! ' from the Evening Mirror. Tli Praam the iHnT ' 1 ! mot er JM AOtnoR op 'mi bream op iuoinr -' ' m ' , : - ' i a ' TwM in the prlmt of winter time, An evening calm sntl eeM, ' ' When In hit room the printer tat, ' A care worn man and old; , TVilb'look o meek that h did teem -. A theep within a fold 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 i y - : . .' i A melancholy man waa lie, 1 Aa ever trod the aoil ; -Small pleasure had he in hit 1ll, ( For it wa one of toil ; .And dimly burnt the printer's lamp; For why ? It wanted oil ! lie leaned hit head open hit hand, Hit mind wat ill at ease, '' " And wltile through many a broken pane, , In rushed the horrid breeze; "With eager look be read a book That laid upon hia kneea. And ttitl he read, nor turnad hit bead, To hear the thtittera flap, Xut like some marble statu teemed, So motionless he taj ; r iStuch fasting made him very pale. And anything but fat ! . ' At last he sbut the dusky book, . ' Clore, with a audJen fling, AVlth fervid grasp he tloted it last,.:' V And then upright did spring 5 ' Ob, God ! could I to ahut m v mind, , . And tie it with a string ! k Then up the room and down the room Ten hasty ttrides he took, 1 , . , And then he gazed about bin, with A sad and doleful look, And lo ! he saw the office boy Writing upon a book. -"What do you write my little chap, . Whilst titling there so still f Now; ia it some tad accident, 1 A marriage, or a will? " 'The boy he gave a monrnful look 'Tit nothinj; but a bill: . The printer tank flown in hit chair, At tmit with sudden pain. Down in hit chair he tank with force And then got up again : And at be talked with the young lad, Jlit teart gushed out amain. He told him how tome men will owe And never pay a cent, And of thote wretched, wretched men, AVhd never, never lent ; ' ' But how their life and fortune all Jn foolishness it spent. . ' And well I know what pangs they feel, Who would collect a bill, , Wo, wo, unutterable wo, ' Their wretched souls must fill, So it did teem, once in a dream . That 1 remember still. v 'One who had owed me very long, Though wealthy aa a Jew I stood before; hia house one eve 1 .. When cold the night wind blew, And now, said I, this man mutt try To pay me what it due. Two happy blows with a walking ttick , And one with my knuckles bare, Then in I went through the open door, Xut, alat ! he was not there, There was nothing now within the room J3ut an old and empty chair ! 'Nothing there, but an empty chair That atood against the wall, "" For he went out the other door, The moment I did call ! ! A dozen timet groaned aloud, lit never groaned at all ! 'Then quick I turned myself abont, And swiftly home 1 fled, , J Despair was the grim tervant girl That lighted me to bed !' The fearful boy look'd up and taw Hie lace pale at the dead. . ' When gentle tleep o'er the young lad Had thrown her silent vicl. Two ttout, tall men set out from town Through the cold and heavy hail 1 And the printer he did walk between, ' On bit mournUI road to jail ! Heading, Pa. , Qoro. A London poet, tome yet re ago, offered fifty !mind for a word to rhyme with "porringer " Tliie wat done about the timu the daughter of the Duke of York married the Prince of Orange. The next morning after the effcr, the ' paper contained the following P Tba Duke of York a daughter had. He gave the Prince of Oiang her, You tee my friend, I've found a word. Will rhyme with your of "porringer." Canning, being once challenged to find a rhyme for Ipecaruanni, immediately wrote the following:- ."Laughing in a thady grove, Sat my Juliana, Lezengera I gave my love, Ipacacuana." Sylvester challenged Johnson to match a eou pie of hie rhymes that run tome bat thus, I, John Sylvester; JIugged your sistsr." To which Johnson immediately reponded, '!. ?e Johnson, , ,j ; t Hugged your win." (, , But, aaid Sylrerter, rather chagrined at tz lorn, that itHinu." "No," retorted JettMea, "but it is Ttvi." Jt.ii.ti ia trggaa-jee xoxr. jit. TH fit lowing 1it shows the current value of all enNylnni Batik N.itrt. The mast Implicit re liance may be placed upon it, an it is tverjf week .. arcfully eompared with at d corrected fora FUk nulHt Huporter. . ' Iniiha la riitlailclphln. : Ki. - ' LociTtoir. D'M' " TaitAa. r- . NOTES AT PAR. flank of North America .. , ilauh f the Northern Li'ierties 'Commercial Bunk of Ppnn'a. . Farmeta' and Mechank-a' Bank par par par par par par par par par pxr psr par par pir par P"r, pur' par Ketifnjrion Tl.mk Philadulphia Bank . chnilkill Dank . t it!iwark Bank , ' Wrpterh Bnk , i ' Meehalcll, Dar4 - . . Munufacluirrs' & Mech-nieV R.ttik - - Country RauUn. flunk of CI ester Coun'yf Bunk of Deliwure Couiny U-mk of Oermantowrn Bank of Montgomery Co. ' Dnylintown Bank Baaton Bank Wentchearer ClieiiUT Ucrmnulcmn Norris'own 11 1) leatown Fannere Bank of Tturkt CO. B'ilot Dfripe of Bunk of Penn'a. Office . do do Off'iee di do Oflice d do K O T T 8 AT llarrishuis" Tliee l.ancisier I office Deriding f to hot Eninn J inKuen. DISCOUNT. tank of the United Rtntea PhiUdi Iphia 30 . par i . pn . p' pr Potiavilla : i Lewiatown 1 J Middle' own Jal Nxrthtimherland liar Hank of I'enn Township (l.-ard Bahk Moyammniiiig B ink Bank nf IVinlviiiii Miners' Bank of Pottsville Rank nf l.ei.ton Bank f Middlm.iwn Bnnk of Nnrthomberhntl (oluinUa Bank Jc Dtidge co.Coluniliia Uarlitte Uauk" Carlisle Exchange Bank Titt-t-urv ' Do " dn branch of Ifllidavburg Farmers' Dxnk of f .aneaatei Lancstei Lancaster tjnunty Bunk ' l.aneaster i par par pur i p.l i i- i J if Farmers' Bank of Reading Reading Il.irridliUiR Bank fancas'er Bank Lcdannn Bank fetchantac Manuf. Bank Bank of Piltahurg. '-at Branch B .nk Wyoming Bank ' .Xiirthtmpton Bnk Berka County Bank Oriice of Bank of IT. 8. Dr. do do Do do dii Kenoiturion 8av. Int. A TIarri.liurg l,nceler Tclianun Piitaliurs riita'.mrg Williamrpiirt WPkM-arre A IliTiiuwn Ki-ading Pittsl-urg faiVcl do Btin New Briliton do Chsmbernlitirg O. ttvsl'iug M on I rose do Penn Township Sv. foa. Itji'tt of ChambrrKlturg Bask ot Gettyaliurg Bunk of 8uquelmnns Co. Erie Bank Farmrr' & Drovera' Bank Fianklin Bank ' HiMiewlnle Bank Monntie;ahela Bank of B. Vork Bank i i IJsl ';i Erio Wnyneshurg Waahineton Honradiile Brownsville Yo.k ' N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we imil quotations, and auhetitute a ii) ( ) are not purchaard by the Philadelphia broker, with the exception of thru wbih have a letter of r ferrnce. BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia 8nv. Int. I'uiMhk hia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. lo fniled J?cliuylkill Sav. Ina. do filled Manual Labor Bank (T, W Dyi'll, pmp.) failed ruwanda Bank Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bunk of Beaver Batik of Bwatara ' Bank of WaKhington Crntre Bunk City Bank Farmern' fe Mech'ca' Bunk Farmers1 Sc Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' At Mech'ca' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdor, Bank Juniata Bank LuHihermen'h Dank Northern Bank of i'a. New Hope Del. BriJga t'o. Northumb'd Union Col. Ilk. North Westtrn Bank of I'a. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Atir. Si Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Bedford Benvcr - ITiirrihurg Wliington T)e!i. foule Pit'idmrg Piitxlmrg Fayette co. Greencast:e Harmony no sale cIomuI clnred failed clied no fale failed failed failed no vale Huntingdon no sale l.eiiton ni sain W.r.eii DundiifT New Hope Milton ' 1 -Mradville Port Carbon Carlisle M Jilt rose Unioniown ' failed no sale closed no sale closed fulled cloned failed Orernaburg closed Wilkeabarre Bridge Co. Witkraliarre nossle rrT Au notes purLOrtine to he on any PsnnvU tenia Bank not given in the above lut, may be aet Jown as Irauus. NEW JCRSCY. Bank of New Diuoawick Brunswick lU)lidere MedforJ Perth Amlwiy Urid jeion Mom.t Hoily failed i ,,r p,r par failed I Belvideie Bank -Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank Farmers' Bank rarmers' and Mechanics' Bk Katiway rarmers and Mechanics' Ilk N. Biuuawlck Farmers' and Merc hants' Bk Middletown I'l, Frsuklin Bauk of N. i. Jeroey Crty failed faibd' failed railed failed i failed i pur no sale Hobuken Bkg 61 Urating Co Hob-iken ferary City Bank Jersey City 1'atteninn Belleville Murriatuwn Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Newark Mechanics' Bank Manufacturer' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanic' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Cu Poat Notes Newark Bkg & Ina Co New Hope Del Bridue Co l.ainlwiUivilU lloboken I failed tailed failed i par i "i failavl failed i n fsiled N. J. Maoufac. and Bkg Co N J Protecton dt Lombard bk Jersey City Oranae Bank Orange f aieraon Bank Peoples Bsnk Princeton Bsnk Psleraon do Princeton 6alera Newark tlitabethtosi Camden Moniaiown Trenioq Halem Newton TieiiUa Det Hackeaeeck Salem Banking Co State Bsnk 8tate Bank fiat Bank StaU Bank of Morris Utats Bank 9alem and Philad Manuf Co 8uasei Bank Tienton Ranking Co Uni.m Bsnk ' WesbingloB Bsnking Co. DELAWARE. Bk of Wllra dt Brandy wiim Wilmington Bsr.k ef Delaware Wilmington Bauk ef Smyrna ' Smyrna Do branch Millord Farmers' Bk of gists of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington ' Do branch Georgetown Do " Usach Ncwcaeile par par par par per per par psr toion Dank" W'tli ilatingum fXJ" Under 'e f fXJ On sll banks marked thus () there are i tner roanterrsii or aiurvtl notes ol vsrioee at- oetJaioatioot, in aretjIaOoaj. tu l .tjjfcg; KlAffK . WISTAR'S . -nirsAM op yrit,o ciicruy, , A Coanpownrt - la)lsml SaretMrntlwai froan Tf teit rtmniyhmowntoHrwrtiifirrtfieture ef ' eou(e, toM$. tuf Amo. eretta, Urating " 1 f nmg, wnaopmgTO'fen. ortmtniiu, inin. enra. ihortntftmbrtafh. pah and' Uttaknttt in the trtatt or itrte, liver tomf'laiitt, and the '' , i vj(rjrf or ' nf ' ' CONSUMPTION. We will not asaert that this BALAAM will cure Consumption in 1st uvrit furm. but l hsa cured many after all other mean of r-l'wf haJ- been tried in vain. And why not 1 It ferns that the WILD CHF.tlHY was destined by Nattne to he our PA NACEA fur the ravacina rliaease of this e dd In titude. I,ei not the di.pirina invalid mmm hi mnney and looa TIME, to him t all impor'snl, lr rxperimenfhtg with the trashy notrom of the dnf. hut use al one t medicine that will nie. If t ore lie p -ible a m-dipi-ie Ihst erie'nre ip'ovea, and manv yeara of experience b ive demonstrated that 'I r?rf,t't rvliie. ' There i no neh thing a$fn:l." In the hlatory" nf ihis wonderful BAl.WAM. Evidnnee the eonvini-ing ete lei e." lha.t no one tan doubt, fully etalH hea this fact. F'v the sake of brt'Vity we ae'eet ihe f n f f'nm thmtaands. '' ' lasac PU't. Eaq., Editor of the Pukerpi E ifjle. ore of the m at influential j.iurnnl in t' e sisie of New Yoik, statu undei the autVtity of his own name, thit a young lady, a rehtive of h;. of erv delicate cmati uiion, was a'lacked in Full. 4912, wiih revere cold, which immediately produced apit tinr cf Mood, cough, fever, ami oilier dansernua nd alurmii g yirptom. Thrnneh medical nettuien nnd c ue he p.ntially rcc .ver-d durinj surrmer. But on the return of winter ahe was utt irk-! more viidenlly tdan at firat, ahe became scnrc-ly able to walk and i tmubled with rough, chilN and fever every day, and appeared to bn poing rapidly with conaiimpijnn ; at tbttimr,hcn theiv n aign nf iniprovempnt, Mr. Piatt pfcriind a ho'tle if Whtah's BiLatM n Witn ('nranr. width sli took, snd it seemingly rest rd her. 8lie g-i s ac cund, and befme it half Hkrn he wet rextnrrd to perfect h raft A, which ahe hs rrj.tyed t.' the pre sent time, without the sligliteft symptom of her for mer die se. Mr. P ait sava "the ct re e -me under riy pn o1 eivntton snd 1 cannot be mist ikcn ss to the facia." EXTRACT OF A IKTTEJt FROM A POST MASTER. DATED Pcmbickk. Vhininn eo., Maine, Apr. S9.1 S44. MR.ISAACBTTTTH. IWPir: At Ihe re e;uest of many of my friend in tliia plnce and vici nity who ure' afflicted wiih ronau'ni.tion and liver coir.plain's, I lake thn. tilery of nfkii ( y,m o ap point aonieone in ibis county as agent lo aeil Wi. T' 71 mam or VtnCnrMKT,and to send him a few d. ten. as there ia none of it for sale witl.in 200 miles from this. I have no douhl thai it would nie t with s nacly sale if it were where it cnu'd le I'lorored without too much expense nnd delay. My wife wsa attacked sbaut ail tn nlh since wiih what the physician called ihe firl s age of C'numpiion s complaint vry prevalent in this s clion of country. Hsving seeu Ihe Balaam ad vert eed in Aupuata. . C7 200 MIXES FROM UEZIB, -3 I took tba ('Sins to send there for a boille nf it, which she tnk, snd which heled her so much that 1 sent fr t botiles more, whith fhe ha s's.i ta ken, snd ha now siys she has not fell well for -it yesrs ss he doet st ihis time. ' AM ilio who have inquirpd of me and aareiiained what effect tle Balaam had, are amino to hve ,oine f r aa'e in lbi vicinity, which I lb rauae nf my writing you. Plese inform me by ietun of m il wheihrr you ronclude to send aome, snd if so to whom, in order ihst il may be known where it rsn be bad. I am with re-peet V.ura, etc. ' P. G. FARNS WORTH, P. M. The whole eouutry ia faat learning that no medi cineno physician no preparation of any kind whnti vi r ran eqnal Dr. YVistar's Unmx or WllD ClIKHBt. i A TRI LI WODERFl'L (TRE. VaTavftt, Oneida eo.. N.Y. Sept. 15, 1843, Dear 8ir I owe it lo the afflicted o inform y u that in January l.i.t I waa altarked by a vaiy vio lent cold, caused by woiking in ihe water, which settled on my lungs. It wss accompanied by a ve ry se.veie pain in my breast and aide, and also s distiesaing eugh. I had in sitemWnce sit the l est' medical sid in our village j but sfier eabaualing all ' iheirskiil io no avail, ihey pronounred mydi eaee conriavtin coaacvimnir, and they one and all gate me vp to die. After much prrsuaaion I got ihs rnnaent of my phyaician to oe h MitsiM o Wmi Ciitaii v pr.psred by Da. WisrA. I pur chaed nf ihe A fill in our place one biiillc, before uairg balf of whirh I lenan to gain lrengih, snd it wks very evident my cough wna much leitr snd my symptoms in every way impr-'vioir. I have now used three bottles, and em rritortd to perfect health. This re-ult i sl'-ne owins; to the oe of DR. WISTAR'S BALAAM OF WJM) CHER liV ; and f take this method of r'ving you the in f irrmtion, parity to pay you the debt of gmitude f owe you, and partly lhat oilier aimilarly afflicted ros) kn. w where lo apply for relief. Veiyt-ulvyo.il., JAMES RAGE. Ma. Paimra. Drogqivt, under date of Watrrville, S. pt. 24lh, 1843, writis ; The ttement given yen by Mr. James Msg i well known to be nun by tt.i whole community. Il c- rt only was a moat remaik' le cure. . The rsle i.f the Balxatn is very good, snd its success in cures uu'y flsitsring. Yours resp ctfuHv. V. D. PALMER. the most "rkmatikatile cure ever recohded- Hsnnnaritiit. N. J April SP, 1841. On Or about the 13th day of October, 181 1, I taken wih a violent pain in Ihe aide near, the liver, which continued for about five days, ami was fol lowed ly Ihs breaking of an ulerr, or al scesa, in wardly, which relieved the pain a little, but rau'ed ma to throw up a (reat quantity of offensive oiattei and alao much, blood. Reins; greatly al iimrdat ihis I applied to a phyaician, hut he said he thoaglt he could do hot li'lle for me exempt g.v mo some tfereuru PUh, wh'ch I refused lo take, feelinf tetiafirdthst ihey could do me good msny o ihir rim' die wei then procured by my wife snd fiiend, but none did me sny good i.d the dis charge of blood snd corrupii'm ill continued evi ry fi w days, end at last lcom . offensiv that I cu'd sesreely breathe. I ws slao eeissd with a vi oleni cough, which al time cauavd me to raise mm h moi blood than I bad done before end any diaeaee continued in this wsy, still growing wora. until February, when all hope of my lecirvery was given op, end my fnende ell thought I would die ofsGailoetse Ceasoxmosv Al ibis moment, when my life wa apparen ly drawing near it close, I be.rd of DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHE LRY. and got a bottle which as titvra ni ittsttBtsTttT t and by ihe use of only tbrre botiles of Ihra mrd cine, sll my paina were removed my cough snd f itting of blood and cor ruption entirely etnppsd, end in e few weeks my bealih wss so fsr resioied as to enable me 'to wmk si my trade, (which is a carpenter J sad Op 10 this lime 1 have enjoyed good health. ' THOMAS COZENS. fJteDesrraa Certrrr, N. J ee. , ; Peresaalty came before me, the sabscriber, sae ef tba Jestioes of the Pssoe In end for the aaid coon ty, Thomas Cotens, and being duly affirmed sc. fording to law, Sallh the above statement ia in all thine true. . - , ..Affirmed before me, oq tbe 0th of April. 1848. i' " "'. 1 'J'.CtejrtwT; J P.' 1 J I 9lleh I itl nrArM-A.tfifat inrMM r.9 fKta till.. 8AM - ' ' , . 'ilATfRB'S F1T0RITE ,PBESCRIPTIOV ! a prescription oongenl il to rntr wants, a it1a pie--psred from chemical ettiscts from atihtanres w hloh the author of nature hs pSiceil in our own land for wise purpofca, that, resnf wlio know nothing of the mod nf lis pre par itlon are endeavor In to reap pecuniary benefits by selling an si lisle Similar in name, ot in appearance, or by repreienilng their own Ira,), as surwrmr to thi BALSAM, nr bv put ting up s minute and s drmnly amievarfiting that It I impurted tr im a forciyn country, which i not the case. All these deceptive arts go tit how th it Wf,T4,a I! a tat ! known to the worM lo be "TNJO Oil EAT DEMED F," and lhat In tell any mlttnre it mitat be like this in name, r pur port lo he like it in ti'iance. TT Believe not it. cunningly wrought fhiica. ti.ins an I lake ,on'y the original snd genuine Witr' Bat.am op Wttn t'nrsriv. NO OTHE OA1T CS X.IEX XT. Ad. Ire, all orders to ISAAC BUI' 18, No. 34 Ann St., New Yoik. -.1 Agents, JOHN W. FRIT.ING. Sunl,urV,' D. BRAU I'ltiAM. Narthumberlimd, J. K. MOYF. R. ninnmibwtt, ' J. WAGGONSKLLER, .V ns-rVmne, BROWN A CREASY, 31 Jl.mile. FVh. 82d. 1945 ly OAKLEY'S DcrrnATiTE sini'i. rHE valuab'o properues of Oakley' DepU'a. I live Syrup nf (araparilla, as a purifier of the blond, is so well known to ihe public generally, that it is unreceraiiy to occupy muchapa.-eiu aet t'tig fonh the advantages to Ce derived from i's ua-'j -vberever the medicine has once Iwen intro duced, it takes precedence over all ot'.iers : ev. ly one that bas taken it, have derived eo virjnal brne ficial reaults from it, that it it recomineitdeJ by ihem wiih ihe u-mnet ciiPidi nce. Pbyaicians of the highest standing in the profession, preterit it to ps'ient-i under their rare ; containing nothing del, terl iua. but bi'lr-g compnaed of the most mild, yet efficiciooa vegetable maleriala, it ia nff re.I wjih confidence, at the cheapest and mnt efficient pu rifier of ihe blood now known. The use of a few botifes, especially in the spring months, will be at tcndid with a most decidej impiovemrnt in the go iipmI atcncih of the ayaiem, eridicjiiug any r-eed-. ifilisra that may have Wen general". b"iilea giving health and vi.TJo tbe liody. For llincure nffrrofulaor Kings Evil, Rheum uiain, Tetter, Pimples or eiuptiona of the Skin, White Pweljng, Fii-lula, Chronic Cough Alb.-na, dec. The riu meroua cenilca'es in the ponesaion of the auhscrl ber snd hia agent, from phyaicians and other, are sufficient lo convince the mwt skeptical of its su periority ever sll preparations of 8 iraipitilla. 8i-ld whole! sod retail, by Ihe proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North Plh street. Re, ding, Beiks Cuenty, snd to lie bl of the following persons : Jn Northumberland County. H, B. ?tasr, Sonburyt Ireland t Mnel, McEwrnaville ; I) Krauaer. Milton. , . - In Union County. J. Gearbart, 8cliuagroTe: A. Gutelins. MifflinhU'g. - c. i " In Columbia County. R.-AV. McCsy, Vih ington. ." . ' , Resding. Mirth 14, 1813. Ms. Oaaisr: I lielieve it the uty of every one to do whatever in their power I ie, for the b-ne-fit of their fellow man, snd having hsd po-Hve proof In my own family, of the wnmlerful properties of your ' Depuralive Syrup of Sstsaparill, I m at ennacientioualy recommend It lo the afflicted. We bad Ihe misfortune to I we two of our children, by the breaking out or ulcerous sores that covered the face, head and neck, although we had aome ef the moat aeientific physicians to attend th' m and had tried all the known lemediea, including tSwaim' Panscrs, without svail. Another of my children wa attacked in the aame manner, her face and neck waa completely covered; the diacharge wa so offensive, nr lh iliaeaae at urh a height, lhat we difpain-d of her life. Seeing the wonderful effect nf your Depuralive Syrup c.l S .raapari l i, we weie induced to make trial of it. as the ll n rt ; il ec'ed like s ckarm; Ihe u'cer commenced healing rmmediately, a fi-w bottle eniirely restored her to her health, which she ha enjoyed uninteriuptedly ever since. A s puiifiar of the 1Io.k1,I veiily be lieve it bas not its equal. JOHN MOYER. Tailor, Walnut street, near Fouilb, Rrsding. Dougl tasville, Aptil 19ih,1843. Ma. Oikiit: My son Edmund Lesf. bad the scrofula in the niost dreadful sod distressing man ner for thne yesrs, during which lime he w. de. piivrd of the use of his limha, hi be.d snd neck weie covered with ulcers. We lri-d sll the differ, ent renndies, but In no fleet, unt.l recommended l y Dr. Johnaon of Nonintown, snd slao Dr. Isaac Hieater, of Reading, lo ue your Depuralive Syrup of SaraaparilU, of wbich I obtained seveial botiliis. the use of which drov the disease entirely out of his r-yatem, Ihe sore healed up, and the ciiild was reatored to perfect health, which be hsa enjoyed uninteriuptedly ever since, lo the saton"hinent ef many peisons who seen him du ing his sfibeiion. I have thought it my duty, snd send you thiaceiti firsts that othce who haves like sffiiclion in the family may know where lo obtain so vslusble a medii'lne. Yours truly, AMELIA D. LEAF. Sspt. 18, 1843. ly To Country ITIercIiauts. Doots, Shoes, Bonnets, Leghorn and Paint Leaf Hals. G. W. & L. D. TAYLOR, of the S. E. corner c Market nnd Fifth Sit., raxZhcVaOEi.PErxA, OFFER for sale an rsleualve aavornncnt ef the above articbf, ell of which they aril st unusual ly low pi ice, and particularly invits Ilia attention of buyer visiting Ihe citv, ta n nomination of ibeir stock. G. W. A L. B. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May 13, 1844. ly CITY . FURM JTURE AUCTI ON, AXTD raiVATB SkI.Xi BOOMS, Noi. 20 and 81 North Thitd Street, Near tbe City Hotel, ' -PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, AacUoauwr, reapectfulty in- vile ihe attention of persons desirous of pur rhscing Furniture, to hia extensive Hslee Rooms, (both publie and Piivate.) for every description of Household Furniture, wb re can be obtained al sll limes, a large eseortment ef fsshionsbl and wsll msnufacturej Cabinet Furniture, Reds, Matireesee, Ac, at very reduced prices, for cash. Obr Sale by Auction, twice a week. May 7ih. 1843 ly " fjIaAX SEEIJWrb bigheat price wiil he 1 given for Fist Seed, el ihs stor of Aug 9. 184A HENRY MA8SER. Tf UUC nt a superior quality, can paw be bad I UitlheLiaelCtto ef Henry Massr, In Sod Ibaey. . May 17,l4. ' ROS OINTMENT .Tt-.i... ron ri'KK. 1 ' RiNowortaia, riaiet.cs) n tub Fact!, and otiie , . CI TAKEOt'SJ KRL'PTKIAa, ; -1" Ctj The fnltmoing errtifien'e dcneribcji one oflht tnosf extraordinary emrrt1 tter effected by any application, i i r n' J, i -.. i- ?': ' , ' ,,,t FxitarittruiA. Fehrusty 10, 183(1; T70tl twenty yesrs I wss severely sfflicled willn) TKTttH on ths'Fsce and Hradt the disesae commenced when- t was seventeen years old, snd continued until the Fell of 1836, Varving in vio lence, but without ever diasppenring. During moat nf Ihe time, great part of my Uen wa covered with the eruption, frequently attended Mth vio'ent itch ing ; my head ewelled at times antil it fait se if it would buret the awellin x wss so g eat. that I could carrvty get my hat on, During ihe long period that I wa afflicted wl'h the diaeaae, I liae.l s great many plicstinn. (among them several cekOtrntcd preparation) as wi II ss taking inward remt diea, including s number of bottles of Siutiim't Panaeen. Extract of Sartapririlla, &e. In fact, it would be impossible to enumerate all the medicine I used. I wss alao under the c-ire. of two of the moat ilia tiiigoUhed phyaicians of thi city, but with 'tt re ceiving nvTh beuefir, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fill of I83fi, the diaeae nt the lime being very violent, I commenced using the Rote Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan & Davis.) '.,In a f. w plication the violent itching ceased, the swelling ahavd. th (motion began to diaappear. tnd before I had need ajar the di-ease waa entirely cuted. It ha now been nearly a yesr snd a h f aince, end there is not a ve.atige of the diaeave re maii iup, except the cnrs from the deep pita formed by tbe diaeaae. It is impossible for me to describe in a rertificai the severity of the diaesie snd my ailffcring, but I will be pteiScd to ftivo s fuller ac count to any pcrann wanting further antiHfjcli in, who will cull on me. At the time I co nmanred uaing Ihe R.e Ointment I would hsve given hurt died of do Isis to bn rid of the disease. Since u ing It, I bnve recommended it to aever.il per.on. (smong ihem my mother, who htd the div8e bad ly on her S'm,) who wi.r s i cured bv it. ' J AMES DURNELI No. 166. Race St. (ry The Row Ointment is prepared by E. B. Yauhsn, Soa h East comer of Third and Race strciD, Philadelphia, and sold on sreney in Stinbu ry.hy . H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1.43. .. Aqent. IXosc Ointment, lor Teifc.C A I' HOOF OF ITS r.FFICAVr. I'nn ani.irRia, May 57lli, 1839. '"THIS i to certify that I wa everely alll.eied 1 with Tetter in the hand and f.et fur upward of lorly yeats; the ttiaenae was attended generally with violent itching and 'l:ng. I nppl.ed to nunih. rof phyaici mis, and u'd great mar.y iippli caiioir wiih. i t effecting a cure. About a y'-nr since, I eppl cd the Roae Ointment, which entirely flopped the itch ng. and a few applicnti"n iinmedi. ntrly cured the diaeaae,' which there has been no return of, sllhongh I had never been rid of it st sny liinefurfurty year. RICHARD SAVAt.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Cj" The Roue Ointment i prepared by E. B. Vui;hn, S julh Eaet corner of Tldrd and Race Street,, Philadelphia, and Suld on agency in Sunhu ry by II. B. A1AS3KK, May 14th. 1813. Agest. MJBSZCAZ. APFROBATICZ? OJ the ROSE OIXTMEXT,for Tettrr. A l.l Hill ;UH the superiority of ihe prepaiaiion over sll others is fully e Wished, the pr iurie- tnrs tuke pb-osur in laying Ufore (be public the fu! low in tr cer-.ificste from a respectable physician, grdute of ihe University of Pennyvani. Dr. Baugb, having found in thi remedy that relief fir a ledinu and disagreeable affoction which the means within the range of his profession failed to afford, ha not hesitated to give it hia approbation, although the prejudice and interests of that profession tie oppbacl to secret Remedies. PHtLsnsLraia, Sept. 19, 1836. I waa recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, which covered nearly one aide of my f ic, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, propri"--lot of the Roae Ointment, ntweiving my face, man led on my trying hia reparation, of which tie han ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem ber of my profession, I discountenance and disap prove of the numeroua nnalruma palmed upon Ihe public by iunnrant pretender, I feel in jusitce hound to except the Rose Ointment from that clan of me dicine, and to give it my approbation, ss il eniire ly tured the eruption, although il had reaiated the ui-u.il applications. DANL. BATGH, M. 1). Qj" 'J be Roe Ointment is prepared by I'. C. Vaunhan, South East corner nf Third and Race Kneels, Pnilsde.'phis, and sold on agencv in Sun hu ry, by H. B. MASSER, Msy 14th, t84:t. Aent. Corn rr of Third and Vine Streets, WIXililAMSPORT, FA, THE sul'wriber rectfully snnorjnce to the puldic, that he hie opened a Hotel tn th com modious brick building situate on the corner of Third snd Pine streels, where he will be happy to wsit np.'n those who may favor him with their company. The Eagte Hotel ia large and conveni ent, and furnished in Ihe bet modern et le. Il i provided wilb a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartment", rooms, private parlor, Ac. Persons visiting Williamaport on bu siness or pleasure, may rest as-urcd that every ex ertion will be nsed to render ihcir j.Hirn at ihe "Eagte Hotel" pleasant ami sgr.-eable. HisTslde will be supplied a ith the very best the market af ford, and hi bar with ihe ciioiceat wines snd other liquors chsrge reasonsbte. The Fsale Hotel poasvaao greater advantages in point of location than any other similar establishment in the through, bring situslo in the business purl of the town, snd within a convenient distance of the Court House snd Willismsport and Rlmira Rati Road D. put. Sufficient Sisbling provided, and g.axl and trusty oi-tlers alwaya in stiendsiice. Attentive, accommodating and hone-t Servants bsve lieen emplojed, and nothing left nmlone thai wiil add lo the cotufott and accommodation of his gUSKt. i There will be a r arris te always in attendance al the Boat Landing to convey .easeoger to and from the House, free of cherge, CHARLES BORROWS. Msy 14th. 184?. If . iUicIiacTVcaer V Hon, HOPE MAXEU V 8 SIP CHANDLERS, A'o. 13 North Wuter Street. thUadc'phia, JTWAVE consi sully on hand, a general assert ll ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac., vis i Tsrd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Msnil la Ropes, Tow Lines fur Csnsl Boat. Also, s complete saaortinent of Seine Twines, ore, such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent (Jill Net IVine, Cotton Shed snd Herring Twine, Shoe Tbresds, dec Ac Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, etc all of which they will diapoes of oa raaaoasble leima. . . . Philadelphie, November 13, 1 84J. ly. SPERrNG7600l74r7 uK' No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchant to their u tensive eseortment of British French sud American Dry Goods, which thej afier for tail oa Ihe taoet reasonable terana, rM!d.lpbi,Noveaibel,lsHt.--y. , ?M. HSZXllLwa,atT.,&r CO.. B"Bfa1 gaav Comrjnission &, Forwardinfr Merchants tooinj Willow Ktreel Rail Rod J, osj tj tstawtsit. T-TAVINO associsted wiih them Joseph Bsrnet, late of Esston, P., fectfully inform their frieeda and the public generally, lhat thev have It ken th-t large and well known store and wharf st f.wtof Willnw Street Railrosd, lately bcCoplel by Jacob Msrtin, where they purpose doing e (irrieral Commission and Forwarding Busin, and f ont Ihe local advantage of the place being connected wiih sll the public Improvement lhat have tbeif outlet In Ihe city, they flatter themselves ihey will be able to do busin. to a great, if not greater ad vanlage, and iiion aa reaaopable term a any other bouse, and lliey aaao'e tlieir frionds lhat ny con ;gnini-iit made to them shall have lln ir strict st tention, and no excitioiis span d lo give entire satis faction. . . i i Thiysreslso prepared to receive and forward pom! to suy point on the D. lawnre and Lehigh river. between Mauch Chunk. Easton and Phila Hel, his, via Delaware Divi..irn and LehiRh Canal; alao. to anv point on ihe Jnniala Ir n. K,i. I and Wiat Ilianrhe of ihe Susquehanna via SchuyU r kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Wuter V- ana . F or ihe accommodation of Boat coming or go. log via Schuylkill end Union Canl, a Sieimboat will lu kept rxpresalv for towing boat from the Schuylkill around lo the Delaware nd back, which will en. bio merchant lo have their produce deli vered on ihe De'aware, and Ihcir good shipped at a saving ol fit) to 75 per cent, o" th price fir h.niiing aco', with then advantage they re pcttfully with-it s share of pntr.-nst:. W.HE1LMAK&CO. illism Hellman, William W. Key', C loneph B .met. 5 riiilad .May 14, 1843. ly J. KAVLAKS?, JK.. & CO. iSnull onl I ouhcoo Manuiacttircrs, So. 9D piurth Went comer af Race and Third . - Sirettt. PHILADELPHIA. THE underfilled have formed a Co-parlncrnhin tihder the firm of J, MAYLAND Jn.&Cn.. a successor to lh late fiim of Jocab Mnyhnd Co., and will continue the hueineve at iheold esta lilisliment, on their own account. In addition to Ibeir own close nlteulion nd experience fir (Crriy year, in the manufacture of their celebrated snuff, &.e the long experience of the senior paitner of the late firm, will alto be devoted to the interest of ihe new concern and as no exeition and care will le spared to insure their good, at sll tim of the ve ry lieat quality, Ihey solicit s continuance of the confidence of the fi.enda en.l cot.nnr,r nf the late firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MA x LAND, Jn. Philadelphia. Msy 14th. 184:1. ly To C ouittry ' FvSXSXIC HANTS. rFHE Subscriber, Agent of l.yon & Hnrri, Hat . - Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baitimnrn end ottier large cilie, whoso Hats ntn higlily commend-d for fnofi' eol-jt and dttmhility, ha o-i hand a fir-l rate asortmnt nf HATS and CAPS, Ftiitalde f.r Sprinp ile. wh ch will Ye sold very low, lot eas!i or apptoved credit, st lbs nrfnf cheap ttore. No. 40, North Third atrial, opp wi'e the City Hot-I. Philadelphia. ROBKHT D. WILKINSON. A.rcnt. N. B. Orders (or Hals in ihe roust, promptly attended lo.. The highest t ries in tuxh -or Uavle given fjr Fur wins. W Philadelphia, June 11, lS13.--ly KOLTON c CO. Gencrnl C'onimisMlon fllcrt liandt. For the iSiic nf Flour, Orain, &crf, JJc, Ac. V Vfc-l l3ErPEOTKULLY inform iheir Iriends snd 'he Merchant generally, lhat they have ta ken ihorelaree and commodious Wharv. a, with two Docks, notth of Chr-enut str-ct, on the Delaware, tocether with the store No. 19 South Wharves, wheie ihev would be pteateil to receive consign ments nf Crain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, if. &c. Being alao well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill nnd Union, or by the Chesapeake, and Tide Water Canal, aa tow boats are kept expreskly for the purpose of towing bonis by ei'l.er mule. Merchant will please be particular to end their good declined by either canal, to No. 19 South Whnrvea, between Market and Cbcsnut streets, on. the Delaware, with directions accompanying iheoi which route ihey wish them to be shipped. Plsstrr snd Sail for sale, at the loweal mar ket price. BOLTON it CO. March 19. 1843. No. 19 South Wharves. MERCHANT'S HOUSE, JVo.237, AorA Third, nbm e ClloicUU St, PHILADELPHIA. WOHN DUNCAN, late from ihe Pennsylva. Ijf nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr, Isie of A nirrican Hotel, Columhua, I Ihio. lake pleaaure in ac quainting their friend and the public generally lhat they have taken the large and commodious Hon?!, rece ntly built by the Meaars. H ut, on th sr.te site once occupied by the okl ei'ahli.hed Hotel known ss the Bull's Hisd, in Third slicct shov Cstluw hill st. 'J'lu Hotel ia finiahed In the very beat polble msnnrr, snd nf the heat materia'a. ' la location ia very ileairable, particularly for Country merchauttt the arrangemems for besiir.g and ventilating each room is such s to secure sny lemperslure. The bfdionmssie all light and airy, all furnished ina nest sty's, so a lo im-urs tondurt. Thericeiving pnrlurssreslio fun iihed in a su perb sty le, the windows are nn the French style, forming sn entrance to a balcony in front, whivh makea a plesssnt rrees. rnrtculai attention ha lieen given to the beds and bidding, which, with the furniture, are entirely new. r'rom year' eiiierienCe in hotel business, we trukl, by strict assiduity Ic busin, lo mk Ihie hnuae s deiishle stepping piace. Our table will slway be supplied wiih the Very beat our market ran afford, and our bar with the best liquors and tines of the most approved brand. P. S, There are Aral rste stshling snd carriage houses attsched tn the hotel, ttunded by certful snd sober hei lers, and our charges will be lost, ia tccordsnce with the present bsid tirsee, Philsdelphis. Oct. 7lb, 1843. G O'LMtTTWTN ILnXD DC- JVo. 6U AorA Third, abovt Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. accoM mod ATiona ron eavcMtT taaoira. CHARLES WEISS, lata of the "White Swan," and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms bis friends snd eostotners, thst he has become the proprietor of ihe abo well known Hotel. Country Meicbante will find tbe ebov Hotel central location, end the best of fare. Persons tuu veiling with privsle convey nee will Bnd a largo ' lard god good stabling for berees, and the beet st ostlere. Bearding f 1 psr day. ! Mey Hth.lMI tf. : '