Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 18, 1845, Image 1

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!!. It. MA8HER, ? Peat,,,, ii
JOSEPH ElSEI.Y. $ pRoriitroii.
A .TMSSItn, Editor.
Office in Centre AlleyTin the rear of It. It. Mat
ser'i Store.)
THE" A MR ft 10 A N" in published every Satnr
day nt TWO UOU.AKS per annum to l.e
paid half yearly in advance. No paper disrnnlin
ueel till all nirrnrngrs ate paid.
No subscription received for a less period than
u MO!itj. All communication or letter on
business rrlitinir to Ihn office, to insure attention,
must he POST PAID.
H. 3. MASSE?.,
Business attended to in ihe Counties of Nor
Uhumlerlnnd, Union, l.yromini; and Culumliia.
Heifer lot
I . V A. rnvnrnT,
1,D w oV I" nuns,
8imr.nn &. Ssjotinaiss, yl'.Mlad.
list vot.n. Wcl'Ani.n fc Co
e mm, 'trinn & Co.,
AT.!:XAM)i:ii L. JiI( KKY.
Ku. I"0 ( liostuil sixwi,
WTWV.RF, all kind of lent er trunks vale's and
carpel bans, .,f eery tyl and pattern ore j
manuf ictureil, m t!ie heat manner and from the beat
tua'eii:iUaRiid sn'd nt the t meat rite,
Philadelphia. July Utth, Htri. ly
Twenty Per ('nil, Saved.
rFHT. nb-4-nti T liavifi purcliased the store of
Jl. II. II. MlT, his just trpb-l ished the -nlilf
v illi a new murk of ii muI. winch beit R pun-hnsnl
nl eish price. Will he will fur Cu.-h or Country
J'rntlure. t m nty er c nl. climpi-r tin'.' usual. Cull
nd judje f .r yniu-elve..
'J'l.e f Mowing j.e 1. 1 n 't:ir the ariiclea :
ltarr- d oit, u .tnibetr, 1 1
(!. rnun linen, nl I
Mnstiu, at (
(.'ahem s. fut rtih-rs. at 7
Writing "per, at 12 j per quire
S' irar, Hi fIJ
ilo eKd ' 3
Coffee, t 10 lol2A
('ln-s 8 hy 10, i :)it ctsper doten
K!l c cit on i;l. ver.-, a.
M.'li r ill Ik at Oj
Itiuns Kieht day clock, wa-ranled, a' f
Thiiiy hour " f6
" Alarm " " f7
Pii'sidct Irijuiis aivl (iroeeiie of all kind.. I. eg
orn. Fur atnl Si.k hats. Tweed ('8inirrc, Co lun
Yarn, Carpel Chain, Uin! -r l'jrol I..r.)
Sunhuiy, Juls 5, l1."i
II. It. MASSliK, re-peeiludy infirm his old
frin iln and customer, lint he has a .1.1 out his wtn'r
tj Henry M.s.rr, and resprrt'iilly reqnet all llnise
indebted tn hmi, in til their me.nin a sv uhuul
tleiay. si khey iil br plareil in the handu of aJutice colli rtion, m.thniit reKpect tj)ero.i, on tie l.t
tif A neu -t.
Sui.hury.June 5, IS45. II. B. MASTER.
siii:(.KrM"s p.vnivr
rfllllS Vjchiue hj n. iw li.-rri te.led hy more
JL than ihiriv families in tin iieiehh.irh.iOil, and
Lns piven eir.ire Ul jrimo. It is o iinple in il
Ci.nstrueli.4i, lhat it cai.nol eel out nf urilcr. Il
ccnlauis no iri.ii 1,1 nj.l, i. iiini!nr rnllrr to
pet oul of lej .ir. Il Will Jo I ice as mm h ih
iiU', with les than hall tl.e .rt an J lar of an of
Ilie lite u l Iwt i" wl rrmirr iii.pnr
tance.ii c w lull lit le uer hall as much us oilier
W S-liinr HWi'iillir .
'I'he ml' ri'i. r ha the eicelU'ive ripbt for Nor.
thuniherl jnit, I'liimi. I.'C uijiijS. Cnluinhia, l.o
Kerne and Clii.loo Cvtiutu . I'riee nf su.cle ni
chii e fi.',1!,
The f.dlimirc ce.t fn al-' ;s fioiu few of those
who have iliei in nee.
Nuuhniy, Aue. 24, IMt.
We, ihe su siT'tiers rernty that have now
in n-e, in our fmih, '.nrrti'. f.ietit Wsli-ll-K
M.rhin'."nd i.e.) til -itste s.yiiu! 'hat it i
a iiiohI ri-lh-ti invi-ini .n. That, in Wsj-hing,
il will mil1 mwr than enie ha't the usual Inhor.
Tliat it rlomn-'t n-miiiT mre than one third the
ttsnal qnantiiy of op and water ; and l lint then
is no rubbing, an t r'-nw ijueiiily . I'tt'.e nrno arrar.
ii j er lnriiia. That it kuo-k ff iin hiti.m, ami
that the fiiiesi rln h". c : ascuiUr-, laiis, ti rks,
fnli,.Vr.. may he wasKrd in a ey short time
without I' e Ic-st injuiv, and in fart avuhut uv !
oppuirin wear nnd tear, hatevr. We tbeiefor.
cheerfully rei'oii.nien.l I . oi r fi ii mla and In the
uMi', a uiol UM-ful and Uh-.r savii.c mn-luoe.
:H MtUKs w.hkuiNs,
A. .tortliAN.
His WF.UT.R.
(Mis I'l,Es.NTS,
t;ii)i:n makki.r.
m-v .'SVMyw11"' i
Si'ii-ON iSSmC. I
titan's Hotkl, (fo'm-rlv Tre-nont H-me,
116 Insout m m-. r'.'.lim'elj.hia, fcVj.trn.ln r
V i -i n ..... .. I
ii . .i.ti . h ..,.-.,,.....,.,...
in mv hou e rf ntht inonih. an.l do not
besHH.e to ,v thai I ih-m U e ol -he mo I use. I
Inl va'w'.le lihur-'avii.c ninch'iies ever inv.-n-
tv.l. I f.irmcriy 1,. t two women em itnimi.y oe- ;
copied in washing, who now do as Inurh in Iwo 1
. ' , . , . . , .... . . I
. .a . .a tti..v il..-i. .ii.i in ..ui. link. I here is no
lay. a they then .h.l in one . .k. There is no
Wi-ar or tear in washiiiu-. ami I' requires not in in
,1.... ....-II.!..! .1. ....... nl B...I.
M . oV ,; w.-t;,,; 7 j; "' 1 've-:-s,,Ch is ...e opening ,,. Ronge-,
Una i. so .lec.h .lly snperio, l. every lliine else, and -'cservlng ..f nn versnl p ty. U e d test a seo.o. , ,,,pr Denouncing the festival n, idoh.trous,
o linle l.aMe to r-i out of i. p-or, ihal 1 woul.t imt j Throw us into a den nt lions give us a chance j m, M ,lnvrr,,y exhibition f the Romish bier
.lo without one it they shol,l i . en rm.-s the , ,,, , f crocod.h.s. or shut u up with , Dn., vh u .,,,;,, U iin()VPrih.iny
price thev are sold for. PANI:i. HE It It.
' ininiiKLLAs Vauasols,"
Umbrella and Parasol Manufactory.
A'o. 37 Kortk Tliml ftreet, two door below the
P h 1 1 n d 1 1 U I a .
4I.W4.YH "n han.1, a larCe alock of UM
UKEL1.AM and I'Alt ASOI.S, inrlmlinR the
hunt n.-w myle of Pinked Edged Para-ola of Ihe
best woikmmahip and maieriaU. at prices that will
make an object lo Country Merchants and others
lo call and examine his stock before puirhasing
elsewhere. e W.XMbj-- ly
SUPERIOKT'oiI wine. Madirla and i.iahoti
wines. AI superior Brandy and Gin, Krinnn
Svruo. AUo few barrel of Blce Fim. for sale
ranuur, juij iota,
Absolute acquiescence in the decision, of the
II.T Mnsxcr & risrlr.
The Frrrmnn's Journal another Ilnhlin Repeal
paper, has the following song which speaks the
National abhorrence of Informers. Is not "the
girl I adore," hut a type of country :
Sons of the Prtrctlrra.
Am Mirhle 1Mb.
I nniMUT that I roam'd with the girl I adoro
Through a Land of Flysinn drlipht,
. ,i t ii,i ,, ,i, ... ,,., , ...
I I eonld only exist in her sinht :
And I dreamt when my fond protestation had
She conl'iiss'd that for me she would die,
Tut I also dreamt w hat charmed me least
A IV.tkctm-e was list'nirg hard hy.
I sprang en his throat like a wolf on his prey
For unbounded and wild was my wrath
And I ask'd him how dared lie hi a pretence con
Where lovers were plichtinp their troth ?
lie said, 'twas his means of subsistence to spy
He had noted my vows threat and small,
And he cried with a leer in his rascally eye,
"Wanner ulitill hei.r of it nil.'"
I dreamt that I rov'd by myself f;ir away.
Through the wild scenes where the green hea
ther glows,
And that wearied with travel at close of (he day,
I re-air'd to my home for repose. !
I fl.-w to my couch on sweet slumbers to feast,
T!ut with Morpheus not lonj did I 'hide
W!n 1 dreamt I discover') what charrn'd me
A "Dktective in bed by my side!
I dreamt, I awoke with an aoniz'd shriek,
That my hairs stood on end like the trees,
And with wonder I mus'd on my visions unique, j
And my waking reflections were these : ,
We dream many dreams, very curious to see, 1
Iloth by day, and when nipht's shadows fall
Ent to fancy this land is the land of the free,
la the dream most fantastic of all.
Dublin. Stpt. 15, I $15.
Clippings from ''unett.n
t.uv on the Ocran.
"Oh! is there not something, dear Attffustus,
truly sublime in the warring of the elements
Hut Augustus's heart was too full to t peak
.V. S Aiw, In
They met. 'twns in a storm,
On the d.-ck of a steamer",
She spoke in Inniiaie warm,
Like a sentimental dreamer,
lie spoke, at least he tried;
His position he altered ;
Then tnrn'd his face aside,
And his deep ton'd voice laHer'J.
She gazed upon the wave,
Sublime she declared it ;
Tut no leply he cave
He could not have dared it.
A breeze came from thr south,
Across the billows sweeping;
His heart was in his mouth.
And out he thought 'twas leaping.
"O. then. Steward," Iip cried,
With the deepest emotion;
Then totter'd to the side,
And leant o'er the orean.
The world may think him Cold,
Hut they'll pardon him with quickncs,
When the fart they shall be told,
That he suffered frort sea-sickness.
Sroi.ptNu. - There is nothing moral or re
l oiotis about scold icg, to rocr.mmend it. Nei
"" r v" ,,,n,n,"rti' nor Z'm l",,icr
,s " "U of " 'r,'!,, 1,0 1,1,1
con'.l do better: oe to tl.e litrin patuiine
V" n n'" " " ' r w " c rl ""'K "'-
'er er misties. break a saucer, stum'j'e over
ft.,.. , Urn on a ihtlu s plaything, gr t Hie
, , , , ' 1 ' . .
". M"" " ",!r a "
of nil am! jupiter amnion! 'Vlint an uproar:
,,hl -homests about your ears, or being a i
. . . . i i e
witness in the box, is nothing In It. A hml ot
' " ;
worn nnil tongue naileries: il you iiivmni
; a dozen Inwyers-hul we praT never tn he con-
j nocted in any way with the eternal scnld.
Where were you ull tho afiernoon t en
quired the master.
'No w here,' answered the boy doggedly.
No tefcrre f echoed the marker, assuming a
very wise look and casting his eyes around iho
room to see if the boy a noted him, his custom al
ways when about to utter any impressive re
marks. That no where must pe a great place,
for a good many boys go there 1 find. But how
came you to go there, Patrick 1'
Because,' replied the delinquent, '1 had no
whrrt'$o go and so I went there."
A loud lauch from the whole school followed,
in which thqinabtcr heartily joined. A"nircr-
majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which
Minimi j, IVorfliiiiiiberlniiil Co.
From the Washington Union.
Skttrhis Joom lorriiw I'aprrs rivcivitl by
the Ureal Wmttrn.
The ffrrimrf Rrrormnt ion In Cermsny.
Tim F.uropran (conlinpntnl) world ii nt thin
moment in a greater ferment, upon the sub
jocl nf rrliffinn, than M any perirxl since the
days of Martin Luther. Urn counterprirt in
Jnhii Hnnt'e, nn obscure Catholic priest, who has
sprung into great notoriety since the 1st of Oc
tober lat. Indeed, in this phnrt period, he has
nmnnjred to nc(iiirea position, and a command,
in-j infttience, which I.uther himnelf wai for
many years employed in attainintr. Doubtless,
th! march nf mind the cpii it r,f dm aje, which
fcorim the Irammr ls of antiquated theories and
superstitions, social and political, as well at re.
Unions the activity which prevails oyer the
whole intellectual nines nf society theem-rjy
nf the press the power nf associated mind, in
all its literary forms have piven nn impulse to
curiosity nnd investigation, which circulate al
most with the velocity of the electric fluid
I through society. These l.nvn prepared the way
j for the labors of Rone. Vet events t-how that
he is the tmn eminently suited for the occasion
that is, sufficiently hold, snjrncinus, ehiiin'iit,
i and enthusiastic, tn lead a great religious refor
i million numnjjn highly cultivated people. He
! is a Komnn Catholic priest ; he is a suhj"ct of
the Prussian mnnnrchy ; was horn in Silesia,
j and isssid to have become disaffected and dis-
I gnsted hj the close discipline nf an ecclesiasti.
lih'Tal studies of the
""'"". year spent in military iti-
ty, wincn I'rtissta requires of all her citizens.
The Indon Morninp Chronicle of the ','Oih
inst , says:
"The first cause of RnnrrV nnlhreak wns the
...usn.u.wmiopPforsniiri.on ti,e choice made
by tho chapter ofllres'su of a libernl and moder- I
-r. i r.i . t . - c. ..... .i
ale prelate. The vicar general in the mean
time, administered Ihe diocoss in the ideas of
,10 Jrf;ui, , school. Kongo,
,lfi rlrrvni,n Crotlknn. wrolo . lett.,,
I journal, complaining. The ("rahnin of Ihe dis
trict discovered who wrote tie letter, and Konge
irm-n.,,,,,,,,,- fop,,,,. (
ners of the motiniain and hided his lime. This'
Uaitiuini..AJ , l. --I" .1 .
time soon came, when Arnoldi, Bishop of !
I roves, set up the very coat which our Saviour
I wre at his execution, in the chinch of Treves
' to be worshipped. A million and a half of pen
; pie mnde pilirimnge to Treves, to obtain there
j by forgiveness of their sins. On Ihe 1st of Oc-
i i-int-r, iii, iiiiol'k wrnit: a 'innnions ol a i
I , n i n
' If II 11 .1 ... .. '
j diiouii: i rn-sv oi mis iiiam-r. r riy tiiou-anu
I copies were sold in I.ei;izic in a fortnight, 'fo
; collect,' said Ronge, to Hnhop Arnoldi, thai our
. Saviour's coat fell to his exceu'ioiiers, whilst his
i spirit went to dwell w ith his disciples.' The
letter of Rouge evinces great talent " is said that the priesthood rx-
j hihit it hutoneo in .Ml years for 111 dnya. and re- ,
' 1 i
: riod.
l lime tinin H.i: ik'iki.tii I inn n ui in,- i.'in i
'.nil., the followicg interest ng synopsis nf
v i.t. iut n...t.... .T... ,.r,i.. in.v.
( uonge s ceieiirnteu leni-r, wnicn iniows iignt
. xiti the social awl religious condition of Germa
ny J
"It was rin the 1st of Ocii-ber Inst, thai the
unknown parivh priest addressed Ii is letter to
ithe bishop? nnd not to him alone, but to all the
Hoftinn Cuthi'lics of Germany, whether priests
I or laymen, 'You have beard that the H shop
j Arnoldi, of 1'rcVHF, has exposed ns n religious i
I spectacle for the veneration ot mankind, a ve- !
I lure Cilled the coat of Christ. Yon have hifird I
1 this, Christians of'the nineteen:!! century ; Ger- j
. man peoplo, yon know it ; teachers of the Ger- j
man people and f religion, you are satisfied j
that ih.a is no fab!
n fact. The l.t
i!e. no tsle. hot I lie troth an-l I
... .i .
est accounts infotni lis that
r)(;,( n) ft),)U ,lBVp n(d(.
a pilgrimage to Ihe
relic, and other thousands continue daily t,.
pm,f in lP.,rilp an,i l)Plj(.ving this sacred ves
tore has hvViIe.l the
sick ami performed divers
The news haasnread in everv land.
' and is carried to every i tile ; and the clergy
I'd to v cry
. , ... ... , ' , ..... V
of France think lit to deny
j the garment, and tn claim the regard of men
f ., i.thrinal a hie!, th.-v nrof.H ! I.H..
j nn nfM npjhpr o
j (ip . i(,r (hn ,.s,i,r,il)n, rilip ;rM ,(,
proceeds lo say that laborers have neglected
their work, and the youth
have been demorali.
zed hy answering a summons which has once
more opened the door to superstition, hypocrisy,
and fnnalacism, and all the wickedness bound
tip in them. 'These are the blessings, which
the exposure of your coat has showered upon
our land ; and the man who has brought it to
light, who diverts from their lawful channel
the religious feelings of a suffering, credulous,
and ignorant multitude who giveshisenergiea
to the cause of superstition and vice who
wings good and money from poor hun
gered people who holds up the German peo
ple to lh derisioa of nations, and who adds to
there i no aPP, at hut to force, the vital prim iplo
Pa. Saturday, Orl. 1, ISI5.
Ihe wolrrht of cloud already hnnping over lis ;
this man ie a bishop, a German bishop. Artud
tli of Treves, Then, Bishop Arnoldi nf Treves,
I Btldress myse!f in you ; otid call apon you in
virtue nf my office and vocation as a priest, ns
a (icrninn lencher, nn behalf of the teachers of
the people, on behalf of the (Jermnn tuition, on
behalf of Christianity, to put an end to the unho
ly exhibition of this sacred coat, to withdraw nt
once the vesture from Ihe sight of man, and to
mnkcottr scnmhil no greater tlmn it is. Know
yon not as bishop y in must know it that Ihe
founder of the Cnrislian religion b qum h-d In
his disciples and follow ers, not his coat hut his
spirit ! His co-it, Hishop Arnoldi of Treves, be
longs to his exectitioneis. Know yon not as
bishop you must know it 1 lint Christ l-iithl
(!od nsn spirit, and he who worships Hun tntt-t
worship Him in the s,iirit and in truth! And
he inny be worshipped everywhere, not merely
at Jerusalem in the temple, not only nt Treves
in Ihe presence of the holy coat. The zealous
nnd rfli-nded pastor goes on to state that the
Christ inns i.f the apostolic limes, nnd of the fir!
three centuries p rmitted neither an iumgenor
n relic nnd of the latter they must have had
many in their clinrrhes, nnd it wns not until
the 1 tit Ii or 1 lib century thnt the sound nu.l
healthy tuiiiil of the ( lerman people suffered it
self tube charmed by the Cni'ndea into a de-
grnding adoration of relics. limine ,enies thnt I
the bishop hns had ihe good oi'Chnstintiity nt
henrl in hi unseemly exhibition ; 'fnr, if this
were tho case,' he says, 'hn'V tnu.-l mr con
science he loaded with a double guilt, for ha
ving helit htck from suffering mankind this sa
cred vesture until Ihe year of grace 11 1 ! nnd
is it not most unpardonable, loo, that yon should
receive efTerings of money from hundred of
thousand of pilgrims you, P.ishop of Treves,
from the starvmo- nonnUtion of ,.r hm,lvoo
who saw a few weeks ago, absolute want dri
ving hundred nf miserable wretches to insur
rection and death ! Ih rot allow yourself to
he deceived by the flocking of the crowds, or
believe that whilst thousands of credulous Ger
man nro horrvinrr to Trni-p. niitlintia iru tint
(rtrickr wi, ,!pPp.nj,hnrrence and hitter sor-
... i .i en. n
row. Sorrow and wrath are full to overflowing
not amongst one parly or another not in
Ibis rank or in that ; hut with every party, and
in every rank, and chiefly with them whom
your conduct most aggrieves the Catholic
priesthood. Justice overtakes yon sooner than
you expect. The historian has nlready taken
. . . i e
,m pen, that he may consign the name nf Ar
I no!di to the contempt of ibis nnd future ng' .
j and to murk him nn his pages ns the Tctr.el ol
Ihe l!)th century.' Rouge concluded his ir,i
passioned address with a few Wntdsto bis fellow
citizens nnd to his brethern of the priesthood,
bidding them no longer he silent, but lo sljud
SI rnVl. themselve true and ftitl.t-il
,j(.ipes of (!hrist.'
I he positions assumed hy Kotige upon the
subject of ihe 'holy coal" wat so much in pe-
, , , . .. , , .
cordimce Willi toe rjrrit t Ihe nge, that the
, ,;,.,. Bt ,,,,rr , ,,k with
him The fact l!mt he only made war against
such antiquiit'd and ill-timed portions of thcdis
cipline d Riaine (without striking at a single
doctrine of the church) ns were gem-rally no-
i know lodged by the parish piiestlnsul lo h- pe.
riotts evils and draw hacks upon the spread u'
pracliral C!hristi.-intlv, al.-f enmmnndi-d tlu-tr j
rympathy, and tliro' tuein, the feeling of th" '
j mass ol the Catholic population ot G.'r.n my ; j
; hiu writings hu-o undo their way In I'oh in a,
nnd occas tin much distres to 'lie Atistriin go-
vetninenl. Their inlluenee fnrins now one of j
the grent Inets of the day, commanding; the in
terest and attention, not merely of theologian
1 niu iMiiuniaii"
i 1
... ..A ..... f
.' t.
, l',rol,(' Irente.l hmi till no ailentioti, n ec mg
tint his f 11,-rls W..UM ms.ii cease, ami mat w.v i
....... .ill
j history ol me excitement lie wouiu m-
! ""-' a, even :ay Wonuer n in" it-c-nory
, ' P1 '!". 1 ne ironoies in manzernno nnj
.... l, . t i I 1 I
i Trance upon ihe subject nf the. Jesuits, h.uve
j r ,"M' " u "" '"' ' ' . " "
: as "feat 0 ;egrre, au.i nave, ot course, power-
fully assisted K.uige lo keep i:p the fXCiti inet'.t
:n Prussia. I. in rntniiinatinn nt these throe ( ,hi,kne,s of a msn's ami, and mntleof rag sew
great ranse ofan ultimate religious revolution ,,( t..trM ln-r. Was toned into her month, her
in Catholic Europe basal length aroused her en- j p,,,. hn-ufKetrhiet lied lightly over her mouth,
verntnenls to a sense ol danger, and they begin n)., ,rr apron bound ovrr her eyes. In this
lo combat wilh ,..ige anil his followers every-
I vvl'rrP l-y pcrsecuiion anu cnrmimriy. uenying
hirn ,M pr,v"'e' of preaching in Hie churches,
and going so far as lo punish ihe school children
for stopping and gazing at his picture in the
windows nl'the print shops of I.eipsic. Austria
has also taken arms, and has counselled the o
iher Catholic German Slates to uso the most
summary and violent me ans to put down the
new reformation. Among Iho most Conspiru
otts of the persecutors of Ronge, is said to be
Prince John, a uut ultra and bigoted Catholic.
No man is born nobler than another, saya
Seneca, unless he ii born w ith better abilities
and more amible disposition.
and immediate par. nl of
Vol. C,--Vo. 1M liolc Wo. 201.
Ilnrrltiln Outraga.
A Horrible outrngo wns committed in Greene,
near Norwich, Chonnngo crsmty, N. Y., last
week Ihe object of which is supposed to have
been murder, for the purpose of screening Ihe
perpetrator nt a dark crime. Two men mask
ed entered n house in the afternoon, seized a
Mrs. Ilttrdick, gagged her to stifle her cries, car
ried her into the woods, TO rods from the hnue,
threw her into a ditch, piled rails and timber
upon her, nn which they jumped for the pur
pnso of kil'ing her. When leaving her, the
murderer undoubtedly snopnsed she was dead.
The woman was soon missed, the alarm wns gi
ven, search was made, and she was found in
two hours nnd n iiall'nfter her disappearance.
She was rescind from her perilous sitnntion,
and rireivid every attention tier critical stale
demanded. She wns for some days deranged,
hut is now rational, nnd bids fair to recover.
Two nrresis have been tnnde, nnd the individ
uals were undergoing an examination before a
magistrate at our latest advices. YV. have
since received Ihe following account of the
transaction, in the Norwich Journal :
(In the (arm of John Johnson, on the cat
lull, and within the bounds) of the corporation,
lives n tenrnt by the name of Harvey Ham.
mind, whose family consist of himself anil
wii'e, sister-in-law. brother-in-law, and his wife,
la:,,'r whom was the victim of the most
d.imnnble trnnsnetion that ever came under
Greene observation. She is ahont nineteen,
good looking, nnd was married a few weeks
since. Her health is poor, s he hnvingls?en sub
ject tor nnny year to a sp.eies nf epileptic fit.
On Monday evening, the VMth tilt., this young
couple (Ihirdiek by name) hail retired somewhat
enrly, when the husband, feeling some pain
from n wound in the leg, received some time
before from an axe, arose and went into the
kitchen, w here the rest of the family were, for
the pot pose of dressing the sore. He had been
there a few minutes, when he heard a scream
front the bedroom, nnd nn going in they found
Mrs. Ihirdiek on the floor, laboring tinder ex
treme t'rirht. She said thnt soen efter her hus
band leit the room, she felt a hand pass lightly
over her thee, but supposing thai it was Mr.
Rurdick fit-ling hi way to bed, she was not a
lormod until the h'.nd seized her throat and dis
abled her from making any out-cry. Immedi
ately another arm was p!nced under and raised
up her hea l, while a third hand grasped In.r legs
nnd pulled her from the hed. S!ie seized the fea
ther bi d with one hand, and with the other, by
a iVspor.-'te effort, siu-cee.l. d in releasing her
tiirofst. nnd sceamed. When found she and the
bed were on Ihe floor, nnd nn article of wo
nint.'s apparel (a cape we believe) lay near by.
This can" was nlterwnrds identified as her mo
thtr's a Mrs. Baxter, who lives in the next
house, also a tenant of 'I'nele John." A floor
was open loading out of the room, but no other
trace of the perpetrators wns found.
On the following day (Tuesday, the 30th.)
Mr. Biudiek, being in n very weak state, went
to the same room alter dinner fir the purpose of
rest, having first taken the precaution to secure
the blinds by a string, and to fasten tho door
that wns entered the previous night. The win
i'ow wa raised and left up. Between two and
three o'clock Mrs. Hammond, hearing a sligtit
noise in the direction of Mrs. B.'s room, went in
nnd diseovc red it empty, and Ihe blinds taken
Irom the hinges, thn string broken, and the
diMir stiil Isrled, As the nin'e members of the
family were nt work in the fields, some li'tle
tune elapsed be'ore they were informed of these
fxet, when Mr. Hammond immediately mount
ed his horse and gave Ihe nlartti in the village.
The story that a woman was carried off in mid
day, and within the corporation, in plain sight
of ihe whole; village, gained but little credence,
, nM1, i,,:t .,,ir or hve cnuM u ituluced to go up
, lUln ri.i,. Afler looking lor nearly I wo hours.
B,I(1 wfl lir(1 ,nr( f m),
tr..m i,rt ;n , m?t (, Uathhone's
farm. Site wa in a natural ditch, altoul eijh-
teen inclies de. p, made l-.y the overflowing of
a spring. She was lying en her hack, her feet
under a inrge . g of vod, another log laid a
cms ln-r hreat, ami a third lengthways on her
h'ldv. Her hands were tied, a iarne parr the
situation , had air, for Iwo houra nr more.
her b.i.!y immersed in ihe filthy mud and water,
her In ad being just above the surface. Four
men carried the insensible body to the house,
w here, alter great exertions l:fe was rastored.
Reason has not yet entirely returned, but du
ring a few lucid Intervals her statement is as
While asleep, she was seiied, gagged and
blinded, then forced through the window by two
men, and partly dragged, and partly walking,
was taken through fields and oi-rr fences Into
the tt ovl. Hern they M lfr .'ow ,n, j.-'
the bandaje Tro-, ,1Pf p.p nJ he ,rr m hpr
mouth, "phey asl;;, .it Hho knew them.' She
replied '0l i,he did not, They wore, tapt, nd
PIRCKS OP AivrnTisivc.
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Yearly Advertisements : one column, $ 2.1 half
column, fid. three square, f 12- two squares, f'J
one square, f 5. Half-yearly t one column, f 18 ;
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f 5; one squaie, fit fiO.
Advertisement left without directions as lo the
lenctll of timnlhey are to lie published, will he
continued until ordered out, and charged accord
(Sixteen lines or lee make a square.
were disguised by painting their faces. They
then attempted lo pour something from a vial
down her throat. From her description, it wns
probably laudanum. She did not swallow any,
hut succeeecd in breaking the vial. She beg.
ged of them (on seeing them take out Iheir
knives, with the remark that 'they might as
well finish her then as any time') not to kill
her aa she wished tn communicate something to
her husband before she died. They then pro
dnced pencil and paper, and pretended tn write
as she dictated. When this was done, vim
wa again blinded and nagged, and coiveye! hi
the ditch and placed with her face downwards,
and aa heretofore described. One or he men,
after placing a log ocross hor.juwp'-i nrnn it.
They deposited the letter for her husband un
der some leaves hy her side, nnd said tint they
would come Ht night when she vns riend nn I
cover her up. One of then said 'he had do1?
about enough for five dollars.' They then loft
her, and by dint nf struggling, slip turned over
and got her head above the water. She soon
became insensible, and i.i this stale she was
Her mother and brother were immediately
arrested on suspicion of some knowledge of tho
nPairs, though they were undoiihleilly absent
from the spot on the day. They are the mo
ther and brother of the Bixter who was sen
tenced last Court to State prison, nnd ufit:r
wards had hi leg amputated at Norwich. Mrs.
Rurdick has always borne a pood character,
though that of the rest of the family is. notori
ous. The examination hns, for obvious reason,
been held in private. At a meeting of the ci?i.
r.en, a comtnitte nt fifteen in the village, ami
ten out, were appointed to investigate the tifhit.
They are all active and efficient men, and
are determined to spare no efforts lo discover
Ihe guilty. A yet all is mystery, though there
are a thousand suspicious circumstnrces which
might be told; still it is not expedient t'int thj
investigntion of the committee should he fore
stalled. The whole matter is in their harvjs,
and if there is a possibility of discovery it will
pe made.
We should mention further that the letter to
the pusband was found as Mrs. B said, under the
leaves, on Saturday last. There were n few
pencil scratehea on it, but no writing. This
story lias been gradually drawn fi un her nnd
more will be told, probably, us she gnuu
Itoyat A in nar nl .
Tho Queen of Spain (her Majesty lis r.ot
yet completed her l.'ith year) is very fond, it
seems, of bull-fights, nnd during her slay at St.
Sehai,tian, Pampelunn, nnd other place, every
attention lias been shown to tier Miju.ty's tart j
in this particular. What thnt taste is may he
judged of from the following accounts of two
bull-lights, at which she was present:
As poor as tho Royal party arrived, thcr
piendnrs and toridora entered the square and at
tacked the bull, who was loose o:i the (iueert
throwing down the key of the door, nnd th
same exploits were repented a in the morning
but the bulls were larger and more Jeracian t
and the mules were decked nut more gaily, ,e.
ing covered with cloths jF yellow, and reJ ri
hnnd on their tails; end two large SS' em
broidered on the cloths. Before killing the bull,
the metador went en his knees to nsk the Q.'.oenV
permission, and as soo.n as she assented, ho at
tacked the animal with sword and flai. TV '
military band in attendance struck nn an ai.,
which continued till the animal was k IVi,
sometimes with several s'rokes, soei-t ones w,i.
one. The fourth bull was so quiet 'hat 1 1 , peo
ple Inti lly called out prrros! (dogs); but, th..ogl
attnekpd by these animals, irjn i- re n;rf fn.v,.',
the bull was not roused till they pl.irttr,! fr
thirls in hinnn k, which hurst with a hmd rx
plosion, and made the anion! an.i j i np i ,
. ,10 ,ir
This bull wns at le'igMi .1 p .ie:- i
j and two other finished th" nrnvi.;rnt rr
I day. The third hull was the voM -r b -t
cording to ta(e, and gave Ihe wb ; -.i'e . ;, f.
I trouble; thr picadors tr re cruxhrtl . i-i rn' . (jlt. 3
nndtt tkiit hornet, but they mounted j
mediately. The oor horses inosl h av- ? :f-
fered dread'ully, btitii go. h I on 1 .-, ..(
rnlrail trailing vn thr ground.
The hull fights were much the ame isyes.
Irrday, but in the morning Ihe n were b't-.s
full. The three hull killed ,,.k-.:i horses.
The last was an furious tint hr. kVed mu', at
tacking these poor creatures pPVe x ti.iics, and
goring them dreadfully. A pica .i,.r w u thrown
from his horse with such forco i,.,t thought
he was dead; he was, .iowe ,t, only stiinnnJ,
and Is now in the hntnlal, yomg on well. Cu
chares, the metador, d,j ',,,, d(y will, as did
toridor. Thie evening tie SiX bulla only kill d
five horses,
Tut: p . , . ..,... Tlie mother of rif t!;.
chilJ w v,rtjhv banker, now in herDTlh yea',
.'jd r,.c,,lty , violent attack of illm ss; wl en
ahe recovered be remarked 'o her fneni'.s ata.ur.
her "No nn, my friend, I am not going 1.1
leave this world until I am i,ii .t..ii at ' "''
Meaning that she would hold out till aho reach,
td one hundred f