.i n. OB. TATLOfl'S PI.IC Atl'ttB TfttP, Special Correspouderic of the N 0. Pleayuris ' ! Mobtehev, Mexico, July 10, 18-17. j I have jual learned that 4rty ie to start for below early to-morrrow morning, of which op-' puNumty I hit etai! tfiyK.tnd wilt endea vor' in give you to account of General 1 sylor'a trie In Mamalcqui, the plantation or Geo. Anata. I apprised you in my last that ha wsd to make an excursion, and uf my inteotioo to make one of (lie party. .? - It was quite refreshing to are the old general mounted on hie horse on Wedneedsy morning, the 7th inst., eurroundcJ by the membereof his staff, about to leave the monotony of hia camp, t.i enjoy himself for a few daye--e gratification he baa deuied himself until now. Gen, Cuahing and In eid-de-cen.'p accompanied the expedi tion, escorted by a doten dragoons. We touk (he rd to Salinas, which I tea in a direction a Mite north of east, about twenty milea from Monterey, and through the village of Saa Nico lae de Us Cagae, a flourishing little place for Mexico, of some considerable extent, six mites from Monterey. At this town they raise con siJerable ci.ru and vegetables for the Monterey market. We left camp at noon and arrived at Salinas about 5 o'clock in the afteiroon, where the alcalde received the general and party with every dcniotis'.rsttoii ol reaped, invited him into hia court room, and treated him to figs and tin iipe watermelon. I do not mean to speak tlighlingly of hia treat, because it wee evident- ly "(he best be had in the shop." Aris'a's hacienda is situated upon vr near ide Rio t'ca1io, and at the foot of a spur of the Sierra, in a northeasterly direction from Monterey, abont twelve miles trom Salinas and from a distance his quite the aope-rance of a bnronical estate. His p'antation is a very ex lensiveonn, comprising fourteen square Icagnra; hut nutesof it are useless low chapa-rel, only relieved by the tall Spa null hayo.et plant, which bristles up in every direction. Arista dot ehased the place about four years aeofrom a la ily residing in the city of Mexico for $35,000, and has aince expended about $40,000 in irn proving it. There is a very fine sugar and saw mill upon it, the motive power of wtiich is wa lr, of course. The dam across the river for ming (he mill pond is a very fine solid peace of mason work, and ia estimated in the bill of sale st 914.000. The estate ia managed by an ad ministrador, who has under him an overseer. There are about 90 men and boys, peons, opon the place, and so many women and girls, all of whom are fixtures for life, aa are alt peons, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, and quite aa bad otTae slaves in your section of the country worse even, aa when they become past work their landlord (?) ia not compelled to support them, and thia doty devolving updo their rcla lives, aervee to bind tbem the firmer. I am afraid Arista does not find agriculture quite aa profitable aa the profession of arena, for according to the acconnt we received from the overseer the profile of the estate are tittle or no thing. The nominal wsgesof theveon is from two to ten dollars per month, but as they are compelled ti.purchase every article they con sume and all their clothing from the proprietor of the estate, every month finds them deeper in debt. Two crops ol corn are raised and twen ty-four fanegas of aeod ia (he usual amount planted. The yield ia generally one hundred told, which would make the annua) crop 2400 fanegas or 2000 bushels. Of this but little is wild off the estate, as it ia the principal article of food. The crop of beans, which ia also one of the "stand-bys," ia estimated at fanegas 2200 bushel. There are about thousand head of cattle on the estate and le w sheep and goats, but as one beef ia generally killed nearly every day the sale of! the estate ia very small-not more than twenty five a year. The cane crop ia aa yet email, but more land ia dedicated to its cultivation every year, and it must soon yield handaome profit ; at preaent no more than 40 arobat (1000 pounds) of sugar are .made in the year, but of a good quality. A small amount of ripe of a fair quality ia also raiaed. By far the res lent source of profit ia the luiubcr, some por tione o( this extensive domain being heavily timbered with pine. The growth of cotton has lieea attempted, but without any decided auc tee The admiuutradar and overseer came out to meet Gen. Taylor and offer him the hospitalitiea nt the place, and we encamped about half a mile txnn the main building, under the ahade of tome l can treee. The reaidenee of Ariata is spa ru.ua and very atrongly built with walla three ?( thick, loop Holed for musketry. It ie con hi rue tad of the large sun-dried brick, stuccoed u;id whi(e-wataed, and better adapted (or com hirt than almost any bouse I have been in. These brick, which ire about a fool square and I 'ur or five inches thick, are aiade by the peons tr bit and a half (ma real y media) a hundred -for thoae ofl (he piece for three bite a hundred. I have said that we encamped near the main building, and under the cool shades of the pecana we remained tranquil during the real of the day. the statistical information which I have given wsa imparted to Gen. Taylor -who takes the liveliest interest in everything pertaining to .'Mculturr, and is anxioua to obtain all the in formation relative to the produce of the country by the administrador. In the evening thia functionary, who ie a young man born on the intate, invited the general and party to a fan Jungn, and much to hia satisfaction evidently t waa accepted.- As soon as it wsa quite dark (Jen. Taylor and Gen. Cuahing, and the real of (he euit, repaired to the -fandango. In he open air in front of the house Ibree rows ofbenebta were arranged, foiaieg three aidas of t square, leaving a Jar go space between, and upon these were eeatedtho male and female tenantry, the dancing ground , being lighted by two torcheaSof japlit pine Wood. When the affair got well under way there were about aixty female peaeante present, all of (hem browtf aa berries and very ngly, notwithstanding which they found plenty of partnere. The mu sic consisted ol two violins and a couple of gui tars, and the miiaicisna'played some very pret ty tunes, too. Attrr one or. I wo national dan ces, consisting of alternate dancing and discor dant, wild eivging the dancing resembling ve ry much that peculiar to the negroes "in the Ststea and the singing an Indian chaunt a walti and quadrille were started. I can as- eure yon the scene was not only novel, but wild and picturesque in the extreme. There stood the victorious, war worn but hearty old veteran, surrounded by his brsve companions In arms who have stood the hront of battle with him. and those who hope to share new victories un der his leadership, fating with a emiting face upon the merry making of Arista's tenantry. A little more than a year a jo, white Arista waa mrticating upon the same hacienda, he recei red the notification of his being placed in com msnd, and hia very first order on assuming his authority was dated Mnmilnqnt. During that brief period he has been vanquished, disgraced and stripped of hia eommsnd his vanquisher hat penetrated to his very hoti-hoM, and is en tertained an an honored guest by his dependants What strange events come to pass t Who can tell what the morrow wilt bring forth f Here let me rewierk, thst a fetter waa received from Arista by hia adminirirador recently dated "Mexico, June 16," lie did nwt allude to mat ters transpiring fn thst ejoartrr at alt, his let ter being purely a (memoes wne. f mention this circumstance merely because we had not heard of his whereabouts fereome tame. On the rooming of the tJth we took out leave of Ariata'e hacienda, and tnrocd one horses' heads towarria Monterey, bu. not the same way that we had omor, intending, n route, tn pay a viett to the Villa Real, which is about 14 miles from Msmaletmi, in a southerly direction. Be fore arriving at the villa we were te by the worthy and hospital proprietor, CI Senor don Joae Maria del Villa Real, who warmly welco med the general, and expressed greet pleasure at the honor of his visit. Theonly peceliarities I could then discover bruit the Senor were a redundancy ol upright shirt cotlaT and a good deal of cotton umbrella which waa not opened ; I after wanJidiscovered that gentlemanly conrte ous bearing and great hospitality were hia di stinguishing traits, f lie hacienda is very ex- leoaive and well ordered, aa be ia always on the spot himself, and a handsome fortune has re warded bia exertiona. Ne sooner bad att ga thered under hia cool roof than a cart toad, lite rally a cart load of water and musk melons, and a Urge bushel basket of mostdeliciousUgs burs ting open as if from impatience to have their lusciousness appreciated, were brought in. Need I aasure you that they were duly honored and praised? Although )uitcarly in the day, the Senor insisted that the party must take a little refreshment, and in an hour a long table waa rich and glittering with the dieplsy of silver plate; prates, dishes, spoons, lords, ralt-cellsrs, &c.f all eilver. The "little rcfrecl.menl" con siated of aeven courses f well cooked meat snd fowl, la Mtxicano, also served up in massive silver dishes, and continual relaya of tortillas, Nearly every man had a breaat work of tortiMss before him when the repast wss concl-ided. At noon we bid adieu to the extremely liberal IVm and started for Camp Taylor. I don't like to destroy the io'ea of the liberality of the Senor that I have created, but it was said that he waa thrown into great state of agitatir.n a abort timesinee, by a report that General Taylor was to send an expedition to search hia place for goods taken from the captured wa eon supposed to be concealed there, and that he imagined the general had come to confirm the report. I am not disposed to erodit the on dit myself, but if true, it may more fully account "for the milk in the cocoa nut." Sixteen milea from the villa the road atrikee the Salinas road, snd crosses the Agua Fria, which although fresh, wss nesr ly warm enough to boil an egg. Six miles more and we were again at Camp Taylor, here the party dispersed, all apparently muchgiaiifi ed with ihe excursion. When at Mamalequi, the alcalde of a small town near Marin arrived and applied to n Taylor tor a fbree to capture a email band ol roh bere headed by Miicho Martina, a one armed robber, long known in thia region, who common ced sundry outrages on the M'xicsns. For manifest reasons the General declined. Since arriving here I have learned that private named Csrlelon, ol Ihe Mssachusett regiment, who lett Here with t.apr raul and Lieut. Fuller, on the 7th innartt, waa killed hy Mexican robbera near Marin; the rest of the parly escaped. A train of wagons bound u from Cerralvo and Camargo, when fifteen miles this side of the termer place, waa recalled by Major Abbott, stationed at Cerralvo, in conse quenct of a report that Urree waa in the road in force. It waa a false alarm and the train now on ita way up. Lieut. Keene, of compa oy B Massachusetts volunteers, had bia right hand shattered thia afternoon, by the premature discbarge of three barrela of revolving pistol There ia no news bere from Sallillo or San Lu is. .-. .. -. - f, m. p Skt 'm Ur lA few days ago, at Cincinnati, Col. G. W. Bradbury rolled fifty balls on ten pin ally, knocking down four hundtad and fort pioa. Thia ia unprecedented. ,tb raoH MRXiro. va hub. t trVACi BBoetuTioR. ?.'A Tht Martk upon tht ('apita--tTptctd Batlls Utxltma 20,00 strfg--Anathr Guerilla feat The Tuuin of Sunta Ft Dtttmytd. Bv the ateamthin Afsssaehveette. arrived at New Orleans, Vera Cra rfatee to the 93d ult.' have been received thrre.- The papers ef the 93d announce that the negotiations of peace had foil ed, and that Gen. Scott waa to march on the Ca pital on the loth July.--- Santa Anna was preparing to give fight with an army twenty thousand strong;. Another skirmish had taken place between Gen Praree and the guerillas, in which the ktter were defeated. ... .! - Ths town of Santa Fe has been destroyed by orderof Governor Wilson. This is a small town near Vera Ciue. OI.ORIOt'D KRlVSt Another Battle and Annllicr Victory.' Tht City of Me riot Sttrrendrreit .' Mexican Lout try Great Three Hunktd American Killed and Wonnded. BAt.vtMOst, Anr.fi, 1847.' By information received st New Orleans tiy arrivals there from Vera Cms, ths rapture f the City of Mexico is announced. Gsn. Scott is now quartered in the capital. II met . with no opposition until he arrived at Rio Frio, where he was attacked, and the Mexican army wss pot to flight with heavy loss. The American loss ia reported at three hundred. Both lb back mails have srrived at Rich mond. Tk News Confirmed. Washington, Attgast 9. The steam propellor Washington, arrived at New Orleans from the Brazos, with dales to the 27th iK., bring the following confirmation f the caftref the City of Mexico : A express had been received at Mataanoras from the City of Mexieo, staling that General Scott bad met the Mexican army at Rio Frio, and ttiat a atti enauiMi, in whiv'h tfce enemy were routrd, with ths loaef three hundred menon the part of the Americans. The victorious Air.eri csa troops subset nently marched in aad took possession the t.ity et Mexico, itns new was publicly read to the troop at Matamora. fFiom the Washington tjaion frsai Ike Arm jr. The following is an sxtrset of a letter, recei ved in this city, from an intelligent officer ef the government ,t Vera Cros: 4'Vera Cant, July 23, 1847 "1 wss m hopes, by this time, there would be something definitive, or that wa bad arrived nearer peace, but as yet no commissioners have been appointed, and the government hsvs remo ved ta a place further south. They will make show of defence at Mexico, but Gen. Scott will march in.' Our last dates from him were to the 40th inst. He waa then to move en tbe 13th nd if ha did he mast now bs in the cily. Gene rsls Pillow snd Cadwalader, and all Ihe train had reached him, and bia eamber wss 19,000. I ses no other wsy or prospect of peace than for ths peace party (and it is composed of tbe most wealthy and better portion of the community,) to form an anti-Sana Anna and an anti-monarchical psrly, under ths auspices snd protection of ths American army, and by the time thia new go vernment is wsll and firmly established, and fi nished ita negotiations with us, it will hsve ga ned such strength and popularity as will enshle t to withstand ths other paitiea combined, and then the Uniting of our troop on the sand hills of Mexico will prove (comparatively speaking) as great a blessing to this poor, distrscted nstion ss tbe landing of our lorefatbars did to our happy land ; for, for the last ten, yes, twenty yesrs, one revolution hss followed another as quirk ss their thunder follows their lightning nothing ssfe, and never tranq'ii'. "The guerrillaa have augmented ainre you left. The aouth and the north have combined, and they have threatened ua that they would come in. "Commodore Perry had some 60 or 70 sick, and has gone to Tabasco, I think, to take his men Irom that sickly river." Later trewa Ota. rajrl By the Mary Jane, arrived at New Orleans, Tsmplco dstcs to the 26th ult. have been recei ved. She brings no confirmation of the reported movement of Gen. Scott. Gen. Taylor continued at Walnut Springs as late as the 17tb ult. The force under hia com mand is seven thouiand strong ; be ws expected to march on Ssn Luis s toon ss his fores was sugmentrd to ten thousand. ' A rumor prevsiled st Monterey as esrly as Ihe 13th July, that Gen Scott had defea led a large body of Mexicsns near the capital. and thia is supposed to hsve been the origin of the sccount. A few day later it was reported st MstsmoTss. The steamer fsthinn wss honrly expected to arrive at New Orleans, n-hen sll doubts will be resolved. Ftons Rose A rope, nrsily three milea long, now lies st Gateshead, England, which was ths other dsy a stone in Ihs bowels of the esrth ! Smelted, the stone yielded iron. Ths iron wss converted into wire. . Ths wirs wss brought to lbs rope-walk manufactory near Gateshead, and there twitted into a line 4.660 yards long. It is the stoutest rope of the kind ever made. - To Feed Fowl. Cora given to fowls should be crushed and soaked ia water i tbie helps di geatkm, and bans will lay in winter that are so ltd, that would not otberwiae. m ' Feed your fowl in winter with bones pouu dad fine, and they will need lees corn, and lay aa plentifully as at any season of (he year. Tbe booee aupply tbe carbonate of lime, which is no eesaary for tbe production of the abell, and part of the yolk oi the egg. Egg atelle, oyster shells, chalk, or uuburnt lime answer a similar purpose. ! THE AiraniCAN. &atrdut August 14, J it 7 V. B, rlnEH, Km.t mt Ms Beat . el tliml fMBvew, corner mf 34 ems! Cheanut Street. riMadelpMm, mt Ms (Mr i AV 160 YtMsem Hreet, IVr, 8. tB. Vmrr Bat. Knurr wwat Calrert et. 1 ttarttmnrf, and A fe 1 6 Stmt Street, Boetem, it siMlJssWsesf ( svf m ttfent, und receipt t&r mil. mtmte due tkt mtflte, fr etitmeripttem er eutrertMng, F IV. CARK, corner of Third and Dock Streets Sun BtuUinirts npnneile Merchant1' Exchange, I'kilwlclvhia, is also authorised e act f our Agent? . t Democratic Xominilloni. . eon oovkno, FRANCIS R. 8 HUNK, roe CABAL COMMISSIONCS, MORRIS L O N U S T R H T H, ' Of Montgomery County. Waia Nominations. For Governor, Ck. JAMES IRVIN. For Canal Commisiioner, JOSEPH W.PATTON. Psini iso Ins. A fresh aupply of euperior printing ink ptst received, and for sale at Phila delphia prices. CT Hover's Ins. A fresh supply of Hover's celebrsted ink, in bottles of all aizea, baa been received and can be bad at II. Matser's store. 07" Tna Wsavhb Ve have had aereral refreshing showers ths beginning of the week. Tbe weather baa again became exceedingly warm. . 07 The election for delegstes, it will be seen by the notice of the Standing Committee, will be held on Saturday tbe 4th of September, at the n susl plsces for holding township elections, to meet at thia place, on the Monday following. A there are bet few officer (o be elected, there is much less excitement than usual. We presume, however, there will be a lull attendance. 07" Fibr Paihtibgs. We called, a few daya aince, to ace several fine portraits, painted by Mr. Francis. One was tbe portrait of the Hon. Lewia Dewart, and the other of Maj. Win. L Dewart, of thia place. They are certainly tbe most perfect specimens of portrait painting in this section of country. The likenete is striking, and the coloring admirable. Mr. Francis, when bere about twelve yeaia aince, painted some ex cellent port rails, snd gsvs promise of becoming one of the best ait'S a in the country. His Iste productions hsve sufficiently verified ths predic tions of his friends. C7 Ths Whig Convention of Vnion county met on Monday Isst at New Berlin, and nomina ted Nr Middleswarth for tbe unexpired term o Dr. Waggenseller, in tbe Senate, by a unanimous vute. Samuel Wsirick, Esq. was lino unani momly nominated for Assembly ; Jscob Hame jr., on the Sth ballot, for Piothonotary ; Jacob Winter, on the 2d ballot, for Commissioner Cbsrles See bold for Tresiurer, aud George A dams for Coroner. 0 Tbe aemi-annuat interest on the stste loans wss paid at ths Pennsylvsnia Bank in Phi Isdelphia, on tbe 1st inst. Oae-balf was psid io par funds. After paving the interest, there is still a balance of $327,000 in tbe State Treasury 07" The Philadelphia Ledger has been print ed, for some months past, on a two story, four cytender stesm press. In putting up a second press of tbs same kind, a few days aince, the ma' chinery ef tbe first wss displsced, and the paper delay el until a late hour in the dsy. These pre ses are wonderful machines. We timed tbia press one evening, in June Isst, or rather tbe foreman did it for us. Each of the four cylen ders threw off 31 papers per minute, making to gather I2S per minute, or 7.CS0 per hour, at an ordinary speed. It can be forced to 10,000 per hour, but the difficulty ia in feeding and takin away the papers. With sll this speed, ths Led ger requires a Second press to issue it s daily ed tionof 31.000 copies, in time. These presses cost about f 9,000 each. E7" The Newa of Gen. Seott'e entry into Ihe City of Mexico, is generally believed to be true at Washington. 07 As General Scott has now taken tha cit of Mexico, we presume there will be soms defi nite srtion in regsrd to peses. Should the Mex icsns still refuse to ratify a peace, we shall be obliged to establish a government in Mexico, and collect the revenuea ef the country to pay tbe axpenaea. 07" As Ol'TLAW ELECTED TO CoXGEESS The Whigs of Ihs 9th Congressionsl district, in North Carolina, hsvs elected Cot. Outlsw to congress, over Biggs, tka democratic candidate. Hereaf ter our whig friends should be rautioua in apply ing bard names to us democrats, alter electing, not exactly a general eutlew, but what ia the next thing to if, a Colonel Outlaw, all of which they say ia whig gain. 07 Oreoos abb CALirossiA. Two months Ister newa baa been received. Col. Free moot has been arrested for disobedience of orders, by Gea. Kesrney, and ordered home to take bia tri al. - Tbe emigrants bad suffered terribly from cold and hunger. Seventy tvs died, and tka re. meinder subsisted on tka dead. Gea. Kearney and Com Stocktea ars en their rstain borne. ' . , D"-Coas Oymas Ve published, a few weeks since, recipe to make' mock oyaters, which, upon trial, we and so much like ths gen uine articls, sxcepf that they are somewhat bet ter, that we have eonrludcd to re-publiab it, that thote who overlooked it msy have a chance to try tbir hand in making land oysters. They are a rare delicacy, and new ia tbe sesson to make them. Tske a doin and a half rare of large young corn, and grate all the grains off the cob se fine aa possible. Mix the grsted cotn with three large table epoone of sifted flour, the yolka of aix efga well beaten It all be well incorpo rated by hard beating. Have ready in a (rying pan an equal proportion of lard and tresh Wter, hold it over the fire till it is boiling hot, and then put in port ions of the mixture as nearly aa pos sible inehape and site like fresh oystera. Fry them brown and send them to. table hot they should be nesr and inch thick." ' D7Thr P.rv. Ma. McCam.a having untried that the President atated to him, that he ap pointed Fathers MrKlroy and Rey as ehanlsins in order to act aa spies in the army, the Wash ington Union, on the authority of the President, denies ths charge and ssys, "the President is too cautious to ma are a conncasi oi a leaky and er rattic clergyman like Mr. McCalla "Mr McCal la replies through tbe Philadelphia Sun, ins mass f verbisge entirely too long and metapbieical for perusal in this warm weather. The folio ing ia ths closing paragraph of his letter to the President : "You wittily say that I am 'as fond of battles of books.' What ha your life, or that of your Secretary of War been ; what ha been the life of your would-be-gentleman, but a life of battles? What is your sdministrstion. but an administra- ion of battles and bloodshed ? The difference between u ia, that my battlrs hsve been for the ruth, and your for profit and promotion. We bav both obtained oar objects. Too hsve pow er with wealth. 1 hsve truth with poverty. For the sake of that precious jewel, ths truth, 1 have isked starvstion; while your trnth denying squad cannot even patch a pair of breeches with out chaiging it to tbe State." The Elertioni. ALABAMA. BRrORTCD ELECTED. Milliard, (Whig.) in Montgomery TWatrict. Ciayle, (Whig.) in the Mobile District. Butler county is also reported Whig. KENTUCKY. , REPORTED KLEX'lED. Dent. Whig. Haines, (gain.) Morebead, Thompson, Cox, Duncan, Atlanta, (gain,) Buelcner, Todd. INDIANA Drmnrrat rrpnrted eletted. MVirft elected. T. J. Hei.ly, J L. Robinson, W. W. Wick. D. M. Dobson, - I. E. Ambree,(g'n) 4. C. B. Smith, 7. Thompson, 8. D. Clark, (gain.) f. Pettit, 9. Cathcart, Same as Isat year. NORTH CAROLINA. RETORT EC ELECTED. Dcm. WMg' Gen. Daniel, Outlaw, (gain,) l.en. McKay, Eoyden. Venablea. 1LLINOI9. The only returns are from Cork county, whitb the Democrats have rarried as usual. Chicago city givea 300 Democratic majority. The Cabal abb Railroad Tolls of tl e present yesr, on the Pennsylvania Line, np to the end of July, amount to tl, 019, 951. being $307,970 more than at the ssme time tsst yesr. The amount received on tbe New York canals this yesr to the 31st of July for tolls, is 1 1,790,539 82 being an increase over Isst yesr, tn the same period, of $561,531 98, or more than 43 per cent Tbavellibo Two Thovsabd Miles rxa Flora, A Messsge wss received in New York on Sun dsy, over tbe tslegrsphie wires from Montreal delivered, answered, and the receipt of the an awer ecknowedged by tbe operator in Montreal in the short space of thirty minutes. It came by the wsy of Toronto and Buflalo, and had to be re-written at the latter point. Taribo it Coollt. We perceive by tbe Vir ginia papers thst the Secretsry of Stste, the Post matter General, and Mr. Walker, the Preaident' Private Secretary, are en a visit to Old Point Comfort lately become a favorite resort for sea bathing. Illinois. The atate convention has fixed the Governor'a aalary at f 1250 made a vote three-fifth necesssry to psss a bill after a Veto and gave to the governor the power of appoint ing the Secretary of Stale. Lead. We ses it ststed that there is sn smount of lesd now Isying oa the wharves at Galena, Illi nois, to ths vstue of uyi'c millions tf dollars. Corn Csor in Geosoia The Charleston Mercury lesrns, from conversation with a gen tleman recently from the interior, that ths eslcu Istion is thai Georgia w ill produce thia yssr ths largsst corn crop ever grown within ita limits. Jerk L.bd and Manages Baseett Geo H Barrstt. the aoansger of tbs Nsw Broadway theatre, New York, came passenger in the Hiber nia. While in England, ha offersd Jsnny Lind fivs hundred pounds per night for forty nights that is, on hundred tXuusaud dollars for about aix weeks perlormaacee The "divine" was in exorable. A New Rsoi'LaTor Uncle Sam's post office stamps are bow used aa a circulating medium for mll remittances by mail. i Xr.Tncoii-Ths , Berks ( and Schuylkill, Journal gives the following sccount of ths smnu- lation periormen upon toe person or Nr. Henry Prints, 'of Reading, whose leg was dreadfully cruihed and mangled on the railroad at Ba urns town, on Saturday evening. . The operation was performed on Suodsy morning, by Drs. Hiester snd Whitman, ths pstient having first bten put under ths influence of ths Letheon; During the operation he was entirely lossnsi Ms to pain, and laughed and joked while the knife and ssw were separating tbs quivering flesh and cutting throuih the bones, muscles snd arteries! The leg was smputstec shove the knes joint, and " ws are told that the unfortunate man never once winced under tbe dreadful operation or experien ced the slightest pain or dissgrsesble seosstion. We are further sisured that after the limb was bound up, and the effects of the sther had passed off, the pain wss by no mesns severe. The ays- tern of the patient wa not prostrated by tbe o- perstion, snd the wound is much more likely to be speedily healed, than in cse were tbe suffer- . er is doomed to feel the exquisite torture of ths operation. Gkrmak PaxACHRBs W astro. Tbe German Reformed Church in the United States hss 230 ministers in connection with three Synods ; 71 officiate exclusively in ths Germsn Isnguage, 60 exclusively in the English language, and 03 in both German and English. Ministers who csn officiate in both languages sre greatly needed. In addition to ths demands for Misaionsry la bor by the immigrant Oermsn population, there ars 800 organized congregstions, for the supply of which there are only about 200 Ministers. There srs about 60,000 persona in communion with the Cburcb. - - . . ... . The Washington,. (Ps.t) psper soys A most terrific storm of thunder and lightning, accompa- ied by torrents of rain, pasied over this borough on the 6th July. The hail which fell st the close of ths storm wss ss large as hen's eggs, and waa very destiuctivs to ths crops. Two young men, sons of Jesse Wilson.) from Centreville were . returning home with a load of hay, and being o- vertaken by the storm, took shelter under a large tree, which waa struck by the lightning, and in- stsntly killed the elder brother, and rendered tha other insensible for a considerable time. Or. the 8th of July, a destructive hail storm lid great damage to the corn snd other crops in ths vicinity of Wheeling, Va. During a violent thunder storm st Fort Ed wards, on Sundsy the 11Tb July, a grocery stors wss struck by lightning, snd five men initsntly killed, snd three others seriously injured. Per haps they were not "remembering the Sabbath dsy to keep it holy." . Oh the Clhof July a very destructive hail storm passed over Allenlown, Pa., accompanied by a tremendous gsle of wind, which unroofed several houses, prostrsted many trees, broke 3000 panea of glass, and did great injury to the' grain and fruit. , , On the Uth July, the rain fell in torrents st Natchec for eight houra, during which six snd a half inchea fell, and two splendid bridges weis swept swsy. St. Tsui's church st Rochester, N. Y., wss de stroyed by fire on tbs 25th July. The spirs of the Unitarian Church at Ware, (Maaa ) was struck by lightning and rr.uch shat tered on the 31st July. Tbe bsrn and mills of Mr. Crosby, below Wi mington, Del., were struck by lightning snd con sumed. Also, a barn filled with wheat, rye, hay. &c, together with several small houses, were burnt by lightning ou the 25th of July, about 3 milea from Esston, Ps, Another bsrn wss struck and burnt at Chester, and atill another at Camden, N. J. DisTEEmsB ! The Rev. Stephen Thurston, of Desi sport, Maine, hss been attacking Odd Fel lowship. Ilia principal argument appears to be that "it makes a great gulf between a man snd bis wife ! Msny a lovely and faithful wife hath pined beraoss her huibsnd would not disclose his secrets."!! S.nase Bits. A man in New Orleans was dan gerously bitten on Thursday of Isst week by a congo snake, which had coilsd itself in his boot whilst ths msn had gone into the dock f.r the purpose of making some repairs to the whsi f. When he went to put ths hxtot on ths ugly mon ster made a dart at him, and caught him by '.he toe. His leg commenced swelling immedistely, but by a timely application the effects of the pri son were removed. Toe Fever at New Orleans The New Or lesns Delta of tbe 31st ult Las the following pa ragraph i Charity Hotpital We were last sveuing fur nihed with the report of the clerk of this insti tution, for the preceding twenty-four hours, Irom which it sppesrs that during that period there were admitted 43; discharged 24; died 18 of whom fourteen were of the yellow fever. Tvrej Ccttesb Persons nnacqusinted with tbe whole process of type making, ssys the An glo Ssxon, would be eurprised to hesr thst there are cot more than three mea in ths United Ststes sckaowledged by type founders aod printers to be good type cutters, and there are not ten men in ths Union whoevsa pretend locultype. Typ cutting ia a very difficult art to require. Tbers are many trades ssd professions which any one of moderate capacity can acquire, so ss to be to lerably useful in them. Il is not so, however, with type cutting. - Wsur has become or tub Relies Meaaf . 1' ia stated, observe ths London Dsily Nsws, that in one of ths counties ef Connaught, (0,000 oi ths relief money had btsn uosccountsd for Taa