Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 07, 1846, Image 4

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- Lave unA AmMilim
Rf Napoleon. The illvorcp, lor the sake td
unrriage with another, waa, however, a fearful
ipKi for Napoleon to break to Josephine1.
The rumor of her approaching degradation had
-r long tints filled (he hrarl or the. Emprets
'ith the mtvt fearful forbodiugs. Still neither
ivrlj ventured to ' introduce the topic which
i.ow filled the ears and occupied the Iwgna of
!1 Europe, Thejrdirred together one day la
the deeprt embarrassment, end not tit word
waa spoken by either during llic'rcpast. . Na
poleon ; exhibited marks of the strongest fttf its
linn,' a convulsive movement, accompanied
with a hectic flush, often panted over litis lea
nre, and lid eeemed afraid to raise hit 'ci to
the impress except by stealth.'. . Josepii'u.e waa
rcitally embarrassed arid agitated, end hat! ait
dy been weeping. The dinner wo a finally rt
moved untouched, neither having tasted a
morsel. Josephine has thus described Iho scene
which ensued: We dined together a usual.
1 utroggled with my tears, which notwithsdand
i ii 3 every effort overflowed my eyes. 1 uttered
nut a single word during the sorrowful meal,
and he broke eilence but once, to ask an attend
ant abort the weather. My sunshine t saw had
Vrred away; the storm burst quickly. ":
'Directly after coffee, Bonaparte dismiesed
every one, and I remained akine with him. I
warched m the changing expression of his
countenance that struggle which was in his
trwt. At length Ms features ecttlcd into stern
resolve. . ! taw that my hour was come. lli
whole frame trembled;. be approached and I
frit a shuddering horror come over me. lie
took my hind, placed it ufon his heart, gazed
on tne for a moment, then pronounced theae
fearful words; 'Josephine 1 my excellent Jose
phine 1 thou fciiowest if I have loved theet To
thee, to then alone I do owe the only momenta
of happiness i have enjoyed in this world. Jo
sephine? my destiny overmasters my will. My
deurest affections mutt be silent, before the in
terest of France.' 'Say no more 1 still had
strength sufficient to reply, 'I was prepared fur
i hip, but the blow is notices mortal.' More 1
could not utter. I cannot tell what passed
within me. I believe my screams were loud.
I thought reason had fled. I became uncon
scious of every thing, and on returning to my
sense, found I had been carried to my cham
ber. On recovering, I perceived thatCorvisart
a ss in attendance, and my poor daughter weep
ing over me. No! no! 1 cannot describe the
horror of my situation during that night. - Even
1 1 interest which she affected to take in my
HntFerinjr, ' eeemed to me additional cruelty.
O, my God J how justly had I reason to dread
becoming an Empress 1' z, . ; : ';
The fatal day of separation at length arrived.
After the painful scene wss over,' Josephine in
silence and sorrow retired to her chamber.-'
The usual hour of Napoleon's retiring came,
lie had just placed himself in bed, silent and
melancholy, while his favorite attendant waited
only to receive orders, when suddenly the pri
vite door opened, and the Empress appeared,
her hair in disorder, and her free swollen with
weeping. Advancing with a tottering 'step,"
tie stood as if irresolute about a pace from the
bed, clasped her hands and burst into an agony
of tears; Delicacy a feeling aa if she had no
right to be there seemed at first to have arres
ted her progress but forgetting every thing
e fc in the fullness of Iter grief, she threw her
a If on the bed, clasped her husband'- neck, and
sobbed aa if her heart was breaking. Napoleon
also wept, while he endeavored to console her,
and they remained for some time in each other's
arms, silently mingling their tears together.
After an interview of about an hour, Josephine
parted forever from the man whom she Ijad so
long and solendcrly loved. On seeing the Em
press retire, the attendant entered to remove
the lights, and found the chamber as eilont aa
Heath, and Napoleon so eunk among the bed
clothe aa to be invisible. The next morning
at eleven, Josephine left the Tuilleriea forever,
' Jttv. Mr. Abbott. .
IntkbestiM) to Srobvakers. Ws. have
Kten an invention by Jonathan Rusael, last ma
ker, in Cherry street, which ia pf considerable
importancs to shoemaker. lie has succeeded
in makings stretcher, which will stretch any
or all parte of a boot or shoe, by simply turning
a screw. - The screw, by acting upon a . lever
ia a boot tree, will edrptch the it.stcp, heel or
h't,' of a boot just as it may be desired. It ia a
greet and decided improvement' over all the in
ventions of the kind w hich i:evq vtl born used
in the trade. Specimen cf it kayo teen Ivltal
the Franklin institute, where those particularly
interested may have an opportunity of exam in.
mg them. 1'liilo. J.edger.
Attempt to hatha boy.- The Steamboat
Corvette, ou her trip down IromCstnargo, stop
ped lor lt P'nhl at s rancbo on the river, sod
small boy atiaticd to the boat, went boresnd
atrayed some dislanco from the bank. He wis ;
espied by a Mexican who thought to entrap him
with a jaaeo and drag him off. The . Mexican
was, no doubt, expert in the. use of this weapon,
but somehow he waa not quick enough in his
movement. He succeeded in encircliog the
boy with the noose, tout before he could throw
htm from his feet, the youngster fired two pis
tol balls into him, which hurried Mr. Mexican
off, no doubt quite sick at the stomach. - The
Mexicans must think the Yankees are "born
veteran" pistol shooters. - Jiutnmoros Hag,
'Jj tnsf. . ' -" "
Vitt Good. The Boston Stai says . the
main reason the b'hoya are anxious to whip
Mexico, is because sbs rsfuasd to rrref.
lU'J 1. 1.. I..1..L Jl..
, d a x k x o t e list,
The following list shows the aurrent value of all
Vnrsyteanie.Benh Notre''.. Tbe most implicit re
liance ion; tie' placed Upon K, as it I tatty week
r fi.i'y compared with and corrected from Bun
nell's Reporter.:;' '..7 .';.'..-. v -vjc
flanks 1ft Philadelphia.
. ,Locatioi.
Diss. tt
Pat Lie.
Honk of North A mctks 1 -
8uhk ufclhe IVnrtliern Uberfiee
Commercial Bank ef Penn'a. . , .
Canrtera' and Mrchanica' Bank , '-:'
Kanatnsron Unk - ' . . v,
PWls.Mphia Uank vN:'. ".."' . i..
8chiiy!kill iWnk , ; ; - ; - . -toUtiWArk
Dnnk '"' . .. "
Wfctern IUr.k .' ', . ? ,:. .: "' '-'
Mechsitics' flank J ', V .
f nwrBrtiirrr A Xforhanie' Rjiik
Bonk f Prnn Townnhip .. ', ".' - .".
tianW - . ' . "
B'ltik of Commerce, lata Moyamining
Bank cf Pennsylvania . , i ':
: Countty Ranlts.
Bsnk of rtitpr Count) " Westchpster
Bank of Delaware County , Chester -.'
Bank of Ormantnwn? , ' tJprmantown
Bank of Monlpomfry Co. : Noiria'own
Dojrra!nwn Bank ' ' Ditylestown
Ealnn Ilafik . . Easton
Farmer' Hank nf Books ro Brl-tol
Dank of Nouhumheilanti Northumberland par
Columbia Bank A Bridga eo. Columbia ; par
Farmrw' Bink of Lancastei Lanctslet . " par
Lanrsxter County Biink . Lancaster pir
Lancaster Bank - I.ancuster par
Farmers' Bank of Heading Reading . -' - par
nin-e of Hunk or Penn'a.
Offica do . do
Office d4 v ' do
Office di ' do '.
Harrinbutf"! These
Lancaster I offices
Remling J do not
Esston Jisouen.
Rank of lha United States Philadi lphia
Miners bank or Pottsvilla"
Bank of Iwlstown '
Batik of Middictown - -' ' -Carlisle
Bank - , . '
Exchange Bank
Do , d. branch of
Harrisbnrg Bank .
Ict'anon Bank . "
Merchants' i. Manuf. Bank
LawUtown '
CarlUle ,
Harrisburg .
Bunk of Pittsburg
. Wilkcsbarre
.. Allentown
West Branch
Wyoming Bank .
Northampton Bink
Berks County Bank
OlRca of Bank ofU. B.
Do -. do , do "v.
Do do do .
Bank of Chambersborg.
Bank of (Jettysburg
Bank of Susquehanna Co.
Erie Bank
Farmers' & Drovcra' Bank
Franklin Bank. "
Honesjula Bank
Moiiongahela Bank of B.
Reading ' -
' Pittsburg failed
Erie ; do
New Brighton do
t'liamliertborg J
. Geltyaburg . .
Montrose - li
' Erie : 1 jal j
Wsynesburg n
. Washington , - l
Honesdute I i
' Urownavitle . I J
York 1st
fork Bank
N. B. The note of those banks on which we
on. it quotations, and substitute dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which hae letter of reference.
Philadelphia 8av. Ina. - Philadelj.hia
Pliiladelphia Loan Co. ' ;-'V'-4q
Behu rtkill Sav. Ina. t : . .-, ' - do
Kensington Sav. Ina. A . dj
Peon Township Sav. Ina. - - do , '
Manual I-abor Bank (T. V- Dyott, prop.)
rnwsnd Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa. ,
Bonk of Beaer .;
Bank of Swatara 1 :
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank . ;
City Bank
Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank '
Farmers' A Mech'ca' Bank
Farmera' &. Mech'ca' Dank
Harmony Institute .
Huntingdon Bank '
Bedford ' .
Beaver "
' Harrisburg
Hellrfonte '.
Pittabuig ."
Fayelto co.
no sale
no kale
. fuilod
no sale
Huntingdon no ssle
l.eitown , nosjle
Wanen : failed
Dun.laff . no sale
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Cn, . 'ewr Hope
Northumu'd Union Col. Bk. Milton
no sale
North Western Bank of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Act. & Msnuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Wilkesbarte Bridge Co.
Mesdiille closed
Port Carbon
Carli.te - ' failed
. MontrtuM '. closed
Uuioniown . failed
Gieensburg closed
Wilkesbsrre no ssle
' ' Cj" All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the. above lut, may bo tz
down aa frauds.
Bank of New Brunswick I Brunswick failed
Belvideie Bank - Belvidera
Burlington Co. Bsnk .; Medford ' "' par
Romruercial Bank " ' Porih Am!wy
ramberland Bank ' Bridgetnn . pir
farmers Bsnk - M.unt Holly par
farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Kahwsy ;
Faraera and Mechanics' l' N. BiunswicU failed
Farmers' and Merchsntt' Bb Midiilttown I't.
Franklin Bank of N.J. . J.rsey City failed
Hobnken BkgcV Oiaxing Co llobokt n . faib il
letsey City Bank .. Jersey City ' failoil
Mechanics' Bank PuUvrann failed
Manufaclurera' Bank ' . Belletille .: . failed
Morris County Bank ' Mornsinwn -
Monmouth Bkof.N.J. . Freehold failed
Mechanics' Bsnk Newark . J
Xlechanics' and Mannf, Bk Trentoo - ' put
Morris Canal Sod Bkg Cj Jersey City . J
P st Notes- - - - - no ssle
Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newaik i
New Hoi Del Bridee Co Lamhortsville j
N. J. Manure, and llks Co Hubukm
4 P
N J J'loteclon dc I.oml aid Ik Jersey City
Orange Bank . - Orange
Paterxm Bank '. ; Paterson
Peoples' Bank . . -, do
Princeton Bank - Princeton -
8alem Banking Co '. Salem
State Bank ! . , Newark
Stats Bank '' Elizsbetbiown
State Bank " ' '.''. t-'omaen
Siste C Mk of Mor rla 'f Morrirfown
State Bank '. Trenton
Salem and Philad Manuf Co Sslem
8ussex BsDk . Newion
Trenton Banking Co Tierun
Union Back . Dover )
Wasoingiua Banking Co. Hackanaack :
Bk of Wilra h. Brand) wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna . ' . Smyrna
Do - . breach ' Milfurd
Fanners' Bk of State of DL Dover
De branch, . Wilmington
Do - branch Georgetown
Do branch Kesrcsatlo
Union Bank Wilaaington
try Under ft'a
(U On all banks maikrd thus () tbeie are si.
Ibar counaarieit or allseed Mass of ins vvMoa da,
MOMnauaas, in sire uls Jen.
llare yen henrd the IVctrs I
riO!it7IIAT IS IT?
: . Wn, sv'kt tos natso tnatf ,
At hiithop, in Marktt Urut, adjoining fAe Mree
' : vary nnat muse, ' .
A9 jutt rec ited from Philadelphia the largest,
handsomest and b"St asaortmsnt of . . ,
of cvriy description, that has ever been brought to
ibis place. And what is still better, they any ha
soils so cheap, that you can buy two rata Jur tht
taitit money that yta ttiticF h pay for sns pair.
He lifts roa Cue nnd 8 sits ran Csn, and
that i the reason that he can uflbrd to aril them so
much cheaper, .. If yno don't want to buy, jut call
a'nJ see hi stork. He is always gUJ';io see his
ctiMomersi snd it I no troutle to him lo sb.iw his
grunhv.. Jul 0 you on idea liovr ehear he does
reit, the follwwiug is a li.4 of prices of a pait of his
tkt ' - - ' - -'-..
Men's Thick Bo.t', worth ft Of) at ? 75
il t I ins Urain Oil ' -
do Calf . d. .
Boys' Thick ' ' . ' do
Vouths' ' " " du
Men's Thick Brogsn.. . ;
Women's Morocco Wells
nd Kil Serines, ' .
(WomeiiN liest City made
K;d S!iii(eri, - ..."
Lnlies' Oaili rs and Gab.
. ter Bonis, .. ,
4 50 -st
3 00
6 no n
& 60 .t
2 00 st
t 87 at
1 64-at
1 62 at
8 00 at
8 00
t 25
I 00
I 12
1 97
A 'so. verv variety of Lsdlea', Dovs' snJ
diens' shoes, at prices lower than eer before offer.
ed. , Come and Sr
Sunlury, June 13 h, 1646 6m
D A N V I Ii Ii B
FllHE Dunvitlt Steam ll'oale Factory, fmmer
JL ly ownsd and f.ccup ed by Dr. PsTa'taiir. has
rertnlly .been pqrcbasrd by the sulweribers, who
resU'Ctfully annnonre to their friends and the pub
lic genersl y, that they sx now prepared to do all
kinds of wjrk in their line of business, at the shor
test notice, according li orJei, end in the best com
parative n.annor. Having gone ! cnnrideralile
eipene in rr pniriiig ll.eii nichinery and aparatue,
anj deing v r jf psr.iculni in Mcurii g the service of
el)1 tienced mechsnics, they feel confident that
Ihey are rspalde ot ev-c itin all kinds of wrk in
a Hiyle superior l.t a:.y other is'al!ihuient in the
country, at the old vustaiinxry p iece.
BLANKETS eunstsn ly on hand, and for sale at
reduced priera. for Csa or 1J ir'er.
CAItBlMLi AM) ril.I.IX
will be dine in the best manner, at the usual pri
ci s. All kind of country produce taken in pay
ment for work, st Dunville lustkrt prices.
For the accoiumodaiion of iIioks who live at
di-tance, Wool -and Cloth will be tnken In at,
and, when finitht-d, ro'Urntd to the following pla
ces, Pluin written diiectums must accompany
each parcel t "
Culumhia County. Roup cV. Man's atore, W
shingtonvdle ; R, Fruit's, Jtrsevtown ; Yea.
ger's inn. Roaring (?re k; Sharpies' stoie, Cstta
wissa ; C F. Mann's store, MitHinvi'le ;. Miller's
store, Berwick t J- (-line's Mill; Riekrt's atore,
Orsngeville; Derr's store. White Hall. :
Northumberland County Michael Reader's inn,
Turbutville; Ireland St Hav's store, McEweos
viile; E. L. Piper's st'ue, Wstsoi stnwn ; . I.
Cumly & Co'a store. Milton; Gibson's inn, Chil
lisqusqne t Forsyth's sioie, Nortbumberl.ind ;
Young's store. Sunbuiy. ..'
'. Luxerne County.' Reynold's store, Kingston ;
Oililerslceve's store, Wilkebsrre ; t!a lord's store,
Plymouth; - Styer's store, Nanticuke ;' Judge
Mark's Mill, Huntington. ' ' ' ' .
Lycoming County. D. Clepp's store, Muticy ;
Shoemaker's store. Hmith's Mill.
Danville, May 9, !S15. .
THE suttsciiber, tuts of the Union Hotel, Mun
ey, l's , respectfully infonns the old and nu
merous customers of the ' ' .
1'ciiiiMjlvaiiia Ilonse. '
snd the public neneral!v, thai be has leased the
Tav rn Stand of John Rhnde, in l)ndte, where
he is now prepared t entertain lravlers. and er.
sons viit)ns the town, in ths vi ry hrsi siyle. 1'he
accommodations will be u-h as a well conducted
public bouse should tffi.', snd no effort nill be
spared lo render sitisfjk tion, in eveiy respect, to alt
who n ay call. The cii'aena of I. coming county
are invited to put op with the undersigned when
they visit Danville. . '
Dsnvi!!e, May 2, 18tB. .-
Uacb Street, rinrAnrLriiiA.
ii v j. ii:ti:ks. .
THIS location ia convenient for Bua'nees men
visiting the city. Every pins ia taken t ss
cure the comfort of tiavelleia. . - ..,
March 7. I8t6. ty
' . Oppnrit tit Court Haunt,. .
M0 " THE Suh-ciilh r, who assired for ae
fififr vei I years in the m:nsgerneni of the a-Jisvjp-Vhove
Hotel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. Bra
Vllsdy. b gs leave to infirm lha travelling
pwb'ie, that he has taken the entablwhment on his
ow n account, on the Cist of January, 1848.
The House has, o( Isle, undergone many impnr
lant alterations, and the present conductor promises
to leave nothing undone to make it a eomfortshle
and agreeable, as well as a ch sp and areomnmdv
ling stopping ptsce (or strangers who may visit our
flourishing village. No pnins nor etpense will be
spend to fill the table and the bar wittt the bet the
mukets afford, and with lb-d- trnninanon ti de
vo his entire erowil atti ntion Ia the comfort of
hoe whs mav make his hnue their temporary a
bode, and sided by atlive, careful and obliging ser
vanta, be hopes io give general aatisfactiou, snJ rs
ceive a li!eral share of totom.
fXj Large and commodious STABLES are at
tained to the reiabl shment. which are attendaJ by
careful and obliging ho-tlers. - '
Jsnusty tth, 1846. tf '
CiONGKKtii AX Blue and Black Cong.e
' Ink, of a auperior quality, for sale cheep, at the
atore of HENRY MA8SER.
July 4th. IMS
MTlLASSES The fust i
Molesaes, only 13 cen
ns snicte of yellow Mali
aualilv bugar House
nls per quart; also, s
su pei Una article of yellow Mulas.-e for Mkmg, on
ly 12) cents per quart for sale st lha store of
rnilE CtisaasTsa Mscsssaa Ham On., boa
X just keen received snd is Car ssle at the si ore of
Is i KTvba
" ' H.Ba'lASSEPta
VWamX, PAa
Business attended to in the Counties of Nw
thumlerlsnd, Union, Lvooming and Columbia.
- -' ' ner tot .
' r. & A. KeVeuBT,
' - Low I A & Ba.sov,
. Sosiaaa A SrroDOBASv, W'Ai'W.
RarSotba, Me Fasts n dt Co.
Spiatae, Oooa St Co.,
pkteu b;' massij it,
If ESI'ECTFULLY InMms the ciiiiens of
II Bj Sunburv and virinitv, thai he has niiened an
otllee at the residence of Henry Ma"ef. in Mnrket
strret, where be is prepared to eveeute all kinds nf i
ounoni, i ixie n orn. oie , on me latent
snd most approved plans,
Having hail amii expericnee and Ins'rnetbirt,
under nf the ml eminent and successful Den- '
tie s in Philadi Iphh, he Ivelievos tht he will be j
i liinii. US nelievos thtt n will ne
able to give satisf iCtion to UiOie who may want his
-' Ladies will be waited on at their pliers of rest
dence. His charges wiU Le moderate, and his
work warrsnted,-
Sunbury Marrh 28th, 186. . ' "
v bvanTwatson,"
' N. 70 rtouTH Ttnito StttrtT,
' ' Opposite the Vhiliideluhia Excliangt,
Monurartuie and ksi p enr -stantty
on hsnd. a large as
sortment of their Pntent Im
proved S-lsmsnil, r FIRE
PROt)F SAFES, which are
cnnslructed as to set at rent
all manner of dnub. a to their
being atriettv fire nroof. i.nJ
that they will resial the rt-e of ariv building in ti e
world. The outside cae of the Safes are mule of
boiler iron, the inside case of so.ipytone, and be
tween tbo enter case and Inner case is a space of
nine o incnes mica., and Is Illicit in witn initei-MUf- i
tilde mtteri il, so ss to make it an impossibility to
ever burn any of the contents inside of this Chest.
These 8iaptone Salamandeie we are prepared
and dl challenr llu Mild In lirn.lni in, arlirlo !
in (he shape of Book Saf. s that will stand as muih I ""l "herever the medicine hss once been intro
beal, and we bold ourselves at all times tn ( ,ur"'' " iwt'nce oer all others; eveiy
have ihem fairly tested bt public bonfire, vhoul.l a- I ""f " 'aken ii, have derived so signal bene
nv tf our competitors feel disposrd to try them.' I ,'eu,, ft0m ',. ,h ' tecommended by
We also continue to msnufactu.e and keep e n- 'm wllh ,h8 U'most conf.tlence. Physicians of
stantly on hand, a IsrcS and g. n. rol as-orlmenl of ih highest standing in the ptofeasion, present it
our Piemium Ab tishl Fire Proof Kafes. i f which i P'' "nder their care ; -..ntaining l.oibing
we h-eslargenuanti!y in use, and in cv. r-j in- ! deb terious. but being composed ot the nv-sl mild,
stance thev have e.ven entire s .ti.rariion lo the ! et efiicacious vegetable material., it is off. red with
nutchof.ere-of which we will refer the nuhlic to a
lew gentlemen who have them in use.
N. St U .Tatlor. 191 n,.,lh 91 t
A. Wright
& N. p'iew, Vine st. wharf: Ale-tr,nder Csr..r. Con-
veyanccr, corner of Filbert end 9th sis.; John M
Ford, 32 north 3dst.; Mvir Buh, SO north 3d
st.; Bailey St Brother, l:tS Mxkct t.; James M.
Paul. 101 south 4th st.; Dr David Jyne, 8 south
3d i't ; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d si.; and
we could name some three or four hui dred others
if it were necessary. Now we Invite the attention
of Ihe public, and particularly I hone in want of
Fire Proof &fcs, to csll st our store before purcha
sing elsewhere, and we think we can satisfy them
that they will get a belter and cheaper article at
our store than any other establishment in Ihe city.
We slso continue lo manufacluie iea and Co
pying Presses, made in such a manner as to an
swer luith tiurroses : Hoisting Machines, rue
Proof Doors, w.tb our own roanufa- lure of locks
on them, with D. Evans's Patent Keyhole cover
attached to the same t . plain and ornamental Iron
Kaillng, &c
X. B. We keen eontnllv on hand a 1 ir.-e as
soitment nt our Paluut t!aie l.intd Kcfiiger t us.
Water Filters aud Cooler; and we have also on
band several acond hand Fire Proof Chests taken
in exchange for ours, which we mil dn-pose of at
very low prioen.
. Pbiiadelphia, January Stih, 148.- ly
- .; " - rj-0 isr.aaj.rsj"fr '
e. t';i forir., nr, )uriv.
HAVING eMahtbhed a Branch at No, 144 Ches.
nul si., Philadelphia, is now iening. anj wi'l
be consinntly rrceiving from tbe New York Auc
tions, en extensive assortment of
which will be sold st the lowest New York pi tee
at wholesale and Id tail. Among h s stock will he
found a good assortment of the followieg articles:
Jaecouets, Plaid. Hair Cord, Lace, Stri, Book,
Swiss and Tatlatsn Muslins, Bishop and Lmen
Liwns, Fancy Cap Nelts, Fancy and Bnll Uesse.
Thread Laces, Application Do., rich Blar k i.k
Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics.
Linen Cambric Hdkfs..Cuitain Fringes, Csshmate
d'Ecose, Miiusehno da I, aire, t-illt and ('nttnn
Warp Alpaccas, Quoeu's. Cloth, Gala Plaids, j
Frenrh Meiinos, Ulitk i!ka, Glove. 81 k Hose, j
Shawls, Cravats, Rtlihoo, Embroii'.erits. &.C., Stc. J
Country Merchants and others visiting Pbiladel
t'uuniry ffincosuis alio oinera vi"iK i Miituui- i
phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully ia.
viled to c-tii ami examine the stocks. .
Nov. I, 18 S. ly
Couiiiound Syrup or Tar
& M ood
THE unprecedented t)ccs of tbi medicine, in
the restoration ef beahh, to thnne w ho, in de.
pair, had given up all hojie, baa given it an exal
ted reputation above all other remedies', fumi-hing
evidence of it intrinsic va'ueand power. a the on
ly sgenl which ean be relied upon for the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption. Brotnbittis, Athma,
Psin in Ihe side and Breat, Spitting of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Ae, ' ' i
' Attention ia lequested to the following ASTON
ISHINQ Thomson'. Compound S;rop
of Tar and Wood Nspiba 1 !
. Philadelphia, May 3, 1844. '
MR. THOMSON Dear Mr 'With grateful
feelings I inform you of Ihe alnnishirtg effects of
your medicine, which has literally rats d me from
a death-bed! My dieae, Pulmonary Cooomp
linn, had reduce I me so low that my physician pro.
nojnced my rasa hnles ! At this junction I be
gsn to u-e your medicine, and miraculous as it may
seem. It has compb tely restoied m to health, after
everything else had failed. Respectfully yours. .
- ' Charlotte atreet, above George street
The undersigned, being personally acrjosinted
with Washington Msck and bra sufJSprins, beer
wilneea lo Ihe astoiiihing efjects of Thomson's
Compound Syrop of Tar, and the truth of lha a
bova statement. T
JOS. WINNER, 81S North Third street,
DAVID V1CKERS.41 Almond street V
HUGH M 'GIN LET, S. . corner Temeoy
and Fourth atreets.
. . Prepared only by B. P. Thomson, N. B. corner
of 6th and Spree streets, Philadelphia.
Agents. -H. B. Masse r, Bunbury; D. Gres,
snd Dr. Macpherann, Harrisburg t Jno. G. Brewn,
PottsviUe ; Gee. Esrl, Reading ; Houston St Ma
on, Towsnda, Bradford eoanty, Ps. Price 60 eente
per bottle, or fs p r down.
(J Beware mil imitations.
Philadelphia, Jane tBth, llte.-ly
If AT & CAfrWAnRiimmrf ,
A'o. S04. Slnrkt-t Strettjjibove OfV South tide.
If i no suiwcru era rrspeeuuuy csll the alien.
s tloo of ibeir friends and dealers to their Urge
Mid well assorted stock of Hals and Cans of every
description, wrll adapted f'Mhe Spring trade. Be.
lug made of the best material and by the mot e.
psrieneed Woikmetl, they feel confident to give tint
vers'il satisfaction to all who may fsvor them with
a trial, ss they offer to sell as ltw as snv house in
theei y. BARI'ALO IT & BLYNN.
' Philadilphia.' January 3. 1810 T ,
- P I A N O S.
rilHE SUBSCRIBER has trren sppoit.tol Spent,
' F.lll? vl'Kn psm 1 U INUE ivnnii ir
A NO, at this place. Thee Pianos have a plain,
massive snJ In suiiful eiterior fini-h, and, for depth '
and (.weetness of lone, and elegHiica of workman-'!
; .i,; ... .., ....,..! k. . ;,.,,, it..:,..i u. ..-.. I
-p. ' follow;,,, rB(."ornnunJsiion from Ca.i !
IIikts, a celebrateJ iierfotmcr. and hitn 1a man.
ufuciuier .''"' I
A C A fit I. '- . !
Havi-ie had the plraure of trying the eicel
lent Piino Fortes manfactured by Mr. Meyer, and
exhibited at (be last eihibition of the Fr .nklin In
stitute, I feel it due to the true merit of (he maker
to iVclare that these instrument are quite iqual'
nnd in some respecte even superior , to ell thn Pi
ano Fort', I saw at the cspttaU of Europe, and
during s sojourn of two years at Paris.
The" Pianos will bs o'd at the manufacturer's
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower.
Person are requested to call and examine for
themselves, i the residence of ihe subwribrr.
Sunbury. May 17, 1815. H. B. MASEK.
THE vsloab'e properties of Osk ley's Depura
live Syrup of Sarsaarilla, aa a purifier of the
blood, is so well known to the public generally,
that it ia unnecessary to occupy much spare in set
ting forth Ihe advantage to be derived from it a
! Confidence, na the ehenal and moot efficient po
riftcr of ihe blood now known. The use of a few
i o'"es, especially in me spring ntoutns, win ne si-
I trn,S,:'i wi,h n",- J'ded improvemenl In the ge-
neral alrength of the system, eradicating any seeds
of disease that may have been generated, besides
giving health snd vigor to ihe body. For the cure
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Trite',
Pimples or etuptions of the Skin, White Swelling,
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthms, cVe, The nu
merous certificates in Ihe possession of the subscri
ber and hi agents, from physicians and others, are
sufficient to convince Ihe moat skeptical of its su
periority over all preparations of Sarssparilla.
Sold wholesale end retail, by the proprietor,
GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 6th street. Rea
ding, Berka Coanty, and to b bad of the following
persons t .
In Northumberland County. H. B. Masssr,
j Sunbury j i Ireland A M.ael, McEwensville ; D
Kraoaer, Milton,
In Union County. J. Gearlnrt, Helinsgrove J
A. Guteliii, Miflliiiburg.
In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Waah
I "gton.
Reading, March 14, 1R4-V
Me. Ostri 1 believe il Ihe uty of every
one tn do whatever in their mwer I ie, for Ihe tcne
fit of their fellow men, and having ba.l positive
proof in my awn family, of the wonderful properties
of your Drpurslive Svrup of Sarsspurilh. I tn -mi
t conscientiously recominend it lo the afflicted. We
! had tho mil-fortune to lose two of our children, by
j the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the
isce,nesu ami net s. H.u,ounn we nu some i t me
most scientific physician lo attend IV m snJ l.d
tried all tbe known lemedies, including hwaim'a
Panacea, without avail. Another of niy children
waa attacked in the snme manner, ber face sr.d
neck was completely covered; tbe discharge was so
(Tensive, and the disease at such a height, that we
despaired of ber life. Seeing the wonderful effoct
of your Depuraiive Syrup of Siaparii!a, we wete
induced to . make trial of it, aa the lal n sort ; it
acted like a charm; the ulcere commenced healing
Immediately, s few bottles entirety retoird her lo
her health, which abe hs enjoyed uninleriuptedly
ever since. As s puiirier of tbe blood, I verily be
lieve it has not its equal, , .-
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Douglrifjville, April 13th, 1813.
Ma. Oaklet t My son Edmund Leaf, bad the
scrofula in ihe moat dreadful and distressing man-
ner for three year, during which time ha de
nrt.t nf lit. nam nC V f .nl. t. j I a ..i .n.l .,b
were covered ith ulcere. We tried all the diiTiT
" j T , ei.t remedies, but In no tfCct, until recommended
" i l-y Dr. Johnson of, aud bo Dr. Inaae
II tester, of Reading, to use your Depuraiive Syrup
of Ssraaparilla, of which I obtained several bouies.
the use of which drove the disease entirely out of
hi system, the sore healed up, and the child wa
restored to perfect health, which he hs rnjoyed
uninteriupledly ever since, lo tbe a.t.mishmi tit of
msny pcisons wbo wen him during hi edxiion.
I havethouehl it my duly, sod send you this certi
ficate that others who have a like affliction in the
family may know where to obtain ao valuable a
medicine. - Your truly,
Sepl. 16, 1843. ly '
AS II II Y fc it o c a r,
.' South, Ha$l corner of Market and ith tit..
WHERE they always keep on hand an exten
sive assortment of HATS U CA I'S of every
description, got up in the bent and most spoored
t) !. Peisons dsrirou rf purchasing superior srtb
cbs on the most rrssnsshle terms, will find it lo
their advantage lo call before making purchase
elsewhere. , - - . , v
Philadelphia, Oct. 6th. 1844. ly "
urx rarvATs sales booms,
Nos. 20 and 31 North Tbiid Street,
Nsnr ths City HotsJ. ..
CC. MACKEY, Anctioneer, repectfblly in.
vile tbe attention of pereoaa desirou of pur
chasing Furniture, bis eatniv iies Rooms,
(both iHiblie aud Private.) for every description of
Household FumHoie, where can be obtained at all
limea. a large assortment of fashionablo and well
manufacluie Cabinet Furniture, Bed, MaUiee,
.. at very reduced price, for eash.
fr- Sale by Auction, twies) week.
May ITth, 143. ly
, sr-eves e"swa'ir
mriavroRMsj, omthe rcc, ad otiiius
... CltTAKDOUB KRt'PTION. . ' : 1 '
(2. The folhiing eertiiea'e daeribci one of1h
most extraordinary ourtt ever tffctttd by away
application.- " V ' '' ' -
Pnrnnrtpiiti, Febmsry 10, 1833. ,
TpOU twenty year I was severely afflicted wittr
A Ta-n-sn on ths Face and Headt the disease"
Commenced when I was seventeen years old, and;
continued until the Fall nf 1830, varying kt vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. - During moef
pf Ih time, great part of my CtC was covered with'
the eruption, frequently a'tcndrd with violent itch
ing ; my head swelled at times until It Celt as if it '
would huret the swelling was so gtent, that I could
searcely get my hst on. Daring lha long period
tht t was ft tllicfeJ with the dt.-icriae, I Used a great
many plication, (among thim several celebrated
t"Tepnrlioni ) wi II a takine inward remedies,
including a number of bottle of Swaim't Panacea,
llxtroel of Sariapnrilla, ore. In fact, it would be
impofsihle to enumerate all the medicines I used.
I wss lo under Ihe Cure nf two of Ihe most dis
tinguished physieisn of this city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, and I dospsired of ever being
cured. In ihe full of I8:tfi, the di.ra-e at the time
being very violent, I commenced uain the Hunt
Ointment, (preparfd by Vauhan St Davii.) In
f-tv at pliea'.ion lit violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, the crOidion began 'tii disappear, '
and before I hud used a jar the disease wa entirely
cured. It ha now been nearly a year and a half
since, and there is not a ventige of the disease re
ttiainintr. except the scars from the deep pita formed
by the ilieae. It ia imjiossildfl for me to descriHt
in a certificate the severity of the disease snd my
sitttiring, hot I will be ple.ised to give a foiler ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction;
who will c ill on me. At ihe limn I Co nineneetl
urging the RoS Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of do Ibi to be rid of the disease. Since n
sing it. I have recommended it to r.vernl persons,
(among them my mother, who had the diseano bad
ly ou ber arm.) who were all cured hv it.
. JAMES DURNELL, No. 150, R.ceSt.
(y The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vau,ihan, South East corner of Third and Race
stretts, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu
ry. by H. B. MASSE R,
May 14th, 18M. ' Atjent.
Itosic Ointisicnl, for Teller.
Puiiidklfhi. May 27lh, 1839.
'PHIS is to certify that I waa severely alTl cted
with Tetter in Ibe hands and feet for upward
of forty jears; the disease was attended generally
w ith violent itching and swelling. I applied to a
number of phyricinns, ami used a great many appli
cations without efTerling a cure. Almut a year
since, I apphed the Knee Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itching, and a few apptic.ili"n immedi
ately cured the disease, w hich there has been no
return of, although I had never been rid of it at
any lime for forty years. I it'll All U SAVAtiE,
Elevenih. helow Spruce Street.
- cry The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vauthan, S )uih Eat corner of Third and Race
Stieets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu
ry. by ' H. B. MASSER.
May 14th. 1843. Agent.
OJ the ROSE O.VT.UJJA"', for Tetter.
ALTHOUGH the superiority of the prepaiaiion
over all others is fully es'ahlUhed, the pr 'iirie-
tnrs take pleasure in laying before the public the
fi Howit:g certifica'e from a reectable physician,
a graduate nf the University of Pennsylvania. Dr.
Laugh, having found in thi remedy" thai relief fir
a tedious and divagrceatdc affection which the mean
within the range of hi profession failed to afford,
he rot hesitated to give il Liu approbation, although
the prejudice and intererts of that profession aie
I'ppoteJ to secret Remedies. -
I'liiLanxLeuia, Sept. 19, 1836,
I was recently troolled with a tedious Ijerpetic
eruption, which cotved nearly oneaile of my f.iee,
and extended ever l!je ear. Mr. Vailhun, proprie
lol of the I'tvso Ointmetit, olweivm my fare, mat
led on my trying bis preparation, of which he ban
ded me a jar. Although in common with the metn
tet of my profeion, I diseouutennnce anJ i'us
prove of the numerous nootiuw palmed upon the
public by ijnoratit pretendf r, 1 feel in jus ice hound
to except the Rose Ointment from thai c!a of me
dicines, and to give it my approbation, ns il entire
ly cured the eruption, although it h id resisted the
u.ual applications. DANL. BAl'GH, M. 1).
Ctj The Komi Oiiitineiiti prepured by 11. B.
VauKban, iSoutli East corner , of Third and Rice
Streets. PbiladclpLu, and soid ou ngipcy in Sun
bnrv. by H. B. MASSKR.
2isy !ith'JS:l A?"'K
C'oiuiff rfdtciV
nbe ptlMic will please otierve that no Brsndreth
Pills are genuine, unles the lox has three li
bels upon il. (the top, the sii'e and the bottom)
eath rontsinii.f a ficsinnih signature of my hand'
writing, thus B. Cali.XTH, M. D These la.
hel-ate engraved on steel, beautifully desianed.
J aud done at an expense of over $2,1)00. -Therefore
j it will ha seen thai the only thing necsr-sary to pro-
corn tie medicine in its purity, is to uterv these
label. .
Remember the top, the side, and tbe bentom.
The following reipei iivs jiersou are duly authuri
ed, and hold
CEHTrncATrs or aoestcy
Fur tbe ssle of liranjreth' Vegetable Universal
! Pi!!.
i Northuinbsrlar d county r Milton M.ickey Al
j Hunhury -II. B. JIasser. M'Ewene
i ille Inland St Meixelt. Nrrthum!ieilanJVin.
j Forsyth. Georgetown .J. Si J. Wall,
j Union County t . New Berlin Bogar Sc Win
ter. ' Helinscrove George Uundium. Mhldlo
I burg Isaac Smith. Beaveriown David Hubler.
j Adsmkbuig U'm. J.May. Miflliushorg Meuach
1 Sl Ksy. Hattleton Daniel Irnng. Frerburg
U. V F.C, Mojer, Lewisburg Wall V Green,
Columbia county t Danville E. B Reynolds
6c Coy Berwick Shuman fc U ttenhouse. Cat
tawiaaa C. G. IJrohts. Bloomsburg John R
Moyer. Jersey Town Levi Bisel. Whington
Roht. McCsy. . Limestone Ballil t HiNineh.
Obeerve that each Agent has sn Engraved Or
tificale of Agency, containing a representation of
Ur BRANTJitETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the new labeie now wed upon the Brandrelh Pill
Bore. ...
Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 8ihtreet.
Jonatth 1843.
fsleorgc J, Weaver .
Ao. 1 3 Kurth Water Street, Philadeiphta.
KWAS ronatanlly on hand, a geueral assort
11 ment of Cordage, Seine Twine. Ac , via;
SI r.kl WKiltf giinu Un)l
w. w , Vj. m, . milll , . V' . , - -
la Rones. Tow Line for Canal Boat. Also..
eomulai unrtiui.l nt Sr Ina Twine. Aa. euch ea
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent Mill
Net Twine, Cotton hd and Herring Twin, Shoe
Threads, Ac Ae. Also, Bed Cord, Plough Lines
II alters. Trace. Cotio and Linen Carpel Cheiisa,
eke, ail of' which he will diepoas ot ea reeeMaMn
Wphiladlhia, Kevesaber 1 1, 1 Ml- Ij. .