Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 19, 1846, Image 3

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    . of them asleep, when the expiation took piece,
Thie part ofthu boat wee all demolished. ' Per.
eons were blown up into Ihe air, eome of them
falling overboard and other upon the forecastle.
Two or three, who were in a forward state-room
' which was detached from the boat by the ex
plosion, fell from there into the hold through
the hatchway 1
The Rio Grand was still high in many pla
' ej up to and over its banks on the 31st ult,, and
- ... rising. ' .
Among the rumors in circulation at Matamo
i Tas was one that Monterey had already fallen
. into the hands of the Americans. To Col.
Harney rumor cave the performance of this ex-
, ploit. The 'American Flag'' of the 2Dlh puts
no faith in it, but rather inclines to adopt the
version of the story given by the Mexicans.
' They say that letters from Monterey assert
that a body of Americans, who came down by
the way of New Mexico, were joined near the
I'resido by a number of Texti n adventurers, a nd
llie combined force had entered the town with
out any opposition. It was bcleived to be true
hy the natives, says the Flag, and that psper is
evidently prepared to hear a confirmatkmof the
intelligence. Our correspondent mentions Col.
Harney' movements in two of his letters, and
In terms ol some severity. The army was cvi-
A lently surprised by them, but they may not
know what authority the Colonel had for his
t.aie New from Blester
The Washington Union, contains the intelli
gence from Mexico, recently received, which
rial not been laid before the community throngfc
any other source
Files of Mexican pap"Ti to the 20th of August
inclnsive, have been received at the Navy De-
partmenl. They contain tittle of interest ex
cept the address or manifesto of General Santa
Anna to the people ef Mexico, dated the IGtU of
August, the day of bis landing at Vera Crvii. K
is a paper of aome length, aWy and carefully
framed, and temperate in language and senti
ment. He makes no direct or earnest profession of an
intention to prosecute the war against the Uni
ted States, and does not speak of this country in
the usual terms of vilification.
He concludes by disclaiming any desire or in
tention to exercise dictatorial power, and there
fore proposes that the Congress about to be as
sembled sSatl be empowered to regulate all
branches of the adm'nistration ofthe government,
end that the exentivebe entirely un
der its control. Ie also recommends that, until
new constitution be proclaimed, the constitu
tion of IS2-I be adopted for the internal adminis
tration of the departments.
A letter from Monterey, dated the 8th of July,
says, that they expected General Taylor there
about the 12th of August; and although their
small army was prepared to make n good defence
they expected a defeat, unless the first brigade
of the army which left Mexico under the com
mand of Garcia Conde should arrive seasons
dly. Paredes was a prisoner in the city of Mexico,
ut not in strict confinement, mid had asked for
lis passports, which it is said wou'd be given to
Quiet prevailed in the city of Mexico, hut the
ispers do not seem to indicate much enthusiasm
n favor of Santa Anna.
y ChH.I.S t FKVKR. Wrighft Indian Vrge.
aide Pill are one of the best, if not the very
test medicine in the world, for the cure of Inter
mittent Fever, because they excel all others in
idiling the body of those mnrhid humors which
re the cause, not only of all kinds of fevers, but
f every malady incident to man. Four or five
I' said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night
.i going to bed, will in a short time make a per--rt
cure ofthe most obstinate case of chills and
ever; at the same timethe digestive organs will
e restored to a healthy tone, and the blood so
ompletely purified that fever and ague, or dis
ase in any form, will be absolutely impossible.
Caution. It should be remembered that Mr.
'dward Cole, of Philadelphia ; Mr. John Dixon.
t'F.aston, Pa., and Messrs. Browning Sc Brothers,
f Philadelphia, are not agents of ours, and as
.ey purchase no Whright's Indian Vegetable
ill at our office, cannot guaranty ut genu
le any mtdieinr. thry may hare ft ale,
f5" Agent f.n the sle of W light's Indian Vegeta
le Pill in Suiihuiy, Hewbt Masstb. Fur other
(3ercieee advertisenii nt in anolhrt column.
a am i ss mil ii i im i i n 1 1 n si is
i i i: i ,
In Northumberland on the 8th inst. TETF.R
J '.BLEW, a Revolutionary Soldier, aged OS
'In M'Ewensville, on the 6th inst., a daughter
the Rev. Wm. Boyer, aged about 9 years.
In Milton, on the 5th inst., Mrs. SOPHIA
IKARKK wife of Mr. Leonard R. Shearer, aged
wt 21 yeais.
Jn Delaware township, on the 9th inst., Mr.
VCOB HITTLE, aged about 27 year.
In Delaware township, on the 7th inst., Mr.
M1N HITTLE, aged about 65 yeare.
In Delaware township, on the 4th inst., Mr.
ANIEL MOORE, aged about 40 years.
In Delaware township on the 7th inst , Mr.
HARLESC. VINCENT, aged about 20 years.
In Delaware township, on the 8th inst., Mrs.
NEBACH, wife of Daniel Lincbacb.
In Turbut township, on the 0th inst., Mra.
K NGHART, at an ad vanced age.
Corrected weekly by Hetty Matter.
1 12 J
10 .
")T, ,
floTTsa, .
Eaas, ...
ttsaawav, .
Isckibb Flax,
Jbibu Arena,
Do, Pa ica as,
Office of Iht Baitimobs Ataici,Scpt. 14
GRAIN. The supplies of wheat at market to
day are very smalt, and are far from equal to the
demand. The few salea of Md reds which have
taken place have been effected at an advance of
four or Ave cents a bushel beyond last Friday's
prices. A crop of 1500 bushels very good red
wss sold at 01 cents, and a smaller parcel of
prime red at 00 cents. Good Pehna. reda are
wanted, and if here would now command 05
cents per bushel.
The Corn market is rather unsettled, under
the upward movement of prices. Sales of good
parcels for shipping, both white and yellow, have
been made to-day at CO cents, which may be con
sidered the fair quotation. . Several lot, of both
colors, very prime and heavy, were taken at 63
A sale of Mil. Rve to-day at 63 cent. We
quote Oats at 29a 1 1 cents.
Suited to the Unman Conntitutian, and canal to
tie cure of erery curable Dneatr, tv li
be jnuna in
or THE
JVortli American College orilcnlth.
r"T"4HE8E extraordinary Pills sre compod of
JL plants which grow spontaneously on our own
nil. and are, thcref.ue, better sdipted to our Con
stilutinn than Medicines enncocti d from foreign
dings, however well they may be compounded ;
and as WnmiiT's IsniAn VrnsTiat.a Pills ate
founded upon Ihfl principle thnt the human hndy is
namely, corrupt humors, and that said Medicine
cures this license on Nati-hai P mucin.., by
chanting and purifying the bmly, it will be mun
ifert, if the constitution be not entirely ci
hauf'cJ, a perseverance in their use, according to
iliroctinns, i absolutely certain to drive disease of
everv Dime from the body. ,
When we wish to remote a swamp or morass to
fertility, we drs:n it of (he siipctahundanl water. In
like manner, if w wish to res'nre the body to
health, we must elemve it of impuriiv.
will 1 found me if the best, if rot the very brut
medf ine in the wmld for carrying out this Gatsn
Ptjatrvixe. Pmsciris, because ihry xel from
the body alt morbid and corrupt hum r, the cause
nf the disease, in an easy snd Natural Manner ;
and while ihey every day oivr ttss tun nu'Cni,
di ense if every name is rapidly diiven from the
The fotl wing highly rcsp ctable storekeepers
have been duly appointed agent for the sale of
yVrighfe Indian Vcgetalk t'ilt; in Norihumbcr
hmd county 5
Henry Massor, Sunhury. .
E. & J. KaulTman, Augusta township,
rarriurl Herb, Lilile Mh(ti(iy.
William I)cpen, J.irksm.
Beoeil e Hidithue, I'ppcr Muhonoy.
John ii. Renn, Upj er Mnhouoy.
P'amuel John, Slinmoktniom n.
For-ijihe, Wil-on& Co.. Noifhuoibetland.
E. L. Piper, Walsonlmrg.
Irland ct Hays, McEwen-vi'de.
. James Peed. Pott'gmve.
Wm. G Scott, Rushville.
Ilanmsn Kncrb'e, E!yhurg P. O.
, Am a T-Deissel, Turbutsville.
taidaon Shade), Upper Mahonoy.
Rhole dt Farrow, Snydltnwn.
Jn'in King, Farmernvdle. ,
Si'as C. Co. k. Martin's Cre k.
J. De Young Hicksvi le.
Abraham Shrn r Ri hmom.
Samuel Taylor, Slita for.l.
John II. Vincent, lhilisqnniiie.
Wm. Heineu & Umther. Milton,'
fjj OlTice devned rtrlusivety to the r-ale of
of the North Ami r can College of tl elth. No 288
Greenwich Street, Ni w York ; No. t08 Tr fhont
Street. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No
fi!) Rcr Stbkkt, Philadelphia.
8 pt. I9ih. 84fl. ly.
la-ting remmly f.w D , also fir pains
and discharge of matter from the Era
Hundreds of run in cae deemed ut'erly hope
leshtve fi'mlv e lablished iU superiority over eve
ty former Mrdic d di overy.
This vslusblw Acoustic Medicine is a compound
of four dilTdrtnl Oil, one of hi4k, the active and
principal iiigitJient, i o tuned fora the bark of
crrin eiecisi.f Waict, a new and cfl". ctuil
agent in the care of Defi e.
Persons who had been deaf for 10, 15 and even
20 year, have heii peimanently cured by using
this oil. In fael, en numerous and so emphatic
have been the Wtlimnqisls in u favor, the in.
ventor claim for it the dicinrtinn of an Infallible
Remedy, in all ease, when the Ear i perlt-ct in
it formati' n.
F01 further pari'cular, and evidrnc of it great
value, we pfinlej shetl. in ihe hand of Agent.
, ForideinSui.l J. W. FK1LING.
SeptemWr 19, h, 1840 ly
In curing Colds Cough, Athma, IiiAuena i,
Whooping-Cwugh, and all Dieasr of the
biet and lungs, leading to Couaunip- ,
tion ; coniied of the concentriled
vir ue of ihe herb llorchound,
Il- neett, Ulondront, and
several other vege a
LIh aub-lanccs.
nHIS invaluable Medicine i tha mo-t
and CMtsia remedy ever discovered f if ihe
bov compla'nia, a thousand who have used it
ill lemify. For sale, in Bunbury, by
and in Northumberland, hy D. URAUT1GAM,
and at wholesale, u Philadelphia, by
Comer of Second and Callowbill alrert.
September 10th. 1840. ly
The EvanTliTulIiema Synod,
YHJ1LL meet at Milton, NoribnmbeiUnd ooun-
ly, an the last Thuiaday evening of Septem
ber ini., od the following days.
Sept. 6lh, 1846. Piesidnt.
asai3gta,'i 1 ! immiiiiit tiwMiMiw mm&
sllttf E Iblnk a man who will make and palm
WW t'Pn an unupecting person, a a,Sugsr
Coated Pill," not having on Ihe boi Dr. G. Denj'n
Smith's signature, would not hesitate la sell poison,
regardless of all consequences. No "8rAn Co
Ttn Pills" can be relied upon, unlet Dr. Smith's
signature is on the bo x, and fry all others are either
imitation or counterfeit, and of course dangerous to
use. 1
(CJ CAUTION A a miserable imitation has
been made, by the name of "Sugar Coaled Pill,"
it is necessary to be sore that Dr. G Run. Smith's
signature is on every hot. Price 28 cent.
Principal Office, 170 Greenwich et New York.
Sold by JOHN W. Fit I LI NO. Sunburv.
Sept 19, 1MB.
FROM the premise of the eub-crilier, in Au-giii-ta
township, Northumberland county, a
bout the first of June lat,
. ' .- , A SMALL RED DULL,
one year old last spring, with slraicht horns, a
white bi lly, arid a white streak along his hark.
Any person reluming laid Hull to the aub-cri-ler,
or giving informati n where he m.v be found.
will be suilal ly rewarded. - -
Augusta, Sept. 19th. 1840. 3t
An-tuxiSTit iToars salt:.
WgY VIRTUE of the power vested In me. by
HB the will of the lute Thuma litinr, ileiM..
will be sold at public le on Wednesday, llie 3()ih
day of Rip.ember next, at the Mnn-ion House.
upon the premises ofthe Msnnion Ferin ofthe lite
I humas tlruit, dee d, in Aususta townshin.
Northumleriind county. Pa., situate on Ihe eit
side ofthe River Susquehanna, rquidistai:!. anil
about s mile fiom the Boroughs of Sunluiry nd
rvirmumnerlanil, all that valuaMe calate. late the
Mnn-ii n Farm of said Thorns Orsnt, dec'.l., ad-
joining the fmn of Samuel Hunter on the sooth.
land of Thnmns Rollins on the casl. other land nf
the late Thomas Cirant on the n. rth, and the
Su quehanna River oh the west, contnining. to.
get her, two hundred nd twenty sif scie and
eventy perches, more or les. of which a! out two
hundred and fifteen acre nre ctenred and a'mut
one hundred and fifteen acre are fiM late Riv,r
bottom Innd.
The improvements consist of a two siorv double
farm houe, 40 feet front by 110 feet in depih. w ill)
Ir.ime b.icx. buiblliig and Irame klicbrn, and stone
milk house and ov, n attached, and a pump and
well ef excellent water in ihe kitchen, a ktone
smoke house, a large bank barn, 1st story stone,
2d do. frame, 80 fori long by HG feet in depih. a 2
story wagon hnue, with granary above and corn
crib atlftched, a frme carriage house and gr inarv,
nnd a Urge log barn and a'able, with a new and
improved cider pre, with hing'ed roof over the
same. And
ALSO t A two stoiy brick dwelling hou c, con
taining in front '!6 feet and in depth 27 feel. 10
nche, and brick twostorv k.c hen. 20 feet in ftonl
'V 14 feet, 6 inches in depth.. There are upon
the ptemiaes two apple orrharda in excellent order,
ofthe mwt valuable fruit, one containing about
eight and the other about nine acre.
This Farm is one of ihe mo: va'uable and pro
ductive in tl e Sia e, U in the highest Mate of fail
tivatiwn, and located in the heart nf a diatiirt,
which, for salubrity of climate and picturesque
ceneiy, is unsurpaxivd. Ii is silo ite on the pool
nf the Shamokint dam at the eastern termination of
the Northuiiibeilwnd Biiilge. Its iroxiinily to the
thriving boroughs of Sunbuy and Northumberland,
and ihe probability that the hill contain valuable
bodies of Iron Ore, and it admirable location in the
heart of the Iron and Coal region of PennsyWsni ,
to which there is a heavy and increaning emigra
tion, gives this p'operly an sddliionnl value, ami
render it well worthy of the attention ofcapi:a'
ls. -
(Tj Titms ms le known on the dsv rf si'e.
Adm'r., Ac., of Thomas Cram, dee'd.
Sunlury. Aug. l. I8IB. 4t
Dnilois in Silks, Ribbons and Milli
nery (iOOtls,
A'o. 45 South SernnJ ttrett,
nAVR now in Store a large, assortment nf
nic-h Millinery f.ood,
Adapted to Fall S te, such a
n.Hinet Silka and Satins-flgun d and plain.
Fancy Ribbons, of entirely tu watyb .
PUin Mantua and Satin Ribbons, of all width.
Hl,ck and Silk Velvet.
French Fanrv Featbera and Flowers.
Fancy Cap Nela and Lace.
Uurkiam. Willow, Crown Linings, Ae. Ac
Many of the above article ling of iheir own
imp.irtation, they are enabled to olfer them at the
lowest price
Philadelphia. 8ept 5'h, 1810 1m
To Teachers.
TEN Teacher will he wanted for the ronii. g
fall and winter cliool, in Lower Augu.ta dis
trict, Northumbrrl md county. Persons wishing
lobe employed as Mich, will please mc I ihe bonril
of ditifctius, at John Packer's office in Sunbtiry, on
S.iturdsy, the 31th day of Oct. .ler next, for elimi
nation at cording to law. Persons apply ing, net
peitonally known to Ihe biwud, be rxecied t
produce lepers of recniun nd iti. n touching g. od
moral cbaiaclcr. II) o il. rof the bo: r,l.
Abbham Sahvis, Sec'y. I'ie't.
L. Augura !)... Sept. 6, 1816 7t
riHE onderignd Audit r. appointed by the
B Oipban' I'ouil of NorthuiiilH-ilmd county,
to make distribution of the balance of ihe ratiieof
(EOKOE WATT; remaining in ihe banda of
Frederirk L- zarus. his sdminivlralor, to an.l sinong
those leg lly rn'itleil to receive the sainn, will al
lend In the duties of his appointment, at his oflire,
in Sonbnry, on the IU day of Sejitenilei, 1846.
All persona intriealed aie requested In attend.
Aug. 29. 184 6. 4t Auditor.
C I IK A 1K ST IN TU K Vv( I U,1 )1
ilcum lleiineti SiiRtir CuiKliea,
12 cists rsa pocan, WHoLtiasa.
J J. RICHARDSON. No. 43 M.iket Street.
s PaiLAncLrniA, take pleasur in informing
lb public, that he atitl continuea to sell hi very Su
perior Steam Refined Candy at tha low price of
$13 60 per 100 pound, and the quslity is equl to
any manufactured in Ihe United States.
He alo offer all kind of good in the Cenfee
tionery and Fruit line st corresponding low price,
ss quirk sale and small piofit are the order of
the day.
Call or end your orders, and you cannot fd to
be aatifled. Don't forget Ihe number. 42 MAR
August 29th, 1846. 6m
w a. l a 7
MRKam Strut, Strnauat,
"lHANKFUL for past favors, begs leave to n-
JL form his friends and Ihe public generally, that
he has jut returned from the city with new and
fashionable lists, and s full assortment of Light
cnbired, Dronr.e, Illsck Kid, and all other kind
of Morocco for Gentlemen, Ladies snd Children's
werj snd he assures sll who may favor him with
their custom, that they nny rely upon having their
woik done in the most substantial and fashionable
manner, snd at very low ft ices.
He al,i has a full assortment nf low priced wotk,
selected by himself which ha will acll lower than
ever offered in this place, via t
Men's Shoe. as low a $1,00
Ex ra Stout flout, 2 00
Oooil Lace fl.iti'B for Women, ,n)
Women's Slip, 60
Children' Shoe, 05
S-de Lraiber, Morocco. ,Vc., fur sale low,
August 22.1, 1840. aplHtf . ,
At las Did Ettiibli.shmcnt, in Murki t Street,
J E TURNS hi ibanks for pisl f.ivors, and re
H pcc;fully informs his fiiends and the lull. lie
Generally, innl He coulinue 10 manuljctuie to ol
der, in Ihe neatest and latest style, ,
ciii:ap II4IOTS AM riior.
w.irrauled of the lesi material, and made by the
most expeibnced workmen, . He also keen on
hand a general assortment of fushionalilu Hoots for
genib men, together with a larue st.M k of fishion-
nble gentb nH-n', boys', la liea and childteu's Shoes,
all or which hiiva b n mmla under h s own imme
diate insierlion, and are nf the best material and
winktnniship, which he will sell low for cash.
In a billion to the alcove, he ha just received
from Philadelphia a laren and extensive supply of
lion's, fehore. etc. ol all inscriptions, which he al-n
Ifo: f ir t ah. cheaper than ever before off red in
this place. - He respectfully invites hi old custo
mers, and other, lo call and examine for theni
s. Iv,n.
Kepiiring done with ncslnesa and despatch,
Sunburv, Amnst I5ih, I81G.
x n o lks a l i :
Ai). 35 South Third Strerl, atxn e Chctnul,
rilllE Snhscrilier has taken the liberty ot nddres
1 sing the public, sili-fied that ihey will find it
to their tmrresl to csll anil eram;ne bi stm k of
Bom and Shoe, nnd acquaint themselves with
his price.
Selling exclusive! for te Ca-h, he is enabled
nnd determined to sell lower than any other rega house in the ri'y.
Persons will plesso exsm'ne the mirket tbo.
rotighly, nd, bifo e purchasing, call at ihe store
of Tims. L. EVANS.
No. 35 South Third, above Chcsnut St
Pbilade'phi. Aug. IB. 1816. '
To Trnclirrw.
ELEVEN priocipal teachers and one as-i-tant,
' will be wanted fiHr the coining f ,11 and winter
school, in Shamnkin dictricl, Northumberland coun
ty. Person wishing lo l employed as such, will
p'ease met the bnanl of directors, at the lioue nf
Felix lierch, to SnufTiown, on Smurdsy the 19h
lav of September next, for examination aee.r.tinn
inlaw." Person applying not pero rtl'v kn.iw n
to the board, will be rxpec'ed to produce letter of
recommend it on touching good moril rhirneier.
fXj" I he boanl wi 1 m el nt H oVIoik, A. M.
Rv or 'er I" the bns-d.
Attrat. Pies't D S. D. Shim D1
Enn Jon v, Sec'y.
Shamokiti Dist., Angu-t 8 h. 1846.
TO TUR KLKCT Ills" "o i XoTtWlUM
IELLOW CII IZE.NS: t the solo itation of
a number of p, rsons, in ililTerent parts nf the
county, I have coiientid to le a cndidt for the
office i f
I can only pioiii'e, tkonld lleilrelnl, to make
every ifl" ft to diechaigr the dutie of the othce In
j our entire ntialarli m.
D l.iware township. Aiig.Hih, 1816. .
TO 'the "electors OF yORTIl
IEI.LOW CITIZENS: Through the enenu
raement of try frienil. I h -ve been induct d
lo olTer myself as a rsndidnte f t ihe office i f
Count)' CotumlaNloiicr.
Should you see proper lo elect me, I will nuke rve
ty cft'oil to reudi r general tisfjeiio).
Lewi towiifhip. Aug 8.1816..
Valuable Real Estate
A LL th it certain Tavetn Slmd and Va'unl.le
'IV Faun, situile in Shamokm lown.h p, Noi-ihuiul-eilaiid
county, on CYi.tre Turnpike, nl-out
8 mile fiom Sunbury, th coun'y town, adjoin-ng
fain' of Peg-ly ' Mi Annnni r-tnoii Jt;il o
thers, eoiitaining 150 acres more or less, 20 acre
of which being in g.HKl meadow, s mal cie. k
lUiiiiing through iho niioe, and about SOscr. a
then of being wi ll timbered, tlie r. sidu being in
high slit , f fiil'ivaiion under excellent fences, on
which h hii oct hard of choice fru t ten; the bull
dui Consist of a two story l"lio dwelling houae,
well 8.!;ipleJ I r a Tavetn Slaud, which was k p'
as siuh fr upwards of T.3 yens, a hrr.n conveni.
eut bai k b un. with abui.dauce of g hh sheds and
othar out bui'dmc. .
ALSO A notlu r mill tract of land adjoining
the above and l uids of Dautil J. Role and other,
loiituiiiing kboiil 18 teres in good aiule of cult va
tion ; the buildings theie n constat of a two almy
frame dwi Urns h, ue tud frame bank barn, with
other out building water apiiriging at the door
of this dwelling and ihe t.ivrrn stand, by means of
fountain pumps tiling lite tbo real estate of Mar
tiu Weaver, dee'd., and will be nil t private sale
by the suhcrihrr, being aulhoiiud by ih heir of
aaid dicra(d. Indiaputable lilies wt tM given.
"r. r ih use of tha licit of said deceasaJ.
Shamokin township, August . '846. if ,
TTk E'XTE RtSS PlKI rs'o FIsiTA P, for ex
D trading Grease. Dry Painta, Varnish, Tar,
Ac from clothing of any description, war
ranted not to injure the cloth or the mod delicate
color. Thia liquid ha alas been used with great
success in esses ot Hums, Scalds, Trtt. r. Pimples
on the face, Chapped hands, Sore lip, Rheums,
tism, Hard . aofl Corua, Ac ay Price, 39 cts.
per bottle. For sal at the atoia of
July 18, 1810. II. MASSER.
THANKFUL for the liberal encouragement
which he haa received, woul I respectfully
inform hi friend and the citizen at NnNhnnh.,.
land county in general, that he haa prepared him
self with the best Inrurruptible Teeth, Uold Plate,
"i.i r on, e , mat can be had in the city of Phi
ladelphia ; and that he will endeavor, to the utmost
of his ability, lo render full satisfaction to all who
may think proper to engage his services. He will
be Ih Sunbury at the August court, whore hn will
be piepsred, nt his residence, to insert Teeth on
Ool I Plnte, or on Pivot, on ihe latest and most ap
proved pirns, snd attend to all Ihe branches belong
I.ndi s will he wailed on at their places of resi
dence, if desired.
His hnrges will be reasonable, and his work
wsrrnnled. .
He wdl visit different pails ofthe county, about
nnre in tluee in tiKis.
Sunbury, July Iftth, 1846 flm
A'o. 31 Xorth Fourth Street, under the Mer.
cirt' Hotel,
1 h 1 1 ti d c I p li l a ,
A Lt .Hons OK FARI. '
KEEPS rnnstanlly on band an extensive as
or l merit of all kinds of Silk, Fur and Res
v, i Hats, which he fTer for sate on the most tea
snnable term. Hi Hats are nude; up of the best
mateiials, and in the most approved style. Per.
sunt visiting the ci'y will find it to their interest lo
es". July 11th, 1840. ly
f ily Daguerreotype Establishment.
(Lstk Simons A. Colliks.)
A'o. 100 Ctmnul nt., itLn-c Third, South tide,
ATCKES tnkcn equally as wi ll in clou-
for a lady, and a blnek suit lor a gentleman, are
) ri f.rtsble in sitting f,r a pictu e. No extra charge
' made for coloring, and pe'lect likenesses are
July 4th, 1848 ly
I.Ulit street,
flHE House haa undergone a thorough repair.
1 The proprietors solicit its former patronage.
I ertn fi "a per il ty.
Ju'y 4. IS 10. ly
P U 1 L A I) K Is 1 If I A.
TIliS lurpe and rommndinu Hotel haa recently
been fine I up wi h entire new furniture.
'I be n!mm itn-rs tliifc fire solicit the patronage of
toe i ublie, and Iiuhi thai their experience in the
buHii'c.s will cnalilo them lo give entire atiafAC.
tion. Terms moderate.
II CLi:v, McKENZIE & Co.
July 4lh, 1810. ly
Itcllrr & (aa'criioiigji,
v innii i a-tii i t k-rA.TrTtri
RA W IX fit ai d Papers for the Palenl Of.
fice will be prrpnred by thctn, at their office,
ipHisi:e the r.i'ent () II lie.
July. 4th. IS4fi. ly
IN l O It tHXT
f&CZSs VOU may be sure of obt lining, at
"I " ,'m,","l'ure nni' bighly flxvored
Hy ihe single pound or larger quantity, st the
Irkln Trn Coiupnny's Warehouse,
30 South SiCund ttrect, bft ween Market und Cher
nut tt reels,
Ilereinfore it ha been very dilFicult, indeed, al
mo- imiuvsible. alwaya to nbiain good Grmii anil
RI rk Teas. Rut now veu have only to vUit the
I kiii I ea t onipan a Stiire. lo obtain as delicious
and fragrant Teacs y. n could wish for. All tatee
can here l e suited, with the advantage of getting a
pure article nt a low price.
June 27ih, 1310.
ay ibbi IBs 11,1,,'g i're rated Ril Road Scale.
jTl 1 J t'o d Coul and Hay do
nnaaBf d i do Iron ManufacV do
'o d
d i do
do do
do do
do do
I'orlatile riutlormuo
20 diflerem ite,
Pormut or Fbior do
fl different sites.
Counter do
12 different kites.
The alxiVe Seale are
mule either aing'e or
double beam, and are
decidedly the most du aMe, accurate and conveni
ent c I. s ever iixe i-d. We al.o have Platf um
nnd Count r Scides, Patent Ualancis and every
kind ol Weighing Mnihineain use for aale.whole
ale and retml, at low prim a. All Scale suittl by u
o go oul of th city, nre boxed free of charge, anj
waitauifd lo c've salixfactioti t the purrh iser in
every parneub.r. C1RAV cV Ii ROTH Kit,
Mauulactuieia snd IValers, No. 34 Walnut street,
June 27. 181S. ly I'hiUidelphia.
0 HORSE KllOES.Uurdcn.' Patent
Horse SIhn-s, for sale at manufacture!'
puces, by
June 27. lelfl. ly 34 Walnut t. Phllad.
fALT. New Votk Sail in barrel shd bsgs.for
sale at mauufaclUrers' prhwa hv
June 2T. I8IS. ly .14 Walnut st. Phila.1.
NOTICE Is hereby given, that an application
will be made to the pext legislature for s
rhsitrr for a Bank with a capital of J60 000. and
power to increase the capital thereof to 9 1 00,000,
with banking end discounting privilege, to be cal
led "The Rank of Shamokin." and to be located in
Ihe borough of Sunbury, in Northumberland coun
ty. Jun 27th, 1846.
COSXJliESS JAX Ulu and Black Corigr
Ink, of a auperior quality, for at cheap, at tha
tore of HENRY MAtUtlER.
July 4 lb, 1646.
IIave you heard Ihe News?
War, aiv'NT too axaan tbit
At hinhop, in Market tlrtet, adjoining the three
. : ,. ttory Brick Home,
TT AS just received from Philadelphia the largest,
handsomest and heal assortment of
of every description, that has ever been brought n
th- place. And what ia still better, they aay he
sella so cheap, that you can buy two eAttt for the
tame money that you W f0 pay for one pair.
He Uwts roa Cash nnd Suns roa Csj, snd
thai U Ihe lesson that he can afford lo tell them i
much chenr. If ynn don't waul to buy, just call
and see bis stock. He is always eUd lo see hi
customers and it is no trouble to bun lo show bis
goods. Jn-t 10 give you an idea how cheap be does
sell, the following is a list of price nf a pait of hi
st. rk i
Men' Thick Root.,
do Fine Grain d 1
do Cilf do
Roy' Thick Ho
Vouths' do
Men' Thick Rrogans,
Women'a Morocco Welle
and Kid Springs,
Women's beet City made
Kid Slinpers,
Laities' 4 Oaitirs and Gai
ter Roots,
orth H 00 utf.2 7!
4 50 at
3 00
3 00
1 7ft
1 2ft
1 (10
1 CO
1 12
1 37
a lii.
f 00 at
S 60 at
S 00 at
1 87 at
1 60 at
1 62 at
2 00 at
Also, every variety of Ladies', Boys' and
Urens shoes, at price. lJWer than ever before oillr
ed. Come and Sre
Sunbury. June l.lih. 1840. Cm
'T'JIE fulsrsibers are nianufjctnring
from the liest French, Encili nrd AmeiH-ao
manufdetured Cloth and Casstmeis, CLOTHIM)
in s very suiierior stvle. cut and workmanship.
Persons buying to sell again will find one of tho
largest and most fashionable stork of goods to select
from in the city, and at unpieredented I w price!..
J. W. ft E. U. STOKES,
1!I4 Mnrket st. Phtlnd.
N. R. A large awortmerl of Odd Fell ws' Re.
galia constantly on h.nnl, and all orders from loilues
or indiiiluals punctually attended to. on the moirt
hlieral term. J. W. ft E. I). S.
Philadelphia, .tunc 27th. 1S40 ly
J O II N. II. P U R I) V,
13 ESl'ECTFULLY inform his fiiends uii l
customer, thai ho haa removed hi stork of
goods to the Stone House, on Matket squire, form
erly occupied by Mr. Wm. Dewart, where he will
be happy to at rve hi old customer and the pub
lic generally, on a good teiros, and at aa Lw pri
ce can be h id e'sewbere.
A large assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods,
snd (Jueonsware, constantly on hand.
June 27lb, 1816. tf.
Tin antl Sheet-Iron Ware
s&LXKsaaovs, fbnit'a.
flHE aubcriler respectfully informs the pnblm
JL that he hn commenced the msnuf4CtUie of
Tin nnd Mirel-lron Mare,
in all its various branches, at SeliliSgrove. Hi
ware is not only made ofthe best materials, but i
put together in s subs'anlial and wurkmaniike man -ner,
differing in ibis respect fmm much of the wnte
sold, which is made up in a hurry for that purpose.
An eicellenl amort ment will be kepi on hand at all
times, which will be ld on the meet rensonabld
term. ANDREW j. W1NGERT.
Selinsgrnve, May 10th, 186. tf.
THE Danrile Steam IVoolcn Factory, fumcr.
ly owned and occupied by Dr. Pitbiriw, h
recently been purchased by the subscriber, who
ree.ectfully announv-e lo their friend and the pub
lie general y, that thry sre now prepared to do all
kind of w.rk in their line of business, at the shor
test notice, according to order, and in the best com
parative manner. Having gone to considerable
expense in repairing their machinery and aparatus,
and being very panicuhu in aecurii g the service of
ei rienced mechanics, they feel confident that
Ihey are capable of executing sll kind of work in
a atyle auperior to any other e ablishment in the
country, at the old custom 'y p-tees.
BLANKETS cunstan ly on hand, and for sale at
reduced price, for Cash or Bar'er.
will lie done in Ihe best manner, at the uaual pri
c s. All kinds or Country produce taken in pay.
ment for woik, at Danville market prices.
For iho accommodation of those who live at
di-lnnee, Wool snd Cloth will lie laken in at
and, when finished, returned to the following pie
ees, llatn Written direction must accompany"
each parcel i
Columbia Cmmiy. Roup ft Marr' etore, Va
ihingti nville : R. Friiii' store, J rsevtown ; Ye
ger'e inn. Roaring t 'reiki Sharptea' store, CattS
wis'al C F. Mann's stole, Milllinville t Miller's
store, Berwick J. Clinr's Mill; Rickei'a ston",
Oisngeville; Derr's store. W htie Hall.
Northumberland Connty Michael Reader's inn,
Turbutvillet Ireland ft HVs etore, McEwens.
ville; E. L. Piper's store, WatvOiatnwn; t. I,
('omly ft Co' tine. Mi'lon; (itiison'a inn, Cbil
Imiuaque : Forsvtbk stoie, NorthumuerUnd
Young's etote. S.inbU'V.
Luierne Vxntntu. Reviinld'e store, Kingston s
Gilderslerve's store. Wil.esbarre t Saylord' atnre,
Plymouth ; S'vev store, Naiiticok Judge
Mack' Mill, Huntington.
Lycoming County. W Chipp's store, Mmtfy I
Shoetnakei' store. Hmith'a Mill.
Danville, May 9, 1840.
Lime ! Lime ! !
.7 CHIT S. GHlPIrlAlTj
REKPEUTFLLLY inlorm his Mend, that
be ha commenced Ihe business of Lima
Burning, eh thef.nm be now occupies. He h4
now on hand a quantity of Lime for sale, and wilt
always endesvor to accommodate thoee who mi
IAVOT Qirn will) lonr rusuini.
Augusts April 1 1 th. 1840.--Cm
ill tll.ASI.S I h liit ijuahty Suqar llou-
I II Molasses, only Itl cents per quart; also, t
supeibn article wl yellow Molasa- s for bsking, on
ly IZJ cents per quart forsal st Ih store of
JOne 13, 18411. 11E.K1 MvBKIli
filllE I'stSBBATSB MtCASBIB HaIB Oil, h"
X lust been received and ia for sal at the store of
May SO,' I84B.
JlDE.N SEEDS. A fresh upply of K.
' Ilialay ft Go's Superior Garden !, just
received and &4r eale at the etore o..
Mitcli SI, 1040, HENRY MASSER.