a a The London Timet regards the new Ministry favorably; ." ;'.'.,r If,,,' " '-; -F ,., Sir Robert Peel view it without jealouiy and with a friendly eye. ? The general impression it that the new Pre. mier will hastily wind op the business of the session, and will dissolve Parliament in the course .of the autumn. , . j . .... ; . The Cotton market it in a healthy but not a very active state. Prieet have improved a shade The contemplated change in the Sugar duties has had an injurious effect. : Stocks became depressed, and the dealers show a reluctance to go beyond their most pressing .wants.'" :' '' "". " ' " ' . - ? fc . i . ... . .. .. . The .Co (Tee trade has been in lethargic con dition. - ' - , - ,-, The Money Market, considering the Ministeri al change, is firm. . ",' The settlement of the Oregon Question has produced general joy in England. It arrived on the eve of the dissolution of the Ministry. ' It is rumored in England that the navigation of the Columbia river is reserved in perpetuity, and not for the duration alone of the Hudson Bay Company's charter. Peel so understands it. Two columns and a half of Peel's speech are devoted , to the settlement of the Oregon question, the re lations of Mexico, and his resignation. He says: . I do rejoice that before surrendering power at the feet of a ministry of this House, I had the opportunity of giving them the official assurance that every cause of quarrel with that Great Country America on this side of the Atlantic la terminated. (Loud cheers.) Sir, I feel that I have now executed the task which my public duty imposed upon me. I trust I have said no thing which can by possibility lead to the recur rence of those controversies which have been deprecated by all lovers of peace.' Attention is now fixed upon the American. Tariff, and hopes are entertained by commercial men of all parties in England, that the present session in the American Congress will not ter minate without a reduction of the rates upon im ported Goods. Tho London Timet and Chronicle speak favor ably of the settlement of the Oregon Question. , The election of Pope was made with greater dispatch than was anticipated, having been got over In 49 hours. None ol the foreign Cardinals had time to be present. The choice of the con clave fell on Cardinal Mastuy Ferreti, who was accordingly proclaimed the successor of St. Peter, tinder the name of Pope Pius IX. ' His age is fifty-eight. At regarda years, he it one of the youngest of St. Peter's successors, and if all that is said of him be correct, he cannot fail to make a shrewd temporal ruler in addition to the func tions of hit spiritual office. The previous habits nnd character of this Pontiff do credit to the judgment and impartiality of the Conclave which elected him. There has been continuation of murders and outrages in Ireland. '.' From the Cape of Good Hope there are melan choly tidings of another outbreak among the Caf frcs which has been aecompained by several con flicts with the colonists. - From India there is no news of striking interest, nor from China. . The grain trade at Mark Lane, London, has not changed since the sailing of the Britannia. Dr. Lardner is preparing a philosophical work to be called "Five Years in America." The elevation of Sir Francia Edgarfon to the Peerage, has caused a vacancy in the Lancashire District, and G. M. Brown, Esq. the great Amer ican Merchant, has been requested to come for ward. He has consented. The exposition has disappeared and he will be returned without a contest. The Great Britain arrived out on the 22d. Momtour I ko Won lis On Friday the 10th inst., so many nftho hands in the Montour Hulling Mill (;ave out from the effYcU of the heat, that the Mill was stopped till Monday, ?inco which time the work ot making railroad iron prngreeeea regularly. The leeee i'4'erry,GaiTetsoii & Co, of the i?urnacea of lire Moo'toiir Iron Co., having ex pired, the Furnaces ere new blown out to re vive new hearths, and ether repairs, when .he three Furnaces heretofore in blast, together with the largo new one juat finished, will bo nt in blast nnder the immediate direction of bo Montour Company. Danville Intel. W Expxncks. Major Stuart, U. 8. Tay nasTcr, carried with him from thitcity, on Weil, lesday, up to Alton, $135,000 in silver to pay he Illinoii vulnnteers, the amount dee them 3r ono year'a clothing St. .en it Ae Erm, OA tMsf. The following is a pod illustratioB of the nodern way of saying YES : John wilt thou have this woman for thy wife, And love her well and truly all thy life f ( Said John, with nod intended for bow, 'I went have any body else I vow." And for husband wilt tbou have this youth, And love him with fidelity and truth T ' Hia Reverence said unto the lovely she, Who blushing answered, "Yes sir-re-." Vrw York Mirror. OilTIUOHB MaUKKT, ' OJJictoftke BatTtaiemB AnaaiCAa, Jaly 20. . GRAIN. Wheat ia in fair supply. 8alee fMd. red Unlay it 85 a 00 cU tor good to rime j and 00 05 eta. tor white, We quote imily Flour white at 05 a 105 cU. A load ot 000 buahela prim Wheat, from Buffalo, N. Y. hiteand red mixed, told at 02 eta. and a load f prim Pennt. red at 03 eta. . . Sale of Corn at 52 a 53 ccota for whito, id 51 a 565 eta. for yellow. - ' ' ' . Djteire worth '.9 a 31 cl v , 'WHISKEY. Wn coptinuc to quul klulii . '11 cle. ml VUla.. tt.lticu ' . i HutT ! O Bttsasn HaatT I Thou art above all gold and treasures; 'tis thou who enlarges! the soul and openeth aH it powrrs to receive instruc tion, and to rolish virtue. He that has thee, has little more to wish for ; and he that is so wretched as to have thee not, wants every thing beside. Let us 1m thankful Brnndreth'a Pills will give us health got then those Moused Pills, which a century's use has fully established to he the beat medicine ever bestowed on man. . For the prevailing colds and coughs, they will be found everything that medicine is capable of imparting. .1 fXj- Purchase of H. 0. Masser, 8unhury, or nf the agent, published in another part of this paper. . ' D I IJ D. On Saturday morning; last, JAMES POLK, son of Mr. Michael McMullen, of this place, aged a bout 2 years. 1 .. On Tuesday last, EMMA, daughter of Mr. Jonathan Waters, of this place, aged about 3 years. . - In Milton, on Sunday the Cth inst., EMILY CLARA, youngest daughter of the Hon. James Pollock. On Saturday the 1 Ith inst., ISABELLA, infant daughter of Mr. M. C. Grier, of Danville. l'MCli CUKKENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Masser. Wbsat, .... . 80 Rva, . . . ' '. .70 Cos, . . ' . (52 OtT. ... . . 35 Pons:, . ' . . . 5 Futsmn, . " . . . . U2J Buttxr, . - . .. . . lo Eons, ' - - 8 Bxaswax, . .. 25 Taiiow, - - - 10 Fi.x, ... .10 Hxcatsn Ftt, . 10 I) hi mi Apflcs, " . ' . 75 Do. Pkachks, ' 'ISO ataxi 1 '. . 1 11 1 ' v. 1 1 mmm DyHpcpNln or IO Years' Standing. THE wife of Captain Roberts, on Vino Street, near Watr, Cincinnati, has been afflicted with DYSPEPSIA in its most eggiavalcd form for the last ten years, wax recommended by olchra tnd physician of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Cincinnati, to travel, as thry could do nothing for her. She did so, but it did her no good, tsho then Commcnc d using the moat popu lar medicines of the day for her complaints, lut de rived no benefit. Sealng an advertisement of DR. SMITH'S VEGETABLE SUGAR COATED PILLS in the pefier, she concluded to give them a trial sent to G. F. Thomas, Main street, be tween Third and Fourth, Dr. Smith's A tent for Cincinnati, and purchased a box, took them accor ding to direction, and can with heart felt joy state that she derived more benefit from the tto of one box of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Vege table Pills, than from any other medicine she has made use of during the ten years. The above was sent to G. F.Thomas on the 3J Dec, 1814. Cin. Time. ( CAUTION. -As a misershle imitation tins been made, by the name of 8ugar Coated Pill," it is necessary to be sure that Da. G. Ban 1. Smith's aignaluio ia on every box. Price 25 cents. Principal Office, 179 Greenwich at New York. 8uld by JOHN W. FRILI.VG. Sunburu. . WM. FORSYTJJE. Nurtkum'd. July 25ih, 1846. .- . DENTJtSTRY. JACOB HELLER, THANKFUL for the liberal encouragement which be haa received, would respectfully inform his friends and the citizens of Noilhumbcr land county in general, that he has preps red him self with the best Incorruptible Teeth, Gold Plate. Gold Foil, Ac., ihst can be had in the city of Phi ladelphia ; and thai he will endesvor, to the utmost of his ability, to render full satisfaction to all who uay think pioper to engage his service. He will le In Sunbury at the August court, where he will he prepared, at his residence, to insert Teeth on Gold Plate, or on Pivot, on the latest and most s proved plans, and attend to all the branches belong, ingto DEN I' L SURGERY. Ladies will he waited on at their places of resi dence, if desired. His charges will bo reasonable, and his woik warranted. He will visit different parts of the county, about once in three mouth. Sunbury, July 18th. 1846 6m ""EXI EK'S 8PIKITS OF SOAP, for ex tracting Gresse, Dry Paints, Varni.h, Tar, Wax, 3tc. from clothing of any description, ai ranred nt te injure the cloth or the mo.t delicnie colors. This liqu d has slso been nse.1 with grrat success in csaea ot Burnt, Scslda, Tetter, Pimple on the face, Chtpiied hsml-, Born liiw, Rheuma tim. Hard or soft Corns, dec. f Price, 25 eta. per houle. For sale at the store of July 18. 1840. H. MASHER. , LIST OP CAUSES. ' IOK trial in the f-ourt of Comuion Pleas of Nor thumirland County, at August Term. 1816, commencing the first Monday, being the 3 J. Seitainger, alienee if Garvcr vs John Garver et al . William Farrow vs Abraham Klato Francis McCoy, vs Felix Mauierelal K D Fodiman s Benjamin Fordman William Sitnenton ' vs John Shinman Charles H Fiick - vt William Fri.t John Heed' rson's heirs vs (ireenouuh V Shinman Gilbert Berlieu vs Wm K Jones J a me Rows va Jacob H Khnads Wm I. Heineman II art man H Kiieeble ' Peter Kicbier Ac vs Dodge & Barret ' Francis Ball's sdm'r vs Usniel M. 8echrer Abraham Terwilliger vs 'Kol.ins & Nevrlwrry " J- hn McC onehan's adm'r va Charles Merrick Yokthetmer eV Dawson vs N I. Price John A Llov.l va Wm E MeDonakl John Kane A wife va John Neidlg ,V wlfo Wm E McDonald vs J.n A Llovd Wm Colt va John A Lloyd Fredcriek Birkenbine vs John Hsrlmsn Kendeilim Kmiih et al vt George Grant et al Walter Graham ' vs Peter llanaelman -Dodge A De Nomandie va Wm A Llovd tluletSmiih. va Augoalos Huey Ac Henry Masaer va T A Uillinaton John Murray vs MargartH McCay's ek'ra Rohett Beunel ; v vm Isaac Urowai John P Kennedy et at vs J & A Sbipman . Same vs ' Same Mary Rex rt al ts Henry SnyiW rt al Wm 11 Pomp'a assignee va Waa W.lrh r . Henry Masses . . vs Wn McCatty etal Benjamin Kobius . va Valentine Klsxe . Nathan Beach; vs Daniel Yeager William Hater ve Waa 8eita and Eliia- ' - tth Wagner Sarah Reed , . . . vs Hugh Rard et al Charles Craig vs Benjamin Cauley ' John Kehock - 9aloata Matti Charlea Craig, jr. va James Covert Peter Uakly . vs Jaroe (isarbart rt si Batauel Craigh - - - vs Thomas Iemoa et al John McGinnes va William Staikea John Parker rt al vs Rolwtri Philips JOHN FAUNSVvOKTll. ProthiHitsiy'a uflice, - J'rvth'y. Suxlaiy, July U, IBJO J .. , c list or junons OF Northumberland County, for August Term, . A. D. 1846,-v nv ;, 'V, ' drandJiiromr 1 Turbut. Nathaniel Biittefi, Anthony Arm strong. , , ; yeiii. Samuel Mengas, David Watt. - Delaware. 8imeon Lanls, E. V. Derrickson. Milton. Christopher GooUlander, George W, 8tiine. n , - Chillitqunqne.Jnrvh Kiemer, Char let Dutts. f Sunbn y-Peter Fursel. ; ; . 'Augusta Elisha Kline.. ,. Shamokin. Lewis Cbamtmrlin, John Teats, sr. Samuel John, Sebastian Boughner, John Evert. Hush William Gulkk. " Coat. Jonulhan Farnsworth. Vpper Nuhnnoy. Samuel llcim, Henry Straub. Iwcr Matitmpy.Jncob Witnrnn. . Jaeftson. Samuel Bower, Daniel Firalier , Traverse Jurors. , . Trfn. Thomas Ireland. Iwi. Charles Follmer, Rolxrt Finney. ' ' Pemrare. John Derr, James Kirk, Hoch Mc Fsll, Elijnh Crawford, Bennevitlo Leinbach, Junes Durham, Jacob Hillle. ' '" " Milton. John Knorr. ' Chilisquaqut.T'eXet XV alburn, Geo. Lawrence, Robert Kee.1. Point. Jesse V. Horton, John Gulick, Philip Gibons, John Nixon, John Vsiidling, Wm. Ciulz- ley. KorlhttmlHTlantl. t'hnrles Hinc, Jacob I.eisen rimt. Wm. Forsvthe, John (Vrnun, Gillert Voris. Sunbury. John Puidy, William drr, Samuel D. Jordan. ' ' Augusta. Jscob Shirmon, Eli Conrnd, John D. Conrnd, S imuel 8avklrn, John Wolf, Georgn Comail, Jaeb Bloom. . Shamnkin. William Farrow, Jacob Miller, Si meon Campbell. ' "' ' 1 A'trsA. Spencer Mettler, Jscob Carr, Abi.iham Eckman. , r . . , - Vpper Malum;.- -Henry Malich, Peter Beinwl. Ijoiwt Mahonny Ssmuel lluirel Ssm'l Trego. Little Mahonny. John llensyl. Jackson. John Wolf. Abraham Rnltcndul. j ., E. KIttXBER, JR; .Vo. 3 1 AorA Fourth Slrret, under the Mi r chants' Hotel, Ili 1 1 nlcl pli In, a La mods us raais. KEEPS constantly on hand an extensive as Mtrlmenl of all kinds of Silk, Fur anil Bea ver Hats, which he offers for ale on the most res sonalde terms. Hia Hats are mado up ol the best materials, and in the moat approved style Per sona visiting the city will find it to their intercut to cell. ...... July llth, I84C ly FOUNTAIN HOTEL, Light Street, rilll B House haa nndorgone a thorough repair. X The proprietors solicit its former patronsgo. Terms $1 25 tier day. "' WM. W. Dl.T. . - A RTH UR I.. FOGO, July 4. 1846. ly ' Proprietors. COLUMBIA HOUSE. CHESXTOT BTB.EI1T, P II I LADE L I II I A . " i THIS large and commodioua Hotel has recently lecn fitted op with entire new furuiiuie. Ilie subscribers therefore solicit the iwtronagn of the public, and trust that their eiperience in the business will enable them to give entire satisfac tion. Terms moderate. HAGLEY, McKENZIE & Co. July 4th, 1816. ly W ? - ' ' awiantn av Tea raiaana isstituts, 1815. City Dasncrrcotypc Estublislimrut. (I. its 811011 St Co 1. us a.) No. 100 Chcsnut st., tttort Third, South tide, rmLADELTBTA. MINIATURES taken equally as well in clou dy ss in cle.ir e il'ier. A dark silk dress for a lady, and a blaek suit for a aenileman, ate I referable in sitting for a pictu e. No eura charge is visile for coloring, and perfect likenesses sre Kuaranlied. July 4th, 1846. ly licller X. Carecitouslis PATE1TT ATTOP.1TE7S, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, . WASIUNGTON, D. C. DRAWINGS and Psn-m for the Patent Of fice will be prepared by them, al their office, opposite the Paieui Office, jluly. 4ib. l846.-ly Nolicc 18 hentby given to nil legatees, creditors, and o ther persons inteiexted in theeiiatesnf ('hristian Khipman deed, settled by hia eir Lewis D.'wartj of Jacob Rued, snr. il'ftl, sottled ly his aJmr Jacob IC cd; of Tbmas Ifiiff deeil, tot 1 led by U'n adinr Henry Gibnon; of John Rieha ds deed, setthsl iy bis eir Samuel Yoiks of Samuel l.eabei dord, el tie J by his exrs Michssd I.enker and Jeob Le her; if Daniel Herb, t-r. deed, settfe.l by hiaadims Daniel and Adam Herb; uf Michael Diehl, sr leed, sottled by bis exrs John and Michael Diehl; of Jo seph Ketfer sr, deed, setth'd by his Mil John and Joseph Keffer; of Joseph Mneklow dicd, settled by his adinr ObaJi.ih Campbell; of Thinnaa Smith deed, settled by his sdmrs John M. Smith snj Nan cy Smith; of John Fries! deed, etibnl by his sJmr J antes F. Murray; of Sarah Moury deed, settled by her admr Gcorgo Long; of David Kasemsn deed, set l led by his admi Frederick Kaaeman; of John Dieltunbachcr deed, settled by hia admr Peter Kuno; of Frederick Humnu'l deed, settled by his eir 8a muul llummel; of D.mi. l Herb, rr. di ed, setibtl by his srlmrs L'ani. l and Adam Heih; f John Friek, sr. deed, aetiled by his ear John Prick; ol John Carr deed, settled by bis exr Dr. David Pctiiken; of Jmes Camphell deeil, settletl by hia sdmrs Oln diah t'ampliell and Wm. Persinc; of John Neulig, anr. deed, settled by bis aJmr Adam Neidig; the account of Jacob llilbish, euardtan of Henry Lain; the account of Stephen Glare, guai'dian of Sarah Ann Klapp; the account of Stephen Glar.e, guar, dian of Mary E. Klapp; the account of John N ber ry, guaidian of Adam Snyder; the account of John Sherry, guardian of William Snyder; the accvuul of John Sherry, guardian of Fanny Snyder. Late of NuithuBitierland county, deceased, that the executors aud adininintratoia of the aaid decea sed estates have riled their accouuts with the Ito-r.Wu-t of this county 1 and that they will l presen ted to the Orphans Court of said county ou Tues. day the 4lh day of August next, for ctmfirmalioo. tUWAtJU OVSTKU. Sunbury, July 4, 1816. Register. COSaXHSS A A'. Blue and Black Cong.e Ink, of a nupi'ik 'puli'v. f sale rhcsp.ul the Uareof . IIENMk MASSlil?. July 1th, ltr. PIlEIrlZUIrt SCALES? Dale's Cclol.rated Hail Road 8cales, Coal and Hay da Iron ManufscV do Porisble Platform do 20 different aixes, Dormot or Floor do ft different sizes, ' Counter do 12 different sizes. r 1 Tho above Scsles are mailo cither tingle or 1.1....1.1.. 1 ... tlocidodly tho most durable, accurate arid conveni ent scalea ever invented. We also bae Platform and Counter Scales, Patent Bulancea and every kind of Weighing Machines in use f 'ale, whole sale an J retail, al low prices. All Scutes sold by us to go out of the city, are boxed free of charge, oml wairanlcd to give satisfaction to tho purchaser in every particular. : OKAY cV BKOTHER, Manufacturert and Dealers, No, 34 Walnut street, Juno 27. 184B. ly . , ... , , t a Vkilmltlphin. HORSE SHOES. tlurden's Patent Horse Shoos, fof said at manufacturets' prices, by ' i GRAY St BROTHER. June 27. 1840. ly 34 Wslnnt t Phllad. OAT7l'. New Yoik Salt in bnrrels and Tags, fur sale at manufacturers' prices, bv GRAY eV BROTHER, June 27, 1840. ly 34 Walnut at. Phil id. Monterey Taken Tl ALL thoso indebted to George Rohrbach At B10 - tbcia,on note or look aeceiint, wilt plensn and seltlo tho a.min on or before tho 29lh, 30lh and .1 lat days fif July inst. All those, failing to do so, may expect costs, as no further notice will lie given. If notified acain. coals still lo added. , GEO. ROIIKBXCH V BROTHERS. . Sunbury, July 4lh. 1810. 3t , rCLOTEilTG,': WIIOI,lAI.U AM KUTA1L. , THE nlesibers are constantly manuf iclnrini; . fiom the best : Fn nch, English sil Ameiiean mauufartuied Cloths sod Cassimnrs, CLOTIII.Nti in ' a very superior . style, cut . and workmanship. Persons buying to' sell again will find one of tho largest and most fa.hionablo slock of goods to select from in the city, ami st unpieeedentod l-w price .4..-- J. VV. &. V.. D. STOKES, 14 Market sL I'hilad. N. B, A laro assortment of Odd Fellows' Re galia constantly on hand, and all orders from lodges or individual punctually attended to, on the most liberal terms. J. W. A E. D. 8. Philadelphia. June 27th. 1840 ly . i m ! o it T A N T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may be sure of obtaining, at all times, pure and highly flavored By the single pound or Isrger rjusi tily, st tho laekln Tcat'oiiipniiy'sj fVnreliouxc, 30 South Second street, between Market and Chet ' nut streets, ' rnxxjiBL?niA. Heretofoie it has been very difficult, indeol, al most impossible, always to obtain good Grcn and Bbick Teas. But nw you have only to vi.il the Pekiu Tea Company's Store, to obtain as delicious snd fragrant Tea as you could wih for. A II tastes can beie be suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. June 27th, 1840. REMOVAL John. iTTp it iti) v, OESPECTFL'LI.Y informs his f ien.ls aii.l cualon.it rs, that he has removed liU siok uf Ho -xls to theSimie lluuse, on Maiket squ ire, foini erly occupied by Mr. Win. Dewurt, where bo will be happy to serva his old customers snd the pub lic geuerally, un as good lot ma, and st as l.iw pri ces ss csn be had elsewhere. A Urge assortment of Groceries, Diy Goods, and Qucenswsre, cmistantly on baud. JuneMih, 1810. tf. . Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, ihnt an application will be made to the ne it lettisUltire 'r a charter for a II nk wiih a capital of fM) HOD, and power to increase the capital thereof to f ItNl.tHIl), with banking and discounting privileges, to be oil led "The Bank of Shamotin," and lo be l.caled in the borough of Sunbury, in Northumberland eotiu ly. June 27th, 1810. Have von heart! I lie I'vn i NO! WHAT IS IT? War, sir'ar iud nciisthit ' MA 1 ITI i 1 11 XV 1 1, At his shop, in Mtarkii ttreel, a(jtUiitig the tAne story llritk ovse, HAS juat ree. ived from Philadelphia tho largest, haiiilsomeal and assiirtment of . , . HOOTS AND SIIOKS of evety trcscrip'iiNi, that has ever la-en brought to this place. And what is vtill better, they suy be sells so cheap, that you can buy two run fr the saint money that ymt uxatte fmy fur ane pair. He lifts roa Cn snl Hsi.ta rua t'sn, snd that ii the teasoii that be ran ull'onl to sa lt them so much chear. If you doi.'t want to buy.Ju.l call and see bU slock. He is always RUd to see hia cu.tomera; slid it is no trouble to htm lo show bis goods. Jut lo give you an bh-s bow cheap he diea sell, the following is a Ii4 of prices of a pail of his stork t Mens' Thick Roots, worih 1 00 at 2 75 do l ine tlrain do " 4 Ml at 3 00 do Calf ... do . " .500 at 300 Boys' Thick do " 2 60 at 1 15 Youths' do " 2 00 -st 1 25 Mens' Thick Hrogans, " I 87 at 1 t0 W omens' Morocco W ells and Kid Spiiuga, " 1 50 at I IK W omens' lieHt Cily niade Kid Sliprs, " I 03 al I 12 Ladies' Gaiters and Gai ter Boots, - . " 00-at I 37 Also, every variety of I,alio.', Boya' and chil d tens' shoes, at prices lower than ever before otter ed, fume und Sre Sunbury, June I3ih, 1840. 6m "liiTautl licl-lroSTAVare MANUFACTORY. ISLIMIOIOVB, PBNM'Ai fllHE suliacritier respectfully informs the public JL that be hss commenced the inanufartere of Tin ami SHcel-li on Ware in all its various branches, at 8ulinsi;rove. His ware is not only made of the best materials, but is put together in a sulaitantial snd workmanlike man ner, differing in this respect fiom much of the Wsie aold, which ia made up in liurty for tbat purpoee. An excellent assortment will be lie pi on baud at all ; J ' de Ido I do do I . do u I Jo .... aLi. liinn, vuith will be S..UI on the unstt rrasunsbls luims. ANDREW S. WINCERf. ScIiufgro'T, M.iy 10th, 1811 tt . "TP.WTH IO MIOHTT A. B. MAKSiHAlLiL, Hq. 18 C'henriiit Street, itclwccn Setcuth and Eighth Slreefn, QP tEI a 32a UD 8 now ptcpared lo oiler, Wholesalo and Retail, a large assortment of Finer and Si-ar-LB OOODSa suited to the Country as well as City Trade. He continues tho system of -no abatement in prices," which ho has pursued for the psst ten years, and desires In csll tho special attention of the public to it as the only true system of tetail business, and which is decidedly to tho interest of the purchaser to piomnte. h ia quite lime the fraudulent prao tico of asking a biBh price, and abating to make the purchasers believe they are the "favored few," was done awiiy with, as, nine times out of ten, they are inadit lo pay a higher price (however great tho re duction) than the like style and quality can bo pur chased at the "Ono IViec Store." ' : A. B. M. is in regular receipt of the newest and cheapest sessonublo goods, and when any article deprecinti s in value the price, is at once marked dwn so low that it cannot lie undersold. By this system the purchaser can at all times buy with confidence nud sstb-faction, and without waste of time in luclea bargaining. , He haa at this lime a complete assortment of ; SILKS. Black Luslrino, Ottoman, Poux do Soie, Man. tua, Groa do Rhine, Armure, and other Dresa and Muiitilla Silks. Also, Fancy Dress Silks, from 44 els. to $2 25 per yard, including all tho vatiety of approved and useful styles ami combination nf colors. Lining Silks, Foulsrd Silks, Silk Gingham. L.4 WNS A Mi OIIC A SDIES. Paris Painted , Lawns and Organdies, of the newest mid most approved style, ot welt a the chenHst in the market. Also, Scotch Lawns at very low pi Ices. 1 TKRSCII CISC HAMS, v . Of tho newest Jes:gns.' Also. Scotch Ginghams anil tiinulnin lawns, vety cheap. Twill'd Earl stun and Manchester Ginghams, . for childien's FUKKCIl CHIST7.ES. Light, medium, and dark colors, 4-4 wide. Alio, beet m ko American Chintz and Calicoes, of tho new patterns, at 12 cts. per ysrd. MOUSELIS HE LAINES, Ol the most splendid Ombre and Printed style, down to tbe French, English and American, al 25 cents r yatd. II AH EVES .1SD BALZORIKES, Of all qualities and every variety of designs, . it ed In all tastes. Also, embroidered ami chain Pitched Roliee, Bayadere and Polka Dresses, emb'd Mwiss Muslin and Bishop Lawn dress patterns Tailc ltnr and cotuied plaid and stripe Swiss Mus lins. WHITE GOODS. Plain Swiss, Mull, Nanaunk. Jaceonct, Cambric, Book, and Tat let on Muslins, Plaid, Stripo, corded mid figured O.imbric and Swiss do., Bishops Lawn, itieli nitd i:irnnt C AP.PETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS AND WINDOW SHADES, VOH SFRLtva TBAD& THE sulscrilM-r has just opened fur spring tiadc, a large and complete assortment of Ilrusicls, Imperial, -us rliiie and fine Ingrain and Venetian CARPETS, which hjvc all been purchased within a mouth, at the lowest cash rates. They are now offered st greatly tedttceil prices fur cash.' Tbee good are of un eiira style and finish, and being uf the lsl tnako and fiUic. otVer great in ducemeuls to pun-haters to obtain a hamlsome and desirablo article at prk'es below the usual rates.- The uK-uirtmrul is complete in every respect, and cmisisls in pait i.fihe Mliiwing New and sj leinlid Brussels 1 Cf Do Do Do Do D.i .lo Ingrains do do d do Imperials CARPETS, Twl'd Venetians 1 at Reduced 11 im do j Iticet. Fine V Couimon J Ingrain J Splendid Emlnased Piano ami Table Covers; Hiair Rods, Bindings, Sbifp Skins, 4c Ac. With an immense st.-k of low priced I'arpels of nil descriptions. List, R ig Hemp, and Cotton Carpets, from 12 to fit) cents ier yard. Country Meirlionis, housi keepers and others have nnw sn opportunity of supplying themselves with lininlsomo and dosirabtn noods st greatly redu ced prices. UOllKRT B. WALKER, 25 N. 2d at. opposite ChrUt Church. I'LHadelph'-a. Mav 10 h, IHIC 3m iT a N V I IT Zi E WOOLEN FACTOR V; DANVILLB, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PcniiNjIvaiila. f IIIK Danville Sti-am H'oohni Factory, foimer X ly owned and occupied by Dr. Petbikis, h is roeenlly been pun based by the subscribers, who icspectfully amiiiunee lo ibeir frieuds aud the pub lic general y, tbat ibey aie now prepared to do all kinds of w itk in their line of business, al the shor test notice, according to order, and in the best com parative manner. Having gone to considerable eiis'iise in r nuiriuu tln-ii machinery and aparalus. snd bring tery partieulai in securing the service of eiieiieiicej inechantes, they feci conlldeut that they are capnjht of executing all kiiuU of work ia a stylo siisrir to any other eslablUUmcRt iu the country, ai the old cusI.hu ,ry prices. CLOTIIM, SATIN KTTS, FLANNELS tin BLANKETS cmnAsn'ly on hand, and for sale al reduced pitce. for I'asn or Barter. I'AIIDI'iU (Ml 1'UIXIKO will tie d.mo in the U'at mauner, at the usual pri ce. All kinds of country produce taken in pay ment for tsoik, al Dsiivilki ruaiket prices. For the awoiuniodaiton of those who live at a di-tinee. Worn, and CtoTH will betaken in at, and, hen fliii.li d. returned to the following pla ces. I'lain written dlitvlions must accompany each parcel! . . VoLtmU CoiMt. Roup iV Marr'a store, Wa khiiigtoiivillo ; R. Fruit's store, Jeraeytown ( Yea ger's inn, Roaring Cres k ; Sharjileas stoic, I 'alia -wis; C. F. Maiiu's sloie, Mitlliuvillo ; Millei's store, Berwick J. Cb lie's Mill; Kic Let's sloie, Orangevillc; llerr'a store. White Hall. Kurthutttbcrtuad Vvunty Michael Reader's inn, Turbutville; Ireland cV Hay's store, McEwens villei E. !. Piper's ulore, Wstaonstowui H, I, Coruly eV Co's store, Milton ; Oilwon's inn, Chil lis.piapie ; Forsyth's sloie, NorlhuutbviUud Young's stote, Sunbury. Luzerne fpuify. Reynold's store, Kingston t Gildersleeve's store, Wilkesbarro ; (Saylord'a store, Plymouth; Siyer's store, Natillcukt ; Judge Mack'a Mill, Huntington. I.ycomiiiff County, D. Clnpp't stoic, Muncy ; Shovuiakui's store, tSinith's Mill. GEARH ART &. KOWNOVEIf. Danville, May 0, I8H. T HE CtLCtatTED Mictssaa IWia Oil, has L )ut bc u roeajreJ and is for sale a 0f M., a, 181H. lIPj jjv- WILL PRBTaii." OS LLj OP ?iry 32 Imitation Cambric, Cambric Dimity, Irih ShinniK Linens, Damask Table Linen, Table Cloths ami Napkins, long Lawns, French I Anon Cambric ami Linen Lawna, cheap Shilling and Sheeting Mus lins, and superior Long Cloth Shirting, MOVItMSG GOODS. Lupin's Bombazines of all qualities, and tho va rious shades of Black, Summer Bombazine rr Brilliantes, Silk and Cotton Warp Alpaccas, Si!k, Mouselin do 1. nines, Bareges, Balzorincs, Marqucue, Grenadines,t:inuhams, Lswns, Ctspes, Crspo and Love I.cisse Viels, Kid and Silk Gloves, Houiciy. Plsin Silk, Glacis, Ottoman, Thibet, Barege and Twisted Silk Shawls, Scarfs and Cravats. SHAWLS .f.VD SCARFS. French Cashmere lung and equate Shawls, Broche do., Printed, Baiege, Thibet and Tcrkerri do., Claris, Twisted Kilk, Grenadine, Hcrnani and Mobair do., and low priced do. . Silk, Grenadine, Barege, and other long and short Scarfs. Also, Cravats. Black Lace and Silk Mantillas, Vbiti, Capes and Cardinals, of the new styles. . EMIIUOIDEKIES AND LACES. Emb'd Cspe, Collars, Sponcers, and Chomir.etis, under Sleevea and Cull, English and Fnnch Thread Laces, Edgings and Inserting, Linen Bol bin Edgings and ItiKcrtinga, emb'd Swiss and Cam bric do., Black and White Lace Viela.Lace Shawls and Scarfs, wide Black Lacca lor Mantillas and Scatfs, and Blackf Biusscls Lace, for trimming do. and dresses. HOSIERY. English white end black ribb'd, emb'd, open wotked, and plain Silk ifisicry ; whito and black half Hise, ribb'd and plain ; spun Silk ami raw Silk do.; also, English and Swiss while, colored, nnd unbleached Cotton do; libb'd, plait1, emb'd clock ed, and open woiked; also. Children's Colien do , aini Ladies' while and unbleached LUlo Thrcud do., of various qualities, a scarce and desirable ar ticle, and other Hosiery of various descriptions. LINEN CAMURIC AND LAWS HDKFS. Plain, corded, berdered, riviere, musiqiip, and emb'd Linen Cambric and Luwn Htlkfs., Irnm 12 J cts, to f 20 esch. Also, Bsgs, Purees, Green Ba. rege for Veils, Gauze Viels, Black Linen, Lead col'd and Brown dn Paper Muslins, &... FOR GENTLEMEN. All the new styles rich and cheap Scarfs and Cravats; Kill, Silk, Thread, and other Gloves; Cotton half Hose; Silk and Linen Cambric pocket lldkfs, Suspenders, Ac. 03- You can find al MARSHALL'S, 1SS Cites nut street, almost every article in Dry Good that you requite, and at prices quite as tow, if not towel than elsewhere, (if is tit his interest tosrll cheap) and aa he is constantly adding to his stock the new est and cheapest goods, you will be sure of being suited, llut, reader, you are invited lo call uinl judge for yourself. Philadelphia, May Ifith, 1840. 2m rUNNSYI.VANIA HOUSE, DAXTVZXilsI!, PA, rlllE sulisciiber, lalo of the Uuion Hotel, Mun "JL ty,V" , respectfully informs the olj and nu merous customers of the l'riiiisylvniila Ilowac. and the public generally, that he has leased tuir Tavern Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where bo is now prepared to entertain travellers, and per- . sons visiting the lown, in the very best style. The accommodations will be such aa a well conducted public house should ull'urd, and no eflott a. ill be spsred to render sNlisfaetion, in every respect, to all who may call. The ciliaens of Lycoming county are iuvrtcd lo put up with tho undersigned when they visit D invillc. HENRY WEAVER. Danville, May 2, 1S46V- W. H. THOMPSON, l'asliioiiable HOOT AND SHOE MAKKK, VVEREBV returns his sincere thanks for pn-t . M.M tsvots. and resectlully fnlorms his fiicmM snd the public generally, that he has removed lo the -It lick Store Room formerly occupied by Wood cV Rhawn, where ho will be happy to accommodate all who wish good work al moderate prices, assuring them that he will exert himself lo please. A good assortment of Boots aud Shoes, fur Gen tlemen, Ladies, and I'hildren, constantly on hand. Also, Linings, Bindings, aud all sorts of Morocco for rale, low. All kinds of Woik made to measure, aud Re aiiing well done, at the bh or test notice. Cull and Set. Sunbuiy, Apiil 19th, I81B. tf Lime ! Lime ! ! JOS1T B. SE3PMA1T, HBERPECITULLY informs bis fiiends, that Jj.1 he haa commenced the business of Liioo Butuing, on the Tana he now occupies. He bss now on bund a quantity of Lime fur sale, and will alwaya endeavor to accommodate those who tnty favor hint with their custom. Augusta, April llth, 1810. Cm C3SlTTI3Til. l K T I: li . BIA88BR, KKCTriTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens id Sunbury and vicinity, that he baa 0cned an ollieo at the residence of Henry Masser, in Maiket street, where be is prensicd lo execute all kinds ol Dkst4L Suaoaav, Plate Work, Ac, ou the lalc.t and most approved plans. Having bad some experience and instruction. Under one of the most eminent snd successful Den lists in Philadelphia, he believes thtl be will l e able lo give satisfaction to tbo who may want bis service Ladies will lie Wailed on al their placet of resi denco. His charges will be modciate, aud hia woik Wsrranie.1. Sunbury, March 2lh. 1810. Ho I'lll lliaT Pa'vlit'V rrillE Book Accounts, Notes, &c. of H. B.Ms -I. aer snd 11. II. Maswii & co. sre now in tbe hands nf a Junliee fur collection, aud will bu put m suit if not srtiled, iu a few days. Sunbury, April 4th, IH4h. MOLASSES The Cisfquttliiy Sugar Hou Molssaes, only 121 cents per quart; also, a aupeiline article of yellow Molasaes fK taking, on -ly l?l cents i quart for sale at tbeuore ot June 1!, IK40. Hlti'llY MASKER. sjriARDEN ftesiTeuTpiy f Hjt Rulv ivBU,riorGaiden Kds, iu t I ''llu and for salo at the etore of Match 21, Hl'' 1IL. w-..