ri I'nTiiBirfE TrminiT'n" Cormporidenco of tho Phil. Ledger, ritoii -bjbxioo. Departure of Pillow I Brigade Dxtkargi cf Disable Volunteer! Oli SolJiet" Tht March to Jalapa. . Camp Waihirqtom, hear Vera Cues ) April 0, 1647. f Gen. Tillow't Brigade, including the two IVousylvtnit Regiments, truck Iheir loot itel evening tnd will march toward Jtlnpa this morning. Tht brigade of Gen. Twipga ttartod yettrrdty. Th) whole of Gon. Patterson D. vision will participate in the movement to day, and the whole army, excepting lit aick and the troops left to garnton the city, will toon be on the arch in -the direction indicated. Wo have many rumor aa to the reception we hall merit with at Jalapa, and our entertain input upon tbo rond. The important but con dieting "extrta" havo been iatiued within the lilt twenty-four boura, one ttating that Santa Annawaton hit way to Jalapa with 15,000 choice troops, and the other that the Iowa and province named had declared ila independence of Mexico and actually Bent the Alcade of the town to asft the friendship and protection of the American army. We have also a variety of r imora reepecting the po'itical condition of the country, which, if only half true, would tndi eate much confusion and anarchy in the Repub lic. Out all these accounts come in such ques tionable ahapesas to need confirmation before any credit is due to them. 1 do not think we shall have much fighting on our way to the cap ital, but we shall certainly have some, for the sake of appearancea, and posailtly, a stout bat tie under the walls of the city of Mexico. In preparing for our departure, a pretty tho rough medical examination wai made, and a number of men discharged for physical disability About twenty five non commissioned officers and privatea of the First Pennsylvania Regi ment were thus disposed of. Capt. Hay, of the Pittsburg Blues, waa discharged several days ago, and his started for home. Lieut Trnvilla, of the Duqueane Grays, of Pittsburg, and Lieut Berry, of the Monroe Guard, of Philadelphia, hive obtained discharges and will leave for their respective homes prubnbly to day. About 50 men of the aame Regiment will bs left in the luMpital here, aa they are too aick to follow the army, but not past cure or in a condition to be discharged. A large number reported them "Ives unfit for duty as soon as they ascertained that diecharf might be had, cv an escape made from a fatiguing march. 1 waa surprised to ace so many "old soldiers" in so young a re giment, and I was much amused at the d.doroua, disappointed countenances of those who were detected in their imposture and ordered to pre pare themselves for the march. They were awfully but jubtly beratod by their comradra when they returned to their tente, and were not little annoyed by request to aee their tongues and inquiries at to tin progress of the "shell We start on our march with slender means of transportation, and officers and men have been compelled, by general orders, to reduce their baggage to the smallest possible compass:. The number of camp kettles, mess pans, die, Sic, has also beeii reduced, and all the surplus art! c!ea ha vi) been stored io a promiscuous and slo venly manner in Vera Cruz. What ia mo.t in convenient to all of us is the order in relation to our tents, which limits each company to three mall ones for the arms and sick. The officers and men, of course, will hovo to sleep in the bush or under the broad sky, which, in a coun try like this, where dews fall like rain, is by no mean agreeable, although not ao unhealthy aa in Northern latitudes. A theatrical company commenced operationa in the city last night ; but aa 1 was not at their house. I can aay nothing of ihem. It it rather unfortunate for them that we move off to toon after their arrival. The sutler of the first Pennsylvania regiment, Captain Korns, lias sold out his establishment, end will return to the United Statet in a few days, lie ssys ho has Iot at least one thousand dollars, which to tWe who made purchase from him, is a matter of surprise. It mny, how ever, be true, as some of the men belonging to the "general camp" have helped themselves to hii goods, wares and merchandise, whenever an nppnituiiity offered, by way of reprisalafor hat they called excessive charges, and tome of bis customers, he states, have sloped without set tling their accounts. Since my Ut letter, a msn, belonging to company D, named Gunn, hst died, and waa buried with the honors of war. Later fron lbs Brains Tb southern mail brings Bracot datsa to the 22d nit., received at New Orleana by the arrival of the etearnthip Telegraph. General Taylor rtmaina at hia encampment near Monterey, whsra thsrt art aavaral regiment of volunteera about to return home. Father Rey.ons of lha Catholic ckaplaint ap- pointed by tbs President, i again reported to have been murdered by ths Mexican. Tbt Massachusetts regiment was expected soon to movt from Matamoroa to Monterey. There waa considerable sickness prevailing among tbt troops at Matamorea. Every thing was quiet on the lint from tbt Bra lot to Wool's encampment beyond Saltillo. LiTB or Saavica The following tablt tbowa tbt amount of tea service seen by tomt of our principal Naval officers: Com. Stawart, 93 yeara ; Com. Conner, 19 year : Com. Terry, 50 yeart; Captain Nswton IS year! Captain Gregory, 18 yeara J Com. Stockton, It di; rem. f hnbrick, 13 do; Captaio ratxt, IS do; Com. TttUtsll, 10 do; Com. lands, 16 do 1 ha nw Tantfrf a tstosot. The Toledo Blade furnishes the following In terestlng sketch rthla new Territory : "It la bonded on the north by Canada West; on the east by MicMiran and Wisconsin; on the tnth hy the parallel of 43 degree! SO min utes, which is the most norther line of Iowa , and on the west by the river Sioux and Red River of the North, The lino tcperating Mi nesnta from Michigan is in take Superior, and that seneritiiif it from Wisconsin pauses along Like Superior In the Pall of thoSt. Louis river, am) thence south till it strikes the river Si. do x, which it follows to the Miisiesippi. There down the Mitshsippi to latitude 431. the place of beg inning. "Embraced within these honniUries ihere are about 00 OOO.qnare miles, equal to 63 000.000 of acre. i in in near!) tl e same latitude a the State of Maine.. In area it exceeds the la land of Great Britain, and it is aa lurge a New York and Pennsylvania. For the production of wheat and the praaeea its soil snd climate sre favorable. Now it appears to the people of the United Siatea at extremely distant and interior. So did Wisconsin IS teen yeara ago. In com mercial advantaeea, it will not he one of the most favored of the Slates, nor yet ono of the Last. By mean of Lake Superior, on which it bor ders for more thsn ono hundred milee, from Piceon River to Fond du Lac, its northern soil middle portion will have cheap communication with all the Lake shores, and tho Atlantic, and through the Upper Mietissippi snd St. Peter' Rivers, will hold caiy intercourse with the whole great valley below. Lake Superior af fords abundance of good harbors, and the Mia issippi offers fine navigation up to the Falls of St. Anthony, more than 100 miles kbove the southern boundary of Minesota. With the ex ception of ha western portion, it is well water ed by river and lakes. Its Inke border is rich in metaJifcroua deposit!'. "The moat important points in Minesota at present, and probably for all lime to come, are Fond du Lac, at the western extremity of Ike Superior, and Fort Snellinjr, near the Falls of St Anthony. With many its cold climate will be an objection. It is pretty well north, but if a man wishes to raise a vigorous family (and we knnw of nothing more desirable) he will much sooner reek home in Minesota than in Texas. There ia. however, abnrdant oom, as yet, this side of that territory. Northwestern Ohio. M i- chigen and W sconsin should first be settled " Lieut. William Prick, of Illinois, who was killed in the battle of Ilueua Vista, wa teven-ty-two years old. A corn-spnndenr ot the New York Post says he had l-ft a home of affluence and ease, with the expressed wish t-i die in the service of his country, and, if need be, on the field of battle. "The y cannot cheat me out o' many years." said he. When ordtr-d with the battalion, like a forlorn hope, to the trying eon test in tho mountains, he exclaunnd with a look of joy, as he drrw his sword . Nnw, boys, this looks like doing something." Tho enemy I ri implied over his fall, supposing him to be Gen. Wool. The tame writer thus alfurfia to th death nt a noble German in the fiercely contested bntile of Buena Vista : In the amt part of the fiVld, and about the eamo time with Clay, McKi e and Hardin, ano ther fell, pierced by a lance, whose name it. worthy of a place in the roll nt fim private Alexander Kunte, of Company II, VJd Region -it of Illinois. Tho writer waa honored with hia friendship, and h id an opportunity of knowing him well, being a member of tho earn company and hia tent mate. 11 conduct on the field wat moat soldyerly, cool, calm, deliberate and prompt in obeying ordera. Ilia courage was conspicuous, even in the moment of Ins death. when ho refused to surrender. Kxnept a bro ther in South America, he left no rtla ive on this continent. Ilia widowed mother livea in Durckcburg, in Hanover, near to his native ci ty, Hamburg, lie received a splendid educa tion at the Universities of Jena and Goettingen. He had been but a year in the United Suites when ht joined our regiment in A lion, whither he had come to volunteer, from Wisconsin.- Hit motivet ' In taking thia step were, that he might servo the c u try, whoso conati tution he respected before all ither syatema of gorernment,and togratify his curiosity in a new mode of life, by seeing Mexico, and observing;. at he did with t philosophic eye, the character of her people and institutions. The writer pro mised much pleature to hiincelf in travelling with him through this uniry. He w twen ty-seven years of age, and pro'ubly the most learned man in the army. Ilia know ledge of philology wat accurate and profound. Ftieh wat his familiarity with the Latin, that hy one day's examination of a (Spanish gramu.er he wns I able to read thia cognate language with facility- I Manv pleasant boura have wo soeiit toceiher I in rambling over the plaina and mountains of Mexico, while he filled his haversack with new plan' to tend to Germany, and which his knowledge of botany i.fien enabled bim to class in tht several genera and species. A better or a braver beart than hit never beat ita latt upon a field of battle. While a- waiting upon the field, on the night of tht 23d of February, tho renewal of the attack by Santa Ana, the thought waa most consolatory to seve ral of hia comrade, that dealb on tbt next day might tneko them companiona of Miltiadet, of Socratet, and of Kunte. Tat Wn in Maxico It is just one year fines ths war broke out in Mexico. On Saturday, tht 8th. tht tin battle, tbatof.d Alto, was fragM and ths irtt viatory woa wag gut iji THE AMERICAN. Hotwrdaw, Jtlaa 8, U47. ii n, i:irnr.n. ??., c hia nt fofe and Voal OIKee, enmrr of (Id nnd Chunttl fttnett, VMIndrlphla, nt ttftlr a Wtt. I fill ."Omimm frret. JYite ITnrfr, 8. K. Vomrr tint tintm-t and I'nlrert f.. ttaltlmort , and ,b Ifl Stnte Sltre', litis' on, f aidharitrd to met no Aetnl, ard rerelttt lor all monies due Odm outre, for hitcrifiUn or adrrrlUInf E. V. CAtllt. mrner of Tliinl onA Dork Areei, Sun Riiihlinsr. nvDimla Mrrchanlt' Exchanee, I'hilndtlphia, it ofso authorised to act m our Atrrnt. DfiBocrnlic JSomiaatloQt. FOB OOVCtMOK, rRAXCIS R. 8IIVKK, FOB TAMA!. COMHHSIOKHa, MORRIS LONOSTRETH, Of Montgomery County. QCj Primiino Ins -A fresh supply of superior printing ink juit received, and for aale at Phi la deljihia prices. K7" Ths weather, until Wednesday last, has been cold snd unfruitful. The continued winds thst prevailed for ths last six weeks have been injurious to vegetation. Purine, the last ten days we have had some cold snd frosty nights; but so far as we can judge, the fiuit crop has sustained no injury in thia borough. . 0y An election for borough olficer and town council wa held on Monday last. Frederick Lazarus, Eiq. was elected Chief Purges tnr- We ex ectec", by ths time our paper went to pre, to hear of a battle or j-ropo-a't, for p are between Gen Scott and Santa Anna Gen. Scott, at the lani, advices, w-ss sdvancing upon, Cerre Gordo, about 13 mites this side of Jalspa. Cerre Gordo, at a fortification, i a steep and difficult mountain, almost aa inaccessible as West Point. There is no doubt, but that there has been a bat tle at that place, or that negotiationa for peace have been proposed. Santa Anna is. no doubt, inclined to peace, but dare not avow it to the Mexicans, whose hatred to ths Americana is most roiitial, and w ho would delight to tee u all slaughtered. 15 ut a Santa Anna can neither whip u, and yet dare not ofTrr terms of pesce, he is in s dilemma that may prove to him both troublesome snd unpleasant. tTT" The body of Ransom Foote, who was drowded at ths schute ot the Shamokin dam, wat found in the river near New Buffalo. A jury of inquest wa held on the tody on Sunday laat. K7 Exroat or Gbain. More grain ba been exported from thia country to Europe, from the 1st of September to the S-tth of Apnl, than ever wa rx ported in any year previous. The amount of breadstuff reduced to bushel, cnt from this country during that pt-tiud, t kaid to exceed 20 mill. out of bushel. C7 Tux Wiscofmco Camal U said to he now in. good navigable order. The Halifax Herald say, about 80.000 bushels of wheat have been aent to market hy way of this canal. The coal trade on it hat not yet commenced. First Pemksti.va.ma Rk(.ims.t By the list of Killed and Wound-d at the Su ge of Vera Cruz, it appears that the First Pennsylvania Re giment suffered more in this resp.ct than any other Regiment present,' whether Ilt-guUr or Volunteers. This is proof conclusive, that our troop were w here duty wa to be cone, and their sei vices most needed. Pontic. Ths new from the armies of Scott and Taylor, which is always ani.iout.ly looked for, hs withdrawn the attention of the people almost wholly from politics. This is pro- bablyjustas well, a there will be, no doubt, enough of excitement before the electinn. We trust that our party, in recommending the quali fication of our candidate, will abstain fiom per sonal abuse toward the whig candidate. Such a eoinee is only calculated to du injury, and with the exceptions of a few indiscreet editor, we believe, thia couise is pretty generally adopted by the democratic branch of ths presa. Demo crat need and ask for no argnmeut but an ex amination of their principles. B3T Visoinia EurcTiow. The elections late ly held in Viiginia, have resulted favorably to the whiga. The last delegat ion in rnngrrsa, stood H democrat to 1 whig Now the whig have carried aix member of congre, and ths demo crat nine. It ia more than proSable that there will be a wh'g majority in the next congress. 07" It it supposed that Genersls Scott snd Taylor will celebists the neit 4tb of July in the city of Mexico, if pescc is not concluded brfor that time. Tbt aickly sesson ba alirady com menced at Vera Crux, probably on of ih most unhealthy cities in lbs world. Jt is not uncom mon for on sixth of tbs entire population to di off in one season. Tb city of Jalapa, towards which our troops art marching, it (aid to ba a delightful and healthy apot. It ia about 60 or EO mile from Vert Crux, en tht road to Mexico. A Hioa CsJsruMEST Tb msrehsnts of tbt city of pbiltdtlpbia, without distinction of party bavt bad a full length portrait of tb Uoa. Simon Cajsbbon painted, at a mark of their high cats mat ion tor bis j.ublie service whilst in th Uni ted Stat Setatt. Tb portrait it now being exhibited at Sully' Gallery of Paintir.ga, and ia ont of tht finest specimen of tbt titwt bavt aver seen. Tbs likeness it trut to naturt, and Ibo oct eta foil recognising tbt original by look leg lifoo tht copy. , . . 07" Tht following Utter, from several of ths volunteer from Maliocrovt, now la tho arotf , wert handed to ui for publication, by Mr. Gaog Isr, to whom they wert ftrMreued. , Mr. Apt) ia in amateur aoldir, leavlnc romfnttable home and a competence, for the pleasures and hard-hip of a lift In camp: Vcia Cart, April lit, 1S47. Mv Pit a Ftixan -1 now take my pen In band to let you hear from my friend Bower ; h re quested me to five you a general history of mat ter and things here. Thank God, we are all well and in good spirits. We have taken Vera Crm, and loit but 90 men killed and wounded, while the enemy's lots i reported to b from 2 000 to 9 600 killed, and to Judge fiom appear ance it mut he gieater. A ceat manv build- ing that our cannon knocked down have not been j examined. We bad five days' fishtinx to take tht city. Day before yesterday the Mexictns msrebed out of town, and surrendered their arm and ammunition. I had heard much about the cowardice of the Mexicans, snd am now inclined to believe the whole. If ths 9d Pennsylvania Regiment had possession of the castle, the world could not take it. This city ia the strongest fortified place in th world The Castle of San Juan de Ulloa i 17 feet thick, and the magazine underwater. The wall that aurround the city it a fort. To see them stack their arma and leave them, was a aolemn light. Jscob App will finish this letter. Give my respects to all. I remain your bumble servant, IIikjh McFaodkn, For my fiiend and fellow soldier, Frascis Bower. Dear and tte'ovrd Friend It i with pleasure that we write, in answer to your letter, which we received yesterday, about our military life. We lauded on the 9th ult. about five milca below Vera Cruz, at which time we may tay the battle commenced ; for the Mexican hardly ever cea sed firing upon us, thourh this did not annoy us a much a the kirmihe we had with those outside our camp, which were rot a few. It wa not long before we had the city entirely nr rounded, and all communication between it and the country cut ofT It may appear strange to you that we delayed the attack for the space of two weeks, and lsying sll this time exposed to the fire of their hesvy cannon and bomb sheila. which were fired from the city to almost every quarter of our camp; but our time was not yet come. We were preparing our batteries, about COO yards from the city, in one of which, front- ing their best fort, I wss engaged at work, and after they were finished we were engaged in pul ling cannon, and were all the time busy at some thing. Gun. Scott a disappointed by a gun. Which came not until alt waa over. The gun wat intended to blow down the castle ; and oh! how I wish 1 could have seen her pIsyiriK. It ia true, I the s pnund'ra flyine thirkly thro the sir, but thfy would have appeared as shs- dowa toward a 111 pounder. This vessel had nothing on hoard but thit iin and mn to man it. It wat on the 2?d. on a fine and beautiful day; the nn thnne anil spread its beautiful' ray over both armiea. until almost 4 o'clock. P. M., when the clouds began to rise and spread themselves over one of our hatterie and over the city. The lightning and thundering commenced; and as I stood upon one of the sandy hills where I had a fair view, I taw the "thunder stones" dying be fore the flash, bidding farewell from the mouths of the rar nrn. end making themselves known as they entered the city, with acclamation of great joy, at they spr.ad over whole square, doing exe cution in every direction. Thi wa Gen. Woith's battery, whirb continued to throw shell until Wednesday the 24th, when Gen Pillow's batte ry, (our batteiy.) followed bun with hi ball, playing upon the foit, to that the city could find work in every corner. The first night after our lire commenced, I was itatinned as guard upon the hill ht-fore men tioned. To see the fiery halls parsing and re passing in the air wat great fun. but to hear the scream aad groan and crying of the women and children, wa enough to create feelinct in the brrast of every one, that wordt cannot expres. fn reading histories of battl-a I have sympathised for the innocent ; but I never felt upon the tub jeet a I did that night. Our army wat foimed into three diviiion : the firit wa commanded by Gen. Worth, and stationed on the right ; the second by Oen. Pil low, (to which we belong.) wa stationed on the left of the first, and the third by Gen Twiggs, wa stationed en the extreme left. The fire waa kept up nntil Friday morning, when they gave up the city and castle, whirb put an end to the effusion of blood. Our troop lay quiet until Monday morning, when wa were marched to a plain cloae to the city, where we arrived just at the Mexican troop were march ing out of the city with their arms, diessed in various uniform, among which was a company of blacks dressed in whit. A they marched out they gave u splendid music. They ground- ed their arm and marched off, and left them for "Uncle Sam " Thia put me ia mind of Ihe ur- dcr of Lord Cornwalli. They reported their force at 4,000, but it mint have been much greater, and ia supposed by many to amount to 6,000 or 7,000. Tb loss of the Amerirsns during th w hoi engsgerr.ent amouuted to IS or 30, wiib those Ibat died from wounds, wbil that of th Mi-si-can amounted to th sum given above. Th ruin in th city mutt be very great. About tb battl between Gen. Taylor tod Santa Anna, you no doubt know aa much at wt do. Tbt report you gtvt in your letter about Santa Anna ia not correct; but tbert art msny flying reports bcrt. It is itid, tt present, tbat Taylor's wbolt army art taken priaonsrs; but I cannot believ it until I bavt better authority, w art both doing well, and I ran ssy that 1 feci better now than I bavt for two yeart. With t few except iona, ourboyt art all doing well. Givt my best respect to all my fritndt. 1 remain yourt, - Jaco Art, of Stlictgrovt. To Ml WuiUM Gu nia RaU Tbo Pittaburg Cbronlelt fartiths tbt follow lag account of tbt tuieidt of Frederick Reidal, on Friday lait ; Ht bad been left in bia cell, from which every thing with which it wat thought be could Inflict at. iajury upon liimtelf had been removed, on Thurtday night at about 10 o'clock, and at aix wa found dead euipendsd by the neck from the w liter cock. It appears that Reidsl had procured a piecs of glass from the window, or anmt other source, and had made two gaahea in hi left arm, from which ths blood flowed profusely, but it is tup posed fearing that drath would not speedily en sue from this rant", hs tort off a strip of h! blanket with which he made a rope, and finish ed the matter by hanging himself. Reide! ha made no confession. Almost his lait words to human ears, were prntettationt of ) his innocence. A sheet ol paper was found in hi cell, upon which he had w ritten in a patoix, which i lomtwhat difficult to translate correct ly s "Von need not put the blame upon any body els. I do not want to be hung. No one knowa anything about it, w ha it cume from but myself. "FSBDEBICK RtllitL " Thi probably ba reference to hi anieide, (al though there are some think it refer to bia wife) snd the mean by which he accomplished it. It is somewhat strsnge thst nothing with which he could hsve cut himself wss found in his cell. A piece of glass ia broken from the window, and from the roughness n( the wounds it is supposed he must hsve made use of this, and perhaps thrown it out, or into the pipe. TsrASftr Rkcsifts ao ExprmniTt rf. The eceipts into the National Treasury for th quar ter ending March 31 at. were tl4.007,9.',0, of which from custom there were SB 3(10,000, pub lic lands $3 10.000, Treasury note C,2 1.V4S0. loans Jl 2a5 500. The expenditure were $1.1, 141.174, a follow Tor account of the army, SO 081. 810 02 : In dian department, .13 339 II : fortifications. l.V 33 1 48; pension. 73(5 273 49 1 na-y. 1 029 70 SO ; interest, Ac , on public dfbt, 1.1 C17 f3 ; re demption of loan of 1SI1, 3.000 ; reimbtiitement and interest of Treaury note, 2.340 010 67; reimbursement of Treasury note pui loiut-d, in eluding interest, 6,631 20. Ths RrrosT or th CoMwiMtoxtRs or ihk Patet Office i lull of new ami interesting facts. The Commissioner (peak of the exiating law by which a subject of Great Bri'ain ia com pelled to pay into the treasury the urnof$300 before hi application can be examined, and the citizen and aubject of all foreign counti iea to pay 300 on their respective applications, and aya tbe fleet of thi provision is unquestionsbly to prevent the introduction into this country of many nsetul and valuable discovencs which would otherwise be patented and introduced. During the year ending December lot, ISIS, there weie 1272 applications for patents. The number of patents issued during the tame period wa 619, including 13 re-issoes, 5 additional im provement and 59 design. The number of pa tent expired, 473. Three application for ex tension have been made, two of which were re jected, and one i still pending. Two patents have been extended by Cor.grets. There has been received by tb committioiier $30 201 16, of which sum $11.083 68 have been repaid on applications withdrawn, and for money paid in by mistake. Th amount of money in the trea sury to th credit of the patent fund, on tbe 1st of January, ISM, wa Sis.', 169 69 Tbe balance paid in on tbe lt v( January, 1847, increase it to S ISC, .100 15. Ths Von or Thamk to Gsnkral Tavlob is handsomely acknowledged in a letter to Governor Shunk, dated the 27th of March. DraTHor Ma. Dromoooi.; CoiriRMro The death of Mr Dromgoole, recently sleeted to Con gress, in Virginia, is confirmed, lie breathed his last on Wednesday evening, after a aevere attack of pleursy for eleven days. The Hon. Hnry Clay has given his content to the interment of the remain of hi lamented son in Louisville. It i the intention of the peo ple of that city to erect a monument in honor of tbe diseased. Raw's Mori Nomination The 'Rsm's Horn,' New Yoik city, a paper devoted to th colored population, ha nominated Gerrit Smith and Frederick Douglass, toi President and Vice Pre- j sidentat the next election. Lbgacy Fa itm Reference to our law re porta wilt show that a legacy of $300 per annum, given by tbe Rev. Ftekie! Cooper, deceased, for the ben. fit of supersnuated and worn out Metho- d.st preacbera ha entirely failed, in consequence of a neglect of legal formalities by ths testator. Tux License Qcsstion. The Albsny Argus says, W hav returns from more thsn 300 towns, in which two to eae of th towns, snd a large preponderance of the popular vote, are in favor of licent. AcrinENT ax Gc CottonA serious acci dent occurred at Spencer'a Minea, East Norwegi an, on Thursday last, by w hich a miner, named Francia Tborr.as, wat very badly burned on tht breast and fact. Majob Blisb, Gtn. Taylor's aid and amanuen sis, is a sea of tbt Ittt John Bliss, of Whitehall, N. Y , who wtt a Captaia ia tbt U- S- Army in tbt war of 1619 and ia not, aa tkt papert bavt it, from New Hampshire. He waa educated at Waat Point, wher bit tuprior tbilititt obtain ed for bim tkt soutrtyocf of 'Perfect Blita.' Ma jor Bliss ia chiefly regarded in tbo army oo ac count of hi literary attainibtata, boing oat of tbt bt writtrt of tba dty, aad a 4aiU4 Gex man, Frtaek at j Sftalak tkolar. Pa boon t Convict aaooonf into Tata Unitta Statss A captain of a merchant vetstl from Bermnda was arretted in New York, an Monday, on a cbargt of having brought Into tbe United Slates eight coavkted and pardoned felon from, the iiland of Bermuda, knowing tbtm tobt inch. Ont of these, William Scholet, wat convictod at Salford, Er.gland, of highway robbery, en tbt 30th of August, 1841, and sentenced to ba trans ported for ten years, put en board tbt bulk Thames, at Bermuda, where he wa kept at work until the 93d of April last, when bt and Samuel Park, who wa convicted of burglary at Bir mingham. England, on the 93d of October, 1841, and rntrnc-d alio to be transported for ten year- together with six other of the samt lort) wrt pardoned by the Queen and placed on board th brig Theti by G. J. Kirkland, tht tcting over eer at Bermuda Park having knocked down S-ho'e and robbed him of twenty-one aovereigna, at tbe Walton House, New York, a few night sgo, wst commited to prison to answer for high way robbery. Th captain was beld to bail ia 2000 to antwe-. Thi i a kind of immigrants that will not add much to the honor or reputa tion of thi- country. The poor of other countries bring their industry, with which they supply their own wsnts, and add to tht national wealth, and are therefore to be welcomed, but foreign criminals bring nothing but their vices, and add to the country nothing but their Crimea. A Judicial Mi rkkr. A young man, named Chas II. Smith, wa hung, or rather butchered, at Hickman, Ky., on the 20tb inat., for tb mur der of Abraham O. Tyler. "A ama'l fillonmpe wat placed around hit neck, w hich of course broke when the drop fell. The victim lay stretched on his bsck for some minutes npnn the ground, in great agony and apparently dying But he recovered sufficiently to sscend the platform. This time the Sheriff went to the other extreme, using a rope or cable so large snd rough that the noose would not tigh ten In ten minutes after he waa swung off. the tortuied man wa still kicking, apparently to great agony, llotnble !'' The Whig papers of Richmond now concede the election of .Mr. Thompson, the Democratic candidate for Congress in tbe Kanawha district. The following despatch from Lord PAmrsv io. wat communicated to Mr. Buchasan, Sec retary of State, through the Hon. Mr. Pacsen ham, and conveys the thank of the British gov ernment, and the I'ritisb nation, to the citizens of tbe United States, for their liberal contribut ions to relieve the tuff-rings of the Irish people : FoRKinn Omen, March 31, 1S47. Sib : I have received your despatch. No 8. of th 12th utt., stating that measures have beet taken for the purpose of raising a subscription in the United States foi ths relief of the destitute Irih poor. And I have to instruct you to take every op portunity of saying how grateful her Majesty's government, anil the Britiah nation at laige, feel for this kind snd honorable manifestation of sym pathy by the citizms of the United States for the sufferings of the Irish people. It might, indeed, have been expected, that a generous and high minded nation would deeply commiserate thu snfferingt which an awful visitation of Provi. dence bat inflicted upon ao large a population, descended fiom the tame ancestors at them elves But the active and energetic atitance which the people of the United Statea are thus affording to the poor Irish, while it reflect the higbet honor upon our transatlantic brethren, must tend to draw cloer, and to rend' r stronger and more lasting, those ties of friendnhip and mutual esteem, which her Majesty' government trusts will long continue to exist between the two gri-at branches of tbe Anglo-Srxon family seperatrd, indeed from each other by geographical position but united together by common interest, to which every succeeding year mut add increaa ing extension and force. I am, Ac, PALMERSTOX. To the Right Hun. Richabu Paeeiham, &c, Ke. (iKNFRAt. Tavi.or, in ti e yearlSil, purcht ed, it is said, a plantation, stork. ic, near Rod ney. in M ii-i'ppi, or which he psid, in cah, riim ty-flve thousand dollars. An exchange pa per learns from Hon. W. M. Gwin, of New Or leans, a personal friend of Gen. Taylor, that some iniscretut opened a breach in the levee, about two miles above the plantation named a bove, and it is now wholly under water! The lossot the crop follows, at a matter of course, and a moderate estimate would set thia loos at about thirty thousand dollar. A B.rrii Clkboojan Killed at Bixna Via- , T4 Among those killed at Beuna Vista, says I the St Louia Republican, was a Mr. Ronndtre. ; 0f lllinoie. whoe attachment to th army occur- red under very singular ciicumstaneea. "II t in preacher of tb Baptist persuasion. At the commencement ofthe war, three p-ron of th tame nam volunteered and went to tb place of rendetvou at Alton, Two of them were near relative, and th third hi son, whs went along, seemingly, to tske care of the other boys. When examined, it was found that th on wa excluded by th regulation of the ai my having lott tb fort finger of hi right band. It became a quettion who should supply his plac and tbt ctrt over tbt two young men. This wti toon decided. Mr. Round tret stepped for wtrd tnd enrolled himself among tht volunteer, did duty tt turb throughout tbt campeiga and wat killtd on tbt battl Acid." Slavs St m carat -A wttllhy plantar, In Lowndea County, Attbtmi, ealled hit negroes together, a short tint tince, and told tbera of Ihe distressed conditio) of tba Irian poor, whan thoalaveo immediately raieod tubtenptioo a moeg thtmsetv, tmouLtlng to $V), which tfol tppiiad.