Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 09, 1847, Image 3

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    1 !.'. , '".1- .JtLJL.IJi.J. i ,..ftj
CorfC-pofidunee Af tho Public Ledger.
FhoM Wasiiinoton.
WiaHtNuroN, Jan. 5,1917.
Since t list Wrole'lo jtoii, political prospects
begin to loom out, and parlies be. in to acquire
aome consistency. The (riit'ihAv hn the po
litical chesfboaril Is to be niade in the course of
few days, end tlie preparatory alepi have al
ready been taken.
The Lieuteuant G4n4ral?hip i. still fhe ab
sorbing political topic of the day, little else be
ing talked of but that, and Iho compliments of
thu season bing now already pretty well for
(rotten. Yotterday waa ntivcrthrleai a great
day fur the people who ara fond of viriit injf .
There was quite a jam at tlin President', and
"a handsome reception at Mr. Vice President
i)illrti'. All the Secretaries but Mr. Buchanan,
rho dined out, kept open houses ; Senator Denton
did the Mine ; and the dowager ladies of the grout
siepirted wero also quite agrecablo and received
eills from distinguished Senators and ttcri'ilu.w.
'The weather reinsrkally propititoua, and
"Pennsylvania Aventm presented quite tan ani-
nvitedaceno till a very late huur in the eve
oinrr. IJut to tpk of tliHl Lieutenant (juneraleliip.
There is no daub', wlmtever, that the niesage
for crentiiifr such a fink in th U. S. Army has
leen prrpirtnl cvwr sine-' I.ikI Tuemlay, and that
'Vie Senate haa been polled to nsce'rlilln wheth
ir a majority of r.ilei may hi? hid in dvnr hf t!i
measure. There i. no l n'Lt tliat the fiienJa of
G-n. J-im tho 54 10 men will vote f .r the
' tneasitri. beinj resolved to'vo'o "fur any
the Presidrnt may uk in Older to'lrnig
war to a tnCcesiful issue." The only perron
holding out in rhe Senate are the friend, of Mr.
' Calhoun, and he ii n.ij to bo any thing but' lit fa
Vnr of it.
'The opposition, antv.e eiht or ten dsya ao,
were partial.'ij in frfv r i.-f it : bu on aibcr re
liction, orders wets H'S'-'ived nut to yield en l
inch ; and tii'-y will, accordingly, oppose tilt'
measure like otto man.
Si iri.cli for :he Eiialr, in vhich body the
measure is viowH more favorably than in the
iluuscn: R-'presenfttive. Lithe latter a strung
' pppnsitinn seems to be orj;n; nj; ; bo", with
what effect remain, "m y-t, to be 'lie I
Pr'i,leot'a tneesC W:1!, nevcrth:.lesd, po in rl
3fiJn.;v. (ihe djy aOer to-iini'row, wIiiti' I
a;ii in.-1 in". I to think i' will, t''tr all, pas.
Whether it vi!l pmve a means of he'cling dia'
A:o'iiin in the riemncratic rank, or cresting
tri'xli ouu. roinvn to t ? a-.-en. 'It is q-ii'e
"proballr? thai if conniNc io.iere are to b ap
p linted, E.lm Wright, of .Vew V rk, sn.l Mr
'Crittenden will b ) eelct'-d as the p-rsnns Innat
eoiinble to heUiate a treaty. Mr Crittenden
will ba adued ae a rhetr.s ot aatislyinp "the
Whitfa; and because of hie 'patriotic conduct
d-irinj the debate cr. the vyrfr e!:J the Oregon
The only di:T.cilty Krt-oia to ti tl'.. ntari'ier in
"svh'ch tites gentlt'iiiCn h iVe coouni'ted litem
le'ves a regan!a lli( tciondaiy of TeXiJ, and
i!ir possibility of the Me'xx ii C-fR-niiicinupra
epppa'ii'j to 'I '- r u,ti n.iinna f r. ii.ittr.ced in
dm g re mi. V.'h -t, if (?.'. D ni; n'e mn, win
re fr eitfr ot t'rxi- roar):. I with red iofc,be
preHentrd by S tiln ?.iini ssi.iir proper s iulhern
Irontier? On I'm nlher h n.l, the peic-fol en I
moderate views iii'r.'cnri to .Vex c i and
isnd, pr ntomi.'c I by t'ol. Cettti:n a' d Mr. Cr t
len.len, wnttld tu rmnh a creat tf."rnl pitirar.ten
to Ihe world that our ilesirp is not for Curtail- at
but for justice; and :t in quite clear that what
ever opinion in rerd to ot:r antitiiern frentit r.
Colonel R'n'nr.. rr Mr. Crittenden, ir.iy have brfore Ihe war, ttu:t have under
gone a material chiir.ff" si'nre the war; end it
is a matter cf no eonieq(:ence whether we ac
quire territory ty'the l;-j;e and 'rii.'t.ta tf war,
tr by any prevuiiu rijjhl we iny have pcsaeteeil
toiheaoil, pr,,v,dLd the whulti iio.v cmbrtced
mid aecured by n treaty.
The reo!ttinni which paeet! the floitfp to
3 iy iri rpjjurd to the prop.ieed duty on iitr and
tulTee, ere, pptliipa, the ip.opi i hi pnrtu nt eyeKai
t!iu far, ainre the itieetin; of Cmier- a. 'I he
4ir:'n v.'te by whic'i the duty on lhee articles
waa pronounced inexpedient, at:d the resolution
which foHow-ti, that thii ITouee i!, ready to re
port to any new tax or ditty, cper the
jjeation ot the Tri5 and of direct taxation';
n I i, thereturi', ot immense cuiiMequence. The
Northern member roiintvu that tea and C"flee
t'RX the North and Wwt to the e.cltjic;i nf :Iip
oitith, because the negroes in the Southern
Statea do not cotiMiinn much of these articles.
They want the doty extended to fc'll Tiee arti
rle, before they u;ipri that on tea and c.ifTee.
iVit the subject is m vart for Si 'to sketi.1, in t
few worde. ObttRvctt.
Tut Coal, Taatia. The Reailin Tailroal!
Company sent 1,233 551 tons over tbe road lat
year, being only 16,438 tona lets than the mana
gers estimated the capacity of the load. The
quantity tent to inarket from all the regions in
Ms 16, ft in roiind numbers C, 538,000 tonss;ainst
2,053,633 tona in 1345, btin; an increase ia 1846
of 312,000 tona.
WiscottsrM. The State Cenventibn in Witcon
tfn baa decided to efeten-t fbe light cf suffrage to
all foreign born reaidenta cf the Territory with
oat repairing them lo swear allegiance to the U
nitaj States. A proposition making tbe aliena
so transformed into voters eligible to effiea, as
well as entitled to elect others, was promptly
rejected. The Convention has adopted a provi
sion that tbe homestead of a family ahall not be
liable to sals 00 ssecation for any debt hereafter
cdntrected. It baa also been settled that tbe pro
perty possesssd by a wife t marriage, or faiily
acquired by bar aftsrwaid, shall not ba liable
for tba deta of aer beeband. jadgaa are to be
sbceB by tbe people at a special s let ties) la) 7o
Congfretolahal froeeetllna;e,
WAirtiHdTON, an. 8, 1817
The 8enale Wal cot in session to day, baring
on Thdri'dty adjourned over to Monday.
In the House, the first businett in order waa
the reaolntion to prevent memberi from making
excuses for not voting. The resolution waa a-
d)ited 85 to 73.
Tbe States were then called in order for res,-
Itttiona, end great number Vera Offered, chiefly
Among those offered, were reaolutiont
To inquire into the expediency of setting apart
tract of land in Oregon Tor the Indiana West
' of the Rocky YfothttaTha, to be held by Ihem in
perpetuity, and ae.uring to them right indepen
dent of the government of Hie United Statea.
To inquire into the expediency of establishing
tbe dutiea on the article's In the preterit faritTat
the revenue standard.
To inquire into the expediency of reducing the
pay of mernbera of Congress, and others, twenty
five per cent., during the continuance of the war.
Of inquiry, whether the money bequeathed by
James Tinithson was in the treasury on the 1st
January, 1847.
To inquire into tbe expediency ol imposing
an advalorem tax or. gold and silver plate, fee.
Culling on the Secretary of the Treasury for
information as to whether secret travelling a
gents are or ruvebee e'rt?p!oyeJ by the depart
ment, and paid from the treasury.
Of inquiry, relative to the trial and execution
of seamen on boird ship Cumberland.
Calling on the Secretary at War to report how
many regiments liave been employed near the
mouth of the Rio Urande since the commence
ment cf the var, the humber cf deaths, number
difchflrged, &e.
For printing 10,00b copies of the Report of the
Secretary cf'the Treasury en Commerce and
Kr'ative to the better crganiiatlon cf tta mili
tia fcf the United States.
A aeries, in regard to tbo War, ifs causes and
The bill to increase the pay of the armyol the
United Statea waa made the specicl cr'ut-r for
Tuesday next.
The bill for the better cranixation of the ar
my raising ten addition! was mide
ihesp-cial order for Monday
Mr. Wentworth ofTercl a resoluiion, declaring
that it ia inexpendient to levy a duty on tea and
cotTre. Mr. Tayne moved to lay the resolution
on the ta'ule. Negatived, 40 to 1 GO. The reso
lution, by yeas and nays, was then adopted
yeas 1 15, nyt -15.
Mr. Sims, of Missouri, ofpred a resolution, de
claring flat tbe J-?'ople cf the United States are
too hitriotic'to tefuae "any necesnLry tax in time
of war. Mr. Rathbun moved to'lay the resolu
ticn 'on the table ; motion lost, 22 to 107. The
resolution, by yeas and na'ys, wis tben adopted
yeas ISC, nays nine !
Notices were given of several bills retatin; t0
maUera of Iowa, and of a bill to amend the
s-vi-ral acts relating to United btatea District
Ccuits Adjourned.
DRATti PnEFCRItC TO I Mru'liONitKN'T 'foil
Lire. Our reader will recollect t!a. Govern-
r Ui.-t'y niintnuttd the su ol P..i!i'. 1'iw
ia'id, wlio was recently cotidn:;n:.l t hi Inniff
for the murder of h: bro:hpr-iii law, Franklin
Cirkcr, in Mtnf ffi-ld, to iU.tiry cnnSiietrir nt in
the b'euttentiiiry lor life. The .Mount Vernon !etrn that the gui'ty man retches to ae
cept fie c i iMTitaf iiin ot hia sentence, and de
clares that l:e w ill tu liini'. We presume the
murderer will ct'.'srspe V.ia mind before tb.e!!9lli
of March "the day rTred for hn execution ; tf
no, let hioi swinf. CUjflund VLiinufcUr.
f'.. C..rn.. C. .-I. . , ... -. ,...11
Ih nmein! e.d that a ccph 1. t.Un ,v. .!-,
that soaie impurity it lod.ed in the lungs, which.
if not njrcoilj removed, will si iiriitie tl.nsj Jeli
ele organs s to produce trrT imui'.inn cf 'the
lunpe. a d sesse which we s I know is ihe high
rjad to consumption.
rV'f'i'f Indian 'tg'!c ti!; ara a tfe, ay
and certain cure lor V.1IJ4 and couuba, bectune
they carry off ly (ha alctiierh ar.d fcjtls. ih ee
inorl'ij humou which, ;f t'ep .ited upon the t .in t ,
are the caue nf the ahnvs ifanf efota c onplaii.ta.
A a:nlu tweniy five rent ho'r of aid Indhn VT;e.
til le I'l.l ia generally sutT.ri. 11 ; to o.aV.e a perfect
curd of ihe Li itl bhsiioa'e e dd ; sod at the same
time the dieton'ii improved, and tlie Idood s
c rr.idi ti ly purified ;h il new life and ror "are gi
ven (j the whole fiame. rf ' Count!-feitt. Ths puhhe aVo csu
lionej sgtinsl the many seurious ir.edicirie's which,
in ui'jir to de:,ive, am called by iiairea atniii'er (o
Wiirjhl ' Tr.diati Vege:ahl Pil's.
The 011W iriKnal and fi'-uine Imli in Vegrt'thle
Pilfa have it.e signatbre of Vi.i. Wright'en
ith a pen on t'i a top latp of each hot. I'o eoUn
iirftii Pii ia Forgery, ard a'.i i.lhera "a'tould be
ahUnrird aa poia n.
(jjj'Ag-uil'for the sileof Wiighl's fn.'iaD Vegi la
Ida PilU in Hunt'ury, Hstar Masaaa. For o hcr
agencirasea iJvcrlisern'nt In anothe'i column.
Cnxraeib'o'a a tin EpirtVic tit4":.. -Vr's-
r must be adapted to ihe na'ure of Ihe fah, or
there will ) no pr. pR ition of the ape ie The
soil must be ad ipted to the s ed, nr there wi'll he no
ineresM1. The clmiaie must have thoie matters io
it which will unite and kiepalivs epidemical r
eontagenua poisons, or th y will lice 'me fj'ii gash
ed, aa a lamp that ia un-Uci.lied wil l oil. Bo il is
likewise wiih the fl um 111 Fiame; il cannot le
materially anVcted hy epidemical r eoieageous
miladies, .unless there I ihona matters fliaiing in
the circulaflun which ilTci lls appiniiriatn sell.
Hy purifiiAj our Imdea with iha Duaxnasra
Pttia, which have affinity with lh.a impurities
Upoi) which rontagaoi) feeds, we may always fat
secure, whatever disaisem .y raj around ua. Tiuh,
we may have It, but it will soon I a over our si-k-neaa
may hs the affair of a day or two, wbiU those
ae been loo wiae to uao this sunnls end ti.
Cel.Mil rerned. either die, or bave weeks, perbsp
Porches, of H. B. Meeeer. Bonhury, ar ol
toe eeeai, pnVltaaea m saotaes pert of this psipes.
d i u d.
Suddenly, on Wedneadaf morning, about 4 o
elork, at the reaidenre of his fatber. the Rev. J.
P. Shindel, of this plsce, Dr. ISAAC NEWTON
SHINDEL, in the 94th year of hit age.
Tbe deceased, who was thus suddenly Taken
from our midst, had just entered the threshold
of life, with all tbehopeaand buoyancy of youth.
It ia but a few rhontha'tince, that he (orated him
self in "Selirisgfove'with every prospect of success
in pursuit of the profession he had adopted, and
where he acquired the esteem and friendship of
all who knew him, by his uniform good conduct
and exemplary character. The evening previous,
in company with a friend, he visited his parents
In thia plare, and on retiring late in tTi iveVtinj.
enjoyed ordinary good health, excepting-a sliglit
cold. About 4 o'clock in the morning he com
plained of great ditficulty in breathing. His pa
rents were suddenly aummonod to his bedside,
'and In a few minutes after he breathed hi a last.
Several physicians were called in, but too la.
The vital spark had fled, llowoft'ere we' re
minded that "in the 'midst of life we are in
death." and how fearfully irt-.pressive is tlie'less'cfi
in this instance. We sincerely condole with
hit parents in this afflicting dispensation, Which
deprived them of a son, who w'as 'Vtot more er.
deated to them by tbe ties of natural afTertfcti,
than to his numerous friends and acquaintances
by the amenity of hia deportment, and bia man
ly ami social virtues.
II is remains were interred at thia place, and
were followed to ihe grave by the Independent
Order of C.ld Fellowa, from Selingrove and thia
In this borough, en Tuesday last, Miss LU
CINDA MILLER. ees cb-s.:t 2S years.
In Point township, on Saturday lest, '.r.
WILLIAM LEMON, aire.1 about 32 years.
In Nortliiii)brlond. on Sunday last, !r. FRE
DERICK B1RKENBINE, ard about 73"years.
The remains of the two lat named vere In
terred by Masonic honors, of which institution
they werj members.
'Corrl;?:JL eekrj by Henry y.urstr.
VjRiT, . . . tro
Rra, 6'i
doss, '. fin
04T. - SS
Por. - - ... 5
rLtxssan, 1 15
ftcTTBR, 16
Y'.no. .... .10
JBaasw'a. .... ; 55
Ti now, ... in
fti. .10
Mkcklrii b, 10
I)ri ati ArfLB's, - - T.'i
1)0. Paacnrs, . 150
HX.N CE'." Mts A P R I L I . V ElSftT A IlL E
fok rui;iFYic Tf:n m'loodi
Ualiimohe July 20, 1S1U.
This is to ce.-tif,, that I waaV.fKir'.eJ with a i
olot'l pain in the I rea.M and riyht arm, which I
suppose, proceeded fr.irh the impure male nf my
blood. I v ircimmi'nded to tak Hance's Unr
saparilin or V.hud PiiU, and alter Liking one hoi.
ill- pain i p.'tirely rem ved fiom my t.ret and
sr-n. I f.iun.l iliC'ti e(r:iilv sen'le in their ope
r I'iSn. R'id V Hil l tec. inrm-nd thcih to every per
son in want of a riii',Jurj itie.
.I'lvnica Rtictta.
No. 22 ('on way St., I.etwe n Ii nvird and I'.u'.a-v.
.t rutirui so tiixik rn.La. let me add
co-o.v;-; wo no or- caution.
Alw'.ys'as'k fir II AM'E'S PILLS, and po.rose
of none l et those adveilisei! -i ntml-, and if cm
venienl, call and ee tho piiipin l- rliio ae f.
OlPKICE '2.S t'tsper Dox., f PII'IV PILLS
3 t 'If , for llanrr'a Ce iuinn Pilli, nr S f.u f 1 .
l,r a!e ly Wt'T S. HAXCE, 1 03 11 Itiomre
at , ai.d corner ;'f Ch ir, e At .Pi :tl - la . Hat nrire,
and h (;,: HKitifl I'.huul nrv.
. l. UPALTIO V.V. Nor lifi'il'iri.nd.
AN C E'-' COMPoVnT) V It I : ' ' O P 1 1 0 1 1 K
moi'M) fo?: rur. c v.:!-:' tr A
I s-UUfc'l.t, C,i :., ' lIISillipll II, .Vlll. I, Jf lf hi., oil
. ,1 s Jf uj',ra.,, 'fromM s,
.rr-up, Atlr.nxn. cu d nil duciitet art
"'"Jf from a diijtderrd cundit'm
of the tuigs'cr ne'glithd tofj.
The following sonnet wits addressed to tho
I ropiie'or by a Young Lady who waa cured 'uf
Con uinptioii :
IIo! e vrho'paiit with failing breath,
And ineawav tnd ;
Ilttca shall "put away' jour de'e'b.
And lijt'X, anew, your eve.
How s'weit it mit'.t upon l'. loni-ue,
flow B'a'eail 10 tho lueat !
X gl irinui thenlc for p'el'a sung,
booih.iijr hia cou'i in ;e.!.
Ilci favoie.l of i!.e fjoda, art thou I
A Id, siirig to ihy race.
Lit laurrls fiourh on tt'.v loow,
And we'clib, IkurrU S'ace.
Whf i heroes a,re loijr.i:on ; Lit.a
T?rui c't ; or, c a-t J to r, in';
CI ry, for t'lee, shall f.ap her wihjs
'Pliou coi ueror o( pain,
PRICE JO ( Vn-a per I o'lle. or 6 b itl'es f .r JISO.
Frepared anj .o' i hy V. r 11 ?! II M'E,
fbS Eall.rnore ar, ai.d coiner nf ("hailes it Kfi-tiatS
ai d bv GEORGE IIRIGIIT. Su. I.urv,
D. CRA Ji'IOAM, Noilhuii.t.crlainl.
Jan. b, 1847.
M' Farm
HE sul'tc'rihei f.flera fur sa'e f.t y or s it.v a
cre of land with a mill eiecl- d tliereari, I'm- known as J. n t a Mil', i.tualnl in Aiius'a
lownsl.ip .NorihomheiUi.d oui ty, . 0.1 the letile
f-hamokin cre.V, nesr 'he Tulpi horiien road, I ad.
ing fioin e'uohuiy to Piiltsvihe eii;hl miles fioin
unl ti'y. Thirty or forty seres of said land a-'e
cleared, and in a good at,,te, i f cultivation. The
ini rnveineriU are a (trial nll, a ing House and
Stable, and an Orchard. There ia also a jto.wl
8pmaj and aeiersl a,crea of Meadow on the premi
ses. The I cation T trie mill is an eie'l'rnt one
fur custom. For further infoimstion inquiie of the
suhiciber. PAVII MILLER.
Shamekin township, Jsn. 9, 1847. 3m
Wni McCay'8 Ealate,
TsO I ICE ia hereby given that letters nf sdmiii
istislion bate been gtanled to Ihe suWritrs
en the estate nl Win. Mel 'ay, late of the horounh
Nonhamtaiiland. AH persons indebted to ta d cs-
1 1,1. . i...i .1 ..1. ,K.
I queued lo caIoa the u-eriosre for,
I without deley, UAVIU TAGGAKT.
I ffo'lh'd, Jsa , laHTei Adea'ss.
Tlio'(8utjar Coated 1111."
Rawaaa or Maarr CaaTtricaTB or oca t-
NssrYoax, June lUth, I3tl.
We, tho onderajjiied, never ew or braid of "Su
gar Coated Pills." qhiII Dr 'O. Denjarain
Smith manufactured and rxhibited them to us t
botit S year since. ,
IsaaAt RatinAtrrt. M D., Liberty st.
IIosktox Sc Co., 110 Broadwny, and
10 Amor 1 1. one.
Hoaica trrairr, Drue;, 06 Hudson at.
, Jottt C'iTaaa, 07 Hud.on at.
Lest some few m'av I deetived by ignorant
quncks, we putdinh the f ilbnainR a A noha but
unprincipled dealers will' ciiutrnaiica any iitiita
ton of this invtluaMu tr.cj.cine.
, , l'T r Orrtra.
. Received this 17ih duy of Joi.e, 184 1, fn.m i)r
0."IJ rVj .'rViln "t?mitT., tfie RooffIO, tavnlite on ld
lplu-a' for a patent for a Pi I ' Cnateil with
S:tf;iw." II I,. Ellsworth,
f'"m'ni's'i "ner nt Pat-nta.
As'tbpae Pdls hi orepsied'hy an ednca ed I'hy
siciiii, they hae an advantage over other prepara
a'i.ins ao much advnti'-ed.'anJ a e aulTicientlv di
tm'guUhed frem all ohir by tfif'ir virtm-a, i side
from lln V.Pec'ul'ar plca-atilnre.
CAUTION. As a miserable imitation h i
heao m ole, hv Itiei name of -Fugir (!nac t Pill,"
it i.t urci "tsiry to be s'v'i! ilmllM. d Lli'j. Smith's
iwna'ure is on every !''. Piice X5 r;ntn. ,
Pnncipal Offiee. 17.1 (Ireeiiwirh st N.-w Turk.
Bold fy JOHN U'.'Fiar.INC. ..; tu-'y.
. V M.'FOKVYTlii;. Xfttiun'd.
Jan. 0, 14.
J rcntlalt J. Vusflnc's IMutc
T f) I'i ' K is bi-reliv'givi n. ihit loners nf )mn
' iit a; on no the c'siain i f J rerniah J. Vr ioe,
late of It'iah tcwnOi'p, i .uthoii.tii iNnd c .io v
I'ec'd., have I;ien r.n'rl to tt'o iuS'-cnlieis. Per
setis liavins; clniint a jsuiet tl'ifl i r! na xie reVjornPil
to peeiit ihm f .r 'x n.inni ..n V j a- t'lim nt.
ai.J (ifrsooa knnn't.iif llirmiNrs t l e in'b. il,
ne ieijneltd to in.ike i:i.m-itist I' .vme' t.
I.Tf)! 'VA-'l'IM;. ..
i t'i: r.. v sni".
Rush township. .Nn. 2. I t T. TCi
The Clte.ipest CJoId ait( Silver Walchbs
i. pirii.Ai)i:r.riiiA.
(((I.t) I.eveis, fu I Jewell., I,
TfcT'cr do. do.
ti- 10 'Lepinej, Jewelled,
Silver . i.'o. do.
H,lcr tjuiniers, fine qu di',
(io!d Walctua, pla n,
Siher Sj Cct'cclit,
(J..I.I PenciTc,
IS. dd 1! arrli ;a,
v. no
30 Oil
10 I II
!5 CO
1 :")
! t)0
AU', en I. a, 1,1, a iarce Bit ti'nenl cf O il bo. I
Hair Draceletn, fincer rn hieft pins hcip ear j
r'HK-, g'llJ pcra, i-ilver ep '"ti", f i'e ir lorn;, thou j
hle, gold ii-fk. curli and f"t chiu. RHir,lk'V
.tin! ji welh it of every di'i-ciip'n.ii, at equal y ! ,
mth. All I waul is a (all to c ut I
All kinds of Watches and Clocks rcpii'pl &r.d
w.orii'eil to 'heep "(j.i.'il ttoie f r one'r; eld
g dd or ailvsr l. ieglit oi .ilien in etcliane.
Pur sale, eight dav and thirty h uir irns clock-,
ai i.i.i'i,.--i..,ii..3
Watch, Cloi-k and Jenelleiy Sore. No.
Market tact, above EU'Vr.ith, noith aid?, Phili
pliia. (C I hate some Gold and i-i!-.ei Lcvcre, at II
mtiHi chenper than the eb ve pnci .
Philtdelph.V., L.e. ?C.'l46. ly
C& ww
iO a. I'.jw X- JT
I..r.,- -r.,1 IJ a,'- W -. ro!'imi
No. 29 Commerce s'reti' VlU''llU
V GENERAL asrtt.vnt of Writing. Priuiiuc,
" Envelope, Hardware ar.ii V.'raj piif Paper, i
11 ndera . U nnel ami U.ix l nr.!
henJ; nN.i Pup-r tnn'e to onlcr.
caiu'.aaily on
Ilichi t .n. e p .1 1 f. r I; tgr. , .
S. J. MioaHOkR. J4. J. ItKcoKi;
I'liila l. l,.l u. lie- CO.. I-4C 5l
iTo ikttJtfC iJiillUci-rj.
tt;U't)ALS i! t.e rece tci hy the suh-cri.
hi r, living in Norih'.tmheil itlii, utinl the I5 ti
Jr.rm ir ti. xt, f'r rehuddin; ihe R ide over the
.N'. rtii Eaat Urauch i f ihe Siiouohmii. fioin
! liain liin 'Il md I the c itern 'r' of si id rtver,
1 o the cite of lbs elJ liiidge, carr.ed away by the
l'reshe'9. , .
! P, r.oiis M kin? 1 r.ipn.ala i l prci.y tf.e price
' p;r p. r-h for fctane work, irn-1 uli.'.j iS? atoii." left
j 'he I'l l l'i It-e, -'lid the 'pnra foi tlie supeii-liuc-!
tii-e I V fie l.rill f t:
Tin- plao a.l.iptiil '.iv llie h inHi r ia ilie same
i ai the one I u It over iha W,s l!riiii-hal N 'rili
uinher'tnil, without ai le or Lot WaHis ; the length
of the Brt.iee about t'7E leet.
Ar-.y further informc ion "id be citen cn pidi.
cation to the aub-crii er. .,Uv unt.'r of tho R 'ard i.f
Miiitiin. D UR L I'IGAM. 'I'ru'f.
North'.l. Dec 19, 18 16. 5t Ne;AV It Cu.
S'uiicrV ifc'orV A ccoiint.
Vm. (Jrtica; and Jcm V'ouxo. late Sttprrriprj
uf tht,lnnU!',i tif Sr.nt uri, in account U-'M
iiiid l':riiiiu!i fur .'ic tt'" e mmeiiciir-j in Mnv
IS44, iiiio' ending i:t Miiy 1815.
'Po whole amocnt -f Uojilic'tte. f I6t lo
lit ihi atT'.nurit pt'd, CO' si-'.int; of sutiilif
toroni;!t orders, aioouniing Iu tl,t ag
g epatc to
II y sundry er pen. 'mires fir lab ir in repair
it ig rn.di and . hlgh'tata within aiid
li.irii;h, including for
personal att, iiilan. e, is pi r rrc'p's, Ac.
Ily eci icriitions of uncoiiei i.Llo tsa, ii:
clinl PR Audroia" f es.
By peieeirage 0.1 Jlfti! 43,
It lUiire due f:o:n sn.'d fviipciiiaors tJ tlie
$ 33 07
The 111 di'r-i.'i.e I Audit. us r. p linte I 1.1 miii,
1 1 1-- and Ij 1.1 the Mi count "f M e up. rvis ra uf
the B routh of Suiibury. I.Mii'fe eia.n lied tlie re
ci ipjs an I espind.'tures of Willi i n Gulirk and J
e .ti Y"Ui)S, laie su..ervi-ora r.f said borouiih. us el
forth iu the pieeediiii; st Oi men', do find a bal ance
due frem -S'd Gul rk and Voiine. lo said borougb,
of Twrnty-lu o didurt and nix'y eentt.
In leaoinony of which, we have teeuiitn et cur
bands, this S9.h day of Nov, in'"r AD 115.
Dec. 10, 1518 3t MARTIN IRWIN.
NOTIGE la be'riby girn, thai letters of ad
minis' rai'ton on the estate of Chruti4n Frge
ly, lata of fhamokin lownahip, Nnrtt.iumlisrUnd
County, dee'd., bave been gran'ed to tine auhenber.
All persons knowing tlisuiaelvea indeturd lo said
estai are requeaied to ra t on the subscriber end
si-ltle up without uelay.and ell those having claims
against the seme, will present ibsm, well sulbsnli.
catted, fur euleuiso'.
bbsasoklo, Dee. 19th, IM,-Ct Adsa'r.
LI 07 I
7 'i '
(141 li j
22 00 j
1 1 1 1 is !
J L-.1JL.
No. 0 Nofth a sr., third door above
... Slrc'et, . .
ALB EVERY EVENINO. of a eeneral as
. anrtment of Porelgn and I)omestie Hardware,
Telde and Po. ket Cuilery, Trunks, Locks,
Latcbeta. nofia. Saws, Saddlary, Whips,
Boots, Shors, lia s, Case, Huns,
Pistols, Tri'mmTnte, Clothing
apd Fancy Gondii.
Thn'&iienttnn of city and country ilnalrrs ia in.
vit'ed The (Jooda are fresh, and will he'n arrnnted
ernol t i'lf e fCpreaeiitaifnns Jhat mav be made of
Ihem. ilA'f,t3& DOOlCEn, ituefienccrs,
, . No."C N"orth 't hird t
M. U. rorcliaseis cr.n fiavn their (Sniils picked.
Several ie.vnirra of Coode have bicn received to he
sold at private eale,
Philadelphia. ie I'Sth.'l'e tfi. ty
'ro xhtTl.l oi oTl'T
. J. w. 'i1;. st o iv v. s,
Mttniirai-liirf rs of Prcmiti'r, OiU To!
lows' IJciritli'i,
No. 19 1 S:ri-rf Slrret , PITH. A DEL Pill A,
1 I'st Li...liiiu Sioret'9:ow Ct!: Strett.
HE .u'we ihera h.ivina lkpn lh nieotium i
Pialiklui Ii atituie. at tl,p Inul pihiliil'inn. lor
the hen Heilin, tt,,v invite ih' attention of x,e
order tr. tV.i ir esu'ili-bnient, vihe' o It e w.l! find a
M'nr.liJ .sr.ii,nri,i rf P. U. and Eii-im; sivnt lie
irnlin. Tl'cy alaVmake to i.r.'er for'Lodries and
Eii,',t., lUfn'ia. Sah'S, 'Co-lume and
K.'bl, 'n l furnish very tiiiee 're'tnlai'ij f-r In
c hvi-ioei t of new Lodaeaor 1 tu nuiymrn's
t. W. sT()KI,i,
E D.ST ;KKS. .hia, D.c. 19. IK JO. ty
5Tri2 UourciTs ClnfiJfvs.H
SHAVING CVll3A?H, t!:.?jiiiies uivon u ithout ( "l;ar-.;.
.'ir ill C!t.-M,f ..'.. I'lltl.ADELPlH.i.
rS'iIlS netr anil ap'ru hi ar icle, n it n ime de
j I ote, i pr "---. I t . lo sui'i iior t ni.v Shu-
' Vtl, f I ,,, IT, '...
ta'e.i ... r Him. p". It i
ly ai ii f tjr n r.-, th '
litis j r.i.'j J i .r ', eiiiMv
"iii!i'h .t sr.atiu'ius t.i (iu ilain , Aiidii"si'i
t i e t in and oiler similar ouop'O'id. fl far mir
I as, s lin n! ',1 1'y the tin I ici.t pnkty'c 'iimetenry
of iu I .tin r, which so aoft.-t 9 the lcard to rend r
all .vmi; p'e ir.'.n; and eay. 'l furilier pomesacs
l lie nl vantiine oe- tl.n irrtp.rlel nrtiele, in heiriu
; iie-b!y pr. p rr I. n'. Vl.itl hems t o.'inj in its man-
i i.f.rMri-. I'. I! .!-. I havi c h"d year e-
i in r i nee i:i . c-i.'iirnieii i.anrraio.v or ijiueer.
I Pete e'
I II , now lien in! & ni., of Puris.
I'cf! "'e In ins tf.e i's-i, it is tb.e iheiip '. mii.-'e
for s'laviriij- n i f'ff m(!v nt up In 'joS-n, v. i;h
Sdeiidi.i .;,l ei tr.ive,t InVhi
Y I J 1 ilo.eii er !t7 J c -n' i for a 3 i.l" 't.
j inVriT.- one e;;r. It !; ,!-, nil I l ; t T.;! ; -I
or lS c ttt i er 1-7., fo ill .t ni-nilion-1: ri" hi'e
ihcir Imies ll'.Udet . El fSENE ROT f.-TL'r?
Who'e-iilv a'l.l Retail PerfiinC'V cnd Mineral Wa
ter"Ms MVl'i hrnent. ! 14 Chemnl S ret t.
Dec It, ISIP.-. PHIL Ui:L!'i.;.V
No. 'Ct Noil!). Fi.iirili Street,
rpl Invite Mcr han'a and Mulintra lo et-fTc-.
j Oainine their ck of li on eta. Pu'iU'rV-.
I Lirfiin.! Lfi;l.oru fl its. Ftir o.d fl oili (np, at d
! Iii lia linlilur jii ua. I: wi l be f uud to crntiin
I "II l il-e nnst u. ir:ile kiudf, Ri:d will he Sold at
the lovie.t niarket purca. North l ouith S;rcrt, between Maiket
end A 'c!i '"treet.a
I'hif:!,' Inliiie If.-... I3ih. Idle fim
J .. w .
l'hih.!r. .'('.' 'iValrh j wiry S!or."
So. 'SC ,'int'j iM'.l'ON ll brut, Corn, r , f Quarry.
GOLD Lever Wati hen, foil
j '.v. I'e.l, Meant ee.--, ? 15 00
1 r.-;vi r 1, ever v ntctns, tu.l
ll4 "i'i "wel.'..
Ti.V,ti ,h.-er Leter-Watches,
!3 00
KJ!!.iiI.WiXfl veujeiM;1, IS 00
J"i!tr I.e.. iu Wj'rhi , iewtllad, finest
r;u iliiy.
"upi n r O't'ini r W.itclie,
I m it ioo V n-ritt-r W alcl.e, r.. t warrar.teJ,
Gold r-puia-.-'pi,
.Fii'cS; v,-r Spcct-'clei,
G dd Urac let w th tbea a'oi es.
H on
S Oil
1 (.1
2 5(1
S 00' ColJ I nc Ik, Ifi cirats.
(Sold K.naer Lo gi 3J cts 10 ; Wa cli (i aa
aes, 1 I 'in, 1'iicia; pa'ent, 18; Lunet. S3.
ther :iriic!e in n piitiou. All stood w ariH;iud
to I i ct ihey ares.vl.l fur. O. CONRAD.
On hand, some Gold and ."vlwr Levers, Lrpints
am! (Junrticra, lower than the a'mve prices.
Philadelphii, D.c. 5, 1S4C ly
NO. 104 WAIUi.131' STilEST,
w.M. it. incnAi.nsoN.
'di'i -n lo vi'ioes "t -er i i nrovi .r.enla, ha-
,tniii Mt'td r 1 ti.m r.oi 'H to lie! are
of I ! PL ELL S, in eual'li b 1 1 e!l thnialt.v
I iw j ric .
L ' M. rr I sr.tH arc invitcj to call and cte hia
Works, r.nil I'tun iiii Ihe a. a rlmcnt.
Phila 'elphea. Nov. 21. HC. 3m
likiulc ofJaVius lA'tnoit.Jr., rtce'd.
J t I H'E is berel y tiven that Inters i f admin
il ia ta'.nn l ave leen Granted to the t'lliaci,
1:11 lite ctte of JailiPS Lemon, jr., ( ( f Voinl
I iwnil ip. N'orihuinlieiland coutVy,d' c'd. AH per.
4 ui a Midiliied 'o itid ;!, mil plea-e con s for.
ir l -nlf t i.- up i uir . di.ittle, and t'lose h vin
C' l in-i f4 i'i l the a-ir.e. requeued 1.1 pr.teni
itn-ii ai-i-ouuia f 11 te ileiu'nt w ith .tit th lav.
Puin towikhi,., Tjec. R, IK46 6l Adm'r.
New Firm.
l"'!!!! UJera'cnrd here' y gives nulice, that be
JL. baa aavelated u'llh hi eaelf, aa a partner in
tlie r,einnt;rt bus ne, in his store adjoining
f,svei' Tavern, in Suidiurv, John Has, and
oat the said store will hereafter be condueied un
d. r the firm of Clement tV Haas, Tbe atie at
Ihe South West comer of Market Pquare wiil I
conducted as be'etofore, bv Ihe scbscribir blnn-elt,
lo which be respectfully intitis bis customeis sn I
frienils. .
lie also notifies all those indebted lo him, to CU
l eiw. cn ibis snd the let of January next, anJ set
tle thsir sreooui".
All kinds of produce will be taken on sceount,
al eaeh pnrss.
Ilareefksr no longer than foor months ereuil
will bo given. . IWA T. CLEMENT.
Hunhurv, .Voe. 14, !(. tt
New and Clicnp
PjllirJ Sol'i- ril.-r ha. j i-f r
JL ata-id. in ''ui;. t iftvt,
'ui , , .i ne.v
pl ndid tf Tttr eir f
which ho will a IM R pe rent, cbea'per thm ca
be b id at any o'hr s'.jre f;i ti'.C f.lrCe. Amur 4
pari of hia stock may tie found t
Cloth from fa 50 to $7, Overcoat Cloth at f 1 Tl
t.i SI 87 J Hatineft from 44 cents to fl S5,
Uupermt Phid Cloaking Trnm 87 J cenis
to"fr87j: riLo, superior Calicos,
Muslins, Chf ck, Tick hies, rrl
Whawh", ir. ceries. Qun lie
w e, Ha-di"'' " V'-.i-
v. t " ,
i for which .!l'k;' : . ' -. "
I krn iii 1 (ehanii . i . i' .-.
j Dried Fur', (iialll. I'olatoft , i.'o '
I ?. .it', Fn.iiir"-, I.-.:trber. 4..;.
! I'uic'n '-.-s will Jo veil tj civ" Mm a c". ' i,
i ia'no troulhi for him t' slii'V n good--, tr tl:ev .
n,.tl ij JOHN I OfiAP.
; Sui.j.u.-T, 0r, 1-lih. 13 '1.
rsrr.cTriT.i.Y ii,r rm tin- pu'i;.'. iim
thp till) int . li'ev rrit'jii'd ivto prti er-h
it. l.'e metcaniPo 1 us : i.-e, at tl.e i.. .e 10.1
m-cu.iie I 1 y ' . '' tocmcht,"it.n ? '.Vea'c:
Tavern, i:i 'n'-oiy. 'I'I.ey have lit'1." unit
a ni v stock .f f -; tihi'h lh"V will dls,io:
11 :lie Iota ! rir
n kinds cf proi.. ." t'dl .Vr- !r etfh..n.
f: ' .0 !f.
No loiter tbhti four rcenths ered:t " ' I 1 '
;r? 'P. (m.htent,
t'tiiN r..
Peril. 'v, Nov. II 1 it. if.
iirn irico'cs, iiti) (h is.
Cltoaiirr TIni ittr:
WOHM II. Pt'KDV. h..;usi reteivrd, at h
fy Ne'v Store. 10 I-kit S.-oi'e, .1 fie-h snpply
i t S,m. nalde (.t.vidu, sin- ,
t 'I t'.a. C inime rp, Sotirt;?, K. n'uekv Je;
(J,-rd, Diiiiinga. Atpaerea. Oirij'ume,
Piiot-. Musl't., llo-ii iy, Ulovis. Ae.
Al o: liurrii-v;i.i' and (irn-. ii-,
which i'.l l e so'il very low. Purcli iaera r." irfi
Ird to cnll and i'x miirc h' hiork l-e'-'-e prr. harinil
elsewhere. Tbe hiuln'' pr're ; ;'ul for Produce.
Sunhiirv. tVloher I7rh. ISlfi if.
j fwl's CP "I'll
a :,,
i I'. V t 1.11-11
... le 11. .f
1 L
.1; i
TP. NT '
tale Ui' '
ire . O!:'
i;.e t'-,
1 '. it .
10 l .i tho '
j cure, Wi
, t'ovei 1, ii
. i,-a 1
. . . : jut'';
'r..-! r.f
...s. ;.'! I' ii.r
thing tUe .vi 1
11 l.
- t r. il.i'i ,1
Every lot le
rent ei her, .
st.ui'-e 1 -i ll '! ! il
cured fee o.1-
' V li'l O W V , Pa . t let 1 1-, l ' I
: ih Inii r iv. .1 'Punic '.i: -
1 8: d I .lo te;t kn W Ol :
r. cfiecl 1 1 . 1 1 111..
I I e wo ! lili". ol i'i i r and
guc 0 tie cuii' wa mvhilt. -i
r trviuc Wo :m
..i; I II 'ai
i e ! Ilk- ' 1
and a'l oilier c.ii' 1 li" u nt t tit
find. lit' 'no re i, f I fi.'.i
Pome Mitture. Hill '
'ii houn i-i 1.
ia none left."
'. in fart in'.:1
ir ti suniilv o, .! ;
Ml Sin'
: . i- .
ti ;
lei '
!. c (.:.
s at 1. .
.. .... .,.,. -.
Ihunn,' t '
. 'if .
" Ik
:c. C a
Xortli .tnt'i i-;
i ,Li.LTiIl'.i: 1'ILLS.
HESE ext-aor ':i.r.:v 1 il'a are corr. ' ot
pllilits wt i.-'l '.' ; tai" vi Iv 1. ...1 .1
i ard .', 1" tli'.t' .;. '
' atittltiona than Ve d'eines Corn oen d l.-iin I ir, ig 1
J d'luts, howpviw 'e'! 'hej- may le .iie.j ;
u.ld as V. mowT S MniAS ffil, r U.r. a
t .in-',' 1 t'-cn t'.. rrii!Pi.'e th ti.'- !.-..
in trti'h .-'L'l'JIK'T TO HIT . " N E !! -runiilv,
coni'l'l luirnors, otnl .-..' "
C'liea thia ,l!.i".e N.
. ,t. Phi i y j.-. ,
' o .',7, u vV'O i-e r.1'1"
1 ' L I, lit I lot civ
d'tinsitig am!
if. st th it, if
: 11 i' fie,
l.U I 1 .'
aieldi.'.u I
.. . ,1
or rni . a I.
it v .'rr 1
l 11-1 ! I
f-.l . J V.
, v. e li.i.
i.l""- . -...i :, 11 v o '
!" j'l. . : li'. V '.v. :
v. r:i;.ni"i f.Li
v. : : I be f !:! cf 1
I T.x M
- i' ;t 1
i: v
1 ,
: 1 r .
t':,i- li
ft' 1
mei!'. i :i l" f woi' t 1
'.'.- '?r: n J P'.iiict :.
me V.,'y s'd tr . :i 1 .1. . .
1 f V 1' J -i.', 'ii 11 c .. ;
nnd '.Nhl o hey evert day n
di e -c f eveiv nu.XC la T
r is f
I v
.T'' ft
Tho foil wi' s hi;t.!v usp r-j'''. aU'rSr.-;. .
have l een duly at ii.n , d a-1' for ILe 1..- .-
Wright't Indian VegdelU f: in NonLuuil. i s
I in I county t
Henry Masper, Suribaty.
E. i J. Kaulftnan, Augn'a totsnship.
Samyel Hcib, Liltle Miht.nny.
Will. am Deppen, J icksoii.
Brneviila H.ilsnue, Uptwr M.'S.inoy.
John G. Kenn, Upi er M thonoy.
PauiCi I John, Shaiimkiiitown.
For.yihe, Wil-on & Co.. No:,fc'Ja.'?o'Uni
E. L. Piper. Waisonliurg.
Irland t Hays McEcuili.
Janvs Peed. F.Ml-eroee.
Win. O S-",, Fii-bville.
Ilanman Kom' te. Ki.-btir7 P. O.
Am T liesse'. l U'.n at.lle.
(Jul.ain She. el. Tp er .lahoi oy. I a-.oit.S vl r,,.
J..n Kniil. Fa-11 r-v I!.'.
Ki es C.l o. k.MoU at
're k.
j. lie V'oo'ir aL'kiti 1 .
JkUaham .S "r.r ih hm.nid.
fcialin.el V. vKn. Cil.l-lorl.
Jot n IL Vincent, ' .'' ! ' l"f
WlU. He nen tV lii.lh.' . Mot m.
(- Offeea ih V'i e I . s.-fiK-.e to
VVKKilll'S INIIN VEtiP.t API E t ' J .
of ihe .North American College ,.f He.lth. No '... '
Greenwich Htrect. NwYerk; No. 19S Trern. 1 "!. Busaont and PRINCIPAL OFFICE", iNV.
168 Rass Istbut. Philadelphia.
8,p. 19h, l43. If. '