TERMS OF THE AMEttttCAX H. B. MASSER, j PtiMtm a JOSEPH EtSELV. p..,fim,V Pjfice in Centre 'Alley, in tkTrear cf A. M af ter' $ Store. ' THE" A M E R 10 A N " Tapublishel eVery fraWr day at TWO DOLLAR!! per arnfttt to be fn half yearly in advance. No paper dilcoVUin. "lied till all arrearages arc paid No subscription received fbf a lata period than i oTa. All communication or letters on business relating to the office, to insure attention, mint be POST PAID. WATCHES JEWSLUT, "Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Stare? No. 98 North SECOND rreet, corner of Quarry. GOLD Lever Watches, full jewelled, 1R carat eisea, $13 00 silver Lever Witches, lull jewelled, Silver Lever Watchet, se ven jewel, VVatchrs, jewelled, finest 23 00 18 00 Silver Lepine Hility - U 00 Superior Qusrticr Welches, 10 00 Imitation Qunrtier Wstche,ut warranted, 5 00 old Rppctfirln, ti Oil Fin Silver Specta'c're, 1 75 TSold brae let with tnpafc stoires, 5 hO Ladies GoU PeotA. If. estate, a 00 "BukUfmm Kings to $S ; Wsrch Glae trs, plrtrt, 2j cti; patent, Lunet. S. f- titer article! in proportion, All fcil warranted o I What they are eolj Tor, O. CON K AD. tn hand, anme Gold and Silver Lever, Leptncs and Quartier, lower than the above price. Philadelphi i, Di. 6, 84. ty ESTABLISHMENT. DANIEL nnUcKKMILLKfc. 'it hi$ Old Etlablithment, in Market Street, Sunbury, (orroniT thr nr.o Mc rrartt,,) RETURNS hi lhanki for pt f vnr, and r apectfully kiforra bin tMends and the public generally, tiet he continues to nniilV.iciiiVe to or der, mum wanl an4 latent style, CHEAP DOOTS AM SHOES, warranted of the heal material, and made by the moat etpeth need workmen. He sirs keep on hand a g?ncV. assortment of Tishtonabte Bootafbr -g niiroeii, together with a large stork of tanhiou able genth men's, hoys', la. lit-' andchild'en's Shoes, all of which hhe been mule under hla own Imme diate insertion, and afe oT the Wm niaierial and workmnmhip, which he will aell low for cash. In addition to the above, he hoe jut received from Philadrlpliia a large and extensive aupply of Uooi, Shoea, Ac. of all descriptions, which he nl-o dlfcia fir ceiih. cheaper than ever hefero eft red in j1aO. He respectfully iuVires hie old custo mers, and othrrs, to cull and examine for them ai Ives. Repairing don with neatness and despatch, suntury, August istn, 1846. P1A1NOS. fflHE SUBSCRIBER baa been appointed agent, X for tbe le -JTONRAD MEYBK'H t; BL EAR ATED PREMIUM HOSE YvtiOi) Pi A.VOS, at thia place. Then Pianoa have a plain, niaaaive and lx auiiful exteiior fn.i-h, and, f r depth and (weelnea of lone, and clegince of wnVkmatr. 1, are not aurpaird by any in the Uirittd StMea. The following ia a iwcnftVftendatitti fon t'aht I)iTi, a celebrated performer, and himmiraman Ufjcluier : A C A It IK ilivias had tbe pleasure of trying the excel. I. nl Piano Forte manfactured by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited at the l.irf exhibition of the Fr .nklm In. atitute, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker 6 dfclare IbanhTke inatrutttente arts eJual' and in aome respect een uH-rior, to all the Pi ano Forte, I saw at the capital of Euiope, and during a aojourn of two year at Pari. 'l"h'ca Pianoa will be reld at tbe manufacturer' lowest Philadelphia price, if not aomeihing lower. Heraona are requested to call and examine for themaelve, at the residence of the mrtriVer. j Sunl.ury, May IT, 184S. H. u. MASSER. tounlef rfeitet ZZ2 ATH BLOTrV, Phe puMic will pleeae observe that no Brandieth Pills are genuine, unlea the box has thrte la bels upon it, (the top, tlv Ride end tfen bcv.om) each cotttafcing k fc.alif.llealgna'Uirto 'of my halid wrfUng, thue U. UatDaTH, M. D.-wwe la. beNaie engraved on ateel, beautifully deaigned, and done at an expense of over ftfiOO, Therefore it will be seen that the only thing necexanry to fS ture the medicine m ita purity, ia to observe these MWs. Remember the lop, the t'sir, ant thfe bottom. The following respective person are dulT authori ted, and hold CSHTiriCATBS or AGWC Por th aale ttf dra'ndreih'i Vegetable I'nitersal MU. Northumberland county f MI'tor-'-Ma'-klpy & CftAmbeilin. SttftkUVy K. ft. M er. M'Eweua Villa Ireland ck. MeiielL Noithuinliland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown J. dt J. Walla. Union County : New Berlin fitigar & Witt ier. ee'Sriefrftjtfc Grrirge bundium. Middle. burg Isaac Smith. Beiverlovto David Hubler. Adamsburg Wm. J. May. Mifflinhar)t -"-Menfrh tt. Rsy. Haitleton Dniel Lor'. Freeburg U. tk F.G. Moyer. LiKUrg Walla & Green. Columbia eotlhty t Danville E. B. Reynolds Ac Co. Berwick Shuman A RiltenhoUK. Cftt. tswissa C..G. Brohts. IMtlutnibarg John P.. Xloyfer. JeiaJ Town Levi Biael. Waahlngtoh Kohl. McCay. Limestone Ballw; i M:N!ch; Obaerve that each Agent bis an Knratti! Cer tificate of Afwncy, tonlaining A rCprewntation ol ir URANDRETH'8 Manticlory at King King, and upon which will also be seen rtatt copies 61 the new labttt rloll) tiacJ upon the Brandreth Pitt Borti. Philadelphia, olfiee !n. 8, rforth Bth ftrrfct. b, illANDKE J ll.M.D. )urtai4th 1843. George .Ft VrtVcT, ROPE KASlifi U SUIT CBANDlfllt No. 13 Water Btrm, VMlatttflli. YTAS ronattntty on hand, a general aatort meat of Cordage, Seine Twinea, 4te.r vix l Tar'd Ropes, Pirhlng Ropeej White Ropts, Manil !a Ropee, lsw tinea for Canal Ootta. Also, a complete aortmant of 8Hne Twinea, Stc. such as Ilemp Khad ad Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton tibad and Hqrrlng .Twine, rhne Threads, Ac A'". Ee Gortjs, Plough Lines. Halters, Traces, Cotton and Lined Catpet Chains, all of which be will dispose of On rUsorubls leima. Phil.delpkia. Novsinber 13. lM!L-ly.. JiXI OLASt&. I he ilaTfUalilyBdgiH House Xf J Melawe, only II) eeflta pal gaartt alee, pupvti ne article of yellow Motasara lor baking, on ly 131 tsnta perBtlart for rale at the store ef -'e !S, IMS? HENRY .M.IfcSEft. bsotufe .uWncein th. declaim, of lb. LATlB httOM VfehA tWl'i; Murder of Dearer of beopstchea tn Gnn Scott SanU Ann reported to bo ftio rrio Election of llerrera MoVrmenta of tied. Scotl Mexicans Robbed by their own Coun tryman Death of Pennsylvania!)! Sickness t Jalapa. Frcdekivksbi'bo, (Vt.,) June 11, 1847. Th steamer Fashion hat arrived it New Orleans from Vera Cruz, bringing date up lo the 30th ult. The robbery of the diligence and murder of the panenjrere are confirmed. Amonjr the ic- time wib XajI. iJowwrs, the bfarer of despalchee ta Gen. Scot. Tntrirfcodres were found atro cious'y mutilated. Santa Anne tn reported to be at Jlio Frio, with three Mrottimnd tnett. there n 1 report ttftte Section of Horrete, but it i not traceable to any atithf-VrtTc noorc'e. Gen. Scott avaa tn leave jalapa tor Purb'a on the 'iWtfi. tienrtal tviitrt division had alrt dy left. A party of Mexicans, who wer 'corainfc ?r.tn Vera tu from Santa Pe, had been attacked and rubbed by Ariro'Vn cVStifttTVrne'n. Jalapa is now garrisoned by the First Artil lery, the Second Pennsylvania Rrimen nd ( lhrWVWmpsai8iBf t!t Stst, the balance ot the latter being also ordered back from lVrote. PriVatcB WilarJharlrB Lyriettftfie f.r Penncylvania regiment ire ferrortcd is haVinj died at Jalapa. There are nearly eight liuod'H sick h V.'! hofpital et Jalnpi. The Ffhion brought but a small mail. The wteamehip New i leant ft' a to have left Vera Crt.z on the 3It tilt.,a5".d genernl mail will t e bioiii;hl by her. Among the pawnfera jn the Fashion are Lieutenant Murray, Kane and Feltrrangle, ond Jamie Johnson, Uuarttrmaftr'a Se'rgeaVit ol the Pennsylvania regihient, with forty tick and dic harped volunteers. Col. Suwero wis a bearer ol deepitches rrora the liovermnent to Gen. ScotL tie left Vera Crui with an escort ol five men, under Lieut. McDonnell, tnd two more were added it the town of Hanta Fe. The murder was commit ted two miica beyr.nd Puenia ftecionoel, the driver, and one nolilier ire all that etenped. The officer alluded o n having been mur dered, letioL V. Sour, Jr., ol Lock Haven, ClintttYl toUnty, in this State. A letter to a friend of his, in this city, dnttti the li is sys ha Wat a leave New Orleans on the 13 h mat. Ledger The Presidency Declined. GerVett Smih, the wetl!?iy iteiUicnist, de dine being a candidate for tbe Presidency, as he saya he ia not qualified for the station. If he were President, however, he snys he would first stop the Mekicsb war, and ak par don tl Cod and Mexico for Cor wholesale mur ders of the Mexican people, returning the terri tory we have taken by force ; 2. Utterly itoli the Arf.iy and N'avy 3 Aboiisli all cuslon'.s it idmmercial teHHctiotis whatever; 4. Establish a system of direct taxation leh ; 5. Urge liber al expenditures for light houses, harbors, im proving rivers, fcc, btit none at all for fortirica tions, ships of war, tee ; fl Interpret and apply the constitution as at deadly vm With slavery ; 7. Etrtp ceiling the public )ahdt, allow every person who needs to take a portion without pay and render tbe hemettetd inalienable ; 8 it countenance distinction between hetiveanda fiepted tititettk; 0. Appoint no rhln to office who bases the right of suffrage en pioperty or color; 10. Give no office to a slaveholder, any more than any ether pirate; ll. Ncr to aty rhih in faVox of the traffic in intoxicating drinks: 12. Nor to any adhering member of a aecret so ciety. When tfce people want a President on these principles, we think Mr Crtiitb may be In duced to overcome bis objections to the olfice. TiiB MltONic ticttJio.ntra, at the laying of the corner atone ol the ' Smithsonian tnetiiUle;1' In Washington City, on the li ult ; were con. ducted by tl tt French, Eq, Grandmaster for the tiiairibt of Columbia, who worts the aWrl nresented to Oeneral Washington by the Grand Ijodge of Frante; through Cenenl La Fayette. Thia apron ia now the property of the Mii'.tnt fttbrb ixidge at Sheppardatowa, Vs., to W hich it wai presented by a rJerseh'Jtnl of the i minor lal Washington; The gavel used on the occ il(nt wit that Uted by WathirgHln At' ifi lading the cfif Her J.'Orte of the Cafitol nthe United StateM. The atone hiving been soured, levelled and plumbed by the Grand master, 'was declared by him to be true and trusty for the purpose, for which it wis Intended, and ater having placed the eorn, wine tnd oil upon it, he struck II with the gavel and pronounced tt duly 'laid, tie then presented to the arthitrcit Jsmee Ren wick, Jr. Eeq. the working tools iBtieft pre$entd 0y t Fayette when Se corner stone of the Washington Monument tees laid at Baltimore. 'A Man took off his coat to thow a terrible wound he had receive! some ye past. "O !" (sldtS (Jo not beteg able la find it, "I remember fa-v, ir lit "ry b-olVe Pi'"j a'-" " UJNBTLTM amemican. AND sttAMOKlW JOURNAL mority, the W pVmt'f, tt Kulfr. thfcfc a , Sfrnnnlie Rbrleanebelta. ra rataoViIng Cuss IA fefeslbs- toAlh Tela.. tif t?ia'case, en "fl. Vctich In its eonceptW, to diabolical in ita e ecutirn, ind so mornftilly fatal in ilt results, wo have the following further psrilculafa tVoW Mr.Stille, who wit the Dret to Inform the public of the tragic occurrence, through the Delia. Many at the time doubted it truth, for it was hard to conceive how my mind could be to totally deprived, to lost lo all the frelinge of nittire and hummity, aa to ppr. petrite on innocent end unsuspecting victims such wholesale murder. Yet true it ia, too true, bearing about it though it does all thu and frightful features of the first account. Old Wilkinson, it would now mm from Mr. Stille'e letter, is the demon incarnate who did the deed thia ie circumstantially evident, from the fact of his tenilng so goodly a share of the poisoned wedding meat t Spot ffandtte, wnorh n'e deemed Ms ettem'y, or at least, whoee enemy he wit ': Aavou Sank. My 51 1847. bear I returned irotti a flying Vi't to Ma milton yesterday, and learned some more par ticulara in relation to the puieoning fifteen am dead, and some eight or fn, are expected to dfe daily soma grA letter, bu't Voolt HlufifB nod died. The poison wae areenic. will re late the circumstances aa I heard it. tl appear that Bid Wilkinson waa man of bnd character k notorious hog tl'.i'ef and Mor ns, the groom, had ben twice whipped in Mia- i.-ipii f, ,r Ttr;r3 stra!irg. Wilkinson was a: cum'iI nl eteslnig the hogs of Spot Zanders, and you will porceive, from what follows, how l.o revenged himself, tie cent to the house ot Sanders, who lives two or three miles from him attil wta iA4 at the tittle friendly, t h'alfof a ehoat, one turkey, three chickens, some chicken pie, critter, povnd cake, ec , enough tolart the tV.:i 'y a wee a!l poiionrJ, even to the butter, which ai elegantly moulded. The ftthily ite of it Mrs. feandcra, three ehlMen, and a ne gftt toy, aVa TtffctdT-the CteV Hd on c,ild left, was dying when I 'ivat at our frirod Kerr's. Mr. Sinden and tivep Kef;rdeS trt yVt kfck some, it ia thought, wfll ie. TitoV Mra. tin. dera oiu not know 'that her children were rfed or dying, and told her husband tn rear thein Tn nurture and admonition 'oftho lird. Shore rjucste, when dying, iTa her ntgroea e:otA come and bid her farewell--they could not, all being poisoned. Mr. Striders mother, an old lady of seventy, was a victim also. AHeii Ha ley lost a negro man the man's wife wae oce of the servanta at the wedding, and took him a piece of the jtonnd cake; he ate two moutba' full, and, not liking the tsVie of it, ate no n.f'3 yet that killed him. An old lady, ty the name of Enrfens, made the cakes, tnd ahe waa poisoned, together with her eon tnd a negrb girl, the girl Is ilead, and beV inn n'6t expec ted lo recover. The butler that wit left at Sanders' wis thruwn our, and some fowls ate rjf i and died irt 1 few niintttek. Allen tlafry and his Htother wero the only persona at the wedding not plwrthW. f hvy came lafe, after the &e$'t$ were served, and ate with the family pirtsking of tt.e snr'.Vj YfHi they Did even to the eAe. Old Wilkinson insisted on cutting a fresh take for them, but they refuser! to fiartdxe of it, and escaped ueath by llielr refusal. The lady that made the cakes, Mrs. EJena, went on the morning of the weeding day to look at the bahee, in lite smoke house, where she had put them, and found that tho covering lit had put on the lop fcf them ftta remoVed troinallthb cakes tut one, that wa covi rod with a custard pie they fddked dark anj die cotoicd, ahd site t'd.ik some loaf sugar which she grated and put over them, thiuktng it strai.ge tht they were audirtrratied. Ol-J Wilkii.aon and hie with, and Morris' wife, were arrested and examined before Squire Blunders, who committed them to prison. Chatles Alexander bailed the women, arid Wilkinson w..a taken out by a writ of habeas Corpus before the Pro bate judge; L r-ter, and let at liberty. lie waa afraid to Icaro the house during the dl, tt ihefe were persons determined on itlllihg him. During the night he escaped Bti Morris' hore, which Morris brought to him. Eight persona tie in pursuit of him who have tiOrn tu kill him on sight. Morrie ie NYilSinndit's tg'eni he wis ordered to lesve, or he w,tild first bo whipped tbd thetl tiling, lie re'ui-ed to go, and we may, therefore, expect that ho will be madb short work of. It wrote you in my tt that the negroes were suspected cf having been hired to poUoi the food. Such ia not the case, aa the negroes were sit polroacd, they not bcloiigih; to WiN kliteoh. At the last accounts tlie pursuers were but a few miles behind. Wilkinroti, headed by Mr. Caatleberry, who was one of the poisoned; and lost hit Sister ; lie swore he would Wlluw him Id the end of the world, being bent oh taking his life. I have seen some of tbe survivors they era black tinder the, ryhs, and their ringer naila ind the ends ol their fingers are black they luok like walking ghoMa. They ill Ihiuk that health and slrnlpth ire gone, beihir every one ttnable '.oi'oeny 'b- o-i 'ol' tiot Vontt ftw !. tea 4prt, J to A, y,,,',. WondsVit VlsVi,Aft'l YjliVlAr. The Maw Orleans Delta of tha insl. his elfV gVviitg an eecnunt of the diacoVer' of 1 child, in the VnteWor of Lo'iaVo. the enri tf i blackmiiih, with lelescnpie pivero'f vWo'n. The writer stopped ro have hia horse thotl, tnd waa attracted tr) the thitd, of whi?h he give this a'c'fio'unt. le asys Ve oott hot give the name for nbviotii rentnni : Drawing the child near me, I found hiapyei nnustinlly larre, but not remarkably prominent. The iris, which ia of a light hstel color, ei cro. ched more thnn ordinarily on thn sclerotic coat, snd the widely dilated pnpil, on examination, proved to have no contractile energy. In a conversation with Ihe mother, she nhxorrd that her son could discover objects at inconceivable dinres, but when they were w thin range ot ordinary Vision-, he appeared esblihd t an owl al noontide. This, communication pave a snlii linn lolhe "stubborn twkwirrines" of thia in terestiVig Child. Aa I had a desire tn test the acurnet oflil slfiht Sy an observation on the' satlitee of Jupiier, you Vnn'y jmlpe of my p'ea sure w hen I received an invitation to remain for the night. Hi ving with fr.'e b mall te'es'ro'p'A.'ny p'AweV sufficient to observe the satellites of Jupiter, I directed the boy 'a mention to this plsnei, at thu same time requesting him to inform me if he sawanyimill luminaries in ita victnitv, and to state how they were tiluated with regard lo lhe primary body. In a moment he asserted that he saw "thtee bniea like golden marbles, 'one above the pliuct, one on the right, and the o ther on tho left lnrd.w then ashed him their apparent relative distat.ee from the main b.x!y, and he tnswered thai the tipper o';ia vvas I ho 'm'fcV r'e'riiote, a'nd thn 'on Iheh'ft hand Ihe leant. I Immediately pointed the telescope 'to the Vijiot, and fotmrt to Wy iiidrci'ibibla astonirhmrnt, thtt the toy faa rVkinu'lery correct fti every par ticular. I!i aUe'r.tiii'n iX-Ao Wxl drawn to Ihe planet when be announced that he Ctiold plainly 'discern four small bodies similar Voihose iljacen to Jupiter, l'u of an inferior sue ; in this ir.'ptnce I waa riot prepared foV en investi liUinn, the power of my inetriirWptit being too limited. ! inetitu'ed other ekperimentt thil p'roVed, to t 'dernonot'ritioli, the tetescopfc Vision oftherhild. Fniikiin. St. Mary's Parish, May2t.l47. Gem UrkeA 4 fa.NNFSaeKJlN I 'hn Memphis Enquirer saya, we have heard a singular story, lo the effect that the renowned Mexican chief who hs so Yecntly to far outrun Gen. Taylor lis a native of Tenner'fiee '. It ia said that bis real name is Urf, and that ho waa born and 'raised' to netr manhood, in Middla TenneMOt feumfter cr feutith eotirity, ft-b tn'.n. Ike was I wild, roving, devil-mny-rtre tort of fel low, and about twenty or twenty-five years aince strayed t:!T from Qje fati rnsl r'off ind went ID Mexica The alory ia to flir profiabie as thia : that it is known to some of our citizens that there wns one of the young Vryt of the :haractcr desSVihed, whti aboU't the tirHe mentioned, go to Mexico, from whbnba he hue never returned, ll may be long residence there haa raised him to high rank in Ihe army, and that he iS in truth identibal with the nfrcer re ferred lo. The tliange of name would be KVitrht, and the etnry in itself ia not at all imprt bable. The Vryt of tins S'ate aret we believe, a highly respectable fairil. wemiNT. At a Tempei-iri'ee meet ing in Philadelphia trims yeatl agd, a ledrrinl rlergyman spoke in favor 61 wine it a drink; derronstrarifi; It r)uite to hi own satisfaction trl be scriptural, gentlemanly, and healthful. tVkeri the clergyman sat down, a plaiK, elderly rl.en rose and asked the liberty of laying a lew words. "A yotlnjt friend of rhitie," Said he, "w ho had long been ihterHnerate, wa at length btevaiied on, to take Ihe plHge cfehtite abilinenre from til that cbiild inttilirate. He kept Ihe pledge faithfully for some iuhe, though the struggle With bis Mbit was fearful ; till one venihj IH a critill party, glasses of wine wet hamlHi! rournl. They came to a clergyman present, w ha t'Jtik t glass, saying i few words in vindication of the practice. 'Well,' thought the young man, 'if a clergyman can take wine, aud justify it ao well, why libt I ?' Ko he alto took t gUi. tt iHiiantly rekindled his fiery and (hirr.berir ap petite ; and after a rapid d'owhwird rourSe, be died of delirium tremtne a laving madman !" The old man paused for utterance ; and wa) just able to add"! hat young man was my only ton ; and the cleryman was tbe Reverend Doctor iuho fiaijuit aJdrtued t hit otitinbly .'" Banner 'of Temperance. CoosrbntBUs tine ot tbe moot jatal t!ia cases lo which this berry is subject, is tha mil dew. A correspondent of Ihe lAtndo Ut de ne r't Chronicle says Ihst he has found soot as excellent remedy lir this evil. He apphee. k in the morning, while tbe dew it on, or after t rein while the foliere ia wet. It ! to be appl. d a1 le t'rs rf Vnwrrr-ev v .. - UaM)9 fXtAi tr From the Dublin Notion-, ApVil 8 tiiic rAttrR. Tiric F.rr'iceT or Awiti'rXfr feVMlrirkT vie taW.lfTrv" WhiTe fcnolish atateetnen e'ru deVi eing daily plans for Ihe Increase and p'roleeiion of pauperism in this long leyil Vdh Ion? sifter trig PrnVlrfr'n'r.e of trelk'n'd, American klatesttien. regarding this country as, eVen Its wVeck, worth bring saved, am ar"i'iWAfti,ni their Voluntary tributes 'fi'r Vhe relief ol our necessities. While Ihe chief jurn1a Vif in nr 'capital are daily teeming with invert iVpb sgamst our peo ple, high end low. American journal, Tr'orY) Houston down to Eistpo'rt, aVe reviving romi nescences of Irish merit, in onlor to hasten the kindly interference of Ihrir country in behalf of Kttr. While the popular divines of Khglsnd can eee in pi slilence snd famine only jndg m'entalft'oVn eta aVigered beiiy smitfng frelnnd on her both cheeks lor h-r idolatry, the favorite preacher of America perceive hut an opportu nity for Ihe exercise of active charity. This nation's position resemblee that of the Vmn ii th'etjospel who went down from Jeru ttn to Jnrichn Auienca in our Sm'kritn. When 'o'aV 'ni'n'fl a're Tttnd u, and 'we are a hlei go our otf.-'n rfeelinVd wy, tive will lc'now to whom our gratitude is dii. "A certain Le vile" shall also b rnmemhered. Out of this famine will erttn Wnny results, ope of which rnay W, U'we deire it, tho estab lishment of a "cordial understanding telw'e'eh us and the United Stales ot Am'erfca. It is an lYioft InT the closest oberve6 o'f !'& mahhoture, that conferring benefit tahars ihe nbj. ct lo the I rVr:fii'elor; so, ii ifimettic lif, a-(.'Vt-d th':Wren are in-u.illy the dearest And, at'tii V.i'r. Anien'c, litte'.he Grecian daugh ter, l'-eds from th'-warin txivin ot her yotith.'the g- d, nUlalasf e.trled nut inn, to whfrh her iiVanVy owe pro'teV.'tion and sVipport. iever, indeed, did the world behold a finer spVctscle. Sentence nfdra'h had gone'foMh from Babylon on tnillio'h bf our people. The European con ment wae dumb, rkcepi Whrr, hea'r the ex treme south, the Pontifr Liberator of Rorr searched in his hollow coflera after a mite for Irelan'd. France wasailent, Auniia wis silent, Russia did not cry out "rhame!" A diploma tist rules in Paris; tnd the tncient friendship between the countries of fiareteld tnd bo'unt Sjxe, of lio'che ihd oFTone, hit withered be nVtb his rule. A diplomatist rules at Viehria, anil Hie r-ervices of our gn at soldiers it Austria ourCavaneeha. Maca and b'tleilleya never weighed & fratlitr on the pawer-balonbing brain of Mt-ttermch. Even the Bear of th'e hole hae lorned diplonUlib't, ond grumbiea in cartels. ltsly, except Home, and all Spain, lies tho help-le-wend bleeding prey of thime accttrae'J di plomacy. From tontmehtal fenrope then, we could gVn rid aid Bjr'ainkt England; (jir Europe ia ruled t'.y heids, not hearts by JruSta, not i.V'i.cipels bv "tha laa of nitious," nbt "tfi'e )a t of God." But America, hanpiiy, has thus far escaped the iiitubi!: and America, In 4 national Jehse lias b'e'coihe ire!ii(l'a friend her chief friend among the N'ttiort. fs'ow Enc'an'.!, our governo!-,allernsteiy nat'e and fnars Auieriea, and Amer ca returnea ha ired for hetrrrJ, and rcorn for scorn, but fe'eUhd fear of k!iy eirtlilV bn'w'er. I.el us follow the liiree haiionl into the fu ture, is far as huninu tense can see. To be gin : fcng'ar'.;!, iii tt'.e 'year 1513 and 1S47, hid the t'ovi tniiient of Irplsnrl in her own hand. In Ihomj years 9 tlffJ.UOO of the Irish people died for want rt food, while thel'e vVss plehtj' bf tho rny and credit in Lngland, and plenty of food I'cr tlie fetching beyond seas. America, in the spring of is47, hearing of Ireland dlMrers, i(!'r i hugnaninious efTort to ssve her, and Siicceeded in preserving nearly 1 (XK'.tltU ol Irish lives, ty assistance rendered in irel and, or lo ImkIi emigrants io America. All ye who may survive this English firnine, note dowrt in llio hew l.af of your memories thia rniilraet. Iel lis rpt'culsti- a little fnrt her .- Suppose, in ihe year of our tard 1B50. that IrelaHd, with a potinUti'nn 'reduced lojj BWlllUfr, Uj;ina to recover Irnm this awful ordeal, that her peasants till tho IdH'I again, and her artisans resiiiiio tr'eir Utiti. 'i:p-nse this dime Under a wiser policy among Irishmen, and lest injo. rioua imprrial laws, this island will even iKr'a be t power in Gun i tin, thorlgH still a province. P.i.l suppose it then beins or a boot to be, free nation, governing itsttf by certain moril arid nationil laws, having and cuhiviting certain fo reign relati'titiB, whit will be ita potitibn in re gard to America ' Why, this: America needs friends in Europe, ind cur re lations have always been ofa friendly kind; but froili this year forth no Jttehman will willingly dtaw a trigger against tier, fjur harbors are eair s Aaaariici- tha "England's, ana) mora accevsibla. Tha- metchanta of New York and flew bileaha aloha hive lost rhkiiiohs cf oultaii in Ct. Deorga's Channel, because they followed tfisj arbitrary rnrrent of Prtrish commetrr, flow. Unions At i i;itTMI5c. tiktm t tmerlion, . . . W M 'J do . . . . 0 75 t i -. it . -.. -. . i.oo Ey atthse'Minilnserilnli, . . . ts ,T''X An'rtenoia i aVie coVumn, 45 j hslf colUrV.fi, JIB, ff.te kqafet. t i ( tw0 iwrea, f 0 j one equaie, irt, Haif.yeaHy i e, eolumn. tIS i halT Wtomn. IH ) threa icirt, l , two square, $il jjne kftaie, S Kr. Advertiirerrtentl le wtihnrt o1re,-tos Its to tha teWh or tRft'eWeV kre to be ruhflhed. will b rV.Vi'trtVuV.d Until ordeted bit, ind chlVged accord IVan r.n'ts 6r lesk rnaka i aqulire. Ing fnto the 1Vi '6f lb 6ld slave-trade L ver (Kool. jutil the lata aVliIon of the coVn lawe, Great (IrAkfn Could in k meavUra control Ame rica's, commerce ; hut now America, Ihe greet producer b onca o'f the raatetiala ot rr.nufac tu'ra and thelood of he rnanufscturer, cari turn not nr.iy her own, tut British commerce, into such chennela tt he pleases. Moreover, shu mdt be, befcVe rtikny yekra, tha interfnediale a gent Ortween Asia and Europe. From London to Canton, round Cspe Hon, Is more than 6 000 milt's froin the sarne pln'ee 'to tho same, via pVnirna or '6regon, less than 5,000. America, will then frtoYe tnd more requite tn ally and a depo on 'the w'eit of Europe ; and we hereby, after a foil deliberation, advertise Ireland aa a candidate fcrlhatenYptoymen1 whose qualifica tions excel those of all others. Cur object tn thia pecc!at!on ia to keep the Iribh infiehVAd. It vVo are starved, colonized or otherwise swindled out of it, the English wi'.l quietly move "here their govcrnttiant and other machinery, even at the Tyritaa of old remove, to Carthage, or ftuke yVilliam and his Vassuls from Normandy to England, snd they will be come to Europe all that we rnight have been.' The Irish name and nature will tale from tha face of the Vth, and the island cf our ancestors beeorne the home of a new people, ruling and enjoying where we have starved and died. Good Providence, to think of thia! To think that our oppression is lo end only in banishment, and or struggle's to cease bet fa oeath. To I bin a of ibis land, s'ftnM'cd all over with the blood of freedom's msrtyr getnined with fields of glory like an Emperor's shield monument ed, eaintad, eonga-fatttsd itiro'uzh the world, giv en up at last to men without ono rympathy for it in their memories ! TraileameVl, 'tenant-league, landlords, clergy men Irishmen, must this be 1 . Tkvamovb SkirnkEfiTs Thera ia i news paper in boston tailed tha fchrd'rVoVpe, which profeeaoe to be a friend of humanity, end yet uttert the following infamous sentiments; "If there it in the United States a heart worthy of American liberty, ita impvlts i ti join the Mexicans, and hurl down the bate, ilaviih, mercenary invader t, who, born in a Republic, go to play over the accursed gsme of the ikeasians, on tho tops tf those Mexican vol canoes. It tcould be a tad ond wofuljoy, but a joy neverihtkts, lo hear thai the hordes n drr Sett and Tu'ylor totre, every man of them, swept into the next world. V.'hat business hia an invadihg army in thia!" the editor cf the thrsnotypo ehould reteivis acoinmission in ihe Mexican Army, A Firmh's OlabMEiBR A Writer in tin Georgia farmer pive directions for making 9. cheap barometer, Ij aid in fiiMellin? the wed. tlirr, He take a s ll'cfc lllrr-p leot Ir.n?, ahd at tache to the butt end a pfinl full of air, of ecu me, and corked tijrlit. The Btit-It !3 then suspended in a boriiontal position oh 1 pivot, where it will readily torn. sy on t thread tied neir Its 'centri. WheH t!;e fetrirrh is cnminj? rrt the air o'.'.tsi'Je IS lichtrr than that within tho phial ; tif cotlrso the phial sinks, snd indicates a chanjift ih the atmcsphere. Such barometer niy bn rtisde in ten minutes, snd some of our yobng philosophical farthers will incline f? havd barometers of their own manufacture. ExltAbsTioft or Talk H Jvvlong tha lemp of con versatioh holds out to burn, between t vi j persona only, is curiotlaly act down in thb fol lowing passage from Count Guiifullonier'a ac coUnof his imprisonment ; "I im in old man now ; yet by fifteen years my soul it younger than my body! Fifteen years I existed, for I did not live it was not life in the selfsame dutlgecn ten feet square ! During six years I had a companion; during nine I waa alone I I never could rightly distin guish the face ol him who shared my captivity iii the eternal twilight of our cell. The first year we talVrf iiicesfently together ! we related our pail lives, our joys lore ver gone, ever and over fin. Tbe next year we communicated tu each other our thoughts snd ideas on al) sub jects. The third year, wa had no ideas to com municate; we were beginning to loee the pow er of reflection ! The fourth at the interval a a month or to, we would open cor !if tck each other if it Were indeed possible that thu world went on aa gay and bustling aa when we formed a jioHiiiri of mankind. The 6fth wa were silent. Tha sixth, ho wn tiKn away, I never kr.ew where, to execution or to liberty j boll waa?uf when ba waa gone ; even toll Ithls wit better than the cim vision cf that palu Vicint face. After that wit iloee, rjnly one went broke in upon nine yeir'a Vattry. Urns day, it must have been a year or two afUr my companion lelt ine, the durge'r.n dour wai open ed, and a voice whthce proceeding knew not ottered these words: 'Py crdert of hn imperial onjeaty, I intimate to you that your wife 4mi year ago.' Theo Ihe door waa abut, ird heard ao asure ; they had but flung lh. great tgony in upon me, tnd kft nie akPe wuhj tligtn.''