Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 02, 1845, Image 3

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    '. ..J'-" IM! .'i.LI . ! I
A Wild;. The Baltimore Clipper has
the following account of a wild woman in the
neighborhood :
"We understand from a gentlemnn, recently
from Ell icon's Mil Is, tipon whose Words we can
rely, Mint no little interest has been excited in
that iteiglcWIiood, in consequence of the occa
sional appearance, for some time past, of a female
supposed to have tied from society and taken tip
her abode in the wood. She is reported by those
who bate seen her, as being rematkably delicate
and fair; neatly, though plainly apparelled ; and
:in her movements, when unconscious of any of
her species being near, cautions and sprightly ;
lint, upon observing any person, she bounds back
to the depth of tbe forest, with a speed and light
ness almost superhuman. She is seldom seen ;
having been accidentally discovered she has been
watered tor with interest, and a she has occa
sionally emerged from the unknown place ofher
seclusion her home in the rocks and glens
persons have witnessed her visits to the 'Sylvan
Springs,' in a deep ravine peculiar to that region
of country. We also learn that a number of
gentlemen, anxious to satisfy their curiosity in
reference to this mysterious recluse, have de
termined to find out the abode of the fair and
lovely stranger, and if possible, restore her back
to society . We hope to b e able to report the result."
OJJire nf the Bi.ti wm A ox let. July 2S.
GRAIN. Supplies of Wheat arrive freely,
and prices have a downward tendency, owing to
the inability of the mills to do ns much work as
usual. We quote rede at Sflasri cents for good to
prime an occasional kt of very prime bringing
M or S5 cents and ?flaM) cents for ordinary to
good. We quote white Wheats at S'm'.lO cents
for ordinary to good, and (lflirtt.1 cents for prime.
Salt's of Corn at 4'4 a 4 I cents fur white, and
41 a 45 cents for yellow.
We quote Rye at .10 a 52 rents.
Sales of Oats at 2 a 2G cents.
WHISKEY. There is a fair lrmaud, but the
tack is very light. Sales of bbts. ut J3 cents,
llhds. would bring 22 rts.
Low Snarr. cat stu ht rHKSKXCK nf impure
bum ir in the IUkj.I. Health i the state nf body
and tut nd which render mere, eristenee a hi sdn-;
any thing six it of thin in disease, and i caused In
the accumulation of nioilnd humors in Ihe (do d
and other ju en, by negU-et iT veget ddc purging.
The cure it wry simple ; ni?n the natural drain
of t'-e t'udy which nature has provided for the carry
li.g nut of all its impuriiies, and li- sl.h will tie sure
lo follow. This can be accomp'ished without any
inconvenience, by the use of Dr. BasxuatTa's
Vicctislk UsivcassL Pills, which are known
by the experience ol thnusan Is. to p rfectly cleanse
tho M.iod from all f .ulniss, remove every morbid af
fection, and renovate we.k and erifetblel coustitu
tim to perfect lie.dih and vigor.
Purchase nf H. B Mister, Sunbury, or of
tlx) agents, published in another part of this paper.
Corrected tpeelcty by Heury Yoxthttmer.
Whkt, .... 85
Rta, SO
Co, 40
Oits. 25
roan. ft
FimitH, ... - 112J
Ul'TTKB, ... t
KlION. .... . H
liKKKWlX, .... 25
Tallow, ... to
Ktit, ... .8
Hr.CK.Lsn Fix, 10
Dm mi Arris, . - 50
Do. P sen tea, 150
1 K M O C R A N I C C O IT N T Y,
to v.xiii v fi i: isTixn s.
THE D mocraiic party nf Norlhumberland coun
ty, sre r-quested lo meet in their re-peclive
township at Ihe u-u d place nf hokltng their meet
ings, nn Saturday, the 30th day ot August next, t
ch'Mise the u-nel nuinia r of delegates, to mi el in
county convention, nn Monday, the firat day nf
Sep'emtMf nixt. at Ihe Court House in Smibury,
for the puriMse of noniii a ng candidates lo be aup
orted by the party, at ihe in xt general election.
Aug.2,1845. Kl nding Committee.
rilUE Ladies of Baltimore and Washington, a
I muni whom are Ihe f'llowing. bare kinMy
perrnitied Dr. O. Bskj'x Smith lo ref. I to tin m
ns having een cured by bis "Sugar ('oated Indian
Yl gelal b- Pills."
Mr. El'iabelh H. iToer. Light atteet. Ba timo e,
cured of cosliveticsa, which had bieu ttaiiding in ar
ly llnee eara
Mrs. Ann Nickols, Chailcs stre-'l, do., severe
pains sat a t'-ere ia nothing tqu d lo Dr. Smith's
bugar Coa'ed Pill.
CTT CAUI 'ION, As a miserable imitation has
teen made, by Ihe name of '-Sugir (!oaied Pill,"
it ia necefs.iry to be sure that Da. O Smith'
tigua'ure is on every box. Piice 'ih cent.
Principal Office. I7!l (Jreenwich st. New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FKILINO. Sunbury.
August 2 IS45.
.tlaiilii Wtatti's lttule.
OTICE i hereby g'neo, that letter of admin
J-v isiralion have h. en grained lo the aulcribcr,
on the estate of Martin Weaver, Ute of bhamokin
township, NoilhuuibeiUnd county, dee'd. Pe rms
itnlebied lo said estate or having demand against
the same, are requestsd lo call nn Ihe sub-criher for
settlement, at the public houae of Wm. Weaver, on
the 2Uih of Augu.t next.
8bamokiu Uhp . July 19. 1 8 IS. 6l. Adm'r.
IVo. lftO C'lieMiiut Mrcet,
TiniERE all kinds of leaf er Hunk, valises and
' rarjiet bags, of every style and pattern sre
manufactured, in Ihe brat manner and from the bet
material, and sold st the loweal rate.
Pbdadtdidiu, July 19ih, lli. iy.
Valuable Property
WILL be sold, t public vendue, on Fridsy
and Saturday, the fth and fit, of Septem
ber, 184ft, in J arkoon township, Northumberland
rounty, IV, the following described Valuable pro.
peny, vir. :
lt. On Friday, Sept. 6th, on the premises, (hat
vslunble Farm situate in siid township, on the road
leading from Oio-g town to Klingsr-tnwn and
Follsvill", about 8 union from (Jenrgctown and the
Supiehnna river, ar.d aix milea from Klnger
town, now occupied liy Jacob Lecher, containing
244 set ra, of which about 1H0 acres are cleared
and in good cultivation, am! Ih remiiinder covpred
with the (inert growth of the most valuaMe timber.
The improvements on ihi fjim eonair-t of two tie
ganl two stoiy dwelling houses, standing near each
nlher, the one a log house ami tho other a frame
house, with an excellent well of ws'er near the
door, a laigebank barn, a wagon hour, gram ry,
corn c il, rider pros, and other mil budding,
i'h re are also on the prcm''e, two exc llenl
orrhnrd, producing various kind of fruit of
It e twl quality, a limestone quarry and lime k In.
The whole tract constat nf limestone land of ss su.
pi rior a quality as any in the alat". The almve
drscrihtd larmwi'l be sold together or in part, to
suit purrha-ers, and an imli-putahte title and peace
aide pnaeaion given on the 21 dy of April next.
2 I, On tut.lsv, 3-plernher 6ih, on the premi
ses, an excellent Fjrm nrtiact of land, (now occu
pied by John Lesh"r.) s luite in the township and
county aforesaid, 3 milea fr m Klingerstnwn, on die
road leading from Unb.n'own to Khngeraton,
cm t ining 6(4 acres, adj Ining I mils of Aliratiam
Trotttinan and Benjamin Leilz d, and the Malum
inugit creek, about 55 acres of w hit h are cleaied and
in goo I cultivation, and the r mumlcr exce lent
w.slliid : whereon sin ended a Inrgc two
iIki I'ing house, vtiih an excellent well of w iter n ar
III- door, a Urge double log hrn, with a I other ne
cessity out btiililings. There i also upon the pre
misi-s nn rxct lb w orchard, with all kinds of the
rho cast fruit. Peaceable possesion anl an uihIih.
(rite I title will beciven on the 21 of April nrxi.
H th the abme faints will li .,l n.4 the iroierty
of the lite Suiuuel l,c-hr, dre'd., by tirtue uf bin
limt will and teoiiimrnl,
PerFotm wishing to are the properly before the
sale, vj! dease call on Jacob l.isher, on the pre.
mie, or on M rh el l.riike'. who livi near the
ame. JACOB I.KSIIKR. J .. ,
Jarkon Ishp., July 20th, 1815 fit.
roi iiti.i:
iUaluaDlr SlvtCclcs.
"J Bbf.s!'s Vgairrna-a craiti rure for
woimn naff nnd very plrnnnnl lo lake.
2. (imsox's KxTRtrTa, wl irh remove (irene
of all knul", Dry Pa Ms. Tar, Vaininh and W.ix,
from carpet or from clothing, without injuring the
c ilor or the cloth.
3 I.'iMiui Flt PpF.n tho best thing known
for kt ling (lies and mtifiju t ra.
4. A certain Ueiroyer o'' K its. Mice, Itoaches
and Ants. and anoiher nf Hi d Itnga.
5. (Scsn'h Srinne for a tir utomaeh. Heart
Horn and Water Hraxh. hv one who had sulTin d
thirtren yeire. In-fore he ilicovrre l the cure.
Dm. Stvk' (SitSKM Odtsiiit for the Piles.
It ha never fniled to cine.
7. HntnVs Tr.TTr.a Wn.
P. Hat monk's iaiiKLiaLK Is , without a
9. Thk tovipni-na Corpm-tias nr Fins
jUKt the medicine for children and fir women, it is
mi pleaHsnt to IhW-.
10. Rkik's VrnsTtaiK AiTtaiLiors Pn.t..
11. (Si'im's Kvoi.liknt WTa-paur Ptk
for H-rnisH, Ho ns, &.C, It softens the lejthcr, and
keep out the water.
12. I'ooa Man' WTarioTiitvion Plaster.
1.1. JsrKsox'a DiiaaiirR Miiriaa, whiih
rurea the wotkI Diarrhoea in a few hour.
14 Jacksox' Uissmtast MiXTrar, a cer
tain ai.d ciieidy cure for Dysentery and Summer
I 'nnipl.iint.
'Ilie al-ove valuald" artirle are sold wholesale
and retail, hv L. C. OU.NN, A'o. t Kmtli I'.flh
ttrret, PHtulclfitiSitwbttt S'nn-keeiers and o.
ihetK will be rupp ied with pure African Cavenne
Vpir, Arnica Kloweis, Drugs, Paint, fils iIbs
anil Varnishes, at the lowest prices 'l'ertu in ly
eah. Cut out the adveiiiement, and biing
it with you.
Pbilul. Iphia. July 19 b. 1815. ly.
i;H trial in the Court ..f Common Plea- nfNor- j
thum'eiland County, al August Te.m. 1815. t
commencing the fir. I Monday, In ing the 4th.
J tiulick V A Clatk vs E Oreenouuh va Ho! ii g-he iil ti ca
Jacob Painter vs E Orcein ugh
Seilr.ti.ger, alienee of
Fiymire for Evert
v John Rarver et h
vs J P Hackenbers
S iiu'lSwiuehait Ac wife va Peter Fetatcr
Appteinu, endorsee of
EdwardaA Verree vs Wm Don ild'on
Benjamin Robin va Abr .ham Lnwieuce
Pieuliee for WrUh a Joseph Keller
R P Slnnon vs Dennis Waters
Daniel Bnisiu va J din A Shissler
Dai id Mojer &. Wife vs Daniel Frvmire
Claiie Oeucvicve Dasque va Daniel Dunkleberger
vs Pirns
vs Abraham Klaxe
v Henry Manser, E.
v D Levy' el'is
vs It Richardson et al
v Henry Sn tier
v Wm MVary et al
va It W & James Dunn
vt Oeorge Hetkert et at
va S iino
v Datid Walaon
Amo Reed
va D .vid C Walaon
William Fsrrow
Oeorgn Leibrich
Elizabeth Wei i. el
Div.d M'Kntghl
D S Spare
Henry Murfi
Jacoh Seaa
T A Billington
S nie
Irwin Si ('ramer
Oco Oy.irr and wife
(iuo A ('rattier
Levi Hoharl's xsaignee va Albv C Barret
Anthony Watson et al V John M I louse I
!' L Famum
v J A W F Waggonm'll.-r
William Dehait
Hinry Funk
It. ilit S Oram el al
Henry H Burr
Al-iirr Mendeiihall
fi. L Weimer
William McCoy
OgeUby tt Iliiukl-y
J.sieph Hoover
H Bed . Ac
va. James Sheari r
v Henry SteiumetxiV wife
v William lieid
v Win McCoy
v VfV J Wilht bu's admr.
s Wm McCoy
vt 11 oh ir' Al Uarret
v J ame Lee. c
v Jonathan Pureed, &c
v Wi liam McCoy
Lorenc 1 1) House)
vt till m r rick
Oeorge Hid enl ach't admr v D & J Stamm. Ac
Rhode A Bound
Cristopher Belly
C A Snyder, Ac
Franeta McCoy, Ac
Johnston Wall
Wm 8 Montgomery
Franc a Oibaon et al
Whilall A Brown
Win H Brown A co
v Robin A Lawirnce
v John Becker
vt Oeorge (irant, Ac
va Felix Maurer el al
va Isaac Dieihulhcia
va Dr James Links
vt John Caul, anr
va Daniel Caul
va John B Boyd
v Same
Stiawbii lge A Umden vs
Holmes. Sturgeon A co v
Jainea Bird A wile vt Oeorge Persing
Ehenetitr Oieeuough vt Heury Kooner
Hugh Bella, E.-i) v ll.nry Doniiel et al
Pfothonoiary't office, J'roth'y.
Sunbury, July 19th, 1813. J
Sherifl 's Sale.
"ff J V virtue nf a certain writ of venditioni expo
M9 1"s itwiurd out of the Court nf Common
Pleas nf Dauphin County lo mo directed, will
be exposed to puMic sale, at the Court House
in the Horough of Sunbnry, on Monday the 4ih
day nf August next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the follow
ing de-crihed property to wit i
All the drfendnnt's iniereat, supposed to be the
undivided moicly of a c rtsin tract of bind situ ite
in Coal township. Northumberland eouoty, survey
d in the name of Mathias Zimmerman, containing
367acies more or less, adjoining lnnd nf urvpyrd
in the names of Peter Maurer, Michael Kroll, John
Niched is Bailey ai d others.
Heitenl, kn in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Cjlvin UK the.
Sheriff's Office, J
Siinhury. July 12. 1845. J
T 8 hereby given, to all legatee, creditors and all
- other perxons interested in the estates, of tier
trtnle Snyder d'e'd, settled by bcr executors John
lli lrich and Daniel Snyder ; of (Seorge Troxel,
dee'd. srttletl by his aibnr's, John Leiherl ! nf Leon
ard Femler. dee'd. settled by hi admr's. Peter Fer
aier and Simucl Wagner ; nf Christopher Diinm,
dee'd, sell I. d hy his adm'r. Jacoh Behrr ; nf t'hnrh s
Eckman, dee'd, settled bv his adm'r, J:inies Krk
man t of Barbara Seit., dee'd, seltl. d ly her ailm'r,
Peter Wagner ; of S'mon Keilz, dee'd, settle, I by
hi adm'i, Peter Dunklebrrger ; nf Anna Mri.i
Drienhich, dee'd, settled by bcr ex'r, Daniel Dries
hsch ! nf Joseph Kcffrr, r, Ji c'd. snttlrd by his
rt'rs, John and Joseph KelTi-r ; of Ucorge Wag
ner, ib c'd, aett'ed by Jacob D HofTmsn, adm'r of
Frederick R.iker, dee'd, who was the adm'r, nf
tieorge Wagmrdic'd; of Julian C nraddecM. eel
lied by In r ex'r, laaac Ilottrn-tine ; of Jacob Sarvi
dee'd, etiU'd by bis ailm'r, Wm Deppen ; of !co.
Long ilcc'il. ai tib'd hy hs ailmr's. Siiuurl U intert
and J icob Scaidiollz ; of Jacob K'ock d-c'd. settleil
hy hi adm'r, Henry Klotk ; of Mary llcllrieg l
ih c'd. settled by her sdni'r, U Helhiegel ; of I'hilip
Sitoh, dee'd, M'lll d by bis rxr'v, E Kiiue and J
Shivp ; acc't of S Camphell, the guard'n of Samuel
Wilkersoti j the account nf Maiv H (le,,
guird'u of Mary Ann. Mucl.iy, Wnhingion and
I (hrbs(iearhail ; account of Jacob HiIIIhIi, gurd'n
f Wm Eh'ight ; the account of Hei.ry lie oh r,
guar i'ii of Daniel and W'lil am Menpa ; tl.e ac
count nf David High, guard'n nf Salomon and Su-
j sin is, lale of Noitbumber'and county, dee'd;
that the exccumri, adniiuistrutora sn I gur.linn ol
j the said deceased e-tatca, hive filed their account
i wnh the Keg aier of this county, and ibat they wili
') be preai tiled In the Orphan' Court of raid county,
on I ncHilay , the .)tti il iy of August next, for con.
fn ion and al owauee.
Stinhury, July 5th, 1845. 4l. Register.
OrisliaiVs Court Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court
I Norlliiiniherlai d county, will be s.d.l al puhlic
vetiilueor outcry, on Saturday, the Sfilh day ol Ju
ly itia ., at the house ol Chsrles D. Wharton, in the
borough i f Sunbury, to wit : A certain house and
lot i f ground, situated in Augusta township, in -aid
cousin, adjoining land of Aaron Robins and other,
cot. lain ng atmal three acrea, late the estate of Dan
iet Ke ler. dee'd. S de lo commence at 10 o'clock
P. M.. of said day, when the coudiiiona nfs.ilo will
Ih-made known hy BENJAMIN ROBINS
Suuhurv, July 6lh, 18 15. Adm'r.
rotate of ( at limine Illll.rtot 'tl. '
TV OTICE ia berehy given, that letters i f sdtnln-J-
" iflr.i i. il. have In en granted In the sub.-K-rilier,
on the i state of Catharine Hill, lain of MiHmokin
township, N. rthumlfil uid county, dee'd. All P' i
non iuilelited lo aaid estate, or having claim, against
t the same, are r quested to call and set le, on or re
hire the 1st day uf August next.
Shatnnkir, July 5ib, IMS. fit. Adm'r.
.TTSy .OH ".Tav
I'vvriily Ir Cent. Saves!-
f It I! E nli-ciiU r having puri hasetl the store nf
X H. B
. Masst r, has just lepb nished the .am--
w ith s new slock of good, which being purchased
ut cssli price. Will be sold fur C'isi ur Country
B'Tttilur Isrnlv irrrnt rheaiM-r tliau usoal. Call
M j,,,!,., f. vmlr.ves
-,-l( fowiiic are smong the articles :
Barr. d cotton dulling, al
Oi rmaii linen, al 1 2J
Mn-lin, al 1
t'alic.M s. fast colora. at 7
Willing paper, at 1'.' J er quire
S par, at fij
do got d ai A
CnlTee, ut 10 lo 12 J
(ilara 6 by 10, a I 3d eta per
ElatS e cot'en glove, al lij
Moba r m la al 6f
Brass Eight day clocks, warranted, at
Thiny hour fi
' Alarm " f7
Betide L'qun's and Griceries of all kinds. Leg
horn. Fur and Si k hat. Tweed Ca.inere, Cotton
V..rn, CariK-t Chain, Uuibr. IU. P.irasol. Lard
Lampa,&.c HENRY MASSE K.
Sunbury, July 5, 1845
vr 32) c-prf.'nH
I II. It. MASSF.K, re-iectfully inform hi old
'. triei ds and cusloinera. that he hass dd out his store j
: to Henry M.ier, and respi cl'ully ieqiiel all thoee j
I in. I. hied to turn, to tile their acc mil a without j
J delay, as ihey will be pU-d in the hand of a Ju-lii e
i for c.i hcliou, without respect to j eraoiis, on Ihe Ut ;
I Ausu I. !
Su .buiy.June 2, 1P15. H. B. MASSER
N anew settl. nici.l, uhere he can iibt-iin ,tU ,
al i en f lailll, and other advantages, if j
i.iber end inilu-liiniis. Lnqutre of
Sunbury. Jui.iSK. I Si 5 Hl'OH BELLAS.
'OTI('E is given to the li.'ir and legal
: II 1... I - .1 .u..
I - repreM'uiaiise oi iiiniy .11111 p, i:cc. ! o, uiai
by virtue of a writ of l'a'lni hi ta-ued out of ihe
lirphana' ('owrl uf Norlhuiillerland county, to mo
' directed, an inqueat will l beld at ihe late icsidence
I o! aaid deceased, in tho b lough of Northumber
land, Norihuiuherland county, on Friday the INtli
day of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the pur
pose of making partition of or to value and ap
praise the real estate uf aaid deceased, at which
lirue and place you may attend if you think proper,
Sheriff's Office, J
Sunbury, May 31, 1H45. J flt
VI'PERIOR Port wine, Madcria and Lisbon
wine. Also superior Biaudy and tim, Lemon
Syiuu. Also a few barrel of Hu t Fish, for aale
Sunbuiy, July I9ih, 1(145.
1111. of a superior oualily, can now be had
mt j ai il..i I ! kiltu nf lliinru Muii in Suit
lury. May 17,1310. I
OF Northumberland County, for August Tetm,
A. D. IS45.
fa rand Jurors.
Tiirlmt.--Ahiaham Kissinger,
Prliiwitre. Wm, McWilbams, Christian (Josh,
s nr., John N. 0ler, Oeorge Mastcllvr.
Lewis Andrew Kersbner, jr.
.Millnn. Leonard ISciilelm m, Jonathan Adam.'bn Mc.Wdliams, James F.
Mtlirny. Oeorgn W. Fries. Benjamin Troxel.
',.D inlet Pur-el.
Kurthu mhrrlnnd . Oeorge A psley,
Sunbury .Samuel Uohin, Benjamin Robins,
(ienign Young.
4ur;si(. Naihanb I Lytic, James Campbell.
Shnmnkin. John ttas.
Viprr Ulnhnnti, Oidenn Shadln,
Isiwer Muhnniii. Christi'in Alhert, Peler Iteilx.
Jticlcsnn. (leorge Deppin.
Traverse Jurors.
TurAij.tieorge Kuiy.
Delaware Joseph itytieaison, James Evert,
Oeorge C. MeKee. j
Lewi. M ijor Sweeney. i
Milton. (Sroige Kohler, John Frirk, Jeff. ron
T,anilers, Lewia E. Evans, James Miller, John
Chilfiittnriie. Hugh McOl inghlin, Levi
Kaupn, Allen Shoemaker, Fleming Nes'.iil,
I'ninl. Wm Lemon.
North u m he r .an il W i 1 1 i a m W t n c k .
fiunbiu t. Maik Seitplmm.
Augusta Charles Eckmsn, Simuel Shipe,
John Cooper, Jicob Hoover, (,oige Keefer, peter
Reitx, John Krcmer, ol Berks Simon Snyder, Jas.
A'AomA-;n.-.loVn Kaseman. John Dnnkb berger.
Kiuh. William Clark, William Vaine, Wil.
liam Meilcr, jr., Freib rick Weaver, John Cumpbi II.
Coal. reniiah Ziinmerman.
I 7'fT Mahnilni. Michael Reiig
1iucr Miihminif Solomon Bachniin. Oeorge
Emnch, nt , Michnel Etnr ch. John Tchopp.
LUlle Mnhuiioi. John Pif r, William Hiker.
Juikton. Poter Klock. Oeorge Hecner. Jonas
Bobuer. Solomon Dreaidet, Michu 1 Wolf, John
Pelil Jurors.
Turhut. John M. Houscl, Enoch Ea'nbsuch,
John l.edv.
Delaware. I Yn Nirely. Henry Reader, jr..
Henry DieUendi-rler, W illiam Hood,
Iain's. William Kuckmaii.
M llim. William Strine.
Chillinitntne. Joseph K ine.
I'ninl John Paul.
A'lWnimlr i mtil. Conrad Wmck. "r.
Hunhury B nj iiniu Hen.lruU. Oidenn M.
Yoiks. (ieoige Ziintnerm in, Thnmn Robins.
Augusta. Daniel Z.iitmsn, Daniel Zinimer
man. Shiiiiinkiii. Joseph Kaseman, Solomon Hum
inel, Casper Ad mis, Augusta. Huey. John lUni
kellicrger, soti of Henry, Philip Keller. Kobeit
Campliell, jr.
Coal. William Gearhsrt, Stephen Bittcnben-
der, S domon Wary. I
VfipiT Mitlmnoy. Oeorge Sbadle, ieore t
Heirn. John Sum k. !
hm-er Muhmniu. Peter Kocher, Oeorgo Cm
rich, jr., Peter 15 i I - r.
Jaekunn. Jacoh Broaiu. Isaac Rriiy.
U E I 1 E V E AND E I V E .
Com pound Nyrup ol Tar &Wool
fllHE nnpreredi nted sucee-s of this meilieine, in
M. the reslotati.m of health, to those who, in des
pair, had given up all hopes, ha given il nn exal
ted reputation above all other remrtlies, fnrni-bing
evidence ot its intrinsic vatue anil power, a ine on
ly agent which can be rebed upon for the cure nf
Pulmonary Consumption. Bronchia s. Asthma,
Pain in the side and Brea-t, Spitting of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac.
Attention is ncjrtosleil to the foil wing S.STON.
JSIIINO Thomson's t.'omiouiid Syrup
of Tar and Wood Naptha '. !
Vhifmlelphia, May 3r, 1841.
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir lib gr.iteful
feelings I inform you of Ihe astonishing ellecis of
vour meilieine. which has literadv tats il me from
a de ilh-l-c.l ! My disease, I'nlinon iry Con-uin p
tion, hail reduced me -n low thai my physician pro.
no mccd my case liieles ! Al this junction I be
gan to ii-eyour medicine, and iniracul. u a II may
seem, il ha eompb lely re-oie,l me to heilth, alter
everything lis' had failed. Re-pecifullv vonrs.
Charlotte street, ahoir t ieoige street.
The undeniiurie.l, being iersonallv nciuaiutcd
with Washington Mack and bis snlVerins. In-ar
witue lo the astonishing fleet of Thomson'
Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of the a
bove statement.
JI1S. W INNER. 3IH North Third street,
DAVID YH'KERS, 42 Almond s reet,
Hl'OH M'OINLEY, S. E. conn r Taniauy
and F. urih siieets.
Prepared only by S. P. 'I homaon. N. E. corner
of 5lh and Spruce stre. Is, Phi ade'phia.
Ag. nt. H. B. Masser, Sunboiy ; I), fiross,
and Dr Macpheraon, Har.isburg ; Ju . O. Brown,
t'nltsvi le ; tieo. Earl, l!e ding ; Houston A Ma
on, Towanila. Bradfoid county, Pa. J'lice 50 cents
p. r bottle, or 5 p. r do7.rn.
(J lleware nf nil imilalitmx.
Philadelphia, June 2mh, IS45. It
,ortliunilerlnnil County, km.
in ihe Orphans' Court of su'o County at April
Ten,, A D. 1HI5.
N moiion of II. B. Masser, Esq. I'he cnurl
gr uil a rule on Ihe beits ,nd legal repr. sen.
lativea ol John Bueher, s nr., I.ito nf the lairnugli ol
Suill ury, ilec'd,. Ieii g is-ue seven I hil.lien, lo
wil : John Bueher, Ji., Ca h irtne. ma rnd to Owen
i T. ILdM-r's, Ma giret, nnrrnd lo Wm Fisher, Ma-
iy Bueher, Jha Aim Bueher, Deborah, married
! lo John Morrison, and Oe.ugo lluche, hcira and
I dia'ri 'Uli e id John tluchrr, Senr., hue of ihe bo.
rough of Sunbury, . f said couniy, dee'd. To ap.
ieai in our m-xl O phans' Court In be h. Id for
said county, to wil : on ihe 4tli day of August A.
D. IK 15, and accept oi letiise the etaie of Ihe
raid lobn Bueher, Senr, dre'd , or show cause
whv the same should not be i'd.
(Certified from the rrcor.U nf our sml Orplt ins'
i Omul, st Sunbury, this 92 I day of May A. D.
! 1811. EDWARD OYSTER Clk. O C.
! Sunbury. May 3M, 1815. lit
.orlliuiuueriaiiti loumy, us.
The CmnmniiWfahh of Pennsylvania, lo Sarah
Mi ti.e, C'atheiine McOer, Nancy Buoy, Nancy
Trovel, interiuairied with Jacob Troxel, Calher.
ine Kinsley, t'n-cy Med' en and Matia-ses Mc
Uiv, heiia and legatees of Maiius .KOer, dee'd ,
and all oilier 'roti interested. OH.l.riu,
7"OU sre bcieby cited and commanded to ap
pear hef .re nut Jil lge of Ihe Orphan Oourt,
at Sunbury, Ihe 4th day of Augu-t, to hh 'W cauae
if any you have, w hy ihe adinini.trati .n account of
Barnard McOee, executor of Manna Met ice, I tie of
i Cluhsquaiue lowiislnp, dee'd., should not be re.
I viewed, rctersid and ronected, agreeably lo an ur.
j der made in our sai.l court.
Witness the Honoiahle Joseph B. Antho-.,c q.
Plfsidfiil of our said court. Ihe V7th oav of May, ;
A. D. 1815. EDWARU OYSTER, f
May ai, I el 15. t'-t
cr 0, C. I
To tlic Electors of Northumberland
Conntv :
T RESPE(;TFL'LLY solicit the support of my
Fellow citizens, at the ensuing election, for the
olfuo of
cono v i: it,
I promise, should I be elected, to discharge the
d uiies of the office with pnmptiies.
unlntry, July llrb, 1S45.
Tt tliu Electors of Northumberland
BEINO solicited by mmy of my friends, I
have consented to'olTer myself ss s csndidale
lor the office of
T r c a n ii r e r
of Nnrthumbeil ,ml county. Hhnuld you see pro-H-r
lo elect me, I pi. dae mt si II' to perform the
duties of said office with fidelity.
Stinbu-y. May 31t. 183.).
To the Electors of Northumberland
T the ulicit iti in of a number of persons, in
ihlT'ient units nf fhn riuntv. I have roi.seiit.l
to be a candidate for the nffire of
TltK.I St'llK R
of Northumlieiland county. I need hnrdly assure
my fellow-citizens, that if I am elected, I will en
deavor to discharge the duties of the office faithful
ly and impartially.
Sunbury. May 17th, 1845
To ibo Electors of Northumberland
MMIE subscriber, from the encouragement recei
- ved from hi numerous triemls, hereby ollurn
hinisell aa a candidate for the office of
of No thnmherhiid conn'y, fr w hish be solicits
he snlf ages nf his ted iw-cii iren. Should he he
elected, he will fulfil the iluln s of ihe office With
Sunbury, May Ulh, 1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland
T the s.dicitation of a number nf my friends in
-x dill, rent p.ui of the county. I have consented
to ho a candidate for ihe olh. c or
Shou'd I lie so foHun ite a lo bt elected, I pb dge
myself to discharge Ihe duties of the office with
promptness and fide ity. IAMES BEARD.
McEwrnsiille. June 2 Ut, IH45.
To t he Electors of Northumberland
IEI.LOW CITIZENS: I would respectfully
x nll'er toys. If lo your consideration, a a catidi
date for the nllire of
fit it riio.yo r.t it
Should I be elee'ed, it will be my pleasute as
well a duty, lo attend lo the bus tins of the office
with fidelity and punctuality.
S.inbnrv, Mav 17th. 1815.
To the Electors of Northumberland
( 'mint v.
I EL LOW CITIZENS. I have been induced
1 lo idler myself as a candidate for the office of
I'rol lionet ary,
Al the ensring elettion Should I fortunately be
elected, I lierei.y promise, faithfully and imparli il
ly to discharge ihe duties of sa'd office.
Sunbury, May 10, 18-15.
To the Electors of Northumberland
El.l.OW CITIZENS. I hereby offer my
If as a candidate, f ir the nfiiee of
I can only promise, should I he fortunate enough
to be re-elected, lo disch irge the duties of said office
with fnli hty uud itninirii.ilnv.
Sutiburv, May 10, IS4.V
To the Electors of Northumberland
l?ELLi)W CITIZENS. At the solicits ion of
-s- s nurnbirol tny Inends, I have consented lo
be a candidate for the office of
I promise the eil-t-us of the couniy, that if I nm
elected. I will endeavor to discharge the duties of
the i ffice faithfully and impartially.
Sunbury, April 19th, 1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland
( 'ounty :
YTKINO 'solicited by msnv of my friends to offer
L5 niys If as a e unhdate for the office of
of Nortliinnl ciland county, 1 re-pec' fully solicit
y ur support. I will endeavor todirh.arge the du
ll s of the office faithfully, should you aee ptoper to
coiih r the same upon me.
Delaware township, Julv IV., 1H15.
To tin: Electors of Northumberland
1,'ELLOW CITIZENS i A I hsve been gresl-
ly encouraged hy my friends, I solicit your
support for the office of
II E It I V V.
Should you confer this office upon me, 1 shall
ei deavot lo discharge the thereof with fide
Sunbuiy. April I'Jih, HIS.
To the Electors ul Northumberland
llELNO solicit.dly mv niu
dillere.-t s. cli ins of ihe c.
lillmerou friend in the
unlv, I h ive coosi-n
led to nil', r myself lo youi consideration a a Cull
dt.late foi ihe office of
Sh. uld I be elecied. I pledge myself to fulfil the
dull a nl the ollice unh li.Uliiv and impul ably.
Aiiaiists, Mav 3Ut. HI 5.
To lite Electors of Northumberland
f ,T.LLOV CI I IZCNS. Having Uen .nc. u
' l ined by mv Ir lends, lo oil. r u.y self as a candi
date for the office of
I re-pecilully solicit your suppoit. Should you
see proper to collier lbs office upon ine, I will en
deavor to dish.iige ihe duties thereof with lidibty
und impartially.
Sunbury, Apiil I9ih, H15.
To the Electors of Northumberland
County :
1, El. LOW finK.NS: I beg Icive to ell i
myself at a cndnlate, al the en.ulng election,
for ihe I'fTiee of
d'oiiuty tt'omiiiUslonor.
Should I he so I itnnve as lo beelicle.l. 1 pb ,'ige
my.elf 1 1 di.rbar.i,i ihe dnt c of the ollice wiih
I'Tiiini'tlit'Ss and fi ! I Iv.
Sunbury, Apiil full, H15.
DA a UKtt li I A y (i A t. U:il V c Patent Premi
um Colored tilirnee, and Photographic
Depot i
No. IMOChcsnut Street, Philadelphia.
No. ?51 Broadwsv, New York No. 75 Court
Strict, Boston ; No. 130 Chesntit Sirect, Phila
delphia t Biltinioro Street. Baltimore t nro.ul
wsy, Saratoga Springs , No. f,fi Canal Street,
New-Oilunns Main Street Newport, R. I. Anil
Main Street, Du Buqtie, Iowa.
CONSTITLTINO the oldest and most Exten.
J sive Estahli.-hmrnt of the kind in Ihe Worl ',
and containing more than a THOUSAND POR
TRAITS, embracing ihose of some of the most
distinguished individual, in the t'nited States.
Adrnit'nnce free.
This Establishment having born awardul the
Medal, Pour First Premiums, i.nd two "Hiphrkl
Honor'' nt the Exhibitions at Boston, New.Yotk
and I'hilailrlphiti, respectively, for best Picture, and
Apparatus, is thus otlleiilly sustained in the posi
tion of superiority heri tof ire universally ot igncd it
by the pub'ie, as "First in the Worlil."
Jim- 28th, H15. ly
P I A N O S.
rpHE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed 8t?ent.
I for the sale i f CONRAD MEYER'S CEL
ANOS, at this pines. These Pianos have a plain,
massive and brautiful exterior fini h, and, fir depth
and sweetness of tone, and cleg nice of workman
ship, are not surpar-scd by any in the United State.--.
The following is a rernmmendation from Cant.
Dists, a celebrated performer, and himself a man
ufacturer :
IIavio bad the pleasure of trying the excel
lent Piano Fortes manfactured try Mr. Meyer, and
exhibited al the last exhibition of the Fr-.nlvlin In
stitute, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker
lo declare that these instruments are quite equal,
and in some respects even superior, to all the Pi
ano Fortes, 1 anw st the capitals of Europe, and
during a sojourn of two years at Paris.
Theso Pianos will be sold at the manufacturer'
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower.
Persons are requested to call and examine f r
ihemselve-, al the residence uf ihe subscriber.
Sunbury, May 17. 1845. H. B. M ASSER.
B c g i n n c r s .
f ME subscribers would respectfully infoim the
E Citizen of Sunbury and the public generally,
t h .it they have purchased the shop of Mr. Willi m
Hoover, in Market street, one do,ir we.-d of Ihe Post
Office, where they will continue the
raliim'i-Hnkiii Ilutiticv,
in all its branches. The public nnv ixpeet their
work done in the latest stle. They lni e, by strii t
attention to busint-, to merit a share of puM c
(5 Collins mnde to order on the shortest n-.tii e,
nnd country produce taken in exchange for work.
Suuhurv, May 17th, 1S-15. ly.
5 TT IT 3 "J Ps T ,
IV o r t Ii ii in l e r 1 si n l f ' o n n t j ,
RESPECTFULLY informs his ir l-;.n ' t,,..
, public in general, that he Iris t iki i, ti.e t r , t,.
stand, in the Borough nf Sunbury, la'e'v i t-cu.-.e.'.
by John Hans as a public limi--. (wi si o', ji,,. ,,
House, and nearly opposite tho , ,.
where he i prepared to accommoi' :e tiis frit-in!-,
and all others who mav favor him -yith their cus
tom, in the best possible manner.
Hi BAR eball sparkle with ,iie choicest of Li
mom, and bis TABLE !,e well supplied
with the very best Ihe in i''.veu alford. In sh irt, n i
pain nor expense wil', , spued to render
houe in every way i(orlhv of public pa run age.
A literal share of ci .,n ia'iher, fme t-dicilvd.
Sunbury, Apri' jOi. 1S-I5. Cm
in o v a
Dli. JOHN W. l'EAE
RESPECTFULLY inform- ti r t
tiens of Sunbuiy und it vicini'y, ih t
be ha removed lo tl.e Brick Housi in
Maiket street, formerly occupied by
Benjamin Hendricks, en-t of the st.ue formerly oc
cupied by Miller & Mariz, and now by irn T. t'lo
meni, where he will be happy tj receive ca'.U in
the line nf hi pr.ifee-ion.
Sunbury. March VHth 1S15.
15 oot & S li o c
fllIE subscriber, late of the firm of Deck &. Bro.
M. aius, would respectfully inform his old custom
er and the public generally, that hr now nccupiuo
ihe new building west of Henry llnupt' Tailor
shop, and opposite (icorge llrijjln'a Diug Store, in
Market street, Stinhury, where ho intends to cany
on Ida former business nf
in oil it vatioUs 1-r inches. He vill he piepjre f M
do all kinds of work in his tim at Ihe stn.tti st no
tice, and in the most dur iMe manner. He i lhank
ful for former patmu ige, and hy strict utti tid inc-1
bu-iness and reasonuble charges, will endeavor K
de-crve a continual cc nf it-
Sunbury, Feb. 22 , 1 S 1 5, tim
flXHE sub-criheia have received, and are now
1 opening a splendid u-s rtijicnl of ike fuiloMing
g aids
Sixony, Wilton and 'ilet Carpeting 1
Brussela and Impeiiul 3 ply do CAR-
Exlrs supeifiiie and line Ir-gruins do PE I'-
I'ngli.di hadi d D.irnvk Venetian do INti.
Ann ricin luilhd and lig'd .'o
English Drugpe't d Wool, n Floor Cloths
Siair and P i-sage B.H-k.iig
Emhsc.l Piano and Table Cover
I. m. Ion Chenille and Tuf'e I RuB
Door Malls ol t'i'.y de ripiion.
A Uige and extin.ive c-.. tn.ei.f of Floor Oil
Cloth-, lioin one to t-igh' yards wide, cut lo fit tru
ly de ci i lion of ro.iii's or p ages.
Also, low price.' i grain Cupeling fmm 3 1 j to
f2j cent per y..i',i, together with a laige ami exicn
le 8..rur,ci.t ut goo-ls Usually k pt ly caipri
mercha' la.
The shove goo I w.ll b old wk.ds.aki or re'ai
al t'.ie lowest niarki I prices. Coni.iiy uicrch nt
and o'heis aie pnrt-rt.lstlv invited lo cull sad tiu
luine our tiH-k b. f oe n ikn g tl.e i . leei-on.
I'1,M!I'1. MC1I A. VUI I !5 N".
Succcs-ois to J - " kwn.-d Vi 111 Chi-i
Ciuni'i id i'(..i. ... II... e
I'LiUdtlihm, .iJ, IS45.-