THR Lirn CLOCK raojt Tat OKSMAN. T Thci Urn little mystic clock, No human eye hath teen, That beateth on and beateth on, From morning until e'en. And when the aoul it wrapped in deep, And heareth not a sound, It ticks and ticki the livelong flight, And never runneth down. O wondrous ii that work of art Which knelle the paning hour, But art ne'er formed, nor mind conceived, The life clock's magic power. Nor set in gold, nor decked with gems, By wealth and pride possessed ; But rich or poor, or high or low, , , Each bears it in his breast, ., 7 When life's deep stream 'mid beds and flowers, All still and softly glides, Like the wavelet's step, with a gentle beat, . It warns of passing tides. ' When threat'ning Oarkness gathers o'er, And hope's bright visions flee, Like the sullen atroke of the muffled bar, It beateth eavfly. , , When passion nerves the Warrior's arm . For deeds of bate and wrong, Though faeede4 not the Tearful sound, The knell is deep and strong. When eyes to eyes are gazing soft, And tender words are spoken, Then fast and wild it rattles on, ' As if with love 'twere broken. Such is the clock that measures life, Of flesh and spirit blended ; And thus 'twill run within the breast, , Till that strange life is ended. Scenes in thc Rot kt Mountains, ifce. Mr. William TayVor, lias presented us wrrh a vol ume, entitled, Scenes in the Rocky Mountains, Oregon, California, New Mexico. Texas, and J rand Prairies; or, Notes by the Way, during nn Excursion of 3 years; with descriptions of the countries passed through, by a New Knglander. This work in written in a lively and spirited style, and various interesting inci dents, descriptions, Ac. Ac. We have fre quently read accounts of thedextccoue jugglery nt Indians; but the following instance given by mr author, exceeds any feat of deception which we remember to have read of and we mini be permitted to doubt whether it was ever perfor med, as the author did not witness it himself. 'In the centre of a large circle of men, wo men, and children, stood the subject of the ap pended sketch, stripped to the waist, as the gunner's mark. A shot perforated his body with a bullet, which entered at the chest and merged from the opposite eidp. He instant'y I'cll, and the blood flowing in streams dyed the - pross where he ley, and every thing teemed to prefigure the reality of death. While in this condition bis wife approached and besprinkled his face with water; soon after which he arose, as from a slumber the blood still pouring from hiin. Bf plastering hit wound with mud before and behind, the blood ceased to flow, when he commenced yawning and stretching; in a few minutes the plaster was removed by a pass of the hand, and neither blood, nor wound, nor the tign of a scratch or near appeared! There stood the self restored medicine-man, before the wondering throng, a live and well, and in all the pride of his strength! '' He then brought his naked son into the ring, i lad of enmo eight years, aud standing at a distance of several yards, bow in hand, be pier ced him through snd through, from diaphragm to vertebra?, at three successive shots. The boy fell deed, to every appearance, and the thick blood freely coursed from his wounds. The performer then clasped the body in his i. rins and bore it around the ring for the inspec tion of all, three times in succession. Upon i lis bt breathed into his mouth and nostrils, ml, after suttusing his face with water and covering his wounds with a mud plaster, he commenced brief manipulations upon his sto mach, which toon ended in a complete recovt ry , nor left a single trace of injury about him.' Coal, Gas and Cmpiii.n Scfebceded. We learn that M. Jobard, following out a bint of Sir Humphrey Davy, has ascertsined thst water may be made t ho means of a chesp illu mination. It is decomposed by a very simple process, snd furnishes a beautiful light. A pen ny's worth of oil duly mixed with wster in a re tort will furnish llio light of ten csndles for 20 hours. The French Government has become the owner of the patent for public purposes, and several large manufactories in France are now successfully usios it Our readers will find in Fisher's New York Magazine fur October a full account of tbe invention. Impost ant Invention. Mr. Francis Dixon of Lynn, Mass., it is ststcd, has mad a most important improvement in the art of gunnery It is equally adapted to pistols, muskets, rifles, sod cannou and by its application balls may be discharged at th rats of thirty or forty ia a min uie. By tbe simp'.e movement of a handle a cannon rosy be made I j load, prime, ignite, and discharge itself, ft will also make discbarges with equal facility, whether advancing or re treating. BAlf K'SOTE lliT." The following list shows the current valus of sll VnnKv tenuis Rank N.itcs. The most Implicit re liance rosy l placed npon it, as it iaerery wuk sarcfnlty compared with ahd corrected from Dick ncfl's Reporter.' .. , ' , Itaiikfl In i'htladclphln. ,,' '''.' - i Disc, t : ! LocATto. , rHlMI NOTES AT PA R. , flank of North America Pr Rank of the Northern Lilrticc ; . . par Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . . - : ptr Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . par rTen-dnslon . Bank , , . ' . . par Philadelphia Bank . , . . . . ptr Schiivfkiil flsnk , , . ' . - par dmtibwsrk Bank , . pr Western Bank par Mechanics' Bank v par Manufacturers A Mechanics' Dunk par Dank of I'enn Township nr Criraril Bank . . , par 1! ink of Commerce, late Mnyameneing par Bank of Pennsylvania . . par Country llankts. Rank of Thester County Westchester par Dank of Delaware County . Chester par Hank f tiermantown . Ocrmanlown par Bank of Montgomery Co. , Norrisiown psr Doylcstown Bank Dovhwtnwn , par Easton Bank Easlort par Farmers' Bank of Buck eo. Bristol par Bank of Nnrthombet land Northumberland par t'oluml'ia Bank A tlridge cn. Columbia par Farmers' Bnnk of Lancaster Laneiatei par Lancaster tounty Bank Lancaster Bank Farmers' Bank of Reading Office of Bank of Penn'a. Lancaster r Lancaster . . par Reading par Harrishurg" These ,. Lancaster 1 office --. Rending f do not - Easton ' J issue n. Office ,do Office do v Office - - do " NOTE8 do. do , do AT DISCOUNT. ' ' Philadelphia tank of the United Slates Miners' Bank of Pottsvitle ' Bank of Iewistown Bank of Midillotown Carlisle Batik . Exchange Bank Do '. do branch of Hnrrisimrg Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' A Manuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg West Branch B mk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County Bsnk Office of Bank of U. 8. Do do do Do do do Bank of Chamhersliurg Bank of Gettyslturg Bunk of 8uquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' A Droers Bank Franklin Bank Honesdale Bmk 23 il Potisville Lcwistown Middfetown CsrlUle . Pittsburg Hollidavshurg Harrirtliurg Lebanon Piltshurg Pitlft'juig Williams port Wilkentiarrs Atlentiiwn Reading Pitlaburg Erie New Brighton Chambersburg Gettysburg Montrose failed do do i 1 II lj.lj Erie Weynesburg Wsshiutton Honeadule Brownsville Yoik Mnnnngahcla Bank of B. York Bank 1. 1 N. B. The notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased-by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of times which tiav a a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8av. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill 8av. Ins. Kensington 8av. Ins. A Philadelphia do do da do failed failed fjiled Penn Township 8sv. Ins. Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed rowanda Bank Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of 8ralara Bank of Washington Centra Bank City Bank Farmers' oV Merh'cs Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' & Merh'. s' Bank Harmony Insiituto Huntingdon flunk Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bsnk Northern Bank of I'a. Bedford Beaver llariialiurg WaoliiiiRUHi Belb funle Pitubuig Pitlkburg Fayette co. irreucat!e Harmony no sale closed closed faihd rinsed no rale failed failed failed no sale Huntingdon no salo LeiiloMrn nosle Warren DunJaflT ' New Hoi Miltoa Meedtille Port ('arbon Carlisle Moutroae Uniontown failed no sale closed no saU - closed failed closed failed closed New Hops D. I. Bridge Co. Northumb d Loion Lot. lik. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. A Msnuf. Bank - 8ilver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank (reensburg Wilkesbsrre Bridge Co. Wilkesbarre noaala (TT All notes purporting to be on any PennoyU vania Bank D'H given in the alwve list, may be set Jown as frauds. NEW JERSEY. Bsnk of New Brunswick Belvidete Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank wumberUtBd Bank farmers' Bank Tsrmera' and Mechanics' Bk farmers' and Mechsniea' Uk Fsrmera' snd Merchants' Bk Brunswick . failed Belvidere g Medford ' r Perth Amltoy - - Bridgelim . par Mount Holly . par Kahway N. Biunewirk failed Middlctown Pu 1 Franklin Bank of N.J. Ji-i-ey Uity faiUi faih-d failed failed failed failed i par Houoken lik g At Uiszmg I t Iluboken lersey Ciur Bank Jersi-y City Mechanics' Bink Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal sud Bkg Co ' ' Post Notes Pallersuu Belleville Moirutown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Newark . no sale Newark Bkg A. Ins Co - New Hops Del BridKe Co LaiuheiUvilW i failed failed faile.1 J N. J. Maoufuc aud Bkg Co Hoboken N J Fioiecion dc Lombard lk Jersey City Orange Bsnk Orange V Paler son ) .1., I Psienwn Bank Peoples' Bauk Priuceton Bauk 8aUm Banking Co Slats Bank State Bank Slats Bauk Slate Bank of Morris Slate Bank Salem snd Philed Manuf Co Sussex Bank Trenton Banking Co . Uuion Bauk Washington Banking Co. Princeton . 8U' a ;. Newark ' Elizahelhlowu Camden . Murristown Trenton bale at Ne it lua . . Treutua Daver par par i .. par 1 failed Jailed i 7 failed par par par par par . I' par par ,,r llackensack DELAWARE. Bk of Wilin & Braudy wine Wilmington Bank f Delaware W ilmington Bauk of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Miliord Tarmera' Bk of Stale of Del Duvet Do brauch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bsnk Wilmington aj- Under 6's fX7 Da sll hanks marked thus () there srs si. Iner counterfeit or a lured notes of Use varoas ds aonuastiaas, in cucuiattoa. "lriNN8YLyANlA;' HOUSE, tins. T r f ujui viamis rat - t THR suhsciiber, M of the Union Hkl, Mon ey, Ps respectfully informs ih old and nu mecoos customers of the . 'tit1 . IVtejnaTlvnnla ifraM. 4 Snd the putJie generally , that he has leased the Tsvi rn Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, whers hs is now prepared U entertain travellers, and per. sor s iHiiif the town, in the vrry best sty lev The sceommodulions will he sveh as a well ennditrtrd putdic hntiM should afford, snd no effort will be spared to n-mh r s tif,u tinn, in every reset, lo all who may rail, . The cit'sena of Lycoming county ate Invited lo put up with the underaigned when they visit Danville. i HENRY WEAVER. Dan'i'le. May 2, 18111.-. . .. DElfflS'fKT. '. . PUTKR II.. MAS S E II, RECENTLY - FROM PHILADELPHIA, KEI Et'TFIII.LY inform the citizens of , Htinbury and virinilv, that he has 0ened an trice at ihe refidrtM'e of Henry Ma-er. rn Market street, where he is prepnrrd to execute all kinds of Dkhta& Srsosat.' Plite Work, Ac , on the latent and mol approved plan. ILiving bail some experience ami instruction, undrr i ne of ihe mot eminent end suceetsftil Den tis s in Pbilaib-lnhia, he Mirves that be wrtl be able e) give satfafaeiion to ttioea who may want hi services .' '.., i ..' Lsdies will be waiteil on St their I'hcrs of resi dence.' His chsrges will be modeiste,and his wo k warranted. Sutibory, March 28th,' lMfl. " " -1 WEITE"SWAlT"abTEL, IU'K SrseuT, l'iiiRAni:i.rniA. iiv J. iETi:n!. ' - r i" THIS location is ronvrnieht for Business men visiting the city. Every pains is taken t se cure tbe comfort of travellers. ' March 7. 1846. ly -. .... .. , . Removal.:"..:'. DR. D. T. TRITES, - jU RESPECTFULLY infoims the ci--fT"if t'sens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he Rfil ha removed his residence lo the Brirk ttfekr- House in Mjikel street, one door we I of the Red I Jon Hotel, wbern, thankful for pssl fu its, be hopes lo receive a continuation of the liber al patronsge which bss hcirtoforbeen ettembd to bim. .Feb 28, 1848. Cm MONTOUR HOUSE, IjAte hrady's hotel, Onmst'e the Court Iloutr, ' SARVILLB, PBZTZf'A. j m THE 8uhcriher, who assis'ed for se TfassB en I years in the management of the a !t Vbove Motet, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra l"l"rdT. b'g leave lo infirm Ihe travelling public, that he has taken the establishment on hi own account, on the first of January, 1846. The House ha, of laie, undergone many impor tant alterations, and the present conductor promises lo leave nothing undone lo make it a comfortable and agreeable, as well as a cheap and accommoda ting Mopping place (or stranger who msy vinli our flourirhing village. No pains nor etpense will be spared to fill the table and the bar with ihe best the m okets afford, and with lb determination lo de vo e his entire personal attention to the comfort of ihose who mav make hia houe their temporary a bode, and sided by active, careful and obliging ser vants, he hopes lo give gem ral et it faction, and re eeive a liUrst share of eul.irn. Large and cominudious STABLER arsat I ached lo the eatabl shrnenl. which ere stlendeJ by careful aud obliging ho iters. GIDEON M. 8HOOP. - Janus-y S4lh, 1846. if - , I EVANS & WATSON, No. 7ft South Thiko STaici-, Optohite the Philadelphia Exchange, Msnufacture and keep cor rtantly on band, a large as ortmenl ef llieir Patent 1m nrnveil 8 dsmandef FIRE PROOF SAFES, which are Ps i constructed as lo set al rent all maimer of iloub a to their being stiiitlv fir firoof, slid thai ih.-y will resist Ihe fire of sny building in the world. The outside-cas of the Safes ate m id of boiler iron, the inside c ise of so.iprtone, snd be-' I ween tbu , uter case and inner esse is a spsca of some 3 inches thick, sud is filled in with inde-lioc-libls m ileri .1, so as lo make il an impossibility to ever burn any of the contenia inside of this Chest. These Moapsione Sal. mandera we are p epared and do ehalleng the w mtd to proilnce any article in the shspe of Book Safes thst will stand a math heal, and ws bold ourselves ready al all limes to hsve ihem fairly teste.1 by public bonfire, should a ny if our comelrlors feel 'disposed to try Ihem, We also coot nue ii manufsrluie and keei con stantly on baml. s Isree and g- neral aa-ortmenl of our 1'iemium Air-lichl Fire Proof Safe, ef which we hae a Urge atanliiy in use, an I in every in-t-lanen they have giten entire satisfaction to tbe purehaeers of which we will refer ihs public to s few genl'cmen who have ihem in use. N. it G. Tslor, 129 noilh 31 St.; A. Wright ck N-phew, Vine st. wharf; Ale lander Csror, Con veyancer, corner of Filbert and 9th at.; John M Fori, St north 3d !.; Mvers Hu.h, SO n.irih 3d si.; Bailey cV Brother, 138 Maket sl James M. Paul, MM south 4 iti St.; Dr David Jsyne, 8 souih 3d at.; Malthew T. Miller, SO south 3d at.; and we could nsms some three or four hui drid others if it were iwcessnrv. Nw we invite ths attention of the public, and particulsrly those in wsnt of Fire Proof Safes, lo call st ur store befoie purcha ring elsewhere, and we think we can aaiufy thorn ihaj jbry. will . got a batiw aud cheaper snide at our store than any other establishment ia tbe city. We slao continue lo manufactuie Seal and Co pying Pn ases, wads iu aut-b a mariUM as l sn swer lulh pur um s i Hoisting Machipis, Fiie Proof Doors, with our own manuisi ture of locks on Ihem, wilb D. Evans's Palr nl Keyhole eeves Bitaehed lo ihe same ; plain and oraamcatai Iron Hailing, Ac. N. Ii. Ws keep eousuntly on hand a large as soilinciil of our Pstenl Slats Lined Refiigei .lis. Water Fillets sod Cedars; and ws have also on bsnd seieral second hand Fire Proof Chests taken in eicbange for ours, which ws will dispose of at very low prices, Philadelphia. January S4ih. 184. ly WHEAT I he highest price gien for Wheal, al Ibe store of H. MASSE R. A new supply of Koee Ointment just received. No. 8th, 184&. . , BAR IRON Just leceived and for eale, cheap for cash, by HENRY MAS8ER. i Suubury, Kept. SO, 1 843. . . SUPERIOR Port wine. Maderia aud Lisbon winea. Also superior Brsndy and Gin, Lemon yrup. . Also a few barrels of Bios Fish, for sale by HENRY MASTER. Eaabury, July lih, 1(43. M1 VTn aaaaassBsaBBBaBBBBBBBBxr - ATTOUNEY AT LAW, tCZ7BTJXVf r A. .,,.,! ' Business attended In in the Counties of Nor thumlerlsnd, Union. Lyerrniing'and Columbia. ' 'Refer tat ' ' ' I Be A. FovocnT, ' ' i Lewta A Baaaav, '' ' SoAsaa tt Sannaaass, Rirsoins, McKAattftfc dc Co, Seiatao,OoB At Co., '" VPAiftrA WHOLESALE fc P.ETAIL 1 1 at & cap. Warehouse; ; AV. 304. Mnrkfl Strtrt,' above 9th, South tide, rHILADBTiPntA, a ' THE subscril ers rrspeeifully rsft the atten tion if their friends and deders In their large slid well ass. tied slock of lists and Cars of Very lesriiilion. will aiUplel 1 t the s, r n trade, Bi ft a made of It e best materiiland by the mo-t ex periencd wnikmen, they feet confident lo give nnU r. t, .niiai.mitin ro nil no may rarnr inrm won s llrey i ff. r to si-tl a lw a any hnus in theci-y. BARTALOI'T & BLYNN. PhiUd, hihia. Janoarv 3. I4(t ? HERR'S HOTEL, IIARRISDfJRG, PA. , T nEG b ave to Infirm the public that I have left - Philadelphia, and am now located in Harris burg, the aest of the Eiecutive and State Govern ment of Pennsylvatija, where I now occupy the spneious Hotel, , recently kept by. Mr. .Matthew Wilson. This spscintis building, having been purposely pl inned ami erected for a Hold of the first ctsss, is not surpassed if equaled, by any similar estab lishment in Pennsylvania S and having undergone a thorough renovation, the parlors, roome and chainlx-M are now filled up in . a style that com bilfs eteKanee with comfort and ennvrnience. My TABLE is ledcrd to l e suppliod with the bel fare the MaikeU can produci-l the chnrges st the sunn time being ss moderate as any of ibe bent ri'cul'ted astal lislimenls elsewhere. In short, no eseilions shall be tpared on my p irt, or on the part of every member of my hnosehold, to mske it what it should bo, in tbe Cnpit if of one of the most pop ulous mid inieresting Siste4 of the Union. With these prmis, accommodations and faci lity, and the firl that tbe Hotel is mot eligibly stinsinl, I wi h'ronfidenee, most rerptctfulty soli cit the patronage of the I'uldic, ." DANIEL HERR, ' Late of Herr's Hotel, Clie.nut St., Philad. Hsrri burg. Nov. 23. 8f. ' ' ' To l'mcluiacra or DR3T GOODS. ,o. 121 I'cnrl if,XK W YORK. HAVING e-tahli-hed s Brunch al No. 144 Chss nul St., Philadelphia, is now opening, and wi'l be coiisihntly receiving from the New York Auc tion, an eilenire assonmenl of VAXtOt V STAFIJ9 SBT OOOB8. v which will be sold st the lowest New York pliers al wholesale and !( tail. Among h i stuck will be found a good asfortment of ihe following artirbs: Jaccuncls, Plaid, Hair Cold, I. see. Stripe, Book, Swins and Tarlatan Muslins, Binhnp snd Linen Liwns, Fancy Cap Nelts, Fancy and Ball Ufesres, Thread Lares, Application D.i., rich Blaik Si.k Trimming Lace, iri.h Linens, Linen Cambiica, Linen Csmliric lldkf.,CuiUio Fringes, Cashmeie d'Ecos.e, Mouseline de I. sine, bilk . and Cnllnii Warp Alpaccas, tju ri,V Cloth, Gala Plaids, French Meriooe, MUck filks, Ulive. Si k Hose, 8 h awls, Crava'S, Rildon. Embroideries, cVc, Ac. Country Merchants an J others vuiling PhiUdel pbia or New York to purchase, are reaiKClfully in vited lo call and eiamine the stocks. No. I, 1645. I y i7e k v ea"n7)iT Ty. THOMSON'S ComioitnU Syrup ofTur & Mood Napttia. fTjHE unprecedented ucees of thi medicine, in JL the re.iorsiion of heal'h, to those who, in dc pair, had given up all bnie, has given il nn rxs' led reputation a'-ove all other reuirdiea, fumUhing evidence of iu intrinsic va'uiand power, as the on ly sgenl which can l reded u n for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption. Brouehiilis, Aaihma. Pain in ibe ide and Brea-t, Slitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, dtc ' Attention ia requested 10 ihe following ASTON ISHING CURE.hv Thomson's Compound Syrup or Tar and W o-d IVsptha ! ! Philadelphia, May 3d, 1 84 4. MR. THOMSON Hear Sir With gruieful feelings I inform you of Ibe astonishing effects of your medicine, which bss literally tais d me from a death-bed I Mv dins-e, I'uliuoiury Conunlp lion, bad reduced me so low that my physician pro. nojnred my case hopeless! Al this junction I lie fan to ueyour medicine, and miraculous aa it rosy seem, it has completely restored me lo health, alter t very thing else hsd fsiled. Reeelfully yours, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte atreel, above Geoige si reel. The undersigned, being personally scquainled with Washington Mack and hi sulferinij, bear witness lo Ihe a.toi ihing effects of Thomson's Compound 'yrup of Tsr, snd lbs truth of Ibe s bove stalemenl. ... H , JOS. WINNER, 318 North Tiiird street, DAVID Vlt;KER8. 4S A lin.Mid street. HUUH M 'GIN LEY, 8. E. com. r Tamaiiy and Fourth ainet. Prepared only by 8. IV Thomson, N. E, Corrfef of 6lh and Spruce stree Is, Plii aJe'phia. , Agents. H. B. MssM-r, Sunbuiy D. Gross, and Dr. Macpherson, Hs.'rinburg ; Jno. G. Brown, Putts i;le ; Ges Erl, Re ding; Houstou & Ma on, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. Price 60 cents p r bottle, or (S P' r dozen. Q" Beware of all imitation. . , Philadelphia, June 88th. 1845. ly " "' PIANO S. F11HE SUBSCRIBER hss been appointed scent, J, for lUaaU. if CONRAD MEYER'S t;EU Ell RATED PREMIUM WOOD PI ANOS, st this place. .. These Pianos ba s plain, maaaiva od Uautiful eiteibr fiui-ll. snd, foi ileptb and aweetnese af tone,'- and elegmce of woArnan ship, sr nut surpsised by any iu ibe United Slates. Tbe following ia a recommendslioa from Csat DiSTa, s celebtaled perfoimer, snd himself s man ufaetuieri AC AUD. Hi vi as bad Ihe pleasure of Irving iha excel lent Piano Fortes manfactured by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited at the lat exhibition of ihe Franklin In stitute, I feel it dus to the true merit of Ihe msksr to declare thai these instruments ere quite equal' and in some rpcct sen uierior, to all Ihe Pi ano Fortes, aaw at ihe capitals of Euiops, and during a sojourn af two years si Paris. Tbeae Pianos will be sold st the manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower. Persons srs requested lo cell snd examine for themselves, st the residence of ihe subscriber. Sunbury. May 17. 1843. II. B. MAUSER. X IHE, of a superior quality, can now be had U 4 at the Lime Kiln of Henry Sun fcwj. - May 17, Hit. . & ji I u ah l r at t( cite). IBattass's Via rest-a eerfmn curt for Worms-"-) snd very pleatant to iske. 3. Gibson's Etcts, which removs Grease of sll kind', Dry Paints, Tar, Yarnlsh and W.i, from ear pet or from clothing, without injuring iha coKvfot meetjtw. l ' "- 3. Loan Fit Pmn ths best thing known for killing files sod musqoitnrs. ' , 4. A certain' Destroyer or Ruts, Mice, Roaches and A nra,---and another i.fBfd fJus. , , 5. Gomh's Setcirid'for smt siomsch, Dean Burn and Water Brash, by one who had uffired rfirVftra yeirt, Wfre' he tliocnvr red ihe cure. Ds. 8trvs's Gattk Outtmisit for thsPdes. It hss never failed to cure. 7. HsaatsosS Tsttsb Wash.' . BatMOira's Isdsliblb las, without a rival. ' ' ' Tnt Copne!rri VovrrTTio or Fias UK, th mt db in for children and for women, il Is ln iraant In late. tO. Brca VuTaSLt AiTiattior Pin, 1 1. ijvSi Ewollust Wtss for Harm a, Boots, Ac. Il softens the leather, and kees eat Ihe Water, IS.. Poo a Mas a StakJiSTBasivri Plsstsb. IS. Jacasoa'a Di&aaaats Mivti-bs, whirh cures lbs worst Diairhffis In a few honrs. 14 Jicasns's DrstftTsav MiXTiar, a cir. lain and speedy cure for Dysviitciy and Summer t'omplaint. The at-ove valuable articles ere si'ld wholele snd retail, by L. V. GCNN, So. 1 South F.fIA ifrvtt, PhifmferphMvtbete Stor. keeper and o thera will lie otied with pure African t'ayenne Pepper, Arnica Floweis, Drugs, Paint., Oils, Glasa and Varnishes, st Ihe lowcl prices. ' Terms only cash.' (? Cut oot ihe adveiiwcment, and bring it with you. Philadelphia, July 19th, 1945. ly. oAKisijrrs UEPVRATITK SYRUP. FlHE valUsb'e properties of Oakley's Depuia 1 live Syrup of Siirsaparilla, aa a purifier of tbe bl.od, is so well known to the public generally. 1 that it is unnecessary to occupy muchpareln et- j ling forth the advantages to be derived from its 1 use wherever the medicine hss once been intro duced, it takes precedence over all othera : eveiy one that baa taken it, bae derived so signs! henc- fil ial result from it, that it is recommended by them with the utmost confidence. Physicians of i the highest standing In the profession, prescribe it to patients onder their care ; containing nothing deblerious. but being composed of the most mild, ; yet eflieseious vegetable materials, it i offered with i confidence, aa the cheapest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of s few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at tended with a moat decided imptovement in the ge neral atrength of the system, eradicating any seeds of disease that may - hsve been genera ted,- besides giving health and vigor to the body. For the core of Scrofula or Kinga Evil, Rheooiaiiaot, Tetter, Pimples or eiuptionsof the Skin, While 8welHag, Fistula, Chronic Cough, dtc. Tbe nu merous certificates in the possession of the subscri ber snd bis sgenls, from physicians and others, are aufficient to convince tbe most skeitieel of lis su periority over all preparations of Sarsaparilla. 8. .1.1 whoktrale and retail, by the iroprictnr, GEOIUiE W. OAKLEY, North fith Mreil. Rea ding, Boiks County, and to he bad of the following peiaitna i i . , . , In Northumberland County. If. B. Mas, Suubury; Ireland dc Mixel, McEwensville ; D Krauwr. Milltan. . - ln Union Cmmty.i. Gearbart, Selinsgrove A. (lUlelins, Mifflinburg. In Columbia County. R. W. McCsy, Wash ington. . Reading. March 14, 184.1. Ma. Oiaicrt I believe il the uty of every one lo do whatever in their ower I les, for the b-ne. fit of llieir Mlow man, and having had po-i ive proof in mv own family, of the wonderful properties of your Dcpuratite Syrup of Sarssparilla, I in st conscientiously recommend il lo the afflicted. We had the mil-fortune to I we two of our children, by the breaking nut of ulcerous sores that covered ihe face, head and neck, although we had some nf the most scientific physicians to attend tin m and had tried all Ihe known teu.edies, including Swsim's Panacea, without svait. Another of my children was attacked in Ihe same manner, her face and nerk was completely covered; the discharge was so offensive, snd the disease at such s heigh, lhat we despaired of her life. Seeing ihe wonderful effects of your Depurtive Syrup of 8irsssri!j, we weie induced lo make trial of il. as Ihe Isst resort ; il aeied like a charm J the u'cers commenced healing immediately, a few bottles enluely reMored her to j her health, which she hs enjoyr d iiiiinteriuptedly j ever since. As s purifier of ibe blood, I verily be-' lieve k has not ita equal. JOHN MOYER. Tailor. Walnut atreel, near Fourth, Reading. DougUra ill, April 19th. 184.1. Ma. Oaklet .My son Edmund Leaf, ha. I the scrofala in ibe most dreadful and dintreaiing man ner for three years, during which lime he w is de- I prived of Ihe use of his limbs, hi he id and neck were covered with ulcers. ' Ws tibd all ihe differ ; eol remedies, bul lo no (fleet, until recommended j by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and aUo Dr. Isaac I Hieslei, al Reading, lo use yuur Depuralive fyiup j of Saraapsrilla, of which I obtained several bottle, ! ihe use of which drove ibe dieaa em inly out of i hia systeia, Ihe soie healed up, sud Ibe child wae J restored to perlecl health, which he hs enjoyed ; uninterruptedly ever, lo the a!onishmein ef many peieona who seen hiin du ing his s Miction. I bsvettiought il my duty, snd send you this certi ficste that otlieis who have a like affliction in the family msy kuow where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Yours truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. 8epl. 16. 1S43. It is hIiy" sTk o c a WBOLSSAZ.B A, BSTAIZ. HAT & CAP MANUFACTURERS, South Eu I corner of Market anil 4th .. r'blladclphla, ' WHERE they alwsys keep mi bsnd an exten sive assortment of HA TS U CA HS of every description, got ap in tbe best and most approved st) le. Person deriroua cf purchasing superior arli clee on ihe most sessosable terms, will find it lo their advantage to call before making purchases eUewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 1 844. I y CITY FUHMITURE : AUCTION", AXTD niVATB SALES BOOMS, Not. 20 and 31 Korth Third Street, Near th City Hotel, , ; 'PHILADELPHIA. - r CC. MACKEY, Aadioneer, repeclfully iu- vites ths sileotion of peraons deeiroue of pur chasing Furniture, to bis ei tensive Bales Rooms, (both public and Private,) for every description of Household Furniture, where csn l obtained at all limes, a Urg saaortasettl of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Matiraasss, As., at very reduced prices, for sash. ft4 8alas by Aucuon, twice a weak. May 17th, 1841. ly , ROSS OXKTXilSNT . FOIl TETTER. .... BIKO WORMS, PIMPtCS ON THE rxct, AND OTIICS CUTANVOVSJ CRlPTtONS. ' 5 (D Th follnuinq tertfica't dcteribei one nflht mott extraordinary ouret ever effected by any application. . ..... i PMiinsLraia, February 10, 1838. "7nn twenty yesrs I ws severely afflicted with x ' TiTTka on ths Face and Headt the disesse commenced when I was seventeen years old, Snd continued until the Fall of 1830, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great pert of my fce ws covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent bell ing ; my head swelled at limes until it frit as if it would burst the awellin wss so great, thai I eoutj scarcely get my hal on. During the long period that I wa sffiicted with the disesse, I used a great many plication, (among them several celebrated prcpatnlion) as will a taking inward remedies, including a number of bottles of Swaim't Panacea, Extract of Sartnparilla, Ac, In fact. It would lie impossible in enumerate all the medicines I used. I was also muter Ihe care of two of the most dis tinguished pbysiciahs of ibis city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despsired of ever being cured. In the fall of 1838. the disease at Ihe time being very violent, I commenced using the Ron Ointment, (nrepsred bv Ysughsn A Davis.) In a f. w ei-pltaatmhb he Violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, tbe ihinlion began to disappear, and licfore I had used ajar the di.-qtase was entirely cored. It ha now lieen nearly a year and a hatf sinew, and there Is nol a Vestige of the disease re mainine. etcepl the scar! Prom the deep pits firmed by the disease. It is ihtpoMhle for me lo descrtlei In a certificate the severity of the disesse and my suffering, bul I will be pleased to give a fuller sc. count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me At the lime I crt nirisnced using the Rote Ointment I would have given bun dieds of 'dollais to be rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended il to several persons, (among Ihem my mother, Whit hid the dieeast! bad ly on her arm,) who were a. I cured hv it. JAMES DURNELIs No. 156, RaceStv rrj The Rose Ointment i prepared by E. B. Venetian, Soaih Eaot comer of Third and. slrei Is, Philadelphia, and sold on auency in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MASSER, May 14lh. 1843. A Kent. Iloe OinlniPiil, fbi Tetter. A i'llUOF OF ITS EFFICACY PaiLimamti, Msy 27lh, 1839. 'PHIS is to certify that I was severely afflicied with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards of forty years; the disease wss attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied Id a Dumber of physicians, and used a great many appli cations without e fleet ing a cure. About a year since, I spplied tbe Rom Ointment, which entirely lopied ihe itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured the disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never lieen rid of il at any lime for forty years. RICHARD SAVAt.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. The Roee Ointment is prepared by E, H. VaUKban, 8 uth East corner of Tiiird and RarJe Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MA83KR, May 14lh. 1843. Agr,t. IOEDXCAX. APPROBATION OJ the ROSE OINTMENT, for Tetter. ALTHOL'fiH ihe superiority of ihe prepaiaiion over all others ia fully ee'ablinhed, the proprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public the fidlowing certificate from a reapeclahle physician, a graduate nf the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Baugh, having found in this ieinedy lhat relief fr a tedious and disagreeable affection which ihe means within the rsnge of his profession failed lo afford has not hesitated to give it hia approbati m, althoug the prejudice and interests of lhat profession at i pposed to secret Remedies. PMiLiiitLruis, Sept. 19, 1838. I was recently troubbd with a tedious herjietic eruption, which dreied nearly one si 'e of my face, slid exleiid.d over ihe ear. Mr. VaUh.n, proprie ty of the Rose I liniment, obaeiving my face, nun led on my tying hi preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. Alihouch in common with the mem here of my profession, I discountenance nd dirap prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by iuuoianl pretenders, I feel in jusiice bound lo except the Rose Ointment fiom thai c.-s of me dicines, and to live it my approbation, a it entire ly cured ihe eruption, alihough it h id resisted ihe usual applicative. DA NL. BAI'GH, M. D. CZj" The Rose Oinlinent ia prepared by E. B. Vaugban, South East corner of Third and R ica N I reel a. Philadelphia, aud sold on sgeiicy in Sun bury, by 11. B. MASSE It, May 14th, 1843. Atfnt. CountrrreltcrN DEATH BLOW. rPI' pu' lic arill please oliserve lhat no Brandieth - Pills are feminine, unless ihe bos hss three la bets upon it. (the top, the ei;'e and Ihe botl .ui) etch containing a fie-similc signature of mv lund I writing, thus B. BassnaiTR, M. D. The, la. jbel-aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed. ami ilone al an eipeute of over 3,0K). rhemfora it will be seen that the only thing nerenesry to pro t ure the medicine iu its purity, is lo observe these label. . Remember the tOs the ai.le, aud the bottom The follow ing icspt clive parsons arc duly authori sed, and hold certificates or AG mrcr . For ibe sale of iSrandreih't Vegetable UnLrtal Pill: Northuiubeilai.d county l Milton M ickey dr, Cb.unlu-iliii. Sunbury H. B. Mjsser. M'tcne ville Ireland A Meiiell. Norlliumlieilaud Wnl, Forsyth. Geortetown j. A J. Walls. Uuion County i New Berlin -Bogar & Witt ier. Selinscro'e George Gundium. M il. tie burg Isasc Smith. Beaveriown David Hulden . Adam.burg -Wm. J. May. Mifflinabmg Mei.nch A Ray. Hartleton Daniel Loni(. Fieeboij- G. A F, C. Mover. Uwuburg Walla A ( J.een, Columbia county t Danville Ei B, Hevuoldt A ('o. Berwick Sbuman A R.ttenhouse. t'st lawissa C. G. Brobts. Blootnsburg John R, . Moyer. Jeiaey Town 1-evi Bisel. Waabinstnn Robt. McCay. -BalU- McNf eh, " Observe lhat esch Agent haa an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a represenuiinn of Ur BRANDKETH'S Manufactory at Sing Xing, and upon wbicb will also be seen etaet copiea of the neto lubtli smUi uttd upon the Brandrcth Pill Boxct. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 8th street. B. BRANDRETH, M. D, " June S4th 1843., George J, Weaver, BOPB MAK1B A SHIP CUAMDLBB. A'o. IS North Water Street, Philadelphia, VITAS eonatantly on hand, a general assort U U meat of Cordage, Seine T winea, Ac., vis: lard Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil Is Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent (JiB Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twins, Shoo Thread. Ac. Ac Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, 11 altera. Traces, Cotton snd Linen Carpet Chains, Ac, bH of which he will dtaposs of on raoable tarms. Philadelphia, November 13, 184?. ly.