Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 21, 1846, Image 3

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    i . IW. i ' .Ui 1H . I. i.. til) JJ i ajaiji jsjsj
Tha Ore (an Ceuntry.
T the Editm- of The tnion i
Dar Sir: Having treated n fully n lime
m il! admit upon the gearal feature! of Oregon,
and touched upon all parts save the louthern dis
trict, we M ill now briefly glanee at that, and
then proceed to consider its past ami present con
dition, and anine of the causci that have led to
this remarkable change.
So far as we are informed concerning the coun
try from California to the Valley of the Willamet
te, considerable portions of which M-e have visi
ted, it must be tegarded, 'm a whole' as an' un
even, hilly, or. mountainous district well water
ed, heavily timbered, and the prairie portions
admirably grossed.
The Umphqiia Valley is extremely verdant and
beautiful, and a most inviting district to the agr
iculturist, as well as to the herdsman', but un
fortunately, it is not of great extent, and the riv
er is too rapid tor easy or safe navigation.
Most, then, of this southern district, from its
unfavorable surface and rapid streams, 'notwith
standing its excellent soil,' is better adapted to
herding and manufacturing purposes than agri
culture. Very possibly, from indications, it will
be found to be rich in minerals; though of this
we have no certain knowledge or positive proof.
The Willamette valley, then, must be regard
ed as the largest connected portion, and most im
portant agricultural district of the territory, and
at present the heart and centre of operations in
that country four-fifths of the colony being
comprised within a distance of sixty miles in
length, and half that in breadth. And here,
where twenty years ago naught was seen or
"hoard but the busy otter, the working beaver, the
timid deer, or bounding elk, or wild fluttering
fowls of heaven, or savage men, mingling the
war-whoop with the dismal howling of beasts of
prey, now are seen the fruitful fields, the flowery
gardens, the domestic herds, the quiet homes,
the cheerful school, Christian temples, Ind the
voice of melody and thanksgiving in that delight
ful valley.
Yes, sir, wenorv grow all the fruits and trains
peculiar to the Northern and Western States
have the choicest garden, with vegetables of
every description ; and the cheerful prairies are
enlivened by thousands of domestic herds, roam
ing at pleasure, and luxuriating upon Nature's
own bountiful provision, both Summer and Win
ter. We now number, in all, somewhere in the
vicinity of seven thousand ; have seven grist
mills and ten saw-mills in operation; five neat
church edifices, some S or 10 common schools,
one large academical institution, well conducted;
four American and two English stores; a valu
able printing press ; a town, at the falls of the
Willamette, of five hundred inhabitants; and a
peaceable, happy, orderly people in town ami
itvirstry, living without brandy or alcohol, under
laws of theii own making; and in obtaining the
grei Things of this life, they are getting forward
most commendably.
Onr foreign commercial relations are not well
established, and a circulating medium is much
needed, as gold and silver is scarce; but in the
absence of both, for reasons to be assigned here
after, our colony in Oregon has more rapildly ad
vanced their state than any hcrctol'oie planted.
Washington, Feb. 2. 1SIG. E. WHITE.
rAirrr. Timou. There wna rumor at New
Viwk on Saturday, that Hkviiv Clay had died at
Havana, which was noticed by the Evening Led
ger. UsN-nnt;Tii's 1'itm by cleansing the B'ood
fm in nil i.nputities, gives povtr to every oigan to
)i firm its functions healthi'y ; no matter whe'her
externally or internal'y situated. Naiure him firm
ed the bowel for tha rvscuaiion ot all unhealthy
humors of the blood, and if man would but use
common sense, he would take rare tin y peif.irined
this office faithfully. If the bowels aic out of or
der, if loo slow or t lof.isl, a f doses of Brandreth
Tills will bring them to order. Ask ihe man who
w.ii dying from constinated bowel what cuied him ;
he tells you, Brandreth I'i'U. Ak him who ha
bad the dysentery for six months, and every reme
dy had fai'ed ; he will till you ihnt IJrnndrcih Pill
cur d him in a week. Si with other disrates.
Twelve Hmn.lreih Pill ruhhul d.wn in a hilf pii.t
of molasses, cured a litlle buy of nil ulcer nf ti e f ire
which ta rapidly spreading to his eyes, mid which
a dozen doctors had tried to cure ; the poor parent
would have given half they were worth to have had
it cured, but every thing they tried did no good, un.
Id Ihey gave it a tea spoonful of molasses every
day, in half a pint of which Ihey bad luhhed down
twelve Brandieth's I'ills ; before the whole of the
molasses was tuken, the ulcer was cured.
(Ej" Purchase of II. B. Manner, Sunbury, or of
the scent, published in another part of this paper.
.W . it rt I K it.
On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. R. A
Fisher, Mr. Jacob I'. Christ to Miss Mar
Ki.iZAoeni Yoi'.nu, both ol this place.
On 1 hiirsilay morning last, by the same, .Mr.
Michael Yoi:m to Miss Elizabeth M. Bocl
toi, both of tins place. The cake was piteous.
On the 6th inst., by the Rev. John i'. Hudson,
Mr. Oliver I'krkv Paiton, to .Miss Margaret,
daughter of James Eckman, both of Rush town
sin p.
On the 10th inst., by J. Hod, Esq., Mr. Dan
iel Hower, to Mrs. Ann Campbell.
On the 5th int., by the Rev. J. W. Yeemans,
Mr. Robert Rlssbl, to Miss Harriet N. Kire,
of Rush.
On Tuesday evening last, Mrs. LTJCINDA
BURNS, wife of Mr. George Burns of Augusta
township, aged about 24 yean.
In Point township, on the 5th inst., SARAH
GULICK, daughter of Mr. John Gulick, aged
about 3 years.
g'-l1- -a
George IMotahnll'i Estate.
13 hereby given, that ihe subacrpiar has Wn ap
pointed Auditor by tha Orphan's Court, to ap
poition 101I distribute ibe assets of said estate, in
the bands of I)., sdru'r , ami ibat ha will
meet 'hem at hie office, in Sunbury, on Monday,
lha ttih dy of March Dei', fur that purpose, when
all interested ara requested to attend.
fiaobUrv. Tab. I, 1846. 3i Auditor
' -- . - I" .. . -JL 1. 1a,
Corrected weekly by Henry Ma$tr.
Want, 100
Rtt, ..... j
Co a it, ' bo
Oats, ...... 85
Pobk, - 6
FtAti, ... . 112
BcTTta, '
Eoos. .... .10
Bxsswst, "ft
Tattovr, ... 10
TJTJJ'E think a man who will make and pslm
WW 'P"n unsuspecting person. "Sugar
Coated Pill." not hiving on the bo' Dr. O. Ben) n
Smith's signature, would not hesitate l sell poison,
regardless of all consequences. Tin "Seas". Co--To
Pills" can be relied upon, unless Dr. Smith's
signature is on the hoi, and gy- all others are cither
imitation or counterfeit, and of course dangerous to
(jJ- CAUTION. As a miserable Imitation htta
been made, by the name of "Sugar Coated Pill,"
it is necrsairy to be sure that Dr. G 1)ej. Smith's
sigiia'ure is on evetboj. Price 35 cents.
Principal Office. 179 Greenwich at. New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FUtl.lNG. Sunhury.
VM. FORSYTHE. Sirlhum'd.
Feb. 2J-t. IS46.
F Northumberland County, for Aptil Term,
A. U. 1810.
Ir.nid Jurors.
Drtnwarelnme A rrrstronn. Joseph Nicely.
M tnn. Leon ml hearer. Daniel M. Osner.
ChIHiqunqte. Henry Caul, El jah Hid, Ro
beitGifTeo. Willi. m Catel.
Point J.ihn Garret.
Krthumbei land. Andrew Wilsin, George
Sunbury. ('aleb Fiaher.
A't(ruln. Simuel (tariner, Solomon Evert,
Shamokin Daniel Miller.
Iluth. Samuel Gilinger.
Cnal Andrew Klinger.
Upper lfiihonoy Srnb Straser, Smucl Eis
ter. Peier Seiler. Jicoii O-iat, Daniel Kaufman.
Istwer Unhonoy fhilip Kerstetter.
Little Mahonoy NichoUa Drumheller.
Traverse Jurors.
Turhut. John Sample.
l.twit. Jacob Jarret, William McGuire, David
De lawnre John D. LineWh, Wilson Hnlche.
sop, John M. Thhtcher, Peter Shady, Jo-eph
Havea George Watson.
Miltrm. James Whitler, Palmer Johnston, Tien
rv Wilhelm, John Leili, Jacob Miller, John Evans,
Patrick Mon'acue.
ChUlirqunque.- John Voris, William Housel,
Thomas ffaaer.
I'ainl. John Peal. Henry Morgan.
NvrthumhtrMnd James Taggart, Thomas Gaa
Sunhnry Daniel Heninper.
Augii'ta Sainoul Iteiland, Dennis Woolvertnn.
Henry Brewer. Pe er Krcag-ei, Jnhn Starner, John
B. Nhipm -n, Thom is Snvder.
Shamnkin. t'har'es Mam, Simuel Kelly, Ni
cholas Yocom, t.'hriniia'i B iucl:lir.
li'ish. William Bear, Jacob M.lham, Henry
t'pper Mahonoy.' Junithan Reiix, John Mau
ri r jr.
Lorrer Mahonoy. Jacob Bower, John Michael,
JC"h Snyder.
Little Muhonoy. Isaac Dornseif, Samuel Va
Jaekeotu Henry Lateha, Daniel Hilbiab.
Petit Jurors.
Turhut. Hemv Follmer.
Lewie. Peter Stihl. Thomis Rusr.
Delaware. 1 a-e Pa'ke', Joseph Irwin.
MUtnn.Vj, A. I.ancen.
Ch Itquaijue. Charles Search, Nathan Jarret.
J'ltint. Dioiel Itohins.
Kcirthumhtrland. J mcs Hilburn, Thomas Wi
ihiiinti.n. D miel Iliautieam.
Smilniry. Reuben Fegi ly.
Augiistu. David Reeser, Solomon Hertiel, atir,
John Hart. Fred.-iiek Haas.
Sliuntokin. Solotn in Keller. William Animer.
man, James John, William G. Kasr, DaviJ Miller,
Darnel Feaely, David N. Lake.
Rush John Desha, Jacob Gearhart, Pelrr
H Hichawniii.
Coal Solomon Dunkelbrrger, Henry Keycr,
Michael D rrick.
Upper Miitiiit'i A rUoiy Yoder, George
Re-sler, Jannilian Kiaeidiart,
ljuwer Miiliunny --Isaac Uothermel, Peter Wil
mer. Jjrkarm John Bobner.
noRounii supkuvisors.
Charles Mi lira and Johi !.Anu. Itite Super
visnrt of the llnni'ih of Sunbury, in ueeount
W'th mid Itorough, for the year commencing
M iy, '43, und ending May, '44.
Dn. g
To whole amount asses-ed by said Super
visors, anmuntinit to $542 50J
To oider in favor of .id la'e Supervisors
. on the present Superviaora of said Bo
rough, for balance due, 64 95J
JC07 Kh
By sundry expenditures fir lalor in re
pairing; roads and highways; a at o,
repaying nl inxking emb-mkmetiia
within kaid Uionueh.aa per recripla, a
mounting in the agcrecate to J 108
By ihia amount paid beneczer
(ireen"Ugh, on account of bis
demand against aaul Borough, f 17 13
By do. paid Lewis Dew ait, on
account of do., 17 21 J
34 34J
By balance due C. M Her, on order dated
Oi l. 24, 1842. ftf41,frnm Benjamin
Krohn on F. L-iarua, collector of tat,
and by him accepted, and remaining
Unp tid.
By this amount paid, consisting of sundry
brough oideia, aiuuuuling in the ag
gravate to
By exonerations of ureollectable tax, as
sn-cified on Aud'tota' bM.k,
By com: ensatory allowance for services
renderi d as Supeiviaoia, including Au
ditors' fes, f4,
16 00
90 45
22 40
:to oo
fC07 45
The undersigned, appointed to audit, aettle and
sdjtml the accounts of the tUeiviora of the Bo
rough of eiunbury, having examined the Keceipia
and Etpenditorra aaael forth in the preceding late
men! of Chalea Miller and Jolin Landau, late Su
pervisnrs of said boieuvh, exhibiting a balance in
iheir f vnrof Sixly-fnur dullare and ninety fv
und half cente, do allow and para lha same.
Witness aut hnda, Feb, 7ih, A. D. Eighteen
Hundred and Keitv n.
G. M. YORKi.
uobory, FeV. 14, 14. t
U.UMLex I .1 a .Aatj-lj
nemocratlc Cotinty Conrentlon.
THE Demoerstie Electori of Northttmlerlsnd
county, are requested to elect delegates, in
their respective townahips ind boroughs, on Satur
day the 21st inst., to meet in county convention In
Hunnury. on Monday Ihe 3.1J. for the purpnae nf
electing deli gates to the 4'h nf March convention.
Sunbury. Feb, 14. 1840. 8tsnding Com.
THE subscriber will receive Sealed PropojaN,
Ihroiiih Ihe Post Otfico at Danville, until
the 1st of Match next, for fieighiing Iron Rails
fronathe Mnntotir Iron Works to Havte de Grace.
Offers will be retailed for freighting from 100 to
6,000 i but fur any offer over 500 Inna the subscri
ber will resere the privilege nf acceplina for such
quantity as he pleases, not less than 500 Ions.
Persons offering for the ab ive, will please state
where they are to be sddre-sed, and will please call
on be snbscriber at the Montour Iron Works to
make a rnntrar', wiihin one werk sfier having no
tice thai their is accepted.
Contractor wi'' r,-1"ir,"d ,0 eommence freigh
ting the Iron, within two weeks after Ihe opening
of the canal, and to take sn aversRf qu mliiy
monthly, completing; tha ron'ract by the 15th of
August next. TwerWv-five per cert, will be reaer
ved, as security for the fulfilment pf tho conltarf,
try- 22 10 llm. fir a ton.
M mtour Iron Works. Danville, Feb. 14. '46. 3t
Orphan' Court Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Conrl
of Centre coun'y. will be exposed to public
sale, on Saturday the 2flth day of February, at the
hou-enf Jonas Mo-aei, near Spiing Mills, in aiid
A certain tract of land sitnato in Gregg townaMp,
Ontre county, on tho Bellelonle Turnpike, ton
taitiing 50 acres more or less, 30 acres of which
are cleared and in the beat stale of cultivation, and
8 acres rxcellent meadow land ; whereon are erec
ted a large and delimit frame dwelling house, with
a spting in the cellar, a large barn, and mher out
buildings. The land is well watered, and ihi-re is
an exce lent orchard on the pieiniaes. Late the
estate of Phdip Motter, su'r., j c'd.
The conditions are : one half to he paid when the
sale is confirmed and the residue in two eqn il year
ly payment, a--cored by mortgage on the property.
Jj" If add piopeity canni.t be sold, it will le
rented for one year, by public outcry, at the abiive
named t ine und place. Poser.sion will be given
on the fust day of April tit xt.
February 14th, 1S4G. 2t Adm'r.
Orphan's Court Male
IN pursuance of an order nf the Orphan' Court
of Xor'humhcrland county, will I e sold at public
sa'e. on Tuesday ti e 10ih day nf Match i ext. at
ihe house of Wm. R. Jones, in Augusta township,
in said coun'y. to wit :
A certain tract of land situ-ite in (he township
sf ireaiil, adjoining Inula of Wm. R. Jones, John
Hart, and the river SumU hanna, containing eigh
ty -ii ven aerea mote or le-s. Almut frty acr.s of
said tret are cleared anil umbra good mate of cul-
iva'inn; the lesidue i well timbered. The said
tract i eligibly situated for milling or manufacturing
I Uf one, as sn rxcellenl w iter power is nffiirded
by Kites Run, running throtiih the land. The
ad tract is located on the umpiehanna, about 8
miles Ih-Iow Sunbury, on the road leading from that
place to Harrisburg. The land is comprised of
bottom land and up-lard, which will be sold tge.
ther or may be deemed ino-t ndvi-a.
ble. Late the estate of Col. J. ho Jones, dee'd
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said
dsv, when the conditions r.f ade will be made
known by WM. H. MI'ENCH,
February 7ih, 1846. 51 Admr's.
i:ecutor? Sale.
rilHE snh-criber, bv virtue rf au'hority vested in
X him by the last will and textamanl nf t?hriMaii
Beli7., late nf Jackson town-h'p, Norhumberlatid I
county, dee'd., will eip e to sale, on the premise,
on the 24lh of Fibrua'y next, the foltiwit-g projiei
ty. now in pox-essioii of J din Maker, lie ti e e
tste of raid deeea-ed. siuiale in Jackson lown-wiii.
Northuiiiterbiid county, containing one hundred
and thirty acres nf land mote or lcs, nf w bich a
bout niity acres sre clesred. The improvrnien's
conit of i wo log hn isi s and a log b irn. '1'here
i al-o a good orchsrd on the premises, cont ini .g
kinds of f nil ; aUn, a first rate spiing nf water
near the houae. Abut n aciea of the. pr pertv
is meadow land. The uoimpmved portion of this
land is wooilrtl with excellent timber.
The terms snd condition will be made known
on the day of le, on the premises, bv the mihseji-
Jan. 31st, 1616. 4t Executor.
Opposite the Court House,
THE Subciiber, who assisted fir se
vet. I years in the management of the a
hove lintel, lately kept by Mr. S. A. Hra
dv, h. gt leave to iiif rm the t'Belling
pub ic, that be has taken the esiahihinent on hi
on account, on the first of January, 1846.
The House has, o( laic, undergone many impor
tant alterations, and the present conductor prntni-e
to leave nothing undone to mke it a comforiable
and agreeable, as well as a cheap ami acc-inni da
ting stopping place for strangers who may vi-n our
ll.iuri-hing village. No pains nor expense will 1
sparxl to fill the table and the bar with the tct the
m iikets air.itd, and with th-d tetininaiion to de
vo-e hi entire personal attention lo the comfort of
ihne who mav u-aka hi house their temMrary a
bode, and aided by active, careful and obliging ser
vants, he hopes to giv gen. tal ssvtai-tio.'i, snJ re
ceive a liU ral shste of cutnm. -
(Q Large and conumxlious g'I'ABLES are at.
lached to Ihe es'ahl shment. which sre attended by
caretul and obliging bo tiers,
January 24th, 1816. if
i:Uvurl C'i iiK IiIoj'm ltate.
IOTICE i hereby given, that letter of id
raiiiistration on the esiste of Edwsid Crutch
l, Isie of Point township, Nortbunibeil md coun
IV. dee'd., luve lH-n g an led to the subscriber. All
persons indebted 10 said estate, ot having claim
against the same, ate r queued to Cull on the .ub
senber, at Northumberland, and settle wbhout de
lay. D. 8. DODGE.
Jsn. 17th, 1846. 6t. Adm'r
rriHE Store Bo.4, AccounU and Notes of II.
X U. Maan-r, have len placet! in lha hands nl a
magistrate for collection, 1'eianns whoc accounts
have been of long standing, m J sava coals by set
ll.iif ti e saua without further ilelav.
Suubuiy, Jan. 9, 1646 11. U. M3sER.
LEMONS. 'A lot of good, irtsh Leuious, ju.l
lacoivvd and for nil by
n i it. i
Sahcsl TlaT, Isaac Lart.
IJst or Staple ana Fancy
tleceived by late Arritnh from Tsmdan and Pari),
and offered to the Trade only, by
(Successors to L. I Cohen ft I'o..) No. 27 South
Fourth Street, above Chesnut Stretit,
SEALING WAt, Red, Black, While. Scarlet.
Fanry colored and ripangled 10, 20 snd 4H
sticks to the lb. The asorlmut comprise! 36 dif
firent kinds.'
Wafers in lb. papers, superior Scarlet, superior
Red, Black and ess irted Fancy colors of the follow
ing sites: Note, Sms'l Note. Pea, L-irg Pea, Mi
nion or Diitl i nNo Notarial Wafers. 4
Transparent, Csmeo and Fancy Wafers in hose.
Inks, Wslkden'a end Arnold's superior Blaek
Writing, Japan, Blue, Copying ami Steel Pen Ink,
in 2 3, 4, 8, 16 snd 32 ot stne bo' i lev
Sii3fior Carmine Ink. made by Guvol in Paris
and Arnold in London, in gl hottl.-a.
Boi d'a and Arr.ol i's Iinlel ble Ink, without pre
psration. Wnlkden's Gennire Black Ink Powdr'r.
(ilss Ink, bl-'wii and cut, of every vs-iity,
French snd English.
Trvll,ng Inkstands, upwards of 20 different
Papier Mache, B-onxe and Ohina Pump Ink
stand, in great varjiy.
Pen Rai ks, Bronae and Imitation, viona sires.
Portfolios, 4lo. cap and demi, with and without
locks, in great v irietv.
Wafer Stimps, of Ivory, Vegetable Ivorv, Boor,
1'b my and Cocoa, all wiih plnin ai d cross
cut brass eods.
Glass Mol'o Praia, s very extensive varietv.
Fotdeis, plain Ivory end Bone ; C 7 S and 9 inch.
Reading Knives, plain and carved Ivory and
Pearl nf various sixes.
Prepared India Rubber. 20 and 40 rsks to ihe IK.
Copying Paper, Turner's best 5 and 5J lb demi
and 7 lb double crown.
Tissue Psper, Turner's superior White nnd Co
lored, various tint, put up s-naritelv.
Writing Paper, Ki'fili-h Blue laid and Wove, fo
lio, cap nnd 4to post of Ibe bev qimli'V.
Super White and Blue Wovo and Tinted Ex
tra Sa'in Surface, g It edge 4to p .st, 8vo and ICmo,
Eoubsli paier,
Valetirm, or I. see .7 'ge N.ite vper, Hvo fi I Pun i
Eniln-h nnd Fieneh !Sa:iii P. st with bl.. k bor
der an I edge. 4io and slvo.
Bluo and White Wove French (juarlo Post.-', a
large a-sortim-nt.
Plain and Fancy French Note Taiier of every
variety and S'le.
Envi.pis, English and French plain and fancy,
in great variety.
Fancy French Papelerics, furnished with Note
pspei K.ntelopes, Wsx, Wafers, cVc &c, 25 differ
ent varii lies.
English Laid Blotting Paper.
Wha'man'a Superior Turkey Mill Drswing Pa
per of the followng sizes, vir. : Foolscap 13 X 16,
Demv 15X20, Medium 18X23. Kovsl 19X24.
fnp,"r R vnl 19 X27. Imperial 21 X29. Elephant
23 X27, Columhier 23X34. Atlas 2G X 33, Dou
ble Elephsnt 27 X 40. Anriqnarisn 31 X 52
Colored Crayon Pnper, Rnvsl, ysiiuus lint.
Superior Bristol Boards ma le nf Whatman's de
per, i t the follnwing sixes an I thickness; cap, pa
my. med.iun and roval 2. 3 and 4 sheet.
Etnbo-sed Brist d Hoards of y sues.
P. rfor iled Bristol Hoard, while and tinted, fine
medium and coarse perforation.
French 'Placing Paper, royal, eolumb'er and dou
ble elephant.
C ii lie's B's.k Chalk Crsyons-No. I. 2 and 3
Red and White Graynns.
rainting B u-hes. superior Engli-di aril French
camel's hair, F ngti-h Sahl. s of various qualities,
flat Camel's hair brushes in (in.
Mail ems'ieal Ins'ruments, London make, in ma
hogany and fi h rkiu cases. The assor(ment com
prises 15 different kinds.
Water Colors s coinphle assortment of New
man's genuine colors in cssks and hoxe.- Black
man's Wat.r 'olor- in various sixes, sliding, hook
and lock and key boxes
'I ov Ci bus in tint variety, of sliding and h 'ok
plain and fancy ta xes,
Mexotmlo and I'n.k Siucets, leather snd piper
Chis-men. plain and carved ivory, bone and
wiMvd. nf all s
It ii k im n n snJ Dtaught Boards of vaiious si
res and qualit e-.
Dominoes, 14 16 18 ami 20 line, of various qua
lilies. Steel Pens, Gilloii's nnd other makers, on cards
and in boxes, a I .rje and coinp'ete assoriinent,
Su-el Pen Holders, pi nil and fancy of t very va
riety. Porcelain Slat.s. 12 different sire in moiocco
mid woial finmes ; sl-o. in tmekel ho. k form.
Diamond polii e.l I io'd l'i ns nf various qirdil es
Card t 'a-e-, a Urge --ioini. nt of Fretu h and
Eniilish make, pi on and inUid.
Ne Plus I'lua Tiavelltng Wrilin- Dek. 10 12
14 and 10 'in bes, w III and w ilhotit i!res-ii g ca e.
Poilable Travtlling Leither Dressing Casts, a
gri-sl vari. ty.
up. rior Prepared Writing Parchment nf the
Mi.ming sxea: ll'j t 1 fi . 10 X 20, 20 X 24.
21 X 2S, 2 X :t2 a. d 30 X :i6
Fancy Pater pi. on and iiuts-e.l gold an 1 sil
ver paper, I'd Snd assorted c .lor inor.ici'o p.pei,
funcy colored unba-sed piper, plain French highly
glazed fi cy Colored pa era. A.',-.
Fine Screen H iiulh-s ot vaiiou- patterns and great
variety, some nf entire new style.
Hair Bundles uf superior Loudon make, a lirge
Ladies' ('omranions or Portable Work Cases,
coinpl. tely fitted.
Mima'ure Ivoties nf finely cut French, viz; 21
27 30 33 30 and 45 line-.'
Ivory Tablets of vurious iles, with the Jays if
the wrik.
M.tallic Memoraridiim Bunks nf 4 s'zes.
Rulers of round bard wood, 12 15 IS 21 snd
24 inches.
Scotch Penknife Hones in paper and wood cases,
of vinous site.
Writing Materials of dima-k ste. I, with sji'e
and enamelled handles, in morocco
Pounce wood snd ivory pounce boxes, red tsj,
span cud rucks, h-ltrr clips, mouth g'ue, bat'le.lor.s
und birds, di-recte.l limps snd picuite, round game--,
w.fer rups. gum talsds, cltuia p diets and tiles, dire
cups, d auglmnen, Ht crayons, dividers, protrac
tors, scales, English toy bonks, &c. Ac.
-S H. vf- Co rf Sole Apntsfor the following
rir, Mnnitfuctvred ly . . Cohen.
Super! -r Pateil Iv.sfy Sin Pice Playing Cards
F.agl.-a, Hsrry VIH. D-cilur. Merry Andiew, High
lamleis, I'layris, Presidents French and Spann-h
the cou't cid with either sing e or dout le besds
snd printed in gold or colors, manufactured of the
l est insieiial- by an improved tneili sl, thereby giv
ing them a perfect slip and inaktng them mora a
lid and durable, which renders ihen) the mo.t plea
sant playing raids iiianuf iciuri d.
P sin Enamelled Humi-hul ( 'aid- from No 1 to 8
Eos o. ll. d Gobi B rdered Cards trooa N o 1 to 5.
Bumislitd Suif ,i v M .uining Caul-fin No I lo3.
Gill E-'g'' V l t'ii Card, dnni n I lo 3.
Ivory eu face Car, I while snd limed, fin I tj 8.
Plaiii Piiuli r.' Caids fiom I ! 8.
I eid Peneila buparior drawing psneils, maaq
factored from the pure Cumberland lead, of thefd
lowing degress of hsrdnrss: a. nil. nun. ua. a. a i.e.
('Hire Writing Pencils.
Red Chalk Pencils.
Patent Improved Evetpoint Leads for pencil es
ses of H sir., s
(Tj They are constantly receiving from Europe
additiona lo Iheir KrticK, and respeelfiilly invite
puiehaaprs lo cill snd examine for themselves.
CrT S. if. i Co. have just published ihe laugh
hie Game of What d'ye Buy, by Professor Punch ;
also the National Game of the Star Spangled Ban
ner thav also have Ihe agency for Ihe following
popular games which ihev offer lo the Trade at
publisher's prices, viz : Dr. Busbyj Msnsion nf
Happin.s"- American Eagle Mss'er Rodbury and
his pup Is; Characerialies nf Distinguished Per.
Sons; Pope and Pagan; Scripltite History Illustra
te I; The Game of le..H ; 'I be llluairaied .Mpha
hel; Pirkwir k (?ards; Sliak-peara in a new Dress;
ll i I- of Fn tune; Race of Improvement Sirtfe of
(tuns Rubinsit'i Cmish; Carda nf Magi; also,
Abbnn'a new a. ties nf D'swing Cards; Chrstms
t' nr Good and Bad l'asioti-; Merry Game of
Ttip lo China; (isnn- of American Itevululion.
I'hilidelphia, l el.riiary 7lh, 1846.
No. 7(1 Son ii Tit i un Htrkkt,
Opposite the Pliiladilphia ICxrhnngc,
Msrilllaiture and ka-penr-
it-ititly on band, a large a
siirtinenl of their Patent bn
i rovrd S ilamander F I R E
PROOF SAI'E-s. which a e
cniisirucled as lo set at re.
all in inner of dotiti . in their
being slrntlv fire lifnof, end
that tin v will resisi Ihe fire of tmy building in tie
vtnr'd. The ou's de case nf the Safes are mvlen'
boil.-r ir an. the inside c ise nf soip-tnne, and be
tween Ibe i tiler esse snd inner case ia a space of
some 3 inches thick, nnd is filled in with inde-lnir.
tilde m iteri .1, so as to make it an impesvsihilii V to
ever burn any nf the con'ents instdo of this CI est
These S inpstooe Sal.imandets we are p epared
and do challenge the waild tn produce any article
in the shape of Book M if. a that will stand a much
beat, and we bold oursely.s ready at a'l nm-sti
have them fs rly te.ip.l bv public bonfire, should a
nv t.f our competitors feel diposed to try them.
We also rout nun a manufBCtiiie and keep c .n
statitlv on h and, a lurL- and g tnral as-ortmenl of
our Premium Airtight Fire Proof Safes, if wh'd
we b .veil rge qoai.ti'y in ue, snl in everi i
-tai cf t! ev have given ent're s 'lis'sction to th
purchs-trs of which we will refer Ihe public to
few gentlemen who have them in use,
N. & G. Tailor, 129 north 31 at.; A. Wright
fc Nr phew, Vine st. wh irf; Alexander Caror, Con
vi'vaticer. rorner of Fi berl nnd 9th sts.; John M
Fiird, 32 north 3Jst.; Mvers Bush, 20 nor h 3d
st.; Usiley iSr. Ii rot her, t:)S Maket st ; Jsmes M.
Paul, 101 south 4th st.; Dr David J syne, 8 south
3Jst; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south 3d sL; and
we could name some three or four hundred others
if it were necessary. Now we invite the attention
of the public, and particularly those in Want of)
Fire Proof Safes, lo call at our store before purcha
sing clsewheie, and we think we can satisfy them
that they will get a better and cheaper article at
our store than any other establishment in the city.
We also continue lo manufacture Sesl and Co
pying Preasrs, made in such a manner as to an
swer bi.ih purpo-ea ; Hoisting Machines, Fire
Proof Doors, with onr own manutVture of lock
on them, with D. Evans's Patrnt Keyhole cov.r
attached 'o ihe nine; plain and ornamental Iron
b'uihng, Ac
N. II We keep constantly on hand a large a.
a .rtment ol out i's'enl Lined Keftigei. t U-,
Water Fllleis and C obr-; Hnd we hate alao on
hand several -crnnd hand Fire Proof Chest taken
in exchange for ours, which wo will do-pose of el
vetv I w prices.
Plii'adelphi.1. January 2Mi, 1S46. ly
HAT y A X I' FACT Ull KltS,
.V.. :illt. Mirlil Stru t,
nAVE coril uiilv mi hind ibe finest qusli'y nf
Silk and For Hats, which they II at the low
est pricis. These Hats in point o( alvle, beauty of
finish, and I'uiabiliiy, will compare wi h any man
ul .ciund in the cuv. at d a'e well worthy the at
tention of pur h.s. rs I'mm the country.
January 3, IHIt) !
"IDME : hv wheiotlo you sui -
p.vse but to Hie Cheap Store nf Henry Mas-cr,
ui Markit siriet, Sunbtirv. And for what purpose
do you lliink they come 1 Wliy to buy cheap, t
be sure an. I save t lea-t 20 pei cent. "Tiry won't
do nuttin' ehc." U-cause it is a well known fact
"'"uhxp.y massl:u's STOIIR
t'.e very be t aitnh are -old at the very ,,w s'
piir cs. Now i-noie. oil" snd all; I lit d ii'l al1 c me
at ni ce, mil JCHGE F(' YOL'llsELVEs!
heie you will find a p'endid Aitmei l nf
Tall and Winter livy ilooiU,
ju-t received, Binoiig whicli ate ihe foil owing : Su-
pnliiie I ri-nch Bioadcloth; West i f Ei-gln-d do.; '
Heavy Beaver do , a fl st r le ar'ic'e f -r Overcoats, I
and a g-eat variety nf o .1 Uvil. Black and F in-
CV t '..s-inieies. S illiiielts. Mousselin-ib -I line .If p- ;
de laii es, Ca-lmieres, A'pa Cis, Ac., Ac. M-o. i !
laaut fol a-ortinent C ilicoe nf the late.t .y' '
iiiiI patiema which wi I be -old chesei th '11 i v.
al-o, A len and nlbi-f Sliaw's in g e l v i le v. J
from 4il ft, in f 10 ; a genvral ass.rinienl if Ho- I
hii rv.GI ves, Snspi-iiders, Mitts, fir., Ac; a Isr, e i
a-sortiiiem of Women', Men's an-.l Mi-se (ium .
Sho.s which wi I be sold chei?r than ever bef oe
off', rev!.
He has Ikewise, in add't;on to the above atock,
an ixlensive a..,iiinent of Qurtnware, Hurdiearr,
Sitldhry nnd ilrmrrim. Sug at from N n' 10. I2J
and 10 it-. a r lb; Good Coffee at 10, Ve y lb at
at 12. Also, N ills; S, ike-; Iron; Sanders o ' bet
I'aslMeil; l-nal-.h, American and Swe.d B ister
do. in sh rt, ivery Ihmg iial i- usually kepi in a
Ceiintrv Store, all of winch will lie sold at veiy
reduced pr'ues.
$y Cooniry Produce of all kinds taken in ex
change for Good.
Sunbuiy. Nov. 22d, IR1.V
Pa S 3 TJ 1C E D .
John n. stiivkeii,
Of the late Jirmff Ntwkirk A Strykcr, und
Stryker 4 J'u);ur,
HAS resumed ihe Vholeeile Dry Goods Busi.
liess, and now oilers for sale, al No. 12 and
14 lisuk street, Philadelphia, adjoining Myers,
Clahorn & Cu'e Auction Store, No. TH Market
street, a general assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly
purchase.! al auction, at a very small advance fur
cssh, or ciiy acceptances.
Believing thai his long experience in fautchasifg
will enable him to sell his Goods at Ihe lowest M''jf
kt piices, he invites hi old friends, and o4,eia
wis ing in buy, tn favor him w'',' a raM.
Philideli hn. Nov. I, I8'j.6m
-- - 1 ajs in- u
'I'-' be jughrai .-.,r ,vn r
f V heal, al lue ,101, f -H MASSEU.
A new aupply of UaM OiuIit4m)um lecwivati.
jVot. 8di, J48
! ."- M .. ...!.... , , , p J
If 4IUUftUR6, PA.
T PEG lave ' '.rm the public that I bavefrft
Philadelphi. nd am now located in Harris
burg, tha .ea- of "lb" Executive nnd Stale Govern
ment of Pennsylvania, where I now oeetniy Ihe
spacious Hotel, recently kept bv Mr. Matthew
This spacious building, having been pnrpnely
planned and erected for a Hotel of the fitsl clas,
is not surpassed if equalled, by sny simitar estali
lishmeut in Pennsylvania; and having undergone
a thorough renovation, the parlors, rnnme anil
chambers ara now fitted up in a style that com
bines elegance with comfort and convenience.
Mv TABLE is led red lo be supplied with the
bet fa'e the Mi'kets can proline, i tha charge at
the s me tim" hcb.g as rn e'erate ir any of the bet
regulated aatnl lisbtn ns e'sewhe'B. In short, no
exettions ahall ba spared n mv p .rt, nr on the part
nf every member nf my h luw-holil, to make it wh it
il sboti'd he, in thn Capital nf one of the moat pop
ulous nd interesting Ststec of the t'ninn.
With these promises, aeenmmodatiotia and fnei.
liii. . and the fact that the Hotel ia most eligibly
situated, I wi'h confidence, most respectfully nolr
cit the patronage of ths Public.
Late nf If err'a Hotel, Chesnut st PhilnJ.
Hsrri.bnrg. Nov. 22, 1K4!. 3m
l'oriiVrliat?ii oi"
f1ME subscriber, No. 121 Pesrl s'reet. New
I. York, having etabli-hed a Br.nchal No. 23J
Sou'h Si conrl St.. Philadelph', i row opening,
and will be cons'antly ncetvini from the New
I'ork Auciions. an extensive assortment r.f
which will he sold al the lowest New York pi ces,
at wholesale and R.-tail. Among h s slock will Im
found a good assortment of the followieg articles;
Jaccortets, Plaid. Hair Cold, Lace, Stripe, Book,
Swis and Tarla'an Muslins. Bish p snd Linen
Laivii, Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball l)reses.
Thread Lsces, AppltrsMon D i.. rich B'ack ilk
Trimming Lace, Irish Linen. Limn Cambrics,
L'tien Cambric Hdkfs.. Curtain Fringes, Cashmere
d'Ecoe-e, Mousehnn de Laine. Silk and Cotton
Warp A l areas, Quoen's 'I' ', t!al Plaids,
F" n il Merinos, Black Si'l- Gi vo- i k Hose,
S:..w-a, ('ravata, Ribbon. T Are.. iVc
' ountrv Merchants and ! v e I'hil -del
t-:i.i or New York to pure! i- , c u'ly in-
v,- .1 to c ill and einminc I1
Nov. I. 115. lv
; ii. MOORE. V. JUNKS,
AO. 18 Nvrth th itrett. a few duort abuvt Mirkvt
HAS constantly on hand a very large assort
ment of Looking Glasses, Baskets, Cedar WVa
and Fancy Good, which will be sold wholesale nl
the very lowest price.
N. B. Looking Glsssea insured to any part of
the country, without charge.
Nov. 1, 1845 Cm
"ValFiies, Jewelry, skc. kc.
rilllE subscriber offers for sale, at the lowest pri
J ces, a Istge and general assortment of Gold
and S lver Lever, Lepine and othet kinds of
Wsiches; Jewclrv, Silver Wa-e, Ebony and Gilt
Mant. I Clocks, a nl Mus cat Boxes playing from
two to ten tunes; Benedict Si Barney's Diamond
Poin'rd Gold Pen-; Vtch(ii.k.'r-.' Tools, Files
ami M erl Is,
).ders from be eo -ritry are solicited, and will
bec.eiulv at ended l. JOHN '. FA Kit,
112 Ch-snut st., Philadelphia;
Nov. 1. '.315. 4 n
11 V rteomtmnd nil of ovr frii ud vinitinff lh
';. to call ui the Prkin Company' Stare,
and lay in a mippf'J of thtirjt licioiis Tens.
Nj. 30, Si.tTH Sxcvian Smrr-T, Between Markd
and Chesnut,
WTAVE constaiillv on hand, and for sde,
H Q Wholesale nnd Retail.
it lovt r l'i Irri.
according to the qu d 'v, than ihey can be hvughl
for at any ottn i-blishmeut in the city.
rjjTEs, exclusivelv. are s.-ld at ih's house,
anil sever I v .rclies which car.not be obtained else
where. Any Teas which do n t five i utne saii
f 'Ciion can be eloriu d si.d t xvhatuvd, oi tin- m
l ev will be refunded
The cilir.ens of N.vthotnbert .od c. unty ata te
"pectfullv in vi'esJ to give u- a call.
Agent f." lb.' f. kin "t'vx Company.
Philadelphia. Sejil U7t!i, 1 I v
"terms 'rdducdd.
t).lC.UEKRI.S (' ALIA. Mr- Wit' -nt Premi
um Cvlortd likeiirJiiien. i.tid Pfio'cyrnplut
Ih-jnit ,
Xo. lHCCIicsnut Street, lMiil;vIelp!t;.
I '';
No. ?01 Broadway. New ".rk;N i. (5 ( ourl Boston : No. lG Chesnut S-.ect, rini.v
delph a ; Baltimore street, lis limore ; It o . I-
wiv.HaiatOBa Springs; N' S6 Caoal Stieel.
Ne-Oite..iis ; Main f xn M Nrwp r, Ii. 1. A.'J
Mvn Sireet, Du lllique, Iowa.
pONNTITl'TlNG to...l.'et s.d mot Exten--
.ive Establi-hment ot I k-nd in ihe W . rl I,
ai d f otitaining more tha i a Til ! X M P'U
I IJ AITS. eoibraciiif? tho- t' e mo-i
is iiiioi-bt-d iii.liviilua!- !
Adinieaiii free.
This E-tahb.hment h v ng
Mrdnl, I'aur Pint I'rrniu.-us.
It.unrs'' at the Exhibi'i. t a .t
t l.l't I M .tes.
,M cn s .v ir '. 1 th.
nd two "H-sh'tt
r.o-'on. .New Yo k
and Chiladeli hia, r. sp. . Mel, . I'm I .-i I'lcime- and
Apparatus, i thus nlllci Hi -est one I in the p..t
non of sueriority hen tot re unive.s llv usi)?lied il
by ihe public, ss "pint in the Wurld.''
June '.'8ih, 145. ly
P I A A' O S.
HE SUBSCRIBER has hren appoinled aaent.
fur Ibe sale if CO Mi U MEYFIi 'EL-
ANOS, al this place. These P ,i,nos bse a plain,
massive and Ixaunful ext.-tior n. i h. and, for dep l
and twectneaa of lone, and i leg .nee of workman
ship, are not aursaed bv 4IV in i!ir Ui.i'rd S al.s.
Tha following ia a rec .innieuda'ion fmm Caaa
Disra, a cvhbiated pr dnmer, and himwlfa man
ufaciuieri A CAI(I.
Htvtaa had 0ie pleasure ol Irving the excel
lent Piano Fot,. matifactur.d by Mr. Meyer, ami
exhibited at ,tva ht exhibition of ihe Fr .iiklm In
stitute, I te it due to the true meiil of the maker
to dec,.,eihaltheae iustrumenta are quiie rqua',
. . . .It lllM 11-
- - . "-'""--:- ' . ... ,lf K.oi. an
ml .un .uia rior, nr . -
'.na f orles, saw si uie rpn- .
duiing a aojourn of two years at I an. .
Thea. P....... will be sold at the
' l..r ra b. bv
Pers.ns ata requesiej io r -,h.m.elves,
.1 Ihe t'-'Hencauf -he JuWnh-r.
r- r.-rr-.TZ i rrTT.".. i ml lot aale. rbra.
I I an urn J"" - U.VL.U
fruabuty, ii fi. SO. t85'