Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 13, 1847, Image 3

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    Saaerlarltv In U ! Mr.
. Th New York Cot respondent oft he Boston
'Recorder relate th follow: thrilling inei.
n .slant, mliicb rerenltj occurred in Misaion 84b
hath School rOriMn children ia that city.
HIt had been tb Custom for mm lime, to of.
fer a hymn booh, teatament, or other premium
v'iotk scholar who annuld rrerteth rreatest
number of text In proof .of torn doctrine of
"-tcripwe-. : Tht reward of can ran were won by
inn girle, it they ire alwayt the Seat echnlars,
Amonr dieee wii on who, having belter
education ar.d pretter advantages th.m the reel,
hul, far several mnntlie In succession, taken the
prig. At lar-t very active rivalry wii exei
ted, and one of the more ambition children ac
tually learned 44 proof text!, beta? all her tea
cher found for her, and1 to matte mire of success.
Committed to memory SO verses besides, mak
Jnf 04 in all. But Soph 'a had learned 59
ytrooV, and was therefore entitled to the re
ward, finely bound New Tstsmett. The
exorcises of the day wrre closed, and the school
waiting for the a war of the promised pria.
Sophia has loarned S9 proof, Mid the super
intendent, and Cinline ha committed 64; they
both deserve the gift, but Caroline has learned
the most, an.l it is hers,
The prig for which the pot girl had Imped
am! 1 1 bored a whole month was riven to her.
but he knew it was not rightfully hers, and
though the temptation was strong, very strong
lor a child, she did not yield. Trembling ami
faltering, she told the superintendent that she
hid learned but 41 prnnfJ although idie had
recited fit verses, and sat down pate and tlieap
pointed, but with an approving conscience. The
book van then given to Sophia, who, instead nl
receiving t?, renfated that it should be given to
Ciridine, who had labored so hard to win it.
The teachers had looked on in surprise and id
miration at flret, but when tlity saw two such'
tinb'e soirits, their tears were not to be restrain
floe". Th world lus hoard and admired the
e'nry of Washington's honesty when a child,
but I am sure his frsiik cnnresinri was not mire
Polite than the honesty of one of these pour Gcr
man girls, and the grnero-i'y oltho other."
A le'ler from C 1 Sti-vnm. diteili.t Rio
J.ineir. Nor, 27'h, two day before fie trans
port left that port for Sin Franeicn. in Csli
fornin, apppur in the Albany ArLn. lie ex
pfcted to rearh the Utter plcp irt one hundred
days, abiijt th first ol Mirc Thre were
but ten men of the whole expedition on th" sick
list. The C donel thought they would l.ot stop
gain till they arrived at San Fancisco.
Cto Day's Jon --We are informs! that a
lo'iso in this city made seventy five thousand
lull ir in day, by the advance in flour or.
rasioned by the lltbernifi news. Morn ing
Signal, Cincinnati, 30A tiff.
Th Tb Commavdmsnis VaasiriKD The
)'ealogii bai been thus tersley and quaintly
endered into rhyme, and would in this shape he
, a 001 1 exercise for th memories of young
1. I am th Lord thy God serve only me
2. Before no idols bow thy impious knee;
3. Use not my name in trifles or in jest ;
4. Dors not profane my faired day of rest ;
5. F.ver 10 parents due obedience pay ;
6. Thy fellow-creature, man, thou ihatt not
a'ay ;
7. In no eikilterons commerce bear a part ;
8 From stealing with tore keep thy hand and
heart ;
9 All fale repnrte acatnat tl y neifhbor bats;
tO And ne'rr indulges with lot his estate.
DrMr-iA i a wkis of tb digitise or.
an, and. like ssery ulher complain', 's enured by
npi.ri yef tha blond. Tbega-irc j 'ic, a Add
ruliar 10 th stomith, wl.en oetrsird from b d
lo-id is nut f a healthy qu ili y ; cm aeqn. nly tbe
utt, instead of twin propeily dieeo'ved, ofien re
alus undigesls.1 until il b. conies in a manner
,H.i'J s ptttiift d In lbs stem sch b lies, bad
lealh, a diegvabt .M in the men h, ep i y
nflist wskii 1 in the n oming.beaiuirh. giddiae.
inrness f spirit, wss.tng of ihs budy, Ac.
Wri'git'i Indian Vegetable Pill si a natural
mrdy fir DyeDtpa's, hrcaiiae they rltanse lb
. marb and l-owrls of all tnlli and t inurs hu.
i i, snJ jmiifv trw Mo 1 J ; consequently, a ih y
ins out Hie root itr eua of ihi or tvery elb-'r
slsdy, they ar shwolu ely certain lo ism vs all
il taint arr n( from imli(rtiin ord)aprpa:a
Bewirt Countffcit:Th public ,sra eio
jnsd against lb many spurious medicine wbiett,
1 Aider to dcetiv. ara eallsd by names similar lo
'right's Vege'sbl Pill.
Tbs only original and cenntn I.idim Vr-grlatl
i!Is ha tb signaiurs of Wni, Wright wiit'en
itb s psn on Ih top label of rath hm. To C'ido
rf.ii this is Forgery, snd all iilhcrs should bs
anncd s poison.
Offiesis Vvohd ete'0'ily to the sale of
'at-iaV !) VistTisn Piils. wt oleml
id M .U, C9 Rse stiest, rbMsdelpbi t88
rssnwitb sueel, Kew Yoikt and 198 Tiemont
ta t, Uosinn.
fCj" Agent for tb ( of Wright's In 'Un Veg-U.
Pill- in Bunbuiy, Hisar Msssta. Tor oibsr
.rncie se aderiiaa nl io anoihi 1 column.
Tlx Diiwrri Pins are emlts'y V-gtbls
d mad on tho iimiplet wbkb long itperv
c be prored conecL II i boss no spee otaliua,
ten they a loser d la In kkne, fnf ibey r
tow a) to be lb bsl rkers of lbs slomacb and
sis, snd la H dyspsp-is aod bilious esse ibsy
gral bkwaiag. J I every flatly I Sep ilies
tua ia lb bsaee. If fitbfi'My aard whea ttMr
rerasioa f r av J fins. It wilt be wry ald m ib
doctor will be iqiiiaJ. In allMsof cobl,
ug h, s tasaaaaiism. tb afl frlaJ it la tbeii
JkNlaaNaiksaaFilla, '
Posebas of p. B. Wasaffr Poetry, at sf
1 sgssil, yajbaaaai ia aUrar fail af ibis pf
On Tbnraday tb lib inst., by tb Rv. ft. A.
Fisher, Mr. Wsilsv Vsstun, to Miss Sis a
Gsss. both or Ibis plats.
On lb asm Cay, by lha'Ttev. 1." P. Shindel,
Mr. loan Smitm, of Saamokie. township, to Miaa
Rsaccca Lvon, of Augasta.
Corrtettd wetMfg ty Henry Mautr.
" WaaT,
Paaa. '
HacKtts Ft,
Dsian Applis,
, Do. Psaracs,
111 B Drmociaiio Ebrlmtt'f Noiihuniber and
. cnumy ar- requeated lo meet a' the uual .U.
era f,ir bnlilintf tnwnahin vlntions, on falni J if the
tOih of Fi b. in-l . ti elret tha pmper iiumber of
uelB,s r. tit meet In convention at the e uri hnuae
in Sonbury, on the Mondiy fillowing, to elect d
h gutes to tbs 4 ib of Msicti ronemtion.
A Josnav,
Aan. 8nir
Jc l. Horrii,
. Jons McKisssr,
Feh. 8.1817. HI ndin Committee.
Oil Bl.tIDD PI 1.1.8.
FIFTY PILLS ISA DOXtht Chtnpctt and
hmt Mi-Jicin in e.t f
removing bile,
enrrrclina ilisoijrrs
of 1 lie slum ch and bw l,
eotiene, ilyipi.t, swimming
in the head dee. I'erwm i.f a full habit,
whoaie uf j ci I Ifeuitarhf. GiJdinttt. Dmtf'
a i i mging in the Eirs, aii-inii from 100
gv at s fl iw of blooil to the hesd. hul.l ner
b it Soul thorn, at miny dangerous
symptom will he entirely eairied
off b their immiiaie n.
Tl.ia is 1,1 (aitify il nl my w fo mi afJRxled with
ne L'vsp-isi Tor twelve yw, at il tne.l boih ad
er -ied inidirines and Thom nmsn. but w.ihout
1 If cl ; and myvelf tarkd wilh hlindnea, and m
brad olttriwi- rflecled front htid drinkm, so that
I siprrbvnsive of fi'; ai.d ,e ing
adeeiHtthl. I went Si d irt b. t i.f ihein, whii h.
i my Mionihhfi ent 1 ff cted a cure of me snd my
w Ik b ih a yd. ai d I do thii k itisn without a
ivillMfre the pubic. S. If. Ilsi.t
Alhemtr'e tt eet. p. ar Wilk.
For al by SRTH 8. II ANCE. 108 B diimnre
, and eori'rr tharlea ami Piali sTn'et, Bttttmarr,
a. d by ft BOKO K ItRIOHT.Su. Imiv,
P. URAUI'IGAM, Noitliumliertand.
Fsh. 13. 1847.
lint f Blond Pain and Opprmr'nn nf the Hwt,
Iktrt it nnthinf tqnnl to HA NCR'S COM
'I hi- me.'irine hsi now been in us for ail vesrs.
during which lime ihere ha been cninuaril d
mind for it. snd Us popularity iuslraJ of declinine.
baa U-on always on ih incresse.
During ih'S nrne many ne- melirin' S have
sprueg up fur lbs rut of lb shove rnmpsints,
eom of which lated nnlv a lew momhs. snd oiheia
not salon: but IIANl'E'8 8VHUP baa rea.lily
gone on g inint fjor wiih sll clsws nf soeisiy,
until it bss now become identified by winy fami
lies s a
To t hove ho hi v iiter oard ibe Compnnd
Syrop o4 Hoiehound, ibia no ire U partirularly d
recieJ o, as 10 th'we ho havo ones eierii-iiCfd
ita I'Si-ulisrly haipy effcta, any praiaa of its meiiis
W Ullil bs supsiflu us.
PRICE SO Cen- per U'tle.or 6 hntt's for $250.
For al by SETH ft. HANCE, 108 U .liimore
I, aid nirnrr ..fChire. At I'r.U !., lial more,
and by GEOKliK UKIGII r,8unl err.
1). BRAL'I IU V.M. Noi;buwliUnd.
Feb IS. 147.
ALL peiaona at cautioned sgainst purchsaing s
not for I S3, italed the brginnii g of April,
1848, given 1 ms hy )erneill HoUhne. 8aid
not baving ben stolen n tbs nichi of lb Sd of
P b.oary iusl., payment will atopped.
ITpner Mahoney. Feb 13, 1817 31
THE partner-hip nitt ng betaren Joho Dun
him and Wm. T. U .yd. bi ln d saolaed.
All p. r.H bating el.i-na ag .intt th firm, will
rM it them, and those imleblsil r , mak pay.
menl un or b- for tb 1st f Afnl ih si,
1)1 ' HAM & BOYD.
Norlhnmtie'land, Fib llih IM17.
Commission iVIcrcIiaiiH,
Fur th aale of Floor, Grain, si d sll kinds of Coun
try Produce,
45 Commerce $treti Wharf,
Cj" Cah advances on Cuotignmcnts.
Feb 13ib. 1847 3m.
More Good iVcws
JUS T epeno.1 a JVKW 1 V, KHEE MKON
snd Mail, in Ih building la'ely oceupel by Geo.
Wi.r. B-q.. a en per shop, s-c ltd iLwir es-l
of M'. Bool on's Hate1, Markst st est, wbr m iy
bs found, at sll timoa,
Large Auorlment or Tln-'tTarl
made op in th lest manmr, and nl the hmt .in.
Aln, all kirvla il ehest-lmn wn ,.n baud, antS
as Stint fine. Amit ttm mm 4 Rtum m Conl Back
$lt, and SAfk, .hictt m M U Sokl as ebssp aa in
anv th.i lottsi iu North. n IVnnsalvao a. Abo
ai bead BvaVM tf all binds, av b ss
which Will b sold cheap, for rah.
' Tb su'eerihrrasks the rhiB.'.f Sunbcy snd
ib aonoooJing country for it r sai ler', f slm.
aa'4 that b ca give general aUfrii..n in ao
hmd f work tbtt tbvy my want d , hi bi fin
I busb asa,
AM kinds of rspgiring d-ae, t tb sboi .
tics soil aii ib mo-t nyssonsbl Isrms.
Old CoptHf, Pavuj and Lead iskea is ei.
ClkSolfS JLaf WWs
feabury, ftb, 81b, )M7. ft
xt rmven j?AiLGni
TTBRJONs aflieteJariiK ftnorfotaXm' E
LIT fl. Csnar. Krysipa'a. OM Mores, Ulcers,
Tsiter, MereuriJ Disuses, or snv oiber compt lot
arfsing from impnritica of the liloo.l, are resno-ted
read the f itlowisg toatimOrdaV, in pv r f the
wonderTuI propertiee "of the above named medicine.
READ READ!! READ TT! We tb ondrr.
signed, hsving visilod.Mr laaao Brocks, r , at the
olTieo of Mrxsrs Rowsnd K Walton. 378 M irket
atreet, Philndelplila, a msidsr bi e.i lb most ro
murkubr orr w bver witnessed or herd of.
Hi disease was Scoatrtt, snd terrible mast
ha len bi twelve yasrs'.etaflict wi ll tb de
stroyar 1 , , -' '
H s Palate, the rntmi roof of hia Mouth, Now,
If pier Lip. and low.r lid nf tha RiotiT Eta be
ben dortrnyed, hi Face naarty atrn op, and part
of th Ji w Bona carried away. And yet w ean
giwna description af his esao.
Mr. B. I' f iims us that in January las), the
whole interior of hi mouth, as well as mot of bis
fsee. was a mess nf deep end painful ulcers !
tin the 14 b of January lat, b oommene d ta
king Dr. Cults' Inbisv VsssTtaia Pavcs,
wbinh checked th iliaei in a few d , fend fnm
ih I riin lbs cut bat progrsseed siithoai intsrmis
New fleh bss onptied the place of the it p
ulcer, and ibouvh badly disfigured, hia face is
s.iund, and bi general hejlth it rstored.
W sr asuuied that in the trilmnt of Mr.
II rooks' esse, no M kbcubi sis. Ointment, or Can
tic applications has been ued, in fact, th P
aars a Loss, ha wrought this wondoiful change.
J W Junes, M D. 8011th Sd street, Ph'l ddnhlt.
E W C.irr, 440 N 4th, above Poplar, N Liberties.
S MrCutlough, Lanraoter, Psnn's.
0 W Applrton. M D. 48 H uih si, Pl.ilad.
Win Sirellinff. M D, Camden, New Jerey.
Wm HjIo, 378 High sirii, PrriUdtphl.
1 H Pnfer, Mso. Mmr-r.l teeth. 109 S 9th st. Phils.
I. A Wollmwrber. E l Phil Dem S77 N 3d at, do.
A D GoliHte. Pusior nf I Ith B iptiat Church, do.
J ho I VII, Erie st, Phil. (N Amrriran olTice.)
John W Aahme.d 60 8 6ih airert., hia,
T 8 Wag. sr, L'thografihcr. I IB Che-nut st, do.
INter 8krn Vmith, Kditor Nati Eale. do.
Jo I U d or, Claaa Manuf. Witliamatown, N J.
I. B Cole. M D, llos'on, Ma'chn'tis.
Ruwl Cmrtrlil. I'hv.iob.f i-, l'hil ub Ip'iia.
Phomia I' 8 Rohy. M D, H irria'-iirg Pa.
Wm Urie, pihtor 81 Pan ch Catharine st. Phils
John Cbsmhers retr l 1 1 'er. rh Broad at. d
T I. ptam'er Piildtaher of Plele and ttainlrd, do.
F P SIU rs Ed Olive Branch, Vo Istown, Duik C.
P 8 White, ' d 1.
The alos n-imed grntlsren, (ennti-n lot but a
mail p "tii-n of those who have ti-i'e I Mr Ur.u k
st our ofTIi in Phi'adelpl it, and wnu'd crrnfy to
ihs aame fc a if nrcra s'v,) are wi-l known, and
ttoir high ,laixling In ro.i.-iy p eiludia lbs idea nf
iheir 'en. ling their names 10 carry on ai imp sttinn.
Certificates ff ei', in pamphlet foim, miy lie
hsd Gratia, at the ofli c. nf the agenta.
Tl epe mriticine eie premred and eil 1 by the
pro) ro tor. R wand &, Walton, No. 370 Market
atreet. Phit uletp' ia.
- . fW W Danriihowrr. No I Murray .t N Y
t t J J W D mi,h ower. No 1 O F II til. Ch O
Z C T Ji iikin-. No 51 Canal at. N Oilcan.
N Huh oko". c i G iy V sr iti'cn Hal1.
8o!d slaj by Diuggi' ihroushiiiii ihs United
Stabs. F.b 6th. 1917 2m Iy
TE think a man who wilt mike and palm
' up-nao UH'U'iieciiiie iierson, a iiar
f'oa'e l Pill," not having on the bos Dr. G. Bei-To
8mitL'a signatnre, woubl not devitsts to ell pni-on,
trgarillea of all conreqneiicrs. No"Si'oa Cos.
Tin Pi n a" can be relied upon, 1 nU.a Dr. Smith's
rienatuts ia on the Int. and sll other sre eillier
imits i in or Ci unleifvit, snJ of courae dangerous to
CAUTION. Aa a miaerabts imitation hta
been mads, by the name of Hugtr Coated Pills"
il isneerssxry to be sure that Da. G Bisj Sxitb's
icna'uie ia on every bni. Price 25 cent.
Piincipal OfTice. 179 Greenwich st. New York.
8dddy JOHN W. FRILING. Sunburu.
WM. FORSYTUE, Kirlhum'd.
Feh. 8, 1847.
Clothing Establishment
OPERATIONS in Ctninrwa seem to he th -nrdsr
nf the diy, at Ih Phild. l hia Wa d
Rol. 10. Chesnut street, wbrrs eery sriiria in
lhr line it kept, and sold at aatoni-bing low prices,
t'l.k, Bangop. Over Sack t'oata, 8hoM 8ick
Cot. Super French Cloth Diras Fiock
Coals Pantal.wna nf eveiy g-ade and
ityls, any nf wLii h will be subl either
by ihs tarmsnl or dutoo, t pit
as that will jj.iify ibs
. meat eeooomical in , ,
Wa advise H who want gnol sad cheap Clo
thing, to call at No. 105 Choanut a'issi,
Philadelphia. Fel 6ih. 1817 6m
tTni. LcmoD's Estate . .
NOTICE is hereby giventthat Isilsrs testamsn
lry has n s rented 10 1)1 tub'crihern, on
ite ei-ta' of Wm. Lamo.i. In' of Point toWnaliip,
Nrthiiniti'lnd County, dec'J. AM neaona in
d bled In aaid n i'l, i r reqiira'e.l to call on the
au'ierribera, at ihs late r-aiilrnee of ih deceased, on
Wednmd iy, th I7lh dy of Mareh pel','and make
pavment, snd tbsse basing claims a(inl ths ssme
will preat nl them, well aulheiitiea e.l. for settle,
ment. TH MA8 LEMON.
Fob. 6th. 1817. 81 Eieruior.
iFCrKt vcmtuiu suit.
No. 87 North Third Street,
THE celebrity of th Ink mmofac'OTS.1 by the
subcrbi-r, snd lhaeiunite 111. consequent
umn lit big'i rpu'aiion which they have attain
ed, nt o lv ttiooghoul Mis I'niieil 8iles. Ihii in
til W I India snd iu Chiaa, tsa indorevt bimti
mak try necsastiy arrargement to suppls tbs
t demauil upon hi sllmsimaiit. Ha ia now
nepard ilh eveiy ari If ot Black, Blue and Red
fnka, Copvios Ink, Inilebhle Ink, and luk Poariler,
all prepared qn-Ur bis uwn Sraonl aupt rinleiiil.
1 nee, o ibal purcbatrs may d pend b,ttin US au-wri-iro'filov.
perini sr nla for Mend an Gli. China, CaMnel
Ws'S, cVe. u M 10 ssery llouaekeeiier. leiog a
wl i liquid, easily appl sd, aud not atbctsd by or.
dioary heal warranted.
23 Pampblsia. containing the numeroas t ati
morn ,1 of in 'i df scisnes, and others, wii ba fur
niehsj lo purcber.
Fur i si ihs Manufirtry. Wholeail snd Re
tsil. No. 87 Naava Tatsa Btss.t, epsiis
Cbsiry stistt, Pbilads'phi . bv
. , . JIWEPH T- "OVBR(
Jan. 80ib,14t Iy Maaofacioier.
REBtl OARDEN BE EDM, from Kialsy'a
Osrden. tol reiiiJ nod sl Yf
sb. II. 1 847. JOU.t BO0AR.
Wfl.t) tmCRUY We en ennsiatent'v
t'e that D9vrataa'a Compound Syrep of Wild
Cherry ha bean etten1v Wsd fn the Cnired
Stite for mi1ia ten yesvs tbsl I a betrefirfaf
eflscts hsvs been tested by thnuasnds TeT It
lavaeraaiv ftstiavss k Rscsaf t'ovjnis, and
thai hundreds of indirirraal. ftrednt'y sinking um
oVr the insidiao stlsrA nf dsath's Ml Mtlitr,
PcLtsnssBT Ciioirrt', have been restored to
health, baiifin-se ami frienfts. by Its nae, and are
now living teaiimnnies nf the coT-tiea power of
tbr bimsdv. Asrntnaa fvst.rB ttursitn to
Haivta. RstnTUs most mastaviBta ecsi
avsa arm a nss ! ,
' Da. SwttSB DearSIr t t feet ealb d by a eense
ofdaty I 10 suffering humanitv,to acknowledg
my gratifol thank tw the wonditful effects of your
Compound Syrup nf Wild Cherry on me, after
saffsring month aftsr month whh the most afllie.
mg of all dir. Consumption. The firl aymp
torn we of a rf hiaey cold which settled on
my tonga, which gtadu itlv grew worse, with pro
fua night sweats, a hacking eoogh, spilling blood,
with areat debili'y. My cnnatiiutinn seem-d hro.
ken down, and nervous as stem very mn-h impair
d. I went to Philadelphia, was Ire iti-d there by
physieiana nf the hiihett stsndine, but received no
l?iielt whatever irons tl in. bul grilutlv grew
worse, until my phyticisn. s we as myself. gse
up sll hop -a of icory, and I felt like on vho is
aiionl to pats through the Vhlley f the Shadow
of Death- At Ihia awful binptnre" I besrd of your
Comiotind Syrep of Wil l Ch-rry,of which t pur.
ehnscd eis botte. which I am hsppy to aay ontiie
Iy car. d me, snd I am now snjoting b.-tei heslth
than I evr have b, fore in my I. fe. Physu-ians
who witneased my Caa sre highly leeomm -ndin
it in aimilar ras, .and I wiah you lo make llda
public, ao that all may know where lo pincure s
remedy at onr which will retch their dieete l--f
ire tampering wilh the mans 'quirk nosrrnma'
with which lb ounirv i floialr-d. My
ia at 16 Ann etteeU wbt-re I ahoubl l hapcy to
have th shoo subatamiati d t v a nersonitl inter
view. ALBERT A. R(VS,
Wlio'etula and retail Dealer in ciar-,
45 Ann ttee N. Y.
fXj Be not deceived bv the manv spurious snd
w.iitlilca p-cpirsJinn of Wild Cherry, nnhen-d
into notice bv iunoran' pr tond'ra, bu' si-e ihai the
'ig'ialnre of Dr. 8w lyne i on each bottls, which
ia lha nnlv gu iranles agini im ovit-nn.
INenare.1 onlv bv Dr. 8 W A Y VB N W. co
tter of Eighth and R fet'et , Plu'sdelid i and
for s'e bv ie-ieita'ie P'itaat in lie nly all the
lirineipal towns in 'h- United 8ute,
On'y Agent in Sunhury i
Dr. J. A. Moo-, Dinv lU; T. 8. Mack V A
So -. M l-on ; M D. & J. Wei a. Mune i C. A
Wyalt, Lei'mrg
I'ht'sd Ip1 ii. Feb. Cih. 1817 ?m lv
Urugs! Drugs!! Drugs !!!
Wholesale DruisfM,
No. 40 Market Street, (Snti! side, be
- low Second.)
Philadelphia, Off r for Bull- Isig- s'ock of Fri-rh
D u, M.ilciii- and De Stiff, to
wi ich ihr-y c-ll the neiiii n of Coun.
1 Iry Me chants and De dtrs viaiiin 4 lbs
i . ilr
t'o ch. Conine!. Jnp-p, Blsek, snd otSi-r Var.
niahea of a i-uperior qualitv. Also. Wlijte and l(el
Lenl. Wi.dow Gls,s, Paints atid Od clie.ipn
than eve'.
fj3" T. & C. ar atav preptielor f the Ind an
Veeettble M ilami. celehrjieil through ui Ihr nmn
snd tuiihb oi ig Slate. a th 19-0 pieiaratlnn lor
ibe cure if Cnouh, Isolds, Atbma, Ac. Money
ti-funiled in every iiiataiic whsis no Uuifil ia ts
Philadelphia, Jjn. 30, 1817 3.n
TORTOI-SB ShslTutk Combs, carved and
fininheil in s aupifiiir attle,
Splend d Shell Dres-in (oim'ia. carved and itn.
Shell P. ckel Combs, with and without se.
New fit let Lung Cmbs, carved auJ (lain for
Whh s brantifol susnr'msr.l nf Ibe Rsal Buffalo
Combs, ibat is so much ia general ne.
Comb Mniifariu'',
No. 1 Sooth Sec. md l'ow Market rent
P, S 8. W. is iba oely MtnuUclurer f f Ihs
O' ntl'ne BurTalo t-omh in the Unitd tStatrs,
Phfdi Ipbia. Jan. M, IH47. 3m
j. L A d""o tjl tj d,
Importer of VVali'.heg, Walrh-Makers
Totils and Watch Materials,
Wholesale & Retail
A'o. 33. Smith Fowth tl, PHILADELPHIA,
nAH roiitn''y n hsnd a Inge Saorment of
l.oiwlt-, Pilenl, and Plain GlaS M .in
pi ing, Vcrg' , Uml. Wich Hands, end a com
pti ta a-aot 10 nl nf all Tools and Maleiial b (org.
ir.g In ib trade I with a large a-sort ment nf Go l
and S.lvrr Irf'ver, leplne, and Plain Watches t all
of which ha wi i guarmtv to sell st h I iwest N n
Ycwk pr:c-. All orders from lbs country puurtu.
ally eiecuti-d. ,
N. B. Country merchants snd obere are Invited
ti e II and en mine at lha Old StanJ, No, 3'J
8oub Fourth Mieei. Jan. 83. IH47. ftm
Orphans1 Court Male
IN porau ncs of an order of the Oiphana' C-nrt
of Nonhumi roomy, will bs a-ld st pub.
lis le. on Thurad iy ihs ISIt) iliy nf Mirh M tl,
sl lha lata res deno of Jeranil h J. Vaetior, itee'd ,
in HusH lownabip in s id county, to win A rr
lain tied f lunil itu to in the townshin aforrcaid,
ca bd lh Mill irae. biin U on uml.Snled half
pail thteif, eoiiiinin in t1' whole ten arte, a. I.
jnininc land nf Benjamin P. Vaatine ami nther,
mi wbirh srrce I tliil Mill, D wiling House,
It arts and other improtBinent'. A' , aj tract of
l-iiul (of ebu h lb Whlnw of P r Va-tji.e, der'd ,
haa lite lif 4ls.) in sama township, e-nMinlng
104 ere mm or I, ai'j ii in Un i . f Il -i Jtmin
F. Va-lias. Willi n Kaaai, Wd iam Sen it U.nji
miu I.. V.n and tab- ss, n wl leb srs eiertml
a two rluiv dwtlling b uss, bam, waggon shs,l and
older Al S snoiher Iraet of i.d
in asms luWH-blp, tout dnirg O' buiidred snd
Iwsnly-two acre nsnra or teas. alji- ing l-wi V,
Vt os, Jams Pckmao, William Pemt and others,
Lai th Btt nf Jrn mish J. V astine, ilee'd. f
1 fa's to coo'iuihi at 10 o'ctork. A, Al. uf s Id
d y, wlmi' the cofiJittm a of ! al l he mads
kaowa by . , . , . , PB ER R. VAisTINB,
. 1.V0IA V.UII.NE, , ,
TJy eidar of lb soun, . AJm.
Soaba'y.Jaa. 16, 1117 la
it. ta-xnammr 1
COMMOX SENSE, that fha MlorU eget
Wa nrodactioos of every country' are. If properly
appHod, amp'jr MfRciertl for the curs of every mi
laJy InLtdent loeach prculisr climate.
wwoirs ma iigitibu tills, '
Karih Atnericsiii CeHlese orilealth,
are compnsetl of sll "plants which grow spoatane
nusly on our Own sml. an sre ther-fine be'ter a
d .med to our cdistiiutioM tban Medicine e mcoc
I'd Trorn foreigq druga, however w the may bs
Compounded auJ ss they sr founded upon lb
principle thii the human body ia in trattj ...
namely, corrupt humors, and thst asid Majk'ms
cures this di.ease on NaT east. Psi rctrtfta, by
tleomiing and purging tht DOdys it Will ba saan
ifM ih .1, lf tb ronstrtutton be not entirely el
haunted, persevetmre iw their Use, according to
di ections, i absolutely certain to drive lie of
evsrs nsvne from lb body; -r i .
When i wikb to rs-itoi a swsmp or morass to
fertility, we drain il af lb tupsisminJant water, til
like manner, if r with to restore the body to
health, mm meat el into it of impurity.
will be found nn of lb lwl, If not tb very best
mrdicin in the world for coming out this Osasb
Posirrisa rsisctrLt, hicsuse they at pel from
the body all morbid and corrupt hum. , the eause
of the d. seise, in an eusy nj Natural Manner;
and while they evrry day sivi ttaa abo rtSAairat,
di e ae f every name ta rtpid'y driven from the
The foil wing hiuhly respectslile storekeeper
htvs t een duly ant ointed ag 'nts for th sals of
WVicA's Indian Vegetable PiUt, in Nonhumlx r.
I 'n l county t
Henry Maarer. Sunh iry,
E. cV J. KaiiCTman, Anguata townilitp,
Samuel Hub, Liltb-M ihr.noy.
Wilbam Iep,ien. J.rkunn. '
llcnetillfl Holstiue, Upi' Miibonoy.
John fl. Itenn, Upier M.ihonoy.
Name.i'1 John, Shiimnkinintrn.
Foryihe, Wibm fi Co.. Notlhumberland.
E. L. I'iier, Wtonburg.
Irliid cV. Ilaya McEenti!le.
J irocs Peed. Po't-gnive. 1
Wm. Scott. Ruahville. '!'
Ilartmtn Knceblr, Ely. burn P. O.
Am s T, Torl it'stilre.' -
ti d on 8rta let, I'pt er Mih nOy. '
llbode Ac Farrow. Snyil.tlovra. '
J i'in K'ng, Farm-r.v llf. t
8it3. tJo k Miriin' Cieik.'
J. Ie Young Ilirk-vi I.-.
Ahr.ihnm 8uii r Ri hmond.
Smoel I'af lor, 81 it for.l.
Ju -n H. Vincent, Cbil eqoaqoo,'
Wm. Heineii & llr.ither. Mi I'm.
Iliwisaor C!ot jir:arrtTa. Tb rm''rte are
cu'iotied sBSiot the m.ioy spmrinns meilic ne
hii'h in O'dit to it-dive, nre c I eJ by names si
milir to Wrich Inilisii Vegetable Pills.
Tea osit osisiaii an saatjiatt Ismr Vr
oktabis Pi it have the sign our of Wm. Wright
wsittkv with a rr on ibe ip label of eaih
iei. N- ne other ia genuine, cnJ to conn'. rH-il'
H i i roi.asnV. ' ' - ' '
rj" IkrTtce. ilfVn'sil rtchtaive'y lo tb le of
i-f the North Aioetiean Clegt-iff Habh No 'TS'i
Gre.-nv.rch 8trct, Ni w York ; No, 198 Tr- mont
Sirrei. llos oti; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No.
I6U R.cs tTT, I'bila lelpliia. L . .
J.n 30 h, IM7. 19y.
95 North 2d st.. Iret. Airfi Ai Kace its..
1 ti i I a (I c I p h t n, ;
TBRAUY cV PAKKKK rnpectfolU intorm ih-ir
5 fr erd and tl. public that iney hiv taken
tha b!mv named bouse, rvccntly kept by J. 8.
Adam. nl are prepared tu accommodate cualo
m rj in ths room .liafaclury uauocr audairea
socable prfeer.
Their table will be mipp'ie.l wi'h the be-t vari
ety 'he market tfToiJ their parlors and alreping
p irt merits will be in the U-sloriler. The bouse
has been thoroughly rcpired and furnished with
a view to the c unfort of travellers and strangers.
Hating bad aovcal yeara ctperience ia tb
business, Ibev hope to give gsosral satisfaction,
and respectfully iuvits liov. Hera and strangers lo
giv them s call. ; BRADY Tt PARKER.
Ph l4d.lphia.Jaro.rv Ifl, 18l7.'f
. No. 31 Worth Third street,
(scan raa eitt aarsa.)
pa zl ads r.r Hz A .
C. C. MACKK Y, Avotiovcuu
EVcNINO SALES of Uarihvaee. Cotfary,
Saddlsry, Wbip. Booti, Shoes, Bats,
Cps, Cons, FUlofs, Cluthlnf,
Watches and Fancy fits!.
At Msckey's Aueimn IStoN. 31 Notlb Third
slrrel, nesr lbs City Hot. k
The .ttenil m i.f Country M tebsnts is InvitoJ.
The Uooiia will b I.I in lots to suit puteh uers,
snd all (i Wi oft. hit wi I he wa'rsn'ed wjii..l lathe
repret. nt .lion that tnsy be made of ihein.
N. 1). A large sornoei t of Oou.t at Private
Sale. Jan. 1(1 lfltT IV
To enf ihvti hares.
c eeh, Wet BulTt'o town. hip, Union eoOn-
iy, ti mile we! of - Bcrlio, i n ortupid by
Jotin Ut-eti-r abiMit 9(1 aciss cleared I g.svl Of.
haul; alone Uaiu, Ac An linsnt)
hi t-i wotk b .id Farm snd ar mill, mav have
ihe prop, rty 'U Ibe a'.arv, for ai-veM year.
Inquire nf ihe aget t, J icli Ro.chley, Welnche-
town, ii. ar the prcmi e, io if H. il ELLAS.
feu. .burr, Jan. IB, 1817 A
"One rfolW nvttl
1 two
IERVriNS wishn.g to purchase go.-uls in
Sunbury, will d taell lo call al ths cheap
vio'e of the sub-e lcr. snd eksmine b s stock be
fork purcbaning elaehere. You ean depend on
getting good barg.lns, gs b is daiermmsd not 16
be unJertulJ by any utbat slots.
, junn uuuar.
Runnrv, Jn. IB, Hit. nlly
mf CM OVEltVHOCS, a Pew s ti. aals
yr cleap.hv JOUN U0UAR.
Jsn. IH. latt.
ssj ,'i .t i W -. r-Wr.Tt t r '.' u:.',' 1
M lbllVK w rtt, uueen-tas r, (AJ.nw.rr,
VUt. eerie. L qU..r, Ac, f- a'e be. v I w. by
. . 1. . in a a v tid iii aw
ei t b
, utr.
Ian. in,
SCIIOOL UltOkel, bibiea, 'l ea-aoiaiii Uia.
ing Paper, Wil ing Pspar, Slstl Prne, and
llatVison's L'Jiiiiibisn Ink, lus sale cheap at ihs
Uur of ... JOHN UOUAK.
Jsi. 16, 147. -
01 MltalKlJ.A! rttatMheihe lias juU te
I Mitad a lot .r.Ualilhu. wh h ha wtH al
sbesp, loa) &0 CMllS. "
. AliJI and Farm
- tzxta rTristfrTnim.
THE eavajtilbar affst fa -eel wfly or eiily a
etes of Isnd eriUi a nMll erected thereon, for.
morly known ae JoW MJt, NloaU-d in Aegure
township Noribwmberlsnd eooi.ty, on Ihs Little.
Shamokm crot k. twar lae Tulpchocken vosil l-ad
Ing ftom Soubury to Pottttllls eight mflee fto-n
Snnhiiry. Thirty or forty acres or satd land are
cleared, and In a ftoJ stale t.f ea'tititnr Tim
imrrovcmeiits ar Orit Mill, ,rg U.-uee i"l
8laba, athl stl firebar ). Yhi-re U atao . g i d
Sprng and aeeerat selea 'nf M- low on tbe preini.
ses. The I cation of rh mill 1 n eselH-nt en
for coalom.i. For farther info m -iin ii ootre of ths
sulHeriher. , DAVIli MILLER.
Shamokin township, Jsn. 0 t H47. 3 u
tni' 2ncCks Kstafo. I
NOTICE f I hereby gin lhat Ictiereof aimi.-s
iatrttinn bate ben granted IA the srj'i; ilwra
on lb rstste of Wm. McCay. ht of the bofnujh
Nrntbambetland. . Alt persons indebted lo ta d is
tate or hating detnamhi at ainat tbe am. sre re
queted to call on the tuSarribers for sSlllgmtot,
without delsy. DAVM) TAGOART.
North'.!, J.n. t. I8t7.-r Artm'r.
Jeremiah J. nttincrEilHlc
NOTICK ie hereby glnn, that letter of admm
itratini nn the eatste nf J.-remiah J. Vaa'ine,
lata of Rush townAt'p, Northnmb.-rtanil c.-run'y,
dee'd., have been gr .nta.t to the subscriber. Per
sons having claim against the estate sis requested
lo pieetrt them, fir ei-minmion and arttlemi-nt,
and persons knowing rtiemael-e to be indsbied,
are icqussUd to make immciliat payment.
BuS township, Jan. 2, 1847. 6t Ailm'rs.
The Chenpent Gold nnd Silver Watchci
GOLD Lvr, foil Jsviell.d, f f 5 Of)
' S her do. do. 23 U
lit Lepines, 3we!le.1, "30 00
Silver do. - do. 1 CO
Sitter Quartirrs, fine qu Ji'ft 1,0
Gold Watches, plain, . 15 P0
Silvsr 8ctaclts, 1 7S
Oil.l Penrtt,' 2 00
Gold flrscelrta, CO
Ala', nn l and, a Ursa rs .r"nent nf O 1.1 snJ
Hair Dracol.'t. flncer in 4. h'it pir hoi;) ear
ring, c..d pens, i;i'r sp urns, sucr tone th:rn
b, enli' ii rk ruth r.d f h chains, E"-rl k y:
nil jewed ry nf eiery ilc-eiip'ton, st equally low
ptH-t-s. All I w.i it i a cjII to out, ..we -evst
All kind of Watches Slid Clocks rppiire' a d
nirni'eil In 'keep 'timo for one y ear; i1J
gol.l orilr bui ul't or tkei. in exchanze.
For sale, sight dy and th-nv hi.ur braes clock',
Wab, tTlorlc aid .Teeellery No. 413J
Markst rtnet, aliovs Elevi nth, north aide, Phih
pbii. .
y That some Gold snd fcilvei Levers, st It
much cheaper than the b 'e pi'c s,
" Piii'auelphi. D e.tO. 1346. Is
No. 6 Nortlt 3d-?i, third -door abovo
- Market treel, . ... .
SAVri 'EVEftY VE NlMi. f a c e-nl n.
oTtmei.t f K. r. iin atid Domestic Hsr.lwir.-,
"Tl-'i rrd i'o. ket Cutleiy. Trui ks L'Cls,
L ch oa. l!nl-a S w. Saddlery, Vh ps,
E ois. Miois. Hit, Cms. (uu',
fir.ols, Triinmin ', ChAbi.ig '
s i d Fan.y G-tU
Tha sttenlinn nf c ity aoJ-'CJonl'V ''ealr'is is in.
vilrd. The G txl an. f.. ,h. -fid Wl'. he Wur'anled
equal to I1 e -ei.r, ,-.i'lonii t!i .t in .v be mad of
tiiem. UAAXlS&13ROO:Eb", Autt.ant Tr,
N 6 .Noitii 1 h!id hi,
N. B. Purohsscis ean haw tlntr O.k J p.t-k il.
Several ir.vnicr of Goods base bten received tu !
sold st ptivgt sate.
rhilaJelphi. Dec. Tih, I84fi. Iy
rrB iJDwssrrs TCnn)trsal
Small quantities pjven ithout Tliare.
THIS new snd rj' I sricle, a - it de
notes, is pr .fd t be suneii.wr in any ha
ving Cream in lbs Ui.ilrd Ms'cs or Eun p. It is
unsurpiastd fir beaU'y. purity aid I stance, ih
mewhat analrcints ti t'iu.-rii,s Amhn IM
Cisam and ntlarr similar einpouuJa. It fnr sur
passes them all by Ilia enicl.ient pasty e naisti-nry
of ita Uth. r which so sofien lbs I ear J a to rend r
abaViag pleasant sod eay. Ii pobsesikg
lb aatvaiilHge over tho importe I aniil.', in being
freshly prrpve I. no skill being wanting in its mso
ufsctewe. E. Kjuse having bad many year' ex
perieace in the celebrated Laboratory ul Luugur,
Per a at Fit, now Hsniud & co., of Paris.
Derides bring the I est. It is lbs chespest article
fo oba.ingt it is elefantly put np ia boxes, with
splendid atecl engraved labels.
Pri.-e t pet dozen, or 37 ci-nts for s single bog,
to shave One yesr. It is slo oIJ at $1 SO per lb,
or 12) cents per ot., so tht gt nilein. n ran have
Iheir bofe filled at EUGENE ROISSEL'S.
V holela and Retail l'erlu:nery and Minsral Ws
ter C blihment, 114 Cberun S refl.
P.-C 19. lBie.. PHIL DKLPHtA.
No. 21 North Fmirih Street,
T Invite Mcrehanis and Millineri to et-f
aSeXamine iheir e"ck f B.'imia. Palm
T.i af knd lehnrn Mt. Put nod C nth I'sp. Mi i
IikIis lluliber Choes. It v. 1 1 be I un.l to e.mttiit
all nf ihe must d 'nibbh? kui.Ja, and v. .11 bo a.. Id at
the lowe.t n.k lil prirrs 4
No. 21 Noith FuuilU S.nct, bcir.-ta Mik t
and Aich ttrSet.
Phiradvtphia. Dee. 19th. t4fl. Bm
"rhihdeiphia VCulch nnd JerbtUy Store,"
No. 90 North SECON'b airtet, corner kf Quarry,
' 10tJOLD Lvsr Wstcbes.futl
jewelled, 1 earal ce, f 45 00
Silver Letfer Watches, full
jewelled, 23 00
Silver tver Watcbsa, aa
tenhel,. 100
Silvsr l.epio Watches, jesrillsJ, finest
quality. 14 M
Surxrioi Qjartirr Welches, 10 00
I mi's bio Uirtir warranted, a (til
lold PprlBcle. -- -
Fine Hiver fpeei'fel. 1 '
Qjld Brae lu with I0r eees, t 6ft
Lsdiea' Oi ld Pent U U carats, 2 00
tii.hl Fmser It i 87 1 ela f t AA'a'eh G as
se. pW-lt, Cisj p . I"il T-opri 25. fU
Ihc,rriicle'i .pipition. AH ( "Oils warrant! J
lo be W st ihey ar.-ol.l f r. O I ON K AD.
' I ib baud, aoBia Gold and S.lvi r Ls rs, I uxg '
aod Qusrlises, biwer it sn 'h abuse p.ks
Pb4lat'l'Bl, Dec ft, 1846.- Iy
a, is, mi. lunii iiuusm