GovKmMsia Pomai. burin, the ye,r end in2 30th June U.t, the treasury department paid to the post-olfice $230,383 83, po,taee on mail matter received at Washington city for officer! of the government, who, under the old law, re ceived their letter, etc., at.lKe e?enseef the iHnt-ofllfe department. Of this turn $109,816 40 was for matter received by the postmaster ge neral, $22,349 U by the Home of Representa tive! and its clerks, $7,283 80 by the Senate and ilsclerkij r724,G8,Dy the President and Vice President, $2,034 by the Secretary of the Navy, $2,031 60 by the Secretary of State, and $2,787 74 by the Secretary of the Treasury. New DiacovERiitsor Lbao in Wiucon.m. largo discovering have been made in lead at Hazel Greeni Jefferson, Mineral Point, Frank lin.tnd other places, and miners have flocked thither from all parts of the mineral region. The Wisconsin lead region is the El Dorado Tor the enterprising and industrious. Snaa Thboat, Coughs, Consumptions, Pains in the various pir's of the b,idy, and other unplea sant symptom, sre the usual ifli-tU of catching col.'. ' ' . ' . V ; WrighCi Indtiin Vtgrlahlt Pith sre a delightful medicine for carrying off a cold, bersuse -they purge from the hotly all morbid and corrupt hu mors in so easy snd natural a msnner, that the (to dy is relieved of every kind of suffering as if by magic From three to sii of said Indian Vegets. bis Pid, Isken every night on going to bed. will in a short time, make a perfect rum of the most obstinate cold st the ssme time the blood and o Ihtr fluid wilt be thoroughly purified, and the con stitution so completely invigorated, that the body will be restored In even s.'Undir health than before. Bitvtirt of Counietfiltt. The public are csu tioncd against the many spurious medicines which, in oider to deceive, sre called by names simitar to Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. The only originsl snd genuine Indi tn Vcgntablo Tills have the signature of Wm. Wright wiitten with a pen on the lop label of i-arh tins. To court trrfrit this is Forgery, snd till others should be shunned as poison. Offices devoted eicluivsly to the sale of Whisht's Iranias VsnETaaLS FrLLs, wholesale and retail. 109 Rnre street, Philadelphia; IMS Greenwich stieet, Mew Yoik; and 198 Trfmont atrm I, Boston. fXj"Agenl for the site of Wright's Indian Vegela tde Pill in Sunhury, IIsvut Massta. For oilier agencies see advertiserm nt in soother column. CoTinopa n Erinr.nie Diikkm. Wa ter must l adapted to the nature nf the fish, or (here will lie no propagation of the species The oil must be adapted tit the s-ed, or there will he no Incrrsse. The climate must hsve those matters in it which will unite and keep alive epidemical or rnntagcoua pnisona, or th-y will become) eitinguish ed, an a lamp thai is nnsuppliad with oil. So it is likewise with the Human Fiamc; it cannot he materially all'ected by epidemical or contageous maladies, unless there I e those matter floating in the circulation which offer the sppiopristu soil. By purifying our bodies with the Buabdnbtm Pills, which have affinity with lh.we impurities upon which contngeon feeds, we may ulwsys fa I secure, whatever due ise m y rage around us. True, wr may hsve it, hut it will soon le over; ou sick lies' may be the affair of a day r two, while those who hve been too wite to use this simple and ex cellent remedy, either die, ur have weeks, pcibsp months of sickness. (J3" Purchase of II. B. Master, 8unbury, or of the agent, published in another part of ibis paper. 1 11 ANCE'S 8AR8 APARII.LA, OR BLOOD PH. I.N. (T WH AT IS THAT PRINCIPLE WHICH VB CALL THE HI.OOD! THE HLOOfl 1$ THAT PRINCIPLE HV WHICH THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS RE fiVLATED. Theref re if iIms Idood becomes im re, a general dirsi g'tuenl of the rysti-m must rnsue; and givs rie to Coughs, Colds, ifliienM.Dvpepsia D'opiy,Head ache, Fullne-a of lllood, Bilious, Scarlet, Tvphod and Typhus Fevers uf sll kinds, Indigestion, Wek-ne-s uf Stomach, Rhnumstism and Rheumatic Af fectijn, Nervous Aff ction, Liver Complaint, Arth ma, Plvuri-y, Inflammation i f ihe Lungs, Low MpiritS) Fi's, Mes-le. Small Pol, Whooping Cough, Crup, Sore Eyes, Inward Wcsknes, Worms, Cjuiney, Unnxhitis, Chidie. Dseuterr, (travel, Sail Rheum, Deafness and other affections nfthe KT, Aoihony's Fire, f'cmfula or King's Evil, Ulcers, White dwellings, Tumors, Biles. Sup prisseJ Monthly Urac'iS'geaand Femilae-implainta i general, Erupii mi of tl Skin, Habitual Cos -tivenrss, snd sll dir eases (lepnuding on a disordered snd diseased state of the blood, or suspension of the healthy secretions. Theref ne, on the first appearance of any of three rtymptoma, Hsacs's SARSAPARlLl.A, or BLOOD PILLS! should ha firiirorsd, and used according lo the dt roriiona. PRICK CKNTS r Hot of HP- I TV PILLS, or FIVE BOXES f .r ONE DOU I.AR. For sals by 8F.TH 8. HANCE, corner of CbarU anJ Pratt sis., ami I(IS) Bsltim.irs street, and by UEORtJE BRltlH f.Bunl.urv. D. URAUT1UAM, Nor.humlrlan.l. Feb. 6, 1847. J? uaf HEli PROOFS OF the efficacy OF HANCE'S compound syrup of I10REHOUND IN REI.IEVINO AFFLICTED MAN 1 Ma.rltoBBt T. WaaaiaoTOa, le.'iding iii York,' street, Jedeisl liill, Oallimurr, Ws sltacked With a viulent tough and strs throat after trying many remedies, wss induced by a friend lo use Hand's Compound Syrup uf Huiebnuud, and before Using cne bottle, wss entirely cu'ed. A SOT HER t YET MUHE ASTOStSHlXt! Mas, HasalsTt MrastcS, reaidnig in Monu ment street, between C .nsl and Eden streets, wss attacked with a very severe cough snd psiu in the breast, which Wa so infuse, that it rllondeJ to the shouldeis. She Was atQIclid eUo with pain in the side. Aftr trying msny remerlies. he was persuaded bv a f.len.1 m iso H ANCE'8 COMPOUND SY RUP OF HOREHOUND, ml afm 0ilnt ih'ea dotes, aha experienced grea relief, and before h finished Ihe bq'.'.ie, wss rntira'y cur I, PRICE, Onts ir U'lls.f b.4Hs fir $350. ror sale f VU I'll 8. IJANCE. 108 IMtimore st snd eorner Charles snd Pi stueU, Baltimore, and by WEOROB llRI(JHT.u.buiy, D. DRAUrj'J M. NuilaUwbeilenJ. Ttb. 6, If 47, i 1 1: i. In Port Mitchell, Noble county, Indiana, on Sunday morning the 10th of Juno. nr. kt.T7a ANN, wife of William F, Engel, Esq., aged 28 years. In Shamokin township, on the Slit ult., Mr. JOHN WILKESON. seed abont 04 years i In Chilisqnaque township, on the 26th ult., "Mr. ANDREW FETZER, a Revolutionary soldier, si jours, i momn ana at) uays. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly I y Hairy Marnier. We it at. 100 Rtb, Corn, Oatb. Pork, FLAassan, Buttbr, 03 68 25 6 1 14 ic DEMOCRATIC DELEGATE MKKTINliS FI1HE Democratic Electors of Northumber'snd JL county are requested lo meet at the usual pis. era for holding township elections, on Saturday the 20ih of Feb. int.. to elect the proper number of delegates, lo meet in convention at las court house in Sunhury, on the Monday following, to elect do- legates to the 4th of March convention. A Joan, Abu. Sinrm, J acta I. Hnrrv w, Jon Mr Kins sr, Feb. fi, 1847. Standing Committee, Win. moil's IMate. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters teatamcn lury hsve been granted to the subscribers, on I he estate nf Wm. l,emou. late of Point township, Northumberland county, tire J. All persons in debted to ssid estate, nre requested lo call on the subscribers, st Ihe late ri sidene of the deceased, on Wedtieday, the 1 7rh dy of March next.and make pavmenl, snd those having clsims against the ssme will prearm tuem, well eiitlmi.tirso.l. lor settle ment. THOMAS LEMON, ' HUGH MeWILLI AM3, Feb. 6th, 1847. Cl Executors. Clothing Establishment OPERATIONS in Cintnina seem to lie th order of the d ty, at Ihe PhdHilelhis Ward Kolie, 105 Chesnut street, where eorv anieln in Ihe line u kept, snd sold at astonishing low prices, rmlirtcing' ' 1 Clonk', U.ingnps. Over Sack Costs, Short Sack Coils. Super French Clolh Dress Frock Coat. Pantaloons of every cisd and sty le.sny of which will In sold either . by the garment or dozen, ut pri- cea that will j,ntlify the most economicsl in . buying. We sdvise all who want good and cheap Clo thing, toesll at No. 105 Chesnut silent, Philsdi Iphia. Feh 6th, 1847 Om I'olsoii. WE think a man who will make and palm upon an unsusiwcting person, a "Sugar Coated Pill." not having on Ibe box Dr. (j. Uenj'u Smith's signature, would not hesitate to sell poi.on, rrgardles of all consequences. No "Suoia Coa Pitts" can be relied upon, nnleta Dr. Smith's signsture is on the Ihii, and jry all others are either inntati m or counleifcit, and uf course dangerous lo ue. CAUTION. As a miserable imitation hsa been made, liy the name of '-Sugar Coated Pills," it is necessary to be sure thst Da. O Sxitb's igns'ure is on every box. Price 25 cents. Principal Office, 179 Greenwich st. New York. Sold by JOHN W. FRILINU. Sunltury, WM. FORsYTHE. Nurthum'd. Feh. 6, IS47. . IT NEVER f AILS!!! D8. CULLEX'S 1XDI.IJI TECKTA11LE PA1ACE1 PERSONS sfllicted with Rco fuU. Kines E vil. Cancer. Erysiielas, Old Sores, Ulcers, '1'etter, Mercnri il Disesses, or any other coinpl lints aiising from impuriura uf the bloo.1, aie requested lo read the f llowing lestimoniala, in proof of Ihe wonderful irorlies ol the above named medicine. READ! READ!! READ!!!-We the under signed, having visited Mr Isaac Brooks, jr , at Ihe oilier of Messrs Kowand 6c Walton, J70 Market street. Phil xlelphia. consider bis csfe the most re markable one we bate ever witnessed or beard of. His diseae was heoari ta, and terrible must have Icon his twelve years' conflict wi h the de stroyer ! His Palate, Ihe entire roof of bis Moulb, Nose, Upper Lip, and lowir lid uf the Riuiit Et b have li n destroyed, his Face nearly eaten up, and part of the Jaw Boas carried away. And yet we can give no description of bis rase. Mr. B. il l urns us that ie January last, Ihe whole interior of hi mouth, ss well ss most of bis face, was a mass of deep and painful ulcers ! . On the 14'h of January Uai, he commenced ta king Dr. Ctttsa's Ikbuw VsesTiBia Psbscki, which checked lbs iliseisa in a few days, and finrj th.l lime the cure ba progressed wilhoei intermis sion. New flrsh has supplied the place of the ds p ulcers, snd though bsdly di.figured, his face is sound, Slid bis general health is restored. ' f We are assured that in ihe treatment of Mr. Brooke' ease, no Msaccaiaia, Ointments, or Csus lie spplicslions have been used, in fact, the Pa Sacra iLuxs, has wrought this wonderful change. J W Junes, M D. South 2J street, Philadelphia. ' E W Carr, 440 N 4th, above Poplar, N Liberties, S MeCullnugb, Lancanter, Fenn'a. O W Appleton. M D. 48 8 ojth at, Pbilad. Wm Steelling. M D, Camden, New Jeraey. Wm Hale, 378 High atreet. Philadelphia. J It Pmier, Man. Mineral teeth, 109 S 9th at. Phils. I. A Wollenweher, Ed Phil Dem 277 N 3J st, do. A D Oillelte. Pastor nf I Ith Baptist Church, do, J-hn Bell, Erie st, Phil, (N Ameiiean office.) John W Asbmsad, 60 8 0th atreet,-Philsdelih. T S Wagner, Lithographer. 118 Chesnut at, d.. Peter 8ken Smith, Editor Native Eagle, do, J oil II, .dine, niaas Manuf, Williainstnwn, N J. L B Coles, M D, Boston, Msssichusi'tis. KUssel Uanfleld, Phiologis, PhiUdelphls. Thomas P B Roby, M D. II arrial-urff. Pa. Wm Urie, pa,nr Ht Paul's eh Catharine at. Phila. John ChainVer. naatn, l.i f,.n rh llm..l .i .1. 1 S,J!d'r,iP.u,,,i,h"r ' le''Re sod J tend it J. do. L L .rJL'T8' Ed i Brnch, Dovlstown, Backs U V S bite, do The almve named gentlemen, (eoiutitu lng but a small po-Lon of those who ,. Mf T,Mlki at our ofTus in Philadalplda, .nj woUld certifv lo the same facta if iiecrasary ,t, mtM kno.ninJ thetr high stsndlng In society preclude, ln, of their lending iunr hsmes to carry on an imp-isition. C;'itfiestes of cures, in pamphlet form, may be bad Oralis, at the oflices of Ihe agents. These mediciues eie prepared and sold by ihe pioprirtor, Row and Sc Wslton, No. 370 Market street, PhiUdelp' is, - . f-W W Dsuenhawrr. No 1 MnrrsV si. N Y. I 1 J J W Dsnenhower. N I O F Hall. Cln.O. f as C T Jenkins, Ne 6H Canal st, N Orleans. V lN N Robinson, cos (lay t Ssralngssts. Ilali. rio'd lo by Druggists llirouchout the United Pistes. Fib. lh, l17. -am ly More Good I News FOR TltiJ PEOPLE OF SUtflJURl ! JUST opened a NEW TIN, SHEET-tRON AND COPPER MANUFACTORY, whole and retail. In the building lately occupied by Geo. Weiser, Esq., as s cooper shop, second door est pf Mrs. Boulton's Hotel, Market street, where may be found, at all times, a large Asorlmcnt of Tin Wars?, made up in the heat manner, and of the best tin. Also, all kinds of Sheet-Iron work on haml, such as Stne Pipe, Jmrritan emit Rt$$!a Cnal thick et; and Shovel, which will be sold a cheap ss In any other town in Northern Pennsylvania. Also on hand Stuvbs of all kinds, such ss COOKING STOVES awn PARLOR STOVES, whii h will be sold cheap, for cash. t The subscriber ssks the rilir.ens of Situhnry and Ihe suriounding country for their supporl, feeling aiFUrsd thst be ran give general satisfaction in any kind of work tint they may want d.Mic, iu his line o( business. ' All kinds of rrpsiring done, at the shoi'eal no tice and on the must reasonable terms. Old Copper, Pewter and led taken in ex change for work. ' BKNJAMIN 8BTTI.EM0YER. jBui.bury, F. b. 0th, 1817. 3t- s TO Til C SIC II AN A FFIalCTft I. DR SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUPOF WILD CHERRY Wo cm c uisisientlv Ma:o that Dr. Swatsk'a Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry baa been extensively used in the United Slates for mote than ten yesrs that i s beneficial cflccta have been tested by thousands That it liviaiAsit Raticvr a Ricbst (Joroq, and that hundreds of individuals, grsdiial y sinking un der the insidioua attack of death's full em saarv, Pulwosaht Co.isiTMrTio5, hsve been restored to health, bsppiness and friends, by its use, snd sre now living testimonies of the curative power of this Hint nr. Amothxb Imvalio ass-maun to llsttau. Rkaotub BTKH RLCOBDEII 1 most siiiHiinLi cent Db. Swat b Dear Sir ! I feci called bv a sense of iluiy I owe to suflerinc humanity, to seknnwledge my grsterul thanks lor Ihe wondt liul rirocts of your Compvuml Syrup of Wild Cbenv on me, after suffering month after momh with the most afflict. ing of all dtsearcs, Conumpton. The first syinp loins were of a xery hesvy cold which settled on my lungs, which gmdually grew worse, with pro lure night swents, a Inckiiig cough, swilling blood, with great debility. My comtilution seenud bro ken down, and nervous system very murh impair ik I went lo rhilaileliilii. wss il there bv physiciana of the highest staiidiiie, hut icoeivsd no beneht whstever Ir on them, but graduillv crew worse, until my physb-ians, as well as myself, gae up all hopes of recovery, and I felt like one ho is mIhuiI to pas through the Valley f the Shadow nf Death. Al Ibis "awful jnncturu" I heard of your Ccinioond Myrup 01 vViid I herry, of which I pur chnsi-d six bottles, which I sin bsppy lo say entire ly cured ute, and I am now enjoying h.-tier health than I ever have In fore in my life. Phvsfeians who wilnessrd my Case are highlv lecoininending it in similsr rses, snd I wish you lo make this pubi c, so that all msy know where lo inocure a remedy st once w hich will reach their disease be f 'ro tamp -non with the many 'quek iiosiifnW with whicli the country is flooded. My residence ia al 45 Ann alirel, where e should be happy lo have the above subslan isied by a ersonal inter viiw. ALBERT A. ROSS, ' Wbo'eaale and Mail Dealer in ciuars. 45 Attn meet, N. Y. rr Be not deceived by "Ihe msny spurious and woithless preparatiens' of Wild Cherry. uhond into notice by ignorant pr- tenders, but sre thai the signature of Dr. Swayns is on each laottte, which ia the only gunanlee against tmoosition. Preiisreil only bv Dr. SWAYNE, N W. cor- ner of Eighth and R ce slrei f, Philadelphia, and for rale by rer-pectable Druggists in nearly all Ihe principal towns in tho United Ststes, Only Agent in bunuury. is HENRY MASSER. Dr. J. A. Moore, DanvdUj T.JS. Macky A o i. M Itun ; M. U. dc J. Wells, Muucy ; C. A. Wystt, Lewisburg. . Philsd. Ipiia. Feb. 6th. 1847. 2m ly i O X Drugs! Drugs!! Drugs !!! THOMPSON ICRAWFOKD, No. 10 Market Street, (South side, be low Second.) Philadelphia, OfTer for sale a largo stock of Fresh 1 Drugs, Medicines and Dye-S ufi's, to which tbey call the attention of Coun try Meichania and Dealers visiting ibe eitv. Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black, snd other Vsr nishrs of s superior quality. Also, While and Itetl Lead, Window Glae, Paints and O.I cheaper than cvc. T. it C. are also pmprictore of ibe Indian Vegetable Balsam, crUbrsled throughout their ewrt and neighboring Slates, as the beat preparation for lbs euro uf Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Ac Mouey icfuudcd in every instance where no benefit is r'C CHived. ', Pbiladi Iphia, Jam 30, 1847. 8m ' t jfivat v c m ( u m X n it. No. 87 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. . friHE celebrity of ihe tnka manufactured by the X subscriber, and tbeextehaive sa'es cuneequcul upon the high reputstion which they have attain ed, dm only throughout the United Slates, but in the Wv Iodise and in China, tea induced htm to make rvery necessary srrsrgement to supply the vat demaud upon bia establishment. He is now prepared with every varii ty ef Black, Blue and Red Inks, Copying Ink, Imlrhbla Ink, and Ink Powder, all prepared under his own rsonal superintend ence, go that purchasers may depend upon its su perior quality, HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, a su perior ar'ide for (Ilai-a, China, (aliuet W'aiC, Ac . useful lu every HoUM'krepur. Iiuiug a white liquid, easily applied, and not atl'vcled by or. dillary heat Warranted. djj Pamphlets, containing the numc tons U sti moutals of men of science, snd otheis, will bb fui nisbed to purthssers, For .ale at lh Manufactory, Wholesale snd Re tail, No. 87 Nosth Taiab fxtJ 0pusite Cherry sUett, PUilaJulphia. by . JOSEPH E. HOVER, Jan. 30th, 1847 ly Manufaeiurer. uOnV Vol tar SsiYedi 4m o Jaarncd." - PERSONS wishing to purchase goods in S'jnbury, will do well to call at the rhesp sioia of the aubveiilier. aud risruiuu his stork Im. fore purchasing elsewhere. Von can depend on getting gnoj bargaiua, as he is determined not to be undersold by any etbar store, ' . a , . JOHN BOOAR. 8unlry, Jan. 16, 1817 nliy C"itM overshoes; . n.w a.ii;u;6.rTa7e cheap, by JOHN BOOAR. Jan, 16, 1847. IT IS WPsITTElt T IN THE BOOK OF NATUPE AND OF COMMON SENSE, that the natural vegela ble productiona of every country ale, if properly applied, amply aofneient for Ibe cure of every ma lady incident to each peculiar climate. , WRIGHT'S HD1AN TEGETABLE TILLS, i : . or tb North American College orilcnlth, are compoaed of all plants which grow spontane ously on our own soil, and are therefore better a dapted lu our conatilulioiis I'aan Medirlnes Conrnc. led from foreign drugs, however well they msy be compounded and sa they are founded upon the principle that the human body is in truth SUBJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASE, namely, corrupt humors, and that ssid Medicine cures this di-ease on INairaii. pniKrir-t.s, by tltantinr an, t purifying the lm,ly, il will be man ifest that, If the constitution bi not rntiirly ex hausted, s persevrranca in their use, according lo di cctions, U absolutely ceitatn to drive disease of every name from Ihe body. When we wit.h to restoie s swamp or morass lo fertility, wo drain it nf the .upeiHlinmlsnl water. In like manner, if wo wiali lo reaime the body lo health, we mint clouuo it nf inipuiiiy. WRlfiHT'rt INDIAN VEC.E I'Allt.E PH.I.s will be found one of llto best, if not Ihr very best medicine in the wodd for tarrvi ig out thia linnn Punirrtn I'sivrtrtr., beesnse they exH from the b.wly all morbid mill c irrnpt bum .r, ibe c:uie of the discasn, in an easy i.nd Ndural Manner i and while they every day nivs bask iinruerm, di e om i.f every nsme is rapid y driven from the body. The foil wing highly rrspi-eiahlr lurekeeprrs have li n duly apioiiitrd sg -ius for the sole of Wrighf Indiaii Vegetable 1'ilU, in Norlhutnlii r 1 .nd county ! Henry Msaser, Sunhury. E. A. J. Kanffinan, Augusts lowihip. Samuel Herb, Little Mahoiioy. William Depi.en, Jackson. lleneville llolshim, Upier Mahonny. John 11. Rrnn, Upier Mahonny. Samuel John, Slinniokiniowii. For-ythe, WibnnrV t'o.. Norihuinbeiland. E. L. Piper, Wauoiihurg. Irland Sl Hays McKventvillo. James Peed, Poilsgrnve. Win. O Scott, Rushvdle. Hsrtmnn Kmebln, Etybur: P. O. Am'S T. Beissel, 'i'urhutsvilln. (ridioii Shadel, Upper Mahonoy. Rhodes A Farrow, Snyd.rstowu. John King, Farmerw lie. Silas V,4 lln. k. M 'iitin's ('rei k. J. Do Young. Hieksvilln. Abraham Sin irr. Ri.-htnoml. Samuel Taytnr, Slalefor I. s John II. Vincent, Cbilisqiiaque. t Wm. llemeiiiV lliotbrr, Milton, Bkwsmb or Coc!TKMrtiTS. The public sre cautioned scsiift the many spurious medienra whieh in oider lo deceive, are c died by names si milar to Wrighi'a Indian Vegi table Pills. .; , 1 Tu a eai T oaioi vsi in eat'tss lanlaft Va riBTaaLa Pit is have Ihe signature of Wm. Wright waiTTKB witsj : a on the lop label of each iiox. None other is geuuine, and lo counterfeit this is roMocai. fjj Office a devmel rxchlsive'y to the sale of WlilOHT'S INDIAN VEOEI ABI.E PILI.s, i4 the North American College of Health. No. 388 tircrnwich Street, New York; No. I9 Tnmont Stre.-t, Boston ; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No. Ifi'J Rara Stskit, Philadelphia. Jsn.atlih. IM7. slOy. . " PHILADELPHIA CCOiwCL3 -C1J JJ 112. NEW STY IsFs COMBS... rpORTOlSE Shell Tuck Combs, cam J and M. finished in a superior slle, Splendid Shrll Dres-inn ('oinba, carved and plain. Shell P. cket Combs, with and without rasesi New Style Long Combs, carved aud plain for children. Willi a brant if o I aaortuMit of lbs Real BufTilu Combs, that is so much in geurral ue. S. WINNER, ' Citnli Mauufsrtuiee, No. 7 S.ruth Second telow Mmkvt stnd. P. S K. W. ia thoowly Manufacturer f the (ienuine Butfalo Combs in the Uui'ed Stales, Philadelphis. Jan. , IM7. 3nt TO WATCH MAKERS AM) Pistl'lllilgae J. L ADOlfiU s. lmjKirlor of W'ati lifn, JooHaml atch iIalcril5, M liolcnalc & ItctulL No. 33, South Pvurth it, PHILADELPHIA, n.AScoiiatanily on hand a large aasortment of Lunelle. Palenl, and Plain Oiast M .ill springs Verg'-s, Disls. Watch Hands, uMd a coin plele a-Hoit in nt of all Tools and Maleiials hi bulg ing tn ibe Hade with a large a-sunm-nl o t,,d and S.lver Lever, Leptne, and Plain WaU hea; all of which he wi'l fcuw iutv losell at thn mei New Yoik prices. All oriels from the tounty poiictu ally eiecnted. N. B, Country mercbS its SnJ others are Invited to e II snd examine at tlm tiid Stand, No. 33 Sptt'h Fottnh stieel. Ph Isdeljihis. Jn.l:, 117. m Orphans' Court Sale. IN pnrru rnre of an ortlrr of the Oiphans' Court of Nurihninl-e.ljnd county, will be s d.l at rub- ! lie Sale, dn I hurMtay the 18tti ( iy i f Match st the late residence of Jeremiih J. Vartiue, dre'd., in Hush township in s.i.l county , In wit : A ter lain I' set of land situate in the township atorrsaid. called the Mill tract, bring II. e one Undivided half pall thereof, containing in the whole ten arrcs. ad joining land of Benjamin F. Vatine aud olhrr, on which are erected a Crist Mill. Dwelling Mouse, Barn and oilier improvement. Also, a tract tif land (of whit h the wulo of I'C er Va line, dee'd , hna tho life estate,) in same towurbip. Containing 101 acres wore ol lra, adj lining Ian I f U. i iaiinn F. Vs-tine, VVillis n Kaae, Wiblatn Scott, Brnia mm L. VaMins and oth-cs, mi which sre eireted a two stnry dwelling bous., barn, waggon shed and ! other l.nproveiuoiiU.- Al-a, another trac' uf I mil in tSme town-hip, cnntaitiiog one hundrrtl spd twenty-two acres more or less, ailju ing l.ewi V. Visttne, James Eektnau, William Selt and others. Late the estate nf Jeremiah J. Vistine, dee'd. Sa'e to Commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of Said d.y, when the conJitiona nf sale will be n ade kuowuby PEI'EK E. VASTINB, LYM A VASI INE, By Older of the onrt, A.trrj's. EDWARD OYSTER, Cl'k. Sunbuiy.Jsn. 16. Ut7. la S(;HOO7UOOKS, Bibles, Ttatameuia. Draw; log I'sper, Willing Per, Sicvl Pens, and Harrison's Columbiaii Ink, fir sate rhesp al the store of . JOHN Bull A It. Jan. IB, 1 4F. T 7 MUKELI.AsT The suWrllte'r has jusi is ceivel a lot of Umbiellas, which bs will sell efcesp, imii. low as SO rents. Jsn, l,t17, JOHN BOOAR. 1MOUNT VEIINON 03 Norlli 2d st., bet. Arch & Uace sts., 1 li 1 1 H (1 c 1 1 h l a. BRADY A PARKER respectfully Infmm ibeir friends snd the public that they have taken tho above named house, recently kepi by J. , Adam, an I sre piepared lo accommodate tuau rrrnrs in the moat satisfactory minuet and at rea aoimlilc prices. Their tiible will be supplied with the best Vrt ety the mmkrl sfloida their psrlorsand sleeping spirtmenla will be in Ihe beat order. The house has been thoroughly repaired and furnished with a view lo Ihe r.iinfort of travellers and stringers. Having bsd years experience in the business, thev hope to give general satisfaction, and respectfully invite tisveller snd atr angers to give them a call. BR DY A PARKER. Ph lphia,Jsnti.ry 10, 1917. r err? atjctYoit stoue, No. 31 N.Mth Thin! street, (.a tub rtrt iniTrr.,) FHILADBLFH. C C MACK V, Y, . ArcTiONKKft. TO COUNTRY STORE-KEEPERS. ITIVr.NINO SALES ..f Haidware, Cutlery, Saddlery, Whips. Roots, Shoea, Hals, Usps, tiuns, l istnla, tlotlnng, VVstc'aea and Fancy Hoods, At M. key's Auction Store, 31 North Tbird street, nesr the Cily Hon I, The attention of Country M relianls is invited. The (iooiis will be s Id in lots to suit purchasers, snd all Uoods iifTered will be wa'ranted equal to the repreM til itions thai may be made of Idem. N. B. A large assortment nf fionds sl Privste Sate. - Jan. 10. 1817 ly To llcnl On Shares. A FARM AND SAW MILL. Ac, On Penns k r-rek. West Untli'o township, Union coun ty, x miles west of New Berlin, now occupied by John Deeter about 90 nctes cleared good Or- rrnn!; stone Bsrn, Ac. An indu-tiioua tenant, ble t.i work hoth Farm and !aw mill, may have the property on ihe s'lSrea, for several years. Inquire nfthe agent, Jacob Ifoichley. Weirichs lown, near the preini-es, or nf H. BELLAS. Siinbiitv. Jan. Id, IH17-ft' lEDAR WAKE. (Jneen.-ware, Haidware, ,J liricerie-, Liqior, A'C, for salo Very lotv, by Jan. 10, JOHN BOOAR. A FEW Dried Piaihea mid ('berries, for site XjV h siore of JOHN BOOAR. J.n. 16, 1P47. MilPaml Farm- ' r1IIR subscriber oilers fot sate Tift y or silly a JL errs of land with a mill erected thereon, for merly known ss J -n s's Mil', ihu&ted in Augus's lowuship Northumherland county, on the Little Shamokhi rrek, near the Tnlch.H Ven road, lead ing from Sunhury to Pottsvilfe right Ttiiles frftin Sunhury. Thirty or eons acrea ef said land are cleared, and In a good atate nf cultivation. The improvements are a Crist Mill, a Log House snd Stable, and an Orchard. Their is also a good Spring and srteral seres of Mrsdow on the Tiremi r. The I ration nf the mill is an excsllenl one for riiBt un. For further infnrmslion inquire of the suh-cilicr. DAVID MILLER. Shamokin township, Jan. , 147. 3m IVm 3ltt'a)!B lt;itc. NO I'lCE is hereby given that letters of admin iteration ha been planted to the subscribers ii ihe ratste ol Wm. McCay.late of tha borough .onhuinl ciland. All persona indebted lo aaid es tate or h.Miiit ileuisnds against the Sams, era re quotted lo rail on Ihe tutuMTrihera for seltlement, without ilc!sy. DWID TAUtiART. DANIEL BRATJI IUAM. North'd, J in. IB. 1817 Tit Adiu'ra. Jrrrinluti J. Vanillins Estate. JO Tlt'li is hereby given, that letters of admin-i-' ii-lrstion on the estate of Jeremiah J. Vastine, Istr of Rush lowm-bip, NoTtViuinbetland county, dre'd.. have been gr iiiti.l In the snh.cribers. Per sons having clsims against Ihe estate aie requested to pi-eiit tin in f.r 1 1 and sellleineut, and r.oiiB knoAiug ilirmMdtrs to be indebted, ne irque.-tid to mike i nneoiate payoient. LYDIA VASIINE, PETER E. VASTlNE. Ruh township, Jan. S, IS47. Ot Adm'rs. CHEAP WATCHES." The (.'hiNijicst ColJ anJ Silver Welches !.N IMIHaAncI.lUHA. C, OLD Levers, fui Jewell, d, $M 00 S Iver do. do. . S3 00 ti.dd Lepinrs, Jewelled, Silver di. do. : Silver ( juaiiieis, fine qu ill y, (Sold Waiches, plain. 30 00 15 00 10 00 16 00 1 73 S 00 4 00 Silvei Sia-cHcl. , (old Pencils, (Sold Biacchts, !. . I.I. .iiso, mi naiiii, a large eft rnrtent of (SulJ and Hair Bracelets, linger rings, breast pins, hoop ear rings, Kuhl pens, sitvei sp.Mius, aujar tongs, thim bles, sold tit'ik, curb and fib chains, guard keys and jrwrlb ry nf every description, at equally low prins. All I waul is a call lu couviuce cut- All kinds of Watches snd Clinks lepairej and warranted to keep time for one yesr ; old gold or silver boeght or taken in exchange. For salr, i iyhl day and thirty hour brass clocks, st I.EWI-S LADOMl'S' Watch, C k and Jewrlleiy Store, No. 4 13) Market ttreet, abute IHeVi nth, liotth side, Phila pbii. fXj I have some (I d I and Silvet Levers, st II Itlll.'h lariooiuir than lliss u i.iuj ssus i iijrv t ii"ii ss au'nv s ssL-res III I I I fl . a a a I Taper atiJ Jtag Wurclioue, aV S9 Cummere t'rett PHILADELPHIA. V(ICEKAI. ass rtirt.-nt of Writing, Printing, Envelope, HarWrare and Wrapping Paper, Dihdrrs', IJ .tinel and Box Boards, conastilly on hand also I'm-I inade 10 order. Highest uhe paid for l!ag. S. J. Msesansk. Jss J.Bsouas. Philadelphia. Dee. lA, 184051 sT & IC . b ATTlTsDSSS, . Ko. 21 Nortli Fourili Street, PHILADELPHIA, tnvite MrKhahts and Milliners to flsto Xsinina their slock ef Bonneta, I'slnA lo af snd Leghorn Hats. Fur and Clolh Csps, ai d India Rubber Short. It will lie found lo contain all of the moat desirable kiuds, and Will be Sold at lbs lowest market prices. IJj. tl North Fourth Street, between Maikrt and Arch Kneels. PbiladJph.s, !'. lih, J Slf,. Co AUCTION GTOHZj. No. 0 North 3d st., third door above Market Sircet, aaiLA9BX.BZA. ' SALE EVERY EVENING, of a emirrsl as sortmrnl nf Foreign snd Domestic Harjwnre, Table snd Porket Cutlery, Trunks, Locks, Lalchms, Bolts, Saws, Saddlery, Whips, D'HUs, Shore,' lists. Cat, (Juris, Pistols, Trimmings, Clothing snd Fancy O sal a. The attention of city snd Country dealers is in vited. Tha Ooods are fresh, snd will be warranted equal to the rrpresentelrons that may be made of them. BAYLIS A BROOKE R, Attetutnerr,, No. 6 North Third at, N. B. Purchaser can have their Ooods parted. Several Invaices of Ooods ,as been received tn be sold st private ssle. Philadelphia, Dec. ldth, l4r. ly To The iT.rcinF. .T. W. & K. D. STOK F. S, Manufacturers of Premium (JJd Fel lows' Rccalbi, No. lit Murkrf Street, PHILADELPHIA, First Clothing Stove bckw 6th Strcrl. PIHE sbsciitrrs7iaint taken tbe premram at 1. FiaiAlm tnslilufe, at the last exhibition, for the best Regalia, they mvrtn tbe arte rrt ton nfthe order Vo thr rstablisbmenl.wbene they will ftnd a splendid assortment of P. U. and Encampment Re. ehs. They alee make le order for Lodge and Enranipnipnls, Regalia, Sashes, Co.lumes snd Robrs. snd forni-h eveTy thing requisite for the convenience of now Lodges or Enr ampments." I. W. STOKES, v E-D.STOKES. rbils leljiTiia, Dec. 19, lrVltj. !y SHAVING CREAM. Smail quantities given without diarge. .ft 114 Cheinul St., PHILADELPHIA. THIS new an8 sjihmilid article, a ila name do not, rs proteased to he superior lo sny Sha ving Cream in the United States or Europe.' Il is unauipiss. d for beauty, purity and fragrance, tho somewhat sfhalagoBs t.i Gaerlain's Ambrosisl Cieem smd otlreT sinrrisr compounds. It far sur pasm them all by tbe irmrArient pasty consistency of its lalber, which so softens tbe I. raid as to rend, r shaving pleassift and easy. It fuithrr pofsrssea the advantage over the imported art He, in being freshly prepaid, no skill being wonting in its man ufacture. E.Roussel having bad many years' rx prtience In fbo celebrated Laboratory of Luugur, Prret Frla, now Rcnaud A co., or Paris. Besides bring the tst, it is the cheapest article for shavings it is vlrgmrty put up in boxes, with splendid steel engraved lubels. Prire $3 per doten, or 37J cents for a single box, to shave one year. It ia also sold st fl 60 per lb. or 12 per ex., so that gentlemen rsn hsvn thrirborrs filled st ELCENE ROL8SEI.'S. Wholeula snd Retail Perromery and Mineral Wa tef Eatablishmenl, 114 Chesnut Street, D. 19, 1846. PHILADELPHIA. "WATCHES JE WELPsT, at tb "Philadelphia Wutck and Jewtlnj Store," No. 06 North SECOND a'reet, corner of Quarry, GOLD Lever Watcbes, full Jewelled, 18 carat cases, $15 00 Silver Ijcver WuKhcs, full jewelled, Silver Lever Watclics. se 23 00 13 00 14 00 10 00 5 00 6 01) 1 m S 50 HiYtrfftiMfzi ven (ewels. Silver Iiiitro Watchea, iewelled. fn.nt Superior Quarticr Welches, Imitaion Qtiarlier W steles, not warranted, tlold Specrscles, Fine Sp"ver peclirtlea, Hold Bract lets with tapaz stones, Ladies' Cold PeneiU IK r.,.1. 2 00 Cold Fhiser Kings 37 cts to J ; Watch Clas ses, plain, 12 cts; patent, 18; Lunet, 25. O Ihir hrtieles in propoitioii. All goods warranted lo 1 whet they sre sold f..r. O. CONRAD On hand, soruu Cold snd Silver Levers, Lepines and Q'jnrtters, lower that) the above prices. i tuiaJcipmt, Uix. a, IMS. ly Sleain Umbrella MANUFACTORY, aNO. 104 MARKET ST It HET, PHILADELPHIA. M M. II. MClJAMrSON, TN addition to various other improvements, bs. - ving spplied stkax rowsa lo the insnuf'sctuni of t'MBllELLAS, isensbliTtoKtt them st very low pries. (L? Merchants are invited to call ami see bis Works, Sod elsriiine the ssortment. PtiilsAtlphis, Nov.l, 1A46. Sin New Firm. FjlHE lhdersigTlel tiere'iy fclvrs notice, that he 1 has assisted with himself, aa a partner in the mercantile bnsine, in his store adjoining Weavei's Tavern, in Suub'Jiy, John Hsss, enj that tbe said store will hereafter be condurtH un der the linn nf Clement & Hsss. The store at tbe S. Cth Wtst t-omer of llatket Square will bo Cindueled us hereto lore, by the subscriber himself. to which be nspectlMHy invites bis customers and friends. He a'so notifies sll those indebted to him, to call between this Slid the lal of January next, and set tle their accounts. All kinds of produce wilt be taken on account, at cash prices. Hereafter no longer than four months crraJtl will bo given. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sonluty. Nov. H. 1 04 6 if. CLElrSElTT &, HAAS, pESPECTFl'LLY inform the public, thst 'on A V the 0th inst., ihey enuord into partner. Lip, in the merriiiti'e busitiSis, at the stote retvnilr iircupird by La T. Clement, adjoining Weaver' Tavern, in Sunhury. They bate lately received a new ebxk of gooJe, which they will dispose of at tho hi rt prire.. All kind, of produce will be tsken in etcbange Tor No luncer than four months credit will I given, IRA T. CLEMENT, JOHN HAAS. Suuburv, Nov. 14. 1848. tt iltto HSdotiSi tita 5obj3. 4 liistprr Thuu Etvrl "OIIN 11. PL'KDY, baa just rvreivrd, al h a P Nrw Store, iu Market Suaie, a fe.b supply iiiSesaonable Hoods, such sa Clot!, a. L'animers, Sailioetts, Keiiturky Jssus, Cords, Drit'mgs. Alpsnss. (iinghsins. Pilots Meslins, Hosiery. Cilov.s. Ac Alo: Ijueen.waie and Urocsriae, which will be aold very low. Purcbasris sre invi ted lo call snd rkabiU. his stotk bcfoie iiui.hansg elsewhere. The highest price paid ht Produce. Sunbury, October 17rh, lS16.-rlf. t