Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 14, 1847, Image 3

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    AnoTntR LtTTtn mom, Tatlos.- We
make the, following extracts erf a letter from
Gen. Baylor, in reply to one Trot Can. Smith,
in relation to tha Presidency and Native Ameri
canism.' : The old hero, K will be aaen, fa still
firm in hie determination to become the candi
date of no party. We rejoice at it, and truet
that politicians pf all partiea now cease their
fruitiest efforts to entrap hiin., The letter is da
ted July 6, 1847.
'Upon tho pointe alluded to in those remark,
and to which member of the Native American
party require assent from those whom they fa
vor fur tho Preaideacy,' I can only aay with all
candor, that if elected to that office it must be
by the spontaneous will of the naopln at large,
and without agency or pledeeon my part in any
particular. ' If I evrr fill that high office, it
ninst be untrammelled with party obligations or
interests of any kind, aud under none but those
which the Conatut ion and the hiph interest of
the nation at large most seriously and solemnly
'I do not desire the Presidency, and only yield
thus far my assent, to be considered a candidate
in the some proportion in which it ie deeired by
the people, irrespective of party.'
Hoaxed The London Mercury, of July 30th,
under tha head of "Life in the West," gives nu
merous scraps for its catalogue of horrors culled
from the American pipers received by the steam
ship Cambria, then Just arrived, and among o
there, the following from the Bristol (R. I ) Fbce
nix : . - -
The Bristol (R. I) Phnix says : 'A few
diiys since a person Was seen in tm Jail by Dr.
Holmes, who had been confined for several
months without a stitch of clothes to cover his
nakedness." From extreme weakness he is nn
ble to talk, and cannot therefore tell what his
sufferings were. He frequently vents his feel
ings by tears and sobs, but not a single word of
:om plaint has been heard from his lips." '
The honible event recorded is the birth of a
:hild in prison
Ti'kdav, Aug. 10.
Gbaisi. Wheat is rather more in demand, and
ome considerable sales have been made to mil
era at fl 23 a $1) for Southern and Western
ed; and ST 34 a $t 36 for Pennsylvania white.
o sales of Rye, A sal of Northern Corn is no
iced at 75c. Oats are held firm at 51 a 3c.
Wmiskkt, both in bbla and hhda, 20c, with
ton me awebicaw.
Mr. Emma. la looking over the papei,t have
-en a winiltt of eormminlcationa) trronrruending
triou prrsons as candidates for the Iegialatul.
fy object is not to soy anything againat them. But
srmit me to rrciimnv-nd to the democratic elec
ts of (hi county, Mij. WM, I,. DEW ART as a
mdidata fur Assembly. MsJ r Dewsrt ia a Ren
in in of popular tnannera, and has the capacity
i make an sb'a and efficient moniber, and wontd
dmAit discharge tho duties of that station with
edit to himsclt, and entire eatisfiction to bis par
. Jacksob-,
Our Choicr,
Ma. EpItob. Your paper a few wecka since
vc a Hot of tha n.imesirthe democratic candi
ea in the field tor the A.armldy. Among them
noticed, with pleasure, that of Mr. SILAS H
VGEL, of Sunhury. As the time ft approaching
r the nomination of candidates, you will much
ligo many of your democratic friends In this
srnship, by permitting at to express our prefer.
Co for the gentleman above named, as a suits
' peraon to represent Ha in the next Legislature,
'a know Mr. Exnit to -possess the requisite
atificationa to make auch a representative as
e democracy of Old Nor humberlsnd desire,
d shall, therefore, earnestly urge Upon the party
s nomination. Io his democracy ws have full
Ih, knowing him to e identified with the
diug measures of the pstty. In his knowledge
the affaire of the State, complicated as they are
preaent, we have the asaurance that ha will
able to render important service. Besides, he
truly and emphatically one af the people, in every
ise of the term ia sympathy as well aa in ac
n and consequently can command a vote which
r others will be stile lo d.. The convention,
are persuaded, could pet no person in nomina
n for tbia office who would render more satia
tion, and who would rt fleet more credit upon
county, than Mr. Engrl.
Tub Votes or Acgcsta.
Our Xcxt Mrmbrr.
Ie. Editor The time is approaching when
should think about selecting a candidate for
Legislature. We have beard of a goodly
iber of persons who have been mentioned as
didates, and the claims of this person and that
ton, and of this side and that aide of the river.
we, who are not office hunters, think the 'lo
habitation' of the candidate is of much less im
tanca tbau his ability, bis honesty and integri-
And as for the claims of any one to office,
look upon it aa a humbug, aa well as anti-re-lican.
Offices were made for the people and
for the benefit of officeholders, w ho are,
t least ought to be, tha servants ofthe people,
wre are any claims or rights in these matters,
r belong ta the people, who have a right, and
ild exercise that right in selecting such per
i who sre best calculated to promote their la
sts, as well as the interests of the public,
a a maa we think we find in the person of
F.XANDER JORDAN, Esq., ofSunbury, and
a has consented te serve if nominated and
ted, let every good democrat and citizen put
houlder to the wheel and insist upon bis
ination. His election would follow of course,
would allay all excitement ens' division.
Manx or Old Tubbct.
Mr. Barron Too would confer a favor opon
many of your democratic frieods, by allowing us to
bring forward, through. tha medium of your paper,
WILLIAM1 1). GEARHART, of Rush township,
ss a candidate for the Legislature. Mr. Gearhart
ia a gentleman of sound judgment, correct habits,
and worthy the support of tha Democratic patty.
We know of dm person mors suitable to fulfill the
duties of that high and responsibl office. Should
the people see proper to elect him ss their Repre
sentative, we feel confident that they will find in
him a public servant rf distinguished abilities, and
an Intelligent, firm and unwavering Democrat of
the Jeffeieonian school.
Manx Voters or im Foacs.
CitoLKRA Moaaus During the intense heat of
summer, and before the process of digestion is
completed, our food is often spoiled or ptitrified
in the stomach ; hence bad breath, sonr belchings,
costivenest, pain of the stomach, dysentery, cho
lera morbus, and other dsngerons complaints. '
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are certain to
remove all tha above unpleasant complaints; be
cause they cleanse the stomach and bowels of
those putrid humors which are the cause not only
of all diseases of the bowels, but of every malady
incident to man.
Four or five of said Indian Vegetable Pills, ta
ken every night on going to bed, will in a short
time completely rid the body of every description
of suffering; at the same time the digestive or
gans will be restored to a healthy tone, and the
blood ao thoroughly purified that Cholera Mor
bus, or sny other disease, will be literally dri
ven from the body.
Beware of counterfeits of all kinds I - Some are
rotted with sugary others are made to resemble in
ototward appearance the original medicine. The
safc.t Courts is, to purchase from the regular agents
only, one or more of whom may be found In every
village and towa m the State,
(rAgent Tor the sate cf WrlgWs Indian Vegeta
ble Pill m Sunbury, Hesbt Masses. For other
sgeacice see advertisement in another column.
SscraiT to tea Pataotts Or
Pill. In consequence of the great variety of
counterfeit labels of pretended Brsndtelhs Pills,
Dr. Brsndreth, acting under a Willi of duty to the
public, has employed those celebrated artists, Mes
srs. Perkins and Durand, who have succeeded in
producing three new labels, of so complicated a
nature, aa to amount to an impossibility or imita
tion. The border of the top and also of the Under
label, ia composed of the rnott elaborate and chaste
patterna of lace-work. To crown the climax of
the-e beautiful labels, the paper upon which they
are printed is previously printed with red ink, after
a design so exquisite and minute as to defy com
pe ition j the top end the under label each contain
tbe words, "beba-abjib aaAaarr.'s fills,"
written ia red iuk nearly two buaJred times the
top and under label containing, therefore, upwards
of fle thousand letters." Thera is alto upon the
top, tha ander, and the aide label, two signatures
of Dr. Brandreth ; one being bia regular signature,
thus B. Brtndreth and the other, his full signa
ture, thu Benjamin Brandreth ; both being fac
similea of the writing of Dr. Brsndreth, to imitate
which ia forgery ! The Brandreth Pills hiving
these labels upon them, csn be relied opon aa true
and genuine.
Q3 Purchase of It. Masaer, Sunbury, or of the
sgenta published in another part of this psper.
On Tuesday last, by the Rev. R. A. Fisher,
Mr. Andbew Beck, of Natchez, Miss., to Miss
Evelimx Weimkr, of Augusta township.
Corrected weekly by Iknry Matter,
Wns at, . . . .110
Rta, ' ' ., . . - 62
Coaa, - " . . 61
Oats - - - . . . . 40
Bottx, . - . . . 2J
Eass. ...... . . 8
Puas:, ... s
Flaxssso, ... . 113
Bbkswax, - 3ft
Tallow, ... in
Flax, ... .8
Hkcklib Flax, 10
Datio Arri-as, . . . 7S
Do. Psachkv, 150
Iicmorratlc Counts Meeting;
'PHE Democratic Elertora of Northuniberltrul
- county are requeated lo meet at their uaual
placet ol holding township meetings, on Saturday
the 4:h dy of (September nelt, for tha purpose of
electing the ususl number of delegatea, to meet in
county convention at the Court llnune in Huulm
rt, on Monday the 6th if September, to form a
Democratic County Ticket.
August 7, 1047. Standing Committee.
Couphf, Culih, CoiuuHipli'm, Spitting of liood,
Vain in th Side and llrrait, Bronchitu,
Croup, AtthiiM. and all diseattt art.
ling from a dUordered eundttiun
fthe lungt or nr elected raid.
Is a piece of advice which is suitable to all seasons,
and applicable to all purpesea; though there is no
instance in which thia piece o( advice ia more va!a
able, than to persons who have a cough or cIJ, for if
they neglect what may appear to them very trifling
it msy lead to Imflammstiou of Luuge, and finally
Consumption I To all who have a cough, ws would
say, procure bottle of
Tbe medicine ia pleaaant te lake, and it may aave
you veara of suffering.
Price 60 Crnta per bottle or six bottle for 63 60.
Prepared and sold by bETII 8. IIANCE,
108 Baltimore st. and corner of Char lea Fratt ata.
and by GEORGE BRIGHT, Sunlury.
D. BRAUi IGAM, NottbumberUud.
Aug. It, 1817.
The Chetpeat and heal Medleme in existence-! .
Every person whe Is subject M Billons Fseet,
. should poufy their blood and system by
leeirt best of the n ,
Persons sffltctad with Costivsness. should try the
Young ladies and gentlemen troubled with Pjm
pies on the Fsee. should try the '
Kinging in the Ear relieved by the : '
Headache and Giddineta cored bv uaing the .
Drowsiness and General Debility, cured hv the
Dypeptia ran be cored hv naint the
(CPersans who have taken eonsidersble portions
of mercury, and in consequence have pains in the
bones, ahnirld use freelv the
(Ej Persona in want of s Pill that ia Pwefu
Veneleible, srd is wtrranled not to contain a parti'
r it
i oj mercury, enotiiu ua ine
cr. i ii . iiAUr., IDS Baltimore t and corner
of Chmles nnd Pratt streets. Bsltimnre,
and bjr GEORGE BRIGHT. Sunhnrv.
D. BRAUTIGAM, Noithomberlsnd.
Aug 14, 1817.
A BOY, between the ace of 14 and 16, to be
employed in a private family, to whom good
: ti i .
' on (iifn, inquire soon, ai
Aug. I4.1RI7. 3t THIS OFFIOE.
WILD CHERRY We en conmatentlv
state that Dr. Swathe's Compound Syrupof Wild
Cherry hss been extensively . used in tbe United
8tatet for moia than ten years thst i's beneficial
effects have been tested by thnossnds That it
IavAmiAiiLT Relieves a Rxcekt Coonrt, snd
that hundreds of individuals, Rrsdual'y sinking un
der the insidious sllsck of death's fell eraisnry,
Pulmorasx CoirsiTM eTiosr, hsve been restoreil to
health, happiness and friends, by its use, end sre
now living leeiimoniea of ihe curative power of
Health. RiAn tbe most bemabkabie ccbe
xvra areoantn 1
. Db. Swaxxe Dear Sir t I feel called by a sense
of duty I owe losufTeiing humanity, to acknowledge
my grateful thar.ka for Ihe wondeiful effects of your
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry on me, after
uttering month after month with tbe most afflict
ing of all dieeeec. Consumption. The first symp
toms were of a tery heavy cold which settled on
my langa, which giaduslly grew woise, with pro
fue night sereats, a harking Cough, spitting blood,
with great debility. My constitution seemed bro
ken down, ami nervous system very much impair
tV 1 want to Philadelphia, was treated there by
physiCiana of the highest atanding, but received no
henefi whatever from them, but gradually grew
Worse, until my physician, a well a myself, gsve
up all hopes of recovery, and I fell like one who is
about lo paa through the Valley of the Shadow 1
of Death. At thi "awful juncture' t heard of your
Compound Sytup of Wild Cherry, of which t pur
chased six bottles, which I am happy to say entire- j
ly cund me, and I am now enjoying better health 1
than I ever have b. fore in my life. Physicians
who witnessed my esse are highly recommending
it in similar rases, and I with you to make this
public, so thai all may know where to procure a
remedy at once which will reach their disease be
fore tampering with the msnv 'quark nnatrams
with which the country ia flooded. My residence
is at 45 Ann street, where I should he hsppy lo
hsve the above aubvtanli fled by s person! inter
Who'esale and retail Dealer in citsr.
45 Ann street, N. Y.
QT" Be not deceived by tbe many spurious snd
woskVless preparation of Wild Cherry, cohered
into notice by ignorant pn tender, but aee that the
signature of Dr. 8wyne ia on each bottle, which
is the only guarantee) against imnnsition.
Prepared only by Dr. HWAYNE. N W.cor
ner of Eighth and R ire street-, Philadelphia, and
for sle hv reepectahte Druggists in neatly all the
principsl towns in the United Htstes,
Only Agents in Sunbury, S'e
Dr. J. A. Moore, Danville ; T. S. Msckey dt
Son, M.lton t M. D. eV J. Wells, Muncv t C. A.
Wysti. Iwisburg; Davit cV Schnure, Svlinsgrovr(
John C. Reen, Line Mountain P. O. ;
Philadelphia. au7-c2m. f8-ly "
Watture lihd"Exwi
TUE extraordinsry and wed auihenlicaled cure
wrought by the celebrated Sraaa Coatsb
Pills, oi Dr. Smith's Improved Indisn Vegetsbls
Pills, have naturally drawn public attention to
them. Perhapa in tbe history ef Medicine, from
the time of Hippocra'e to the preaent day, there ia
no evidence of a medical compound obtaining equal
celebrity in ao short a time. There waa never a
medecine recommended by such high authority aa
Dr. Smith's rilla. Besides their great curative
properties, (possessing se they do, such sstonisb.
ing powers to ojm n til the natural drsins of the bo
dy, vii the lungs, Kidneys Hkin snd Bowels.)
they are unlike all other pills, extremely plesaant,
being ene'ed with sngar, and aa they do not gripe,
nor produce nsujet, ot any ether uupleanant roii
aequenees, they have become verv popular for Dy
pepsia, Headsehe, Cnstivenrs, Bilious complaint,
Foul Stomach, Fevara. Worms, Want of Appetite,
Impuriiiee of the Blood, Obstructions and Femile
Complaints generally, Colds, dec. One of the mnt
influential and benevolent laJiea in New Voik,
Mr. S. A tioull. Matron of the U.S. Naval Hoa
pilal, says, -There ia no medicine in her knowledge
ao well adapted lo the numerous ailment of man
kind, aa Dr. Smith's Sugar Cntted i'llla." She
recislly recnmeiriuU them to ladies
fJ CAUTION Aa a miscrsble imiutinn hss
been msde, by tbe name of '-Sugar Coated Pill,"
it ia oeerse try to be sure thst Db. O Bex j. Smith's
ignatuie ia on every hex. Pi ice 25 cents.
Principal Office. 170 Greenwich st New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FKI1.ING, Sunburi,
WM. FOUSYT1IE, Nnrthum'd.
Aus;.7, 1847.
Jacob' Kuntz's F.ntnte.
NOTICE is hereby given, that lettere of ad
ministration have been granted lo the sub
scriber on the estate of Jacob Kunls, late of Augus
ta lownahip, dee'd. All peiion indebted to aahl
eststs or hsving demsnds sgsinst ibessme, are re
quested to call on Ibe eubarribee for octileanent,
without dslsy. PETER SNYDER,
Augusta, Aug. 7, 1847 6t Adm'i.
Dleaolutlon or Iurtneratilp.
NOTICE ia hereby given, that Ibe Partnership
heretofore eiiatii g belwees) Daniel Evert
and Paul Ammerman, under the firm of Evert li
Ammersasn, in Ihe Tanning Bueineae, haa been
disaolved by mutual consent. - All persons iodeb
ted te said firm are requested lo call anJ settle the
ssme, on or before the 20lb of August, after which
the books, Ac, will be placed in Ibe hand of a
ju.tice for collection. DANIEL EVERT,
fc-biraokiolown, July 31, 1817. 31
, . D.C, ,
ea the asvgwTM or oxc. next, aa oaa or Tna
A Daily Journal of Government, LrgUlativ and
'. " . ', " General Nettn. . . '
to announce the completion of his arrange,
menu for the establishment of a well-organised and
independent Journal of Newa at the Beat of the
General Gnverrhnnt. '
, The leading feafnrea of the United Sutes Re
porter will be the following j ' '
I. Early intelligrnce of the Mnvemen's of the
various Dipnimeni. in reference n domertie af
faira and It the foreign relaij ins of the country,
will he given with scrnpuloits fldelttv. P.iieesa
ing peculiar facilities for obi sin ing information.
Ihe Repoiter" will be enabled frequently to com
municate, exclu-ively, intelligence of the moat im
portant character. '
II. Thcveibsrim Reports of the Proceedinga and
Debatea of the United Stvea Senate, tsht. h the
proprietor ia bound to furnish daily to tht bo.ty.
In acrnrdanoe with the terms of the crniract made
st the cloe of last session of Congress. ' The ar
tangernenta now made will at once fully secure to
the Senate of the United Stairs an authentic and
complete record of it debate ; and to ths people,
in a greatly rnlaigrd degree, the l-enefit of the ei
perience, sagacity, and statesmanship of that body
In which they have ever looked with solicitous and
reepeetfnl irgard.
Ill The Proceedings and Debates in the House
of Representative will alo be given with fullness,
imparthdity and ths utmnat promptitude. Each
d iy'a record will bo completely mide up, and ap
pear in ihe Reporter" net morning.
IV. A Synoptical View of the Proceeding and
Debate of all the Slate Lccislalttre will be regu
larly given. Membeis of Congress, and all ctisaes
of readers, will thus be kept fully snd eyMi mati
ctlly informed' of domestic legislation to sH arc
lion of the United Stairs. .
V. Eaily Intelligence of afl inymrianl move
mcnta in the gislaturea of Great Bri'ain and
France will le communicated by every tteamer
fjom Europe, through reporter in tindon and
Paris, who possess peculiar facilitiea fol obtaining
VI. Tbe General New ef the Dsy will be given
in s comleueed form, with industry and attention.
VII. Reports of Arguments before the Hupreme
Court of tbe U. S. This department will be o
condui t' J as to mnke ihe Reporter" indispensa
ble to every lawyer in the country.
Such is b brief view of what the "United Stairs
Reporter' is designed to be. ' All the plans and sr.
rsngementa have been well matured, and the hope
ia confidently cherished, thst the "United States
Rr porter will prove itarlf an energetic, industrious,
dignified and peifectly independent Joumd. It
will have no paily views no political bia. The
proprietor, by tbe terms J bis contract wi h the
Senate of the U. 8., Is bound to the condition that
the paper ahall contain no political diseuosions
except the debatea. It will he the vihicle of news
not the organ of any set of optniimav . The grand
aim of Ihe subscriber is lo establish at lha aeal of
Government a faithful and prom t reporter of all
sorts of intelligence a responsible agent, on whom
the politician, the bttmhese man, the manufirtnrer,
the mechanic, and every one interested in the af-
fans ot Congtess snd the Government, msy rely at
all times with Implicit confidence.
It ta telieved that the establishment of stark e
reliable Journal of intelligent) on terms which place
rt within tbe reach of the great maaaea rt the peo
ple, at the Commencement of what promisee lo be a
moat interesting and eventful peri. id in ihe history
of Congressional proceedings, will be regarded
with favor by all elassea of lite community ( and
having thus stated hia objects, the subscriber ru
spectfutly solicits a liberal end generous support
from Ihe enlightened public of ihe United Sialea.
JAMEH A. lit iUeTO!M,
Stenographer to tbe Senste of the 1. !
The 'United State Reporter will be printed on
a Urge and handsome sheet, and issued every mor
ning, ciccpt Sundays, al the rate of six dollar per
annum; single copies, two cents.
In connection with ihe dally psper, there will be
issued from the same ealabliahment,
The publication will contain eiclusive'y the re
port of the proceedings and debsles of tbe C.m
gress of Ihe Unl'ed State. 1 1 will be issued semi
weekly, in sn elegant quarto firm, throughout the
seesion of Cingress, and will he furnished to sub
scribers at tha rate i.f two dollars fur tha long ses
sion snd one dollar for ihe short session. It is be
lieved that this great national woik will be deemed
indiapenstble in the library of every public institu
tion, politician and profcioual man throughout the
country; and thst it will be regarded by the great
mass of the people ss the very best political test
book for their own instruction and that of their
Throughout the sessions of Congress, Eitras
will he issued from the office of the 'United states
Reporter," containing the reports of tuch debatea
aa may possess particularly ctciting interest.
All subscriptions snd communicitions to he, poi
paid,adJred 'J. A. HOUSTON,
United Stale Reporter, Washington, U,C."
August 14th. 1st?. ic
fSouihuet Corner from the Court lluuie.J
Sunbury, Northumberland County,
' PBirNSYliVAItlA.
RS. WHARTON continues to keen op.ii
the Houee formerly kept by tier late bus.
band, C. D. Wharton, where she will be happy to
aee all his old cuomer. Vi;h the assist mee of
her aon, alio flatter herself that the will rendu sa
tisfaction to 'all who may give her a call,
Sunbury, July Slat, Ibtf.
KRSONS travelling this route are hereby
inlnrmrd that Ibey rsu procure 'through
ticket i
eta," hv making application at the Hoirl of
Chai lea Weaver, Sunbury. A. E. K.PP.
Northumberland, July 31 st, 1 K 17 tf ,
Cntate of Janira HuMted, tlecM.
NOTICE is hereby given, thai letter testa
mentary on aa J eat ate have been granted lo
Jh aubecriber. Persona having demand againat
said ratota, are requested to present them for eia
mination and aettleineut, and those knowing them
selvea inJaiud t rtque.teJ la make immediats
paymsou 8AEAH HUSTED.
Sunbury, July 17, 1817. 6, , Ex'rx.
To The Electors
County t
of Xurthuniberland
THE aubscriber leipectfully informa the e!ee
tora of Northumberland county, that be will
be e candidate for ihe office pi . , " '
County CotuoUMloner,
at tha or it general election. Should his fellow
ritiirut ee procr la elect him, he will spare no
c a tit ion to render general ea'ifaetiar.
Little Mshcnnv, July 31, 1847.
SOU. G3T37I2AlLaIJaCy'a3
Indian Vegetable Panacea.
' 8CORFULA. " s '
Mess. RowAvndt WaLtoh Gents i Feet,
ing deeply grateful for the eitraonlmsry core
performed ttpnti ma by your Dr. CuTlen's Indian
Vegetable Panacea, I cheerfully furnish yoo whh
4 short history ef my Case. ... i
About seven yesrs sgo, (when only eleven years
old,) I was attacked with Scorfula, which increas
ed In its ravages till my throat waa filled with ul
cers ! the boiu-s of my neck laid bare 1 my palate
destroyed, and a large piece of one of the nal
linn rirried awsv. My heid waa also so much
dieaaed that In drinking, tha tea or coffee would
fceqoeroly at. nut of my ear .' A mtea of srme
tliing hicn the Doctors called a tumor eime from
my no e.
I ws under lha en of phyeiejnns of the high
est distinction in this eity, and at one lime pro
nounced cured, and by request attended a medical
bvtiite. where my e ise, together with- Ihe method
of cure, wus ripl.uned lo Ihe student. Tha lec
turer said, "You are now well, but if the disease
hutild reiu'n,'you cannot live lof.g, a it would
soon destroy your wioilpi-e." , ;
I did not believe mywlf cured a' the time, as I
hsd much distre-e in my bend, and ther disagree
ah'e feelings, and hfler a time the u'cers re-opened.
In Jan-iay, 1845. my mother called wiih me u
pon Dr. Mutter for edvie'. He sid I wa a very
eick girl, and it waa doubtful whether ever I would
set well ; if ever, il would be a long while. Tbe
di-eise giew so much wo?ve, thai the physician
who then attended me, sii.l he could see mv wind
pi! My fca slso was swollen, highly inflamed,
and vniy painful, and the Dr. said ulceration was
Inevitable ! t
I was in this condition In J.inunry list, when I
commenced Inking your ' Da. Ct'LLan'a TvntA
VrnETASLE PawacKA," The inflamation was soon
removed and the dreadful ulceration in Ihe face
prevented! I am now well! I have no ulcers !
no pain, or any di-stgrrcahle aensstion in my heail,
and now feel that I An cuied. "I shall be happy
to give any further information lo tho afflicted who
will take the trouble lorall upon me at my father's
bouse, Wert W pruce. between Beach and Willow
streets, opposite Snaeknnn's fsetory. '
CiTtr of PitiiABi.rniA. ss.
This seventh day of April, A. D." 1846, before
Ihe subscriber, Mayor of the aaid city, peraon ally
appeared Christiana Samla, who bring duly aworn,
depos t and says, that tbe facta set forth in Ihe
foregoing affidavit are strictly true in every parti
cular. " ' 1
In testimony whereof, I hsve hereunto set my
band and (lied the corporate sol of the sad city,
on the day and year before written, f L. M
We hereby certify, that the above statements of
our daughter aie true in everv particular.
Philadelphia, April 7th, 1846. '
Certificate of cures, in psmpblet form, msy be
had Gratis, at the offices of lb agents. - '
This meilirine is prepared and aobl by the
tironrirtors. Rowand A. Walton, No. 376 Market
atieel, I hi
. rw
atieel, rhihdelpliia. '
W W Datientiowrr. No t Murray st, n y,
W Danenhower. No I O F Hall, tlil.O.
T Jenkins, No 68 Canal at. N Orleans.
N Robinson, cor Gav A Saratoga sta, Ball
Agent! H. MAW8EK, ISunbury. .
Rser. Milton; J. SeelKild, New Ber
Musser, Mtllbeim; Sharps D. Lewis,
W llkeabarre.
Hold also by Druggists throughout . the United
Stairs. A ue. 7. 1847. 2m. ley
To the EU dors of Northumberland
County :
lKLLOVV CITIZENS At the request ef my
L f i lend-, I oiler myself aa a candidate for the
offi.-e of
County Commissioner.
Should you believe me worthy of your confi
dence, and confer this office upon me, I ahall ape re
no exertions to give general satisfaction.
Upper Mahnnoy, July 17. 1847.
To the Electors of Northumberland
County :
AT the solicitation of a number of my friend in
d i (Trent parts of the county. I have consented
to be a rsndidate for the office of
Should I be elected, it will Y.e rny pleasure aa
well as doty, to attend lo the basinets of the office
with fidelity and puncto-'itt,
Sunbury, July ?., 1S47.
To the Electors of JSWhttmbcrlaud
fP.NU solicited by many of my friend. I
V hsve consented to offer myself as e Volun
teer candidate for the rlftce of
nf Northumberland eotinly. Should you see pru
p r lo eU-ct me. I plrdne mysrlfto rsoifotm the
duties of said office with GJeluy.
Sunbury, June I9ih, I84T.
sr. i.i. i s t; off.
fit. PURDY, Msrket Sqiisre, Sunhury, haa
a a large aaaorlmeet ot Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queens Ware, Ac , which he will sell al reduced
pricra, for cash or eotintrv prmlure.
Hunbury, July 3d. IH17 if .
ItlltNj A. McCA Y; of
the l toi uli of Nnrtbumlierlaiid, suc
cessor to Daniel Rlanligain, re-poclfully
inform the public, that, alihunch Gen.
fcott a army tins taken Jalapa, famous for il pro
duction of Jalap, she still haa enough of the article
to supply the wanta of hci customers, besides every
other variety ordruga and uiediciues usually found
in an apothecary ,op, Having purchased Ibe
slock of Mr. Bram'am, the h opened a new e
ttilillslunent. at.nost epjuxiU hw old stan.l, and
Iru', by stria aitrr.tiou to businras, to merit the
patixuage efthe virtniiy m pul'lir.
She will constantly keep oh hand every variety
of Drugs, Paints, RpiCcs, Patent Medicines, A e, is usually founJ In a ding atoie, which she
will disiose of at treasonable pre-es.
Physiciaos and others, fiora a diatance, supplied
al wholesale pircea,
Northumtwilar.d, May ta. 1847. tm.
Willi E LEAD,' m kegaandTainta of sll
kinds for tale, 16 percent che .per than ever
before sold at Sunbury, at ths store of
July 31. 1847. JOHN BOGAR.
Tf f EST E RN' HAMS mi SbouIdeisTjurt recei-
vrd snd fir sale, by .
June 19, 1847. C. 8. BQOAR.
FRESH "MACKEREL, a new lot, jusitvvsivsd
and fof sale, low, by .
Jmiel9. WitTj C.BOOAB. i
KAKK. The bigheet luaiket piice pen f'r
Baih, at theatcte v( '
Match 37, 1617. . JOHN BOtiAlt.
. From the Camden Democrat. '
WRIGHT" UniAR Veetablb Piits.-'rhsse '
celebrated Ptlls, ao nniverssll used snd ad.
mired, hsve become to he considered almost as. re-. ,
eesssry in families ss water or fuel.. In frt. ih
principle upon which thie medicine haa etib!'h-d -Hs
reputation ptrrari4)ra now pretty genetally
arknewledged to be the only tine one, by which .
health msy bs preserved, or restored when impairrd.
Wright a fins sre now a universal favorite.
From tht Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post.
WfoBT'e Ima VlSETABi Pta, are af
tsining great celebrity in New England, aa well aa
other paru of the United States. Tbe sttcmpt of
persons to defraud the public by the sMs of spurious
articles meet with - general reprobation. 'Di.-
Wright ie an indefatigable boeineaa man, and shows .
an array of cures by the medecine which warrant
confidence in the tlrtoea of his Indian VegeteMe
Pill. 1 : v-. ,
From the Fhilatirlphia Spirit of the Time. .
, Wbisbt's IwniAit VaaiTABtx Pills. Peo
ple are pretty well sall-fied by this time that calo
mel, and the other Ihoussnd and one mineral pre
parations nf lha rhope, sre better sdspted, as a gen
eral rule, lo kill rather th sn cure the patient ; aa a
mat er of course, vegetable medicines are therefore
in great req'iest. There are many humbugs bnw.
eve', among the latter, and we would adie nil
those who have the least regard for their health, to
Iry Wright' Indian Vegetable Pille of the North
American College oj Ileallh, aa they are Ihe pre
paration of one intimately acquainted with the
healing art.
From tlie Boston Dtt'y Times.
' Wbiort'b lantAB Veoxtable Pills. Of all
the public advertised medicines nf the dsy, we
know nf none thai we can more safely recommend
for tho "il's thst flesh is heir to." than the PiUs that
are aold st the depot of the North Ameiirsn Col
lege of Health, No. 198 Trem nt street, Boston.
Severel instances we know of where they are used
in famine with the highest sitisf.iclntn ; snd no
longer sgo than yesterdsy, we h' trd an eminent
physicisn of this eity recommend I hem in high
terms. , :
The following highly respectable storekeepers
have been duly appointed agenta for the sale of
Wright' t Indian Vegetable Pill; in Nortbumber
land county t . ,
Henry Maserr, Sunbury.
! E. cV J. Ksufftnan, Augusta township.
Hsmuel Herb, Little Mahonny.
1 William Deppen, Jackaon.
. Benevills Hulshne, Upper Mahonoy.
John O. Renn, Upper Mahonoy.
Ksmuel John, Shamokintnwn.
Forsylhe, Wilson Si Co., Noitbumbeiland.
E. L. Piier, Watsonhurg.
Irland cV 1 1 ay net, MrEwensville.
James Peed. Pottsgrove.
Wm. G Scott, Rushville.
llartman Knmble, Elysburg P. O.
Amoa T. Beisset, Turbutsville.
Gid on Shade!, Upper Mahonoy.
Rhodes dc Farrow, Stiydtratown. '
John King, Farmeraville.
Silaa C. Cook. Martin'a Crctk.
J. Do Young, Hicksville.
Abraham Shercr. Richmond.'
Samuel Taylor, 8lateford.
John II. Vincent, Chilisqunque,
Wm. Ileiuen At Rtotber, Milton.
Beware or CecKTinritrs. The pial-tu are
cautioned against the many spurious medicine,
which in order to deceive, are called by namea at
milar to Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill.
Tbe safest course is to purchase of ihe regular
agenta only, who srs gentlemen that may be re
lied on. i
(TP Gfllccs devoted exclusively to the sale of
nf the North American College of Health. No. 28)
Greenwich 8treet, New York; No. 198 Trcmont
Street. Boston i and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No.
169 Racb Stbekt, Philadelphia.
June 13th, 18 '.7. 19y.
No. 80 Market Street, five tloors below
Third, South side,
1 reporter & "W holt aal Dealers In
WATCHES, Watch Glasses and Matenala.
Jetrehy oT all description, qualities and
styles, computing all the article connected
with the Trade,
Dixson $ Sons Britannia, German Silver and Silver-Plated
Sheffield snd Birminghsm Tlated Fancy Article.
Rodger At Son's and Wrstrnholne's Cutler, Ra
xor, Sciaaora, Erasers, Dtuk Kniies, ckc.
Ivory HsndredTsble Cutlery, of the finest, medium
sod common qualities.
A large assortment of Gold Pens.
Perifocal Spectacles.
Papter Mache and JapanneJ Traya, various ahapee
and qualities, al reduced rstes.
Gobi Watch Cases, Diala and Silver-Ware, of all
descriptions, manufactured to order.
DICKSON A CO.. baviug recently removed
into the large and commodious warehout formeilv
occupied by Messrs. R. Ashhi'bst &. Sovs, nai
more recently by Asbbdbt Rbemjbto, beg
leave to Inform Watch Dealers, Country Merchants
and others, thst they design having at all times a
large asoitment of Goods, of their own importa
tion, which they are determined to sell at tits lowest
(rf" Every attention will be paid to the Packing
of Good, and in the execution of Orders, Ibe quali
ties end piicee will be fully guarantied against til
Philadelphia,' June 19th, li7. ly
l irst rremiiiiu U ritins Ink.
No. 87 Norilt Third Street,
IHOM Dr. Hsre, Ihe celebrated Profe-eor of
' Chemistry in the University ( Penn'a.
'fbiladrlphi. Oct. II. 184S.
Dear Sir Having tiled your Iuk, I will thank
you to seud me another bottle, aa I find ii lo bo
. icclUut. I am yours, truly,
Robt. Habb."
' From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distinguished
(ot bia oumerout scientific researrhea.
"Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati,
January 17, 1844.
Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I im
satisfied that il is Ihe best which has ever coins ta
my kno sedge, snd eieciallv it ia excllcnt tat tho
use ..f Sterl Pens, and unit not evrrvde them, even
iu long use.
Joua Loess. Prof, of Chemistry.
From a wall known scientific gentleman. --
Philadelphia, Fen. 7, I84.
Mr. E. Hover-Sir: A uaeof youi Ce
m.nt. anJ prsctical tett ot its supeiioiity,
has induced me to recommend it to ethers as an
invaluable article for mending China. Class, or
Cabinet Ware. Ca-sseu. Mobmt.
Analytic Chemist"
' Tor lale'at the Manufactory, W'holessle and R
tail, No. 87'Nobtb Taian Sraarf, oprsiia
Cheny slictL Pbilsdelphia, by
May ai, 1847. j30 ty Manufacimer.