Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 14, 1846, Image 2

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inrcTAf mom iwon.
aixttets eU?t tatte Cram tiUi4
ABBSVatoV ta .. v
Yurtltf Admmiin Fwr- TKnamd Dtmand
for Grs'nAdtanft .in .MttnDtphvelk
, ; . Conditio if Inland Famint end Aarese
JA.rrfayt ef rte Qm SpatnFrme and
tghdEf)d tftht EnhnH CvrAaltTb
Crx Britain ttM Janeee, ck. tH j
Haw Tom, Salorday, Nov. 7th, 10 P. M.
' Tbe ttearasblp Britannia arrivad at Boston an
Poturday ntdrning, after a boisterous pa""
eighteen Jays, having lfl Liverpool On the 0lh
The steamship Great Britain it tUU eilorej
with twelve ffet water In ber bold.' "'' J
The Cambria, wih Mr. Bancroft, out newly
(.pointed Minister to the Court of St James, on
ioard, had arrived at Liverpool previout to tbe
pirtore of tbe Britannia. '
Th deplorable condition of Ireland engrosses
pitlic attention in tba Britith Itlandt. Tba fa
win rontinU? to spread over tlat unfortunate
Vountry. Disrates of the moat malignant type
are also aiding to tba bprrr of the scent. Tba
marriages of tba Queen of Sairl and her sitter
Hvt beta eonsummsted without vroucinf any
ututt leriona effects on political affair! than tro-
t-att frotrJ one or two other European powers
-ainst the alliance with France, which are in-';
t nikd to form the Vat ia of future interventions,
ihowld otcatiion require.
' The tntenrt n-dlale between Trance and
land ta at an end; heoctfortbthetvro powers trill
more independently of eacb other. s France joins
pain with t tiew to the raconfjuest t the Spa
aith Americana.
There ie tome anxiety yet In tbe minda of tba
wnera of the Great Britain. Tbe noble venal
ie alill ashore, although every effort baa been
made nee of to remove ber. It ia thought the
veaeat will not witain much more damage than
ah already baa.
Flow It n demand in Liverpool at an advance
of 1 ehilllng, einee the latt ateamer. Cotton
baa alao advanced. Grain ia rapidly advancing
to all the European porta ,
Mr. Bancroft, tba new Minieter, bad arrived
in London.
Money market depreeted, in anticipation of
bullion being thipped to America.
Tt ia reported that the Britith Government are
bout to open their porta for grain.
The following quotation are given at receiv
ed, without entire confidence in their correct
ors: Bonaded Floor aella at 34ta36t. in Lon
don; United States free at 48t. 6d., 39s. 6d.,
prices advancing in all the European porta. A
veraga October 3d. 54a. Oct. 10th, SCa. lOd.
ladtan Corn aclla at 62a. a 56a.
' Cotton, Georgia fair 5 a ; Mobile 0 a 6 ;
New Orleana, 0 6j and the market improv-
Pane, Oct. 14 The marriage of the Duke
da Montpenatev with tba Prineeaa Louies, of
Spain, haa occupied the greater part of the pon
tic attention.
On the 3d inttant, Senor Martinez do la Ito
e, smbeeeador of the Queen of Spain In Ptria,
wa admitted to a pritate audience of the King
rind Qoecn of the French, at which he preteo
led rrpliea from the Queen of Spain and her
mother to the demand of the hand ol the Infan
t Lt.uia for the Duke de Montpeneier. Louia
Philippe, by an ordiosncc of the 6th inttant,
Ms pardoned opwarda of 100 prieonera on the
cctcioo of the matriago of the Duke de Mont
penaier. Among thoae whoae penaltica were
commuted, are five ol'the eccompliceeof Quen
Mitel, who waa tcnteneed to death by the court
. peera In 1841, for an attempt against thelivea
the Dokea of Oil an, Nemours and Aumale.
light other political offenders, implicated in the
insurrectionary movements of La Vendee, in
1834 and 1835 1 four others, condemned lor par-
ticipation in the plot ol Marseilles, in 1841 ; and
- nine galley alavea, confined in tbo bagntt of
Rochcfort, Brett and Toulon, whoee good ceha
iuur waa made known to the King, have also
experienced the royal clemency. The Epoqut
stairs that in compliance with tbe King's wish,
Hie amneatied were not apprised of their pardon
until ihelOih.ihe uy feud fur tbe Duke's net r
rlage. .
Notwithstanding the interest felt in the Mont
peneier marriage question, the journals hke
fuond.time to say a good dral about tbe leisure
orannexalioa, or whatever it way h calltd, of
California. The great Government organ, the
Dtbali, makea this brief, but eipressivt ober
vjtion on the matter "By tbe acquisition of
California the United Gtttea gain a territory
which descends from the loity second to twen
ty third degree, and which, in straight line,
U2SX) kilometree in length. It ie aimply a
complete vevolutten Cec4ed in the baUoce of
power on the Pacific Ocean. For Prance it ia
vocation of no interest ; for Croat fititsiuit
ja ao aRair of the first importance. And yet the
atateemea end the uawepapers of England ee
g tort this great matter to devote their thoMghta
and their eflorto to discover in 3pe'm il there is
not some ehtnee to rtaaw the disorders which
' have so long desolated this friendlj-OMniry V
The Contiirulionmil, the organ of M.Thkia,
Mys noUiingramarkaWooajthe)ebject. What
ri doea ssy, however, is tinged -with friendly
spirit towards the pnhedute and ll expres
ses hope that rhe"TVeoeh Bovernment will
not imitate in California ate toajdoet ia Tciaa.
The QyeUtannei eeyo that "the Waahiogton
Cabinet goes qaieily to work, sad ahows little
respset for the rigMe epmoarty." The Cenrri
rr Francmia thinks that England will not die
pole the taking of California, hot will keep
lift the Mexican wer, an that the new territory
wifl eoee dear to the Untied Bttee. The If
ticntt says that England will give In to tbe de
sire of the .Americana In a eroood article the (
Epoqu iMhfe ep very warmly the tame (round
as in the tWt. Iiis;linhat It ie the undoabtfJ
Intercut of "Franca to prevent the annexation.
Ytxir contemportry adJa, Boreotor, that from
the ill sueceas of their arm the Airifrlcifta aro
not, lu its opinion, able to enforce on Mexico the
eeatatRHi ol California,
r?ari hi become dear, and it liVptr to ad
tvaneo'etlll further In price. rogVtab!
alio very dorv Somo , hxjui tiiiJe It foil aa to
the naoi"r. in wbioli the wintor will bo rt
through by ilie poor end working clnatM. In
Parfe thero hab(ven tntno r'.uXmt rf a aom
what ali rm ing character, rnlrr(rd by !ho
dcaroPf t f hr'nd. , Tiie pTpie of tno riiibiiorif
St. An'oin (;he "tmtoble liiub"urfl") shoairl
hat thfy hnveiiot fir..t;on fhfir ancinnl skJ)
in riwtimr, for they bflrri tc 'I thf rtrca'r, ami
gvt the roMiore and nmnicipai gnrJ tm
trtuible to rf.'ure thftn.'ti urijpr. . . .
t' A ri'crnt lftter fnm CI. ins arya-that th
corr petition, between the Atnrrica(s'a and :bc
Bntitb i fo grfftt, tjmt the Airier nrc r-rll np
thfir cottene at a dead )oe, in tl.e hope of i!ri
vlnjr the latter out of the mirket ; but it is mid
there, is little chance of t(.t, a tbo Eti ?
have thft advantage t tlrnwtpg tln'ir cu'.ioti
from India, the nearott trturkrt.
EcBorrax Cokit .. Ta4iL loaooa Tti
LuaVae f rat t'tfti hero withtr.tN :nt fi-rt-nigta
lits been consiJernbli', anrt pioetfavr
born gradually advtocinff at almrwi tc-v rtur
kvt held miihia the abov rtmr! ptrin t !.t
tcrly, the excitement in Wheat Un t-er. Hi. h
ed, and though the vaW ol the ar?i:!t hat t.ot
receded, millera baveU-eome eaotwte in their
operations.. A tPtiyxwiry pauee after tt greet
to advance aa that aatcly eatahliahed i quit
natural, but the opinion in current that the top
point has not y ft been attained. At the let
market held here, namMy. on the 13th inntttit,
the traie was leta active than on seme prece
ding market days, the euppiief bfing good of
Wheat from ihn home enuntier, but the condi
tion becoming damp from the prevailing wetner-a
ot tbo weather, which baa cmiAU occarinnal
salea to be made slightly bcluw the price of
Mono a r laat.
The Sale of America F'"V hd tudiao Corn
have been at the late !gh n.n . r irn-ral opt
ion prevailing that the nru h) it e eieaiiithip
Cambria will not be cucfi tu r the va!u
of American produce, riving rntrkete lor which
are expected to have bccitrred in (tie Ui i'.cd
Stutea. The agitation fur open inn ibe port by
an order in council Ie nnlicd with indifier nc
by lha factors, aa the quaatitica of foreign Gruin
in bond Would not furniah the uatiwokl supp'y of
a etnsle day tur man and Itmst, and the rorther
arrivale orcarpnee are tio alow and Ivw tint tii
markets would be totally oainfliincMj, and the
price of bread enredaecd, were there an ei.tire
nd' immediate openings of thr port. At tho
market held yeaterdayr October 13, Englirh
Wheat was cleared 08 at fully the price of Ukt
week. For free foreign lh buinii-' waa not
extensive, but Ule higb r'i' u-rre reatid
Darrr! Flour was nrglettt-d. and prices r.'thrr
below thoee current at ao earlier L.'n.j ilie
latt fortnight.-.'
OrtKe TUB TuRTS A rimor haa heen pre
valent during the poti wrl. and pwrnn
to gain grooiul I tun otherwise, tl e Govern
ment haa it in contemplation to opt n the purtu
for the adniiraioo of all graii tluty fire. Tt
already high price ol pmv:inne rC every de
scription, the almost want ofii ply in Irelei.d
the increaaing destitution in Um country am!
in acme fails ol Scotland, the failure of tht
spring crops Ihrougl.oai th country yi nertlly
and more especially the m rew-iiiet of othe
countries likely to bcrnmr competitors with this
country lothoftXhlmarkottofltia wextern herr.i
sphere, are all of them prtve eireumHttneet
ealrnlated to induce the conaicU ration of tnrh a
atepby the Government. Ween tm i r(ri ri
of the diieaae in tbe pntMtn rmp of la-it year ex
cited anprehenaiona of reereitv. and c-mplt ted
the conversion of Bir Robert Peel to freo trH
principles, we believe' hm! Ih Protee'toniMii
been conselted, they weuld nnt hat optid s
temporary opening of the pirte
And here wetiity not" lnw mueh Bf'i're
'ou!d bo afforded to the Goverrnien'.' nw much
satisfaction to the home growi r inrf ronturrcr,
had ve an efficient ry tr in of agricultural t
litie,tha want of whxlt pUrea k!l partita
tho-sitiution of men crrpinj in tti dtrk. If
we come to the eonelurion, hich sterna to on
almost inevitable, that a Urge foreign aupp'y of
gram will le required, aeeine that lha emit
ncnt of Kerepe nty also need nmn atu-iatunce
and preen mlng that it hi iniha U. Bute ttnoe
that we mint look U r tit tippty, i it wi tn
eon I in ne an impntl wkich muti have the efTVn
of inducing vessels laden wih fouriio pae oo
ahoree, and affbrd auxtenance to foreigner,
whilat oer own eoenlrymcn are fainlahing wii
lmnger 1 .
urs uerrox. rroretsor Dcrionbem a eon
cotton, bar, -wo ondarauml, been submitted to a
board ol engineer and artillery edieara, who, af
ter seriea ot rxperimenta and tr'u la of its pow
ers with most ate snd rifles, have reported meet
favorably' of lie value and utility ea rrspocta
emeH-arma) remmeoded thai further experi
anenla IbawM benMde epon e larger teale, with
tbe view of nubrng Its pplicnbi,iiy to heavy ee
dinanee. ( '
Ilw Msjctty tf Prussia is a boot to devote
X120.000, out tf hla private puree, for Ike forma
tion of covered garden at Berlin, to serve aa a
promenade in the wjniejieajon.!t ie to be
artificially wanted, and dovoted to the eetiura
of txofieel plants and Wwer a,
Sir John Quest, of the Dowlais Iron Works,
bM just completed eontrwat to supply two hs
dred thonaand tone ol iron rails et 10 per ton
thetoul value f which will bt two millions
sterling. Tbe same Ire three or four years ego :
would have beea sold st from $ to 0 per ton.
The wedding eutfit of the tnesisa Orand
Dueheas, who was recently married to the
Prince ftnyalof. Vurtcmberg, ie oompoeed of
Rli cheats and nvo carriages, weighing alto
rother C7l cwr.
Cnor m PwtTAi.a)iif , tUb?n eoffee
pondent says the failure of the crops of all kinds
of prsin hs sned vory considerable r'ef Jo
the price of bread.aMthMfui'nre.cmipM with
the Ji ter'atinn nf potatoes, not In particular rlia
trict. m orrnrrpd lt yeaf, but pmra!ly
tlirouhoiit ihe country, haa excited very aeri-
mis apprchenim nffcatcityot timd. Arcouote j
fnmi Berlin etate thtt the price of food in Prua.
eia. ia ex:rpinely hijih. the yo crop having UU
led. In Beliiium and the north of France the
potto ettip It reported to be n.t only good hut
abundant, th unsnund crop ot lat year being
aurcerrW y rn perfect healthy.
- ScARcitT lit Pa a re. Bread riutt continue in
i'ar'M. end siot of distress throiiehoiit France
! tnf reusing The exact drgrre of the prrs-
mr it it d lcu!( to letrn, as most of tho-e who
rep'.rt upon it apeak with a bita.- The J.mrnal
He Dt'baie authnritivi ly declares that the aup-
piier, buth at home an. I abioad, will tit ample;
nd escribe tho riots in Paris to thnt fact, "that
ne or f wo belier," who had a bri.k rale, ex-
biicd rmpiy ahnpa ti a St. Qilea' crowd no
ninntigati'd, prctmbly, by thoee f ictions in Paris
l... j : I i . r i I
..a. nrvu .n.vaa.uu.1 r.inpirary in firucr 10 icei meir own imrHiriance. I
J .L:
Mineral Wrawu or Ghkat Bami.t- Mr.
it-nnant atates mat the snnual Value or the
mineral produce ot this country ainminte to
bit twenty five million. Of this 9.100.000
is from cualt, 8.400 000 (run iron, at7,'JU0,0U0 I
from copper, 920.1U0 fiom lend. 400,000 fioin
ealt, 300 ( from tin, 00.000 from mnnga.
n te, X?5 VW from ilve-, 22 060 Irom alum,
(0000 from sine, and '25.000 from the vsrinua
other m-tK antimony, bismuth, arsenic, de.
Steamship (hsat Critaim." By the
tteutn-hip Caledonia, Uhich tailed hence on
the 4th inatant, we L'"V trroumsuf tlie unfurlu-
nate position of this noble ktcinvhi up to thu
'2d inatant, and Mated that an effort would he
made on tle 3-1 to float her again: w aim sta
ted our doubts that the attempt would be luc
crs.ful, and a it haa proved.
I'm I liar Itatiarta frn Karalaja Pap.ra ta
,i uiilRuuia.
FrJm the Liverpool Standard.
Sticcoesful plunder ia not conquest, Indivi
dual eggrandizenii sit doea not unilorinily re
douud to national honor. II Mr. Preidrnl
Polk and hia demncnHe adherents, (the ecorn
oflhe earth.) think they can conquer Mexico,
and incorporate her people with the citixens of
the United Slate, thry are grievously miata-
ken. Whatever be the intentions ol Santa An.
na, one thii g is certain euou;h he cannot a-
tho M xica:in. II,- may aitimpt it, but ho will
ail. rlie resources ol the Lniti'd i ties sre
alrrndy xhaualtd at the v-iy tinnmi nrrnient
( ftl.e'vsr. They sre elrrady rprcu'atin.' upon
paper money, when they have no credit ei'h r
tX home or abroad. If a million pound eterl-
iejf were wanted, whore could tary borrow it !
No! in Europe ; and if not in Europe, where
elae 1 rh" soil ther havo invaded, the p oplo
hey hope to tubjugste, furnUh them with no
They have water in abundance, thronph
which they marc, ernse perhap., tor
tour norentii no nri-flit. ror lnv or money.
All the provi'tooa, at an enormrnt cne, mini
hut aent from thn United Stnles. The' war can-
tint be carried nneix montha lonper wrtliuil the
waya end nieana, deiivH from new, unheard
of, and freah taxation. Will Ihn eitixena of th
model republic stand this T Not they, indeed.
They prow corn, cotton and tobacco to sell tn
moke; money not to p.y taxes, or prosecute
foreign war, the .hjec! of which they do ni.t
ehoCMe to comprehend, and the burthen of which
Ihev will rebel rather than hear.
Tm New PtAMir Tnn ExraaeaBrwAitv
Dierovxav A preal of iho eittinjr of
Ihe Fr neh Academy of Seicr eee, on the Sih
oltin-o, seoeeup:e l w th an account hy Mr,
Are co of the discovery of the n'W planet by
M. Lev rrirr. Tho mnel striking faet ia the
very lieht difference that cxia between the
ealeolation as to Ihe position of ihe pew planet
. m m m . .
By tho tt.enry ot pi. lvrrrier sr. 4 that of Ihe
actual oD-ervatinn OT II. bk lie. M. I.' vomer
had ca'cntat'd ihe heliocentric inngitede all
327 dep. 24 min.; M. G-ll obaereatlona maks
it 320 def. S2m., beings rVifl reneeof Sees than
one depree. In a note by M. Levcrrier tn ihe
academy en thin pn m. he says: My error h
calculation will ba fnnnd exc eitinply email
when the slight nature of the perturbations
upon which I d. terminod ihe position of the
new planet ia taken into consideration. This
tueeees must inspire a hope that after thirty or
forty yeara' observation of the new planet, ae
tronomero may uso it in ita lorna aa a meana of
L. il..i :.ll.u . I,!. ,L...J..
of distance from lha son. They
y will nnforle-
ntteiv. soon arrive at atare invisio'e oa seenont
of their immense distance from the sen. bat
- -
whoae orbit way ba correctly ascertained by
i n. i - ,
TtikiUnvor lnDia Coast Itle estimated
that the crop of Indian corn ia Ihe West for
1848, will ba aaore than ittSfXXlJNO boahels,
apd I htt b wbeelroeop wW eaooed liaOOO,-
000 boahela, which would peodoo apwards of
MrQpO.OOO banelp f foes. ;
aMsJaBMWsWsxajaxieBawavxaiaipaiaMw -jajMsBsMsasMeWBawajaisj j
Batuntmr, Mr:T, U, 1846. t
tt it, HALMBtK JCeo.. mt hUt tint .
tore and CW OiKei.eentr et9dTRT OesMMf
iVfrtefe, Philndtlphla, U avthirlted Ie art tt,
jTm,!. arif tnr all mna IA. I
attrr tnbHrHttm ttr ttditrtMng. '
jtlM mt kit OXtre.W. ICit .Vli eef,
Mae IVfc.
Jtmd S. K. Corntr of linHtmort and Cntvrrt
af., BaMtnort. '
j3"Piim!i !a A freth supply of auperior
summer ink just received, and for tale at Fhila-
delphia pricet
KTTs Amv Notbiag new, of importance,
baa beea heaid from the seat of war. Our rea
ders will, however, find soma interesting inei-
dent, in relation to the capture of Monterey, in
another column.
tt" The recent raim for a week or two pat,
bave raiaed the river, which hat been in fine
navigable-order. A Urge number of rafts and
arkehave already descended. :
07" MtLaacHotv DT Mr. Feaiter. who
was attending a taw mill five ur six milet below
h- . ,u,M,ni. kltl-do- S.tutJ.v la.l
lla waa diaroverid with hii ripek under the frank.
which ,,.,. ,n n. He at extricated
Many of aur readers, we know, do not
approve of our entering into an editorial contra-
verty with our nrifhbor of the Uatetre, and we
have ourtrlves sometimes thought that we were
givint too murb conaeqnenee tn thote connected
with that sheet, to notire itt ebnltitiont of ma
lice, telfiihneta, stolidity and ronreit. The edi
tor, in hit last paper, hat devoted nearly all of
hit editorial, and mokt of h:t week's labor upon
ua. To antwer all hit cbarget would be an eaiy
talk, but we thall only aay that there it tcarvrly
an atiertion he hat made in relation to at, hut
what ia a miaerable falsehood, or a mere invention
of hit own
For whatever epithet he may choose I
to apply to ut, political or otherwise, we care
but little; for turely where we are both known
they can sever injure ourselves. We might, it
is true, retaliate in a hundred ways. We might
speak of the grovelling inconaiatericy of that pa
per, of the aenior editor advocating the election
of Ritner in opposition to tbe democratic candi
date, oi its tariflism one year and its anti-tariff-
ism tbe next, of its opposition to McKay'a Bri
tish tariff bill one week brfurt ita passage and ita
favorable opinion ona week after ita passage,
of tbe fact that the whale establishment hat been
moitgaged in consideration of a promise of a
judgeahip to ihe aenior editor, who haa been a
standing applicant for that office for three years
past, and yet the Gazette nobluihingly talks a-
bout ii.trresli'd office hunters. In the hope of in-
juring ut with our democratic friends, it rhargea
us with havinc become a Meraliat, on account,
M'a preeume, of our opposition to Mr. Foster.
In return, we might apply an epithet which, tn
I m,n of sensibility or honorable feelincs, would
be n,Ufh mo' onaive.
fr?" Tbe Solomon who wites for the Sunburv
I Gazette, in reply to an article in tbia paper in re-
I card to Mr. Foster's drf. at, attempts to create an
impreation that berauae the whigs carried a ma
j"'1' ' membe.aof Congress and Aaaembly,
that Mr. Foster could not have succeeded. Had
be consulted tbe returns, he might have aeen that j
! there ia nearly 500 of a democratic majority in
the aggregate congreasional vote, ao that Mr.
Foster haa run nearly ten thousand behind the
congressional vote.
ZJ From the returns already received, there
no ,OUD, but ,b ' a majority
in Ihe next Congress. In Ihe present Congress
the democratic majority ia, we believe, about 70.
This is s greet failing off, which shows that
there is a caoe of dissatisfaction somewhere,
which we trust will be speedily removed at the
next session. The Washington correspondent
of the Philadelphia Ledger sayt, the admiaia-
tration it not yet so much frightened at Ihe re -
tult of Ihe Pennsylvania and New Tork elections,
at lo abandon the tariff of 1816. bnl they will
not rtil ita modification; and that Pennsylva-
aia will be Ihe great battle ground for the neat
Preaidential election. We have alwava contend-
,,, p, i much too important a
.1,1. i W.,v.,lW.rf !,,-,.- P.....1.
vania baa always" been democratic. She aska
j for no exclusive or particular favors, but will
I nol quietly submit lo being unfairly dealt with.
I Tbe administration should not neglect her into -
I rests until it is entirely too late. Let these be
I attended to, and tbe democratic parly will again
I be triumphant in the Keystone atate.
,B. Philadelphla Udxer contains tbe fob
Uwing , tbo lateet aewa of tba New Tork and Mi.
I cbigaa elections:
I Micnmaa Eitcrio!.Tbe Dcmeerate have
j carried both braacbeaof tbe Legialatare, and will
laUfl Tt S CU.,. I. .1 .rU- Ur
waif, itt Democratic members of Congress
i " e. anu nrooaoiv su sour ore oo-
i -
Vtw To" Etaerion. Westcbastar eeanty,
inatead of giving Joaag, far Governor, 1C0 toe
jority. glvee Wright a majority of JM. Te is
9mt. One Democrat (Marshal) i. elsetad ta
the Assembly, end one Whig, Beeratbe let-
tat by majority. Before reported two Wbigtv
Tbia rodaeea tbe Whig anejority In Assembly to
10, aid weJreea tie )oit balhst, If all the other
MMbetf see correciry reparted
Oar The Kaw Tark elect lout bate aana aa da.
j decidedly for tba wbigt , Pennsylvania. The
result taere, we preeoate, will aot be attributed
to tbe weather. We do wat a.. tt,.t tt.. ,..t.
ia tbe Empire State It to be attributed to Me-
Kay'a tariff Wit atone, but we have no doubt that
It contributed greatly ta the defeat of the demo
cratic party. Young, the whig Governor, it alee-
ted by a maj. of 1 1 ,040 ever Wright, ona of tba
meet popular and talented democrats In the U-
nfon. Gardiner, the democratic candidate for
Lteot. Governor, it said to be elected by a small
majority. Tne oeTeganoiTTor Congrett in that
s,". t,nJ 99 ',f.' dertioerata and 4 hun-
" . ? ?tate trgitlatore the wbigt have
tman mtiorn on loni uaiioi. lue new
eon.tiution la'proba'bly defeated by a email. ma.
Jor,V - .......
C7 low. Thit little ttate, but rrrently
eome Into the Union hat alio gone for the whig.
Oovernr.r, memBer or COngreM and the Lptula
ture. Iowa is deeply interMteii in ihe lead trade.
Whh wi be affected by the new Urin". This
it ber first vote.under her organiration at a state
Tbo result it another evidence of tbe bad policy
of tua new tariff. -
H7 Tat VoTKor PcNMarkVAaiA --The aggre
gate concreiiional vote of gives
the deaioc rate a majority of ritarly 500. Mr
Potter ran behind hit party in nearly every
county in tbe State. In ill at leaat 10.000 votet
Thit it the true test pf. the tariff and one term
principle. , .
Median or Coaaaaas. The period for attain
hliog of Congrett at Watbington it approaching.
Tbe 'attembled wiadom of tbe nation' will meet
on the 7th of December, next Monday 3 eveelc
It will be a abort aettion, adjourning on tie 4th
of March. ,
Tut Lict.ict Lw The Supreme Court of
New York hat derided that ttrong beer ia "atron
and apiritonua liquor, with the meaning of tl
act, and that an action lict for retailing it." Tbe
Chief Justice alto remarked that it waa not ne-
eeatary for the plaintiff to state what kind of
liquor wattold, at men did not alwnytknow what
kind they drank.
Ei.reiWNt in Iowa.- The first election in the
New State of Iowa waa held on Monday, the 2blh
ulf. The St. Louis Republican of the Sd inat.
haa returna from marly the whole State, and the
result n-av be summed iin. in nhort, aa fol
lows M'Knight, the Whig candidate for Gov-
ernor, ia certainly elected. Hemlrick, Whig, it
I elected to Congress. Twenty it a majority in
the House of Repreaentativea, to which body the
Whigs have elected twenty certain, and hate
strong hopes of four others. Ten is a majority
in the Senate the Whigf have elected nine
certain and are confident of three Vnore mak
ing a majority in both branches of the Legisla
ture, and ti-euret tba election of two Wh:g Vi.i.
ltd Statu Stnntvri
Correspondent of the Public Ledger -Washinton,
Nov. 3th, 1848
The administration ia not intimidated by the
rrsult in New Yoik. though it maybe disposed
not to rci'if amendments to the late tariff enac
ted by Congress, provided they do not interfere
with the general principle. That principle it it
determined ta uphold, be the conaequencea what
Ihey may. .
One thing ta clear, however, namely this:
Pennsylvania is neressry tn whichever rarty
may wis the race, and hence Pennsylvania will
be made the battle ground of the next Pteaiden
tial campaign. On Pennsylvania, therefore, atl
the efforts of party will be exhausted, and the
contest, it may be supposed, will be a severe
The most prominent Whig candidate seems to
fc Jud MeLf Bl , f,r Ihe
are understood to exprett their opinion in - thit
city. Gen. Scott'a prospecta are utterly hope-
The Cabinet, it would aaem, hat not yet come
to a definite conclusion at regarda the attack
meditated on Vera Cruz, but it ia imagined, ne-
vertheless, that, without aueb an attack, and the
eloeeat blockade of all the Mexican porta, even
I Ihe success ofoor troops at Rincanado and Sal
1 tillo would not end the war. General Taylor,
1 to he insured againat all arcidenta, requires more
troops, anil they will eecordinrly be sent lo
I him
Plana of attack and eoo it main on Vera
I Crat continue to ponr in opon Ihe Navy depart
1 ment ; bnl aa action haa, I believe, at yet been
I ttken npon them. Some regret that Ihe Presi
dent did nol accept the offer of Gen. Amitrong.
oar worthy Consul at Liverpool, made while
he waa here, to tupriae tbe city of Vera Crus at
th head of 3000 Tennesseeans. which be arnnoa-
1 "
ed to raiae himself, if the government would ac
tent of their aervirea. General A rmatf one ia a
brave and experienced soldier, who has served
I General Jackaon, and possesses entirely the eon
I fidenee of the Weatern people. He would no
1 doubt have distinguished himself, and the blow
in tbe end, will bave to be struck before peace it
! obtained from Mexico.
No Moss Taoore Nttaio The following
letter baa been received by a gentleman in the
lower pari of the State of Delaware, from the
Secretary of War :
Wax DxrABrMtaf, Oct. 13, 1849.
Sir In reply to your letter of the 13th iuatant
I -
I ,..f.mRi,.Js ,.w. ... i.rn,.. .n ...
Exocative of your State for any voloteer or
militia force, witk a view to tbe existing war
with Mexico. A eeflSeient amooat of force for
the proses etioa of that war baa, it it believed,
beea already called into service.
I bave the honor to be, vwrw respeetrwy. year
lebecUea4ervmV m.
awaratary at was.
Cov Meteteea) la at Treaaaa. It l,X2l
fariof froat We wetjpdf reo)ro t ftl stte.
The members of tbe neat Fourth of March
Convention have an important duty to perform.
They will have tn their bands tbe fatero deati
ay of the Democratic Party In Pennsylvania. If
they are actuated by a desire to place tbe eat
ress of tba party beyond all doubt if their vene
ration fr the aacendaney of Democratic prlnei-
plea ia greater than their love for tbe elevation
of pMtiealarlndividaalao all will be well. Bat
tf they falter in their doty, and 'sacrifice their
principles to a nomination for Governor wbiak
bat already been determined noon by certain
leadert, who, if they cannot rut, care net which
ptrtytueeeedt, defeat will. stare at la the' face
at the very out-set of the canvass. The oas
term principle mutt be adopted in the nomine,
lion, or all attempts to unite and harmonise tba
party must be made in vain. , - '
And why should not the principle be adopt.
ed f . What reasonable objection can be urged
against it ?, Will it not have a tendency tn puri
fy the administration of our public affaire, by
putting a stop to the abuse and corruption prac
tised under the system of re-election? Is it not
Democratic ? Did not the people vindicate Us
adoption In tbe recent election for Canal Com
missioner T " .'
Since the election, two or three prettea have
ventured the objection that itt adoption would
b unjuat and disrespectful to the preaent Execu
tive to refuse him a rrnomination. There would
ha but little plausibility in the argument that
Ihe feetiugt tad the pecuniary interests of tbe
incumhent should be connulted, even if the sue
cess of the principles of the party were not in
jeopardy. But when the fact that a re-nomination
is tantamount to a defeat has been rendered
too evident, by late events, to be denied, the ar
gument Is too futile to make the least impres
sion upon sny Democrat with whom principle it
paramount to men. Thj present Excutive htt
been fully half hi life in public employ, and at
the highest salaries. He has been well reward
ed for his services, and haa certainly no claim ta
a re-nomination at the sacrifice of the party. To
aay that, under the circumstancea, he haa any
claim, ia to tay thnt a man once in office is enti
tled to a monopoly of itt duties and irs compear
sation, as long at the Constitution w-t salts, tad
that, when one-: el cted. hit re-nootinatian must
emanate, not from the favor of the peoplo, but
fiom Ihe requirements of a vttd right. Strip
Ihe argument of ita appeals to sympathy, and
it amounts to nothing lesa th in a e';m for snrh a
monopoly What Democrat can sanction such a
doctrine ?
The argument, that thu adoption of thx' priori
pie now, would be Opposed to former precedent,
m ul atiiks every one at being ridiculous in the
extreme. If the Demon acy b., at it universally
contended, progressive, piecediat can have hut
little vi iht in the action of Ihe party, wbea it ia
mar.ifestly oppoed, at in the matter under con-sidi-rution,
lo a reform of abutea whirh atrika at
Ihe purity of our government, corrupt ihe elec
live franchises, and render a high public office
the mre instrument of personal agranjixement
in total disregard of the iatereata of the whole
people. If precedent be adhered to, abuses, how
ever glaring, rr.nst be permitted to rest like n
ineubut opon the body politic. A Democratic
Congrest passed, and a Democratic President
signed, a hill incorporating a Sank of the Uni
ted States. Here was a precedent. Hut who
will contend that General Jackson, when he dia
retarded this precedent by refusing to re-rharter
this same institution, was any th less a Demo,
crat than before committine an arl whirh receiv
ed the loudest plaudits of his party. But it ia
nselesa lo waate time upon an argument an weak
and puerile, whirh, if sustained, would atrike at
the root of all reform, and confirm the idea, pre.
valent with a lew, that oflieet were created for
th. benefit of the incumbenta, and not for that
of the pronle at large llarritburg Argus,
Latest tram Maslc.
Santa Anna Still in M-xicLarg Caitru
bittiont for Mt tupport uf the .Vnty By way
of Havana, intelligence from Vera Cruz lo lha
12th ull.,and Ihe city or Mexico to Ike 26th of
September, haa been received.
Santa Anr.a had not yet left tbe Capitol, but
was still engaged mustering his forces for tbs
contemplated expedition. Senor Tamariz has
been appointed Minister of Finance in place of
Senor Farias.
The Diario dtl Guii'emo says all the rich peo
ple of Mexico would do well in following Santa
Anna's example contributing liberally towards
the support of Ihe war or else Ihe mob would
go where Ihey knew Ibe money waa and take it
to the soldiers who defended the country, Then
il adda that the clergy had consented lo mortgage
their property for 12.000,000 ; the merchants
and wealthy citizens of Mexico would deliver
to the government on the 34th of September,
$300,000 for Ihe parpose of war, that a similar
amount will bedelivrred oa the 3tb of October,
anj eqosl soma every month.
Senor Gofwei de Is Cortina bad made aloan of
$10,000, without any conditions as to time ofee
imburss meat.
MaiaxiaM Ooreoas A new sect of fsnstirs
hat tppeared ia Cincinnati. There are about
sixty of ibam, snore thsn half the number being
fsioalea, and Ihey are followers, says ths Com
martial of that city, of a big bnrly, half Indian,
half Negro, formerly a Mormon, who baa pro
claimed himself Jeans Christ He showed bis 1
disciples, ona day laat week, the scars of wounds
ia bis hands and limba, received ea tbe cross t
lla doea mi rax lee with a golden rod, and prefes
sea that be was tbo case of tbe deetr action f
Netchci by a whirlwind. B baa alroady orga '
nlaed several apartmeate to aia kiftgdoaa a Me
Peter, Panl, fee. The asembere of tbie new te '
ligkan are solemnly enjoined t secrecy, tad)
bald saeetlngt nightly. . - ! , . '
AtwPo9m9Zn fexawuitvjtf
mtf Hi m rtirfatsia, e bey wheat J .
h . e.
1 " 1