Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 30, 1846, Image 3

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    militia captured General Com and ttcven hurt
Jrril Mexican soldiers.
In 1836, at Alamo, ISO held out 13 days a
gainst Santa Anna and 8,000 men, fichtinir at
last until every Texan fell dead, killing 001 of
the enemy; 4P0 at Culletta beat olTlOOO under
Gen. Urea.but next day were treachcronsly de
ceived into a surrender, 700, of their own spon
taneous will, killed or captured 1500 Mexicans,
t San Jacinto, taking prisoner the President of
Mexico, General Santa Anna; and twenty un
der Deaf Smith routed 120 Mexicans the same
In 1830, one hundred and four boat 1000 Mex
icans at Saltillo and retreated into Texas with
the loss of only four men. In 1812, only 201
of them repulsed Gen. Wolland 1300 troops at
Arrnya Salndo; 201 drove 2.500 Mexicans in
'to Mcir, fought nineteen hours, killed 700 of
'the enemy, but at last where deceived into a
surrender and horribly butchered or enslaved.
In 1913, two hundred unarmed Texan prison
ers at Salado attacked four hundred armed
Mexican guards, beat and dispersed them. Same
year. Commodore Moore, of Yucatan, silenced
ten times his naval force and compelled them
to retire. Tin last victory resulted in a treaty,
or alliance, bttveen Yucatan and Texas, by
which the former bound herself to remain pas- j
five in any contest which Mexico rniplit there
after engage tr. with Texas, and most faithful
ly have the gallant Yucatecos performed their
. I
naXTI.HORE market;
Officeofthe Daltimors Amkmcaii, May, 2.".
FLOUR. The transactions in Howard Street
Flour, have been quite limited to-day. Sales on
Saturday of a few hundred bbls. mixed brands at
$1.12 J. To day holders generally are willing to
sell at this rate, and 4110 bbls. were taken. The
receipt price from cars is $1.
The stock of City Mills Flour is very light.
Holders ask SI. 37 J, but the article is without
GRAIN. The receipts of wheat are trifling.
A lot of very prime Md. red was taken to-day
t 91 cts. and a parcel of white, not fit for family
flour, at 97 cts.
Corn is dull. Sales to day at CGa07 cts. for
vhite, and 57 cts. for yellow.
We quote Oats at 39a 1 1 cts.
WHISKEY. The stock is quite light, but c
lal to the demand, which is very limited.
Small sales are making at 21 cts for hhds. and
22 cts. for bbls.
DrsrKrti. The nerves of the human body
those necessary agents which immediHtcly connect
man wilh external nature are siugularly prone to
Jiave their functions disordered by an oppressed
condition of the stomach ; the minute termination
uf that portion of the nerves expanded upon the or
i;ans of digestion conveying the morbid impression
to the Drain. And although the Head can, un
louhledly, like other organs, le the seat of primary
li-ouler, yet, in the great majority of esses, the un
asy sensations there experienced are symptomatic
f disordered Slomach; and forlher, there is ahun
hint evidence to prove that crudities in the Sto
nach and Bowels can, in every grade of human
xistenrs give rise to spasmodic action in every
rgan of the body ; and whether we survey it in
he agonising form of Tic Dolorcaux the alarming
onvulsions of the F.pileptie seizure or in ihit ir
liable condition of the nerves of the heart occasion
nu palpitation they ran all frequently be traced
o the source above mentioned, and be cured hy
liU evancuant and tonic remedies. To relieve a
tale of so much suturing and distress, (in which
ody and mind also participate.) Uramirktii'
ills are confidently recommended; as, by com
ining aromatic, tonic and clcansihg roiierties,
icy remove hII oppressive accumulations, strength
n the Stomach, induce a healthy appetite, and im
art tranquility to the nervous system,
dj Purchase of H. B. Master, 8unbury, or of
le. snent, published in another part of this paer.
On Tuesdsy evening last, by the Rev. J. P.
lindel, Mr. John Haas to Miss Mary Gean,
th of this place.
On Thtirday evening last, by the Rev. J. P.
lindel, Mr. Hkkry lUtrr to Miss Sarah Mow
:k, both of this place.
At Wilkesbarre, on the l!th inst., by the Rev.
r. Pearce, Joseph C. Rhouks, F.sq., of Berwick,
merly of this place, to Mis Maktha Thomas,
u 1 1: d .
"In Monday last, in Augusta township, Mr.
iRAHAM LKASF.R, aged about 34 years.
In Monday last, in Selinsgrove, Union conn
Mr. PETF.R RICHTER, aged about GS years.
"A'ature and Experience our
IHE extraordinary and well authenticated cure
wrought by the celebratej Scoar Coatkr
is, or Dr. Smith's Improved Indian Vegetable
s, have naturally drawn pulilie attention to
n. Perhaps in the history of Medicine, from
time of Hippocrates In the present day, there is
videnreaf a medical compound obtaining equal
mity in so short a time. There was never a
ecine recommended by such high authority as
Smith's Pills. Besides their greAt curative
cnies, (possessing as they do, such astonish
powers to open all the drains of tbe bo.
riz: the lungs, Kidney, Skin and Bowels,)
are unlike all other pills, extremely pleasant,
g coaled with sugar, and aa they do not gripe,
uroduee nausea, or any other unp'easant con
mces, they have become very popular fur Dys
.a, Headache, Cottiveness, Bilious complaints,
Stomach, Fevers, Worms, Want of Appelite,
iriiies of the Blood, Obstructions and Female
plaints generally, Colds, &e. One of the most
filial and lenevolent ladies in New York,
. t A. Gould, Matron of the IT. 8. Naval Ho.
, says, "There is no medicine in her knowledge
ell adapted to the numerous ailments of man
, as Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Pills." She
ciaily recommends them to ladies. .
y CAUTION.-A a miserable imitation has
made, by the name of "Sugar Coated Pills"
icccssary to be sure that Da. G. Uesj. Smith's
ituie is on every box. Price 25 cents.
Hicipal Olnce. 179 Greenwich st New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FRILING, Sunbury.
WM. FORSYTHE, Sorthum'd.
,y 30.b, lblC,
rmcK cmutnNT.
Corrected weekly ly Henry Matser.
Wrkat, .... ioo
Rra, 70
Cork, ...... f,2
Oats, ...... 40
Pork, ... 6, . . 112
Kdttkr, - .... 14
Ens. .... .8
Bskswa, .... 25
Tallow, ... 10
Fla, ... .10
HrcKLan Flat, . 10
Dhikii ArpLKs, . 73
Do. Pkaches, 1.50
"fiood Intent Tiro Company"
A STATED MEETING orthe Cnmpanv will
be held on Tuesday evening next, at 7 o'clock,
at the Court House,
May 30, 1816.
Punctual attendance is re
"Washington Fire Company.''
'TMIB members of the "Washington Fire Com-
p'nv" are requested to meet at the State
House, on Monday Evening, June 1, at 7J o'
clock, precisely. Punrlual attendance i. required.
May 30. SAMU. J. YOUNG. See.
To Frederick Tchupp, JohnTchupp. Jacob Tchupp
Henry Tchupp. Christian Tchupp, Peter
Tchupp, Adam Snyder and Rachel his wife,
Jhcou I.aurer and Catherine his wife, William
Potts and Barbara his wife, Casper Heckert. Pe
ter Heckert, Fiederick Heckert, and Margiret
Heckert, Grkstiro :
Y virtue of a pertain writ of Partition, No. 27
issued nut of the Court of Common Plens of
Northumberland county, to August Term A. D.
ISIfl, directing the sherilf of said county to sum
mon a jury and make partition of a certain tract
of land sinta'e in Lower Mnlmnoy township, in said
countv, adjoining lamls of John Tchupp, jr., Mi.
chael Witoaer, John Shrceer and the Mahantango
creek, containing one bundled and sixty-two se e--,
or thereabout. Now know ye, that-by the Autho
rity of the Fame, I the mid sherill' of said countv,
will on Monday the 13th day of July next, at I I
o'clock. A. M., upon the premises shove nnmed.
make partition or valuation in the manner and form
specified in the aforesaid writ, at which time and
place you ate hereby warned to be and appear, if
you think proper.
Sheriffs OlVice. p Sheriff
Sunbnry, May 30th, 1 846. ) 6t
THE Co partnership heretofore existing be
tween the subscribers, under the firm of Bry
ant fc Wood, is this day (May 20lh) dissolved
by mutual consent. J. C. BRYANT,
Shamokin, May 23d, 18 16. 3t
fXj" The Danville Democrat will insert the aVove
three weeks, and forward their bill to Shamokin.
Estate or John Illilncliart, dee'd.
Notice lo Heirs.
.Vo. 15, Attgiift Term, A. D. 1S46.
John Rhinchart
Charles Rhinchart, Thomas Crosby, Guardian of
Thomas Crosby, Henry Stell and Elizabeth his
wife, James Reed and Louisa his wife. Cenruc
B. McAllister and Sarah his wife, and Martin
Hahn an I Mary his wife.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lo the She
riff of Northumberland Coui.ty, Ghkktihu:
YOU aie hereby commanded lo summon
Charles. Rhinehsrt, Thomas Crosby, Guar
dian of Thomas Crosbv, Henry Siell and Eliza
beth his wife, J .lines Reed und Louisa his wife,
George B. McAllister snd Sarah his wife, and Mar
tin Hahn and Mary his wife, defendants, to be und
appear In fore the Judges nl the Court of Common
Pleas, to be hidden at Sunbury for said countv, on
the first Monday of August next, to answer John
Rhinehsrt, plaintiff, of a plea wherelore the said
plnimitT and the tuid defendants together and undi
vided do hold a certain tract of land in Augusta
township, containing foriv-fh'ce acres more or less,
adjoining Eli Conrad, William Conrad, Samuel
I.antz and others; a's, a piece of land in same
township, containing eleven actes morn or 4 s-;
one lot of ground adjoining Mary Hatrison, Mrs.
Lvon and Shamokin creek, and two pieces of land
ailjoining each other and former, toci ther contain
ing twi ve acres more or less, bounded hv the Shs
mokin creek and hill land claimed by Mrs. I. yon,
being the piece now in the possession of Chailea
Rhinehsit; also, a certain houe and lot of ground
rituate. in Sunbury. in Whortleberry streut, north
aide, hounded Wi st by lot of Mrs. Simpson, east by
lot uf John G, Youngman, and ninth by an alley;
aUo, certain house and lot of ground in River
street, in Sunbury, hounded by lot of Mi-Cany &
Davis, south by lot of Geoge Manlz, and cist by
an alley. Partition thereof between them the sal I
defendants 9oih not permit. Herejf fail not and
have you there then this writ.
Witness the Hon. J. B. Amhnnv, President 1
nf our said court at Sunbury, the 6th day of
May, A. D. lrH6.
Of which the saiJ defendants will please lake
Sheriff's Office, Sheriff.
Sunbury, May 23, 1846. $ 6t
JO T1CE ia hereby given, that a meeting nf the
stockholders of the .Northumberland Bridge
Company will be held at the house of J aim's Ere,
in the boiouch of Northumberland, on Monday the
15lh day of June next, at 2 o'clock, A. M., for the
purpose of tsking into consideration the propriety
of re-building the Bridge, from the Eastern shore of
the Susquehanna river to the Shamokin I. Ian. I, op
posite Northumberland, upon ccrt.iin ttqmlated
conditions meniioned in a supplement passed the
2Hlh of March, 1846, to the set incorporating said
company. I) BKAUTIUAM,
Northum d, May 16, lKtfi. 5t J re I.
Tin and Sliccl-li'on Ware
TlHE subacrilier respectfully informs the public
A. that he has commenced the manufacture uf
Tin und Sheet. Iron Ware,
in all its various branches, at Stdinagrove. His
ware ia not only made of the heat materials, but is
put together in a substantial and workinanhUc man
lier, differing in thia respect from much of the wate
solJ, which is made up in a hurry for that purpure.
An excellent assortment will be kepi on hand at all
limes, which will be sold on the most reasonable
Svliusgrove, M-iy 10th( I SIC if,
AV m
IS now ptcparcd to ofler, Wholesale and Retail,
a largo assortment of Finer and Statu
suited to the Country as well as City Trade. He
continues the system of "no ahatemenl in in'frt,"
which he has pursued for the past ten yrars, and
desires to call the special attention orthe public to
it as the only trite tVm of retail business, and
which is decidedly In the interest of the purchaser
to promote. It is quite time the fraudulent prac
lice of asking a biiih price, and abating to make the
purchasers believe they are the "favored few," was
done away with, ns, nine limes out of ten, they are
made to pay a higher price (however grrat the re
duction) than the like Myte and quality can be pur
chased at the "Ono Price Store."
A. B. M. is in regular receipt of the newest and
cheapest seasonable goods, and when any article
depreciates in value the price is at once marked
down so low that it cannot be undersold. By this
system the purchaser can at all limes buy with
confidence and sati-faction, and without waste of
time in useless bargaining. He has at this time
a complete assortment of
Black Lustrine, Ottoman, Pout de Soie, Man
tua, Gros de Rhine, Armure, and other Dress and
Mantilla Silks. Also,
Fancy Dress Silks, from 44 cts. to f2 2T1 per
yard, including all the variety of approved and
useful styles and combination of colors.
Lining Silks, Foulard Silks, Silk Gingham.
Piiris Painted Lawns nnd Organdies, of the
newest and most approved s'yle, ns will as the
cheapest in the market. Also,
Scotch Lawns at very low prices.
rnasrii Gist; ha us,
Ofihe newest designs. Also. Scotch Ginghams
anl Giuchmn Lawns, very cheap. Twdl'd EarU
ston snd Manchester Ginghams, for chilJien s
I'jiascii cnisT.r.s.
Light, medium, and dark colors, 4-4 wide. Also,
bert m ike American Chintx and Calicoes, of the
new patterns, at I2J cts. per yard.
mo is a lis nr. i.Aisas,
Of ihe. most splendid Ombre and Printed sivle.
down to the French, English and American, at 25
cents per yard.
ltAuaaas .isn nALZuKisas,
Of all qualities and every variity of designs,
suited lo all tastes, A 'so, embroidered nnd chain
Mill hid Rohis, Bayadere ami I'olka Dris-es. emb'd
Swiss Muslin and Bishop Lawn tires patten s
Tailed lis and colored plaid snd slnpe Swisd Mus
lins. WMTii nouns.
Plain Swiss, Mull, Nansook. Jaeconet, Cambric,
Book, and Tarlcton Muslins, Plaid, Snipe, coidul
and figured Cambric and S.iiss do , BMiops La wo,
tilth ;md r.letiuut
fOllE subscriber has just opened for spring trade.
B. a large and complete assortment of Rrus-c Is,
Imperial, -upertine nnd fine Ingrain and enetian
CARPETS, which have all been pur hased within
a month, at the lowest css'i rales. They are now
ottered at greallv reduced prices lor cash.
These goods bib of an extra style and liiiUh, and
being of the best ninko and f.ibr.c, oiler greut in
I'ucemi nts to purehii-ers toubluin a handsome anil
desirable article nt prices below the usual rates.
The assortment is complete in every resj ecl, und
consists in part of ihe following
New and e It-mlitl Brussels
Do do Ingrains
Do do Imperials CARPETS,
Do do Twl'd Venetians J. at Reduced
Do do PI iin do Prices.
Dj do Fine iV Common
Incrain J
Splendid Endiofsed Piano and Table Coters;
Siair Rods, Bindings, Sheep Skins, .Vc. tVc.
With an inunen-e si nk of low pnced Carpets
of all descriptions, L'st, R ig Hemp, and Cotton
Carpets, from 12 lo fit) cents per itrd.
Country Merchants, lions- keriers and others
have now in opportunity nf supplying tliem-elves
with handsome and le e ods ut greatly redu
ced prices. RUBER I' 11 WALKER,
25 N. 2d si. oppns te Christ Church.
Philadelphia. May 16ih, lsll .tin
fs Tar1 un j. n-
I'eiutw) Ivnnia.
rj'HF. Danville Steam ll'iKjhn Factory, foimer
JL ly owned and i.ecupied by Dr. I'ithikiv. h .s
rerenllv been purchased by the i-uhserihers, whii
respectfully announce lo their friends and the puji
lie general y, that Ihev are now prepared to do all
kinds of wjrk in their line of busm. .s, at the shor
test notice, according to order, and in I ho best com
parative manner. Having gone to considerable
expense in repairing theii machinery and aparatus,
and being very particular in securing the service of
rijieiienced mechanics, they feel confident that
they are capable of executing all kinds of work in
a style superior to any other establishment in the
country, nt the obi ciiKtomry puces.
BLANKETS constancy on band, and for sale at
reduced prices, for Cisa or Barter.
IKo. 1SS Chesnnt Strcrt, between Seventh nntl Eighth Street,
LF OL EI 12a ZJD 123 Lj H- 12 II a
a i l- I t inaniier, ai ine usual rrVklhe Brick Store lio..m forinerly occupied by Wood
... - ii niiiu. hi kuuniij jirntiui v iiiHi it iij pay
ment for work, at D invillo market prices.
For the accnminodu ion of those who live at a
di-tance, Wool and Cloth will la) taken in at,
and, wheq finii-lu i), returmd lo llm following pla
ces. Plain written directions must accompany
eurh parcel ;
Columbia Cuunty. Roup ct Marr'a store, Wa
hhingtonville ; R. Fruit's store, Jersey town ; Y ea
ger' ion, Homing Creek; Sharpies store, Calta
wissa; C. F. Mann's store, .Millhnville : Miller's
store, Berwick ; J. ('line's Mill; Ritket's store,
Orangeiille; Derr s store, White Hall.
Soiihuiabrrtund County Michael Reader's inn,
Turbutville; Ireland oV Hay's store, McEweus-
idle ; E. L. Piper's store, Watsoiistowu ; S. I,
Coinly Co's store, Milton; (iibsou's inn. Chit
lisquaque ; Forsyth's store, Northumberland
Young' store, Sunbury.
Luzerne County, Reynold's store, Kingston
Gilderaleeve's atoie, Wilkesbarre ; Gaylord' store,
Plymouth ; Stye,' store, Nanllcoke ; JuJg'
Alack Mill, Huntington.
Lycoming County, 1). Clapp'a store, Muncy ;
Shoemaker's siore, Smith' Mill.
Danville, May U, 1S(1.
fMHE Ci.h.bu iko Mscsssta IUih Dil, has
M- iust been rvceiied and is for sale at the store of
Mil 30, 1846. HENRV MASSER.
Imitation Cambrici Cambric Dimity, Irish Shirting
Linens, Damask Table Linen, Table Cloths and
Napkins, Long Lawns, French Linen Cambric and
Linen Lawns, cheap Shirting and Sheeting Mus
lins, and superior Long Cloth (Shirting,
Lupin's Bomb.ixines of all qualities, and the va
rious shades nf Black, Summer Bombrines or
Brilhantes, Silk and Cotton Wnrp Alpaceas, Silks,
Mnuselin de 1. sines, Bnregrs, Balr.orines, Marqorse,
(irenadine, Ginghams, Lawns, Crapes, (-'rape nnd
Love Lrisaa Viels, Kid and Silk Gloves, Hosiery,
Plain Silk. Glaeii, ( Un man, Thibet, Barege and
Twistrd Silk Shawls, Scarfs and Cravats.
French Cashmere long and npiuc Shawls,
Rroche do., Printed, Bnrege, Thibet and Terkerri
do., Glaiia, 'J'wisted Sdk, Grenadine, Hernnni and
Mohair do., and low priced do.
Silk, Giruadine, Barege, and other long nnd
shott Scarfs, Also, Cravats.
Black Lace and Silk Mantillas, Visiti, Capes and
Ctirdinuls, of the new styles.
Emb'd Caps, Collars, Spencers, and Chemiretts,
under Slcevea and Cull. English Mini Fr tirh
Thread Laces, Edgings snd Insertines. Linen Bob
bin Edgings and Inseriing", emb'd Swiss and Cam
bric do., Bl ick and White Lai-e Yiels. Lace Shawls
and Scarfs, wide Itliek Laces lur Mamilliis nnd
Scaifs, and lilnk B.uwls Lace, for Iriiuiniug do.
and (
English white ami blnrk rihb'd, emb'd, open
woiked, and p'nin Silk IL siery ; white and bbn-k
half If, se, rihb'd and plain ; spun Silk and raw Silk
d .; also, Euubsh end Swi-s white, colored, and
unbleached Cotton do; uhti'd, plain, emb'd cl ick
ed, und open woiked; also, ChiUlrf n'a ('.ilien do.,
a'id Ladies' white and tinblenched Lile Threul
do , nf vari mis 11 inliiio-, a scarce and desir .ible ar
ticle, and otln r Hosiery of various descriptions.
Plain, corded, (lerdrrrd, riviere, musiipic, and
emb'd Linen Cambric and Lawn Hdkfs., Irom 1-J
cts. t i each. Also, Bags. Pluses, Green Ba
rege for Yrils, (inu.e Viels, Black Linen, Lead
col'd und Brown do., I'np r Muslins, oVc.
'OA' ( : 1'. S TL n M 1: S.
All the new attics rich nnd cheap Scarfs nnd
Cravats; Kil, Silk, Thread, and other (ib.ivs;
Cotton half Hose ; Silk and Linen Cambric pocket
Hdkfs, Suspenders, Ac.
T You can find at MARSHALL'S, ts Ches
nut street, alnioht evi ry ariic'ti in )ry (ioihIs that
you requiie, and nt priers ipiile as luw, if not biwer
than elsewhere, (it or In his intern! Instil chiup)
and as he is constantly adding to his stoc k tin- new
est and cheapest goods, you wdi be sure of Ix-ins)
suited. Hut, leader, you are invited to call mid
judue for yourself.
Philadelphia, M ty 16ih, IS 16.
EMBERS of the Lvcoming County Mutu-
IVB 11I Insurance Company are hereby notified.
thai Ihe Board of Directors have ordered nn A-ses.
nv rit of one per cent, on all premium notes, dtie to
the Company on the loth diy of November, Is4"i,
lo be paid previous to the 2d day nf June next, lo
tho Treasurer or lo Receivers.
N.B. The Receivers for Northim.he'hiiid coun.
ty are Abr ihnm Straub, G. A. Prick, Win. W, In
land and Edward I'ysrcr.
C.S. WALI.IS. E-q. Treasurer. of the Lv. Co. Mi.t In. Co., I
Money. May 1 C, 116 :tt S
VV. N S Y 1 V. X I UOl SK,
IIE sttbsi'iiber, lite of the I'nion I lot. I. Mun-
cy, Pa , respe.ifully informs ihe old and nu
merous customers of the
l't'iiiivYlt aula House,
and tbe public uenerallv, that be has leased the
Tavern Stand of John Rhodes, in ille, here
he is now prepared to entertain travellers, and per.
sous visiting the lown, in Ihe v.ry best style. The
acconunodations will be such as n well conducted
public house should i.ll'onl, and no tll'irt will be
spared to render siti-f.irtion, in every ri'spect, loall
who may call. The citireus of Lvcoiniiig county
are invited to put up wilh the undersigned when
they visit Danville.
Danville, May 2, 1 K 10.
"CZ1TTS.E TTT?.iT?i2lf
Till IE stockholders in Ihe ('titre Turnpike Road
JL leading trom Reading to Sunbury. are hen by
noiified that an election will he held at the house
of James Lee, in Northumberland, on Monday Ihe
first day of Juno next, letween tho hours i f 10
o'clock, A. M. and 4 o lo k, P. M., for the purpose
of choosing officers lo seive for lh ensuing year.
April 25th, 1840. Ct IWi lent.
Hi Z IT dL ULi
hoot am) shop: makkk,
EREBY returns his sincere thinks for past
favors, and re-pecttullv ii.foniu his fii.nds
Hml lltn iitililir. n...ii.r .tlm ill .1 Kn li.j rj.,i,ii,M.t 1i
Sl Rh iwn, where he will be htrnv to atcoiumodite
nil who wish gooil work st moderate prices, usi-unng
Ihcin thai ho w ill ex. it hini-. lf lo please.
A good assortment of !l Kits and Shoes, for Gen
tlemen, Ladies, and I'hl dreu. couS'snily tin ban I.
Also, Linings, Bindings, and all soils i, Morocco
for .ale, low.
All kinds i f Woik made lo measure, and Re
pairing well done, at the choilesl Uolice. Cult
and Sir,
Sunbury, April lth, IMfi. tf
Lime J Lime ! !
TjTp ERI'ECTFl'LLY iuforma his fiiends, that
tlj he has commenced the business uf Lime
burning, on the faun he now occupies. He has
now on hand a quantity of Lime fjr talc, and will
always endeavor lo accommodate those who may
favor him with their custom.
August i, April 1 111). 18 Iti. fim
Xo L'liiilit-r Xotlir.
rpHE Book Actount. Notes, Ac. of If. B. Mas
I. ser and II. B. Mas-er A co. are now in Ihe
hands of a justice lor collection, and will to put til
suit if net settled, in a few d.iy.
Sunbury, Apul lib, 1 6 to,
ONL TWO DOt.t.AtlS A YEATt ! ! !
rpO mrr-T tut! sr-rntT or thk Ana. and to place
tho Weekly Mirror cn an equal footing wilh
us numerous rivols, ihe lerms are tedueed from
rhiee Dollars a year, lo Two, The chararter of
Ihe paper will be improved in every respect with
Also a copious Correspcntlenco, domestic nnd fs.
reign. A new Novel of great merit will be com
mniced wilh Number One, orthe new volume on
Ihe 11th of April. The paper and ivpc will be su
perior in qu ility to any hi fore Used f t Uis papel.
The Elegant Qnarto Form of the Mirroi, will
bind up in Two Handsome Volumes al the end of
the year, well worth preserving ns a faithful and
spirited Literary Record of Ihe Time. It will be
forwardi d by the eaihest mails, in strong wrap
pers, lo every purl of the United States and Cnna
il l. I'titfagr. free within thirty milea of New
All communications should be addressed, j)o.
paid, to II. FULLER, corner Ann and Nassau
streets, New Yolk.
One copy one year in advance, f 2 00
One copy two years, , . 3 fiO
Two copies one year, . 3 (10
P.'Ur, ..... .ri Oil
Ten 10 00
V n i.:.. ..r it., ti ut v t'lTVivn mo
... i'. I ini-ni ine i.iiii I i., tj.-t.ltj j.lliv-
ROR, fn per annum in advance. One Shilling a
week when served by carriers.
s i x ii r it v ,
X o r t Ii n in Ii r I a n il ' o u n t y,
ESPEC I EI I.LV informs his frb nds snd
, 'he public in general, th it he has taken the
llrick Stand, formerly occupied by George Prince
as a public hoii-e, (enst of the State House, and
opposite the Court II use.) where he is prepared to
accommodate his fiiends, nrnl all others who may
f.ivnr him with their cu-l un, in the licst manner.
In short, nn exettions nor cxpen-o will he spa
red to render his house in every way worthy of
public patronage.
Sunbury. April 4lh. 18lfi fim
The sin-re., .if llo I'PA IYTf'l
J CUMI'ASY. No. 3(1. Soi, h Snox'n
SriiKKT, bt-tweni Market and Ches
nnt, riiiladalidiii. has been unnaraK
leleil. Our cilieus are now able lo obtain a su
rerior article of Teas, at r ues much cheaper than
h ive ever before In en tillered in this country, and
they have tie iissurance that there are no drum or
other foreign substances mixed with the Teas.
They are done up in pack am- (lined with lead,
to preserve their strength and flivor.) of from one
quarter to live pounds, to suit customers, and are
sold at ilill'ereiil prices, fiom fifty cents per lb for
an i xeillent article ti one dollar and fifty cents,
dj' AH per-on- visiting the cilv ore invited to pay
the company's extensive establishment a visit.
Agents wanted in every place where they are
not el established. For particulars, address, jiom"
paid, the subseiiher.
G. B. ZEIBER. Ag't lor the Company,
30 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
April lib, Mll't. I y
V V. T F. J 11. MASS K It.
ft Esl'EC T1''UI.LY intorins the citizens r f
tjl Suiibiirv nnd victniiv, that he has opened an
i l!i -e ut the re-i.leiit-e of lltiiry M.isser, in Market
sin et, win re l e is prep ut d lo execute all kill ls ol
Dim i ti. Sr in, niv, PI i!e Work, Ac., on the latest
and mo-l approved plans.
limine had some t-Xierienee and instruction,
umler i tie of the mo-l eminent and successful Den
'is's in Phi!ad Iphii. he believes that he will be
able lo give satisfaction to tliotn who may want his
Ladies will be willed on at their places of resi
dence. Ilis charges will he muderate, and his
wo k warranted,
Sunburv, March 5Ulh. Mlfi.
-1 Ctc "CIIEAl' SlOiU;" An. 11 Struicbirrij
1 Ii i I a l I p Ii I a.
ifVUR Store rent und oilier t'lpein-e beinir very
fc liulil. we are enabled lo s, II out CARPETS.
OIL-CLOTHS, Ac, wholesale and retail, at the
loe.t prices in the t it v, and buyers will find it
great'y to their adiam 'ge lo call and examine ihe
largo assortment we oiler this season, nf
lU-auliful Irnpernil 3 plv
it... ,i.i.. v.. r i
VZ and edum," T,"' AKPETlSaS
'Twilled and plain Vcnili'iii J
together with a lirge s'nek of OIL-CLOTHS
from U feet lo "1 feel wide, very cheap, for rooms,
halls, Ac jalsn. Mattings, Floor t 'lolhs, Rugs, Cot
ton and R.ig Cai pets, Ac , Ac, with a good as
sortment oflugiaui t'.op.ts fiom -J5 In fit) cents,
and Stair and Entry ('Hip. is frmn 12 to' 50 cts.
No. 41, Strawberry Street, one door above Ches
nut. Second Street. Philadelphia.
March Slsi, Mir.3m.
WT B. PALMER, the American Jlewspaper
V Agent, duly uutkoried and empowered, by
the propnelors til llio-l of ihe het newspapsrg of
all the cities and pnucipal limns in the I . S. and
Canada, lo receive nibscnp ions and sdverii-e.
rnents, und to giv receipts for litem, rcejK-ctlully
notifies the public, that he is prepared to execute
ridels fiom nil puiis of ihe Civil .ed World, em
br ie. rig Iioliiiilu ils, Firms, Societies, Clu'-s, Rej.
iling Rooms, Corporations, Ac, at his several o!ti
ces in the cities of Pbiladi I, hia, Bahimore, New
Vwk u i ! llo-ton. and wheic coiiiniuuiiaiioii and
liiquirii s, po- paid, may ! d reend. Address V.
II. PALMER, rphia. N. W. corner Third
and Che-iiu' streets; Balnmore, S. E. corner B tl
limore and Calvert streets; New York, Tribune
Buddings opposite City Hall; Boston, 20 Siato st.
A no other person or persi ns are in any man
ner connected with Ihe suhtriihcr, in the American
Newspaper Au'cm-y, all letteis ami coiiimuiiiculinjia
for linn, should be carefully iliri t ied as above, ond
to no other person. 'This tauiiou has become ne
cessary, in older to avoid mistakes, and put ihe pub
lic ou their guaid agtiust all pretended Agents,
Ameiican Newspaper Agent.
Editors throughout the United Slate fir whom
V. II. Palmer is Agent, will promote the advuuluge
uf all concerned, hv publishing the above.
IH'IIMO XOTIC'K V. B. Palmer is ihe ;
only aultiorrcd Agent for the "ti nhtht Am inl
ets," in tl'B cities of Philadelphia, New York,
Boston and Baltimore, of which public nodce is
hereby given. March II. I 16.
"1 ARDE.N SEEDS A" liesli .upply uf E.
J Rislev A Co' superior Gaideu tcds, ju.l
received ami for sale at the store of
MaicU -il, lalU. 11ENKV MASSSLK.
Rack RraricT, 1'niEAnrt.rHU.
iv .i. ii:ti:hs.
'F" location ia convenient for Businessmen
visiting the city. Every pains ia taken to se
cure the cunr.irt of traveller.
MirehY, lslfi. ty
Item oval.
IZm KKSl'l-.;TFULLY informs the rU
i I li7.ens of Sunburv and vieiniiv ihnl ti
jXd Ims removril his residence to iho Briclc
-A Houso in Market afreet, nn. .Inn. ....
-m ."iv ,iw
of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past f,,.
vors, he hopp to receive a rontinuition nf the liber,
al patronage which has heretofore been extended to
him. Feb . 1 RIG. fim
ffpjiosilr the Vnvrl limine,
" HE Subscriber, who assisted fir s-
ven I years in the minacemcnt of the
hove Hotel, lately kept bv Mr. S. A. Bra-
dy, hi es Irsvn lo Infnm (he travellltirr
public, that he has tulteti the eslsblishtnent on I is
own account, nu the first of January, 1S-10.
The Iloue has, nl laie, undeigono many impir
tant alterations, and the presit-t conductor promi-e
to leave nothing nndone to nnl;e it a c imforta'ile
and sirreeable, s well as a cheap and aceomm.'da
ting Mopping place (or s'.ratiL'ers who may visit mir
flouri-htrg village. No p'tms nor expense ' I be
spar-d to ti:i Ihe table :md the bar with the 1-e-t !' e
markets olford, and with th-di terniina'ion to e'e-vo-e
his entire (-erson il attetitinn 1 1 the comtorl of
those who tnav make his house their temporary
Imde, ami i.ide.l tiy aitive, ca-rful and obliging Vi r
vants, he hopes to give pen. ral s ilisfaction, and re
ceive a lil-eral share of custom.
fXj" Earae and commodious STABLES arer'
lached lo the es-iibl shment, which are attended 1 y
careful and obliging ho-tlers.
January 21th, Mlfi. tf
N. ?( Siriti Piiinii SrrtfiT,
( ippavitc the I'hilaJt Iphia D.rehnvc,
FT!w Manufaviure and ke- p t ir.
'BlKKBi, 'V ;-"i,r1y on tiami, a large as-1Ciwk.tV-''
'i'l,,sr'rlmcnl of their P .tent lrr.
yjlaaUeiK-('-'r?,,rmPl Salamander F I R E
,;:: f PROOF safes, which
lifSiL constructed as to set at r,-t
manner rf doubt as to their
heinc strhllvfire nroof. an 1
ibat Ihey will resist the fire of any fuildim; in tho
world. 'Th e outpidi'-C'isp t f the Safes are mid.- ef
boiler iron, the inside cie of t-oipstone, and be
tween tbe miter ca-e and inner case is a space nf
some 3 inches thick, and is Tilled in wilh inde-huc-tible
m ateiial, ao us to make, it an impossibility t.
ever burn any nl the contents iiiide of this l'het.
These So.apstone Sid amandei.i we arc prepared
and do challenge the waildlo produce any ar'i hi
in the shape of B,,ok Safes that wl'.l stand r.iui h
heat, nnd we hold oursctvi s ready ut all times lo
have them fairly tesU-J hv public lion fire, should a
nv cf our competitors feel disposed to try t'.u-rn.
We also continue to manufacture end keep con
stantly on hand, a lare and general urwortmcni of
our Premium Air tight Fire Proof Safes, of V.bii It
we have a large cpianlity in use, an I in eve;y in
stanre they have given entire sttisfaction lo llui
purchasers uf which we will refer the public to a
few gentlemen who have them in use.
N. cV O.Taylor, W.I north 31 st.; A. right
A Nephew, Vine st. wharf; Alexiiiulcr Caror, ('on
veyanrer. turner of Tiitu-a nnd illli sts.; John M.
Ford, 33 north 3det.; Mvcrs Bush, 20 north JM
st.; Bailey A Brother, 13S Maket n.; James M.
Paul, DM south ltli St.; Dr. David Javne, 8 south
3d st.; Ma'.thr-w T. Miller, 20 south '3.! st.; ami
we could name som- three or four hundn i othl-r
if it were necessary. Now we invito tho attention
of the public, and particularly thosu in want of
Fire Proof Safes, to call :-.t our Mot htfore pint-basing
elsewhere, and we think we can snif fy them
that they will get a belter and cheaper nr'i.-le at
our store than any other rsiabhshiin tit in the city.
We also continue to m.inu!'jitu-e and Co
pying Pressis, made in such a tnnnner as t an
swer brill purposes ; Hoisting Machines, I'ua
Proof Doors, w ith our own in-unifa Hire ol ioeU
on them, with D. Evans's Patent Keyhole cover
attached lo the -sine; plain ind emu menial Iron
Railing, Ac.
N. B. We keep constantly on hand a largo as
sortment o our Patent Sla'.e Lined Reliigei .tots,
Water Fillers and Coolers ; and we have also on
hand several second hand Fire Proof Chests taken
in exchange for ours, which we will dispose of at
very low prices,
Philadelphia, January 21th, Mid. ly
n.vr iV e vi' WAiiKiiurK,
A", lllll. Marhtl Strict, above. Olli, SXuthiiJct
fJl THE subsi-ril trs respectfully call the atten
Otf lion of their friends and de.ders to their large
and well assorted stock of Hats and Caps of every
description, will adapted It the si ring trade. Be
ing made of the het ni.itcri .1 and hv Iho nin-t ex
pcriennd workmen, they feel confident to give nni
versil atisf.uti hi to all who may favur them with
a trial, as they oll'. r to sell as I w as an house in
the city. BARTALOIT A L:.iNN.
Phil tih Ipbh. January 3, MIR ?
T I'urt liasri s cl"
fpllE subscriber. N. lit Pearl street, New
jl. York, having established a Itruichat No. 23t
South Second St., Pliiladt-lplna, is now opening,
and will be cons'.Mit'v receiving from the Nw
York Auction, an extensive assortment of
which will be sold ul l!.e lowest New York pnr.-a,
lit wholesale, and Retail. Among li s stock will In
fiund a good a-siirtmint of iho following article!
Jai-conets, Plni.l. Uuir Cord,, I. see, Siripc, Bool,
Swi-aand 'J'urlaian Muslins, Bishop and Linen
Lxwiin, Fancy dp Nells, Fancy and Ball Dresses,
'Thread Laces, Application D,i r ch Black Si.U
I'riinmirg Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics,
Linen Cambric Hdkfs.. Curtain Fringes, Cashmere
d'Ecossr, Alousclilio de'l.Hle. ri!k and Cotton
Warp Al(tce.i, tju m-u' Cloth, Call Plaids,
French Meiinos, HI it k Si'ka, Gloves, Si'lt Hosp(
Shawls, Crava s, Ribbons, Embioiilerirs, Ac., Ac.
Country Meit-bants and others visiting I'hil iilel"
phia nr New York to purchase, are resptcttully In
vited 10 cab ami t sannne the btotUa.
Nov. I. JJ. H. MOORF!
WTlalM T I he highest price eivrn luV
V f A heat, at the alore of- H. MASi-iH,'.
A new aupply of Rose Oinlmt nl just received.
Nor. Sih, IM 15.
O AR IRON Juut received and for ale7 cbi up
- for ca-h, by HENRY M AfSER,
Suiibuiv, S. pi. SU, s4."i.
Ol'PElMDR Po. ivuie, Mad- r u..L,sboi.'
wine. Also se,,,.,,,., Ilfa. ,(iv tt, (i,(1 j., ,,..,
yiup. AUo a leu b,rtU ol Ulu FlH u
CtUtDi"- . . .
..y.July in, t