Moat Taooaite lit Ehiaara.Tfae ppU of Burliocton, tout, are complaining that their ci ty it overrun by tba Mormon population, who nave been driven from Nauvoo, aod feart are entertained by tbe editor or the HawkEye" tbat tome diflicultiet will grow out of their com lng to that eitr. v ',''' ' 4 ' Cvattoc or Ountoit. -Since Cant. Hosken hat run the Greet Britain ashore, it has been discov ered by the newspaper that he it the tnnat care lent officer alive. Thit in the face of the com ptimentary resolutions given In New York and Boston, but which the list act of naval skill proves ha did not deserve. Pisraskd Potato: left in the ground all winter have pmd.iporf as pond, and in many en act a better crop, than sound p.itatnoa pliinted in the 'piinsr. This fnct he been Bdtiftnctorily proved by numerous, experiment in Enpland, Ireland, Scotland and France. Doubtful! Ykllow Fgvitg at Nbw Ori-kans. The Hoard sf Health reported. 17th inst , !i castas in the Charity Hospital, and seven new cases in private practice. Get. If.ANn, on Lake Ontario, which hat been submerged for mure than seven years, has lately reappeared. The Lake is now lower than was ver knnwn before. YaNKS! CotTACTOK. IS Canaoa All the contractors on the Can.ida portion of the rail road from Montreal to PorllanJ, are Yankees. Tbe letting were il -dared last week. Tiik Mail is to be curried from London to Liverpool in less than live hours, at tbe rate of about forty-lour miles an hour. IneoBTAiT to thk Lamks Tb London Oaf-It i snjgesta that when n lady would compose her mouih to a b'and and serene character, she should. jot fcefor entering the room, say, fie torn, and keep the expression info which the month subside until the d.iired effect upon the rompnny is evident. If. on the other hand, she wishes to asnme a ttittingiiiahed and somewhat noble bearing, not song-stive of sweetness, sh should say, Itrnth. the result of which is infalli ble. If she would tnaVe ber mouth look small and pretty, she must say Flip, but if the month be already too small and ned entarjeit.:, ah must say CnM '?. LiTes, when luring their dagueirrnt)-p"s Taken, may observe these rules vith some advantage. Th Wr.cnNtN i rk, after having elected a printer, voted themselves twenty co pies apiete, s't four cents each, of his journal. ' At thk mrxt Lor vt.An Hacks a horse Will enter th lit whn pedigree is trart-d ft the borse that Richard MI offered his kingdom for. A D.vrMt i iTt'is or Dtfton to trs fit ah, as il it raflr.l, Cj'n le arf.miA d for upon no other prin ip'e than from cumipt sml stagnant hum ir in the tenooa eiicul .ii n, hfh prrvtni the prit. ler return of ihe vit I fl mi to tli tiear'. The td nd en havr no m re prvtSVctimi (or the tiearl than r.rany other pert; iudiTtl ita own t,rific ,!ravi'y would give a it niti ti- to the 1 1 f. mine hut when the pia-ags sre choked u ami il l Mmr, as it were, liionrr in tie load no enfidrT ihrtrii. a dit-rieiin or swell. up nt ur blood vi m Is, afire--elite up n the I ra n, -.nd he..d. he, gid.hne, pal pitation of the hi sit, ii smity, apoplexy, and other dreulful reKul'a. Wnhl't 1:dian Vigrtahlr Pilln elwayaCrt I t'tn to prevent 0 '.oVe unplriicml, heraue they rip. I from circulation fh re very hu ll ors which sre the ran, not o ly if il iM,in'rri-d motions of llie I l.iod. I u ofeiy m ilady ii ci.leid o man. Tiny a'xo si I a.l im rnvr ilir. lion, and thcief..- eill miKl aiir'd'v tlve hAlli an vigor y ihe h.idj aa I aa p eeni ny evl rona- qurii ce f om hai termed t iuh of M hI to the head o. It should be remembered that Mr. Edward Cole, of Philadelphia , Mr. John Dixon, of Eton. fa , tnd Mesra. Biownine & Brothrt. of Philadelphia, are not agiits of ours, and as they purchase no Wright' Indian Vegetable P its at our office. We taiinut guaranty at genuine ny and tine lliey may have j'nr tit.'e. (U Agent for lha n.le.if Wight's In !.in Yrg ta I r PilU in iSiiiit'ipy. Hksnt Masskb. For o.hrf tfenviratec ilfnlrm ni in auoihti column. t'ACia er W nana A 'Jons o Va)t. Worina are f.uniid fr m the loul humors which avit'e in the nom rh and in ihe ime-lioei, I eeau-e thsr ma"eis hive a quiiel, by h' ir tleganeralion, a s'rung lm naiurv ptoprr lo Ihe concentraiiou of thnte inverls Thry are vri iuty nsm d the t unci worm, (. entlly in p r-on of lender r ; Ihe maw worm, a n o l imuhh aoma i8'ct)and also lh long thrrad wormt the tenea or tape worm. Ac., cfce. They ni t under d flen-nt forma, aomo tim'S t' ey k' it louriliar nd go out into balls v( lenr they iliv.da and go out one af er anoliirr When they awend th 'Ug' the intealinal canal, they may he eje. lrd by Ihe m 'Uth. and i v. n by be ni a Wlirn this bpp n the paiiam is in much danger, such syrni-t ime Ming sluing fvitlenc ihit bis system is i!angrrou'y eneomlx red with the corruption, and iia r. .unlni tid thes twa affro lions whin wtiitid, my cairne inaiani dj h, or a sbujt illiieas. ending itt inetiisbU dulh Brand eth'e Pilla remove not only the worms of whatever kind, but al ihl humors e-hich form Ihem, an opon which th'y tJ Ba'idej lUy hsvt the property of esaruiting rvary auhrtmct which might a tivv fomihw of Wurms, by regenertiing tha maa of humor. dj- Purchase of tl. D. Maa-er, Sonhury, or of th aaanl, pubUnbeil in another pail of Ibis par, ijMKaaaBiMMMwaaaawaaaaajWBMaMaaji ttltlKtt 6n tba 811b Intl., by tha Rtv. J. W. tTangb. woot, Mr. Aautaaa Swici la Mitt Sas PA M,balbaf Jntb Vallay ' tZ' alAfcTMIOna MAItKKT, . " OJfic of lh4 BaiTltiaaa AnaaioA;,Oct.90. GRAIN There it I eat animation in ' tba Wheat market to day, and tba aalea ahow a de cline of several ceatt per bushel. alet of Ma rylaad reds were made to-day at lOSalUS cents for good to prime, and 93a t OS for ordinary to good ' We hots tales of four loads of Penn'a. white Wheats, part on Saturday at 130 cents, and tha balance to-day at 1 17at IS ctt. Corn ha also declined. Sales to-day of old white at C8 cents, and old yellow at 63aG5 cents. New it worth OSaCO cent! far both while- and yellow. Sales of Md. Rye at G7 centl. We quote Oatl at 50a?2 cent. WHISKEY The demand is limited, and salet small. We quote hhdt. at 33 ctt. and bblt. at 25 cts. MUCH CUIMENT. Ciirrtvtrd weekfii hy Henry Mutter. Whkat, n Rrt, Con, 4 - . . nd Oat. 2.1 Pons:, . 5 FiAVataa, . . I15J' Buttsm, I Koe. " Ranawta, T.tiow, ... 10 Fia. ... . .10 IKraisn Fiav, I iian Aeei.K, 73 Do. PeArnaa. IS Ciootl Intent Fire Company" t'A I EU MEG TI.MJ of the 15. will S- Ih- held on Tuen.1 iy evening t est, at 7 o'clock, al ihe Court House. Punctual attendance it re u i rrd. HEMtY DON. EL. Oct. 31. 1816 Sec rrary. "W.t!iliiKoii Fire CoiHp:iiij'.' Tim ni-nilm of ttie WoHbinglon Kire tJon -piliv" are requested 10 meel at the 8ile House, n Mi.ndiv Evrnini:, ftov. 2, at 7J cl m k. p'crisely. Punciuil nltendanre i leqnned. O.V at. SAMi:Rl. .1. YOI7NW. Sen UyHpcpsIa of lO Venn' Staiiiilng. rilHB wife of t'apialu Rolierla, on Vine S'r.-it. JL near Wat- r. Cinclnna'ti, ha been efllic'ed with DYSPEl'flA In its mo,t Reiavtril form fir Ihe Im leu )er', wn rer inmended bv c blua te I phyMcin of U.mion, NrW Yn k. Pbibide p!ii i. Ililtimore, and t'lncini ati. to tr-tv.d, as tn y cold do nothing Tor her. She did cO, but it did her no go id. Mie then CommeiiC'd uing ihe m i po.u I ir medicines of the day for her cOropl -d ile, I ut ih- tiv.d no benrfti. S..n g no a !vtriitimni ot ftR. sMITirS VEGEI'AULB SIJOAR COTKH I'll.l.S in Hie pai-rr, l e cnncluib-.l o give lliRin a triid ei. to ft. P.Tiomns, Main Hiert, ! two n Tturil aid Fourth, lt. miili'e AttilH for I'll rinn iii. and pinchaid a ho, look ihem sccur. 'I n( to direction, mid ra with beait fell j-y' ih it he derive I roue In nefit from rlie n-e if one tun ( f )r. Kintih'n Sogir Co .led Veg laid- Pill-, than f'om any mher ini'dicme ahe has made ne d Iu lug thr ln vema. Ti e a'iove taa a-ni m G F.Thoini on ihe 3 I I) i- 1814 Cru Tfits. (Q HAIJ I'lON. As a mim-iable iiiiilali. n he been m idr, by llio name of Kogir (boated pill.," il is lire, sa .ry l-i be sure iliat I)n. Ii Pi.u 8jsith's iiins'iiie ia on ev. iy Im. Pi ice 2S renta, riinr-pal OlTire. I7! (irmiwit-h al N w York. 8..M by JOHN W. FKtl.lNO. Sunbury. WM. FORSYTHE. X,,rlhu,,t'd. Oct. 31, IM6. WAS taken adrifi, on the eUmquehann , on I' e tSlI invt , by the sulwci"et, iis:ding in .la' k on lownbi-, N'-rthuml C'l .ml rountv, a ?KIKF, w h a luck and i hain ; at-o, a canoe, p tinted red, w iili lock and chain, lioth rrnfta were fastened to liew.d white ine log. The kifl it flry boat ia nenily worn out The enmcu nearly new. The oWfter i -an hve ihe (nOpeny by c .llitig on the ub trib t. pkylttg charge, &c. ADM OTIO Jm-ktmn orn.bVs Oct. 3t, 1 8 Ifi 3l Valuable ' Property fn tiic Borough of Norlhimtbcilarifl. Z2 Li2, s23 Ha 03 V7IM. be rnbl. On B tntday the 5ih day i f v pi. vrnihor et hy pttldic t-ale, on the pre ini-e-, ihe following ileociil rd ir. p.r y. ll o gmg to the eta e t C ha-ine Ud li ucliv, .lev'd ; . I i, Two I. is of fir .mi I mi ....nhuv. nufi lend in I'lan of Slid lown A I and e rh lot 60 fe.1 ly 8t f. el. upon which is a tlweUti.g bona-, fart brick and part frtipw. 2d. 1. I No O t adjotna .he above. (iO fe I hy 180 Tel. u o i whii'li is a alone dwelling h..ur. fl I. Lot No .St adjoina ihe al.ove. fill f, el by 1H0 f rt, np.oi Woiclt ia a double Iwo aiury fume house ai.d s'ali'e. 4 Ii. Two I, it.rttending from N irihway o he fiver, eaib CO ft el floh', Ivilig Ha t anJ 21 ill Inwn plan. 5 h. TwoLnta. s 'joining tbe above and Orange sire", n on which i l k budding u a d as a dis il ery, and a lover fidn y well of ws Ir. The Pennaylvaiila Ca al ion through ihe two laat direr t.-d pi.cea of pr,.p.-ity, which render He n an eicrllrni lo'a i u fir any business non n- cted wuh the ranal. (tih. Two Lo'a of ground e-ch 60 f, el by 160 fret, froniing on .No'ih ay nnd W iter aired, uiiiii here I in plan of aaid town, 57 and (H. 7 b. Au Oullo', containing upward of five acres. The ahov proprtly will l .11 on ea-y leim. Coni ion of sale made know n on d iv of aab, by . J M PRIEHU.Y. - - - Att"im v for tlio Esecutor-. Not humrwflend. On. 31. 1815 At NORTHUIVIBERLAND. A M Elertiou Will Im- held ai the Hanking llouae, .n M. n lay ihe Ifith fay if N'vi-nibei tugi. tw tweeo the h nrs of 10 oM xk. A. M d 3 n'. rt ek, P, M. for the pupee of beiing Ihnuen di teriora v aeive for ihe eo.uing year. A general meel inn if Ihe si r A holder will he held al the Hanking beii, on Tne-day h 31 day i.f Noveinlkr, al 10 o'clock, A. M , in porsu snce woh the t f incoiport ton. i ! " I . J.K. PRIESTLEY, OrJtoSer t4th. lRIrl Si r ... . C-hier. iltn Coojs new coots. Cheaper Tbun Etvrl JOHN II. PURUY. h.g J., received, at h a New Btoie, iu Maikel B a fteb supply ot feaa nshle Oo.ela, enrh aa , Clothe. Oaiwiinera, Htiiicetu, Kinturky Jrnt, Coida, piil ins, . Alpama i. Gang t mi, Plii.l-i, Muahns, IJoaii-ry. ft,iv,s Ac. . Al-ei (jueen-waia gud (Jiorrttra, . which will be sold very nw. . Pasrbaeers are invi ted to call tad f lamina kis tlotk bemre ateichaeing eat where. Tba bigbset priea paid for Prodoee. -unbory, October ITrb, lllfwlf. Bl i v c r IF a r ni FOIt SAIite.--'-" THE aubecrilier I'lTers, al private sale, a tract of land situ.tle in Augute township.-Northumberland rounrv, 8 miles I el w 8unhury, on the rosd It-a. ling from Hunhury to Harri-hurg. The tract contMns 150 acres, about 100 acne of which are cleared,- Forty acres- of the cleared land- are River Bottom, and in a high Mate of culiivatinri,' with a rea omh'e portion of Mead w and Meadow gmnnd. There ia sto a number of fililt Irerg of different kiiide- on the jremise. . The buildiog are large two story stone hue. with cellar and' cell r kitchen der the whole j also a bank bam 3 I by 63 f---l iiUo a ahed and corn i ri'n, At. There is ala a fe ry a'lsched to Slid firm, known I y the name of Fisher's Kerry on Ihe weal side of the river Susquehanna ) a'ao a lime ki'n on aaul Isr.ii. within two Aiibs of lima stone, on ihe bank of the rivi r. If Ihe above Farm is not a dd by the first day of Januarv next. It will l tented I n t-rm of vchiS. Pi eni m given on the firat day of Aptd Oi t, or pe hipa a.mner, if requiird. Anv per .n wi.hiog to vie v the farm, ran do so by calling on the subscriber, iv ng on the a .me. WILLIAM R. JONES. AimiKti. October 17th, lH4fl. fit TENS OK THOUSANDS ( unhni py bring, iu the "Ague 8 nioiis" of our e. uu'iy ere ti w inrmen e.l with thai bated complaint'' FE VER Ac Af!LE, o BILIOUS INTERMIT Tb NT FEVER, or Cmtua ad Ftraa. as it i. variously e.lli d. The umve a I v. ice of this en tire romniiini.y Maine to Oeo'gi t' ami from the Atlantic lo the R.H-ky Mnumaina, declares UOWAND'S IMPKOVED tONIC MLXTUKR to be Ihe great end only ta fe. ' and radiral Cure, wt.en pioprrly used. I hia c he eon. I nvcit.d. !i re-lorea the natural fctlngS tvu t Imtie fy of the eo'ittitut'uit in a manner thai no thing tine wi I. Et'raet of a leMer. tinted Liwu row.v. Pa. Oct 10,111 Every hot'te of th Intf r .v.d Tonic Mixture sent haa been a.. Id, ai.d f do not know of on-- in alani e thai il did n afTect a eore. Foil, ho'llea cured fie rsrea of ihe wo at kind of F. trr and . gue one Cite waa mvailf. After trying t,Ju nine and all other enri'a ih .ncl t of by my Physician find ng no relief, I fl tally ni for b ttle of your Tonic Mix'ure, and W..S lidieVed. in fact cured in 31 honra I'lrj.s .end on a fr ah supply, as th re a none lef-.' Yn a. tn'v, SAMI EI. HOPPER. 3j Soli on Agency in SunUiry, by II. M n-si r so J oihera, and all ihx 5Slor-k-e era in the adjoin im Coitni ea. Oct iht-r 17. 1316 '1 IIE iihlir ate h r bv noidii d, iIiai ihe fl idg" from the No t' uinhe.l.n I a'ooe lo the l-la tl ia now o far c. mp'eied. 'hat ii ran he trv Ib-J with a'v t y all lairiagia of I uribeo, as well a all .ihe. t, dec. I) Hit A I) I'll) AM, Pr-'l NonhM IJri.ltfe Co. Nord umhetland, Oct. 10. 1816. It ltR trial in ihe t'itir of Common Ple of Nor thnm' eiland Countv, at No. Teim, 1816, cniivi.viiciiig the firal Mondty, bring the ?J. Seiixiniger, alienee of (iarvrr va John Oarver et al William Farrow v Abrah tot Klare l'.-m'ih for MeCov, va Felix Mnucret al Wilbam 9imentnn va John e-hioman .loh i Heod ra iii'n he'na va Ureenough ft Shipman Wm I. tlfli.ern-in vs llartman II Ki reble IVier Rirh'er tie va iJof'go V ftarrn Frang'a U.ill'a a.'m'r Jlaniel M. Sechler Ahraham Terwdliger v Robins .V. Xewhcrry I hn MrL oiirhan tdiii r v Cha-lea Meriit k .1 din A Idovd vs Wm B Mt-Ilonald John Kane & w'.fe Wm E McDonald Wm foti Frederick B'rkenhine Kendeiion Smith el al Wm t r Ci John Mrliimn J Fii-m n ei al Henry M .saey -lln'ii it II. -in et va J .hn Nri lig iV wile va J hu A I.Uy I t J hn Lloyd vs John Haritnan a '.rre tirai I it al va i i r 1 1 .,! Iioao va Widitm Siatke Vs AtieU'iiM dc John Huey va T A HitiiiiR'nii Va laaae llroivn John P Kentit dy et A va J it A Nidi man Hone va Hame Mary Ret it al n Hen-y Snvdcr rl at Win II Ponip'a asbi;n. e va Win Welch llenj mil It.'hiliS a valentine IVM vs Win MeCmly rt al va Wm Sei g and Elilv be'h Waenrr va lloch R d ei al vs Iti-t.janiin t'niihy V Salnine Sri'g v .1 tini-A Co'i rt Vs Jn-ob (iei'batt rt al va Thomaa it at vs Wil.i iin Kiaiks va Rohtrt Pbi'ipa va Levi II ban . t lleiny M ,aer William Raker Sarah Reed Charle tiratg John Itrrtotk Chail. a t t g. Jr. Peter H ddv M l Craiglt ' I..I.0 Mctioiiies J -hit Parker rl at Willi. in M -Coy J Jotiiioon for Wiae At It i .a va Daniel fii m-.n rl al liilbaui Corn l-'s ex'rs v. Phil p rV II-my Itcnu l'hilad-ldiia U ink va 1 ilm .iniiini Fh Irher Maihewa va Daniel Wri-lner Ja.-o'. Suiheri for John H, ii.-rt . (.. t: VrKie Hi John W P. al va Dr Jicol. II Ma... r 1) N I. k - for Wm Pa-row . J ,c..l. Rre.l Joai-p'. M In. an va Khain Coil A Ir m Co Dmiel Wei-'iier i 'irhel ' h CBak. I Prler Ur.i.ina va t in ..p.- S .fi et e Wm Hia ka A Wife va J..h i Mi ( nm a . Fr. dcri- k M i rr IT limn Ar e.i va Hen.y Mas rr . t a va ( .ot I,, i ei lin.j J -. Folk rV P Conr .J i t kI ti R.-v J P sh n le James Mi rnll'a ex'rs va F I. lama, ml ot Ii Wal a 13 iNia f Hi C air va f ia re Kim x'a a x'lt Win Ht.ann. u'a h. i a va Tuni ( t.r!niit Martin Haas Henry Manser Philip Wickery el al vs IVi. r II el t.1 JOHN F.UNS.OKI II. Pimhon. tar ' fll e. J I'rMh'y. Knnhury. ttn. 10, 1M6 ' Notices IM he-et'v tiv.-n lo .11 I., rredjinra, and . ber ppraona e-tnl in ihe eat itea of John Hauchawoul deeM, aeitlel by hi ilmr IVlrr II iniih iw nil; ef I tulip Khharh tlee'd, I led by hit a hut I'eier Kun-J ( Virhai I ItohS deed, ae . tbtt by hiiii-a John II. d h, Mn ha. I II Mi nod Pailip Hin ib; of Mn h o I K-eer dec'.l. ae Ke.1 bv his a.lmra Diid Kis er and I3i.n il Ki-ien nf B-h.!.-ih Follmer ib ed. erttbd by her kr Wei F. Nagle; nf J iho Uunly tite.'.t, rllUd hy h' admr Virhirl Irf-nker, nf ti mo. I I, thr .br l, .Hi. d h h.arir ej.tlonion Pre-tlert ol J i ,h (I. a- d.w'd, et tied by Ins admr- J.weph OtSA Marl n O .-; the aeeiSunt of John Wnid -r, t'llrdotrt nf John Hnydfr lata nf Nmthtimlieil thd eoni.ty, dveem aed I ihsl tbe el.rutora. admitva rtt..ra and guar. idaiis of the sai.l tlecva.ed III.) hive filed ihi-.r tM-e .UnU witn the Hegwier nf this e mniy, a r) t'.st ihey willbrearnM?J lolhe Diphsn.' u. ofsaul eouniy, mt Tnea.lsy ihe 3d day oi November (icy l, foi eonOrniation anj ailowanea, . . - K. -. . EDWARD OYeJTclJ, eunbtjry, Oeaj, 5J, Ittv, Reiier. -- ULJMiauiJi fij . . I aMJie. J...lLiijjajrwgt - XiXST OF JURORS fXV iVorihiimlierland County, fr N.ivembi-f vy Tetm, A. 1). lAIA. . i j fa ran (I .Tiirors. - Tttriuf. Samuel lllain, Nslhaniol MtCny. Lewi. John Linaherh., , Mil(on. Solomon D.eUcf Jcrret, Jesepli Hogrn dohl e. . . . .... CfWiVarjKOTtte. John IL Vincent. : , rntrrf Jarnh II .rnhait. , Northumberland J DielTmbachet. Atlanta -Ephratm Lyile, George Fetterman, Ssmuel U-eaer, Shaniukln -T.nreran MeJIer, Coil T)a v,l DiUmsn, I 'pper Malumoy. -fjentge Shanel, Daniel Deit set. jrtr'er' Mnh mny Solomon Rrler, Samuel Dr. -ni ti, Jonathan L' riker, Jiieltann. (i.-orga O .rm in. Vii-hael flower, Ja cob Hdbiah, Jacob II .iT.nsn T).niel Hi bish. jr. TiMVtre .luror. T-irhn. Thnmv. Pollock. Wm. P Hull. Leu-it. Wm. Leweia. H rphen fling. Prlnwnre. M. J II. Kelchner, John flechtel . .WtiinG. K Ried.-r, Hamu I Rlinala, Robert M Prick. f h'Vuqnnqtte. S .mnel McMahon, John Deck, ley. I3hari a (3rrg Henrv O h.on. Pn-nl. t'ha-lea I'aiki. Jons ban Pur-el, S'lrthnnthrrhnd. J m s (3ok. Wm. T. Horl S'inhttrif. f'onr.v I Kerahner, Henry Thomp son. Henrv 8impa-'n. Oeo ge Cfirk. Anrita.l tcoh (Liner. Jacob Wampn'e, Wm, R'raa. Walter Speece, Wm. S.lverwotvl, Caleb H.irr.. Shaninkin fJcnrg Amo'd, George Fot, Bet- jimin Adima. Peter Haa. Jonaa Mit'chler. Jiuth. .l.iaeph Camtib-I', tarries L'lk'tisn, J i- coh I aahell, C B'lea I . Ce irheit. fori. J ihn ECfl. Upper Mnhnnm .. - .hn Mover. ITenry II la. Ijower Mtihimcy Mait n tlai man, Dvid Sci'er, John spt- John DocVey. .i'e Muhnnnu. Conrad fteak r. Jiehnnn. Wm D, II iTnui, Joun Dani. I, Pc ter Rubei.tli il Oeorge lU-lter. Pel it .Iiii'ors. Twhul. Diniel Fid'mer. .civ. John Gare Slahl, Adsm Rlatm. Sa iojel McNinch. tcou'rrre--Wm II Dry on, P. C Vincent, rteorue l.illev. Joseph Hi'y nd, Dav'd Siahli.rtbir, David ft. rid Wm. Fii'k.s'oe,. St ttn.S .hn W KitiilT.n n. Chiltitijiltiqnr. John Flicker. Tunis Oearliait f'n'lll Jacob Den .r. ILnry Ainmrrman. A'Ufiiifa. Henry Haa, Itinrv Got'todl, Oeo. Zi r ut.-iin ni, Ch rl s Oohin, 11 rman Kline, jr. &Fitimnlc!l Nl iv 'a ol H mgl ner. Kah. C -i-p r U.d'. Ro' en Sr.vt. Nat' an P. gg. Upper MalionfiJ Wm. Ke'ger, J. hn lierry, Pet.r O :at Lnwtr Mtihtfioy .-n. o-ge Pr iriona, Renjamin D y-i. d ni Ufg man, Samuel Wilmer, j itkrttn Siini II K If, Martin Zartman, J..cob Hr.ale-. Su ted In Ihe ll tmnn Cn.I Uilnn. and equal to the cure every tnmble D tease, W II be f nful 'n WRIGHT'S KDliJ TEr.ETAtil.E riLLS, or this ortl American Cnlloc ontcitltti. riHF.SE exl-aordinarv Pills are rompo-ed of JL planta wloch grow iinmil own a. l'. mitl afe, tber. fne, t eller nl .p'r d I i our con--liiUti. na than from lor. ign d, however well ihey may le romiiouniled and aa Wh'Oiit'n I in a VtoarsMiK PiLt.a ae f.iuiuleil u on the tif'neni'e Ih th" human l-ndv ' mirii h SUBJECT TO UUT ONE IMSEASB. namely, rOnnit humors, and II at aaid Mediiine cuiea Ihia tb eaae on IWlrim. Phi vein r.. by cleansing and pur'fyi-it lie Im ly, it will I mvn-if.'r-t th if I'm com I toij in he not emiielv i x-haut-ted, a pt laeveiaiic" in iln ir ime, areording lo 'i', i- nb-oluirlv feit im lo Jiive il kea e of everv name from ihe hoilv. Wi en we wi-h lo re to e a a vnp or mornaa lo fertili v. Wc the ri n ol the -np.-iahuti h ni a'r r I ike manner, if we wia'i lo re'ie the body to hi allh, mn.t c!e ie ti nf imimii v Wlfitill l"8 I M N VElii: I' A RLE I'll.' s w ill l e found . no t f ihe btr-l, if i O' Ihe vt rv beat nn tlh-ii.p in the w t.ld fir a-i i g mi! thi . II ax ii PumrriNn Pnt.riet.K. htcauae i..y tel Xi ni .'he b iily i ll morbid and c oritot hum r. ihe-e m-e I the d, in an e ..y i ltd Natural Manner ; ml win e ihrV rverv day oivk m.. n fLt A viiR. di e.aetf every nunie Is rapid y dihcu IV, ni tile laaly. The fo!l wi g hicblv lesp'Tla'd- r-toiekerpe a have I e. n diilv SO o.n'.d ng n'a for Ile nil - ot UWgAs Ind.ttn Yegtlulk 1'il't, itt Noitliuuib. r- I II I ro'jiitv : llenrv, ui.h.oy, E. Ac J K inlV'ii.n, .Anaua'a towns), ip. Sao ni l lle.b. Lil le Til .h noy. Will am 1'eppen. J ek.on. H. n.-vilU. Holalitie, I'poe' M .hotioy. Joint (i. Reno, Up ei M .hoiioy. San. in I John, 8tiaiiokni.o n.", Wil-ontk I'o.. N 'lihuinbeilanJ, E. I.. I 'per W.ii-oiihiug. r i d cV. Maya McB .en-vtHe. Jam a P.rtl. ( Win. Ii Sc II. R.i.l v He. la''iiiHii Knce' ie. Elv-h.i'T P. 0. Am a T lie.', Tii'l u.atil'e. (i d on S;.g 'el. I'p; e' Mjho. nv. Rl o.e rV Fa"i v. Snvdi-iMoWit. J t'.n K'l'g. Farm- i-v I'e. si i '. t'o. k Moti ,'. i.'irk. J. I'e Young IIi.U-v I-. (. A! ralmn i. r Rt hmvut.' S inmil Ty'o'. S i. l-.r . Jo n II. Vinretn, Chtharj srj le. Win He nen A It., the.. Mi l ... rr OlhVe- tv.liia.tey lei 'he .ale IT Wbl ilirs INDIAN VEOK'VMtl E PILLS, f il e No ih Aim l cm O 'leg" i f He .hh No SS tire, innit-h S(r,rt. .N.w York; N . I'.lt Tr nioni Si-ee.. Iioao,.; and PR N M I'A I. t ) Fl K 'E No. ;fi'. Rrs SrnT. I'l. di Ulphij. IS pi. 9b. lln. ty L'NulV.M.l.t U AU UNKQUAl.I.EI) In inling Cii'tl-, t'tiiiiiba, Ai'.um, It. ilm t.t i, tV llo .nig ('..iij'i, and all lli-e.a-a id' .. big St and lui ga, I. .oil. g to t 'o.winnrt. tinu o-rd of ihe eoneenir .led til h i "I OiH herbs 1 1 or. In. u.d, U -ne II. Itbioilr-Hit, and ' " " ""rr'"' tfViiar i-iher ge. , . r. ,. Ide ei hl .l Ca, , - I - Wanaiiie.! i . PURE FROM ANY MKRL WHATEVER. 'PHI- tnv I i"ln Mettirm a the toil I kietaly , a. id c.'ittin tt'ine.ty i voi 'iKv. ted f i the t!. I uve com, da d 'i a lliouand' wh'i have u.ej it wi I it'Siify, i'sti tab', iu Buhbury. by . . ' J. W. VRILI.VO. end i N..M e.rrlii.j, by ) UHAUl'IOAM, aoJ at whotjuW. Iu I'bilati. Ipbie, by 1 ;.:."..,' V-... V f. k le pt ds Co, " (Trjrnes of PaeenJ and Callow hill tlrevts. rVp'aaehei I9'b, IM6 1 ...'L - ML.. .l .J JL -I 'JJ-l-K. II! rXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY! BArJMJ3S3 OAK BB OUAEO It COOl'ER'H E I'E RIAL OIL A prompt and la-ling remedy for Datraraa, also for paint an I di-rharge of matter frnm.the Ears. If ii'.ilit ( of rua a in ca-es deemed utterly hope le shive d mly e ls'diheil its superiority over tv ry f .riner Medic it discovery, Thi va'iinhto Aeoust'C Medicine ia a compound of four ililti-n nt Oda, one nf whi. Ii, the active and P'iiiriial ing e'ienl, ia OMiine l f om the bark of a ci riaiti epi-ei-a of Wtvbf, a new a'.d elf.ctuil agent iu the ruie nf De .f. e-e. I'er.oiia who had hern d af for 10, l.i and even 20 year., h ive I ire 1 pettnanenily rured by nail g H.ia 1 il. In ftct, an numetons and so rmphi'ic have been the le-tim uiiala ih !( fairo-, lhl the in. vr n'or ctaima for 11 the ills 1111 iion of an Infallible Reniedv. in all esses, when the Ear Is prrlect in it. fiimiti n. Fot further pa-i cn'ara, and evidence of i'l Jeal value, are print. .! ahe.ta, in the hinda of Agenla. F. r a b in Su. I n v, by J. W. FRILINO. 8rpleuibrr 19. h. I.S40 ly TAI.Ii iyilLLINERY JOHIT ST01TS h. 301T3, Uenlrrs in Silks, llilibons and Milli nery Ciooili, Art- 4-1 Snnik Srrnnd street, PHILADELPHIA, V AVR nw in ftore a huge assortment of 1 1 Rlc-li !I Illlnt i7 oodS, A JnpIrd lo Fall rii'e-, meh aa ilonnei Si'ks and s iiina fiuvir. J nnd pt tin. Fancy Ribbon, nfrntiielv lirwayl s. I'l no Mm. 111 ai d Satin Ribbons, of all widlht. iTack sod t'nlrr ed Si,k Vi Ivna. Fienih Fancv Feall era end Flowers. Farcy Ceo Nrta and Laces. Uockiania. Willow, Clown .Lining, Ac. &c. Many of the above nr iclea beit g of iheir own imp r ation, they ar. enitilcd o oILr them at Ihe low eat price rhdadelhis, 5 h. 1SI0 1m CHKAPKST IX Illla WORLD! Meant Itclined Snnr C?andlei, ISA rT eru eoi:n. wit 'trstva. J J. ItlCIIAKD&O.N, N". 42 Maikel Street, , 1'itit.Anr.i.PHt a, takes p'eaur. in nfo ming n e put. he, thai he Mid conlinura to tell hit very Su lienor Seam Rt fined Candy at the low price nt 1 1 3 50 1 er 100 pounds, and ilie quvlity it rqu .1 to any inai.ul irluied iu the Uni ed Sintcs. He 1I 0 1. 11" ra n kind- of good ill iho Crrfee 1,'onrry mid Km lu.e i.l corre-pomling low prices, as q nek sales and .nvill piolita are the order of I ie thiv. t3all or .ei d your order, and you cannot f.ll lo be eati.fled llon'l to. get ihe number, 42MAR- KEP l TtEET, PHILADELPHIA J. J. lilLH ARDSON. Ancot29h l(tfi.rim W. H. THOIVIPSON, l''tliioii:ililc ROO T AM) SIIOK MAKER, M.tlKtH Sltir.liT, SfSBl-BT, Fllll XNKFI'L tor pt-l lavore, bega leave to In M. f irm It a fi lends and ihe public get erally, lhit te jo t returned from le eity wi h new and fanhtofi i'd Iia'.. nut a ful anaortmi nt of Litjh' eo re.!. Pronre, l!lik Kid. and all i.thrr k f Morocco t r Oi nt 'em. n. I.adiea and Chil 'ren'a enr; and he annirea all b., mav fivor him with iln-ir t il-ioio. thiy ni ty rely tip m having thrii v ak d i e in I'.e in. 1.1 i!lNt.n,tial nd f.ishionah'e manner, .md s' v. iv low pice. He al 0 ha a full a-e -r'nient of I iw piiee.l Vot'x, cbet d l y him- f which hn will tell lowr I'.iai. vr-r .11 red 111 Ih's place, vix: M. n'a Shoe. as low at Ex rt S ou- R ot, It aid Lace IJ o s lor Women, W't.ineii' Sip, Clnldr i.' Sli. e.. S. le Li it' er, Mo-ocrO cVc, fot 0w Ali(iiiat22l. IPaij nptMtl f 1.00 2 0.1 I.IIM f.O 55 IBoot & Shoe ESTABLISHMENT. D AM I .l . I) I I ' K KM I MsK R . M At . LsttiUislimriit, in Muthtt S:reet, Su utility, (ot iKwstiK iiik Hi:i "l.tiiM flOTrU) ' HJ E I'ljlO. I ia 11 hiik. tor p-sl tivor. ad re al V "I"1' f ll"'ina hi filen l anil the pit' lie eei rra'iv, ih tl he foi 'incr a to nt inuf.icHittf 16 Ol der, in ihe 1 ra'eal and la. e l -iv'e C liril HOOTS 4I SHOES, wirii'te.) f i' e lea- mal lid, and uiade hy the inoBt i ii .il n cl v o k i.eo. tie 1 lo keep on '..u.d 1 il a-o tiieu of faahionalde 1) ml for g tt I me.., together niili a larje flock of fishimi. begenil men' h.o I i ' and hi'd en's Sh.ics, II of w hieh h -ve he. 11 in ..'e under II 8 own imme diate no.; reiioii. ai d it'C or die heal ma'erial and wo km .ii-h 't w I i.-ii h wdl seJ I ov fr caah, Iu 0 I lil'O'i 10 ihe ' ove, he ha junt liCeivtd from Phlhid to'. l.i -j Irrrie un.l eleniv auppiv ol II 10 , sil Ae. 1 f u I I. -c: ipt.niia, which he al-n ( t h. I hao t ver Wo 1 e off rej in I la p!ace. He leipeelfully intiiea his old enstn. me-s, and ut'.it rs, 10 t all and lainiue for ih.'in . Iv a le ring with nr'nlnes and del'Hlch. e-u i'ms iUiil IS h, 1816. WIIOM'.SAt, K WVa ttj A".Wjil lO.iWw.iiis HUM' F(it C.H. io. rt.. fi.itti?, Third Mi eel. nlu.vt f'hunut, V It It AS 3 I. V II I A. ATr.N Ati cirt MtiiAtTtii.a aooTt AM Mtoi.a. rpllp. s.d.-cri'.er ha-'.,,i,e the l.brr'y ol addrea. 5 ring the pnh ir, ,t,.f,l ihey will finj il 11 tin !r ii. er-,0 rail and m'ne bia t:e k cf 11 10 an,) sm,. f ciiAiut ll.emtelves with ,,' I '' e. . -piling ei I aivi-U fin II e Ca-h, he t erahlej nd d-'ieri.ottri! t i si l) iow.r lliun any oiber ivgu I tr rnii.r i.i it eei'v, . , , Per on wi f prP. M eianrna ihe mvikei thn "uglily, al.J, Ufoe pturhaaing, call i 'he noie or THUS. L. EVANs. ! No S'5 S.i h Third, above Chcei'ijt St. Pt iltde(bi.. Atiir. IStO. 1 P"Txrc-.p:wt iiii nir irat-t.i.g Create. Dry Pain M1AP, 1.4 l- aitits. Varnish, Tar, U ag fan rloli'H.g of any-description, sr. ranlKl to 1 lo inju'e ihe cloth or Ihe ino-t tletieu'e rotor. Tlii I qu ti bus also teen uaaJ wt'h prtnt sin ce in ra i4 liutm,, TtM r. Iinile on .the fvH Vbtped bai'da, Hore ht. Kheusna tUm. lisid or toll Corns. du. fjf Piice, licle. per hoi lie. For sale at the tteie of Jaly It, 1641. II. MAS6IR. PHfa"Saf DENTJSTIXY. Jacob hellep., nntMNKFUI. for the liberal encouragement H Whh H bb hat rereivnl. wotil I rrap'-cllo'ly trif.rn hi friends and the dtitena of Northttm' ef land eouniy In grnbrel, that he bs preptrrd I tn self wt'i ihe best Incorruptible Tet th. Hul l Plata, Cold Foil, fee , that ran he h id In ihe cilv nf Phi lad. Iihis end lhai he w l endeavor, t.t theatmnat nf hi ability, lit render full ealitfacl on to a'l who in. y Ihii.k pidper to i ngige his aervice. He will be in tStinhtiry at Ihe Angu-t court, where h- will ha prepared, at bi feaUletith. to Insert Teelh mi C10I I Plate, or on Pivot, on ihe I ileal end mo- at pinved pi ma, nnd sllend to a'l the branches taalui B ins to DEN I' M SURUERY. Lidi t will be wiiled 011 at iheir places of reri denbe, if desired. Hiaiharsea will be reasonable, and bis wdsT vnr-onled. He will visit difT. rent parts ef t!.e county, a'.ioij t once In three m n'a. Bontiurv, July Ifcth. 1S4S .(In ' E. IIirIBER, JR., .Vo. 31 j'or I'mtrih Street, vnJir the Mi r. chantu' Unlet, P Ii 1 1 a tl c I p It t a , 4 la it" nr. ria paius KEEPS cuntttilV on hand an extensirt at unrlmenl i f a'l liinila of S.ifc) Fur tnd I',e v. 1 Mat, which be 1 IT. rs for sale irft the moai rr w snnable term. Ilia Hata are mede try hi the h.. tnslerisls. and in the moat spprove.1 rtle. Per on visiting the Ci'y will find it lo llieir Inti rest 1 j. call. . July 1 1 th. 18 1 1T SILVEIl MEDAL, AWASOrO BY THE MASKUS tSSTITITt, 1843. Cily Dnptmolypc EstaLlishmcat. (Latk Simiius &. t'or.ttsa.) N'o. 100 Chetnut tt.. Aore 77iirrV, South tide, Z'lIIXaADBI.rafJZati. MINIATURES taken equally a will in cVn dy at in e'eir we .iiirr. A dirk silk i".r a lady, and a black suit lor a gentlemnn, are I rcf.'Tabie in aitiing fi r a pictu e. No ei'ra iharsi ia Jitau for totofii g, and peilecl likerctvcs a- gtMran-icd. m-L w aaaaaa ee MISITIT FOU1N AJLIM JHLUA-lJsUi riHnHon.eha.i.ndeT. r.e1' i'o"ghl icpair, J The proi.tirior Mtlicil its f,-'fr"""1.-Tcrms $1 S3 I rr duv. WM. W. DIX. AK'I II UK L. FOGG, Ju'y 4, 184C 1 v Pni n.i " CHESIIUT STaSET, P II I la A D i: la i' IJ I A . THIS laree and r .tmmodioiis Hoti'l hilit rrrerdty been fitted tin. wjih enire new ljftiiiure. The aNbarritiera th rrefore solicit the patronage ..f the hblic, and liuaiihat Iheir i jpeiietice in lln buetnert will i '.tahlc tlum lo give tuilrc sjtisijc tion. Term modei,i... H J.;LEY, MrKENZIE 3c Co. Ju'y 4ih, 1816. ly PZ-TFiTT ATTCEITETS, AND MP.t.'H ANICAL F.XGlNnLllS, WAEIII1TGTOIT, D. C. "JT1?A WIN (is and Piiprr- for Ihe Pa'em Oi tTt.JP fice wdl he pr-fand by thvui, al iheir oIE.c, ..pio'ne ll.e Pa'ent I'dice. Jnlv. 4'h. ISi'i. Iv 1 .11 V O Ii t' 4 . T " Tt) ALL COUNTRY H OUSTS 2EPi:ilS, in .v In- sure of ..Li in nn, m I lire ne. I hitjh'y fl ivoVid l)y. ll.ti filicli- p .in.. I or .iiioer nun t.iv. ol lha EVlilti Tea Contemn, '9 IVtti (. houses 30 tvu!h SiMid ttreel, hitmen Xurhet und r.'t irrrrv, a?IlII.At)ELniIA. llerelrfore il h-,n beril rry d'tHeilM, toil ed, al mo-1 tmoossihV. a'anv M nie.iin f!" Ii nnd Ml ck 'I eaa. Ilm tl -W t . u have to Iv W Vi it iho Pi k'll Tea C..ii.ii. V Sl-re. I ohtaiii a. i'i I i i im nd fragrant Tr.t it y u could iti Ib-i A I 'n-ies ejn ht-ie ' e , with the luhau1 jge of Q.'. i. g pore erliel et n Imv, . June 7 ''. Ili I 'a! I'cte ratid K il It d Sculea, Co: I and il n V d i In n VrthilUcV i!j IViiidd" Platform t'.v W il Hoit n' M", Pnm nt or H u r tlo ft tiiir nut nf". Cciinier d.i VI tl f!e fid Ur, Tiie al .va S. a'ea aro mi le r il er ait '' ne lou'i'e I nun, and it' i , (.eeti a'e and contei i- leeided'y ihe u. .. uu a.,i,. eiil-c.l.a i il r lute i.(, e lo lilies I'l.. f (ml aid Ciu.l r S.'ul-n. ll.,l.anc'a an l eveiy ki'.d of Vf'K!-i, M obil i m tt-e f ra.iV.wlt. le ale und it-iinl, at I nv prie. a. All ScuVs an!d I V in o go ot" tha by, are boxed Ir. e of clir,;!', and Wf.raiiit d to b.vb aatif,euon i i the pnn ll-aer III eveiy pirucii! r. lillAV HIM I HER. Menufiiclnrria and IVnltrs, No, :ll at-eet, Ju iO it. 1H46. Iv I'hitudeljdiM. OHORSF. SHOE'S. R union' Pat. nt Ils'tr SloK-s, for sil 'St manufi.-tur. la' p ui-l, by c::ay t's P!:otim:r. Jtir.e 27 IP41 - 1 v S-1 Wei ii' -I. Phil.-'. VAL1 .X?,. U Vo k ,ll III lll'll I bill! I'-fl. i'jt ple at mniiiifi.C'u'er' ffc l-v tilUV A 1W.O I HE U. Jone 7. ISlrt. ly IM U h tit .1. I hd.J. CLOTHI1T Ga tiioli:sii.i: im iu:riir. 'TVIE iii'i id . ie eo' nartilv mr uf u-turinif f tun II e la-al Fr nch, Entli'b aed ,'t ma t :rjanefai iu'C.I t'l U.a ami taa-.u.e:, t-J.I t I'l l V ( J s) -a v.-vy aupi ri r a vie, em ai d vorkma-ihir. IVisom iiai.g to tllem 'dl flml mte of iho U'rvsi ai d te f Ion ' slock of Bd t" r'e. tt 11 in lU City, Si d H or p e- e.'ei led I w price , . , J, i . rV IS. II. I liKI-.K ... . . l'"t M nkr! ! I'l" N. 11. A h'je a-or'in.i-i ol Odd F.'l ' gtbae tsn It ou b i.d, snd a I r ir- from I Ol ilHll'i.ltlil Mla' nisi JP atUndeil to. oil Ih. liberal terms. "J. W. 6t E. I I'tnlsdtlpltie, Jane S7ib. 1848. I y Pi J I i'o il l tj Mil A 1 d I J ; do il j I ilo ilo I di) tlo He ' v'af t hio-t J-a.