Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 14, 1846, Image 4

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    From the Daily fun. '
Ten Old Dan Tutker.- .t
I went down Seat d oder day ' j
And jti peeped In M Mohferey; ; ,.Y i J
A mpudia be wat running round, ' -..... ., .
Sajieg "General Teylor'e kern te town.."
. , j Get oat d war fbf QvOerai t ay lor
Get out de ws for' General Tailor,
' ?3eteutde way for General Taylor J
. . To whip the mex'eans he's a whalef
Pe General aat him down by da wall' ' " i
And began to fro to ma cannon btll , , , ,
The mex'ean twora by da pint ob Lit 'nifa
Ha nam taw tach a man in bit life. - i
Get out da way, Stc."
Oh ! Uncle Saffl and dey fell out, y ' I
And what do you t ink it wat about j
ly wouldn't pay hiro op: bekickamondethinj
And dat de way die row begin.
' Get out da way, &. ',' : !
i; neral Taylor, in ear!y life, t ' '
llegen to follow da drum and fife ' ' '
Ma whipped da fnjnna all about, ,
And now ha put da Mex'cane to rout
' 80 get out da way, ke:j "
Old "Rough and Ready" hit htm tuch a' cuff,
Diit Ampudia waa forced to cry out enough!
De flag kuro downda enemy away,
Old Zaih't now matter at Monterey.
so gel out de way, dee. . J. B.
' Lni aft liiiBboal,
The N. O. Pioavonb telle a etory of the anag
eing of a steamboat, with her owner on board
who waa very food of playing upon a violin.
The captain, pilot, and engineer were in the
cabin praying carda one day, when her bow :
struck a enaj, with a force that knocked a hole
in her aa Urge aa hogshead, the ahnck upeet
liig the faro bank and those around it, and ct us
ing general confusioe and consternation among
ml save the owner, n ho having righted hiaitell
in liia chair, commenced hit tune where he had
U.-fl off, and went on aa though nothing had hap
pened. She's a tin kin" !' shouted an Arkctieai man
dreaaed in a liickorj.bark coat, who waa miking
hit way out of the cabin with a patrol saddle
lage on htaarm. 'Tomahawk tue if" she ain't a
it'kin ture !' The owner hetrd it, tml Gd-c'.i-d
away with s little concern aa Nero at the
conflagration of Rome.
Three feet water in the hold ! Run the old
Buzzard ethore if you can !' ahnuted the Cap
tH in. Theae atartling word reached the ear of
'he owner, but he continued to aaw away. A
imitenger ran to him and bawled out.
'Did yon know the boat had anagged V
, 'I auapect aomething of the kind, coolly an
-vered the owner, aa he laid hia left ear opon
hie violin m la Ole Bull, and appeared perfectly
onchanted with his own strains.
. 'She'll be loit in five minutes' continued the
- 'She'a been a loaing concern theae five years,
responded the owner, aa he drew a moot excru
l ifting note from hia fiddle. . -
.'1 can feel her fettling now responded the
'I with ahe'd settle with me for what I've
lixtt by her before aho goea down,' waa the only
.newer, aa the owner'a right hand atill moved
Uckwerde and forward over hia inatramenL
'But why don't you apeak to the captain
2tve him some orders what to do in tha emer
gency V ejaculated the good natured passen
'Interfering: leilk the officers of Ait boat it
a very delicate metier !' meekly and quietly
remarked the owner, aa he atill swayed hia
hred about and atill aawed away. The boat
careened, and the next moment the cabin waa
half full of water.
a a . a ..
The Buzzard, together with her cargo and
machinery, proved a total lota I the office re,
rrew and paeeengera aaved themaelvea by mean
of the yawl; (he owner awam athoro with hia
fiddle under hia right arm and the bow in bia
mouth. No insurance.
A Pbedicamest. It ia moat provoking to
have an incident occur in church, where every
thing beara to acrioua and earnest an atpect,
at which you are unable to restrain yourtolf
from laughter. On a recent Sunday, while
aeated in church, my eyea fell upon a gentleman
in one of the body pawn, who, at intervale, im
patiently bruahed what he evidently eonaider
cd to be a fly from the aide ol hia head, which,
howover, wit but bia dickey airing, that, stick
ing up behind his ear, troubled him excessively.
lie repeated hia efforttto rid himaelfof the vex
atious animal a number of timee, until at length
looting all patience, he made a depete at
tempt to catch it, and snatching hold of a airing
brought it, dickey and ail, right before hia ey at!
The aheepikh glance which I acttt around upon
the congregation, aa he jammed it into Lie poc
ket, rtirred up my rinabilitree beyond all control
uud I aaaure you, I loci the entire benefits of
the fwenooo'e sermon. Botto Cor. Yar
mouth RegUter,
Ctaiooa Leoacv. Mr. Tuaitn.late Chaplain
to Congreee,hae had eall to the Preebyterlan
Church lo Hageratoo, Md, Mr. llugbXeusWr
who died some years ago, lff t small aiutiiy
to that Church, condition that the should
sing nothing but lha Paaltna of IHvtd, vlrtn
thaw depart ftooi this, they lose )b ugwti,
wnicn sawjisti 10 3(ju r tnnum.
. mi-. var .bi.Y. W'-:r
S IA aU A M - IW V TA MM mm m m m
;: v o:.vifattiAti ;! .
Tit following Htt thowa tha aWtent vales of all
Vrwtcylvar.ia Bank rTh moat implicit ra
hancenvifle ideced upon h, aa h lesser eA
wreGilly coirtparedi wldTBnd eorracted lao BUk
nell'a Rvpo-wr, r ' . T
BAiakf la PbtladetpMit.
rN.. : v
Bank ra Nnitrr America "7T".TT Pr
Bank uT tha Xatmern f.lSertiee if . '.., par.
CommrrKn ink of Perm'a.-.' ' ' . , . ,ltr
Fariwfra' and Mlfcarlla Birtik. ' . ", ' - ,Pf',
Kanainjton Wink' "" " par
PMlarWr.hia Dank ' ' : 1 . . . rf
Mmyftlll flank ' f ' , ' ' !''
9nathwah Bank '.' ' '. ' : par
Wratam f)nk i ' . . V'
Mechanic' Dank ' ' . 1 ' . .
Manufnetwrer' Ac Mrohanlc' ' ptr
rtank of Penn Townthip,,. . . , . f,r
Oirar.1 Ba-.k . . ' ,
Jlatik f Cottimerca, lata Moyanx nting ' ptr
Bank ofPannaylvanla "' rl
, cOUnirr Kaiiu. ,1
Bank 0 fWer Countj , Weatchraier .. par
flank of Drlaware County t-hettrr - par
Bank of Oermantown llprmantoiwn 1 par
Bank of Montaomrry C. Nnrriatown ". r
Doylratown Bant , ..- D.iyletown par
aaion Rank . Klon . 1 "i par
Tarmort' Rank of Bockt co Dristnl par
BAnk of Nnrthuintierlnnil Northumberland par
I.ToIumhta Bank Ac Rridfra eo.('numbU - par
Parmera' Bank of fanceatet LinciMei par
LenrMter County Bank 'I.ancttter par
Lancoa 'cr' v- - - . Iianciaior - u
Faimara' Bank of iealir ' RaJin?" . par
Office of Bank of Pcnn'i
, k Harrinhurg't Thea
t , I.ancnatrr I officrt
lfe..liiig f 1I0 mt
, Cat tun J laauen.
Oflice do . - do'
Office , do do
Office ' do . ,,, .do , .
Rank of the United Sutra
,'PUilad.lphia ..' t1
fVMKvillo i 1 i
I.ewit-town ' -n 14
VJ-IJIoumA al
Carlisle ' J
PitUbuig i
UwlliilavaUirg '
Harrinljurg -' I
In tiaunn i
M infra' Bank of Potttville
Rank vf Iwiatoarn
Bank t f Middlotown .
Carliala Bank
Cxuhange Bank 1 .1 .'
Do dn., kimli 4
Ilarrihburg Bank '
l.rtiamn Bank '
Mcrchana'& Mahuf. Bank
Bank of HtUburg
YlVat ISianch Bni
Wyoming Bank ' ' ' ,.
Northampton Bink
Berka Cnmrty Uank ' 1
Olpre of Bank ofU.8.
Do- do do
1 -1 Da do " do '
Bank of Chamherihorg
Batik ol C'taliurg
Bank of Hurquehanoa Co. '
Farmer' dc Drovera' Bank
Franklin Bank
Honeadule B ink
MjikwjjWi Bank of B.
Pillaliurg j
Pittabuig i
Williamapnrt 1
Wike-larte if
Alleulown . ,,
trading ;
PiltnLurg failed
Erie do
New Brighton dn
Chambt-raliuig '
Vork Bank York 21
N. U. 'I he noti-a of thota hanka on which we
omit quotationa, and aubtlitute a dah ( ) are not
purcbaaed by tho Pliilail. lphia hrokera, with tha
exception of ihttae which have a letter of r ftrence.
Philadelphia 8av. Ina. ,
, do'
; do-:''
Philadefphia Loan Co.
Kenaingtoti 8av. Ina. A '
Penn Towaahip Sav. Ina.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W: Dyolt, prop.) failed
fewanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of Swatara .
Bank of W athington '
Cenuo Bank 1 '
City Bank
Farmert' & Mech'ca' Bank
Farmera &. Mech'ca' Bank
Farmere' Meth'ca' Bank
Harmony Institute)
Huntings' or. Bank .
Juniata Uank .
Lumbt'rmcn'a Bank
Nurtbvm Uank of Pa. r
New Hope D-l. UriJge Co.
Norihuhili'd Uninn Col. Uk.
North Wealern Bank of I'a.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Bedford : no tale
Reaw cloard
llanixburg rliuetl
Waohiiigton faili'd
Mrllifonte cluard
Pitulmig no nale
I'lttaliurg fuill'd
Fayette e. fnilnl
f irrencaatie fnilrd
Harmony no nale
Huntingilon no ale
l.eviiovvn no tale
Warren failed
DundafT no le
New Hope tinted
Milton - no aalc
Mradtille cloard
Port Carbon
Carlisle failed
Monlioae doaed
Uniontown failed
Ureetiatiorg cloaed
Wilkeaharra noaala
Pa. Asr.dc Manuf. Bank
8ilver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Weeunareland Bank
Witkesbarre Bridge Co.
(TT All notee purnoiUng to ha on any PennvU
tania Bank not given in the almva lUt, may be eat
jowo aa iraoua.
Bank of New 81 anew kk , Brunawick
Belvidete Bank Belvidera
Burlington Co. Bank Mrdford
Sommrrcial Bank Pi rih Am'ioy
Cumberland Bauk. , Bridueton
Parmera' Bank Mount Hully
Parmera' and Mechanic' Bk Railway .
Paraaera' and Mechamra' Bk N. ltiunawick
Parmera' and Merchanla' Bk Midilktowa Pt,
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jor-ey City
Hoboken Bkg St dating Co If uboken
DO tale
Jeraey City Bank
Jeraey City
Mechanica Bank
Manufaclurera' Bank
Morria County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mechanic' Bank
Mechanica' and Manuf. Bk
Morria Canal and Bkg Co
Jvisey City
Poet Motea
Newark Bkg & Ina Co
Now Hoi Del Bridca Co
Lain 'witi. ilia
N. J. Maoufac aiul Bkg Co
K J Protecton dt Lombard 14 St raey Ciiy
Orange Bank - . Orange
Pateraun Bank Pateraon
Peoplea' Bank do
Princeton Bank :' Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
Sute Bank t . s . Newark
Stale Bank Llitahrihtown
Stale Bank ' - t'amdeu
State Bank of Mot lie Morriaton
ctlata Bank Trenion
Balem and Pbilad Manuf Ca rialvra
Siiaaax Bank Newion
Tarntoa Banking Co Trenton
Uauai Bank Daver
Waatungton Banking Co. Hackeneack
Bk efWilm at Braudy wine Wilmington
Bank of Dataware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
' I Do teeaek Mifferj
rarmera' Bk of Stale oT Del Dotet
1 Do braaeh Wwningtoa)
: P ' Georgetown
U"j!f 2f? . Wilmington
try Cnadar t'a , "
: OCT Om ah) eaoke aaaiked tbas () ibere are ek
that awuntarMt or altered Botes of iba variona da
aatlnatiect, to cjaaulaiton. .,. ,
Xlirtu iiT& "th 0 ItetfBt .
At Si$$hopihi Market street, adjoining fAa ikm
' ' f Itory Britk Hote, , . , ,
TTA9 jaat reclved from Philadelphia, the ltrgeat,
-d bandtomrtt and brat attortment or . , . , .
ofcvaiy daaerlptlon, that baaavaf heanbrouhl to
lliit plaosn And hat Ja Hill btuar, ihry any he
aellt to cheap, that you can buy two earn
tame money thai you jutei to- paiffor ewa fair.
ti Ur-taron t'A,B nl Caan, tnd
that i the that he can utrord to a-ll them an
much rnenper. .tf ynu .lot't aaoi to luy, jut call
end tee. hit fork, lie it alwaye ftl-aJ to are hia
cu tomfr.; and it i no tr&uMe la him to tlmw t.U
j n), Jut 10 give yon an Klea hot i ha he domr
ell, the following it a 1)4 of prior of a pait of hU
ft ck t
Mn.'t thick Ba'f,
onU f I 00 fx 75
J 1 Hue Grain d
in C.iif , d l
Bo;t J'liiik . . do
Tontha' . do 1
Mvid Thick
. 60 at a 00
" , ftOO-ai
" ,2 50 at
" i 2 00 at
, I 87 at
8 on
I 76
I tb
Wonr-n a Morocco w alia , ,,..!
and Ki t 8rii.r.. " 1 60 at 1 00
Womrn'd I ( at City made , ... r.
Kid Sllpiet. ... . 1 68 al 1 1
l.adi.V 4 Uit.rt and Cai- - -
ter Bonia, . - " - S 00 at 1 3T
A'ao, vt-ry variety of t.adie Boya' and rhil
dirnt' ahoea, at prict t lower than cr before ofiVr.
ed. Cume and Sre
Sunbury, June tjih, 1846. Bm :
Ienutylt unla.
fllHK Danvilk Steam Woolen pjeffry. fo ruT
X ly owned and r.ccupied by Dr. IVthi h .a
teetiitty I'vrn puithaiitd by the uliiribr, wh.
etjxxtfully anniunie' to their frienda and tha pub
lie generuly, thai tlioj an now to d all
kibila of w irk In their line M' butinma, at the abut
lent rvMice, arcordiit; 1.1 or Jet. and in the beat com
pirati'e nittmor. Ilaem) Srie In rouiiJi rnlile
expenre In r pairing t!il machinery and aparatut,
and leing viry panicuUr it) krcuring the aervice of
eiprtlei'cej', the feel Confidant that
hey are capaMe of eliciting all kindt of work In
a a'yle tuprior In al .y other re abliahrnent iu the
country, at t!ie old ccitom iry p i.n
BLANKETS cunntan ly on hand, and lor tale at
reduced prieea. for (' or Barter.
will lie done in tlm heat manner, at the uiual pri
era. All kind of country pr.xlure tuken iu pay
inent fur woik, al P nille rnviket prieea.
For the accouiniiidai'mn.of ihoae litre at
distance. Wool and Cloth -will he taken -in at.
and. when Giiuh-il, re'um-d to the following pla
ce. I'Uin written direction muat accompany
eaelt pared 1
Cotmlna Cnnntyr-Itoup Sc Marr'e atnre, Wa
thirigti.nville ; R. Fruil'a at. ire, Jrrneytown ; Yea
gai'a imi, Rinrir.g Creek; Sharplea store, Calta-ia-af
C.' F. Mann'a attue, MilflinviMe ; Miller'
ttnte, Bciwick 1 J.. Clinc'a Mill) Urkrt'a ttnre,
Orangeville; Derr'e ttora. While Hall. , i
Northumberland Couni Mkhael Reader' inn,
Turlutville; Ireland &. Hav'a tforr, McEweu-
ille; E, L. Piper'a atoie, Wataonaloern ;
Comly St Co' tore. Milion; (iihaon'a inn,
liaquaque Foray tti'a noia, Northumberland)
Youns'a alore, Sunhuy.
Luzerne Couny. Ri-ynold' atore, Kingatont
Oilileraleeve' abire. Wilkeatiarre ; Gaylord'a alore,
Plymouth I Styer'a etore, Nanllccke ( Judge
Mark'a Mill, Huntington.
Lycoming County. 1). f'lcpp'a alore, Muncy;
ehoemuker't ttnre. mith,a Mill.
Danville. May 0. 1 8 IS.
fllHE aulwciiber, late of the Union Hotel, Mun
JL cy, Pa , repe'tfuliy inform the old aud nu
merout cualomera iif the
I'cnusylvanla House,
and the pulilic general'y, that he hae leaaed the
1'avi rnSland of John Rhode, in Danville, where
he ia now prepared ! entertain traveller, and fr.
eona vUitina the town, iu the tr ry lrel ty le. The
accommodation will he aui'h aa a well conducted
public hou.e ehould, and no effort will a
tpared lo render tati.fai tion, in rvary reirct, lo all
who may rail. Tha ciliaen of Lycoming county
are invited to put up with tha uodereigned when
they viait Dtnville.
Pantile. May 8, 1846.
IUcb Srttrrr. I'liicanRLPUiA.
rPHIS location ia conv.nienl for Boa'ne men
L iiiing the city. Every piiu ia taken to aa
cure tha comfort of Iravellera. ' - :
March 7. 1846. ly
Opposite the Court House,
THE Suli'CH. r, whn aaiifed fr ee.
vei-1 year, in the mmagement of the a
hove lioial, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra.
dy. b e leave to tr f -rm the trevellipg
pulilic, that ha ha t.ken the ialii.hinant on U
on acrouiit, on the fuat of January, 1848.
Th Ilonae ba. of la'e, enaVrf nna many irr.por.
lint alteiation, and 'the preaent conductor pritntt
In leave nothing undone lo make it a eomfrtaIle
and agteeal-le, a well aa a cheap and trC'imm .Jv
ting Mopping place for atrangcra h" may visit our
fluurUhirig villige, JVo Pina nor exprnae will ha
par. d to fill the table and the bar with the 11 the
mukru afford, and with lh determination to i!e.
vo'a bia entire jaraonul a'tention ti ilia comfort of
ihoe aha ma n.ake Mt noue inair temporary a.
bode, and Mlel by active, ea'efiil and aMiclog er
vama, he hope la give gen. ral aiHfacUon, and It
cei a liWral abare of cntm.
$y Large al esmmodioua STABLE'S are au
tachad lo the eeahlehment. which are attended by
careful snd obliging bo-ller. .
Janoary t4th, 1848. if
CQMHE&S JWr Blue and Black Congee
Ink, of s taparlot quali'y. far aale cheap, at the
atoreof t ,.: 1IENRY MAS8ER.
- July 4lb. 1848. t . . .
iLXfeoLa -Th. Bret qualny Begat llatjea
Mlaaa, 001? ISA cent pet near! tkvo, a
ne eriicle ef y el law M olaaa for baking, ear
ly 13 cents per Quart lor aa'e al the etara al
rHE Cir,xaaTta Maeaaaan Ham On, baa
X !t bean receiwjd and ie for aale at tbe etore a
kf 99, 14, ' KEKBT MA8C3R.
IjjUfcJJU .
- , . Se B. XiL33I5R,
1 v. wamwr-y pa. -
.Buafnaaa attended to in theCountlaa of Nar
ihorplerland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia.
T. A. r.TOCPT. ' , ,
" Low a a A Biaaoit, I
Soxtna A" 8odo, VPii'ai
RttitoLiii, Mcraattau & Co. 1 ., I
Sf aaiaa.noon i Co.. ' J i
KEdl'ECTFULLY Infonnt the riiiacnt of
Hundury and virinitv, that he ha opened an
orTice at the re.'nlenre uf . Henry Ma4rr, In Mniket
atreet, where t I prepared to encuie all kimla of
Dr.atAt etc 110 rat, Tlate Work Ac , on the latent
and mol approved plant. 1 '.,': v
llivin bad mnt txpeiienee and inatruetion,
Under una of the moo eminent and ureeeful Den
lira in PLi!aJ. l(4i, he lelieea tht he will tie
ab'e to give aatiaUcaion to thoio who may want hi
Service. , "1 " -. .
i Ladie wiU ba w.tited on at their lc of real
drnco. Ill eharpe will ! eiuderate, and hia
woik warramad. .
Sunhury, Marrh 38th. 146. O . ' .
, No. 76 tMM TH Third Krautrr, .
Oppotile the PhilaJtlphia Eft-hangr,
ManuTacttire and keep cor.
ntnntly on hand, a large at
aartmenl of their Patent Im
proved fc).dnindir KIKE
PROOF BAFE3. which ae
. cwRtrueted a lo cat at re -4
all mnnlter of dnub' a to their
ija-fcrt-beuis; etrir tly fir proof, mid
that they will rewiet Ike fire uf airy building in ti e
world. The uutault cac uf the HaCej are muteuf
boiler iron, the inniJe cie of to ip.oue, and he
tweru the t ttter Cte and inner cnt i: a apace of
ioe A utrhea tliick, and it filled in with indtvtnic
tilde, o k in niuke it an iijipoiltliiy to
ever burn any of the con ent inakle f Ihia ('heft.
These K.'apktone Sul.imandci we ate p-ejiared
and do challenge tha weild lo proluc any article
in the th) of Book Saf.t ihtt will viand at mm b, and we hold ourveUee ready at all timet t
have them fa tly tetej by pulilic bonfire, rhouhl a
ny tf our coniietitor feel di'poti d to try them.
We alto rotit'iiiie t. manufartuie aud keep can
tantty on hand, a large arid g neral oa ortnieut uf
our I'lemiuin Air tiiiht Fire Proof. Hnfet, if which
we have I irge qoai ti'y in u-e, an t in evt ij in
tance tliry hhve given ctU'ri' a:itifciion to the
puu-hterra of wliii h we will tefer the puUic to a
lew gent'emen who have tlii'tn In ue
N. & CI. Taylor, I2f tinrtS 8.1 a'.i W.iRhi
& N- phew. Vlurtt. wharf: AlcthtiJer Caror, Con
ti janci r, corner of Filbert and 9lh a'.; John M
FurJ, 82 north 3dM.; MyeM Bum, SO nor h 3J
at.; Bailey & Brother, 1H3 M.iket'rt.; Jam. M.
Paul, 101 nouth 4th t.; Dr David Jyne, 8 oulh
3d tt; Matthew T. Millrr, SO aouth 3d at.; aid
we could name aome three or four hundred othei
ir it were ticccury. Now we invite the aitenlion
of the puhlir, and particularly Ihnae in want of
Fire Proof Baft, lo call at our alore b fore purcha
sing tliewheie, and we think we can taliify them
that they will get a hotter and cbet per article at
our ritore than any other etutrhnienl in the cily.
We 1o routintie 10 manufucluie Peal and Co
pying Preaiet, made in och a manner at to an
swer doth pur oe t Hoitting Machim', ' Fire
Proof Door, with our own mtnutarture of lock
on them, with D. Evan' Patent Keyhole cover
attached to the rtmc; plain and ornamental Iron
Railing, &e. ' ' ' ,
N. U. We keep constantly on hand a Lrge
aorlment of our Patent late Linid Refiigei tn;,
Weter Filler and Ci.nler ; and we have alto 011
hand aeveral Ccond band Fire Pr.iof ('heat taken
in exchange for our, which we will dn-poae of at
very low tice. V' . ' - ' j
Philadelphia, January 2 i h. 1846. ly
To 1'iiiThunerN r
to. 131 reori tt., ML w lunrv.
HAVING established a Branch at No. 144 Ch.
rut t., Philailetphta, i now opening, and wi'l
be conatantly receiving from the New York Auc
tion, an extensive assortment of
which will be told at the loweat New York piicea
at wholesale and Retail. .. Among h a dock will tie
found a good assortment of the folio wirg aiticte:
JarcnneU, Plaid. Hair Cold, Lace, 8iri, B.rok,
Swi.s and Tarlaian Mualina, Bi.h 'p and Linen
Liwns, Fancy Cap Nelts, Fancy and Bali Ureases,
Thread Laera, Ailicaiio Do., rich B'ark Silk
Trimming Lace, lri.h Linen. Linen Camhric.
Linen Cambric Hdkf., Curtain Fringe, Cashmere
d'Ecoee, Mouaelino de I. sine. rilk and Cntinn
Warp Aliecra, Qu ei, I 'loth, Gala Plaid,
Freneh Merino. Bl.ick t'itka, Gloves. rU k Hose,
(Shawla, Ctavai, Rilihon, Enihioiilerii a, 5ce dee.
Country Merchant and othera visiting Philadel
phia or New York lo purchase, are respectfully in
vited lo call and examine the atockt.
' Nov. 1. IMS. ly - ,
D E L I K V K .AND II V 15 .
Compouud Syrup of Tnr & Wood
i IVaptha. . ' 1 .
riHE anpreeedented ucee.a of lhi medicine, in
ja. ina reiioration "I nealin. 10 innae who, in oe.
pair, had gien up all hope, ha given it an exal.
led reputalion ahove all sbet reno-ilie, furri-hing
evidence of it. intrinsic va'nend power. the on
ly agent which ran I upon for the cure of
Pulmonary Ooneumptinn. Brmtebitli,' Aaihma.
Piia iu Ihe side and Bread, Spitting of Blood,
W hooping Cough, Croup, ie.
Attention ia requested lo ihe following AfiTON.
ISHI.XG CL'HE.hv Th-msoV.t'ompoupd Syiup
of Tar and Wu d NsfahaM ' 1
Phita.ltpfiia, Mey td, 1844. i
MR. THOMSON lr fir With eri.ieful
feeling I inform ymi of the Joni.hing effeeta of
your met'ieine, which haa liteeally rata d ma from
adeiih-hedt My di'ta-e, I'lilnionnry Conump
linn, bad reduced me so low thai my phya'cian ivn.
no rm ed my rate hnyctctet' Al this Junction I be
gan to u-eyour nv-rlioin, and miraeulout aa it may
seem, il bat eompb tely re.lorftl me to health, after
everything tUe bad failed. vour.
Charlotte alreel, lnva Gtoigt street
The underaigneil, being personally acquainted
whh Washington Mack and hit aufleringa, bear
wiinras 10 ihe astonishing effeeta of Tbonen'a
Compound 8yrup of Tar, and Ibe truth of tbea
bova atatamenl. , . . .,,
JOM. WINNER, 18 North Third street, ',,
DAVID VICKERS, 4 Almond atraet. .
, HUGH M'GINLEY, B. cornea Ttmany
1 tnd Foanh stirsta. -
P rape red naly by 8 P. Thomaoe, If, E.eomer
of 6tb anrl Spruce streets. Phlltde'phia.- " .
A genu H. B. Maeaer, Senberyi D. Croat,
"sad Dr. Maepberena, Harrtahorg Jno, O. Brown,
IMtoville (3am. Bart, Rasding; Houston & Ma
et)tTewanda. Bradfetd eeonty.Ps. fries AO sextas
set lattU, or & er dasen.
Qj JJiaiws tf rff j fnffgt;nr
hUsdelpUa, Joss tttb, IMI. ly
So. WM. Mdrket Street ubove , South
a, THE tuUtnltr reafuUr ,u lh,un,
tloo of their friendt and daalera to their Urn
and well'aaaoriedatock of Hate and Capa of every
description, wvll adapted f . the Sfiring trade.' Be
log made of the beat material and by the -tno-4 pt
periencrd workmen, tbey feel confident tojivs nnr
vertil aatiafaction, to all who may favor them with
a ttidl, at they offer to all a tow at any honae in
tbacjty, ; i. o B AUTALO rT A BLTNN.i
j. PbiUhlfihia, January 9. 1844 1 (
V P I A N O S.
rilIE SUBSCRIBER baa brrn appointed attenl,
1 for the aale nft UNKAD MEYER'S CEL.
ANOs5, at tbi place. 'J'hew 1'iatioa have a plain,
maive and Uauiiful exterior 61. i h. and, for depth
and wei'inet of lone, and rlegmce of work man-
thlp, are not urpaaed by any in the UiiiltJ late.
1 he folio nig ia a rectiinmendsiion from Caai ,
DitTa, a Cell brute J perfu'nier, and him.rlf uiaii- 1
' ; 'A' C Alt d
IlAViae had the pleasure of trying the exrel-
lent Pi'ino Fkirlea manfartured by Mr. Meyer, and 1
exhillted at the tart exhibition of the Fr .nklin In
titu:e, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker
to I'cclare that theae instrument are quiie equal'
tnd In tome rcrpecit even mperiol, n all the Pi '
erio Porter, I aaw at ibe capital of Euioj e, ami
during a aojnurn of two year al Pari.
The Pianot will be ro'd at the nianuracturer.
loweat Philadelphia price, if not aomething lower.
Pertnii are requested to call and examine for
thrmnelvc, at the ni.lencof ihe ruhxrilier.
Wunhury. May 17, 1843. H. B. MASSE If.
PlHE vnluah'a properiiet of Oakley' l)tuia-
l live yrup of Harnaparilla, it t purifier of the
blood, 1 o well known In the pulilic generally,
that it ia unreceraary lo occupy mueb'parein el
t rig forth the advantapet to he derived from il
use ; wherrver the nieilirine hat Once been intro
duced, it take precedence O'er all othera t evety
"lie thai it taken it, have derived to r-inl bene
ficial re.ult from it, lhat il ia recommended by
them wiib the U'moai confidence. Phyniciam of
the hirhct Mandina In the piofeion, preactilie it
to patienu under their tare containing nntliinx
del. teriou. but Ihihr emnpned nt the moal milil,
yet rft'.ciciou i j,',lu! !e materiala, it ia otT. red with
confidt nee, a the cheniiet anil inn-t elTirient pu
rifier of ihe dl. md now known. The ue of a few
J U-,,'; especially in the apring nionthe. will he at-
I iciiui H nu ui m iraiwu ii,ipiw.niirM ih hi. a
neral ttrcngtn ol t!)t ytem, eradicating any ee)
of ilineae that may have been generated, heaide
giving health and vigor lo the body. For the cure
of Scrofula or King Evil, Rheumatiim. Titter,
'Pimple or etuplijn of Ihe Skin, White Hwelling,
Fietula, Chronic t'ough Atth.-na, Ste, The uu
merou certifica'et in the poaeion of the aul tcrl
her and hia agent, from phyaiciant and othera, are
eufficient to convince the met akeptical of tie tu
eriority over all prepnraiion of 8rapiritla. -
Sold wholesale ami retail, , by the proprietor,
CEORCE W. OAKLEY, North Mh ttreet. Rea
ding, Beik County, aud to ho bad of the following
petsona :
In Northumberland County. If. B. Marr,
Kutibury ; Ireland & Mixel, McEtnvile ; D
Krauarr, Milton.
Jn Union County. J. Oetrbrt, Selince roves
A. Outelin. Mtfilinnurg.
.- Jn Columbia County, R. W. McCey, W.h
Reading, Mareb 14. Il..
Ma. Oakiv: 1 N!iee il tho uty oferery
one lo do whatever in their power I ic, for the b-ne-fit
of their f.llow man, and having had poi?ive
proof in my own family, of the wmoleiful propertie
of jour Depnrativa Kyrop of tiaraaparilla, I in wt
cnnneietiliou-ly recommend it to the afflicted. We
had the misfortune to l.ww two of our childien, by
the breaking out or ulcerout aoret that covered the
face, bead and reek, although we bad aome of tht
moat tcienlifio phyr-iciane lo aUend th'-ro and hail
tried all the known remedie. including bwaim't
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
wat attacktit in the aame manner, her face and
neck wa completely covered; the discharge waa o
otTenxive, and the iliteaae at tuch a height, that we
derpaired of her life. 8eeing ihe wonderful effect
of your Depurative Syrup f 8 irpari.U, We weie
induced lo make trial of il, at Ihe lad retort ; il
acted like a charm ; the u'eere commenced healing
Immediately, a lew boltlea entirely restorer! her lo
her health, which aha baa enjoyed uninterrutedly
ever aiitrei . Aa a purifier of the blod,I verily be
lieve it bee not ila equal.
Walnut etreet, near Fourth, Reading.
Doeglaeaville, April 19th, 1843.
Ma. Oaaiii: My inn Eilmund Leaf, had Ihe
aeiofala in ibe moat dreadf ul and didrreting man
ner for three yeara, during which time ba 4 de
prived of the use of hie limn, hi he.d and neck
were eox red with ulcere. We tried all ihe differ,
rnl rrmeili, , hut to no eflVel, until recommended
ly Dr. Johnson of Nonidown, and also Dr. Isaac
Hiestei, of Reading, lo uee your Depuralive Hymp
of Saraaparilla, of which I oMatned several boiilea.
the nte of which d'ove the di'ee jtntirely out of
hia system, Ihe aore healed up, and Ihe child wa
rratmed to parfeet healih, which he ha enjoyed
uninterruptedly ever ainee, lo the ad.inishmenl ef
many eion who seen him ilu ing hi affliction.
I have thought il my duty, and send you thit certi
ficate that olde's who have a like affliction in the
family may know where to obtain ao valuable a
medicine. Your truly,
Sept. 16. 1943 I y '
South Eatt corner af Market and ith sfs..
WHERE they alwaya keep on band an ex ten
aive tHsorim. nt ef HATH U CA t'S of every
drtcriplion, gjol up tn the bed and moat approved
tj le. 'eisna derirouaef purchasing enperior arti
cle on ih moat reasoraMa terms, will Bud it lo
their edantge to call before making purchase
Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 1 144.-1 y '
Nog. 29 and 31 North Third Street,
N ur tbe CiCy Hotel,' ,
CC. MACKEY, Aeatianaav. reapactralrv in.
e vile tha atlenltoa) of ataone daairoea ef pee.
chasing rurniiors. as hie asisrseiae (ialae Reegaa,
fhoth pohHe ant) Private.) for overs tlasorfptisn 4
Jloeaaboid rernixara, waera can ee erHaaaaa tt au
liBjsta, barge eaaatrteaant er fcahionahle and stall
rsMuraatarad Cakanai ramitare, JaK
cka-, at vsjry tadawaal svtcsa, for seats,
frtr Seles by Aoaity,twiee wee.
Mae Ttk, IHtW ly .a- - r
niNowoBMs, rmrin on tb raoav tjtp enta
crTAMBoce nomarrs.
' tC TM feihm;esr1ijtcm'i dtoeei&til bt of tht
mod extraordinary awe seer eWsW kf ang
application, ,r-. -.; S
F " PNtr-tsttrari, Fabroaiy 10, iSSf
OR twenty yeara I waa severely afflicted With
Tsmtai on the Face snd Headt the draaaee
commenee) wk I wa aeventaen yeara old, and
continued nntil tha Pall of 1886, varying in vio
lence, hut without aver disappearing. During moat
of the time, greet pert of my face waa covered with
Ihe eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing ; my head aweXed at timee nntil It Mt aa if ft
would hurst the swelling waa ao great, that I cool J
scarcely get my hat on. During ihe long period
that I wat afflicted whh tha disease, I ueO a great
many ) plications, (among them aeveral celebrated
prep nation-) a w. II a taking inward rerm-die,
including a numWr of Itottlea of Sioaim'i Panacea,
Extrael nf Rartapnrilla, Ac, In fact it would lie
lmptaille to enumerate all the medlelnee I used.
I wa 4lo under th care of twe of the moat dis
tinguished phyticiana of this city,. but without re
ceiving much .benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fill of 18o8, th'e disease at the time
being very violent, I commenced naing the Rote
Ointment, (prepared by Vaughen dr. Davie.) In
a f. w applications tha violent itching eeaeed. the
swelling abated, the iruition began to disappear,
and hef. re I hud used ajar the di-eee waa entirely
cured. It hat now been nearly a year and a half
since, and there ia not a vestige nf the disease re
maining, except the ecars from the deep pit formed
by Ihe dixeaae. It ia impossible fur me to describe
in a certificate the aeverity of ihe disease ami my
suffering, but I will be pie iseJ to give a fuller ac
count 1 1 any person wanting further aatisficlion,
who will call on me. At the lime I commenced
using the Roae Ointment t would have given hun
dred, of do'.laia to he rid of the disease. Since u
sing it, I have recommended it to several tiers-one,
(among them my mother, who had ihe disease bad
ly on her am,) who were all cured hv it. ,
JAMES DCRNELU No. 156, Race St.
The Rose Ointment I prepared by E. B.
Veujhan, SoM'h East corner of Third and Race
sire. La, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunhu
ry. by H. B. MA8SER,
May 14th. 1843. Aren't.
Itoe Ointment, Tor Tetter.
PrtiianiLrHi, May 27th, 1839. '
'THIS is to certily thai I wss severely afH.eied
with Teller in the hand and feet for upward
of forty year ; the disease waa attended g nerally
with violent itrhing and av,elling. I applied to a
number of phyaiciant, and used a great many appli
ca'ions without effecting a cure. About a yiar
tinee, I applied l!.e Rot Oinl.nent, which entirely
topped the itching, and a f. w applications immedi
ately cured Ihe disease, which there hat been no
return of, although I had never hren rid of it at
any lime for l.Tty year. RICHARD SAVAt.E,
Eleventh, lielow Spruce Street.
(jr The Rose Ointment i prepared by E. B.
Vauithan, Sjuth East corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and ldnn agency in Supbu
rv. by H. U. MAS3ER.
May 14th. 1843. Aext.
OJthe ROSE OINTMENT, for Tetter.
ALTHOUGH iba superiority of the prepatatior
over all other is fully ea'ahlitihed, the proprie
tor tuke pleasure in laying before the public tha
following certificate from a repectnli!e physician,
a graduate of tho University of Pennsylvania. Dr,
L.urI., having found in this leinedy that relief for
a ledioua and disagrreahle affurtion which ihe meana
within the range of hi profession failed lo afford,
ha not hesitated to give it hi approbation, although
the prejudice and interests of that pro reunion aie
rppoted to tecret Komediej.
PuiLArtkLrflii, Sept. 19, 1836.
I wa rccenlly troubled with a tediout herpetic
eruption, which covered nearly one si.'e of my free,
mill exteiuled over the ear. Mr. Vaugh:iti, proprie
toi of the Rose Ointment, ohseiving my face, insie.
led on my tiyiug hi preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with ihe mem
ber of rny profession, I discountenance .nd disap
prove of the numerous nostrum palmed upon the
public by ignorant pretenders, I feel in juaiice hound
10 except the Roae Ointment from that class of me
dicine, and lo give it my approbation, aa il entire
ly iured the eruption, although it h id resisted tha
usual application. DANL. BAt'GH, M. D.
QjF The Rose Ointment ia prepared by E. B.
Vaugban, Kouth East corner of Third and Race
Street, Philadelphia, aud old on agency in Sun
bury, by il. B. MASSEIt,
May 14th. 1843. Atfrnt.
rPhe pu' lic will pleaae observe lhat no Brandreth
filter are genuine, unless (he box baa three la
bel upon it, (the top, th aii'e and the bottom)
etch containing a f ic-similt eiguature of my hand
writing, thus B. BaaanaaTH, M. D These la.
Iel- aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an eipense nf over f 8.000. Therefore
11 will be teen lhat ihe only thing nreenry to pro
cure the medicine in in purity, it to observe theae
Rememhor lha los the aide, and the bottom.
The following respective peraon are duly authori
sed, and hold
For the aale of Brandreik,$ Vegetable Universal
Northumberland countv 1 Milton Mackey St
Cbambeilin. Sunhury II. B. Masanr. M'Esene
ville Ireland dr. Meixi II. Norlbumleilaud Wm.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. Sl J. Walla.
Union County 1 New Berlin Bogar cV Win
ter. Sal inagrove George Gundium. Mhl.!lf
hurg laaae Smith. Ilea veri own David HuMen
Adamaburg Wm. J. May. Miffliuaboig Mensch
St Ray. Hartlelon Daniel Long. Freeburg
U.dt F.C. Moyer. I.wuburg Walle dr Green.
Columbia county 1 Danville E. B. Reynold
dr. Co, Berwick Shaman de R'ttea house. Oai
lawieea C, O. Brobta. Btooioaburg John R.
Moyer. Jeieey Town Levi Biel, W aching too
Robt. McCay. IJmastone Ballis- MiNmeh.
: Observe that each Agent haa an Engraved Cr
tificata of Agency, containing a reprewntaiioa ef
Ur BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and 0on which will alao ba aeen exact eopiee of
the mi labels neus used upon tht Brandreth Pill
Boxes. - . .
' PbUvdclphia, office No, 8, Notth 81b etreet.
' June 14th IMS.'
!..;... Ceorgc J,.VtmvJt. -
' ' JW. I S North Water StraU, thiladejphsm, , .-.
irfTAB ronatantly ea hand, a general aeeorb
(f M tasatM of Cwdaga, BaiM Twines, Ave., vis 1
Titt Bawes, Faahi-f Ropoa, While Bopss, Maaal
la Bofa, Tear Littaa (Vat Oeavsl Bests. ; Aieeat
aomuleae atri stent ef tVine Twwes, Ac. such a
Hasmp Shad and Herring Twtoa, Beat Patent OiU
Net Twins, Uottoa. Btmd and Herrmg 1 wtne, Stvoe
llahew.Trfriaa ITplaaai snd lihtse Oaisat Chaisai
pykfclfoJn, KeseaSBer llNtwrv;
. (mm. SaTlnl