Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 29, 1845, Image 3

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    ft a n n tK n
'On Tuesday last, by the Rev. J. P, Shindel,
TVr. IIknry C. Martin to Miss Harriet K.ikas,
Isrrth of this place.
I!y the same, on the same Jay, Mr. Joh G.
Hrkiiit to Miss St; a as Saviorr, both of this place.
At Philadelphia on the 1 7th inst., by the Rev.
ly. Dorr, Mr. Ehesrzkr T, Tr.Rjim, of Ithaca,
3S Y., to Miss Amkik C. (JRKot tiii, of this place.
On the 12th inst.. at the residence of the Hon.
Simon Cameron, Middletown, by the Rev, Dr.
DeWitt, Dr Johh S. Bobm, of Indianapolis, to
Miss Catharine M. Ca.mekom, of the former
CatrttitA weekly by Henry Yoxlhctmer.
Wbrat, .100
Kit, 63
Cork, ...... .so
Oats, ...... 35
Pork, ... 5
Fiixsrsn, ... . Us
Udttrh, - . . . It
Eons, .... 8
Bxkswiv, ..... 25
Tallow, ... 10
Flat, ... . , 10
IIkcklrii Flax, . 10
Ilium. ArrLKs, - . 75
Do. Pkaciiks, . 150
"ool Inlonl Fire Company.'
A STATED MEETINO of the Company wil!
Im' held on Tues.l ey evening; next, at 7 o'clock,
a the Court House. I'nnciiiiil attendance ia re
Nov. 2S. 1845. Sreutnry.
- 1h hrt.l ,, Titfu.l , tivi.t.infr noft at 1 ni.ti ,
"WaliIiiloii Tire Company."
rT,HE memliers of tlie " Washingtnn Fire Coin.
- piny" are reqtiratml to meet at tb Siata
House, on Mi.nday Eveniiii;, Dec. 1, at 7 o'
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required.
N o v. 2a. D W. 8 HIND El., See.
I ,11 u.t UiiTC itloBiey.
. tboc knowing themselves iudebtnl
ALT. thoc knoin2 themselves indebted to the i
Subscriber residing in Augusta township or-
thumln-rland county.. fr Wool Carding. (;llt, i the copy right, in tie Mimw-og : .,..,.-,....,...,...,.,.,,,..,,,,,..,.
Fulling, Ac , are reputed to come and ..l.le .... I "A HisMry of the Anthrnc.te Coal Trade of Ni,;r W b.le and Blue W .... and I in ed l.x
their accouu.s, as longer indolence cannot be g . j Svl.nvlkill snd the ailjoinina Counties. (Jeologicl tr Sat.n urf.icc, g It edge 4to post, 8vo and tfin.o.
ven. All ktmls nt Brmn I e t .ken in nav.rei.t
nt the market price, if delivered at the ho,,,. 'of the i, on nr before the first of Juiiu .ry next. !
Those who hive neither money nor grain tire lu ami cive th. ir notes with iniere.t.or suits will '
lie brought aainet tliem nft. r the above date.
Aueust. Nov. -21, 1S15 :tt
Sami'V.l Trasi na and firmm Bhiiii.t. Oper
terr nf 1rr i'lt'ir if the I tortugh nf Snuhury, in
arrnunt ntm-nt V'Hh mint linmngh. fm theyrur
cnmmcnrinir in Mureli, 1811, and ending in
Maret, 145.
To whole amount of Duplicate, f 119 S9
To amount received from .lie estate of C.
(J. Donnel, Esq.. TO 00
To order on rei'iit Overseer fur balance
due, 50 18
f249 07
"Bv aggregate amount f exoneration in
K 52 J
Dy cash paid Ann Moore, for 2J week
boarding Martha Moore.a pAUpcr on id
Borough. s per rec-ip', f 3 75
By cash pnid (teorge Bright, for do-
thine for said Martha, as prr bill,
By cash paid Henry Petery for ma
9 81$
king do., as per receipt.
By expenses in going to ami frem
New Berlin, on business in rela
tion to said Marth-Ts resrdence,
3 (id
33y expenses incurred in conveying
Slid Ma'lha to the I'eun'a Ho pi.
t il, incluiliriL' fti lor their sen ie-s, 37
IBy cash pill Wm. (J. Malm, stew
ard nl the I'enn'i Hospital, for 13
we-ks' board of said Marlba. at
$3 50 er week, inc uding fi 50
for articiin destroyrd, 50 00
10fi 44$
By cash paid Ceoree ornc. for audiiitig
Overserii' for '43-,44,
By CHh paid tieoriie Wriser, per ordera
from former )i r-eers.
1 00
15 02
By ca1i paid 1H. D. T. T'ites, metlicsl
atteiMatce., &c.,for 1843, per receipt, 20 00
Uy rash pa'hl Daniel llcuiniiger, f. boar,'-
Ing lJUt Aieth .erren. a piupef in (aid
B.itough. as per receipt,
19 24
Uy rash paid E. V. Utight.fir making out
Duplicate, aa ir Teceipt,
By cash paid Daniel Druikemil'icr, (or
Ikw, w. p(r prceipl.
By ca-h paid John Bloom, as per rerript,
Dy cash pa d Samuel Thumps n and Th,
mns Robins, late Poor Ovemeers,
By rash p .id Dr. D T Tiiie., ( M rch 25,
'45,) in lull for medical attendance, a
per reccrp'.
20 00
By rash paid Ja-o1 Bright, for house rent
fur Catherine Kield,
By cah rid .I..lw Young, p. bill ft rec'pt,
'By cash pan! H. H, Ma-wi. do.
By ca h paid A. Jordan, for professional
5 00
S 07
"By compsrtory allowance for services as
Overseers, including Auditors' fee, f3, 28 12$
J24U 07
The undersigned, appointed to audit and adjust
(tie accounts of the 0erseers of the Poor of the
Borough of Sonbory, having examined the Receipts
and Expenditures, as set forth in the preceeding
siatem. nt of f- imuel Thompson and Ueorge I) right,
late (Jverseer of add Boriugh. exhibiting a bal
ance in their favor of fitly time dolU.s and ixt)
eight cents, do allow and pass the same.
Witness our ha.uU, the S2d day of November,
A.D. 1845. E. (i. MARKLEY.
Nov. 29. 1815. . M. YORK.
Think j: f
fllHERE nevai was a medicine made of sn pure
JL material Dr. Smith' (Sugar Coaled) In
dian Vegetable Pill, and no medicine ba ever
been so biildv recommended. Thry act a no
Pill ever acted, a they opeiate powerfully, and
do not leave th bowel dinordeiad. And bow
r liaiart ! Children take them without resistance.
Direction of four page accampany every box, Tbe
aiguatui or DR. O. BENJ'N SMITH is on the
aide of each box. Sold at Dr. Guiou, cor. Bow
ery and Grand street Rahton & co., 110 Broad
way Everett, 06 Hudson st, and at the office,
17 Cieenwich Strvel.
CAL' HON. -A miaerable imitation hsa
been made, by the name of Sugar Coated Pills,"
it l necetaary lo be ur that Da. G. Bl. Smith'
iguatuta ia on evry bol. Price 25 cents.
J'nnciu! OlTice, 179 Greenwich t New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FKILING, Sunhury.
WM. TORSYTHE, Xorthum'd.
avnlfI S3ih, bii.
"THfl CaV lS-flTXX.1. THET COME."
COME WHERE! Why where do you up
pose but to the Cheap Store of Henry Masscr,
in Market street, Sunbury. And fur what purpose
do you think they cornel Why to buy cheap, to
be sure, and save at least 30 per cent. " They won't
do nothin' else" because it ia a well known fuel
(bat at
the very best articles are sold at the very lowest
price. Now come, one and all; bnl don't all coma
Where you will find a Splendid Assnrtmer.t of
l'all tind Winter Iry CSooiH,
just received, among which are the following ! Sn
perfine French Rrnsdclntht West of Ermlsrid do.;
Heavv Reaver do . a first rat anirle fur Overcoats,
and a great riely of Wo . I Dyrd, Black and Fan
cy Oassimeres.Saltinelt. Motisselin-de.aine. Jtrp. j, Cashmeres, Atpa.-cts, oVc. cVc. Also, a 1
beautiful assortment of Calicoes of the Infest styles !
. . !,lt II .1 .S 1
snd pattern, which wil be sold chraper than ever ;
alo, Woden and other Shawls in great variety, j
r...m jo M in Sin : a arncral assortment i f Ho- t
sierv, Ol ere. Suspenders. Mills, etc., cVc.j a large
assortment of Women's. Men's and Mioses (Sum
Sho . which wiil be sold cheaper than ever before
He has likewise, in addition ti the above stock,
sn extensive assortment of Qmrn'irarc, Hardware,
Saddlrru and Crm-erie Suttr from ft to 10. 12
....1 1 A .1. lit , f.o.lil (!ollcft at 10. Vn,V ltel
njiir o v- I'. - , - i ' - '
nt 12J. Also. Nails; S,ike; Iron; Sandctsor's best
u .. .
C.ust e'teel: English, American end Sweeil
do. ill hort. every thing that is usually kept in a
Countrv ftorc, all of which will be sold at very
reduced prices.
f Country Produce of all tind taken in ex
change for
Sui.buiy. Nov. 22d, 1845.
f tHE subseri' er. editor and publisher of the Mi-
JL net's Journal for the last sixteen yers, bus '
w engaged for tlie lsr year, in collecting tne
Alan-rial for a woik for which he has secured
, t
f'ai'si.c-i. .uiiMp.ihi.u ,
f'-rent Heuion, the Improvements, Inveatm. nts,
Capacity. &c, embrncing a complete nnd authentic
bl-lory ol the present time to wtnen win ne np
pemleJ a Synopsis of (he Iron Trade,
II is our intention to embiace eve.v thing of in-
lerest in the work, connected with the trade, up to
the l4gsnning if the year l81li. prepared nnd ar
i ranged with view nf continuing tie publication.
: at periods of five or ten yesrs, with such additions
' as the increased trade will warrant. These hr.n-
die of trad.' hsve sKiin.e.l an importance which
w il such a iublcati.'i., and he (eel con
fident, that wuh the prolVeied aid of several gentle
' men and the slnlis.ies already in his possession, be
I will fnttitsh the public, with a work, which, if nul
one of the most intrres log III p details, It will he
nf great v.iluu to those engaged and interested in
these brenche of Inisim ss.
) As soon as the Maps, Ac. re prt-ptrcd, and some
idea can be formed of the probable expense of pub-
' lishiug the work, proposal will bo issued for the
ry All foe tract of Coal land will be designs
ted on the Mp of the Schuylkill Coal Region,
which will accompany the work.
PentKvitle. Nov. 2-2. 145.
HAItRlMtl IlCi, IM.
T BKO leave 1o inform the public that I have Mt
-L Phi! adedphia. and am now located in Harris
j burg, rhe sent of rhe Excetitive snd Stale Govern
' nient of Pennsylvania, where I now occupy the
spacious Hotel, recently kept by Mr. Matthew
i Wilson.
This pacioua building, having been purposely
, planned slid erected for a Hotel of the first class,
j is not surpassed if e.p.a'led, by any similar rslals.
I hshinent m Pennsylvania; anil having un.le.goiie
j a thorough renovation, the parlors, runuia and
I chambers aee now titled up in a style thai com
I bines , leu'iinee with comfort and
My TABLE is pledged to le upplieJ with the
: best fare the Msikrts can produce: the charge at
the s .me lime lieing as mode-rate as anv of the best
j regulated astal lishmenls elsewheie. In hott. no
exe.lion shall l spared on my pari, or on ihe part
i of eve rv meml'er of my household, to make il what
it should tie, in the Capital of one of the most pop
ulous and in'eretiig Slates of Ihe l'uion.
With these promises, accommodations and faci.
Ihi. s. ami the Iwt that the Hli4 ia most eligibly
' situated. I w'nh confidence, iiiokI nspectlully tsoli-
! cit the patronage of the Putilie.
I Late of Herr' Hotel, Chesnut t., Philad.
j Hani-burg. Nov. 22. 1845. 3m
1 " s Zj--'X'ZZi
; MlIE ubcriber oil. rs forsdo an Eight Hor-e
i JL Power Engine, einupfTte in all its putts. Ap
' plv at Rotli's lavern, 22 miles from Sunbury, on
' the turnpike road Ica.lioL' 'o I'otisville.
1 Nov. 22, tii4.r.
Aaron Itobitiii'M Instate.
ALL peisons ii.debteil lo the ea ate of Aar. n
Robins, late of the borough of Kunhu'V , dee'd.,
' or having demands aiaiust said estate, ale r-pirs-1
ted to pie-ent the same lo tbe subscrilwr for 'l-
tlrmeiit, duly auth. nlicnted
i Sunbury, Nov. 22, IS 15. :H ilx'rs.
Orphan!' Court Sale.
N pursuance of an order of tt.e I )iphana' Court
of rauui'V, will be exposeil to
put. lie sale, on Tl ursday the IMth day of Decembf r
in xt, at the late of Abraham Rothermel,
dee'd., to wit: A certain tract nf I md situate in
Li. tie Mahouuf lowiiliip, Noribumheiland county,
adjoining land of So onion Dunk. dbnrger, Jacob
Rker and the heir of Daniel Herh and mountain
! Ln.l. containing I wo hundred and lorly-six acrea
and fuiiy nine peiches, on which ate two
lory log house, a bank barn seventy fori long by
thirty.u iu width, and a small orchard. Also, at
the same time and place, the one undivided fourth
I part of a tract of unimproved land ilu.e in the
j township and county aforesaid, containing four
hundred and ten acre and thirty-nine perches, ad
joining land ol Michael Bobb. Solomon Dressier
and other. Lite the estate of Abraham Rother
mel, dee'd.
The above tract of 24(1 acre i handsomely lo
rated, and well adapted lo manufacturing purpose.
The Mahonoy Creek run through the p.oporty,
affording excellent water power for milling and
Other purpose.
Sale to commence al 10 o'clock, A. M. of said
day, whrn tbe condition of sale will be made
known by WM. ROTHERMEL.
Nov. 16ih. 1845. St Adm'r.
WHEAT The higheat price giTarTfJr
Wheat, al the dare of H. MAssER.
A new supply of Rose Ointment just received.
N. oih, 181.
8au r.t Hart, Isaac Lktt.
Lint or Maple and Fancy
Received by late Arrival from landon and Paris,
arid offered to (he Trade only, by
(Successors to I.. I- Cohen &. Co.,) No. 27 South
Fourth Street, ahove Chesnut Street,
SEALING WAY, Red, Black. White. Srsrlel.
Fancy colored and Spangled t 10, 20 and 48
ticks to the lb. The assortment comprises 30 dif
ferent kinds.
Wafers in lb. pipers, superior Scarlet, superior
Red, Black anil sss rted Fancy colors of the follow.
Ing sizes! Note, Small Note.'Pc, Large Pes, Mi
ninn or Dtt t also Notarial Wafers. 4 sizes.
Transparent, Cameo nnd Fancy Wafers in boxes.
Inks, M'alkden'a and Arnold' superior II lack
Writing, Japan, Rliie, Copying and Steel Pen Ink,
in 2. 3, 4, 8, 10 and 32 or., stone bottles.
Sujietior Carmine Ink, made by (luyot in Paris
and Arnold in London, in rI ss bottles.
Komi's and Arnold's Indelible Ink, without pre-
parstion. 4
Walkden s Genuine RUck Ink Powder,
(il.iss Inks, bliwn and cut, of every vaiinty,
French and English.
Travelling Inkal'tnds, upwards of 20 different
Piipier Mache, Ilronze and ('hiiia Punip Ink
stands, in grviit variety.
Pen Racks, Unitize and Imitation, vrnus sires.
Portfolios, 4 to, cap and dctni, with and without
1wk. in great vsriety.
vt..r. ..r r.
Wafer Stamps, f Ivory, Vegetable Ivorv. Hone.
Ebony and Cocoa, all size with plain and cross
cut brass ends.
(Slass Mot'o Seats, a very extensive varictv.
Folder, plain Ivory and Hone ; 0 7 and 9 inch:
Rending Knives, plain and Ivory and
Pearl of various
Prepared India Rublier.SO and 40 ca-ks to the Ik
Copying Pope, Turner's best 5 and 5J lb detiii
and 7 lb double crown.
Tiue Paper, Turner's superior Whito nnd Co
lored, various lint, put up senar i'i'lv.
tv ruing rapcr, r.nciwn lime mm arm ove,io.
t: l 4 . . . -I i. l . l:...
- i -i
Valcncis, or Lace Edge Note paper. 8vo ,V Ifimo
English ami French Satin Post with bluck bor
!r and edge. 4to and Svo.
Blue snd White Wove French Quarto Posts, a j
large a-s.irtment. I
Plain and Fancy French Note Paper of every !
variety and s:7.e. I
Envilop. s. Eng'ish nnd French plain and fancy, j
in crest viriety. j
rnncy rrcnen I iiir.osiieu iio.e
paper Envelopes, Wax. Wafer, &c ckr., 25 differ-
en. varinte..
English Laid Binning Paper.
haiman s superior I urkey Milt Hrawmg lit-
per of the following aize. vir. : Foolscap 13 X 10
Demv I5KC0. Medium H X 2H. Roia! 19X24.
Siipr Roval 19 X27. Imperial 21 X29. Elephant
23 X 27, Cnliiinbier 23 X 34. Atlas 2fi X 33, Dou
ble Elephant 27X40, At.riipi.irian 31 X 52.
Colored ('ray mi Pajier, Royal, vs. ions lints.
Superior Bristol Boards made of Whatman's pa
per, of tbe following and thickness; cap, dr
my, medium and rmal 2. S and 4 sheet.
Embossed Bristal Boards of various size.
Perforated Bristol Board, white and tinted, fine
medium and coarse perforation,
trench I lacing faper, royal, columhieranuuou-
ble elephant.
Conte-a Black Chalk Crayon No. I 2 and 3.
Red and White Giaymis.
Painting B ushes, superior English and French
camel's hair, English Sablea of ta.iou qualities,
(1.1 camel's hair brushes in tin,
Mathematical Instruments, London make, in ma
hogany and fish kin cases. The assoilmenl com
prises 15 dillerent kinds.
Water Colors a complete assortment nf New
man' genuine color iu cask and boxes Black
man' Water Color in various sires, sliding, hunk
and lock and key boxes.
Toy Colore in great variety, of sliding and b"ik
plain and fancy luxe.
Mer.otinlo ami Pink Saucers, leather nd p iper
Chessmen, plain and cared ivory, bone and
wood, of all sizes.
Bnckgamoien and D.aught Boards of various si
te snd iulit.c.
Dominoes, 14 10 18 and 20 line, of various qua
lities. Stil Pen. Gillott' and other makers, on cards
and in boxes, a lare and complete assortment.
Sirtl Pell Holdvrs, plain and fancy of every va
tifly. Porcelain Slate, 12 different sire in moiocco
and wood fime; lso, in iocket book form.
Diamond po.n'ed Gold Pens of vatioti ipjalitir.
Card ('ases, a large assortment of French and
English make, plain and inlaid.
Ne I'lua I'llr Travelling Writing Desks, M 12
14 ami 10 inches, with and without tlres-ing ea e.
Portable Travelling Leather Dressing Case, a
great varii ty.
Superior Prepared Writing Parchment of the
(.Rowing i-: 101X101. 10X20, 20X21,
. 21 X 2S, 2K X 32 a. d 3(1 X :iG
Fa. 10 Pacr plain and einbo ed gold and sil
ver pafier, r d and assorted colors morocco p .pei,
j fancy colored nnbo-sed p iH r. plain Freiieli highly
j glared fancy Colored papers,
j Fine rH-rccu It ni.llrs ol various patterns and great
variety, some of entire new style
i Hair Biushr t'f UM'rior London muke, a large
i assortment.
i Ladies' Companion or Portable. Wwrk Case,
; completely futed.
j Minia'tirr Ivories nf finely cut French, viz: 21
27 30 33 SO i.d 45 lines.
I Ivory Tsblcts of various sizes, with the day i f
; the week.
I M.ta'dic Memorandum Books of 4 s'e.
' Rulers of round hard wood, 12 15 la 21 and
! 21 inches.
Knit-K PsanL nif.k ft.iiki in riaiwr nn.l WiMiit riaAAai
i ol various size.
1 Writing Material of d imask steel, with agate
and eiiauiollcd handles, iu morocco rases.
Pounce wood and iv-ry pounce boxes, red tajie,
jap in raid ri.rk. truer clips, mouth z'uv. battledore
and birds, di -scried maps and pictures, run. id games,
wafer cups, gum lubels, china pallets and t ill's, dice
cup, diaughniirn, port crayons, dividers, protrac
tors, scales, English toy books, &c. &c
S. JL tj- Co. are Sole Agcntt for the following
article. Manufactured by L. I. Cohen.
Superior Patent Ivory Kuiface Playing Cards
Eagles, Harry VIII, Decatur, Merry Andrew, High
landau, Plsye., Preaident, French and Spanish
the court cards with either sing'a or double bead
and printed in gold or color, manufactured of the
best materials by an improved method, thereby giv
ing them a peifeet alip and making them more ao
lid and durable, which render them the most plea
snt playing card manufactured.
Plain Enamelled Burnished Cards from No 1 to 8
Enamelled Gold Bordered Carda from No I to 6.
Burnished Surface Mourning Cards fm No 1 to 3.
Gilt Edg Visiting Card fiom No 1 to 3
Ivory Suiface CarJ. whiwand linttd, fm I to 8.
Plain Piintt rs' CrJ fiom 1 to 8.
P'i'- 0rrUi drawing pencils, minu- a.
.' 111,1 ' ii
factored from the pure Cumberland lead, of the fol
lowing depress .if hsrdurss: n.uii.i.i.H. hr. ti. Ra.r.
OlFicfl Writing Pencils.
Red Chalk Pencils.
Tatent Improved Everpoint Lead for pencil ca
ses of nil aizea
(jjThey are constantly receiving Europe
addiliona to their Stock, and respectfully invite
purchaser to call and examine for themselves, .
QT? ff. H. V Co. have just published the laugh
ble (iame of What d'ye Buy, by Prufe-eor Punch j
also the National (Jarne of the Star Spangled Ban
ner they also have the agency fur the following
popular gamca which llmv nlfer to the Trade, at
publisher' prices, viz: Dr. Busby; Mansion ol
Happiness; American Eaale; Master and
his pup. Is; Chsran eristics of Distinguished Per
sons; Pope ami Psgnn; Scripture. History lllnstra
tei!; The ftame of Heroe; The I llus'rnied Alpha
11 Fickwirk Cards; Slinkpeare in a new Dress;
Oracl of Fo.tune; Race of Iinpr.wnien'; Strife of
(lenins; Robinson C.usne; C of M.igi; also,
Abbott' new aeries of Drawing Cards; Christmas
Curds or Cood and Bad Passions Merry (tame of
Trip to China; (Jamo of American Revolution.
Philadelphia, November 8th, 1815. 1m
In (lie Court ol' Common I'loasi
Fur Hurthumlirrliind County, Vr.nnnylvanin. Hn
H, Janunry Tern lS.'tl.
Cusper Adr. ins, jr. and Fiaderick Adams,
John Adams, Petrr A'Ums, Samuel Adams, Jacob I
Traver, Cathciine Fox, William Lichrick and"th bis wife. Peter Sira-ser slid Mi.gJale.ia j
bis wife, Samuel Startzel and SushiuisIi his wife, .
and Elenor Adams. I
N motion of W. J. ftrecnongh, court grant a j
rulo on the iintlies interested, to aiipear bv i
the first day of next term nnd idiow cause why the
land of Casper Adams dee'd., should not be token :
' . . . . . . 1 . .1 i
at the appraisement by the heir entitled to the
anme, nr be sold. j
Extrjced from ihe Record, and certified Nov. !
3.1,1845. SAMCEL D. JORDAN,
Nov. 15. 1X45. fit I'rnth'v. j
dkl WMk d. mm W A.MlliSa.A1 ' ,
A DIVIDEND of four p.r rent, lv. been this j
day declared out of 'he ptofi a of 'he lust to- '
lion for the lust six mouths, pavnb e on ileman.l to j
the t.i( kholde is or their leg il repres. ritaiives.
Nov. 4, 1S15 1.Vh Cusliier. ;
Orphan' 'ui-t Sale.
Valuiiblc lvn Est.iU
I , i.ursn uice of an or. lor of the Oiplian Court
x . v.,,...,,.,,...,!,,.,,. -..i. will . . tnos.-d t
j 1H,llic M,e , ,,ip ,uMjl. ,, ()f Val. Paid
i in I pper Mahon.iv township, Aortluiuibellii d co.,
; ,.n W ednesday, the KHli day of December next,
. ,() nvi.--k. A. M.. ttie followiim dcseriUd mo-
irrty, to wil :
A certain plantation or tract of land, situate pvt-
ly in I'pper Mahonoy township. Northumberland
county, and pa.lty in l' per township,
in the county of Sehuylk'H, on the State road lead
ing Pol'sville to Fisher's Ferry, and about 24
miles from the former place, adjoining lands of John
Matirer, the hicr of John Diehl. Geo. ge Dover.
I John Wacgnner and others, containing 272 arres
j and 20 perches strict measure, about 210 acres of
i which are cleared and in a high slate of cultivation ;
ttihi Mnii ara rrti1 trcr4 turn utiirv Itrtrlf PrtVril
OU!i(li, Kitchen, a large bank ban 100 fed
I Ki a frame wagon shed and another large frame
; 1l, . b), b ta,RB am e,CPt,,tl, Mill and a
ftttnw ni(u( I)(.ir f!tjl ml t)(i 8,,0 ,Wl, r,rPiPt
I orr,ar,u. The above property is very beautifully
. .1iw.n,,SHOnjw Mii.d. .n.l is an excellent
1 r arm 1 avern Wiand.
IAIso: At the same time and place, another cer
tain tiact or piece of land, adjoining land now of
Gideon, of J.irah Matirer and others, con
j lainiiitf 10 acres and 100 perches s'rtet measure, all
of which ia cleared (being meadow laud) and in a
. h'gh state of cultivation. '
! Al-o: At the same time and place, a certain
1 tract of limber land situute in I'pper Mahunoy
' township aforesaid, Undsnl K.vloiiioo II
wartrr, John sn.lF'iX MaUier, (ieorje Snvdrr
, nnd others, containing 07 acres and 140 perches
( strict measure,
! Also! At the house of Samuel Hei!i. in Litll
i Mahoiniy township, Norilniiuberlund county, on
j Monday the 8th day of Do-ember next, a certain
j tract of laud situate In Little Mahonoy lown-hip
! afo.esaid, on Big Mahonoy Crick, adjoining binds
! of Jacob llill i.h, M eh .'l Bl b and other, con
I luining 170 acres and 5'J perches strict up asttie,
about 100 sere of which are cleand ; whereon nre
i ere led a large two a'nry log house and kiich. n,
j (rouh cast) a large bank bun a'.out 80 feel I .ng.
painted red; also a large and ixcelleiit Gr st Mill,
) an excellent saw nil, a distil erv, a llack'toih
shop afid Ihi.' nnd excellent orchard.
j Also: Another reitain ttacl of I mil, adjoin'ns
, the last above described t'act, land ..f Michael Bobb
I and ethrrs, containing 250 acies and 133 peiches
' s'ric n ea-ure, about ICO acres ol which sre clear
' ed ; whereon are erected a large two smrv frame
hou.e, nearly new, a l.arue frame bank barn, i ful
i lii.g mill ai d cnrili.ig oiacliu.e; nnd alsr, two sin .11
t log house nnd stable'. There is also a large and
exci llent oieha'd on said piemises.
' Also: At the fame tune and pi ice. another crr
1 lain tiact rf land, s'runte in Lti'le Mahon. y town
I ship af.-reani.l. a.ljoininir hinds of Henry .winehnrt.
the heirs ot Ah'm Rn'henoi I. dee'd. and others, eon.
' laint.ig 182 acres and 37 i. st.icl measure, a.
; lit) a, res of which sre c'rared and in bulia'a'e
: i f cultivation ; wherei li lire erected a two story
! house, a large new bo k l arii ab i,t SO feet loin:,
! punted red, snd an erclvid. The big ma'ion v en k
passes through suid liacr, and n eieelU nt
water p nsei for milling and other po.poaea.
The terms . f sale will le made k1 own on Ihe
day if aale aforesaid. II v order i f the Curt.
Nov. 8lh, 115 5t Ailn.inis.ratnrs.
To riirclKitt-isi r
Dir: G0 025G.
. riHE subscribe', No. 121 Pearl s'reel, New
i .L York, having est ihli-hed Br .uchat No. 23 J
j South Second St.. Philadelphia, is now pening,
; anJ will be constantly receiving from iho NlW
j York Auction., an extensive assortment of
which will be sold at the lowest New York pi ices,
at wholesale and Retail. Among hi slock will he
found a good assoitment of tho following articlesi
Jacconets, Plaid. Hair Cold, Lace, Strip, B.iok,
Swiss and Tarla'an Muslins, Bishop and Linen
Lawn, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Dresses,
Thread Lace, Application Do., rich Black Silk
Trimming I.aee, Irish I.inrns, Linen Cambrics.
Ijnen Cambric lldkfs., Curtain Fringe, Cashmere
d'Ecose, Mousebne de Laiae. bilk and Cotton
Warp Alpaeeaa, liuien' Cloth, Gala Plaids,
rreuch Meiinos, Black Hlks, Gloves, Silk Hose,
Shawls, Oava', Ribhons. F.mhioiderie. Ac, Ac.
Countrv Merrhanta and other vi.ning Philadel
phia or New Ymk to purchase, a' rcprctlully in
vited to rail and examine the stock.
No. 1, ISiSly G. II. MOORE.
,...11 I.. ! ,JJ I p.11 I L J- . 1
To tho rubllc. I
n? tiir
Will commence on Saturday, Oct. 1 lh, 1815.
Tkrm ;--Thrce Dollar per annum In advance,
fine c.".py one year in advance, $ .1 00
Oiierop.' Iwo years, - 5 00
Two copiiv' one ye-ir, fi 00
Five 10 00
Eight 15 00
Twelve, - . 20 00
An. I to every subscritier to ei'ber ihe WEEKLY
or DAILY, we will give a copy of
V.illis's Letter from London, Complete,
In one hiud-otne Kttha. nnif irnt with the W;r.
lv Mirror. This comprises the First Sr.i.s
. f Lr.Tnts, and widi the New Volume) will com
mence the Nrw Siis. written fiom the Sol Tit
or El'ropk, when the WrrUy Mirrur will be scpa
ri'elv edind with psrtieul ir cure, and wuh more
spi-fixl r.'g .td t'i tbe narits and tus'as of country
stibsctiVrs. We hliall publish mote tales, and less
matter that is merely local and by uing in part a
smaller tvpe, we iball be able to incense the .plan
titv as well as to improve the uality of what we
give to our renders.
We shall endeavor to m .ke
A diversified, entertaining, instructive and valuable
chronicle of ihe lnis, ntrmit KiwseAPSR, (in
a Iron, for binding in one or two volumes at the e.i.l
of the year.) upon which neither tabo.ii, tune, talent,
n..r luonev i lie spared. It will hereafter I en-
liched with original contributions tho life, spice
and spirit of the foreign iniriiuls and con. am
.1 ! . .1' r., 1 .1..
the Hew s, intellicenee and variety if the daily sheet,
li.nidsoiii. lv piloted on fine paper, manufactured for
the express purpose, mi J wiil bo forwarded by the
eatliesi mads, ju mrotiir wriipix'rs. to every part of;
the I nited tales nd ( '' Pottage free with
in tliiny mil. s of ..-w York. All communica'ions
shou'd be aildn s-ed ;o. pnitt, to Morris, Willis oV
full, r, corner Ann slid Nassmi streets. New Yoik.
Tn: lv. it in the 1 1 in tit fw Clnnilincss, Comfort
nnd 1 '.amnm I.
('. J. T V N I) A L K,
No. 07 in Shom. fr., PHILADELPHIA.
I I AH ...ov o-i baud a larje a'Sortmrnt nf OR ICS
1 L (elebiated l'a'enl AIR TH ! HT STOVES,
towhi. h be would call the attention of every true
lover ol c. union h'i.I economv, f t which ipial.ties
thev cannot be c.pialV.I bv anv Stove in the woil.l.
They are a buhl Move, ai d can be convenien'ly
r ir. ied lo hiiv distance, and bc iiu constructed for
the use of wood, they nie particularly adapted to a
sick tooin.
Manv ihonsands of this Stove being now ill Use.
their good uu iluina a.e to i well k:wn to tired
putTirii;. ' j
Mr. TtMlVl.K is l!e first hlllhori7.ed agent in j
Phil .delpbia. nn.l has been making them constant-
ly for the las tivo or six year. There can be n I
fear of not getting the tienuine Stove of him, and
thev are all warranted to tlve entire satisfaction.
No Air Tiuhl Stoves are genuine, without a brass
plate with the Inventor's name nnd date of the
He hns also on band a large assortment nf Cook
Siovks, Raiiiatoiis, and all kinds of Fancy Coal
Stoves, at the Old Establishment, No. 97 South
Second above Walnut street.
Philadelphia. Nov. 1, 1845. 2m
' S.S 5 "Jl S D .
j o ir x it. s rr u y k e it",
Of the late firms if Kfirkirk ,V Strykcr, nnd
Sfrykrr iff I'ogur,
HAS resumed the Whole lie Dry G.xal Btlsi
I.ess, and now ulTrrs fur sale, nt Nos. 12 and
1 1 Bunk street, Philadelphia, sdjoining Myers,
Cisgho.n A- ("o's Auction Store. No. 78 Market
stieet, a general assortment of Dry Good, chiefly
purchased at auction, at a very small advance for
cash, or city M centanci s.
Believing lliat his Inilft xperieltee in purcbas'u g
will eimble him to sell his Good nt the lowest Mar
ket piiers, he invite hi- old friends, aud others
wis tug to buv, to lator him wiih a call.
IM.iUIelphi ., v. I, Itfi.V 0,n
AValihr!, .Scwvrlry, rVi'.iVc.
TJIIE subscrdr olVeis for sale, .t the lowest pris
1 ces, a huge at.d general assortment of Gold
snd S Ivcr Lever, Lepine end othei kinds of
Waldos; J.w. Iry, Silver W.ue, Eb.iny and Gilt
Mmitt I Clocks, and Musical Boiea playing from
two lo ten tunes ; Benedict iV Barney' Diamond
Point' d Gold I'm-i Watchmakers' Tool, Files
and Materl tls.
Outers fiom the country are' solicited, and will
be c. elully attended la, ' JOHN C. PARK,
112 Chisnut st., Philadelphia.
Nov. I. lsj.-.. 4m
1 Au, 18 Surth th itrcrt. n frw daori above Market
j rtrrrl,
nAS ronst.nlly mi bund a very large snrt
merit of Looking (il..-cs. Baskets, Cedar Wate
; nod Fancy Goods, which will be sold wholesale at
i the verv l w , st prices,
N. B Lookins G'assea insured lo any patt of
the c i.ilitrv, without charge.
1 Nov. 1, IS 15 Pm
' Hi' rrriiiniiirtiil all nf our friiml iiitin; the
i, to mil ut the Pthin Coinjiiinu $ Store,
I and lay in a mipplij nf tln ir ii lirinu 7Vo. j
mi: wriiix C4miaxv, i
No. 30, SotTil Shiimi Sranr.T, Between Market
i and I'l.esotll, j
AVE coi.siii.tlv on hand, and for ado,
Wholesale slid Ret , it, I
.41 I.ovtrr I'rH t'si, j
according to the ipi b'v, ilisu ll.ey can le bought ;
for a' a'.y oihei e-t .hh-hineiit in the city.
j j'Tr.s, exclusnelv. re sold at th' house,
snd .eer .1 v ,r elo s which cat. not be obtained else,
wl.ere, Anv Teas which do n t cive lit ire satis
t .r ion r in I e returned and CXiliang-.d, Ol the mo
nev ill be refunded.
The citiens el No.llui.nherl and county are ro
sptcttuiiv invited to (five Us a call.
Agent for the Ptkin Tea Company.
Philadelphia. Sept. 2 7 th, 1 8 15. ty
Will practice in Ihe sex.ral Courts of the City
and County nf Philadelphia.
His edTi.-e ia at No. 35 South FOURTH 8 re.t,
between Cl.esnut and Walnut streets.
Phil idelphia, Sept UOih, 1845. 3 m
BAR IRON Just received nd for ss'.e, cheap HENRY MASSEK.
Sunbuiy, Sept. CO, 1845.
ILIV 8i:i:i. ThT.rgheVi"pire will He
civrn for Flax Seed, at th 'r of
Aug 9. 1845 'JA.---
tI.Ml'.f r.i"rTorquairty, ran now be had
atue Lime Kiins of Henry Sun
bur, ' "
, ... i49,
1 Barvsia's VaRMirroa a certain curt fur
worms tnf' ntid very pt annul to lake.
2. (iinsosj EvrmcTs. which remove Oreaso
of all kinds. Dy Panila. Tar, Yarnish and Wag,
from ratals or from clothing, without injuring tho
Color nr the cloth.
.1. Loivtiosj Fit Per.R the Ifst thing known
for killing flies and musquil.ies.
4. A certain Destroyer of Rats, Mice, Roaches
and Ants, and another of Bed Bins.
ft. (irvv's Sszftric for or stomach, Hearr
B'.rn and Water Brasti, by one who ay.d suff. reif
thirteen years, before he discovered the cure.
Da. STRVKsi'g Oiir.K Oisjtrist for the Piles.
It haa never failed to cure.
7. HRtsosj' TKTTr.n Wasb.
8. IlHtnosn' IaiiKi.iRLl I.i :, without Si
0. Tn CiiMpnrvn ('oarirTnisi or Fins
just the medicine for children and for Women, it is)
mj pleasant lo ink".
10. Ukck's VRIIRrARLR AvTllllLIODS Pi M.S.
11. Cpsijj's Kmoi.i.ikvt Wii in eiioor Pasti!
fir Harness, Boots, A.C. It softens th leather, and
keeps nut the water.
12. Tonn Mam's Strrrhtiilm vn Pusrr.R.
13. Ja.KSOM's DtAHIIII.ltA MlXTl-IIE, wlli.
cure the worst DiarrhoM in a lew hours
14 Jacrsosj's Dtsr.MTART MiXTrRv. a cer
tain and speedy cure fur Dysentery and Summer
The above valitabJ articles are sold wl.nlesa'o
and retail, bv L. C. (HiNN. ,Vo. I South '
ttrert, Philadelphia whoic Snirekeeiers and o
thtrs will be mpp ied with purr African Cayenne
Pepper, Arnica Flowe.s, Drugs, Paints, Otis, Class)
ami Varnishes, at the lowest prices. Terms only
rash. fj Cut out the advcrli.-einciit, nnd tiling:
it with yon.
Philadelphia. July 10th.
Compound Syrup of Tar t Voot1
FMIIC uripreee.leritcd success of lliis meilicine, ni
I Ihe restoration of heabh, to thoe who, in des.
pair, had given up all hopes, has given it an jai
led reputation above all other remedies, fnroi-hii g
evidence of its intrinsic, value and power, ss the on
ly ayent which can be relied up, n for the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, Brouchittis, Asthma.
Pain in the 'ide and Breast, Spilling of Blood.
Whooping Cough, ('...up. ,Ve.
Attention is rnuesied to tliofollwirg S'l'OV
ISHING (M' Th. mso-iV Coinpotuid Svruii
of Tar and Wood Naj.lhii I !
Philudtlphia, May 3d, 14 I.
- V. I.
feelings I i:i!' r:n y
your me i:i : ic
a.le.'th.l'r.i ! y.y
tion, hd reduce ! n:
nn.inced mv case b
.s , ir
:! it tov j.! v I'l.t'
c.-s. ! At 'bis j:v i-'i I '
gan to Use your mcdteine, and niraenl u "s il msv
kcetn, it has compb trie re-tort-il mc ta I !i 't-r
everything else had failed. Respeetfnllv vours.
Charlotte street, above (ienme st"'it.
The undemigned. being personally ncqua nted
with Washington MjcW and his mtlerinns. hear
witness to Ihe astonishing i llects of Tli'.nison's
Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of Hie a
bove statement.
JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street,
DAVID VICKEUS. 42 Almond street.
HUGH M'GINLEY, 8. E. cormr T.many
und Fourth streets.
Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner
of 5th and Spruce streets, Philadelphia.
Agents. H. B. Masser, Sunhury ; D. Gross,
and Dr. Macpherson, Harrishurg ; Jnn. G. Bn-wn,
Pottsville j Geo. Earl, Reading ; Houston Ms.
on, Bradi'ord county, Pa. Price 50 cent
per bottle, or $5 per dozen.
(Jji licware nf nil imitation.
Philadelphia, June 28th, 1813. ly
f V rv '7V"r ' T , raj
n.lGVElilllA S C A LLP. II V of Potent 1'rcmi.
um Colored l'tkcnre, und Photographic
Ihiot i
No. 130 Clicsmit Street,!e!.!ii...
No. 251 Broadway. New York ; No. 75 Court
Street. Boston ; No. 13G Chesnut Street. Phi's
dclphia j Baltimore Street. Baltimore! Broad
way, Saratoga Springs; No 50 t'aosl tiiret.
New-Oileali ; Main street Newport, R. I. And
Main Street, Du Buue, low.i.
CONsTITCTING the oldest nnd most Ext. n.
sive Estahli-hinent of the kintl ir. .lie Woild.
snd containing more than a TIDM'SAND PO'J
TRAITS, enibracinp; those of some of the i t
distinguished individuals, in iho I'uited Stales.
Admittance free.
This Establishment having been awar.hd ih.
Mtdal, Pour Pimt Premiums, snd two "II ght.!.
itunurs'' at ihe Exhibition at Boston, New Yf
ml l'hilaJel hiu, respectively, for be-. Pictu.e. i.i j
Aptarutus, is thus olflcially sustained in the p .. .
tion of superiority heretofore universnlly as-igned it
by Ihe public, as "First in the Yorl,t."
June 28th, 1815. ly
n."M2 2L B73 a. H. CLJ f
rilHE SI.'BSCRIBER has bren appointed are.
1 for tbe sale i f CONRAD MEYER'S I E
A.NOS, at Cits place,
These Pinno have a pll
massive and brautil'ul exterior fu.i h, and, for 'e
and tweettn ss of lone, and f leg ince of worUn
ship, are not surpassed by any in the L'ni'cd Sit itrs.
Tbe following is a recommendation from C
Dixts, a ccltbrHted j-erfoimer, and himself a- uiu
ufactureri A (MUD.
HiTtve had the pleasure of Irving ihe exec'
lenl Ptsno Fortea maiifartured by Mr. Mey. and
exhibited at the l ist exhibition of the Fr.nll !in In
stitute, 1 feel it due to the true meilt of tbr maker
to ilrelare that these instruments sre quit e r,jti', .
and in some resects even supeiior, to all the Pi- -aim
Fortes, I saw at tho rapttala of Europe, .i
during a ojourn of Iwo years at Paris.
'Itiese Piano will ha ,'old at the maiiMfafriirerV
lowest Philadelphia prires, if not r.nieih-n lower
Person are rcpirsied to rail and examine for
themselves, it the residence of 'he -iih-eidn r.
Sunbury, May 17,115. It. P. M A. E K.
iieli tiii:
11 c g I n n e r .
riHE sul.m-rd'rrs w. ubl repeclfn'ilv tnf.vni t! n
J. I ,.fSen' U 1 ,1 ihe n' .e p ne "y,
Ihiltheyhiw e ; '..est,, fV,Vilim
H.oe, in V -' . .. : P
Olttce, whet- ! r w '; . ,. , .(
in all it branehc- I t
work done sn toe ',. -
attention to bu.ii! s ,
(j CoiTis. luuoe I"
and coun""
1 1 merit a
det on b '""
.. I-n IH
rxc '-'
I"- -. . 11 I
WM. YOI'.n;-" '
Banbury, M Hth.l
i". H'h