T W B K T T . I I Jt TlXro 5 O R K 9 . Correspondence oftrAJVm. American. SENA'Vt? THE ARMY NAVY OREGON. Mr. CASS called up the resolutions heretofore submitted by him relative to the condition of the Army and Navy. The resolution having been read, Mr. Cast sustained them in a speech of some length, in which he took occasion to state his conviction that an important crisis is approach ing, and that the danger of war is imminent. The claims of the two nations, he said, are irreconci lable. War is a great calamity and should be avoided but there is greater calamity even than war, that is, national dishonor. The pre tentions of the two countries are such that there i no common ground on which we can meet. Shall we recede? No, Mr. President, such a thing is not to be thought of. If the last proposition of England be her ulti matum I have no hesitation in saying that it is equivalent to a declaration of war, and that hos tilities must commence upon the termination of the year1 notice. Danger can neither be aver ted nor avoided by indifference. Let is then look dit difficulties boldly in the face. t hesi tate not to declare that the only way to avert a war is to unite witft all the energy God has gi ven us, in a public determination to carry it on with vigor. Mr. C. quoted largely from the speech of Lord John Ruisell in the House of Com mons on the 4th April last, to show the little pro bability thnt existed that England will recede from the position she has taken on this question. Mr. Cass having concluded he was followed by Mr. MANGUM, who deprecated the introduc tion of the resolutions and their considers "tion at this time. Mr. M. regretted exceedingly the course of the remarks of the Senator from Michigan. That gentlemen, he said, had profes sed a perfect eoinridence of opinion with the Ex ecutive, but he certainly took a very strange way of showing it. Mr. M. said that he had an honest confidence iii the President of the l Slates on this question, and was willing to leave the mat ter in his hands. It was the proper duty of the Committees pro posed To be instructed to make the very investi gation called for, without being goaded to it by action of the Senate. When the Executive cat led upon Congress, Mr. M. and those with whom be acted would be ready to go as far as the far thest in supporting all measures necessary for the defence of tbe country but he wanted, if an in-creas,- of the military and naval force is asked for, that the requisition should come from the President who alone was responsible, and not from any subordinate branch of the government. Mr. Maneum concluded by moving that the re solutions be laid over until to-morrow, which motion was lost. Mr. ALLEN followed in reply to the Senator from North Carolina, and in support of the reso lutions. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. PETITIONS. Mr. PETIT of la. presented a memorial a gainst paying the Chaplains of Congress and the Navy out of the Treasury of the Government, and moved its reference to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. McCONNFLL moved that it be laid upon the table. A large number of gF.vovsTSAirFa were pre sented against the annexation of Texas, from all the free States. These memorials were all laid upon the table. Mr. GtDDINGS presented a memorial from Ohio, piaying that in case Texas should be an nexed with a Constitution tolerating slavery, the members of the free States should separate from the others, form Constitution for themselves and refuse to receive in their Union any State whose Constitution tolerated slavery. Mr. WINTHROPof Mass presented Resolu tions of the legislature of that State upon the sub ject of the Naturalization laws. Mr. W. said as the subject was befoie the Judiciary Committee at the last session of Congress he would move the same reference now. Mr. LEVIN of Pa. moved a reference to a Se. lect Committee of five members. Man's Love. "And don't ynti think that man can love as well as woman !" Sarah laughed outright. "What can you mean, Sarah." isked Nar garet. "I mean," she replied, "that when man finds his house in disorder snd wsnts somebody to put it to rights, he calls this love; when he is slone, too, and things doii't go pleasantly, and wants somebody to complain to snd find fault with, and Isy the blame upon, he call this love. When no one cares for him, snd gets put down in society, snd wants to bind himself for life to some being who will flatter him snd admire his very fault, this too he calls love. Man's love indeed !" BALTIMORE 9I1RKKT. OJfieeofthe Hiltiobi Aassicas, Dee 15. GRAIN. The supply of Wheat st market to day was rather small. Sales of good to prime reds were made at 112 a 110 rents, and of ordi nary to good at 108 a 112 cents, and of family flour whits Wheats st 118 a 122 cents. Sales of white Corn at 69 a '0 cents, snd of yellow at 72 a 73 cents. Oats sell at 41 a 45 cents. WHISKEY. There is no inquiry to day and we are without transactions to report. We quote hods, at 29 cents, and bbls at 30 cents, at which rates sales were made on Saturday last. Notice IS hereby given to the Stockholders of the Dan ville and Pe'tsvdle Red Road Company, that in pursuance of ihe provisions contained in the set of incorporation, an election will he heJ between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M , and 3 o'clock P. M on the 7ib day of January, 1848, sl the rooms of ibe Boa'd of Trade in lbs Merchants Eicbsnge in the city of Philadelphia fur one President, ten Mana gers, a Treasurer and Secretary, and such other of ficers ss msy be deemed necessary, to serve unlit the fourth day of May, ensuing, and until like era- cera are chosen PAMVLL K. wuuu. Iiewuitsr :0ib, 1815. 3l President, Bsinnx-rri's Puts ! This medicine is ac knowledged to be one of the most valuahle ever discovered ss a purifier of the blood snd fluids. It is superior lo Batsspsrills, whether ss a sudorific or alterative, snd stands infinitely before sll the prepsrstions snd romblnstinns of Mercury, Its purgative propert'es sre slone of incalculable vslue, for these pills msy be I sksri dally for sny period, snd, instead of Weakening, by the csthsrtlc effect, they add strength by taking swsy the Cause of weakness. They htvs none of ths misera'le ef. f. cis of thai deadly specific, Mercury. The teeih sre not injured the bones snd limbs sre paralys edno; but, instcsd or ihesedisuessing symptoms, new life snd consequent animation is evident in every movement of the body. These Pills, for colds, coughs, lightness of the chest, rheumatism in ths hesd tr limbs will be found superior to sny thing imagined of ths pow ers of medicine ; and in bilious eflections, dispepsi. and in sll di-eases peculiar to women, they should be reorted to st once. These Brandrelh Pills will be found deserving of sll p a se, (jj Purchsee of H. U. Masser, Sunbury, or of the agent, published in another part of this paper. i i:, On Thursday morning last, Mr. CORYELL MOORE, of this place, aged about 72 years. TRICE CURRENT. Carr&tcd weekly by Henry Masser. Whkit, .... 100 Rrs, 62 Ohm, SO 0ts, 35 Puna, ... 5 FlaXaKKtl, ... . 112$ Butts, ..... 14 Fees, .... 8 Bxitswat, .... 25 Tallow, ... 10 Ftit, ... - 10 Hsrm.snFi.iX, l Dman AreLts, 75 Do. PliCNKS, 160 A LL person indebted to die firm of George Rohrbach fc Brothers, are hereby notified to make payment, without further di-lsy, to the sub script ; and those having claims agdnst sdd firm, will present them fir settlement. All notes snd accounts of long stsmling will be placed lv the h inds of a justice for collision, if n"t attended to soon. JCOB IIOHKBACH. jr. Sui.burv, Dec 20th. 1845. 2t OrliniiV Court Sale CP T-LTJ-3LE LAITD. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will lie sold at pub lic sale, on Monday the 12th'd iy of J.mu iry. 1846. at the house of Urn. K. J one, in Augusta town ship, in said county, to wit: A certain Iract of land situate in the township aforesaid, adjoining lauds of W'm. R. Jones, John Hirt. and the river Susquehanna, containing eigh ty-seven acres more or I ts. About forty acre nf said tract are e eared snd under a good slste nf cul tivation ; the ristdoeis well timtred. The said trsct is eligibly situated for milling or manufacturing purposes, as an escellenl water power is sflTordt-d by Biles Run, running through the land. The said tract is located on the Susquchsnns, about 8 miles below Sunbury, on the roid leading from that place to Harrisbuig. The land is comprised of i.otto'n.Und and up-land, which will be sold toge ther or separately, as may be deemed most a. I visi ble. Laic the estate of Col. John Jones, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clork, A. M. of said dav. when the conditions of sale "ill be made known by the heirs snd administrators. WM. II ML'ENCH,? ... ELISHA KLINE, Aam"' WM. R. JONES, for ihe heirs, December 20th, 1845 4t Notice TS hereby given, to the creditors of ihe Shamokin Coal and Iron Company, that the subi-rriber hs been appointed an auililor to stale an account lie iween ihe tiustees and the bond-holders under the second mnitg ige, and that he will attend at his of fire, in Sunbiirv, on Saturday the 3d day of J anna ly next, for that pu'pnse, when snd where sll inter ested are requested to attend. H. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Dec. 13, 1845. 4l Auditor. Estate or Jacob Drehcr. NOTICE is hereby given, that Inlera ef admin istrstion have been grunted to the subscriber, on the estate of Jacob Dreher, Iste of Hhamokin township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All persons indebted to ssid estate, or having demands against the same, sre requested to pres. nt the same to the subscriber for settlement, without delav. JACOB PERSING, Shamokin, De. 13, 1845. 3l Adm'r. Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Norihumheiland county, will be sld al pub lie vendue, on Thursday the 1st day of January next at the house of Christopher Haughawout, in Rush township, in said county, to wit : A certain tract of laud situate in the township and county aforesa d, adjoining land of Henry Wea ver, Isaac Woolve't n ami others, containing tweu ly-nine and a half acres, whereon are erected a two smry frame bouse, log barn and an excellent or chard. Also A i4 or piece nf groon I situate in said township, adjoining land of Isaac Woolv, rton and Frederick Weaver, containing annul live acre. Late the estate of John Hatighawout, dee'd. S,e In commence at II) o'clock A. M. of said day, when the conditions will be m -de known hv PETER HAUGHAWOHT. 8unbury, Dee. 13, 1845 3t Adm'r. Puute Uendorll ! This good adv ce comes from a friend, an edu cattd physician, and one who has been cured of protracted illness, by THE IMPROVED IND1 AN VEGETABLE PILLS." (Sieaa Coatsd.) which are at this moment dlVciing some of the moat remarkahle curea on record, and Ihey will con tinue to heal ihe tick as long as they are resorted to by them. This is no nostrum, msde merely to sell iitespective id He qualities, hut a valuable md li-ine, made by s well informed Physician, of Vege. table Ingredients, pure, efficacious, snd harmless, la s few days, ws shall make s publie repoir ol sc. veral more caes of bscidsd cures (for we note ne others) snd the public msy know on what medi cine lo rely in time of need. $y CAUTION. As a misersble imitation has been msde, by the name of -Hugr Coaled Pills," it is necessary to be sure that Da. U. Bkhi. Bairn's sigtistuie is on every hoi. Price 25 cents. Principal Office, 179 Greenwich si Ni-w York, Bold by JOHN VV. FRILING. Sunbury. wm. r ijIvpY J HC, Xvrthum J. J Decembei I3ib, 1648 i'-j-i..JiJ- LIST OF CAUSES. lO It trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumberland County, st January Term, 1846, commencing the first Moudsy, being the 6th. 8eittinger, alienee ef Gsrver vs John Gsrver et si Prentice for Welch s Joseph Keeer Willism Fsrrow vs Abraham Klsse George Leibrich . vs Henry Mssasr Jamison Harvev vs John ihriner Abner Mendenhall vs Sussn Wilholm, rke. Com'ih of Penn's. for Francis McCnv, vs Felix Msurer st si Wm H Brown oV co vs John B Boyd StrawhtMec & Borden vs Ssme Holmes. Sturgeon St co vs Same Hugh Bellas, Eq vs Henry Dnnnel et at Charles Hall's exVs vs William Wilson's el'r Uobin A Billington'a sssignees vs Edward Gohin Same vs Charles Gohin Jacob Per sing vs Zimmerman. Savldgeck co R D Foidsman vs Benjamin Fnrdsmsn William Simenlon vs John Shipman Charles H Flick Vs William Frick John Henderson's heirs vs fireenottgh A 8hspfnan John Lieb vs Thomas Allen Gilbert Berlieu vs Wm R Jones James Ross vs J.icnb H Rhoads Wm 1. Heinemsn vs Hsrtmnn II Kmcble Philips, In. ol Lowry & Gilt vs Dodge & Barret Frsncis Ball's adm'r vs Daniel M. Sei-hler Abraham Terwitliger vs Robins ft Newberry John P Summers vs Derr At McWillistns John McClooghan'a sdm'r vs Chsrlrs Merrick Ynxlheimer Sl Dawson vs N I. Price John A Llovd vs Wm E McDonald John Knorr John Kane &. vs Wm S Montgomery vs John Neidig & wile vs John Cooprr et sl vs John A Lloyd, vs Abraham Strstib. fe E Greenough Wm E McDonald Jonathan Adsms JOHN rAKNSWORTH. Prnthnnotnry's offiVe. l'rvth'y. Sunbury. Dee 13th. 1845. J LIST OF JURORS OF Norlhumberlsnd County, for Jsn. Term, A. D. 1846. rn nil Jurors. Turbut. Robert Haye. Lewit. Carr Rusel. Samuel Smith. Delaware James Renrd. Jicc b Bauch. Milton. Matthew Bennett. Chillisquaque. ('apt. John Snvder. yinihumbtrund D. M. Steed nmn, John Hum mel. Sunhtiry. William Krieghmsum, Felix Mau rer, Francis Buchor. Augusta We-lev Clark. Siamukin. Jacob Swank, snr., Jacob Persing, John Fi! er, Thorn is Hoover, Reuben Snydi r. Ruth. Sainut I Johnson. Chsrles Kase. Coal George Armstrong, snr. I pper Muhimvy. Samuel Ressler, snr, Tobias Slieilev. Jackson. John F- pely, jr. Traverse Jurors. Turhut. John t.uffy.jr., David Engel, Lewis. Joeeph Hughes, Jam s Tweed, Daniel H. Limi bach, . Dettneare Thomss Hammer, John M'Kinney, James Beard. Georue Hittle, Daniel Fiymire. Mt!tim.A. S. Shapin. Jacob Haute, John Kohr, Snmuel Ayres, Joseph Bound. ChiUisquaijur. James Cummtngs, Michael Fo'lmer, Ge.ug" Haas, John G'tfen. Voint. Jscob Rodenbacb, Thomae McMahon, Brock Eplev. Xtirthumbeilantl. Peter Hensclmsn, John Frick. Sunbury Geo. W. Kiehl. Geo. Weisor. Essj, Augusta. Dsvid Bettleyon, George Bastian, Stmuel K. lley, John Eckman, Peter Kolp, James Reeder, Thomas Snyder, Martin Gas. Sahmokin. Leonard R-rtbermel, Adam Gilger. dial. Paul Amtnerman. Upper Mahonay. Phibp Runkcl. Boneval Hol shoe, Peter Urosi'us, jr., Thomas Peter. Lower Mahonay -George Phillips, John Bro sius. J .cob Simlx, Florisn Di eter. Jackson George Reed, Esq., Jscob D. Hoff man, Michael Trcon. Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of ascertain writs of vend. Exponas, issued out of ihe Court of Common Pleas ol NoilhurnheiUml County to me directed, will be exposed to puMic sale, at the Court House in til1 Borough of Sunbury, on Monday the 5th ibY of January tint, al I o'clock, P. M., the following de-cribed property to wit: A certain tract of land sUuste in Chilisquaque town-hip, NoiihuinWrland county, adjoining lands of Daniel Seider, David Eckert, James P Ssnder on, John P. Summers snd others, containing one hundred and aixty acres more or less, about 140 acres of which is cleared ( whereon are er.-cted s one and a half story frame dwelling bouse and a frame barn, and a aui ill orchard, ckc. . liied, taken in execution, and to be sold as the proicrtv of Levi 11. Gulick. ALSO The undivided m dety of a certain lot or piece of ground situate in Delswsre townabip, Northumlieilai'd county, adjoining land of laac Vincent and others, containing one and a half seres, whereon is ereuted a largo three story frame Gtibt Mil. Seited, taken in eteeution, and to be sold aa the properly of John Vincent. ALSO A ceiliii lot or piece of ground situate ii the town of McEwensville, Delaware tnwtihis Northumberland county, containing one acre more oi less, adj. lining bind ol Adam .erb. r. dee'd., John Bousb. Hackenlerg 6l Iielaud, and the mam road leading from Mdton lo Muncy ( whereon are erec t'd a Urge fiame dwelling h.me, a frme st.ible, and a pump at the door. There ia also a nrvtr lulling itii g on ihe premises. Silted, luken in eieculion, and to be sold ss the property of John Read t'sy. Al.H) By virtue nf a certain writ of Tluriua Testatum Venditioni Eiponas, i.sued out nf the Court of Dauphin county, all ihe ilelctidaul's inte rest, supposed lo be Ihe undivided moieiy of a cer tain tract if land silnste in Coal township. Nor ihumheiUnd county, surveyed in the name of Mat thias Zimmerman, containing three hundred and siity-i-even aciea more or less, adjoining lands of surveyed in the name of Peter M surer, Michael Kcoll, J -hn Nicholne B dlev and mbers. belied, taken in exi-coliou, and to lie sold ss the properly of Calvin Blyihe. THOMAS A. BILLLNOTON, Sheriff's Ortice. ? Sheriff Ssnbury.Dec 13ih, 1845. 5 John lloiiinicr'a Ciitate. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad. ministration have been granted to Ihe subscri ber, on the estate of John Hommer, Ists of Point township, Norlhumberlsnd county, dee'd. All per, sons indebted to said estate, or having claims a gainat the same, are requested to present the same for settlement to the subscriber, residing st Dsn villa. WM. KITCHEN, Danville, Dee. 13, 1845. 6t Adiu'i. FIVZS STRAIT SHEEP. CAME to the premises of the subscriber, st the Point, about six weeks since, five strsy sheep. The owner is requested to come for ward, prove prox-rly. pav charges and take them swsy. BENJAMIN HENDRICKS. Kunburf. Dec 0. 1816. 3 Jiu I am.. REPORT or THE POOR OVERSEERS. Samusl Tbommsw snd Gnoses Batnn-r, Out leers f the Poor of Ihe Bormth of Sunbury, in aremtnl current with said Bnrnugh, for theyar eommencinf in Match, 1844, and ending in March, 1845, Da. To whole smountof Duplicate, $119 39 To amount received from the sstale of C, O. Donnel, Esq., 70 00 To order on present Overseers for balance due, 69 68 $249 07 Cn. By sggregate smount of exonerations In Duplicate, fT 53 J By cash paid Ann Moore, for 2 weeks boarding Msrtha Moore, pauper on ssid Borough, as per receipt, Jl 75 By cash paid George Bright, for clo thing for said Martha, as per bill, 84 i 50 By cash paid Henry Peirry for ma king do., as per receipt. By expenses in going io snd fram New Berlin, on business in rela tion to said Msrlha's residence. 3 00 By expenses incurred in conveying said Marths to the Penn'a Ho-pi-til, including $0 for their services, 37 35 By cssh paid Wm. G. Malm, stew ard nf the Penn'a Hospital, for 13 we. ks' board of snid Martha, st f . 60 per week, including $ I 60 fur articles destroyed, 60 00 10C 44J By rash paid George l oeng. for auditing Overseers' account for '43-'44, By cash paiil George Wt-iser, per nrdcra from foitncr 0erecrs. I 00 15 02 20 00 19 24 By cash paid Dr. D. T.T'ites. for medical attendance, Ac, for 1S43, as per receipt. By cash paid Daniel Henningi-r, for board ing EllX ibelh Warren, a piuper on aaid Borough, as per receipt, By cash paid E. V. Bright, for making put Duplicate, as per receipt. By cash paid Daniel Druckc miller, for shoes, ss tier receipt, By cash paid John Bloom, as per receipt, By cash pa d Samuel Thompson and Tho mas Rohins. lute Poor Oveiseers, By cash paid Dr. D.T. Trite.. (Mteh 25. '45,) m lud for medical attendance, as per receipt. By cash paid Ja-nb Bright, for house rent for Caiherine Kiehl, By cash paid Johu Young, p. billet rec'pt, Bv cah paid II. B. Masser. do. By ca-h pjid A. Jordan, for professional services. 74 I 2A 37 J 11 20 00 6 00 91 25 07 By coniansatory sllowance for services ss Overseers, including Auditors' fees, $3, 28 12j f249 U7 The undersigned, appointed to audit snd adjust the accounts of the Overseers of the Poor nf the Borough of Munhury, having examined Ihe Receipts and Elis-nditures, as set forth in the preeeeding ataicmi-nl of S imuel Thompson and George Rrighaf late Overseers of ssid Bor iugli, exhibiting a bal snce in their favor of fifty nine dollnts and sixty eight cents, do allow and pass the same. W itiH-e our hinds, the 22d dsy of November, A. D. 1845. E. G. M ARKLEY. LEWIS DEW ART, Nov. 29. 1845. G. M. YOUKS. TEXICO & MEXAS ! "TUB CRY ISATZX.Ii THEY COME," CiOME WHERE 1 Whv wheie do yon sup J pose but to the Chesp Store of Henry Massor, in Market street, Sunburv. And for what purpose do you think they come! Why to buv cheap, to l-e sure snd save at least 20 per cent. 77ieu tn7 do nnth in' the," Ireeause it is a well known fact that at IIFsNKY MASSEITS STORE the very be-t articles sre sold at the very lowest prices. Now come, one and all ; bul d n't all come at once, and JUDGE FOIt YOURSELVES J Where you will find a Splendid Assortment of Fall and Winter Iry C.oodN, just received, among which are the following : 8u. perfine French Broadcloths West of F.nel o'd do,; Heavy Beaver do, a first rle article fir Overcoats, and a great variety of Wo d Dyed, Black and Fan cy Cassimeres. Sttinelts, Mntissidin-de-laines, Rep. de-laines, Cshmeres. Alpa.Tss, fir., &t. Also, a beautiful assortment of Calios of the latest styles snd list terns, which wi I be sold chestier than ever; also, Woolen snd other Shawls in greil variety. from 40 els. lo f 10; a general assortment of Ho sierv, Gloves, Suspenders. Mills, &c, cVc; S large assortment of Women's. Men's and Misses Gum Shn.-s. which will be sold chear than t-tor before olT.red. He has likewise, in addition to the above stock, n extensive easortment of (Jurenxrurr, Hardware, Saddlery and tirwxrien. -Sugar from 8 i 10. 1 5. J snd 16 cts. ier lb; Good Coffee at 10, Veiy Best al 12. Also. Nulls; Sptke; Iron; Sundeisoii'a liest Cast Steel; English, American and Sweed Blister dn-in short, rvery thing that is Usually kept in a Country Store, all of which will be sold at very reduced prices. dj Country Produce of all kinds liken in ex change for Goods. Sunbiiiy, Nov. 23d, 1S45. TIHE utscril er, editor and pul'lisher of the Mi L tier 'a Journal for the lat sixteen years, has been rligsged fur the last year, m collecting the Materiala for a wink for which he ha tecured the copy right, in the following words: "A History of the An'liracile Coal Trade nf Schuylkill and the adjoining Coimliea, Geological and Statistical, accoinp.uiiid with Maps of the dif ferent Itcgious, the lmproteineiits, luveslrni nis. Capacity, Ac, embracing a complete and authentic hi-lory nf the present lime lo which will be ap pended a Synopsis of ihe Lou Trsi'e." It ia cur iiit-.-ntinu to etnlMare eveiy thing ef in leieat in ihe W.uk, couuevied with the tiade, Hp lo the riegiiwiiug of the year Hit), piepaied and ar langed wiih a view of continuing ti e publication, al periods of Ave or len years, with such additions as the increased trade will warrant These brn chea of Iradi have assumed an importance which will warrant aueh a publication, -and he feels con fident, that with the profleied aid of several gentle men snd the statistics already in his posi-raaion, he will furnish the public with a work, which, If nut one of the most interesting In Its details, u will be of great value lo those engaged snd interested in these brenches of business. As soon ss the Msps, A.e. sre prepared, and some ides csn be formed of ihe probable expense of pub lishing the wuik, proposals will be issued fur the same. q3 All Ihe trscts of Coal land will be designa ted en Ihe M p of the Schuylkill Coal Region, which will accompany I be work. BEN J. BANNAN. Poitsville. Nov. 53, 1815. E MO. A "lofu'f sodTirealt Lemons, just received snd for sals by D.c.l3,1.4u. iiENRY MASSER. ice 18 hereby given, to all legatees, creditors snd other persons, interested in the estates nf George Gotlshall, decessed, settled by his sdtninistrslor, David Reeser of Christian Dunkleberger, dee'd., settled by Susanna Dunkleberger, administratrix nf Abraham Dunkleberger, dee'd., who was lbs ex'r of Christian Dunkleberger, dee'd.; of Joseph Wea ver, dee'd., settled by his sdm'r. Henry Wesver nf John H. Hart, dee'd., settled by his execu'ors. James Hutchison and Rebec.cs Hart j of Jacob Troutman, dec,'d.. settled by his ex'r.. George Trnutman, late of Northumberland county, decea sed, that the executors and adminislrslore nf the said deceased estates have filed their acceunts with the Register of this county i and that they will he presented in the Orphans' Court nf said county on Tuesday, the 6th day of Jsnuary next, for confir mation and allowance. EPWARD OYSTER, Snnbnrv. Dee. 6, 1845. At Register. KERR'S HOTEL, IlinRlSllt'RC, PA. I BEG b sve to infirm Ihe public that t have left Philadelphia, sod am now located in Harris hmg, ihe seal of the Eiectitive and Stale Govern incut nf Pennsylvania, where I now occupy the spacious Hotej, recently kept by Mr. Mstthcw Wilson. This spacious building, having been purposely plinned anil erected for a Hotel nf the first clsss, ia not surpassed if equalled, by any similar estab lishment in rcnnayivatua ; and having undergone a thorough renovation, the parlors, moms snd chambers are now filled up in a atyle that com bines elegance Willi comfort and convenience. Mv TABLE is pledged to be supplied with the best fare the Markets can produce: the charges at the srnie time Iving ss moderate as sny of the best regulated asial lishmenis elsewhere. In short, nn eieittons shsll be spared nn my pirt, or on ihe pari of every member of my household, lo make it what it should be, in the Capital of one of the moat pop ulotis and interesting States of the Union. With these promises, accommodations and faci lities, and the fact that the Hotel ia most eligibly situated, I with confidence, most respectfully soil cit the patronage nf the Public. DANIEL HERR, Late of Herr's Hotel, Cheanul St., Philad. Harri-burg. Nov. 22. 184S. 3m rOR SALE fTHE subrriber oflers for sale an Eight Horse JL Power Engine, cornple'e in nil ita parts. Ap ply at Roth's tavern, 2? miles from 8unbury, on the turnpike road hading to Pottsie. ALBERT O. BRADFORD. Nov. 52. 1845. Ill I lie Court of Common Picon For Sorthumlicrland Cutmty, I'ennsyhania.So !i, January term 1834. Casper Adams, j-, and Frederick Adams, ft. John Adams, Peter Adnu.s, Samuel Adsms, Jacob 'Prayer. Catherine Fox, William Liebtick snd Elir.alicth his wife. Peter Sirasser and Magdalene bis wife, Samuel Startzet and Susannah his wife, and Elenoi Adams. ON motion of W. J. Gneimuch, conrt grsnt s rule nn the parlies interested, to appear by the first day of neil term and show cause why the land of Cap.-r Adams, dee'd., should not be taken at the appraisement by the heirs entitled to the same, or tie sold. Extracted from ibeJJecord. nnd certified Nov 3d. 1815. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Nov. 15. 1845. (it Prolh'v. EES TJl E D . .? O II X 11. ST H YK Ell, Of the Lie firms nf Krwkirk Stryker, and trykrr ey fugue, HAS resumed the Wholes-lie Dry Goods Busi ness, and now offers for sale, at Nos, 13 and t4 Batik street, Philadelphia, udj lining Myers, Clajhom &. Cos Auction Store, No. 78 Market street, s ghieral assortment of Dry Goods, chiefly purchased ai auction, at a very small advance fur cash, or city acceptances. Believing that his long tpetience in pmchaairg will cniible him to sell his Goods at the lowest Mar ket piiiTs, he invites hi- old friends, aad othera wishing to buv, in favor him with a call. Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1845. 6m JOSKIMl W. JONES, A'o. 18 Xrth 4A street, a few dws obtrt-c Market street, PHILADELPHIA, HAS const mtly on hand a Very large assort ment of Looking Gl.isses, Baskets, Cedar War ami Fancy Goods, which will be sold wholesale st the verv lowest prices. N. B Looking tilasses insured to any part oT me country, without charge. Nov. 1, 1845 Bin 'lValcliewa ZiiWvry&x7$c7 T 1MK suhsrriler oilers foi sale, at the lowest pri .1 ces, a laige and general assortment of Gold and Silver Lever, Lcine and other kinds of Watches; Jewelry, Silver Wiot, Ebony snd Gill Manlil C jcks, and Musical Boxes playing from two lo , n tunes; Benedict tV Barney's Dismoud Poiu'.J Gold Peiisj Watchmakers' Tools, Files snd M alert ls. Orders from the country Sre solicited, snd will be caielully aiten.kd to. JOHN C. FAKH, lit Chisuul U Pbilsdelpbis. Nov. 1. 1515 4m To PuiiiiatsiJiTiTf DRY GOODS riIHE subscrilsfr, No. lit Pearl street, New JL York, having e.nlili-hed a tirarichat No. 2HJ ftoinh S. rond St.. Philadelphia, is now opening, and will lie constantly receiving from Ihe Ne York Auctions, an estensive assortment of rANCY It STAPLE DRV OOOSS which will lw sold at ihe lowest New York pnecs al wholesale and K.l.il. Among ha slock will la) found gmsl sssorlmelit nf the following srtielest Ja.Timels, Plsid. Hair Cord, Lace. Stripe, Book. Swfi-s snd Tailaian Muslins. Bishop snd Linen Liwns. Fsncy Cap Nelts, Fancy and Ball Dresses, Thresd Lacea, Application D.t., rich Black ilk Trimming Lace Irish l inens. Linen Cambrics. Linen CUnhric lldkfs..Curtain Fringes, Cashmeie d'Ecoe-e. Miiuselllie de Laiee, Silk and Cotlon Warp Alicess, lju wu's Cloth) Gala Plaids, French Meiiuos, Black Silks, Gloves, Slik Hose, Shawls, Crsvats, Ribbons, Embroideries, cVc, dec. Country M ei ch snts and others Visiting Phdadeb pbia or New Yoik to purchase, are reapectiully in viied to Call snd fiamine the stocks. Nov. I, 1845. ly O. H. MOORE. CALVIX liLVniK, ..TTCHITET AT LAV. ...Will practice in the seseral Courts of the :o heuu uounij hi r uiiaoeipina. I bet " "at. at ihe alore of H. MASfEK. .. now supply of Rose OinlmtM just isccivtd, I Nov. Bih, 1845, Not His uffics is St No. 95 South FOL'IfYii 8lt0. 1""- FhHsJelpniS prjeea. H nr-v """. ' ween Chesnulland Walnut slreeie 11 Persons srs requealed lo cell and ex.mu.e lr Philsdelphla, -ept 20th, 1845 3 themselves, sl the residence o 2",. ' - Jm. a...i..,r. u.. IT 1845. H. B. MASSE K. m7iii:4i -it- v,,btir; s.r.-.Ts7& !"5S A NEW VOLUME NEW YOIUC WEEKIsY MIRROR, Wtll commence on Saturday, Oct. UA, 1815. Tssms : Three Dollars per annum in advance, OH, fine copy one year in advance, $3 00 One copy two years, B 00 Two copies one yeir, 6 no Five, 10 00 Eight, .... 1500 Twelve, - 20 00 An l to every subscriber to eithesf the WEEKLY" or DAILY, we will give a copy nf Willis tfttrrs from London, Complrlr, In one handsome Extka, uniform with the Wsr.a tr Miasm. This comprises the Fisst Ssstrs of Lrrttfts, and with the New Volume will com mence the N aw Stairs, written from the Sol-Til of Ersors, when the Weekly Mirror will le sepa rately ediled with parlicttlir care, and with more special regard lo the wsnls snd testes of connlry subscribers. We shall publish more tales, snd less mailer that is merely local and by u-ing in part a smaller type, WO shall be able to increase the tpiati tits aa well as lo improve the quality of what we give to our readers. We shall endeavor to make THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY MIRROR. A diversified, entertaining, instructive and Valuable . ehronicleof ihe times, orrsMii.r isr wsr.rsn, (i i a from for binding in one or two volumes at the eml of the year,) upon which neither labour, time, liilen1, nor money will be spared. It will hcreaft, r be ci riched with original contributions 'he life, apiro and siiiril of the foreign journals and coirain sll Ihe newe. intelligence and variety ol the tl iily stieei, handsomely printed on fine paper, manufactured ..r the express purpose, and will I forw inlcd by the earliest mails, in eliong wrappers, lo everv pa't of Ihe United States snd Canada. Postage fne wiih- in thirty miles of New York. Ail coiuuiunica'ioiM should lie sddressed post paid, lo Morris. Willis ft. Fuller, -corner Ann snd Nsssau streets. New York , AIR TIGHT STOVES. Tht lest lis the World for Cleanliness, Comfort und Economy. C. J. TYNDALE, No. 97 Soon Sscoxn St., PHILADELPHIA, HAS now on hand a large assortment nf ORR'S Celebrated Patent AIR TIGHT STOVES, lo which he would call the attention of every truo lover of comlorl and economy, for which qualities ihey cannot be equalled by any Stove in the wmld. They are a light Stove, and can be convenien'ly carried lo any distance, and being constructed for Ihe use of wood, they are particularly ailnp'ed to a sick room. Many thousands nf this Stove being now in use. their good qualities are too well known to nerd puffing. Mr. TtHBitv. is Ihe first authorized sgent i-t Philadelphia, and has been making them const mt Iv for the last five or six years. There ran he no fear of not gelling lbs genuine 8love of him, Snd ihey are sll warranted to give entire satisfaction. No Air Tight Stoves are genuine, without a bras pi ile with the Inventor's name snd d ite of the Patent. He has also on hand a lartre assortment nf Cook Stoma, Hani rotis, and all kinds of Fancy Co:i Stoves, at the Old Establishment, Nu. 37 Sou;t Second above Walnut street. Philadelphia, Nov. I, 1845. 2m lVr rrfomrnrHrf all of our friends ihuine the city, lo call at the Pt kin Cemipony's Nunc, and lay in a supply of 'thcirdttiitm Tens.' THE PEKI. TCI (OMIMM. No. 30, Soi-tu Siicosn Sthift, H twe. n Mirk.-, snd Chesnut. PIIILADBLP1UXA, HAVE constantly on hand, and for s.li Wholesale and Ret iil, A VARIETY OF CHOICE FRSII TEAS, At Lrfmcr Price., according to ihe'qualuy, than they can le uoughl for at any other establishment in the eitv. rfy Tes, exclusively, are sold at lb s house, and several varieties which cannot be obtained else where. Afty Teas wti it'll do not give i r.'ire sati -faction can be returned and exchanged, ni the mo ney will 1e refunded. 'FhevitBens of Norttiumherl ind county are re spectfully Invited to give us a call. G.B. ZIERER. Agent for ihe Pekin 'Pea Company. rWladelphis, Sept. 87lb, 1845. ly TERMS REDUCED. DAGUERJilAy GALLERY, Pateut Vrrmi. uir 'Colored likenesses, and Photographic rt.pot . No. 1.1G Cliesmit Street, r.-.iltulelpliia. No. 251 Broadwav, New York; No. 15 Coin t Nlirel, Boston No. 136 Cheanul Street, Phila delphia ; Baltimore Street. Baltimore; Broid way, Saratoga Springs; No 50 Canal Stieei, New-Orleans ; Main Street Newport, R. I. And Msin Street, Du Buque, Iowa. CONSTITUTING the oldest and most Extet,. sive Estahll-hmeni of the kind in the Wnrl I, and containing more than a THlM'SANH POIl. TRAITS, embracing those of some of the m.-s t distinguished individuals, in tho l imed Mutes. Admittance ftee. This Establishment hsving lsen awarded 'h Medal, Four First Preiniuriif, nd two '. ri t Honors'' at ihe Exhibitions at Boston, New-Vol . and Philadelphia, respectively, for be.t Picture sr I Appa-aluK, is thus iifKtialty sustsined in the pw lion of suis-riorily hen tof.ire univeisi,lv aa.-.igned l by the public, as f in the World." June 28th, 1845. ly PUN O S. THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed a e, for the sale of CON RAD M E E IPS CEL EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI ANOS, st ibis place. These Pianos have a tdi' maseive and beautiful exterior fini h, snd, for dep'h snd sweetness of lone, snd elegance of wni'.mtiii ship, sre not surpassed by sny in the I'i ilttd Stales -The following ia a recommendation fntrnt'snu UtkTS, s celebrated perfumier, snd I.imM-lf s omi Ufaciuier i ttivika bad the plea-ure of trying the eXd l leni Pisnq Fortes nianfactun -J by Mr. Meyer, an. I exhibited at ihe I , exhibition of ihe Franklin In attlUle, feel it due to tb true merit of the maker to ('eclere ih ,t the irtrumenta are quite eiiral, nd in soana) res'oecta even sUperioi, lo all ihe Pi ano Fortes, 1. saw at the capitals nf Europe, an! du'.'iriB a se;,ourn of two years sl Paris. These Vianoa will be sold at ihe manufacturer e id IDnvl,.s .-iTrl ami for sale -.. .- - . for ca-h. bv HENRY MA2;L twnbury, Wept. SO, 1846. !LJ. ill 'I ' . 'X. I'JsUa To f he Public.