, Continued from first Page.) , fl'protsion, but it hud nearly Attained its clima.W- t an unlucky day for him. Cnrigresa firtind country, in 1842, in most deplorable con dition ordistretaand despondency. Every man who wa in any way connected with productive 'itufmv.ry will retnembtr wliala dark cloud pre ceded their action on the tariff in that year, and wi all know how aoon confidence revived after ttio rmrtace of the law ; and all have realized The growth and improvement of every pursuit in onr Conntry from that time to this.' a Do gentlemen desire theao acenea renewed ? Will men nuver learn wiadom from experience 1 Mow la it now? How changed the scene! If a magician's wand, had been waved over thn face of our country, the reault would hardly bare appeared more like enchantment than the reality now before na. No man ie idle who is willing In work. Contented, smiling facea are very where to be eeen. The busy hum of in dustry gladdens the ar m all direction. Ev cry body ia proof erotia and everybody ia hnppy. For the crop of the last year the firmori of j Pennsylvania received a fcigw price. The pros perity of your city will be eero in tbe fact that a city haa sprung up, aa if by magic, alongside of yon, furnishing employment for ahinprng nearly equal in amount to all the rest of your tonnage At this new point are daily aeen more than 100 ahips waiting fur cargoes of coal. Oiir canale and onr railroads are crowded with business, and new improvements are springing up in ev ery quarter. Neatly all the States have restor ed their credit, and the United Slates Treasury had, when the present Congress met, sur plus of many millions. What has produced all this! Shall lawthnthas conferred all theae benefits on the country bo hastily thrown aaide, and one adopted in its place which no one is willing to father, and which no one will defend; which, in its crude principles and undigested details, shows its author to be wholly unac quainted with the commercial, manufacturing, mechanical, or agricultural resources of the country To be Continue J.) Pout bait of a Pa rim ah CoqirRTTR. I went with a friend to the new Opera. We had scarce ly taken our aeats iu front of the amphitheatre, when a beautiful elegante, accompanied by an el derly cavalier, who, it was very easy to see, was her huibanJ, took the second row. The lady was beautiful, her tonrneur distinguished, while her toilette, and an air of languishing candour and enchanting amenity, atruck every spectator. i ne heal induced ner lo lake on her hat, and we discovered the most superb comb of polished steel, terminating in points of diamonds. By' and-by, a buckle of hair escaping fiom the comb obliged her to take off a glove, and left ua to ad' mire a hand and arm of the most polished sym metry, and of the most healthful freshness, en riched with precious rings and bracelets. The arm was exposed to the shoulder. It did, no doubt, cost her some pain to conceal for a time her finely turned neck, but it waa necessary that ber rich cashmere should produce its effect. At length, however, the cashmere dropped, and dis covered the finest shoulders in the world, and bosom most beautiful. Either my companion or I could not avoid, fiom time to time, in au dible whispera, to praise her beauty, which did not escape the attention of the lady snd her hus band. The latter perhaps found the air, from the occasional opening of the door, a little too keen, and he said, with great aweetness, 'Afa bonne anue, I entreat you to draw' on your abawl and your gloves." "I assure yon," she said in i eturn, "I do not feel the air from the door ; but yet 1 thank you for your attention, and I will instantly give you proof of it, my love." And in less thsn a minute we could see nothing. Happily for me, a little old lady was placed by the side of the elegante. I offered her my place on the front seat, and in a moment, I took her station. In a minute or two my beautiful neigh bour, taking advantage of her husband'a eye be iiig turned, pulled off her glove to re-adjuat ber comb, and suffered ber cashmere to fall off one shoulder, which ahe gathered round under ber arm ; and the husband, being on the other aide rniiUI not observe the fact ao the glove and the shawl remained off during the rest of the per formance. I had not an eye to the etage. On rising to depart, the husband said, "perhaps I have a little chagrined you, my dear, your robe is so beautiful but your health is every thing." "O ! 1 have given yon pleasure," she replied, "and that is every tbing to me." Majob Noah never uttered a greater truth than the following : 'TvV are too polite in our phrases. If a pit lionaire gete drunk he is elated. If an influen tial politician he ia elevated. If a Wall atreet broker he is inebriated. It a large shoe dealer be ia intoxicated. But poor Sixth ward me chanic be is "a nasty beast, and drunk aaa pig." A few daya since, the Grtnd Jnry ignored bill against a huge negio, for stealing chickens, and before discharging him frem euatody, the Judge, bade him atand op, and, after a severe re- premand, he concluded aa follows "You may go now, John, but (shaking bia finger at him) let me warn you never to appear here again." John, with delight beaming from his big Whit eyes, ' and with broad grin, displaying row of beau tiful ivory, replied ; "I would'nt bin hers dia time, JudV, only tba constable fotch m !" - ' Th Fasusr and vhs Lawvxe. Wby do yeu not hold up your head aa I do V inquired an aria- tocratic lawyer of a farmer. 'Squire' said tba farmer, 'look at that field of grain all the valuable beads hang down, while those that bava nothing in them sUnd npright In a party a few evenings sir, it was asked, .'why is woman unlike a Jooking glattf It waa anawered, 'because tb first epeakt without rejiuting, and the second rejleete without tpee ing , n A JV K 6te list. nsmmtw AntA. The following Kt shows tK current value of all rVnnsylvatiia Hank N.itea. The most implicit re liance miy 1-e placed upon it, as It Is eoery week jarrfnily compared with ai d corrected from Bick nall'e Reporter. tanks In Philadelphia. ... Disc m Penan. NOTES AT PAR. flank of North America , par Rsnk of the Nnithern I.itartie , , par Commercial Hank of Penn'a. . psr Fsrmers' and Mechanice' Bank . . par fCenoingtnn Rank par Philadelphia Hunk' . . t par Schuylkill flunk . . . par Southward Bank . par Western Hunk . , par Mechanics tank . . par Mnniifnctiirrr ft Mechanics Bank' par rtink of Pcnn Township . psr t'l'srd Bank . par B-.nk of Commerce, Into Moyamrneing far Dank of T'ennaylvania . par Country Ilanka). Bank of Chester County Westchester par Rank of Delaware County Chester par Bank of f Jerinsntown Oermsntown par Bunk of Montgomery Co. Norrislown par Dovtestown Bank . Hoyleatown psr Elision Bank Eastnn par Fsrmcr Hank of Bucks en." lirittol psr Bnnk of Niirthombeilande Northumberland par Columbia Bank & ft ridge co. Columbia par Farmers Bnnk or l.ancastei Laacistei par Lancsatcr County Bnnk Lsncas'er Bank Lancaster par Lancaster pt Reading par Farmer' Bank of Reading Office of Bonk of PeWa. Harrisburg Theae Office Office Jo do ' do NOTES do do do AT Lancaster I offices Reading (do not Office Easton J issi DI8COUNT. suen tank of the United States Philadelphia Pottsville Lewittown S3 Miners' Bank of Pottsville Bsnk of Lewictown Bank of MidJIotown Middleiown Carlisle Pittaliurg Ilollidayshurg Harrisburg l.ehanon Pittsburg Piiu'.Hitg Williamsport Wilkeabsrre Allentown Resiling Pittsburg let I Carlisle Batik Exchange Bsnk I) t do branch of Hcrrishurg Bsnk Lebanon Bsnk Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Bnr.k of Pittsburg West Branch Bjnk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Beiks County Bsnk Office of Cank of U. 8. Do do do Do do do Bank of Clmmhersburg Bank of Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bsnk Farmers' & Drovers' Bsnk Franklin Bsnk Honesdate Unk fsiled Erie Nenr Brighton t'hsmbf rsburg Gettysburg do d Montrose Erie Wsyneshurg Wsshington Honesdnle Brownsville York 1J.I I I Monongahele Bank of B. 1 fork Bsnk ia N. B. The notes of thoss banke on which we omit quotati jns, and substitute dash f ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of ttiose which have a letter of reference, BROKEN BANKS. Philsdelphia Sav. Ina. Philadelphia faiicd Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed do do do do 8cbuvlkill Sav. Ice. do failed Kensington Sav. Ina. A Penn Township Ssv. Ins. Manual Labor Bans ( I W; Dyott, prop.) failed no ssle closed closed failed closed no sale railed failed failed no sale no ssle no sjle failed no sale closed no sale closed Towanda Usnk Alleghany Bank of Pa, Bank of Beavsr Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington I owanda Bedford Beaver Hariisburg Washington Hell, fonts Pitmbmg Pittsburg Fayette cn. lireeneaatle Harmony Huntingdon lwintown Warren Dundaff Centre Bank City Bank Farmers ox Merli cs liuuk Fsrmera' & Mecl?cs Bank Farmers' & Met b cs' Bsnk Hkimony Institute Huntingdon usnk. Junista Bank Lunitwrmen'a Bsnk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumb'd Union Col. Uk. New Hope Milton Meadille Port Carbon Carlisle Montrose Uniontown North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. A sr. & Manuf. Bank failed closed failed closed Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Uiidgs Co. Ureenstiurg Wilkeabarre no ssle (TT AH notes puriiorting to be on any Pennsyf vania Bsnk not given in the above liat, may be tit Jown as frauds. KKW JERSEY. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick failed Belvidete Bank Belvidere Hurhngton to. uanR Medlord psr Jommercial Hank" rmn Amboy g Lumberland Dank" Dridgelon par rarmerr Usnk" Mount Holly par Farmers snd Mechanic Hk runway Farmera' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswick fsiled Farmers' snd Merchsnu' Bk Middletown Pi. 1 Franklin Bank of N.J. Jeraey City failed Hoboken Bkgdr. Grastng Co Hoboken fail Jersey City Bsnk Jersey City fsiled Mecbanica' Usnk Pstlerson failed Manufacturers' Bsnk Belleville failed Morris County Bank Morriatown I Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold failed Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton i par Morris Canal and JJkg Co Jeraey City Post Notes no aale Newark Bkg dt Ina Co Newstk i 2 New Hope Del Bridge Co Imheiuville rti. J. Manufac and Bkg Co Hotmken failed N J Piotecton & Lombard bk Jersey City failed I 'range Hank' Urange 1 I'atenton uank" I'ateraon failed Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton par par Salem Banking Co Salem Bute Bsnk Newark State Bank ' Elixahethtowa i par a failed (ailed i par failed State Bank Camden State Bank of Morria Morriatown Slate Bank Trenton Salem and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem Suaaes Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trentoa Union Bank Dover Washington Banking Co. Heckenaeck DELAWARE. Bk of Wilrn St Brahdy wine Wilmington Bank ef Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch ' Minor d Farmera' Bk of State of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Da branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank Wilmington rrr Under 6'a par par per par Pf par psr per par (7 On all bank marked thus () I beta an e. Iter counterfeit or altered notes of ibe various da nomination!, far drculeuen. WHITE SWAXr. HOTEL, Race Strect, PmtAnxtrui. THIS location ia convenient for Business men visiting the city. Every pain ia taken to se cure the comfort of travellers. 1 ' Mifch 7. 1846. ly ; Removal.: D. T. THITES, RESPECTFULLY Informs the el- t'tena of Banbury and vicinity, that ha hai removed his tsVdrnce to iha Brick House in Msiket etreet, one door we t of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for vsst fs vnrs, be hopes to reeeivs a continuation of the liber al patronage which bas heretofore been extended to him. Feb 28, o. um MONTOUR HOUSE, I ATE BRADY'S HOTEL, Oppostie the Cmtrt owse, fiANVIllS. PUNK' A. f . THE Sutwcriber, wlio ssiis'ed for se 77l W' Tears in the mansiremsnt of the a M I hoe Hotel, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra 'I'twldv. bi s-s lesvs to inform the trselling tiub'ir.lhst he hss taken the establn-nment on his own account, on the first of Januaty, 1846. The House has. of late, undergone many impor taht alterations, and the present conductor promises to lese nothlnt ondono to make it a comfortable and aereeable, a well as a chesp and accommoda ting Monoinc vlsce for stringers who may visit our flouri-diing village. No pains nor expense win no spsrrd to fill the table and the bar with the tet the m nket afford, and with the determination to de- vo' Ms entire personal attention to the comfort of ihne wha mav make his houe their temporary a bode, snd sided by active, careful end obliging ser vants, he hopes lo give gem-rat satistacaon, and re ceive a litiersl shsre ol cu-4osa. cry Lsree and eommodioua 8TABLES sre at tached to the establishment, which are attended by cartful and obliging bo-tiers. t,IL)Et)i M. Bnuur. January 4ih. 184R. tf EVANS & WATSON, No. 70 South Tuird Street, Oppoeite the PhiladtifUa xcAnre Manufacture and keep con atantlv on hand, a large as sortment of their Pitent Im proved Salamander FIRE PROOF 8AFES. which are - constructed as to set at rest ' . . a fJjjj&$ manner oT tleubt as io tneir 5SO!&being atrirtlv fire tiroof, snd ihsl tbcv will resist the fire of any building in the world. The outside case of the 8sfes are made of boiler iron, the inside cite of soap-tone, and be tween the utrr cs and inner esse is a space of some S inches thick, end is filled in with indstiut tible m-iteiiwl, so ss In mske it an impossibility to ever burn any of the contents Inside of this Chest. These Hospatone Salamanders we are prepared and do challenge the wetld to produce any article In the ahape of Book 8 ales that will stand as mocD hest, and we hold ourselves ready at all limes to hsve them fairly testeJ by public bonfire, should a- ny ct our competitors feel disposed lo try mem We also continue to msnufscture and keep con stantly on hand, a large and general assortment of our Premium Air-tight Tire Proof Ssfes. i f which w hsve a large quantity in use. and In every in stance i hey have given entire estisfection to the purchasers of which we will refer the publie to few gentlemen who hsvu them in use, N. A O. Taylor, 159 north 3d at.; A. Wright At N- phew. Vine at. wharf; Alexander Caror, Con veysnecr, corner of Filbert and Oth els.; John M Ford, 3) north 3d sL; Myers Bush. 30 north 3d t.; Bsiley & Brother, 139 Msket at.; Jsmes !H. Paul. 101 south 4tti st; Dr. DsOd Jsyne, 8 south 3d st.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d at.; snd we could name aome three or four hundred others if it were necessary. Now we invite the sttention of the publie, and particularly those in wsnt of Fire Proof Safes, to cell si our store before purcha sing elsewhere, and we think we can satisfy them thai they will get a better and cheaper article at our store than any other establishment in the city. We slso continue to msnofactuie reel and co pying rresscs, msile in suen a manner aa w an swer both purposes ; Hoisting Mschines, Fire Proof Doors, with our own msnufscture of locks on them, witb D. Evana a Patent Keyhole cover attached to the same t plain and ornamental Iron Railing, Ac. H. B. We keep eonatantlv on band a large as sortment of our Psienl tslsle Lined Refiigetntus, Wster Filters and Colr ; and we have also on bandseversl ecand hand Fire Proof Chests taken in exchange for ours, which we will dipose of el veiy low prices. Philadelphia, January J4th. 1846. I y WHOLESALE B.ETAXL HAT & CAl WAHKIIOUSE, JVo. 304, AfarJkrf Sfrcef, above 9th, South tide, PHILADBLHIA M THE suheerd ers respectfully call the alien aSaX lion of their friende and deulera to their large snd well sssorted slock of Hals and Cape of every description, well sdapted f r the Sring trade. Be ing mads of Ibe beat material and by the meat ex perienced workmen, they feel confident lo give uni versal satisfaction to all DO may favor them wilb a tiial, aa they offor to sell ss low aa any house in Ihe city. BAR I'ALO IT & DLYNN. Philadelphia, January 3, 18481 To Purchaser of DRV GOODS. fTtHE subscriber, No. 121 Pearl etreet, New J. York, having eublihed a Branch at No. 23 South Second at., Philadelphia, is now opening, arid will be constsntly receiving from the New York Auctions, an extensive assortment of FAXTCT It BTAVLB DBT OOOSS. which will be sold at the lowest New York pneea at wholesale and Rrtail. Among his stock will be found a good assortment of the Mlowisg articles J second. Plsid. II sir Cotd, Lsee, Stripe, Book, SwUs and 1'srlsisn Muslins, Bishop and Linen Ltwna, Fancy CanNelU, Fancy and Ball Ureases, Thread Lscee, Application Do., rich Black Silk Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen Csmhrie Hdkfs.,Cuitain Fringes, Csshmeie d'Eeosae, Mouseline de Laiea, Silk and Cotton Warp A I) areas, Quoru'e Cloth, Gala Plaida, Frrnch Meiinee, Black ilks. Gloves, Si 4 Hose, Shawls, Ciava'a, Ribbons, Embioiile rice, Ae Ac " Country Merchants and othera visiting Philadel phia or Nsw York lo purchase, are respectfully in vited io csll and examine the stocks. Nov. I, 1845. ly O. H. MOORE. V Kril EAT. Tbebiibesl price gisn for W )f W beat, at the store of H. MASSE R, A new supply ef Rose Ointment just received. Nov. sin, lain. I) Alt IKUiM Just received and for eale, cheap - for cash, by J1EJNKY MABSEK. Sunbury, Sept. 20, I84S. CUPERIok Porl wine, Jrladsna and Lisbon J Ahe superior Brands and Gin. Lemon 4yrup, Also a, few barrets of Bit a Pisa, for aale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July lltb, 114. He Be IAS33Pa, ATTORNEY AT LAW, VNBUST. PAm Business attended to 1n ike Cmintrea f Na thurel arland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. , . Retur t P. & A. Favocnr, Lows a A Banaoir, SoMsn & StvoneeAas, rSHaJ. Ratwotoa, McFaulsub dc Co. SrintRO,')oon & Co., II EH. TVS HOTEL, IIARniSDVRG, PA. IBEQ leave lo Inform the publie that t have left Philadelphia, and am now located in Harris burg, the seat -of the Executive and State Govern ment of Petmeylvenis, where I now occupy the spacious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Mstihew Wilson. This apacious building, having been purposely planned and erected fw a Hotel of the first class, is not surpassed tf ettalled, by any aimilar estab lish mi ,4 in reawisy fvsnia t and having umlergnne a thoTovgh renovation, the parlors, rooms and chamhese ave now filled up in a atyte thai com binea eVtamee whh comfort and convenience. My TABLE is pledged lo be soppliad with the best fare the Markets cast produce t the charges at the anna time being ss moderate ss sny of the beat regulated asial lishments elsewhere.' In short, no exeitions shall be spared on my p irt, orem the part of every mem1r of my hnsiaehnld, to make il whsl it should be, in tlie Cxpitul of one of the wraet pop ulous snd interesting State of the Union. - With these promises, accnmmodaiiona and faci lities, and the fscl that the Hotel ia most eligibly situated, I wi'h confidence, most respectfully soli cit the psfronsge of the Public DANIEL HERR. Late of Herr's Hotel, Chesnut St., Pbilsd. Hsrri kurg. Nov. S3. IMft. FOURTEEN it l it ii U l rl v t i t X t n . 1Bsitca 'a V satires!-aoWdn cure for s worms sore snd very oleatant to Isle. 2. GiaaoVs ExTkaCTs, wliirh remove Gresse of all kind, Dry Pa nts, Tsr, Vainiah and Wv, from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth. S Lavimw Fir Psesu -the best thing known for killing (lies and mucquitoes. 4. A ceilstn Destroyer or Kals, Mice, ttoeches and Ante, and another of Bd Buja. S. Gex.v s Brrrirtc for eour stomach, Heart Burn and Water Br sh, by one who hadsvfiired thirteen years, before he ri "covered the cure. - Da. Stxt! s Iiiiu Ui!fTMlkT as the Tries. Il hss never failetl lo cute. 7. Haaioa'a Tsttru Wash. 8. Baauoaa'a I'dsubls Is, without a rival. 9. Tnx Com rocs a Covrscvio or Fioa junl the medk ine for children and fur women, il ia so pleasant to lake. 10. Bscn'a VtetTiUtk Astibiliops Pitta. 11. Gcaa's Esolliibt WsTsa-raoor Pasts. for Hsmeas, Boota, dtc. Il softens the leather, and keeps opt the wster. 12. Poo Man's 8TassoTBsvin Pustib. 13. Jacksob's DuaaaoiA Mixti-sc, whiih curve the worst Diarrhoea in a few hours. - 14 JacKaoa's DraaaTsar Mixtcbv, a cer tain and speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer Complaint. The above vsluslde articles are sold wholesale and retail, by L. C. GUNN, No. I Smith Fifth ttrret, Philadelphia where Ston keepers and o ihera will be supp ied with pure African Csyenne Pepper, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glssa and Varnishes, at the lowest prices. Terms only caah. y Cut out lbs advertisement, and bring it with you. Philadelphia. July 19th. I84S. ly. BELIEVE AND LIVE. THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar & Vorxl Aaplna. THE unprecedented success of this medicine, in the reatorstion of health, to those who, in dee- psir, bsd given up sll hopes, hss given it an rxs' ted repulstion above all other remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic vs'ue and power, ss the on ly agent whtch ran be relied upon for the cure ol Polmonsry Consumption, Broiichiltis, Asthma, Pain in the ride and Brral, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac Attention ia requested to ihe following As I ISIIING CURE.bv Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nsptha ! ! Philadelphia, Mai 3d, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dew Sir With grateful feelings I inform you of the astonishing efleeta of your medicine, which has literally rsis- d me from a death-bed ! My dnea-e, rulmonsry lontump lion, had reduced me so low thst my physician pro. nojnced my case bopeleee I Al Ihie junction I be gan to oeyour medicine, and miraeuloua aa it may seem, it hss completely restored me to beslth, after everything else had fsiled. Respectfully yours. WABMlAUlUn MAI.'K. Charlotte atreet, above Geoige street. The undersigned, being personally scqusinted with Waahington Msck and hia suflerinss, bear witness to Ihe aaloniahing effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tsr, and the truth of Ihe s bove statement. JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third atreet, DAVID VICKERH, 42 Almond street, HUGH M 'GIN LEY, 8. E. corner T.mauy and Fourth atteetst Prepared only by 9. P. Thomson, N. E. coiner of 6th and Spruce streets, Philsdelphia. Agrnla. H. B. Masser, Sunbury U. Grose, snd Dr. Marpheraon, Hariiaburg Jnn, O. Brown, Fottsville ; Geo. Earl, Reading; Houston fit Ms- en, Towanda, Brad lord county, Pa, Price (0 cents per bottle, or $3 p r doaen. . . (r Beware of all imitation. Philsdelphis. June 28th, 1846. ly n jacL loixiXTicrKytr PLAIN OS. THE SUBSCRIBER hss been sppointed agent, for tbe ssle of CONRAD MEYER'S CEL EBRATED PREMIUM RUSE WOOD PI ANOS, at this place. Theae Pianos have a plain, maaaive and twautiful exteiiur finih, and, for depth and aweetness of lone, and elegance of workman ship, are not surpassed by any in tbe United Stales. The following ia a recommendation fiom Cast Dia-ra, a celebrated performer, and himself a man. ofaciuier i A GAUD. Havibo bad the pleasure of trying ihe excel lent Piano Fortee menfaetured by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited at Ihe last exhibition of the Franklin In elirute, I feel it due to the tree merit of the maker lo declare that Iheee instruments are quite equal' and in some respects even superior, to all ibe Pi ano For Iss, 1 saw at the capitals of Eutope, and during a sojourn ef two years al Paris. Thee Pianos will be sold at tbe manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower. Piiaona are requested lo call aqd examine lor theaaeelves, at the residence of ibe subscriber. Sunbury, May IT. IMS. H. B. MASSER. IBlBa of a enpene quality, can now be bad alike Lime Kiln of Henry Maeser.tn Bun bury. ury. May IT, irtd. OAKIiEY'S DEPURAT1TB BY RIP. THE vslusble properties of Oakley'a Depute live Syrup of Ssrsaparilta, aa a purifier of the UooA, ie ao well known In tha public generally, that it is wrmecessaiy to occupy much spare in set ting forth tire advantage lo be derived from its use; wherever the medicine hss once been intro duced, rt take wecedence over all others t evety Wis that haa taken tv, bs derived so signs! bene ficial reeulta from it, that it ie recommended by them witli fbe u'snnet confidence. Pbysicisns of the highest staniing In the profesMon, presenile it lo patients under their care ; containing nothing deleterious, but being composed ol the moat mild, yet efRcekus vegetable msterisls, it Is offered with confidence, aa the cheapest and most efficient pu. rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in Ihe spring months, will he at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral atrength of Ihe system, eradicating any seels ofdiseaae thai may have been generated, besidea giving health and vigor lo the body. For the core of Scrofula or Kinga Evil, Rheumatism. TYtter, Pimples or enrpTirrrta of the Skin, While Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, &e. The nu merous rertifica'c in ibe possession of the subset I ler and his agents, from physicisns and others, sre sufficient to convince the most skeptics! of its su periority over all preparations of Sarsapsrills. ' Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 5th street. Res ding, Beiks County, and lo lie bail of the following persons t In Noftttmmberhnd County. H. B. Msaeer-, Sunbury ; Ireland Ac Mixel, McEwensville ; D Krsuaer, Milton. in Union County. i. Gesrhnrt, Scliusgrove : A. Gu teli ns, Mifllinburg. IW Columbia County. H. W. McCsy, Wash ington. Reading, March ft. 1843. Ma. Oakixt: I believe it Ihe uty of every ne lodo whatever in their power lie-, for the b-ne. j fitofthrtr Wlow men. and having had po-itive proof in my own family, of the wonderful propenies of your Drporalive Syrup of Sarasparilla, I m-st consrientinualy recommend it lo the sftticicd. We had the misfortune to hwe two of our children, by the lireektng out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head and neck, although we had aome of the most scientific physicians to attend Ihrtn anil had tried all Ihe known temedies, including Nwaim'a Panacea, without avail. Another of my children wss attacked in the same manner, her face and neck waa completely covered; tbe discharge wss so offensive, and ibe disesse at such a height, thst we despaired of ber life. Seeing ihe wonderful efleeta of your Depurative Syrup ff 8'irsspavill, we were induced lo make trial of it. as the last resort ; il acted like a cV.arm ; the u'cera commenced healing immediately, a ftw bottles entirely restored her lo her health, which ahe has enjoyed uninlertupledly ever since. As a purifier of tbe blood, I verily be lieve it haa not ila equal. JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut atreet, near Fourth, Reading. Doviglsesville, April 19th, 1843. Mb. Oakist i My son Edmund Leaf, had Ihe scrofula in the most dreadful and diatresaing man ner for three yea re. during which time he was de prived of the use of his limbs, hi he id and neck were covered with ulcers. We tried sll ihe differ enl remedies, but In no (Tret, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Noriiatown, and slso Dr. laaae Hieslet, of Reeding, lo use your Depurative Myrup of Sareapsrilla, of which I obtained several bottles, the use of which d'ove the disease enlinly out of his system, Ihe sore healed op, snd the child was restored to perfect health, which he haa enjoyed uninterruptedly ever aince, IO the aatoniahnient of many persons who seen bim during hia affliction. I have thought it my duty, and send you this certi ficate Ihsl others who bae a like affliction in tbe family may know where to obtain ao valuable a medicine. Yours truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 16, 1843 ly A II III & no CAP, WHOLESALE A RETAIL HAT & CAP MAMFACTUUKUS, South Eael corner of Market and 4th tie.. Philadelphia, WHERE they alwaya keep on hand an eilen aive assortment of HA TS U CA PS of every description, got up in Ihe taut snd moat approved st Ie, Persons derirous r f purchwing superior siii clra on the most rraaot1 able terms, will Cud it to their advantage lo call bt f.-re. making purchase elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. fitli, 1944. ly CITY FURNITURE AUCTION, XTS PB.IVA.TE SALES BOOKS, Nets. 29 and 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. r C. MACKEY, Auctiimerr, respectfully in s vim the attention of x-raoris desirous of pur chafing Furniture, lo hia extensive Hairs Rooms, (both public end Private.) for every description of Household Furniture, wbire can be obtained al all tiinea, a large assortment df faahionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Bede, Maltrasses, die., st very reduced prices, for cash. Salea by Auction, twice a week. May 27ib. 1843. ly Coauterflelten' DEATHBLOW. The public will please observe that no Brsndreth Pills are genuine, unless ihe box hss three la- beta opon it, (the top, the aiile and the bottom) each containing a ftc-aimilcaignature of my hand writing, thus B. BbiUdbxtu, M. D. These la. bel-aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an eipense of over f 2,000. Therefore It will be seen thai the only Ibing neceary lo pro cure the medicine in ita purity, ia lo observe theae labrla. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. Tbe .following respective persons are duly authori sed, and hold CERTIFICATES OT AOEKCT For Ike eale of Brandrtih'i Vegetable Vnioertal PUt. Northumberland county I Milton Markejr A Chambcilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewene villo Ireland sV Meixell. Northumli land W m. Forsyth. Georgetown J. eV J. Walla. Union County i New Berlin Bogar A- Win ter. Selinsg rove--Gsorge Gundium. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Beavertown David Hubler. AdamsburgWrn. J.May. Mifilinsborg Meusch at Rsy. Hartlelon Daniel Long. Freeburg G. It F.C. Moyer. Lew iabtirg Walls St, Green. Columbia county t Danville E. B. Reynolds sV Co. Berwick Shuaxan St Rttt en house. Cat-tawissa- C. O. Brobta. B loom sburg John R. Moyer. Jsisey Town Levi Biecl. Waahington Rot. McCay. Limestone Bailie tk MtNlncb. Observe l bat each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a repreeentatien ol air BRANDRETH'S Manuhclory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be aeen exact eopiee of ibe saras Imbelt now mood upon the Brmmdntk Pitt BotTM. rbUaWpbia, ofiee No. a Nsvth tb etreet B. BRANDKJSTH, M. D. - June 34lh, 1143, ROGH OINTMENT FOR TETTER, c RliSOWORBU, riMPLte OH TRK TkCK, AND OTRKK CUTANBOltft KRVPTIOm. r . ' Cj Tlit following eertilca'e describe one of Ihj mntt extraordinary euret ever effected by any application. PaitAnct sria, February 10. 1838. FOR twenty years I waa severely afflicted with Txtts on the Face and Headt the disesso commenced when I wae seventeen years old, ami continued until the Fall of 18-18, vat Ting in vio ' lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, grest part of my face waa covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing ; my bead swelled at times until it felt ss If it would burst the swelling wae ao grest, thai I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that 1 was afflicted with the disease, I used a grest many st plications, (among them several celebrated preparation) as w,-ll as taking inwjrd remedies, including a number of hollies of Sioaim'e Panacea, Ertraet of Sartnpnrtlla, cVc, In fact it would be impo'sitde to enumerate all Ihe medicines I used. I wss also under the Care of two of the most dis linguished physicisns of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, snd I despaired of ever being cured. In the fall of 1 838, the disesae st the time being very violent, I commenced using the Rote Ointment, fprepsred by Vsughsn & Davis.) In a fi-w applications the vierewl etching ceased, the swelling abated, the rropiion began to disappear, and before I had used a jnr the diaesse was entirely cured. . It has now been nearly a year and a half since, and there ia not a vestige of the disease re maining, except the sears from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is impnasible for me Ia describe in a certificate ihe severity of the disesse and my1 suffering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller so conn! to any person wsnting further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the time I commenced using Ihe Rose Ointment I would have given hun dreds of do'.lsrs lo he rid of the disease. Since u sine it. I have recommended it lo aeveral neranna. (trnong them my mother, who had the disesse bad- ly on her arm,) who w re s i cured hv it. JAMKHDUKNELUNo.Ua, ReeSt. tj The Roso Ointment is frt'psred by E. B. Vautfhan, 8uih East comer of Third and Race slreits, Philadelphia, and sold on ssency in Sunbu ry. by H. II. MA8SER, May 14th. 1813. Afenl liose Ointment, fblFTelter. A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. PaiLtntLMiA, Msy 2?lh, 1839. 'PHIS i lo certify that I waa severely afflict with Tetter in Ihe hands snd feet for upwsrdi of forty years ; the disesse wss attended grnerslh with vin'ent itching and swelling. I applied to r number of physerixns, snd used a great many sppli rations without effecting a cure. About a yea since, I applied ibe Rore Ointment, which entire!; flopped he itching, and a f"-w application immedi atrly cured the diaeaae, which there has been n return of, sllhough I bsd never been rid of il a any lime for forty years. RICHARD SAVAI.fi Eleventh, below Spruce Street. The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. E Vsujihan, 8 juth Esst comer of Third and Rao Streets, Philsdelphia, and sold on agency in Sunhq ry.by Ii. U. MASsER, ' MayJ4thIJ843. Agem KEDICAX ATPEOBATIOIV OJ the ROSE OINTMENT, for Tetlet. ALTHOUGH the auperiority of the prepaialio over all others is fully es'ahliahed, the proprii tors take plessure in Isying before the public th following cer'.ificste from a respectable phyaiciai a graduate of ihe University of Pennsylvania. D Baugb, having found in this remedy that relief f a tedious and dii-agreeaMe afTortion which the meai within the range of his profession failed to sffor has not heaitated to give it his approbation, althoug the prejudices and interests of thst profession a opposed lo secret Remedies. 1'kilt.Anrieuia, Sept. 19, 1836. I wss recently troubled with e tedious herpet entpii.-n, which covered nearly one si.tu of my fit snd cxtendi-d over the ear. Mr. Vauithsn, piopri tot of the Rose Ointment, observing my face, tnsi ted on my Itying his preparation, of which he he ded me a jar. A Ith.iURh in common with the met beta of my profession, I discountenance nnd din prove of the numerous noatrums palini-d upon t! public by isnoisut pn tender, I feel in jus ire bout lo ricrpl the Rose Ointinrtit fiom thai class of in dirines. snd to give it my sppriiation, as it enti, ly ured ihe erittn, ahhnuth il hd resisted l u-o.l apj-lirstioi.s, DANI. II.M'Oll. M. I). 03" The Rose Ointiiienl ia prepared by U. Vauvhan, h'ouih East corner ol Third am! R Street. Philadelphia, and sold on sgmcv in So bury, by II. B. M ASSER. Msy 14th. 1843. Ai(r """" EAGLE 7 SrXT II 107 XH3 TSLe . Corner of Third mnd Vine Strreli, wn.ZaZAmspoTt pa. THE eidiscriher Ki-tfuMy announeea to . public, lhai he he niened a Hotel in lbs co mod ions brick building situate on ihe corner 1 bird ahd Pihe streela, where he Will be happy wait npon those wlm may favor bim wild it rompaiiy. The Eagle Hotel ia large end eonve enl, and furnished in Ihe het modem stle. I provided with a Istge nitmber of well aired r comfortable sleeping spertment, rooms, priv psilora, cVc Persons smiling Wlllismsport on siness or pleaaure, may real as-u red that every erlion Will be used to render their sojourn st 'Eagle Hotel" pleasant end eseeeWe. HisTs will lie supplied with the very brat the market fords, and bis bar witb ihe choicest wines and ot liquors chatges reisonahle. The Katie IL posecaees greater advantages in point of local than any other similar estsbliahment in the borou being situate in Ihe business part of the town, within a convenient distance of the Court He and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and in oatlera always in attendance. ' Attentive, accommodating and honet Sefw have been employed, and nothing left undone t will add le tbe comfort and accommodation or gueats. There will be a carriage alwaya in atlendaner the Boat Landing lo convey passengers to and ft ihe House, free of charge. CHARLES BORROW May 14th. I84t. If Michael Weaver k Soil HOPE MAKERS Ik SHIP CttANSLE: No. IS Itorth Water Street, Philadelphia. h: AVE constantly on band, a getter al aat ment of Cordage, Brine 1 wmea, exc. Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes. M la Ropes, Tow Lines for Csnal Boats. Ab complete eaaortaaent of 8ine Twines, die. sue Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beet Patent Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, f Threads, etc etc Also, Bed Cords, Plough Li HatUre, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chi etc all of which they will dispone of On reason terms. Philadelphia. November 19, IMS. ly. SPLTlTNGmiTdr No. 13 Markrit Street, PhiladelpI INVITE tha attention as Country Merck to their extensive aseortmsnt of British Fn and American Dry Gooda, which they offer for en the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November it, 1841. ly,