Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 11, 1847, Image 4

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    , The Infuwl tat Prep-.,. t -(
"The smile of childhood, on the cheek tf age.'
' 'A entr,o bMide't mother kneels " .
4 lw , lip? V V . W ' tVv:
. And fain would Ijap the vows it feels, -
To him eatbroa'd sbotre.1 ' ' ' e
. . - i .... , , , -H .
Thst, cherub i,,1ht stsinlets brow, ,. ,.
,,' s . So erquisitely fairW , . .
Who would not to en infant now, '
To bresthe en infant praysr ' 1
, No crime hath sbsded itt young heart,
The eye scare knows a tear ) ;
'Tit bright enough from earth to part '
A ad grace another sphere! (' .
And I wss ones a happy thing, ' .,
Liks that which now I see,-'- ''':.
No May-bird on eeststic wing, ' ' , "
, More beautifully free : ..,'..',..,:,
The cloud that baik'd in noontide glow, ''
' The flower that danced and shone, r
All hue and sounds, above, below, .. , ,
Were joy to feait upon ! .
Let wiidom imile loft forget
The colder haunti of men,
'To hie where infant heart ar met,
And be a child again ; ' ;
To look into the laughing eye
And e the wild thought play,
While o'er each cheek a thousand dye ,-
Of mirth and meaning atray.
O, Manhood! could thy spirit kneel
Beside that tunny child, . . . .
At fondly pray, and purely feel '
Withoul u undefil'd ' , J
, That moment would encircle thee,
With light and love divine, "
Thy gaze might dwell en Deity,
And Heaven itself be thine !
From tbe Boston Post
Cars! a.
When I was down in Boston town,
A month ago or more,
I saw a very sing'lsr thing
I never aaw before.
'Twaa hanging in window case ' . .
Upon a thing a straddle
Looked something like an hour glass ' .
And something like a saddle.
I asked ot aeveral citizens, '
Who chanced to be at band, '
"What wai it?" but their gibberish
1 could'nt understand.
One fellow called it a "restraint
On certain parties placed, '
Like a decree in chancery, ,
To atay the tenant's wast !"
Another just tbe -queerest chap
Of any in the swarm
Said, " 'twas the glass of fashion, but
It tea the mould of form."
Another aid " 'twas a machine .
A lady used to rig her .
To brine her form and life into '
The very smallest figure."
At last a little girl came out,
And think of my amaze!
She asked me "if 1 would'nt please
To buy a pair of stays T" -Of
course I'd heard of "stays" before,
But, strike me deaf and dumb!
If ever I until that hour, .
Stspected "them we um !"
Well isn't it exceeding strange
That any maid or wife,.
Just for a little taper should
Put out the "lamp of life ;n
I know that lunatic must have
Straight jackets put about 'em '
But women in their wit should make
A tkift to do without 'cm I
Ciebiual Joke. A few year aince, rsys the
Delta, when lite Rer. Dr. Hawks was about
leaving New York tor tbe South, he was wai
led upon by the vestrymen of a small church in
Westchester county, and urgently solicited to
uke charge of the same. Tbe Rev. Dr. graci
ously received the enmrnittee, but respectfully
declined the p ropy fa I, urging ss e chiel objec
tion that the salary, though liberal for J he pa
rieh whieb they represented, would be inede
ipiate for hi expense, be hsving e considerable
lamily of small children to educate sod provide
lor. Due of the committee replied, 'the Lord
will take care of them: he bas promised to beer
the young riven' cry, and provide Tor them.'
Very true,' said the Reverend gentleman, 'but
he ha not promised to provide fur the yoong
A Nsw IUi t. Fhe editor of the Chics ge
Democrat gives the Killowing good sdvice.
Wives, love your hnsbaud and make tbeta Uke
Lmo'e RrroaT to Larlachb. On the oo
cssion of Mad'lle Linrt's second rehearsal at thai
Opera House, llio celebrated Lsblscbe wss so
delighted Willi ber singing, tliat he came op to
her end said, enthusiastically, "Give me your
hand ; every note in your v6ice is s, petrl.'
.'Give ine your bat,' was the reply ot the lair
singer, end then putting it up to ber mouth and
giviug one or her incomparable roulsdes, 'Here,
said she, 'is hatful of pearls for you."
.. Tui'x. Dr, Beecher say a: 'Never chase i
lie. .Let itslone, snd It will fun itself to death
. I cso vork out good cbifscter tuucb faster
thsa so one else can lie tne out of it, ;
. ... 7 r
The followin; lit ahnwii.the rurrent value of all
Vnnnvlvanla ttank N.itee. "'The most Implicit re
liancetnsy he pbvVorxih h. T h httirftoetH
rffotlf eomperM evitti i d eormcteJ from fiik
oetl'e Reporter. 1'S''' '-' ( "
;ttankVlii: iiiiiiteiphf a.'1-'"; ' ;
Put An.
. , JM
, .,-P"r
. . P"'
. pot
... ?. pr
, pr,
i p"'
'. pr
v '.. . P'
. P,f
, P"
flank of Noth Ameik-n . . ' , , ,,
Hsnk ot the Nnrtliert. M'-ertir
Commercial Sank nf rrnn'a
Farmers and MerhanJr' Bunk
fCeninion Bar-k . , f . '
PbiWehihia Bnk ' , 'r
1 t
V.. t.
Jchoflkill Bank . .. , .,.
Southwark Bnk , .... . ..
Wewtem Bank " t:
MechanW-e' Bank . .
Mnnufacturpre A Mechsnice' Bjnk
Hank of Perm Townnhip ,
f-irard Bank , . '
Rnk of Conimerre, li Moyamrnaing
Bank of Peonevlvanii . . . . ,
, ,f Conntry Banks, .
Bank of Chester County ' Westchester
Bank of Pelaware County Cheater i
Bank of Rermantnwn ' fSermanlown
Bank of Monomery Co. . - Norr'ntown
Doyleetown Bank Dnylrnown '
Caston Bank ' ' Rsatnn t
fermere Bank of Bucks ro Bristol
Bank of NnrthnmHerlnml ' Ni'rthnmbcrland par
(nlumMa Bvnk eV Tiriilr cn.(iuml)is par
Farmers Hnk of Lanraster Lancxtei tar
Lancaster fJounty
(.ancaater Bank
Farmers' Bank of Reading
OtTtre of Bank of Penn'a.
Office do do
Office do do
Office do - f do
I .sncssler par
l.anreer ' pti
Reading ' pat
Harrisbttrg" Thee
l.ancaaler 1 offices
Beading f do not
Easton J issue n.
tank of the United States PhirMhia
Miners' Bank of PoHsvllle Potieville
Bank of Lewiton lwiatnwn '
Bank of Middlotown Mlddtetown
Carlial Bank J ' Carlisle
Exchange Bank Pittahorf
Ilo do ' branch of Hnllidavannrg
Harrtshurg Bank Harriahurg
f.elonon Bank ' Lehanon
Merchants' A Manuf. Bank Pittsburg
Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg
West Branch B mk Willismsport
Wyoming Bank Wilkealiarr
Xnrthnmpton Bank ' Allentown
Berks County Bnnk Reading '
Office of Bank of V. 8. Pittahnrg
Do do do EHe
'"' Do do do New Brichton do
Bank of Chsmliershurg ' Chsmbersburg
Bank of Gettysburg ' Ofttysbu'g
Bank of Suiquehsnns Co. Montrose 1
Erie Bank Erie ' lalj
Farmera & Drovers' Bank Waynesburg a
Franklin Bank Washington IJ
Honesdale Bank ' - Honesdale '' l
Monnnfraheta Bank of B. Brownsville I i
Vork Bank York ' 1
. N. B. 1 he notes of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and sohatitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia broker, with the
exception of those which heve s letter of reference,
Philadelphis 8av. Ins. .
Pbilsdrlphls Loan Co,
Schuylkill Sav.Ina.
Kenxingion 8av. Ins. A
Penn Township 8sv. Ina.
Manual Labor Bans, ( T. W. Dyott, prop.) failed
rwanda Bsnk
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of Kwatara .
Bank of Waxhington .
Centre Bank :
City Bank
Farmers' Jt Merh'rs' Bank
Fayette c.
no eale
no sale
no sale
Farmers' St Mec.h'ct' Bank
Farmers' &. Mech'cs' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Huntingdon no sale
Lew mi own no sale
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
New Hope
Port Carbon
no aale
. cioaed
no sale
. failed
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northumb'd Union Cot. Bk.
North Weatrrn Bauk of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. A sr. & Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank , ,
Union Bank of Penn'a. .
Weetmnrelaud Bank
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
Wilkealisrre no aale
try All notes purporting to be on any Pennavl.
vania Bank nut given in the above list, may be aet
Jown as IrsuUs.
' NEW J Ell KEY.
Bsnk of New Brunswick Brunswick failed
Belvidete Bank .. . Belvider : .
Burlington Co. Bauk Mvdford . .. par
Cominereial Bank. Perth Aralioy a
Cumberland Bank . Bridueion par
farmers' Bank ....... Mount Holly - par
farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Bahway 4
Farmers' and Mrchsiitra' Bk N. Iliunswick fsiled
Farmera' and Merrhanta Bk Middletown Pt.
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey Cky .
rf olmken Use U. Uiasing l-o Hotxikea
. failed
. failed
: i
leraey City Bank
!; Jersey City
Mechanics Bank
Belleville . .
1'renton ,
Jeiaey City
Manufacturers' Bank .
Morrie County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N.J.
Mechanics' Bank r
Mecheiiica' and ManuC Bk
Morris Cenl and Bkg Co
PostNotoa ,
00 saU
Newaik Bkg eV Ina (To
New Hope Del Bridge Co
' e It l
N. J. Maonfac and Bkg Co
N J Proteeton A Lombard bk Jersey City :
Orange Bank . Orange - ' i
Patervon Bank ' raterausi
Peoples' Bank - 1 . do
Princeton Batik . : Princeton
1 psr
. par
8alni Banking Co Baleut . . i
Stale Bank Newark i X ...
State Bank - , F.bsabMbtowe
Hista Batik . ;. Camden . - .
State Bauk of Morris ' Merhalowa .
tiiata Bank . Trenton
Hslem and Phtlad Manuf Co Halem
Sussex Bank Kewton .
Trenton Banking Co . Tteolua
Uuion Bank Dever
Washington Banking Co. Hackenssck
Bk of W lira & Brsndywins Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington'
Bank of Siuyrut Smyrna
Do biench Mitford 1 '
Farmers' Bk of State of Del Dovet
Do brsiu'h . Wiliuiogton
Do branch ' ' Georgetown
Do ' Iriucb ' Newcastle
Union Bauk WiluMngtoo
ay Under t's
OJ banks marked thus () there ar eu
ther sounterfeit er altMad uma. ik .u.
J Bjoaaifisuous, in dieulsuoo. i . -.. .
IJP k JCT & Cffil UB eaGw .
Thti Medicineis. waVnt.rd on oath, not to
Contain s panicle nf Calnmel, Cirrelve 8ub
limate, Arsenic, Chlirrid V Oold, or any dolt Is
rOu minersls , " " ' '. ". ' '
1 The principle: upon' which this Medfdn set. U
hy setisttng" sod bitittonMiit With "natorst it
drives out sll foul acrlmrmlnus' humors from the
Mood, altd bofly; slid b aaimifstlnt with" and
strengthenine the gHairic juice of the stomach, It
ssslnts digeaion j In effort (her is not a vein. arte
ry, mtisdd Or pervf In ' the human hly,' that Ma
not strengthened 1y the FANACE A,' snd It also
posseesee the" .remark aids propprfy ' of removing
mercury from the bones ainl joints. ' ' '.' '"' '' '
' ...u . ., tt .i-'X ..s'-..
Scurvy, Sfcnrbu'it, Tumors, Ser.-fuli of
Kings' Ei ; White Swelling'. Eryirwla. Ulcers,
CsnreiS. Running Sots,' Scab and Bile' tirhi
and a dererndnrd peraeeranpe irf D SWEET
8 Eft's PANACEA, will effect s cuis. x
... ' , :' FOR t DIGESTION. '
Rrjrdlnrt nf f.tod, Njue. Vi'miiings, Nervous af-t-rtinns.
Bitliou eomptainta, Hetdart e. Pa'en,
or Frmale Irregularities, D'. SWEETSEirs PAi
NACEA will soon ff.-cl S cor j but if olioate,
or attended with eripins ' flying pains, the dose
should be'inC'eaaeil.'and the cure will aonrj w rf
fected. li nitt the pft'ients frijf'.ten 'themst-lves
with the idea that thy are ton we to take much
mrdi'-ine; but bear lit mind that this ml'dly npers
ting med cine put not wrakne into the frame, hut
mHl certainty draws weakni a out, leaves strength
in its place, end by giving coimki d steep a' niit'it,
and an appetite in relish any find," reenlntee the
whole frame wi h ' vigorous action, clearing the
mind and improving tbe eight. --'
Scrofula la siid tr be heriditary," th" infant r
ceiving from its parents lbs seed of this diaeas.,
which it'creaar-s with its years, if neglected end
not aohmit'ed to freqnpnl puriflction with Dr.
8WEETSF.R'3 PANACEA. The are pla
ced in the corner of the body, and nut of the way
of direct commonicat 'on their real ue U a ul jeci
on which niurh difler.. ce of opinion prrviilaj it
sulTi. es us to know ih t when in a daeard state
they are capaMe of being .nr Bed snd cleansed hy
s long enur of Dr. 8 WEE TE R'3 PANA
CEA, whirh reaioies thi m to sound snd proper
sction. 8cruful-'Us persons rsn never pav too much
attention to their blood, its punfii stion shou'd l
their first thought, for after a long coure of prrw
vcrance, they vt ill ever cure heredit try diaease.
8WEHTSBR S PANACEA csnnm be too high
ly extolled it eeatcbea out the very root of the
dicsse, snd y r m-ving it from the Blood makes
s cure certain and perm tnenU
' Fur dieeaeee nf the Bladder and Kidntyn, Slrie-,
turtt. CravtL Stone, Files. Fhtttla. Ulinary Oh
Btruelinni and Extreme Costivtntst Dr. SWEET
SHU'S PANCEA is the beet remedy ever tr.el;
it remove alt tho acrimonious humo r fr.mi the
Blood which gie rise to the above dieaes, and
by keeping the blood in s par condition,' insures
ImpnTitie f the Btnod,'Mmurial Taint. Weak
nettofthe Spine I'lmnof Blood tothe Head Gid
d ue. Sitting and Bntzing AVse in the Head
and Ear, Dr. rt W E EPS E R'8 PANACEA will
give cert tin relief; in sll severe and chronic reaea,
the patient cannot be loo often reminded that lar
ger dutft and pertrveranee will effi-ct a cure.
Io Chilli and Freer. B ilium Fner, Affection
of the Eyet and Fare, Spongy and ftlredtng
Gum Branthitie and rectnt Ctmghi and Culd;
Dr, SWEETHER'st PANACEA will be found
perfectly sure and cert iio in its effect. ... ,
Thote romp'ain'S are generally attended with
the most fatal ronatquencee, and are seldom nr ne.
ver ru'ej j the pieiu-nl miide of treatment tb'y
UKtial y accompany the patient t the grave, after
offering the moat excruciating pain and torture.
The eausn of ihcse eomptairi'a are the ssme aa all
nther. the dioaa id the blHd lecomi s encrusted on
the fin at narrow psasage. whence er-srf morbid
secretions and tppagaof uiine. Yu will find
the most poworful diuretics of no nae.aa they Onlf
incrraae the quantity hf urine and do not puiify
and strengthen th psrta. Bv purifying the blood
with Dr.SWEETSER'8 PANACEA, tou re
move the cause of tbediseise.conaequentty it cen
not exist auy longer, after eufficient peisevrnce
in its use baa deprived the blood and body of all
acrimonious humors and iucrust stion. . . -
This is a very prevalent and fatal dim-e it re
suliamoktly from neglected Cnugha, colds snd brou.
ehiti., also from irnioope Irealmeni in many
eaaes, such as ntessles, fever, inflammali.n and
auiall pox, and a host of other badly treated diseases
whera the cause, inetxed nf hsviug Isrg thoroughly
removed from the blood snd body, have only been
palliated or removed from one part to break nut in
another. By divesting y eur bodies uf all foul hu
mors, through the medium of Dr. HWEETSEK'3
PAN ACEA. the core is at once rendered certain
and permanent - Itrcollect, while there is acrimo
nious humors dialing in the ciicu'aiioti, it i as apt
to settle oo the long as any ot'ier part of the Imdy ;
this is the reason that consumption is so prevalent.
Whirh you see on the ex'erir, come from snd
bsvs their source in, the iniriier, end might juat ss
well have rattled on your lungs, liver, rw any other
pait; which we know they frequently do, and md
iluce moat violent inflammatory disoiders. The
bumor which orcasiona these sore is of a h'gbly
acrimoiiiona burning nature. We know it ffom
the pain it gives in forming, and after ar.l its ra
pidly ulcerating and eorr dg the flash and skin
ot lb part where it brrske out . 1 bis shows the
neers4ily of frequently uiifying the blood with Dr.
8WEBT8EK S PANACKA. end keeping auch
malignant humors in su1 jtion. Should you have
bile 4 nicer, be lhankfal thai osive ha uk-n
trouble to warn yen of lb dangei youi life and be
dy ia in, for it is s warning tat li e blood i foul.
Had tbia earns acrimony a b e'ed 'ha hjegi in Wad
.f the surface of your body foe tt erai, eoosump
lion of the longs wou d hsvj been lhWequro a.
Di lay not then, to poiily and clesus uh Dr.
8wstsct'aPsnsces.' , ..
Spinsl sAvcliona, nlargemsnt f tbe hnre and
joints, white swellings, hip joint complaint, tup
tutee, falling of the bowels and worn dramre, will
find atpeedyouie in Dr. &IVEETEK S PA
NACEA. Where tbe disease bas brou of lug
standing, tbe time required to make curs will I
longer hut tbe patient easy rest assured that a
determined perseverance wdl effect iL ., - .
... '.THE, WINDPIPE. ' , .. . !
Tbrse dUeaser pioceed from the seriosity Of
corrupt humors of tbe blood, hsving se ttled iuelf on
the throat and lunge, end stopped tbtm up, so tbst
tbsy snnns draw sufficient sir in fos respiretioo.
Dr. 8WEE1 SER'rt PANACEA will gie
diste relief, and to RtsKf lbs f urs perrKt sod csr,
,' I".. ... 1 , '. I '1 II" Jt-.J liL.t . L ..)!. . j i.n
tain, if shoeld be eowtleaed sonie tiet fftet, ti
free ths sys'errl of all bad'huttior. j! ,
i , t . '(hi ..; . i--r . .., If
Find a, safe snd peedy qure.ra DrJSWBET
S Eft'S PAHA CEA. It cure by eearchttig every
blond. vea-el nd srtery, nd. driving out all impu
ritles' snd foul humors secemutstsd. therein, which
e the cause of rh umstism, (oqi end swelUnn of
tn Joints. , J be delstereua elfei t or calomel snd
other minersl poisons, rea lity yield to its sovereign
Influence indeed, when its valiable properties be
come fully known, tb use of all miner I p daon Will
be consigned, tn 'the tomb of all the Capnleia,' and
only - be 'thought of. M,e by cwt m of the dar
ker ages. Dr. 8reel-er' Panacea la also a sure
cure fo ,dyeprpaia,r4Ja4nsijursa vertigo, head
ache, pain in the breast and liver complaint,
Wii..a 'Lj'" v.:-tt
Fryer iswl eiav eauaedt. by, a disorderly move
ment of ihe hl'.wd, struggling to fee Itself of snmea
thing that eocarwhara. i ii f4ct, every kind of fe
ver is nothing m raihan a struggle between the
bo -d and corrupt ho mora, fern! all vonn aa the gor
rut t, humors are rxpeled, you baV nf more fever.
When a pat ent with fever tuhmits to be VI. d, or
hsv hia hlo si (wiiaoned with met-ciiry, ft weaken
hit frame to eurh a degree' thai if he anrviren the
prorea, it always leaves him subject I t distressing
chilla, when B times out of lit he resort to kiue
pitl piiwdera, bi tonic mitturra; this is going fmitl
bsd to worse, a these vegetable pilfs. powders, he,
are nothing but mercury and qu nine in digttlse,
wh'ch may flnr a time drive the diaease so far into
ths body aa n il to be perceplihle, but very eooh it
will breik out agtin with fearful virt'etire Tn cure
ague and fever, the cause nf the disrate must be re
moved mil of tbe blood snd body, which csn beef
f.rtuilly done by ueing Dr. SWEEPSER'S PA
NACEA,' which purifles'etransea and alrengihens,
ft rontons nothing that can poe-ihlv injure, and ita
use ie elweys is safeguard gint chills and fevers.
' -I'
In sit Ctats or Pitts, Dr. SWEETSER'9
PANACEA will rff et a very speedy cure. It re
moves fiom the blood, stomach snd bowels, all
those foul send horning humors, whirh are. the
raoae of I'ilra and Costivem-es and by strengthen
ing tha dig'-Stive nrgsus, improve every part of the
mine brxty, '
Thee disease e nu ed by the stomach snd
bowels being qboked up with viscid slimy mailer,
'he air whiib entrra them r mnnte-cpe until forced
by some contraction of the a omach to expel it ;
hsi re 'he cause of pain.' A few dosea nf Dr.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA will convince the
sufferer tbst telief is situined "'
Psreuts will fi.d the PAN ACE s ln iblc
mmlicine for the r rhilden, keep:ng their bodies in
e heal hy c ndiiin, thereby asiating their g owih;
rhiUlrvn nr roan persons, sfier tsking it. sre not
lint-la to be S'tscked with sn epidi-mic s brfore, as
it slwsys Irsvrs the blood in e pure Condition, snd
tbe mire ty tem in s strengthened stste ; it drives
nut e'l kinds of weakness from ths body snd leavee
all heal by within.
Will find Dr. 8 WE PEER'S PANACEA a medi
c ne purely adapted to their use. " Most Isdie du
ring the peri, al of pregnancy are afflicted with pile.
Dr. 8weeiaer's Panacea, by regulating tha bowels,
will eptirely obvia this, and Ita purifying projier
tie on the blood tud fluids, inpurea to them hral
thy off pring. . No one who ia mother should he
without it, S"d those who are nursing will find it
of g'eat tx nt fit to ihe healih of ihetr infants. .
For bariennea and ell disraaea nf the womb, it
is without a rival in the entire hirtoiy and catalogue
of niedtcinea ; by its extrsordinary strengthening
power, it stimulate and strengthens the womb, a
weakness of which is the csu-e of failure to bsvs
Under ibis head . msy be classed Ps'piistinn nf
ihe Heart, Tic Doloreaux or Fscearhe, Neurslgia,
Indigestion, Toothsche, Melauchol),Hvierir,end
in fact, evi-ry diseaae cued by the sharp, biting
acrimonious humors irritating the nerve ( the
nrrvee leceiv the morbid inipteinn from the slo
marh, or rather from tha blood through Ihe agrnry
of the stomach and dige live organs, and although
other parts of the body are apparently the seat of
the disease, elill it is caused by tbe morbid impiea
sion conveyed from the blood by the nerves, to thai
part. A lew doarsof Dr. 8 WEETsElt'S PA
NACEA will soon assure the patient that be lias
lbs cure in hia poaaesaion. . ;
, -Tbia ia an inflammatory dider, alveny attend
ed with more nr less pain. It proceeds from the
foul, aerimonioua humors lodged in the blood snd
fluids, settling on lite liml-s and face, causing ex
treme pain and fevers ; all applications on the sur
fs re ere worse than useless, aa they only tend to
throw the diaeeae in some other part," snd perbap
reuse death. ., Bleeding ia likewise impropar sTo
cms the disease yeu mu-t gel rid of tha csuso ; on
ly msnsge I get lbs foul bumor out of your blood,
and vou will be well in a day. Dr. SWEET
SB R'8 PANACEA, thorough purifier of tbe
blood, will erarch out every impurity in Ihe mote
remote pitta of the body end expel it through tbe
medium of tha boa els.. There is not e vein, arte
ry, mnscle or organ of tbe entire framework of
man, that Dr. 8weelser'e Psnscea doee not im
prove. To take it when you are well I to keep
well ; snd when sick to become well.
posed niily ol s vegetable mstter, or medical oerhe,
end warranted, oo oath, es containing not one par
tirU) of mercurial, mineral, or chimicsl suhstsnees,
ie fund lo be perfectly bermleae to Ihe sot tender
ege, or the weakest frame, under any stage of hu
man sulTeiing! the mot plrnt snd benign in its
o srution that was ever off red to the world ; snd
al the same time the most certsin in seart hing out
the root of auy e-mplaini, however deep, and of
performing a f ire.
Price $ I per bottle, or six bottles fur $5, For
sale, wholesale . and retail, at ihe corner of
CHARLES end PRATT Streets. Bsbimore, snd
altohy ( ; GEORGE BKKiHT,
Nov.8 S47, y- , , Hunhury.
U5 North 2d si., bet. Arch & Race sts.,
I li i la cl c I p h ia. ,
1TBRADY cV PARKER ieswctfolly inform their
fViends Snd Ihe public lhat th y hsv taken
ihe above named' bouse, recently kept by J. 8.
Adatu-s'aad are piepered to aeeommodste cuete
in era ia the most satisfactory manner and at ree
sonable prieesv ' ' " '' -
Their table will be' supplied with the bl eeri
ety the market affords their parlore snd eteeping
aptrtmen'e wHI be in the best order. ' The house)
has been thoroughly 'repaired snd furnished with
e iew to the comfort of lisveliere snd strsngersg
Hsving had several years ex pert nee in the
business, tbe bop I give geooral satisfaction,
and reapectfully. iovila travallcra and stiarw's la
gise there ecahV ' ' BRADY dr. PARKER.
fbilsdelphls, Jtousry 1, 1847. tf h, .. .
' 'f " .t h'-s'"' .irf.' Or a ,r
FfotA 50 i& 400" Acres,
At fsem -ft t per tere
WE offer .if eaU-l-nd for" reilment, shout
or unimproved lari f In rAMnTs. la above stated, to
the first twelve "puretmserv For Iwo drtllsT per
aerf, hntf eah, and ihe rest in three yeuly' pay
ment. Ihe'purcner vnsy rhnnae hi fain 'out of
the whola. 17,000 acre (excepting walcrpoel r
ano tne rme ttmner 'snd.) ,eTf-rri
The premises are-situated In the cottntieaerf Wy.
ommg and "ollivan; Penn'a., ' about 6A miles
north from Northumberland, end IU Mrev weVt
ward from the North B-anrh nf the Suoejnehantie
River, on the heads of Mahonpeny snd' Lnyelsotk
creek. -About S.000 sere have been already eold
to So familie. and settled bv thetn, snd they have
cleared shout ftOO acre. - They rtrtlifyAhal the
and tb' ground 'reewistdy fevetr "rtmtwred with
Sugar Mspl.Beeh, Heiht.1ck,wWltdctieny.'ftc.
well wntsf.-d by (in s,ninge, streams end Ukes,
and the Sirt'STio'rf ITncohta)Oati HiitVar.
Their fuW tesrrony and description -ny be eeen
St the office of the irttinhury American," signed by
John HuntsingSr, Henry Kauch and 14 other sett
lera j ) -' i t ."' ! ,,. . . , t
1'hose who wish to see the lend, er to make pur
chases, msy csll on H. MELLAS. os at once ge
through banvilta Bleomiurg and .Orangevil'e.
eVc. to the Berwick Turrpike, which pai-e with
in fi mile of the prereiae. Only solier end in
lustrinoe nt lees ere invite.).', Tha clsring fen
cing, dte. e -et sboot Ihe eame aa in other counties
A family .hnuld bse 100, or more, to begin
there with aufeetiorr.: ,
Apply to Charlu I'l aant$.Eia , Agent, Sun.
bury, fur further infift-mationi or ie the proprietors.
HUtiH HEI.IjAS, XttHfuiry.
' JOSEPH 9, ANTHONY, Williamyort,
f KtlKUIS A. rnll.R., IMUtWUtei ' f-
Oetolr 16th, I847.2hi ,sjj .. . , , ,.
Vatchey Jcwellry ttiid Sil-
-. . . ver w are,
Guaranteed Mterfir the price than ni any other
wart ro thilnrftlphta. may be hud,-,
WhnlrtnU and Betn'L at
No. 7'2 North ad Blreet. ttbove Aroh,
ATTA1 CHE', sll kind', fair, w end medium
v qu jtitir. arnonr which sr.-,
Gold Lrv,-rs. full jewell'd, 10 to 1 100
Leplnns, do ; 35 1 1 40
Silver Levcra, : ' : do ' ' il i .! ; '. ttl lo 80
- lespb ea. . do , 13 t . 18
Quartlers. Ce," - - fl to - 10
(juartier, imitation, .ft ; ' r
Jswstlar. Diamond, Oold Chains, Gold
Pens i'h Gold end Silver holders, Pencils Breast
Pios, Finger end Ear Rings, Bracelet., Dateoa
of shell, coral end lava, with every other article of
Jewell ry of the richeet and most fashionable pat
tern. - ' ' ' ' -
Suvaa Wanx Pla'ea, Foika, Spoons, Cops,
dec, of Stsndsrd 8ilver. '.
Pltk Wans. Castora, Cake B takets Fans.
Vases, Card Cases, and other Rich Fancy Gobda
in great Variety. . . ,. . .
Wholesale Buyera will aave money by calling
here bef ire purchasing. ' ' 1 T'i
' Krep bl advi rtl-emenl. and call al No. 7S
You will be satisfied the Good are really Cheaper
and better than ar offered in the city. v For aale,
low, a handsome pair of Show Cases, suitable for
a Jewellrv or Fanry store. Apply as above. ' 1
Sept ?5ih. 1W47 ly '
No. 80 Market Street, five doors below
Third. .Smith side,
Importer t M'tioleHulo lfalrrt In
WATCHES, W.lch Gla-ses and Materials.
Jewelrv of sll de.crltti ns, qualilie- and
elytra, compiiaing all the articles connected
with the Trade, '
Dtxaon d;. Ron's Britsnnia, Silver snd Sil
ver-Plated Wsres.
Sheffield and Birmingham Plated Fanry Article.
Rodgera cV. Son's and Wostenholm's Cutlery, Its
: xors, Scssqrs, Erasers, Detk Ktiirs,&c.
Iory Handled Table Cutlery, of ihe finest, msdiom
and common .qualities.
A large saeoitment of Gold Pens.
Pciifocal Spectaclee.
Papier Mar he and Japanned Tray a, various shapes
and qualities, at reduced ratee
Gold Watch Csaee, Dials and Silver-Ware, of sll
; descriptions, manufactured to order. '
DICKSON dr. COn having recently removed
into ths large end commodioue warehouse formerly
occupied by Messrs. R. Abhpst & Sons, end
more recently by Aaanoaa-r Y Rsmisotos, beg
leave to inform Watch Dealers, Country Merchants
snd others, that they design having at all times a
large S'sortment of Goods, of their own iinpnrta
tioni which they are determined to veil st lbs lowest
rste. ' '
(j Every attention will be paid io ihe Packing
of Good, nd iu the execution of Ordt-rs, the quali
ties and piices will be fully guarantied against all
compriiiion. .
PhiUdelphia, Juoe 19th,' 1 M7. ty " '
First rremium Wrilins Ink.
No. 87 North Third Street,
FROM Dr. Hare', the' celebrated Professor of
Chemistry in tbe University ol Perm's.
-Philadelphia, Oct. It, 1843.
"Dear Sir Having hied your Ink, I will thank
you to aend ins snot her bottle, as I find it lo be
rxcelleot. I sm yours, truly," "
' " ' Roar. Hasx."
From Dr.' Locke, of Cineinnstl, distinguished
for bis numerous scientific resea'cbea.
"Medical College of Ohio, Cincinuali,
' " ' January J7, IM4. '
Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I am
satisfied thai it is the bent which ha ever come to
my knowledee, and esierially it itrfltcnt for the
ue i f Sitetl Pent, and u tH not corrode thetn, even
in long u.e. ' '. "''
Jons IirKS. Prof, of Chemist rf.' H
From s well known scientific gentleman.' "
-fbilsJcl, hia, Fet 7. 1848.''
Mr. Jo-ph E. Hover Sir i A uss of your Ce
rornt, and aume practical Ul$ of its supenoiity,
bS induced m to reco utueiid it lo others s. sn
invslusble article for spending .China, Crises, or
Gsbinei Ware. ' . C urs sit MoariT,
. . , - - Analytic Cbmiat.,' (
For sale al the Manufactory, Whorrssle and Re.
tail. No. 87 Nobts Teisn resiT, oppoajie'
Cherry street, Philadelphia, by - -
ey it, 1847.' )3Q y ' ' Maniifaturer.
a7Tf rG rt Tn rtoytf4j
TfjEKSONS iravalling tbis.ioute au bvraby
U . inltmd that they ran procure rtbruugfai
imkels," by aaskiog tppttestioft, al the. (ote o'
Cbarles Weaver, ttunbujy..., . v ASE, JtATP.
NortbambMland, Jul 31st, U47. U '
,,n,.pon Tira cutu?. :Op.
lieiUche((iidilins,i . , Mecsle. 8ll RWsWtTo, .
Hheumsiirm, Piles, , Ir Burn. Vjrm,,
Dyaprpds', Srotve, " ' " Choler Mofn-
Smatl Po. Isundk-e,'"1'' fJnnghs.lJiilnaeT,
rsmamths Bsek,t nt Whooping Oeuth, ' '
Inward Wesknes. . rf1 v, Consumption. File,. . ri
I'slptlstion of the Heart, Liver Cnmplsint, ,
Rising in tbe Throat,'s,'','"
Drrny,Ashra,- ,tet,inga of the Hkir
Fevare ofaHikindv :v-Cildt,;Oon. OraveL ,
.rmele.ViMtiiajntav. ,,Neiv,us Complaint
snji.yisitiT.or eTH.1"l"ss'.eiMe'
' raoM if rt'B.iTi or ths atooa, iano'a'.
aTNvr.TioBa ''in tns osoa vs o i't.' r r T
fj-fi-rt( -rr-n v, aiSsrfOS.'i 5'- ... 'i .tit
'Eperlenre' br peovrd tbst tisarty every Di. t
tees 4rigtoe'4 from Lnpnritins of tbe Blood or do-,.
rangemen,! of die Digestive Organ ; and to secure
Health,' we moat remove' those obstructions or re- f
etore the'Btood id its natural state. " " ' , ! ,
"The'sversTon io'tsking meireine Is most effVe.
tuafTv eerrmved b Cuceean's VeT ar. Pre- .
sTivs.Pitt., being citmplrttly enveloped tvl'h a
roaltng of pure white Sugar, (which is ss ilistinct
from the internal ingredients as s not shed fyont
the kernel) sen ars so Tiers or mrbiciss.
But srs ea easily wallowed aa bite nf candy.
Moreover they ieiAr nmtttttte nf gripe in the
slightest degree, but .operate equally an all the die
eased parts of the sra'cm, instead nf confining
Ihemaetves to, arid raeking'any psriicuhr region.
Thus, if tl e' Liver he affected, one Ingredient will
operas on Ih t psrlienlar organ, and, by cleaning
it af an Eicess of Bile restore il lo its natural
state. Another will operite on the Blood, and
remove all Imroi-itie. in it circulation j white a
third wifl effectually ei pel whatever impuriliea
may have been discharged into the stomach, and
hence they rraiaa t thi boot o etes.'t, re- .
move -all, Impure Humor from tbe body; op-n
the pore externally Snd internally; scpirat all
fors gn and obi mioua particU-s from the chyle, so
thit the blood may te tnoroogh'y pore thus secu
ring a fee snd healthy action to Ihe Heart, Lungs
snd Liver; end thereby they bbhtobk hiltm a-
Ths entire truth of the above can he ascertained
by the trial of a single but ; and their virtue ar
so positive snd certain in ree'nrng Health, thai
the proprietor hind himself to return the money
paid for them in all cases where they do not give
universal sitis sction.
Retail Price, 25 rf. per Box.
. Piincip.d office No. fin Vw st., N. Yoik.
Sold by JOHN YOKNO. Snnhury,
M. A. McCAY. N-rihumtiland.
(tj Bemem'ier Dr. O. V (Jlickener is the in
ventor of the Sugar Cos led I'iN. ami tlmt nothing
of the s -rl waa i-ver neard - f until he intiotluced
thentinJune, I S 1 -1. Puich iseis .hou'd, thi rcfortr,
always ask for Clickener'a Sugar Coattl PilU, and
take no others, or they will be made the victims of
sfiaud. - Sept. 18th, lt47 ly row
FI1HE Sohscribera have ihe eidunive light of
1 vending J. M. THATCHER'S
Hot Illaiit Hot. Air Cook In;
rSaJJllJEsi .
in the counties of Northumberland, Col um hi a and
Schuylkill; snd from the encouragement met with
already, they espect to do a large business. This
stove is constructed on sn entitely new prireiide,
and on ihe onlv principle that c m make both
good wood end coal stove. . The inventor hes over,
come all tbe difficulties that eo frequently belong to
other stoves. He baa y bi ' arrangement, "con.
struclej a broiling fJ3"OVCIa III front, where
in hroibnc, roasting, frying or baking may be done,
and all the smell that arisca ihatefiom must pas
into the combustible rhmler, and ia not at all
thrown 'out into the room .PD Besides this, there
ii an oven only two inches less than Ihe whole aixe
of tbe stove, wherein linking or roasting may he
done as well as it can be in ihe common brick oven.
This ven is slwsvs fit for it's when the stove is
healed, the whole draught of hot sir paes
round it constantly.
I'uhl e attention is particularly called to 'thi
love. Ii can he eien at our Store and Tin Etah
linhrnenl in North Danville, at the ign of the t'o
lumhia Tin t-hop, and t the 1'ound'y of Rohrltarh
V t'b-menl iu Sunbury, where it particular quatio
tie will be fully shown and exp'ained io any person
Wh-hing to exunine it. ,i -
The suhscribeie continue to have on hand all
kind of parlot stoves, surh ss radiators, rylenders,
fancy and plain, suitable for all who may favor us
with a call; also common sheet and Ruesia Iron,
which csn be made in any desirable ahape; togc,
ther arith a general assortment of tin and japvnned
ware, wholesale and retail. Country merrhanta
ere invited lo call and examine our slock, as our
work cannot be surpassed, and price aandoerate.
N.B. We can safely recommend the above men.
tiened stove lo ferwiiiis who wish lo erohsik in a
good busioes g .Tbe patentee will sell eithercoun
ly or stale rights, to suit purchasers, and -on rea
sonable terms. He or his agents may be found in
Danville, Pa. - J. & J. ARTER.
The underaigned, having seen in operation the
hot b ail hot air cooking stove, invented and pa
tented by J, M. Theicher, certify that we believe,
from the manner of ita rontrociin and operation,
that it ia tbe beat one ever offered to the public, Tbe
airaiigement is so complete and the construction eo
judicious, that there ia a saving ot one half Ihe fuel
sud time, in doing any given amount of e. rvico,
over other celebrated stove. ' In ehort we rcenm
ment it in ptefcrenre to all others, for the cimple
reason lhat it cmhracea every branch of economy.
Samuel Garrett, John W Gsrrett. Divid ChsN
field, W F Kiich-n. John M Giav, E Thompson,
Smith Thomi-son, J D Hahn, J.-hn flakes, 11 esiki
ah Bear, -ElUe F Cooer, Men M Kkhart, Daninl
Huffman. Henry H Rissel, F H Caiver, Daniel
Drrishach, Joeph Yanknk, BriMiks Epley.
Danville, March 6, 1847. ty '
Crs itowssrl's nnlDrrsal
Small quantities given without Charge.
.1 114 CActnuf PHILADELPlil.l,
PlHIS new end splendUl .ankle, s it name de
JL note, I profeaed to be superior lo any Sha
ving Cream in iheVi.itcd Slates or Europe, It ia
nsorpa.d fr beauty, purity and ftagraner,' ttw'
somwbl anaUginia to. Gurleiit'e . Ambial
Ciesm and otbei aimilar compounda. . It far sur
passes them all by ihe em d'ient pesty consistenry
of its lather, which so softens the beard ss lo render
shsving 'pkvaaant sod easy. It further paawevse
tbe advantage t,vr tbe importe.1 artkb, in being
freshly pj. pned, no skill bring wanting in its msti
ufactore. E. RoumcI having had many years' ex
perience in the celebrated Laboratory of Laugur,
i'eie et Fll-, now Kenaud V co of Paris. . , . -,
Beside being the bet, it ie the cheap, at article
for shaving; a i elegantly put up in boles, with
plendid steel engraved label. " ..-'.
1 Price 3 per donen, a 7J eenie for a emgle Vog,
to sbave mm year. ' it ie Ua sold st tt.&v per tb.
or IS J cent J-er to thai gentlemen ran bav
their boir filled at Et'GENE ROISSEL'S,
Wholesale and Retail Psrfuinery and Mineral Wa-
H ter EeiablsshsseBi. 114 Cksaaul Suwet., v-