Marvellous. A French rarnnt, at Djohn, went one night quite exhausted to bed, after long and vain ef fort to make not the sense ofd passage ina GrPek poet. On tsllinj sslepp he (teemed to himself to be transported in spirit to Stockholm. where lie was conducted into the palaco of Queen Christina, ushered into the royal library, Mid placed before a compartment In which he distinguished t small volume thnt bore title now to him. He opened the volume, and found in it the solution of the grammatical difficulty which had so perplexed him. The joy which he felt at the discovery awaking him, he struck a light, and made a memorandum of what he had seen in his dream. The dark passage he now found perfectly cleared up. The ndwn ture, however was too strange to suffer him to rest sinVd without taking some stops to as certain in how far the impressions of his noctur nal journal corresponded with the reality. Des cartes was dt that time at Stockholm, and our etvaiil wrote to Clianut, the French ambassa dor to the Swedish court, with whom he was acquainted, requesting him to ask the philoso pher whether the royal library hod such and such peculiarities, (which lie described,) and whether, in a certain compartment, a certain volume, of such a size and form, was not to be found, on such and such a page of which stood ten Greek verses, a copy of which the gavant subjoined. Descartes answered the embassa dor, that, unless the querist had been in the habit of visiting1 the library for the last 20 years he could scarcely have described ita arrange ment more accurately ; the compartment, the volume, the Greek verses, all tallied exactly with the description. A counterpart to this story is related by Wangenheim. The son of a Wirtemberj jurist, was studying at Gottengen, and having, occasion for a book which he could not find in the library there, and which he remembered to have seen at home, wrote to request his father to send him the same. The father searched his library for the hook in vain; it was rijt to be found, and he wrote to his son to this effect. Some time after ns lie was at work in his library, and rose from his seat to replace a book which he had done with on its shelf, he beheld his son standing not far from him, and in the net, as it seemed, of reaching down a book, which stood at a consi derable height, and on which the outstretched hand of the figure was already laid: "My son!" cried the astonished father, "how came you here?" Ashe spoke the apparition van ished. The father, whose presence of mind wos not disturbed, immediately took down the book on which the hand of the figure had seem ed to be laid, ond, behold, it was the very one which his son had written for. He sent it by that day's post to Gottengen but soon after re ceived a letter from his son, written en the ve ry morning on which he had seen the appari tion, and stating the exact spot where the wri ter was confident the book was to be found. It is unnecessary tossy that it was the very spot which the npparitien had already indicated. Dublin Fnivcriity Magazine. As Easy Tempered Mas. We were much amused by a story told of a stuttering man, not many leagues from Vermont, who unfortunately became possessed of a pair of "breachy" cittle. lie offered them for sale, but such was their reputation for tearing down, and getting over fences, that nobody wished to buy. At length a stranger came to look ot them, and inquiring into their dieprsitions, was told by the owner that they never troubled him in any way. Sat isfied with the price, the stranger purchased and paid down for them. It was not lung before he returned and claim ed damages. "They tear down my best fences," said he. "I th th-think it qu qu-quite likely," replied tbe seller, coolly. ' "And I understand they served you in the same way." "We-we-well, I shsh-should rather th-lftink they did !" "But," exclaimed the indignant purchaser, didn't you tell me they n.-ver troubled you any 7" "To be sti-eu-sure I did," answered the other; "the f-fa-fact is, never ht $-t-iuck things t-t-trouble me!', Likewise ant Also. Mr. J. once objected to the competency of a witness, alleging that he was non-compos. The Court granted leave to test the matter. "Can you ted me my friend, the difference between likewise and aha 1" "May be az'ou 1 can," replied the witness. "Go on, sir, let ns heae." "Well, you see 'on, Col. P. is a lawyer." "Very well," said the counsel. "And you is a lawyer .io." "Very well." "Col. r. is iif wise a gentleman. But you is not likewise." The lawyer waa dumb. A prisoner being brought up at London police office, the following dialogue passed be tween him and the magistrate : "How do you live!" "Pretty well, air; generally little beef and pudding for dinner!" I mean, sir, hov do you get your bread 1" "I beg your worship's pardon; sometime, at the baker's, and sometimes at the chandler's shop." " Vou may be as witty as you please, sir; but I meao simply to ask you, huw do you do 1" "Tolerably well, I thank you air; I hope your woisbip is well also. DiMt NOTE LIST. PEIVIVSTrLTAWIA. The following list shows ths current value of all Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The most implicit re liance may be placed upon It, as it la ewe-teee larefully compared wilh ai d corrected from Bick ncll's Reporter. . Hanks In Philadelphia. AW. 1.0CATIO. ' I'tULAO. NOTES AT PAR. Bank nf North America , , Bank of the Northern Liberties , Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Dank . Kensington Bank . par par par pnr par par psr pnr par par par Philadelphia Dunk . . Schuylkill Bank dniuhwark flank . . Wcatprn Hunk . Mechanics' Hank . Manufacturers' ft Mechanics' flank Country Itanli. Bank of Chester County Hank of Delaware County Hank of Gcrmarilnwn Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylcstown Bank Hasten Bank Farmers' Hank of Ducks co Office of Bank of Penn'a. Office do do Office do do Office do do Westchester par Chester par (Jermnrilnwn par Norris'nwn par Doylcatown par Easton pnr Bristol par Harrishnrg" These Lancaster I offices Reading, (do nut Huston J issue n. DISCO TINT. NOTES AT Rank of the United States flank of Penn Township Guard Hank' . Moyameneing Dank Bank nf Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Polleville Bank of Lewistnwn Bank nf Middbtown Bunk of Northumberland Philadelphia .10 par P" par par J M Potigvillo Lewistnwn Midilletown Northumberland par Columbia Bank & Bridge co.Cohimhia par ft1 i Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank Pittbure Do do branch of Hollidavahurg Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancisiet Lancaster County Bank Lancaster Farmers' Bank nf Reading Reading Harrisburg Bank Harrisburg Lancssler Bank Lancaster Lebanon Bunk Lebanon Merchants' &. Manuf. Hank Pittsburg Bank of Pittsburg Pius'iurg VVeat Branch Bank Williiiiiiapurl par par par p.! i i i U if Wyoming Bank Wilkcaharre Northampton Bank Allentown Berks County Bank Reading Office of Bank of U. 8. Pittsburg failed do Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sav. Ins. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Bank of Chamberidiurg Chamborahurg Bunk of Gettysburg Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose do i 2 H ljalj H U 4 1 Erie Bank Eri Farmers' A Drovers Bank Waj'rieshurg Franklin Bank Washington Honesdale Bank Hencsihile Monongahela Bank of B. Brownsville York Bank York N. B. The notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia hrokera, with the exception of those which hate a loiter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. tlo dchuvlkill Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W- Dyott, prop.) failed failed fold fulled fowanda Bank Tnwauda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' &. Mech'cs' Bunk Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Harmony Instituto Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumtiermen's Bank Bedford Beaver Harrighurg Washington ltelbfonla Pltlshuig Pittsburg Fayette co. (irecncuxtSe Harmony no sale closed closed fulled closed no sale failed failed failed no nale Huntingdon rio sale Lewisiown no sale Warren DundnfT New Hope Milton Mead'illo failed no sale closed liO sale closed Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumh d Union Col. Uk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Piirl Carbon Carlisle failed Montrose closed I'nioniown filled Grcenshurg closed Wilkceharre no sale Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co, CTT All notes purporting to lie on any Pennsyl vania bank not given in the above lift, may be Mil Jown aa frauda. KEW jr.usr.Y. Bank of New Biunawick Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Brunswick Belvidere Med lord Perth Amhoy Briditeton Mount Holly liahway N. Itiunswirk Middielowii 't. failed I par par par failed I Cumberland Bank farmers Bank Farmera and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey Ulty failed lailetl failed Hoboken Bkg&. dazing Co II oh,. I, on Jersey City Bank Jern y City Mechanics' Bank Patu-raoii Manufacturer' Bank Belleville Morris County Bank Mornstown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanic and Manuf, Bk Trenton Morria Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City filled failed 4 failed 4 par HO aale Post N otes Newark Bkg & Ina Co Newark New Hops Del Bridge Co LainiHiitavillu N. J. Manufac and Bkg Co llohokeii 1 faded fulled N J Proteclon dt Lombard I k Jersey t.tiy Orange Bank Orange 4 fulled Patenon Bank r aierwwt Peoples' Bank do l'nuceton Batilt rrinceton Salem Banking Co Salem State Bauk Newark Htate Bank Eliliethtown State Bank Camden Slate Bank of Morria Muniktown State Bank Trenton fcalem and Pbilad Manuf Co Halem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover Washington Banking Co. Ilackenaack DCLAWAKE, Bk of Wilm & Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bauk nf Bioyrna Smyrna Do blanch Millord Farmers' Dk of Htate of Dvl Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank Wilmington ff Under 5's pur 1 fuiletl failed i ri failed par par par par lt par par par 0Q- On all banks marked thus f ) there ara ei ther counterfeit or altered notes of the varioua ds 1 eeuiinations, ia circaUuou. i tWI STAR'S M' I? ALS AM OF WILD CIIEItllY, , A Contpnnttit flaUsjvni Prepsrstloia from Wild Cherry lUrk and Tr, . , , , 77ie brut remedy hnniim to the tuarltijnr the eure nf emiieha, tnM. anthma, crmip, bb-eding of thl lunsr, tvhmpinf cnugh, brtmchitii, fi7 tmn. nhnrlntM of breath, pain and wrnknew in the breast or aide, liver enmfilnint, and tht Jimt lase nf CONSUMPTION. Wp will not assert Iral ibis B M.SAM will rnre Conxumpiion In ist Hwnr" form, but it has cured manv after all ether mesns of relief had been tried )n vain. And whv not 1 It seems thai ths WILD CHK.RRV was destined by Nntnte to be our PA NACEA for the l aiaiina diseases nf this e dd la tiitlde. Let not the despairing invalid waste his mnnev nod one TIME, to him all important, in frtirrimendnff wilh the Irsahv nolrnm of the dv. t'lit use at tnre a medicine that will cure. If a cure lie p a-ible a medicine thai science app'nves. and manv years nf experience h ive demonstrated thai tl i?'oy relieves. 'There i nn rh thing ait fit if." In the history of this woriderlnl BALSAM. Evidence the most convincing evpitencc that no one ean doubt, fotly etabli hen this fact. For the aike of brevity we sc'pct the fol owing from thousands. Inane Plait, Er)., Editor of the Pokeepsie Eaale. one of the m 'St infliiential j uirnnN in ttie state of New Voik, stairs undei the nut'inrity of his own naoie, ihil a young lady, a relative of h's. ot verv delicate ronsti'Uiion, was atiacked in Felt. 1812. wilh seere cold, which immediately produced spit ting of blond, rough, fi ver, nnd other lianeemns and alurmii'g symptoms. Thronuh medirnl Meatmen' nnd cue he paitialty recovered dnrinir somme'. But nn the return nf winter she was attacked more violently tban at fi'st, she became srarrelv aide to walk and s lieulded with couch, chills and fever every day, and appealed to be Roing rapidlv with consnnip inn at lhi lime, when there a n i sign of improvement, Mr. Plait procured a boMle . f Wistah a Bis!l of Wun;nsT, which she took, and it . einingly restored her. She g l a se cond, and befoie it a half taken he wa restored to fiirfi-rt lirnlli, which shehns enjoyed to the pre sent lime, wuhnut the alightiTI syniploio of her for mer di-e ae, Mr. P'att sav "the pure enme tinder my own nh sei ration and I cannot be mistaken as to the facta." EXTRACT OF A J.KTTKR MOM A POST MASTER. DATED Pkmrrokk, Washington co., Maine, Apr. 29. 1 M4. MR. ISAAC BUTTS. Dear Sir: At the re qneiit of many of my friends in this place, and vicl i.iiy who are afflicted with consumption and liver romp'ainta, I lake the liberty of asking you to ap point someone in ibis county as agent loell Wis tak's Balsam or Wmi Ciikhrt, and to send him a few dozen, as there ia none of i! for aale within 200 miles from this. I have no doubt that it would meet wilh a ready sale if it were where it could be I loc u red without too much expense and delav. My wire was attacked about ail months since wilh what the physicians called the first s'age of Consumption a complaint v,ry pievalent in ibis . c'inn of country. Having seen the Bj's.iih ad verl'sed in Annuals. (XT' 200 XOXX.ES FBOXvX HERE, -0 I Ink the pains lo send there for a bottle nf it, whirh she look, and which helped her so much that I sent for lo hollies more, whiih she has als la ken, and ?he now siys she has .not fell so well for sit years as she does at this lime. All thoae who have inquired nf me and aaeeitained what efieel the Balsam hd, are nnjioua lo have some for sale in tht- vicinity, which is ibe cuse of mv writing yon. Please inform me by irluin of m ill whether you i-onr!ude lo send some, and if ao to whom, in order I hut it inav be known where it ran he had, I am wilh re-peel vonra, etc. P. G. FAUNS WORTH, P. M. The whole country iafast learning that no medi rllll. no phvsician no preparation of any kind whali ver can eqnal Da. Wis r A a' Balsam of Wilii Chkhsi. a Titi'isT wosnrniTL c the., Oneida co.. N. Y. Sept. 1 5, 1843. Dear Sir I owe it to the afflicted to inform y- n that in J oiuary l.i-t I aa attacked by a very vio lent cold, caused by woiking in the water, which aettled on my lung. Il v;a accompanied by a ve ry severe pain in mv breast and sidea, and also a iltsnrssiiig rough. I had in attendance all the brst medicil aid in our village ; hut after exhausting all their skill m no avail, they pronoum-ed my di-ease a cofinmkii coKsi'MrTiuji, and they one and all ifee me up to ilie. Alter much peraimsinn I gol ihe consent ol mv physician to use the liALai nf Willi Camay prepared by Da. WierAK. I pur. chsed of the Agent in our place one bottle, before using half of which I began to gam strength, and it waa very evident my cough waa mnch better and my symptoms in every way improving. I have now used three bottles, and am rettored to perfect health. This re-nlt ia al ne owing lo the ue of Lilt WISTAU'S BALSAM OF Wfl.D CHER HV ; and I take this method of giving you the in formation, parity to ptv you the debt of gratitude I owe y no, and partly that other similarly afflicted ma) know where to apply for relief. Vetv trulv youis, JAMES S AOE. Mh. lALiiii. Druggist, under dte of Waterville, Sept. ?4th, IH4:. wriiea; The aiHtement given you by Mr. JameaSage is well known to be Iron by thia whole community. II Ci rt unlv waa a most remaikal le eure. The sale of the Balsam i very good, and ita sorresa in cures j liuty flattering. V'oura reai" ctfully. P. LI. f A L, TIL, II. THK MOST KKMAltKAni.K CU11K KVKll UKCORDKl). llAiinosrirLn, N. J . April 30, 1843. On or about the 13th day of October, 1841, I was Liken with a violent pain in the si le near the liver. i which continued lor ahoul fivedaya. and waa fol- I lowed by ttia breaking of ao nicer, or l areas, in. j w,r(v which relieved the pain a little, hut caused I nn,. ,.. ikrstui alt, nit.inlllw nf on.Okil'M matter and also much I'lood. Being gready abomed at 'ibis, I applied lo a physician, but he he ihmigt t he eould do but linle for me exceiu nve mo a. one i l,Hr I Mereuru Pills, wh ch I refused to take, feeling I"" I a'lsfiej that ihey could do me no good-; niany o- 1 thei run. dim were then procured by my wile and 1 I friends, but none did um any goodand the dis charge of blood and corruption still mntuiutd every few daya, and at last Income ao onenaive that I could scarcely breathe. I wa alao arixed wilh a vi. olciit cough, which at times caused me to raiae much mure blood than I bd done before anil my disease continued in thia way, siill growing worse, until February, when all hope of my recovery was given up, and my tneada all thought I would dis of a Gallopibo CosavMrTiosj, At thia moment, w hen my lite waa apparency drawing near iuclore, I heard of DR. WfsTAK'8 BALSAM OF WILD CHELRY, and got a bottle which at LitviD ms iMMxniATSi.v and by the uss of only three bottles of ihi mrdicine, all my pains were removed my cough and spitting of blood and cor ruption entirely stopped, and in a few weeks my beslth wss so far reatoied as to enable me to work at my trade, (which i a carpenter,) and up to thia lime I base enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. Gloccsstsb Coostt, N. J , sa. S , Personally csme bsfvrs at, Ibe toUciibsr, eue ef the .fdstiees of the Peaes In and for the said conns ty, Thomas ('ozena, and being duty affirmed sc. cording to law, saith the above atatement ia in all thinira true. Affirmed before me, on tbe 20th of April, 1843,? J. CLtttttST. J P." $ Srich is the unprecedented succeas of thia BAL SAM. "SATIRE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION," , a prescription congeniil 10 our wants, as ilia pre. pared from extiacta from subslanrea which the author nf nature haa placed in our own land for wias purpose, that many who know nothing of the mode of i'a prcparninn are endenvorina to reap pecuniary beneUta by sellinp. an siticle similar in name, or in nppear tnre. or hv representing their own trash as sitierior to this BALAAM, or hv pul ling up a mixtute and Solemnly asseverating that it is imported from a foreiun country, which is not the rase. All these deceptive arts goto show thai WtT(' Balsam i known lo the world lo be "THE CHEAT nEMEDY." and that to any mixture it must he like thia in name, or prr port lo be like it in substance. fXy" Believe not the cunningly wrottobt fabrics, lions and lake nn'y the original and genuine Wistau's Balsam of Wn.rt I'nssnT NO OTHEH CAN BE X.XKS XT. j Address nil orders lo ISAAC BU ITS, No. 3S j Ann M., New Y "U. Agents, JOHN W. FUMLING.. Sunfmrv, I). BK MI I'ltSAM. Knrthnmberland, i. K. MOVKK. Bhnmxhute, J. W AtSGONSKLLEIt, StVn-r.rove, BROWN cV. CHEASY, MUnvi!le. Feb. 22.1. 1815 1 y FIFTY )()lJ,AUSi:M'Ani) f CANTRELL'S Cclcltrntccl Family iTIcdicinos J'lLL not cure everv thing, but stiil rem iio uueunalleii in tnrir several Department ny every thing ever ofTered lo the public, who have voluntary came forward sod odered numerous snd h iit I I y respeclahls Irsiiinoiiials of their superior i llicarv. Cinfreir$ Compound Medicated Syrup of Sa' tnpnrilla i or, Aiiti-Scorbutir yrup, for the cure ol fcnrfiila, Chronic Uheu.n ilism. Chrome Swel lings ot the Joints, Eruption nf the Skin, slid all Diseases arising from the abuse of Mercury, tfrc.. unsurpassed by any thing in the maikel, roinhi. nirig all the virtuea resident in the Snr-nparill with a modern medicament," only lately brought oil! tiy the most respectable, medical authorities. Price, 50 cents tier bottle. Cnnrell't .Inti-Dyrprptie Puwdrr, for the re lief and permanent cure of that rn t distressing complaint, Dyspepsia, in all il form snd sibb.'s. It is truly s most valuable remedy, bold in but lie at 2S and fiO cents each. CuntrrWi .Isue Mixture and Tunie Mnhra- menta, stands at lha head of the list unrivalled by j any, or all Ibe meoicinea in ue throughout the length and bread h of the land, for the cure of Fsvf.r und Aocs in all iia stages, and Irum all it ronseqiienres. Kesident in Fever and Ague districts should never be wilhout it. The suhsciber will forfeit EIFTY DOLLARS where his medicine tails lo peiform s cure in the most obslina'e rase. Sold Who'e.nle and Retail by CALEB CRES SON, at hi Druj Warphonsp, No. fi Norih Third Street, Philadelphia; also, hv the regularly ap pointed agent. SKI'H W. ROBERTS, Wboleea e Druggist, No. 54 Water Street, Mobile. Prepared orlv tiv Ibe Sulwcriber, corner of ' AR TENTER and SECOND Sireets, below t'hfisti an, Philadelphia, where it i also retailed, OUacrve, none ara genuine without the signature f JOHN A. CANTRELL. Cnnlrcir Aeruo Nlxlure, or Tonic Itldlruineiifu, For the eure of all HHmi affections, if taken oc-j cortling to directions. It ia a never lulling remedy which no family oughi to be without, especially in low marshy countries. As this medicine ia put up under the proprie tor's immediate inspection on the most scientific principles, being Purely Vegetable, and having tried its etficacy on thousanda, for upwards of VI years, and lohis knowledge when taken airiclW ac cording to directions, there has nut been one fa dure. Under such circumstance I recommend il lo ihe public, adding a certificat in support of my asser tion. I.John rtnrns, do certify that I was In the ship TobCCO Plant of PhibicMibia, Capl. Reed, in June, 18S7, bound to Liverpool; took Ihe fever and ague and laid in Liverpool some l ine und. i j Ihe doctor's bands, weot fmm there to Baltimore, lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks from thence lo Philadelphia ; waa aix month untier Dr. Coals ; from thence to New York went lo the Hospital, remained there almut four week wilhout j any relief tiled every thing wuhnut any benefit, for five yeara. Hearing of l anlrell a Ague imix lute from a friend, I went to hi store, told him h w I waa afflicted, and got a bottle of hi mixture and need il according lo directions. Il made a per lect cure, and I have uol had the leasl return sit ce. I do wilh confidence recommend it to the public. JOHN BURNS. Medicated Sjm fSartiniai Ilia. Philadelphia, April 10th, 1K41. Mr. John A. Cahtrull, Dear fir, Having betn afflie'ed for upwards nf two vear with ulceration of the throat, ile-troying , the whole of ihe soft paints, then ihrouuh the upper j part of mv mouth into my noe, from which sccr- j hI piece of bone rame out, which panialiy detrov ed my speech, through a kind Providence and your Medicated Syrup ul .irspaiill.i. I am uowtestor. il lo perfect hevilth.and my sight, which was so much impair, d, Is as strong as when a hov. I thought it a duty t owed to you and those eimU Jarly aflecltd, to make it public. Youia, RispectftiHv, SAMUEL KIRK. Corner of Tenth and Cnaiea Streets. I, Gatiril Jonaftin, No. 6 Re-kleaa Street, do eer ifv Hint my wife, Jane, wa afllic'ed for two year wilh Khrumaiism, and at la-t wjs entirely iloai, ao that she waa obliged to be conlined lo Ik d , bear ing nf t'ant'ell's Melicaled Syiup of Saiaiparilla, or Ami Scorbutic Syrup, I procured four boll I. a, which completely removed all her pain" and lill"-lu-aa from her limha; two more boiilea made a pi r- fect rure. She i now able ! attend to her house hold diuns a usual. HAH KIL JONSTON. Philadelphia, Jan. t3d. 1844. erf Derripiivo Pamphlet may be had of lbs agents. (Gratia.) J. W, FRILING, Sui.buiy. Nov. 9, 1844. ly .tgent. A S II II Y aV It OCA 1 WHOLESALE Ai RETAIL) HAT & CAP MAKUFACTUKERS, Soulk East corner of Market and ith (.. Philadelphia, WHERE thry alwaya keep on hand an exten sive assortment of HATH U CA PS of every description, got up in Ihe best and moat approved at le. Prisons deriroua of purchasing au per tor arti cles on ihs moat reasonable term, will Hud it lo their adautage lo call before making purchases I etc., at very reduced prices, lor caab. elsewhere. 'I Balee by Auction, twice week. Philadelphia, Oct. Mh, 1811. ly 1 May tVth, 1843. ly OAKLEY'S . DCMJnATlTE SYRtTP. THE valuable properties of Oakley'a Depnra tive Syrup of ptaraaparilla, aa a purifier of the blood,, is so well known to lbs public generally, that it ia unnecessary to occupy much spare in ret ting forth ths advantages lo be derived from ita uae; wherever, the medicine haa once been intro duced, it takes precedence over all othera t evety one that haa taken it, have derived so rignal bene ficial results from il, that it ia recommended by them with the trmnst confidence. Physicians of tne highest slan'iina In the profession, prescribe it lo pa'ieots under their care t containing nnthina J..l..ia.... I... i v. .i ..i .u. . :i.i " " V """" ,"""'' I yel e W.ous vegetable materials. It is ofTered wilh confidence, as the rheappat and most efficient .n- rmer oi inn uioou now anovsn. i ne use nr a lew bottlea, especially in the spring months, will he al tended wilh a moat decided impiovement in the ire neral strenath of the sysiem. eradipaiinc anv seed. I oi oisenr inai mar nave oeen feeiierno'ii, oesioea givinu health and viaor to the body, For the pure j of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Teller, I'implea or eiuption nf the Skin, While Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, At, The no memo ri"'ifira'ca in the possession of the subaerl- her and his sgenia, from physicians arid others, nre sufficient lo convince the moat skeptical nf in su- ticrioritv over all nrennralions of B.irssnarilla. I Sold whole-ale and retail, hv the proprietor, OEOKOE W. CUKLEY, North Sth street. Kea ilinif, Beiks Conniy, and lo lm bad oftlie following pet sous ; In Knrthumherlnnd Vnunrt. II. B. Maas.v, Siiribury j Ireland A. Muel, McEwpusville ; I) Kraii r. Milton. In Union County. J, Gearharl, Seliiisgrovp; A. Outelina, Mitllinbil'il. 7l Columbia County. U. W. Mcf'ay, Wash Ington. Reading. March 14. 1S4H. ! Mb. OAKl.r.r: I lielieve il the uty nf every j onp lo do whatever in iheir power I ip", for the b"ne. fit of their fellow man, and having had piiive j prool in mv own family, of ihn wonderful properiies i nf your Depuraliie Syrup of Saisnparilla, I m-'St j conscientiously recommend it to tbe afllirted. We i had the misfortune lo kwe two of our children, hv j I the break mi out of ulcerous sores that covered the I I face, head and leck. nllhouah we hud some of the j moat scientific, physicians lo attend Ihi m and had tried all the known lemedies, incliidiug Swaim's I Panacea, without avail. Anniher of my children j was attacked in lh asms manner, her face ar.d 1 neck Vim completely covered; the discharge was so ! ntleusive, and the disease at such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful ellect j of vonr Depuralive Syrup ot Snrsaparul i, we were ; induced to make trial of il, a the Inst reaort ; il acted like a charm; the ulcers commenced healing ' immediately, a f w bottles eniirelv rrstorpiMier to her henlih, which abe hsei joyed tiiiinteriui'ledly ever since A a punlirr ol the tiioml, l verily lie lieve it has not its equal. JOHN MOVER. T.ilor. Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Dongl issville, April 19lh, 184:t. Ma. Oaklf.t: My son Edmund Leaf, bad the scrolnla in the moat dreadful and distressing man ner for three yeara, dining which time he wia de- j privrd of ihe use nf his limbs, hi ,e,d and neck were covered vt it h ulcers. We tried all.ihe difl'-r. ent remedies, but to no i fleet, until recommended ! . . f . I I T f '. ny lr. Jolit.sor, or .x.r.isrowo. nno ,so ur. Isaac linger, oi i eao.r.g. in use, our ..epuiioi.e op of S.ireaparilla, of which I obtained aeveia bonles ihe use of which d'ove ihe disease emmiy out of i hi em ' sore healed up. and the child was restoreuto prrlcct liealin. wmcn lie na rnpneu unii.lerruple.lly ever since, to the astonishment of many persons who seen him duung his affliction. I n.ivetnougnt.1 my iiu.y. .,. en.i you mis rem- ficate that others who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain so valuable a meuuinu. iuuii uui), . AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. t, 1843 ly To Country .lDcrtliants. Hoots, Shoes, Bonnets, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats. C. AV. v L, K. TAYLOK, at the H. E. corner of Market ami Filth S's., PHILADrLPHIA, VFFER for rate an xtensive ausorunent of the vyahoe aritrba, all of which tin v sell al unusual- ly low piices, and paiticul.nly invite the attention of buvera viailiug the citv, loan xamuiation ol iheir stock. G. W. L. B. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May 2S. 1844. ly iuuiiterttiteiN' I DEATH BLOW. The public will please observe that no Brarubeth i Pilla are genuine, unless the box haa three la- I bet upon it, (the top, the able and the bottom) each containing a fjc-simile signature of my hand- writing, Ihua B. Bkasiimeth. M. D.Theae la. J bel-aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,' and done at anetpenseof over f I il will le seen thai the only thing necessary to pro- , rure the medicine in its purity, ia lo unserve niese laU ls. Remember the lop, the side, and the bottom, ; The following ieperlive person are duly auth. ri I led, and hold CERTITIOATES Or AGENCY ! r. ., ,.c r, 1...L'. rr Pills. Northumbnland county : Milton Mackry A Chamheilin. Sunhury H. B. Miswr. M'Kwena ville Irel.ind A Mem II. Northumbeil.tnd Win. Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. Wall. Union County: New Berlin Pogar & Win ter. Selinagrove George Gundium. Mill. lie- , burg Isaac Smith. Beaver'own David llubler. ! Ad.imsburg ni. J. May. MitHinsbuig Menseh ; tc Ray. Haitlelon Daniel Long. Freehnrs; 1 U. A F. C. Mover. Lewtshurtj Walia & Giecn, ' t'olumbia county : Danville E. B. He) nobis : A Co. Berwick Shuman St, R Henhouse, t'a1- i lawisaa t '. G. Brobts. Blooinaburg John R. Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bis. I. Waahingtou ; Robl. Mi Cay. Limestone BalU-' t V.cNtnch. j Observe that each Agent haa an Lngraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of llr BRANDRE'i'H's Manufactory st Sing Su.g, and upon which will alao be seen exact copiea ol the new labels now used upon the Brandrelh I'ill Boxt. Philadelphia, office No. 8. North 8ih elreet.' B. BRANDRETH.M.D. June 24th, 1843. CITY FUKMTUI.E AUCTION, AX?S PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nog. VJ'J and 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. -I C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully In- ilea the attention of persona deairou of pup chasing Furniture, lo his extensive Sales Rooms, (both public snd Piivste.) for every descripttpn of Household Furnituie, whi rs can be obtained at all timea. a large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cahtner Furniture, lied, Maliraeaee, ROSE OINT1VIENT FOn TETTCsl. RINOWOHMK, nIPt,Bsj ON THK rAr t, AND OTHER ri'TAfKOI!N RRI rTliiNS. Qj The following eertificaie dce-ibe ane of fht mot extraordinary eure ever ejfeeted by any application. PHUAnr.r rstA, February 10. TOR twenty yeara I was severely afflicted wild Tfttkm on the Face and Ileadt the diseas commenced when I was seventeen yesra old, anil continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in vio lence, but wiihoul ever disappearing. During most of the time, great part of my f ice was covered with) the eruption, frequently ailended wilh violent iicli it'BS my head swelled al tim ,,, llllM,he swelli.w w. .rnrr,.,y fH my hn, nn u log; my head swelled al time until it relt aa if it was so g'Pat. that I conKI nriog the long period thai I was afflicted wilh the disease, I tiaeil a great many S plication, (among them several celebrated preparation-) e.a wi II a taking inward remedies,. in(.ding a numher ofl tiles of .Vorwru ranaeea. Extract nf Sarsnptirillii, Ac, In fact, it would be impoaible to enumptatp all the medicines I used. I waa also under the care of two of the most dis. tincuished physicians of ihi city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I deapaired of ever being rnred. In tbe fill of ISllfi, the disease nl the time being very violent, I commenced Uaina the A'oe Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan tt Divia.) In a few applicalions the violent itching ceased, the i swelling aba'ed, the motion begun to disappear, ! and before I hml used ajar ihe disease was entirely j cured. It has now been nearly a Vi ar and a half j since, and there ia not a vestige of the die,ie re- mainioc. except the ecira from the deep pit firmed by the di-ease, Il is imp"Silde for me to ileaerihp ! in a certificate the severity of ihe disease and my ) snll'. rine, but I will be file ised to give a fuller nc ! corinl to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will cnll nn me. At the lime I commenced I using the Rose Ointment I would have given bun. i died nf dn'lais lo lie rid of the disease. Since u j sing it, I have recommended it to several persona, ; (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on he! arm,) who were a I cured hv it, J AMES DCIINELL, No. 150, Rce St. Cj". The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. H. Vaughan, South East corner nf Third and Knee slieit, Philadelphia, and sold on auenev in Snnhu ry. bv H. B. MASSEH, May Hlh, 1S13. Aaent Koe Oinliiieiil, for Teller. a rnuoF or ns efficacy. I'Hii.Ani.LPHiA, May 27th, IB;)'.!. fPHfS i to certify that I was aeverely alll ciRii with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwnrda nf forty years ; Ihe disease was attended generally wilh violent itehing and swelling. I applied to a number ul fhy miciiis, and used a great many appli canons without i tleeiiiig a core. About a year since, I applied Ibe Rose Oinlm'ent, which entirely slopped ihe itching, and a few application immedi ately cured ihe disease, which there has been no n turn of, although I had never been rid nf il at any lime for forty yeara. RICHARD AVA.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. The Rose Ointment i pr. pnred by E. B. Vauuhan, S iuth Kat corner of Third and Race Street, Philadelphia, und sold on agency in Snnhu ry. by II. B. MASSKR, May Hlh, 1843. Aet. MEDICAL APPROBATION OJ the ROSE ()l.TMi:ST,Jor Ttller. X LTHOl'tiH the superiority of ihe prrpatatlon , n) r, j(1 fly ,aMiW lhrt ,,riric. j of, )()k( ,,.,,,, j MT(. llw .,Mlc lh9 , fll,linvi)). rpr-,riPatf, ,, repeclable physician, f .,, ruit i P ..,i llr. . fimi m e. liB, j t ,ejllllw BIi ,il(Hereel.le afieetion which the means i whh,n ,1)f. (f uu fltltfc(lAim MM , rrit ( mM,Pt h,.sillt,., give it his anp.ohali .n. although , . :..,,.., ...j f urolesaion a.a I opposed to secret Kemedies. ! I'iiilaiiklpmia, Sept. 19. IR3B. j I was recently tumbled witli a tedious herpetic j eruption, which cmced nearly one si 'e of my fice, i mid extendi d uver ihe ear. Mr. Vuughau. proprie j lot of the Rose Dintiuei l, obseivtug my tare, ini led on mv t'Ving his preparation, of which he hail j ded me a jar. Although m common wilh ihe ineni- beta of my profession, I discountenance and di-ai- prove ot the numerous nostrums pulmed upon the 1 public by ignoianl pri tenders, 1 feel in justice bound to except the Rose Ointment liom that c a- of me i dicines, and lo give it mv approbation, a il entire i ly tured the eruption, although it h id resisted the applications. DAN l BAUtUl.M. 1). (Jj the Rose Ointmei t is prepared by I.. 1j. j Vauyhan, South East comer of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agi ncv in Sun- bury, by II. H. M ASSr.K, May 14th. I84:t. Agent. EAGLE ff-H CD rD HiCS 13Li aa Corner nf Third and Vine Streets, WIXjXiXAIYISPOIITi pa MHHE subscriber respeetfullv announcea to the JL pul'lic. thai be bis opened a Hotel in the com modious briek building annate on the corner of 'I bird and Pine atreeia, where he will be happy lo wait up' n those who may f.ivor him "it1' Iheir company. I he b.igle Motel is large anil Convenl- j em, anil it, tbe be-t moilein sub'. Il ia j provided wuh a huge miiober of well aired and comb. ruble sleenina apartment, room, privalH : parlors, Ac, Peraons visiling N ilhamsNirt on bu- I tines oi plea-ure, may rest a-ured every ex- j eriion will le used lo tender iheir sojourn at the I "Eagle Hob I" pleasant and agreeable. HisTabln will lie supplied wilh the very heel the maiket af- 1 lords, and hi bar wuh ibe choicest wines and other , liipiora thnrgp re laonable. The Kaglu Hotrl i ponaesac greater aiUaniage in point of location ' than any oilier aimdarestalihshmeiil in ihe bnrough, I being situate in the business purl of the town, and ' within a convenient distance of the Court House ; and Wiiliamsporl and I'.liiura Rail Road pot. j Sutfli ieul labhng prov hied, and good and trusty j osihra alwaya in atieiidan.e. j Alienlive, accon.miHlaling end hone-l Servants , hate lu-en rmpboed. and not biug left undone that : will add lo the coinlnit and acconunodalion of his guests. There will le a carriage atwava in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passenger to and from Ibe House, Ina of charge, CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th, 1842. if Michael Weaver V on, ROPE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. Ko. 13 NorA Water Street. Philadelphia. Wl AVE constantly on hand, a general aaaort tLJL ment of Cordage, Seine Twtuea, &.c, viit I r d Ropes, Fishing Rope. While Ro, MaiiiI la Ropes, Tow Line lor Canal Boala. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twinea, Ac, such as Hemp Shad snd Herring Twine, Beat Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Hening Twice, Shoe 1'hreada, Ar. Ae. Alao, Bed Cords, Hough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel l-hauie, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable lei oi a. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. S'RllfNGTG OOU& CO. No. 13 Marktt Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the alteotion nf Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of British French sud America Dry Goods, which they oflcr lor sale on ths mart reasonable terms, Philadelphia, Noveml-rr 13, 1S4J. Jy.