WW PIlILAnRLIMIlA WHOLESALE HOTJSES. TO COUNTRY MEIICHANTS. THE undersigned Merchants, Manufacturer. Importer and VVhittooalo Dealers of the City of Philadelphia, embrace Ihe medium of ihe News paper Press of your section of country, to give you the street and number of our several establish tnent, and respectfully to invite ymi to nil eismi nation or our Fill ami Winter Stocks, which are. now full and complete. The superior excellence and creat variety of our own City Manufacture", in addition In full supplies -of Foreign and Domestic Goods, of every descrip lion, which will le told on terms and at prices which cannot fail to prove satisfactory, pren( the strongest Inducements to purchaser. Impnrteri and Dealers in Silk and Fanry Dry Ooods, and Fine French and Urilieh Cloth, Cas simeres and Vesting. Ashhurst & Rrming'nn, No 80 Market at, helnw 3d. Importer and Dealer in Staple, Silk and Fanry Dry Good. Al-o, B'ilish, French and American Cloths, Cassimcrs, Vesting, and Tailora' Trim mine, J. Uodley, Spry A cn.. No 84 Market st. Domestic and Foreign Dry Gm.la. Jamra M. Kennedy cV.ro, 114 Maikl at. Importer of (J.rtnan (roods, and Puchascrs of all kinds of Shipping Furs. Wm, tie use A. Son, 60 S Front at., M. Chcsnut. Importer and Manufacturer of Fanry Fu'a. and Fur , and Purchaser of a: kinds of Ship ping Fnra. S-dis, Brothers, Arch st.. between 9d and 3d ts Manf.ctnrer and Dealer in Kesdy-made Ciothing. of everv g'sde. Michael Traey, 292 Mnrkot at. Manufacturer of Simla, Colljra and Bosoms, John Hodges, Sign of the Manunuth Shirt Collar, 1 10 North Second st. Importers end De ile a in Foreign and Domestic Hardware a id Cullrrv. Dlworlh fc Branson, 59 Market st. IVelded Wr. -hi Iron Tillies fir Locomotive, Ma rine Jr other Bo ler Flue-', V all Steam purjios . J.Iorri. Tn-ker 4' M ris, Pascal Iron Works, Ware house, 8. E. cor. 3d and Va!nut its. Agrnry fir the Sale of Snuthwnrth M inuf ictuiing Company's Superior Writing Paper. IV. S. Lawrence, Agent, No 3 Minor at. Importers of Jewelrv, Watrhee, Fine Cutlery, Brit tania, Plated and silver Wares. Dickson A. ro., S K comer Market 4c Third s'a. John F. Farr 112 Chesniit t. J. tfc W. I.. Wa'd. 106 Clieiuut a'., opsile San derson's Fitit klin Hou-e. Manufacture' of Silver Ware, and Deste's in Pla ted and Bri'annia Wares, foi hou ho'd use. 11. tV. W. Wil-on, S W cor. Fifth and Cherry ate. Manufacturer of Britannia. Block Tin, en I Pew ter Waie. Also, Dealers in Plated Spoons, Cut lery. Ac. Hall, Bunrdinan A CO., 104 N 3d at., below Rare. M inufarturer of Silver and Bra Stair Rods and Corniest Poles. Edward J. me corner of ftcorg and Swanwick st, hctw.ett Walnut and Cliesmit, writ i t Suih. Impo ter of Toys, Fanry and Staple Goods, Beads, Brushes and Perfumery. A. F. Ott Monrose, 16 S. 4lh at., between Market and CliesuuU Importers of Toys, Fanry and Staple floods. Perfu meries, Muair d InstiiimeuM, Glaus, Earthenware Chinaare, Ac. C. Ahrenfeldl A co. 16 N. 4th at. I'ftwern Market and Aich, (up statm.) Importr of Paria and London Fanry Artirlre, Bruahea, Peifumery, Comhs, Sops, Slationtry, and nrlirle f r Druee'sn' Salea. F. A G. A. V right. 23 SSouth Fourth at. Importer and Manufacturer of Peifumery, Cnme tic", Fanry S.iap, and Dealer in Fancy Gaud. Jule llaurl, 46 S iulli Third rt. China, Queenswaif and Glass. Edward Suowdon, 84 N 3d t. opposite City Hotel. Dentists and Ma iMifaeturrr of inrorrupiidle Teeth ; Plate Pivot. Mo ar i.riil ('nim Trith; Go'd and Tin Foil; Gold, Platina und fnlvir PUu and Viie, Ac. Wilkinson A Armstrong, 83 Arch rt. atiove 4th, South Hide. Gold, Ki'ver and Sir el Spertacles, Mathematical In- ii it tj: f airnmrnis, v aiKing iana, oiicrucopes, anu j pv tilasa a. McAllister A ro., 4 8 Ch-anut at. M inufarturera of White I.e id and other Paint. ami of t Jheo.ir ils, Ar , and Dealera in Drug. Medicines. Dve StulTs. (VN. Ae Vetherill A Brother, 65 North Front at Importers and Dca'eia in Diurs, Dxest'ifT. Oi'a 'hemirsl. Plate GUs, Ac, and ..: n't for pure Wl.ite l.tad ant Jersey Window til.. CampMI A French. N V cor lOih A Mikei sta. Importer and Dea'era in Druga, Medicines, Dye. Hull-. Paints, ils, A-. Ha-k. II Me. nek A ro . 45 North Fmnt t. Dr. I). Jnyne. 8 S 'I'tiic' st , neai M.irkel. Cnnvultins Physician, Dmeeii-t and Chemiil. and Proirietor of "Itowaud's Improved Tonic Mix ture." Ae. Dr. Jol'ii H. Rowmd, Giad, l'ni. Office and Drug ftore, 28 North !"eend at. Manufacturers of I "inlirt-llas, Parjfola, Parasnlelte and tun Shades. W.lliam A. Dii'Wii, 8fi Maiket at. tlecirr A Fenner, 126 Market at. aouth aide, one door Iw'uw 4th t. Fire and Thief-Proof Cheat. Refrigerat ors, Water Cootrrs, Fit ers. I.etNr (7opyui Presse, Ac. Oliver Evan. 15 Che.nut ct, Venetian B'ind Manuf irturer. D. J. William, 12 N 6 li it. a few duora ah. Market. Manuforiuiera and Dealer in Malreaara, Bedding and Feather. Finley A r., S E corner 2d and Walnut ts. Hartley A Kniglil, 148 e 2d at., 5 duora ah. Spruce. Dealer in Co'eman' .Vidian Piano Forte. F. Perring, 198 Chevnut at. S E Corner of Silt. Manufacturer of Common arid Fancy Soaps, Mould and Dipped Can i. , Ac. Elijah A C lilies Dalh l, 36 Miikeat. Import r of Fnnih Aiiil'iciil Flower, Feath'ra. b't'iw, Biaid and Fncy Bonnet, Ac , atid Buu- del Fiamr, Ti a and Crown. 1. Bsiton, CO Che-nut at. Manufacturer i f Seive, Riddlea, Sciaen and Wire Work in ei eral. Needlea A Waton, 54 N Front at. below Arch. Hides, Oil and Leather. William Muaaer A co., 2G3 Market at. Importer of Orange, Lemon, Rsisina, Fig, Piunea, Cunanta, Almond and other Foreign Nut. Daniel P. B ussier, 27 Souih Wbarvea. Manufacturer of Fir Enginea of all deaeription, warranted in all rrp.ci. Joel Bate. 13 Drinker's Alley. Marble and Mahogany Dealers. John F.rkslein A co , Uni n Mill, Uidga Road. Warehouse, 64 Dock at. Manufacturer of Combs. Looking Glasaea 4 Brush ea, and importer of Fiench sud tisrnan Fancy Goods, Tbooia Buieh, jr. tea Mi as- - s " Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in all kinda of Broomi Brushes. Buckets, Cedarware, Clock, Ha-kets, Mat, Blacking, Eastern made Wooden Were. Ac. Msnly Rowe, C3 N 3d st. one door above Arch, eaat aide. Cheap Publication and Periodical Establiahment. G. B. Kieber A co. 3 Ledger Building, 3d at, below ChstnuU Boot snd Shoes. Robert P dmer, 182 S. 2d at. three duots bol Union, west fide. Manufacturers and Dealers In all kinda nf Sretea, We glit and Weighinu Machine. Also, Bur den' Patent Horse Shoe. Gray A Brother, 34 Walnut st. below Second, Philadelphia, 8ept. 20lh, 1915. 5t ATTOH NRY AT LAW, SUXTBURY, PA. Bosinesa attended to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Union. Lvcoining and Columbia, liefer tot P. A A. Rovoimit, Low it n A Baiiros;, Komkks A Sivonnntaa, Kstisoliis, Mcr aiil?sii & Uo. SpitBino, Goon A l'o.. BAR IRON Just received and f.ir sale, cheap forca-h, by HENRV MASSE R. Sunlitny, Sept. 20, 1845. To llic Electors of Northumberland County : "ffJlELLOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by a B' number of my friends, I ofT r my-elf as a VOLUNTEER Candidate lor the office of COMMISSIONER, it the ensuing uenerul election, for which I respert fullv solicit vour votes. JOHN BOGAR. Suohiiry.'Sept. 20th, 18454 To the Electors of Northumberland Count v. T 1HB i-ubicrber ofiVr himself as a VOLUN TEER Candidate for the office of COMIVTISSXOXTER. Believing ih-.t tUe convention, if it had been kept together, would have nominated him for that nffire, he now oflere himself aa a candidate, and respect fully solicits the votes of his fellow cit'zens. PETER VANDLING. Augusta, Sept. 13th, t45. To the Electors of Northumberland County. rpHE i lo I HE subscriber h been induced, bv hi friends, oll'trr bim-elf s a candid tte for I'llOMO.VOT.in V. ITe has alwaya been a Democrat, and would ne ver run (gainst a nomination rigululv m ule; but a a larpe number of the demorrary do not rensider tbst momioMion has leeu maile fir ihiit (Ti -e, he i.ffiir liiin-elf s a rsinlid i'e. and respectfully soli cils the voies of bis fellow citizen. JAMES BEARD. MrEwensville, Sept. 13 h, 1845. SCHOOLBOCS S7A T I01TER7. ALL the School Rooks, German and Engli-h, in general use; Copy snd Pass Books, Blank Book of all siies; Writing, Letter and Wrapping Papers-, Bonnet Boards, Ootids, Steel Pen. Pen c la, SI ilea, S md, Wrnfers, Ink-tards, Ink, and a full assortment of Stationery, for sale extremely low, f t cah or in ixehanse for Ros, The subarriber buy fur enah rxctitxirtly, and ia able and determined to sell goods in hi line a low as they can be bought in Phil idclphia. C. G. SOWERS. !65 N. 3d t , east side, Mow Vine. Blank Books of every description ruled and hound ti pattern, in a superior manner, unu-uitlly low. Philadelphia, Sept. 13. 1815. 3l. John II. Iloytrti l-ntittc E I'TEttS tetinintry i n said deceisoil' es tate, have lie. n granted to the u'scril r I't is ns h iving dein md against the estate, are re quested to present tin in for examination and helite nent, and persona indebted to the estate, are lequ s trd te make immediate piyrnuit. W. R. SMITH, A JOIil) N, September 13lh. 1 P45 (it Executor. ""PUBLIC! TSlTlj'-JE."" ON We . ' i is-t-d iy, the 2 1 11 ily of September, 1845. will be sold at pul be vendue, at the dwelling bou-e of Joi n B. Boyd, E q , ilcc'd. in Northumberland, Housed, d. I and K tctien Furni ture, Wagona, Buggv, Ha'iiets, Wheat, Hay, and a variety of article loo tedious to enumerate, iSnle to commence at 10 o'rlc ck, A M., wlun the terms of sale will be made known l.y W. R. SMITH, A. JORDAN. Sepiembrr 13th, 1815. Ct Exrcutora. For Sale. A VALUABLE HOUSE AND AP PCRI ENANCES. in the ino-t eligible si- lu.ition in Suntony for a private residence, rombin ing town and country, and the unhe'rucicd view of mamieficent scenery. Immediate poscion will be given. Apply to the owner, W. . SMITH, or LEWIS DEW ART, Esq. September Gih. 1845. 3l A VAU llIliK Plantation V7JLL I exposed for se, at public vendue, on the 6th d.iy of October next, on the premis- , the Urje ind exiensivn Plantation, late the e-ttire of Wil'iam Keer, dee'd., niuste in Auuu-t town ship Noilhiiinl.eili.nd county, ahoul 5 inde from Suiibury, 4 miles (rout the Pottsville and Danville Riiil Road, 4 Hiilra from the Susquehanna River and about 6 m It (rum ihe (ire. I Mahnnoy Coal Rw ion, and on the Great It ad to Harriahurg and 1 Womeladoif, containing 330 acre, 140 seies ol j whii'b ae cleared, with a large proportion of men- 1 d.iw and sn orchard ; the residue i Weil timbered. ; Saul p mtaiion can le divided into lluee di-iinct I faima wuhoul prejudice to any of the dtvi-ions, each division having a good supply of w tter by uniting slrrama and spring in every diieciion. lmM The improvement Cona si of a large ,77S 8TONE DWELLING HOUsE. 48 fi. Sttrl 1 fr.inl and 37 ft.dep, which was occupied i "I'll ilfnr a number nf yeara aa s Tavern Stand, and in which store i- kept at preaent, A spring, close by, runa through the cellar. There ia also a Bank Bsin, with eitenaive Maiding, on the premi aea ; alao Saw-mill on a considerable stream thai runa through part of the plsce; also a Ilouae and Barn near ihe saw. mill. It will he offered in small tracta, if purchaser wo-h the same. An indisputa ble title and poaeaiun can be given on the let of April, 1H46. Sjle to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on vaid diy, when the conditions will he made kno". ,y SAMUEL UEESER, vVD REESER. 1 Aoiusts ' ag 14 . 1B40 t Executors. - " -w ' Sheriff's Sales. ""BY tirtne of certain writs of Ven. Ef . A FI. Fa., H 9 lued nut of the Court of Common Pleas of North'd County, to ine directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the house of Charles Weaver, in the borough of Sunbury, on Friday the 3d day of Oc tober next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following de scribed property, to wit t Four contiguous lots of ground situate in the bo rough of Norlhumbetlsnd, and marked in the gene ral plan of said town, Nos. 6 1 , 02, 63 and 64, boun ded south by Hanover street, and on Ihe west by a 20 feet allev, northward by Water alreet. Alos Four contiguous lots, Nos. 193, 194, 195 and 196, bounded rast by Norlhway, south by Ha nover street, west by water street, and north by a 20 fret alley. Also: Four contiguous lots, Nos 207, 208. 209 and 210, hounded on the west by Hsnover street, on the north by Northwav, and on the east by s 20 fett alley, containing each 60 feet on North way nnd 180 feel in depth. On No. 210 is erected a frsme barrack. S, ized, taken in execu'inn, and to be sold as ihe properly of William A. Lloyd. Also: A certain tract or piece of land situate partly in Sltamokin and partly in August town ships, Noithunilieilnnd countv, ndjoiiiing lands of Charles Wnalverion, Sarah Mdler, Samuel Gon sert and olhi r, containing 250 acres more or less, sbnut 100 seres of which are cleared j whereon are erected s two story log house, weatherboard, d, lo which i attached s stone kitchen and a smsll frame building, a stone spring house, a frame birn, a frame amble and wagon shed, slo a large orchard of ex cedent fruit trca. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold a the property of Nathaniel Sixtm, with no iee to Ro bert Campbell and Annaniss Smton, gnrn'shees. Alao : Two certain vaesnl I Us of ground silnnie in the town nf Shainokin, Northumberland comity, and marked in Ihe General plan of said town No. 69 and 60, bounded on the west bv lot No. 5H, on the east by lot 61. on the north by Commerce street, and t'li the sooth by Indcndence street, containing each in Iron) 28 feel, and in depth 142 feel. Se zed, taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of John Hamilton. Also : Two contiguous lots of ground, situate in the borough of Northumberland, Noithumhcil md county, Nos 111 and 1 12. bounded on the west bv Wtstwsy ami eat by Duke street, north by bit of Gilleit A Daniel Voris, rnuth by sn slley, contain-i-g ench in front CO feit and in depth 210 feet, wheieon are crered two largs frame dwelling hou ses, with kitchen attached to each. Also: A certain unimproved trsrt of land situ ate in Sh imokin town-hip, Northumhcilnnd coun ty, adjoining I md of John Fagely, John Cntnpbeil and others, containing 100 arrrs more or less. Also: The undivided tbiul pa't of a certain trart of land, i-iturtte in Rush township, Northum berland county, adjoining land of John Huish. Chutes Woolverion, Jirob Reed snd "there, con taining 2d0 acre more or less, about 100 arres nf which is cleared, whereon are in-ctrd a I J story f'lime dwelling house and a large frame bank barn, Ac. Seized, tnken in execution, and to be sold as the piOertv of Albs C. 1) arret. Also: A certain lot of ground situate in the borough of Northumlier'and. Nnrthomherltnd co., beins the southern half of lot No 172, a maike.l in llio general plan of said tiorotigh, bounded on the eou'h ly tjuien street, esst by font street, west by the Presl.yterian Church, and norlh by the other hlf ol lot 172, v-heiem are erected a two atorv frame dwilbng house with a kitchen attached, and a ' frsme stable. A'ao: A certain tractor piece of land situate b, Point township Northumberland c -tints, adjoining Isnd of Jofenh Wallis, George Lesher nnd olloe, containing HO acres more or le, ab.iut 40 acres of which aie cleared, whereon are erected two barracks. Seized, t .ken into execution, ai.d to lie sold as the property of John Frii k. AIo: At ihe bouse of George Smith, in Jack son town-hip, Northumberland county, on Monday the 6ih day of October next, at 1 o'clock P. M., a certuin tract or piece of land situa e in I'pprr Ma tiouny township, county aforeauid, emit lining 63 sere more or has, adjoining land of Henry St suS, George M yer and other', about 25 arr.s i f which lire cleared ; whereon are erected a 1J story log boose and a small tog stable, a spring lioue and an orchard. Seized, tiken in execution, and to be sold ss the pro ery of John Elding. A'ao: A rertnin oi or iece of ground situate in J irkson township, Northumberland county, ad joining land of Farmer Jonea snd others, laud of deft ndant snd olheis, containing 2 acres morn ol less, sll cleared; whereon are erec'eJ a small log hou-e and a mitd! log stable, Ar, Se zed, taken in execution, and to be sold aa the property of Junullun Fat-ly. Also: A certain tract oi piece of land situate in Upper Mahnnoy township. Northumberland coun ty, adj oiling Und of Peter B. i-el, Dr. John Sniin key and others containing 22 acre more or less, all of whiib ia cleared; whereon aie erected a two s'o ry house, rouih cast, a barn and other uut-huiltnga, and an oreh ird, Seiz d, t .ken in execution, and to be said ss the projrly nf George .luby. Also: All the defendant's interest in certain lot or piece of ground tutu it in Jackson township. Nor.huiiit-erlaiid coonly. sdj lining laud of Farmer Joi.es and others, containing 2 acres more or less, alt clraie.l ; whereon ia erectej a nm.ll log house and a sin ill log lhle, Ac. Seized, taken in execution, and lo be otd as the property of Joh i Ernst. Alao : A ceit'iiu ir.icl or piece of find situa e in Jck-on lownrtpp, Northumberland county, adj lin ing binds of Michael R hoik, Henry l.oislm and othe'a, onioning 65 acre more or less, about ft it aciea of which are cleared, on which sie erected a (wo story log dwelling house, a spting houe, a log barn, an oirha'd, Ac. Seiz. I, taken in xecu'ion, and to be sold as the property of Solomon Dreslrr. FELIX MAURER, Shtriff. Sheriff's Office. ? Sunbury. Sept. 6th, 1S45. Vli:tt the "Siuur Coated Indluii Trgt-tablo l'llls" urc doliiK la Itotoii. BosTo.v. January 3d, 1S45. DsiR Sia 1 You have no idea ot the amount of go. d dime here by Ibe "NitlsM Vsuztvklk I'ltLS." (Sugir Coated.) Yesterday a respectable Druggist came in from Lowed, and pnrchaaid G b mi, snd siati d -he could rec .nnnciid ihem be. yond any other meibcine he ever had, and a his wife tun ski: rmrcTi.x ciann or ai'sH or loud to xhk hshd. by using them. Scv ral bad cs-cs of the influenza have also been cured by them. Your, truly, I P. CL4SKI. S Water Street. To G. Benj'n Smith, M. D.. N. Y. P. 8. For the truth of the above. I refer to Hon" Charles Wi lls, President, of the Mutual Fue Insu rance Company, Bcj.ion. (Q- CAUTION. Aa a miserable imitation haa been made, Ly the name of ' Sugar Coated Pill-," it '.ecesasry lo be aura that Da. G Br. j Smith's siguatuie la on eveiy box. Price 23 rent. Piineipsl Office. 17!) Greenwirh at New York. Sold by JOHN W. FRILING, Sunbury. WM. FORSYTH B, MrthumM. September IStb, 1845, - - . DrmocvitUc XtrliffU). Greatly Reduced rrice From to $3 per Annum. Single copy 25 cenf . raosrxcTS or Tits mt, or 17m tulcmi. THE PRICE of the DmocmTic Rsvirw has heretofore been too high not for the size, cost and character, hut for the means often nf thou sands nf resders who would be glad to receive it, snd among whom it is highly desirable that it should circulite. For the purpose, thrrefore, nf widening the rsnge nf its usefulness, and of multi plying Ihe numbers ofthnse to whom It may lie ar resable it haa been determined, simultaneously wiih the great reduction in the expense of the post, age, to reduce its snb-rripti m price slo, fn m FIVE to only THREE do lira; and when aeveral tiui'e in subscription, to as low as $'i 50, or even 30 per annum. Thi very large reduction in the receipt (accom panied with but compiratively small diminution ofit expense) involves, of roure, sn entire sirri fice nf profit upon it, unless compensated by a vast nniltipbcaton nf eubserilwr. Th re will be st the nutset only small reduction in its number of ps ges s soon lo be restored to itsnld number, without increase of prire, when the anticipated success nf the experiment sha'l justify it, Thk PoainatTS or PisTinrtsttn Df.mo. crats wi'l be continued eogrnved in better and more costly style than heretofore. The Piisxsor. will hereafter, foi any ilistance.be only Jive and a half ccntu ; it h.n heretofore been, for 100 miles, tighleen cents. We look for an exien-ion of circulat'on to las reckoned by fens of tlmufantt.i, ns ti e result and c mi ensa'ion oflltii gteat rediiciinorifpr.ee, Eve ry friend of the work, and of the Democratic princ.i plea and cause, is confidently apresled to to exert himself with an active interest to procure it ubseri hers ; both to ex'eud its usefulness, and to carrv it successfully through the crisis of th s great reduc tion of its price. Those who have pa:d in advance for the coming year, will receive it, at a reduced rate, for a year and a half. TK R M 1IENC E FOI! W A R D. (Nvasiaslt i nvrcr.) Single copy $3 00 I Einhl c pie, $00 00 Four coptea 1 1 00 Thittem " 30 00 It will then be seen that when thirteen copies are ordered at onre. the price is t r oieht down to admit f 2 30 eicb. For six months, half these rate. These m'es affird high indtiremcn's to ssertl and others to interest themselves lo procure sub scribers. The earh lytem snd payment in whaic mint be uncoinpromisinB'y sdbere.l to. The pt iclax aijon of it has c in.ed sn arrinnuUii .n i f not f.r from f 10 1100 of debts doe lo he work II re if. ter this most I who!y icfomed, nor must either ibe most eminent political frien ', or the most imi mate persn,il one. he displeased on expe.ieueinc it ap lie iiioo. in the stoppage of tl eir numhers. if thvy neglect tlrs rub-, ihe v.ul nece-siiv of which, at the pieseut reduc. d rnt' S. must be obvious lo nil No mmmiini s'ino will I taken fioni Ihe lil office uni. free of posiace. All communications, both on editorial snd pub lishing biisine-s, must Is sildresi'd h nccf, irw,ird to the undersigned. Those reining to the settle ment of Ihe p-t debt due the work will be 'i l ad dressed to Mr. H. (J. LJot.tT 8 Aitiir Houne, the pist atrangeinents with whom, oa puldiher have reached their termination. J. L O'SruiTsx. July. 1845. 14fi Naa-au street, N. York LAST LIKENESS OF GEN. JACKSON. The aduiirih'e Daiuerreotvpe of Gen. J irks n, taken by Anthony, IMwar.l A Co., a lew we. k lsrf.ro bis death, ha been pinrhia.'d lor lh- use nf the Drmociatic Review. It is in the h nid. of til -artist, and w II be engraved in the finest stylo ol mezz itiut, of ex ra size. It is a most hemnful ami interesting wmk. declared by Mr. Van lluren and others lo give more perfect idea of ihe great and good old man than any other likene-s; and nultt tube possessed ly everv man who loves and re verses his memory. Those who uh-cribe early will receive it as one of the regular series uf P.r trail. September 6th. 1813. iJmW.M ilwllwlii rSSim "Owe no man PQf nnything." W. R. ."sMITII. Sunbury, Sept. 6'h. 1815 M r.MtU.C Ol' Jollll llnsll-.lM Otlt, tlCC'd JD I t h la heret.y mven, II at tenets of sdnnn l-traiion on slid st e have ln iran'iil 10 the etitisciidcr. Pets ins I svinj; demands nu in-t the e-tate, are lequese-ul lo p.e-enl the o for cxami. nation ami settlement, and iho-e knowtnii ihoui M-lves indebted sie teioe-leil to make payment, mi medtaiely. l'E IEU II Mill A WOI T. Rush t-hp, Aug. 30, 1815. 61 Ad-n'r. 101 im a I u n l l c SI v t C c I c s . 1 Bit -I we larysi b's Vr.Hwtvrr.K - a rr1tun rare for worms tntr ami very nlrarntit 10 take. 2. Gtiisox's Exm vers, ivljeh reninve (Jreae of all kind-. Dry Pa nis. T;ir, Vaiui-h and Wax, from ciris or fr iu rlolh'ng, w.thoul injuring the color or ihe cloth. 3 Lono Fit Pirr.n the best thing known for ki'liug flies snd ii'Umjii t as. 4. A ce-tain Destroyer o' Ril,Mice, Roaches and Ama, and an ober .f Bed Bus. 5. Grsst's Sen irie for s ur stomach. Heart Bom and Water Brash, bv one who had sutf red thirlttn yens, before he di-rovere I the cure. Dr. STKvr.v's Gnr.KM Oixtmkt for the Piles, It has never failed lo cuie. 7. Iltuaisni'a Tittiii Wsii. 8. Dhvviimi'i Ini.LiBLt Imk, without a rival. j 9. Tux CoMrovxn CovricTioN or Fn; j jnt the me.ti. ine lor chidden and for women, ii is so pleasant 10 t; k". t 10. Bick's Vioktvsii A vti an.infs Pm.. j 11. (Stmji's Eiot.Mr.vr Wrra rnoor Psr:, for II mess. Boots, ie. It Mil'it-u the leather, and ! keep out the water. I 12. I'ooa M' S-rnrsn rm vi(i Plistkr. J 13. Jtcs-soVs DnHitinnt MiXri-ns, whi.h! cure the worst D'a-rhnrn in s lew hour 1 14 JvciLnis's Drr.viTiiT Murinr, rrr-' tnin and speidy cure for Dyseuteiy and "umiuer t'ompl lint. 'I'he alKive valuable article are sold "vho'ess'e and reisil. by L. t Gl.'NN. ,V. I South F flh ttrrrt, rhtunlrlplmi whee S'ori keejiers and o. hers wi I be U p led with pure African Cayenne Pi pi er. Arnica Floweis, Drut;, Paints, Oils, (t'sss and Varnishes, al the lowe-l price 'J'erms 01 ly rash, atj" Cut out the adveitUement, and bring it with you. Philadelphia. July 19th. 1315. ly. AIsKXAXIsKU L. IllCKVY. TRUNK MAKER. Ko. 150 C lirsiiiut Strott, riIXI.ADEX.FHZA. XI7HERE all kinda nf leaf er ttui k, vsl srsa-.u ' rarpet 'ntg, of every nvle and pattern are T.snuf.ctU'ed, in fh Vut manner and frjra the best material, and sold at ihe lowest rate. Philadelphia, July 19th, 1115. ly. Orithnns' Court Sato. Vnluablo Real Estate T N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court - of Nnrihumberlsnd county, will lie exposed to public ssle, at the public house of Valentine Paul, in Upper Mshonny town-hip, Northumberland cn on Wednesday, the S4th day nf September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M the following descrihed pro perty, to wit : A certain plantation orttart of .inj, iitunte pir! ly in Upper Mahnnoy- township, Norlhumlierlan l county, and partly in Upper Mihontsngu town-hip, in the county ol Schuylkill, on the State road lead, iug from Pottsville to Fisher's Ferry, snd about 24 nibs from the former place adjoin ina lands of John MauriT, Ihe heirs of John Dnhl, G-oree I) oyer, John Wagaoner end others, containing 271 acies and 20 perches, strict measure, about 210 acres of which sre cleared and in a hiuh stale of cultivation ; whereon are erect. d a large two story brick Tavern Hou-e and Kitchen, a large bank barn, !00 feel long, a f ante wng n shed, snd another large frame si ed ; also a latge snd excellent (trial Mill, and e fnrne hours near mid mill, and also, two excellent orchard-. The above properly is very beautifully and advantageously situated, and ia an excellent Farm Tavern Stand. Also: At the same time and p'sre, another eer. tain tt.wlof bind, stlj .itdriff the above described tract, (ieoree Snyder and others. Containing 127 acrea and lt.'3 perch., strict meisure, about 90 a crea of which are cle.ire.l ; w hereon are erected a iwo story log bouse, pa-tly weaibrr-boiided, and a log stiihle, snd a urge and excellent orchard. Al-o: At the Fame iim ami pi ce, another cer tain ir irt of land, sdj .ioine the last shove desrrd?d trad, land of Peter Klock and others, containing lllti aciesat ti Pt3 perches, strict measure, about 75 acre of which aie cleared ; where .n are erected a Iwo st .ry log douse, we ithet-tioardcd, and a log ham. and two excell nt orchard. Al-o: At the antne ti..e and place, another eer tiin trnct or piece of land, a 'j lining the above do scr bed tmrt. ,tHl nf .hr. b Maurer and orhers, con taining 10 a. -re ami 100 perches, strict measure, all of which is rlrired, (bring pica low I ind.) and tn a hied -I He i,f rul iv ition. Also; At the same time and place, a certain tract of timber hind, si'uatr in I'piier M.ihi nnv township nfoti sai'l, adoinii.g I mi's of So'om iri llo warti r, John soil Felix M iu tr, Geo'tre Snv ler and others, containing 07 aerrs snd 140 perches, strict uiea-iite. Al-o Ai ibe hmpe r.f Smnol Herb, in Little Mal.onoy ton-nabip, Northiimlerl,ud coun'y. on Fiid.iy ti e Sfiih day of Set te.n' er next, a certain tract of 1 md. -i uate in Little M thonoy township Btoresitd. on Big M.-lo nov t'reik. sdjoining lands of J icoh II lit ish, Mich el Bol b snd others, con- l.ituiiit! 179 acres snd 59 p rrhes, strict me isure, about 100 tier s of which sie rb' ired; whereo'i are ir. ctetls lie itti.i s'orv I g house nnd kitchen, (roughcast.) a large bank b.irn, shout 80 feet long, p tin'.d red ; al-o a lariio and excebnt (Jrisl Mill, an excellent aw null, a di-ttlb-ry, a blacksmith shop, ami a l.irue ami excellent orchnrd- A lt.o : Another reitain tract of bind, adjoining the List above de-rrilssd trsrt, land of Michael B. bb und others, roiitaiitini; 250 seres snd 133 perches, strict ines-ure, nboul 100 arres of which ate e'ear ed ; wherein nre eier-ted a larje Iwo story frsme house, nearly new, a Is'ge frame bank barn, a ful Iiiio mill slid canting machine ; and also, two small log houses snd -ladle The.e is alao large and excellent orchsid on add pre ni-s-s. Alsn: At ihe mitt tim and pt.iee, another certain tract of Und, situ .te in Little Mahnnoy t ovnahip afo esatd, sdj. lining tinda of Henry Swint'hart, the loirs of Al rnbatn Rothrme1, dee'd., and oihe s. conttiinini; 12 acres and 37 perches, tin mc.n-iire, uboiit 120 acres of w hich sre cleared and in a hiuh state of i n t.vati n ; whereon are e recti d a two story log hout-r, a J irge new b ink b trn, al oui SO feet long, pa-n'ed red, snd sn orchard. The b.g in th .imy creek pas-es throned said iract, and cte.'es in i xcelb ut wjtei powei for inilliiu mid other purposes. The te ni ot sale will b made known on the d.y of sale al.re-aid. Hv or.br of the Court. EDWARD 1YI ER. VII: O. C. DANIEL HERB. jr., ADAM HERB. August 23d 1815. Administrators. Orphan Court Knlc. TN pnrsiiMiice ol siiordiri l the Orphans' Court of Northumberland coiintv, will he sold at pub lie vendue, on Sntu'dy the SOtli si 1 y of September t rll. oil the premises, lo wn : A certain trart of land situate in the ton-hin of Little Mahnnoy. in J rau e. -uuiy.a.tj u.'im la d of Jacob Hildi-h. Leon. ard !! ed. si.d the Mahnnoy Cieek, containing 127 ai rt s. mote or b ss, u hereon is erected a two story L g House, a Sprinu hou-e, larie Bai.k Barn, slid lo i.rr'ianls, Al-o, at the same lime and place, ihe unilivi Ud tin'h p.rt of three tracts of unimpro veil lend, snu.iie 111 Little Mahonoy and Coal town. ships, viz: iwo tracts adj-iuilii$ lands i f Daniel lleih, sur. de. 'd., sn.l others, e rttiinng alaiut 8(1(1 ae es, snd the other adj lininn Wendel l.a-.cda and others, in Coal t .wn-dtp, containing about 100 a ti -. I. ile Ihe 1 state of Leonard Ferter, dee'd. Sale to COMlieiice at 10 o'clock, A. M., of aaid day, whi 11 the Uiiiis of site wnl he mule known l y I'EI KPv FERSTER. ' Sunbury. Auc. 16, I9s5. '. Adm'r. CASH STORE. ClIKAT, Villi CASH OR COUXs. THY IMIODI ci:. lAvrnty Ier t ent. Saved. flHE .iib-enli r having j un hased ihe store nf 1 II. B. Mass. r, has ju-t icplenished the. im with a neiv liak of goods, which ling pnrehasrd at nsli prices. Will be sold fur Caah or Cmmtry ( V'iitfire. lACiily er cent, cheaper than usual. Coll I nnd jiniL-e f .ryoiir-elve-. ' Ti.e I lloiMi.u re t.m mir the articles : ! Ilarr. d con. n ilrillma, u 12 j I., nn ni burn, al I2J Mn!i 1, at ti Calicoes, f it e.il. r. al T W rttiu-r piper, at 12J per vjnire S (!', at fij do H d a' 8 Colll-e, at IU to 12 J til ,-s S bv H, at 33 rtspcr Joten Elsst c Cofili gloves, at h$ M..I1.1 r m ts ai f Biass Eilibt day cdarks, waitahted, l 4 Tin 'V hour " " ffi A'srin " $7 Bes'n'e. L qoo-s and Groreiie of all kinds. Leg. horn, Fur and 5i k hats, Tweed Caa-miere, Cotton Y-.rn, Carpet Chain, lim'-MI, P.ra-ols, Lard Lamps, A. c. HENRY MASSER. huiihuiy, Jnlj 5, 1A45 T A h 1. C IIM'ii ll V E 1) 11. fl. MASSER, re pec.Iully iiir..rin hi old friei ds and cu.iotner. il.,i he has I dd nut his store to Henry Master, s;,d respiellully leqne-ts all Ihoae indebted to hi.o, to s. ttle iheir a. coun a without delay, aa 'eT will be placed in the hand of a Justice f'r c., h ction, Without respect to person, on Ibe 1st nl Augil-t. Sut.buiy.June 5t,lP45. II. B. MASSER. V7ls. Sn:i The highest price still he iveu for Flat Seed, st ihe store or Aug 9, I84S. HENRY MASSER. To the Electors of Norihtimbrrlsinrl County : ' T BEG leave to offer myself aa candidate, al the ensuing election, for the office nf County An Hi tor. If t should he elected. I will discharge the dilliei of the office with punctualiis. PETER BIXLER. Lower M uhonoy. Aug. 18. 1815. To the Electors of Northumberland County. BEING solicited by many of my friends, I have consented to ufior myself as a candidala for ihe office of Tro niurer nf Northumberland county. Should you see pro per lo elect me, I pledge myself to perform the duties nf said ollice with fidelity. WILLIAM GULICK. Sunbury, May 31st, 1835. To the Elector of Northumberland County. A T the solicitation of number of persons, in different parts of the eountv, I have consented to be a candidate for the office of Tit E.I SURE n of Northumberland county. I need hitdly aure my fellow-citizens, that if I am elected, I will en deavor to diarhsrge the duties uf the office fat hful ly and impartially. JESSE M. SIMPSON. Sunbury, May 17th, 1845 To the Electors of Northumberland Countv. PELLOW CITIZENS. I have been induced -- to offer myself as a candidate for the office of 1'roUionotar.T, At the ensr.ing election Should I fortunately be elected, I hereby promise, ftiihful'y and impartial ly to discharge (be duties of si d nlhYp. JOHN FA RNS WORTH. Sunbury, May 10, 1S45. To the Eleciors of Northumberland County. FELLOW CITIZENS. I hereby offer my elf as a candidate., f r 'lie i iTico of REGISTER AND BZCO I can oyly promise, should I be lurrumte euoush to be re-eleeie.l, to dih-irge tho duties of said ollito with fidelity und impar i ili-v. EDWARD OYSTER. Sunbury, May 10. 115. To the Electors County. of Northumberland "7 EL LOW CITIZENS. At tbo ao'icita ion of - a number of my friends, I have Consent. J 10 lie a candidate for the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER. I promise the rittzena of the county, that if I am elected, I will endeavor to disrhnrge the dutira uf the 1 llic 0 faithfully and imptirtitolv. WILLIAM M. GRAY. Sunbury, April 19th, 1 815. To the Electors of Northumberland Countv : ENCOURAGED by a nnmbrr of my frimdi. in different port of the county, I oiler myself to your consideration aa a Voluntirr candidate ir Ihe office of I can only promise, should I li el-ci-d, I rial. every iffort to discharge the duties the office to your cntne satisfaction. DAVID ROCKKFF.LI.ER. Sunbury, Aug. 30lh, IS15. To the Electors of Northumberland Coil nl v : EING solicited bv many of my 'ri -nds to off r uiysell a- a e 11 dtdaie f.n ihe i" e of of Northumheiland rouo y. I ie i your upsrt. I will eodeavi r t id i h f-j' v s i''rit e the dtr- lie of ihe office faithful! v, sliotd I oure proper to confer the same upon me. JOSEPH NICELY. Delaware township, July 12 ll" To the Electors of Noithumbeili.i'.d County. lELLOW CITIZENS: A I l ave Wn great. 4 ly encouiaged by my fricta's, 1 aolictl you-r support for the office of S II K II I V V. Should you confer this office up in me, I s'ojj? endeavor lo discharce the dut-r -h rei.f with 'bi litv. THOMAS A. BILLING 10. V. Sunbu-y. April 19th, 1615. To tlie Eleciors of Aorthumberjand Countv. I7F.LLOW CITIZENS. Having been encou raged by niv friends, to offer myself a a candi date for the office of COUNTY COMWISSIONEXl, I respectfully solicit your support. Should yon ee proper to confer the office upon me, I will en deavor 10 discharge the duties thcit-of with CJibty and impartiality. SEBASTIAN HACPT. Sunbury. April 19ib, 114.1. To the Electors of Northumberland County : "PELLOVV CITIZENS: I beg leave, to eff,.r myself aa a candidate, at the on-uing election, for the office of County f'ointiitKHilonrrs Shmild I be sr f otunate as to be e'ected, I plei'fcar myself to discharge the duties of the office vr.iU promptnesa and fiilul.lv. CHARLES U !3.VSR. Sunbury, April 5th, IS15. ' terms reduc imT' PACUFRRl i .V CA I.I.EP I . I'Mtnt I'rtmi. Urn Colored lAcn. .'.t, uuJ FLotograpfuc J),p.-i .- Xo. laaChcsnut Ntrrct, riiihilelphla. No. 251 Brosdwsv, New Y ,-; ; N.. 75 Conrt St..ei, Bo-iou j No. IHO Ch w t S 'e.t, Pbi's delph s ; Btfttmnre M.re. . tta!ti.-nre ; B'SmiU w ay, Saratoga Sprtr.g ; N t,Ci Cainsl Stteel, New-tliV..lis ; M .in Mr. et Newp rt, R. I. And) Main Street, 1u Buquv, Iowa. CONSTITUTING t'i" I ls sod most Ktten. aive r.slhli-hment of rl.s kmd i'i the Wnr., and conl ,ii,in mors t'ian a TII'U'SNNH POR TR.'il i'S. euil racing those ..f soma nf the most distinguished individuals, in the I'niied States. Adintt'ame free. 'I bis E.tshhshment having hern awarded thai Mtdal, Four Firl Premium, snd tu-o-Ji-ghrit Il.nort' at ibe Libidinous at P.osion, New Vfc snd I'hdadeli h'a, lespeeiively, for bel Picture- nl Apparatu! i thus otflctally nniatne I in the pwi lion of superiority her. l"f o iiiiivc-s My ssi-iuiUid ll by Ihe puh lc, ss "First in the World." June 28th, 1845. I y SUPERIOR Port wi.ie. MaVriiMdiJsh,i Wine. Also super ii r B.atuL a il lint, Lemon Syiup. Also ftf-v bstfe', ... Hi t k FiM lor sad by hLNUV WASsKK. Sunbury, Jury ltldi, 1845.