Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 31, 1846, Image 2

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    Latest from the tooth.
Mtlancholy Fate if Lievtenant Price
The last mail received from New Orleans, dt
iml 17lh instant, bfinjrs) mi further intelligence
tmni tbe Army. The Tropic report the death
Lieut. C. R. Price, and two oluntcer, who
were murdered by the M-icat.g on their way
from Cetnargo to join General Taylor at Monte
t' f. Tht informant atatei that the bodies of
Mr. Mce and hiitwo companions wrc found
i,in in the (trass some distance frum tho road
W-adinp frivn Camaro to Monterey, completely
riddled with bullet-holes. The bodies ( tuen
ten Mexican $ohlirr$ were hjimr scattered
around t hem. As he and his two compmions
wre armed with revolving pistols, it i
ed they must have killed the eiei'r t Stxi
ennt in most desperate eneouritiT. Lieut.
Pre belonged to one of the tiiiinni volunteer
tv.rpt which were disbanded, but he determined
to devote himself to the Cause tf his country,
and remained, to meet, as it eventuated, with
the abive melancholy fate.
One hundred recruits fbr the 1st Regiment of
P:i;rot had arrivrd at New Orleans, under
tie command of Col, Kearney, a relative of
"5ncral Kenrney. They are reported as a fine
t-My cf men and their hursetall uueculor, iron
Twelve thousand letters were brought in the ,
Viftil from Mm.terey after the battle.
, Urn. Wool's Division. Late accounts from
'Calvcitmi bring intelligence of Gin. Wool'
. Hioveminta. On the -9th nil. he, at the head
W 3,500 men, took up his line of march finm
Ran Antonio for Presidio, the advance guard
having left on the Saturday previous. Cnpts.
llickey and Doane, Lit-uts. Ueed and Kelloj!?,
t the United Suites army, attached to (Ten.
Wool's division, and 43 tick and discharged vo
lunteers, arrived at New Orleans on the 15th
Thr Ca.vtcm plater Attack o Tammco.
""her snpear to be no doubt that the Govern
ment hi, within a few week1, nrdt-red an expe
dition from the Rio Grande, under General Pat
terson, to move down the cost, and, in co
operation with a part of the naval force blocks
iiiti? Vera Crut, to take possession of the town
f T'impica This place is about two hundred
and eighty miles south of Matamnra, and near
ly tho snuie distance, north, from Vera Crui
West of Tampico, about one hundred and forty
miles n the interior, and near the head nf the ri
ver Pa nn co, (at the mouth of which Tampico i
sit'isteil) lies the city of San Luis Potosi, an
important point on Geurral Taylor's line of
mirch to the ci'y ofMtxico. Ilia therefore
s-jhly prubible that the force, or a great partot
, under General Patterson, after capturing
Tampico, (where thev will probably meet with
1 10 serious resistance.) will advance inland, and
form a junction with Gen. Taylor at San Lui.
ft' IhiB be the plan of the Government, it will be
fortunate one; for now that the feuds and d in
fractions of Mexico have been reconciled, a no
t whole people united, by the return of Santa
Anna, whose restoration our Government un
fortunately aided or connived at. General Tay
for will have need, we fear, of alt the rein'nrce
menta at the command of the Government to
enable him to triumph over impediments of so
lone a mirch through a difficult, and hostile
country. What energy, courage, and prudence
ran do, we know that General Taylor, anil his
brave and now severely tried army, will eflTrc! ;
and to these we trust to carry him victoriously
through the arduous and perilous task befure
him. Rational Intelligencer.
East Method or Takino San Juab or.
(Jl.lxiA. Wicej the Eronaut, prnpntes in a
Lancaster paper to take the Cattle of San Joan
hy meana of a balloon, loaded with pcrcoesinned
bomb shell and torpedot, and manoeuvred by a
cable five feet Ion jr. The balloon to take posi
tion directly pver the catle, and then to dis
charge its destructive content, upon tho heads
if the devoted dona. With this trial warship
hangin; mile above the fort, supplied with a
thousand percu$ioned bombshell, the Castle of
Vera Cruz could be taken, he tbinke, without
the loaa of single life to the army, snd at an
rxpenae that would be comparatively nothing
r what it will be to take it by the common
mode of attack. As Mr. Wise understand the
operation, he ia the very man to entrust with
thie important undertaking. Should ho take
this redoubtable fortress hy thei-e novel means,
he will acquire a renown that will go far to ri
val the claims of General Taylor to the oexl
Presidency. Phil. Lerfgrr.
Discorxitr or a Tlasst Le Vomer's
Planet, so long snd eagerly sought for, wa dis
covered on the 23d of September, at Berlin, by
M. Galle. It was observed in London, nn Wed
neaday niht, Septrmber 29th ; and its position
wss, on csepU-mkr 20th, at 8h. lfim. 21.
Greenwich mean tune; right attention, '2 lb.
6 Jin. 20. Its appearance is that of a star ol the
eighth magnitude. lU course is far beyond
that ol the planet Uranu; and it must be very
large body, a it disc ia two or three aeeond in
riiameter. Toe Uoatnn Courier saye that it wa
probably seen on Wednedy evening at the
Cambridge Oberrvatory. It was seen al the
Washington Observatory on the night of tbe
23J. ,,
And if 't were not lawful.
The lawyers would not on It ;
And if 'I ware not pious,
Tb clergy would not choose it ;
And if 'I were nut dainty thing,
Tb Udiaa would not crave it J
A ad if 1 wer net plentiful,
. TW fmr girhj ceeld eel bavs it.
Have Root I Orr.
Mr. Jw Antdefatw address a letter to the
editor- ot the United Slates, with regard to
divo-rr which admits emigrant to the valley
of the W,:iiainette by a southern route. lie
write t'r.i'ii P..rt Hall, September 10th:
The tv w rntite follows the road to California,
about H'JO uiilea from this place, and enters the
Oregon Terr tort by the way of the Clamet
take, pi through the splendid valleys of
the tl.'ciie and Umpqtia rivers, and enters the
Vsrll-7 f the WiDiatnctte, near it- southeaatern
Th J ettviitifape gained to the emigrant by
this Mute is of the jrreatest importance the
distance i considerably shortened, the grar-s
and wafer jdeoty, and th sterile region and
the ri.inpi-rous crossings of th S take and Co
luiuS rivi'ra avoided, as well as the CmeiI.'
mnun'ii'na he may reach his pl-ic of destina
tion with his wagon an.l property in time to
b'li'J a Cub'i and row wheat before the rainy
sra'on. This road has been explored, and
will bo opened at the expense of the citizr-m of
Oregon, and nothing hatever is demanded of
the emigrant.
Gov. Diipua aril party, with many other fnmi
lie of respectability, have changed their desiti
nation, and are titiw on n:t wny to O epon.
Some of the e.nigranti intend etoppini? in the
iiii.qoa vullry, which,- thornth to no lare, it
quite equal to the Wiiliamette for t-rt.lity.
A way bill, fully der-cribintr the mad, will b
prepurrd and r-eut to the Unitr-d Statei, (r t
Fort Halt, for the use ol the t-miyn.iitn of lSl7,
and no pilots will b required.
Ti e exploring party left the upjter nettle
merits of the Williametlo on tn 2")th June bint
crop were uviFt prnmifiii)?, and the farmer
in Inch rpirita. Thfy m'l a larjie einijrratinn
from California, consintinif o( the Hon. Fel x
Sjott, late of S. Charleo county, Miamnirt, and
mnny othi-rs who left the United &tute lntt
year. Tlu-y give a decided pi e'erence to Ore
gon over California.
Zik: Orts in I.rtnoH C01 ki v We have re
ceived Irnui CtHipertbor, l ih (,h county, a
beautiful epi'c iini n ot rilira if, or el c'r c
calamine, trom a mine on tte luiidtt .(' Mr, Ji
coo Wewrnifli, ljufon ,rf. tie vin
from w h'lh this was taken, at llie d-v'' of tw rn
ty-thrpc tett, fio dctibt cnn'aii a a v.-iy reat
quantity, a the ,rr tome within f.ur feet ot
the hurlace. Tlic ten, Ud or nevt t-ei rr.a to be
rnihracrd within a tract of twei.ty acre, w tlnn
half a mite of the Irltigh Mountain, and tun-
nine pirallel thereta It te in liuiid. i.ed s
tnet, and not far f'nm the tii c mine There are
cluing indications of copper, which are vrry ap
parent m the tpieitneu Bent us. This rpcier
of zinc ore was unknown on the American con
tinent till the discovery of thie vtn in I.hirh
county, about year ago. No efforts had brn
f made to at c rtain ti e extent of the vein or bert
until the past month. Aheft ioo b.inpduj,
and fflorts will no doubt b made to if. vrlope
the full extent of the bed. t'kil Ledger.
Skakk in thb Stomach - -There i a young
in nn in Portland, who insirts thil lie miskc
ir, his stomach, about fV-lilcfft jin'i lon.
The editor of the Bull, 't convrri-t-d ito
him repealrdly on the tubji ct, but cannot reason
him out of the belief, lie srcuui!y aerti, tha.
the enake once extf ntied its haJ ki-vt-ral inchos
cut of his mojtii, but the 1110 nent I.e attempted
to fecure it, it drew back agaui 111 o the ttoiniich.
SrtciAt. Pratcr. Tiie luioii Grz-tie cin-
tains an order by the Queen in G.n.ic.t, that
special prayer should be offered up in all the
Churches of the eatablishin. ut, on the H h i l
October, snd the two follow 'tig Siinrisy ''for
reltvflrom the dearth snd scarci'y now i-xintii'i;
in parte of the Un ted Kingdniu, oing to the
failui of some of the eropaof the prrarn'year,"
CowDrt. The Frederick Examiner states
that there is a mart and hi . ire in that city,
with a family ol eihl children, aoj occupyir;;
a house with only four rotim, ho hsve sixteen
boarders, and wish a few more I
A 11 SALT HV Pl.A(K A Vanki-e from tie
Kennebec diatnet, Maine, dcf nb'-a trmi pi.ce
as bning so healthy that the people rmc In move
somewhere tUt to die-
A Vankec Tbjcx. The (UntoH Time re
mind u of the device tl a geMlnnan in a
neighboripg town lust tali, lo fill hi cellar with
firtl rate puUtoeaal a vtry 10 price. It will
be ri eollrcted that potato- generally werenol
ot the bct qunlity.aiid I tie once wa hih. The
gcntUmnn gave notice mat ha had a ptrticii'ar
desire to get a specimen ot the test serf tf po
tatoes raited thai season, and accordingly oflcr
ed three dollars lor the beat peck that should be
emptied into hi cellarha being the judge.
The potatoes came pouring; in, prrk after peck
those farmer who had difJYrViil tort bring
ing a neck of each, and of il.e very ht of tj-e
lot. The gentleman aooe found he had a
cellar full of first rate potatoes, hen he shut
hie doors, and paid $3- 4a the farmer who left
the best pr-fk, according te hii jodgmrot.
had potatoes to twll in the r-pfmp.
Fi skaces In Alleghany cour.ty, w rs by
a published list, that lbs pambrr of furnaces is
31. In Cumbria county tbers are 11
Coei. At Quebec, en the !9t instant, tb
thermometer ms fiv degree below the freri.
in point, and tb bill wcrs covered with mow.
J.ev is tre that boras and sparkles
la aa as aevtraaNy as Is tbareeel
Saturday , Ottvbir, 31, IS4G.
y Wa refer our readers to an excellent ar
ticle from tbe Harriiburg Argus, iu- relatioo tv
the recent elections.
CJT Canal Commissions. U'e publish this
week the complete efficial returns for Canal
Commisaioner. Power's majority over Foster,
it will be seen, is3 829, something lest than our
estimate, which was lb.000. Tbis result mint
be gratifying to the Democracy of Pennsylvania.
taken in connexion with the future pros pec tt of
the party. The democracy have shown that they
are opposed to the Southern free trad policy of
Mr. Walker, and that hereafter, with candidates
of the right stamp, w e shall com off victorious,
with the o'd fsthioncd majorities. Had Pennsyl
vania gone for Mr. Foster and free trade, thou
sands of rood democrat would have left the par
ty and joinsd the ranks of our opponents. ' The
consequence would have been that the state would
have bicome whig, and the drmorrata would
have lost their ascendency for, probably, many
yeara to come. We are e'ad to are that some of
the paper that were the most tealnii advn
eatea of Mr. Foster'a election, now admit the
error of his nomination. Fven tbe Philadel
phia Keystone, a paper warmly in favor of the
eeneral and state administration, speaks of the
importance of the one term prinriple, and the
necessity ef havine "a new man next year."
when, it says, "we shall carry the state by 50.
000 majority." To all this we heartily sub-
rribe, and are e'ad to see this returning snse of
duty in those w-ho contributed much to bring a
bout the present atate of affairs.
E7" The democrary of Pcnny'vsn'a rhonld
not despond. Thry are far from beinp used up
We still have all the elements though disunited
at the late election which gives strength to the
party. The whigi lave ia true.
The 1st elections have gone against us by de
fault! The causes w hii-h operated then will be re
moved at the next election ; and with pood turifT
men, we will carry the state Vy an overwhel
ming majority. The d-n oera's nf Pi-nnsylvan'a
hive never been defeated twice in succession
A rieicat only re-mvieorntrs them, and arts, in
some mea'iire, as a purification, which is some
times necesssry In a'l rartirs. AVith food men
for out candidate next fall, democrats wilt
attend tbe election with full confidence of mak-
ine a clean sweep, snd aeain re.etablish the as
rendancy of the demociatic party in Pennsylva
tT Our British free trade neighbor of the
Sunbury Gazette, is extremely anxious 'o hsve
11a read out of the party, for opposing Mr. Fo
ter. lie rails us a federalist, and of our.e al.
others who opposed Mr. Foster are placed in the
same category, which, for ins'anre in this place
constitute more than half the democratic party
Rut as ni on has any confidence in the opinnns
of the e litor or the secret hanger-on of the Ga
zette, its malic e has no terrors (or us. That the
Caielte would like to annihilate the ' American, "
or get it out of the way, we have no doubt. The
Garette then might attempt to asnme the name
of tl S Democratic paper, insteaJ of the unenvi
able cognomen of the Tritisb free trade organ.
The editor of the Gazette, will, but limited ideas
of the principles of true demneiacy, effect to
havra most holy horror of federalism, and thsre
fore, magpie-like, indiscriminately hurls this
epithet nf federalist on all who may chance to
crows his path. Whether this hatred is heredita
ry or acquired, rould wily be learned by tiacing
the genealogy cf the editor for one or two gene
rations back, a task we will not attempt at pre
sent. Our democracy consists in alwaya going
in for the interest ol the people, and the people
have thus far alwaya sustained us. The Gazette's
democracy, en the other hand, has been to follow
under the lab of interested office hunters and
partisan leaders. There is certainly a wide dif
ference between the democracy of the Gazette
and ourselves, and we presume it will remain so,
unless the Gazette should make another of its
auddt-n changes.
Thanxsgiving. Gov. Shur.k has issued
his proclamation, appointing Thursday, the 26th
Hay ef November, at a day of thanksgiving and
Webb, one ol the member elect
of the Legislature, from Fradbrd county, died
the day after the election.
TJr Mar.MTtc lH.crH. liepoettit Arrival
cf tanta Anna at iultitlo tvit 13 000 T Mps
Fortifying of Saltit.'u uni Jtconda.- Monterry,
Sept. Cfcth, 7 o'clor k, P. at. An rxprrs ridei
arrived at Santinas, which place he left this morn
ing. It is only a day'a tide this aide of Saltilln.
II state, on lb authority of a Mexican, that
Santa Anna arrived at that place en yesterday
morning, or tbe evening previous, and immrdi
ately commenced fortifying the place w itb vigor
lie had roles than 13,000 men with him, which
added to thossthal ar left her under Ampudia,
will swell his army to over 90,000 men. Re
port further haa it that he ia to errrct work and
batteries at Renrnnada, the limits of our line, by
the sixty days' truce. If all this prove true,
the army may bavs mora bloody work In do
than vr. On thing ia certain, Santa Anna was
hourly experted when Cen. Taylor reached this
place, and many tbiuk that Ampudia'a reasons
for witbihg to retuin waa lh fact that he found
himself in a degree surrounded sflrr tb sot cms
of tbcood division, and b w sniiou to
form a junction with bis ntuisr on tb best tsrms
bs could mak. We shall know so ore abeel tbe
KuJtsr In a day or tww
Rctributivc Justice. In the general de
feat which fie met the democratic candidates
throughout the etate, we know of 00 Caxea,
where it is more deserved, snd tnore truly re
tributive justice, than in the defeat of V illtam
F. Packer, for AswemWy in Lcornint, and the
defeat of lb Assembly Candidate in Northum
berland. Thee peMleman all forced them
selves upon the ticktt. and asked the democrats
of their Districts to wipport them, and then tur
ned round snd openly uppo-ed Y ill ism D. Fos
ter. Such Democracy a this should bescarco,
and we aeain ray, they have received nothinp
more than thry deserve. It serves them right "
E7" The above is from the F.s.ton Argus, the
editor of which not unfrequently furnishes it
readers with sons strange bits of information
In regard to Mr. Packer, it is only necessary to
say that his nomination was almost, if not entire
ly unanimous. In regard to Mr. Drown, the de
mociatic candidate for Assembly in this county,
the Argu is equally unfortunate. Mr. Drown
wa not present at the county convention which
nominated him, nor did we see any one present,
psrticulaily interested for him. We know that
aome of bia warmrat and most influential friends
in this place made little or no effort to procure
his nomination. This did nut look like forcii.g
a nomination. Besides, a short time after his
nomination, Mr. Iiiowu left fur Philadslphia, and
did not return unt. I late 011 tht day of the elec
tion. The assertion that he wa opposed to Mr
FtWr, is equally unfounded. Mr. foster owes
his defeat to a number of causes, on of which
was, that b entertained view similar tu those
advoi-attrd by the Argus, in favoring tbr IWilih
free trad policy at tbe expense of American in-
C7" Gai.i MaSsst We are glad to are that
the farmer is getting good prices for hi grain
Tbe last new from F.urone, by the Caledonia
caused a rise of 10 to 12 cents per bushel in
wheat. These prices hsve somewhst declined
since. The next arrival will b locked for with
Comparative Tote in ISIS and IS 10, for Conn
IMS. 1946.
r ry t "
Dev. Wuiis 1)m. Whio
Hums, K mil, Foster, Tower,
Adams H00 CC0 IS 20 1 .',7 3
Allegheny 813 4113 lor-D 50.1 )
Armstrong 1019 CVi 306 Iti.Vi
Heaver : 703 1872 1 4 lift Stl'Jtj
lied ford 2G7U 2312 l .'l!9 12l 'i
r.erks 4S7.1 jyos aim 2to.'
l lair (new county ) CS9 14 18
IWadford 2y3fi V.Hi 2lt 'J'lH
Pucks 4123 3012 2S47 34"4
Putter 1st 9 1)00 1117
Cambria II 10 613 C3l 791
Carhon 5'. I 121 418 37
Cheiter 4309 4120 3102 3.170
Ceutr 1890 1019 1247 1101
Clarion 725 9.13 792 7.V
Clearfield 4tl 1 IS SI7 321
Clinton 175'i 461 .':;3 C8ft
Columbia 2019 1 1 .' l.'iiiO Kit
Crawford 1SS6 13C2 1201 1132
Cumberland 2H4 2038 10117 1U1
Dauphin 10S1 1V34 119.1 Iti'.'l
IVIawar 1099 12t9 1038 1422
Kri 1103 1831 F9S IfcfM
Kik S3 2S . I2i 91
Fayette 5291 ln'i l-"6 213b
Franklin 2I.3 2162 15.19 2311
Greene 1176 -111 1414 W
Huntingdon 210.1 1M1 915 11.11
In.liana lll 1-101 411 I32S
Jeff-ison 3-18 S28 25 311
.Tunisia h0 .HI .121 .103
Lancaster 4105 4SS1 2113 4011
Lebanon 1 -12 H S 1 6 1082 1-107
Lehish 1911 K-t-7 1217 110
Lur.e.n 2220 1119 i 135 H22
Lycoming 1113 1237 917 15'i4
MrKean 170 111 2(8 1H1
M.rcer 2272 2l1t 13.17 C01
M.fflin 1144 7.12 P08 P2S
M..niee 1138 lf8 .170 2SI
Montomery 396 2211 50r0 C7fi
NortUmpton 2728 1IH3 1212 ltin
Northurr.berl'd 1G40 bl2 7.15 1221
Pi i a', coy 4S.10 M3I T.'.91 .1C-4 1 103 1 3798 115 '9 S74
Pl 408 17 2?fl 18
i,y 1 G 1 0 60 ffil C42
V, tier 2l 58 214 '0
s.huIVil 5314 1172 2tn3 tS7
Som.'ret CS1 1316 632 H'jI
Susquehanna 143 ttHO M70 H2fi
To. a HM 4"9 145 I0f7
Cni.n 1115 CCIS 90S 19,
VeoTsn 7H 2'9 Cot 657
Wash rgton 3tt tef-0 StO 29S2
Wuen 33 291 f21 477
W.sne. 941 MS 79t
Wc-tnuvrtanJ 32SI 1CC7 2':S7 lft'.
Woming H:8 7S2 t(9 -."0
V-rk MbT 24711 238 5 112
110610 891 IS .Q04 07913
Tower's Majority, 6 fc23
Morton, (Native.) 15 421. Elder, jLib ) 2,028.
Onto Eliction The Columbus 'Ohio) Jour
nal, w bich wa received last n'ght, atate that
the unofficial majority of Cehb. (Wb'g.) for Go
vernor, is 2"23 It has accnonta of the elecliun
of 11 Whigs and 9 Democrats to Congress, and
the 12th District (Mr. Vinton) to hear from
Th are in favor of Vinton. Tha Leg
islature atanJa :-
Wh:g Tern,
fenate, 18 18
House. 39 S3
And one Independent in th House.
The Liberty rote in this State will not bs less
than 13,000 a very large increase.
TntsTisTo Covossss The eleciona which
hav recently taken place for the next Consrers,
which commence on th 4th of Mrrb nest,
have produced th following rhang. Ia 161-1,
thes State elected 25 wbifs and 80 democrat
This yesr th account stands 33 whig snd 41
democrat, showing a whig gain of 0 members,
and a democratic loss of 0. Seven of the whig
gain ar in Pennsylvania, and the remainder in
Ohio. Nineteen (probably 31) member ofth
presant Congress w ho voted for th nw Tri(T
bill ar r.letd, and 14 who voted against It
Tat Siw is about a feet deep is aesoe parti
- TIs Bleellost '
The result ofth election on the 13rh lostsot,
s most dissstrous to the democratic part v. We
cannot, as in time peat, refer with nrid to tbe
Star rtbe East." "tb Star of tbe West," and
tbe Star of the North.'1 Even their lustre ha
been dimmed, and we are almost left without
on tunny po; in this old Democratic Common
wealth to afford us grounds for congratulation.
To attribute this overwhelming defeat to the
storm which prevailed on the day of the election
la only misleading tbe public mind at a distsuce.
Anyone who calmly surveyed tbe battle-field
previous to the conflict, with desire to arrive at
the truth, must "be convincd that tbe result
sprung fiom cause over which tbe weather had
eo control, and that, if theday had ben fair, the
victory of our opponents would have been scarce
ly less complete than it now is The ' dissatis.
faction and apathy which prevailed ia the tank
and file of the party, give no hopes lore differ
ent resulr.
One ol the main rausea of our defeat may be
justly ascribed to the Tariff quest inn. The mass
of the people of Pennsylvania are undoubtedly
wedded to the principle of protecting our domes
tic industry. Thry had been assured during the
canvass of IS 14 that the election of the demo,
rratic candidate for the Presidency Mould no'
disturb the Tariff act of 1 812, and that they
would continue to enjoy the benefits which that
measure was scattering broadcast over tliestate.
Put the art of 1816 violated the assurance given
inl4l. Those who appreciate the benefit ot'
the art of 18-13. thought that they pr-rce veil in
the presert bill the extinguishment of their hopes
for a continuance of that prosperity which was
daily (lowing trom the development of our Vast
internal resources. They felt themselves not
only asgrieved but deceived, and although most
of the leaders of the party "jumped Jim Crow"
on thr question, they refused to join in the gyra
tion. The consequence, as mtit have beer tore,
seen, is a whig v-cto'V, and a diminished major
ity in every democratic eonnty.
As it regards the etectiou nf Canal Commis
sioner, other cause combined Jo produce the re
sn't. Although the democratic candidate-wa a
gentleman nf acknowledged talents, and had ren
dered the state aome service, his selection, un
der the circumstance which existed, wss i!'
advited, and was generally regarded as having
been made with a view to obey to dictation of a
f-w, and not with a relerence to the wiwhes snd
the opinions of the mas of the party The law
authorising ths election of Canal Commissior.-
ers by the people wa generally ronsiil-red as
being intended to restrict th incumbent to one
term. Mr. Foter"slerm of service was about
exp;ri"ir, arid yet, notwithstanding th rep-ated
warning that the people would not sanetien the
principle of reelection, and the violation of what
they b'-h-ive to be the intention of the law his
reMominatinn was. inamatire, fnreed through
by the potency ufpaity di ill. aganist the bett-r
judgment of evn many of these who joined in
the act. His defeat, under the-e tircumtarres.
cannot therefore, be a matter of surprise. V.'r
trust however that gooil may arise from ir, and
that the leaders of the d-moctatic patty will
now se the necessity of adopting the one term
principle in all nominations to offices of power
and patronage. We have strorg doubts h-ttier
we can ever succeed in any contest in which the
contrary rule is adhered to.
We have spoke.i plainly as to the fa of our
defeat, because w Ix-lieve the truth w II have a
healthy and benefic al influence on the future ac-
tion of the party. We have been beaten. Kit
rot durenraged The Democratic party has
still the elrments of success within its grap.
If Il.e proper us is made of these elements,
we can eaa ly retrieve the ground have lot
Let the Tar. IT be modified so as to meet the
just demands of the friends of A merit an in
dustry; let the spirit ol intolerance and pros
cription w hich ha lately prevailed w itb the par
ty leaders, give place to the spirit uf concilia
tion; let democrats pe regarded by each other
members of the same family; let us
nominate new men for offices of power and pa.
tionag; let us strictly repaid the success of
the party a paramount to the adiancment of par
ticular individuals; let us do these things in a
proper spirit, anil the democratic party of Penn
sylvania will come out of the next contest with
its accustomed triumph llarritbu- .fegt
RfTnaxa CrTiiicTsn. The reported call
nn Tennsytvania and other States for volunteers
to reinforce the army of Gen. Taylor, ia contra
dicted by thr olficial paper. That paper says i
v neinr or w nen ine uovrrnment win ca:i mr
some volunteers, we know not, and it is possible
thry Lave not yet derided ; but no such call has
Iren made." The I'ninn also gives a qualified
contradiction to a rumor circulating in ti e p.
person the imputed authority ol Lieut Terry
man of the ravy. that the Government had order
ed an attack on Vera Crni.
T-XTLNsivt Cor'KTsarain.sG. A counterfeiter
w as caught on the 6th, near Franklin, Tenn ,
and carried to Nashville, who la I between six
and teo thousand dollars in fraudulent money,
wih other matters pertaining to th trade, in hia
saddle-bags evidence so full and clear of bia vil
lany. that be concluded not to pnt the civil au
thoritirato any trouble, but went to jail without
the formality of a trial. II it an Italian, and
Stated that h cleared cArvesj ttioutttnti aWovs n
god money, last year, as bis sbara of tb spoils.
Peath or two Jrrx.t a -Th" Hon. Nathan
iel While, and the lion. Nelson Richmond, Aa
K.ciale Judges ol MtKeait county, IV, depar
ted lhh life, the one on the 12 hand the other
on the 13ih int., thus creating to vacancies
in one county.
Im1 CosrT"Friti.h Government ha
given order that tb mill at tbe victualling
yard, Plymouth, shall grind, night and day. In
d an corn lor tb supply of tb suffering Irish
population. It ia pctd that tbeae nilla will
fried pejads ef aseal per dsp
Sit Dare Lttrn rsosj Mexico Amid Anna
ft At way f sucl OtH.- TkryfV Tbs barqu
Eliiabelh J. left Havaaa en tb 10th, arrived at
this port yesterday, brings aig days' later news
from Mexico.
Tb Mexican Government has removed all
prohibitions on foreign goods, aod reduced tbe
present duties CO per cent. It was reported that
Santa Anna had actually departed from tbe seat
of Government with forty thousand men for tb
seat of war.
Com Sloat, of the TJ. F. Pacific Squadron,
wss at Havana on the 10th inst., having arrived
with five or six other officers trom Monterey, on
the Pacific. He wa to sail next day fur Charles
ton. S. C, on his way to the seat of Government
He hoisted his pennant on board tbe U. S. brig
IwroatAKT Nws F.seirtro rao tne ?ct
or Was The anxiety itrnn general to hesr
something later from the t of war, the last ar
ounts having G-iiersl Taylor in poaeaion uf
Monterey. The actual loss of the United Slate
force, the condition of t,e wounded, with the
names of the dead, are all matters of interest,
liy the last journals from New Orleans we per
ceive that some further intelligence was expi-c
ted hourly by Galveston.
accounts of the sickness and sutfi-riug among the
volunteer of the army sem tis he well authenti
cated. Nearly 700 are tying at Matmnrs dan
gerously ill, theaverag number of deattn being
five a day Major Forsyth sketches a graphic
picture of the sufferings ol the sick, tn his cor
repontlenee with the Mil!eilsville Times. From
a late letter of his we extract the following short
notice of the situation of tY.e sir k :
'It mk one's heart bleed to witness th suf.
ferngs of these poor fellows In camp you mut
know, few of the conveniences considered neces
sary to the ill at home can be hail. A man gts
sirk and be is rained to the hospital with hi
blanket and bis knapsack. Dedattd bedding there
are none, and as th country is entirely destitute
of lumber, bedsteads are not to b hail. A blan-
ket and the ground i therefore the couch upon
which th volunteer lies sirk and dies, if be do"S
not recover. If he die, the tme blanket forma
his windinu shet and coffin plnnk is not to be
had. The Quartermaster at Camaro told mr,
in answer to an application for a totfin, that eve
ry foot of plank and every old gun box tSt was
to b found had been worked up for the propose,
and tht alt the money in bis department ou'd
not command a coffin.
Mjsjts.v. On the importer ce of Monterey
as an acqiaition to us there is a gr-t il fTer-nc
nf opinion, That it must prove a very rious
loss In the Mexicans, may be inferred trom the
fact that it was th place where the fonndaiica
for the casting of roppr balls ennnon and mns
ket are erected. In its vicinity are the repper
m'nes. which excel any other in product iveness,
and from these the foundries are supplied with
metat for the'-r eastings The city of Mexico
cona;es the pwtr mi"" ; hot V toss nf the
manufactories of shot ami ball must be severely
I t't'T. Won s, who fell at Vonter-V ss-as a
native of Levristown. Pennsylvania, si here hi
fath-r the ven"raVle ("onf re;l-onl rl-rfVTn
of that place, still resides His maternal gran.
father was John Wirherspoon, one of the sgnrs
of the declaration of Independence, and president
of Princeton Cot'ege.
In the battles of Palo Alto an.l Resaea d I
Talma, Lient. Woods distinfrsh-d himself as
one of the bravest nf th brave His ea'
conduct on tha' occasion won the arinnwleitge.
menta of his commander, and rans.-d him to ha
breveted bv bis country It is hut a few weeks
since the "Urady Regiment" of T-nnsylvam
presented him a sword, as a testimonial of their
high regard, and as an acknowledgment of h'
bravery. He is the individual first named in
Gen. Taylor's depatrhes as having fallen.
Own. Rr-Tr.ra In atlusimi to the slaml-ron
insinuations thrown out by some nf the news-nap-r
scribblers, relative to the condor t of Gen.
Putter and his brave associates, the Washington)
1'nion says : -'These insinuations are, no doubt
causelessly and shamefully unjust. The Kentuc
ky soldiers are distinguished lor their bravery-
ii. h is their proverbial reputation; and General
Butler requires no mjn to endorse his character.
He is I'M well known for hi skill in arms, his
milium. ted chivalry, and hi discharge of all tha
j,,,, 0r4 tohUer."
Mvxicas) G:si:At. Kn.t.sp A fetter from i
: surg.-oii in the United Stales army, near Monte
rey, pu hi; shed in the Journal of t ommerce, da
ted 23 September, says that General Torrejnn
was killed in an encounter, yesterday, with
Worlb'a brigade. This is the second time, we
believe, that '1'orrejen has been killed sine the
Megiran war haa opened, lie must hav as
many lives aa a cat, ami if he can stand bein
killed so often, he will make an invaluable otfi
ccr for the Mexicans. '
Ampi-oia's trrTios. -It it said that in di.
russing th armistice of Monterry, Gen. Ampu
dia assured Grn Taylor that Commissionrrs ha I
left tb City of Mexico for Washington, to i.epo.
tiat a treaty of peace. Ampudia must hav.
been aware of the fact that tbe peace proposition
had been rejected by Mexico.
Cost. Co.'Nix, it i rumored, has askrd for two
ship of the linej and that th Pennsylvania and
Delaware will b fitted out and sentdowe totb
Gulf of Mexico.
Tsiast y Novas -Th Secretary of tb Tree.
ury announces that be will nsu treasnry rotts
to th n.Nnt of tbr million of dollar, bear
ing aa interest of t il per crnt per annasu, pay.
bio to tb order of persona or corporations stak
ing deposits therefore ia pcf ia sobm el net
base te see tbastsaad stellar-