Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 07, 1847, Image 4

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    , ., , J Vrjs kubllna Seng. Jtf ..' ,
Ti, h wii lovely, he wa fair, v ;
I As mild summer even ; "."
'. An angel form, a spirit bright, n ,
A star tht dropped from Heaven,
(Well b was.)
And Oh J those bnght and lustrous, orb,
That beamed with holy fire;
Those auburn tnrls, that lovely brw,
None, none, fcnt could admire.
, (Well, tbey cwldn't ) ;
. . Anl Oh! that bright and graceful form, -So
lik a beauteous fairy ; , .,
rerhap we'd lea v out tke .', '
And then it would be airy. ,
'. . (Well, it would )
1 knelt before her and I twwe, , '
, I'd have wie burning kiss ;. . , , i , ,,,,,
She aid : ''Co wash your dirty lace,
You can't enjoy such blin " '
'. (Well, one did jf
1 twote alia wii an angel, too, . . . '
f Who'd fallen from the sky; ' " " (
She cried : .Ob ! for a pair of whip, ' ''
, Once more to soar on high,", ; j .,t -r
. I (Indeed, aha did ;
"What, what," I cried, "and Would jrou thus,
A l-'ter true deaertf". , ,', bioke,
'Oil! heavens'." the cried, the cralie lie'
There goes my brother's shirt."
" Well, she did, host)'
. 1 felt jest then as if I'd dropt; , u., u , ,t
Froffi Cbimbnrato' summit;
.' I felt my budding paiaion crop, ' .
. Mere beauty couldn't ctroe it " t . f T'
Ko air-ree i, j
And die! I quickly snatch my hat, ' .
Without a thought of kissing? , . ,
And did I ever a ft or lbt ; .,,..". .
Come up among the missing t ,. '.
(I didn't do not bin' else )
, t
A a tan-ait BArrLta -Ttw fol!owipjr are the
cmnpara'.ive loseceof the battle the Revolu
tion, arranjed according to priority. , ,
Dr. Iom. .aim. tost.
!xington, April 1!), 1775 273 : e f '84
Bunker Hill. June 17, 1773 , 1054 ' 453
FUtbufh, August 12. 1776 4(10 ' , 2(W
While Plain, Atlgoet 2f. 1770 400 4U0
Trenton, Decemucr 25, 1776 1000 ' ' 1 9
I'tiiiccton, January 5, 1777 400 , 100
I I ubbartstown, Aupurt 7, 1777 180 800
Bennington, Aogurt 16, 1777 800 100
U.andywine, Sept 11,1777 500 , , 1200
Stillwater, S. pt. 17. 1777 COO ; 350
Gennantown, Ociobsr 4. 177T 600 1200
Saratoga, October 19,1777 5752 lur. .
Red Ilooki October 22, 1777 500 32
Monmouth, June 25, 1H8 '400 1 130
Rhode Ialanc', Augunl 27,1778 200 211
Briar Creek, March 30. 1770 13 400
Stony Point, July, 15. 1770 000 100
Camden, Auyusi 16, 17t0 ' 375 ! C10
King's Mouirain, Oct. 1. 1780 050 06
Cow pens. January 17, 17817 J POO ' ; 72
UuiliorJ, C. 11. March 15, 1761 523 400
Uobkirk'e Hill, April 25. 171 400 400
Kutaw Sprint, Senf. 17SI -1000 ' - 550
Yorktown, Oil. 19, 1781
f .
7072 eur.
24,853 .9.097
Smallkr Srii.i.. The Truteea of Saratoga
village would not allow Tom Thumb to give hit
exhibitions without taxing him $25 per day for a
licenne. As this was the Ji'sl time that a It
cense had ever been charged for, any exhibition
in Saratoga, the little Geueral wrote a letter to
the Trustees, stating that he was satisfied from
their ' acts that Saratoga could produce much
t mailer men than himself he should therefore
respectfully decline coming in competition with
those wLo evidently bad so muck) the advantage
of him in point of liUUnut. -? .i .
) Burdotk leaves will cure borse of the slavers
In rive minutes; let lino eat, about two leaves,
i have tried it maay time. My horsea will al
ways eat them when the slavera are bad.
rtuughtnuti.' , '"..'.'..'I- . , ,' , '
Ci'si or llvDHofHoiiiA. The following pre
vention of hydrophobia, is f:orn the Zaiiesville
Aurora 'The only cour we eoulJ recom
mend to prevent hydrophobia, is to tut retry
d'tlail off cloc behind Hit tart!' '
. K lawyer, named Hurton, was arrested in New
rk for stealing a coat The Baltimore Sun
thinks he uiut itave been badly in want of
The OuLt Wav. Kern puling : if roo
nub againtl a snow bank or rail lence, don't gn
h'ck, but push them over or leap them. If you
i..t sgalriat any 'difficulty,' it forward, or
tin aide, and oo on. Tush over and keep pu.h-
n:y, aim yMir lortune is hall made. !
ror uii.-A yankee traveller through
iHh Miami valley recently made tbia euquiry ut
a young farni-r, who has ju-rt been replenithinu
i r .
l' u inner, man with a drop of tlta ewenceo
i mi Kola t ion ; " say, Miettr what ia the ttuvle
r.nluct of this Vreao;tan ol coontryl" "Corn,
rir," was the reply "coin; raise ' her re
venty butthi'U lu the ace, and manufacture it
h c into wkikey, to cay nothing hie ol
wlist is wssted for bread. " 1 ''
fiooo Upi.r.'!f we are to live alter death,
why don't we iiftve eoino knowledge of it F as id
a skeptic to clergyman. . Why did'ul you
hire some knowledge of Ihia world before you
came into it ! w the cutic reply.""
.' The Wiwlat V --Knwa iIm valite of all
'ennaylvanis ltnk N.s. --Tha moi implicit rn
lianca may Ue fxt i upon it, it is ereny writ
jarefully C.orrjmd sviih aj'd corrected fiom Bl-k-bell's
Iteporter.; ,if. , r . ., ;,(..,.) , j
iRnuli In Ptillndplphlrs. '' -a.
t.oe4T,o.. , .
nana or ;o'n Ameura"
flunk of fhe Northern l.ilertW
. PT
Vommenial Hunk of IVnn's. . ' f : pr
Farmers' and Meelisnies' lWnk ; par
Kmng7nn Hnk , -,. , par
1'hiladelphU Bank ' . . par
Stchnylkill Oank ' . . . pr
Hnsrthwark ftantt - 1 . ' par
Western flank ' . '' " par
Mechaiiica' 0iik . . 1 ' pr
Manufc.tureri' MHiara' C.k , par
flank of Penn Town-hip . . pr
Oirard Oar.l. . . - -, par
Benk of t 'omiiM-ri e, l ite Movanwneing . our
BauV of JVunlairi , pr
f'otintry Itnnkts.
BanK of rhenter t'oiinty , Weatrheater par
Bar of IVIaware' Comity Chester ' par
Bank of flrrmautown ' Qermaiitewn ' psc
Oank of MoniRomery Co. ; Noirkrown ' ,par
Doyleatown Hank 1) ylrtnwn par
MiWlrlniil" i - ' tKfen " - par
I armera limiK oi Dfiraa rn " nriAol . pir
Bona of JarllHimlirlHii.e I'NorttiiirulierlaiiJ par
i -oiumi'ia umiK . riruiKe eo.'i oiumlwi par
Farmers' Ttnnk of l.ertc!!n, f.aciste4 ' ' par
i-am-ater DMinty Umik"-' lHiater nn
l.ancanter Bunk . v. t .i J.snfter pi
Farmers' Itank tf fleaitirn; K. a.linj pat
Office of Rark of Perui's. ' 1 MarrUhurg" Thane
OfTice ' do " ' do ' - " ' I.Miraftirr 1 iitTicea
Office ; do - ' do Hea.ling : f ,o not
OITtce to Ka(on J iHuen
Rank of tho United' Stiles Philid-Inhia SI
Miners' Dunk of I'ottftvilie ' Potiirville J
Rankot l.aaiMlttB v(j (UKiKnwn ; .' I)
Uank of Middlinowo , , MidWntMi . t tat
CarliWIa Bank ... Cerli-fte t I
Exchange ITairkV . ' Piiuburg , , , i
l)o j do . Iiratiib of-,. HullidHVKliurii
llarriuiurg Bank ', Harrinliure; I
lifliaoeai Uatik Lebanon - i
Merchants &. Mannf Dank" ritslwrg
Bank of rittsburg , PittkbuiR
Weat Rranrft DhL , , ' illiaiiiKiKirl . li
Wyoming Bank Wilkeharre II
NoruSamptnn Bank AHenlown
Uerks iMmnly Uank rieailtne
Office of Bank of U. H. t , Prudira . vailed
. Do,,,J Va , , ,. Vim i i , '.do
i. Do do do , . New Briahltm '' do
Bank of Cbamhnraliurg . . Chamberebufg ,
Bank of Getty ahurg Ui ttyeiuirg . j
Uaua ol ttuxquclianna I'O. MoiUiom . li
Erie Bank - , . . Krie IH
r armers & Drirvera Bank Wayoeaburg , . In
Franklin Bank Waahinewa
Honeedale Bank - Honewlale I J
Monongahera Bank f D, r-tfrowaeville
York Bank VorV . , al
. M. B.. 1 he notes of thooe Imnka on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dah ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia .brokers, with the
exception of llinee which hare a letter of n ference.
Philadelphia 8av. Irta. Philadelphia .failed
Philadelphia Loan Co, do fniled
Schuylkill av. Ins. . ' do file.d
Kensington t5av. Ins. A ,do
Penn Townabip 8v. lets. ' 'do
Maneal Labor Bans (T. W Dynlt. prop.) failed
I oweoda Itank I owaiula
Alleghany Bank of Pa. Beilford no sale
Bank of Bearer ' ' He:iver ' cloeeiil
Bank of Bwatara tlarrixtmra1 chwed
Bank of Washington WaHliiiietoii failed
Centre Bank Itellefonta ' eluaed
City Bank " Prtliit'nig no aale
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Pitlnlurg failed
Farmers' At Meeti'ea' Hank . Fayrtte en. failed
Farmers' At Mech'cs' Bank tireencatle failed
Harmony Inaiituto llarntony H aale
Huntingdon Bank. Huntinaitoii im t-al
Juniata Bank . Iwistown no sale
Lumbermen's Bank Warren " failed
Northern Bank of Pa, DunJafl no sale
New Hop XiA. Bridge Co. New Hay ' ct.ieed
Noilhumli'd Union Col. Bk. Milton - no sate
North Western Bank of V.f Meadtille iloM-d
Oflice of Bchuylkill Bank , Purl Carbon
Pa. Ac.r. 4c Maivuf. Bank , CarliJe , failed
Silver Lake Bank , ..Mimtioae closed
Union Bank of Penu'a. , I'uioniown failed
Weetmoieland Bank (reenalurg cliMed
Wilkealiarre Bridge Co. Wilkeeiiarm nuaale
. rrr All note purporting to be on any PennnvU
vauia Bank not given in (he above liat, luay he set
Jown as Irauaa.
Bank of New Biunawick Brunawick, .failed
Uelvideie Bank .' t Bt'lvidiire "
Burlington Co. Bank 1 - ' Medfurd par
Commercial Bank ' Perth Amlmy " A
CsinibertaMd Bank ' Bridgeton ' par
Farmers' Bank - Mount Holly par
Farmers' and Mechanic' Bk Itahwny j
Farmers' and MechauicV Bk N. Biunawiik failed
Farmers' and Merchant' Bk- Middiiuown Pt, .
Franklin Bsuk of N.J. .. Jceaey Cny - failed
Hoboken BfcgcV Uiaxing Co II oh. A en ' la did
leraey City Bauk , . . Jiiaey t;ity ; (died
MecbanUe' Bank ' ' l'ti. ran, . r.ihd
Mauufuclurers' Bank .- , ., IMUvUie . failed
Morris County Bank , , ( Mornstown J
Monmouth Bk of N. J. ; , " 1'ietlioM faiU d
Mechanics' Bank Newark
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk , Treutuu -. ,. 1 par
Morris Canat atwt Bkg Co ionvy City
PoO-Notea ' - - ' no sale
Newark Bkg A. Ins Co Newark " i
New Hope IM Brtdfio Co" ' l.j..le.uitle J
N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Vn HoUik.-n ;. faiUl
N J Protecton A Lombard lk Jerey City ; ' faiU-d
Orange Bank Orange "' i
Paeraon Bank ' Paierson fsiled
PeopUV Bank a ' j
Princeton Bauk Prmccton par
8alem Backing Co ' Hlein ' j-nr
fiute Bank ' Newark
8tate Bank Flimh. ilnowu
Rtate Bank f'am.kii jar
Stale Bank of Morris M.triioi.iwn J
tSlaie Biilik TrenuMi failed
Salera tod Ptiilad Manuf Co Halem ., liulud
rSuaaeg Bank ' ' New ion ,
Trenton Banking Co ' Tieniou ' pur
Union Bank ' ' Ilmtr ' '
WaUiiiifclou Banking Ce. Hackansack failed
ia oi im & liiaitd)uuifa' Huimglun par
Bauk of Delaware 1 Wilmington " ' ' par
iaua ui ouiyma . t Bmyina par
m loanctt . Minora - par
Farmers' Bk of (State of Del Dov.-t ! ' par
! ' branch ' Wiliuington ' ' pr
IK branch ' taeergetitwa) par
tv .-.a vraruu JVeweasile - par
l-won Bank . WilmgteO , par
(CrOnell banks maiked thus () ibete are u
thrr counterfeit fr altered notes at (he a-uioa Am.
I nominations, in circulation.
THE eohtenW hi Hat WreWel nis rtrv
Mprlrig Ord,tri which Invite h n frlcn '
end Vuatomers In et and exemiiin for themie. :c i
Hit atr.ek eonni-ls In pft nf tlte following i ' ' '
Puporior IfJlotlia, of iiBcnlriT; I S'smer rf dirfr,
' , cnt paitrnt Sutiu arul other V tig C-, x
l. lico t.awnJ,' OUighama, fjliei kx, Tirk-..', ...i
ins, and mi miner wear of si) hiiuU , V.,MI
and price.; alio,, Leghorn and
I'slin leaf Hate; I 'niliiella , ,' i
and Paraa d-, fr. m 25
centa upward t
' al'SOtfJinceiiesliueetin. ,
W ire, II . Cdlarwsre, , ,
" Oil, Paint, Pish, Malt. Ae.i Aie.. &c, ' ,
and In Tin t, evetv article uaually kepi in a cojm'r ;
oth, which will lie aolj Very tow. enaS or !-
kind f trade.',. . , JOI CORAK.. ,
f?unl.ury,My Jr.ih, I8t7.-nl4y 7'(i,
- More' New Goods ! -
FlHTi iust aiilvitt Nat Pu'rdy's Store,' Market
1 Square, where will bn found s biindaoiiie s
nurttnenl ef .' .
of the latett arid t approved aijl.-s, renaiiiting of
' C.iii,' ! " C-aRiniPr, " "' ' Veetmgs, '
: Wumrner' PtufTV,' Moon, d lainM,' ' Lawna,
Ginghaihi, ' Caliro, Muslins.
JcarM, Are.i Are , Ac ; !-, a full smnrltnent of
tiriK-eriva, all of "Inch will be sold lower llian ever
nffeie.1 In mark. t. " . ' ' "' ';''.
' Call and ei mtirte for ymtrlvet. ' ' -Knnhiiry,
May 15 V, l47 If " "
Flour, J't mlttce, and (lencral rointiu's
. sion Mrrchauh, v. .
No. 1 ltS Smith' Vuaar, BALTIMORE.
FFC0. Ililic servicea to the Merchants and
Failneia .f the Su-oneliawna Va'lev for llie
ailc of Fou', (Jrain and I'ro-litee generally. In the
IIiilitiB re muket, and frxu their tx'en-ive ac-
nu inttnce icnng purclianera.. and eluppers. can
aifely w nam o t.ity vale. ,
t .aiespoi (lent pill w e.mi-t in:IY kept advisr'd
of the oihie of the ni.nkc s, Vc.
RiVr to
Mcar. Wm. Wilson At S na. J , , : .
l-aac Ueynnbls fc Hon. ! ,. '
U-, , . liNitiniora.
avnlmwi. A Xaif diva. (
lteynold' A Smith. J
and Mcism. Tincley. Caldwell A Kitgliib, Pliil.i.
May iRih. l!
THIS Snliscriber havn the eicmive ' light of
, vending J. M. THATCHER'S ..
Hot Most Ilot Alt1, CooHliiS
in the counties of Niihurnlrlnd,3ifamlis and
ScheylkiUl and fiom the encouragement mot With
already, tbey exjiecl te do e large bwine. ;Thip
stove Is eontntcied on an entitely new prk eiuln,
and on the n4y frine'ple that e iii make both
good wood and coal sloven The inventor ha over,
come all the dilliculte thai freqnertlly belong to
other stores. lie has by die arrangemwit, con
twetrj broXine rx7 Oven III I'rtMlt, where
in 1'ioilinB, t oaatina. frying ut babiog may be done,
and all lha smell that aeiaee ttterelion must fteaa
into the coiuluetil4e ctiatrrlier, ami U not at all
ihruwn out in'o the inom.J Beeide thni, (here
iaan ivenKily two inchea lese than the whole aitai
ofbn atove, wherein leaking or roaaring may lie
done as well aa itcatitw in the common brick oven.
This i.veu i always fit (or u" when the s'ovn is
tieanul, aa llie whole draught ef hl ear pssava a
round it constantly. . .
Puhl e atieniion is particularly called Ia this
stovo. ti can he nen at our Hiore and Tin K-Uih.
liahmeiil in North I)nville, al the tigtt of the tjo.
luuiliia Tin bop, and at the Fouodiy of Knhebsch
A Clement in Kuuhtiry, where ita pellicular quali
ties will lie fully thottn and esp ained to any person
wishing tai'i .mnir K.
The hulcriliria continue to have on hand all
kinds of parlm loe. such as radiator, eylendera,
fancy uil tdain, suitable for all who may favor ua
4h a call; ekto common sheet and Recsia Iron,
which can be ranle in any desirable hpe; t-g
iber wiih a geiueal aamitmcni flui and jipinned
ware, wliolesale and retail. Country mer han't
aie inviied to call and etamiueoor 'ck. s our
work cannot be urp'd, and p'icea modoeraie.
N. II. Wecaneatcly recommend theabove men--tiuneil
Move te rrens who wish to embark in a
good biisiiMts t'l e psienlee will m-II either coun
ty or stale rights, te it pure'iaaersj and on rea
nable tetni. He or hi agi n' mat he found in
Dabville, Pa. , J.AJ. ARTCR. ,
The undersigned, bsving seen in operation the
but bat hot air eeoking stove, (uvea ted and pa
tented by J. M. Thaicber, orufy that we i-elicve,
fiom the ui imiti' of it contiucii- m eiwJ Ara iirti,
that it i the heat one ever oflereil te the public. The
airangnient iaso A mplete and theconslruciion so
judicium, that there ia a eaving ol one half the fuel
tud tune, in doing any given amount of a -rvlce,
oier other tekihrsted stoves. In short we rre ui
rueul it in iiebeeuce t alt eibera, for the eimple
reon that it embrace every branch of economy.
Samuel dsrrett, John W Oarrelt, Ilavid dial
field, W F Ki'ch 11. John M d'nv, K Tbimp-ou.
Smith Tboini'son, J U Hshn, John (lake. Hraili
ah Bear, liliia F Cuoiirl, tiro M Itkh'rt, Painel
Hulf nan. Henry It U al, F 11 Csiver. Uiik4
Itr.i.lisch, Joph Vanki'k, Urooka Efley.
Danville. March C, 1847. ty, ' v
rpHla i-uhiH'iilM r olfr for sale e cheap Fenn,
- hiluate in Shamekin lowurhip, N'orthuniU'r
laud coumy, about eight mile from Suuhury; ly
ing between die Centre turnwke and IrUh Valley,
CollUining dt acie and allowances. Said farm
ia in a gutl state of cultivation, with
good l'Uidiu(t and i xu lleiit wsler near ihe,l,oi ;
snJ all kind of fiuit. Ac' - . ,
Sutil.ery, r.Su.M?;
CI 6 tiling Kstablisliiiient
OrCRATION'M in t-Lr.nie seem to ! the
onler of the day, t the Philadelphia Waid
Hohe, 105 Chesuul street, where eery article in
the line U kept, and sold at wtoni-hing low pticee,
embracing , " '
Cloakw, Bangnps.' Over Pack Coats, 'Short' Sack
Coat, - Super French Cloth Diets Piock
v;,Cgts, Pantaloon of every grade and..
at) Ir, any of which will bf sold either '
A (,j tn- jtineii p prt "
m: ea that will Jartify the;
! . ''. r. Isteet iconooncal la ii i t
.. r - buyiag. .'if
. Wesdviae all who want good and cheap Clo
thing, to call al No. 106 L'beaaul Mieet,'
rbi!Jl his, I tb 6th, 1617.-001 ,..,.
-aT'.'-L-A- D O & IT
ImpoHer of .Wold, lWa1fi.Maker,
" ?T60Tsftnfl'Watcrif Mutriri!t,
i iTitiMnie3 fc-nttiil,
. Ai. S4IJ, Marlttt atrtf. tHILAOlSLPHIA,
MAS constantly, on band a large asoninent of
f.unette,' Patent, and Plain Glars; Min
apring. erge, Dial. Watch Hands, and a com
pliite axeortntent of all Tool and Materials belong
ing t' trade t with a force assortment of (told
end Silver LevrrLepine, in. Plain Wstchei; all
'of which tie will KU'tnntf loxell ntlheloweat New
Vork prices. " All orders from the country punctu
ally eirCuted. ,,.. t fv ' - 7 ,
. N. B. Country narsrhnnl and iher itreinilel
toe B and examine his st.nk, at No. 24C Maikrl
stieef. ' " " "'
- Phde.letpnl, Ian. 13, 147. m 1 l N
, io. 31 North Tltirtl street, .,, )
(listiLTnK cirr hotv.i..)
C. C. MACK, E Y, AccnosEKn.
TTViiNlNG SALES -of Hardware, t'utlery,
JJi Salillery, Whip. Iloola,, Hals,
' Vsp, Ouns, Pretols, Clothing, '
WatcUca and Fancy (l.ind.
At ,Mckej'a Auction eit.tre, 31 ; North Third
street, near the City Hotel.
The attention of Country IvTirchants is Invited
The fjonda will tie sold ill tots to suit purelmnera,
and alltlocale otTeml WiH be wa-ranie.l eiiial to the
reprewniationa that may be made of litem
N. B. A large aaaorlHient of ( at Private
Sale. ' Jan. If!. 1847 ly
.)5 N'oUh i.'tj t., bci. A i cli At jXucc is.,
1 li i I a il c 1 1 li i a i
BRA UV A PA KK Kl revueotfiilly rnnwm their
frieiwla and the public that they have taken
th, shore named houie, recently kept by J, S.
A.lnra-s and are piepared to accommodate custo
mer! in the moat satisfactory manner and at rea-sot-able
pricee. . , f
Their talde will be supplied with the bet vsri
fly '.he niarkel slToida rtlicif parlors and sleeping
apirtments will be III the bent order. The houce
liaalieen thoroughly repaired and furnudied with
a view to the comfort of IrarelU-ra and strsngern.
Having had several yeaia experience in the
buiius, , they hope to give general saiiafaction,
ind re'pocttclky .invite travellers and stranters to
Kive them scall. BRADY A PARKER.
Philadelphia. January Ifl, 1847. if
Tlte Clrc.-meMCwold umi Silver Watches
GOLD Levers, full Jewelled,
Silver do. , do. '
Cold Lepines, Jewelled,
Silver , do. . tlo. r '
Sdrer Quaniere. fiite qu.diiy,".
$45 00
S3 00
30 00
"15 00
10 00
16 00
t 75
2 00
4 00
tntd Watches, plain,
niirer Kpectacke, .
!iild Pencil.
Gold Biacelete,
Alan, on hand, a large sna iTl rtr rrt nf O.JJ and
Hair Bracelets, finger rings, breant pin, hoop ear
rtngf, Bold pen, ilvi apoona, sugar long, thim
ble, gold neck, cuch and fib chain, guard keys
and jewellery of every dcacrmikon, at equally low
prices. ' All I want i a call to convince custo
mer'. ... .
All kind of Waiche snd Clocks eepaire.1 and
wuir.inK-J Xo terji good time tnt one year old
gold or silver biic.gbt or taken in eichange.' '''
For sale, eight day and thirty hour brass clocks,
Watch, Ct.Kk and Jewellery Siore, No. 4I3
Market utroet, above Eleventh, north aide, PbiU
pliia. fjfj I have some Gold snd Silvei Levers,
much cheaper lhn the ativ prices.
PhiUdelphia. Bee. 26. 1846. ly
Small quattiitics pivcti itliout Charge.
THIS new snd aptemlid article, a it name de
notes, i profe-ned to be superior to any rhs
ving Cream in the United States or Europe. It i
unsurpnss. d f -r besuty, purity and fragrance, tho
noinewhst anal.ieon tit Ou-rlain' Amhrnsisl
Cream and other similar eompounda. It fsr sur
paaae ibent all by the emollient pasty conaietency
nf it lather, which so soften the beard as le rend, r
shaving pleasant and easy. It further possense
the kdvantiiK over the imported article, In being
fie.hly pf i p ,iel. o akill Iwing wanting in ita man
ufacture. E. ltoue baring bad many years' ex-IH-rience
in the celebrated laboratory ef Laugur,
Pere et Fits new Renaud A Con of Pari.
Beside Wing the beut, it i the cheapest article
for sharing; it is elegantly put up in bos, with
pleudid sleul engraved label. ,
Prire f 3 per doirn, or ;I7J cent for a single box,
to shave one yesr. It i also sold at $1 50 per lb.
or 13) e n's per ex., so that enilemen can have
their Unes filled at EUGENE ROLSSEL'S,
Wholesale and Retail Perfumery snd Miners) Ws
ler Es'abliahment, 114 Cbennut Street,
Dec 19, IS46... ' ' PHILADELPHIA.
New: Firm. .
- ' ' i s
flTlin l'iulragncd hereby gives notice, that be
JL has sksocmied wilb biniself, a a partner in
ih mercantile husineas, in hi store adjniuing
Weaver's Tavern, iu Sunhury, John Haas, end
that the said storo wdl hereafter be conducted uo
d r the fiim of Clement A 11 sua. , The fcbue al
the South Wit corner pf Maiket Squire will I
conducted a beretokue, by the subscriber himself,
to which he respectfully invites h's eustoaaere and
(rien,l. . ti ., .... ,. , . .
He s's-i rt"tife all those indebted tt him, lo call
between lht and the I at nf January negt, snd !
tie their account., .
All kinds of piiduce will be taken w account,
at cash price. l, ..... . ,
Hereafter no . tougi-c than four month credit
will be given. , , . IRA. V. CLEMENT. .
Smil-ury. Nov., If. 184n tf. f . ... - ,
1 RESPECTFULLY inform th public, thai oo
- the 9th Inst.; they entered into partnership)
ia the mncaiHile twain, at the siore recently
occupied by Ira T, Clemept, adjoining Wesvea
Tavern, in Sunbury. They have lately reeeired
a new stork of goods, which thry will diioae of
I the lowest prices.-n ..-- .. . ' , ,
All kinds of preduee will be taken in eichange
tor goads. ' j ' - . - , .
No longer idea font months credit will be given,
- " " ,::r,''""r.ri,B4B!iT,-
.vt a.i " JOHN HAAS.-"
i eunuury, ixv. t, isio, tf.
Nd.O. North 3d third door obovc
" 'IVTfiietor fitraal
H j Xj A d jj L p jj x Ai
SALE EVERY EVENING, of a general as
sortment nf Foreign and Domestic Hardware,
Tahle and Po.ket Cutlery.. Trunks, Locke,
Lalcheta, Bops, Saws, Saddlery, Whips,
BjoIs, rihois, Hs's, '(, (turn,
Pistota, Trlmminaa, Clothing
' vf- ,'! Fancy tl.h-d. ' " '
The attention of city and country dealer is m.
vlted.' The GoimIs are fieah, and will be warranted
arjl K 'the 'vepreaamtstioh tbat may he made of
them. DA V LIS Ax. BKOOKEK, Auctmntrr
v . . .i No .6 North Third A.
N. B. Purrbaaeia can liar their Goods packed.
Several invoice of Goods have been received to be
sold at private rate, r. . . . i ' ' i . .'..
i Philadelphia, Dec. lStb, U40.-1y t ...
To The I. O. oro. 1
J." W.' & Kfli; IS T O KES,
Manufacturers of t'remitim
... .... lows Kegitlia,
"'No. m Market Slrrti, PHILADELPHIA,
First Clothing Store behtw Clh Street,
FanilE subarrilier hsvins taken the nremlum at
. JL . F rank lift Institute, al the last ribihilion. for
the heat Hegalia, tbev invite the attention i4 the
order lo their eatahliiASaient, wliere they find a
splendid sortinent of P. 43. and Encnmitni-nt Re.
aalia. Thry lo mnke to nrtler for Lodge and
Encwmpinent. ' ftega'is, Sashes, Cotume and
Robes, and furnUh every thine reunite for the
cuvenience ef new Lodge or Encamiimeabi.
; v J. W, STOKE,
' E- D.STnKES.
Phils.telphi, Dir. 19. t84. tv
COOPKK'S E IUKIAL Oil A prompt and
lating remedy for Dior abso f.r pama
and diHchsrge of matter from the Ear. ' ' -1 1
Hundred of cure in ree deemed utterly hope
lers have firmly e tatdUhed it auioriority over eve
ry firmer Medical discovery. ,
This vsluatde Acoustic Mettidnets t enmpmiiid
of four different Oil, one of which, the active and
principal injiedient, ie obtained from the bark of a
cerisin species nf Wu'tiT, new and effectual
agent in the cure of Deafnena.
' Persons who had been deaf tier 14, 15 and ewin
20 year, have been permanently cored by ueing
ibis oil. Infant, e numerous and so empbaiic
have len the teMimonials in iu favor, that the in
ventor claims for il the distinction of an Infallible
Remedy, in all case, wben ttia Car ie perfect in
it formati- n.
For further particulars,' and evidence of its great
vslue, see priuted (herl, in the band of Agent.
For vie in Sunbary, by . J. W. FKILING.
September 19ih, 1846 ty ' " ,
MuKYWIVV lHtulutlMl
In curing Cotd Coughs, Asthme, InAuenst,
Whoiiing-Ciiiigh, and all Dieease of be
bieast and lunga, leading to Consump
tion ; comed of the concentrated
virtue of the herbe Horebound,
B.inesett, BloodrMt, and
several other vegeta
ble subvtancee.
Warranted -
THIS invaluable Medicine la the most speedy
and certain remedy ever ihecovered for the a
love compla nis a thousand who bare used it
wi ' lean fy. Fur aale, ia Sunbury, by .
and in Nortbdn.berland, by D. BRAUTIOAM,'
and at wholesale, in Pbiladrlphia, by -
, F. KLETT A Co,
Corner of Secnad and Ceilowbill atret-U.
Septeuilwr 18th, I84. ty '
THANKFUL for the liberal encouragement
which he has received, woul I respectfully
iufctrra bie frienda and th citiaen of Northumtarr
land county in general, that be ba prepared blm
self with the beat Incurrupiible Teeth, Gold Plate,
Gold Foil, Ike, that can be bad in the city of Phi
ladelphia ; and tbal be will endeavor, to the utmost
oi his ability, te rendei full satisfaction to ll who
way think proper to engage hi service. . He will
Im lu Hunhury al the August court, where he will
be prepared, at bis revMenre. to insert Teeth on
Gobi Plate, or on Pivot, en the lateat and moat
ptotcd idaii, end attend lo all lb branch belong
ing to DEN PAL. SURGERY, v .
Ladies will he wailed on, at their places of resi
dence. If desired."' ' '' " '
Hi charge wiH be reasonable, and bis work
wsrrsnlrd. -.,,
He will visit different prt pf the county, about
once in three months.
Suubury, July ttiih, 1840. 6m .
' lalpht Mrerl,- :
THE House baa undergone a thorough repair.
Tb proprietor solicit it former patronage. , .
Term l S3 per day. .
' WM.'W. Dt.t.
July 4, 1846. ly ,.-: Proprn-tme.
Kellrr fc CJifciiougli, , .
TTKKA VYING8 end - Paper for the Patent Of
ilV flea Will b ptepesad by tai ei tbeir otic,
opposite the Patent Office. ,: ,
July. 4tb. l94rU ly J .
1 inriinn citmAm. Dr Painu. Yamiab. Tar.
ai, Ae. from clothiog of any deecrlption, wmr-
ranlsd n4 to Injure th rtotb ei the moat delicate
a TaJ ianad hm (deafee Mwd WHlt gveei
sttcawn.-eea et Uess, Seelala, 7Ua Paaapsae
on tb face, CbPfJd bend Ssrej bp. Rbeusna
Iimd, Usrd or (eft Corn, At, fl" r,cr J14 (.
ier bottle. 'For sale at lb atote of j
July It, 1816. . , U. MA65ER. t
sukbuay, pa.
Builnea attended to. in the Cwintie of Nor
tburrt erland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia,
liefer to I
J i P. A A. Kovoodt,
. . Lows. A Banow, .
....... . Ksotianani, I , PAilaJ.
t Kirsoitu, McFattrn A Co.
spaeine.nonn A Co.,
.Vo, 31 AorA fourth Street, under jhe Vcr.
Aenf' Hotel,
riillndclphtn, '"'
' - ''''! trees Da eiais ' ' '
EEP8eoetTrtly on hind an ettebdve a.
JisL sortment of all Vintis of 8 irk. Fur and Bea
vei llsta, which he offers for sale on the moat rea
sonable terms. Hi Hats are made up of the best
material, and In the moat approved etyle. Per
son visiting the city will find it lo their inteveat lo
"; . t July Hth, 186 ly ,
tWIIDtl BT TBI tli!ltlttl laSTITVTt, 1843.
. , City Daftiffrwlyne EalabliUimciit.
5QP. eac2DI2a3S2al2S3rS23,
. (l.T Km u aV 4'etue.) '
A. 10 Vhtsmut almee Third, South tide,
PZUXaafUSElPHXafsa, . -.
M1NTATt:ttr.S tirken etjoally weft In rJrm
ly a in clear weirSer. A dwk silk drea
for a lady, arul a black suit for a genflemsn, are
prrf.traUe in erttin; far a picture. No extra charge
i made for coloring, snd (perfect likeneasea are
m iramieal. July ih. 14. ly
Til 18 larje and cnnitnodintj Hotel "hat receMly
been fitted op wnb entire new ferniteee.
The aubaCMber the efore solicit the patronage of
the public, and liual that tlieir experience in the
buainea will enable them lo give entire satisfac
tion. ' Term effoderai. . '
July 4th, 1846. ly
UKSI'ECTFUI.LY iolorma the cuicena f
Sunbuvy and vicrnhr, that be ha opened an
oftice at the reaiilenee of Hnry Mser, t Market
Mreet, where he i prep-ired to eierule all kind of
DiTat Svneaaf. Pljte Work, Ac , on the latett
and meat appro md plan. '
Having kail aome etierience and instructinn,
under one of the moat eminent and successful Den
ii's in Philedi-lphU, he believe thit he wilt be
able to give eatiefaction lo those who may want bi
- ldie win tte availed a at their daeea of red
dence. Hi charge wiH be moderate, and bi
woik warrimteiL
" Sunlairy, March 38th, 1844.
- Ttt PnrcliaMrt or -DR7.GOODS.
Ao. HI Pearl $t., NEW. YORK, m
HAVINO estsbli.-b.ed e Brancbat No. 144 Che,
nul sU. Philadelphia, ia now opening, and will
be constantly receiving from the New York Auc
tion, an eiteruive aaaortment of
which will be sold at the lowest New York prior,
at whoVnaU and RetaiL Among hi slock will be
found a good enrtsRcnt of the followihg article:
Jaecnnets, Plaid. Hair Cold, Lace, Siripe, B.Kk,
Swins and Tarlaian Muatin. Bih"p and Linen
Law ita. Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Orre-ws,
Thread Lecea, Appbcaiion Dv, rack Black Silk
Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambric
Lhien Cambric Hdkf.,CurUin Ffinges, Caehmere
d'Eeoaae, Mwuaelion Je . Laiee, Silk snd Cotton
Warp Alpaccae, Qu.ti'a t'loth, K Gala . Pbtid.
French Merino, BUck Mlka, Gloves, Silk Hoe
Shawl, Cravat, Rihhon', Emhioiilerie. AeH dec.
' Country Merchant and others viaiting Philadel
phia r New York to purchase, are rerctfully in
vited to call and ei amine lb stock. . .
Nov. I. 1845. ly
CenipoiUHl 8yrsjp r Tar at Wear:
riHE unprecedented aucoer of this medicine, ir
JL the restoration of h'eatih, to ihoae a ho, in des
pair, had given Up all hope, has given il an etal
ted reputation above all other remadie, ferniahint
evidence of lis intrinsic value and power, a the on
ly agent which can be relied upon for the cure o
Pulmonary Consumption, Broucbittia, Asthma
Pain in lb sid and Breaat, - Spitting of Blood
Whooping Cough. Croup, Ac . ... ,. .
Attention ia requested lo the fallowing ASTON
ISHING t:URE,bv Thomson' Compound Syru,
of Tar and Wood Naptha ! I -.--,a. PkilaMphia, May So, 144.
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With ttfu
frsUnc I iuform you of the astonishing effect o
your medicine, which ha literally rai- d me frou
death-tied ! My diaeaae, Pulmonary Conaoup
tion, bad reduced me o low Ibat my physician pro
no.inced my case boeless t At this junction t be
nan to u your medicio-s end miraeulon ae it ma.
ace in, it baa completely reatnred an to bealtb, fte
everything else bad failed. Respectfully vours,
... . Charlotte street,. above George stree
The undenigoeil, being peronll acquaints
with Wi.blngton Mack and hi urTrini(s, bea
witness to the ' astonishing effect of Thomson'
Compound Syrup of Tar, and Ike truth ef the a
hove statement.. ...
JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street,' :
- DAVID VICKERS, it Almond etrert,
. HL'BH M 'GIN LEY. 8. E, corner Tsaisn
snd Fourth ttcefe,
1 Prepared only ty S. P. Thomson, N.'E. eorne
of 6th and Spruce street, Philadelphia. ' - '
(, Afneis. JL.U. aMaaeer, Sunbary J - "
nd Dr. Macpbera.m, Harriaburg ( Jno. G. Brnwi
Pottarijle Gev Erl, Reading : Houston A Mi
on, Toeenda,' Bradford county, Pa. Price 30 cent
pet eotOe, ar A pet dau- "! " ' : "'
,Ky Hemr c nit imiltUJott. ... . j,,
, Pbibtdelpbtg. June 88ih, 1843. 1 . ,
CaeprKe K Weaver B
- A. 1 3 North Hafrr Street, FhilmdelpkU.
iriTAH eonetamry en hand, gwnerat aeeer
11 U a ef lrdaga, Seine Terinea, A-, eh
TrJ Bopea, Ftstkog Rapea, Whit Bapaa, Maai
la Rope, Tow Line for Canal Boat, AUo,
complete suortment of Seine Twine, sVcauch i
Hetnp athaa) ana) Harrtag Twine. Beet Patent U
Net Twina, Cottoa Shad and Herring 1waa. ski
Threadajdic Ac. , AUo, Bed Cord, Plough Lin
Hatters, Tiaras, Cotton and Lmen Carpel Chain
e . a.i a. a... -a a ar ' .
esc., an ei wntxa ao wm oiapoae at aa
teiraav t . :..; '.-, j . ,
Pbihdclphia, NoVrmici 13,1143. ly.