Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 26, 1846, Image 4

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    .. Fiwn thn New Orleen Pictyuoc
; at Mowteeej.
The following fCeft Was described to mt by
an officer commanding! regiment in tb 3 f diri
in at the battlee. of Monterey. I Rive it almost
In hi own languajre. as fi ertoke of if th Jay
alter it occurred (,21th ., September .)' He hea
r'ccUrrd often a;.nce, that it made him feel ton
tiincntHl evrry time ho thought of ir. and I am
sural never thought of accnsiojr him " weak
ik, for it gate w tbe blues to hear him tell
the store.
And thi,' aaid he. In pwhinff of homo r
nii.tds me. of an afoctinjr cene of I1 niht. I
w entered by Col. Child to take a company
of my rejiment and break In the dnora of row
nf house in the second ptsli. t had gone near
!v through without neeinfrt ma, when, for a
;m, the effort of my men were eicor'etl In
vtin to CPt in'o one that seemed barricaded
with cre. A the hinge of the door wore
h.-i!t n pieo way, a tremulous voire on the in
e'i.U' lipPfrhpd me not to break the tlnordnwn,
it fliou'd he opened. When unlocked, I rushed
m . well aa I could, over bed, chairs, cushions.
'., etr., and to my aurpri'o found the room
.-rupied by nbout twenty five women; Aa
o n aa tlioy saw me ami the soldiers' folio winy,
tlify ran around me and fell on their knees, the
' ! Vr bns.?eching, in tonca of deep distres, my
protection, and to hive their livca apared ; the
y .'tinker begging timidly not to be injured.
A hile they were tliua kneelinj. and I assuring
'":n tint n Inrm or injury ahould befall thero,
a pretty little woman el id into the circle and
knelt clo?e to my feet. 'Senor,' aaid ahe, in a
milt, qniverinsr voice, 'for the love you bore
nir mother, fur tho love you have for your
vifi, for the tender affection your heart holds
t-ir your children, oh, spare this, my poor little
bales'holding up bright eyed, dimpled chee
ked little boy, about a year old. She never aa
I for herself. In apite of me, tear rushed to
my pyta. and I could only apeak with a full
h -art as I told her to rise, arid aaaured her that
'irj and her child were perfectly safe. 'Be
itie Holy Virgin Captinj?,' remarked a rough
Irish soldier, wiping away a, tear with the back
of hia hind, 'won't the ould Seventh parted
th-m !
That night I watched ever that room, which
v sscrerlly kept from intrusion. The next
Iny we wre blerscd by thcee feraalea in their
attentions, for tho protection we had (riven
Uiem, for they gave tie of what they had to eat
nd drink, and we were nearly famished. Poor
.-atures, how much they were distressed.
T ie young mother will evu he painted in my
uind ' eye aa tho devoted guardian of her babe,
ilt-r husband, I learned, waa an office r, and waa
then fighting us in the ciiy. She could not
'.iave known whether he waa alive or not, and
1 have not heard oThnn.
Many scene", very like that described above,
took plucii in the city. I did net hear of a a n
t'leotitrnge being committed where women were
in the question, but heard ofmany inatancea in
which food was furnished lo oar men and paid
fur, even when the rijjht waa going on. II.
To privsj Rats fr-m voir I'iieuisu Buy
..if pound of chloride ot lime, and scatter it diy
iri'o every rat hole and placo that they visit, in
'lie cellar and other parts of the house, in and
under the cellar-wall, and they will soon leave
y "ii. Don't put it cn or very near any article
of fjmily proviaion.
Tue Scotchman's Cail. A young clergy,
nan in Scotland, being about to leave the scene
of his orthodox labor tor a nether settlement,
called on an old lady belutigin; to Ins congre.
gallon, to say farewell, bud to thank her fur thu
kindness he had experienced front her.
'Andsseyer pattn to leave us,' said the old
bi, ,'ueP, 1 wush )eG(Kj'i b'esairg ; ye've
l en & ' atnid, dwereet young inon ; and I
ri,ibr nntje'ilhie your reward. And where
:,;, yp l,i!t to atttle .''
Tit? Jinf ha called me to labor in a distant
lrr' ef ti e vlnrynrJ replied the clergyman.
'.' 1 1 v c."1 the p"rili of .'
v:-.' s.r! t!,? I iily.' and mnj be ye'll get a
)rt ''a ii. lire .'ift pcri.l whee yeVrgarn V
'Vi y jef, I expect a small increaae in em
i hiii. ci certainly '
Ah .' wi el, I thought rur, retorted the lady
'.iit hi'! nno been the case, the Lord might
! -ii ch I Ic.l ln) r-nnngh and loud enough be
'...ri va would hae hrnrd hia voice.'
Dci.trATC Voiix A rjuaint writer says:
'! ! i a v rren a uoinf.n n delicate, that they
were afmiil to ride, for fi a r of the horse running
nway; afraid to s;iil, for fear the boat ahould
ovr rsct ; afra d to walk, lor fcr the dew might
fall; but I never saw one afraiJ to gat married.
Goo Advice a shrewd old gentleman
'nee aaid to his daughter : 'Be sure, my dear,
that y.wi never marry t poor man, but remtMn
.r, the jmiiresi in wtrj om fj,,t
has money and nothing elft,
A Hist roa BROTiiras II 'nur ,i,ter,
while tfodeily engaged in a tendes convert
t on wuh her eweetheart, requatf yo u, bring
h-r a glas nt water from the adjoicing room,
y.m can start on tho errand, but you need
return. You will not be missed. .
ror;t,AR Pui'K'Jt To believe that ba
- dmdy's simps ar drawn tiht upon
ii - irvjAx-m, that they re going to Jilt Uim in
! rfieuuble aoeieiy.t. ..
C )M.i tioKV It Z a roiiHdaiinn, w'ul.ii
M.i..u c.rci uiUhcey, to know that thougb
"Ktittoa do. increaae to catC ' '
Mice can nvr grow to ntav"
WMxmjmjL,remmm!9Km9xv.-!-L- am,ij-'-UASR
. Tt f !!i'win list shows the current vtdue of all
eDeavlTanla Hank Notes. Tbe most implicit re
liance nviy l placeJ opon it, aa It It eeery vtek
r folly irnpared with and corrected from Bitk
oeil'a Reporter.. ( . ) , . i
i nankfl la Plillaalclphlia.
Sank of rtorih Amtlr ,
Sank of the Northern liberties . ,
Commcrr-al Owik of Penn'a. .
Farmera'.and Meehanivs' Bank .
fCninetoi Dank . . .
Phihatelphia Bank . . i
Sfbnlkill Bank
Sthwark Bank .
Western Bank . .
Meetianiea' Bank ,
Manufacturer' A Mechanics' Dank '
dank of Penn Tewnship .
Oi?ard Bank ,
F ir.k of Commerce. Lit MoyamcMini
Bank of nnnvlvtnia
Conutry Danks.
fJsnk of Theater Conntya1 Vrneeheief
Batik of Dclnwre County Cbeatr
Rank of Hrrmaritown Grrmaiitown
Bank of MonHomcry Co. Norriaiown
Dojleatown Bank Dnylelewo
Eamon Bank Kastiw
Farmors Bank of Bucke co BriM.-l
Bank of Northumberland Northumberland r
i mumMia Hank et nrnlire co."t;oluml)i par
farmer t!nnK ot l.anrnntei l,ancttci par
t.anratrr County Bunk
l.aneaater par
I.anc iter par
Beading par
narriitjutjrt Theae
I.ancaaier I offices
Ft'eaJing j do not
Eaatf.n J wot a.
Ijincaa'er Bank
Farmera' Bunk of ReacTuig
Oflirt of Bnnk of ri.n'a.
Office .do do
OfTee . do Jo .
Office ' da do
Rank of (he Uuited States
Minera' Bank or Potlsvilk
Bank of J.rwlstown
Rank of M iddtctowa
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
l)o dr branch of
Humnhurft Bank
Lebanon Bank
Mar. hann'i Manuf. Bank
Bank of Pittsburg
Weal Brsnch B .nt
Wyoming' Bank
Nnrthampion Bank
Berks Conty Bank
Office or Bank of U. 8.
Do do do
Di do da
Bank or Chamhernburg
Bank of ficttjahurg
Bank of Snque!ianna Co.
Erie Bunk
Farmer' ft Drovara' Bauk
Fianklin Bitnk
Honed J! Bank
Pittslurg failed
Erie do
Ne Brighton do
Moimn;ahra Bank of B.
oi Uank
. . York 11
N. B. 1 he notes of those banks on which we
omit quotaiiona, and aubntitute a daah ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphis broker, with the
exception of those which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ine. Philadelphia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. ij failed
Schuylkill Sav. Ins. da failed
Keuoinaion Sav. Ins.' A do
Penn Totvnl,ip S it. Ins. do .
Manual Lalior Bank ( !'. W- Dyott, prop.) fjiled
1'nwanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of P.
Bank of Beaver
Batik of Swatara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bnr.k
Farmers' & Meeh'ca' Bank
Farmers' & Merh'ca' Bank
Farmera it Mech'ce' Bank
ilaimony Inaiituto
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's B:nk
VorirM'rn Bank of I'a.
New IIoe Del. Btiilse Cn.
Nonhumti'd I'nion Col. Bk.
North Western Bank of Pa.
nmre of 8rhnlkill Bank
I'a. Acr. 6i Manuf Hank
Silver Lke Bank
Union Bank of i'enn'a.
W'catmnieland Bank
Bedford no aale
Beuver eloead
Haniabnrg clored
WaHiiiignn failed
I!ril fiin'e cl.-eed
Pitubaig no rale
PilUl'Urg fniioj
Fayette C". failed
(renrate failed
Harmony no aale
Hunting. Ion no rale
lewuiown nn sale
Warien fsilfJ
UundnfT no sale
New Hops cloned
Milinn no tale
!esJills closed
Port Carbon failed
Motitrnse rloard
L'niontowrt filled
(reenal'urg tlocJ
Wilkeabarre Biidgs Co.
Wilkeaharre nosala
03 All notes pur-ortirg to be on any Pwn-yU
ama Bank not given in the aho li.l, may be set
Jown sa frsuds.
Bank of New Bi unstuck Brunswick
DrlviJcic Bank Belvijera
iturlinglon Co. Bank MedforJ
1,'niiiciiercial Bank Penh Aroboy
umlirrland U.iiiK UriilReton
farmers" Hunk" Mount liolly
ronui lb' and Mechanics' Bk Kahwav
Farrarr' and Mechanics' tik N. Biunswirk faile.1
rarmrra and Mcrehsnta Bk MiJJhton Pu
track mi Uank o:,. J.
Jrr City
fa ib d
pa i
ilobokrn Bkg St Uiaiing Co Hob. ken
Jensey City Uank JtraeyCiiy
Mechauica' Bjnk I'tin"n
Manufiiclurrn.' Hank HWIevilis
Morris County Bank Morriatovtn
Vonmnuth Dk or iN. J. Freehold
Mechanics' Bank Newaik
Mechauica' sud Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris (.'anal snd Ukg Co Jsiaey City
Pot Iaoies
HO sate
Newsrk Bkg A In Co Nt wsik
New Hope Del Uridce Co I.ainhtiUvilla
N. J. Maoufar. atid Ukg Co Iloboken
N J I'ro'ecion it Lowbstd bk Jersey Ciiy
Orange Bank Orange
PaierMin Bank Paterswa
ProjW Bank do
I rtneeton Uaiik rruiceton par
Salem Bankiiig Co flero r
ritale Bank Newark I
Btate Bank Zlitahrlhtowp i
State Bank Camden par
Siata Bank f Mania Morutow
Bute Bank Tienton faill
Kkm and PbUad Manuf Co 8alem ailed
Sussex lisuk New Ion
Trenton Banking Co Trenton par
Union Bank Uoter j
Washington Banking Co. Uarkanaack faUad
Bk of Wilts it Brand) wioa WilaJngton par
Bank of Uelawaie Wilmington par
tlank of cWnyrna . . , f5aayrna ' . par
Uo . ' bianch ' Milord ; -, per
F wmera Bk of State of Del Dov. i per
J ' hr.nt h Wiloiingtoo pa'
.!, brarlj ... Georietowo pal
it k N'sweisiie par
I'nion Bank -i : .
OJ- On all k. ma.Ved rs 0re are tl
es.usOoos, b sieeoUtion. T "
la-ting f-r Daafstsa, alse fr ainS
and difebarge of matter from the Ears. ,
Hundred of cure in caea deemed utterly hop,
lets bate firmly tsblinbed Its superiority over eve
y former MaJical discovery.
Thi valuable Acoustic Medicine is a compound
of four diffarrot O Is, one of which, tbe aeite and
principal ince.!ier-t, la oUdne.1 from the bark of a
c r'ain species wf WatcT, new and elfcjl
ajent in the cure of De
Peron who bad been desf fbr 10, 15 snd even
30 year, havs been permanently curej by using
this ciL In fact, so no nrtous and so rmphalia
have been ike testimonial in it fnvoe, that the In
vrmor clai.ns fur it tbe dis lm t on of an tofallilde
ltetndy. in all cases, when the Ear is perfect in
ita f mnti n.
Pot further particulars, and evidence of ita great
vslue, see printed the. la, in the bind of Agonta.
September 19 h. U40ly
J0S1T ST01TE fc, S01TS,
Di-ntcrs in Silks, H'thbons ami Milli
nery Goods,
A'o. 45 South Second ttrttt,
AVE now In Store a large sstortmeot of
Rich Millinery Goods.
Aunp'Cil to t all s ri', sucu a
Bonnet Silks snd 8nlina figurid snd plain.
Fancy Ribbons, of entirely new ayl.-a.
IMnin Matittt and Satin Biubons, of all widths, snd Colored ilk Vilvna.
French Fancy Fesihers and Flowera.
Fancy Cap Neta and Laces.
Buckiams, Willow, Crown Lining.. Stt. Ac
Many of the above anicles being of their own
imp.rialii.n, they are enabled to oflei them at the
loweat rice.
rhibidel bia. 8. pt 6 h . 131C lm
Steam Refined Sugar Candle,
t?4 ckxts rrn tno. vnntiii.
J J. KlCHAIib&O.V, N .. 45 Ma.ket fStreet,
I'ilAtiiLfBi, take pleauro in informing
Ida public, that he aiil eonnnura to Sell his very 8u
ierior Steam R-Cnd Candy at tba I v price of
$12 6(1 er 100 pouiutp, and the qurlity is equl to
any manuf irtursd in ihe UniieJ Htataa.
He ebo off. i all kind uf good in the Ccnfet
tionery nnd Fruit line jit enrrsfponding low p.tcea.
aaqmck sales and mall piofus are the order of
t'le day.
Call or rend your orders, and you cinnr.t fil to
be satikfied. lon't fo get Ihe number, 42 MAR
August 20 h. 1 Sift. Cm
Maaa:t Stbsst, fexsuav,
TIIANKFCL fer pat ravora. bega leave te In.
form h a friends and the public gererslty, that
bw has jnt returned from the city iih new and
faahionnhb lis;, an I a fu'l assortment of Idghi'
cnl .red, Uronte, Black Kid, snd all titber knds
ef Mor.icco for Oentlernin. Ladies and Chiblreti'a
wear; and he aaaures s!l whe may for him itli
their ru.torn, lint th-y my rely ttpnn hing their
w.'ik done in the moat uhMantiat and fashionuble
manner, and si very low price.
He al-o has s full s.s.nmeiil of I 'W priced work,
seliet. d by himae f which he will sell lower than
eer off rti in th'.s place, vit :
Men's bhoes, sslowss f 1 .CO
Es ra iou! B.oa, J.00
G ind I-Jce fJ o s lor Women, ' 1,00
Women's Slipt, 60
Chitdr.i.'s Sh.. ' S5
B..e Lender, Mnrnrco. Ar., fjr rale low.
August 28d. IM6. a piaif
Boot STSIioe
At Ait Old Etlublithmeul, in Market Street,
(neeoeiTB tiik itirn t.U'M noTfi,)
"B P. I'L'HNH hia tl.ank for f.or, and re
M speclfully inform bia fiienda and the puMie
aenerallv, that he continue to nunufjCiure lo ot
der, in Ilia i eaten and lntet rtle.
wairariled f the teal mat. rial, sud made tiy tbe
mod eipeibnced workmen. He alan keep on
Imnd a fyi.ernl oilrrerit of fiahionalde Boota for
g ii'li men, tii;e:b r with a larce t iek of f.iahlt
nh'e eentb men'a. bo) ', Is 'tea snd eht'd en's Shoea,
all of which hr.e been m ii'e under h i own tmme.
iliafe in erlion, and ataofilie beat ma'eriul and
wo'ktn mhp, wl.icri b.- will ssll I o for cnh.
In sl lnioo to the a'.nve, he has jnat reived
from i'bilnd. lihis a large and exlenaive aupply of
lino', (hoss, Ac. i r all description, which ba lo
fii-.a for ca.h. cheaper than ever before off red in
ibis plare. He irnpeetfully intiiei hia obi diam
ine r, and, lo call anJ ciamine for them
. Iv a.
Hep. ring done wiih neatnes and depttch.
Kunlurr, Aojut I.Sik, IMtV
Ao. H3 South Third Street, above Cheinut,
iTaa iid Ctrl waacracTCSSD boots b
rtHE la taken lb liS, rty nf ad.lre.
1 ring the public, svti'fied that they will find it
In tbrtr interest lo call and esaraine Ins a'o k uf
Boota and bbots, and acqoaiut themselves with
his prices.
Felling exclusively for tbe Ceh, ba is ensblcd
and dstarmined te sell lower than any ether rge
ar hoose in ths ciiy. .
Psrkons will please exsmine tbe mat k at tho
roughly, and, Ufo.e purcbaalng, 'all al ike alora
. No. 39 Booth Third, above Cbcscttl St
Philade'phUAue. IS. lJ54fW-
VrEXitirs sHftnii or raiAH,
Ujf irsct'wg GtMe. Dry Psims, VarniihTar,
AVax, ite. fmm clothing of any dserripiion,
irwitsd tu l to injure ihe cloth or lbs mo. I dlics
colors. , This leu d ha also been nsod with grtet
success in esse et Bum. Kralde, Tell- r. PirepJa
en the fare. Chsptl haed. Sore hpe. Kheusna
ti.o. r)s4 soft Corn. 6te. $y Pike, So ta.
par hot it,. Fr sale at the saore f 1 . . , -n
eiy 1. IS4. 1 U.UimZK
aTACOB heller; :
fBlHANKFUL for the liberal encouragement
B . which be has received,. would rcapcctfelly
Inform bia frienda and the cititens of Northamtwr
Isnd county in general, that he has prepsred Um
self with tbe best Incurruptibls Teeth, Uuld Plate,
Quid Foil, &.C , that can be bad lo the city of Phi
ladelphia ; and that he wilt endeavor, to the nttDot
of his sbility, to render full aatiifaction to all who
may think proper to engage hle'ertice. He will
be In Sunbury at the Attgut court, where he will
t prepsred, st Lis residence, to insert Teeth on
Gold Piste, or on Pit ot, on the latest and most ej
proved pi in', snd attend to al the branches belong
log to Lenta L slroeut.
Ladies still ba waited on at tbrlr olaeeaef resi
denee, if desired.
Hi cbargos will be reasonable, and bis wwk
He will visit ditfereni parts of tbe eosiaty, aboot
once In tlree montbs.
Sunbu'y. July ISth, 1646. 6rn
E. Klltf BER, JR.,
Vo. Si AorfA Fourth Street, under the tier
' ' chant' Hotel,
a l tinea ita raata
KEEPS cooaiantlv a hand an atet.ile t
aorlment of all kinds of Silk, Fur snd Be.
ei list, which he i Iters for ssle on tbe moat rea
sonable term. Iti Hsis ars made up ol the neit
miterlsla, and In the moat approved alyle. 1'ee
aonviaiiing the City will find it to their interest to
call. July llth, IBt. ly
awiaftk it Taa saaBRLi isstitots, IS4S.
City Dagnwrolype EitabllthmtDt.
-CP. CP Ca350aCLI2S3'S3,
(I.STt 8IM0KS & Cottiti.)
No. 10O Chenvt tt., abort Third, South tide,
"fl jflMATUBEH tiken equally a well in clou
lTH dv aa in ctenr weitber. A dark adk dtea
tor Isiiv, snd a black auit for a gentlemn, are
I referable in sitting f. r a pictu e. Noeiira charge
ia tnads for coloring, and perfect tikenesie are
gunrantied. July 4th, I84fi. 1 y
Light Street,
23a. l?J2SXS0D5iI32
1tHE House lias undergone a thorough repair.
. Tbe proprietors tolitit it former patronage.
Terms $1 23 per day.
WM. W. T)!X.
A B i ll UK I . FOGO,
Ju'y 4, 1818. ly Pro.rret..ra.
P II I L A D K L IMi I A .
THIS larpe and commodious Hotel baa recently
been filled up wi:h euiiie new furniture.
'I he subscribers therefor tolicit the patronage of
tbe public, and liual that their cspertenee in the
buinS4 will enable them te give entire salisfic
tion. Terms modurate. '
Jufy 4th. I9IC ly
Keller Sc Grccuousli,
DB A WIN03 and Paper for the Pa'ent Of.
fiee will be prepared by them, at tbair office,
opposite the Pa'ent Office.
Jitlv.4ih. I94C lr
1 91 1 OUT A X T
YOU may b sure ef ol. tuning, at
all times, pure and highly fltvorej
By the ring! pound er larger quat tit w. al the
PctilnTcaCompaiiv'aj vVnreliouise,
30 South &tond ttrttt, f rtoct 1 Market und Chez
nut ttreett,
ITeretnrore it he been ry ditTicult, Indeed, at.
mo.t imnoeaible. always t.i obtain good Ore. n snd
lU'ck Tens. Hut nnjv i.u hae only lo viil the
IVkin Tea Company' Store, to obtsin s delieioos
ml Irsgrant Tea as yon could ih for. All tastes
can here be suited, with tbe adtautage of getting a
pti'e articlo at a low price.
June 27th, 1846.
I'ale'a Csle ' rald li 'ad Scale.,
Ccinl and Hay do
Iron VanufacV tie
Poriable Platform do
SO d.tTereni s:aes,
llormotor Floor do
& different sis'.
Counter do
13 d.fTcerit fin
The sbove Hrs'e sre
made ent er singe or
Ijou'jle beam, snd are
t'eeidedty the meat du bl. , aeru'ste and cnniei.i
enl ' ever ii.e ited. We alo b Pla'f im
and Count r Bcea, patent Balaneea snd eery
kind of Weighine Msehioes in ue f t ssle, whole
al snd retail, at low prices. All Scales sold by o
lo go out of ihe ciiy . are heard fn of charge, and
wanamcd to e ve aatiafaction tt the purchaser in
every particnl.r. GRAY tt BROTHER,
Manufacturer and Dealers, No. 34 Walnut street,
Jin e 87. 1846. ly rkttudJpkia.
HORSE HilOES. Durden'.
iHona 8Iioes, for attest msnufaelurcis'
'price, by USUI II Lit.
Jur.aS7. l4fl-1y 34 Walnut . I. Phtlad.
SALT. New Yoik Halt in barrel and bags, for
sale al manufacturer' price b
Jons S7, 1640 ly 34 Walnut it. Philad.
THS sotsrsibers sre constantly msenficluring
fiem lbs best French, Engliah and American
mntfeijil Clothasnd Css.unsrs, CLOTHING
In vsy superior at tie, cut sod workmanship.
Persona buying to ssll agin will lad na of the
largest and moat fi.bionabl stock of goods to salad
froa ii the city, and t nnp ecedeiitsj l-w price-,
; . , J. W.&E.D.8T0KES,
1 ,.IH Market .1. Phtlad.
! N. B. A large aoilsrel of Odd rH' Re
gsha conatamly on hod, and all order from lodge
er tadridpl pguciusJy etknied to, ea the moat
liberal arrros. J. W. A B. D. S,
PkiksaViykas, Jioa7ib, l(MfU-)y
do d
d do
do do
do do
do do
Dare you heard the lYewaf
Wit, eav'itt tetf . TiT
At kitfltop, in Market xtrtet, adjoining (At thrtt
uory artttc Mourn,
AS Just received from Philadelphia the largest,
Handsomest and beet assortment or
of evety descrfptlonthst hsSevar been brought to
ihia place. And what ia itill better, they say he
alia eo eheftpVtbat you can buy two thin fur the.
tame money thai ' you used to fay fur one pair.
He Bets roft Cam snd Sana roa Cua, and
that 1 the teaaon that he can ufTord to aril ibem en
much If you don't snt to buy, just call
and See hi stock. He is always ela.l to see his
customers; snd it Is no trouMe t blm to show his
goods. Jirt to give you so Idea how chea,i be does
red, the following ia a lUt of prUa nf a part of bia 1"
Men's Thick Boot, worth M 00 at i 75
do l ine Orain do " 60 at 0()
do Calf do " 6ti0 at 3 04
Boys' Tbuk do " t 60 st I ?5
ronlh' do " 1 00 at 1 x&
Mrti's Thick Brogsn. " 1 67 at I 00
Women's Morocco Welts
Slid Rid Springs, " I 60 at I VU
Women' lst Ciiy made
Kid 8!i ,-, ' 1 6t at 1 13
Ladies' I Uaiti r and Gai
ter Boo', " t 00 at I 37
Alao, svery variety of Lsdie', Boy' and chil
dren' shoes, st prices lower than ever before offer
ed. Cme and Set
Sunbury. June 13th, 1840. 6m
THE Danville Steam IVooen F-ntnry. former
ly owned and occup ed by Dr. Parainv. h.s
recently len purrhsard by the aubrribere, who
respectfully announce to their frienda and the pub
lie general y, that they arc now pteptred to do all
kinds of wnk in tbrir line af business, st the shor
test notice, according tt order, sud in ths heat com
parstive n.ennor. Hsvme, gone to coniderhlr
expense in rpirifi tl.eit machinery and aparatus,
am) hi iug very psr.icutat in curing the service of
experience.) mechanics, they reel confident ihnt
they sre capatde of evec iting alt kinda of work in
a atytr auperior to a: y other -e'abliehtnent in the
country, at the old rtom .ry p.feea.
BL-.NKET8 cunstan ly on band, snd for sals st
reduced prices, for Cash or Barter.
CAUDIXG a.i rri-i.ixo
will be done in the best manner, st Ihe ususl pri
ce. All kind nf country pr.'duee taken in pay
mrnt foi work, at Dnille pmket prices.
For ihe secommoilaiion of ihoae who live at
ditance, Woot and Clotb will be taken in at.
and, when finished, returned to the following pla
ce. 1'l.iin written direction roust sccotnpsny
esch pareel :
Columbia County. Roup & Man's store, Wa
h'nfti nvill ; R. Fruit' atore, J.revt,uvn ; Yes
ger's Inn. Roaring Orerk; Sharpies' atote, t'alta
ia; (. F. Manri' atore, Mifflinville; Mtllei'
aloie, Berwick t J. Chile's Mill; Rickci's store,
Oingevit Derr's store. White Hsll.
Kurthunberland County Michael Reader's Inn,
Turbutille; Ireland tt Hat' atore, McKwenr
ille; E. L. Piper'a stoic, Watoi,t-wn ; I.
Comfy 3t Co' store. Milton; Gibson's 'flu, Chil
llsqurqus : Forsttb't stoie, ;
Young's stere. S.tnbury.
Luterr.t County. -Reynold's stoic, Kingston;
Oildersleeve's store. Wilketbsrre ; Osylord's More,
Plymouth ; 8tei'a store, Nanilcuke ; JuJge
Msrk's Milt, Huntington.
Lycoming County. 1. Clcpp's sto'e, Money;
Shuaukei'a store. (Smith's Mill.
Danville. May 9. 1846.
THE sobsrtiber, late of the Union Hotel, Men
cy, Pa , respectfully infonua the old snd nu
merous cost mer of tha
Pennsylvania House,
and the public generally, that he ha leased the
Ta rn tSiand of John Rhode, in Danvdl, w here
be is now prepsred to entertain travellers, and per.
sons vi.itint the town, in the very best style. The
accommodation will be such ss a well conducted
public house hou!d afford, and no effort will he
pared lo render aitisfietinn, in every respect, 10 all
who tray call. The eilien or L corning county
sr invited to put up with the undersigned when
they visit D'nvitle.
HENRY WEAVER. I. May S. 1646.
Kacb Smr.Kr, I'nisAniiLPiiiA.
IIY J. ITI tits.
rPHIS loealion ia convenient for Buainesa ni'o
a- viaiting the city. Every pains ia taken lo
cure lb cmfort of t'sveliers.
Mrch 7. 1846. Iv
Oppotitt the Court House,
THE botueiihrr, who sais ed for a
vei years In lb m iriageirsnt of the a
bovo Hotel, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra.
dy, hi ga leav In Infirm tb l'eltng
puh ir, thst he hss taken the eaiehhshment on bi
own seeounl, on tbe firat or January, 1848.
The House ha, of lai. undngona many impor
tsnt alterations, and Ibe present eondueOr pmsniso
la leave nothing undone to make tt e eomfoitahle
snd agrsesble, a vtell a a cheap and seeommoda.
ting stopping ptsce for stinere who my vlah nor
fl -uri.hinf villsge. No pins nor eapens will b
span d to fill the tabl and the bsr with the best lbs
mmketa afj.ud. and with lb detiminaton to r!.
ve hi entire peesoaal ailentien la the eenfiwl of
those whe irsv tnsk his haoae Iheif temporary .
bod, and aided by active, careful and eblittng asr
van's, h hopes lo give gem rsl s4titfaction, snd re
calve a liberal ahare of custom.
fry Large and eammodieoe STABLES are aU
tschd to the eatabbabntjenl. which are attended by
careful end obliging ho-tlees.
Jsnnsry 34tb,lf4. tf .
rQb'GkAS IM'.BIm snd black Conre
' lak, at a toperiof oeah'y.for eatw ebeao. ahe
atore ef llENKY MA8CB.
t Jul4ih, IMA,, ., . ..... :
MfulAU tVUlt a.l.V Ulea aieoae
I Meiasee. eely li ! per.qusrtt sloe.e
supetBpe ar.ieJe of y allow M uW baking,
(y lja rsnU a' euart forllkterl ' ., ,
! June ia. itlfc.v - - . BtY.MA8i:B.
FmuB tiiaaaattia -Meeassum Hata-Ois, hae
;JL Jtist he a reieJaad UfavssawtkwoliMavsat
May S0, I84.
. '. 11 ",MiaelwB-'ew..
H B MA33EP.,
Bualneaa attended to in tbe Coontiee of Nr
thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Colombiav
Refer to I
P. A A. Ravatrn?.
Lowan tt Baaaoe,
. Sotfaas tt Ssoooaias, FhUad.
RtttroLDS, McFantanB Co.
8ptatse,Ooou St Co.,
PETER n. MAS 9 E tl,
RESPECTFULLY Inform tbe eiiiaen a
Munbury and vicinity, that ha hss opened ar
otrue at the residence vf Henry Maamr, in Mark
street, where he is prepmed to riecvie all kinds u
DsMTat Seaetat , Plate Work, &c , on tha late
and most approved plan.
Having had some etperi'.-oce snd instruction,
under une of ths most eminent and auccessful Den
lia s in Philadelphia, he believes that bs will bi
ab'e to glee satisfaction to Uio'S who tnijr wsnt bi.
Ladiee will be wsitetl on at their pl iers of rest
dene. His clisrges will be uodeiats, and hi
sii.k warranted.
Sunbury, March 28th, 1 St6.
No. 76 Soi'Ttt Third Strbct,
Oppotilt the Philadelphia Exchange,
Manurartur and kei-p eon
pitantly on hond. a large as
if sortment of their Patent Im
I'roved S.lainsndet I I K I
llifsSiSFPROOF SAFE, which sr
7rl2!v"--Tr' , enntrueled aa to aet at re,
f!?.ll m.n,,.l ,,r.l,.llK' a.ta th.i
being strictlv fire troof, an
tbal ihey will resist lb fire of any building in th
world. Tbe outanl case of lb Safe are made c
boiler iron, the inside e.ise of sospstone, and b
tween tho outer et snd inner esse is a spsee t
me 3 inches thirk, and i filled in with indtrut
lible mite.ii.l, s ss to make it sn impnibility t
ever burn any or the content inside of thi Ches
These Moapttone Hal.imanders we sre p-epare..
and da challenge the world to produce any arlicl.
in tbe ahape or Book Safes that will stsnd a mud
brat, and we holj ourselves ready at all limes b
have them fairly leate.l by public bonfire, thould a
ny if our competitor feel dispoaed to try them
We alao continue to manufacture and keep con
stantly on band, a lrc and gtneral ss-urtuient o
our 1'iemium Air tiKhl Fire Proof Hafes. i.f whicl
we he a Urge qoanti'y in use, sn I in every in
stsnee they bsve g.ten ent're sitirscilnn lo tb
puiuhaner of which we will refer the public tot
few gentlemen tshohsve them in use.
N. Sl O. Tsvlor, 129 noift 3J sr.; A. Wrigh
A N'p'iew, Vine t. wharf; Alexander Caror, Con
veysncer, corner uf FilLerl and 9lU sts.; John V
FnrJ, it noitb 3d t ; Mver Cuh, SO nor h 3
t.; Uailey tt Brother, 139 M.ket st.; James V
I'aul, 101 south 4iti St.; 1 r I)vid Jayne, 8 ogi
3d t ; Malihew T. Miiler, 30 aouth 3d St.; art
we could name some time or four hundred ether
if it wet nrcesaary. Now we invite th ettr-titijl
of the public, anJ particularly those in want a
Fi-e Proof Sjfes, to call t our etor h. for purrht
sing elsewhere, snd we think we csn satisfy fieri
that they mill get s Letter and cheaper article
our (tore thin any other establ ishment in Ihe city
We also renin u to manufacture r'el and
pytng Prcaaes. made in such s msnner ss te st
swer both purines ; Houting Machims, Ft
I'r .o! Doors, with our on maoulai tur uf lor'
on tbeTi, wab D. Evns's Pt.-nl Kejhole en
attnehed to tb ssms ; plaio aaid ornarosniat li
Raiiiue, die.
N- B. Vt's keep constantly on hsml a l-rs
sortment of otr Patent Sbie Lined Refiirxe; p
Wstrr Filters snd C Ur;snd we have alao
baudu veral M-nind band Fir Proof Cheate Ink
in exchange for our, whieb we will dopose wf
veiy l.;w priee.
Pi iiadelpbia. January 5t;S. 164S. ly
To I'utrlistnerB of
.a. 131 J 'earl it., N E W YORK.
HAVING a Branch at No. 144 t
r ut sl., Philadelphia, i now opening, and
be conintly receiving from th Nw York A
tion. an extensive assortment nf
which wiirie sold al the lowest New York pi
al wholesale and Retail. Among h e stock wi
found a good assortment of the folio wieg arti
Jaeeunets, Plaid, Hair Cord, Lace, Stripe, I
Swis snd Tsrfatsn Muslins, Bisb p and I
Liwns. Ksncy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Ur
1'hrrsd Laeea, Application Do., rich B sek
Trimmii g I.see, Irish Linens. Linen Cam
Linen Cambric Ifdkfs., Curtain Fringe, Cast
d'Ecoee, Mooeeliiie de l.siae. S-ilbl snd C
Wsrp .l srcas, 'en'a IJIoth, Gata P
Frrneh Merinos, HI. ck Xtlk. Gl. ves, Si k
Hh.iwla, Crava', Rthhons. Embroideries. Ac.
t'oontry Metchsnts and others visiiing Pb'
phi r iw York lo purchase, sr respectful
vited to call and examine the stocks.
Nov. I. 1M5. Iv
II E L I E V E AM) LI X (E .
Compound Syrup of Tar Jt vv km!
ftHC nnpreredented ncek or thi medirle, j
X tb re.tnrstion i f heal h, 10 those who, is de
pair, hsd gien up all hope, ha given it an
tad reputation lev all other remedies, furnisbii
evidence of it intrinsic va'oe and power, sa tha o
ly r'it which can be relied opon for the euro
Pulmonary Consumption. Bronebiitis, Astte
Pain n the side snd Bresst, Hpitting or Bloeo,
Whooping Cough, Croup, ite.
Attention te requeded lo the following ASTON.
ISHING CL' Thomson'. Compound Syruj
or Tsr and Wood N.ptha ! !
PhiloileJpkia, May Id, 1144.
MR. THOMSON Dear bir Vnb araiafu
fre'tng T inform yon cf th astonishing afjeet e
yen' medicine, which ba literally rsir d m fron
s death-bed I , My disease, Pulmonary Consoaap.
tion, had rsdured me so low that my phyreian pre
roancrd my ease hnpele I A I tbi junction Ike
gsn to O'Syoor medicine, and mirseulooaa ilasa;
seem, it baa completely es stored me to health, sfW
very thing slse had faiUd. Fsspeetfully voor.
Chs'lotte street, abov Ganrg street
Tb anderstgncd, be tog peraenalrv sreualRl.
with WeabiagloB Mck end bis sufferings, he
wilnase ti th astonishing effects of Thomson'
Compoend etyrop of Tar, sad tbe truth of (he a
hove statement.
JO. WINNER. IIS North Third street,
'DAVID VJCKES4.4 Al-ood etreet.
. HUPH M'GINLEY, 8, .. eornn Tswe;
' end fourth si reel.
I Prepared only hy ft. F. Tbnmeon, Tf.XL" come
f ftlk mi Satoco eirwts, PbUsdeJphte.:
j A genu. 11. B. Masr, Bonbo D. Groei
tnd Dr. Msepbro, HarrUborg Jn. O. Browv
pottavt le t Dvxv Earl, Reading 1 Uoostaa) Mi
e; Tew sjssbs' Bskdiaea eoeeiiy, Pa. ' Prase asOaart
pes aottle, vJA per dat , . , , - .
boWvJehJ, Jje 3K IrHo.-,