Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 26, 1846, Image 3

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    r I.OIO IVoan tUf Army, "
Tbe itesmihip A isbama arrived at NeOr
leant on the 13th instant, bringing datee from
Brazos to tha Itth, and Monterey to the lit!
Oen. Taylor had returned from Saftillo, which
wat all in the quiet possession of the tronpt an
der Ren, Worth. No demonetratlon had been
tnade against him, though at a distinct nf only
tbirt milet thetcoutt of Uen, , Worth had dit
covered about 3000 cavalry, laid to hare been
tent from Pototi. Gen. Wool hat been ordered
by Oen. Taylor to occupy tht town of Parrat.
The inhabitant! made no opposition to Oen.
Wool, but wera prepared to receive him peaces
b'y. His troop are enjoyinf excellent health,
and are in the finest state of discipline.
It was understood that General Taylor would
occupy all the posts and towns upon tha Una of
nprationt to Tampico. He would himself short
ly take up tbo line of march upon Victoria, where
rumor tayt Santa Anna hat 10.000 choice troops.
The poatetsion of Victoria it indispensably ne
ceasary to On. Taylor to secure his linet of
communication in an attack upon Pototi. Santa
Ant. a would no doubt resist the attempt. Gen.
Tajlor was expected to march by the 10th De
cember with the .Id, 4th and 7th Infantry, the
dragoons tinder Col. Harney, Bragg'i battery
tnd two regiment! of volunteers. Gea. Butler
would be left in command of Monterey, if hit
Stealth should admit, crtherwite tha commaad
would devolve upon Col. South.
Ccn. ftiitler't wound wt not improving. It
nat taid on good authority that Santa Anna, fea
in; that the new Congress which was about to
usemble Ktthe capital would not sustain him,
iad marched thither with seven thousand men,
inder the of putting down another out
rek among the populace. Pototi wtt in a
trong state of defence, and Baity receiving ad
ditions to its strength. Gen. Shields was to take
tommand of Tampico. Gen. Pillow was to take
command of the volunteers atterhed to Gen.
Patterson's brigade, and march for Victoria. A
'timor prevailed at Drains on the llrh, and was
generally believed, that 60 Government wagons,
with provisions snd specie, had been captnred
by Canutes, on the road between Camargo and
Mitr. It was believed that Santa Anna tnten
led to harass Gen. Taylor and make a stand a
;ainst him, which will soon require hard fight- I
RnrraiaTt.m uti Gorrv. Wright's Indian Ve
eulde Pill re a m.iet rrtriordinary mrdicine for
he cure of Rhevimirta n "d (tout, 1-ecauee they
ol on y cleaneefhe anJ howeU of thoxr
noihid humor, which if taken into rhe circuh'i m
,ii J thrown up m the inembrine and muscle, are
be c .use of the Vmve paitrful malidie. but they
teite the ehsob. nt versM to take np that which
ilnady depmped, nn.l therefore are aholjtily
r: in to mke a p.vfect cu e of Rheumat em and
out. A sin l 85 cent b..z of Wriaht'a Indiai
cg-table Pi'U wi't often give the most arloniah.
j reliif; and ereever.ti:ce according to din aim
II I e certain to drive pain of ery description
.im the l xly.
The pipul irity of YVbihit's Ivnis
.s Pills has proved a st'orvg bait to nnprimi--d
men, who. instigsted by the hope of gain, al
ii t to pa'm off a vpcrioue article on the tinsns
tig. T difcst ilia wicked des'gn of such
, we Imve procured new labile, snd llieSigni-
1 Win. W light wil. h found wsiTiti with j
:! on the top lhel of esih but. Auric other
'nuine, and t tounterft.t thit it forgery.
sipem'-er, the only original and genuine IN
N VEGE P ABLE PILLS have the witt!i
(1TVSI Of V H. WRIliHT OH til top of IBCtl
f Agent Tor the e.leof Wright's Indian Vegeta
ill in Sunbury, Hrftitr Mtr. For o her
cies ace advenis-emi nt in another column.
KTisieti isn CeiniKrc DifH, Wi
ast lie adapted to the nature of the fi-h, or
will be no prop.g ition of the spe ies The
us' be ad ipted to (he a ed, or there wi 1 he no
e. The climate must have those matter 1 1
c'i will unite and ke,ia'ie epid. micat or
;eoua poisons, or th y wdt lc inniii g i sh
it,., a lamp that is oo-npp inl l oil. 8o It is
e. with the Hum m Fiame; it fannol l
oatil ally affeted (7 epidemical or e n ageeua
talari ee, unless there I e those matters flua in; 1
be rl'culati m wh;eh "ffer ihe apprnpriatn a il.
ly plrifing our hods with the BniinniTB
'itusl which have affinity with thoao impurities
, on Which rontageon f oJa, we may always ferl
rure'whsti vt-r dio ise m y rage around os. Tiue,
1 my have it, hoi it will soon I e over j our sick
Mi m iy ba Ihe sIT.itr of a day or two, whiln those
0 have liern too wise to use this s mple an J es
int rem dy, either die, or Lse weeks, pcibap
luiilha of sickness.
QT" PurchsM cf II. D. Masver, Sont'Ory, nr ,.f
is inl, puhHbhed in another part of this ajer.
larsNova Taarric ! Frvia isn Aaca Pa
I.BTS. Ii it not mi infamous traffic for wbule.ale
id retail di uggita, and titlar rnerrbants, to buy
purUu$, eduhtrattd, rtpudiuttd and rtunttr.
rftii Rowad$ Tunie A Xurg at auction, and
)rn Itreaponsible and swimlliug medicine venders,
f two or ihrea dolla'a per aHisy-n, and t' an to soil it
tha ignotsnt snd unwary as the genuine Row
d's (Improved) Tonic Miiture for ana dollar the
Ilia aud han ihey wail koow besides that this
nnteifeit trash has Iwen university pranooneed
rtbless snd inert, snd will not cots the ague I I
ow of no nviie inhoman ordastardh eonihici in
'n laying any claims Is rrsprctaMlity orbonesty.
Look earvfully foi tha anri(ot atf nairres tf
lobn It. Row and on a paper label serves the
dulb of. every bottle, wiihonl wbich "guard" it
ver can bo genuine, however knavish setters aaay
fj and dretivo. , .',,
For gale in tbo saborbs of the site by Ike star,
rparagsntisrty. Also al No. M North ttl at-,
i at Iho Proprietor's eJRos, No. ,13ft CallowbiTI
si, PhlWarphk. And also, b ibo alorokoo
i poors" to 1 Ms aed the adorning oooatiesv
,. iafjf m H MM J, 5
n tt taifc nil . It ila I.. 1 it.
Geoant Nowlaho, of Limestone, Col count v. to
: If t . . .. ' '
,lin fi nrniia, m lUTDUl lOWnsnip. -.
On th 1 0il, nit k v. n.w r if tit 11
Mr. At.ron Huotm, to Mist HisaitT Vattiital
ooin 01 tiiitn township.
On the 3th n?t., by th same, Mr,' Mabtin
wn.uvtt. to Miss Masv Kar.t.r. both f Ruth
On the 0th alt , bf tha same, Mr. Paraa
CoiiLBRON. to Miss Louisa Fcasrta, both . of
Augusta township. . .
On the th inst., by David Martt Esq- Mr.
B.-i.nuBi. aihioh 10 miss matilda GtAKRAar,
both of Roaring Creek township, Columbia co.
"..,'heJ"h in,t hy ,he Ke- ! Tobias,
" - !iranti, 01 uanvme, to Mist Es
TtttVAttaiAN, of Mahoning tp.Coltimbiaco.
Oornatd wtthty y Henry Matter.
W, . ...
Rra, 1 . . .
Com, . , . . .
Oats, . . . , . , .
Poms;, . . , .
Flskss., . ,
Koo, .... ,
Btaswav, ... ...
TatAow, .
Ptat, ...
Hscrtian Flai, . .
Daitti Aertas, ... .
Do. PtAcnas, . .
inn nr. nnn that pmsnpLE
GVLATED. Theri f re if the blood bee ones im
pure, a general derm syment of the ryatcm must
ensue $ and give ria !
Coughs, C ld. lnfliienxi.Dirpepsia. Dmpiiy.llead
ache, Fullna a of UIod. Bili.m, BcaiM, Tvihd
anil Typhus Frerof alllrinda, Indigestion, Wenk
nce of Htomsch, Rhnumstrim and Itheumatic Af, Ni rou Afr-Clin.lAver Complaint, A -thins,
Pleurixy, InO immatiim if the Lungs, Low
Spirits Fi'B, Mea-te. Srp.JH P.n. Wlnmping
Cough, Crnup, Sore Eyes, Inward Weakness,
Worms, Quin v, Umrchitis, "Chi'lie. Draenterv,
Gr.ivel, SH Rhrom, TJeafn- and other nlT.-cii. ru
itf'lhe F,Mr. 8'. Anthony'e Fir. Hcorfula l Kma'
Evil. Ulee'i, Wdi'e Swellings, I'u'nor. Bile., Sup
prrsne.l Klon'hly Disc' a-ges and Fein-le e nipla;nts
in general, C'lipri n of Ihe Skin, Habitual Cos
tivefieee, and all di-ranrs depending on a diordered
nd diseased i-tale of the tdo-id, or a suepennon of
the liealihv secretions,
Tlier, f ire, on the fiist appesrt rice of any of thsa
Imuld tie .rMun'il, and need aeiordmi; 10 the di
lenions. PRICE iS l!f.,VTS ttr Boi of FIF
LAK. F. r sale by SETH 8. H ANCE. corner of
Charles and Prall at... and I Oft Uattim.ire street,
and by GEORGE BRIOT,Sunt ury.
I). BRAU11G M, Nonbomherl.nd.
Dec SB. 1840.
Mn.Gc moaT. Waaai no ro.v, residing in Yi-rk,
.trie', Fedeial Hill Baltimore, w:ia alt irked with a
vi.. nt cough and ante ihr at after trying manv
lemrdiea, wss induied by a friend to use llano's
Compound Syrup if Honhund, and before uaing
one bottle, wsa entirely ru'ed.
Mas. llaaiiiKTTA Mraatcx, reniding m Monu
ment street, bi twren C nal and Eden Street, was
ail irked with a veiy severe c.mgh and pain in the
lneat.t, which w so inteime, thit it extended 1 1
the uliou'deis. She wsa afflict id alro with a -pain
in the aide.
After trvipg manv remilies. he was pert.nd-d
l.v a fii.n l to use H Nt?E'8 t Jf IMPOL'XD SY
UUt' OF HOItEHOUND. end sfirr uing th-ee
doses he e iirrienced great relief, and before ah
ha I fmiehed the lolile, waa entire'y cured.
PRIC E 60 t'en-s per 'bottle, or (1 hott'ea fir fCSC.
For sale by SE HI 8. HANCE. 108 Bliimore
St., Bttd comer t'hariea and Piatt streets, Baltimore,
and by GE'iKftB BRIGHT. Mm.buiv,
D. BRAUTIGAM, Noitl.umberland.
D r. 2t!, 1S15
"Xature an A llxpcriencc oar
THE etira irilinr and oell so henlicated cur. s
wionfhl by the celelrati-d Sioaa (y'oaTtTi
I'ltva, 01 Dr, Smith's 1-nproved Imbsn Vegetable
Pills, bxve naturally drawn poht c aiietilion to
them. Perhnpa in the hiatory of Meilicin-. from
the time of Hipp K-ia'Ca 10 ihe preaem day, there i
no evulenre il a medical e-imp mud ohiaining ejq ,
celebrity in so ahfVit a time. There waa n vet a
iiv d-ciu,- rc 'mmended bv roch high acthoriiy as
Dr. 8m tb's Pitia. Ba-idea their great cura'tv
I r iper ies, (iioeaeaaing as they do, ech atniae.
mg p iwera to open all the n itur ,1 drains of the h -ry,
vixt the lungs, Kulmy, Main and B-wela.)
hey are unlike all other pida. rstrem -ly pleseanl,
being coa ed with rujif. and s they do not grrpe,
nor produce naue 1, 01 anv rther nnp'eaisnt con
sequences, thev have bectme vnrv popolar fur Dy
nepsia, K-adai h, C ., Bilious rn.njdainta.
Foul Stem ich, Feveis Worms. Want "f fpeiue.
Impuri'ies nf the lll-md, O niiuctinns anil Femile
Compla n'a generally, Colds, A;-'. One of the mot
iiiftuenil and benevolent ladies in Nsw V "k,
Mm. tS. A C-.iol I. M .Iron of the U. 8. Hos
pital, aaya, "There is no medicine in her knowledge
si well adapted to the numerous ail areola of nun
ki id, as Dr. Smith's 8u.-.r dated Pills.'' 8he
1 SieeiiUv reeoirfienda them to ladies
(27 CAUTION. As a miserslile imitstion has
been made, by tha name of -fugr Coated Pilla,"
it laneerrsiry to be sure that Da. O Ben. bniTt'a
il-na'Mie ia nn every Imt. Piice t6 route.
Piineipat Office. 110 Greenwich et New York.
BIJ by JOHN W. F RILING. Sanbury.
WM. FORKVTIIE, fkrtkum'd.
Dec. t, IMP.
3. J'.i'tlEG'Aaa&ZS & CO,
Paper nnd Rag Warehouse,
iVo 59 Comnierfe V PHILADELPHIA.
A GENERAL a.a irtm mt of Writing, Priming,
EnveKipe, Hardwaro and Wrapping Paper,
Binders', Bnnnel and B u B rda, coiutanlly on
hanJ ; also Paper made to order.
Hrgheet price paid foj leg a.
8. J. Mioanets. . ' Jae. J. Baoest.
PhilBdefihr.Te M. 1848 ftt
TTkJOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ail
Jl minUn.iiiB mi ihxovta'a of Cbiiatian Fege
ly, lata rf Bhamokin township, Nnrthamkerland
oaonty, dee'd., have been granted to iho sobeeribor.
All persona knowing themselves indebted to said
eataio are req seated to rail on the suhorrlhor and
settle op without dclsy, and sll those bsvmg claims
gainst ibo same, will preorBt iWtn. well anlbentW
is fca ojiUoajwt. '
BasBstk, Dos. JOtb, INe(l
The Cheapest Gold and Silver Watchei
- IN PlilUDELl'lUA.
GOLD Levers, Tull Jewelled,
Sdver ' dn. do,
"td Ltplnei, Jewelled,'
Silver do. do,
Hilvor Qusnlers, line wMij, '
Gold Wstches. plain,
Silver 8ctaclrs,
0ld Pencils, ' '
Oold Bracelets,
Alan, on hand, a )ra osimeni nf I
f 45 00
S.1 00
30 00
18 00
to on
IS 00
t 73
t 00
4 no
Id and
Hair Brscelets, 6nger rings, hreml pins, hoop ear
rings, gold pens, silver apooni, sugat longi, thim
bles, gold neck, curb and f ib chain; guard keys
and ji welleiy of every denerip ton, at equally low
prices. All I want is a call to cantince eut-
All kinds of Waichea and Clocks repaired and
wairnd to keep good time for one ysr( old
gold or silver bought 01 Itken in etchangsj.
For aale, eight day and thirty hoar brass clock,
, t.BWIS L A DO Vt US'
Watch, Cto'k and Jewellaiy 8iore, No. 4 14J
Msrket street, alHivs Elewnih, north side, Phil s
phia. " ,
I have soma Oold and Silvet Levers, at II
much cheaper than the Hboe price.
Philadelphia. Dr. 6. 1846. I y
No. H North 3d si., third door above
Market Si reel,
SALE EVEKV KVEM.NtJ. of a genUral av
nrimerit of Forritn and Domeatic Hardtv ri,
Table Had Potet Cutlery. Trunks, Locks,
Latchets, llolis, 8w, Maddlery, Whips,
Uoota, Shoes, Ifs's, Cais, Guns,
Pistole, Trtinmlnt. Cluthing.
and fancy G i.'d.
The attention of ntv and ounwv ihjaleri is in-
vited. The Goods srefich, ind wiH be warrned
equal ti the leprraentaiinna th il miv be made ef
them. 0AYLI3 A BKI30KER. AaeJiontt,.
Ho 8 North t hud t
N. B. Purchaser can have their G.i.ule n-keil.
Seersl invoices of Goods bate bin received to be
aold at piivaie mle.
Philadelphia. Dec. 19th,
To 1'lic I. O. of O. F.
J. W. & E. 1). S T O K E S,
Mnnufaclurcrs of Prcmittm Odd Fel
lows' Refjjilin.
Ko. 194 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA,
Firat Clothing Store below fith tttreet.
flFIE stahec'ihera having taken tho premium at
JL Franklin luatiKst, at the rati exhibition, for
Ihe beat Vegalia. thev mvite the attention nf I'le
order to their estaMihmeiit,Whee H ey w 11 find a
i'eo(hd a-orlment cf P. W. and Eneampmenl Re.
Kslia. They t!o make 13 order Tor Lodges snd
Euermiiiients. Krga'ii. 8ashs. Cotume and
Kobe, end lortiten every thins: eeflritelte tor the
e -nvrnience ef new Lodges or Em ampmen's.
S. W. HTOrE',
E D. 8T'KBS.
Philadelphia, Dec 19. rSI8. If
Tru 3Xonsstrs nnftorrsal
JSmall quantities given without Charge.
Jt 114 CAetnuf St., PHILADELPHIA.
rVH$ new and sp'endid article, a Its ntme dc
I notes, ia prnfe-eed t be auperior to any h.
ving Cream in the Untied fta'ee nr Europe. It is
iinsii'ptRS d fir beauty, purity and I auranre, th
omewh:it analagoos t.i Gu rlaiii'a Amh'. ai.l
Cieam and otl-w similar c vmp. muds, ti for sor
passee them all ly the em I lent pasty c msiatenry
of ha 1 it hi r, which no soft, 1 the heard aa In tend r
ehiving p'e.i.ant and esy. It further pnres
the inlv.intage over the imp irtr I anirl", in bemg
freiihly pn-pved. no skill being warrttm in its ma i
nfirliire. E. Rimiel having had many yejr.' ex-l-rienc
in the telehieted Lalmraiory of Lirtigur,
Peie et Fils now Keinead & co.. of I'mrs.
Bent h-s hring the let, it ia iherheaprst article
fm shaving; it laerepinflv pat cp in bores, with
splendid steel engraved labels.
Pii. e f 3 per doten. c-r 37 cents fur s single box,
to shave one year. It t lo mid at Jt bO pcrtli,
or 12 cents pel it., so that isi nilemen can have
their iKiiea filled at EUGENE ROtSSEL'S.
Whnleaa!e and TJeiail Perfmneiy an I Mineral Wa
ter F.a khliehrncnt, ll Chesnni S reit.
Pec 19, IM46.-- rillLADKLPHIA.
PR0Pl.ALS will be received by the subscri
ber, living in Northomherlind. until the 10th
nt Jnnuiry n II. f-r rebuilding ibe Bridge over the
Nirrtti Eai Branch if the Miisqneharma, from
Nhamkiu I'lind to th- Ct-tern shore of a nd nve',
a 1 the scite uf the old Biii'ge, cm ed aw.iy by the
Persons m .king pronoials 1' .pecify the .rk-e
per perch for lone work, tnclmliBa the stone left
nf the ol.l bridge, and the. pure rot the super.truo
lute by the lent d fo t.
The plsn s lojiled by the managers is the same
as the one t-nitt over the Wis Branch at Norih.
unr.eT'anil, without si le or fool walks ; the length
of the BiilgO about 975 leei.
Any further inf.-rmaiion uiil he given en spidi
eation In the sub cul er. lt on), r i-l the B arj of
M.najeia. D BR C I'Ki.Wl. Pren't.
North'd, Dec. 10. 1816 St A'aeA'u ti Co.
Supers isorO Account.
Wn.tSrtics, ami Jcna Vuua, ialt Supervisor
tf the flornttgA nfSunbury, in arcrmut n ith
laid Borough fur Hit year oimmtncing in May
1844, aisf tiding in May 1S45.
To whole amount of Duplicate. f)Ct 15
By this smoont paid, eone'uling of eUndry
' borough orJeis, sniouniing in the ag
g egate to
By sundry etpen Mlurri f ir l ibr in repair
ing md ami bighuaya withrti sild
bnroUih, including COinpenaiioii for
personal atti-ndance, aa per rac'p's, Ac.
By eto lerslinns of uncolievliblu tal, in
cluding A minors' fi es.
By poiecmage on f 166 48,
S 29 01
8) 99
CI4I ii
Balance das f'om mid Supervisors tj Ibo '
j Borough, ,
tX 60
i - , ; " - , . 14
' I' ' 1 ' - . l ' l
i Tha ondersigned Aoditors, sppointel to audit,
Sell) end sJtst tha aceoante of the Hupervleore of
Iho Bnrooib of Sunhury. having eiamined the re
Cripte and eipenditoresof William Oulirk andJa.
Sob Tnung, tsio supervisors of said borough, os set
forth in ibo profieding elatemen', do find a balanco
due from said Gulch and Young to as id boiougr,
of Tuxnty tu thUart and tiVy tenlt
j I Ueiimony nf which, we have hereonlo set nor
bands, this SOib day of Noveml A D 1"46.
lt'R trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor
A tbomtrtend County, at January Term. 187,
commencing iho flrst Moiidsy, Iwing tha 4ih.
Hsmurl JohA , s Richard Woolverton at al
Seittinger, alienee of j
t Garver .. ve John Gsrver et el
William Panow . vs Abrsham Klato
William Simmton at al va Bhiptaan dc Oroenaugh
J "Hit Hendersoti's heirs vs Same
Wm It Heinaman . a Hartmsn If Knasbht
Peter Richtef ere ' ,s Doilge tc Barret
Frsntis Ball's sdra'r Vs Daniel M. Serlilef
John A Lloyd
vs Wm E McDonald
vs John Netdlg & wire
vs John A Lloyd
vs John A Lloyd , ,
va John Harimen
John Kane A wife
Wm B McDonald
Wm i;olt
FrederHi Birktnliine
John Fnrman at al
Mary Ret et al
vs Aognmu-A John Huey
vs Henry 8nyter el at.
Wm H Pomp's assignee vs Wm Welch
Uenj imin Robins vs Vslentlne KNte
Henry Mssset
vi Win McCnrtv eta! .
Harsh Reed
Chsihjs Crsig, Jr'
Charles Craig, jr.
John McOinnes
Jnhn Parlt-r et al
WiltUm MctJojr
Jaco'i Silrt A at
Joseph M it man
Daniel Wnihjier
James Graham el al
W Miaiks & Wife
s Hugh Re d el st
vs Benjamin Csuley
vs James Covert
va William Btarks
vs Dr Robert Itillips
vs Levi H hart i tal .
a Geo. tJ McKeo
vs Rham Coal it Iron Co
Vs Michael rhoomakci
vs Hgh Bellas et al
va Joho McGinnes
Frederick Miller
Ullman dt e.
vs Henry Master tc J K Seder
Vs (tideon I,et-riTing ph Folk 6c othere Ve Rev J p Shindel et
James Merrill's si'n vs F L itirua. fid ofG WaVs
U iset Mi Ciair
vs Go e Knnli'a ra'is
vs Henry Masser
vs Peter Broaiua et a!
vs Carper Adams
vs Urorge tjbtley
vs 8 line
vs John Bid'emen et al
Vs Henry E'stO'l
Vs Will am Frirk
a Divid Hmpt
V. Charle. W lledns
vs Gideon Leiseiuing
Mailin Gasa
Philip Wickeiy et al
(il en Leihy
Grorg" I. mg
8a ne
Mahlou Ma mien et at
I-lire HulT
Charte. II Frick
Wo d At lihawu
Miirgao Hughs
Asher Moms
Tioxi-1 & wtf vs .lacoh & Joseih Kline
C I. illy vs Jacob Berg,, id , f J Lillv del
Willi em Fi-r,PT rt al
vs rJienitcT fireen ugh
va Elmheth Htne
va T A IMIii gton it al
vs Jaroh Shi x
vs Samuel Bl.vt
va (Jeorge Outer
s Daniel Dim kemilloT
Jnhn lime
? minenw-ealth et al
Ge.ugi- Eckrt
Fiancia IIjIi's ad mis
Baltter Qaenbarl
J a rob KaMe
Biirgesa of Milton 'borough -ve Aamnel Blair
J icoh W Merttinger va Wili.m Carr
Henry Master -a H B Masser A J'feepb Eite'y
Baltter Cirrnhsit vs tSeorge r
Jac.rb Weiser et al vs Beneviile Kiamm et al
ProrhoniAare offn e. 5 Prt'y.
Sunbtrry, Dee. 13, 1846-5
attlST or JURORS
OT Northumberland Ceitmy, f.r January Tiroi,
A. D. 1817.
Carand Jttrors.
Delawart. J dm Vincent. J icub Dahlar.
Ilfit. J D Barr.
Mitlm. George Baker, Paul Dennett, Samuel
T Br.n.
Chtltitipiafue. Edward H-urrrmel, Samuel Hib
ls'. roi'n. Joseph Watlaee. -
AVfAinifter.pM Abraham Di-ffanbacbrr.
Sunbury. J,in Yonng.
Aufutla Wiihim C.mrad, Mirba I Evert. Jo
seph F.i-Kl. Daniel Kieffer, lleniy Gulirk.
. SJtnnxikin. William H Peraiiig, Joseph Hoept,
Chile. E Al- samler.
. inrA.- Biinnm Kiw,
Cool R ch 'id WiMilterton.
Ijiwer i'tohnn;! Reulicn Lwer, C-ore Har
ria, J .ina ban ll..ideier.
Traverse Jurr
Tirrhut. tJCiliife C Tpei-k.
Pil,itfbre. Willmm AI'Tun, Geoige MeCoy.
t4tis T 5 Ma kev, James tlmn. George Ec
Icrti. Le,.ii nd SH iiiehinn. John M lIufT
Cfi'llfquttytit. Wm Ne.bit, ItriJ Knrenmiin.
Point. tJeurge Watts, Ift ic II. fl', Henry Koik
afell r.
Xurlhttrnbcrlaud. Samuel Ctt'ot Henry Mm
can. Willi in Fo suli. Dmitl uiii, lienjunin
Mtliia. lleniy Goreler.
Atiauta Jnrnes l'oriester, Teter Dunkelhei
ger, Ma'ick Maite, Joseph Arm Id, Henry Borii-.
I 'avid Ul nun, Daniel Bal an.
Sfiamokin. Samuel K Gltge JiCob Noeeker,
Caleb Chimlierlai'i. Henry fwank. er., K- berl
Y'.impliell. Kurt' 1 Grotil. Solomon Fegly, Ctsper
Adams, Ebda Jnhn. Michael M. SoUr.
'4. Cbarlea Metier, Philip OtierJoif.
f yiirr .V2Aoniy.--llinry Fetter, Divid Tr.'U'
man. ficcr Mskatwy Michael Dofkey, Jacob Ail
JickfM. Pe'i r 8cbwnt. laaic Reils, Henty
(togcre, David h'trsWrer, John De en, Ms ks Lea
der. lctit Jurors.
Turhnt. Edwaid KnUner
Delaware Jame Uryson. Thorn s Dearmnund
ltv Andrew K-r-bner, I'tter Mannas.
Al Hon. J.weph E Ltib, John Millet, Trrdeiick
Kt.ick. r. Reih t Tharp.
Chillitqunqnr. John Paititer. Abraham TtOi
el, Rcuhni TroZel, John U MrGee.
Point LeoHaid Miller! Wm H LiH u.
Kirthttmle'tand J ph ll'iie.
Sunbury. 8 ..Inmo'i Ur i..u, I'.en'ain'.ii Kruhn, !
U .uVin Mdler. E lad Gobin. j
X'.U.tfo. lo''ti E ' t .gbt, Jonas Fry, Peter O- :
l.i r.loti. i Im R e. lee
Sfiamokin Jacub ILie, William Funuan. Va
leniine Hummel.
KhK. Phi ip Huff. William Kii.p.
Vpptr Mtthtmny David Mli h, Jacob Mark
ley. Daniel D jnkell.jrter.
Littk Mahortvy. I'hilip Keistrlter, Laae Ra
J;!tktn. Danbl Rei'z, O. ores T Trotl'miu.
iNo. 21 Norih Fourth Streel,
r Invite Merchants and Milliotrs ta ex-
sklXsmme their sie(k of Bonnets, Palm
Lief and Let horn Hate. Fur ar.d C'oth Tepe,
India Rubber Vhnea. It will be f und to eontin
all of the most desirable kiuda, and will be told at
the lowest maikel priree.
No. SI North Foarth Street, bolween Market
and Arch tttreela.
Philadelphia, Dee. 1 9tb. 1848. 6m ,
Estate or James Iciaoii jr dec1!.
NO ITCE ia hereby given thai Utters uf admin
is' isi ion bsvo been granted 10 the auhafiriher,
00 tbo aatats nf Jsmrs IaiMin, jr lata of Point
township, Northumbsilandeoun'y, dee'd. All pet.
anns indebted 10 ssid estato, will pisses inns for.
ward snd settle op Immediately, snd thoso listing
claims .gain. t lha asms, sis requested 10 mcsmi
their acceunta (01 lottlooianl without delay.
JOHN Niyoif.
Pa4nttowmsip,Poa.o,lMf,-et Atar.
TSbenjby given to all legatees, creditors', end o-
ther persons InterMed In the esietes nf John
8emple Ve',t, eartttrd by his etrs Wm M Sample,
Johry Htsdileo and Robert OilT. nl of Henry McGee
u "y nie rir uennis i; Usui; r Eliti
lth Rinchart dee'd, settled by hr eir Charles
111 .U - A . a' t V .a.'...
niimiisri. ni anno Jones il.c it, sellleal liv hi admra
Wm II Mueneh and Elisha Kline; of John B Price
ihsc'd. eetllrd by his sdmr Landis N Price; of M.
ty Mye-sdixM. settled by bar eir Daniel trautl
gam; nf Wm Wilson dee'd ra'Hed by Ids admra
Fleming Wi'son and David Wilson; nf John B
Klerk dee'd, settled by his admra John K Klark and
Daniel Beiesch. of Genrgo Hoi lender h dee'd, settled
by his sdmra Jcoh Weieer snd George Hollen-bai-h
Jr.; of Jacob Lose ilcc'd, settled bv hie sdmr
George LiMry dee'd, Iste of Northnmherlsnd coun-
ty, deed.; that the executors and adminletratore of
the said nVcrased eaiatrs hsve fled their eccounia
with Ihe Reirlntvr nf this c unlv. and that they il
be pre-ente I to Mm Grimsns' tyourt ol said ountv
on Td'sday the 6'h dsy of January tiv-xl, fof con.
firmaiton ind allowance.
eutibm-y, Dee, 6 h. 1844. RigHer.
N rmrsuanee of an nr.ler nf t nnt nf
the tyirnt of Common Pteae nf NrnthnrnW.
land Ciiaiilv, to me direcled. will be exnnsnt
He sale, on the prrmlsee. at U o'clock A. M.. nn
Thttraday (he 3Ut day nf December. A. D. 1846,
the fol'owiot; deecrihed tract or piece of land, situ,
aioin Lower Mehonoy tnwn.bip. Nntthuinbsrland
coun y, bonndo I by lard ,,f John Tchupp. jr.. Mi.
thael Wiimer, J -hn Shreyer and the Mahanlango
Cfek, containing one hundred and eiity two acrea
more or true, about 00 ecroa f which are cleared;
vebeicm aie e we ed a li-g dvvelHng house and a log
barn. Late the es'ate of John Tcbopp. ant., dee'd.
fclenrifT'o OlTire. J Sheriff'
Siinhury. Dec. 13th. 1846. 5 3t
And Valuation.
Tj t'harles Rhmehar', 'I'hn 1 t'reahy. U'ltnlisn
of Ciiw''y. Henry SieH a A Elwibe's
- his wife, James Re d mid Louisa his wife. Gen.
II. Me jlistr snd S irah hia vife, Martin Huhn
and Mav lii wife, and John R iinrh iri.
JO I ICE is lierciiy given, ihnt hy virioe of a
I crtaiii Witt 1 -f caitiiinn and aliiaHmi irtued
nut nf ihe Cuu t of (yom non I'leaeof Nutlhum'ier
land C'lttnty, directed to the sheriff ot aaid county,
ronnnindiiig him, thai of the landa and tenements
in mi. I cnunty I y yi u held m o-mmon. he make
partition ai d valnaiinii. I, the said sheriff, will, al
10 iicl ick. A. M . on Monday the 29th day ol Lie
comb r, A. D. 184C, be and appear npon tho pre.
mi-i-a to rierute the .if rcs,ii I writ in the manner
end f,m speeifi d: at which tune and pl .ra yen
a-e warned lobe mid appear, if you think proper.
ShrriirVtlfiice. ? Sheriff.
Sunbury, Dec. 5. 1846.541
''Philadelphia Wutch and Jnoelrg Store,
No. 96 North SECOND a reet, corner of Quarry.
GOLD Iver Wstcbes.full
ji w. lied, 18 carat eases, $15 00
!iver l.ever Wetcnes, run
Silver Levet Watches,
ven j-wels,
Watches, 1wellsJ, fnest
S3 00
13 Of)
HlNet I.Vipino
julily. It 00
Superior tusriier Watches, 10 00
Imiia ior ('i.rtier Watches, r.ot warranted, 6 00
(old tpteraetee, 8 00
Fine SI ver epecutltn, I 7ft
ild hJls Wuh toi'ss s onvs, 8 SO
Lad. en' ti, l, Pent la,. 16 rarale. 5 00
Gold Finee, :,i,g. :n rts lo f.8 i Wt'ch Glas
ae, pl-io, 12Jcls; pa'ent, 19 t Lunct. 25. O
ther nrtierea 111 prop ntioiu All goods warranted
t lw at th y are oi,l f.r. OCONKAb.
tin hand, soma It, .11 and Hdv, r levers, Lepiura
and Q inrLer, lower than ihe prices.
Pldl idelphi., D.T. 6. l46 - ly
St cam Umbralla
HOa 104 rlAHKET SlMlBBT,
wm. if. nicirAUDsox
I N addition to vaiioua other iii'piovenienle, ha-
ving ed arm rowan lo the manufacture
of t'M URELLAS, isenaLl.n to sell thira at very
low pnc.
'Hj Merr'-ants are invited 16 Cell and see his
Works, a.ij examine Ihe ana it men t.
Phila.'clt.hia, Nov. 51. 184B. 3m
New Firm.
'S'HE L'nders'gni'd here' y gives roiice. that le
J. his asvcia'ed wuh I I i-sflf, sa a p-ir' in
ihe meranl l. bus'nee, In hia store a.lj iiii'ng
Weivei's 1'averu. in Punhuiy, John Haas, and
that the said ioie will liereaiier be conducicd lin-d-r
the firm of t'temcnl & Hans. The stort? nt
the South West comet of Maikel Squire will be
condurted aa heretntOie, by the subscriber himself,
to which he rnneciruily inuics his customeis aud
He s's n iliovs all those indehted to him, to call
between this and the lt of January neii, and aet-
: I c their ectoutiL.
J All kind, of produce will be takeu on account,
at r.n;i iritr..
Herratler H i long- r than f-iur mrththa rredil
will be cive,,. IRA T. CLEMENT.
Nutlhurv. Nov. 14. 184B -itf -
CLElrlElTT & 2AAS,
REsprOITLLLY ii.r tmthe pubht, that on
ih Uih into , iey ntpi.d int 1 paimer.hip,
in the nivtcautilo buaitiCM, at the store rrcerrly
eeupied by Ira T. Clement, adj dninf Weaver's
Tavtru, in Sunbury. They have laUly recti vol
s hew stock uf goods) which they wilt dispose of
St Ihs iowesi prices.
. All kinds cf produce witt be taken in eichsra
fit goo.ts.
No longer than four mnntht credit will b,ftven.
Sunt.oty, Nov. 14, IMS. tf.
C Ilea per 'fnatt fek I
JOHN H. I't'ADV. has Ju received, at b a
New Store, in Msrkel Fquaie, a 'fradi supply
vf Scaa, nlble '3oJa, such at
, Cloths, Cirdmere, btailinelle, Kentucky Joans,
Ctis, Diill Alpsccas, Gipgh.ins,
Piinta, Muslim. Hosiery. UlovtsdfC
A lo 1 y eeea.wsia sod Groceries,
which will ba sold vary low. Purchasers ire to si
ted 10 call and enmlaa bit etork boforo oorcbaains;
else where. Tbo highest feoieo psid for Prodoos.
onbury, Ootebsr 17rb, IMo. tf.
New and Cheap
filHE Railwrriber bss 1 11.1 nn.nAJ .1 1.:. -1 1
X stand, n Market ttreet, BuMiury, new and
rpendid assirtmeni i f
which he i ill e-II 15 par oeii. rhraper ih m can
be had a an other store in t' e A mo. u
part of his stock may be f und 1
Cloth from (2 ftO tit f7. Overcoat CI th 1.1 ft ;t7j
lu SI 874. Kniinvtt from 44 cenla lo $ 25,
8nprrmr Phid tJJosk.'ng from 87 cents
tt fl 87J; aUn, sup.aiinr Calient,
Mnslins, Checks, TtckiCts, snd
Bills wis, Gr.iceries, Queeni
ware. Hardware, Ce
daf ware. .
for which all kind. f rinnlrt r, :1rs w:" ' '
ken In etrharite, r.uh ns l..ii,r, Ecra.
lined Fmtt. (Jrain. p,. t,N i'r;,ir.,4 1;.,
J. ap. Fe.ihers. I.nmlier Ac
Putcha era ii do r't 1 , u y,.
is no lroul l.i for b(m to s' n v r n ..t
not buy. JOIi : ) ,
Sunbury, Nov, 1 4 h, I R in.
mENS OF THOUSANDS of tmhappt hi mga
In the "Ague Sicli. ins" nf our tour v rra
now tor men el with that bated complant'' FE
TENT FEVER, or Chiils anu Favin as it is
variously c dlcd. The unive.s-l r.r thi. m.
lire community Maine to Geoigi.i'' mm! f ,-n
tha Atlantic lo the R.icky Moutnain., ilei' res
to be the jreo and only tnfe. tu t and rnha)
Curt, when pn irly used. 'Flii. i- 1-. n' lee...
tmveited, II realores the natural fithvu f r
Inttivty nf the ttnstitutinn in annit ,: t , 1! no
thing tire wi I
Extract of a Inter. iV.d
Lr.wisTowjr, P. Oct Itl, iai"2.
Every botde nf th. myr v.,i Tonic Minnr
sent has been s.-iJ, and I ilo n t 1no-.v of om- in-stm.-e
Ih it it did not rec; n c.iro. Four bo'tlci
curpj five cbmm rf iho wn'tt kind ftf Fever and A-gne-
uio Case wai iryir.e Qit nine
and all othci cur. a ih "Ugl.t of l.y niy I'hysicinn,
findins no rel'u-f, I finally srnl for me b ttle of your
'Pome MiZ'.ure. snd as rttleved. in fact co-" I in
24 hours. I'l-oso tend on a fr. tM supply, as th.TJ
isnj.U!.." Vi'f. tvnW,
smi:el HOPPER.
C" Soil cn Accn'y in m.,'irw bv If. Mwr
nnj others, find all the Stori c; . rs in t ie mijoin
ing tJonnties. Oct dvr 17, 1816.
Suited fn tht Human Comt-tutmn, rd rttucl to
Hit curt nf every curat It D'f:sr, w.!'
be fuund m
XertU Amerlcuu ,oiloi$c of ilca!li.
151 EE eztrsorJinsvy Pil's are v.nro-rd of
. planta whic'. grow ep ir.tapennly on on. u. n
oil, and are, theref ne, I :'Ie-adapted 1 1 cur con
Uulior.a lan Meilli:-',f x-(,, -A Iron, f.-riiau
driiga, bowev'-r well l! oy ivny 'i ei mi.i.,ii..' ' :
and as WmoHx'e Imiui Vtrr.-ras'.r P'ti' .-.
founded upon Ihe principle ihici ibe human hci"; is
in thiih SUBJECT TO P V NE UI?En.'?K.
namely, l:unior:, onJ t'oot Medtiinc
cures thia di-easo nn Natraat I'm cirt r.a, .
rfeanfng and iurtft,i:t the ir-il':;, it 'I be - -ifct
that, if llic i-oiitt'tiitMii t-e net entirely ez
liaUsteJ, S perseverance in fao, ee.-ing '.1
diroclions, ia sInolbie'y cettailt to il.,..- -.'.t. 'Vt . :
cverv name from itie l.ody.
When ws wiA lo re-loie a sw.imfi or 11 ;..m to
fertility, we drain it of iho supmabund.iii! an r In
like mann'Tr, if wo wiah lo let'.oie t' e hodv
hearth. We ttiusl cleanse it of impur';;;;.
will lie found one cf iho brat, if not the rr i-e-'.
medicine in the wo.ld for rarrjittji ollt tin :
I'rnirimo I'nivcirLK, becayac tl.ey etpel IV in
the body all morbid und corrupt humor, ti e e;. -i.f
the discarr, in an eaay end Sufurul J?.,
nnd while tbev every day oivz kaa avi. en x- r-e.
j ! e.socf tvery nime la rauid'y diiven Ir : i '. .
1 oov.
The foM wing hijUe re.p-1'-' it ..v.
have le.n July appointed bri- f.r I . ..'
Wriqht't Indian Ytgctubtt i itir, iu N oil vn U 1 .
I. lid county :
Henry Msssrr, SuVsho.
E. 6t J. Kauflmin, Auu.ta towi.ehi
Hsrruel Heih, Lilde Mli(.noy.
VVilliain Deppeu, Jackson.
Brnew'l H. ishi't, Upper M-.hohoj
John (i. Renn, Ui er Mshouoy.
Sun n, I John, bb-nok.nton.
Fo'i-yh., Wil o oi . i'. Ne: V-.hp:
E. L 'per. Waif .Aura;. liev i fcl . t-.i.v.Ild.
.1 .111. K. . .i "P t-j'iuve.
10. I." ii- :t, 1!..- ivdlr.
Mm 1111:1 ' -. El-bOri; P. O
Ani s V . Tu'i 0 hvilV.
ti d in. f. :i. ri, I pper M ,', ...
KIioJom tc FuiiCjw, 5ti'l-' l wn.
John K na, I'jim. 1 v 1:. .
i;.1 t;. t.'o .k. Mitili.'. Crv.k.
J. lie Voting. I.-.
At.rab.nn WlirrO. Rt. hn'.mJ.
Sattiurl l'..ylo,
John H. Vinreni, l" 01',,, . e.
W n. Hcinen dc P u.'xe . V. :t n .
fXj Ooico i''.o l ,,,.-.ev 'I
i f ibo No. ill
111 aT'CHn ' .t! trail M Ht'-'lo
ale et'
pi:,t ?,
N. -Ss
I'r nvnt
Greeuia ich
269 Rw
In cuting 'ColJiCoiigh'i, A-ihrns, luflucnn,
Wbnitpiug-Cougti, snd all Diseases Of lbs
iHsaat snd lungs, leading lo Coustioip.
tion couipord rif ibe coiusmriicd
air uea of ihe larsls llorehoorid,
H esrtt, Bloodr-Mit, snJ
eeeeisl other vrgeta
.Ids eubalauccs.
THIS inviiluat'lo Medictno is ihe most spee.'
and certain remedy over discovered fit ihe
low compta-nte, as ihoorasda who bavo used
will Wotify, foe care, la launbuiy. hy
and ia NoeihaBj.betlsaaJ. by U. UHAU'J IGA.'
sod ot wbssesals, in PoiUd lpia. bv
f. KLETT & '
Cornet f aWoaJ ond CaUowolU I
aVtyttibst Itih, IH I;
tr j4 1. N. w Y-'tk'; No. I:i.
Ilo .10... l'Ri.Scli'AL t'lTk E. No.
r. firstiT. I'l ,1a Miia.