From (ht Metatnora Fief. fit Awaa'a A41ra M bU Army mi Ba mm Vlsin, '&Mier,H said he, "our country hat furnished nt no eopptiee ; fortunately, the eoemy hav then) in advance, and rest assured we have only to go and take them; this la your last ration ; oar next meal wilt be Id tht enemy camp." Greaeere, whom t've often led, Greater, with whom I've often Ced, Greater, whom I'v never fed, Coma and dint wi ma. " Now' the tima and row's the hoar, 8m the front of pork barrel lower, Soon we'll hate them in our power, ' On Buena Viata'a lea. ' By Palo Alto' bloody plain, ' By Reiaca'a gory ataina, Wa will riik our jugular veine, . For bean and victory. Who but feela himself a knave, ' We each can fill a coward'a giave, Let each hi baton try to ave, To feed hi chivalry.' W fight for "grub" and not for fame, Gambler at way play "grab game," But the great cock-fighter being lame, Will itay behind tha aprae. Then onward to tha hungry fray, Pork and Mfrijo'ea" upon tba day, But ah! tha coward ran away, 8ee them turn and flee. The cock-pit General' now undone, Carrambo! why your dinner hun? Why from yelling Tankeea run ? Now go and atarva tor tna. Fanta Anna'i Despatch to the Minitttr at War. Your Excellency, we've won the day, My "beroet" fought amid tha fray, . And whipped the Yankeea without pay, And then we run away. Da. Fraskun on Spelling. Dr. Franklin ays, in one of hia letters. "You need not be concerned, in writing to me, about bud spe'linf lor, in my opinion, what ia called bad spelling is generally the beat, a conforming to the sound uf the letter. To give you an instance, a gen ileman received a letter, in which were) thete words : 'Not finding Brown at bom. 1 deliver ed my mkskko to hia f . The gentleman cal led hia wile to help him read it Between them ihey picked out all but the vr, which ihey could not underatand. The lady proposed calling her chambermaid, 'becauee Betty,' aaid ahe, ha the beat knack of reading bad epelling, ol any one I know.' Betty came, and wat much aurprised that neither' of them could tell what the vr waa. 'Why,' aaya alie, 'vr apelle wife ; what elae can it spell V And indeed it is a much better, as well aa a ahorter method than docblitoc, I, r, K, which, in reality spella DOCBLEWIFE.' Lames viti Umbkellas. Acorreapendcnt of one of our coolemporarice says : Goldsmith thought that a pretty woman ar rayed in all her charms, waa the mokt ternble ob ject in creation.' 1 think eo too with the alight amendment of substituting umbrella inatead of charmt. A pretty woman armed with an um brella on a eide walk, ia truly a person to be feared. Site doea uot of course turn out, si.y more than an engine on a railway. On one oc casion, a gentleman lost an eye on encounter ing one of these umbrrlUa in tbe Lands of fair one ; but making the beat of it, he paaeed on, when another lady immediately knocked off his hat, and deprived him of hia remaining or gan. He waa taken home by a gentleman ho waa at hand, for womeo take no notice of the wounded ; but be never recovered hia eyeaight so that he waa after warda never able to see the difference, io the street, between a lady and a woman. ' Jos am C. Ksal, the 'Charcoal Sketcher,' in bia limning ol 'Tribulation Trepid, a man without a Hope,' thus admirably hits ofi that class of people who are never eo happy as when they are miserable : 'How are you, Trepid ! How do you feel to day, Mr. Trepid T A great deal worse than I was, thank'ee ; most dead, I am obliged to you t I'm alwaya worse than I was, and I don't think I was ever any better. 1 ro very aure, any bow, I m not going to be any better ; and for tbe future you may always know I m worse, without asking any questions, lor the qutblions make ma worse if nothing else does-" Why, Trepid, what's the matter with yoo T Nothing, I tell you, in particular; but great deal ia tha matter with me in general ; and that's the dacgar, because wa don't know whst it is. Thai's what kills people, when Ihey can't tell what it i. That's what killa people, when they can't tell what it is; tbst's what's killing roe. My great grandfather died of it, aod m will I. The doctor don't know they can't tell they say I'm bad enough, and eo there's do help. I'm going oil Some of these days, right after my great grandfather, dying of aotking in particular, but ofavary thing in general Thai's what finishes oar folks.' r 'A biavs An" said tha Danish ereed ol bo no, "should attack two stand firm againat three ; give ground a little to four, aod only retreat to five." Geo. Taf lor baa esUblubed anew creed lor Americans. It is to attack four; stand firm aaioat aight ; giva not so inch of ground to a doiea tod retreat under go circuotoes. DAW K .XOTE LJIT. PBltlttnTAltlA. The following lie show the entreat value of all fainavrvanla Dank Note. Tha mot laaplleit re lience may ha placed upon it, a it is every week artfully compared with and attracted fro Bisk oalP Reporter. . ' BanlLi la Phlladeipnla. Nan., , Lecr-we. gj NOTES AT PAR. Sank of IS or th America ' . , Bank of the Northern Liberties . . Commercial Bank of Peno'e. . . Farmers' and Mechenice' Bank . . Kensington Bank . Philadelphia Bank . . i Schuylkill Bank Sirothwark Bauk Western Bank . Mectianica' Bank . Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Bauk Bank of Penn Township" .' OirardBank . . . Bank of Commarre, lata Moyameoeirg Bank of Pennsylvania . . eDonntry Banks. Bank of Chester County Waatcheaier Bank of Delaware County C beater Bank of Oermantown Gerrnentowa Bank of Montgomery Co. - Norriatowo Doyleatown Bank ' Doylaatown par par par par per p.r par par par pat pr par pa par par par par par par par par par baaton Bank" Eaetnn Firmer' Hank of Bucke eo Bristol Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Bank St Bridge co. Columbia par Farmer' Bank of Lancaster Lancislei par Lancaster County Bank Leocaater par Lancaater Bank ' Lancaster par rarmers' Hank of Heeding Ki-ading par Office uf Hank of Perm's. Office do do Harriabutg" Throe Lancnater 1 office Reading jdo not Easton J iwua n. Office do d Office do do NOTE8 AT DISCOUNT. Hank of the United 8ttea Philadelphia t3 Miners Bank of Potlaville Potlevill f Bank of Iewictown Lewiatown 1 J Bank of Middlotown Middletown 11 Lewintown Middletown Carlisle Pittsburg Hollidayaburg Harriaburg Ixihanon Piltsbure Carlisle Bank Carli.le I exchange Hank" Do do ' branch of Hairiiburg Bank Harrisburg I Lebanon Bank Ixihennn j Merchant' & Manuf. Bank" Bank of Pittsburg Pittthuig Wllliamsport Wllkeshsrre Allentown Reading Pittatiurg Wrat Branch Bank Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank ' Berka County Bank Office of Bank of U. S. li failed do Do do do Do do do Erie New Brighton Chamberaburg Gettysburg Montrose do Bank of Chamberaburg Bank ot'Gutlyaburg Bank of Haaquehanna Co. Erie Bank Erie Wsynesburg Washington Honesdala Brownsville H U Farmers' ic Drovara' Bank Franklin Bank tfoneedale Bink Monongahela Bank of B. York Bank York ' N. B. 1 he note of those banka on which we omit quotationa, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by tbe rhilauvipnia brokers, witn the exception of thoae which have a letter of n-ferencc. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ina. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Sebuylkill Sav. Ina. do failed Keuaingtou Bav. Ina. A do Penn Township 8av. Ina. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W DytUt, prop.) failed fowanda Bank Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bedford Beaver Harriaburg Washington Belltfoule Pittsbuig I'illahurg Fayette co. (ireencaatle Harmony no sale cluaod closed failed closed no sale failed failed failed uo sale Bank of Swalara Bank of WashingUm Centre Bank City Bank - r arruera' & MerJi ca liak Farmers' & Mecb'ca' Bank Firmer ' At Mecb'ca' Bank Harmony Inaiitute Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon no sale Lewitowii n ale Juniala Bank Lumliernwn'a Bank Warien llundaff New Hope Millon Meadiille Purl Carbon Carli.le Monuiiee Uniontown failed Northern Bank of Pa. no aale closed DO sale closed failed closed fulled closed New Hope Del. Briilgo Co. Norlhumu'd Uuion Col. Bk. North Wewtern Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. cV. Msnuf. Bank etilvor Lake Bank Union Bank of Penu'a. Westmoreland Bank Greeuahurg Wilkesbanre Bridge Co. Wilkeaharre no ssle (Tj All note purporting to l on any Penncyl- vania Bank not given in the above list, may be aet Jown aa Irauus. NEW JCRSI'T. Bank of New Bi una wick Brunswick Belvidere Mrdford Penh Amltoy Bridget on failed i par par Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumlierland Bank Parmer Bank Mount Holly Farmera' and Mechanics Bk Rahway Farmers' end Mechanira'Bk N. Biunawitk (ailed Farmer' and Merchant Bk Middletown Pt. franklin Uank oil. J. Jeraey Uity failed failed failed rioboken oKgat Uiaxing i-o tiobnken leraey City Bank Jersey City Palleraon Belleville Momatown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Newark Mecbaiiica' Bsnk failed failed 4 failed I par no sale Manufacturcra Bank Morria County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanica' and Manuf. Bk Morria Canal and Bkg Co Poal Notes Newark Bkg A Ina Co New Hope Del Bridce Co i i failed failed failed i Iambeiiville N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hohoken N J Proteclon V Lombard bk Jersey City u range oaue Pateraon Bank People' Bank Princeton Bank Salem Banking Co Bute Bank Slate Bank Stat Bauk Slate Bank of Morria Stale Bank Salem and Philad Manuf Co 8uei Bank Trenton Banking Co Union Bank Washington Banking Co, Orange Pate un do Princeton Salem Newark Eluehethtown Camden Morriatowa Trenton Salem Newton Trenton Dover . Harkeneack par i faile.1 failed i railed P" par P' par P" par : P par ? DELAWARE Bk of Wilms Brandy wine Wilmington Bank ef Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do , . Uaock . MiUord reraW JJk of Bute ef Del Dover . Do . branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown D brancs) NaweaaUe Union Bank Wilmington ay Under 6'a (Or On all benka marked tboe () tb in ceuosarsait or eltated notaa ef IM i lb era are si. da- Boaaiaauoas, ta atmiuaao. TO 7ATCII rXAZISRS . . . AND QprtRasy v reruns ixi653 T. L A D0 11 TT 3, Importer of Watches, Watch-Makera Tooisand Watch Material, Wfaoleanl &. Retail Ho. 83. W fourth f.. PHILADELPHIA, MAS eonetantly on band a large aaaariment of Lunette, Psia. and plain Qleeej Main JS Verge, Dists, Watch Hands, and a com pine assortment of all Toola aod Malerlala belong ing to the trade with a large eetrtment of Go d and Silver Lever, Lepine, and Plain Watcbe j all of which ha will guaranty to sail at lb lowest Nen York price. All order from tha country punctu ally executed. N. B. Country mercbant and other re loited to e II and examine at the Old Stand, No. S3 Sou b Fuunh stieei. Pbila.lalphi. Jan.3. 1847. 6m CMY AUCTXOIT STOB.E; No. 31 North Third street, ( rac citt aornL.) ' r H XL ASaiiPHX A. ; C. C. M JL C R Y, AcCTIOtCER. TO TOI'NTRY STORE KEEPEtW. EV6NINQ SALES of Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, Whip. Bools, PUors, Hate, Caps, Guns, Pixtola, Clothing, , Watcbre and Fancy Q.iodn, At Mackry' Auctino Htore, ai . Nunb Thitd atreet, near the City Hot I. , The atientiun uf Couutry Mi rerun t I invitad. Tbe UooJs will be add in lot to suit purchaser, and ull 0od offered will b wrrnel rqual to the repreimWtion that may be made of them. N. B. A large esjorimebt of Guoda at Private Sale. Jan. 16. 1847 ly MOUNT VERNON 95 North 2d at., bet. Arch fc, Knee ls., I h i I n d c I p h I a . TRADY Jc PAItKER respectfully inform (beir HsV friend and th public that by biva taken ilia above named house, recentlv kent by J. a Adams, snJ are menu red to accommodate custo mer in the most satisfactory iniuner and at rta-aoi-altle prices. Tbeir .tahln will be sui.pliej with the bet var. ety the market affords their parlors and sleeping prtmnta will b in I ha brat order. The house ha been thoroughly reuired and furnished with a view to tbe coin fori of travellers tnd (Iranger. Having had eeial yeara esperiance in the business, tbev hope lo give general sa'isfaction, and respectfully invite t'aviler and stranaers to Rive them a call. BRADY & PARKER. Philadelphia. Janosry 16, 1847. if CKZ2AF WATCHES. The Cheapest Hold and Silver VVatches IN PHILADELPHIA. afi I OLD Levers, full Jewelled, M !V oo S3 00 30 00 16 CO 10 no 16 00 I 75 3 00 4 00 G. ld and J lg Siler do. do. Oidd Lepines, Jewelled, -Silver do. do. SiWer Qusrriers, fine qualiif , Gold Wstches. plain, Silver Kueetack. Gold Pencila, Gold lliaeelets. Also, on hand, a large sss- rlment of Hsir Bracelets, finger nnes, breast iins hoop ear ring, gold pens, silver spoons, sugar ton. thim bles, gold neck, curb and fob chuins, guard keys snd jewellery of every description, al equally low price. ' All I want is a eall to convince custo mers. All kinds of Wstches and Clorks repaired and wairanted to keep good time for one year; old gold or ailver bought of taken in eschang. For ssle, eight dsy and thirty hour bras elnrk, t LEWIS I.ADIIMC8' Watch, Cbv k and Jewellery Siore, No. 413) Market striet, above Eleventh, north aide, Pbils phia. ry I have aome Gold and Silvei Levera, t ll mtirb rheaper than the h ve piicc. t Philadelphia, Dee. 26, 1846. ly ... ,. iWBSaTvT"-" AUCTION STORE. No. 6 North 3d ft., third door above Market Street. " PHILADELPHIA. SALE EVERY EVENING, of a general a sortment uf Foreisn snd Domestic Hardware, "Tilde and Pmket Cutlery, Trui ka. Lt , Lairbei. Bor, S iwt, Saibllery, Whipa, Bouta, eboea II', C, Guns, , Pistols, Trimmings, Clothing ltd Faoey U.x d. Th attention of city and country dealers is in vited. Tbe GiMtda are fresh, and will be warranted equal to the lepreaeiiiailona thst msy be msde of them. BAYLISdc BROOKER, Auctioneer, No 6 North Thud H N. B. Purcbsseia ran have their fiitnda psrked. Several invoice of Good have tnen received to be sold at private) sale. Philadelphia, Dee. ISih, IH4. ly ErB 3Hottssrrs tlnforrsal SHAVING- CREAIVI. Small quantities given without Charge. M 114 ChttntU PHILADELPHIA flHIS new and splendid article, a ita name de ll notes, la profeed t he au per lor ta any eha ving Cream in the United States nr Europe. It ia bnsurpsssvd f"r bU'y. purity and f-agrsnce, tho .omewbat analseiMis to Gu'rlsin's Ambrosial Crsam and other similsr compounds. It far sur paaaea them all by the em 'I lent pasty c nsisteney of ita Ulher, wbirb so aoflens the liesrd aa to re,nd r sh.iving pleaaant and ea.y. It further peiseeaaea the advantage over the imported ankle, in being freohly prrp.iad. no skill being wauling in ita man. ufaclure. E. Rnuer having had many yeara' ax luirience in the celebrated Laboratory of Laugur, Per el Fil, now Renaud St en., of Pane, Beaidee leing the best, it ia lha cheapest article for shaving ; it is elegantly put up in boxes, with aplendid steel engraved label. Pii-e f 3 per doxen, or 7J cent for inglebnx, lo on year, i U also sold at ft 60 per lb. or It) cnla r oi., ao thst gentlemen ran have iheirhoxee filled at EUGENE R0L8SEL'S. Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Miner al Wa ter Es'sblishssent, 1 14 Cheannt Street, Dee lv. I84fl.. PHILADELPHIA. J. & 1. 0ATJ1TDSB.3, No. 21 North Fourth Street, , PHILADELPHIA. rjl . Invite Merchanie and Milliner to 'ftte a!Xamina tbeir eiock ef Bonneta, PalmV. Leaf and Leghorn Hats. Fur and Cloth Caps, ai d India Ruhha Shoa. It will be found to contain all of tha moat desirable kind, and will be enld al the lowest market prices. No, l North Tourtb 8lreet, between Market and Arch Streets. Philadelphia. Ptc. I9tb, K46 6a To The I. O. of O. F. J. VT. & R. D. STOKE 9, Manufacturer of Premium Odd Fel lows' Regalia, No. 104 Morhtt Strtd, PHILADELPHIA, First Clothing Store below atb Buaet. THG anbeeribcta having taken tba premium at franklin Institute, at tbe !t exhibition, far the best Regalia, they invite tha attention of tha order to their establishment, where tbey will find a splendid assortment of P.O. and Encampment Re galia. They also make to order for Lodge and Encampment, Regalia, Restive, Costume and Robes, end furnish every thing requisite for the Co&rsnierice of new Lodge or Entampmente. J. W. STOKE A, E D. STKE8. Philadelphia Doc. t, I8I. -ly New Firm. THE Undersigned hereby gives notice, that be bsa associated with Moieelf, aa a ptrtner in the mercant)o buainess, in bis store adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Sunbury, John Hess, and that tba eald store will hereafter be conducted un der the firm of Clement dt Hasa. The More at tbe 8oUth Weat coiner of Msrket Square will be conducted sa heretofore, by the suliscribir himself, to which ha respectfully initr hi customers and friends. He also n4iGes all thos Indebted to him. ta call between tbia and tha lat of January nest, and set tle I heir areountt. All klnda of produce will ba taken on account, at eaab prices. Heresftsr no longer than four months credit will be Rin. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunhury. Nov. 14,1846 If. CLEME1TT &. HAAS, RESPECTFULLY inform th public, th .t on ' the 9th inst , (bey entered into partnership, I in the mercantile business, at the store recently . occupied by Ira T. Clement, adjoining Weavet'a ' Tavern, in Sunbury. Tbey hsv lately received I s new slock of goods, which tbey will dispose of st the lowest prices. All kinds of produce will be taken in exchange for goods. No longer then four months credit will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT, JOHN HAAS. Sunhurva Nov. I4.IH46. tf. Cheaper Than Evert JOHN H. New Sto PURDY. hsa juat received, at hia Stare, ill Market Equate, a fresh supply ol Seasonable Goods, such a Cloths. Cassimers, Saitinetts, Kentucky Jesns, Cords, . Diillinga, Alpacraa. Ginghma, , Prints, Mualina, Hosiery. Glovi. cVc Al-ot tjueeti.ware and Groceries, which will he okl very low. Purrhseers are invi led lo call and examine hia alork bofora purrhaaing elsewhere. - Tha highest price paid for Produce. . Surihurv. October 17rh, 1846. tf. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY! SBATXTBSS OAS BB CTJH3SS II COOPER'S ETERIAL Oil A prompt end lasting remedy for Desraa., elo ftr pains and discbarge of mstter from the Ears. '"- Hundreds of cures in ea-e deemed utterly hope leva have firmly e tsldished its superiority ovrrevr iy former Medical discovery. This valuable Acouatic Metlicine ia a compound of four ditfcreul Oils, ena of which, the active and principal ingredient, i ohtained from lha bark of a err lain epecava uf Waiapr, o new and effectual agent in the cure of Desfneaa. Person, who had been deaf for 10, 13 and even 20 yeara, have been permanently cured by using tbia oil. In fact, ao numeroua and so emphsiic have been tbe testimonials in it. fsvor, ib.i the in ventor claima for it tbe distinction of an Infsllilde Remedy, in all cases, when tbe Ear ia perfect in its formsti n. For further particulars, and evidence of ila great value, see printed sheets, in 'be hands of Agents. For aile in Sunbuy. by . J. W. FK1L1NO. September I9ih, 1846 ly ' ' " V' t UNR1VALLKD AND UNEQUALLED In curing Colds, Coughs, A'lhma, Inrtoenxt, Wbooping-Cnugh, and all of tha bis.'St nd lungs, lesdtng to (consump tion composed of the concentrated . virtue of th herb Horehound, B'Ueett, Blomlroot, and several other vegei. tie aub-tancea. Warranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. THIS invaluable Medicine ia the nio.t edy aud certain remedy ever dtaeovered f r the a-l-ove compla nis, aa thousand' who have used it ill leatify. Fur sale, in Sunbury, by J. W. F RILING, and in Northumberland, by D. BRAUTIGAM, and at wholesale, in I'bliidrlphia, bv F. KLETT dt Co, Corner of Second and Callowhill street. September 1 0ih, 1846 ly DElvrjSTRY. , JACOB HELLS?., rVlIlANKFL'L tor the lib.r.1 encouragement M ' which he haa received, woul I respectfully inform hie friends and the eitiaena of Nnrthumla-r-land county in general, ibst be baa prepared him self with the beat Incorruptible Teeth, Gold Plata, Gold FoiL cVc . that can be had in lb cilv of Phi 'ladelpbia ; and thai he will endeavor, to ihe utmost ol bia ahilny, to render full satisfaction to all who msy think ptoper to engsge hia services, , Ha will ba in Sunbury at tbe Auguat court, where be will be prepared, at his residence, to insert Teeth on Gold Plate, er en Pivot, en the latest and most ap Craved plans, snd attend lo all the branches belong ig ve DENTAL SURGERY. Ladiee will be waited on at ibelr plaors of resi dance, if deairad. . , ' Hia charges' will be yenomuble, and his ' work warranted. He will viit different parts of lbs county, boul once in three month. . Be-hurr, July ath.; 1841 6m (TMCKKSS MfeBlo, ana fiUck Cong e; V Ink, of a aoperior qualiiy. for aale ehan-at tbe i-",, , . 1IENRT MABFCB. July 4tk, INI. UMftKllhlslVUllill nrrc "0533, maCa. "0553. e. nirjDEri, jr., No. 84 North Fourth Sreet. under iVe Aer. cAena' Hottl, Pbll adwlphl it, (a la Moa aa raais ir7EEPB conatantly.en hand an aswiuivaaa JlML aortmant of all kibda of Silk, Fur and Bea ver Mat, which ba offer tat sal on tha mot taa aoftable term. Hi Hat .art mad up ol the hett matsriala, and in tbe moat approved etyle. Per sons viiiting tbe city will find it to their Interest to call. July Uth, 1840. ly COLUlelBXA . ZOSIC, OKSSXTITT STRBHT. PHILADELPHIA. I THIS lurpa and commodious Hotel has recently I been fitted up with entire new furniture. ! 'I be subscribers tber efore solicit tha patronsgeof; the public, aod trust that their eiperienee in tba . business will enable them . la give entire satisfsc-. tion. . Terms moderate. . UAULEY, McKENZIE dt Co. July Atb, 1846. Iy FOUNTAIN HOTEL, Llerht Klrst, TH E House haa undergone a thorough tepair. The proprietors solicit its former patronage. Terms III 25 per dsy. WM. W. D1.T. ARTHUlt L. FOOO, July 4, 184C ly " . Proprietors. Keller fc"cfree n ou rIi, PATS1TT ATTOB.1TEYS, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WASHINGTON, D. O. D R A WINGS and Papera for the Pa'ent Of fice will be prepared by them, al their office. oppoeiie the Patent Office. July. 4th. 1846. ly ' SILVElt MEDAL, awaauiD ay Tea riutun lasTiTUTC 1845. City Daguerreotype Ertablithrarnt. (Lsts Siuoaa ox i ollins.) Ao. 100 Chetnut it., nbote Third, South tide, PUlXABEXiraXA. (MATURES taken equslly s w. II in clou dy in cle-.r ta oilier, A drk silk dies ladv, and a blaek suit for a aentlemn, are I n furahle in Billing for a pictme. No extra charge ia made for coloring, aud perfect likenesses are eu.rsniied. July 4th. tSlfi. ly I'M I O II T A X f TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may be aura of ohtonmg, at all limes, pure and highly flavored Bv the single pound or larger qnartity, at the Pekln Tea Cooipany 'a aVarelioune, at South SreimH strtet, kftwexn Market unJ Chei nut ttreeii, rnn.APin.rniA. Heretofore it haa been very dittictilt, indeed, al mot impossible, alwaya lo obtain gitotl (Ire. n and Bl-ck Tea. Bui now you have only lo vi-it the Prkin Tea Company 'a Store, to obtain a delieiou and fragrant Tea aa you could wish for. A II lantes can here ha suited, with the advantage of getting a , pure article al a low price. June 7lti, 1SJH. . LOTH I IT WHOLESALE AXD II ETA II-. THE rulsraihers are constantly msnuftcturing from tha lst French, English and American manufactuiad Clothaand Caasimera, CLOTHING in a very aoperior aryle,, cut and workmanship. I'srsous buying to sell will find one of the ,rRMt and moal fe-hionalilc stork of goods to select from in the eity, and at unprecedented l w price', J. W, & E. U. STOKES, 1H4 Market A. Pbilad. N. B. A lare assortmept of Odd Fllova' Re gab constantly on hand, and all order from lodgee or individual tunctually attended to, en the most liberal lerme. J. W. dc E. D. S. Philadelphia. June 27ih. I4n ly D A N V I Xa L E WOOLEN FACTORY.! DANVILLE, COLUBSBIA COTJNTT, j Pennarlvanta. FI1HK Danville Steam Woolen Factory, fmmer- j JL ly owned and occupied by Dr. PaTaiat'. h a recently been purchased by the subscribers,' who j reaprcttully announce to their irienda and the pun lie general y, that Ihey are now prepared to do all kinds ef wjrk in Ihrir line af business, at the shor test notice, according Id order, and in the beat com paralive mannur. ' Having gone to ronaiderahle expense in rpetrtrig tl.eir nachinery and aparalua, , and hring very par.icnl.r in securing tbe aerviee of experienced mechanics, they feel confident that ; Ihey are capahle ol executing all kind of work in I a atyle superior to ar.y ether ee'ablishment in the 1 country, al the old eestom.ry p ier. j CLOTHS, SATIN ETTS, FLANNELS see I BLANKETS runstsn ly on band, and for aale at j reduced prices, for Case of Barter. ( CAItDIA'G AND rt'LUXO ! will ba done in th beat manner, at the usual pri ces. All kinds of country produce taken in pay ment for wmk, at Danville market price. For tbe accommodation ef ibnea who live at dietanee, Waet, and Ctorn will be taken in al, and, when finished, reerncd to tbe following pla ce. Plain written directions must accompany each parcel ; Columbia County. Roup A Marr'a (tore, Wa ehingUnvillei R. Fruit' atore, Jrwytiwn ( Yea ger' inn. Roaring ('reek 8harpleaa' era, Caita ia; C. F. Mann's ainie, Mifllinville ( Miller' atore, Berwick t J. Clme'a Mill ; Ricket'a store, uiangeviltet ierr...or wwie Lm,.,,-,,,.., w c. " '""l irei.ou - mil sure. incbwene- ville; E. L. Piper's slnre, Wataoostnwn ; S. I. Comly St Cn'a store, Millon Gihaon'a inn, Chil liaquaque t ,' Foray th' store, Nortbumbcrlsnd j Young's sloie. Sunbury. Luxernt County. Reynold' aloie, Kingston j Gildersleeva's store, Wilkesbarre ; Gaylord'a store, Plymouth . Biyei's tore, Nanilcoke Judge Mack a Mill, Huntington. Lycoming County. D. Clapp's store, Muncyj onoemaaei a atore, Hmiib e Mill. GEARHART A KOWNOYER. Danville. May a, 1M. P Waa. rmi'B'BPi-ita or .)Ap, l, . trading Graaae, Dry Fawie, Varnish, Tar, As. from etetbing of an dnecription, war. ranted rwt in injere aba floth er tbe saes dalieaie eolora. Tbia liou'd bae alee been need wiib, great auccess in eases at Bore, Scalds, Tetter, Pimples on tbe face. Chapped band. Hose hps. Favosa, tiem. Hard or aaft Owe, eVc. . Price, M el, pet battle. . For sals at tbe erere ef J.lyia, lit. H- WASfcX H. B. laTASSSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tmarnrr, pa. Buslnese attentied to In the Counties of No, thumlerland, Union. Lycoming end Columbia. Rr tai r. dt A. Keveerr, Loan Jr. Siiisi. Soataas dt SaoaeaA, VPkiki. ttkraoLB, ncFantana aV Ce. Srtarae.Oee dt Co., FREBIIUM SCALES. I))' Cele' rated Rail Road Bcabt, Coal and Htry do Iron ManufscV Jo Portable P 1st form Jo SO different site, Dorraut or Floor Jo B different sixes, Counter Jo 13 different slut. Tbe above Scales ar made either single or I double beam, and are I decidedly l&e niosi duialHe, accurate and conveni ent hCxIre ever intented. Wa also ha Platform j and Count'-r Scales, Patent Balance and eery I kind of Weighing Machines in use for ssle, whole I sale and retail, at low price. All 8cale sold by us lo go out of lb city, ar hosed free of charge, and wananied to give satisfaction to tbe purchsser in every particular. GRAY 4c BROTHER, Manufacturers and Dealara, No. 34 Walnut atreet, June t7, 1846. ly Philadelphia. OALT. New Yoik Sail in barrels and bag, for sul at manufaciurers' pricee. by URAY dt BROTHER, June 27. 1816. ly 34 Walnut at. PhiliJ. 0 HORSE Horse Shucs, prices, by HOES. Burden's Pstent lor sals at manufacturns' GRAY ic BROTHER. 34 Walnut -t. Phitiit. June 27. 1846. ly PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, DAKVIIslaB FA. THE cy. HE aulsjriiher, lute of the Union Hotel, Mun- Pa , respectfully informs the old and nu meroua customers of the Pennayltanla ITcmiso, and the public generally, that he haa leawd the Tavern Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where he is now prepared to entertain travellers, and per- sons vi.iling the town, in the very best atyle. The j aeriiimod.tlions will be surh as a well conducted public hou-e .hould afford, and no effort will he spared to render s.itisfsrtion, in every respect, lo ai i who n ay call The citixeo of Lycoming comity ! are invited to put up with the uoderaigi.ed when they visit Dtnville. I HENRY WEAVER. I Dan i 'e. fvv ?. 1648. j, CSlTTj3TRT7'"""'" ! T K T K It H. -M A 8 S K It, j RECENTLY FROM PHILADKLPH1A, RESPECTFI'LLY informe the cilixens of Sunt'urv and vicinitv, that he haa opened an i office al the re-idcriee of Henry in Market j street, where he is prepared to execute all kind of ! Distal ciietar. Piste Work, die , on the Is test I snd most approved plans. i Having bad mme experience and instruction, under rne of the mot eniinetit and successful Den- is' in Philadelphia, be l-elieve that be will lie j able to give satisf.ciion to Ihoto who may want bit I services. 1 Lsdies will be w.tited on at their pheea of rest, i denee. Hi charge will be moderate, and hi work warranted. Sunbury, March 2Sih, 1846. To Purrhaaera or DRY GOODS,- .An. IS1 Vnraf , NEW YORK. T 1 AVING e.t.hlibed a Branch at No. 144 Cbw- 1 - nut at., Philadelphia, ia now opening lid ai l be cons'nnllv ri ceieing from tbe Ne Y.wk .W- lions, su extensive assortment of FANCY A STAPLE DRY OOOBS. which will be sold at the loweat New York pi Cj , al wholesale and Retail. Among b'S slock will l found a good aseortment of the f.dlnwirg atticlt s: JaeCMuets Plaid. Hair Cord, l.aoa. Si ripe, Buok, Swixs and Tarlatan Muslins, Bishop ami Linen Lawns, Fsncy Csp Netta, Fsncy and Ball Urease, Thread Laeea, Application Do., rich B'ack Silk Trimming Iace, Irish Linena, Linen Cambric Lnen Cambric Hdkf.,Curlain Fringes, Cashmerr d'Ecoshe, Mouaeline de Laiae. bilk and Cotton Warp Alpacca, Quoeu'a Cloth, Gala Plaids Frem h Merinoe, Bl ck Cilks, Gloves, Mi k H we Shaw la. Cravat, Rihhoos, Embroideries. SteSte. t'oontrv Meteharita and otnera viailing Pbillel pbia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in tiled lo e til and rlnmine lb (lock. No. t. 1N4.V ly nELIKV prA ND lFvE THOMSON'S Compound Sjrup or Tar k M'ootl JCaptha. rilHE unprecedented suece of thi medicine, if JL the restoration of heahh, to tbnae who, in des pair, bad giten np all hones, has given it an ent te reputction love all other reinedie, furnihm evidence of it intrinsic value and power, aa the on ly agent whch can be relied upon for lb cures' Pulmonary Consumption, Brnnrhltli, Asihros Pain in th side and Bread, Spitting of Blood Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac Attention ia requested lo the following AST0N ISIIING CURE. by Thomson'. Compound Syrep of Tar and Wood Naptha! I Phihiktphia, JWVry id, 1S44. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With gratafsl fteling I in fur m yon of lb aatoniehing eflecia el your medicine, which baa literally rai d me from death-bed I Mr discs -e, rulmon.ry tonsump lion, had retloced me ee low ih.t my phy.ici.n r. eeanred my ease hopeless I At this junction I ba- ... i. vuur nvdini gan to u your medicine, and miraeulou it aiay totm. il bae eompletel rsstorad me to health, after everything else hsd fsiled. Respectfully yours, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte atreet, above George elrest The undersigned, being personally scqusietsd with Washington Mack and bis sufferings, bear witness le lbs astonishing enVet of Thamaon'a Compound Syrup of Tar, and the troth of ibsa bove statement. JOS. WINNER. ia North Third street, DAVID VICKERS,4a Almond atreet, HUGH ' M'OINLEY, 8. E. corner Tamany nd Fourth eiraeu. Prepared eely by 8. P. Tbeeaaesa, N. E. gornei of 6lb end Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Agant"H. B. Mer, Boabary j p Gseea, and Dr. Maessbereen, Harrisbarg Jno. Q. Brown, peiurville I Gsxt. Earl, Reading Houeton A Me an, Tewendg. Pradford eoonty,P. Price M i per baitle, nr fa ar aoaeej. flf Bsetssrs of mU imitttimo. rblladelcbia, Jus Slth, lftl.-ly il da dj do do do do do do do