LisToir cause::?. IOR trial in the Con 'it of Common Pk of Nor thumlrland Cou nty, HI Novem her Term, 1815, commencing tho I rt Monday, bei rig the 3 J. Peitxinger, alienee, of Citrvrr " Jnhn Gate f et at Benjamin Robin ' Abraham Lomrence Prentice for Welch Joseph Kee.fer Claire GenevievstDaaqrit'v.i Daniel Dunklnberger Same y 8ame "William Farrow v. . Thraham KUm Geori Leibrich henry Meer, David M'Knight R Richardson et all Kemp, assignee of Hotrart C Barrel Anthony Wton et el Joh M H ousel Itobt Grant el al Willi em Reed Abner Mendenrull v A Wi Ihelm'a edmr.. C I, Wcimer va Hol.erl McCoy Willian McCoy va HobaC & Barret Hinckley A OgcUhy June L w. A H Hews. Ac for H U Mer v William McCojr rLorenr... I) Housel v William Crick "George Mil enl-ach's sdmr B & J Stamm, Ac vJrtotttrfc' v John Becker Francis WiCev, a Felix Mturer M el Wm8Mnntm7 v lr Jsme. Locke Whitall At Brown vs John H Boyd Wm H Brown An vs Same JStrawbriJge A U uihxi vs. fame (Holmes. Sturgeon A cow Same .Jam Bird A wife vs George Persinf Hugh Bella. E-J lletwy Donnel rl af f Charge Hall's ex'r Willism Wilson's ei f DsSstre John Frck Cohin A Billington's s-S'igncesvs Edwrd Oohin Same " 4;hrle G.dtin v "immewitan A Savidge va Jacob Hm et nl a Hi nj nmin Ford man 8i-aaho'i & Bergat reser John tSln.'wsn va P Wdhn.n . wafo Wi linm Fri k w Aucustu Rosa v David II usel's mi.."' ' ni-Shlsintgiimery'' i-x'rva Cper Lyud Ac 3; V lys.,H v 'Same J.ili.)flfil rsisi") heirs v nrecttimeh A Shipmeri .Jacob Pel sing Mary Wek i D Fo'dsman JJrlhii 'Cooper Ac William Simentost C McGreeor-A'wrfe Chariest H "Fries; 'VPIemiit Wsw 44snset. Jr John l.ii-h Uil1-ri TJrlie 'K Or!nough 'Ed aril VV M-irriann .Jamea H'Mi "Win 1. HnerRn va Ttinm a .MVn v. W m R ,irw v Tlxim a GranVa eJin'ra va ame v raster Hred va J .c. It H Ithna.U hi H .Mmmi H K le MLXt. . JOKD W. Prolhonotar,a ofTii-e. S 4'r.fli'y. nnlury. tVt llih. If45 5 4lriliuV Coiut Sale. IX nir-iirtirH ot an unlrt of the O jth 'na' Con nf NnrllruiiAirrlatid ci'ihit. nll i- iw'd at hI lin vfi.dui or i-oicy, on Sjiutdiy lln"1t5ih fOi Inl.rr lint., mi rlir Jirini!t)rr Snydrrelown, lie tli -alalo f 3rlin IN rl, drc'il, aci-rlain 1ra:t tff land aiiuatp in Nl an nkin nwinh'', in raitlc my, .ljiininn I m I f 1. 1m Mnnri', William Fi1itr, Henry Huff and u(lirt.'Ciiluiiiii'g two hiinflrcil ami twnty ti a-rK, Mrreim af ieid adwel. ling hiv "ami a bulk bam, &c. S.ili In coin enence at ten oVIoi k, A M , 4 Mid djy, whm the 'terma of aale wiH be tnaiWnown liy JOHN EVEUT,, -Oct, ltth, 1845 St From Iht L. L Farmer.') 'Sugar Coated PHI." T)r. ft. Uenj. Sm lh" Sugar Coatid Imprrmerl Imlun Ha'.le Pi are an tKreNenl itirg4livr; oweiful, ami vei actually 4-a-ar in their opera tiona. They lie no nauaeoua tatrte, nor dulhey ytnlure Hftrrwada'ihe nausea -of (t t. In le than twelve b-ur af rv lAii-g ihem. a eier-on feeU like a new ling juat if he bed breu realty bom asain.' QJ- IJAl'flON. A miserable rm' haa 1eeii m ule, by the name of Sugir Coaled PiK,'M 41 la necraa iry l4w rere Ual De. CI Hhj SniTn'a -eilliia'ure ia nn evi-y hot. 1'iice 25 -ent. PiiiirifMl Office. 79 t treenwirh Ht N"r YinV. SMiy JKHIN W. FIMMNtt. Sun bury. WM. rilKSI THE, AWthnm f, October lWi, K S4.V m? hhl "5a."2ir ps uTXMK mi thr ii'mie of Ihe t-ul'ai nlier, in J Ci altxavi liiu, N.a:lliaintberltiJcHM'y noaac tune iu June Ut Two Steers, one red an l 'white, arrnl rtie orher 'brown and 1iHe both apnrenily Tj:wafd of a year old. The ow. ier requeKleil lo rome foiwetd, ove rne1y, av charea and l.die tliem awav, or mev will W ajol.l aee.rdinf; I AMES ttAN.NET, Coal tofrn-bii. Ilh. ISIS 3 STR A V COWS, AME Ki (Ire fHiiniea Wf lire aulrncr r, m Rwfc t.iwnehii, Non4wmlarlaird ctnmly, a Ixmt lire Ymst of Seplembrr iimtarrt, nea BI.KCK WW, wiih l4l navinc a -white Mre4i on her liu Thontbrt aREIMHW. Mtilh a wliSre fare Will wniar to 1e aitl 'J'he otaner i n qumted 1o call for lln-m. ty ebar ami Ae 4nn away. WM. B. KIl'P. Ifush hmn1ii. Sept. 2V. fi45 3l To I he rnbllc. A NEW VOLUME OF T NEW VORX WEBKLf OTB&0&, Will ftimmrner on Salurtiii, Oet. Wth, IMS Tc!s Thive Dollara per ammrn "in advanre, on, Onernjar one ye.w in aiKanre, f Ofl Onerj' tWi yi a , S (M To c ii ea one veir. 5 Oil Five, IflflU F.ight, ISM Twelves Sil l j AnJ lo"er aul-eeriher o eiltier lk WEEKI.V ! r DAILY, v- win g ve ripy Willi'! LcUcrs Inxu London, faiilrlf. In one haod-nine Kxtka. iinif m with be Waifc It Miennn. Thia eom-i e Fut Kmn cf LaTinaa, and wuh tVre New Volume will em monee the Ntw Km. wrilien from the Norm vr Kraoea, hi ii the M'erey Mitmtr will be erpa I Taie'y edind wilh panic id ,r. rare, and woH more j epeoial regard I' e oaiii and Uaea of eonniry ubaciilieia. We hat (niMmh mone iVei. and leca matter that h meti'ly Vrral and by u-ing in nTt amaller type, we tbalt he able lu increaae the uan lity aa well as t i impruve lire quality of what we give to our reader. We aball endeavor to mke THE NEW.YOItK WEEKLY MIRROR. A diveraifird, enterraining, inatructive end valuable chronirle of the timea, orraniLT iinrii, (in from for binding in one or two volume at the end nf the year.) upon which neither lahoui, time, talent, nor money will be ana red. Ii will hereaft-r he en riched with original eonliibuiione the life, epire end apirit of the foreign journal end eonisin ell the new, intelligence and variety of the daily aheel, bandaomrly printed on fill paper, manufactured foe the einreaa uurnote. and will I forwarded by ibe fiiiet maila, in tiong wrapper every part of iho United Stlea and Cartad. Votlaetlrtt witn ia thirty mih of New York. All communication .hnuM he addrraied Brat paid, to Morria, Willi St Fuller, -corner Ain auJ NU trceUrr V0'k- LIST OF JURORS OF Northumberland County, for Nov. Term, A. D. 1845. CI rand .furors. Twrftnf. Holnmon Eahhach. fclattmrt. John Beard, Jacob Stiisel, Wm. Kirk, John Botiah. Wilbam Tinhrook. .. lohn Rup, Michael Sechler. Milton. John Diver. Chilliquntfur.0 orge Frederick. Pmnt. Thorn H. Wall. Titirthumbtrlund: John Cake. E. P. Shannon. Auinita. John Huaa, Jacob Fry, jr., William Bartholomew, Upper Mahonvy. Benjamin Market, Michael Biown. jr. Lower Mahonny. -John Bingiman, John Bor rel. Li'fe jVoAortny. William Rothtrmcl, Jacob Raker. Jaekmn. Tobia Mill, Joaeph B it'dorf. Traverse Jurors. Turhut . Jumea Ireland, DaviJ Eckett. Delaware. R .hert Wateon.'n Oyaler, Jacob H.fTinan, Jonnt'ian La mi, John Ryner-or, George Wat.on, Danttl Dallied. El ia W. McCar- f.ewh. Stmoel Slahlnecker, Montsomerv Ru- act, R njamin llorh. Milton. Henry Handa, Dvid BUir, Zachariah Ma'k'" , C'li'lHtquaque. Thorn Paidoe, Wj: am Bir kenbii e. Michnel MrG. e, Wil l tin Fullmer. I'oir, '. Francla Oilmon, John IS'ealiil. jr., laanc Huff". Jonathan Pu'ael. fieri hum.'ier land William Birkenb'ne, Levi Ec'kerl. Will 'am Wdon, John Cm. Sunburtf. -telatinn, Lew in Dewart. Auguta. Willinm Kosa.ttcorBe II .k r. jr , Jno. SnvUi-rJ'., Philip WtUer, John Smith, Leuiiard Neioiff. S7renioiVrn.--Andrew fton-ert, Abia John. Knrh. John Penny I, j'., John llurah, jr., Lef. font Haughnwout. TW7 Jo-eph ?5ehner. .I'pprr Mahtmny John lleirich. IJjiii'nr Mtihmtoii Jacob Witmer, Solomon Rcaa- tr. Ivficlmill l.enker. John Michael. .urXVa. IVtcr T'eon. lelil .TiiiTOrs. Turi'i '' 'Galeon Dunkcl, John A. Eal.barh. (Jeorae Kl'IZ. Delaware. Edwtrl Tj Pifer, Daniel Leinharh, Solomon lrucke.'''ll',,i "in Leiaor. Lewis. Jacob M'-'ngaa, inuel Sade, William Keviioldi". . j. William H frjmiae, Jacob Kil.'er, Al len Shroyer, Omsar Hamm.od. rmnt. Jacob Drnl I. r, b T)eekr.. A'(irrtlim6ciun.. William Fomyrte, Gtvrge Wanner, Charlea F Little. Suulmr John Speece, ilriuWrt. John Shi. Sniiuakin.. Ixonaid Pi nyl, Michael Pemwis, Sxnini'1 t-uiman. Simnel Ent, William Wea-wv, John Fegely, Samnel Hummel. A'uari. Henry HiWC ,. CaaL Georgo Kieaser, Abraham Arter, Soli. mon M-iric. Mich el Kerateller. Upper Malioiwy. Sjaauel Smith, Jacob Kaull maru Jarkjtm Henrv O. HotKnan. tititt.; 18 Itercby tiven, to all legate, creditor and o thrt eraom, intereaied in the eatale of Jacob Malich, ilrc'd, eclil d by Ttia eiecutor, John and Peter Malich; nf John K Hill. 4ecU, willed by hi eieeutorn, Jime F Murray i of J.taeph Poyer, ili-c'd, aetiled bv lit edniitiiatrafor, Andrew Run yan ; of Maria ElotMh Thoniaa, lec'd, aetiled by her ailminii-rra'rn, Solomy S.-ioi; oTFreilerkk Ra ki, fbrcM. aeled ly In udmintitriN)', Jacob H- rT man; t Ad.iinjah FariiawoirK, dee'd, tl1ed by hi liniui:ra'.or, Rolit Faini-woinS ; f John llork felrer. dec'd, aetlbd by Ilia atlmrniatrator A IriandcT M wife Lain T Niirlhnmberland nrnnty ; thai ll e etecut'ira an I adrwiiiMtrator of (he Miid ilc reaaed ea'atee have fired their acemmt with tlie I'ea n'er of t! ia eouiiiy. and ih lbey will lie pre nimd to lire Orphans' Court nf aaid county, on 'Pur-day the 4 ill day of November i.cil, for con -Grmatiuii and allowance. EDWARD OYSTER. Sonbury, tVl. 4ih, 1845. At Regiarer. XorlliuiTiUrrlnncl C'oituty, mm. IN the OrphHiia' t'oun of uml ccwuty. ai Ausirat Term, A. D. IM5. tn motion of Huuh llcl l.ia, Em) the Court grant a rule on the heira and regal repreaenlalivr of Herrty Ante, late of the bo rotich of Nnnhumheilund, in iJ county, decd., leiiog iaaue ix chikVen. to wil : Ma'garel, inter, vn.irried with (Jlau- E. Wintrier ; IJailreriiw, inter married with Geotee Hulcr; Philip Ante.; Kill, belli, formerly inter. named with Levi deceaid, having iue by her aaid buahand, Han nah Hohart and Elizabeth Unbar!, niiuoia under the age of twenty-no, of ihwn Daniel llratniom, E-q.,i guardian, and Wilkjrm Ant a. revKlmt m Wiaeoci-in. hen and d.atrtliiee nf Hmy Ante, late of the tior.iugh f NorihumlarUnd, ilec'd., to apar in our neii Orphana ' 'nun to be held for aaid roumv, to wil; on the A.I day of NovemWr. A. 1) IM4A, and accept ar refuae the e-We 4 the aaid Heniy Antea, d c'il., or atiow why lire ain khnul I not be aold. Cer ifretl from the eecevda of nor said Orphan'1 C ut. al Sunbirry, thi S4th day ol Seplein 11, A. U lti- EDWARD OYSTER, Sunbary, Kept. 2T, t4S 5t Jlk. tl. W'c rrtommrnd nil of nnr frivnAn n't ifng ike ci';, t call at the. I't kin Cnnpan't Stnrr, and lnyin m inppty nrdr-ir JWictitn Tt-u. Tin: im;kix ti:a ciiv4t. No. ao, S u re Huana eireKCT, U.twem M.wket and t'heaiiut, VniZ.ABSI.PBIA, HAVE e iixlai.tly on hand, and for a le, Vholeale and Kel .il, A VARIKI'Y OF CHOICE FRESH TEAS. At Iowr Frltett, accord ina; tu the u,ulny, than they can l Inajgbt for at "V niher eM lli-hmetit in die rrtv. rry Ti:a, excluaivrrv, are 4d at ih' hou-e. and iieverd v..reiir which car not le obtained riK where. Any Tea which do n l give iniire atif fc inn ran I returned and exchanged, ol the m i ney wiH be refunded. lire ritiaen of North iimta-Hind county are re- apectfully mviied tu give u call. ti. a. .iKur.K, Agent for the Pekin Tea Company. Philadelphia, Sept. Stth, 1845, ly To the Electors of Northumberland County. EL LOW CITIXENSHaving been encou-- laged by mv friemla, to offer myaelf a a VOL. I'NTEER candidate for the office of PaOTHOIfOTART, I respectfully aolicK your aupport. should you aee proper to confer the office UMin me, I will en deavor to discharge the deiiea iheienf with fidelity and impartiality. PETER LAZARUS, Sunbury, SeplSOth. 1645. 4t CALVIN n'LYTHK. ATTOMTBT US LAW, ..... r " t wurai ou;u of the Uuy and County nf Philadelo , ufnc 15 al No. 35 South FOURTH 8ueel, ueiween Chanit and Walnut atreeu. Pbiladelihia, 6t.20th, 1845. 3m. rim,Ai)i:iJMirv "WHOLESALE HOTJSES. TO OOTJNTBT maRCHAKTS. . THE undesigned Merchants, Manuraclurer. Importer and Wholeale Dealer of the City of Philadelphia, emhrace the medium of the New. paper Pre of your aection of country, to give you the at reel and number of nur several eatabliah ment, and respectfully to invite yon to an riaini nation nf our Fall and Winter Stock, which are now full and complete. The auperior excellence and reat variety of our own Ci-y Manufacture, in addition In full supplies of Foreign and Domestic Goods, of every ile.cnp lion, which will be aold on term and at price which cannot fail in prove aatiafactory, preaent the at ranged inducement to purchatera. Importer and Dealer in Silk snd Fsncy Dry Good, snd Fine French and Uritiah Cloth, Cas aimere anil Verting. Arhhunt A Remington, No 80 Market t, below 3J. Importer snd Desler in Staple, Si k snd Fancy Dry Goods. Abo, B'iliah, French and American Cloiha, Caasimera, Vc.ling, and Tailor' Trim minj, J. Godlcy, Spry cV eo., No 84 Maiket at Domeolc and Foreign Dry Good. James M. Kennedy Jc CO., 1 14 Maikt at. Impoiter of ficrman GtiodK, and Puchaccr of all kind of Shipping For. . Wm. Gc aae &, Son, 60 S Front tM hel. Cheanut. Importer and Munufacturera id Fancy Fua, and Fur 'apa, and Purcbaaers of a I kind of Ship ping Fur. S.'li, Brother, 86 Arch t Ivtween 2d and 3d at Manf.cturer and Dealer in Ready-made Ciolhing, of ever grade. Michael Tracy, 292 Market at. Manufacturer nf Shirts, Collar and Bosom. John Hodr, Sign of tha Mammoth Shirt Collar, 111) North Second at. Importer, and De ilei in Foreign and Dumeatic Hardware and I'utlerv. D.lworth cV Uranann, 59 Market i.t. Welded Wr ujhl Iron Tubes for Locomotive, 1 t.v rine V other Itod. r Flue, ir all Steam purot . Morrix, Ta-k-i V M rria, Paacal Iron Wmka, Ware houee, S. E. cor. 3d and Wa'ntit ata. Agency for the Sale of Snuthworth Manuf.ictuiing ('omiiaiiy'a Superior Writing Papei. N. S. Lawrence, Agent, No 3 Minor at. Importers of Jewelry, Welches, Fine Cutlery, Brit. tenia, Plated and Silver Wrea. Dickaon Ar. co., S E coiner Market cV Third '. John F. Fsrr 113 Cheanut st. J. &. W. L. Waid. 106 Cheanut oppoiite San derson' Franklin Houne. Mannfncttirrr nf Silver Ware, and Deate- in Pla ted and Britannia Ware, foi household uae. U. iV W. WiUon, S W cor. Fifth arid Cherry at. Manufacturers of Britannia, Block Tin. and Pew ter Waie. Alio, Dealera in Plated Spoon, Cut lery, Ac. Hall. Boaidman tc Co., 104 N 3d St., below Race. MsnajfactarrV of Silver and Braa Stair Rod and Cornice Po.'e. Edward Jones earner of George and Swanwirk ata., between Walnut and Cheanut, we.t ot Sixth. Impoiter of Toy. Fancy and Staple Good, Bead, Bruoht-s and Perl ornery. A. F. Ott Monro, 16 8. 4h ., between Market snd Chrtmut. Importer of Tny. Fsncy and Staple GoihU, Perfu merie. Muaic:il luettuuieni, Eailhenware Chinaware, &c V co, 6 N. 4th at. between Matkei and Arch, (up iMr.) Import' r nf Paria and Loudon Fancy Articlea, llruahe. Peifumery, Ctmib. Soapa, Stationery, and article for Druggist' Sale. R. V (i. A. Wright, 33 Swath Fourth at. IinKTitor and Manufacturer of Pcifuwaeiy, Cnamr Ire. Fancy Soap., and Dearer an Fancy Good. Je tlaael, 46 South Third et. China, )oeenwaie and Glaaa. Edward Sirewdon, 34 N 3d .U of Mate City Hotel. Dentist and Manufacturcra oT incoTTtrpiible Teeth ; Plato Pivot. Molar nud Govn Teeth ; Gold and Tin Foil ; Gold, Ptatina and Silver Plato and Wiie, Ac. Witkmaon & Armtliong, M Arch at. aliovo 4th, Sovth side. Gold, Silver and Snd Spectacle, Mathematical In- atrumenu. Walking Canex, Microrfoj., and Spy tilan a. McAllister A; fit., 48 Cheanut t, M.nnfacWTer of While Le id and other P.inta. and of t'heniic.iU, Ac , and lVralcra in Drug, Medicine., Dye Stuff. O N, Ac. Welherin A Brother, 65 Nor ill Front t. Iniioner and Dea'era m D's Dctnfls. Oil. Chemical. Plate GIs, Ac ami Agnta for pure White Lead an.l Jersey Window til ,. t;npuoll A Fretted, N W cur lth A Maiket ata. Importeta and DeaVr h Drugs, M.drtnc. Dye- smfT-. P.iint. Ihla, Ac. HaA.II. Merrick A co . 45 North Fmnt t. Dr. D. lay ne, 8 S Thiid St., neai Marivt, Conouttkig Physician, Iwuccist and (tenant, and Proirieior of RowiiHi' lnirjved Tonic Mix ture." Ac. Dr. John R. Rowand, Grail. CnW, Office and Drug Stosp, 78 North Second at. Mannfictuirr of dubfcltas, Parasssi, Paraaolellea and Sun Shailea. W.Pum A. Drown, Sfc Mai Vet at, Sleesv A Feniier, i'ift Market l. south afclev, nne door t'aw 4ih si. Fir and Thief-Proof ("hesta, Refrigrrat ts Water Coolens Filteva. letter Co)tymg Pteaae, Ac. Oliver Evans, 15 Cheanut st. Venetian Rliiid Manuf.srtnrer. II. J. William, 12 N fnh at. a few doors ah. Market j Manuf-ciureea and Dcabr in St jtre , Bedding and Feather. Fintry A co., S E corner 2d snd Walnut st. Hartley A Kuigtil, l4SS3d at., 5 door ah. Spruce. Dealer in Co'eman'a .lloli.o Piano Foitca. F. IVrriug, I US C be nut aU E Cunwi of Kth. Manufariurer of Common and Fancy Sjaps, Mom I J ami Uippeil laii''li a, e. Elijah A Gilliea Dattel, 06 Market SU InifHirtir of French Aiaifirial Flower, Fralhrra Ktiaw, Uiaid and Fncy Bonnet, Ac, and Uoi,. i Fiaim1, Tiia and Crown. K. Uuitott, 50 CiMHiut au .Manufacturrra of Seives, Riddles, Screen snd Wire Work in renvral. Needles A Watson, 54 N Front t. below Areb. Hide, Oil and Leather. William Musser A co., 263 Market st. Importer off )rngea, Lrmona, Raiains. Figs, Pine. Cunsnts, Alaiutrila and other Foreign Nut. Daniel P, U uier, ST South Wharves. Manufacturer of F'.Te Engine of all description, warrant ja m all respect, !oe Bate, 13 Drinker' Alley. Marble and Mahogany Dealer. John Eckstein A co.. Union Mill, Ridga Road. Warehouse, 64 Dock at. Manufacturer of Comb. Looking GUasea 4 Brush es, and importer of Fitmiti and German Fancy Rood a. Thoaias Buick, jr. 183 Mxikcl al, Manufacturer anJ Wholesale Detler in all kind. ( of Broom, Brushe. Bucket, Cedarware, Clock, Rai-kets, Mala, Blacking, Eastern made Wooden ' Ware. Ac.' ..,.- Manly Rowe, 63 N 3d at. one door above Arch, eiat aide. Cheap Publication and Periodical Estahliahment. G. B. Zieber A co. 3 llger Building, 3J at, btluw Cheanut. Boot and Shoes. Robert P.ilmcr, 183 S. 2d si, three doois bcl Union, wed tide. Manufacturers and Dealer In all kinda nf Scale, We ghta and Weighing Machines. Abo, Bur den I'stent Horse Shoe. Gray A Brother, 34 Wnlnut at. below Second. Philadelphia, Sept 20lh, 1845. 2 in John n. lloyd'n liajfatr. LETI'EKS le-tamentary on said deceised' ea late, have he,-n granted to the s uacrihi rs I'eraona having aleminda against the estate, are re quested topiesent them for examination and setile ment, and person indebied to the estate, are iequ a ted la make immediate piymerit. VV. R. SMITH, A JOHDN, September 13th. 1845 6t Executors. DrmocrntcraLttWun Urcully Reduced Prirr Fmm SiTi to M per Annum. Single copy 'lb cent. ransrxcT or thk jisxt, on 17th Tt,ir. THE PRICE of the Dv,,whtic Rryirw ha hern too high not for the size, coat and character, hut for the mean often of thou t of readers who would be glad to receive it, and among whom it is highly desirable that il should circut ite. For the purpose, therefore, nf widerji g the range of it iisefulm ss, and of multi plying the number nfihe to whom it may be sc. clilrt it has been determined, simultaneously wiih the great ndnctmn in the expense nf the inwi. age. to reduce its atnWripli n nrb-e also, fr m FIVE to only THREE do I r; nnd when arveral unite in subscription, to a low a f 2 50, or even f 2 30 per an rutin Thi very la'ge reduction in the receipta (aceom t panied with but a eompiratiely mall diminution ! of IU evpense) involves, of course, an entire eri fice nf profit upon it, unless compei' nvd by a st mnlliplrcaton of ul.serilier. Th re will be at the outset oidy a srnuN redtiction in it number of pi ges; soon to be le-tored lo its old number, wilb.aH incree of price, when the anticifijted success nf the eXiierinvnt aha'l justify it. Th Posts a its or Dis-n'sor tea rs )tn. cn at wi I Ix continued engrjed in better and more cotly Myle than heretofore. The PosTK will hereafter, foi any distance. Ie only five and a half leuti , i has heretofore len, for 100 milea. eighteen cents. We look far an raiennon of ckivjlat'on to le reckoned by ten nf tlrttutandt, ss lie re.ult and c mfrnsaiion of thi' gieat reduction of price. Eve ry friend of the woik. and of the Democratic princi ples snd cause, is confidently apialed Ht. to exert hirm-elf with an active intenl t irocaire it ssiUrri bera ; bnlh to extend Ha nacfulness. and to carry it auccrvsfully through 'be crisis of tn w great reduc tion of its prices. Those who hsve pa d in advance for (becoming year, will receive it, at seduced rate, for a yr ' anu a nan. Wf- TERMS HENCE FOR W A RD. (IsvaniASir iv svs r. ) Single copy fS flit I Eight .pies S?n 00 Four copies 41 t() J Thirteen 30 (K It will then beeocn thsl when tliiiieen copies are ordered at once, the price is larought down to sIhwi f 3 30 e ich. ' For srs m inrbs, h.ilf these rates. Thess r.i'es afford high inihicements N agents and others to interest tbeaisclve to procwre sub airibera. The eath tytlem and payment in advance must be uiiCoinpMinisingry ldln re I lo. 'J'lio past reUx siiou of it feaacaored an accumulnK in i4" not fir fri in f 4t two of delrta doe to 'he work. . Iferenf. ti-r Ibis anoat 1 who'lv leformed, nor must ertlrer i lie snort eminent sditicsl frien I, ir the most iuti inave pessimal mc. be displeased on etpeiiencing t ap4ic.itinn, in the stoppage id' tlieir iiumlK-'s, if they neglect thi rule, tlte vital' inreseitv of which, at the present mine d rates, wnmt lie obviorja in alt No comnraiii alinri will be taken from the Po.-t oTfire uolis free of otcs, AH eommonic ilinns, h.h rm editorial and pulf lishmg business, must Isj sdirre.wd henceforward to rhe undirsigned. Those relating to the set's, mini of the pat dAt dne die wiwk will be ati'l ad dre.a.1 to Mr. H. G. l.anstr.T Atr the pist arrangements with whom, a uti1iher hate leached ttresr tcrrtiHiatMrv. J.L O'St'lIITAV. July, lt45, 440 Nas-au rtrest, N. Yoik. LAST I4KENESS tF C.EN. JACKSON. The s.l nir.ible Dagnerrcsvtvpe of Geo. Jckaon. tsken by Anthony, Edward A Co.. a few we. k lre hi. drsth. has bt-eti puirhiaed for ihr use nf the Demon at ic ltsvsew. h is in ibe hands th nriivt, and w (I beengra-ed in the fine! stylo f meu.slrnt, ef ex'ra ixe. It is a most beautiful and intresring work, declared by Mr. Van llureu urn I laihera to give a more peifect iilea of the great and good old mail than auy other hketie.a; and nugbl tone nooaessed r.y every man who loves and rc j verac hia memory. Those who sulosxibe early ' will receive it a one of the regular aeries of , traita. ' S ptcmber 6lh. 1845. j rl ItTKEN j nr n l it a ti l r arUclta. IIIihsim Viavirvi.r. - a trUtin eure f.aj worms tufe mid very plraetut hi lake. 2. Giasov'a ETcr. wbn-h remove Grease ' of irll kinds Dry Pa ul. Tar, Varnish and Wax, front rarMt or frjm clothing, without hijurnig the ; Color or ihe cloth. i 3 Lae Fir Paexa Ibe lt thing known i for killing die and inti-uit a. ': 4. A ceitain Destroyer of, Mice, Roaches and Ants, ami an nber nf Hid Hu. , 5, ti a.v's Seis inc fij sur stomach. IL-ari Burn Slid Wsloi Uraah, by one who bsdsuifired ' thirhtn ysais, before, he ili'covera I thscure. j Dh. Stat sv's Gasks OtvritNT lor the Pile. tl ha never Idled lo cure, 7. llAMeians'a TaTTtn Wash. 8. UasMoNii's Isnxitnti Ink, without a tival, 9. Tt Cnnrovan Covrirrios or Flsa jul the ne Jiei isj fur chiKJeen and fir wontun,!! ia to pkcasant lo lA. . . 10. Bkca'a VantTaaLK AxTiatuoV PtaV. 11. Uvaa's EvtoLLiKMT Warca eaoor Pasts, for llarnesa. Boot, Ae. h otretm .hw hiartier, and keop out the wate;, 13. Poo a 'mb Stat.STWxvtn Piabtxb. 13. !ackob' DitaauniA Mixrcax, which Cures the worst Diftrrhire in a few hour. 14 JitXWIJl's DXaKNTABT MlXTl'BS, a 'reT. tain snd upecdy cure for Dyseuleiy and bummer Complaint. The above valuabla articles ate aoM whotcaale and retail, by Ia t G I'NN, S. Hentk Fifth tlrret Phthdtlphin wlatrw Riot.keeiers and o there will he aw sj ted with pure African Cayenne Pcpiwr, Arnica Froweia, Drugs, PsintOils, tSlas and Varmsbr. at the lowest pner. Term only t-aiJi. Oj" Cut out th advtiii-Mivtil, and bting it with you. Fbi'.sdelnhU, ,uly 9th, 1846. If, To tho Electors of Northumberland (.'Ountv : ' '-' 1I71ELLUW CITIZENS: Encouraged by a U" nnmber nf my friends, I offer myelf aa a tuiiUfl i BKK Uamlidate for the ollice or COMMISSIONER, at the ensuing general election, for which f respect fully solicit your vole. JOHN BOGAR. ihtiry. Sept. 20lh, 1H45 4l. . T llio.Hloctors of Norlhumbcrlnnd County. flHE subscriber nfTcra himself as a VOLUN M. PEE l Candidate for the office of COISmiSSZOZVBB. Believing that the convention, ir it had been kept logethi l. would have nominated him for that office, he now nlTeie liims. U ss a candidate, and respect, lully aolicita the votes of h s fellow ritixena. PETER VAN DUNG. Augusts, Sept. I3ih. 1845. To ilie- Kleelors 'of ' Northumberland County. THE subscriber hi been induced, by hi friends, to idler him -fll' a candidate for i'ltoTtio.wr.mi: He lis always been a Democrat, and would ne ver run against a nomination regularly made; but aa a largo number of the democracy do not consider lhat a nomination has beau made fir that office, he nflera liim-elf a a raridida'n. slid respectfully coll cil the voir nf bis fellow Clti7en. ' JAMES BEARD. McEwruile, Sept. I3 h, 1845. To ihe l'leclors of Northumberland (ninty : T 11 KG leave to nlfer mvsclf aa a candidate, at the ensuing election, for the office of County Auditor. If I should be elirtcd, I will discharge the datie of the nlTi e with punctualiiv, PETER BIXLER. Lower Mahonoy. Aug. 16, 1815. To iho Electors of Northumberland County. BEING aolit iied by miny of my friends, I have eonHeiiied to uA";r myself a a candidate for the office of Tre tmtircr of N unbundles I tml county. Mimild you see pro lan lo elect me, I p. due mfself lo perform the duties of id ollice with fule'itv. , WILLIAM GULICK. Sunbury. May 31st, 1835. T lite Electors- of Northumberland County. T the siJicAHtion of a number of persons, in ' dilf'tent paits nf ihe couutv, I have conseiited to 1 a candidate foi the office of THK.1 Sl'HK Hi of Nortburn'.teilsnd c un'v. I need hardly assure my tellow-cilieens, that if I am elected, I will rn deavor to ibselisrge ihe duties of the office faithful ly and impartially. JES-E M. SIMPSON. Sunbury, May 17th, 1845 To the lilectors of Northumberland County. ELLOW CITIZENS. I have leen induced M iiffer mvself aa a candidate for the ulfic of Irothouotary, At tlie eiisring elettion. Should I fortunately he elecleil, I hereby promise, faithfully and iuijiaru il ly todisckurge lliciluiie of sa'd nltiee. JtHX F A R NS WORT II. Sunbury, May Itl, 145. To tlte ErvHMors f Northumberland County. I FKI.I.OW CITIZENS. I hereby offer my s4f us a candidste, f r ihe office of REGISTER AND RECORDER. I can only promise, should I be fortunate enough to he re-elected, to dn-h irgn the duties of said office with lidility unJ impariialnv. EDWARD OYSTER. Sunlmrv, Msy 10, 1845. To the Electors of Northumberland County: ENCO'l HAGF.D by a nnmber of my friemla. in different par's ot ibe county, I offer myself' to y, or consideration as a Volunteer candidate for the office of 1 ran only promise, should I he elected, lo make every itf"! lo discharge tire duties of the olfioo to your ci it ne satislsutiou. DAVID ROCKEFELLER. Sunbury, Aug. 3tlih. IS45. To the Electors of NorttiumberlaiHl t'tirttv. 1EI.HV CITrZENS:-rAIhaveieengreat- ry encoumged by my fi're.iils, I solicit your uspoil for tlie rflce nf - 1 ' S II K It I V F. ' Slinuld you confer this office upon we, 1 shall erdeavsir M discharge lite ikitics iheieof with fi Je ktv. THtlMAS a. BILLING IXIN. Susibury, April I9ih, Ht5. To ibe Elector of Northumberland ( Vmnlv : ?KI.!.MVV tirrZKNS: I b.-g leave to nffet - myself as sc.ndulute, st ihe ensuing election, for die office of sl otiHty C'oniitilmltnrr. Should be so f irlutute ss to be elected, I pledge myelf to discharge tho duties of the office with promplnes and fidelity. CHARLES WEAVER. K.inburv. April 5lh, IH45. TERMS REDUCED. liAVUEUHHS UALLEtiX uf Patent Freiui. unt Culurrd ulernjr. and Photogrophie H Tit No. i:mCltesntti Mrvel, l'hilailclphia. No. V.M llroadwav, N w York ; Ng. 75 Court St.ri, U.wnm, Niv 36 flics nut. Street, Phila di lph a ; Btltimme t-tre. t. I'sliimure ; Dre ttU wy, Saratoga Spring; AO Canal 'Stieet. New-t I, Vans ; Msti' S'.rect Newptsjt, 11,t. AirS Main Sireel. Do Hijue, Iowa. C"ttNSTITI'Tl.G tlienldtut n3 moatferten. -'sive Et.ib'.i hineiil nf 'the kind in lire World, and eo. tsiniiig more than a THOL'SAKd POR. TRAITS, eiiilinrciiri; thoa of mime of the moat diatinguished IniKx-iihitls, in tho l irircd State. AdillitHlllCW free. Ttn E.hiblirhment having hcVn awarfid the Midid, Four i'errt teMium, nd two Utghrit Hinor'' at trie Exhibition at llosion, New Yoik and lliihntelphia, respectively, for best Plctuie. and Apparatus, is thua officially sustained in the por tion of superinrily hen tol'ore universilly assigned U by the pulnio, a First in tht Wurld." Juno 88ih, 1845. ly 1 AR IRON Just teceived and f-ir sale, cheap i' HENRY MASTER. Sunbuiy, Kept, ?0, 1815. 1" 741.1 "m:I".I. The" highest price will ' given for Flax Seed, at tl"' tore of Aug 9, 1843 HENRY MASSE R. HJSLIEVE AM) I I V K THOMSON'S Conp,o.'iiitI jrii of Tuf & TI ootl IVnpllia. Fl'HE uni.'re'ceilenied sucre-a ofthn medicine, in A. tha resto. si'ion nf hesl h, lo ibocn who, lo des pair, had given un all hopes, han Kivon it nn f gal led reputation alot'e M mher riMnrilir, fiiri.i-lmi. evidence of ila intrinsic value an I power. ;i!i the on ly sgenl which ran I e rcted up n for the cine nf Pulmonary lousur.ip i"n, Ur uirhiuis, Asihins, Pain in the side and Brt, Spitting .jf Bloud, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac, Attention is requested to llie foil lwir g ASTO.V. ISHING CURE, be Tlnnnson's Compound Svruu of Tar and Wood Naplba ! Philadelphia, Mm 3V, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir Wuh grnleful feelings I inform you of the asli.'liiabing else's of your medicine, which ha litenilly raia- d me frnj,i death-bed Me disca.e. Pulmonary Conu'iip lion, had retluced me so low that my j ,,. nojnced my case hopeless I At this jiwc'ion I ho. gan to u-eyour medicine, and miraculous as it muy seem, it haa completely restored me In health, alter everything else had foiled. Respectfully vnnrs. WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte street, aliote Geoigo street,. Th undersigned, being personalis acquainted with Washington Mack and hi siiflrins. Ier witness to the astoni.hing effect of Thomson's) Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of Ihe as. hove statement. JOH. WINNER. 3IH North Third street, DAVID VICKERS, 43 Almond rn-et. HUGH M GINLEY, 8. E. corner Tamany and Fourth atiteta. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of Ath and Sjiruce atreen, Philadelphia. Agent. H. B. Masser, Sunbury ; D. Gross, and Dr. Macphereon, Harrisiiurg ; Jno. G. Brown. Pnltaville ; Geo. Earl, Re nting ; Houston A Ma. on, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. Price 50 cent per bottle, or $5 per dozen. (Jj Ite.ware if nil imihUiuns. - r"'''l'''P"'"' J"nc 28th. 1845. ly PIANOS. ri'HE SUBSCRIBER h been nppointe.1 aaent. 1 for the sale nf CONRAD MEYKR'S CEL EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI ANOS, st this place. These Pianos have a plain, massive snd beautiful exterior fini-h, and, fordepih and sweetness of time, and elegance of workman ship, are not aur paed by any in the United State. Th following ia a recommendation from Carl Dtr.TS, a celebrated performer, and himstlf a man. ufaetuier : A CAIU). If aviro had the pleasure of trying the excel lent Piano Fortea munfjetured by Mr. Meyer, an.l exhibited al the I isl exhibition of the t'r .iiMni In. stitute, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker to rlcclare that theae instrumentM arc ipiite t if itts and in some respects even supcrim, to all the Pi ano Fortes, I aw at the capitals ol uiopc, and during a sojourn of two years at Piri. ' These Piano will be sold st the manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia price, if not aoineihing lower. Person are reiiiestrd lo call and examine fi r themselves, nt the residence of the subscriber. Sunhury. May 17. 1815. H. B. MASSE It. JKLl THE Beginners. rilHE ubcrtber would respectfully inform llio I ('itiren of Sunbury and the public generally, that they hsve purchaaed the simp of Mr. Willn.iu lliinvar, in Market tr et, ope do,K we.t of Ibe Post Office, where they will continue the C'abiiirt-.TIaking; Iri.tiiic, in all its branches, The public r.iay ixpect tberr work done in ihe latent style. They hii, t y strict attcuti.Hi lo burins', t i ni-i it a share of publ c patronnce. Qj- Collins made to nr.'ier on the ahor'est n-ice and country iro.luce t uen in cxchai .ire for o k. WM. YOUNG MAN .V II C. MAItTlN. Sunlmry, Msy 17th. I 4S 1 v. II AAS'S HOTEL7 STJ1T3TJ?. T, or tfen miter lund County, PENNsSYI.VANIA. HSNHY HAAS RESPEC'ITULI.Y inforinsbis trie',,) Hv,r lha public m general, that he has ta'.en the hn k statid, m the Borough of funbury. late'y irru:nvil by John Hasjaws a ptihlic hesiae, rwrg, n( heStai House, and nearly oppeajftn t.'.,e Court Hon e.) where h i prepared to arcemmodate his friends, and all other who may favor bim with their cus tom, in two best possible mariner. His BAR shall sparkle rHh Ihe choicst of Li vtroaa, and hi TABLtJ shall be well suoplosl wiih the very test ihe njBrkct afford. In .hurt, in pain nor expense twill be spared tu r. ml. i bis hsinse in eJery way worthy of public p.i! iot;ag. A tilscrml share of custom ia therefore aolieiti d. Sunhury. April 12th. 184.V Hm It e in o v a 1 . DH. JOHN l'i:L. xr- RKSPELTFL'LLY mform he ci Imens of Sull,,y rllj jN icintty. ih'-l I be ha removed lo tne B it k Iloaa, in 4 fr Maiket, fornteily miupieJ by Beiijainin Her.uri(i, cast f llio stole b.rnu-x'y oc. cupied by V.illr A Marts, imj now by Ira T. ("le. j msNii, wnere he will I trappy to receive col la lit i Ihe line of his profession. i S0-.,b.Jty, March Xflrh 1845. C.?srETIlTGJ3w IHE subscriber have received, and are now ojienint a 'U tulid assitrtmeut uf tk follow mg I g'Hk!: ! Ssiony, Wfllnn and Velvet Carpeting') j Bruvarla and Imiierisl 3 ply d. CAR. t.xfra n (i line ami line ln(rsiii do y TE I'. Tinjliah shaded A Damask Venetian Jo LG. American twilled and tia'd do J Vhigli.h Druggeita and Woolen Flour Clulh Stair and Passage Bocking Einbosed Piano and Table Cover London Cheuille and Tuf'ed Hug Door Malta ufeveiy dearriimon. ALSO A laige and rxten-ive ra-orlinent of Floor Oil Cloths, liom one to cikIh yards wide, cut to fit eve ry description of rooms or paauea. Aim, low need legrsiri Caipetmga from ?11 l. 6'H rente per yard, logethrr with laige and rxt n siv sa,rtiiieul uf good Uua!ly kept by cm t pet merchants. The above gonl. will be sold wholesale or ntail st the loweat market prices. Country merchant and othera are particulaily invited lo call and e. Illina our aliak tiefora niakirg lie:l ai-VclioUA. CLAKKSON, RICH A Ml'LLIU . Succeasora to Joseph Blackwood, No. Ill Cl.e.r.Ml, comer of Fr.iA'in Place. Philadrli-bia. Fro SiJ. 1845. Il.rlK, of a superioi fusion, can now ie ia o 4 at tho Litue Kilnt ul llcuiy .iii buiy. May 17,1.45. 0-