GHNBRAt, TAYLOR. At there is a general desire to learn tome 1hin;6f the history, character and qualifications f)f General Taylor, who now atanda to connpi uouely before the whole country at the com mander of the army of occupation, we extraot 'from one of our exchange the following aketch. It will be intereitfng: "Gen. Zacbary Taylor entered the army in 1808, immediately after the attack on the Chee apeake, and hat been in the service of hit coun try from that time to the present. Having entered the army aa a lieutenant of infantry he bad risen to the command of t company at the beginning of the tail war. For his gallant defence of Fort Harrison on Hhe 5th September, 1912, President Madison conferred upon him the brevet rank of Major, 'end he. is now the oldest brevet in the army, In 1832, he became the Colonel of the Gtli 'infantry; with this rogirncnl he went to Flori da in 1833, were he was always foremost in danger. ' ' On the 25th December, 1930, Col. Taylor, at the head ot a detachment of about 500 men, composed of parts of the 1st, 4th and 6th regi ments of United States Infantry and some Mis souri volunteers, met about 700 Indians, under Alligator, Sam Jones, and Coa-coo-chee, on the banks of the O-ke-cho-bee. This battle was cough t by the Ind ians, for the day before the engagement, Col. Taylor received a challenge from Alligator, telling him where to find him, and bantering him to come on.- Col. Taylor desired nothing better, immediately pushed on -at a rapid march to the expected battle ground, fearful that the wily Indian might change hia purpose. The Indians had a strong position in thick swamp, covered in front by a small tream, whose quicksands rendered it almost impassable, but he pushed through the' quick, .sands and swamps, in the face of a deadly fire from a concaled foe, driving the Indiana before 'him. JThe action was long and severe. The Indi ans yielding the ground inch by inch, and then only at the point of the bayonet After three hours of bloody contest, the Indians were routed and pursued with great slaughter, until night. This waa the laststand they ever made, in a large ;body, and the only instance in which they voluntarily gave battle. Though Col. Taylor won the day, it waa at the expense of 139 k il led and wounded more than one fourth of his whole force. Two colonels, (Colonel Thomp son of the 5th infantry, and Colonel Gentry of the Missouri volunteers,) fell at the head of the troops, Cspt. Van Swearingen and Lieuts. Brooke and Carter, also fell in the engage ment ' During the whole of the engagement, Col. Taylor remained on horseback, passing from point to point, cheering his men to the conflict, -and exposed lo the Indian rifle at every mo ment. For this battle, Mr. Poinsett, Secretary nf War, rendered merited praise to all engaged, m hrsommunication to Congress. . The brevet -of bVigtfter General waa conferred on Cl. Taylor, and we was given the chief command in Florida, whidh ne tei?ned in 1840, after tour or five years arduous and indefatigable service in thee wars ps and ttammocka f Flo rida. After retirement from Florida, ie waa assign rd the command of the 1st department of the rmy, including the States of Iofsiana, Mis sissippi, Alabama, &.(, with hts headquarters at Fort Jossup, Louisiana. , Ills position gave him the tommarid ot the "atmy ofoccepation,"" but the tissue of the ser vice would have justiftoo the Government in essigning to that command either of the six general officers of the regular army, whose rank . it higher than hie. -But it may be fairly presumed that tire high character, gallant services and great experi ence of Gen. T - aside from hit geographical position, pointed him out at the appropriate commander of an army, which waj to plant uur , flag upon the banka of the Rio del Norte. Gen. Taylor is about 50 years of age; is a man of much general information, and an excel lent and tried soldier; a prudent and skilful commander, whoe traits of character are a wise precaution in providing for the hour of tri al, and a fearless, reckless courage in battle. He ia a Kentuckian by birth, and all that word implies. He ia an American in heart, and stamped with all the elements of a hero, by na tare. Under hia command the flag of the Union will receive no dishonor on the banka of the Rio jrande. Xtshville Orlhipiiitan. Sbumokin FciaAcs. The Shamokin Furnace, row in the possession of Measrs. Bryant and Vood, Waa again put in operation on ths first of hia month. In ths event of this Turnaes work ng well, and profitably to ita present tnsnsgers, t is said they will soon erect another stack ad oining the present furnace, We trust that the lost sanguine hopes of the pteseut operatora at bamokin may be fully realised, that another, nd a third Anthracite Furnass may aeon go tip i that region ; and further, that ths time may Medily arrive whea locomotive will be taking a and limestoae from Montour to Shamokia, ind Coal from Shamokia te Danville.-Dami!fe ntelligenetr. ' DaHvillb Sainok. A number of responsible ind highly respectable persons wets in atten lanes at this place oa Saturday last, and rut in troposale for rebuilding our river Bridge. Of he numerous proposals presented, those of David I. Kownovcr, of Danville, and Chester B. Evans, f Elmirat N. Y were aecsbtsd by the Company, ad those gentlemea nave undextakea te have the briclgs ready for crossing in January nest. They are both active and experienced men, snd good mechanics; and ths prospect now is that we ahalt have a substantial and beautiful bridge up, and ready for use next winter the cost, un der the proposals as accepted, is estimated at a bout 123,000. Danville Intelligencer. PRICE .CURRENT. Corrected weekly iy Henry Matter. Wbsst, ... .... 100 Rrt, . . . . .70 Coan, . 62 Oats, 40 Poaa, ' . 6 FLAXstsn,' . i. -. . 118 BoTTta, ...'( . . 14 Eon,, . . 8 BsssWsx, . ' . m 36 Tittow, . 10'' Put, . .10 Hscattn Fiat, .-' to Daisn Aertas, . ... 75 Do. Psacsss, 150 Notice. THE Co partnership heretofore existing be tween the subscriticrs, u nder ihe firm of Bry ant fc Wood, is ihis day (May 20th) dissolved by mutusl consent. - ' J. O. BRYANT, GEO. WOOD. Shamokin, Msy 23J, 1846. 3t Ths Danville Democrat rill inner! the slove three wevke, and forward their bill to Shamokin. Estate or John Rhlnehart, dee'd. Notice to Heirs. .Vs. 15, August Term, A. D. 1848. John Rhinehart '. Charles Khinehart, Thomas Crosby, Guardian of Thomas Cr.wby, Henry S'ell and Elizsteth hia wife, James Ht'ed and Louisa bis wife, George B. McAllister and 8arnh his wife, snd Martin Hahn and Msry bis wife. Nostrum reslabtd Covstt, Set. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the She rifTof Northumheiland Couiity, Gbestikh: YOU are hereby commanded to summon Charles Rhinehart, Thomas Crosby, Guar dian of Thomas Crosby, Henry Slell and E'ita beth his wife, James Reed snd Louisa his wife, George B. McA'list' r and Sarah his wife, and Mar tin Hahn and Mary his wife, defendant-, to be and sppear bifore Ihe Judges nl the Court "of Common Pleas, to be holden at 8unbury for said county, on the first Monday nf August next, to answer John Rhinehart, plaintiff, of s plea wherelors the said plaintiff" snd Ihe said defendants together and undi vided do hold a cert sin tract nf land in Augutia ; township, containing fortr-lhee seres more or less, adjoining Eli Conrsd, William Conrad, Samuel I Lants and ethers; also, a piece of land in same township, containing eleven sere mors or l s; one lot nf ground adjoinir.g Mary Harrison, Mis. Lvon snd Shamokin creek, snd two pieces of land adj. lining each other and former, together confin ing tw.'lvs acres m re or less, bounded by the Sha mokin creek and hill land claimed by Mrs. Lynn, being the piers now in ihe possession of Chard a Rhinehait; also, a certain house and lot of ground siiuats in Sunbury, in Whortleberry street, north aids, bounded wrst by lot of Mrs. Simpson, esst by lot of John G. Youngmsn, snd north by an alley; also, a certain house and lot of ground in Rivsr street, in 8uubury, bounded by lot of McCarty & Davis, south by lot of Uco-ge Matits, and east by an alley. Partition thereof hetween them the said defendants doth not permit. Hereof fsil not snd have yuu there then this writ. Witness the Hon. J. B. Anthony, President of our smiI court st Sunbury, the 6ih day of Msy, A. D. 1816. - JOHN FARNSWORTH, Proih'y. Of whxh the said defendants will please take notice, THOMAS A. BILLINGTON. Sheriff's Office, Sheriff. Sunbury, May 23, 1646. S0t NORTHUMBERLAND NOTICE is hereby given, thst a meeting of the stockholders of the Northumberland Bridge Company will be held st the house of James Lee, in the borouuh of Northumberland, on Monday the 15th day of June next, st 3 o'cl.ik, A. M., for the purpose of taking int.i coiis'deration the propriety nf re-building the Bridge, from Ihe Eastrrn khoreof the r'UfSjuehsnna river to the Shamokin Llaml, op pit Northumberland, upon certain stipulated conditions mentioned tn s supplement paused Ihe t8th of March, 1 846, to the set incorporating said company, D BRAUTIGAM. NorthumM. May 1, 34B. 51 Prea't. Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware MANUFACTORY. SSLINIOBOVE, JBNNA. THE sulvcri'.ar reFpectfully informs the pnblie that he has commenced the manufacture of a iiuu Bisctriaruii nure) in sll iis various branches, at Selinscrove. His ware is not only mads of the beat materials, but is put together in a substantial and workmanlike man ner, iliflenng tn thta respect from much of the waie sld, which ia rosds ap in s bony for that purpots. An rscellenl srsartment will tie kept on band at all lim. a, which witl be a ld on the moat reasonaMe terms. ANDREW 6. WINGERT. SrlinegMve, May I6tb, 1846. tf. - Rich and Elegant CARPETS, OIL CLOTZS. MATTINGS AND WINDOW SHADES, FOR iPHINQ TXULDB. THE sul'sc'ilxt haa just opened for spring tiade, a large and complete assortment of lirus-elst Imperial, Urfins tod Rue Ingrain and Venetian CARPETS, which haVe all been purchased within a month, at the loweet cash rates. They ate now offered at gratlf reduced prices for cSsb. These goods are of an eitrs style and ftnishv and being of the test make and fabric, offer great in ducements to purchasers to obtain a handsome and deairabls article at prices below the UsUal rates. The assortment is complete in every rsspecl) snd consists in part of ihs following New and s Undid Brussels - . , " Do do Ingrains T Do do Imperials' CARPET8, Do do Twl'd Venetians . at Reduced Do do Plain do. PriccSt Do do , Fine 4 Common Ingrain ' J .'' Splendid Embossed piano snd Table Covers; Siair Rods, Bindincs. Sheeo Skins. &.C dte. With an imanensb stuck of low juiced CarpeU oi an aeaenptiona, L.MM, Kag Hemp, and UOtton Carpels, from to 60 Cent per vard. Couhtry Merchants, hcw;!;rpers snd ethers have now sa opportunity of supplying themselves with hanJaotns Snd dssirsMS goods st grsstly redu- ceaprrbss; HUBCKI u. WALKER, S5 N. 2d St. epposits Cbrut Church Philadelphia, May I6ih, U48-3n " Tr lflP ri aTaW iP?r" AUia iaJ sWiiWaii JtiX4X WXJjXi riiJalT . A. B. MAKSIIA1L1L, ;: , Wo. 188 CheanUt Street, between Seventh and Eighth Streets, DP EEI a Ha OD 18 now prepared to offer,- Wholesale and Retail, a large essortment of Fahct snd Stasis itT cioodi; suited to ths Country ss well sa City Trade. He continues ths system of "no abatement in prlcct," which he has pursued for the past ten yesra, and desires to call ths special attention of the pubi c to it as the only true tytlem of retail business, snd which is decidedly to the interest of the purchaser to promote. It ia quite time the fraudulent preo lice of asking a high price, and abating to make the purchasers believe they srs ths "favored few," was done away with, as, nine times out of ten, they sre made to pay a higher price (however great the re duction) than the like style and quality cm be pur chased at the "One Price Btore." A. B. M. la in regular receipt of the newest and cheapest seasonable goods, and when sny article depreciates in value the price is at once marked down an low that it cannot be undersold. By this system ths purchaser curt, st all times buy with confidence snd satisfaction, and without watte of time in useless bargaining. lie has st this time a complete assortment of SILKS. Blsck Lnstrlno, Oitnmxn, Poux de Soie, Man tua, Gros de Rhine, Armure, snd other Dress and Mantills Silks. Also, Fancv Dress Silks,' from 44 cts. to f 2 25 per yard, including all ihe variety nf approved snd useful styles snd combination nf colors. Lining Silks, Foulard Silks, Silk Gingham. IMU'A'S AND ORGANDIES. P;iris Psinted Lawns snd Organdirs,' of the newest snd most approved s'ylc, ss well ss Ihe cheapest in the market. Alo, Scotch Lawns at very low prices. FRENCH GINGHAMS, Of ihe newest designs. Also Scotch Ginghams and Gingham Lawns, very cheap. Twdl'd Earl sion and Manchester Ginghams, for children'a wear. ' FRENCH CHINTZES. Light, medium, and dark colors, 4-4 wide. Also, bert m ke American Chintx and Calicoes, of the new patterns, st 12 cts. per yard. MOUSELIN DE LA1NES, Of the most splendid Ombre snd Printed styK down to the French, English and American, at 25 cents per yard. BAREGES AND BALZORINES, Of all qualities snd every vartfty. of design, suited lo sll tastes., A 'so, embroidered and chain ftitchrd Robra, Bayadere and Pidka Dresses, emb'd Swiss Muslin and Bishop Lswn dress patterrs I arleluns snd colored plaid and stripe Swiss Mus lins. WHITE GOODS. Plain Swiss, Mull, Nansook. Jaeconet, Cambrie, Book, and Tarleton Muslins, Plaid, Strino, cordid and figured Cambric and Swiss do., Bishops Lawn, ATTENTION I THE 8hamokin and Rush Indepen dent Battalion of Volunteers are com manded to meet at Snvdersiown, on the 27th inst., st 10 o'clock, A. M. of said dsy, in summer uniform, provided with 10 rounds of blink eartriges, fully srmed snd equipped for diill snd inspection. By order of Maj. War. H. Kasr, 8. 8. FARROW, May 16, 1846. 21 Adjutant. ItleaNlea. DR. 8MITH'S ADVICE. THE Mearles appeared in Europe about ihe same lime with the small poi, and have a great affinity to that disse. They both came from the s iuie quarter of the world, are built infec tious, and seldom attack the same person but once. The Meablea are most common in the spring sea son, snd generally disapieer in the summer. The disease itself, when properly minagrd, seldom proves fatal ; but its consequences are often vei v trouhb some. Our business is to assist nature to throw out the eiuption. Blood-letting ia almost certain death. Nothing ever discovered haa done the work so eeutly snd effectually sa Dr. SMITH'S (Sugir Coated) Indian Vegetable PilU." You need not force them down, ei her Q3 CAU TION. As s miserable imitation hue been made, by ths name of "Sugir Coated 1'ilU," it ia necessary to be sure that Da. G Benj. Smith's tipnaiuie ia on every box. Price 25 rents. Principal Office. 179 Greenwich at New York. SolJby JOHN W. FRILING, Sunbury. WM. FORsYTHE, Northum'd. Msy Ittih, IS46. DANVILLE WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLBv COLUMBIA COUNTY, Pennsylvania. THE Panville Steam IVoolen Factory, former ly owned snd occup.ed by Dr. Pstmikiv, h s recently been purchased by the subscribers, who respectfully announce ro their friends snd the pub lic general y, that Ibey are now prepared to do all kinds oT wjrli in their line of business, at the shor test notice, according to order, and io the best com parsrtvs msnme. Hsving gone M considerable espense tn repairing theit nfachinery and a pat i us, and bring very particular tn securing the Service of rsperienced mechanics, they feel confident lht they sre capable of executing all kinds of work in s style superior to sny other es'sblishmcnt in the country, st the old Customory p'teea. . CLOTHS, SATIN KTTS, FLANNELS asb BLANKETS con si an ly on band, and for sale st reduced prices, for Cash or Batter. CAKDIXG AM ri'M.IXH will be done in the best manner, at the uaunl pri ces. All kinds or country produce taken in pay ment for woik, at D nille market prices. For the accommodation of those who live at s di-taneej Wool and Ciotb will be taken in at, snd, when finished, returned to the following pla ces. Plain written directions must accompany each parcel '. Columbia County.--Roup St Mst's Store, Wa shingtonvdlst R. Fruit's store, Jerseytowit ; Yea ger'e inn, Roaring Creek; 8hsrpesa' store, Catti wiBns; C. P. Msnn'a slots, MifflinvttU t Miller's Mors, Berwick t J; Cline'a Mill ; Ricket's store, Oisrtievllle; Derr's slorS, White Hall. Ntrthumberlaiul Cimrtv Michsel Reader's inn, l,;iL. . lte-l.n.1 Jbr U..I. U-U wivwt.uiv , i , i.iiu U JBJ .iuid, mcJSWCIW vilfe E. !.. Piper's store, Wstsonstown ; . S. I. Comly & Co's store, Milton; Gibson's inn, Chit hequeque Forsyth's store, Northumberland ; Young's Slots, Sunbury. V Luterne CeUAttf. Reynold s sorr, Kingston; OildersleeVa's store, Wlrkesbarre ; Gsylord's store, Plymouth t ' Biystr's st'orr, Nsntlcoks Judge Mark's Mill, Huntibgton. Lycoming County.). Clapp's store, Muuey Sbosmsker's store, Smith's Mill. r GEARHART & KOWNOVER. Danville, May 9, 1816. A a saa, WaWBp fjp sXaHsj. ssjbjbj aaatsai a sbbbsssi 532 Ua OP EC a Imitation Cambric, Cambrie Dimity, Irish Shirting Linens, Damask Table Linen, TaMe Cloths and Napkins, Long Lawns, French Linen Cambric snd Linen Lawns, cheap Shirting snd Sheeting Mus lins, snd superior Long Cloth Shirting. , ' MOURNING GOODS. ' Lupin's Bombazines of sll qualities, and the va rious ahades nf Black, Sumrger Bomb sines or Brillisntes, Silk snd Cotton W rp Atpsecas, Silks, Mouselin de Lainea, Baregrai Balzorinea, Marrinese, Grenadines, Ginghama, Lawns, Crapes, Crape and Lnvs Leise Viels, Kid snd Silk Gloves, Hosiery, Plain Silk. Glacia, Ottoman, Thibet, Barcgei snd Twisted Silk Shawls, 8carfs and Cravme. . SHAWLS .IND SCARFS. French tahmere long and squne Shaw's, Broche do., Primed, Barege, Thibet and Terkrrri do.,Glaia, Twisted Silk, Grenadine, Htrnani and Mohair do., and low priced d.K ' Sdk, Grenadine, Barege, and other long and short Scarfs. Als''rn.its. Black Lace and Silk Mantillas, Visiti, Cnpea and Cardinals, of the new sty Irs. LMUROIDER1ES AND LACKS. - Emb'd Caps, CoIIrm, Spenciua. and Chemz tts, under Slrcvi-s and Cuffs English and Krnih Thread Lacca. Edcings and Insertings, Linen Bob bin Edgi- ga and lniertina, emb'd 8 wist and Cam bric do., Bl.ick and Whit' Lace Viels. Luce Shawls and Scarf., widn Hl nk Laces for Mantillas and Scatfs, and Black Brussels Lace, for trimming do. and. dresses. HOSIERY. English white snd black ribb'd, etnb'd, open worked, and p sin Silk II siery ; white and black half Hi se, rilih'd and plain ; spun Silk Snd raw S.Ik d .; also, Enql rh and Swi-s white, cnloreil, nnd unbleached Cotton do; libh'd, plain, emb'd cl kU ed, and open worked; also, Chtldren'a Gotten do, a.d Ladies' while and unbleached I.i-le 'J'hrcid do , of various qualities, a scarce and dfMrable ar ticle, and other Hosiery of Various descriptions. LINEN CAMBRIC AND LAWN 1WKFS. Plnin, corded, berdcred, riviere, musfque, and emb'd Linen Cambric and Lawn Hdkfs., from 12 eta, to f'.'O each Also, Rstjs, Purse. Green fts rege for Veils, Gauze Viels, Black Linen, . Lend Col'd and Brown i!o Pap r Muslins, &C. FOR GENTLEMEN. All the new sly In rich and cheap Scarfs and Crnvata; Kid, Silk, Thread, and other Gloves; Cotton half Hose ; Silk and Linen Cambric pocket Hdkfs, Suspenders, rVc. ' fXy You can find at MARSHALL'S, I8S Chee nut street, almost evi-ry article in Dry Good that yon requite, and at (triers quite as low, if not lower than elsewhere, (7 is to his intcrrst to n il cheap) and as he ia constantly adding to hia atoik the new est snd cheapest goods, you will be sure of being suited. But, lesder, you sre invited to call and judite for yourself. Philadelphia, May 16ib, 1840. 2m Assessment. EMBEKS of the Lycoming County Mutu al Insurance Company aie hereby notified, that the Board of Directors have ordered an Assess, m nt of one per cent on all premium notes, due lo Ihe Company tn Ihe 15th d iy of November, 1845, to be paid previoua to the 2d day of June lien, to the 1'reaaurer or lo Receivers. WM. A. PETRIKIN, Sec'y. N,B. The Receivers for Norlhumberlanrl e-iun iy are Abraham Slraub.G. A. Frick, Wm. W. Ir laud and Edward Oyaier. C. S. V'ALLIS, E q. Treasurer. Office of the Lv. C. Mut In. Con - Murtcy. May 16,1846 t 5 "I'liNNSYLVANlA HOUSE, rpiiE X cy, HE subsrtilier, late of the Union Hotel, Mun- Pa , respectfully iiiforma the old and nu merous customers of ths PeiiiiHTtvanlu House, and the public generally, that he has leaded the Tavern Stand nf John Rhodes, in Danville, where he is now prepared to entertain travellers, and per. aona vUitinc Ihe mwn, in Ihe v,ty beat style. The accommodations will be such as a Well ennductrd public house should afford, and ho effort will be spared to render sntif.ictiop, in every respect, lo all who may call. The citizen nf Lycoming county are invited lo put np with ihe undersigned when Ihey visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. ajivi'JeMayJl, 1816. J ceittke" ttoitpike' SH ttD 13 o THE stockholders in the Centre Turnpike Road leading Iron Reading to Sunbury, are hereby notified that an election will be held at the boue of James I,ee, in Northumberland, on Monday ihe tli at day of June neat, between the hours f 10 o'clock, A. M. and 4 oYlork, P. M., for the purpose of choosing ofliccrs lo aerve for the ensuing JTeir-v J. It. PRIESTLEY, April 25th, I R46,6t Pwi.'eni. W. H. THOIVIPSON, Fnlifotiallc nOOT AND SIIOK 3IAKKn, OERK11Y returns bi sineere thanks fir ast favors, and respectfully i' fornu his friend and ihe public generally, th .1 he has removed to the 11 lick Store Kottrn formerly Occupied by Wood 6l Khawn, where he will t happv to sccniumKlte all wbo wish good work at moderate prices, assuring them that he will ekrrt hlmwlf lo .leso. A good assortment nf Boots and Shoes) for Gen tlemen, Ladies, and Chi'dreu, ronsianily on hand. Also, Linibgs, Dindingx, And all Sorts of Morocco for le, low,- All kinds nf Work made to measure, and lie pairing well done, at ths hoiU'.t ttutice. Call and Sen Sunbury, April ISlh, 1848. if Lime ! Lime ! I JOS1T 3H!PlviAlTa 1T1 ERPECTFULLY informs his friends, that ItVi he bsa coionienced the business of Lime liuruing, ou ibsfiiui he now occupies. Ha baa pew oti hand a quantity of Lime for sale, and will always endeavor lo accommodate those wbo may faior hint wilb their custom, - - August. April 1 lib, 1840. 6m . Ko furl her Kotlre THE Souk Accounts, Notes, Ac. of II. B. Msr ssr snd H. B. M asset Sl co. are now in the hands of a justice for collect ion, and will be ut in suit if hot settled, in a few days, . Sunbury, April 4lh, 1846, ' s ?ili- s a s a SltW A NEW PROSPECTUS THE N13W VOLUlrli; or rss WEW VORR WBEKI.V XrXZRAOSU ONLY tWO DOLLARS A TKAR ! I ! 'T'O sin tbs sriatT of raa lea, and to place - lha Weekly Mirror on an equal fooling With its numerous rivals, the terms are teduced from Thtes Dollars a year, to Two. The character of Ibe paper will be improved in every reaped with ORlGim ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, POETRY, Jte. Alao a copioua Correpemlence, domestic and f reign. A new Novel of great merit will bo com menced with Number One, of lha new Volume on ths 1 llh of April. The paper and type will Ira au perinr in quality to any before used f r this papet. The Elrgsnt Qnarto Form of the Mirror will bind up tn Two Handsome Volumes at the snd of lie yer, well worth preserving Ss a faithful and spirited Literary Record of ihe Time. U Will be foiwarded by tl e carl, est miils, In strong wrap, per', in every part of the United States snd Csna. la. J 'outage free within thirty miles of New York. ' All communications should be addressed, pott pmii, to M. I-ui. Libit, corner Ann and Nassau streets, IN cw l oik. TEAMS! One copy one yesr in advance, f J Oft One copy two year, , . 3 60 Two copies one year, . 3 00 F. ur, . , , ... 6 00 Ten 10 BO N. B Price r.r the DAILY EVENING MIR ROR, ffi per annum in advance. One Shilling a wiek when served by carriers. PETER LAZARUS" 8 I' is n v it y , 7 IV o r t li n ni l v r I n n l County, PENM SYLVANIA, RESPBOfEULLY informa his Tri hds snd , the public in general that he has taken the Urick Stnnd, formerly occupied by George Prince sa a public house, (eai-t of the State House, and ophisitc the Court H nine.) where he is prepared lo accommodate his friends, and all others Who msy favor him with their cu-tom, in the best manner. In short, no exertions nor expense will be spa red io render hia house in every way worthy of public patronage. Sunbury, April 4tb, 1816 6ra IMPORTANT TO DEALERS I1T TEA . AND TEA. DRINKERS. The success of the PEKIN TEA COMPANY. No. ao.SorjTit 8ac0nh Stskrt, between Market Snd Chee- nut, Philadelphia, haa been unparal leled. Our citizens are now able to obtain a su perior article of Teas, at rates much cheaper than h ive ecr before been offered in thia country, and they have the assurance that there are no drugs or other foreign substances mixed with the Teas. They are done up in packasea (lined with lead, to preserve their strength and flavor.) of from one quarter to five pounds, to suit customers, and are sold at different prices, from fifty cents per lb for an ( xeellent article to one dollar and fitly cents, dj AH persons visiting the city are invited to pay the company's extensive establishment a visit. Agents wanted in every place where they are not yet established. For particulars, address, pott paid, Ihe subscriber, (J. B. fcEIBER, Ag't for ihe Company, 30 South Third Street, Philadelphia. April 4lh, 1846. ly - BE1TTIST??". IMiTKll 11. MA8 8ER, RF.CF.NTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, ESI ECTFULLY informs ihe cilixens of Sunbury and viciniiv, that he has opened an cilice at the reiderire of Henry Masi-er, in Market street, where he is pre nurd to eiecute all kinds of DkistsL Susosnt, Pi ite Work, Ave., on lha latest and mod approved pinna. Having had some experience and instruction, under ene nf the mol eminent and successful Den tie's in Philadelphia, he believes that be will be able lo give satisfaction to lliot-e who may want bis acrvicea Ladies will be waited on at their places of resi dence. His charges will be moderate, and his work warrsnted. Sunburyv March SSlh, 1818. CAHPETINOS AND OILCLOTHS, At the "CHEAP STOUK" jVo. 41 Strawberry Stmt, l la 1 1 a l c I p h I a. UR Store rent snd other expensea being very V " litfbt, we are enabled to a. 11 out CARPETS, UIL-CI.OT1IS, &c, wholesale and retail, at the loe-t price in the city, and buyers will find it greatly to their advantage to call and examine the large nesortmenl we nflVr this season, of Beautiful Imperial 3 ply Dout 1 Superfine Ingrain n. Fine and Medium d - f Twilled and plain Vi nitian J ARPETINCS lorreihrr with a lirge s ock of OIL-CLOTHS from 2 feet to 24 feet wide, very cheap, for rooms, balls, See :aln. Mattings, Floor Cloths, Ruga, Col. ton and lii t'aipcta, &c, Ac, with s good ss sortmeiit of Ingrain tnipds fio n 25 to 60 cents, snd Suir snd Entry Car ta from 13 lo 50 cts. ELDRIDUE & BROTHER, No. 41, Strawtierry Street, one door above nut Second Street, Philudelphis. March 31 st, 1846. 3m. A CARD. TO TUB CIVILIZED WORLD!! U. PALMER, the Ainerieao Newspaper y B Asenl, du'y authorized, and empowered, by the propneiois of ino-t of the bet newpairs of sll lire cities snd prin'cipnl lownS in the U. H. Snd Cansda, to rrceive sulicrip ions snd advertise, ments, anj lo g'Ve receipt lor them; resectillly ri. t'fu-s ihe pubbe, be i prepared t i execute orders from ult psne of the tivil xed World, em. braehg Indivi lu ds, Firms, Societies, CI us. Rea ding lioom-r, Coipnri-tioiia, Ac, sl bis aeversl olTi rea in the cities if Pl.ilaJ. I.bia, Baltimore, New York an.l Boston, and cmmuniraiioiis and inquiries, p.wt paid, may be directed. Addree V, 11. J'Al.MKI!, Philadelphia, N. W. comer Third and Cbesnu streelt Uatiiin '. S. E. c rner B.b iimo.e and Culvert streets ( New York, Tribune Buddings opposite City Hall; Boston, 20 Slats st As no other person or persons are in any man ner connected with the sut'sciiber, in the American Newspaper Agency, sll letters snd eommunicationa Mir him, should be carefully directed a above, and 10 no other person. This caution baa become ne. cessary, in order lo avoid mistakes, and put lbs pub. lie on their guard sgtitisl all pretended A cents. V. B. PALMER, Antei'ican Newspaper Agent. Editors throughout Ihe Uciled 8utea f.r whom V. B. Palmer is Agent, will promote Ihs sdvsnlags of sll concerned, by pnbbshiug Ihe shove. i'l'ltLMJ NOTICIi V. B. Palmer is ihs only authorised Agent for ihe "Stiaaoev Astsai ess' in Ihe cities of Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Baltimore, of which public notice ia hereby given. March 14, 1846. iri AMDE SKLDS.trrtTi supply or E. J( Hisley A Co's superior Osidin Seeds, Jusl received and for sale at lbs store of MsKbl,la4. HLJUtir Mt7SER sWTTT I aj m I n , WHIT2 SVAIT HOTEL, Raci STBferr, PniBxnpLPMiA. BY JT, PETKIIS. rpHtS location is convenient for Busihees men - "visiting the city. Every piins is taken to cure the comfort of travellers. March T, 1846. ly ' KcmovaL . . T. TRITES, REUI'ECTPI'LLY informs the ri t'tsns of Sunbury snd vicinity, ihnthe hsa removed bis lesidence to ih Brick House in Market strnet. one door re t of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful Tor past fa vors, be hopes In receive a continuation of the librr sl patronage which has heretofore been extended ta him. Feb. 28, 1846. 6m MONTOUR. HOUSE, LATE nitADY'S HOTEL, . " Opponte the Coiirl Hovte, DANVILLE, PBMN'A. j i THE Subscriber, wbo ass'rsted for ss veiel years In the management of the a a I We H.irel, lately kept by Mr. ft. A. Dm 1 iJULvldy, begs lesVs 10 Inform lbs travelling public, that he haa taken the eMahlithment on hi owh arconnt, on ihe first of January, 1646. The House hs, ftf late, undergone many fmprw tant alterations, and the present conductor promises to leave nothing undone to mike it a cnmfortaMe and agreeable, Ss well as a cheap arid accommoda ting stnppinit place for slraneers wbo msy vi-ol oiit floUrisbirff Village. No pains nor expense wi'.l be spared to fill the table and the bar with the be-t the hiiikels afford, and with the determination to de vo'e bis entire personal attention to the comfort of ibnse who may make hia houw their temporary a bnde, and aided by active, careful and obliging ser vanta, he hopes to give general satisfaction, and re ceiVe a lilieral share of cu-tom. fjj- Large and Commodious STABLES are at, tached to the establishment, which are attended by Careful and obliging ho-tlers. CJIDEON M. SHOOP. January Slth, 1846. tf EVANS & WATSON, No. 70 SotiTii Third Strpet, Opposite the Philadelphia tixrharifeCi Manufacture and keep cor itnntlv on hand, a larire as. Nil,ft',ortmtli of their Pntent I-n s F.;2t i ti..i i... v l u t y;SpR0oF SAFES, which ei IJpo constructed as lo set at rt JJfiJnsH manner nf iloubr a ro ihi ir s-beinn strictlv fire nroof, n1 that they will resist the fire of any building in the world. The ontaide-cise of the Safes aie mde of boiler iron, the inside cise nf soptone, and be. tween the. outer case and inner case is a space of aome 3 inchea thick, and ia filled in with liiileArUc tible m aerial, so as to make it sh impoa-nbility to ever burn sny of the contents inside of this Chest. These Soapstone Subimandeis we sre prepared snd do challenge the world In produce any articla in the shape of Book Safes that will stand Sa much heat-, and we hold ourselves ready fit all times tA have them fairly tested by public bonfire, should a ny of our competitors fevl disposed tn try them. We also cohlinue to manufscture and kfcp on stantly on hahd, a large and genetal as-mrtnieht of our Premium Air-tight Fireproof Safes, ef which wa have a Urge quantity in use, Snd fn every in stance they have given entire satisfaction to the purchasers of which we will refer Ibe public to a few gentlemen who have them in usev - N. 6c U. Taylor, 129 north 3d st.; A. Wright Sl Nephew, Vine at. wharf $ Alexander Caror, Con veyancer, corner of Filbert and fJth sts.J johh M. Ford, 32 north 3d st.; Myers BUsh, SO north 3,1 stt Bsiley V Brother, 138 Maket si4 James M. Paul, lot south 4ih St.; Dr. David Jsyrie, 8 south 3d et; Matthew T. Miller, SO south 3d st. and we could name some three ot four hundred others if it were necessary. Now we invite ths attention of the public, and particularly those in Wunt of Fire Proof Snfes, lo call at our store before purcha sing elsewhere, stld we think we can s itisfy them that they will get a better and cheaper article b oui store than any other establishment in the city. We also continue to manufacture Seal and Co pying Presses, made in such s manner sa to an swer both purposes ; IToibting Machinn, Fird Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locks on Ihem, with D. Evans's Patent Keyhole cover attached to" the same; plain and ornaments! Iron Railing, Ac. N. U. We keep constantly on bshd iaVge as' aortment of our Patent Slate Lined Rfftieiutoip, Water Filters and Coolers; and we have also on band several second hand Fire Proof Cheats taken in exchange Tor ours, which wa Will depose of at very low prices. PhiladelphiaJanuary 24th, 1846. ly WHOLESALE & P.ETAIL 1 1 AT & CAP WAHEIIOUSE, NO. U01, Market Street, above 9th, South ride PHILADELPHIA, a -THE subscribers respectfully cell the sllen tion of their fiirnds snd de.der to their largS) sod well assorted stock of Hsts snd Caps of ever description, well adapted for the spring tradet Be ing made of the best material and by the most ex' periencetl workmen, they feel Confident lo giv ni Versil satisfaction to all who may favor them with, a trial, as they offer tn Sell aa low aa any bouss id the city. BARTALOTT & BLYNN. Philadelphia, January 3, 1816 Dtt To I'urcliasersj of DRV GOODS. fpHE subscriber, No. 121 Pearl street, Ne J. York, having ertahlii-hed a Branch at No. 23 J South Second St., Philadelphia, Is now opening; and will be constantly receiving from ths NtW York Auctions, an extensive assortment of FANCY A STAPLE DRY OOOSS. which will be aold at the lowest New York piicra. at wholesale and Retail. Among his stock will bet found a good ai-nuitmcnt of the Mlowieg arliclrai Jacconels, Plnid, Hair Cold, Lace, Siripe, llrok, 9wls snd Tsilatsh Muslina, llih. p snd L nrri Lawns. Fancy CapNelfs) Fancy and Ball Urose-1 Thread Laces, Applicaiion Do., rich Blai k Si k Trimming Lace, Irish Linens. Linen Camhrict Linen Cambrie Hdkfe..Cuitaiu Fringes, Cshmere d'Ecos-e, Mousebne de I. sine. Silk and Cnttrti Warp A It sccas, Qu -en's I "loth, Gala Pla d-t Freh.h Merinos, Silks, tiloves, SI k Hoaei Sbawls, Crava'S, Rihhona, Embroideries. Ac., dk.e. Country Merchants and others viniling PhiUdel phis or New York lo puicha.e, are resptctlully in: viled lo Call snd exsmius ths atoiks, Nov. I, lb!5. Jly O. II. MOORE. Hi: AT. I he bightsi price given tZf Wheat, at the time of H. MASTER. A neW supply of Rosa Ointment just received. Nov. fith, 1845. BAR IKON Just received and for sale, chea,l Uca.hjby HE.NRY MASSE R. SUribury, Sept. 20, 1845. QlTEllUiU TJrFwiila.leria and . lion. wines. A Iso superior Braujs BJ Gin, Lemon Syrup. Also t Ui tlr,tfl, c( Bli-s Fiu. for a-h l" hem:y massek. bmibuiy, July l?th, laM. -