Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 01, 1845, Image 3

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    rcWSYLVAM A, m.
In the name and by the authority nf the Com
monwealth of Fenntylvania.
WHEREAS. Th Inestimable ble-
L. S. .lng which the abundant gnndne of ih
C J Supreme Ruler of the Universe, h i
-ahnwered upon nnr beioved Commonwealth, . de.
mand our eincereat gtalitude and most devout
I ro, Tnr.arFnnr;, In accordance with my own
feeling, mill in compliance with the wiahee of
many of my fellnw-citi.en, appoint
Thuratlny, I lie 21 111 ov. next,
a n l of Thmk'si'v'nir, Prayer and Prane In
Almighty God. Our dependence on him a indi
vidual nnil a community, i so entire, ihit grati
tude, thankncivinar and piaiae are duties aa delight
fill a thev are nhhg itorv, T.i unl e a on pen
p'e on a given d.iv, fur llie performance of Iheae dn
tie and, while our own affection are purified ami
our hevt cxpindcd wilh piety, to know thai at
'tlie aame Inalanl nur hrethren th noghout the whole
'Commonwealth, with like feeling-, ami with I k
' nfT rtiona, ar- p mimiij f .rh th ir tlevut aapiration.
"will give aole "noy nd heanly to the excrciae,
h'rS we mn httmhlv hop-1 will he sprepiahlc t
Heaven, while pence and good will on E.irlh will
he promo'ed.
Hnce I ini e all ihe people of thia Common
wealth to anprop j ate the day dei.nve I, a a day
of thanksgiving and rencnrnenil In all picture
ml religion teacher wilh their penp'e, to n-seinMo
at their usual place of woriiiit, ami unite in ex-mrcs-ion
of grafi'iido to the Great Giv. r of all
'Good for the niimemu hleaaing and f .vor we
have received a' Hi land. in preserving t i'a nur
-gveal civil an I relig mi rg'i'a in granting to u a
eann nf health and plenty in proapertng -ur
State and N vion in cr naming with surccs the
'inMilniinn nfour beloved c Minirv in pres. iving
to' u the .l.-i..g-i of Hi revealed will and in
continuing t u the olfeia of mercv through llie Rr
and n rr dependence on Go.l ia o rntire
that we hao all In a-k, and our innocence n l.wt
Hi it we hive much t.i fur. In supp icale Him fur
Hie c iminn nice nf the-e rich hleing ! nnr elvc
and p'Werilv, and for thnt tin ek in as, humility and
grali'ii !c which become the recipient nf Hia
ti'itwiful Ooodneaa.
Given tinder mv hnnd and Ihe CJrent Seal of tle
Smt at Ha lihure, the twenty firnt day of
Oclnher. in the yenr nf nur l.nrd one thon-atiil
e'ushl huti'tifd a'"l fnrtv-five, and of the Goin
mnnwealih the vcntirth.
Hi tiik GovraNoK. .f. Mlf.T.ER,
Sec if of I fir Co m mini wru 1th.
it s 77 GCCIDG.
A1SPI,F.MlID ii'- "rt'ti.nt of New (i(i"d hia
ju-t lei n received it the a ore. of Mi vnr Mm
mn, whrli will he nlil t the lowei-l can!) piice.
Simhiirv. Nov Ut, IS15.
To tur liaT of
TlHK iihcrila', Ni. 141 Pi arl atteet, New
1 Vmk. luivinu otihl'-lied n Ur.nchat Nil. 2'-lJ
iSnlilll ti'i ilin! el.. I'lillmle plni, i-i now . pemnc
und wit he coiiK iifitly rtceivinu from ihe Nw
York Anciinn. an cxlen-ive ansnr ment of
which will he mid nt llie Inwent New York pi Ci-a
at whulrcite and II' Jail. Ainnnit h a rlnrk will he
Itiund a isnnd ai'Miitnient nf the fillnwii-g H'tlrle.;
Ja'Cnnets, Plaid. Ilai' Cntd, l.ace, Stripe, B oli.
"Swi-8 ami 1'nila an Muslin.. jinh if and Linen
I.awim, Fancy Cup Ni-Uk, Fancy and BaH'Ureae,
'I'lirend l.area, Appl ciiiinn r-ch B ark i k
Trnnmii.B Lace, lrih l ii.ew. Linen (.'anihric.
1,'tien t'atnhr c IMkl..Curt mi Fririgea. Caiduneie
nrncna-e, Mmisi'line de l.ame. tilk and 4iittun
Wnrp Ali aeciiK, lju ci.1 t'lnth. Ga Plaids,
French Veriinn, Uluk 'iikii, il .ve. !i k Hn.e,
h iwl, 1'iavi K, Rilihon. Emliniiileri tce&e
Cnuolrv Metchanta and uihera vi-i ioR Phil nlel
j'hia or New York l piircha-n, ae rettprcllu lly in
Mini in cill ami t iiiRinie Ihe M ik.
Niiv. t. ly G. H. MOOIti:.
P. S S SD. "
J O II X 11. S T UTKEn,
Of the late firm of Krirk 'rk i"r $lrylfr, and
Slrijkrr i- I'ligur.,
nAS resumed the holes m Dry (! Hui
ne, and now oflem for male, at n, 1 and
i Bunk isieeet, fliiladidphta. .nlj linii Myer..
Clajjlumn it fo'a A'urttnin More No. H M.akt
lelioet, a ;werl nuKiiitairnl i!- Ilry Gnnde, ch-elly
pinrhwae l at iiiKlnei. al a vnj niil advance tm
a'v, iwtiiy Kveninrw .
BchevniK thai hm 4onff itpmience rn u"chaii
wjII hi., Me him tu-ai ll 1ri !.id al reawest Mat
' li I pi'icen, lie invite Ih- oil fiieVKls mil eiV.ctii
vi. mn to 1'iiv, tn tavor hint wnh a call.
Phil.delphi i. Nov. 1, iim
r -r VOW .11 U.. 4., ila 1.,.n. 'rfi.i T
SV K.IhtI l o nf the X w i-ahip of J Ki-oii,
In inecinnn ol Northnailur 'and, and atc el I a ,
in coinodeia i (i nt 'h vuoi . f ?"M Ml, to m- in
l anil pod ly Ma lrew "lre. of ihe town ia' Dan
'lle, ill ihe iniily l i lokin 1i i, at mid lcf .are the
en-eatii g and d. Iivir ng of tl exe, the ie.
eipt win rei. f I dn herel y larkim h due, liave hap
paliinl, nj l. T leail g anle.l arl conlirmed. and
by theae prt'MMi'a rfo harcam, sell, rele ae, grant and
vMiifitm imlo the end Mthew Clare all ihe eooda,
liciiiarhnld a ufl atnl iinplinieiila of h. aelinl.l, ami
II gin ia and c(itr(a whalMirver lirPiitioned mi. I
.ipieKse.l in the cl eihde tor inlo anneil, to
have and to hold all an I nr.iMi'ar, the y;.ii.l. Ac.,
enl every of live re hy lhee .ie-eni hiigaloe.l. aid,
releaxd. granted and fonfi mi d nntii llie aaiil Ma
thrw ('lire, to hia only profier ue and Irehoof, hia
Ix'l'i, eierulnra, wlmmiHUatoia and aign, f.iif
er. In vi'nr wheipof 1 have act my h ind and
re d. thla S?lh day of Ocutner A D. IM5.
Wiimaa preaenl, KOUBUT CI. ARC.
Etl Tuna.
ttned .n Mate, I pray Mare, I hay Wl,4 Cows
A Calve, 8 Miecp, S Hog. I W'augoti, I eel ol
Haineon. 'i Plown, 2 Harrowa VII aa-rr. nf W heat
in the ground, 7 acre Rye. Stilt hu.hela Corn in
the en' , 2 Haiiia onta, I lark wheal. 4(1 lao-hcla
N lieat in the ham, 1 hra-a ('ha-k, I liairow, I ma
hogany Talde, i.ow leniainins i.nd heing in Jrk
on townrliip, in the of Nor'hrnutri laud,
and aiale af.ite-aid. ROHnUP CI. ARC.
Wilrirna pr. wnl-EllTauio, Miciiu Uvkkc.
Nov. I, IS4.V 4t
IN piikuaiiie ul en order nl Ihe Orphan' Couit
of Notihuudieiland county, will be aold ti pub
lic vendue, on Wrdueaday, the 1 2th of November
lie 1 1, at ihe houe of U in. R. J mire, in Auguala
tnwi.ahip, in aaid county, to wit : A certain la.
land, aiiuated in Auuuat lown.hip, in n il county.
Called Muotly and Round lalai.d, ioiiUnni( twen
ly-tour acre. Alan, at ihe a une lime and pUce, a
cnlain tract of land aituaied ia lownahip nfmraaid,
aj. Wm. R. Jonee and olhera, containing righ
ly.aeven acre autre or tei-a. l.te the eaute ol
Co. John June, dee'J. Hale to commrnre at 10
'clmk A. M. of aaid day, tahen tbe couditiona of
Mia will be made knuao hy
Oet. 18th, 1816. 4t. Adm're.
If OR trial In the Court of Common, Pka of Nor
thumlrlanii County, at Novemhcr Tetm,
I84S, commencing the first Monday, heing the 9 J.
$eilr.inger, alienee of
Garver John Oarver et al
Benjamin" Rohlna i Ahr.iham I.nwience
Prentice for iVelch " a Jnacph Keefef
Claire (Jenevieve Darque t Daniel Duukleherger
Siime Same
William Farrow Ahraham Klaie
George I.eihrich a Henrr Ma.aer,
David M'Knight va It Richatdaon et al
Kemp, aaicnee nf va Alh C Barret
Anthony Walann et al v John M Hnuael
Rnht S Grant el nl va William Reed
Ahner Mendenhnll a A Wilhelm'a admr.
tj t Weimer va Hoharl fi McCoy
Willie n McCoy a A Barret
Hinckl y ti Ogel.htr va AVc
H Bell a. Aicfor II B M taaer va Wi liam McCoy
T.nret i 1) ll. uael va Willi m Frck
George llol'enl ach'a ailmra va B J Stamm,
Cria-opher IMli T John Becker
Fnnca McCnv, a Fehr M m-er el al
Wm SMon'Romery va l)r Jame le cke
Whti.ll ft Brown va John B Boyd
Wm H Brown V ri va fame
Htrawhti 'ce fc . U-'den va Same
Hohtica. Ntnrceon fi enva Same
J-mc Bird A: wiro va Genrjr" I'eraiog
Hoe'i Bellas lvq va Henrv Do"titd et al
Chnrlea Hall'.rx'r va Witham Wjleon'e ex'r
va John Ft ck
(Sohin ck Bdiinglon'a aa-ignrea va R lward Gohin
Sa ne v Charlea Gohin
Jacn'i Pi iaing va Zimmerman & Saviilge
Marv Weeks va .laenh llaaa et nl
R T) Fnulaman va Benjiimin Ford-man
John (oviper &c va Si B.I10I17. iSc IV rgtteer
Will atn Sitnenton va hn Shipman
C McGre-jor A wife va P Walhorn ti wife
Charl.a II Flick va Wiliam Fri. k
C pieaainta va Ausll.tna Roaa et al
Wm flouael. jr va David H -U'd'a adm'r
D S Miititsnmery'a ex'ra va Caaper l.ynd &C
R W l.ynd va Same
Jdli i Hetid' raon'a heira va Green. nigh Shipman
John Lieh va Thorn ia Alien
Gilhcrt Berlieu - Wm R .lone.
K Greinongh va Thotn Grant'a adm ra
Same va fame
Ed' anl W Morriaon v Ca--per Reed
.lame Ro-a Va J ip. h H Rhnada
Wm 1. Hitnemnn a llarlmnn 11 K' iphln
Prothnnotar'a nfTn-e. i Vruth'y.
Snnhiiry. Get 11th. 1845 $
The (iieKtion St'lllotl.
ANY peraona wonder and auk, why Dr.
Siniih'a Vi B t hie Pil'a are now pr ferred
to oilier nieihnnia which have heen ao much Inn
Her hcf.ire the puh ic. The teaaona are, plainly,
that thev eive more general aalt-fiction, and are
inroini arnhly mure pleaaant. la-ing coated wilh
augir; and aa ihey never gripe or nauai a-e. it iJ
no wonder th it thoae who ue them do recommend
rhitn hevoiiil any other P.l!a They rleanae Hint
puirl'v Ihe hloo ', aid and improve, Cure
Headache, l)yap' pst. and Itilioiia Compl unl". in
a manner nory, lhal ti e patient ia ararcely Con
ncioiw of having I ken medicine at all. Ma le hy
an diicil.d l'hviriin, lin y do not conie under
the head nf "quack medicine"
q-Jj" CAUTION. Aa a miaerahle imitation ha
heen made, hy the name of '-Sug ir Coaled Pill-,"
it ia iiecra iry to he aure that I)n. G Ukij Smith's
.itjua'ute ia on every hot. Price 25 centa.
Pi incipal Office. 179 Greenwich ft N w York.
Bold by JOHN W. FHIUNG. Sunbnri.
WM. FORSYTH E. ,.rthum'd.
Otohcr 25th. IS45.
Sliciiff's Sale.
fTJY virtue of a certain writ of al. Lev. Fuciaa.
J5 leaned out of the Court of Common Plea-i
( Northuule land Conniy In nie directed, will
he evp rncil In pii l c rale, at the Court Houae
in lh Borough of Sunhurv, on Monday the 3d day
f neti. at I o'clock, P. M., the follow
ing ile-crihetl property to wit:
All Ihoae two several Iracta of land ailuate in
Sh itnokin t mi ah'p, Noirliiimlrlaiid rouniy. a.l
joioitiB land of Tlioin .a II m ilt n, Martin (i i-.
I ite John llradv, Valentine lvckert, and oihera,
rout lining together eii-hi hundred and eighty-e'cht
and a half acrea more or hen, wilh the tiair en.iii
cea. Seised, taken in expru'ion, and 'O he a.ld aa the
pnipeiiy nf Andrew Mu. tiller, wilh no; ice to Lewia
D. w .rt.
AI.SO A eeiiain tract or p:ece of land fi'nale
in Ancusta t.wti-his Nonhuniherlanil coumy, ad
.iiining lnl f .larh Hoover. Ira T. CleHicni and
oil.era. c.iiiiainii.g 15flacrea niiire w loa, alxutt
I (f) aerial of whn h w C eared ; whereon are eiecied
n ti; two atory dwilitig li.niee, a large hank Lain
and oiher oiiUanl. lings, an apple orchard, Ac,
J'eie.. ds t 'Veii in rxennyin, atnl lo tw Id aatie
pneily of William Hunter and RmIh-tI Hnmer.
FF.UX MAURER, Zhtriff.
S"henfra timcp.
Simhurv, Uei. Illh. l!lV
T tll l,tilllt .
A N E W V O I. U M G
r Tiir
new to uk wcEKi.Tr wmaoa,
Will commntec on tou'ttrday, Oet. 1 1 tit, 1845.
TkHM ; Three DoMata jier annum tn dance,
One ropy one yfur iti advance, $3 Ort
Oneroov two veg-a, 5 0(1
Two cprea one yeir, 5 VII
Five, ... HI tlfl
Eight, . - - . 15 0(1
Twelve, . . - toon
Atl-I In everv auhacriher to eiiher the WEEKLY
nr DAILY, we will g ve a copy iaT
Willis's LeUrrs from Londflii, Oumplilf,
In one h o d oioe Extk. umf mn wilh the U'nt
ir MttinoB. Thia cooipri-ea ihe Fim.t Skuik
i f LgTtitaa, and will the New Vol owe will com
mence the N .w S an, w rilien fiom ihe Sot ra
ir Ev hopk, when ihe VWrWy Mimnr will he ai pa
roe'y evlind with pa.lii id o rare, and wnh more
apeci'd regard to ti e wania and laaea of pooriiry
auhMiiheia. We ha'lpulbh nioie talea. and Ic-a
mattei that ia nurelv local and hy u-iug in patt
mull, r type, we rhall le ahle to increase ihe uxian
itt v aa well a t t improve the quality of what we
give to our reader.
We ahall endeavor to m .ke.
A diveraifi.d, enierlaining. inatruc'ive and Valu ihle
chronicle of the turn a, orrMiLT aivrnrifi", (in
a from for binding m one or two volume- al the end
of ihe year,) upon which nei het lihoui, time, laleul,
n. r money will he spared. Ii will herealt r he en
riched with original -'he life, api.v
and apiril nf ihe foreign journale and rotnain all
the new a. intelligence and variety ul the dally .heel,
baiidaoniely pii. tcd on flue paper, manufactured for
Ihe ripreaa pnrpie. anJ will l forwarded by the
ear heal ma la, in all on g wrapper., to every part of
the Uniied Siatee and Canada. I'ttaqtfrtt with
in thirty mih a of New York. All roinaiuniraiion
ahould be addiraed pout paid, tn Merria, Wallia dr.
Follrr, -corner Ann and Naaaau .treeU, Naw Yoik,
OF Nonhnmherland Conniy, for Not. Term,
A. D. IA45.
(arand Jurors.
7VriW. .Molomon Eahhach.
eritwre. Juhit Beard, Jacob Stitzd, Wm.
Kirk, John Bouah, Wilham Tinbronk.
.enx'a. John Raup, Michael Spchler.
Milton. J hit D vera.
Chillmqunqitr. O. nrge Ffcderick.
. rint. Thomaa H. Wall.
ffiirlhumbrrlitnd.J -hn Cake. E. P. Shannon.
.X "' a. John H.hh, Jacob Try, jr., William
Upper Mahnnoy. Benjamin Mafkcl, Michael
D own. jr.
hiwer Mahonoy. John Bingiman, John Bor
t.ltile Midtonny. William Roihtrmel, Jacob
Jaeksnn. Tohiaa Mill, Joaeph Battdorf.
Traverse .Inrors.
Turhnt Jamea Ireland, David Eckert.
Ihlnwnre -R hert Walaon. Benjamin Oyater,
Jacob H ffman, Jonathan Lantr. John Ryneror,
George Wa'eon, Daniel Ballied. Ellis W. McCar.
.eiv'a. Samuel Slahlnrcker, Montgomery Rue
ael. B nj-ttnin Ruch.
Millim, Henry Handa, David Blair, Zach irinli
Chillinqiwqiie.Thomn Pa'dae. Wi l Bin Bir
keiilone. Michael McGee. Wil i m F 'ihuer.
I'oinl. Francia (iihaon, John Neahii. jr., la.iac
Huff Jona'han Pu'ael.
Nnrlhiimfirr.'ntnl William llirkenh ne, Levi
Eekeri. Wiiham Wdaon, John ('ot.
Siinhury. Sehaiian Haupt. Lewia Dewart.
Augusta Will am Roa. Georgp R k r jr.Jnn.
Snxd.r, jr., Philip Weiaer, John Smith, Leonard
Sfinmnhin. Andrew Gon en. Ahia John.
h'lmh. J din Prnayl, jr., John Hurah.jr Lcf
ford Haughnwnut.
Cool Jo-eph Zehoer.
I 'pprr Mnhnnoif John TTptrich.
I surer Mahonoy Jacob Witmcr, Solomon Reaa
ler. Mirhael Lei kcr. Michael.
Jackson. Peter Tieon.
lclit Jurors.
Turhut. Gideon Dunkel, John A. Eal.bach.
George Kill.
Delaware. Edward J. Pifer, Daniel Lrinliech,
Solomon Drnckemilier, John Leiacr.
Leii'lu. Jjcoh Mengaa, Samuel Sade, Vi'itliam
Mitun. William H Frvmire, Jacob Miller, Al
len Shroyer. O-car Hamuiond.
J'mnt J u nli l)enil r. J..p..b Deeii.
Surlhuiiihri liiint William Foraythe, George
Weimer, Cliailea F l.ilile.
Simliury John Sjieece.
A 'itfusla. John Shia.
Sthmnh-in. Leonaul Pi-nayl, Micli-el 1eminff,
Samuel luiiiian. Samuel Eut, Willi,iin Weaver.
John Fcgelv, Samuel Hummel.
A'ujA -H.nry H dt
Cold. George Kieager, Abraham Arter, Soliv
moo Manx. Mich el Kernteltvr.
Vppcr Muhonoy.Sitmwi Smith, Jacob Kauff
man. Jirktan Henrv D. Hoffman.
BS berebv given, to i.ll legatepa. rredilora anil o
iher peraona. intere-ted hi the el'ea of Jacob
Malich. dic'd, eeithd hv Ilia execniora, John and
Peler Mal chj of John K Hill. xleCM.. reiled j
hi. eteculnri. Jamea F Murray; erf" Joaeph Poyrr,
ih c'd, netded bv hia adminiatTatOT, An.lrew Run
yan ; of M .ria El ttVlh Thotnia dccM. aepled by
her adn.ini-tra'r n, Solomy S ilt; nf Fredernk Ra
ki r, dee'd. eet le.! by hia aAm'ini-tralor, Jacob XI- ff
man ; of Adonijah Farnaworth, dee'd, gi tiled ly
Jiia adininis-ra'or, UoN-il Fa-Vi.wotth if Ji)in
Rock' feller, iler'd, aelllcd bv h mlminialrator A
b Sander M HTe Lale of Norlhoml'erland r nintv ;
that tre egecnt r an I airmintartatora nftlie and de
eeafed eaiatia have filed the r account, wtih tl
Reg a'er of t' ia county, ami ih t IhcvwrH he pre
u nicd lo ihe Orphana' t'oi vi of mid conniy, on
Tue-day the 4'tt day of November i est, lorvorto
firuiHtioii and allowance.
Snnhiiry, Oct. 4ih.lS45.-fit ilegiaer.
ti lliiinibi rlantl Conniy,
0N ihe Orph ma" t'ourl nf aaid manly, at Aiigua'
Term, A. D. 14.V-'Oii niniiui i Hujti Bel
l.ia, Eiiq , tiie Cmiri giant a Vice on the hei.a and
leg il repreaentalivia of Heirty AiAea, lale A ihe ho
renigh ol" Nunhu'"bei md, 4n aai.l c.e.tniy, lie.'d.,
Ieaing rnoire thiliben. to wil t Ma gar.a., joier
tn oiled with Clan- E. U'tnt1rer Cailreitoe, inter
married wnh George iltllwr Ptiilip Ante. El t
beth, toitneriy tirtitnrinted with Levi llohn.n. w
di-ceaed. hornit iane ly her atd hUkhatM, Han
nah Heihart airrl Eh7.alw th ll.4art, aninina under
the age ia' tweiiiy-Oire, nf whftM Daniel BT.nrtigam,
K-q .ia guardian, and WilKim Ant a. til in
WiMNm-.n. hena and 4aftrilaiafea iC H-my AnKia,
lale nl the borough nf Nmihnmlwl .ml, oVcl., to
(peiir in our mil Oiphana"' own to he held Tor
aal.l coninv, tn wil) ie 'tie Sil day nf Novenxir.
A. D IHlS, and ni-cepi or nfiree 'he etite of Ihe
raid lleiny Antra, d c'iU, or c tl- why the
aainn -h ad I not bo m hi,
CiT'tlVed fiom the tecotda of our raid Orphana
C. uit. atSuiibury, thia 24lh day ol Septem
ber, A. D. 1 at.
Jrjnroiry, Sept. it, 134.V 6t flit. O. C.
U'e recommend tt of our friend t M'h'(j ihe
city, M cull at the l it'll CVtm;wiv' Shire,
nndlayin uupplijoftheirih4iciiix Tenv,
TIIC I:iilX Ti:4 t'OMPAXY,
No. JO.SocrK tiu-ovn Sraetr, Uctweoa M rrkcl
and I Ihesnut,
n n .M r. c iii.ii. iiv on aud, ami ur a.le,
iltl Mile.ata mid Reuil,
Al LotvtT Pi lics,
according M ihe cfu l 'v. then lltey ran I h.aogt.l
tor ai any oihei e-l hh-hmcnl in th cfcv.
ey Tu, eacliraiverv. are aold A rVelieJuae,
and wvr d eiiee winch cannot la- olilutned'ehw.
where. Any Teaa wbictt do ti. t gi'e i nine aali
f.iC'iiin Can l returned and exchanged, oi the m -irey
will be refunded,
'I he ciluteiia nf No'lhumbert ind coOnty are re
pivifulty mvtied to ive ua Heart.
4. B. T.1KBER,
Agent for the Pi kin Tea Company.
Philadelphia, 7ih, 184.V ly
ill practre in tlm aeteral Courta of th City
and County iT Philadelphia.
Hia otHce i at No. 35 South FOURTH Street,
between Che.nut and Wal. at atrreU.
Phil .delphia, Sept itOih, 1845. I n.
Bi IKON Jual leceived aixl for a.le, cheap
for ca-ht by li E . R V M ASE R.
Suiihuiyt Si pi. SO, 1815,
IL.AX 6i:i;iK1'he hrghe.1 price willite
' given for Flax Seed, at the ainre of
Aug 9 lf)45
LDIIh of eiitior cjualtty, ran new l had
Utia Lime Kiln ef Henry Maaer,rn So
bury, Miylt,l4ft.
riHE undeiaignrd Merchanla, Manufaclurera.
JL Importer and VVholeaale Dealer nf Ihe City
of Philadelphia, emfirg.-e ihe medium of the New
paper Preaa of your apciion of couniry, lo give ynu
the afreet and number of our aevpral ralahllah
menla, and repecifullv to Invite yon lo an Kami
nai!on nfour Fall and Winter 8uck, which are
no full and complete.
The auperinr exrellpnr ami great variety nf nur
own Ci'y Manil'nc'iire.. in addition to foil anpphe
"f Foreign and Dome.tie Good, of everv
ti.-n. which will be aold on tprma and at prlcea
which cannot fail to pmve aallafacinry, prenent the
alrongeat imlucementa lo purchaaer.
Importer and Dedef in Milk and F"Py Dry
Gooila, and Fine French and Driliah Clotha,Ca-
aimere and Veatirig.
A'hhural ft Remington, No HO Market al, below 3.1.
Importer nnd Dealer in Slaple, Si.k and Fancy
Dry Gonda. Al-o, tlriliah, French and American
Clo'ha, Caaaimrra, Vc-linga, and Tailor' Trim-
J. Godlry, pry A pn.. No 84 Mn'Vet at.
D imeailc arid Foreign Dry,
Jame M. Kennedy A co , 114 Ma.k t at.
Impmtera of German GooiIj, and Puchaaera of all
kind, nf Shipping Fu-a.
Wm. Geiase fi Hon, 60 8 Front at., bel. Cheantlt.
Impnrtcra and M inuf n turer of Fancy I'u a anil
Fur I'apa, and Purch.iarra nf a I kinds of Shiji-
ping r or.
S li-, Brother. 16 Arch at., between 2d and 3.1 at
Manf cturer and Dealer in Ready-made Ciolhing,
of ever, g'nde.
M chiel Tracy, 292 Market at.
Manufacturer nf Shirt. Cnllava and Bcaoma.
John Hodge. Sign of the Mammoth Shirt Collar,
1 III North Stcond al.
Importer and Deale. in Foretun and D.imeattc
Hardware i d t!iiiler'.
Dlworth A Brana n, 59 Market kv
WrMed Wr u.hl Iron Tnlrp for LufOTOilva, Ma-
riirp iV other Bo I. r Fllle-, V nil Steam (mrpoa a.
Mortis T.i-k fr M rria, Paaral Ir. n Wmk. Waru
Inlis'P. S. E. por. 3d and Wa'nut ala.
Agency f r ihe Sale i f Southworlh M umf icfuiii g
Company'- Superior Wilting Papeta.
N. S. Lawrence, Agent, No U Minor al.
Importer of .lpnrlrv, Watche. Fine Cutlery, Bril.
tania. Plated and SrlviT Warea.
Dickaoi A. co, S F. concr Market A Third aa.
J. .hit F. Farr 112 Che-nut al.
J. A- W. L. Waul. 10V. Che-cut a'., npaitc San-
tlcraon'a Frai k I in Rape,
Mannl'aC'urera nf Silver Ware, and Deale a in Pla
ted and Brilannia Warea, lot household oae.
R. V W. Wibain, S W or. Fafrh and Cherry ta.
Mantifrrtiirer of Britannia, Klork 'Pin. and Pew-
liT Waie. Also, DearPTB III Plated Spoon, Cut
lery, Ac.
Hall. Boardman A CO., 10 N 13d ft., below Race.
Manrjfaciurer of Sitvrr and Uriss Stair u.hI and
Cornice Pole.
Edw.ird J atea pirtner of Genrrg" and Swatiwicl; ta.,
Wtweeti limit and Chpanttt, we-t id Smb.
Impo ter of Tov. Fancy and Stajde Gmala, Bi ada,
Bru-hf and Perfumery.
A. F. On MonToae, D5 S. 4 (h t0 between MarVei
and Che-nut.
Imp.a-iera of Toy.. Fancy and Staple Gooils. P.irfu.
lueitVa, Muaic i Iiiatlunienta, (ilana, Eailheiiwate
Clni re, Ac.
C. Ahrenfeldt A co. 16 N. till k betweift Market
ltd Atch,(ufi .tana.)
IrrvporT-va nf Pari arel London FanPV Article,
U'dthc. Poifurnery, Comb. Soap, Stationery,
and article, f.r Droggiwa' Sale.
R. A G. A. V ii,ht. 23 Sotiih Fourth at.
linpntler and ManuT-ictirrer of Perfumeiy, Co--me-
lie. Fancy Soapa, and Dealer in Fancy Gooda.
.hire Him. I, 46 S .nth Third at.
'China, -Qneen-Waip atld Gl r.
Edward Siiowilou, III N 3d .1. o po-ite City Hotel.
leniiitt s'nd MatMifarurera OT mporrupiih'e Teeth ;
Plate Vivo'. Mo'ar nnd GiunTcith; Gn'd and
Tin Foil j Gold, Plating and Silver Tlato and
Wire, Ac.
WiIk non A. XrmstTtmg, Arch at. above ih,
Sonlll side,
liolil, Sj'vT and Sti-el Spectacles Maihem it'rcal In-
atrnmenta. Walking Canca, Micro ojs ad
Spy lila-Kn.
Mc.M'iatPT A co., 4 fliranut at.
Mantlfai-turera of White Le id and ntbrr Vatnla.
and of t 'hemic da. Ac , and Dealera in Druga,
Medicine-, Dve Stuft'-. O I-. Ac.
Vetherifl A Brother, 05 North Fntnt at.
Importer and Dea era m Drugs Dirnrs. T5i'a
Chemicjla. Plate GUa, Ac, and Ag-nt for
pure White load and Jeraey Window Gliaa,
Campliell fc Fiencb. N W cor lOih A. Xlaiket uta.
Importera anil Deapra in Drug, M. flicinw, tyt
ftull' . V itnts Oils &
Ha-till Merrick A co . 45 Norfli Front t.
Dr. D. layne. S Tlriid l,,1.ebl Market.
-on--uhins Phy.'rfian. tre.ggi. ami Cherifial, and
ly.iTieior af "Rowrod'a Irnpr iVtJ Tunie Vul
ture,''' Ac..
llr. Joi n R. Rowatiu. Giad. I'niv. Oillce and Drug
Stoic, 2S N'orlh Secor.d at.
Manuf .rl'ircra'ol Umbrellas Paranoia, rrfraaclellea
and Sjri Sihadea.
W rttim A. Diown, fid Ma'ket ft.
Sleepi'r A Fenner, WS MarkA nl. a.rtih Me, one
dnor bo ow 4th l.
"Fire and Thief-Proof Che"ta. Refrigerat its WieV
(io'rra, Fil"ia. lA-t'er Ci.pymJ Presc, At.
Oliver Evana, 15 ClieatitJl .t.
Vvneiiirri B iml Vlairtif iiu'er.
U. S. Williaria, It N 'titbit, a'fewr dooiaaS. Market
ManuMc'nree nd DcahTa In yaifeast's. BcdSnrg
and F' kthera.
Fmley A e , S E Cirrrte-rtM and W ,1irn ta,
Harlh-y A Knight, 14 H ?fl -I ., R dn.irM ah. Notice.
l)ealer in Co einau'a .I'o'.liao Piano Vo'li a.
F. Peirinir, '.ffS ClteauUl t. S R corner ul Hth.
Manufacturer if (!oiim(on and Vucy S iupa, Vlor.lJ
and Ihirinal 4ti I.. Ac.
Eliab AXiillie Dallet, nt Markelet.
ImpnrliV of Fn'nch Anittciil Flower, Fe.ilhera
lStiaw, Biaid ai d F 'i'ry Bonneta, &C , and Boi.'- Fiame. Tis and Vrowna.
h. II. u..t, "5(1 Chf-nulYt.
Manuii'cturera if Seitg., Rijdlca, SceiT.. aad Wire
Wert in eei eral.
Needle &, Wauon, K4 N From at. bchrw Arch.
Hide, Oil and Leather, v
William Muaeer &. co., )ii Market
InrportercrfHIrangea, Lemon, Riina.Fig,Franea,
tXinaiiia, Almond and other foreign Nut.
Daniel P. Bu.rter, 27 South Wharve.
ManufadureY of Fire Erginea of ail deacriptiona,
warranted in all le-p.cta.
Joel Bute, 13 Drm'kei'a Alley.
Marble and Mahogany De.leia.
John Eckatein & to L'ni n Mills Krdge Road.
W.rehnuae, Djck at.
Manufacturer of Comb.. Looking tfliMve filr
es and fterorfur ) Frank aa4 Usvn ttcy
tbbtttaa Durcti, jr. 183 Maiket at.
Manutacttlrer and Whnleaale Dealer in all kinda
nf Broom, Dru.hp. Buckets C'edarware, Clorke,
Ba-ket, Mala, Blacking, Eaatern made Wooden
Manly R -we, 63 N 3d at. one door above Arch,
eaat aide.
Cheap Pnblicilion and Periodical Etl.1ihmr-nt.
O, B. Zieher ft co. 3 Ledger Building, 3d at. below
Boot and Shoe.
Robert P dmer, 182 S.2d at. three dome bel Union,
weat tide.
Manufacturer and Dealer in a'l kind ff Scale,
Wp'ghta and Weighing Machine. Alan, Bur
den'. I'aleul II ire Sh.a.
Gmv A Brother, H4 Walnut at. below Second.
Philadelphia, Sept 20lh, 1845. 2m
.tnlin II. Hoyri's rntale.
ETTEKS te-tameritary on aid deee ed' ea-
have been granted In tbe m'acrih. ra
Per .na having dem mda again.l the eataie. are re-
qm-ted lopteai'itt litem fur examination and etie.
ment, and perona indebted Inlheeatate, areiequ.a
tid to make immeiliale piyrnent.
September lHtb, 1 0-1 5 (It Etieculnr.
DcmociMtCt ItcWtlu.
On ally tinlncetl Pticr FmmfCttn el;rr
iinttm. iSiiiQleropy M-tcenl. or th ht.xt, on lTr Toicatr.
rilHE PRICE of ih Dtflocaric Ravirw
M ha herelofee hern too high not for ihe aire,
c.iet and character, but for the mean of tena of thou
. in, I of reader who would be glad to receive il,
and anv ng whom it ia highly deairahle thnt il
ahnnld cirin! ne. For the purpoe, therefore, nf
wbrp. i g the range nf -ta naefillneaa, and nf multi
plying Ihe numla'r ofth e t whom it may be ae.
eea'ilo it h.ia turn determined, muliaiieoualy
wi h ihe gr -nl ridiieiion in the expenae of ihe Mt.
age, to reduce ii ailb-rripli .n pri-e alao. fr m FIVE
to onlv TH l!EE do I ira; and when several unite
in aiii', to aalow aa 2 50, or even J? SO
per annum.
This very large reditclmn m the receipt S'
panted n ph bill a pomp natively email diminution
of ti. epen-e) involve, of cour-P, n enlire aicri
fice of profit upon it, unicaa p.imrenated by a Vatft
mull'pl caton of aulprihera Th re will be el the
nnt-ct o..ry a m ill reduction in in nnnrber of pi
ge.j anon lobe re-tored to its old number, witnont
mciea-e of prrre, when the anticipated auecpp of
the etp. 'im. nt .1 jitHlify it.
Ths Poaraaica or I)iTlvr.rtarTi Dfho.
ciwille conlmie. engraved in brtti'r and
more coa'ly than heretofore..
The Po-Tor will hereafter, f.u any dianee, be
only fire onda half cenlt ,- il baa heretutire leen,
for 1 00 nn'ea. r'Uhen cent-.
We look for an rxien-init nf citimlirt'-rrTt to lie
lerkoiml by fcria nf thoittrtnih. n li e rcult and
e in. en ition otthi- greft' tednctio" of irrice. Eve
I iv friend of the work, and of the Democratic lrrinci
j p. a anrl catlap, i-roi Ynleuirv npia-aled lo. to exert
h'lmclf with an aenve interest to promrp it nhacri
both to eitiend it. uefii1ne.a, and to carrv it
iicce-fuHy rtir.rrjgh the iTtuia of thia great "reduc
tion of irs price.
Thoae who have pa'd in advance for the coming
year, will receive It, at a reduced rate, fur a year
ami half.
Single copy f3 Oil I Eight copies $20 00
Four cupiea 11 00 'I Thirteen " 30 00
It will thenne aeeu tliai tshen tlirrtpeniCopie are
rd.Ted at mice, the price ia 1. 1. night down to about
f 5 tlO each. For i m inrha. hall tin e rales
The-eTa'ea tiff.rd high iinhneemen' lo agenia
an.! others lo inlci.81 themselve lo (fTiKnre aub-
The Tilth t7Vm and payment in aihente must
le tnrcoiiin'O niHiHg'V adhere! lo. The pal relax
a i .n nf n ha.r. iii.ed an accumulation of not fir
fr. m "MlUKT'l ol'debta ,r to lie work. H reii'f
ler thi- iiinai l-c wholv lef irmul, nor miWt efther
.be mort eminent po'iiricl frim or the inoa't inli
mate pea. n d avne. be diapV aaed on experiencing
il- applic iiion, in the vtoppage of ll.pir numhera, if
t)i y ingh ct thi role, ihe v,a nererairV of which,
at th.' present Ted UP. d rat' , mint be olfviona lo nil
No comtmiiii aiion will he takiTt Ttom the Poi-t
ouSi e cub a free of povlau'C.
Ml co iniiiiii'f iiion, b lb on editorial gndfiiih-li-h
t g buatne-a, iiiUHl he ad,lie--ed hi nce'f.u ward
lo the nnd Ts'gitcd Thoae reining 'o the nettle,
nnnt nftbe pa-t debt dne ihe wdrk will Tie aii'l ad-ilre-nlto
Mr. H. U.1.vhi.kx "8 jlVnr Hwne. ihe
p iai a Tanggiiii nt. with whom, ir pnl li.her have
reirriud their termtnufon.
J. L OSntTviv.
July, TS45, 1 4 fi Na-u street, N. York.
The aduirr.ib'u Daguerrr olvpe nf Gen. JsCk n,
inlien'bv Aiohony, Edward A. (!o.. a b w we.k
le'.re ha death, tnra been rmrchiaed lor the 'uae of
the Democialic Review. Il i in the hauda of (he
nr ii, and Ti herngiaM in Ihe lineal style 'of
im-rt tint, ot ex t -rte. It U a moat lieatnifut and
iireroting woek, ilribire.l by Mr. Van Buren and
other, in grve a more ipei feet idea of the great and
g .nd old iiiau'lhan any ether liketie.a ; and ought
In be piiasea.ed by t'very man who lovea and re
veraea hia ineni..ry .'-Thoae who subscribe early
will icceive ii a. one of the regular aertea of PoT
i mil.
"S premleT'Siti. W4.V
I BattNta'a VaaMiiTriK- a errluin en re f
1 u oiuis iry"e md very jd'rtniut lo lake.
t. Gi'tio ExTHttr. which remirve rreae
of a!: hn.d-. Ery P nla. Tar. Vainisn and Wa,
from raiata or bom cloihmg, without injuring Ihe
c .lor or rhe ( loth.
t l.i"ii Civ Patrra the Ire tiling known
lor kl hug f.ica and inr.'if i l i s
'I. A 'ce.taiii Destroyer o 'R ita, Mice, Uoachea
and Aula.- and an oher nf Bid Bcj.
b. GcaaV rTirrc tn a trr alomach. Heart
tlorn and Water Ura-h. Iry one who h.3 aufftrrd I
thirl.'cn va.ii, before he iSacovere I ihecure.
Da. Si-a Kv'aHJnSKN OiStkT for iheViIc.
?l bus ncer f illed t roie.
lUafctativi TvTTr.R WiH.
K. UKt.MOnn laiikL'iHLK Imk, wiihout a
S. Tt IVivrTo't'vn Covn.PTiow er Ftua
il d ,,,M eliihlrefl Alul ' avmneit. il i
mj plea-aul In lake. j
10. Hern a V iGXTiSia AtTtaiutoi fnn.
11. Gi-xa'a EaoLiiavr Wama-raoor P.T:.
fir Hirncaa, Boote, Ac, It aotleiia'the teulber,aiHl
teepa out the waler.
1'2. Pooa Mas'a SraiiXBTUawi vn IHaarra.
13. Jamao' Duatiarr: MiXTfaa, wtmaS
tUr. the worst Diarrhira in a few hour.
14 Jrxu' l)tTaaT Mixtt ar, a rer-
Win and -pedy cure tut lyaeuleiy and "SLaKner
The alaive vahjaWe aYfic'lea are adld whoWle
and retail, "by L. V. GL'NN, No. SmlthTtftA
ttrrtt, 'Aiirfvlnf:'--whesa S'oridcvayier ni o
her will be Hiaied veHh init Artie "ayenn
IVpfer, A'nnpa'Ftow'eisTJrUg, Tamls (Wsfi'im
awl VarnialMa. ai the lowest pricra. Term only
caah. fjCulout the adveUMaient, and biing
it with you. 1 '
Philadelphia, July lO'tt, H48.-ly.
Compound Nyrup of Tar & Wood
rlHE nnprecedcnled auceea of Ihi medicine. In
JL the re.lnration nf health, io thoae who, in de
pair, had given up all hnpea, haa given II an exal
ted reputation al.ove all other remedies, fomiahinaT
evidence of ita inlriuaic va'ueand power, aa the on.
ly gent which can 4e rebed up .n for the rure of
Pulmonary Conaumption. Rroiichilt , Aaihmn,
P tin 'n the ide and Breat, Spitting of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Ae.
Attention i rcqneaied in the following AS'I'GN.
ISHINO C' Thomaon'a Compound Syrup
of Tar and Wood apt ha! !
Philadelphia. May 37, 1S44.'
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir Wilh grateful
fcehnga I inform you of the a-toniahing elTeeia of
yotw me lieine, which ha literally taiaed me from
a death-bed I Mv disease. Pulmonary Conaump,
lion, had reditred mo fo low (bat my phyaician pro.
no.inced my paae hnfielea ! Al thi junction I be
gan lo u-eyour medicine, and miraculous aa it may
eem. it ha eomplrlelv rc-l ired me to health, after
everything elae had failed. Respectfully vnurs.
Charlotte ulreet, above George street.
Th tinderigned. being personally acquainleil
wilh Waahington M irk and hia stifferinua. bear
witrieea to Ihe nstoiiiahilig effecl of Thnmaon'a
Compmind Syrup of Tar, and the trulh of Ihe a.
hove statement.
JOS. WINNER, 31S North Third street,
DAVID VICKERS. 42 Almond atreet.
Ill GH MtJINLEY, S. E. corner Taraany
snd Fonrth a'teet-.
Prepared only by S. P. Thomson. N. E. corner
of 5th and Spruce street. Phi'ade'phin.
Agent. H. B. Maaaer, Putibipy ; D. Gro,
and Dr. Maepheraon, Harcishnrg 1 Jno, G. Brown,
Pirttsvi'hg; Geo. Erl, Re-ding; Houston A M
on, Towanda. Dradford county, Pa. I'ricc 60 cent
pit boitle, or $V n- r dor.en.
J3" Irnwe of oil intitxilkmi.
Philadclpl .InneCSth. 1845. ly
UP Ha "37 S2C -33 13U
DAGVElilil 4.V a AL1.F. U f Patent Prrmi.
urn Culired 1iktnreex. and Photographic
). W ,-
n. 130 Chesntit'StroH, Phihitleli.l.ia.
No. ?51 Broadway. New Y. rk ; No 75 C.nirt
Sticei, Boston ; No. Hfi Cheanut S e-i. Pi'a.
(h lrh'a ; Baltimore street. Baltimore t H'Oid
w..y, -Saratoga Sp-mgs ; N 50 Cannl S-.-wl,
New-Orlean ; Miiosfr- il New p .r', K. I. And
Main Street. Du lli!P,ue, Iowa.
Ci.NSTITUnl4 the oliUt and mml Ext. n
' ive Eatabli-hinenl nf the kind in ihe Woil I,
and containing m.ou liiau a THOUSAND POR
TRAITS, a'ttitirncvi'T those of some of tup most
iKstinguiahed individuals, in the I'niieJ Slates.
Ailiinl'ain e frea.
Thia I'-tabli.hnicnt hv'ng In en awardid he
Medal, Virur First rremi'irf, an I itcn"tf chml
HniorT' al the Exhibition at Boston, New York
and I'hilndeli hia, napi'ciively, for bei-t Ptctute- and
Apparatus i thua officially sustained in the posi
tion of superiority berit..f .re universally ogi,igned it
bv the pubic, a "Fir.d in Ihe World."
'June 28th, 1845. ly
ja.Mr3 iia:ii:"ccj?n:
P T A N 0 S.
THE SUBSCRIBER has baen appointed a?enl.
for Ibe ,ale i f ( ON-R D MEYER' EL
ANOS, at thia place. Thee Piano have a plain,
massive and bf au'iful exterior fi. i-h. and, f..r ilepili
and nweelneaa of ion. and i leg .nee of workman,
hip, are not aurpassed bv any in the Uni'cd Slate,.
The following i a recommcndaiion from Cant.
Dikt, a crlerbrated irerfomier, and himself a man.
A V. j It IK
1TVIW had the -plea-ure o( tTving iVe excel
lent Piano Fortea nianfactnred by Air. Meyer, arid
exhibited at theli-t exh-biiion ot ihe Fr.nklin lo
stihite, I Teel it due to the true merit nf tbe maker
lo declare thtfUhfae instrumenta are rpiiie npia',
and in some respects even eupniot, m all ihe Pi
ano Fortes, 1 anw at the capital of Euroi, an I
during a ojourn of two year at Paris
Trn's- Viann will be sold at the manufacturer
lowest Philadelphia price, if not aotnethmg lower.
Person are requested 'o rail end examine f
themselves, al the re-i.lenee of the subscriber.
Sunburn. Mav 17, lfilS. H. B. M AfSER.
ri"4HE eu'aicriher would respectfully inforre t'he
Cniren of Snnbury and the pu'die g.-nerIy.
Ih it they have purchased the shop of Mr.
H.n.vei, in Maiket ore do.rr ne.t of tbe Post.
Office, whrie ihey will lontuiue the
Cabinet-Making; I8u?ie!!,
in all it branches The ublic may expect ilir
"work done In (he la'est stile. They hoi, by start
tlenti.m to buima-', to merit a .hare of jmSI ft
(fjy ('olTina mude to order on the rhorteat ii.eire
end counirv produce taken in exchange for work.
Snnbury, May I7rh. l15-ly.
RESPECTFULLY inform vh ri
"Y tteit ol SunKiry end its licrniiy, ih I
he haa Tf altered to ihe Urn k Jf oijm', in
J- a Maiket nrvet, broictly tHCUi.ied by
Huijaiiiin Hendrii-la, ta-t .if (he store f. rmer v oc
cupied by Miller A Mar'x, and now hv f'a T. Cle
ment, where he will Tw happy to receive cilia u a
the line of hi. pr..fcsion,
Sunhiny, March V9rh IS 15.
riTIIE uhaCTtheni have, received, and are now
JL opening a (pb udid arantimeul of Ike foiluwini;
g la
Saxony, Wilton and Vtbel Curpelif.g1
llrusact and linpert .1 .1 Jv d i
Exit anpptfitie and tine I do
Eligli ih shad, d A Diiin i-k Veuetiay do
American twilled and tig'd do
English Druitgeil and Wii.i l Floor Clolha
Siair and Pa-sage timing
Embosse.1 Piano and 'l a'oe Cover
ofndon Cheuille and Tnf e I Ruga
D.ior Malt of fse.y dcwTioiion.
A I.St I
A laige and ttm-ive i a.i'trei t of h Vnir-H
Cloihs bom on to e glu aul- wide, cul to il
ry ileapription nf room or p.a-auc.
Also, low priced I. grain Caipet ng fiom .HI J l.
62 J ceii I irryard, Imnithn wi;h laige ruul eci o
aiva a iiuneiil of good u-b ly ke) l by oyet
The above gooda will he sold m r'ai
at the low matkrl prices. Country no ri b .nt
and o'haia at particularly tnviirj to c i I and
mine our lo,ik tn fore n.skii g thi ii e'aeitois
Socoeaaoi b J.att-pl) Block wunj, No. Ill Chuautil
corner of Franklin Place. .
. J'hiladvlphi, Fab. SJ, IS45-
I .....