetable IMIU.
Henry Matser, Sunhury.
E. St J. Kauflman, Augusta tnwnthi.
John H.Vinc. nt, Chilliequaque.
Kase dt Beigalreeeer, Elyburg.
8-nnuel Herb, Little Mabonoy,
William Deppen, Jackan,
Ireland and Hay net, McEwrnavide,
William Ileim-n &. Brother, Milton.
Pur) the, Wilann At Co Northumberland
Jamea Reed, Pottaerove.
(3. W. Scott. Rushvilte.
W. At R Fegely. Shamokinlnwn.
Rhodes ft Fairow. Snyderatown.
Amot T. Beiai II, Turbutaville.
Bt nneville Hnlahue, Cifier Mabonoy.
John G. Kenn. do do.
E. L. Pier, Wataontown. w
Who'evKle, at the office and general depot, Ifi9
Race eu Philadelphia. Dec. 18, 1847. I y
Another Farm
THE heira of John Yocom, dee'd., ffler for tale
all That Farm of theira eituate in Shemokin
townahip, Northumberland county, near Snuff,
town, and adjoining the old Stambach stand in
taid townthi. containing shout two hundred acrea
mor or leaa, in a good stale of cultivation. Tho
Rail R ad from Sunburv to Shamokintown passes
through it. Fr paiticnlira enquire of
HL'GH H. TEATS. Snufftown,
or JllHX FARNSWORTH. Sunhury,
Dec. II, 1847. or any of the heira.
Merchant Tailoring.
RESPECTFULLY inform hit fiiendaand
, the pu' lie that he hae jual returned from
Philadelphia, with a general ereortmrnt of gooda,
uitatilu for men and children's weur, which will l
madd up to order, or told on the moat reatonabh
terms, conaiating, in part, of
Etigliah, Fiencb, snd American Clothe,
In da do Caaainiere,
Beaver Cbah, P.x.kin Caaaimera,
Fancy Cas'tmets. Hattni tts
Csehmere, Silk Velvet, S.lin & Valencia Vestinga,
Men'a, Lailio.' and Cbiblrmi't Cloaking.
Lamrwnd and Merino SUirta and Diawets,
Clo k TssmU,
Fringe fiir Lsdiea Cloaka, .
A general assortment tif Trimmings, die., die
Cutting will be done free of charge, for pera na
puicht'ing giKxIt of bim which they with to make
up themaelvea. and prrsiMis indii g their own gooda
will h arcommodatod aa berelof re. He tenders
bis acknowledgements to hia friends for former pa
Itonage, and rcsj'ectfully solicits a continuance of
the aame.
He alao informs the public, that be haa taken
Mr. JOHN G. BRIGHT into eo-parinerahip, and
that the buainett will hereafter be conducted under
the firm of Wiikkb dr. BaieaT.
rX All kinda of Countiy Produce taken, at the
bigheat maiket prices.
Sunhury, November I3ih, 1847. 4 :n
VUST received, a ban.lsome lot of Cloth, ( u
V ermcrt, Calicut$, Cap of sll kinds, fVunt
tAoti, lor men, women and children, Vnctriei,
Qurentuwt, end a variety of other articles, che
per than ever, by HENRY MASSE R.
Suubury, Nov. J7lh, 1817.
Indian Vegetable Panacea.
Mtssas. KowAtn it Waltok. (enilefen,
It is with picture that I give you the
following history of my eaae, which from ita eve
rity and long continuance under the be.t medical
attendance I could procure, affirle a atriking illus
tration of the wonderful eopeiiotity of your Dr.
CE s, over all the popular remediea of the day.
It wst my miafortune to inherit Scrofula, which
made iia appearance (as my mother.informed me)
when I wsa but a few montha old, but waa n,ol e.
ry troublesome until my Sfttli year, when it attain
ed my right elbow, and stillcned the joint. Aoul
eight yeara after thia, it made ita' appearance on
my erm again, almoil coveting it witti ulrera. At
the tame lime it attacked my thtnat aim, A ling it
with ulcer.. My tongue beenme frinhlfn'ly awol
len, and slinn-t aa htrd aa a piece of wood.
I applied to one of the moat akdlul phyalri mn in
NorriMown, Pa., where I reaiJed at the time, but
the iiieae teemed beyond hia ie.rh. He adviwd
me to come to Phila 'elphia anil conatill the Lite
Dr. Parriah. I did ao. and w i. under hia ra e for
a thi'rt lime, h--n he adviaed me to return home,
aa tny phyictan could do a much for me at be
could. This wat rettninlv not ery encouraging
I returned, and waa fur foul or five vea'a mo.l of
the time umler Heatm ni, when the Do' tor inform
ed me thai hit reanurcea were eth lUKled, and I waK
at lilvrty to try any thing I thought would do me
I then to k O..U y' Saraaoarilla, which at fiiat
seem- d to do me i-ond. but ao n lo-t iia power, an.l
waa diaeon'inned. I have I .ken Swaitn't P.inncn.
Maiah ill'a, Hnuck's. Leidy'a and other pr piia
tiona nf Sareiparilla, without rlT-ct. My throat wat
atill ulcerated, mv pala'e entirely enrrted aw iy, my
face and noae much swollen, and exceedingly pain
ful. Thna mstt-ra t vo.1 in .lintiary I tat, when I com
mencfd with Dr. CvLLtx'a N m a a V r.n a r a lk
Pasacra, and I frnnk'y rnnf S', if your medicine
h id required Faitn to ensure a cure, it wou'd hsve
failed in my raw ; for I had tried so much lnh
that my confidence in medicine waa gone snd it
waa only aa a drowning man will giaap a atraw,
that I commenced With tho Panacea.
But atrange aa iV mnv rppenr. the inflammation
and aoreeea were a'tnoat entirely removed in 3r
hnura, eatiefvine me that I h l roI hold of a medi.
cine whirh I had not uaed before. and which Mould
cure me Mv antlcipationa have to all apiesrancn
t en real'ted, for I am healthier than I ha been
for aeventeen yeara. Mv akin ha. a-annie.l a heal
thy appearance. My head, which had trouble I me
for to many yeara, i now free from all diaicr enh'e
aenaationat my throat ia tound ; anil ao far aa I
can judge, the dieeaae it completely eradicated
from mv aytiem,
I thall be happv to give any further inf. I'mation
to any who chooee o call Uon me at mv reanlence
in Poplar tiree', firat hou-e ea.t of Eighth atreet,
north aide. JOSEPH BARUOCK.
Pliiladelpbit, June S3, 1848.
Certificstee nf curet, in pamphlet form, may be
bed Gratia, at the officer of the egenta.
This medicine is prepared and sold by the
proprirtora, Rowand dc Wilton, No. 3)8 Market
atreet, Philadelphia.
W W Danenhower. No I Murray at. N Y.
W Danenhower. No I O F Hall.
g fcS c
C T Jenkina, No fiR Canal at, N Orleana.
N N Rirbinton.eorGay d; Saratngaata, Halt.
Agents: II. M ASSER. Sunhurv
Rjser, Milton; J. S.-ehold, New Ber
Museer, Millhem; Sharpe D. Lewia.
tin ;
Sold alao by Druggista throughout the Unile.1
State. Dee. 4. 1847. 2tn. iBy
C"i RE AT BARGAINS may yet be had at Pia
ff nv'a Stobk. He still h is a large aeor'meut
nf Goods, which he will tell t Jii tt coaf. Being de
termined to diacoliliniie the buaiiHwa, ho will tell
very low. A saving nf 25 or HO per cent, can be
made by taj'chiiaioE at hia alore. Call and eiam-
ine for youtaelve. Cj All kinds of country pr
duce liken, at the higheat ina k I price.
Sunhury, Decemtier 4lh, 1847 tf
TABLE COWPOCMi. for the cure of
At. Thia Medicine i olT. red to the public under
the atsitranre that there is no article in existence
having atronger claims lo their conaldetation. Be
ing rmounded by a regular Graduate of J tier
eon College, PhtlaJi Iph a, snd t praclimng phyai
cian nf twenty yesrt' ttandii in Philadelphia, hia
long experience be confirmed him in the opinion
thai a comound medicine waa required 1 1 prerent
and remedy the debilitation pr dured by reaiding
in low, miaamatic climatra, and lo counteract the
pro trating influrncea of many nervooa diaotdera
with which the human f.nnily are afflicted. -
DR. ALLEN ia a well known phyeicim, and
haa used the ehove medicine in hia practice for 8
yeart with the moat atonihtng effect, having tea.
led itt qualitict in ahne
No medicine ever received tnore flattering re J
commendations from phyicians of eminent .Und
ine than has been beat wed on thia,
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Prona
tor a ye '-It chiefly ariara in peranna h i lead
either a very aedeniary or irregular life. Although
not regarded aa a fatal dienae; yet if neglect) d or
improierly trea red, mat bring on ii. curable Me
lancholy, Jaundice, Madneaa, or Vertigo, Patay
and Ample(y. A gr at aingultrity atlelidarit on
it ia, that it may and often du t continue a great
length of time without any remi.Mon of ills aymp
toma. CAUSE. Grief and uneaineaa of m od, in.
tene atudy, profu-e evacuaiinna, excet. in venrry,
etceaaive use of aHritunaa liquors, lea, toharco. r
pium. and other nareotica, immoderate repletion,
over diatentinn of the rtotmch, a deficiency nf the
accretion of the bile or gatrc juice, eipoaute to
t old and d imp air, are the chief cauaea uf this dis
eaae. SYMPTOMS. Lost of tppetile, naoaei, heart
burn, acii'ity, and fo-tid eructttiona, gnawing of
the aioniach when empty, uneaaineaa in ibe,
pai.i in the aide, coat.venesa, chillneaa, .,nguor,
lowneaa t t apirits, pilpitiitiuna, and die uild
TABLE COMVOVSD hit never failed in affor
ding immediate relief, and a itdical cuio for thia
OCJ" This Medicine can be had of H. B Mat er,
Sunhury t J. C Mtrtin, Pott-ville, Medlar A
Bicket, Orwigahurg and of Druggiatt generally.
ALLEN & WARD, Propriaora.
Philadelphia, Nov. 87. 1847 cq ly
Fop Sale.
THE BRICK HOUSE in Sunhuty, of the tub
ecnhrr, now oceepied by Mita Morris. For
terms apply to W, L, Devrart, E q , or to myarlf.
Northurubeiltnd, Octot er 9, 1817,
r h n, a d r i, p ir i a
EtlKblithed 15 year ago. by Dr. K1SKEL1N.
The nldeat, aureat and beat hand to core all forms
olil-ry hnUUn of ynnth, i
1) H. K I X K K MX,
A. tt . crner nfM nnrt Vnitm !., rV-rrven .rrjre
nrtit Pin, 1 ) qinirrn from Hie E.rrliinitr.
YflUNG MEN f if yon value ynur life or your
health, remember, the delay of a month, nay,
even a we. k. may prove ynnr ruin, both nf body
snd mind. Hence let no Mae modeaty deter you
from making ynur csae known to one who. from
education and reectahilily, slone b. friend you.
He who placea hitmclf under Dr KINKELIN'S
treatment, may confide In hia honor as
s gen leman, and in whoe boaoni will be forever
locked the aecrel nf the patient.
To i mint think thrrv will hug the aecret to their
own heartii. and cine ihnn clv a, Ala.! how or.
ten iatiiiaa fatal deluaii.n. and how many a pro
miing young man, who nrghi have hen an orna
ment to tocii tv. ba. failed from the e.irth.
finding it iicuiv nii nt to mnke m-a .nal appliea
li n, rati, bv aiming their eiae eiplicit'y, togcher
w ith all tl cir ..vnptoma. (erl t er. poat paid.J lne
forwar led lo tbein a client roniainir.jt Dr. K'a me
dicine, snpr' prive.l nci-orilinglv.
Packaea of M dieioea forw arded to any part of
the United Statea at a moinent'a tnnipe.
(Tj" Po.t rtn urTrtt., m'd e-ed lo D'. Kiv.
Kttiv, I'hditdelpl ia, will he promptly t'lnnJ dlo.
c. 30lh. I Hi 7. I y
"Secure the Shadow ere (he Subshince
COMMA'S' ( ci.uimiTr.o
ry. t? L-j rr ;r cer rrry crr
TWO SI l,Vr R MED XLS awnrittd at the Fairs
of the Fra-iklin und Americm Inutilities fir the
lient rirnf mnsl. arlintiCHl tpteimtns of DagnerrtO'
tit I'orl rails
flHE recent improvements made by tho tuhtcri
M. hera. and which i peculiar lo their e.tahlih
ment tdone, vin an I'pprr L'trt, hat rereiedthe
highlit recommend I'tona from the Prea, and e'a
written leaiiruoniil. from the flint trtiii in the
eouinry, aa to ita greit aoierioriiy over the usual
Side Light. The peculiar advantage of thia Light
ia that tho Natitsal Kritr.aio or ths En
can he oh'ained more perlecilv than heretofore.
fjJ" (':t zona and atraner ml a le-pecifully ini.
ted, whether ilenrir.g Por raiia or not. to our
npicioiia c'Ucriee. probahly i ho I iritot and moat
elen-iv in the United Sia'ea, and examine for
ttictritt'lvt a '.he Halotii'iing iinproveiiieuia tnadu l y
the tu'iM-ribera in tlii woiiderlul art.
Prnprietora of the City D.igU' rrnan Entibtikh
rneul, No. 100 t'heaiiul utrei t., two do ira above
Thiid, aouth ai.'e.
Phi aihlphia, Oct. 9, 1847 4m eow
Watches So .Jewellery.
Full Ji welled Gull Uvers f,r 10, Warrant) d
JXo. 24o Market slrett, I'JIILA HELP HIA,
HAS eniittani'y on hand a large aa.nrtment of
(told and Silver Watchca, at the following
low price
Full Jewelled Gold Iv. ra, f 10 00
Silver do 20 00
Gold l.epinoa, full Jewelled, 30 00
Silver Lepinee, 13 00
Silver Ijuirtiei a. 00 and 10 00
W'i'h lariie aaanrtment of Fins JtwxtLKax,'
auch aa car rings, finger ringa brraat pins, braces
let. gold and ailver pencil., gold chains, die. Haa
alao on hand a complete asmtment Lunette, patent
and plain Watch glaxsea, Main Spriuga, Wrgea,
Dial and Hsnda of every description ; and In fuel,
a complete aaaortmenl of Walchmake a' tools and
Watch Materials to which he w uld call the at
tentioii of ihc country ir.nle in ,
Those wi-hing anything in the ahovedne,
would fiml it In their advantage lo ea'l and exa
mine hit Block (H'foie purchasing elaewhere.
N.v 246 Xlaiket atnel, bt-low S(h,
Ph la lelj.l.ia, S' pt.95, IH17. fim
nta, th t wobk r tub
nK.THoixa tin Mrt.v biucx,
thb cornn or t-ovataieTioi hath
iv ir a soi'an nv hvath.
A RE YO(T. MOTHER! Your darling child,
your idol and earthly joy, is now perhspa
confined to her chamber by a dangeroua cold In r
pale die, ks, her thin ahrunken fingeta, tell the
hold di-en hat already gained upon her tlie
round of her aepulrhrat cough pietcet your tor, I.
YOUNG MAN, when just about to entet life,
diseaae aheda a heart crushing blight over the f or
pronpeclt of the future your hectic rouh and fee
lile linihi tell nf your los and hope, but you need
not dexpair. There ia a balm which will heal the
wounded lunga, it ia
S II n It M 4 X s
Mrt. AT TREE, the wif of Wm. H. Attree,
Eaq. wit given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington,
Da. Roe and McClellan f Philad-lnhia, Dr. Rue
and Dr. Molt of New York. Her frienda all
thought che must die. She had every appear. inca
of lietng in conauinplion, ami waa ao pronounced
by her phyaiiians Sherinau't Balsam Was given
and it cured her.
Mrs. G ARK A BR ANTE, of Uull'a Fetry, wat
a so cuted of consumption by thia Balaam when
all other remediea faded to give relief the waa re.
duced lo a akelet 'O. Dr. A. C. dalle, D, ulist,
SHI Broadway, haa witneeard ita effecta ill eeveral
ca-et where no other mi dirme tff.uiled relief but
the BaUam ofierated like a cliaint. Dr. C. alo
witne.a.'d it w.uiderful rff eta in curing .sj.thm.i,
which it never faila of doinit. Spitting UI.mi I, alar
ming aa it may V. ia effect utlly cured by thia Bal
aam. It heals the ruptured or wounded MooJ
vcaatls, and msket tie lunga Bound again. .
Rev. HENItV JONES, lim Eighth av.-nu...
waa cond of cough and catarrhal aff.-diona I &0
yesrs a anting. The first dose gave him m ire re
lief than all the othet inediciuu he bid ever taken.
Dr. L. J. B ala, 19 IVanoy atriet, gave it lo a
ai'l-'r-iti-law who waa latxiriiig underconsumption,
and to another aorrly affl cli d with the Asthma.
In boih rati a, ita r fleets were immediate, eoou re
aloring Ihi m In romfortali'e health.
Mrt. LUCKETIA W ELLb. 83 Chti-tie inert,
suffered from Aathnia 41 y-ara. Sheitmn's Hal.
ttm relirved her at once, and ahe It comparatively
well, being enabled In aubdue every attack by a
timely use of ihia medicine. This indeed ia the
great remedy for CnUgl'a. I'utdt, Spitting Ulond,
Liver Complaints, and stl the til ctiona nf the
threat, and even Asthma tnd Consumption.
Price 25 centt and ft per botUe.
Dr. Shermau't Cough and Worm Lotengea, to
Poor Mtti't Platter sold ta above. I
Dr. Shermen's nflke is at ICS Nassau Vt-K Y
Agenu, JOHN YOU:;U. ' '
M. A. V ,CA Y.Nuj.
8c idem! ci lltb, 'ijlj
T i)t, IX YEARS sl0
HE childrm began to rry (ir Bherman'a T.o.
a-ngea. The noian waa not a loud at that
lime, but it haa kept increasing ever aince. and now
hss become en great thai the mouths of the hul l
onet cen scarce he stopped. Dr. Sherman eympv
Ihtaea with the little tnff. rera, and vry much -r-are
t Ihst sny nf them should be disappointed.
Knowing the vaat benefit which has been confer
red upon the community by the introduction of
hie infallible
he net entered into airaiiHemenia for enltiging hia
Manufactory, by mesne of whiob bethinks he will
he able lo supply the demand. And the same pains
and care will he token, that these celebrated Lo.
xengea be made as they have slwaye been, in or.
der ihst those who depend upon them, may not ha
disappointed in their hopes. 11a knew when ho
commenced the mantifac'ure of the Worm lozen
ges, thit ih'y would auperaede the uae of rverv
other vermifuge, as the Loxenge is rvry plinmf
to the taste, speedy in its effecta. aa well aa rerlnin..
and the qu uititv lequiied tot lTect a pet feel dire,,
ia very email. Theae properties, in connexion wt r
the f ct that they are aoll fir 2.A cents per box.thtia
pi icing them in the reach of the poorest man in
the laud, haa not only cauaed them to tnlblhi
place of every ether vermifuge ever offered, but nl
ao rendered them popular lo the Community.
Ir. Ihrrmsa'i
continue lo cure Ougt'e. (5. .l. (ioii'itmi i nn.
Asthma, short neps and difficulty of Breathing, and
other ilisea-es of the Lungs, with the time facility
they did on their first introduction, and the opl -have
now become prrauadej by tctuil erpi'tiei re,
that on the arcrainn nf a ifhi cold, thev liavo
only to ttep to either the Dr'a. nfTice, or one of the
Agents, tnd obtain a box nf hia Cough L 'Z"i gi .
which are very convenient to carry in Ide pocket,
and lo lake a few Ihrouuh the diy. I)y puranin?
thit course a cure is often effected in 2 1 hours, ami
the patient about his li'jin aa. So preat is the ce
lebrity of the L genges. that thousands nf pers.ini i
who have uaed them, and become acquainted wij j
their rflVcte, will never lie without them.
n us rued more ensea of Kheuinatiaiu, iVi i m the
Back, Side and Cheat, Lumhan and Wikur ,
than sny application that hts ever been made. A
the celebrity of the Plaster has incte iFed, hund rda
of unpiincipled rs-csls hsve attempted to cuui.ler.
feit it, and ps'm it off upon the eomrranitv the
genuine, (fj Beware nf Deception. Remem
ber that tho true and genuine Plaster is spread i
in rrd.lish paper md eiprea-ly for iho putpoao,
and in every ca-e tho a'linature of Pr. Shciman n
P'int d upon the l'ck nf the Plae'er, wnl the whole,
secured by Copy Right. Non ott ersare g-noine.
Therefore wt en you wan' a real too l "h.rr.ini '
Poor Man's Fluoter, call at tt.e fTr. t, tOo Nas.-au
etreet, and you wi I not be diritppnir.trd.
Remeinla?r the number, 10ti w.r-.-,
all D'.Sherman's Lnzetig.-a a.esrid. !Us ,u ,
sre Mrt. Hayt, 13'J F.ilt i a'rcl, Itrioklvuv
H meson, Williamsburg; npd Ketl.iii.g St Ct.
Bothin, and JOHN VOI Nt;, uubury.
M. A M.-C.-xY. N oiilmn U- i9
September 1 1 th. 1847. ly.
Burnt, Scalds, and all kinds of Lifiamcd
Snrrs Currd.
J. the most complete Burn Antidote ever kno .vn.
It instantly, (and aa if by Magic) ttops pa;na t ft'
most desperate Burns and Scalds. For nU f i,ltv,
Biuises, Cut, Sprains, Ac, on man or bev ,t j,
the best application that can be made. Thr .ue,y0ttw
have tried and thousands pr.tise it. Il is the at
pfcifict master of psin ever discovered. A',1 whn
use recommend it Every family thculj 1. jirovi
de.l with it. None can tell how eoor, onio,vf t;le
f.imily mty need it.
CCJ Olwerve each box of the ge'iiuii e. Ointment
haa the name of 8. ToratT wril'ien o the outsiJo
label. To imitate this it forgery.
Boamen, Livery Men. Farr.iera, nd all wholly
Hortes, will find this Ointm' ul t'n trry Im-m thing
they ctn use for Collar (m'.Im, S .tBU hcs, Kicks, Ac.
Arc, on their snimala. Sure! y rrrrv merciful man
would keep his snimsls as fr M fron', p,jn M yntll
hie- Tuuaey's Uuivcrtal O intmcut ia all that ia re
quired. Try it.
BITES OF INSECTS. For the stirR or bite
nf poisonotti Insects, T ousr y'a Otntrrent it unri
valled. Hundreda have trie.) it and found it good.
PILES CLTvETj! For tho Piles, Tout's ir.
niversal Oin'men', it one cf the !rat Kenn dies llmt
can be apr lied. All who hse tried it lot tho Pile a
recommend Ir.
OLD K0RE8 CURED. F.n old oMitintt.
Sores, tliere is nothing equl to Tousey's Ot,t
ment. A person in Mtniiut hud, for a nunibc1.- ic"
ysart, a aore leg that baffled the akill of the dor.'.or.i.
Toutcy'a -Ointment was recommended by o'.ie ,
the visiting physicians, (who knew its great virtuee,.)
and two hoxei produced moie benefit thsii the i as.
lietil had received from any and a I pieiou.s re'je.
diet. Il all try it.
of caaet nf Burnt tnd Scahla, in all parta of Che
cotintry, have been cured by Tousey'a Uni vernal
Oiiilmenl. Certifiratea enough could be had ta fill
the whole of this sheet.
ula nn testimonials, ill favor nf Tousey'a re.irnnl
for curing Bruise, hsve been rff. r d tha. iT.'fxt.
tort. Hitttilredt ill Syrtcuse will certifv lo its gt-i;
merits in relieving Ihe pain of the most , vere Uiui-
All persona thnuKI try it.
SCALD HEAD CURED. Soree f ce-of
Scald Head have been cured by Tou e , a (h: t--mertt.
Trv it il seldom fat's.
SALT RHEUM CURED. Ofal the remedies
ever discovered for this mo-t Jiaasreea! le ctimplaiii I,
Tuuaey's Universal Ointment ia the nu.t comiilen
Il never was known I fad.
Tousey'a Universal Ointment will always cure t
worst rases of Chapped Hands Scoiea nf per&r ma
will atite this.
SOKE LIPS CURED. For the cure of S o
Lips, there was never anything maderqnal o T nu
tey 'a Ointment. It ia aure to curs them. Try il.
Il ia a scientific compound, warranted no; t i cnia
ta'n any piepjcatbm of Mercury. ( Pric e U;V
centt per box. For further particulars rorce riiieg;
thia realty valuable Ointment, the public i t refers
red to I'tmphleta, lo be bid gratu, of resps clahle
Diuggiatt and Merchants threughout the Un t. d
Pr. ptre.1 by ELLIOT & TOt'SCY, D ruggift
Syravuae. For tale by
M. A. MfCA Y, Nnrd i .nineilind. 1 1th. 1817. ly cosr
Feathers, Feat 1 1 e rsv
O) 124 'o 43 renfs per Ami ml.- CUup
Vash. 'holer9l unJ It ttoiX.
t'pholitrrvr A. dencrn's FarnWiWer,
No. 415 Market fct., obovo Uih uorih
SiJe, '..nsito G'.rard Iloxv,
TTHE'E may be had, at all lniH-a, a large as.
sottment 'f Beds anr) Malraea, Cui!r.
IKir and Fsalbeia, Chairs, Tshlsa, and
'..noWina Ulasses. together with sll other ai lie lea ii
the ha line of Huaineas, at ths lowest eaan pn-.
Ji. B. Oesols warranted to give tatiafaeuun,
bryt-asth, 147. 3m r ;