Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 25, 1846, Image 3

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rt being opened in many of the townt,
nd tjjo American mode of tiling it ie generally
. adopted. .
Lati and IifTRKKSTiNa ron Mexico We
, are tarnished with the following extract from
letter from New Orleans, dated the 11th int.,
' 'Which ia somewhat later than the newspapers of
the 11th inst., from that city, and gives the fol
lowing interesing intelligence from Mexico.
"The barque Naudain had jest arrived at that
port at Vera Cnu, having sailed thence on the
3d instant. The captain of the Naudain inform
ed me that he had converted with the American
Consul, a few moments before sailing, and that
the latter informed him that a revolution would
rise in the city during the afternoon ; that the
republican party and the friends of Santa Anna
would unite to overthrow the existing govern
went, and that Santa Anna was daily expected at
laon VTeaas at IlABaisBuao A bill was be
fore the Legislature for the incorporation ef a
company to establish works at Harrisbnrg to
manufacture rail road iron with a charter au
thorizing the investment of $1,000,000. David
R. Porter, Jacob Holdman, Thomas Elder, and
aome eastern capitalist, have this great, enter
prise in contemplation.
BaASDaBTn's Pills cure sll flection, simply
Leouse they make the blood pure abstract out o(
it those qualities which produce disease, and give
to it those qualities which produce health.
Now esery solid part of the human frame is
tnsde from the blood, and the food we e,il is con
verted into blood to supply the waste our bodiie
are continuslly customing. So in the ordinary
course of nature we manufacture our entire bodies
in about aiae years, from (he food taken into our
atomachs. Suppose the air we have lived in for
some time has been loaded with matters detrimen
tal to health, or our food for a long period bat been
of an unwholesome kind, or that the mind has been
much troubled for grief, anxiety, or great atten
tion to any particular point ia sure to occasion bad
effects in the blood. Any ol these estates existing
good blood cnnot be supplied to the body.
But let Brsndreth's Pills be sed daily under
.these circumstance, in doses of from two to six
pills, or at the case shall determine. What is their
effect 1 It it to carry off the impure matters from
the blood, leaving only the good to renew every
part of the body. What was unsound now be
comes sound, and the stomach soon gets into so
healthy a condition tint even bad air or unwhole
some food for a time are unable to injure the health
(j' Purchase of II. B. Master, 8onbury, or of
the agent, published in another part of this paiwr.
M A K it i B D
On the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. W. Yeomans,
Mr. T. O. Van Ai.ets, to Miss Cathcbins Gab
bbtson, all of Danville.
On Sunday evening, the 12th inst., by the Rev.
John Guyer, Mr. William Houskl, of Lewis
burg, to Mrs. M. A. Bailey, of Danvlle.
On Saturday evening last, Mrs. ELIZABETH
HOFFMAN, wife of Mr. Daniel Hoffman, ol
this place, aged abou.t 73 years.
In Milton, on Wednesdav, the 15th inst., Mrs.
NANCY WHITE, wife of Mr. James White.
In Milton, the 15th inst., Mrs. EVELINE
HEDDINGS, aged 71 years.
In Milton, on the 4tb inst., Mrs. SUSANNA
EVANSin the 88th year of her age.
In Chilisquaqiie township, on the 13th inst.,
Mrs. REBECCA BLAIR.aged 74 years.
Near Moorsburg, or. the 29th ult., Mr. ABEL
"ADWALLADER, at the advanced age of 85
On the 5th inst., in Penns township, Union
ounty, Mrs., MARY HUMMEL, mother to rhat
veteran democrat and soldier, Capt. Jacob Hum
nel, aged 85 years.
'the kew volume
or THS
rO sm ths sptair or thi ags. and to place
the Weekly Mirror on an equal footing with
a numerous rivals, the terms aie reduced from
hire Dollsrs a year, to Two. The character of
to paper will be improved in every respect with
I so a copious Correfpendence, domestic and Cm
ign. A nrw Novel of grest merit will he com
enced with Number One, of the new volume on
s tltb of April. The paper end-type will hesu
rior in quality Iq any before used f r thin pspri.
The Elegant Qntrto Form nf the Mirroi, will
id up in Two Handsome Volumes at the end of
i year, well worth preserving at a faithful and
riled Literary Record of the Time. It will lie
wardrd by tbe earliest mails, in slrong wrap
s, lo every part of the United States and Van
Pontage free within thirty miles of New
U communications should be addressed, post
d, to H. FULLER, corner Ann and Nsaaau
ts, New Yoik.
One copy one yesr in advance, f J 00
One copy two yearn, . ' , 3 00
Two coxites one yesr, . , 3 00
F-ur, . . . . . ft 00
Ten, . ' . . . . 1 0 00
It, $8 per annum in advance. One Shilling a
k when served by carriers.
HE stockholders in the Centre Turnpike Road
leading from Reading to Sunbury, srs hereby
ted that an election will be held at the bouse
tmes Lee, iq Northumberland, on Monday the
day of June next, between the hours of 10
ck', A. M. and 4 o'clock, I'. M,for the purpose
lousing officer lo serve for the ensuing year,
pril 25th. 1846. 6t ' Pretidenl.
Where ia Thomas dikes f
HE subscriber hsd a brother named Thomas
Gilkes, who, when last heard froaj. in June,
, was et Northumberland. Hie employment
an the river. He is now. If living, about M
i old. Any Information respecting him, direc
o the subscriber, hie brother, "Ohio Oily, Ca.
ia county, Ohio, will be thankfully received.
iril Jitb. 1848.
mentioned. Shop for it exclusive retail
Ctnrtcttd weekly by Henry Master,
. . 100
a a 62
a . 85
. . . . u
- .10
. . ss
. . ' 10
Co air,
Poik, '
Bottbb, .
HscKLtn Flat,
Pause Header III
This good advice comes from a friend, an edu
cated physician, and one who haa been cored of
protracted illness, by "THE IMPROVED INDI
which are at this moment effecting some of the
most remark) Ie cures on record, and they will con
tinue to heal the tick ss long as they are resorted
lo by them. . This is no nostrum, made merely to
soil irrespective of its qualities, hut a valuable med
icine, made by a well informed Physicisn, of Vege
table Ingredients, pure, efficacious, and harmless.
In a few days, ws hall mke a public report of se
vers! more ea-es of bkcidsb caret (or toe note we
others) and the public may know on what medi
cine to rely in time of need.
(Xy CAUTION. As a miserable imitation has
been made, by the name of 'Sugar Costed Pill,"
it is necessary to be sure thst Da. G Bans. Smith's
signature is on every hot. Price 25 cents.
Principal Office, 179 Greenwich sL New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FRILING, Snnbury.
WM. FORSYTH E, Northum'd.
April 18th, 1846.
Danville and FottsTille
NOTICE ia hereby given, that a meeting of
the stockholders of the Danville and Potts
vi'la Rail Koad Company will be held at the Room
of the Board of Trade, in the Merchanta' Ex
citant, in the city of Philadelphia, on the 4th day
ol May next, at II o clock A. M.. at which lime
and place an election will be held in pursuance of
the actof incorpoiation. for one President, len Me
nsgers, a Treasurer and Secretary, to serve for one
year, and until like officers are chosen.
April 18ih, 1846. 3t President.
HEREBY returns his sincere thanks for past
favors, and respectfully informs his friends
and ill public generally, that he baa removed lo
the Brick Store Room formerly occupied by Wood
& Rhawn, where he will be happy to accommodate
all who wish good work at moderate prices, assuring
them thst he will exert himself to plesse.
A good assortment of Boot snd 8hoet, for Gen
tlemen, Lsdies, snd Children, constsntly on hsnd.
Also, Linings,. Bindings, and sll sorts of Morocco
for rale, low.
All kinds of Work made to measure, and Re
pairing well done, at the shortest notice. Call
and See.
Sunbury, April 18th, 1846. tf
THE following described property was taken a
drift in the Susquehsnna River, in Lower Ma
honoy townh'p, Northumberland county, by 8am
uel and Peter Lees, and returned to me snd enter
ed upon mv docket, agreeably lo the proviaion of
the act of Msrch 20th, 1812, lo wit:
3000 feet White Pine Inch Hoards.
The ownr is r. qu-sxed to come forwsrd snd iden
tify the property pay charges and take it away,
otherwiaeit will be disposed of arenrding to law.
I'GriiK III.Vl.tK,
Lower Mshnn'ny, April 18. 1846. 3u J. P.
Taken A drill.
THE folljwing described Lumber was taken
sdrifl, at the I-laud of Jacob Blaster, in the
Susquehanna river, situsted in Lower Mxhonoy
township, Nonhurnberlsnd county, on the 15th of
Mirth last, by the aid Jacob Biatser, snd return
ed to me and entered upon my docket, agreeably
to the provisions of the act of March 20th, 1812,
to wit
Cherry Ilonrdn, Ash and Poplar
Plunk, &c.
containing in all between 2.000 and 3,000 feel, the
greater pari being the Cherry Boards.
The owner of ihe above preperty is requested lo
come forward snd identify the same, pay the char
gee and take it sway, otherwise it will ha disposed
of sccording lo law. PETER BIXLER,
Lower Mahonoy, April 1 1, 1846. 3t . J. P.
Lime Lime ! !
RERPECTFLLLY informa bit friends, thst
be .hat commenced the business of Lime
Burning', on ibefaim he now occupies. He has
now on hsnd a quantity of Lime for sale, snd will
always endeavur lo accommodate those who nity
istor nun wiiti tneir custom.
August , April llth, 1846. 6m
Northumberland County,
RESPECIEUI.LY informs his fri ndssnd
ths public in general, that be haa taken the
Brick Stand, formerly occupied by George Prince
ss a public boue, (esst of the Stsle House, and
opposite the Court House,) where ha is piepsred to
accommodste his friends, and sll others who may
lavor mm with their cutom, in the best manner.
In short, no exertions nor eipente will be spi
red io render his house in every wsy worthy of
public psironage.
Punbury, April 4th, 1846 6m -
The auccees of tho PEKIN TEA
COMPANY, No. 30,8uvth 8icos
Stbkst,' between Market and Ches
nut, I'biladalphia, has been uuparaU
leled. Our cilisens are now able lo obtain a su
perior article of Teaa, at rates much cheaper than
have aver before been offered in. this country, and
tbey hava the assurance that there are no drugs or
other foreign eubstancet mixed with the Tree.
They are done op in packages (lined with lead,
to preaervs their strength and flavor.) of from one
quarter lo five pounds, to suit customers, and are
sold at different prices, from City coots per lb for
an excellent article to one dollar and fifty cents.
(ry All persons visiting Ihe city are invited to psy
the company's extensivs establishment a visit.
Agenta wanted in every place where they are
not yet eeleUiehed. For particulate, address, pott
paul, the subscriber,
G. B. ZEIBER, Ag'l lor the Company,
30 South Third 8uet, Philadelphia.
ApriUih, 184J.-ly r
to oomrratr
flHHE subscribers, Merchanta, Manufactorera,
U Mechanics, Publishers. Importers and Whole
sale and Retail Dealere, of the etty of Philadelphia,
oetng prepared to supply the demands or ths Coon
try in their respective departments, respectfully in
vite the Mertfhents and all others vititinc tha Citv
for their Spring and 8ommer supplies, lo call at
their respective places of business, where every
reasonsble effort will be made to give, entire
satisrsction. , -
Bookseller, Publisher, and Importer of Foreign
Bookt, 148 Chesnut street, below 8eventh.
Invites the attention of travellers, strangers and
others to his very extensive collection of Erblish
and AnsaicAir Publications, in every depart
men! of Literature. His stork of eUgantly
bound Book fur Presents, Portfolios, Stationery,
Recent Publications, frc., is the most tamsd in
Brdding, Feather and Furnishing Ware-rooms.
Finley fc co S. E. corner of Sd and Walnut sts.
Importers of Watches and Manufacturers of Silver
wsre and Jewelry.
Thomas C. Garrett & co 133 Chesnut it., below
Fourth street.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fsshionabe and
Medium Fsncy, and superior Stsple Dry Goo. Is.
A.B. Marshall, 188 Chesnut st, bet. 7th anj 8th.
Manufacturer and Dealer in New Style Tortoise
Shells, Buffalo, fine finished imitation Buffalo,
and other Combs.
S. Winner, (only Manufacturer of Ihe real Buffa
lo norn Uomos,) XMo. 7 South 2d st.
EsgleUmbrells, Parasol and Patent Walking Csne
Umbrella Manufactory, No, 104 Market at.
Manufactures by steam, and tells decidedly lower
than any other bouse in the United States.
Sign ol the Esgle and Umbrella.
Sole Agent for the aale of the Genuine Demuth'a
A. Elton ,No 24 Union street.
Fancy and Trimming Store, Hsir plaited in Brace
lets, Uuardt, Necklsces, Finger-Rings, etc
F. J. Dressier, No. 47 South 2d st.
Deiler in French Ariificial Flowers, Ribbons, and
French Millenary Goods, Straw and other
R. Barton, No. 60 Chesnut st.
Importer of Trimmings, Toys, French, English snd
ttermsn Fancy uoods.
M. Homer, No. 58 South 2d st.
Wholesale and Retail Domestic and Foreign Diy
uoous store.
Joseph Hoopes, N. E. corner llth and Market sts.
opposite Baltimore Depot
RsraioKBAToas For cooling Provisions, dec,
Watsb Filtsbs, for purifying brackish sister.
Fire piool Chests, Letter Copying Presses, dec
Msnufsctured by
Oliver Evans, No. 61 South 3d at.
Wholesale Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists
and Dealers in White Lead, Window Glass,
Linseed Oil, Patent Medicines, cVe.
Jenks & Ugden, No. 106 N. Third sU
Fsmily Grocer, Dealer In Fine Test, Loaf 8ug-r,
Havana Segars and French Fruits of all kinds,
Cousty, No. 78 South 2d st.
The "Dollab NtwsrAPKBn The rheapnst snd
best Weekly Family Paper in the United 8tates;
(I only per year.
A. H. Simmons & co, Publishers, Ledger building,
S. W, corner 1 hird and Chesnut sts.
Perkins fc Purvet, Booksellers, 143 Chetnut St.,
above 6ih. Books sold on very low terms.
Wholesale and Retail Clock Ekttbliihment, em
bracing a complete assortment.
Jsmes Bsrber, No. 238 Msrket street, above 7th,
South side.
Subscriptions and Advertisements are received for
mo.t of the Newspapers in ths Unitid Stttes, by
V. B. Palmer, Agent, N. W. corner of Third and
Chesnut sts.
Book Accounts, Notes and Claima collected, and
other butinest requiting the aid of an Attorney,
attended lo, in any part of the Union, at V, B.
Palmer's U. 8. Colbxtion Agency, N. W. cor.
Third and .Chesnut sts., 2d story.
Wholesale and Retail Umbrella and Parasol Msn
Shsron S'eeper, 314 Marital street, second door
above 10th, South side,
Msnufactursr and Dealer in Clocks, Watches and
Lewis Ladomus, 413 Market street.
Mattrass, Bedding. Carpeting and Feather Ware
rooms. Hartley cV Knight, 148 South 2J atreet, (west
aide) five doors above Spruce.
Manufacturer of Stair and Carpet Rods, of the la
test sty ha.
Edwsid Jones, Stvsnwkk street, between Walnut
and George streets, west of 6lh st.
Importer and Desler in Foreign and Domestic
Henry L.Elder, 493 Matket street, between 13th
snd Broad streets ; and Branch lltidsrtre Store,
N. W.coruet Ridge Road and Gieen sts.
First Premium Pisno Forte Msnufsctoiy and
Wsre Rooms.
C, Meyer, S3 Booth Fourth at.
Cheap and Fashionable Readymade Clothing, an
ei tensive saaoitment of Cloths, Osssimeres and
Vestinga made to order, fashionable style,
B. C. A 8. C. Cooper, Merchant Taylors, 130
Foreign and Domestic Stsple and Fancy Dry
Goods, at lowest cash prices,
T, B, Russum, 8, W, coiner 3d and Union its,
H. Ward, Bonnet Manufacturer, No, tT North 3d
atreel, will sell any thing la bis line, at Whole
aale and Retail, as cheap aa eta be bought in
Ibe city.
Wholesale Clock and Looking Glass Establish
ment, Btaas Clocks by the case, at $10 60.
J. A. Criswell, No, 329 Market et.
Manufacturers of Common and Faney Soeps and
rtiouia anu uip vanuiev.
E. V G. Datletl, 86 and 491 Market street and N.
E. corner 10th and Csllowbill streets.
Wholesale Tobacco Warehouse and Havana Be
gar Depot. Country Trade supplied en liberal
J A. Edenborn, N. E. comer Third and Rare st.
B. J. Williams, IS North 6th street, a few doors
above Market atieek
Venetisn Blind Manufactory, Portable Desks and
Looking Glas Ware Room.
W.B, Barns, No. 61 Arch st.
Wholpsale Dealers in Laces, EinbroiJeriet and
Fancy Diy Goods.
Solomon Sc Brothers, 34 Bank street.
Msnufscturers of Thermometers, Hydrometers,
Bach ammeters, fee, for Brewers, Distillers, Far-
men (in churning,) the Weather, dec.
Joseph Fixher, 60 Chesnut street.
Wholesale Dealers in Millenery Goods and Flow
ers. George Edwards dc Son, 37 South 3d at.
Seed Store of more ihsn 40 yesrs standing, Grass
and Gsrden 8eeds of finest quality snd best
Joseph P. II. Coatet, 49 Market st.
Manufacturers and Importers of Paper Hsngings,
Columns snd Fire Bosrd Prints.
Beaty fc Curry, 118 Chesnut at.
Msnufscturers of Selves, Riddles and Screens, and
Wire Workt in general.
Needles t Watson, 64 North Front at.
Wholesale snd Retsil G irden, Flower snd Field
Sred 8tore, Gsrdening Books and Implements.'
H. A. Dreer, 07 Chesnut street, above 3d.
Importer and Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Psinls,
Dve Stuff, Ac.
Dr. D. Jayne, 8 South Third street.
E. A. Hatrawat. J. H. MiTcnr.iL.
K" A it jt;i J ixr av jl rn
Commission snd Esst'T'i Produce Merchants, No.
norm wnarvet,e( of .Ircnst. Wholesale
Dealers in Lamp Oils, Tinners Oil, Csndles,
Sosp, Tess, Cbocolsle, Pickled snd Dried Fish,
Psinted Psils. Cheese, Butter, Hops, Ground
snd Cslcined Plstier, etc., all of which will be
sold at the lowe-t Market prices.
Mrs, M. Crim't Boarding House, No. 108 Walnut
atreet, between 4th snd 6th.
Cbcap Venetian Blind Manufactory. Ordeis from
a distance carefully forwarded. Old Blinds re
paired snd painted.
M. E. Hedges, (widow of E. Hedge) No. HI
South 2d street, below Dock, esat
Thomss White, IS South 2d street, (late of Com
merce street)
Importer of Watchea, Plated Ware, Jewelry and
Taney Goods, Watch Makers Tools, Files and
John C. Farr, 1 12 Chetnut st.
Manufacturers of UmbrrJIss. Parasols, Psrssnlrltet,
snd Sun Shades, of the newest styles. "Exten
sive sales and small profits."
Wm. Richsrdton & co- No. 106 Market street.
Lesry'a Antiquarian Book fttore, S. W. (orner of
' (Second snd Piew streets. Phtls'lelphi. Over
100,000 vol. New and Old Bonks tn every de
pirtment of Literature, wholesale and retail.
Philadelphia, April 4, 1846.
RESPECTFULLY infosma the ei
Iriena of Sunbury and vicinity, that he
haa removed hia residence lo the Brick
House in Msrket street, one door wet
of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thonkful for past fa
vors, be hopes tn receive s continu ition of the liber
si pstronsge which has heretofore been extended to
him. Feb 28, 1818. Rm
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
Sunbury snd vicinitv, thst he has 0ened sn
cilice at the residence of Henry Meser, in Market
atreet, where he is prepared to execute all kin. re of
Distal iuaoxBt, Plate Work. 4.0 , on the latest
and most approved plans.
Having bad tome rxiienence and inatruction,
under one of the most eminent and auccesaful Den
i is1 a in Philadelphia, he Mievet thit he will le
able to give aatisfjctiun to those who may want Ida
ter vires
Ladiet will be waited on at their places of real.
denre. Hit chsrgss will be modeiate, and his
wo'k wsrrsnted.
Sunbury, Msrch S8ih. 1846.
Dissolution or Partnership.
rviHE Partnership in the Blarksmithing Buai
JL ness heretofore existing between the suhtcri
lers, under the firm of Haulman & Byerly, in j
the boiough of Sunbury, has been dissolved by
mutusl content, on the 20ih of Msrch iiitt snd
the business continued, in Ihe same shop, by Sam
uel Thompson and Henry S. Iluulman, under the
firm or 1 bompson &. Haulman. 1 be Bocke and
accounts of the first named firm hsve been pieced
in the bsnds of C. Bower, Esq. ,4V collection. 1
Sunbury, Msrch 28th, 1846. 3t
Public Sale.
"IT 'ILL It so'd, at public vendue, on Saturday
the 33th of April. ItitO. at the reaidenet, of
the aubtcriber, in the borough of Kunbury, the fol
lowing tr'icles, to witi
High French and Low post Bedsteads. Bureau.
Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, Cook and
Cost Stoves, logeiber with a vsriety of Household
snd Kitchen Furniture loo numerous lo particular
iae. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock! A. M. on said
dsy, when the terms of ssle will be made known
Sunbury, March SBth. 1846.
No Further Notice.
THE Book Accounts, Notes, cVc of II. B. M ti
ter and li. B. Master at co. are now in ibe
bands of a justice for collection, and will bo put in
suit if not sullied, in a few dsyt,
Sunbury, April 4th, 1846,
ACKEKEL. Fresh, fal Mackerel, just O
pened and for aale al the store of
area 38, 1141. HENRI MAS8ER.
At the "CHEAP STORE" No. 41 Siraieocrry
OUR Store rent and other expenses bring very
light, we are enabled to eel! out CARPETS,
OILCLOTHS, ace., wholesale and retsil, at the
lowest prices in the city, and buyers will finJ it
greatly to their advantage lo call and eiamine ihe
larga assortment we offer this set ton, of
Beautiful Imperial 3 ply V
Double 8iipmfine Ingrain ( r . pT,Vr7
Fine and Medium do YGAR PE TINGS
Twilled and plain Venitisn J
together with a large a'ock of OIL-CLOTHS
frem 8 feet to 24 feel wide, very chesp, for rooms,
bslls, Ac ; also, Mattings, Floor I loths, Regs, Cot
ton snd Rag Csrpets, &c, Ac, with a good as
sortment of Ingrsin Carpets from 85 lo 60 cents,
snd Stair and Entry Carpels from 13 to 60 eta.
No. 41, Strawberry Street, one door above Ches
nut, near Second Street, Philadelphia.
March 21st, 1848. 3m.
VB. PALMER, the American Newspaper
. Agent, duly authorized and empowered, bv
the proprietors of most of the best newspapers of
sll the cities and principal towns in the U. 8. and
Canada, tn receive eubscrip'ions and advertise
ments, and to give receipts for them, respectfully
notifies the public, thst he is prepsred to execute
orders from all parts of the Civilised World, em
bracing Individuals, Firms, Societies, Clubs, Res
ding Rooms, Corporations, dec, at hit aeveral olfi.
cet in the rities of Philadelphia, Baltimore, New
York snd Boston, and wheie communications and
inquiries, post paid, may be directed. Address V.
B. PALMER, Philadelphis. N. W. corner Third
snd Chesnut streets; Baltimore, S. E. corner Bal
timore and Calvert streets t New Yoik, Tribune
Buildings opposite City Hall ; Boston, 20 Stsle et.
As no other person - or persons are in any man
ner connected with the subscriber, in the American
Newspaper Agency, all letters and communicslions
for him, should be carefully directed as above, and
to no other person. This caution has become ne
cessary, in order to svoid mistakes, and put the pub
lic on their guard sgaintt sll pretended A rents.
Ameiicsn Newspaper Agent.
Editors throughout the United States for whom
V. B. Palmer ia Ajrent, will promote the advantage
of all concerned, by pnblishiug the above.
. PVIILIC NOTICE. V. B. Palmer ia the
only authorized Ag'-nt for ihe "Schbubt Awxbi
can," in the ciii-8 of Philadelphia, New York,
Boston snd Baltimore, of which public notice is
hereby given. March 14, 1846.
Hack Street, Piueadelphia.
rTMIIS location is convenient for Business men
vieiiing the city. Every pains ia taken to se
cure the comfort of trsvellers.
Msrch 7. 1846. ly
No. 70 South Third Street,
Opposite the Philadelphia Exchange,
Msnufacture and keep con
stantly on hand, a large st
sortmenl of their Pstent Im
proved Sslamander FIRE
'Jit 'APROOF 8AFES. which are
so constructed as to set at rest
alt manner of doubt as to their
being strictly fire proof, snd
'hat thev will resist ihe fire of anv buildins in the
world. The outside esse of the 8sfes are made of
boiler iron, Ihe inside cse of so.iptone, and be
tween Ihe cuter case and inner caae is a space of
some 3 inches thick, snd I filled in with indestruc
tible, so as in mske it sn impossibility to
ever burn any of the con'ents inside of this Cbest.
These Soapatone Sal.imandeis we are prepsred
snd do chsllcnga the wet Id tn produce sny snide
in the tbspe of Bonk Safes that will stsnd as much
heat, and we bold ouraelvrs ready at all timea to
have ibem fairly tested by public bonfire, should a
nv of our competitors feel disposed to try ibem.
We also continue to manufartuie and keep con
stantly on hand, a large and general assortment of
our Premium Air-tight Fire Proof Safes, of which
we have a large quantity In use, and in every in
stance they have given entire eatiafaction to the
purrhasera of which we will refer the public to a
few gentlemen who have them in use,
N. Jc G. Taylor, I29 north 3d at.; A. Wright
Ac N'phew, Vine at. wharf; Alexander Caror, Con
veyancer, corner of Filbert and Oth ata.; John M.
Ford, 32 north 3Jt.; Mvers Bush, 20 north 3d
st.; Bailey & Brother, 138 Msket t4 James M.
Psul, Mil south 4itt st.; Dr. David Jayne, 8 south
3dt; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d st; and
we could name some three or four hundred otheis
if it were necessary. Now we Invite the attention
of the public, and particularly those in want of
Fire Proof Safes, to csll st our store before purcha
sing olsewhere, and we think we can satisfy them
that tbey will gel a better snd cheaper article at
our store thn any other establishment in the city.
We also ronl inue lo manufactuie Seal and Co
pying Presses, made in such a msnner as to an
swer both purses t Hoisting Machines, Fire
Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of locks
on them, with D. Evsns's Pstent Keyhole cover
sttscbed to the same ; plain and ornaments! Iron
Railing, cVc.
N. U. We keep constantly on hand a large as
sot t men t nl our Patent Mate Lined Refiigeistoia,
Water Filters snd Coolers and we have alto on
hand seversl fecund hand Fire Proof Chests tsken
in exchange for ours, which we will dispose of at
veiy low price.
Philadelphia, January 24th, 1846. ly
Opposite the Court House,
. . THE Subscriber, who aatit'ed for se-
tasVl vex I years in the management of the a
MtttjJ Vbove Hotel, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra
JLMiiLJJy, b' ga leave to inform 'the travelling
public, that be baa taken the establishment on his
own eceount, on the first of January, 1846.
Ths House has, ol Iste, undergone many impor
tant alterations, and the present conductor promises
lo leave nothing undone to make it a eotufortaMe
and agreeable, as well aa a cheap and accommoda
ting stopping place for strangers who may visit our
flourishing viUaga. No pains nor expense will be
spared to fill ths table and ths bsr with lbs best the
mtiketa afford, and With the determination to 'de
vote bis entire ersnal attention to the comfort of
hose wlta may make bis house their temporary a
bods, and aided by at live, careful and obliging sei
vants, he hopes lo give genral satisfaction, and re
ceive a lilx-rel share of custom.
(7 Large lnd eomanodious 8TABLE9 are at
tached to Ibe eatabliahmenl, which are atteuded by
Careful and obliging ho.ttere.
Jsnusry t4lh, 1846. tf
GARDEN SEEDS. A tveah supply of E.
Ri.lay dt Co'a superior Gsrdeo beads, just
received and for aale at the etore of
March 21,1846. HENRY MASSER.
"thh onv it-nrxxsis toty ooxes.
jTIOME WHERE t Why where do yoa eon
v pone bnt to tho Cheep Store of Henry Messer,
In Msrket street, Sunbury. And fit what
do you Ihink they cornel Why to bnv cheap, tn
be sure, and save at least 20 per cent They won't
do nothin' else," because It ia a well known fact
thai at
the very best articles are sold at the very lowest
prices. Now come, one and sit ; but don't sll come
Where you will find a 8plendid Assortmect of
Fall and Winter Dry Goode,
just received, among which are the fallowing i Su
perfine French Broadcloth; West of Englsnd do.;
Heavy Beaver do , a first rate article for Overcoats,
and a great variety of Wool Dyed, Black and Fan
cy Cassimeres, Ssltinctta, Mousselin-de-lsines, Rep-de-laines,
Cashmeres, A Ipaccae, eVe., dec. Also, a
beautiful assortment of Calicoes of the latest styke
snd pstterns, which wi'l be sold cheaper than ever ;
also, Woolen and other Shawta in great variety,
from 40 eta. lo f 10; a general assortment of Ho
siery, Gloves, 8uspenders, Mitts, Ac, dtc a largt)
assortment of Women's, Men's end Misses Gum
8hoea, which will be sold cheaper than ever before
He hss likewise, in addition tn the above slock,
sn extensive sssnrtmentof Quetntware, Hardware,
Saddlery and Groceries, Sugtr from 8 tn 10. 12
and 16 cts. per lb; Good Coffee at 10, Very Beat
at 1 2 . A Iso, Nails; Spikes; Iron; 8anderson's best
Cast Steel; English, Americsn and 8weed Blister
do. in short, every thing tbat i usually kepi in a
Country 8tore, all of which w be sold st very
reduced prices.
(EJ" Country Produce of atl kinds taken in ex
change for Goods.
Sunbury, Nov. 22d, 1845.
No. 304, Market Street, above 9th, South side,
a THE subscribers respectfully csll the stten
tion of their friends snd dealers to their Urge
snd well sssnrted stock of Hsts and Csps of every
description, well sdapted for the spring trade. B
ing made of the best material and by the most ex
perienced workmen, they feel confident to give uni
versal satisfaction to all who msy fsvor them with
e trial, as they offer to sell ss low aa any house ia
the city. BAR TALOTT de BLYNN.
Philadelphia. Jsnuary 3, 1846 !
Fa E 3 TJ1 ED.
Of the late firms tf Neuikirk S( Stryker, and
Stryker d; Pogue,
HAS resumed the Wholesale Dry Goods Busi
ness, snd now offers for sale, at Not. 12 and
14 Bank street, Philadelphia, adjoining Myers,
Claghorn & Co'a Auction Store, No. 78 Market
street, a general assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly
purchased at auction, at a very email advance for
cash, or city scceplsncea.
Believing thst his long experience in purchsairg -will
enable him to sell bis Goods at the lowest Msr-
krt piices, he invites his old friends, snd others
wishing to buy? to favor him with a call.
Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1843. 6m
To Purchaser or
THE subscriber, No. 121 Pearl atreet, New
York, having established a Branch at No. 23
South Second at,, Philadelphia, is now opening,
and will be constsntly receiving from the New
York Auctions, sn extensive assortment of
which will be sold st the lowest New York pticetV
at wholesale and Rela'il. Among his stock will ba
found a good assortment of the following articles i
Jacconets, Plaid, Hair Cord, Lace, Stripe, Book
Swite and Tartatan Muslins, Bishop and Linen
Lawns, Fsncy Csp Netts, Fsncy and Ball Dresses,
Thresd Ltces, Application Do., rich Black 8illt
Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics,
Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Csthmere
d'Ecosse, Mouseline de Laiae, Silk and Cotton
Warp Alpaccaa, Quoen's Cloth, Gala Plsidt,
French Merinos, Black Silks, Gloves, 8i:k Hose,
Shswls, Cravata, Ribbons, Embroideries, &c, dec
Country Merchants and others visiting Philadel
phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in
vited to call and examine the stocks.
Nov. 1. 1845. ly O. H. MOORE.
urn Colored likenesses, and Photographit
Depot i
No. 136 Chesnut Street, f hiladelphia.
No. 251 Broadway, New York ; No. 75 Court
Street, Boston ; No. 136 Chesnut 8treet, Phils
delphia ; Baltimore Street. Baltimore t Brosd
Wsy, Saratoga Springs ; No 66 Canal 8treet,
New-Orleans ; Main Street Newport, R. I. And
Main 8treet, Du Buque, Iowa.
ptONSTlTUTlNO the oldest and most Extent
sive Establishment of the kind in the World,
and containing more tban a THOUSAND POR
TRAITS, embracing' those of some of the most
distinguished individuals, in the United Slates.
Admittance free.
This Establishment hiving been awarded the
Medal, Four First Premiums, and two "Highest
Honors'' at tha Exhibiiiona at Boston, New. Yoik
and Philadelphia, respectively, for best Pictures and
Apparatus, is Jtius officially sustsined in the posi
lion of superiority heretofore universally assigned it
by Ihe public, as -First in the World."
June 28th, 1843. ly
THE SUBSCRIBER hss been sppointed agsn'(
for the aale of CONRAD MEYER'S CE1
ANOS, at this 4ace. These Pianos have a plain,
ineaaive and Uautiful exterior fini-h. end, for depth
and sweetness of tone, and elegance of workman
ship, sre not surpassed by any in the United States.
The following is a mcnrnmendsiioa from Cant
Di it a, a Celebrated performer, and himself a eaeji.
Havi ne had the pleasure of trying the ettel
lent Piano Fortes msnfactured by Mr. Meyer, end
exhibited at lbs hat exhibition of the Franklin In
slituie, I feel it due lo the true merit of the maker
lo (hsclsre Ihsl iheae instruments are quite equal,
and in some respect t van rope riot, lo all the Pi
sno Fortes, I aaw at the capitate of Euiope, and
during e sojourn ef two yesrs al Paris,
These Pianoa wiR be sold al the manufacturer's
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not euttihmg lower.
Persons ate requested to csll and examine for
themselves at the residence of the subscriber.
Bunhwy.MtTtT. I6j&. H. B. MA USE It.
Wll EAT. The highret price giet k
Wheat, at the etore of H. MASSER.
A new supply of Rose Ointment lust received.
Nor, His, lata.