The '.overs There was a candle man Anil he was very old, For it was thirty years or more Since he began to mould. lln bu.iness on his faee was wrote, As plain although on paper; Ilia long nose running to point, Ton aure would call a Viper. Anil flamelike plowed hii jo!ly fip, For drinkir.g hard and at lifting And made it red, and candle like, It brighter grew by muffing. A daughter fair he had, hut he Was went to beat and starve bar; aid she, "I'm sorry he's my pa, But wish that he was farther." And Cupid in her tender heart An arrow dared to throw 1 As that alone would be no use, He gave her, too, a beau. Put when her lover claimed her haud, The father did dispute; Said he, "Your ashes I would take, But I reject your suit." So when the shades of night were spread, He round the house would hover; And though he was no warrior, yet lie was a nightly lover. My father's coining," cried the maid ; "Oh ! lover, woe betide you Tor he will cane yon, I'm afraid ; Hut come with me, I'll hide you." So in the boiler he was crammed, His legs all cramped and bent ; Cried he, "I have the topper got, Though he has not the scent," And there he passed the sleepless heurs Of that eventful night; The time it passed so heavily, He wished that it was light. At early dawn to light his fir The cross old follow came; A Us ! for lover's constancy He felt another Jlatn. Oh ! maiden, maiden, could you now Your lover's plight but see, Your pa. for lover's sake you'd hate. For JU-hoilcd he will be. Oh' now within that boiler hot, His every limb seemed frying ; His situation you will say, Indeed must have been trying. Now fiomhis scat he starts ar.d scared The old man not a little ; Recover first yourself, old man, Re-rarer then your kettle. Ard speeding through the garden walks. The outer gate he won ; Sure, after surh a melting down, No wonder he could run. Iijtt. Post. Mokmons. Another of th Mormon Elders. Mr. O. Otuey, has come out with a pamphlet ex pose of what he terms "Spiritual IVifery at Nau "0 " II endorses the statement of Smith with leuard to the corruptions of their doctrine, and mves as a eaoti for his own course in the mat ter, lhat he expected to find Nauvoo a place of peace and piety, but found it just the contrary, lii igham Young says, (according to Onley's ac count ): "The Bible is no more to the people of this feneration than a last year's almanac, for I am the Bible needful for the people now, if they o bey my counsel." As some of our readers may rot be acquainted with the "Spiritual Wife System," we will ex lain. Whenever one of the F.lders or Apostles takes a fancy to any of the women-folks, married or single, a revelation is made to her that she has been selected as a "Spiritual Wife," for the El fler's tise ; ccnseqoently, no sin is committed. It is stated that the Prophet Sot Smith, had se lected no less than 13 of the most beautiful wo men at Xauvoo as "Spiritual Wwt." This may jeeount for Joe's widow renouncing Mormon jsm and we are o:ily astonished that she had :iot done 60 long ago. Why thcy no not Lay. The reason why bene do nut lay in the winter is said to be the want of animal food, which they get in 6urnmcr in abundance, in the form nf insects. An in teliiyent editor in the West eays the reason is that tliey havn'ttime, the dayB being so short. 'Nkvur too Lati:,' Tho Knoxille Register announces the marriage in Je(lirson cotiuty, Tennesae, of Mr. Frederick I'ulae, aged one lundnd and two years, to M ise Dorcas Man !ion, aged thirty four. Ditch Ri ll. An honest Dutch farmer thus writes totlie Secretary of the. Maasachusetts Country Agricultural Society : "Gentlemen, you will have the u'hmIiicbs to enter we on your liftofceltle lor a lull Somebody says that females go to meeting on Sunday to te each otr,-r'e new dresses and bon nets. That's JoiKioht scandal They go to show tlterr own. Fallen a Mahtvb. 'What ire you down there for V said a penleuian in one of the Missis sippi towns to loafer who was lying in the gutter. Me ! oh, I've rnyfullri martyr to the gtl len law, that's all.' '-usuli ! rBSBesjWTT' ssi. sjai-Jr" DAWK NOTE LIST, The following list shows the current value of all Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The most implicit re liance may he placed upon it, a it iseeery week arrfully compared with and corrected from Dick nail's Reporter. Danki In Philadelphia. ,.. Locate. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America , , par Bank of the Northern 1. 'liberties , . par Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , par Farmers snd Mechanics' Bunk . . par Kensington Bunk . . par Philadelphia Bank . i par Sehuylkill Bank ... par dnuthwark Bank . par Western Bank . . par Mechanics' Dank . . pr Manufacturers' tc Mechanics' par Count rj- Itauk. Bank of Chester County Westchester par par pir par pi.r pur par Thc-e Bank of Delaware County Bank of Gcrmantown Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylestown Bunk Chester Gcrmaiilown Norrisnwn Doj h stown East on Easton Hank Farmers' Bank nf Bucks co llrMol Office of Bank of Penn'a. Ilarrishnrg" Office . do do do do AT Lancaster I offices er 1 Office do Office dj NOTE8 Reading do not Huston J issue n. D I SCO K N T. Rank of the United States (lank nf I'enn Township Girard Bank . Moyameneing B ink Bank of "ennsylvanii Miners' Bunk of Pmtaville Bank of Lewistown Bank of MiddHown Bank of Nnrthuniberl md Philadelphia 30 tar pv par par i Pnt'svilltt Lewistown Middle'own Ii N'urihiimlieilaiid par Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Columbia par I i i par pur par i i i i U H Carlisle Bank Carlinle Exchange Bank I'ittslxir Da do branch of- llolliduvshurg Farmera Bnnk of Lancaster l.ancmtei Lancaster County Lnncaster Farmers' Bank of Reading Blading Harrisburg Bank Harri"lurg Lancaster Bank Latin-tor Lebanon Bank Lehaiinn Merchants' Manuf. Bank Piits'iurg Rank of Pittsburg l'iit'nn? West Branch B mk Williamsporl Wyoming Bank Wilkeiharre Northampton Bsnk Alleutown Berks County Bank rteadmg Ollics of Bank of U. 8. Pntxluirg Do do do Lri Do do do New Brighton Kensington 8av. Ins. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Bank of Chamhershurg ('hnmbrrsliurg Bank of Gettysburg (iettyshurg Bank of Suquehanna Co. Montrose failed do d.. Erie Bank Eris Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Waynesburg Franklin Bank Washington Honesdale Bank Honesdule Monnngahcla Bank of B. Brownsville York Bank York 41 N. B, 1 he notes of those batiks on which we nmil quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of t fereiice. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do rlchuylkill Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Pyott, prop.) failed failed failed f..iled I'owanda Bank Tnwai'il.i Alleghany Bank nf P. Bnnk of Bearer Bnnk of Sivatnra Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & Merh'rs' Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' I'ank Farmers' iV Mech'cs' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of I'll. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumli'd Union Col. I) U, North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Apr. fe Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Bedford Denver lliirrisliurg Washington Belli finite Pilisl'Uig ritlilura Fayette co. ttreeiicate Harinony no sale closed closeil fiiile.l closed no aln failed filled failed no sale Huntiugilon no fsle Lenistowu nonle Warren DundnflT New Hope Milton Meadville Purl Carbon Carlisle Montrose Uniontown failed no sale cloned no sale closed failed closed failed closed (treeiiHlmrg Wilkesbarre Bridge Co, Wilkesbarre no sale fXj All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above lint, may be set low n as frauds. SEW JERSEY. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick Belvideie Rank Ilelvidere Burlington Co. Bank Medford Commercial Bank Perth Anihoy Cumlierl.ind Bank Bridgelon Farmer.' Benk Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' T.k Railway failed i par 1 pr par i Farmers' and Mechanics' lik N. Hiunswick failed Farmers and Merchants Ek Midillelowii Pi. t ranklin llauk o! i. J. Jerev City failed failed failed filled failed J failed i par na tale I KJ Hke n Bkgdc Grazing Co Jlohnken Jersey City Bank Mechanics' Bank JerM'y "ny I'ultrrjoti Il. lli v He Morristown Freehold Newark Trenton Jemey City Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. M cellulites' Bank Mechanics' snd Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co I' oft Notes Newark Bkg A Ii Co New Hoe Del Bridge Co Newark i I failed lulled i failed i par par 1 l i par J failed failed i P.. failed par par par par par par p.r par Lainlieitsville Hobnkr'll IN. J. Manufac and likg t o N J Proteclon &. Louibard bk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange PaterMin Bank" Paterson Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem Stule Bank Newark Plate Bank Elizatrihto State Bank Camden State Bank of Morris tflule Bank Trenton Sulem snd Philad Manuf Co Salem 6uaex Bank New Inn Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover Washington Bsnking Co. Harkenaack DELAWARE. BkofWilmdt Brandy wins Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Milford , Farmers' Bk of Stale of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank Wilmington n? Under 6's fXj- On sll banks maikcd thus () there are ei ther ceunlerfeit or sliered nsMs of Ills various sV Deainsiisus, im circBlaUSB. FOL'RTRCM &TluiiJlr articles. IBRrtfm's Vsmtirres s trrtiu'n ctirt for worms ne snd very pleasant lo tske. 2. Gibson's Extracts, which remove Grease of all kinds, Dry Paints, Tar, Varnish snd Wax, from csrpets or from clothing, without injuring ths color or tbs cloth. 3. Lotfnoir Ftr Papkr the best thing known for killing (lies snd musquitoes. 4. A certain Destroyer of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Ants, and another of Bed Burs. 6. (Jc!w's SpKclrtc for snur stomach. Heart Burn snd Water B'ash, by one who h id sutfi red thirteen yeirs, before he discovered ths cure. Dr. Srriviiiv's Giikkm OisT.iKkT for the Piles. It has never fiiled to cute. 7. INrbisoi's Trttkr Wii. 8. Brkmomu's Isiiklirlk 1st, without s rivnl. I U. Tin ('iiMrnr!n CovricTto or Fios ; jut the medieiup for children and for women, it is j so plessnt lo tnke. 10. Bscr's Vror.TiRl.a AiTiRii.lors Pm.. j II. (ies's Eioi.list WsTSR-raunr Pssts, i for II irness. Boots, Ac. It softens the le ittu-r, and , keeps out the water. i 12. Poor Mi'n Strhvotukvivii Pi.str. I 13. lo km' DiAtniiiiKt MitTfliK, which j cup s tl e worst Disrhrra in s few boors. . 11' Dtritrt Mixtcix, a cer I nun and speedy cure for Dysentery and Summer lOlllpl out The nl'ove valusl'b- articles re nd wholesale and retail, bv L. C GUNX. A'o. 1 S,mth Fifth ttrert, Philadelphia where S'orckeper snd o iher wi'l he supp'ied with (mrsn African Cayenne I, piier, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Paint, Oil', G!as and Yarnislu s. at the lowet price. Terms only cah. (Xj" Cut out the advertisement, und bring it with vou. Phil.lel.hia. July 10th. 1S5. Iv. : n i:l i v. ve a x d , i v v. . i THOMSON'S 1 Compound Sj i iip or Tar i Wood Aapllia. TlIIE unprecedented sucres of thi meilieine. in I 1 the re-lorati"n nf health, to those w ho. in des j pair, hud given up all hopes, has given it an rxil j ted reputation a''Ove all other remedies, furnishing I evidence of it intrinsic va'ue and power, as the on- ly sgent which can e relied up n for the cure of j Pulmonary Consumption. Brmiehittis, Asthma, j P.iiu in the tide and Brea-t, Spitting of Blond. Whooping Cough, Crimp, Ac. 1 j Attention is requested lo the following ASTON- j j IMIING I liK.liv I hnmoi s ( ompotind Syrup I of Tar and Wo -d Naptha ! ! Philadelphia, May 3, 1H. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With gr,tef,i! j feelings I inform you of the astonishing rflecs ol Vour meilieine, hich has literillv tais d me from a deith-hed ! My disease, Pulmonary Consump tion, hml rednrel me so low lhat my physician pro. no. mm! toy ease hopeless! At this jut.r'ion I he gin to u-eyour medicine, nnd miracul 'Us as it may seem, it has completely rest.ireil me to heilth, altoi everything rise had f.iiled. Ue-pprlfullv vonrs. ' WASHING rO M ACK. Charlotte street, shove George street. Th" undersigned, being persnnaUv nciplatiiled with Washington Muck and his sullerinus. hear witness lo the astonishing rt)ects of Thomson ' Compound Syrup of Tur, and the truth of the a hove t.t.iteiiieiit. JOS. WINNER, 31 M North Third street, DAVID VICKERS. 42 Almond sTeet, HUGH M'GINLEY, S. E. comer Tamsny snd Fourth s'leets. Prepaied only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of Ath and Spruce streets. Phi Ule'phis. Agents. H. B. Maser, Sunlnny ; D. f,n, and Dr. Macpherson, Hurrisliurg ; Jno. (i. Brown, Pi'ttsvi'le ; (ie . Eirl, Resiling; Housum fi M.i on, Toix alula. Ilrsdoud county, I'a. I 'nee 50 cents per hoitle, r f ft rier dozen. (Tj- llnrare nf all imitation. Philadelphia, June Cth, 1 S1 ft. 1 y WVA.V Tin-: e z 11 ii c r s . IS TITHE subscribers would respectfully inform the m. Cilirens nf Sunbury and the public generally, that they have purc!ied I lie shop nf Mr. William llonvei, in Market street, ore door f.t of the Pnst Office, where thev will coiilirnie the 4'aliiict-.llnkiiix Itii.iiu,H, in all its branches. The public may expect their work done in the latest style. They ho, by strict attention to hufinis-, to merit s share of public patronage. ry (Vitfins made to order on the shortest noiice, and country produce (liken in exchange for work. WM. YOUNGMAN V II C. MARTIN. Siiiiburv, Mav I7ih. ly. H ' n Trv"st is 17a"i WHOLESALE & RETAIL, IIATsfc CAP MAMJFACTUIIKUS, South I'axt rnrnrr of Marl.rt and ith sis.. IMill;uUIlifa, "iniERR they always keep on hand an exten- ' Hve a.snrtmciit nf JIAT.S If CA I'S of every description, got up in the best and most approved n ie. I'eitons deiirnus of purchasing superior aril chs on the most ressniiable. terms, will find il to their advantage to call before making purchases eUew here. Philadelphia. Oct. nth, 1844. lv C oiiiiterfi-ltrrsj'' DEATH BLOW. rPhe pill. lie will pleaso observe lhat no Brandreth Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la bels upon it, (the top, the side snd the bottom) erh containing a fic-siinile signature of my hand writing, thus 11. BaASJiiHETH, M. D. These la. hel- aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over f2,0n0. Therefore it will he seen lhat the only thing necessary to pro ruiv the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following lespective persons are duly aulhnri xed, and hold CERTIFICATES OT AGENCY For Ihe sale of Hrandreih's Vegetable Universal Fills. Northumberland county : Milton Mickey A Chsmheitin. Sunbury H. B. Maxaer. M'Ewena ville Ireland tV Meixell. Northumberland Wm. Korayih. Georgetown J. A J. Walls. Union County: New Berlin Bogar rk Win ter. Selincgrove George Gundium. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Beavenown David Huhler. Adamsburg Wm. J. May. Mifllinsborg Mensch A Ksy. HsrtleloD Daniel Lung. Freeburg G. & F, C. Moyer, Iwi.burg Walla A, Green. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds & Co. Berwick Shuman fc Kitlenhouse. Cat lawissa C. U BroUs. Bloonishurg John K. Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robt. McCay. Linetone Bslh M;N'och. Observe lhattach Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agerry, containing a representation of 1)1 BRANDKETH'8 Manufactory a Sing Sing, snd upon whidl will slso be seen eisct copies of Ihe ikiii labtltnow used upon the Brandreth Fill buxts. f hiladelphU, ollics No. 8, North 8lh street. B. IKAJs'DRflTH, M. D, Joa 34lk.lfsi3. WISTAR'S II 4I.S.4HI OP WILD CIIER11Y, A Campnnnif lintasimla Preparailon from Wild Cherry Bark and Tar, T7ie Lest remedy known to the world for the cries nf toughs, colds, asthma, croup, bleeding of th iungs, whooping courh, bronchitis, injtu- tnza, shortnets of breath, pain and weakness in the breast or side, liver comdaint, and the first stages of CONSUMPTION. Ws will not sssert that this BALSAM will cure Consumption in ist worst form, but It has cured many after all other means of relief had heen tried in vain. And why not t It seems that the WILD CHERRY was destined by Nature to lie our PA NACEA for the ravaging diseases of this e dd la lituile. Let not the despairing invalid waste his money and loose TIME, lo him so all important, in trtrrimentiff with the trashv nostrums of the f djy, luil use at onre a medicine that will rure, If a j cure he p is-ilile a medicine that science approves. i ami manv years of experience have demonstrated ; 1 lint tt always relieves. I I "There is no surh tiling as fail," in ihe history j j of this wonderlul BALSAM. Evidence the nnt : . convincing evedence that no one ean doiihr, fully j e-tahli hes tins fact. For Ihe ake of hnvity we : so'ecl the fnl'nwing fmrn thousands. . Dane I'la t, Eq., Editor of the Pokeepie E igle, i one nf the m 'st influential pmrnuls in t''e sta'e of j New Yotk, states undei the authority of his own j j name, tint a young lady, a relative nf his, of terv j . delicate constitution, was attacked in Feh. H.i2. t . with se- ere cold, which irnmrdtatelv produced spit- ! ! ting nf blond, cough, fevet, nnd other dangerous and I alarming symptoms. Through medical tiestmrnt Bnd caie she partially recovered during summer. But on the return of winter she was attacked more violently than at first, she became scarcely side lo i walk and was tumbled with cough, chills and fever j every day, and appeared to he going rspiillv with , consumption ; at this time, when there was n sign nf improvement, Mr. Piatt procured a ho'tln nf : Wis mi s or Who Cm but. which she took, ami it s eminglv restored her, She g t a se. cond, and befme it was hnlf Uken she was restored to perfect hinllh, w hich she has enjoyed t the pre sent tune, without the slighter! symptom of her for mer die iso. Mr. P'alt ssvs "the ci;re came under mv own nb servstion and I cannot be mistaken as to the facts." I.' V7'n iT np . r - r.. it r,. , v.v-w.m 1.-1 i i or .1 i.r. i i r.n r f r..t a -t.. MASTER. DATED PsMsnnKK, Washington co., Maine, Apr. 29, 1 M 1. MIL ISAAC BUTTS. Dear Sir: At the re cjuesl of many of my friends in this place and vici nity who are nlllicled with consumption and liver complaints, I take the libery of ssking ynu ro ap point some one in this county as sent lo sell Wis tab's BtLstM nr Wnii ("hi hht. nnd to send hi'ii a few d.'7.en. as there is none nf it for sale within S00 miles from this. I have no doubt thai it would meet with s ready sale if il were where it could le piocured without loo much expense and delay. My wile was stacked about six months since with what the physicians called ihe fir-t s'age of consumption a complaint very prevalent in this section nf country. Having seen the Balsam ad vertised in Augusta. E7" 200 MILES FROM HEIIE, C3 I t nk the sins to send there for a bottle of it, which she took, and w hich helneil her snniiieh that I sent for two bottles more, which thr hss a'so la- ! ken, and he now says she has not felt so well fir j six years as she does st this time. All those who hate inquired of me and ascertained what effect the Balsam had, are anxious lo have some for sale in this vicinity, which is the cause of rny w ritir g you. Plea-e inform me by return of mail wheiher you conclude to send some, and if so lo whom, in order that it may be known where it can be had. I am with re-peet vnurs, etc. P. G. FAUNS WORTH, P. M. The wh'de country is fist learning thai no medi cine no phvsician no preparation of any kind whatever can epnal Dr. Wiarsn'a Balsam or Wilb (.'urn nr. A TRI'EY WOXMLItn i, f I RE. Watkh tills., Oneida co..N. Y. Sept. 15, 1813. Dear Sir I owe it to the afflicted to inform y. u lhat in January at I was attacked by a very vio. lent cold, caused by woiking in the water, which seiueo on my lungn. u was accnmpsmcii ny a ve ry severe pain in my breast snd fides, and also a disiiessing cough. I had in attendance all the best medical aid in our village; hut after exhausting all their skill to no avail, ihey pronounced my di-ease a coNKimar.n coisi'MeTioji, and ihey one and all gare me op to die. After much persuasion I got J ihe consent nf my physician to use the BsLstM or I Wnii t'liiRHT nn pared bv Da. Wiaria. I our- I chased of the Agepl in our place one buitle. before j using half nf which I began to gain strength, and it was very evident my cough wss murh better and my symptoms in every way improving. I have I now used three bottles, and orn restored to perfrct health. This re-,,1, is al me owing ,o the Vc nf DR. WIS I'AU'S B ALSAM OF WILD CHER, KY ; and I take this method of giving you .he in- I nniatien, paruy m pay you ine tieni ol gratitiule I owe ynu. and partly ihat others similarly afflicted ma) know where to apply for relief. J Ver, truly you... JAMES RAGE. Mm. Paimvk. Druggist, undor dateof Waterville, Sept. 2 tth, 1843, writes; The statement given you by Mr. James Sgpe well known lo be true hy this irhole community. It certainly was a most remaikalle cure. The sale of the Balsam is very good, and its success in cures truly flattering. Youra respertfully. D. D. PALMER. TIIK IOST ItKMAIlKAnisK CUKK KVKK UKCOUDKI). llArnosrirtD, N. J., April 20, 1843. On or about Ihe 13th day of October, 1811, I was taken with a violent pain in the side near the liver, which continued for about five days, and was fob lowed ty Ihe breaking of an ulcer, or abscess, in wardly, w hich relieved the pain a little, hut raused me i.o throw up a great quantity of offensive tnattei snd also much blood. Being greatly aUimed at this, I applied lo a physician, but he said he thought I i i I i . i-.. I e I e rould ,lo but ht.le for m except give, me some Mercury fills which I refused to lake, feeling satisfied that they could do me no good ; many o- llier rruieilies were then procured by my wife and fi lends, but none did me any good and the ills, charge of blood and coiruption still continued every few days, and at last l-ecome so offensive thai I could scarcely breathe. I w.a also seined with s vi. olenl rough, which si times raustd me to raise much more blood than I had done before and my disease continued in this way, .till growing worse, until February, when all hops of my recovery wa. given up, and my fnetids all thought I would die ofaG.iioriKo Cukscnptioh. At this moment, when my life w. apparently drawing near its close, I hesrd of DR. WlsTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHELRY, snd got s bottle which se litvfo mi iMMtniATSiT ; and by ths ue of only three boltles of this medicine, all mv pains were removed my cough snd spitting of blood snd cor ruption entiiely stopped, snd in s few weeks my health was so far re.toied ss lo enable me to work si my trade, (which is s carpenter,) snd up lo this lime I base enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. GiopfiiTsa CoesTT, N. ) , ss. rsietMily cams before , tbs isUtnbss, sis sf I . II . 1 . - ths Justices of the Peace In snd for ths said coons ty, Thomas Cor.ens, and being duly affirmed ac cording to law, saith ths abovs atament is in all things true. Affirmed before me, on the 20th of April. 1843. J. dm ist, J P. J Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL SAM, "NATURE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION," s prescription congenial to our wants, as it is pie pared from chemical extracta from substsneea which the author of nsture hss placed in our own Und for wise purposes, that many who know nothing nf the mode nf its preparition are endeavoring to reap pecuniary henefila by selling Bn Riticle similar in name, or in Hptiearance, or bv representing their own trash as superior to this BALSAM, or bv pin ting up a mixture and a demnly asseverating that it is imported from a foreign country, which is not the case. All these deceptive aria goto show that' Wistr's llm.ssM is known to ihe world lo be ' "Till: (; It FAT K.V-;)V." and that to ,-' any mixture it must be lil.e this in name, or pur- 1 port to be like it in substance, , GTj Believe not ihe eunninglv wmii-jlit fabrics lions and take oti'y the original and genuine' Wistiii's H i Lsi nr Wn.n I'ltninr NO OTHEXt CAN BE LIKE IT. j Address all or.lers to ISAAC BU ITS, No. 32 Ann St., New Yoik. Agents, JOHN W. FIJM.INO, Sunhuri,, D. Bit MM'IGA M. X.rthumherlind, J. K. MOYKH. IHonmshuiw. J. WAGGi INsl-'LLEK, SrHns-Crore. BROWN cV CREASY, MtJlinviUe. Feb. 5o, lS45ly OAKLEY'S ii:ii iiativi: siiu i. riHE valuable proiicriie nf Oakley's Depii'a- ! 1 live Svruii nf S irsaria'illa, as a purifier nf the 1 blond, is so well known ti the public generally. mar it is unrecessarv to ncctipv much "pace in set- ling forth the advantages to be derived from its 1 use; wherever th" medicine has once been intro- I duced, it tikes precedence over sll others: ev.iv ! one thai has tnken it, have derived so signal bene- j ficial reults from it, thai it is recommended bv ', them with the u mnst confidence. Physicians of the highe-t standing in the profession, prescribe il ! ,0 pa'ients under their care ; containing nothing j j deleterious, but being composed nf Ihe most mild, I I yet efficacious vegetable is offered with '' ...... r .1 , ... nsiiiunirr. s inr cneapesi anu mosi eiucient pu- I rtner ni i lie t'lood now Known. J he use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at- tended wjih a most decided improvement in the ge- neral strength of Ihe system, eradicating snv seeds "I niscasp .iiai msv nave neen generated, hesules I giving health arid vjg,.r lo the body. For the cure I of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, i Pimples or eiuptinns nf the Skin, While Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, fee. The nu- j meroua ceMinca'es in the possession nf the subscri- ' her ami his agents, from physicians and others, are j sufficient lo ennvnee Ihe most skeptical nf its su periority over all preparations nf Sarsaparilla. Rold whole-ale and retail, bv the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North Mh street. Rfa- , ding, Beiks County, and to be had of the following persons : t u Northumberland ('ounty. H, B. Masser, i Sunbury; Ireland fc Mixel, McEwensville ; D j Kramer, Milton. In Lnion County. J. Gearhart, Selinsgrove: A. Gutelins. Mifflinburg, In Columbia Cintnti.H. W. McCay, Wash ington. Rending. March 14, Ma. I believe it the uty of every one to do whuleverin their power lies, fur Ihe h"ne. fit of their fellow man, and having had po-itive proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depurative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, I m si conscientiously recommend it lo the atllicied. We had the misfortune to lose two of our children, bv the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the I fsce, head snd neck, although we had some nf th most scienlitic physicians to attend them and had tried all the known remedies, including Snaim's was attacked in the same manner, her face und , anni.r.. - 1 1 lieu, a . n 1 1. oilteiirr HI IIIV rillllireil l . .. :t. .-.i i . . i r l. 1 1 nek was completely covered; ihe discharge was so i offensive, and the disease at auch a height, lhat we despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful effecli , of your Depurative Syrup M S.irsaparill i, we were inituceo to make trial ol it, as the last res Tt ; u acted like a charm; the ulcers commenced healing immediately, a few hollies entirely restoreiUur to her health, which she bus enjoyed uninteriuptedlv ever since. Asa purifier of the blood, I verily be lieve it has not its eipisl. JOHN MOYER. Tailor, Walnut atreet, near Fourth, Reading. Donglissville, April 19th. 1843. Ms. Oaklki: My son Edmund Leaf, bad the I scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man- ! n,r f"r three years, dining which time he was de- I P'ived nf the use of his limbs, his and neck i ere covered with ulcers. We tried all the differ, enl remedies, but to no effect, until recommended j Dr. Johnson f Nor.istown. and also.Dr. Isaac , """"i neamng, in nse your jie urattve fyrup 1 of Sar.sp.rilU. of which I obtained several bonles. I .he use of which d-ove .he c.irelv nut of sysiem. the .ore healed up. and the child was - I restored to ,.tfei ,..,lih l,iK I,. . :.....! restored lo prrfeel health, which he has r' uninterruptedly eve,, ince to he Winn .f i. man, person. 'who seen him during hi. .faction. v. I I have thought it my duty, and send vou thi. cer.i- I. I fica.e that other, who have a like .rTiicinn in .he 1 nYate that others who have a like affliction in the i fmtly msy know where lo obtain ao valuable s medicine. Your, truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 18, 1813. l y j To Country Merchanta. j Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Leghorn anil ! Palm Leaf Hats. j c. vr. & L. n. tayloii, ! at the S. K. corner of Market and Fifth Sts., ' FHZZ.ADEX.PniA, j fFFER for sals sn extensive sasninnent of the , v,above aiticlcs, all of which they sell at unusual. I. I... ..i ..;...!.. i. .k. ....... - -T ' ii.-., .,i uidin in I mv iriiiioii of, ',. ,jkjli J,, fj , , rlsmln,tjn of lhrjr orkt (; w & L n TAYU,R. Philadelphia, May 25, IS44. ly CITY Fri.MTUKK AUCTIOX, AMD PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. i9 and 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- viles the attention of persona deairnus of pur chasing Furniture, lo his extensive Sales Rooms, (both public and Piivate,) for every description of Household Furniture, where can be obtained at all times, s large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, M amasses, Ac, at very reduced prices, for cash, (t- Sales by Auction, twice a week. May 27th, 1843. ly 17ji.AXl SKEDT-Tfhs highest pice will he V tin.n fVir Pl.a .. tk. . Aug. 0. 184S HENRY MASSER. LI!r1t!, of s superior quslily, can now be had at the Line Kiln sf Henry Mssser, in Soa . May 17, 114. ROSE OINTMENT ron TETTER. RINGWORMS, PIMPLES ON THE PAC E, AND OTHU cttankovs) rturrioNn. (Ty The follirtoing cerlifira't dtsrrihes one of IK most extraordinary cures ever effected ly any application. FPmtADctFatA, Fohruaty 10, 1938. OR twenty years f was severely afflicted with Tsttxr on ths Fsce and Head! the disease commenced when I was seventeen vcars old, snd continued until the Fall of 18H8, v'arving in vir lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great part of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing; my bead swel'ed nt times until it h it ss if it would burst the swelling wa so g'eat. that I couM scarcely get mv bnt on. During the long period that I was afflicted with Ihe disease, I used a great many at plications, (among them several celebrated preparation-) as w, II B inking inward remedies. including 1 number nf bottles of Siuaim's I'anacra, Fxtrart of Snrsnpnrilln. eVe, In fact, it would be ! impovsible to enumerate all t'ie medicines I used. 1 was nlno under the c re of two of the most dis. ! tingtiished physicians of this ebv, but without re j reiving much bcnefn, and I despaired nf ever being j cured. In the f ill of 1 the disease t Ihe time ; being very violent, rotjimeiiceil using the Hone (Hutment, (prepared by Vaughnn ct Davis.) In ; a few applications the violent itching ceased, the i swelling abated, the began to disappear, ! and liefore I h.ol used a jar the disease was mttrslv , cured. It has now been nearly vear and a half . since, and there is not a vestige f u,,, Jipa,,e mnining, except Hie scars from the deep pits formed ! by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe j in a certificate the severity of the disease and my . suffering, but I will be ple.iscd to give a fulle' sc count to anv per-nn wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the lime I co nmaneed using the R ise (liniment I would have given hun- ,),eds of dollars to he rid of the disease. Since u- Mng it, I have recommended it to several persons, (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her arm,) who were a'l cured bv it. J AMES DI'HNELL, No. 15fi, Race St. fry The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vatiihan. Sou'h East comer of Th:r,l .! !) j ,tre. is, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Snnbu- 7- '." it. B. MASSER, May laMh. 1813. Agent. Koe 4inUiirntrsTcHcrr A FRUOF OF FFti F.FF1CACY. I h i unKLPnii , May 27th, 1839. j I '!s to certify that I was severely afflicted j ''h 'I'eller in the hands snd feel for upwards f forty years; the disease was attended generally wnn vioieni ucning and swelling. J applied lo a number of physicians, and used a great many appli cations without effecting a cure. About s ynar since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi ately rured the disease, w hich lliere has been no return of, allhongh I had never been rid of it at any time for forty years. RICH A I(D SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Yaughsn. South East corner of Third aiid Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Siinbu y 'y H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1843. Agemt. j IrlEDICAX. APPROBATION Of the R USE ()IS 'FMES'F, for Tetter. I A LTHOUGH the superiority of the preparation j over all others is fully established, the proprie tors lake pleasure in laying before the public ths following certificate from a respectable physician, I a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Bsngh, having found in this remedy that relief f ir j a tedious and disagreeable affection which ihe meana , within Ihe range of his profession failed to afford, has not hesitated logive it his approbation, although ; the prejudices and interests nf that profession ate j opposed to secret Remedies. ! I'HiLsiiKiruiA, Sept. 19, 1836. j I was recently troubled with s tedious herpetic I eruption, which covered nearly one side of my face, .mi nicmici over me ear. .Mr. Vaughan. proprie ty of Ihe Rose Ointment, obseivmg my face, insts. ted on my tiying Ins preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. A Ithough in common with ihe mem bera of mv profession, iWnunienanre and disap prove of Ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon Ihe puniic ny icnoiant pretenders, I feel in justice bound i to except the Rose Ointment from that class of me- i ..nines, mil in give ii my approtmtion, as it entire i ly Hired the eruption, although It hid resisted the usual applications. DANL. BAl'GH, M. D. ! fTj" I he Rose Ointment is nreinrrd l.v I' R Yaughan. Smith Kat comer of Third and Race Streets. Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sun Lu2' 'y H. B. MASTER, .iay urn, im.i. Agent. eagle Vomer of Third and Vine Streets, I ruHP h...i.. . .r ' j T public ha Ihe h .Te X TlT l J ,j ,,'r r. hil5 Z ' i Ifi ,'h Cm; Thi d n J Puis tt ZZl l w be Z wiiiiitAmsroaT, pa. ' wait nnon thns. .L, ,,. c ., i.- .,". C01 ' " Py " ,.1 H Z ? T e Tnfuri ,W.Jd ir ,b. T I!" "Z, wi n . I ' ,1 .Tl mo;U''n,f,le' , II ' i ' . . . " .'- " u sural anu , p He IV ?m. V V r r W1I,.I.Krt on bu- w, e used ,o 't'T ' .7,- ' J ,0 " " "'Jlorn l iagie Hotel pleasant and agreeable. Hi.T.t.U ; will he supplied with the very best the market af , forila, and his bar with ihe choicest wine, and other I honors iharges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel I possesses greater advantages in point of location ! than any other similar establishment in the borough, being situate in the business rmrt of the town, .n.l within a convenient distance of the Court House snd Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Dennt Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and Iriisty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and hones! Servant, have heen employed, and nothing left undone that w ill add to the comfort and accommodation of his guests. There will he a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from the House, free of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. May Uth.JMJ. tf .TlicliaelvVTrveF sCoii UOPE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. No. 1 3 AorA Water Street, Philadelphia. WAVE constsntly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, &e., vix: isra Ropes, Fishing Rope., While Rope., Manil la Rope., Tow Line, for Canal Boala. Also, complete assortment of Seine Twines, &e. auch ss Hemp Shsd snd Herring Twine, Best Pate nt (.ill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe Threads, &c. Ac. Also, Bed Cord., Plough Line., H .Iters, T races, Cotton snd Linen Carpet Chaina, &c sll of which they will dispose of on reasonable teims. Philadelphia, November 13, 142. ly. No. 138 Market Street. Philadelphia. INVITE Ihe sttsntion of Country Merchants to their extenaiva sssortment of British French ud American Dry Goods, which Ihey offer forsshf ea the most rcssonable terms, fbilsdelrhis, November if JM?)?.